#also sorry for my possibly bad english it's not my first language hehe
weirdsht · 1 month
Disillusioned 11 . Nothing More, Nothing Less (4)
a/n: double update this week because i got a perfect score on my all-or-nothing oral quiz last night hehe. also, this was supposed to be 2 installments only but I keep making things longer than when I first storyboarded lol
tags: feelings in progress, trying to break out from an abusive mentality, crying, fluff, remember that healing is not instant and takes time
English isn’t my first language so there will be grammatical errors
Pls don't repost my work anywhere without my permission
Constructive criticisms and any kind of interaction are more than welcome
Requests are currently closed but my ask are still open (read pinned)
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Everyone dispersed to do their own thing when they got back home. Of course, they did this after they made sure that _____ was inside their room and properly resting.
The healer complied with everyone’s wishes, how could they not when Choi Han was practically guarding the door? However, they were starting to feel restless and bored. Back at their old home, they were never told to rest for this long.
It was the opposite actually.
Everyone back there wanted them to get back in action as soon as possible. It doesn’t matter how bad they feel, _____ is expected to get back to work after 5 hours max.
“Cale-nim asked if you feel well enough to join him for dinner.”
Good thing Choi Han gave _____ an agenda before they die of restlessness.
“Please tell the young master I’ll join him.”
The swordmaster inspected the healer first before nodding. Looks like _____ passed Choi Han’s detector and is deemed well enough to have dinner in Cale’s room.
It was an invitation for dinner but the Medicus knows that its real purpose is so that Cale can have a serious chat with them.
_____ already knows their fault.
In Cale and everyone else’s eyes, they acted recklessly. It’s _____’s mistake that they didn’t inform Cale that could handle that much. Then in turn because of that miscommunication, some things were hindered and they lost manpower for a short while.
To put it another way, _____ hindered everyone’s work.
For that, they were sorry. They didn’t mean to be deadweight that had to be carried around.
_____ told themself that they’ll tell Cale they won’t repeat the same mistake when they have dinner.
…things didn’t go as planned.
When the healer tried to explain that they certainly could handle more than what they did in the Whipper Kingdom Cale only sighed. Then when they tried to say sorry Cale frowned.
That’s never a good sign.
But _____ can’t think of what else they did wrong.
It didn’t help that the children averaging 8 years old also have the same expression.
“You know that I’m trash right?”
“Huh? Uhm yes, I do.”
_____ knew the rumours that labelled Cale as trash, but they didn’t know why it mattered right now.
“Right and as you know someone trash is selfish.”
The healer has no idea where this is going. In the first place, Cale was far from selfish. He may be opportunistic and a little manipulative but everything he did was for the betterment of others.
“Because I’m selfish I don’t care whatever happens to other people. My priority will always be me and my people first.”
_____ still has no idea where this is going.
“That means you, you rascal.”
Cale poked _____’s forehead, straightening the lines of confusion that had formed.
“You’re one of my people. You have been since that day you agreed to leave the City of Life with me.
Meaning, you are my priority. Meaning, I will not tolerate such dangerous and self-sacrificial actions from you.”
On looked at Cale as if he had no right to talk but the redhead didn’t notice it.
“And so in the future, I hope you can promise to never do anything that will harm you again. I don’t need promises of you doing better, I just want to know that you won’t get hurt this severely from healing other people...”
Cale who had more to say stopped speaking.
How could he not when he saw _____’s tears?
The same _____ who had a neutral expression after almost dying.
The same _____ who just nodded and moved on after realizing their family had abandoned them.
The same _____ who still had a poker face despite shaking from their nightmares.
That same _____ is now crying.
And it looks like they didn’t even notice they were crying.
_____ only noticed their tears when they picked up the two kittens that had been pawing their arm. After they did, the two took it upon themself to paw away the tears streaming down their face.
It seemed to have the opposite effect though.
Not only did it not stop the healer’s tears it actually made them cry more.
_____ couldn't stop the tears from flowing no matter how hard they tried. After a few seconds of trying they gave up and asked Cale a question instead.
"Cale-sunbae are you never mad at me? You never yell or punish me even though I keep messing up and is essentially useless to your group of experts..." 
Cale feels as though he is gonna have a heart attack from all the surprises because of _____. 
Are they being serious? 
How could Cale get mad at them or think of them as useless when their abilities are so useful? 
Just the amount of money they've saved from using fewer potions because they have a great healer was already amazing. Then there's the ancient power that makes them a living detector. Because of that ability, everyone found it easier to navigate the plants and monsters inside the Forest of Darkness.
How could someone amazing be deemed useless?
This was certainly because of the trash that adopted them.
Cale is going to make sure he fucks them up sooner or later.
But for now, the young master is going to make sure _____ understands their worth.
“I don’t take in useless people. I only take in people that can pay for their meals.”
The redhead used his personal handkerchief to dry the healer's tears.
As he did _____ could feel that warm and fuzzy feeling they felt back at the Whipper Kingdom come back. However, they ignored it in favour of listening to Cale’s words.
“Remember, I personally asked you to join me, to join us. Have you ever seen me make the wrong judgement?”
Cale is definitely tooting his own horn.
But hey if it makes _____ understand.
And it looks like it did because _____ shook their head no. Then they stayed silent as they stared at Cale’s handkerchief. As if they were absorbing the weight of his words.
Cale deemed it enough for now. He knows that _____ will have a hard time reversing everything they’ve learned. It won't be easy, but Cale is willing to go at _____’s pace.
Later that night Choi Han knocked on Cale’s door to report something.
When the swordmaster entered the room the first thing he noticed was how none of the children were with Cale.
“They’re in _____’s room. They said something about making sure that _____ doesn’t cry again.”
Was Cale’s short answer when asked.
“_____-nim cried?”
Choi Han couldn’t believe it. Just what did his Cale-nim say to someone as expressionless as _____ that it made them cry…
“Check on them yourself if you don’t believe me.”
That’s exactly what Choi Han did after he finished his report.
Don’t get him wrong, it wasn’t because he didn’t trust Cale’s words. It’s more because he wanted to see if the healer was doing better now.
The black-haired man knocked on the door and Raon answered by opening it using mana.
It’s dark in the room but Choi Han has no problems seeing everything. As he scans the room he sees the children averaging 8 years old lying down on _____’s bed. The two kittens are already asleep just like the healer, leaving the black dragon to be the only one awake.
Choi Han smiled at the sight. The children didn’t look any different aside from the fact they were sleeping on _____’s bed instead of Cale’s. At the same time, it looks like _____ themself is sleeping peacefully.
The swordmaster checked everything one more time to make sure he didn’t miss anything before closing the door to let the four get their well-deserved rest.
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not-a-big-slay · 7 months
Until it doesn't hurt
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kaz brekker x fem!reader
summary:betrayal leaves some wounds behind, but even more questions when you can't figured out from whom it really came from.
warnings: violence, cursing
type: fluff
part: 12/13
previous part: part 11 masterlist
a/n: please, please, PLEASEEUHH im SO SO SORRY! it has been almost a FUCKING YEAR SINCE THE LAST CHAPTER?! HELLO?! WHO TF DO I THINK I AM? i need to keep myself in line cuz this aint normal! i have been hiatus for soo long i need to pull it together. anywayy, its finished finally. its long ahh hell and im gonna be working on another part immediately so it wont be another 50 years dw. dont mind any grammar mistakes, english is not my first language and i have written one half of this in 2023, so i really dont feel like redoing it lol. i dare you if you can recognize where exactly i picked this draft up again. anyway, pleasee enjoy!!
also, sike, its not the last part hehe, there will be part 13 AND an epilogue
taglist (hi yall :'))
She had lost again.
That would be the third time tonight. Her change was getting thin and she predicted it would take one more game before she had to go kill someone for free again. So much for making a ton of money with this job. The girl watched her opponent spoon the coins from the table with one hand, laughing: "One more game and I'll have to dig up another grave, Y/N." Others laughed, so she wasn't the only one thinking that after all. It was logical, she really had to stop playing with grown men, they wasted away their old nights playing poker at this very table and she had other, young people things to do. It would be wise to get up and leave, no one would judge her for that. They would maybe even cheer her on, finally making a rational decision, no one ever seen that before when it came to her. Yet the thought of doing so was being blocked by a high indestructable wall, one that never goes away and will only be built higher.
If she does leave, she has to go home.
Her mother is probably fast asleep already, it is possible she could go to bed unnoticed and leave early in the morning. This option she used very little as Y/N never wanted to come back there. A year ago, after her mother left her blood soak through the wooden floor, Y/N made promise into her scars that she will never lay eyes on mother again. She successed in that for a year so far, becoming a hitman that was quite infamous in town. But her fame started growing from mockery, as she was really addicted to poker.
Her eyes gazed on Tim, the cemetary worker, the buryer as she liked to call him. He was one of the granpas at this table, but one of the peaceful people in town. He never wanted her to kill, just to help him with his work, although Y/N hated it more than the murders, she didn't like the aftermath of her work. Tim, being satisfied, started organizing the coins on the table. No, she cannot go home tonight.
"So what's it gonna be, kid?" asked the other player, Miyka. Her green eyes stared on Y/N's face, her wrinkles scrunched in excitment. Oh, how she hated all of them. The girl faked thinking about it before tossing dramatically her last money onto the table. "I bet 20." It didn't sound as good when she started that low, but it was all she had left. Intstead of the usual giggle and witty lines and jokes they threw her way before following up on her bad choices, they sighed, almost in dissapointment. It frustrated her, it seemed like they cared what she does instead of what amount of money she holds. It seemed like they cared about her. A wave of fear pushed her like a tsunami at this thought. People that cared ended up hating her, hurting her.
"What!" she snapped. Miyka looked at Lios, her brother, in concern, while Tim silently reorganized his coins. She looked around the table, frown getting deeper and frustration blooming wider. What was wrong with them. "Well, Y/N" Lios began, "We are just kinda...worried about you. That's all." Miyka took the word next- her previous question has been an obvious tease, the girl was dissapointed. "You clearly have nowhere to go, so you are spending your time here which is.... we get it, but." She sighed, trying to find the right words. "It's not good." Tim helped her and smiled at Y/N as if it would calm her. It did not in fact, she felt more and more anxious about their care, anxious situations made her angry. She wondered why she didn't kill them all instead of those free targets, she would never have to pay another debt again, because there would be no poker players left to play and her addiction would dissapear. "So that's it, huh? You ain't gonna play because you are scared I could actually win?" she said in her defense. Nonsense, she knew, but her heart was sweating and she was glad it didn't blow up yet. "We just care, Y/N, that-"
"Care?! Remind me Lios of just how many people I killed for you, then talk about caring for someone's life!" she spat as she stood up. Lios was more than content to her way of paying, she had no idea why he apparently cared when he could have another enemy at his feet if he just played one more game. Miyka tried to calm her down, touching her hand softly only for Y/N to flinch, hard. Her vision began to blur, the floor shook beneath her and sweat poured on her face. It was like the room was on fire, but she was the only one feeling it. Other people at the pub, being entertainted by the game or simply just hanging ot there, looked worried, some even disturbed by her behaviour.
What was happening to her?
She leaned on the table with her palms, the wood trying to ground her as she closed her eyes to not feel theirs. Voices of the players echoed her head as sounds in a cave and they felt distant, but still could make her more nervous with their caring attitude. They soon fell in whispers, driving her insane. Then, she caught one voice that silenced all the muttering, it was clear, quiet yet she felt as if its breath was in her ear. "Why play, when you can take a life for the exact amount of money laying on this table?"
She recognized the voice, it belong to the fourth player, Haltt. His voice was known only in the game. Hearing him say a sentence was unusual and therefore very powerful. It was deep, low, hard. It had authority and respect and it didn't need to ask for it. He had everyone's attention, he controlled the room with only his silent voice.
Y/N's eyes looked into his dark ones, she had to find them in the shadows floating around him, as if he commanded to them as well. "What are you saying?" she asked carefully, not knowing why. Haltt observed the table, his salt-and-pepper- although more salt than pepper- short beard surrounding his mouth as it counted the cash, then let out a little chuckle that brought goosebumps to everyone close to him. "920 Neredi. Being a hitman, a respectful hitman, would make this amount your pocket change." He grabbed the rest of her money she threw on the table and looked over to Tim. The buryer shook his head hesitantly, knowing what Haltt wants to do, but all it took was the man's neutral gaze for Tim to fold. Y/N watched him slowly scooping the money and anger took over. She pinned his hand to the table, not looking away from his face. She could hear people drawing breaths in fear, but she was free from all the anxiety now, she was grounded by his scary presence, she liked it even.
Haltt's head slowly turned to her direction, his eyes creating a straight path to hers, his eyebrows climbing up as he said softly: " You want this?" When she didn't respond, he stood up, took her hand off of his gently, not letting go as his freed hand reached behind his back, pulling out a gun. She observed quickly, it was an older model, it was small and only one bullet fit into it- however she knew a man like Haltt would only ever need one bullet- he then rotated her hand and placed it in her palm. He released her only when she seized it. Y/N let her hand warm the handle before looking up at Haltt again. "Then go make it." he finished his statement and sat back down in the shadows. Y/N checked the inside of the gun and she confirmed her knowledge about it.
She scoffed. "One bullet" Haltt nodded as if he answered to her statement. "That's all you need, I know your skills." his glass clincked when his rings touched it, raising it to his lips. She waited until he drank the remainings of his whiskey, having the suspision he might continue. "You kill the target, you'll get double of this." Her surprise was voiced by everyone around her, gasping and unbelievably whispering. Lios looked at Haltt, telling him he cannot do this. But Haltt only looked at her. "No one here wants you to play. You made them care, something a hitman shouldn't do." She squeezed her free hand into a fist, knowing his eyes are reading her like cards on the table. He leaned in: "Take your reputation back, make them fear you instead." he said quietly and it seemed only she heard it. He retreated back into his seat, letting her simmer in his words.
She knew people stopped perceiving her as a threat, a force to be reckon with, a fearful killer, and started to look at her as a 15 year old that sometimes threw tantrums. People smiled at her, old men laughed at her when they drank beer at the bar, as if she was their granddaughter doing silly things. Once, she was feared, but now she behaved like an old woman trapped inside a teenage body with gambling addiction and alcoholism. Everyone treated her as a kid she never was, but Haltt seemed to remember who she was 6 months ago, to trust her potential, her skills she never lost, but used them to not drown in debts, not to her job. She suddenly became so connected to him, she was hypnotized. The sound of the chatty room blurred again as she explored the gray ocean behind Haltt's eyes. He let her, grinning as he watched her back straighten and her nose breathing in deeply. Then came the question:
"Who is the target?"
Halt's smile stabbed through his cheeks as he answered.
Inej didn't allow herself a break until she got the that exact building Y/N told her to. She was nervous to say the least. If everything goes right, Pekka Rollins will be dead. It was unbelievable to even think about. The moonlight caressed her back and the salty wind danced around her in excitment. Ketterdam is cheering for them, it will be better off without Rollins. She thought of ways how to carve his heart out, she wanted to make a heart-shaped hole, but it was too complicated making the curves, it would take too long and she didn't want him to die before she was finished. She needed something quick, but symbolic. After all, when the stadwatch will find his body, her work should be admired. Or Deln's work, she hated he will take credit for it, but it's definitely for the best.
Soon, the spider heard two sets of footsteps beneath her. She looked down carefully, confirming it's Y/N. In the dark, she couldn't much see her 'friend', but she could feel the disgust and fear Y/N had from above, suspecting he might not be an actual friend after all. Another secret of hers she wished to uncover after this is over. The way Jesper talked about this girl is riling up an interest in her. She wanted to get to know her better, her fate might not much differ from her own and she would like to hear her story, she would like to see why Kaz seemed to hate her so much. She also hoped Y/N will stay with them after this. For Jesper's sake and maybe for Nina's nerves as she looked worried about her.
As Y/N dissapeared into the alley, Inej grabbed her knife, Sankt Petyr, that she sharpened moments before. The wind picked up and she stood motionlessly at the edge of the building. She watched lightened windows in the Smeet Residence, hoping no one will think about looking outside tonight. The house reminded her of one she encountered at the southern colonies of Novyi Zem. It was in a horrible shape compared to this, but it was a haven for the citizens there, they admired it like people in Ketterdam admire The Exchange. It was luxurious given the state of the land.
Her train of thought stopped before it reached a station, because her ears picked up a subtle voice, then a laugh. The sounds got louder as they slowly approached her. Rollins must be pretty nervous of the meet-up if he talked to himself, or he was not alone. A slight panic rose in Inej's chest and she prepared to make the uninvited dissapear. If Rollins truly had some company, she would have to wait until he saw Y/N to take it out, otherwise he might see her and change his mind. If we won't do it, somebody else will brought out fire in her stomach. The girl was right, if they won't try the lovely dessert of revenge, others might eat it whole with no crumbs left. She suspected Pekka is the main character in many unfinished death threats and planned out vengeances.
The Wraith took a deep breath as her eyes closed, slowing down her rapid heartbeat filled with excitment. When she opened them, the bright windows from the residence, along with the dimmed lights on the streets aluminated two beings walking. One was definitely the leader of one of the most dangerous gangs in Ketterdam.
And so was the other one.
She silently gasped, panicking again, her heartbeat picking up. What the fuck is Kaz doing here? And why was he bent over with Rollins' hand around his neck. Even though they were right across her, Inej was oblivious to their conversation- well, monologue if she was more accurate- because she was way too busy feeling the plan fall apart. This wasn't supposed to happen, Kaz was meant to know nothing and then just cheer and celebrate once they'd be done. Why did he always took matters into his hands?.
When she came back to reality, they were almost in the alleyway. The spider quickly followed them, never taking her eyes off of Kaz's helpless form. Her hands always gently grazed any surface she incountered, her feet always landing on the tips of her toes, her moves inspiring every ballerina in Kerch, yet now her hands were sliding off roughly and she had to bent her knees to make the landing silent. Her fear of her friend manipulated her body and she almost fell over the edge when the sharp turn of the building made an appearance, luckily she awokened from the feeling and stopped herself.
She was above the meeting place now.
On her right was Y/N with the strange man. Y/N was anxiously pacing around, obviously worried as they all were, even the man next to her who stood still as a pole was taking almost unseeable shuttered breaths. When the girl faced her direction, Inej wanted to warn her of the unexpected turn of events, but she wouldn't be seen anyway. As it turned out though, she also wouldn't have the time to catch her attention in time as the target slowly showed up on her left side, Kaz still in his grasp. Up close she could see the knife he held to his neck, already cut into the flesh. The man on her right stopped breathing and tried to hide his widened eyes, Rollins smirked as he saw him, shaking his head in disbelief. But the tension really sparked up when Y/N finally saw them, her eyes instantly digging into Kaz, while his were already screaming at her. Only two words bound them all together as they appeared on every present mind.
Oh fuck.
Silence started perhaps being uncomfortable for Deln, yet Y/N only cared about the boy 5 meters in front of her. He wore blood, a lot of blood. His face showed bruises for every Barrel rat and every drop of blood that fell next to his feet tore a piece of her heart. But the worst thing was his expression, it was no longer hateful, nor angry. His eyes sinked into her and they washed her with almost a relief-like feeling, like he was happy to see her, or maybe upset to see her here, in a dangerous street that will be painted red by more than one person. His gaze was soft, almost pleading her to either run away or get closer to him.
He was worried.
"I told you to come alone if my memory is still serving right." Deln began the conversation, dragging both of their attention to him. He earned a chuckle from Rollins and a response as he squeezed Kaz's neck, straightening him up: "Well, I thought I might get the lovebirds back together, eh?" The knife retreated back to his pocket, revealing a red line on the boy's neck. Y/N allowed herself to let one tear roll down her cheek as an apology to him. Pekka must have kidnapped him, because there was no other explanation on why was he present. Deln was confused, he didn't know Dirtyhands as far as she knew, nor about her time with Hertzoon. "Aw, look at 'em, already pining for each other." Rollins mocked and pushed Kaz off of his hand. Y/N had a hard time keeping it together.
Deln sighed annoyingly and the hitman was glad he kept the plan on track. It was hard to admit he was actually a big help to her. "Whatever, let's talk business shall we? It's cold tonight. Don't wanna be out late." he said offered and Rollins laughed in his face again: "What, gotta read the slaves a goodnight story?" If she wasn't still in shock from Kaz, the plan would skip to the killing part very quickly. "Well, not anymore since you took 'em all away, didn't you." the slaver stated and wiped the smile off of Pekka's face quickly. Y/N had to admit he played the role she made for him perfectly and let the conversation rest in his hands, as she continued to worry silently about the bloodied boy.
The Dime Lions' leader seemed to get upset about Deln's forwardness, he probably thought he could talk his way out of it with his disturbing charm. He put his hands on his hips and shrugged. "It ain't my problem you keep 'em in a dirty warehouse. I offered them a room with a comfortable bed and good money if they were willing to smile. That ain't no crime, lad."
"I'm not interested in your architectural opinion on my slave-keeping. I am upset you stole my property." Y/N was very invested in the conversation she almost forgot her role was against Deln. Her tied hands turned him to her side by the shoulder and pierced him with her eyes. "Don't speak of them like that." she warned and he simpy scoffed her off. It wasn't much, she must admit, but it was enough to voice her stand in this matter. "HA! And what do you think you'll be after we're done here? You will be lucky if I allow you to work in my brothel." the last sentence was a warning, he could be so much cruel to her, like he was in his house. She was present finally, all worry stepped aside to make space for the anger she held and the focus she held earlier tonight sat back down on her mind.
"You won't touch her."
Ready to speak, Y/N was taken aback by his raspy voice with scary undertone. He spoke to her like that, not long ago. It was almost unreal he was defending her. As much as it brought shivers down her body, Rollins was unfazed by the threat. "You can barely stand, boy. What can you possibly do to me." he stated the obvious and continued once he looked her way again. "Besides, she really isn't worthy of your protection." He put one foot in front of the other slowly, walking over to her. She was on alert, if she had the opportunity, she wouldn't wait anymore and strangle him with her tired hands and her desire to dig his grave. He stopped few steps from her and reached into his pocket again, pulling out something else than a knife this time. "Lost this?"
A thin, almost not visible in the dark, black string was held between his fingers. The bracelet she lost. The one Kaz gave her on the last day they saw each other. She lost it in Rollins' office. Her temptation to reach for it was unseen by Y/N as her first instinct was to look at Kaz, who also drowned in the vision of the string. She broke her promise, a childish one, sure, but it destroyed her still. It always served as a reminder of her failure. How she failed to warn him and Jordie, how she wrapped his heart around her finger without knowing it and allowed Hertzoon to shatter it. The girl promised herself to not mess up this promise, at least one thing she could keep. In the end, she lost it too.
How does she deserve to live after destroying all good in her life?
"Yeah, cruel isn't she? Do you really think she cares about you, or anyone for that matter?" he talked to Kaz that was still mesmerized by the sight in Rollins' hand. Deln was silently watching the scene, the situation out of his hands now, the plan off of track. "You don't know anything about her, boy-". " You're wrong." she interrupted him. He turned to her, waiting to elaborate, the string still lifted between his fingers as if he was trying to hypnotize them. "I told him everything." Y/N continued as she silently wished with the last bit of hope he would take the bait. He didn't:
"Everything, eh?" he echoed as he turned his back on her and focused on Kaz fully. As he reached his personal space, his hand streched to him, giving him the bracelet. The boy fixated on it, swaying with the wind due to his trouble standing on the one good leg for this long. Rollins watched him closely, feeling Kaz's hand taking it almost immediately. When his coffee-like eyes reached his snake ones, Pekka uncovered Y/N's lie:
"Do you remember Ms. Hertzoon?"
"...You what?"
"Don't you dare be offended, you manipulated her and then left us. You're as bad as I am."
That made them punch her strongly in the stomach. Funny, Rollins wanted to watch her suffer, but was too lazy to torture her himself. They were on this for 2 hours now, or she at least thought so, she couldn't tell if the ringing was only in her ears. Rollins had her sit on a chair and then asked questions. The first were stupid and simple, almost like a small talk: Did she rob him, why is she back, when did she get back, etc. She earned 5 different punches in this round. Then the latter began. They wanted to know what happened after the con trick- as he called it- which resulted in her split lip and first blood drawn. Then another small talk, remembering all their time together and then, the truth. "Where is your mother?" it began and ended in countless of other painful things she couldn't be bothered to remember.
"How." he almost whispered, it was so dramatic that Y/N would laugh if she wasn't wheezing with every breath. "Oh, please. Like you care." she fully expected the hit for that one, though it still hurt like hell. "How!" he ordered her and watched her grow a grin with her painted-red mouth. She could still feel the little gun in her little hand, standing at the foot of her mother's bed. She watched her sleep for a moment before she truly aimed. Haltt was right, it did get back her reputation. He gave her the money and she counted every single coin to make sure it really was doubled. Fortunately, he was an honest man.
"One bullet was all it took."
To say she regretted it would be a lie, the biggest one in history maybe. She second-guessed it on her way home, sure, but she more doubted Haltt's promise than her actions. However, once she really saw her mother's chest rise and fall, nothing was easier than to pull the trigger. If she was a monster in her eyes, she would become one in her memory.
"YOU FUCKING BITCH!" was the last thing she heard from him, then her ears were filled with ringing and also pain when her nerves couldn't take it anymore. Everything went dark after a while, she was sure she couldn't breath and her eyes zipped themselves tightly, but even though she lost consciousness, she was sure she never stopped smiling while it lasted.
He always suspected some part of her story was left out, it would be unwise to tell him everything and she was not stupid. While Kaz did predict that something happened with the mother, he didn't expect this. He answered her eyes as they asked for connection and tried to assure them of his unchanged opinion. So what? He also done horrible things, they all have, especially Rollins. Such a hypocrite, that man. When he finished re-telling the story of Y/N's torture, he retreated from the boy's space, fortunately for him, because Kaz would have no hesitation in twisting Pekka's neck. Everything was silent for a while, the wind whispered cold around them as they all studied each other. Kaz looked at the building's roof next to them, seeing only darkness, but feeling her presence. He hoped that whatever Y/N planned to do with Inej would be useful. And what did he know, maybe this situation is going extremely well for them.
"Well, that is truly shocking, but unfortunetely, Y/N's dead mom won't solve this conflict. So let's solve it ourselves, shall we?" The slaver spoke and grabbed the girl next to him by the bicep, dragging her with him closer to Rollins. Kaz took a small, unnecessary step forward as a move to help her. Seeing Deln's hand on her made the water rise around him, he could feel her discomfort and felt it himself. They stopped and he threw the girl in front of him lightly, so she wouldn't fall, but aggressively enough, so she would sway. "Pay me for the slaves and she's yours, as promised." the boy's fist turned white at that, wishing he could hang Deln's organs at the lamppost. "Hmmm" groaned Rollins in thinking. "How much do ya want?"
"3000 kruge."
Deln rolled his eyes. "It was 100 slaves you stole from me, every slave is expensive and believe me, I'm giving you a discount right now." Rollins nodded at his explanation. At this point, Kaz thought about getting out of there. He was being ignored and would be forgotten in a while. Rollins couldn't see him, Deln could, but he doubted he would care. However, she could too, and his heart radiated an unfamiliar feeling at the thought of dissapearing without Y/N. If this situation happened with anyone else, he'd be already at the Slat, drinking shots and drowning in silence of his room. Dirtyhands planned the escape, Kaz refused to go through with it. He refused to leave her. "Alright, alright. How about this." Rollins spoke his thoughts. "I'll give you half of what they make me from now on and if you ever wander in the Sweet Shop, you won't have to pay." Deln was silent, but he was clearly concidering it.
"Huh? Sounds good?" Smiling Pekka streched out his hand and waited for a handshake. Every set of eyes watched Deln's movement, from his step closer, closer to Rollins, closer to Y/N, until he squeezed Pekka's hand, reflecting his expression. "That's a deal, then." said the robber. "Deal." said the slaver. Kaz didn't know what that meant and from the girl's face, he could tell the confusion was shared. Although, he truly realized this wasn't part of their plan after Deln quickly reached for Y/N's belt with the same hand that just closed a deal, pulling out a small gun, one that could barely fit a bullet, and aiming it at the hitman. She was frightened, taking steps back, but she didn't got very far when Deln grabbed her by the collar, holding her close to his body.
"Like mother like daughter."
He was instantly on the move, as fast as he could, trying to prevent what was about to happen. The bullet was faster though. Before hearing the gunshot, they heard Deln's scream. Y/N felt to the ground and Kaz was at her side immediately. His eyes panicking, trying to find the wound while his heart sounded the alarms and awakened fear. Not like this. He couldn't lose her like this. He soon found the gunshot and without thinking threw his hands to press it down. They never made contact with it, Rollins' knife already found its way back to his neck, pulling him away from her. "You didn't think I forgot about you, did ya?" he laughed in his ear before Kaz threw his head back, hitting him in the nose. The grip got loose and he turned around, sending his anger and frustration in his fist. Rollins tumbled and he kicked him on the ground, getting him closer to the place he belongs.
Deln moaned in pain and the boy finally saw the reason. Below his bent over form, a puddle of blood formed and in it swam his thumb, right above Sankt Petyr. The corners of his mouth lifted a bit, he couldn't remember how did he survive all this time without Inej watching over him and the crows, it made him grateful she is back for now. His eyes were set to find Y/N again, but he only saw a red trace from where she laid. She must've gotten away. Good girl.
He couldn't follow her steps, because Rollins already got up from the cobblestones, ready to strike. He breathed heavily, supporting the place Kaz kicked him in with his hand. He couldn't understand why Rollins always came back into his life. He tried to avoid him all his time in Ketterdam, yet life always brought them together. Or death, he wasn't sure, maybe they were destined to destroy each other. Pekka Rollins was like a mosquito bite: itching to be noticed and when Kaz does so, he feels a brief satisfaction before the itch comes back and is worse than before. He was also as annoying. It needed to be finished right here and tonight
The boy braced himself and waited on the mosquito's move, straightening himself. Little did he know, the shadow from above already closed in on the man. Kaz watched as she kicked his knee from the back and caught his hair, stopping him from falling fully on the ground again. Sankta Lizabeta could be soon visible above his heart, the tip waiting to be pushed in. Only then, Dirtyhands quietly sighed in relief.
"He still can't do it without ya, huh? Tell me boy, when will you start being a man and do things on your own?" Rollins mocked them as he recognized the face, which currently held the future of his heartbeat. Kaz limped slowly closer, feeling Inej's eyes on him. He lowered his head once he entered Pekka's personal space dangerously deep. "When my brother will get his revenge in hell."
As soon as the menacing words reached Rollins, his lips twitched up at the sight of Sankta Lizabeta slowly painting an imaginery outline of the man's heart, being applauded by his blood-curling scream. Inej wasn't the one for torture, but he could see the bit of joy in her eyes and the relief on her face. She deserved to be the one that would free Ketterdam from this parasite and he let her have it, already searching for the bloody trail Y/N left behind.
His eyes alerted him when they caught it and he began to follow the path, slowly, limping as Deln's whines cheered him on.
The stars were with her, sometimes changing their position or widening in her eyes as they waited to claim her. Salty waterdrops tapped her tired legs, reminding her of where she sat. She imagined death many times, it wasn't unusual for someone in her profession. She remembered Tim talking about the peace that comes with it, saying it is kind, so it would be easier for the soul to leave the body. For her, it was obvious. Everything would be kinder than life. However, nothing could prepare her for the last moments. Y/N realized that no matter how much you imagine it, it will always surprise you. The knowing that this is the last time she is going to exist in wasn't something her brain could comprehend. Maybe that was the mystery death held, that was the fuel for the fear in others, not understanding until it was too late.
Wind played softly with her hair while it kissed the bruises of her now untied hands, and she tried hard to feel everything at the same time. The clothes touching her skin, the numbness in her feet, her shaky breath as it entered and left her system, but mostly, she tried to memorize the pain in her stomache and the bullet inside her body. It was an intense feeling, so she wanted to feel it as much as possible, before it would fade and with it her heart.
The hitman got hit.
This is how her victims probably felt. She brought this feeling to numerous lives. Her mother felt this way too. Y/N couldn't decide if dying felt good or disgusting, but she could be certain it was lonely. Even if people surrounded her, it wouldn't be better. It was an experience for her soul, no one from the outside could empathize.
She wondered where her grave would lay as the slow footsteps got closer. Y/N heard him limp next to her and it seemed like the stars noticed him too, because they stopped moving once he sat down, as though they only wanted to be seen by her. He was visibly tired, still bleeding from his neck.
Maybe he was feeling the final presence too.
Maybe her starts would take them both.
Silence and the waves crashing made the space between them comfortable, maybe too comfortable for her liking. His breath was disrupting hers as it naturally tried to match the rhythm. The moment became so peaceful, she almost forgot about their history. It felt like nothing happened between them, they were just kids, sitting by the port, watching stars and listening to the ocean. They weren't Dirtyhands and Saskia. They weren't the Bastard of the Barell and Snowflake.
They were Y/N and Kaz. As they were always meant to be.
"Do you believe in faith?"
It felt like yesterday since he asked her that question. Every shared memory of them felt so close to her now, as if time was all messed up. Maybe death was already doing its job. Kaz was taking his time with the answer, breathing heavily, as if the air had to fill his words first before she could hear them.
"Yes...I do."
He exhaled, his low empty voice responding. Her lips lifted into a messy smile, her muscles were losing their power all over her body, but that didn't stop her from reaching into her coat and pulling out a folded, bloodied paper that her fingers swiftly grabbed from her slaver's back pocket before he could shoot her. It was almost bizzare, how a small, easily rippable piece made her revisit the demons of the past. She wondered if Deln wanted this all along. Maybe he wanted Rollins to kill her, so he could make his deal with him. Or maybe it was just faith, wanting to see how far she would go for a false sense of freedom.
"It doesn't mean anything." Y/N stated as she felt Kaz looking at the release paper. "I just needed proof that I'm not under anyone's influence anymore, but..." her eyes followed the ongoing waves. They looked like on a leash, as if someone released them, so they could explode onto the harbor's walls, only to pull them back again shortly after, reminding them they were still being controlled. It seemed torturous, humiliating. It looked like her. "...I will never be free of him."
Y/N couldn't look at the boy, even if his burning gaze could only be extinguished by an eye contact. He was right, she was a monster. She could see it now and she wouldn't hide from this fact. She would accept herself before her heart would stop singing. It was the least she could do with the very limited time, coming to terms with her own self.
The stars started moving again slowly as Kaz spoke: "He can't control you anymore..." His tone showed certainty. Inej had to claim her souvenir of revenge by now, but he still managed to squeeze out a scoff from the hitman. She couldn't believe he allowed himself to be so naïve. Rainbow won't repair the damage done by storm, same as killing Pekka Rollins won't erase his actions and the following conciquences. His influence made her do things beyond his leadership. It scarred her for life, and those scars bled onto others without the possibility to heal. She bled on him too. She killed his brother for fuck's sake.
"The things he caused precedes him." Y/N finally looked at Kaz, his eyes seemed to be glowing in her hallucinating mind. "I can't be changed." She whispered, knowing he would hear every single letter. The moon illuminated him perfectly. His features casted a soft look under its light and Y/N was glad this would be the appearence of him she would take to her grave. She was happy to become one of the stars that would continue to shine on him.
Suddenly, death seemed very pretty.
The girl saw his hand on hers before she could feel it. It was weirdly warm, even though he barely touched her. His eyes demanded her ears' attention as he spoke, slowly, so she could feel the words. "You don't need to be changed."
Her mind was confused. How could he even speak such things?
"I am a killer." she reminded him.
"Not by choice." he argued.
"I killed my own mother and enjoyed it." she was restless in making him hate her.
"Your mother's conciquences of her own actions." he dodged her attempt.
"I killed your brother." was when she knew she would win. It wasn't excusable. Nothing could possibly erase this from Kaz's mind, no apology was enough, she was certain. That was the reason she couldn't understand why Kaz's hand began to hold hers more tightly as his eyes studied the wound in her stomache, covered by her arm that desperately tried to prevent the blood from pouring out, but it became more and more hopeless. "You're dying and not doing anything about it." he aknowleged. Y/N smiled briefly, from pain and also from his slow understanding of her plan.
"I deserve it." she spoke weakly, every word felt heavy on her tongue and she was about to give in to their weight. He only observed her, as her body was slowly losing the ability to move, as her energy was being sipped by the waves below. It suddenly felt a bit scary for her, she was in the process of dying and it strangely ignited the last bit of her will to live.
Kaz did nothing, he only asked: "Why?" She looked at him, her eyes shooting fear. She guessed she would engage with every emotion before turning off. Maybe the nature granted this privilege to every person, so they would get to have the proper goodbye to their body.
"I never done anything good, I only brought pain." her lips responded, making Kaz nod slowly. Y/N gasped softly as the fear intensified. This feeling was unlike any before, like her life was slowly slipping through her body, through the wound. Her arm pressed tightly, as much as she could to slow down the inevitable, but it was too late. "Maybe it's time to change that." Kaz spoke. She wouldn't be able to change her ways if she died, the only thing she would remember about this life was how she made it difficult for everyone else.
Y/N sighed, death was almost touching her, heart was losing its music. She no longer felt the waterdrops on her legs and the stars dimmed their light. "It's too late."
The port beneath her began to sway, as if it would tip over to the ocean anytime. She gripped the concrete edge, slipping her hand from Kaz's to do so, trying to stop it from moving, only for it to sway more. She picked her eyes up at the sky, seeing only her five stars in the black treacle sky, as her body pushed closer to the waves.
Death awaited her.
Like those waves, Y/N was suddenly pulled back by someone's hands, feeling her body lift up from the port, supported in the air. Her form bounced with every other step and another warm breath kept mixing with hers. She imagined those arms were of an angel, bringing her to heaven. Or a devil, bringing her to hell. She gave into its touch nonetheless.
"I know you're not very good at keeping them, but would you promise me one last thing?" a voice asked her, a low and a tired one. One that could only belong to an angel the way it kept her dying heart beating. The girl could only hum, agreeing to the angel's request. The voice sounded serious, threatening almost, but she could hear the worry hidden behind it, as it spoke.
"Don't make me lose you."
Nina whined, having trouble with breathing as her hands shook from the need to be put down. She saved the Dregs numerous times from a certain death, yet Y/N exceeded her expectations. The heartender tried her very best to wake her heart up, while Jesper and Wylan panicked to pull out the bullet and seize the wound, so no more blood would be lost. What wasn't helpful, though, was Brekker, constantly yelling at them for trying harder. She understood that his anger was powered by the fear for that girl, but that didn't put out the urge to fill his face with more wounds, maybe a broken nose even.
"I swear, Nina. If she dies.." he exclaimed again, not helping the situation in any way.
"It will be on you!" Nina barked at him, frustration clearly visible not only on her tone, but her tired features. Her eyes shot to Jesper and Wylan an apologizing look as she saw their hands bloodied and faces worried. The door swinged open behind her, revealing Inej. Nina felt relief wash over her as she saw her. Kaz would maybe stop being such an asshole in her presence.
"Is she breathing?" Inej asked and immediately moved to Y/N's lying form, putting her cheek above her nose. "Barely." Wylan answered stressfully. Kaz's worry shifted to fear, Nina could sense that, even when her full focus was on the hitman's weak heart. She was barely alive, but the heartender was still surprised it could beat. She was strong and Nina hoped she would continue to fight.
Jesper gasped heavily and looked at her. "The wound's sealed!" he sounded so hopeful and it brought Nina some strenght to see him like this. She had to take quick breaths before tightening her hands in the air one more time, fastening Y/N's heartbeat. Fortunetely, it worked. "She's breathing again!" Inej said with a small smile, causing Kaz to limp closer to see for himself. His own wounds weren't yet treated, but Nina didn't even try to convince him. He had trouble looking after himself when one of them was hurt, she could imagine how much worse it was in this case, where his heartbeat's fire was on the brink of death.
She could feel the heartbeat pick up to a slow pace. It wasn't yet normal, but at least she didn't have to control it now. Nina put her hands down and fell down on an armchair beside her. Everyone in the room fell victims to exhaustion, Nina closed her eyes for a moment, just focusing on her breathing. Wylan was the first to stand up and slowly make his way out of the room with the words she'll be alright, Nina, you did a great job. Jesper followed, squeezing Nina's shoulder and nodding shortly at Kaz, before the door closed after him too.
"You either let me treat your wounds or you will go and get some sleep." she offered to the man, her eyes fixated on Y/N. She was glad he, at least, wrapped his neck in a bandage during this hard time, but he had other quite serious wounds she had to treat sooner or later. Kaz allowed himself to be predictable as he stared at the hitman and then slowly limped out of the room. Before he did though, he surprised her after all.
"Thank you."
Nina's head snapped his way and watched him leave, she didn't expect that. Inej sat next to her on the armrest, following her eyes to the laying girl. "You should rest as well, I know how tired you are." the heartender studied her features with a caring look. Her friend fought the sleep well so far, which she hated to see. "I'm not leaving you alone." the spider said with a decisive eyes connecting with hers. She knew the heartender couldn't sleep herself, as she had to look out for Y/N's heart. Nina flashed a defeated smile. She was grateful for her presence, she missed her a lot, but it would ease her mind if she went to sleep. However, knowing her stubborn mind, she scooted over to the very side, creating a tiny space for Inej to sit, which her friend accepted with a smile.
"Alright then. Tell me how you killed Rollins and DON'T spare any details."
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Hiii :)
Hope ur doing okay <3. I wanted to ask if u could make a part 2 of Tokyo revengers member with a hijabi girl but this time they’re married and it’s like a headcanon of how the guys act in public, or if they help her to dress up please ! :) (if u do it, I’m okay with all characters but can u add mitsuya plzzz)
I rlly don’t know if that’s clear bc English isn’t my first language but I hope it is and sorry for the typos !!
Btw hello from France, I love ur headcanons hehee :))
Heyyy, I hope everything is okay over there, France looks like it's burning rn from the news I'm getting. Also yeah I am totally doing this!
Also your english is pretty good so don't worry sweetheart,
Also I did not proofread
Characters : Ran, Rindou, Sanzu, Baji, Mitsuya
Tokyo revengers with a muslim wife :D
Part one , part two -> tr with a muslim friend
This slick mf
this click model lanky ass dude mf
how did you even get to date him? With his fvking braids???
Anyways, back to the now where he has a better haircut-
Since he is what we could say the main leader of Roppongi, he must also have access to many clothing shops
and when I tell you he let his underlings install as many modest shops as possible-
just to go on a walk with you and be like-
"Oh, that is new. Wanna go in and see some dresses or skirts for you?"
again, he is a slick mf
but you somehow love him so i let you vibbeeeee
"Oh, that looks nice- oop, nope, not for me.", you muttered after you checked the price on the tag of a pretty looking dress
but ran just took it and put it on his underarm like a waiter would
you felt bad the whole time
cuz like, everything is so expensive???
but no shit cuz it has qualityyyyy
chile anyways
you got like ten dresses and two abayas you wanted to "just try out"
mind you ran is actually planning to buy the whole store for you
but you are also no better, you are a lil shit as well
when you got to the place where they hung the hijabs, you smirked at him mischieviously
your were trying to hold in your laugh as you tapped him on the shoulder
"He-hey Ran...w-wanna try this out?", and you couldn't do no more than to burst out laughing
ran just smiled at you in fondness while he thought back to the day where you first led him to one of the stores you frequented and he wanted to make you laugh
so he put on a headshawl, but he looked more like a grandma than a modest woman
and you had that exact picture in mind as you were giggling
at least he was your husband now
he pays for everything, he is sweet to you, and you feel comfortable around him, even in public
y'all look like a power couple tbh
he looks rich and you're his precious woman
damn I'm feeling so single now. Thanks for requesting this. It's a great reminder on how I'll never find a rich man like him.
shy, still surprised and happy that you decided to marry him
like, you married him? he was bald on both sides of his head in his teen age gírl!
he looks better now-
enough of the bullying, this tsundere man (I still know nothing about these guys) had the same idea as his older brother and so, there were many shops, but under his name. He financed them, and so it was no surprise when he took you out on a shopping spree, only for you to take whatever you want
safe to say he fell in love all over again when he saw you happily strolling ahead and picked some clothes for yourself
he also loves showing you off
like, he's also lucky that you don't mind stepping out in public with him
y'all also look like a power couple
and honestly, he thinks that you look absolutely beautiful, covered in the finest silk and smiling that sweet smile of yours
You were the reason he stopped falling into the abyss of temporary ecstasy, which would lead to his death
He was surprised that you didn't look at him weirdly
and now, he is happy to call himself your husband
he loves touching the different susbances like jersey, silk, or cotton cloth, which you would use to cover your head with
"This one looks nice! Want me to buy it for you?"
Such a sweet man for you
always tells you when there's hair visible, also stands in front of you, looking down on you with a fond smile as you hurriedly fix your hijab
loves holding your hand and swinging it around
Feels much better when you tell him about Islam and stories from the prophets
wants to protect you at all costs because you're just so beautiful and sweet and he wouldn't be able to live alone anymore if something happened to you,
I mean,
you saved him from the drugs and alcohol, he wants to save you form all the bastards outside
You guys got together because he beated up a few guys who were harrassing you
stares at the men who look at you for longer than 0.0000001 second
like Baji...
hates it when you wash your stuff and he has to iron them then, because he fears that he'd either not iron it perfectly, or the iron burns your precious and expensive cloths
you always tell him to let you do it yourself, his deadass response is always:
"If I can't iron my wife's clothes then what type of man am I?!?"
We love Baji
Is also in love with your cooking? Or when you go to a restaurant which has your traditional food, he is all in
wants to have kids with you, like in the first month of being married, he was like, "would you like to start a family? I'd love to see my daughters wearing hijabs as well"
we got him, sisters
You smile, "Let's wait a little"
Like c'mon Baji, let your wife have a calm live, kids can come later
but he still managed to put you into a baby fever
Sends you fucking videos of mothers playing with their daughters
little girls putting on niqabs
little biys praying alongside or behind their father
Baji got taught how to pray by you, your father, or his newly found friends in mosques
he wants to have children so bad, and the fact that Islam is not just a religion but the way of living life, he wants to teach his younglings as well
(How did I think about kids all of a sudden???)
You better believe that when you ask him to go buy clothes with you, he's only looking for ideal cotton which won't irritate your skin
will make you feel guilty by saying: "don't you trust my skills?"
damn another gaslighter, but in a healthy way
I mean, sure, buying cotton itself is expensive, but at least he knows what fits you spot on and you don't have to look for stuff that you'll only wear once a month
takes lessons on how to make the perfect hijab and dress for you
I've said it once but I'll say it again,
ok now here again
will have the same idea as baji and ask you if you'd like to have kids
to make them hijabs as well
In his next fashion meeting, he introduces the idea of having his models run the stage with modest clothing, and got accepted
when I tell you their marketing skyrocketed-
You're happy that your husband launches modest clothing for other muslims as well
Sorry if it got shorter and shorter but that was all I could come up with. And now looking back, I'm confused as to why Ran's is so long, I don't even like him, like wtf?
Anyways, I hope you liked it!
Leave a like or a comment! Reblog if you want to!
Read you in the next post!
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dark-nekofear · 8 months
tagged by @kukiyuuri ur so sweet ty for the tag <3
ONE. Are you named after anyone?
*Office stare* whatever gave u that impression? :3c
yea my queer ass swiped Roxas' name as my own. I had a major identity crisis after leaving a cult a decade ago so it kinda felt fitting to pick the name with his own history with cults & identity issues hehe
2. When was the last time you cried?
couple days ago, tho I have a very hard time crying anymore. thaaaat's probs not good ^^;; I used to be a huge crybaby.
3. Do you have kids?
thankfully not. I'm enough work as is tyvm
4. What sports do you play? have you played?
I played street hockey with my neighbors quite a bit growing up, tho it was rather short-lived when they suddenly had a problem with playing with a girl (boy do I have news for them). in high school I joined the tennis team. I wasn't stellar at it but I had a blast. wish there were more opportunities to play but that requires other ppl wanting to play.
these days I've been reconnecting with my childhood love of rollerblading. I'm close to being as good as I used to be which is so exciting cuz there's so much I never mastered! so I'm about to cross over into new territory!
5. Do you use sarcasm?
what's sarcasm? ovo
6. What is the first thing you notice about people?
looking at the world thru an artist's lens, I notice things like posture, expression, body language first. which can tell u a lot about a person in the moment without a word being spoken.
7. What's your eye color?
blue! I think they're turning gray as I get older which is kinda cool but also a little sad.
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
depends on my mood; both are good. so long as the story is told well anything goes really.
9. Any talents?
I suffer from the good at the arts but bad at everything modern society deems useful disease. my main talent is probs drawing, writing coming second (if I ever get the spoons to do it again). I'm also decent at singing with my long history with choir & leading worship services.
10. Where were u born?
the most boring place on earth -- the US Midwest. Siri, play "Sidewalks" by Story of the Year.
11. What are your hobbies?
a lot of my free time lately has been getting back into studying languages. I'm mostly focused on Japanese atm but I'm also at an intermediate level in German & conversational in ASL.
I game quite a bit too, primarily retro games. *screaming crying throwing up that PS2-era is now considered retro* seldom do I play things upon release except of KH.
oh, I'm also a casual fashion doll collector (mostly Barbie & Monster High). old media as well (vhs, retro games, music, etc). lost media & preservation of the arts in general really interests me.
I play guitar a bit too but lol I suck at it.
other hobbies previously touched on in earlier q's include drawing, skating, singing & writing. :3c
12. Do you have any pets?
I have a kitty! she's a dilute calico & a huge diva cuz she knows she's gorgeous. she's loud af just like me & loves talking to her fave humans in the sassiest tone possible.
13. How tall are u?
not tall enough. 165cm
14. Favorite subjects in school?
German (easily my best subject), art & English.
15. Dream job?
I've been thinking a lot about circling back to an old dream job. something utilizing my knack for picking up languages. maybe interpreting or teaching? I'd really like to go back to school so I can maybe have a decent shot at something overseas. where? I'm still deciding. being trans kinda complicates it a bit. with that in mind & having several instances of homelessness this past decade I've concluded the US isn't a viable place for me to continue living. I have a unique opportunity to rebuild rn & I intend to utilize it. even if that means allowing my art to return to being just a hobby.
ahh! sorry I'm totally ending this on a bummer note huh? uhh uhh... puppies! think of puppies!! & kitties!!!
anyway, I'll tag uhh... whoever wants to do this? >w<; u can obvi say I tagged ya.
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Congrats on your 900 followers friend! You deserve it 💓 I requested a match up before with game of thrones, I was wondering if i could get a romantic grishaverse match up please ? 😺
My pronouns are she/they, I'm a lesbian and my mbti is INFP 9w1. My zodiac sign is capricorn and my house is hufflepuff (if this is necessary, if i were a grisha i would be an alkemi)
I'm a very quiet person, timid, kinda grumpy and a bit shy but with close ones I'm a bit more talkative. I'm the type to be logical but also feel bad if it affects people's feelings, a bit of a people pleaser not gonna lie. I try my best to stay out of trouble but sometimes can't help but help people in need even if it causes me trouble (blame myself for it after sometimes). I'm actually pretty nice, kind and friendly. Like I would split my food and hand you the bigger one. I'm a good listener and gets embarrassed after i ramble about something i like. I get nervous and overwhelmed easily, I'm also anxious and paranoid like I check if i have the things i need like five times haha. I'm very loyal to my friends and hate to see them upset.
I'm 5'4 with dark brown long hair. I have a very basic style of dressing but i'd like to wear darker clothing or gothic style and i also like to wear knitted sweaters hehe.
Likes: Quiet places, music, relaxing solitude, matcha tea, cold drinks, cold weather, reading (dark-ish novels, I promise Im not a weirdo), taking breaks and hanging out with people i like.
Dislikes: insensitive or immoral people, germs, untidiness, loud noises/people, not being able to sleep.
Hobbies: Drawing, Reading, Organizing and Sleeping
Habit(s): I have a habit of dozing off when Im stuck in my mind and I pull my sleeves really hard when I'm nervous.
My Love Language: Quality Time and Acts of Service
Thanks! Hope you have a great time, keep up the good work! Sorry if i made any mistakes, english isn't my first langauge ♡
thank you for participating :)
i ship you with zoya!
it seems like you’re quite a different person than she is, but i think that’s a good thing. you’d be able to balance each other out well. she’s pretty independent, in a similar way you are. she’s not interested in small talk or carrying on conversations that have no purpose. if she can make it through the day talking to as little people as possible, she considers it a success. she gets quite moody as well, but for some reason, she finds herself wanting to talk to you more and more. as you got closer, she’d find herself really enjoying your company, which surprised her.
unlike you, she doesn’t really consider that her words may hurt peoples feelings. but with you, she’d actively police herself, not wanting to say anything that would upset you or make you mad at her. she’d love how kind you are, and how you actively carry yourself with other people in mind. it would remind her of herself when she was younger, and less hardened by life. you’d be a breath of fresh air that she so desperately needed. she’d find your anxiety and nervous habits endearing, enjoying listening to you ramble. she wouldn’t care what it was about or how long you were talking, she just likes watching your face when you talk about something you’re excited about. with other people, she might find the idea annoying. but with you, she really enjoys it. watching you get all flustered would bring a smile to her face.
zoya also doesn’t like insensitive people, crowds, and loud places. she much prefers keeping a clear head, and she would feel like she could do that around you. when you’d have moments just the two of you, away from everyone else and her day to day responsibilities, it would be the best part of her day by far. despite being a solitary person, she would really enjoy quality time with you. it didn’t matter what you were doing, just as long as she was with you.
she’d find you alone one day, nearly falling asleep at your desk. her day was dragging on, and it wasn’t even over yet. but she’d see you, and feel her troubles melt away.
she’d grin to herself, laying a hand on your shoulder.
“come along, darling. i fancy a nap.”
you’d rub your eyes, squinting. “a nap? don’t you have things to do today?”
“i do,” she’d say, taking your hand in hers. “but it can wait, can’t it? i’m sure the country won’t fall apart without me there for an afternoon.”
“it’ll be boring, zoya,” you’d say, fiddling with your sleeves. “wouldn’t you rather have some time to yourself? surely there’s something more entertaining for you to do.”
she’d take your other hand in hers, giving it a squeeze as she tugged you along with her. “nonsense, love. you’re more than entertaining, id much rather spend my afternoon with you. give yourself some credit. so, what do you say? nap?”
you’d smile, nodding. “nap.”
hi again! i hope you enjoyed this, thank you again for participating :)
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landoncrris · 3 years
idk of requests are open? but if they are or if you wanna save this until they’re open again i would love you even more hehe. soo how about you’re the only thing that can really calm mason down, the only one he doesn’t take his bad mood out on… so maybe a situation after a game that he lost and he’s fucked up with everyone, like family or something but not with you and he just wants to hug and hold on to you? tyyy x
this scenario went through my brain weeks already before you had requested this, so thank you for giving me a chance to write it down anon xx
lover’s comfort - mason mount x reader
warnings: english is not my first language, not proofread
word count: 1.5k
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When the whistle blew, you could already see Mason’s head hanging low in defeat, his jaw clenched from the result of the particularly tough game they had just played. And sadly, it wasn’t an unimportant game either, a game that Chelsea probably could’ve won if Mason hadn’t made so many mistakes.
He immediately went down the tunnel without speaking to anyone or even glancing in your and his parents’ direction like he usually does. That’s why neither of you have messaged him, thinking that he’d wanted to be left alone and have time to calm down from his bad mood — although the opposite would’ve been the case. So you just stood outside the car talking to his parents about Chelsea’s performance while you waited for Mason to come outside, as they offered to drive you both home.
But you didn’t have to wait too long, as he was the first to come out, just wanting to go home as quickly as possible, so as not to let anyone annoy him or ask him questions about the game. He just wanted to be in your presence and forget about the game, at least until the next training session. That’s why he couldn’t help but scoff when he saw that his parents were also waiting and not just you, which didn’t go unnoticed by you.
“Hey Mase, how are you feeling?” his mother asked as he came closer, but he just ignored her, walking past you with quick steps and keeping his gaze on the ground, not looking at any of you. “Mason, your mother asked you something.”
“Whatever.” he muttered in replie to his father, tossing his bags into the boot before sitting down in the the backseat of the car. You send an apologetic look to his parents, feeling sorry that Mason decided to take out his bad mood on them. As the three of you also got into the car and drove off, his mother started talking again after no apology came, telling him to have more respect to his parents among other things, even though she knew she shouldn’t take it to heart, she couldn’t help but feel hurt as he kept ignoring her.
You too knew that he didn’t want to be like that, and the way he hung his head low the whole time told you that he was sorry, just too stubborn to admit it right away. You also knew that he loved his parents, of course, but he hated the company of other people when he was in a bad mood, except yours. He didn’t feel ashamed after a particularly bad performance, as he did with others, because he hated letting other people see how much these games meant to him and frustrated him. Except for you, the only person he wasn’t ashamed to cry in front of or talk his heart out, because he knew you loved him anyway and would always be there for him.
So you couldn’t help but feel sorry for him, even though you kept silent, thinking a few times of taking his hand to comfort him, but there was still a little voice in your head that stopped you. You didn’t want him to snap at you too, even though you knew he wouldn’t, but the voice was still there. But as soon as his mother stopped talking, he leaned his head against the window, which finally made you ignore the voice and undo your seatbelt to slide into the seat next to him, knowing how uncomfortable that position he was in was.
When he felt your leg against his, he turned his head and you smiled sweetly at him to test the waters. This immediately warmed his heart a little, smile growing on his face too, giving you confirmation that he wasn’t mad at you or something. So you patted your shoulder, signalling him to put his head there instead. Mason nuzzled his head into your neck and breathed in your scent, which relaxed him a bit while he wrapped his arms around your body as best he could.
“I’m sorry.” he whispered softly so that only you could hear, and you kissed his head in response, seeing his mother looking at you through the rear view mirror and smiling at the both of you. “You don’t have to apologise to me, baby.” you whispered in his ear, whereupon he took a deep breath and hugged you even tighter.
“I’ll already go inside alright?” you said to Mason quietly as you pulled into your driveway, making it clear that he should apologise now, and that he would know better than to continue being stubborn. As the car came to a stop, you said a quick goodbye and thanked his parents for driving you home before going inside, leaving the door open for Mason. In the meantime, until he was inside too, you took off your Chelsea jersey and put on a hoodie and sweatpants.
When you came back downstairs, Mason was already leaning against the counter with a glass of water in his hand. You walked over and stood in front of him, your hands unzipping his team jacket as you spoke, “Do you want me to make you something to eat?”
“We just lost a game, y’all don’t need to treat me like I’m some wounded child.” he replied, walking away from you and over to the dining table instead, where he plopped down on a chair with a huff, clearly the conversation with his parents had not improved his mood. You turned to look at him again and saw him throw his head back with a groan at the same time.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to snap at you.” he mumbled, only lifting his head to look at you instead of the ceiling when he heard you move closer. “Don’t worry about it, Mase.” settling down on his lap and wrapping your hands around his neck to pull him closer for a quick kiss.
“You want to eat anything now or not?” you asked again, feeling his thumbs circling your hips as you waited for his answer. “No, thank you.” he murmured against your lips before closing the gap again, just about to deepen the kiss as you pulled back, making him groan.
“Come on,” standing up from his lap despite his complaints, holding out your hands for him to take, “let’s go to bed.” your words made him take your hands, whereupon you pulled him up so that he was standing. You turned around and wrapped his arms around you instead, before walking into your bedroom like that. After brushing your teeth together, you got into bed and watched Mason change — or rather, strip down to his boxers.
You groaned as his body weight fell on top of yours, he shifted a little before finding a position comfortable enough, with him on top of you and his head on your stomach. You took the duvet and draped them over both of you, your hand moved to his hair and massaged his scalp, making him hum. Just the touch of your fingers in his hair relaxed him each time as it sent a warm feeling of love and admiration through his body. Mason wrapped an arm around your body and one hand wandered under your hoodie to caress the skin of your stomach, wanting to hold you as close as possible. The difference between the clothes on your body was big, but he still didn’t feel cold as your body heat warmed him too.
“Can I have a kiss?”
“I can’t kiss you when you’t lying there like that.” you replied, whereupon he lifted his head just enough for you to lean down and press a kiss to his lips,
“Just one more.” he whined as you pulled away again. You giggled before kissing him again, a little longer this time, and he felt his stomach erupt in butterflies as your lips slotted perfectly over his. When you pulled back again, his head fell back onto your stomach, a sign that he was now satisfied, but really he was just trying to hide the blush that was creeping onto his face.
You lay there like that for a few moments until you realised that you hadn’t got any water for the night. So you tried to free yourself, but to no avail “Mase, I forgot my water.”
“Take mine.” he murmured briefly into your hoodie, not letting go and holding you even tighter to make his point. “But-“
“Just don’t leave Y/N,” that made you give in, taking a sip of his water that was on the bedside table before your hand went back into his hair. “Ever.” he added, the tiredness clear in his voice and you knew it was going to be hard to sleep like that all night, but you didn’t really care. At his words, you pressed a kiss to the top of his head and a smile spread across your face at the meaning of them, your reply being the last thing he heard before he drifted off to sleep.
“I won’t.”
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queenofruneterra · 2 years
Hiiii, I hope you are having a nice day c:
I have an NSFW (Headcanons or images, FEMReader) request about Aphelios being shy and submissive in bed, ending up being a mess, like, very loud, won't stop praising his partner, mommy kink maybe (?).
Thank you very much, I love your work <3 (and sorry for my bad writing, english is not my first language hehe)
I love sub phel sm! I wrote headcanons, but i couldn’t keep myself from writing a a little drabble.. hope you like them <3
NSFW under the cut !
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I wrote this at 1am so it’s incredibly shameless
- Aphelios can be insecure during sex.
- He lacks experience, and he’s always afraid that he’ll mess up
- So make sure to praise him as much as possible; it makes him more confident (and he has a slight praise kink)
- He’s also really loud during sex, poor thing is so sensitive he can’t really help it
- Has to hold something when he’s close (grabbing your hand, your hair, the sheets, your arm, anything)
- Frequently tells you how good you’re making him feel
- He never thought about calling anyone mommy (partly because he never had anyone) but once he tried it with you, he almost stopped saying your actual name during sex
- He likes being ordered around, or doing things solely for your pleasure…
-…Like eating you out or fingering you, (but truthfully, he gets some pleasure from knowing he’s making you cum)
- Aphelios likes that he’s able to actually let himself go around you; he doesn’t have to hide how he’s actually feeling… which often leads to lots of writhing/squirming. Any pillows that were on the bed when you started will not be there when you’re finished..
- He’ll say whatever’s on his mind, and some things are surprisingly dirty
Aphelios throws his head back and sighs, your name whispered harshly on the end of it. "Does this feel good, Phel?" You tease, picking up your pace slightly when you notice his hands fly to your waist. "Fuck, yes," he moans, his voice weak and brimming with desperation. You bring a hand to his face, tilting his head so he’s looking right at you.
"You want to cum?" Your question is inessential– you both already know the answer is yes– but you need to hear him say it. His legs are shaking now, breathy moans and whines flowing between his parted lips. “Yes– p-please, I want to cum–” he begs between unabashed mewls. “Don’t stop, s-so good…”
The sight of him beneath you– strands of messy dark hair scattered across his face, his bright pink cheeks, his half-mast gaze– and the fact that you’ve reduced him to a stuttering, shivering, drooling mess, is more than enough to push you over the edge. “Fuck, Phel,” you breathe, feeling the tense knot of pleasure forming within you. You quicken your pace, now grinding onto him, chasing your release with indigent fervor.
“I’m close, m-mommy,” he cries, thrusting his hips wildly to meet yours. “Gonna c-cum— f-fuck—“
Curling your fingers into his hair, you lean down to close the space between you. You moan into the heated kiss that follows at the feeling of his firm grip on your waist and his nails digging into your skin. His hips roll and stutter, their rhythm becoming increasingly erratic as he nears his climax.
The feeling of Aphelios burying himself inside of you— him rutting uncontrollably and muttering saccharine praises into your ear— is steadily bringing you closer to release, but what sends you over is the way his voice pitches to an airy squeal as he finishes.
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sunasjellyfruit · 2 years
Haikyuu boys love language
Inarizaki edition
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Karasuno, Aoba Johsai, Nekoma, Fukurodani
Characters: Ginjima, Ojiro, Samu, Tsumu, Suna and Kita.
English is not my first language so feel free to correct me.
I'm back with writing, let's see how long it last ;))
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He's someone with a strong sense of responsability, so acts of service is his love language and also his way of showing you that he cares about you. He's always telling you to let him do your things (not your homework or so), like folding your hoodies or shirts if he finds them hanging at your chair in your room, picking your favourite snacks from the store, leaving small notes as reminders in your notebooks, text books or your room (ex: "drink water and stay hydrated babe", "take a rest and call me hehe"). When he's out at the grocery store or at a supermarket he usually calls you or sends you a message asking you if you need something, and I'm pretty sure that he's gonna pay for it. And if he does something that makes you uncomfortable you just have to tell him and he's not repeating that again ever.
I've just read about his personality on the wiki because I had no idea about him lol. But now I can say that his love language is definitely words of affirmation. Although he's mature and he almost always uses logic, he also has this thing of always reminding you that you don't need a reason to be happy or to feel happy. So even if you're having a bad day he's gonna be there by your side, talking softly about how the sun is going to rise again, how the flowers and the nature are still working hard and how you have to do the same and keep smiling and doing your best. Even if what he says sometimes doesn't make sense, it ends up working cause you usually feel better after hearing his calm voice. Oh but when you're having a good day and you have all your energy and positivity? He's there with you, running, jumping, chasing each other and then telling you how proud he is of you and how bright you make him.
Mmh, I can't decide between acts of service or gift giving so I'm gonna say both, but let me explain it. He cares so much about you, he's constantly thinking about your well-being. Something Samu does a lot and without even noticing is asking you if you have eaten well and if you have slept enough. He's now used to have some biscuits or small bottles of strawberry milk in case that you haven't had time that morning to have breakfast. And if you've had a restless night, his shoulder is there in case that you want to rest for a few minutes. At lunchtime, if that day the school is serving a certain food or dish he knows you like a lot, he'll take more than one portion so he can give you some of his food that he would have saved specially for you.
Physical touch. Do I have to explain this? Probably not but I'm gonna do it anyways. He's a grabby partner, he adores to show your relationship to everybody by being in contact with you (almost glued to your ass), in that way other people will know that they could not flirt with you as you were already taken. Yes, he's possessive, but mostly because he's insecure about himself. On the other side, he's a very energetic and nervous person, and being able to hold your hand (or your waist, your shoulders, your wrist... You get it) helps to calm him down, to keep his feet on the ground. Just kiss him a few times and he'll be a happy puppy the entire day.
I've said this many times (probably cause I write a lot abt him) but his love language is quality time, he just wants to spend as much time as possible with you, after all you only have one life and you have to live it to the fullest. He may skip classes, miss practices and even not sleep at night if it means that you two can be together. He's a pleaser (that sounds so bad, I'm sorry) so whatever you want to do, just tell him, it'll become his duty to get/do it. He actually really enjoys dates, but he's too lazy and proud to admit it. However if you find a plan that catches his attention he'll leave his laziness aside to do it with you, mainly because he just wants to see you being happy. And with all of that, I have to repeat once again that his favourite dates are the ones in which you two just cuddle and take naps.
I'm pretty sure his love language is acts of service (is this a Inarizaki thing at this point?). As the captain of the team (and after taking care of his grandma all of this years) he has developed the habit of noticing people's needs quite fast. Now that you two are dating he worries about you more that about everybody else. He helps you with your hair if it gets stuck on your hood, he zips your coat if the weather is cold, or he handles you a pair of gloves if your fingers are cold. The same with always having a hair-band (or hair-tie, idk how they're called) on his wrist or lip balm in his pocket, just for you. Most of the time you don't even need to ask for it, he'll do it as an instinct.
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chuuyanaurkahara · 2 years
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i saw these comments by @untamedeventuality and it filled me with the creative juices
for you dear person👉👈
writing under the cut
i apologise for any bad grammar, english isn’t my first language
i don't know how to write good stuff, sorry
The trio was walking alongside an old road. Mono was in the middle, RK on the left and Six on the right side of him. The girl was talking with Mono about how their economy is in shambles and that the world is going to die soon, just like the queen did.
"-and yeah. That's why I eat soap."
"None of these points made any sense, Six,", Mono replied, "Also, please don’t eat soap, you're gonna die."
The girl quickly replied, "Trust me, I won’t. See?" She got out a soap bar from her pocket.
Why she was carrying soap with her will remain a mystery to Mono. Realising too late that Six is actually going to take a good bite, the boy could only watch in horror how she stuffed half of it in her mouth.
"What the fuck Six! Are you having a death wish?"
Six laughed. She laughed hard. Between laughing and even some coughing, she explained the soap bar was actually just chocolate.
"Why the fuck, but also that's a really cool idea", Mono replied.
Six handed him the chocolate and nodded her head towards RK, who was lost in his thoughts, and then at the 'soap' in Mono’s hands.
The boy grinned. He knew what Six was trying to tell him. A small prank won't hurt, right?
"Hey RK, wanna have a bite?"
The boy looked at Mono, then at his hand with the soap before looking at Mono again. "That’s soap, Mono."
"And? Do you want to have a bite or not?"
"What- I- Did you eat soap?"
"Yes? Why wouldn’t I?", Mono replied and bit into the chocolate.
"Mono, I mean this in the nicest way possible; What the fuck is wrong with you."
Six started to giggle and soon was full on laughing. Mono chuckled too.
"Hehe, pranked you. It’s not soap, it's chocolate", Six giggled.
The boy scoffed and rolled his eyes. He crossed his arms and looked away from the other two, ignoring their following apolgies.
"Aww, c'mon RK, it was just a small prank", the girl said, "Don’t be like that..." Pause. "Alright, Mono hold his hand, he's gotta accept our apology that way."
Mono shrugged. "Sure." Mono grabbed RK's hand and interwined their fingers.
"Sorry for pranking you, RK", Six apologized.
"It’s- it's okay..."
Six grinned. "See? As easy as cake." She began walking again, the two boys following soon after.
"Holy shit guys! Look, a worm!", Six suddenly exclaimed, crouching down.
RK perked up at the mention of a little creature and let go of Mono's hand. He moved next to the girl and crouched down as well, examining the worm with her.
"Hello little slimy guy,", Six cooed, ", look at you, you're such a cute little fella, aren’t you?" She carefully pet the animal with her pointer finger.
"Can- can we move on?"
"Shut up Mono, it's wormin' time,", RK replied, and then to the worm, "Such a cute, little guy. I'm gonna call you...-"
"-Wormius!", Six piped in.
"Yes, Wormius! Great idea Six. It fits perfectly." The boy pet the worm too.
They both mumbled some other stuff, occasionally interrupted by small giggles. Mono awkwardly stood at the side, playing with his fingers as he waited.
Suddenly a crow flew by and snatched the worm off the ground, seemingly not bothered by RK and Six.
"Noooo, Wormius! You were so young!", they both said in union.
Mono won't admit it, but he was glad that worm was gone. His friends got up, RK taking his hand and Six already starting to talk about their previous topic again.
The trio continued on their way.
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weirdsht · 3 years
Hello, I've noticed you've had some REALLY good works and wanted to request something.
If it doesn't bother you can I ask how everyone would react to the reader having very bad social anxiety and can barely talk to people without panicking.
Thank you for reading this and have a good day👋
a/n: ahhhh tysm for requesting I’ll try my best to write this. My inbox is always open but keep in mind if you're requesting that I have no writing experience but I’ll try to write it hehe. Also I’m sorry for not responding quickly end terms and college applications are coming up and I have no plan with my life jhvdfjlgvdfigbdpigbdgdg
This is so bad i cannot I had some ideas but it went out of the window when I worked on my crewri peta im sorry T^T
Warnings: cult au, hints of soft! Yan, hints of possessiveness (let me know if there’s anything I should add here)
English isn’t my first language so there will be grammatical errors
Pls don't repost my work anywhere without my permission
Any form of interaction toward the post is appreciated <333
Not gonna lie when they first met you face to face they were scared they did something wrong. They really thought you hated them or something. After learning that it wasn’t the case made them relieved beyond belief. People like Albedo and Zhongli understand you better than others for they like solitude while someone like Venti will always push you to socialize more. Of course despite that they respect your boundaries and your wants, if you don’t want to or can’t speak to someone they make sure that you won’t be bothered for as long as you want.
Socializing is still a must for a balanced healthy lifestyle so your most loyal believers will try and make you socialize daily, nothing too much that you can’t take though. They will also try to find ways to at least lessen the panic that you feel whenever you talk to someone. That being said though, as much as they want you to have a healthy lifestyle and find coping mechanisms for your anxiety they are still selfish. They’ll utilize your condition as much as possible so that they can monopolize you. It becomes a competition as to who can get close to you first for that means spending more time with you. Sure maybe it’s a bit wrong but surely you’ll understand right? They have the whole of Teyvat to compete with and not all of them are worthy of your time. That’s why your loyal acolytes did a bit of segregation, you only deserve the best after all especially with the people socializing with you.
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loser-writings · 4 years
Kazuichi Souda Headcanons
{@sally-wonders​} (┛◉Д◉)┛彡┻━┻ I JUST SAW THE DANGANRONPA STUFF AND I AM SCREAMING! dlsfhlfhksg I dont even know where to start, so, at first I was wondering if you have any headcanons for my man Kazuichi, I love him so much! I always wondered how he would be into an actually relationship, because the inflatuation he had with Sonia was a thing, but also serving to compensate in his low self steam, even if he was an ultimate, he also has the historic of abuse and bully by their piers and all  with the sharp teeth and pink hair to try and look cool and all that as well, also he would have to deal with all that happened in dispair island (what wouldnt i give to know how they dealt with that man :'3), especially acepting the fact that Sônia does not like him. Because of the whole dream girl with blonde hair and he kinda projects this idea of her instead of herself. Jqrjjgwrj sorry I babble a lot hehe
I hope you enjoy this long list of a variety of headcanons. These may not hit all of the points you were asking, but I hope this is satisfactory!
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・・・・✪General Headcanons✪ ・・・・
Kazuichi is a very anxious person so he is constantly fiddling with something. Little electronics, his wrench or tools he has on hands, or his fingers. If he can’t mess with something, his anxiety goes through the roof.
He can read in English! He taught himself how to read English so he could read American comic books before they’re officially translated. He also can understand English since he watched so many English action movies. He can speak it, but it can be broken and his accent is very strong.
He can actually sew. Since he learned by watching his mom, he can fix and alter clothing. He can also sew and throw together blankets and stuffed animals. He actually owns a small sewing machine. It isn’t expensive or amazing by any means, but it can get the job done.
He spends a large chunk of his money on keeping up with his hair and keeping his contacts in check. His hair grows extremely fast so his roots show, and he has a horrible habit of sleeping in his contacts since he can’t stand his glasses. 
When you catch him off guard, he just lies about what he is doing. He doesn’t mean to, but it is just a natural reaction since his dad would get mad at him no matter what his answer was. Because of this, you have to give him a moment to calm down and go through the 3 different answers he has before he can actually say what’s going on. This also happens if he is on his computer or his phone. He naturally hides the screen, even if he is just looking at car parts or how to fix a certain thing.
He can be a bit perverted and oblivious to somebody's flaws if he finds himself becoming attracted to them. Despite this, he is honestly quite the sweetheart and would have a heart attack if somebody were to return his feelings. 
He has pretty bad trust issues and this can cause tension between him and others. This also causes him to believe things that aren’t always true based off of his distrust alone.
He doesn’t actually like his appearance, even after he changed it. He originally changed it to keep away bullies and get the attention of women, but when he looks in the mirror, he doesn’t exactly like it. He didn’t mind his black hair or his normal eye color, he just hated his glasses.
Will flinch if someone raises their hand at him because of his fathers past abuse. He can’t help but flinch, and this is horrible with men who are taller than him. Safe to say that Gundhams mannerisms and weird poses aren't appreciated.
・・・・✪Relationship Headcanons✪ ・・・・
As stated before if someone were to return his feelings, he would be so lost on what to do. He never had anybody treat him with much kindness and the fact that someone he admires likes him back is just mind boggling to him.
I headcanon him personally to be Bisexual. He may have a physical lea for women, but he does find himself genuinely attracted to men as well (@Hajime) I think the big thing that decides if he likes you or not is if he thinks he can trust you.
Due to the past abuse and issues regarding friends and classmates, he would need constant reassurance. He will have sudden doubts and will become extremely anxious at the idea of you leaving him for a variety of reasons. He will ask if you want him to change his appearance or something about his personality, and it never fails that he is shocked if you say you love how he is.
He can sometimes get lost in his childlike fantasies. He will change his personality at times and make himself believe things that aren’t true. The best thing to do when this happens is to just give him a quick kiss on the cheek and remind him that you are you, and not some fantasy. He will apologize and snap out of it (For the most part)
He isn’t the best at initiating things. He would do better with someone who is more willing to make the first move. Be the one to grab his hand to hold it, Open your arms so he can snuggle against your chest, Cup his cheeks to pull him into a sweet kiss, Open the door for him and press your hand against his lower back in public areas so he feels more calm. He really would appreciate it.
Some of his favorite dates are the ones that result in tons of affection. Building blanket forts before having an action movie marathon is his favorite thing. It always results in the two of you tangled impossibly close to each other. If he is the one being held, having you play with the messily chopped locks instantly has him weak. He will rest against your chest while watching the movies, looking up to steal kisses and nip at your exposed skin in an attempt to steal your attention away from the screen. If he is the one holding you, your hair will be played with and expect him to caress your body a lot. If he gets distracted from the movie, he will let his eyes and hands wonder. It’s not in a perverse way, but more curious. 
He actually studies how your body moves and how you feel. He is the kind of guy who is very interested in seeing how your “Parts” move and how things work. It’s not perverted (Usually) but instead it’s very sweet in an unusual way. He will find out unusual things he loves about you by watching how you move. Like how you stretch to reach things on a tall shelf, or how your body curls up into itself when your cold. Just how you move and your body language is something that always has Kazuichi staring. 
If he can’t be with you physically, expect many phone calls and video calls. He calls you every time he misses your voice or feels himself starting to get anxious. The most common phone calls become the ones that happen before bed. Kazuichi gets extremely anxious when he is alone or at his house with his dad. Because of this, it becomes a routine where he calls you before bed and falls asleep on the phone with you. If you love to sing, sing and play instruments on the phone to soothe him. If you like to read, read to him until you hear his soft snores on the other line. If you like to ramble, ramble to him as he hums along til he is asleep. 
Also don’t hang up. Seriously, he will hang up in the morning. If he has a nightmare, or something happens, he finds comfort knowing that you are right there when he needs you most. 
He doesn’t mind chasing after you, but please let him have something so he knows that all of the chasing is worth it. This is the man you go to if you want somebody to control. He just wants your love and attention, even if you are just using him. If he falls for you during the killing game, he won’t hesitate to kill for you.
・・・・✪NSFW Headcanons✪ ・・・・
Aged 18+ and Kink discussion below this post
Souda loves to leave hickeys and love bites. He thinks they’re so sexy and attractive, and will leave them all over you if you let him. He also ADORES having you mark all over him and will whine if you tease him by pulling away before a mark can be made. If you really want to make him feel loved, make heart shaped hickeys all over him. He will cry because he feels so loved.
He is a switch with a more submissive lean, but he does have his more dominant moments. If he is being submissive, expect him to whine and cry about things a lot. He can be a total brat, but its so worth it when you get to hear him moan and beg for more. He may not scream, but he is quite loud.. If he is being dominant, he growls and groans a lot. He doesn’t mean to, he just gets so caught up in the moment that he doesn’t even notice the noises he makes.
He has ended up with you in his lap in his car a few times. He just can’t help it. The most memorable time was at the drive in theater. You both were in the back and it just ended up with your hands being bound by a seat belt as he sat between your legs until he couldn’t handle waiting anymore. 
He CLEARLY is into body worship. He loves watching how you react as his hands sit and press themselves against your body. He will compliment absolutely everything about you, kissing your skin as much as possible, and let his hands and eyes do all of the work.
He is so into oral, both giving and receiving. He can sit between your legs pleasing you until you are shaking and can’t handle anymore. Just how you taste is so intoxicating with him, and he always is trying to get more. If you are sucking him off, he will pant and moan and whine the whole time. His hand is tangled in your hair or the sheets until he can’t take it any more and cums. If you swallow, he will be so turned on, but he also loves cumming on you
Kazuichi will hump and grind against anything. Your ass, your thighs, a pillow, clothing, the bed, anything. He has a high sex drive, so he has to take care of it often. Even when he is sleeping, he will grind against you if he is having a dirty dream. Hopefully you don’t mind, because he is actually quite embarrassed when this happens.
He has a fantasy of you waking him up with oral. He has quite a few dirty dreams, so the idea of you helping him out while he wakes up is a dream for him.
Praise kink. Seriously. Praise this man. He will CRY if you constantly praise him during sex. He was completely unaware of how much it would effect him during sex.
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borathae · 3 years
Hi!!! I read the newest SA chapter and GOD!! It was so fluffy after all that happened in the previous chapters, and Tae 😭😭😭 he’s always such a sweet and caring gentleman I love him so much and deserves all the tenderness and love in the world… but I don’t know if it is because of my personal paranoia after what happened with the bad vampires during the masquerade or if it was intended that way but behind all the fluff I couldn’t help to feel a little bit sus of Tae from the moment that he offered to take her to his house after telling her that his friends were dangerous in past chapters, and then his snobby comment and distant demeanour all of a sudden? Or not his preferred pet name for her not being used until the end? I just hope that it’s just me and not him hiding something from oc 😭 anyways whatever it is that you have planned for the next chapters I will be waiting excitedly! Also I wanted to tell you how much I love this story, like for real I’m super invested in it and the updates are kind of the highlight of my weeks, that’s how amazing of a writer you are 🥺 sorry for the long ask and for possible grammatical errors, English is not my first language and it’s my first time sending you an ask because I’m shy so I’m a little nervous 😅
but I don’t know if it is because of my personal paranoia after what happened with the bad vampires during the masquerade or if it was intended that way but
well anonie, you must know :-) I intend many things :---)
And also thank you so, so much!! Gosh, it always makes me smile so much when I hear that people wait for my updates like omfg you lil treasure 🥺 and don't apologize, English isn't my first language and you don't have to be nervous hehe I love talking to you baby 🥺💜💜
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winnsmills · 4 years
right out of a book (1) - draco malfoy x reader
this is my first fanfic ever aaahhh idk i’m such an amateur lol
also english is not my first language so if you stumble across any mistakes language-wise, feel free to inform me and please (please please) let me know what you think since this will probs be about a couple of chapters. (three to five-ish? i’m not really sure we shall see hehe) 
plot: draco malfoy thinks the reader doesn’t know anything about him, and is determined to keep it that way. that might change once she actually learns he is rather similar to a character in the books she’d read...along with the rest of the world. muggle!reader. sulky!draco (although i’m convinced this doesn’t really need an exclamation mark haha). enjoy!
warnings: not really...one or two curse words, draco being rude lol
word count: 1169
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After the Battle of Hogwarts, Draco Malfoy could safely say that he could believe whatever was thrown in his face. All sorts of plot twists, espionages, even the weirdest conspiracies (he had once read that Harry Potter was actually an alien and was here to report all the secrets of Wizarding World to the fellow members of his species – and he thought that it would certainly explain his lack of brains). But if someone had come along and told him that he would have to live in Muggle London for Merlin knows how long, he would’ve told that person that they were absolutely bonkers.
Alas, that was exactly where he found himself.
“Come on, this won’t be that bad, Malfoy,” Zabini had told him, “Even if you stayed in the Manor, you wouldn’t be able to roam the streets anyway. After the Battle, your face might as well be on posters that say ‘Wanted’ in all capital letters. At least no one will know who you are here. No one will know about your past.”
Draco liked to think of himself as at least somewhat logical. Unlike certain Gryffindors, he knew there was a fine line between courage and stupidity, and he was adamant not to cross it. But there were expectations that came with his infamous surname, some kind of fate even, determining his actions even before he was born. All the things he did, he did out of desperation. He didn’t have much of a choice anyway.
So he became a Death Eater. And tried to kill Dumbledore. And helped other Death Eaters break into Hogwarts. His criminal record…was not the best, to say the least. So yes, he knew Zabini’s words made sense. He knew that was the logical thing to do.
But there was not a single bone in his body that agreed willingly to what he said.
He certainly did not look forward to mingle with those sorts, let alone not being able to use his wand. Maybe he could redeem himself, he thought. Maybe he could go up to Potter and tell him that he did all of what he did because he wanted him to be seen as a bigger hero. He could potentially tell him I was always on your side, mate, but the words weren’t convincing even in his brain, let alone coming out of his mouth.
So, it was down to one single option. As usual.
On his first day, he had sat in the couch and just frowned until evening. He didn’t know what to do, how to make things work without magic. Maybe he could actually die out of boredom and get this whole runaway thing over with.
His frowning session got rudely interrupted with a continuous sound of doorbell, and he just groaned and waited for the person at the other end of the door to go away. He gave an exhausted breath when the ringing stopped, but he was too optimistic, especially for a pessimistic sulking arsehole like himself. Ringings turned into knocking and eventually a female voice.
“I know you’re in there!” you called behind the door. “I heard you groan so don’t even attempt to pretend you’re not home.”
So he unwillingly got up and forcefully opened the door with an unamused look on his face. “Could you stop ringing the door for Me- fuck’s sake! What the hell do you want?”
“Not a nice way to greet your neighbour for the first time, is it?” you asked, with an offended look on your face. “I just wanted to bring you some food since you just moved and I figured you didn’t have anything in your fridge-
Fridge? he thought. He technically knew you spoke English, but he could barely understand half of what you were saying. Everything seemed foreign and unusual, and he was once again reminded of the fact that he was in a world he was not familiar with. Not that it ever got out of his mind.
-I may have ringed the doorbell a few times more than usual but that was because I knew you were home and it certainly does not excuse your behaviour! Especially when I am the one with the food in my hands!” you finished rambling with an angry tone. He had just realised that you were holding what looked to be as some sort of a pasta dish, and even though he really, really thought you were very annoying and intrusive, he couldn’t deny the fact that he was also very hungry. So he did what every Slytherin with some self respect would do – he played his cards accordingly.
“Y/N. Y/N Y/L/N.”
“Look, Y/L/N. I’m sorry, okay? I just moved here as you have kindly noticed and I am not in a very good mood – you constantly ringing the bell did not help either. But again, I’m sorry, alright? You didn’t really deserve that.” – he didn’t believe his last words, but he was saying what he had to say. He had learned ever since he was a child that you couldn’t say what you genuinely think all the time. You need to know when to speak and when to shut your mouth, his father used to tell him. Words have power. It is up to you to use that properly.
“Anyways, thanks for the food.” As he finished his words, he grabbed the baking dish from your hands before you could change your mind and tried to close the door, but he should’ve known that you weren‘t going to leave so easily.
“Wait!” you called after coming out of your state of shock, which was just before he was closing the door, and it took Draco all of his willpower to not roll his eyes and huff with annoyance. “You didn’t tell me your name,” you said with a hint of blush on your cheeks.
“Doesn’t really matter,” said Draco, not finding the power in him to even utter his own name out loud to someone who didn’t know it. You were that someone, someone that didn’t have a single clue about his name, fortune, past, present and possible future. You were just someone that had brought him food (like a saviour, but he would never admit that, especially to you) and annoyed him. It was actually refreshing.
So that was how you found yourself as, standing in front of your new neighbour’s door with your lips slightly parted. You had never met anyone that rude in your life, and even thought about not actually giving him the dish since he had oh so nicely put that you ringed the doorbell a bit longer than usual – no more than 15 seconds, might you add – but you were actually intrigued about your new neighbour. You couldn’t pinpoint the exact reason why, but you tried to reason with yourself that he actually did seem very upset, and he did apologise in the end, which resulted in your next action:
Ringing the doorbell. Again.
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ijenoyou · 4 years
times up.
summary; jeno tried so hard to hide his huge crush on his best friends girlfriend.
jeno x reader, renjun x reader, mentions of mark and yangyang.
warnings; angst! like a few curse words lol, a bit of conversation about losing the v card, unrequited love hehe
note: so yeah hehe plz ignore any mistakes in here, english is not my first language ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ enjoy!
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He couldn’t tear his gaze away from you.
Jeno took in every detail that he could point out on your face without taking a second watch, like the pretty mole on your left cheek or the way your smile would never go away because of a certain person. Jeno felt bad, almost pathetic for crushing on you, Renjun’s girlfriend who was also his best friend.
It was his fault, he thought to himself, since he has know you for almost his whole life, you lived in the bright yellow colored house that was next to his. He remembers vividly the day he met you. You just moved in with your parents and since the walls of the houses were really close to each other someone could jump easily and safely to the other house through the window and small balcony it was easier to befriend Jeno.
Jeno thought it was destiny, that you choose the room next to his, he saw your small figure open the curtains while he was drawing on his too big for a 7 year old desk, when you saw him you smiled and instantly tried to befriend him. Even when he was 7 years old he could sense that he liked you since the first day. When growing up both of you would jump to each other’s room but that stopped when you met Renjun on your third day of collage.
He also remembers that day vividly, the day he got his heart broken for the very first time by you.
“jeno!” You jumped trought his window. “i have news for you!”
He turned with a smile to you, he was playing a very hard part of a video game with Mark but for you he would always put everything on pause.
“what is it peaches?” He said and got up from his desk.
“someone talked to me today! and he’s very nice.” You said with excitement on your voice.
Jeno felt a pain on his chest, he swallowed and nodded.
“so it’s a he uh?” He said trying to fake a smile.
“his name is renjun, he’s the one who helped me find my classes yesterday!”
Oh no, he thought.
He definitely knew him, he was a friend he made last year when he started collage, and then it made sense. Renjun had been talking about some girl to him and Mark, he said how he thinks she’s very pretty and that he helped her with finding her clases a day prior you saying that.
Going back to that memory, Jeno thinks that’s the first mistake he made, because exactly one day prior to the conversation he had with you he told Renjun to talk to her and try to see if it would blossom into a friendship or even a relationship. How dumb of him.
Jeno really regrets not introducing you to both Mark and Renjun when they became his best friends, that would’ve stopped Renjun from trying something with you, because they knew, Jeno’s friends knew that he liked someone but didn’t know who. After that day you stopped going to his room, he asked you about it and said that you didn’t have time since you were meeting up with Renjun when you had free time, which was something you used to do with Jeno instead.
A month passed and Jeno couldn’t believe his eyes.
Renjun was holding your hand while sitting a few tables away in the cafeteria. But what broke more of his heart was seeing how you pampered Renjun with kisses on his whole face then stopping at his lips.
Mark who was sitting next to Jeno saw the whole thing and knew, that the girl his other best friend had been crushing on and possibly be in love with, was his other best friends girlfriend. Mark was about to ask him if he wanted to leave but before he could open his mouth he heard you calling Jeno for him and Mark to go and sit with you and your new boyfriend.
Jeno felt Renjun’s gaze on him and tried not to roll his eyes at him. He got up pulling Mark from his hood to do the same and started walking towards the other tables, they took a sit and everything felt very uncomfortable. Everyone was silent until you spoke.
“so...” You said while extending the ‘o’. “how are you Jen? i feel like you’ve been avoiding me!”
“wonder why.” Jeno said with venom on his voice.
That threw you off and frowned.
“sorry i’ve been very busy and since you know, we’re in different majors it’s different to match our time.” You answered with a pout that made Jeno want to kiss you right there.
But he knew that was a lie, he knew that you’ve been spending more time with Renjun and since both you and him were on the same major it was pretty easy to match your schedule with him, which led him to make a move on you. He could tell he was with you on your room most of the time, because you always left the balcony doors open and could hear everything.
That was another mistake he made.
He was invited to a party from a friend called Yangyang, but he didn’t feel like going, he was too upset to get out of bed and possibly find you in that party too.
He regretted not going because he heard things he wasn’t suppose to.
Renjun was staying with you that night, watching movies and just spending time together which led to you having your first time.
When Jeno heard the pretty noises that where coming from you he felt pathetic, because he wanted so badly to be on Renjun shoes, he felt pathetic because he started crying when he heard you say how much you love Renjun.
“um, well congratulations on getting together!” Mark said trying to make the air comfier.
“Thanks!” Renjun said with a big smile unaware of the looks Jeno was giving him.
Mark and Renjun started to talk about a new video game that came out recently but neither Jeno or you were putting attention in the conversation. With his eyes Jeno told you if you wanted to leave to have a talk. You nodded and turned to Renjun.
“I’ll go and catch up with Jen, okay?” You told him and he nodded with a smile, he leaned and gave you a sweet peck on the lips which caused you to giggle.
After leaving the cafeteria and then going to the football field he stopped right in front of the bleachers.
“I’m sorry for being an ass back there.” Jeno spoke and took your hand. “I just really miss you a lot and fuck, you totally ditched me for Renjun.”
“I’m sorry too... i’m sorry for being the worst best friend ever.” You answered and gave his hand a squish. “I just got really upset that you never introduced your friends to me! and finding out Renjun is one of them for you just to tell me not to get close to him made me questions a lot of things.” Your reply came out almost as a whisper at the last part.
“things like what?” He got closer to you and you could feel his breath close to your face, you looked up since he was towering over you.
“thing like... my crush on my best friend of almost my whole life.”
Jeno felt like his whole world stopped when he heard those words come out of your pretty and rosy mouth.
“w-what?” Was all he could say.
“i-i really liked you Jen, i dropped a lot of hints, like when i first told you that i met Renjun, you just stood there and couraged me to keep talking to him and i really wanted you to say something or even try to stop me from seeing him but you didn’t.” He wanted to cry so bad, it was all his fault. “But then i realized that maybe you just see me as a little sister.”
Oh, how wrong you were.
“i really wanted to move on and now i’m very happy with him but damn, why are you so upset! you totally blew me off when i tried to talk with you.” You continued.
“because i didn’t want to hear how in love are you with him! shit, i’m so in love with you and i’m angry that he had the balls to go and fucking ask you out and i couldn’t because i was afraid, i didn’t want to hear that you had your first time with him instead of me, fuck!” Jeno yelled and sat down in the bleachers.
You just stood there taking in everything he said.
He has his head on his hands looking at the floor.
“look at me, please.” He did as you told him and he could see the tears in your eyes. “i still love you, but as a friend now a-and i... really love Renjun, i do think he is the one from me and shit, i’m sorry Jeno, but if you don’t want him and me together then we can’t be friends anymore.”
He sighed and nodded.
“i understand, i’m sorry i was too late.” He stood up and hugged you. “i hope he gives you the love i couldn’t give you at the right time.” You tried to smile but the sadnesss in you was evident, tears were about to fall from your eyes as you lost your best friend.
He gave you his well know crescent eye smile and kissed your cheek.
“times up peaches, he must be looking for you.”
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disdaidal · 3 years
Fic Writer Questions
Nobody tagged me, I just stole this.
How many works do you have on AO3?
4 fics. I haven’t written a lot I know. But I have more ideas and I want to.
What’s your total AO3 wordcount?
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
On AO3, only Harringrove. On Livejournal (and other fanfiction sites), I wrote mainly jrock fanfiction (band rps, yes) and some KieferLou.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Well since I only have 4, I can’t do top 5. 😂
It’s Always Been You (drunk Billy, love confession, yay)
Count Harrington (my first fic on AO3, two dorks celebrating Halloween together)
 I Want To See (All Of You) (Steve showing some love for Billy’s scars)
My Pain Brought You To Me (Bills with a migraine, Steve looking after, still a wip ughh)
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Yes. Haven’t got many of them and I love getting comments, so I always try to reply back.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I don’t do angsty endings, sorry. I may be a cliché, but I want my boys to have a happy ending.
Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve ever written?
I probably did a couple of crossovers back in the jrock fandom, but mostly just pairing members from different bands together. Gotta tell ya, I’m not a huge fan of crossovers in general.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Given that English is not my first language, I did get some mean comments on my grammar back in the day. Even when I used beta readers lmao. I think the meanest comment I got was in my own language though. This person came to give me a long-ass comment, basically criticizing my characterization, their actions and well – pretty much everything that just happened to annoy them. I guess it made them feel better about themselves. :) I got so pissed off that I ended up deleting that fic in the end. Thus, I also stopped writing fanfiction for a long time, became overly critical of my stuff.
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Yup, though none of my AO3 fics have any explicit stuff yet (I plan to write some for that wip though, hehe). But umm… I’ve rp’d Harringrove with another person for almost a year now and we’ve written a lot of smutty scenes together already, so. I guess I’m really into dirty talk. And the boys doing it in all kinds of places, not just the usual bedroom. And sex toys too.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
As if. xD Please.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Back when I still used Livejournal, somebody translated one of my ficlets into Italian. <3 I was so honored. I think I still have it saved somewhere.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No. I’ve only rp:d.
What’s your all time favorite ship?
Ahh man, I can’t answer this. I currently really love Harringrove, but I’ve had a long history in shipping in many different fandoms so I can’t possibly pick just one. They’ve all been important to me, more or less.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Last year when Resident Evil 3 Remake came out, I actually started to write this one Carlos/Jill fic. I got as far as writing chapter two and I had it all planned (for once), and my original plan was making it 6 chapters long. But yeaaahh… who knows, maybe I’ll write it and even publish it some day. Haven’t wanted to put it up because no guarantees that I will ever finish it and don’t want to disappoint people.
What are your writing strengths?
I don’t know. I’d like to say I pay more attention to my grammar these days but that’s not entirely true, because my shit brain keeps malfunctioning and voila – there are missing words and other dumb stuff all across my writing. xD I guess I’m good at rambling and describing stuff? Cause I seem unable to keep things short. Dunno if that’s a good thing or a bad thing.
What are your writing weaknesses?
The fact that I get such vivid ideas in my head, but my fingers can’t seem to type that all down, and I get overwhelmed by it. And I still ramble a lot.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Umm… If there are a couple of lines there and there, I guess it’s okay. But if there’s a lot of it, I’ll lose my interest very quickly. This thing happened quite regularly in the jrock fandom (people mixing Japanese with English) and it became confusing to read, especially if you weren’t familiar with those words/phrases yourself. So I’d advise to keep it at minimum if you fic is going to be written mainly in English. But yeah, I mean that’s just my opinion (don’t kill me pls).
What was the first fandom you ever wrote for?
This is going to be a little embarrassing to admit but when I was 14/15, I was very much into this one band from my country and sort of wrote a self-insert story with them. xD But that’s all I’m gonna say about it rofl.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Out of the ones that I’ve published on AO3… Probably My Pain Brought You To Me. I wrote it specifically for someone else, so I got very invested in it. I’ve also got most comments on it and some people actually subscribed it too. So, I really intend to finish it.
I’m tagging @gothyringwald, @lazybakerart and @wingedbears because your fics have given me so much life recently. ♥ But I welcome other writers to take this too and tag me into it, so I can read your responses. :3
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lenawritesjojos · 5 years
Hey! I would like to ask if you could make hcs about the Joestars with a poliglot s/o who has a habit that when she gets stressed, she starts talking in a lot of different languages while blaming herself of everything but doesn’t notice their confused face? I’m sorry if this doesn’t make sense, my English is really rusty uuugh! Anyway, I also wanted to tell you that I love your work and your blog! You’re awesome! ❤️ - Anon Mia :)
Hi! As a languages student I love this idea :D Since you said the Joestars and I didn’t know if you meant just Jonathan and Joseph or all the JoJos I went with all of them up until Johnny hehe. Hope you like this! (I put them under the cut because it got a bit long oops)
The Joestars (or JoJos) with a polyglot s/o: 
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Jonathan is surprised the first time. His s/o had mentioned being able to talk in several languages other than English, but he surely didn’t expect it when, frustrated because she couldn’t get a simple task right, she started to ramble in fast Spanish. The stream of words left him with an utterly confused face, but she didn’t notice until Jonathan cleared his throat and diverted the attention to him. Once she summarized what she had been saying, he was quick to envelope her in a big hug and reassure her that she wasn’t dumb or imbécil, and that things would eventually go okay.
Joseph only knows a bit of Italian, apart from English, but thankfully it’s the swear words that Caesar bothered to teach him, so he catches up quickly when his s/o starts saying stupida, ritardata or sccioca. He also notices that all the insults are in feminine, so he tries to dissuade his s/o of the idea that she could possibly be stupid by shaking her only slightly to stop the rambling and saying something like: “you’re smart, okay? everything’s okay!” even if it doesn’t really solve the situation at hand.
Jotaro lets her ramble in French, annoyed and remembering Polnareff’s rants, and only stops her to tell her that she’s being “a loud and annoying woman”. However, she doesn’t seem to realize that he’s not understanding a single thing she says, because then she tries to explain the stressful situation to him… in French again. Jotaro would just say a “yare yare daze” and interrupt her again a bit more rudely, only comforting her when he realizes just under how much pressure she is at the time.
Josuke is only surprised the second or third time she starts rambling, this time in English. He had been used to rambles in other languages he didn’t know anything about, like Italian, so when he actually understand some words and expressions and realized they were all self-deprecating, he stepped in. A couple “oi!” get her attention easily, and then he proceeds to ramble (this time in Japanese, though) about how smart and good she is, correcting all of the previous bad words.
Giorno knows several languages as well, but he’s amazed at the amount of languages his s/o knows, and whenever she starts ranting in a language unknown to him he tries to pay attention and catch some words. However, he gets confused when he doesn’t get anything, and a bit annoyed that his s/o doesn’t seem to notice that he’s not understanding anything. He usually ends those ramblings by placing a hand on each of her shoulders and speaking in a calming, but firm voice, telling her to please speak in a language he understands.
Jolyne just stares in confusion everytime it happens. She often forgets just how many languages her s/o speaks, and when she starts rambling in a foreign language she just has to make her stop at some point, most of the time yelling very loud. Jolyne will also insist until she gets a full translation of the entire rant, and will reassure her s/o the best she can that she’s not useless nor dumb at all, and that things will soon get less stressful.
Johnny can’t stand it when his s/o starts speaking in a language other than English, specially if it’s stressed ranting. He will probably stay silent until she finishes and then act annoyed or angry for being left out, or try to solve the stress as soon as possible so she finishes her stream of foreign words. Whatever it takes so that he can finally understand something!
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