#also mentioning the Nara like this is really funny if you know
yu-huuuu · 2 years
𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘰𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘰𝘥;; 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘵𝘸𝘰
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[ 🌸 ] konoha boys version
characters: naruto uzumaki; neji hyuga; shikamaru nara; kiba inuzuka; minato namikaze; kakashi hatake
genre: fluff
warnings: none, fem!reader, umm mentions of the word v*gina i guess?, also mentions of blood, menstrual pads annnd colics...
part 1;;
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naruto uzumaki
* hyperactive boy, I love him <3
* In any case
* He does not know what to do
* He had that class where the teachers explained that topic, but he didn't pay attention
* And now he doesn't know what's going on, which makes him nervous and sad because he really wants to be a good boyfriend :(
*So he goes and talks to Tsunade about your situation
* After the informative talk he already has an idea
* He goes and asks if you need anything because he is going to buy some things
* If you say that if you need something, he will bring what you want
* But the reason for buying it was to buy things to hang out
* Practically, he made a massive purchase of things to eat and for you two to cuddle up and watch bad movies all day
"Hey Y/N, buy ramen and candy, we watch bad movies?"
“Naruto! Thank you and yes please”
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neji hyuga
*serious boy~
*He must really love you to get into this mess, lmao
* Although he enjoys it
* He loves you and wants to learn all about you, even at this time of the month
* He was so confused and worried when he saw you in a ball on the bed while enduring bad cramps
* He didn't know whether to touch you or what to do
* He is not the best at comforting, but my Boy is doing everything in his power xd
* So he starts to take care of you more
* He is like your personal doctor
* Oh, you said hugs? Sure, why not?
* Runs from one side to the other while bringing you different sweets and also many compresses
* Oh, no, are the compresses cold yet?. Oh, I'll bring you more, just hold on, okay?
“Y/N brought you more treats”
"Thank you Neji, can we hug now?"
“Sure dear”
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shikamaru nara
*this guy is funny lmaooo
* It's like: ????
* When he sees you with a face of pain
* "Y/N! What's wrong, are you okay?!"
* Of course you're not okay, blood is coming out of your vagina 😂
* Obviously, you tell him and he is more confused than before
* Why so much drama? he wonders
*Obviously, he doesn't know about this because just like Naruto didn't pay attention, he was too focused on sleeping to pay attention to that talk
* *Shikamaru very repentant*
* You mention colic and how it hurts, and that sometimes you feel like you're in labor
* *Shikamaru very repentant x2*
* Anyway
* Now that he understands more
* Takes care of you more <3
*Obviously, he mentions going to see the clouds while you huddle on the porch and you eat the snacks Shikamaru went to buy you
* Shikamaru is a good boyfriend, only sometimes he has a hard time understanding women 😂 especially the female body
“The clouds look beautiful today”
“Yes, but no more than you”
“…Are you saying this to make me feel better?”
"Is working?"
“It is, keep saying nice things to me, please”
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kiba inuzuka
* Aa
* This guy and his dog 😂
* Anyway
* Kiba has his mom and an older sister
* So he gets to understand what you're going through
* Understanding boy Understanding boy-
* will pamper you
* "I heard that chocolates help, right Akamaru?"
* Oh, the sheets got dirty with your blood? Don't worry, he'll take care of it, go take a shower while he cleans
* Proud guy at the end of the day for taking care of his girl
* "We did a good job, right Akamaru?". “Wauf”
* They both cuddle with you at the end of the day ❤️
"Are you comfortable baby?"
"Yes, thanks Kiba- oh you too Akamaru"
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minato namikaze
*fast boy ⚡️
* He is also the hokage ✨
* In any case
* Sweet boy
* It will keep you as comfortable as possible
* Also when he's too busy with paperwork he'll send a shadow clone to come see you
* Shadow clone of minato will be your personal servant if you need anything
* Candies? Why not? Ice cream? Sure just wait give me a second
* The "wait, give me a second" is serious with him💀
* Anyway
* He will take care of you as much as he can because you know, you are his girl and even if he is far away, he will always take care of you
"Baby, are you alright?"
"Minato! Are you here already?"
"Of course honey, I brought you what you asked for"
It's a love please protect it 🥺
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kakashi hatake
*confused boy
* Is your period today?
*(He actually smelled your blood from a mile away but thought you were hurt 😂)
* Oh and now what are we going to do?
* He luckily worked with women when he was still in ANBU
* Only he saw his behavior from afar and… he was scared
* He never saw someone change their mood so quickly
* Like; before she was pleased with the world, then she was sad and now she is angry
* In any case
* He will take care of you
* And if he can't because he have something to do?, he'll ask Pakkun to take care of you, what if he can't? He will make a shadow clone Psss The last option is Gai 😂 also the; "I'll take care of you with the shadow clone", he learned from his sensei
* But don't worry, this won't be so common
* What will be common will be how soft and gentle it will be with you
* As it is already soft and gentle with you but now it is multiplied by two
* He is just a soft guy who likes to take care of his girl
"Y/N! how are you?"
“…you are a shadow clone right?”
"-yes but the real Kakashi will arrive soon"
“He better be.”
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* In general, they give their S/O a lot of cuddles and love🥰 and a gentle treatment...
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silverutahraptor · 2 years
I just finished rereading 'Don't Truet Them Brother' for like, the seventh time and *screams!!* Izuna with bby Sasuke is the cutest thing in existence and you have no idea how much I am looking forward to Izina meetomg Itachi. *deep breaths* Finding out that bby Itachi was forced to kill the clan by Hokage and Danzo in order to keep his little brother safe??? I'm not sayong he should tear down the tower using Susanoo and Amaterasu but it would be a great way to summon annoying older brothers. Also, Izuna wrapping Susanoo around his shoulders to blow through warded doors?? Very attractive. Hatake, marry him now before the Nara steal him.
!!! Thank you so much, anon! I can’t believe people reread it so many times omg 🥺😳🥰❤️❤️❤️❤️✨
Izuna, when he eventually learns (part of? The whole? Maybe 😌) the truth, will definitely have Things to say. Also Izuna + Susanoo is one of my favorite combinations you will definitely see more of that in the future.
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cupajoscafe · 3 years
We're Okay | Shikamaru Nara x OC
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HOLY WOAH ANOTHER FIC FROM ME?????? WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT??? This was a whole ass experience to write. I genuinely don't think I've gone as in depth with character exploration in writing as I have with this fic. It was challenging but really fun trying to figure out how not only Shikamaru but my OC would act in a high stress situation like this. This is a really important moment in my story and I'm honestly really happy with how this whole fic turned out. I'm sorry it's so long, I'm really not expecting many people to read the whole thing (or any of it at all LMAO) so if you're just here for the smut and not so much for the angst, smut starts around 11k words!! Or you can just scroll to the very bottom and then scroll up until sexy things start HAHAHAHAH. Also I would be lying if I said that this song didn't inspire the title. In fact this song pretty much encompasses Shikamaru and Yuuna's relationship as a whole during this particular fic lmao. ANYWAYS ENOUGH RAMBLING I HOPE YOU ENJOY
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Pairings: Shikamaru x OC, Rock Lee x OC (who belongs to my BFF)
Word Count: 15.6k
Genre: Mostly angst, fluff, smut
Warnings: Miscarriage mentions and excessive smoking
Contents: 18+ MINORS DNI!! Pre-established relationship, porn with LOTS of plot, oral (m and f receiving), unprotected sex, sex while pregnant, creampie.
Summary: Yuuna finds out she's pregnant again two years after losing her first child. Now, she has to tell her husband who's buried in stress from work.
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The news came to her as a shock. She hadn't expected to hear Sakura say that. Yuuna wearily placed a hand on her stomach and stared at the medical kunoichi with wide eyes.
"...I'm what?" She asked quietly.
"You're pregnant. Two months.” The medical kunoichi said softly, resting her clipboard on her lap. She looked up at her friend with concerned eyes. "I can't tell you right now if it's going to be a boy or a girl, but in seven month's time, if everything goes according to plan, you and Shikamaru are going to be parents."
Yuuna's heartbeat began to start racing and she could feel the adrenaline coursing through her veins. A feeling of overwhelming dread spread through her body as a frown tugged on the corners of her lips.
"I know this is heavy news, especially because of what happened a little while back." Sakura spoke. Her voice was quiet and almost apologetic, as if she regretted telling her. She looked at the brunette who looked like she was running through all kinds of emotions. “Are you okay?”
Yuuna chuckled solemnly and looked down at Sakura's baby bump. At least she wasn’t going to be alone in this. The jonin shut her eyes and sighed deeply.
"You know, it's funny…Shikamaru and I were so sure we were ready to try again, but…now that it's actually happening….” She spoke with a quiver in her words. Tears stung at the corners of her eyes as the trauma of her last pregnancy began to overwhelm her. "Wh...what am I going to tell him? How am I going to tell him?"
Sakura sighed and looked into Yuuna's eyes. She could tell that the woman was conflicted. On one hand, she was overjoyed at the thought of having another chance to bring a baby into the world. But on the other hand, her miscarriage was traumatic and she wasn't sure she could go through it again. "I wish I could help you, but...that's something you're going to have to figure out on your own. You know Shikamaru better than anyone." She explained with a frown. Yuuna swallowed and fiddled with her long brown hair. She'd have to figure something out.
"I'll go and talk to Haruki to see how she broke the news to Lee." Yuuna said, walking over to the door. She went to grab the doorknob but stopped and turned around to face the Uchiha. Their green eyes locked together and she sighed, the breath shaking from her lips as it left her throat. "Thank you for your help, Sakura. I really appreciate it."
The kunoichi in question smiled and pushed herself up off of her chair, then proceeded to walk over to the Nara and pull her into a soothing embrace. Yuuna gripped onto Sakura tightly and held her for a few moments.
"It's my pleasure." The pinkette said, releasing the hug. The women held onto one another's hands for a moment. "Good luck. Come see me if you need anything at all, alright? I'll do what I can to help you out."
Yuuna nodded and once again turned to the door of Sakura's office at the hospital. She opened the door and closed it behind her, making a b-line to her best friend's house. She fidgeted with the trim of her sweater, pulling it farther down her legs, then brought her fingers up to her lips to chew on her nails. As she approached the Yukimura household, she let out a deep breath to try and clear her head and calm down. Just as she was about to knock on the door, it swung open to reveal a green jumpsuit and a black bowlcut.
"Lee…!" Yuuna said with a frown, bringing her hand back down to her side.
"Hello, Yuuna! I saw you approaching our door from the window." He said with a chipper tune in his voice. "Let me guess, you are here to see Haruki, am I right?"
She smiled gently and nodded at him. He stepped to the side and allowed her to walk into the threshold of the Yukimura household. She followed him inside and removed her shoes, then shuffled over to the sofa to sit down. Her hand had subconsciously moved to her stomach, and she pulled on the fabric of her sweater. Lee walked over to the staircase and shouted up at his wife.
"Haruki, dear! Yuuna is here to see you!" He called out with a smile. He walked over to the couch and sat down next to his friend, and a set of footsteps could be heard shuffling down the stairs.
"Wow, she must have great timing. Any later and I would have been gone." Haruki called out from the stairwell, making her presence known to her husband and her best friend. She walked into the living room with a smile on her face. "Whatever you want from me, you better make it quick. I have a mission in a few hours and have to do some last minute prep around the village."
Yuuna looked up at her friend, a conflicted look in her eyes. Her emerald orbs drifted down to Haruki's own baby bump. Five more months and she would be a mom. Haruki noted the somber look that painted Yuuna's usually happy face and stood in front of her, crouching down to meet her vision.
"Hey, what's going on? What happened?" Haruki asked with a furrowed brow. The brunette snapped back into reality upon seeing the head of green hair in front of her. She swallowed the lump in her throat.
"I'm pregnant." She said plainly. Haruki paused to let the news sink in, her eyes widening with realization. She gave a tender smile and raised a hand to place it on Yuuna's knee.
"That's fantastic." She said calmly, gently squeezing her knee. "You and Shikamaru have another chance."
"Yeah." The Nara spoke quietly. She could feel her body begin to tremble as the bad feelings and bad memories came flooding back to her.
"How far along are you?" Haruki asked.
"Two months, according to Sakura." Yuuna replied. She tightened the grip on her sweater and looked up to meet Haruki's eyes with tears in her own. "I'm...terrified. I know I should be happy. But--"
Just then, the green haired woman reached forward and pulled her best friend into a hug. She was taken back by the sudden gesture, but wrapped her arms around Haruki and held her tightly as she slowly began to cry. She leaned her head into the Yukimura's shoulder and sobbed quietly, her shoulders rising and falling with every deep breath she took. Haruki reached a hand up to her head and began stroking it lightly to comfort her.
"I have to tell Shikamaru," she whimpered in between sobs. "But I don't know what to do. I don't know what to say to him."
"Well, I would suggest cooking his favourite meal and telling him over dinner, but I have a feeling that cooking is the last thing you want to do right now." Haruki teased gently, resting her head against Yuuna's. The brunette couldn't help but laugh, even though she didn't want to. Haruki smiled and continued stroking her hair. "I don't think Shikamaru likes those big displays, either. Don't go my route with the flowers and shit. It'll just confuse the hell out of him."
The two women sat there in silence for a while until Yuuna had calmed down. It helped having someone around that she could cry to about her insecurities and fears. Once she was feeling better, she pulled away from the hug and the two women were face to face once more. Their eyes met and Haruki smiled at her, and she smiled back in response.
"Here's an idea. Why don't you two go out for dinner tonight?" Haruki suggested, squeezing Yuuna's shoulders gently. "You can tell him over food, or once you get back home. At least that way you don't have to worry about cooking."
Yuuna nodded slowly in agreement, swallowing the anxiety in her throat. She was too scatterbrained at the moment to think of any other ideas, so this one would have to do. She closed her eyes and released a heavy sigh, then looked back up at Haruki and gave a half smile.
"Okay. I'll try that." She agreed. Haruki nodded, patting her shoulders lightly.
"Atta girl." She stood up and stretched her arms above her head, then turned down to look over at her friend. "I want to help more, but I'm running behind. I have to finish this prep work before I leave for the week."
"That's okay." Yuuna sighed, wiping away at the wetness that still resided on her cheeks. "Thanks for your help. Really, Haruki. It means a lot."
"Let us know how it goes," Lee chimed in. He had been silent the whole time so she could vent. "We are more than happy to help in any way that we can."
She turned to look over at Lee who had a soft grin spread across his lips. She smiled back at him then stood up off of the couch. "Yeah. I will."
"Would you like me to walk you home before I take off?" Haruki offered. Yuuna looked over at her and shook her head.
"I think I'm okay." She reassured, flattening her sweater against her lap. "It'll give me time to think about how I want to tell him."
"Alright then." Haruki nodded. The two kunoichi put on their shoes and Lee followed them to the threshold to see them off. She hugged and kissed her husband, then waved lightly at him as they exited. Lee closed the door behind them, and Haruki turned to Yuuna. "Well, I'm going this way. You be safe, okay? Let Lee know if you need anything at all."
"I will." Yuuna sighed, pulling her best friend into a quick but powerful hug. They broke the embrace and their eyes met. "Thank you, Haruki."
"I'll catch you later!" She called out behind her as she left to do her mission prep.
Yuuna waved at her as they went their separate ways, then began walking down the road to the Nara residence. She placed a hand on her stomach and rubbed it lightly, a frown pulling at her lips as she began to think. What would she tell him? How would she word it? How would he take the news? Would he be just as upset as she was? Would he be excited to be given a second chance at being a father? It wasn't long before she made it to their household; she had been so lost in thought she almost didn't even realize she was home. She walked up to her front door and her hand hovered over the doorknob. She hesitated for a moment, taking a long, deep breath before turning the handle and opening the door.
"Hey, I'm home--" She said, but was caught off guard by the sudden overwhelming smell of smoke. She shut her eyes tightly and coughed, waving a hand in front of her face to try and fan the smell away.
She opened and wiped at her irritated eyes to see Shikamaru on the couch with a cigarette in one hand and his head in the other. It looked like he wasn't having a good day. She took a few steps closer and her eyes wandered over to the ashtray on the table where she counted about a dozen cigarette butts, and an empty package of smokes. A sudden feeling of impending rage ran through her veins, on top of her anxieties.
"What the fuck is this, Shikamaru?" She questioned, her gaze rested firmly on him.
He only ever smoked this much when his stress levels were through the roof. He averaged about a half a pack a week, but when work got busy or life in general got stressful, that number would increase to about a half a pack a day. While she was used to him smoking in the house, he usually had the courtesy to at least open up a window. On any other day this probably wouldn't have bothered her, but faced with recent news, she was livid.
"I had a bad day. I really don't wanna talk about it." He uttered, taking one final long drag on his completed cigarette, and putting out the butt in the ashtray.
He reached into his pocket and pulled out a new package, opened it, and took another cigarette out. He put it between his lips and lit the end of it with Asuma's old lighter, taking a long puff before blowing out the smoke and coughing. Yuuna stomped over to the couch where he was sitting and stood in front of him with her fists balled tightly at her sides. Tears were stinging at her eyes, but she wasn't sure if it was from the smoke or because she was so angry. He took another drag and looked up at his wife who seemed to be unusually upset. It was strange seeing her so angry, she always had such a kind and welcoming aura which is what he was expecting to come home to. He didn't need this today. Not after the day he had at work.
"What the hell has gotten you so upset?" He asked in a low voice, taking another drag of his cigarette and coughing a little. She clenched her fists tighter, her nails digging into her palms, and frowned. Her emerald glare pierced right through his head.
"If you want to be around to help me raise this fucking child and watch them grow up with me, then this excessive stress smoking has got to fucking stop." She boomed. His eyes grew wide. He looked up at her and stopped moving completely, cigarette almost falling out of his fingers. An expression of pure shock resided on his face.
"...What?" He said with a blink after a long moment of silence. She coughed and fanned the smoke away from her face, a tear trailing down her cheek as she desperately tried to stop herself from letting go and sobbing.
"I'm pregnant, Shikamaru…!!" She shouted, wiping at her eyes. He scratched his face and rubbed his stubble. He paused for a moment, flicking the ashes off the end of his half finished cigarette. She watched as he put it out in the ashtray and sighed in relief. "I didn't want to tell you like this but--"
She stopped mid sentence and any inkling of relief she had was replaced with rage. He had taken a new cigarette and started smoking it without bothering to finish the one he had been working on. She was furious; not only was she already fragile from old wounds opening up, but now her husband was smoking himself into an early grave. A look of pure disbelief washed over her usually soft features.
"Are you fucking serious right now?" She asked firmly, still standing over him. The brunette let out a scoff and shook her head. "Did you not hear a word that I just fucking said?"
He was silent. He held his head in his hand and took a long drag on his cigarette, rapidly tapping his foot on the ground. He let out a puff of smoke and took another drag and Yuuna lost it. Any semblance of grief over the death of her last child was replaced with contempt towards her husband. She hadn't been this angry in a long time.
"Hello!!?" She yelled, throwing her arms out to her sides. She had expected at least some kind of response from him, not complete silence. That only proceeded to make her more angry. "Are you even listening to me here!?"
"Yes, I heard you!" Shikamaru said raising his voice, taking another drag of his half finished cigarette and putting it out in the ashtray.
"Then what the fuck is your problem!?" She cried, her voice almost shaking the foundations of their house.
"I don't fucking need this right now." He uttered, standing up and walking past her. She was livid watching as he ran away. He made a b-line for their bathroom.
"No. No, no, no, no, no!" She screamed, running past him and slamming the door shut. She stood with her back up firmly against the door glaring daggers into his skull. "You are not running away from this like a goddamn coward so you can smoke a whole fucking pack of cigarettes in there! We need to fucking talk about this!!"
"What the fuck is there to talk about?!" He bellowed, furrowing his brows and meeting her eyes. She was taken back by his words; it almost sounded as if he didn't care. Her lower lip quivered slightly but she pressed on, standing her ground.
"What the hell has gotten into you, huh?!" She demanded, her voice echoing loudly through their home.
"I had a shitty day and I really don't wanna fuckin' talk about it!!" He answered aggressively, making an attempt to push past her to get into the bathroom. She moved in front of him and kept her back firmly pressed against the door to stop him from advancing. He groaned and threw his head back in annoyance. "For fuck's sake, Yuuna! Just leave me alone!!"
"You're gonna tell me what the fuck has gotten you so fucking upset right now." She commanded. He sucked the air in through his teeth and scoffed.
"Fine. You wanna know? I'll tell you since you're so fuckin' concerned." He sneered. "Kakashi's got me in charge of the Chunin exams again this year, but since the shinobi nations have allied the paperwork has increased ten fold. Not only that, but I'm also on duty as Kakashi's assistant and there's been a mass influx of missions that have come in. More than we have shinobi. So for fuck's sake, forgive me if I'm a little psyched out right now."
"So your solution is to come home and smoke a whole pack of cigarettes and run away from your problems?!" She questioned. "If your job is so stressful then why can't you quit?!"
"Because I have to make sure that I'm ready for when Naruto takes office!" He countered, throwing his hands out to his sides.
"That's years away, Shikamaru!! He only just got to Jonin a few months ago!!"
"Look, you don't understand! Nobody else in the village is capable of handling this job other than me!" He explained glaring down into her eyes.
"What about Sasuke?! He used to be on a team with Kakashi!! He's smart, he would know what to do!!" She argued.
"There's no way in hell I would ever let Sasuke have my job. Not with the shit he put us all through!!" He denied, shaking his head. "Besides, he's still not allowed back in the village for more than a week at a time, there's no way he could be the Hokage's assistant!"
"Well if you can't quit your job, then can't you at least quit smoking!?" She cried, this time with more concern in her voice than anger.
"I've tried, Yuuna! You know I have!!" He groaned, running his hands through his hair. "It's not just something I can quit cold turkey!! I don't like smoking this much, I know how much it upsets you, but it helps clear my head and keep me calm when I'm stressing out!!"
"But it can kill you!" Yuuna barked, her throat tightening. She could feel her eyes start to burn with impending tears. Her brows furrowed and she glared at him, tightly grasping at the part of her sweater that rested over her stomach. She proceeded, her voice softer this time. Fragile.
"I married you because I love you more than anything in the world. I want to have a family with you. I was...so unbelievably excited when I found out that first time that I was pregnant. We had her name picked out and everything. And then we lost her and I didn't know what to do. Nothing felt right anymore. You started smoking again after that and it's gotten worse since Shikami. But we have a second chance, now. Another opportunity to bring a child into this world and love it together. I want to watch this child grow up with you. I want to spend the rest of our lives together. But if you get sick and die from how much you've been smoking, not only will I have lost the most important person in my life again but this baby will have lost their father too!! I can't do it again, I can't…!! How the fuck can you even think of smoking as much as you do knowing what's at risk here!?"
Her voice trembled while she spoke as the tears finally freed themselves from her tear ducts. There was a long pause between them; the house was quiet, only the sounds of their breathing and Yuuna's sniffling could be heard. They looked into one another's eyes, clearly worried for the other's wellbeing, but both too emotionally exhausted to find any more words. Finally after a good minute of silence, Shikamaru groaned and turned to walk away, scratching the back of his head.
"I'm going for a walk." He mumbled quietly. Her breath hitched in her throat and her lip quivered, hanging her head as the tears poured down her face. She clenched onto her sweater tightly and turned her head up to watch as he approached the door.
"Shikamaru, don't go!!" She called out to him desperately, her hair falling into her face.
He stuffed his hands into his pockets as he walked towards their front door. He reached a hand up to the knob and swung the door open, surprised to see what was waiting for him on the other side. A head of short green hair stood there looking up at him, her hand raised up as if she was about to knock. Her eyes were wide as she stared at Shikamaru, who in turn was just as surprised to see her.
"Haruki?" He asked quietly, staring down at her. "What the hell are you doing here?"
"I came to..." She trailed off and brought her hand down to her side. Haruki looked past Shikamaru at Yuuna down the hallway who was clearly shaken by the argument that had just taken place. "...check on Yuuna before I left. Oh boy, it looks like that talk did not go well."
Shikamaru squinted down at the woman in front of him. "What do you mean it didn't go well? Did you know that Yuuna was pregnant?"
"Well, yeah. I'm her best friend. She came to me as soon as Sakura told her," The Yukimura stated, scratching her cheek. "Also, I don't mean to eavesdrop on your guys'...uh...conversation here, but I'm technically qualified to take your job as the Hokage's assistant, so…"
Yuuna raised her hand over to Haruki in a demonstrative fashion. "There you go! Let Haruki take your job! That way you're not so stressed out that you're smoking a pack of cigarettes a day!"
"Hang on a second." He stopped and turned around to look at his wife. "You told Haruki you were pregnant before you told me?!"
"I didn't know how to tell you so I went to Haruki for advice!! What the fuck else was I supposed to do!? Go to my brother?! He's got zero clue on how to handle shit like this!! He's never even dated a girl, let alone gotten one knocked up!!" The brunette called out angrily, still sniveling.
"You should have just come right out and said it!" He yelled back, furrowing his brow further and turning completely to face her.
"Well I was going to take you out for dinner and tell you after we ate, which Haruki suggested by the way," She started firmly, raising her voice and wiping away at her tears with her sleeves. "But I came home to a pissed off jackass who's only concern seemed to be cowering away from his problems so he could smoke his damn lungs out!! I didn't even want to tell you because I knew how stressed out you would get and that this would only make it fucking worse!!"
"I have a feeling I may have made the situation worse, so I'm just going to leave." Haruki chimed in. Shikamaru and Yuuna whipped their heads around to glare at the kunoichi who stood just outside their door. She swallowed and blinked, raising her hand to wave. "I'll see you in a week. Later."
With that, Haruki took off down their walkway and Shikamaru slammed the door shut.
"I answered your question. Now you answer mine." Yuuna demanded, frowning angrily and crossing her arms in front of her chest, her nose red and her eyes swollen from crying. "Why can't you let Haruki take your job? She's a strategist like you. She's got the brains for it. Plus, she'd be closer to Lee and wouldn't have to worry about her babies either! She wouldn't have to leave for weeks at a time to go out on missions and could stay in the village to be near everyone!"
"Because she fucking hates Naruto! You and I both know that!!" Shikamaru stated, throwing his hands up into the air.
"That doesn't mean she wouldn't be a fucking professional! She's one of the most professional people I know when it comes to what we do!" She cried glaring at him. "Besides, that's not for years down the line!! She would have plenty of time to spend with Kakashi as Hokage to get used to the position!! And who's to say her and Naruto wouldn't learn to get along anyway!?"
"Oh, come on! Do you really think that Haruki and Naruto will ever get along!?" He asked. Yuuna stood her ground and let her arms rest at her sides with her fists balled tightly.
"We'll never know if we don't try, will we?" She declared, raising her voice. Shikamaru groaned with irritation and tilted his head back. He rubbed his temples with his fingers and closed his eyes.
"Look, I'm telling you! I'm the only one who's capable right now of this job! I'm the only one in the village smart enough to handle this, and I'll be the only one able to tolerate Naruto when he becomes the seventh Hokage!!"
"But if you let Haruki take it you can be at home with me to raise this baby! We can do it together!!" She roared. "You won't be nearly as stressed as you are right now with work so you'll be able to cut down on all of this fucking smoking and gradually quit so you can be alive when this baby grows up for fuck's sake!!"
"Just forget it Yuuna, it's not happening!" He stated, one hand on his hip and the other rubbing his forehead. She crossed her arms as he turned away from her.
"Why the fuck are you being so stubborn about this!?" She bellowed. "Why can't you just accept that you're not the only fucking person in the village with responsibilities!?"
"Oh, I'm being stubborn!?" He cried, whipping his head around to glare at her. "Coming from the woman who practically bullied me into fucking marrying her, I find it hard to believe that I'm the stubborn one here!!"
As soon as the words left his tongue, his face contorted into shock and his jaw slacked. He did not just say that. Yuuna's eyes flickered with a painful glare as the words processed.
"...Bullied you into marrying me? Is that how you feel…?" She squeaked quietly, bringing her hands up to her chest and practically folding in on herself. Her throat was tight as fresh new tears stained her flushed cheeks. "We were dating for four and a half years and you honestly thought that's all you were expecting from our relationship?"
That wasn't what he meant at all. Not one bit. But in the heat of the argument, the words came out of his mouth before he even had a chance to think about them.
"No, Yuuna, it's not--....I didn't mean--" He stuttered as the tables turned on him. "Look, I just--"
"No. You know what, I'm done talking to you." She stated, clenching her hands into fists and shuffling towards the kitchen, dragging her feet along the hardwood floors. "I'm going over to Lee's."
"What the hell are you going over there for?" Shikamaru asked loudly. There was a rustling noise coming from the kitchen. She walked out with a package of cup ramen in her hand.
"Because Lee understands his responsibilities as a father and is actually excited about having kids." She said curtly, putting on her shoes and grabbing her jacket from the closet.
"Yuuna, for fuck's sake, I never said I wasn't excited about having kids with you!! I just--" He explained, but was cut off when she turned to him, giving him a deadpan glare before speaking.
"No, you didn't. But you made it pretty fucking clear you're not ready for the responsibility. You say you're man, that you're all grown up now, but you're fucking coward. I needed you, Shikamaru. I needed you to help me get through this shit again. But it's obvious that you're not ready to be a father yet." She whipped the cup ramen at him, tears falling from her face silently, and he fumbled around trying to catch it. "Here's your dinner. I'm pregnant, you fucking asshole. Go enjoy it with a cigarette, since you seem to be happier married to those things than you are to me."
And with that, she turned and walked out of their home, slamming the door hard behind her. Shikamaru stood there in the threshold holding the ramen in his hands and a dumbfounded look on his face. It was at that moment he realized that he had made a huge mistake. He could have handled every bit of that situation better, but he let his emotional brain take over and didn't think about the consequences. He held the cup ramen tightly in his hand, staring at the door.
"...What a fucking drag." He groaned quietly.
It was colder out tonight than it usually was at this time. Yuuna folded her arms across her chest and huddled in on herself to try and keep herself warm, rubbing her arms to attempt to disperse the heat. She stomped through the village making her way over to the Yukimura household once more. She walked up to the threshold and knocked hard on the door a few times before Lee finally opened it.
"Yuuna, you are back!" Lee exclaimed, a smile on his face. "How did it go? Was Shikamaru happy to hear the news?"
The sudden overwhelming weight of the argument hit her all at once, and the Nara burst into tears in front of her friend. Lee was shocked, he hadn't expected things to turn sour for her.
"Oh no. Is everything alright? Would you like to come in? It is cold outside, and your jacket does not look very warm." Lee asked quietly. He stepped to the side allowing her to walk in after him. She ran inside to escape the embarrassment of crying in public. She ripped her coat and shoes off, collapsing on the ground in a puddle of tears. "Please, come sit with me. Tell me everything that happened."
Lee reached his hand out to her. She didn’t notice at first as she wiped at her eyes, but once clear she looked to it. She took it gently and he helped her to her feet. She followed him into their living room and flopped down on the couch, holding a pillow close to her chest and folding her legs underneath her. He had grabbed a blanket from the linen closet and draped it over her, then sat down at the opposite end of the sofa.
"Please, Yuuna. I want you to tell me everything that happened." He said. As she sat on the couch, hugging the pillow close, Yuuna recounted the situation to Lee. She needed him to understand so she could let these feelings out.
“I threw cup ramen at him, Lee. What kind of wife throws cup ramen at her husband?"
"It is understandable. You were upset and did not know what else to do in the situation." He said. "Although, I do have to say that I am surprised. I thought Shikamaru would have handled the situation better."
"I thought he would have too." She replied quietly, resting her head against the couch. "And the weirdest thing is that the only part of what happened that I feel bad about is throwing the ramen at him. I don't regret a single thing I said to him. Not one bit."
It was silent between the two of them for a few moments.
"Does...that make me a bad wife...?" She asked, breaking the silence. He closed his eyes and shook his head slowly.
"I do not think so." He said, looking up at her after a moment. "Everyone deals with certain situations differently. It is probably best if the two of you give each other some time to cool off."
"Yeah, well until he apologizes, I'm not speaking a damn word to him." She scoffed. He chuckled awkwardly.
"That is not exactly what I meant, but...You know Shikamaru better than anyone. If you think that solution will work, then do whatever you think is best." He explained, standing up off the couch. "I will make dinner for us. I can only assume you have not eaten yet."
As if on cue her stomach growled. She chuckled and brushed her hair back behind her ear blowing her bangs out of her eyes. He took off to the kitchen and she followed after him shortly as she watched him prepare the food.
"Anything I can do to help?" She asked. He smiled and shook his head.
"You are my guest. Please, sit down. I will worry about dinner." He explained. Yuuna groaned and sagged her shoulders.
"Yeah, but I'm also your friend, Lee! Let me do something to help, please?" She begged. He continued to shake his head as he prepared dinner.
"No thank you. Please Yuuna, you have just been through an emotional situation with your husband. Allow me to help by doing this for you." He said happily, his dark eyes squinting as he smiled at her. He raised his thumb up in a comforting gesture, then turned to the stove and switched it on. The Nara sighed and rested her arms at her sides.
"Okay, fine. I guess I'll just go and sit down then." She muttered, walking back over to the couch. Yuuna plopped down and listened as Lee continued to cook.
Some time later, he had finally finished. She had dozed off on the couch but woke up to the smell of freshly cooked food wafting through the air. She could hear him rustling around in the kitchen to get clean dishes, and a few moments later he called her to eat. She stood up off of the couch and stretched her limbs out with a yawn. Walking into the kitchen overwhelmed her nose with the scents of all the ingredients he had used. When she looked at the dinner table, it was already completely set. The drinks had been poured and the food was already dished out onto some plates. Yuuna sighed and sat at one of the place settings, and Lee sat opposite her. The two picked up their chopsticks and said a short grace, then began to dig in. She took a small break from eating and was silent. He noticed her sudden lack of focus and prodded into it.
"Is everything alright? Do you not like the food?" He asked quietly. She shot her eyes up to meet his and shook her head.
"No, no, that's not it at all!" She exclaimed. She looked back down at her food and frowned. "It's just that I never get this kind of treatment at home. That's all. If I'm not out on missions, I'm usually at home all alone from the early morning until sometimes late at night. It would just...be nice to come home to something like this every once in a while."
He frowned and put his chopsticks down. He looked straight into her eyes and she hunched her shoulders a little, ever so slightly uncomfortable with the sudden intense eye contact.
"Believe me, I know how you feel." He started quietly. "Do not get me wrong, I love my Haruki dearly. She means everything in the world and more to me. However, I do miss her presence at home. I miss how much time we used to spend together. She has been even more active on missions since we found out that she was pregnant.
The two of us are very different, Yuuna, but we are very alike. We both have spouses who are dedicated to their work, and whom we miss dearly when they leave. Haruki tries her very hardest to give me a break when she is at home, and it is very appreciated. It is easier for her since she gets a few days off in between missions, but I cannot imagine how you must feel. Your husband is always working. He is always in the office with Kakashi, sometimes all night, tying up loose ends or finishing up paperwork. He does not get a chance to see you very often, and that must be frustrating for both of you."
"When he does come home early, he goes right to bed because he's so tired from his day." Yuuna added, poking at her food with her chopsticks. She slinked back in her chair a little. "I don't know...It would just be nice to feel a little more appreciated. I know he loves me. He says it all the time, but...actions speak louder than words, you know? It just seems like these days he's more interested in work than with me. I know he started picking up smoking again after we lost Shikami and he really started to bury himself in work after that."
"Perhaps it is his way of grieving." Lee suggested, finishing a mouthful of rice. "For as long as I have known him, he has had a little bit of a hard time expressing his emotions. He is a thinker, not so much a feeler. Perhaps by burying himself in his work he is constantly using his brain to think about things other than his true feelings about what has happened."
"Yeah, well it's not a very healthy coping method." She said, continuing to prod at her dinner with a sigh. "Then again, his dad was always the one to push him to let his feelings out. Since Shikaku passed away, I've noticed that he keeps to himself a bit more than he usually did."
"It sounds to me like he is trying to figure out how to process his emotions." He added. "I think you should talk to him about it. I am sure he is still in pain over the loss of your daughter and he just does not know how to go about handling the stress in a healthy way. Having a conversation will most likely put his mind at ease."
Yuuna was silent. She stared at her full plate as she lost herself in thought. They never actually had sat down to talk through what happened together. She was in a depressive slump for about a half a year and didn't want to bring it up in fear of having an emotional relapse. Neither of them actually had any closure, despite it happening two years ago. She had never even asked him how he was feeling about the whole thing. She had just assumed that he had gotten over it and moved on since he never brought it up. He had picked up smoking again after her miscarriage but she was too afraid to ask if he was okay. She bit her bottom lip and her vision blurred slightly as the tears built up.
"How selfish am I?" She asked herself quietly. "To just...assume he was okay and that he moved on, and never once ask him how he was doing?"
"I do not think you should be so hard on yourself, Yuuna." Lee spoke, furrowing his thick brows slightly. "What happened was traumatic. It makes sense that you did not want to talk about it. You did not want to reopen the wounds in your heart. Grieving is a process that takes time. However, I do believe now that you are pregnant again, that you should have a talk with Shikamaru. No holds barred. Lay everything out on the table."
She looked up at him through her bangs and then back down at her plate, still slouched over in her chair. The Nara sighed deeply through her nose, wiped at her face, and placed her chopsticks down beside her plate of now cold food. "Yeah. You're right. I can't keep avoiding this."
"I recommend you talk to him tomorrow," He advised, finishing off the last bite of his dinner. "Both of you have had a rough day. It would only get worse if you tried to talk to him while your emotions are riding high. Give yourself time to cool down. That will also allow him to cool down as well."
She nodded in agreement as she stared at her plate. "I'm sorry to dump all of this onto you, Lee. I would have gone to see Tetsuya but he doesn't know the first thing about relationships or kids."
Lee shook his head with a soft grin. "Do not apologize. You are my friend, Yuuna. I care about you deeply. I want to help you in any way that I can."
A small smile reluctantly tugged at the corners of her mouth and she met his eyes. "Thank you. That means a lot." Her gaze drifted back down to her full plate of cold food and she frowned again. "I'm sorry. You worked so hard to make me dinner and I couldn't take more than a few bites. What a waste."
"Not at all. I can save it and reheat it later for you if you get hungry." He smiled, standing up from the table and taking his dishes to the sink. "You are welcome to spend the night here. I would be more than happy to have you."
"Thanks, Lee." She smiled again, taking her plate over to the kitchen counter. She grabbed some plastic cling wrap and covered the plate, then placed it in the fridge to save it for later. "I'll sleep on the couch."
"Absolutely not!!" He whipped his head around to look at her, a firm expression on his face. "You are my guest!! Not only that, but you are also a dear friend! I will not allow you anything less than a bed to sleep in!!"
She chuckled and gave a defeated sigh knowing she wasn't going to win against him. "Alright, fine. No arguments from me."
The two ninja had spent the rest of the night sitting on the couch talking after the sun went down. As the late hours of the night approached, Yuuna stretched her arms over her head and let out a yawn, ready to fall asleep. Lee took her to the spare bedroom and got her set up to sleep comfortably, to which she was extremely grateful. She could always count on Lee if she needed him. They exchanged good nights and he left her to sleep. It took a while considering everything she had gone through that day, but had eventually drifted off into a peaceful sleep.
She awoke the next day around noon, which was normal on her days off. Lee had prepared lunch for her and she graciously accepted, feeling much better than the day before. Her anxiety was still rather high and she was still feeling generally down over the whole situation, but after a good night's rest she was at least able to eat her food today. A few hours had passed and she decided it was time to go home; she was ready to tackle this conversation that needed to be had. Lee waited with her at the door while she put her shoes on, and he grabbed her jacket from out of the closet.
"Please feel free to come back if you need anything. I will be home for the next little while." He said with a smile, handing her the coat. She looked up at him as she finished strapping on her shoes and grinned up at him in return, gently grabbing the jacket from him and putting it on.
"I will." She agreed, straightening up to look at him face-to-face. They exchanged a sincere moment of eye contact before she continued. "Thank you, Lee. For everything. For just...being a good friend and helping me through this."
He reached an arm out and rested his hand on her shoulder. "It is my pleasure. Please take care of yourself. Come back if you need anything at all."
She nodded and turned to open the door, waving at him as she left. She let out a shaky breath as she made the trek home, folding her jacket over her arms. She focused on the path ahead of her as her heart rate increased with every step closer she got to her house. This had to be done. She had come to terms now with the fact that this was a conversation that needed to be had, but it didn't make it any less anxiety inducing. She swallowed the dry lump in her throat as her heels clacked against the ground. Her pace slowed as she approached the main Nara residence, but her heart was beating fast and pounding against her chest. She could feel the blood rush to her ears and her face flushed with adrenaline as she stared at her front door. She was almost tempted to turn around and run back to the Yukimura household. Pushing through her anxieties, she bit the inside of her cheeks and slowly approached the door. She pushed her key into the lock and clicked it open. Her hand hovered over the knob hesitantly, letting out one final quivering breath as she twisted the knob and pushed the door open and stepped inside.
It was quiet. The house was still. She slinked into the main entrance and gently closed the door behind her, slipping her shoes off and removing her jacket to hang it up in the closet. She stepped into the foyer and looked around, but there was no sign of her husband anywhere.
"Guess he's at work," She said to herself, scratching her arm. "Figured as much." She moved over to the sofa and sat down, tucking her legs underneath her, then pulled her unfinished book from off of the side table. She flipped open to where she had left off reading. She stared at the page in front of her and made multiple attempts to string the sentences together in her head, but she couldn't focus. Her brain was too scattered. There were too many things running through her mind that sitting and reading just didn't seem to be something her brain would let her do. She closed it with a heavy sigh and replaced it on the side table.
She stood up from the couch and stretched her arms out in front of her, hoping that it would help her from feeling so fidgety. When that didn't work, she decided that she was going to try and clean the house. Maybe the handiwork would help her stop feeling so anxious. She dragged her feet against the hardwood floor as she began to tidy up; putting things back in their places, sweeping, dusting, taking out the trash. She had spent a good little while wiping down every neglected surface in their home, making sure that not one speck of dust was visible. Yuuna didn't deep clean like this often, but when she did, she hyper focused and wouldn't allow herself to do anything less than a perfect job.
After she had spent a few hours cleaning up around the house, she finally sat down on the couch with a loud sigh. Looking around at the now spotless living area, she smiled a little to herself. "Tetsuya would be proud. I don't think I've ever done this deep of a clean before." Her smile faded into a frown once she came down from the cleaning high, and she pulled her knees I to her chest as her anxiety slowly started to creep back up on her once more. She stayed curled up there for a few minutes before she decided that she needed to get out of the house again. Sitting around and waiting for Shikamaru to get home was just going to make her feel worse. She walked over to the main entrance and strapped on her shoes, then grabbed her coat from the closet and headed out. She didn't know where she was going to go, but she just didn't want to be at home.
She ended up walking the length of the village, taking in the early evening sights of shinobi and civilians alike enjoying the brisk fall weather. She had noticed a handful shinobi from outside of the Leaf that had come to participate in the second round of Chunin exams for the year who were taking in the sights. She smiled as she watched their eyes light up at seeing the Leaf Village for the very first time, observing how they would point at certain landmarks and laugh together. It filled her with joy knowing that the alliance between the shinobi nations was still going strong and that things were the most peaceful they had ever been.
The sun was setting and the air became colder. She sighed and watched as her breath became visible in the fall breeze, tightening the zipper of her jacket and placing her hands in her pockets. Deciding it was best to go home where it was warm, she made her way back to the Nara residence once more. As she approached the door, she noticed that the lights were on inside and her anxiety spiked up again. This was it. She had to talk to him about this. About her feelings. About his feelings. She took a deep breath and pressed on, opening the door and stepping inside.
The smell hit her like a wall. It was a melody of different ingredients that all seemed to blend together into a delicious scent. To say she was surprised would have been a grave understatement. She kicked her shoes off and hung her jacket up, then wandered over to where the smell was coming from. She stood in the threshold of the kitchen and watched in utter surprise as her husband was actually cooking. It was like something out of one of her dreams.
"What is all this?" Yuuna asked, watching as Shikamaru turned off the stove and brought the freshly cooked food over to the table. He slid the grilled vegetables out of the pan and on top of a bed of rice.
"It's dinner. What does it look like?" He said, replacing the empty pan on top of the stove and bringing over the grilled meat. Placing it down on the table, he wiped his hands on his shirt and looked up at her. "Cooking's not my forte, so it might suck. But it's better than not eating anything."
"I know it's dinner--" She spoke, taking another step into the kitchen and looking down at the food on the table. She looked up at him and their eyes met. Her heartbeat sped up and she could feel her throat tighten. "But why? This isn't like you. You're not even supposed to be home yet."
He scratched the back of his head and took a step closer to her. "Kakashi let me off early for the day. Said that he could handle the rest of the paperwork." He stood a few feet in front of her and looked down into her emerald eyes. He licked at his dry lips and swallowed the ball of anxiety in his throat. "Look, Yuuna. Last night...I said some stuff to you that absolutely wasn't true. I didn't even think about what I said. It just...came out. And I don't believe any of it. Not one bit. I know it hurt you hearing me say all of that stuff, but I just want you to know that it's not true. I've been stressed out with work, and then hearing you say you were pregnant made me think of Shikami, and I--...I lost my cool. But that's no excuse for treating you the way that I did. I let my emotions get the better of me when I should have been thinking more carefully about the situation. And I know all this won't make up for what a jerk I was last night, but...I really am sorry."
She stood there with her hands held closely to her chest, staring up into his mocha eyes. Her own glazed over with tears and her bottom lip began to tremble. Shikamaru took another step closer to her and raised a hand up to cup her face in his hand and gently stroke his thumb along her cheek. She pulled her own hand up to meet his, closing her eyes and leaning her face into his hand as she could feel the tears stream down her cheeks. She was then pulled into a strong embrace as one of his arms wrapped around the back of her neck and the other hand rested on top of her head to stroke her long brown hair. She pulled him in closer and began to sob, gripping his shirt tightly and burying her face into his chest. He stood there patiently and held her as she wept. He pressed his lips against the side of her head and held her in his arms.
"I-I'm sorry." She muttered in between sobs. He perked his head up slightly and looked down at her.
"What? What do you have to be sorry for?" He questioned. "I was the one being an asshole, not you."
"I just...I th-thought...that you were okay. I-I thought that you had gotten over her. I never asked. I didn't c-consider how you were feeling." She whimpered, clutching onto him for dear life. "I was selfish. I sh-should have talked to you. I was just...scared. I was so scared."
"Don't be so hard on yourself." He said, gently scratching the top of her head to soothe her. "It...was a hard time for you too. You didn't want to reopen old wounds. I'm not angry at you."
Yuuna shifted to look up at him, placing her hands on his cheeks and meeting his eyes. She could see the fear and the guilt that resided within them and she nearly choked on her words as she spoke. "I'm sorry I never came out and asked you. I'm sorry I just...ignored your feelings. I'm sorry that I couldn't see how much you were hurting too."
What a mess they had wound up in. They had been so excited to start a family together. To bring new life into the world together. They felt so close to one another, like they were the strongest they had ever been. But then they lost their child. They lost the thing that they had created together and wanted to raise together. It broke them. She couldn't eat for weeks and he picked up smoking again. Things seemed to only get worse from then on. They had drifted apart; neither one blamed the other for what happened, it was something entirely out of either of their control, but things had changed.
He swallowed and looked down into her tear filled eyes, raising a hand up to her face to wipe away the streaks that stained her cheeks. He cupped her face in his hand and pulled her closer to him, placing a kiss onto her soft lips. She draped her arms over the back of his neck and pulled her body flat against his, and in turn he wrapped his arm around her waist to hold her close to him. They embraced each other for a moment before he broke the kiss to catch his breath and sigh.
"We should probably eat something." He muttered, brushing her bangs out of her face and tracing his fingers along her skin. "We can talk after that, okay?"
She nodded slowly in response and he placed one last kiss on her lips before they released their hold on one another. Shikamaru shuffled over to the table and sat down. Yuuna followed close behind him, pulling out her own chair and sitting opposite him at the table. She wiped at her face before picking up her chopsticks and saying a short grace. Dinner was quiet. Neither of them really said anything to one another. It wasn't necessarily an awkward silence. It was more like they were both so emotionally drained that they didn't have the energy to spark up a casual conversation while such a heavy subject was looming over their heads. Instead, they simply would have rathered eating first and talking later.
Once dinner had been eaten, Yuuna began to clear the table of their dirty dishes and brought them over to the kitchen sink. She rolled her sleeves up and was getting ready to start cleaning them, but Shikamaru came up beside her and shut the faucet off. He took her hands in his own and they looked at one another.
"Cleaning can wait until later." He said, placing a kiss on top of her head. "Let's chat, okay?"
She sighed through her nose and nodded. He began to make his way into their shared bedroom, tugging her hand lightly so she would follow him. Once inside, he flipped on the bedroom light and sat down at the edge of the bed. She followed suit, folding her hands into her lap as she sat down next to him. Both of them were anxious. Their hearts were pounding and their minds were racing. Neither one knew where to start, nor who should go first.
"Do you--" They said simultaneously, exchanging a glance and then looking away from one another.
"You can go first," He offered, turning back to face her a little more.
"I--...don't even know where to start." She sighed shakily, running a hand through her long brown locks. Her thumb grazed over the heart-shaped scar on her forehead and she rubbed it a little before bringing her hands down into her lap. "I'm...happy. I'm excited. I'm nervous. I'm scared. I am...so fucking scared. I'm so scared of losing this baby, too. I want nothing more than for this child to be safe and healthy and I want to bring it into this world and hold it and love it and treasure it in all of the ways we would have done for Shikami. I want this baby to grow up and live a happy life but I am so fucking scared that something's going to happen and we're gonna lose this one too."
She had absentmindedly placed one of her hands over her stomach and clutched at the fabric of her sweater, trembling as the words rolled off her tongue. Her vision blurred and she quickly shut her eyes to stop the tears from falling. Her breathing became rapid and she could feel her head spin as the air became thick and heavy around her. Noticing the oncoming panic, he reached his hand over to thread his fingers with hers, holding her tightly. She dug her nails into the back of his hand, but feeling him there grounded her enough to allow her breathing to steady. Once she had calmed down a little she exhaled deeply and loosened her grip on Shikamaru's hand. He stroked the back of her hand with his thumb. She looked down at their interlocked fingers and then wiped at her face, then shifted her emerald gaze to look up into his mocha eyes.
"I worry about you." She spoke quietly, shuffling closer to him on the bed. "I worry about you so damn much. I know you started picking up smoking again because of this. I know it's your way of handling stress. I understand that. I do. But seeing you smoke three packs of cigarettes a week is...frustrating. It's infuriating. It's fucking terrifying. I want you to be around for this baby. I want you to watch this child grow up with me. I want you to teach them how to play shogi, and how to use the Nara clan's jutsu, and how to become a responsible human being. I'm so damn scared that you're gonna get sick and die before you even get to meet our child."
He shifted his gaze back and forth between her eyes and exhaled lightly through his nose before looking down at their interlocked fingers. "I know. I know I'm being stupid. It's the only thing that helps me keep my head straight since my dad isn't around for me to play shogi with anymore." He squeezed her hand gently before looking back up into her eyes and speaking softly. "I--...Look, I can't promise that I'll be able to flat out quit. I've tried before and it hasn't worked. But...I'll cut back. If that'll make you worry a little less, then I'll cut back, okay? I...I want to be here for this kid too."
"That's all I'm asking. I know how hard it is. I've seen you struggle with it before. But it has to be done." She said firmly, but her voice was tender. She slowly reached her hand up to cup his cheek and stroke it with her thumb. "I've already lost two of the closest people in the world to me, plus our first child. I am not losing you, too."
He shifted his face slightly to rest his mouth against the palm of Yuuna's hand, closing his eyes and kissing it softly. He opened his eyes to look down at her, taking in every single feature of his wife's face. Every freckle, every scar. His heart fluttered for a moment when their eyes met and he swallowed the lump in his throat.
"You won't lose me." He reassured, moving his own hand to press it against her own cheek. "You married me, so you're stuck with my dumb ass whether you like it or not." He snickered and lowered his face to meet hers, pressing a tender kiss onto her lips. She hummed happily then broke away after a moment, looking straight into his eyes.
"I'm so sorry I never talked to you about your feelings before, Shikamaru." She admitted, resting her forehead against his. "I'll be better from now on. I won't shy away from it. Even if it hurts. We're in this together and I won't let you go through anything like this alone anymore."
He shook his head slightly before packing her quickly on the lips. "I don't blame you for not wanting to talk to me about it. You were dealing with your own thoughts about it too. You didn't want to reopen the wounds after you'd finally kind of stitched yourself back together. Even so...thank you. I won't be so quick to write my feelings off either. I'll come to you if something is bugging me instead of running away from it like I always do." He lowered his hand to rest it against her stomach, then pulled his head away from hers to look down at it. He furrowed his brow slightly, pursing his lips a little, and exhaled through his nose. "I'm gonna help you raise this kid. I'm not gonna hide away from it. I'm gonna father this child and do for them what I couldn't do for Shikami."
She nudged his face back up to look at her and pressed a kiss against his lips, then pulled away to look into his eyes and smile delicately. He returned the smile and pecked her forehead, running his hand up to the back of her head to hold her closely. He pulled away from her and their eyes met again.
"I love you, dummy." She spoke quietly, resting her head against his chest. He kissed the top of her head and laid his cheek there, gently scratching the back of her neck.
"I love you too, noodle." He stroked the top of her head, combing his fingers through her hair again. He dragged them carefully through the length of her long brown locks in a calming rhythm. She shifted her arms to wrap them underneath his and around his back, nuzzling her cheek against his collarbone.
They embraced each other for a few minutes, happily sitting in the quiet and relishing in each other's presence. Shikamaru yawned and lifted his hand from her head to rub at his eyes. As he laid his cheek back down on her, a faint gurgling resonated from underneath Yuuna's sweater. She tilted her head down a little to look at her stomach, which growled at her again.
"You're still hungry?" He asked in a playful tone. He pulled away from her to look down at her stomach, and laughed as it grumbled on cue.
"Don't look at me like that, I have a baby growing inside me!! Cut me some slack!" She pushed herself up off of the bed with a huff and he snickered, following behind her.
The two meandered into the living room, where he sat down on the sofa with a yawn, stretching his arms up over his head then down onto the back of the couch. She had wandered into the kitchen and pulled out a cup of instant ramen, then turned on the kettle and waited for the water to boil. While she waited, she sat down on the couch next to him and cuddled up against his chest, gripping onto the fabric of his shirt and listening to the sound of his heart beat.
At some point they had both dozed off, and Shikamaru was awoken with a start from the sound of the kettle shutting off. His sudden jolt caused Yuuna to start as well, a groggy groan rumbling within her chest. She sat up on the couch and rubbed her eyes.
"Water's boiled." He noted before yawning, running a hand overtop of his head and scratching at the back of his neck. She looked up at him and then over her shoulder into the kitchen then back to him. She sighed through her nose before leaning her head back down on his chest. He raised an eyebrow down at his wife. "You're not gonna make yourself some food?"
She simply responded with a tired groan and another sigh, nuzzling against him again. He sighed and ran his hand over her head, scratching at her scalp as she laid against his torso. They remained like that for a while, relishing in the other's presence, enjoying the serene silence between them. After a few minutes, he yawned again and squeezed her shoulder.
"C'mon. Let's head to bed." He whispered. She sighed and pushed herself up off his chest and looked him in the eyes, then leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his lips. She pulled back and he smiled down at her.
He shifted his hand from around her shoulder and pressed his palm against her cheek, pulling her into another kiss, running his thumb along the side of her face. She returned the gesture, holding his face against hers, lips curling into a smile. She poked her tongue out from between them and ran it across his bottom lip. He parted them just enough to allow his own tongue to meet hers. He moved his other hand to her waist where he smoothed it up and down at a leisurely pace. She leaned forwards, pushing him back towards the armrest of the sofa where she climbed on top of him and straddled his waist, never once breaking the kiss.
She shifted one hand from his face and slid it down his body, gradually moving lower and lower until it rested against the waistline of his pants. She slipped her fingertips under the band, dragging her hand downwards until it rested overtop of his crotch. He let out a soft groan as her fingers touched his skin, sending a jolt of electricity through his body. She felt him fill out a little more and smiled against his mouth, laying her hand flat against his hardening girth and rubbing her palm up and down against him. He pulled away to catch his breath then pressed his forehead against hers, locking eyes with his wife. She bit down gently on her lip with a smile as she continued to rub up and down his length until he was fully hard, curling her fingers around him and stroking slowly. He drew out a breath and pulled her lips against his again, the quietest moan sneaking past his lips as he did so. She shifted for a moment, lifting herself up so she could tug his pants down around his knees, then broke the kiss to smile at him and inch her way down his body.
Shikamaru watched with a huff as she maneuvered herself between his legs. He swallowed down hard when she curled her fingers around his length again, and watched as her mouth drew closer to it. She grazed the head of his cock with her lips, then placed a string of kisses from the tip all the way down the shaft. She parted her lips and poked her tongue out from between them, giving little kitten licks as she continued to stroke his girth. Yuuna's lips trailed back up to the tip where she swirled her tongue around the sensitive skin, keeping her gaze focused on her husband's mocha eyes. With a quiet moan, she opened her mouth and took him in, slowly bobbing her head along his length. He let out a sharp exhale and pushed her hair out of her eyes, laying his hand on top of her head and leaning his own down onto the arm rest. She closed her eyes as she swirled her tongue around him, hollowing out her cheeks as she swallowed him to the base. He exhaled again and cracked an eye open to see himself buried to the hilt inside her throat and he let out a low groan, his hips giving a shallow buck as he pulled himself out slightly to slide back into her mouth.
She moaned at the feeling, bobbing her head along his length again. He gave another roll of his hips and he balled the hand on top of her head into a fist, pulling gently at her hair as he guided her along his length, panting with every stroke of his cock. It wasn't long before he'd worked her into a steady pace, her lips kissing his pelvis as she swallowed him whole every time.
"Sh-Shit--..." He muttered breathlessly, slamming his eyes shut and relaxing as she pulled away from him with a pop to catch her own breath, giving his cock a few steady pumps as she crawled back over top of him. Yuuna leaned in and kissed him, all teeth and tongue, and she groaned when she felt his hand slip between her legs.
"Maybe we should take this to bed." She giggled as he kissed at her neck, making no effort to separate herself from him.
"Tch." He scoffed against her skin, trailing his fingertips along her clothed slit. He rested his palm against her pelvis and pushed his fingers upwards, applying friction where he knew she wanted it. Still, he couldn't help the smirk that stretched across his face upon hearing her moan into his ear. "You're such a pain."
He kissed her again, pushing his back up off of the armrest of the couch, effectively rolling her off of him and onto her feet to the floor beside him. He stood up and took her hand, pants still hanging low on his waist, and began to drag her behind him into the bedroom. Once inside, he led her to the bed where she flopped backwards and rested her head on the pillows. Shikamaru took the opportunity to shuck his pants all the way off, and proceeded to also remove his shirt while he was at it. He situated himself between her legs on the bed, then leaned down to kiss her again. Yuuna wrapped an arm around the back of his neck and used her free hand to stroke his cock again, which elicited a soft groan from her husband. He ran his hands up her waist, pushing her sweater up farther and farther until he broke the kiss to lift it up off her torso. The second both her sweater and bra were discarded to the floor, he dove forward and took one of her nipples into his mouth, slowly lapping at it with his tongue. She let out a soft moan at the feeling, rubbing her legs together to ease the growing friction between her thighs.
Taking note of this, Shikamaru shifted to lean on his forearm while his other hand skated down her body. He slipped his hand under her leggings, pressing his fingertips against her soaking panties, running lines up and down her clothed slit as he continued to leisurely lave at her sensitive nub. She let out another moan, her grip around his cock instinctively tightening as she stroked him faster.
"You like that, huh?" He asked, voice muffled as his lips pressed against her skin. Of course, it was a rhetorical question; he very much knew the answer already. She nodded anyways, like he knew she would, and separated from her breast with a soft pop. "Tell me what you want."
"W-Wanna feel you," She murmured, threading her fingers through his hair and loosening it from its confines. "Fuck, Shikamaru, I-I want to feel you. I-I want you to touch me."
He smirked down at her. Normally he'd get her to be a little more specific about the places she wanted him to touch. But it was different tonight. All he really cared about was making her feel good. And he'd make sure he did a damn good job.
"That's my good girl." He whispered. Shikamaru leaned forward to close the space between their faces, lazily running his tongue along her lips. She immediately opened her mouth just enough for his tongue to go poking around hers. He pulled his hand up just enough to slip it under her underwear, gliding his middle finger ever so lightly through her folds. Yuuna shuddered at the feeling, cracking her half lidded eyes open just enough to look up at him as he kissed her. She shut them again with a moan as he circled the pad of his middle finger around her clit, pulling her mouth away from his to press her forehead into the crook of his neck.
"F-Fuck," She mumbled, stroking his cock quickly with a pant. He continued to trace lazy circles around her sensitive bud, tilting his head to kiss her ear.
"You like it when I touch you here, don't you?" He rasped, his breath hot against her skin. She simply nodded in response as she continued to stroke his girth. He kissed the shell of her ear, gently skating his lips down her face to her neck where he began to suck tenderly on the skin there. He lapped at the mark he left with his tongue, kissing it before shifting his body downwards to drag his lips along her exposed skin.
He kissed everywhere he could reach as he lowered himself. But when his lips met her stomach, he paused for a moment. He looked at her belly and pulled his hand up, caressing his palm along the skin. He smiled, then leaned forward and placed a fragile kiss against her navel; like if he kissed too hard, it would somehow hurt their child. He did this a few more times, caressing her skin and delivering delicate kisses all along her stomach. Yuuna watched as he did so and couldn't help the smile that graced her features. She gently scratched at his scalp and chuckled.
"You're gonna be such an amazing dad." She murmured. He kissed her stomach again and looked up at her with a smile.
"Yeah, well, it's thanks to you I'm gonna be a dad in the first place." He whispered against her skin, running his hands up and down her waist and kissing her all over. "I'm gonna make sure I take care of this kid the best I can."
She hummed in satisfaction, grazing his scalp lightly with her fingernails again. He gave her waist a light squeeze before shifting his hands to hook his fingers into the hem of her leggings.
"But first, I'm gonna take care of you."
In one swift movement, he tugged her leggings and panties down off of her body and smirked, tossing them to the side with the other items of discarded clothing. He smoothed his hands down her thighs then hooked them underneath the crook of her knees, gently pushing her legs back until her knees were flush with her chest. He lowered his head and hovered his mouth over her folds, his hot breath fanning against her skin and sending a shiver down her spine. He placed kisses along her inner thighs, kissing everywhere he could reach, until he finally decided to pull his right hand down from under her knee and spread her apart to expose her throbbing clit. He nudged himself forward and licked a stripe from her entrance up to her clit, lapping at it slowly.
"Ah, f-fuck," Yuuna whimpered, shifting a hand up to her face and watching as his tongue made slow, lazy circles around her nerves. He took her clit into his mouth and suckled on it gently, making sure to flick his tongue the way he knew she liked it. He slipped his middle finger inside of her, pumping it in and out of her heat at a lax pace, moaning against her skin. The vibration from his voice sent a throb right to her core and she whimpered, slamming her eyes shut. She rolled her hips forward lightly, searching for that perfect spot. As soon as she found it, she exhaled deeply and slid her hand to rest on top of his head, pulling his hair and rolling against his tongue again.
Shikamaru continued his ministrations, recognizing the telltale signs of his wife's approaching climax. He kept a steady pace but proceeded with more enthusiasm, shifting his body to press against her harder. She tugged his head closer, riding his tongue and biting down on her knuckle to keep herself from making too much noise. With one final thrust of his finger and one final flick of his tongue, the coil in her gut snapped and she arched her back off the bed, grinding her clit against his face as she moaned out loud. He wrapped his arms around her thighs to hold her steady as she came around his tongue, groaning against her heat and grinding down against the mattress to ease some of the throbbing tension in his cock. When she finally came down from her high, he crawled overtop of her and smiled down at his wife.
"You look so damn pretty when you're cumming for me, kitten." He whispered, leaning forward to kiss her. She moaned at the taste and the scent of her essence on his lips. It sent a throbbing right to her core and she reached down to fist his cock, stroking it a few times. She slid his cock through her folds, gathering the mixture of her slick and his saliva to coat it before guiding his head to her entrance. He groaned against her mouth and cussed under his breath as he felt the tip of his cock breaching her tight hole.
"Fuck, Shikamaru. I need you, baby." She whispered, pushing him into her with a moan.
"Fucking hell," He growled, then slammed his hips forward until he was buried to the hilt inside her. They both cried out a moan together and Yuuna shifted to wrap her legs around his hips as he began to fuck into her wet heat.
He thrusted his hips into her own, the lewd sound of their shared moans and skin on skin filling the air of their shared bedroom. She moved one hand down to fist the bedsheets and the other to his cheek. She pulled his face downwards and as soon as their lips met she opened her mouth to allow her tongue to meet his. He leaned forward on his forearm, caging her in, as his other hand skated down her chest to massage her flesh. He rolled her nipple between his fingertips, tugging it away from her body before palming her breast and squeezing the soft flesh. She keened at the sensation, pulling her lips away from his to watch as his cock disappeared inside of her.
"F-Fuck, s-so good," She mewled underneath him, looking back up at him and cupping his face with both her hands. "S-so good, baby, i-it's so good--!!"
Shikamaru smirked down at her as he pounded into her and leaned forward to lick at the salty skin of her neck. He slowed his pace down significantly to match the lazy dragging of his tongue against her flesh. He licked up from the crook of her neck to the shell of her ear where he let his lips hover as he rolled his hips agonizingly slowly.
"You like that, don't you, kitten?" He whispered, accenting the pet name with a roll of his hips. She nodded furiously and bucked her hips forward to match his pace and he felt his cock throbbing inside of her. "I wanna hear you say it."
"L-Love your cock," She whimpered. She wrapped her arms around the back of his neck to hold him tightly against her as she panted and thrusted her hips forward again desperately to meet his. "S-So good, y-your cock is so good."
"That's my good girl." The smirk was audible in his voice. He licked at her earlobe then took it between his teeth, pulling at the soft skin as he resumed kneading her breast in the palm of his hand. "Fuck, Yuuna, you're my good girl."
Without warning, he picked up a brutal pace again, fucking into her tight hole. He groaned at the intoxicating sensation of her walls clamping down around him. She let out a lustful cry as she pressed her forehead into the crook of his neck, allowing her tongue to fall from her lips as she panted. He slithered his hand down from her breast and situated his palm against her pelvis, then began tracing agonizingly slow circles around her sensitive clit as he pounded into her. She jerked at the sudden sensation; the relentless pace he set while he fucked into her combined with the slow, easy movement of his fingers against her nerves had her head spinning and her vision going white. It wasn't long until her eyes rolled into the back of her head and she was cumming around him. She arched her back up off of the bed once more and dug her fingernails into his skin as she rode his cock through her climax.
"Such a good fuckin' girl, Yuuna," He rasped, slowing his pace as he fucked her through her orgasm. He pulled his hand up to cup her face as he kissed her, licking at her tongue as she panted against his lips. Shikamaru slid his hand down to her waist and shifted his weight, rolling over onto his back and pulling her on top of him. He let out a groan against her lips as she sunk down onto his length. He broke the kiss to catch his breath and smoothed his hands up and down her waist, then looked up at her with a smirk. "You're gonna ride my cock now, yeah?"
Without hesitation she leaned forward to close the gap between them and began rolling her hips along his length. Their tongues met once more as the lewd sound of their hips slapping together filled the room. He slipped his hands under her ass to help guide her hips along his girth and groaned into her mouth as the tip of his cock kissed her cervix with every thrust. She pulled away from his face, the string of saliva connecting their tongues dissipating as she sat up. Using his chest for leverage, she began to bounce her hips up and down his length. He cussed quietly to himself and reached up to massage her tits between his fingers again, allowing her to take the reins. She quickened her movements, tilting her head to the side and smiling as she watched him furrow his brow and bite his lip.
"Does it feel good, baby?" She murmured, slowing down again and leaning forward until her tits were pressed flat against his chest. She captured his lip between her teeth as she rolled her hips against his. He groaned and bucked his hips upwards, slithering his hands down to her ass again where he palmed the mounds of flesh in his hands. She giggled and licked his lips, bouncing back down onto his cock.
"Fuck--" He muttered, thrusting up into her heat again.
"Do you like it when I fuck you?" She keened, slowing down to an agonizing pace. He surged forward and kissed her again, biting down gently on her tongue as it entered his mouth. She continued circling her hips ever so slowly against his, giggling against his mouth. He guided her along his girth again, plunging into her soaking cunt and growling against her lips. She hummed and pulled away from his face, shifting her hips upwards until only the head of his cock remained inside her. "Use your words, baby, I wanna hear you say it."
Shikamaru scoffed and snapped his hips upwards until their hips met again, eliciting an erotic moan from both of them. He pressed his forehead against hers, slamming his eyes shut and panting as he felt his length twitching inside of her. He gave a shallow nod and cracked his eyes open to see his wife's half lidded emerald eyes staring back at him.
"Yeah," He muttered quietly, squeezing the globes of her ass beneath his palms again. "F-Feels good."
Yuuna gave a mischievous giggle and repeated the action of lifting her hips until just the tip of his girth remained inside of her, then wiggled her hips around and pushed her knees outwards to adjust her balance.
"What feels good?" She asked, giving the tiniest buck of her hips to entice him to answer. He gave a heavy pant and closed the space between their faces once more, moaning against her lips.
"Love it when you fuck me, kitten," He groaned behind gritted teeth, giving her ass another squeeze. He licked at her mouth again and their tongues met in a heated dance. Smiling against his mouth, Yuuna sank back down onto his cock and began to bounce her hips along his length at a steady pace. He groaned again, knitting his brows together as he felt the pressure building up in his gut. He shifted his right hand from her ass to her pelvis where he flicked at her swollen clit with his thumb. He wanted to get at least one more out of her before he finished.
"Gonna make you cum all over my cock," He muttered, thrusting his hips up against hers. She twitched at the feeling of his thumb making quick work of her nerves and subconsciously began to move faster as she fucked herself on his length. "Gonna make a mess of my good girl."
She lunged forward to meet his lips, sealing them with a kiss as she bounced hungrily along his girth, swallowing his cock whole with every plunge of her hips. He let out a strained moan against her lips, his climax approaching quicker than he had anticipated. In a last ditch effort to get his wife to finish before he did, he pulled his other hand up from under her ass and wrapped it around her back and pulled her down so their chests were flush against one another. She cried out at the sudden position change which allowed his cock to hit deeper inside her quivering heat. He pressed tight, quick circles against her clit with his thumb and began thrusting upwards into her at a brutal pace. The combined intensity of his thrusts with the quick movement of his fingers against her nerves had her seeing stars. She fisted the bed sheets as her orgasm crashed over her, crying out his name and rolling her eyes into the back of her head. It didn't take long for him to follow after as he searched for his own release. With a guttural groan, his hips stuttered against hers as he buried himself to the hilt inside her, painting her inner walls white with thick ropes of cum.
"Fuck, so good," He mumbled against her skin, heaving for breath in synchronization with her. He pulled his other hand up and laid it on the back of her head, gently scratching at her scalp as they caught their breath. "You did so good, Yuuna."
She rolled to the side with a huff, disconnecting herself from her husband but tangling her legs together with his once she settled. She nuzzled her head into his chest and kissed his salty skin. Shikamaru stroked the back of her head, running it down the length of her long brown hair. He pressed his lips to the crown of her head and sighed contently through his nose. They laid there in silence together for a few minutes enjoying each other's company. Thinking he was still asleep, Yuuna startled a little when he spoke.
"You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. You know that, right?"
She shifted from her position to look up into his mocha eyes. There was a vulnerability behind them. It almost looked as if he was scared. She smiled at him and cupped his cheek with her hand, then stroked it with her thumb.
"I thought I was a drag." She teased, pressing a little peck to the tip of his nose. He chuckled and rolled his eyes.
"Well, duh, of course you are." He agreed, smoothing his hand down from the back of her neck to her waist. "But you're also my best friend."
"Don't tell Chouji that. I think he'd probably cry." She chuckled, stroking his cheek again.
"Trust me, he already knows." He smiled. It faded after a second and he furrowed his brow, that serious expression returning to his features. He squeezed her waist and closed his eyes, leaning his forehead against hers. "I just...I love you, okay? I know I haven't been the best husband in the world sometimes but god dammit do I love you."
He slid his hand down from her waist to her stomach where he pressed his palm lightly against the skin.
"I'm fucking terrified." He admitted quietly. Yuuna pulled back to look at him, her brows furrowed upward in concern for seeing her usually stoic husband so vulnerable.
"I know, baby," She murmured, shifting her emerald gaze between his mocha eyes. "But we're in this together, remember? We're gonna be okay. We have each other and no matter what happens, we're gonna be okay."
He sighed through his nose again and pressed his forehead to hers, caressing her stomach. "I just wish Shikami could have met her new sibling I guess."
"Me too." She whispered. Her lower lip quivered and her vision blurred as tears welled up in her eyes. Shikamaru pulled back and moved his hand up to her face to wipe her tears away.
"Ah, shit, I didn't mean to make you cry." He said, wiping his thumb along her cheek to brush away the salt water. "Sorry."
She shook her head and smiled with a sniffle. "It's okay. We're okay."
He let his hand rest on her cheek and he grinned down at her, then leaned in to press a sweet kiss to her quivering lips. He pulled away after a tender moment, rubbing his thumb along her cheek.
"Yeah." He agreed. "We're okay."
They smiled at one another and shared another compassionate kiss before they cuddled up against each other, a mess of tangled limbs and beating hearts. Silence had filled the room once more, and nothing other than their breathing could be heard in the serene atmosphere. He sighed deeply through his nose, holding his sleeping wife against his chest, combing his fingers through her long brown locks.
"We're okay."
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accio-victuuri · 3 years
Hi can you provide the link to read manhuas you prefer?
Hello Anon! OMG Manhua/Manhwa Rec! Here we go! I’ve only been reading for 2-3 months (consistently), so this will be pretty limited. I will link to the legit sites. A google search will direct you to others.
Most of these are WIPs and some, sadly, are discontinued. I won’t add TGCF or MDZS here cause those are already a given. 👇🏼
• Body Electric by Dong Ye ( completed, supernatural, lots of trigger warnings and plotty )
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Ba Song is the hotshot cop who’s been handed an open-and-shut case: the suicide of a young woman. Except… who commits suicide by stabbing their own body and strangling themself? There's only one man who can help him with this mystery — Bo Shan, the renowned forensic pathologist with a severe and cold personality. What's more, his body produces bioelectricity, allowing him to acutely sense bodily injury with his touch. There's an electric current between them, and each touch sizzles with energy
If you like crime dramas and stories where they solve mysterious cases then this is for you. The romance is subtle, and their relationship is not insta-love. strangers to colleagues to friends to lovers trope. This also discusses alot of issues the society has that will make you stop and think. Ba Song is really the honorable MC in here who always wants to help people and do good. While Bo Shan is the reluctant one but deep inside, he wants to make a difference too. I wish they would make a donghua or live action out of this.
• 30 year old by S-Monkey - ( ongoing, age difference, blind dates, slice of life)
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Charlie Wei is a single and handsome executive. He’s also a closeted gay guy who’s been on way too many bad blind dates with women. Charlie’s still hung up on his ex-boyfriend James and is… gasp, 30! Charlie’s family thinks he’s straight and too old to be without a wife! During another bad blind date, Charlie meets the flirty Ethan, who both annoys and intrigues him. Can Charlie finally come out and find true love with Ethan or will he continue on his streak of bad blind dates?
The cover looks melodramatic but it’s really not. This is so funny! I read this because people were saying it reminded them of BoXiao. And yes, there are moments here that remind me of them, but it’s more like an AU of BoXiao. I stayed up late trying to get caught up in the chapters and you won’t realize it cause it’s just that good. I love seeing the older MC loosening up and being more of himself. and the younger one being more responsible in his career. They just become better versions of themselves because of each other. It’s so sweet!
• I ship me and my Rival - by Pepa ( ongoing, comedy, reads like a meta )
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This follows the adventures of Wei Yanzi, a third-rate actor in the Chinese entertainment industry, stumbles onto a shipping fandom for himself and another actor (Gu Yiliang) while trying to escape from the flame wars and negativity. He's so taken with this group of fans who actually see him as a good guy instead of an enemy/rival of Gu Yiliang that he falls head-first into fandom and becomes actively involved in trying to provide shipping fuel and the fans' daily dose of fluff.
IF THERE IS ONE thing you will read here, let it be this. It is hilarious. If you are a CP fan you will relate so much and it’s a good time. It just shows how people who think are rivals can actually be really good friends in real life. What we see is not always what it seems. and people will interpret things based on their bias. The MC here is so dramatic! how his inner feelings/reactions were drawn will make you laugh.
• Path to You - by Sinran (completed, slice of life, age gap fluff and comedy )
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When almost college dropout Jensen attempts to drink away his problems, unemployed Nathaniel suddenly pukes on him and ruins his night. As an apology, Nathaniel offers to help Jensen with his studies. Despite Jensen's difficulties in getting along with people, the two become friends and something deeper begins to grow between them
The story is so soft. If you want something with mild angst/misunderstandings— then pick this. I love the progression of their relationship and how they take care of each other. There are other themes showed here other than the romance.
• Red Candy - by Hanse (completed season one with a cliffhanger, explicit scenes, assassins )
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Shihyeon, aka “Red Candy,” is a secret agent whose code name comes from bathing in the blood of his marks on dangerous missions. Shihyeon’s tasked with seducing and obtaining intel from Hajun, a hot college professor. Shihyeon can disarm enemies, but didn’t expect to be disarmed himself by Hajun’s own tight body. Now Shihyeon’s caught between loyalty to his spy agency and Hajun. Can Red Candy survive the incoming wave of enemies and still indulge in the sweet ecstasy of Hajun’s embrace?
THIS STRESSED ME OUT MAAAN. Wow. I loved this. That season one cliffhanger. It’s definitely up there as my favorite. If you think about it, the tropes are really not original. An assassin is sent to shadow a person and they develop a relationship. That simple. But NOOOOO! There are so many things going on. The Main mystery plot, Their relationship, their shared past plus you have other sketchy secondary characters. And did i mention explicit scenes? Lots of them. I want this two to have a happy ending!!!
• Lone Swan - by Chu Man (discontinued, cultivation, star crossed lovers)
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After losing his memory, Yiqiu Shen, a disciple from the decent sect meets a very special man named Luofeng Yan, who is the leader of the evil Divine Wind Cult. When escaping and conflicting with Yan, Shen gradually finds his original self as well as his previous love back. Together they rip off the facade of the martial world and reveal the hidden true
I didn’t want to add a discontinued story here, with no novel as a source material but this one made an impact on me. so. yeah. THE ART. breathtaking. The plot = layered. There are times I don’t even know who is telling the truth. It had so much potential and i hope it will get picked up again at some point. People rec this to those who enjoyed TGCF and MDZS, and they are right. 👍🏼
• Dragon in Distress by Si Wang Wen Hua - ( ongoing, dragons, past life, lost power, fantasy )
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This is a story about a little Eastern green dragon and a little Western black dragon playing together.
The synopsis is pretty simple if you look at it but this one is pretty interesting. and surprisingly funny. tinie AoAo is so cute! 🤍 the other MC has tsundere tendencies tho. Lots of lore and more truths to uncover as the story progresses. I’m not giving it enough justice with how i’m reccing it, but if you like dragons and fantasy — give this a go.
• Breaking through the clouds 2: Swallow the Sea - Huaishang (ongoing, based on a novel, crime, drama, cases)
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Wu Yu, a newcomer of the Public Security Bureau, is gentle and frail. He doesn’t care about the difficulties posed by Bu ZhongHua, his strict boss, and only wants to stay in the background to be paid on time with enough for food. However, no one knows that this young man’s head is targeted by top drug traffickers for a large bounty or that this courageous young man has once slaughtered the dragon of the abyss. With a chain of interlocking cases, a series of troubles come one after another. Can the two people work together to survive through the difficulties?
Do you see a pattern with me? lol. I like crime themes. This one is the same and by the looks of it, the cases they solve will take longer to unravel. I haven’t read the novel it’s based on yet so i’m just going with how the manhua is progressing. I like it when Wu Yu turns full on action-mode and when ZH takes care of him. Plus it helps that they are both gorgeous. I’ll get back this with a proper link.
• Where the Wind Stays - by Yusa (completed season one, curses, demons, possession, timeskip, explicit scenes)
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To break an ancient curse that plagues the royal bloodline, young Prince Tasara is destined to be sacrificed in death. Nara is enlisted as a palace servant to carry out the prince’s execution when the time comes. But he develops a soft spot for the cursed prince, and after committing an atrocious and unforgivable act against Tasara, Nara is desperate to right his wrongs. Soon, their lascivious relationship that had been kept under wraps tests his resolve. Will Nara be tempted away from his original mission? There’s no telling how far he would go to earn Tasara’s forgiveness.
This story broke my brain, in a good way. I don’t wanna say much cause it will spoil the story. It’s the type that you gave to see and suffer through yourself. I am excited for what happens in season II!!!
Honorable Mentions:
I’m placing these here cause I have only read a few chapters and tho I liked them, I wanna read more before reccing it in full. 👍🏼
• I accidentally saved the Jinghu’s enemy
• Global Examination
• Monster entertainment
• Demon Apartment
And that’s it! Hope enjoy Anon! 😊
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knifefather · 4 years
Could I ask for a s/o and/or platonic reader with the Bucci gang who likes to smoke weed a bit or a lot? 😅 I mainly do it for anxiety but I can be fun and goofy or philosophical when high and I love the boys lol. It's alright if you aren't comfortable with this ask!
You got it bae!! I love weedie requests, this is a fave lol. I’m going to go with s/o this time because my last weed hcs post was for a platonic reader!
𝙱𝚞𝚌𝚌𝚒 𝙶𝚊𝚗𝚐 𝙼𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝚆𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚊 𝚂/𝙾 𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚂𝚖𝚘𝚔𝚎𝚜 𝚆𝚎𝚎𝚍 (𝙵𝚛𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚕𝚢)
content warnings: marijuana usage, mentions of sex and alcohol abuse *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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💨 Bruno doesn’t smoke weed as much as you do, but he’s mostly supportive of the fact that you smoke. This is especially if you smoke to help regulate your emotions, sleep, work up an appetite, etc. He would probably discourage you from smoking every day unless they needed to.
💨 Will definitely have a smoke sesh with you! After he gets home from a long day’s work, you would be waiting for him with a fat joint rolled, dinner on the table, and a smile on your face, and honestly? Bruno cannot complain. He enjoys your cooking and then your handiwork while the two of you smoke on the back porch. If you aren’t good at rolling, you’ll pack a glass piece and make sure that it’s clean for him.
💨 Bruno shows a lot of his affection through gift-giving, and he uses your love of a weed as a basis for giving you presents. Often, he’ll buy you extremely exotic buds and the two of you will sample them together. It makes for a very romantic evening in that often ends in the two of you having high sex. 
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💨 Giorno is indifferent about you smoking frequently. Giorno doesn’t smoke weed himself, but he’s fine with others doing it. He doesn’t exactly encourage you to smoke, but he doesn’t discourage you, either. 
💨 He feels more comfortable with you smoking pot if there’s someone around you when you do it. For example, he’s perfectly fine with you smoking while he’s around. Giorno is also okay with someone trusted keeping an eye on you, like Bruno or Abbacchio. He would prefer it if you were upfront with him about your usage and didn’t try to hide it from him.
💨 He enjoys that you get can philosophical while you’re stoned, especially if you’re talking about life. Life is something that Giorno understands very well because he’s seen so much of it. It’s always interesting to hear your high take on a certain fact of life. Of course, there are lighthearted conversations that take place that put you both in a giggly mood. Even if he’s not stoned, he always feeds into the conversation and matches the same goofy energy that you give off. 
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💨 Would be absolutely fucking elated if you were a stoner like him. You would smoke together all the time, morning, afternoon, and evening. Mista will often try to be romantic and wake you up with a blunt. The smell is so potent that pulls you from unconsciousness, almost as if it were an alarm clock of sorts lol. You normally smile lazily and hit it a few times before giving him a kiss as a way of saying thank you. 
💨 On your one year anniversary, Mista takes you to a nearby beach in Napoli and you have a picnic there. By the time you exchange gifts, he has a wicked grin on his face. “I have one more thing to give you. Close your eyes and put out your hands,” he says, reaching for his pocket already. You obey, and he set something soft and aromatic in your hand. When you open your eyes, it was a rose petal blunt wrapped in fresh petals. You’re elated, throwing your arms around him and hugging him. “You can thank me after we’ve sparked it up, baby,” he says, handing you a lighter. 
💨 This bastard is super clumsy and has dropped your open grinder once or twice. You always forgive him but... ow. Your soul hurts. 
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💨 Narancia is as excited as Mista is that you smoke weed, but tenfold. Nara is blazing every day, 24/7. He is always wanting to smoke with you because the cuddles and kisses are so good when he’s high. He kisses all over your face, touching you, holding your hand, the contact is just wonderful to him. 
💨 Is the kind of person to have awesome high thoughts. The kind of shit that he thinks about while using weed is hilarious. He is definitely the kind of guy that would say something like “When we yawn, do deaf people think we are just screaming?” His eyes are super red as he considers this. You can’t keep it together and end up laughing you ass off, the drink you were consuming coming out of your nose. This makes Narancia laugh, and you guys are stuck in a giggle fit. 
💨 He’s the kind of stoner that becomes very social, so he’s incredibly chatty. Narancia talks your ear off whenever he’s buzzed, and he usually feels the best if he’s with you and his friends.
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💨 Doesn’t smoke, will not tolerate you smoking weed recreationally. He would basically demand that you quit if you start dating on the grounds that he cares about your health. He might actually break up with you because of it, especially if you decided to go behind his back and use it anyway.
💨 If you smoke because you already have a health issue, he would be more understanding, but he is still very distrustful of marijuana and doesn’t want you using it unless absolutely necessary.
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💨 Abbacchio doesn’t smoke weed very often. He usually only smokes if you do.
💨 Weed is a bonding point for you and Abbacchio. When he gets stoned, he’s a lot more outgoing and open than when he’s drunk. You try to get him to switch to bud instead of drinking, and it helps with his emotional problems a bit. He’ll get stoned and open up to you about certain thoughts and experiences that he kept under wraps. It’s very good for your relationship, it helps you communicate when Abbacchio becomes insecure.  
💨 Leone is the kind of weed smoker that smokes to relax. He doesn’t require a lot of conversation, he seldom gets the munchies, he just wants to chill. He’s not a fan of going out and doing shit while he’s stoned, so he saves it for the evening most of the time. He loves to cuddle while high, holding you close and enjoying your company. 
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💨 She doesn’t smoke as much as some of the others, but she’s still pleased to know that you smoke too. One of your favorite things to do as a couple is smoke weed and then go get pedicures. Trish is so funny when she’s stoned, and the two of you share many laughs while in the nail salon. She’s similar to Narancia because they both giggle at practically nothing. 
💨 Is the QUEEN of getting weed nugs stuck in her hair!! You’re always pulling them out before you go out. One time you even found one in her bra after the two of you came home from dinner and wine. When you discover it, she just giggles and says “Oops” before kissing you and dragging you closer by the front of your shirt. She’s a menace, really. 
💨 Trish gets really sleepy when she smokes weed, so expect a lot of weed naps in the middle of the day. She never likes to take them alone, so you end up smoking with her and lay by her side after you blaze it for awhile. 
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taegularities · 2 years
WAAAAAHHHH PAULEEEEYYYYYY I DON'T DESERVE U !!!!!! u know i absolutely love how u point out most of the things i want pointed out while writing, like u're so 😭 <33
YAAAAAYYY it’s my job as a “rid and rid’s work” simp🫡 and u do deserve shut up!!!!
okay, this poetry quote ?! u need to share !!
it’s in spanish 👀 let me try to do it justice: “me gusta que tengas problemas. te hace más creíble. antes de todo esto, te sentías como un sueño. ahora te sientes como realidad.” - “i love that you have problems. it makes you more believable. before all of this, you felt like a dream, now you feel like reality.”
and not the stfu at nara's mention omg 😭 and oh. yeah. if that makes u think this one's gonna hurt, then have fun reading the future parts cos..... 😮‍💨 BUT PLEASE, the 'for when i get into an actual relationship' hurt me sO BAD, TOO !!
am i gonna sob, u say? 😞
jk comparing his life to oc's.... i know, it really drags him down, but my boy stays strong for her and never says anything :(((( he deserves the best *sniff*
losing it at the cat emojis 🤣 and the 🦋🦋 are real, too goshhhhh </3 ALSO HAHAHAH I'M SO SORRY I KNOW THE ENDING IS MEAN, but i promise things are gonna make sense and work out <3 thank u so much as always, this put such a big smile on my face 😭 i love u fr 😭
cmi!jungkook makes me go feline mode. AND YES IM WAITING EAGERLY FOR THE NEXT PART, thank you!!! for this, i love u.
SHUT UP omg i simp for u 😔 the poem btw !!! is !!! mf beautiful :(( u're right, it's exactly the same vibe 🥺 it's also so funny bcos there's gonna be a chapter in the faaaar future, in which jk is gonna say smth like "i like our fights. makes things between us feel more real" but u didn't hear that from me 🤐
i do hope u sob !! the angst makes me sad already :( AND THANK U, U DESERVE THE BESTEST AS WELL SWEETHEART !!!
hehe cmi!jk thanks u and we both love u <3 can't wait either 🥺
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The Star Plasma Vessel:
When I first read Gojo’s past arc, Riko Amanai and the whole dynamic created between all of the characters and how fast a strong bond can grow, really interested me.
⚠️Spoiler warning ofc ⚠️
But... I was so confused over the Star Plasma Vessel. I was so confused and thought I missed something because I didn’t even know who Master Tengen was. And the site I was reading the manga didn’t have chapter 72, but after re reading it... the Star Plasma Vessel and Master Tengen are... still suspicious as hell.
So Let’s talk about it!
Who is Master Tengen?
In the Nara Period (710-794) Tengen spread Japanese Buddhism and ‘preached what would become the foundation for Jujutsu sorcerers(JJK.wiki)’. They were first mentioned in chapter 53 by fake Geto. 
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At this point, the only information about Master Tengen was that of their jujutsu. Jogo asks Fake Geto who’s stronger; Tengen or Gojo? Fake Geto simply states that “it’s immortality not anti-aging” and that Master Tengen doesn’t interfere unless it involves the barrier. He also makes this comparison with a tree? However, I’m not sure if the tree metaphor is comparing Tengen and Gojo or describing/comparing Tengen’s technique. 
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During Gojo’s Past Arc, we find out more about the specifics of their jujutsu and how powerful and important they are. Tengen’s jujutsu is immortality but it doesn’t stop the aging process. The cursed technique tries to switch bodies roughly every 500 years. If Tengen doesn’t get a vessel, then they will ‘evolve’ or ascend to a higher state where they have no will. If in this higher state, they could become a threat to humanity. If they do get a vessel, then they rewrite the body’s genetic information. 
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On top of all that, Master Tengen’s ability strengthens the barriers that protect the jujutsu world and keep the amount of curses limited to Japan. The Jujutsu world wouldn’t be working the way it has for so long if not for these barriers. It isn’t specified whatsoever what Tengen would do that would make them a threat to humanity, but my guess is that it would have something to do with allowing curses to run free and unrestricted. 
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In the reccent chapters, Fake!Geto used a remote activation technique that Yuki orginially mistakes as an attack on the barrier. He’s disrupting the balance that’s for sure, but I believe that  he could have broken the barrier. He had the option and probably the power, but he didn’t. This implies that Tengen is a force that even our antagonists fear or don’t wish to get involve. They said that they were  stabilized even after Riko Amanai died, but... considering Ep. 18 where Principal Yaga goes ‘I’m going to see Tengen” after the Curses break onto school grounds implies that maybe he is weaker. Gojo even talks about how in the end, Tengen’s barrier hides rather than protects and that it’s weak once infiltrated, which raises a lot of questions. And maybe Tengen plays a part in this whole scheme because of  the talk of how much chaos the world would be thrown into had the barrier been broken by Yuki and Fake!Geto’s questionable response. 
Who is Riko Amanai?
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Riko Amanai was the Star Plasma Vessel in 2006. It is implied that she was pretty wealthy, and when she was younger, her parent’s died in a car crash, but she survived. Between the years of her parents’ death and her death, she was cared for by Misato Kuroi, a non combatant  jujutsu sorcerer who can fight curses, well educated in the curse world, but might not be able to use cursed energy/techniques. It is unknown with who Misato is affiliated with and if Amanai became aware of her status as the Star Plasma Vessel at an early age. 
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 When first introduced, she is very willing and seemingly okay with the merger. When Gojo expresses his surprise over Amanai’s reaction to her attempted assassination attempt and the whole concept of the merger, she simply proclaims “Master Tengen is me and I am Master Tengen!”. She then goes on a rant about how the merger and death are different things and how after the Merger, her will and spirit will live on. However, this statement was contradicted earlier, when Yaga describes the Merger as an ‘eraser’. Later, Geto even talks about how after the Merger, Amanai will just be forced to be beneath the school and has to get rid of all mortal connections. It just happens to be that, she has no relations besides Kuroi... suspicious.... 
  Riko is spunky and fiesty. During her rant, Gojo and Geto comment on how she probably has no friends based on how she talks. She is clumsy, and honestly just... funny. I keep on hoping someone in the main timeline says something similar to the “Liar, you look a liar... and whats with those bangs” line  in reference to Fake!Geto. Getting back at hand, Riko is also brave. When Kuroi gets kidnapped, she insists on coming with Geto and Gojo despite having no fighting or curse capability. When nervous or in an emotional confrontation, she has a habit of scrunching up part of her skirt in her fists. 
 Despite putting up an image of content with the Merger, Riko is a normal teenage girl. Moments before her death, Riko’s inner monologue focuses on how she was always told she was ‘special’ and ‘different’, and how despite everything that happened, she always survived. Now, being told that you are special and different at a young age is something that affects people heavily. Weather  it is being told that you are a ‘gifted’ kid or that you are just ‘different’ can lead to a lot of self separation from others. One might see themselves as better than others because of these skills or believe that someone else like them can’t exist and struggle when meeting someone similar or in a similar situation. Before her appearance in the story, it is implied that she had good relationships with her friends, classmates, and Kuroi, but didn’t really value them as much as she should due to this idea of being special or having a destiny. (Damn, a Gojo parallel maybe hmm)  This led her to be really lonely and she believed that she would be okay with the merger because she thought that the loneliness and sadness would disappear. In the last three days of her life, Riko got to spend time with her friends at schools  (the last she saw of them was them teasing her for her ‘hot cousin’ Gojo), spending time with Kuroi, and developing a strong bond with Gojo and Geto. She realizes that the sadness and loneliness could and would leave as long as she had strong bonds with others. 
“I want to be with everyone more! I want to go to more places, see more things with everyone... More!!” 
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  After Riko comes to terms with what she really wants, she dies at the hands of Toji Fushiguro/Zenin. Her death sets an entire series of misfortunes and rifts between the Strongest Duo and she serves her part as... well the plot tool she  doubles as. 
A Choice:
 Before her death, Riko is given a choice. Geto gives her instructions on where to go for the merger, before saying “Or you can turn back and return home with Kuroi.”. He gives her a choice. A choice to go through with the merger and ensure stability despite no one truly knowing what is happening, or a choice to live a life of her choice. We find out that Yaga gave hints that there is something wrong with the Merger due to the way that he described  it as an ‘erasure’ and how he isn’t one to ‘beat around the bush’. 
 We find out that Gojo and Geto decided beforehand that if the Vessel wasn’t willing to go through with the merger, they wouldn’t do it and that they, the strongest duo, would fight Master Tengen. Gojo and Geto were the strongest and Geto says that no matter what she chooses, they will protect her future. 
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 Riko decides to go home, wherever that may be, instead of the merger, but of course, dies. 
 As established before, this whole concept is suspicious. Yaga knew there was something wrong with this. Gojo and Geto both knew there was something wrong with this.
 In chapter 138, Yuki goes “it’s about time I confront Tengen.” This opens a box with even more questions. What does she mean by this? Why is it ‘about time’ and how casual is it for sorcerers to talk to Tengen? As mentioned before, Yaga is apparently in communication with Tengen when he needs to be. And Yuki is the one who told Geto that Tengen was stabilized after the failed merger and that the vessel was probably reborn...
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 I honestly hope more than predict that we get to meet Riko Amanai reborn or the next SPV.  Tengen is a name that is getting thrown around recently so there is no way that he is just.. not going to be relevant in the coming chapters. 
  I know a lot of people have found comparisons to Buddhism and the Jujutsu world, and I am not that well educated in this area, I do know that rebirth plays a big role in it. Rebirth is viewed as a negative cycle one should want to escape from called “Samsara”. I personally headcanon/theorize that the Star Plasma Vessel and the soul of Riko Amanai, is one that gets reborn constantly and is stuck in a cycle where they experience a lonely and sad  life before getting a taste of a full and happy one right before the merger. In terms of the 500 year thing, the Star Plasma vessel would have first been born( created?) during sometime in the in between of the Heian Period (794-1184) and the Muromachi Period (1392-1573). The Heian Period is implied to be the Golden Age of Curses and when Sukuna was in full power despite being known in history as a peaceful time for Japan, so I definitely believe that there is some connection if my math is correct (which it probably isn’t. I hate math). 
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Right now in the story, vessels... are really important. According to Fake Geto, he released what is like a thousand Itadori Yujis, so I think that bringing back the star Plasma vessel would fit really well. However, they would roughly be around 12 years of age in 2018, meaning that they might not even be able to do the merger because I think the vessel has to be sixteen and older and have a full moon.
(Edit: added 4/1/21: Also, it might not be Riko reborn, but just another Star Plasma Vessel. Like Yuki says that either they had another vessel at hand, or another one was already born. So like... the new SPV might be the age of our main characters or possibly even one of the characters we already know!)
I also think it will be really interesting to see how it would play off with the fact that Gojo/Geto are no longer involved in the story. Gojo is sealed and the real Geto is dead. When thinking about how the SPV would be in the story, I imagined a picture of a younger girl in a uniform and with a braid holding the sealed Gojo and staring up at the fake Geto. I’m not over what happened to Riko Amanai if you haven’t noticed and I feel like she deserves to have this other chance. I also think it’ll set up the eventual meeting or confrontaion with Master Tengen which I’m personally dying to see.
So what do you think? I don’t really have any solid predictions other than that the SPV reborn will make an appearance, but what about you? Do you guys think Tengen will play a big part? Do you think Tengen may end up becoming a big threat or a good ally? Do you guys want to see Itadori and the SPV interact? Or am I just over analyzing this?
Thanks for reading!
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jostepherjoestar · 4 years
Omg I loved that last ask bc I relate so much to it!!! Can I ask for hcs with an autistic s/o who flaps their hands when they are happy for Bruno, narancia, kak, and abba?
Bruno, Narancia, Kakyoin and Abbacchio with an autistic s/o who happy stims HC’s
gn reader // sfw
thank you so much for requesting! this was so cute :D requester also added they make happy noises as well :)  (note: nara & kak are platonic since reader is always 18+ in my works)  mentioned post
(pls correct me if i made a mistake in describing or wording things)
Bruno will always love his s/o unconditionally, not that this is a condition, so whatever cute things you do when you get happy and excited only make him fall even more in love with you. If that’s even possible.
Seeing you happy makes him happy, so he tries his best to make you laugh whenever possible. Giving you a light squeeze when his arm is wrapped around your shoulder when you make happy noises. He can’t get enough of you.
That’s why he likes to call you his uccellino (little birdy), he’ll teasingly call you that nickname if you’re in a grumpy mood, trying to get you to smile again. Perhaps you’d been in such a mood today, which is why he politely asked you to accompany him on a drive.
You went along with him, still a bit grumpy but curious to see where this was going. You’d left the city and were starting to be surrounded by acres an acres of fields and vineyards. Bruno had stopped the car at a small cottage on a hill, looking out onto a family owned vineyard. The sun was setting and the beauty of your surroundings had replaced your sour mood with a peaceful one.
“Well, what do you think, uccellino? We have the house to ourselves for the weekend.” his smile was like a warm hug, his eyes so soft when he looked at you. You leapt into his arms into a tight hug, you really needed a break, so the surprise was more than welcome. The happy noises you made into his chest gave him a satisfying answer.
He thinks that you are the most precious human that has ever lived on the planet so he holds you on quite a high pedestal. You always get embarrassed when he mentions how cool and amazing you are, but it fills you with confidence. You always repay the compliments!
He thinks it’s just another great part of you, he honestly loves seeing you excited so he’ll surprise you often with small gifts like snacks or cool knick-knacks he found in the city.
Narancia is also your go-to entertainment guy! He loves hanging out with you, going on walks or playing games. Since he knows the city quite well, he’ll know just the right spots to take you. Somewhere not too busy or overwhelming. He loves seeing you win at games since you’ll be flapping you hands, he’ll loudly applaud your win every time!
Just like Abbacchio he’s not afraid to snap back at rude onlookers. You’ve grown used to it so seeing Narancia get so worked up at strangers is kind of funny. You always have to pull him away by his arm so he’ll finally back off. Thank god he doesn’t pull out his switchblade.
Overal good boy who enjoys your excitement :D
It’s been a hard week for you. Constantly busy with work, pulling long hours of work/studying. You’ve been very absent in your social life, feeling kind of low since you haven’t seen much of your friends. But it’s finally Friday, your work for the week is done and you can finally enjoy your well deserved weekend.
When you step outside the building you’re greeted by Kakyoin, a big smile on his face, excitedly holding onto some paper bags. He brought fast food!! You’d been dreading having to cook dinner tonight so you’d decided on take-out anyway, but this is much better!
You can’t help but jump up and down in excitement, cute squeaks coming from you. He’s glad to see you so happy, he knows you’ve been working hard and thought you’d appreciate the surprise.
He’s always loved your clear excitement, it makes him feel like he finally succeeded at building close relationships.
The two of you play videogames over at his house while eating the delicious fastfood. Jotaro even invited himself to play along, he was planning on coming over anyway. What a great way to end the week, just don’t fall asleep while gaming, they will draw on your face with permanent marker.
To be honest Abbacchio wasn’t sure what you were doing when he first saw you flap your hands when he agreed to go on a date with you. (he needed some persuasion since he thought you were joking) When you explained it’s just something you do when you’re happy he felt a little embarrassed he asked. It’s the first time you’ve seen him blush, and god was he cute when he’s embarrassed.
When Abbacchio’s falls, he falls hard. Behind that tough and perhaps rude exterior is a sweet and loyal partner who only wishes to spoil you to death. He does everything in his power to make you happy and assured that he loves you. So whenever he sees you flap your hands, it’s a reassuring sign he’s still making you happy.
You warned him not to spoil you so much and that just being with him is the greatest gift of all. But still, after all this time, Abbacchio has a hard time believing it. So you make sure to tell him every single day, until he believes that he’s deserving of love, that he’s your everything.
He’s also quite protective of you, he knows you can handle yourself, but he’ll want to fight the fight for you. When you were window shopping on a lazy afternoon and saw the cutest new figurines in a display, happy noises and hand flapping galore, some stranger gave you weird looks. Abbacchio immediately noticed and growled a slur of insults at them and yelled to mind their own business.
You didn’t like seeing him get mad but you’re glad that he stood up for you. You gave him a chaste kiss on the cheek as thanks, entangling your hands with his again to continue shopping, both rosy cheeked from the affection.
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mage-ellie · 4 years
His Wish
This is my first request from AO3! People seemed to like it so I thought I’d post it here too :) I’m open for small requests! Feel free to request headcanons/scenarios/prompts! I’ll write about any of the P5R cast. Akechi is just my favorite boy <3 All I ask is that you don’t request abusive/toxic relationships, yandere, smut of underaged characters (I will age them up though), or pieces that romanticize mental illnesses. I prefer to write fem!reader since i’m a girl and it’s easier for me, but if you say please, i’ll do my best to write GN and male!reader pieces! <3 
Warnings: P5R spoilers, lots of fluff
Word count: 2,497
Link to original post: Click me!
Summary:  All Goro Akechi had wished for was to be loved, to be needed, by someone, anyone. He never could've imagined that his wish would actually come true.
In less than 24 hours, Goro Akechi was going to be married.
He never could've imagined that he would live long enough to find love, let alone get married. He had also never imagined that he would be marrying one of the infamous Phantom Thieves. Although, he couldn't complain, she was quite the impressive thief, having managed to steal his heart right out from under his nose.
Goro was currently lying alone on the bed in the hotel room he was staying at. Their wedding reception was going to be held at the Yoshiki-en Garden in Nara, Japan. His fiancée had practically begged him to have their wedding there. The garden was at its most beautiful during the spring time. But truth be told, Goro would've married her any where, even in that little hole in the wall, Leblanc.
The soon to be husband couldn't stop replaying everything that lead up to this moment.
How she had practically forced him to live with her during the whole Maruki conundrum. How she confessed her feelings to him in March when he returned. How he told her he loved her for the first time during their date to the cherry blossom festival in Tokyo. How he proposed to her in front of all of their friends 3 years later at that same cherry blossom festival.
He was so nervous for tomorrow, and yet so excited. He actually found someone who wanted to be with him for who he was, not because of his celebrity status. She knew about all of his flaws and his horrific past, but not once did she let him doubt her love for him. She worked so hard to support him while he went to therapy, to help him make amends with Futaba and Haru, to help him come to terms with the fact that he deserved a second chance.
A few years ago, he would've been terrified at the thought of having someone in his life like this, but now, he couldn't imagine his life without her.
The next thing he knew, he was being awakened by the sound of someone slamming their fists against his hotel room door. Akira Kurusu, Ryuji Sakamoto, and Yusuke Kitagawa were currently standing outside of his room, each with a black tux in hand. As well as Morgana, who was sitting on the floor next to Akira's feet, already wearing a cute little handmade formal black vest. They wanted to get ready with Goro, seeing as it was his big day and all.
A little ways down the hall, the group of boys could hear a group of girls squealing about marriage, dresses and romance. It was 8 A.M. and they were already so energetic. The groom and his groomsmen all laughed to themselves, they were excited as well. This was the first marriage in their friend group after all.
Akira, Goro's best man, mentioned that he should try to take as many mental photos as he could, because this day would go by in a blur. Goro believed him, one moment the boys were standing at his door, ready to get the day started, and the next they were all dressed and making their way to the venue.
The normally oh so composed Goro Akechi was sweating bullets. His hands were clammy and his throat was dry. Never in his life had he felt so nervous, so unprepared.
Before he knew it, it was suddenly 3 P.M. and the ceremony was beginning. Only your closest friends and family made up the audience. No media or paparazzi in sight. Goro shifted his weight from one leg to the other, he hadn't seen you all day. His heart raced as music began and you appeared in your gorgeous white wedding gown, Sojiro by your side, walking you down the aisle. He felt a hard lump forming in his throat at the sight of you. You always looked gorgeous to him, but in that moment, he truly believed that you were an angel sent from above.
A soft, teary eyed smile spread across his face as you made your way closer to him. He knew he'd be teased by the others for the rest of his life for crying while you walked down the aisle, but he didn't care. All that mattered, was that you were now standing before him, in a gown he never imagined he'd see you in. A warm, comforting smile made its way to your cheeks from behind your veil as you looked up into his eyes. It was taking all of his self control to not kiss you right then and there.
He could hear the officiant speaking about love and happiness, but he wasn't really listening. Goro was too busy taking as many mental pictures as he could fit into his brain. He only tuned back in when you brought up a small index card filled with writing. It was your vow to him.
"My dearest Goro. Never in a million years had I imagined that I would be spending the rest of my life with you, and to be honest, I'm pretty sure you had thought the same thing." You began, a light giggle coming from your throat. The Phantom Thieves, Sae and Sojiro also laughed, knowing what you meant by that. He had quite the troublesome past with the thieves after all. "Despite our differences in the past, I can't imagine being with anyone else. I vow to you that I'll work tirelessly to show you my love, to always be there for you, and to give you the home and family that you deserve." If he hadn't been so entranced by the way you looked while reading your vows to him, your words would've had him sobbing. "I love you Goro," He froze when your voice cracked, "I'm so happy that you're home." He knew what you meant by that. He remembered how devastated you looked when he told you that he might not have survived during Shido's palace, but he wouldn't dwell on the memory, he was with you now, right?
It was his turn. Shakily, he pulled out a card with his vows on it from his tux pocket. Taking a deep breath to calm his nerves, he began. "Y/N, my love. I truly didn't believe that I would live long enough to find love like this. And you're right, never had I imagined that I would be marrying you of all people." He watched as you lifted a hand to your mouth and laughed, your eyes lit up as you did so, the other thieves snickering along with you. He was glad that you could all laugh about the past like this. It lifted a guilty weight off of his shoulders. "And yet, here I am, unable to picture this day any other way. These past few years, you've shown me a love that I've never known. Today, I vow to you that I'll spend the rest of my days finding ways to bring happiness to you, like you've brought to me. I vow that I'll protect you and cherish you with my entire being." He looked up momentarily, amazed by the fact that a single tear was making its way down your cheek. "I love you Y/N. It's good to be home." He watched as you nearly broke down at his last sentence. You took a moment to close your eyes and take a deep breath.
The officiant started talking about your rings, but once again, Goro was too busy staring at you to listen. The sound of you squealing is what brought him back to reality. He watched as Morgana trotted down the aisle, carefully balancing a pillow on his head and carrying the rings to you both. You had a look of pure delight on your face, apparently, Akira had told you that Morgana wouldn't be able to make it because cats weren't allowed or something, but of course, your kitty friend wouldn't miss this day for the world.
Everyone in the audience cooed at the cat as he sat in front of you both with a smug grin on his face. You both reached down for the rings, your hand lingered for a moment to scratch the black cat on the head.
Goro melted into your touch when you took his hand so you could put the ring on his finger, it was a simple silver band with both of your initials engraved on the inside. Next, Goro delicately took your hand in his and slid the crown shaped wedding ring onto your left ring finger. He was the ace detective prince after all, marrying him made you his queen, right?
The officiant spoke a bit more before saying the words Goro had been waiting to hear all day. "I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may kiss the bride."
Goro gently lifted the veil from your face, but before he could lean in, you had pushed yourself onto the tips of your toes and pressed your lips to his, your arms making their way around his neck. You had been waiting just as long for this moment as he had. He quickly slipped his arms around your waist and pulled you close to him, reveling in the feeling of your lips.
Cheers erupted from the small crowd as you two pulled away. "I love you Goro Akechi." You whispered, only loud enough for him to hear. "I love you too, Y/N Akechi." His response was just as quiet as yours. Saying your first name with his last name did funny things to his heart. He wasn't sure if he'd ever get used to it, not that he minded. It would be a reminder that someone out there truly did love him.
The rest of the night was a blur for Goro. His most prominent memories of the night were of Sojiro sobbing when he danced with you, Morgana and Futaba arguing over who got to dance with you next, Ann screaming when she caught the bouquet of flowers you had thrown, and the way you looked, swaying slowly in his arms to a song he didn't know the lyrics to, but you knew every word. He wasn't even sure if he got to eat a slice of the expensive wedding cake that he had paid for.
By the time you both made it to the bridal suite, you were exhausted. Goro was barely able to get your wedding dress off of you before you passed out on the bed. He did his best to carefully remove your makeup so you wouldn't have to worry about it in the morning. He couldn't help but stare at you for a bit as you laid beside him, the light from the moon making your skin glow. His mind was ready to burst from how many mental photos he had taken throughout the day.
Gently, as to not disturb you, he wrapped you in his arms and drifted to sleep while going over the memories he had of this day.
5 years.
You and Goro have been married for 5 years now. Goro couldn't deny that he was happy to wake up next to you every day.
However, today was different. He knew that you had planned to meet up with the girls for an early breakfast, but you didn't wake him up to say goodbye. Usually, on the rare occasions that you would have to leave your shared house before he woke up, you'd wake him up and give him a kiss goodbye.
He had noticed that you had been a bit distant lately, and he couldn't help but worry. Were you falling out of love with him? Were you cheating on him? Was it something worse? His mind filled with all sorts of negative questions and concerns in an attempt to figure out why you were acting the way you were.
Goro waited for you on the couch in your home, planning on confronting you about your strange behavior when you got back. In the 8 years that you've been together, you've never once done something like this, so he was incredibly scared.
The familiar jingle of keys and turning of the lock on the front door signaled your safe arrival home. He watched you freeze for a moment when you made eye contact with him, uncertainty and nervousness clouding your once bright eyes. Goro raised an eyebrow, despite the fear that coursed through his veins.
You took a deep breath before approaching him silently, once in front of him, you dug around in your purse for a moment, before handing him a small white box with a red ribbon tied around it. He stared at the box, shocked as you took a seat beside him. Goro could feel you staring at him, burning a hole into the side of his head. A... gift? This wasn't what he was expecting at all.
"Well?" Your voice sounded so small. Were you afraid of something? He took a moment to look at you before untying the ribbon and opening the box, inside sat three pregnancy tests. Each one testing positive. It took a moment for his brain to process this information. You were pregnant, with his child. That's why you had been so distant. The two of you almost never talked about kids. Due to his traumatic past, Goro believed that he would never be a good father, even with all of the therapy and support from you, he could never see himself being one.
"You're pregnant." He breathed, still staring at the pregnancy tests. "Yeah." You sounded so tired, sad even. Despite his original negative stance on becoming a father, he couldn't help but feel joy. He was going to be the father of your child. He was being given the chance to start a family of his own.
Slowly, he turned towards you, staring down at your stomach. You weren't really showing yet. "Well?" You repeated. Your voice shook, on the verge of tears. Goro didn't respond with words, he just leaned forwards and pushed you into the couch, his arms wrapped around your back and his face pressed into your stomach. He couldn't stop the sob that escaped his lips. He never could've imagined this. Despite his initial fears, he would do his best to be the greatest father that he could be.
Your body shook as you began sobbing as well, one hand gripping the back of his head and the other resting against his back, holding him as he cried.
"I'm going to be a dad?" He cried into your stomach, needing to confirm that this was real. "You're going to be a dad, and an amazing one at that." Your response was so genuine, it made it impossible for him to believe otherwise.
His wish of being loved, of being needed, had really come true.
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hoshihime98 · 4 years
Fugonara headcanons for @purplecraze
(Most of them are copy pasted from my twt)
1) For Narancia was love at first sight, while Fugo took a bit more of time to realized he had a crush on the other, due never having friends of his age and a bit of self hate and denial
2) Since they started dating they celebrate every special occasion at Libeccio, eating together the same kind of spaghetti Fugo offer to Nara when they meet
3) Nara's favorite kind of kisses are forehead kisses! He loves when Fugo pulls his hair up and gives him a smooch, expecially after he got a right answer on his homeworks 🥰
4) Fugo is really shy about PDA, while when they are at home he has not problems about cuddling with Narancia, when they are outside he gets really awkard about it. So instead of taking his hand he just quietly keeps to hold Nara's skirt-thing.
Narancia finds it adorable!
On the other side Fugo is weird about touch in general and swings from wanting to be next to Narancia 24/7 to get upset if the other touches him, in the latter case they just chill in the same room
5) Narancia is a early bird, usually he wakes up before Fugo's allarm starts, so since they started to sleep in the same bed, Nara is the one that wakes Fugo up. Sometimes he kisses his cheeks till he is awake, other times he kick him out the bed. Is a gamble for the poor albino
Fugo is more a night owl and after years of his parents waking up before the sunrise when he can he likes to sleep and dosent admit it but waking up with Narancia kissing him is way better than the allarm
6) Nara loves Fugo's voice, expecially when he is reading and Fugo likes to read aloud for him. Usually before sleeping he reads a bit for Narancia, but he is also a lil shit that stops when a cliffhanger happends and is like "i will keep reading i you finish math tomorrow :)"
7) Narancia has a really good muscolar memory and he is a really good dancer, when he was homeless he wven used to dance in the street to get some cash.
Once he surprised Fugo by leaning how to slow dancing so they could dance together when they are a some formal Passione event
8) Fugo drolls in his sleep and snores, Narancia is the most messier sleeper you will ever meet, The others have no idea how they can manage to sleep in the same bed since they both have a short patience.
Also Nara insist to be the big spoon, but actually he looooves to be the little spoon
9) After learning that Fugo never did a lot of typical kids stuff when he was a child Narancia tired to make him experience those things, sometimes after a late night mission they sneak in the park and chat while going on the swings. Other times they watch cartoons together, Fugo ends up really liking pokemon and they now even play the games together sometimes
10) Narancia dosent share his food with anyone, the others dont complain, they know he had problems with starvation when he was homeless.
So when at their first date Nara asked Fugo if he wanted a bite of his pizza'slice, Fugo had the confirm that Narancia loved him.
11) They like to play fights, not in an angry way, more a two kittens way.
Narancia has a a lot of energy and Fugo needs an outlet for his anger, so is not rare to catch em playing wrestling on the couch
they go from fighting to making out in the span of a couple of minutes tho
12) Narancia gets really upset when it rains, expecially storms, he had bad experiences with rain when he was homeless, so Fugo does his best to cheer him up
13) they both like history, but while Fugo likes more acient Rome topics, Narancia is more fan of the 20th cenutry, more specifically everything about planes, dude may not remeber his tables but he will tell you how the motor of a WWI aircraft used to work by heart, Fugo is impressed but also slighty pissed that Narancia can remember stuff but only what it wants (Its the ADHD BABEEEY)
14) Most of Fugo' strength comes from adrenaline, while Narancia has more stamina and muscles, so is easy for Narancia winning their fights, he just needs to wait for Fugo to burn out his anger
(Also cw/tw about Fugo anime past mention)
1) Like physical affection Fugo gets weird about sex too. Due trauma he swings from being disgusted by sex to hypersexual, Narancia may not get it 100% but does his best to make sure Fugo is always confortable
2) Narancia tops most of the time, it started as "im gonna top because im older!" But they end up fine with it.
3) Even before knowing what happend to Fugo, Nara noticed that he was kinda freak out by sex. Narancia assumed it was more because of his strict parents than anything, but still in their first times he always made sure that Fugo was ok and feel confortable with what was happening.
4) Narancia has more stamina than Fugo, the boy could go for 2-3 rounds each night and Fugo is asleep after 1 lmao.
Also Nara gets after sex munchies and eants to eat junk food, so it happends nore than often that he dragged a sleepy Fugo at mcdonald at 1am
5) they both have a praise kink 🥺
6) While as i said Narancia tops most of the times, sometimes they switch and Fugo hets really possesive of Nara in that case 👉👈
Also he is totally a biter
7) Fugo is a bit of repressed nerd while Narancia saw a lot of shits while he was living in the streets, so he finds funny when Fugo wants to do something new or even just asking to fuck but never gets the courage to do it and gets cryptic, hoping that Nara gets it (Sometimes Nara act clueless because he is a little shit)
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houseofhalation · 4 years
Am I attempting to write slice of life comedy because I’m depressed and having a hard time writing the three billion other things I have going on, despite never having written slice of life comedy ever at all in my entire life? Yeah.
Am I sticking my entire middle finger up at the canon as it stands and doing whatever I want? Also yeah.
Anyway enjoy the first part of this so far untitled thing. Lots of swearing, currently genderless MC, let’s all ignore the canon for a minute okay?
Monday mornings are extremely, unrelentingly, unquestionably cursed. Nothing good ever happens on a Monday. That’s how you know you’re utterly boned when your boss asks you to come in early for a private meeting. On a Monday.
You haul yourself out of bed and wonder how much effort you should put into your appearance if you’re getting fired. Eventually you settle on not too much and crawl your way into the office, a prompt forty-five minutes before it’s actually meant to open. Most things are still dark. Your desk looks cold and neglected, and you wish you could have neglected it for just a bit longer. 
The bushy facial hair on your boss’s lips twitches in what is either a smile or a grimace when he sees you, and while you’re not sure which would be best to see at the moment, you think that it’s maybe not a grimace. You heave a sigh and follow him into his office, staring out his window into the still-sleeping city. 
He sits down behind his desk. 
You sit across from him, wondering if you should have brought a box or if your tote bag is big enough to carry everything out in. Regardless, it’s going to be a bitch to haul the contents of your desk home on the subway. 
He stares at you long enough that you start to wonder if you called the meeting. Then you remember that’s absurd. Isn’t it? It’s becoming abundantly clear that you shouldn’t have had that last glass of wine before going to bed. 
“We have a new client,” your boss says, and because you’re too busy wondering if your LinkedIn profile is up to date and considering his similarities to a walrus, you don’t immediately hear his words. They hit you like a brick wall.
“Okay,” you say because you’re not sure what else there is to say. 
“They’re out of the country,” he continues, looking more and more nervous. The last time he’s looked this nervous a prominent client went on a week-long bender and livestreamed most of it. Christ, that had been a mess to clean up and almost made you go on a bender of your own.
“You noted on your application that you wouldn’t mind relocating,” he says as if he can read your thoughts. “And you’re the only one in the firm without a family, so…”
It doesn’t sound like you’re being fired. 
“I’m not being fired?” You ask because you just have to be sure. Your boss blinks down at you and cements the walrus imagery in your mind forever. 
“Of course not,” he tells you. “They’ve requested someone to handle all of their online presence, and the firm determined that you would be the best fit.”
Most likely because as the newest hire, you’re lowest on the totem pole. Ugh.
“Now, you’ll be living on campus, so all of your accommodations will be taken care of. Nothing to worry about, really. The contract is indeterminate, so you’ll be there for…” your boss’s tongue peeks out to lick his lips and oh, shit, he’s super nervous. Not a good sign. “You’ll be there for as long as they need you to be,” he finally finishes. He slides a suspiciously slim manilla folder across his desk at you, narrowly missing one of his goofy little desk decorations as he does so. You flip it open and find a single page inside. 
Welcome to the Royal Academy of Diavolo! It proclaims proudly, right beside poorly-framed, blurry photographs of what you assume is a student, dressed up either for a theatre production or for a halloween event. Either way, not a super awesome first impression. You can’t even tell how old the student is supposed to be.
“Is this it?” You wave the single paper beside your head as if waiting for it to multiply magically. Your boss has the decency to look ashamed. “Can you tell me anything else about it?”
“It’s a school,” he says. 
“Right, but… College? University? Primary education? Public? ...Private?” Probably private, you determine with another glance at the name, and christ, is that comic sans? Your boss coughs lightly.
“It’s a school,” he says again, as if that in any way answers any of your questions. 
Fucking fantastic.
If you didn’t need the money so bad, you’d have tossed the sad excuse for a client profile in the trash. What the hell is your boss thinking, taking on this client? But you do need the money, so you go home and pack a few bags and look at your sad, shitty little apartment you sublet from your college roommate. They’ll be able to find someone new no problem, and you’re honestly not too sad to be saying goodbye to the shoebox. 
At least room and board is covered at your new gig at the mystery school.
You agreed to meet at the train station because that’s a public place with plenty of security cameras and witnesses, and honestly, if you’re going to get murdered for this job you want your kidnapping to be recorded, at the very least. You don’t know if your chauffeur is going to be holding a little sign with your name on it like in the movies or not, but you think probably not. You scan the crowd for someone who looks like they're from the Royal Academy of Whevever-the-hell and give up after an hour of sitting on the hard wooden bench provided for poor schmucks like you. 
The whole thing is probably a joke. Ha, ha. Very fucking funny, let’s haze the new employee. A lawsuit sounds like the perfect way to round out your Monday morning. 
Irritated at a brand new level, you haul your bags into the bathroom after you, fully intending to splash some water on your face. If you didn’t think they’d get stolen, you’d have left them behind on the bench. But seeing as how just about every earthly possession you have is within them, you’re not too keen on the idea.
So they follow you into the pitch-black void that is meant to be the restroom, which really, is just another cherry on the shit sundae that has become your morning. You’re tired, in the last place you want to be right now, chasing after some stupid-sounding client that probably doesn’t exist, and now the electricity is on the fritz.
Two enthusiastic thumbs up. 
You swallow a growl and fling out your arm, fully intending to find the wall and, hopefully, the lightswitch. You don’t find anything at all, just more black void, and why the hell aren’t your eyes adjusting so you take a mincing step forward. And then another. 
And another, just for good measure, which turns out to be the wrong decision, all things considered. You go hurtling forward and just before you make impact, all you can think is they’d better have cleaned this godforsaken floor sometime this decade before you smash against flagstone.
Not the tile you’d been expecting. 
Your phone skitters out of your hands and you hear something on it snap with a sick, twisting feeling in your stomach. That sounded expensive and you don’t relish trying to get it fixed on a budget. Not to mention that you’re… somewhere and without a means of communication. 
“Oh!” Someone exclaims from above you just as you become aware that you can see. Kind of. The lights are still dim, but the moon gleaming in from the huge windows provides at least a little light to see by.
“You’re early,” the voice says, interrupting your stalled-out train of thought. Hands reach down and pick up your bags, and then help you to your feet. You allow them to because this has to be a dream. You’ve not woken up just yet, surely, and any minute now you will, and you’re going to get fired like you thought you were going to be. This is just a stress dream. A weird one.
“Sorry about that; we didn’t expect you for a few more minutes. Things were still being prepared.”
Or you’re dead. You’ve died in your sleep of an aneurysm or something and this is your brain’s last dying gasps as it tries to make sense of all your misfiring neurons or whatever. It’s been a long time since freshman biology class. 
“Either way, let me be the first to introduce you to both the Royal Academy of Diavolo and the Devildom!”
You stare dumbly up at the huge mountain of a man, dressed in what looks absurdly like a red military uniform. He smiles widely at you, eyes crinkled up in expressions of pure joy like you’re not dying or stuck in a fever dream. You pinch yourself hard on your arm.
Son of a bitch, it hurts.
Which means it’s high time your brain catches up and tries to process all of the words that have been spoken at you. A herculean task, really, because they don’t make a lick of sense and now that you think about it, maybe you hit your head when you tripped in the dark. Yeah. That would make sense. You’ve got a concussion, probably. Those come with hallucinations, right? You have no idea how concussions work, but that doesn’t stop you from deciding you have one.
“This… is not the bathroom,” you announce. 
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Happy Day 4 of @shikakuweek ! I didn’t originally have a plan to write for today but I got hit by a burst of inspiration.  There’s so much to explore in Shikaku/Yoshino’s relationship.  I loved writing this story, I hope that you all enjoy it too.  There are parts of this that reference the events from another story/chapter, “Meant to Be,”  but you don’t need to have read it to understand what’s going on.  My headcanon is that Shikaku and Yoshino knew each other when they were really little and she’s loved him since then.  Anyway, I’ll leave you to it.  Enjoy!
Prompt:  Romance
Summary:  He wasn’t bothered by it. Not at all. 
“I don’t like her,”  Shikaku repeated once again while his teammates looked at him unconvinced. 
It was a typical evening out and his team had decided to spend it at their favorite restaurant.  Yoshino and her friends had also been there and this led to the inevitable discussion about their relationship.  
Inoichi stared at him with a challenge set in his eyes.  “So you’re saying that if I asked her out, it wouldn’t bother you.” 
Shikaku shrugged in response.  “By all means, you wanna saddle yourself down to someone like her that’s your funeral”
To his surprise, the blonde man made his way over to her with a grin on his face. 
“Hey Inoichi! How are you?”  Yoshino greeted him warmly.  She loved Shikaku’s teammates and she was forever grateful that they watched over him.
“I’m good, your future husband is being a nightmare.” 
Yoshino smiled at the thought.  “Why?”
“He said that he wouldn’t care if I asked you out, which we both know he most definitely would.”   Yoshino laughed at the explanation, understanding Shikaku’s glare from the other side of the room.
“He’s still far too stubborn. It’s alright, I think I’m starting to wear him down.” 
“How’s your medical ninjutsu?”  The blonde asked curiously, feeling Shikaku’s cold stare on the back of his neck.  
“Pretty good, why?”
“I might need it if he stabs me for this.  Come on let’s get a drink.” 
Disbelief and shock were keeping Shikaku restrained to his seat in the crowded restaurant.  The look on his face caused Choza to worry about breaking up a fight. 
“So you’re really just going to let this happen,”  Choza asked his friend who had been silently stewing in his seat.  
“They’re free to date whoever they want.” 
Choza shook his head annoyed at his teammates.  “One of your best friends slash teammate is asking out the girl that you won’t admit you love and you’re just going to sit here.”
Choza dropped his face into his hands. “We’re doomed.” 
“Because clearly I’m the only one with brains on this team.” 
The rest of the night Shikaku just glared at them watching as she smiled and laughed in his friend’s direction. 
‘What the hell could she be laughing at?  Inoichi isn’t that funny.’  Shikaku grumbled to himself.   
“Stop being so stubborn and go over there.”  Choza tried to reason with him. 
“I’m not being stubborn and I don’t need to go over there.  I mean she’s obviously just being polite.”
“Jealousy is an ugly emotion.”
Shikaku’s mouth was pulled in a tight line.  “Well, then it’s a damn good thing that I’m not jealous.”
Choza shook his head with a frown of disbelief.  And yet Shikaku complained that Yoshino was the stubborn one.  He threw back another drink.  Tonight’s tab was going to be on them. 
Yoshino swirled her drink, an uncommon look of defeat in her eyes. “It’s tough Inoichi. I don’t know if he’s ever going to want to be with me.”  They had many conversations about his teammate and she appreciated how supportive he had always been. 
Inoichi looked at her surprised.  Recently, it felt like something had changed between the two of them.  Even now she was wearing the hair clip that Shikaku had given her weeks ago.  
“Where’s this coming from.  Since I’ve known you, you’ve been on this path to becoming a Nara.”
“After he gave me this I honestly thought things would change.  It’s been weeks and he feels even more distant than before.  He hasn’t acknowledged my existence once tonight.  We’re getting older, it hurts getting rejected all the time ya know.  You know how stubborn he can be, if I keep pushing he’s just going to move further and further away from me.  If I want any chance then maybe I need to back off a little bit.”  She rested her head tiredly against his shoulder. 
“Hey, he’d be lucky to have a girl like you.”
She’d been thinking about this for a few weeks now. Those precious moments in the cherry blossom grove seemed almost like a dream.  It might be time to wake up.   “He deserves the best, that’s all I’ve ever wanted for him.  Maybe though, that’s not me.”  
Inoichi patted her head comfortingly, annoyed with his friend.  “Don’t give up just yet.  Come on, let’s get you home.”  They made their way over to his teammates to say good night. Just being this close to Shikaku was breaking Yoshino’s heart. 
“It’s getting late, I’m going to walk Yoshino home-“. Inoichi was cut off by Shikaku standing up to his full height. 
“No problem. I’ll walk with her.”  Shikaku announced moving to her side protectively.
Inoichi had to hide his grin. Shikaku was pissed. “It’s okay buddy, I’ve got it.”
“I insist.”  He took her hand in his, leading her outside.  “Come on Yoshi time to go home.” 
Inoichi and Choza watched the couple leave with a smirk. 
“Well, my work here is done.”
If Shikaku was as smart as everyone thought he wouldn’t let her go so easily. 
It was a chilly, starry evening in Konoha.  Shikaku instinctively pulled Yoshino closer to his side to keep her warm.  Her hand was still clutched in his.  He was purposely taking her the long way home and if she noticed she didn’t mention it.  
“So, when are you two going out?”  He asked curiously trying to keep the look on his face passive.  He knew it probably wasn’t his business but he needed to know.  
Yoshino smiled at him with a shake of her head.  “Come on Shikaku he would never actually ask me out. Besides, he knows where my heart is. I would have never accepted.” 
Tears began to appear in her eyes.  It was now or never.  “Look, you know how I feel about you.  How I’ve always felt about you.  I’ve held onto a lot of hope that we’d end up together eventually but maybe I was just trying to force my own feelings onto you and that isn’t fair.  I saw how many girls were staring at you in there.  You probably don’t realize it but they’re always watching you.  I’ve just selfishly tried to keep you all to myself.  But, I think that the best way to show you how much I love you is to let you go.”
Shikaku’s heart dropped, confusion clouding his face.   “What?  What are you saying?”
“Shikaku, I love you.  I’ve loved you since you foolishly tried to defend me from those bullies then I knocked them out myself.  But love without freedom isn’t love.  So after tonight, I’ll keep my distance.  I’ll give you space to find whoever it is that you think deserves your heart.”  She reached up to kiss his cheek.  
“Goodbye, my dear.”  His hand lifted to touch where she kissed his cheek watching her walk further and further away from him. 
“Wait!”  Yoshino felt herself still seeing shadows trapping her in place.
“You can’t just say that and decide the future of our relationship like that.”
“What future?”
He paced back and forth trying to get his thoughts in order.  “For years you’ve been telling me that we're supposed to get married, that you knew that we belonged together. Don’t I owe you trees in the forest?  How can you just give up?”
Yoshino’s shoulders dropped in defeat confused by his frustration.  “I don’t know what you want from me Shikaku.  I can’t have anyone else but you.  You’ve always said that us together isn’t possible.  You could easily just walk away, leave me here and move on but I can’t do that.  I’ll never be able to just stop my feelings for you but if I know that your heart is safe with someone that you want then I think I’ll be okay.” 
He reached up to grip at his hair.  “God, woman it’s you I want.”
Her eyes widened at the declaration  “Shikaku?”
“I can’t believe how stupid I’ve been.  Time and time again you’ve offered me your heart and I just kept rejecting it but you stayed.  I guess that I never allowed myself to believe that how you felt about me was real.  I’m so sorry.  Despite how I acted and what I might have said I think that I was selfishly keeping you tied to me.  So that you would always be mine.”
He took a deep breath resting his forehead against hers.  “All night I was watching you with Inoichi, really fucking upset and jealous.  He’s one of my best friends and I wanted to knock him out cold because he got to see your smile.  The one that I always work so hard to earn.  I began to panic because even if it wasn’t him someone else could steal you away from me.  Until tonight, I never imagined that could happen.”
A warm hand cradled her face, his thumb brushing away her tears.  “Yoshino I love you.”
He felt her tears raining between them while they kissed his arms wrapped around her tight.  He spent years denying how he felt, how much she meant to him and just how much he loved her.  His demanding, beautiful, wonderful Love.  
She gazed up at him with a watery smile. Her heart was whole and complete.  “I love you too Shikaku.” 
Yoshino hugged him tightly, her head resting against his heart.  She shut her eyes tightly overwhelmed and relieved.  He loved her.  She had always believed that this was the path that their relationship would take but she wasn’t prepared for how wonderful it felt.   
“Why are you still crying?”  Shikaku asked worriedly, brushing her tears away. She reached up to kiss him, relishing in the fact that she could do so freely. He was relieved feeling her smile against his lips.
She curled into his chest, his strong arms wrapping her up securely.  “I'm just really happy.”    
A lifetime of shared memories ran through her head knowing they had many more to look forward to.  He had been, and would always be hers.   
Always:  A Shikaku/Yoshino ficlet collection
My Dear
My Love
Meant to Be
The Yamanakas are the best wingmen.  :D  every incarnation of InoShikaCho is precious.  I need more stories about the InoShikaCho daddies.  
That’s all I’ve got for the week!  Thanks for celebrating with me.  I’ll enjoy seeing everyone’s submissions for the rest of the week.  Thank you especially to @shikakunaras for moderating and a special shoutout to @temarihime ! Go read and love all their stuff!!!   Love to everyone in the Nara Clan!  
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tbr-agency · 4 years
why not?
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synopsis ∣ It was a last minute plan and Nara knew Jackson, Bambam and Yugyeom would immediately agreed to it - not knowing the exact detail where they are going.
timeline ∣ December 2020
characters ∣ The Bangs, Bang Nara (The Bloody Roses), Jackson Wang, Bambam, Kim Yugyeom (Got7)
a/n ∣ fluff and soft, a little crack, it’s normal that Bambam is nervous but Jackson and Yugyeom are extremely nervous for no reason. Italic means they are speaking in English!
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“What!? Please tell me you’re joking, Nara!”
“I’m serious, Bam.”
“Turn back! Turn back!”
“We’re almost there, oppa! There’s no point turning back!”
“Yah! We didn’t bring anything with us!”
A deep scream comes from Jackson and a few whines coming from Bambam and Yugyeom as Nara could only laugh to see them panicking.
Nara had invited them for dinner and she knew Jackson, Bambam and Yugyeom were the only ones who would agree immediately - no matter how busy they were, they would make time for the maknae of The Bloody Roses.
But what the 3 members of Got7 didn’t know is that they are going to a family dinner - personally made by the Bangs.
“Yah! I could have worn a suit or something! Look at what we are wearing now!” Jackson complained as he pointed at himself - wearing a more comfortable outfit rather than a formal one.
“Hyung is right! We look like we just woke up from a nap or something!” Yugyeom added with a slight frown as he looked at Nara who was driving.
“Why are the two of you panicking?! I should be the one panicking since I’m meeting my girlfriend’s family!” Bambam yelled in nervousness but somehow, there is a little excitement in him.
Nara chuckled to see them basically panicking at the back. She wasn’t nervous or anything since her family invited the Got7 members, so she was fine and Nara knew her family is fond of the Got7 members since they had attended her sister’s wedding so they are considered family.
Nara glanced towards Bambam through the rear-view mirror to see him looking a little quieter than usual but he was still, himself - but more calmer.
Coincidentally, Bambam caught her gaze as he proceeded to give her a cheeky wink - making Nara roll her eyes.
Maybe he wasn’t nervous or panicky at all.
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“Dude! Your house is huge!” 
“It’s not my house, Jackson. It’s my Mum and Dad’s!”
The 3 of them looked towards the extravagant home. To be honest, the 3 members weren’t too surprised knowing all of the girls’ family background.
“C’mon! Don’t be a stranger! You guys met them during my sister’s wedding!”
“But they might forget us!” Yugyeom pouted and Nara tilted her head, gesturing to come in as they passed through the gates.
“No, they don’t, Gyeom. They all love the 7 of you, trust me.” Nara added, after seeing Jackson clinging onto Yugyeom as they walk ahead, following the path.
Bambam weirdly grew quiet, causing Nara slightly looking towards him.
“Bam, you good?” Nara questioned, reaching out for him as she holds onto his hands, gripping slightly.
“Can I be honest? I’m nervous,” Bambam whispered and Nara's expression softened into a smile.
“Why? You met them before,” 
“Yeah.. but this is a family dinner, it’s considering a formal kind of meeting,” Bambam answered while pouting slightly - making Nara stop at her tracks, pulling Bambam as he faced her.
Nara looked towards where Jackson and Yugyeom was as she decided to have a word with Bambam privately fast before the 2 members saw them.
“Remember that night where you said you wanted to make our relationship public?” Nara questioned and Bambam nodded as his answer.
“Well, this is the first step - I’m just saying. This dinner is for them to get to know you better without being too formal. My parents aren’t a fan of too formal dinners. It’s boring but they have too since their job is basically full of meetings. But this… they have a choice so they wanted to make it casual and comfortable, for you, me and for everyone. Also, the others were invited because my sister misses them so..” Nara explained with a slight shrug in the end as she mentions her sister.
Bambam sighed in relief while engulfing Nara for a hug.
“I love you so much, Nara.” Bambam whispered, earning a giggle from Nara.
“Feeling better?”
“Hey lovebirds!” A familiar voice called, making Nara and Bambam to turn towards where the voice came from to see Nara’s sister leaning against the door while wiggling her eyebrows.
Bambam immediately pulled away from Nara while looking down shyly while Nara was looking at her sister’s way with a disgusted look.
“I’ve been standing here for 5 minutes and none of you noticed me! Jackson and Yugyeom have entered in now so it’s just the two of you!”
“Okay pervert! We’re coming!” Nara yelled, causing Bambam to laugh out loud seeing the two sisters bickering with one another.
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Bambam should have trusted Nara’s words because she was really right. As soon he stepped into the big house, he could already see Jackson and Yugyeom basically standing beside Nara’s mother - talking and laughing and as soon as Nara’s mother turned her head towards Bambam’s way, her expression turns into a smiley one as she made her way towards Bambam, engulfing him into a tight, crushing hug that Nara’s father had to stop his over-excited wife.
They were so welcoming and it scares Bambam that they are a replica of Bambam’s family. 
Nara’s family was an example of any typical big family and what Bambam liked about hers is that as soon as they sat on the dining table area, her parents - especially Nara’s father - were quick to ask everyone to dig in.
And unlike other families, Nara’s parents' first question towards the 3 Got7 members was what they always do during their free time and that’s when a whole new conversation that related to pets, games and music are being brought to the table
Nara just watches the members talk their heart out mainly to Jackson regarding his Team Wang plans, Yugyeom talking about his love for Dalkyum and him getting teased especially by Nara’s mother about Hyunji and Bambam talking about his family.
Jackson and Yugyeom then proceed to lowkey diss about Bambam at the same time praising Bambam regarding his personality and attitude.
Bambam knew the spotlight was about him but Nara’s parents were nice enough to make more conversations with Jackson and Yugyeom - in an attempt to make them comfortable too.
In conclusion, the 3 Got7 members enjoyed their dinner.
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“My dear, what do you see in Nara that you somehow… want to be with her?” Nara’s mother questioned Bambam as he was helping her to wash the dishes.
With just a simple question, Bambam’s heart  began to beat faster in nervousness, hence his facial expression shows.
“You don’t have to be nervous… I’m just curious…” Nara’s mother added with a slight smile then hearing Bambam’s awkward chuckle.
“Nara is a gem, really. I have never met a girl like her before. She is real, genuine and beautiful and I see a future with her. We match so well,” Bambam confessed while focusing on the dishes.
Nara’s mother slightly turned towards Bambam - seeing him looking so serious. She knew the young man was serious, he wasn’t that funny and loud guy previously at the dinner table.
She could tell he was really genuine about being with her precious daughter.
“Does she make you happy?” 
Bambam turned towards the middle-aged woman, seeing her turning towards Bambam with a small smile.
“Yes.” Bambam answered with a nod.
“Then there’s no reason to be nervous around us, Bambam. We already accepted you in the family, try to be more comfortable around us, alright? I can tell Nara really loves you. That girl always mentions you and Got7 whenever we bring the topic of Thai-food and music,” Nara’s mother slightly chuckles, earning a chuckle from Bambam too.
He was really happy, too happy.
“Yah! Joohee! Why are you letting Bambam wash the plates!?!” A deep voice came from behind, causing both Bambam and Nara’s mother to jump slightly - then realizing Nara’s father was standing behind them with a frown.
‘Well, the nice gentleman offered so I just let him! No one in this household wants to help me!” Nara’s mother grumbled as Nara’s father turned towards Bambam with an apologetic smile.
“Well, I’m sorry, my love but I have to steal Bambam away! We are short with one player! C’mon!” Nara’s father pulled Bambam away, linking the older man’s arm on Bambam’s shoulder as they walked out of the kitchen.
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Nara’s father was one of a kind and at first, Bambam was truthfully afraid of her father because when Bambam was walking around the house with Boyoung - Nara’s sister who kindly wanted to walk the 3 guest around the house, Bambam saw this big glass shelve that was filled with trophies and certificate of Nara’s parents.
Both of Nara’s parents had a title which was a higher rank and it was normal for the 3 members to be nervous but with Boyoung’s words of calmness, the3 members were relaxed since she said that her parents are the chill type.
The family weren’t the type to talk about work-related stuff when they are having dinner - as what they have experienced when they were eating with them.
Bambam had somehow gained a friendship with Nara’s father - and surprisingly but thankfully, both of them had a love for cats and Thai food. It wasn’t a surprise since his daughter loves thai-food too.
Bambam could see that Nara’s family were really caring and genuine as they prepared a bunch of dishes for the whole 7 members of Got7 which includes hand-made kimchi, whole lots of turkey especially for Mark, Jackson and Bambam, seaweed soup and a whole lot more.
Jackson, Bambam and Yugyeom had to carry 2 bags each and Nara too carried 2 bags since her mother prepared for the girls too.
“That was fun! Thank you for inviting us, Mr and Mrs Bang! The hyungs will surely be happy with your gifts!” Yugyeom thanked Nara’s parents in excitement while hugging them - making Nara’s mother giggle.
Jackson on the other hand gave a tight hug to Nara’s parents while wishing them to live longly and have a healthy life since they were really precious.
“We will wait for the two of you in the car!” Jackson informed Nara and Bambam before dragging Yugyeom away - not letting Yugyeom to even say his opinions as the Hong Kong man dragged the maknae away.
“Come and visit us when you are free, Bambam,”
“Dear, he’s busy with work, right Bambam? Starting from this week, he’s going to be busy because they just have their comeback,” Nara’s father answered while holding onto his wife closely.
Bambam nodded while shaking hands with Nara’s father and unexpectedly, her father engulfed Bambam into a tight hug. 
Nara’s mother said a few words to Bambam which was asking Bambam to take care of himself and to eat more for health purposes then hugging Bambam.
“Okay! Move along, you two! Drive safely!” Nara’s father shooed the two young ones, causing Bambam to laugh - seeing Nara’s expression.
“Geez… Relax.. We are leaving,” Nara muttered under her breath, giving her two parents a big tight hug and kisses on their cheeks before walking away, together with Bambam.
“Nara-ah! Call us when you reach home!” Nara’s father yelled, causing Nara and Bambam to look back - with Nara giving her father a thumbs up and a wave to them.
“That was fun!” Bambam commented, sounding happy and Nara tilted her head towards him.
“I told you it’s going to be fun! You should see the whole Bloody Roses girls in the house - it’s going to be more chaotic!” 
“And the hyungs too! It’s gonna be fun and loud!” Bambam added his girlfriend's words, then watched Nara laughing as she continued to tell him different stories about the other girls whenever they were visiting Nara’s family.
Nara’s mother's words were stuck onto Bambam’s head and that’s when Bambam’s love for Nara grew bigger and he would forever remember this fun, enjoyable and soft night.
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masterlist : Got7 Bodyguard Au
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Have you been watching Elliott From Earth?
I have been, yes. I was going to do a little write up about my thoughts about it on here but I kept putting that off. I suppose now is as good a time as any to finally do it. I’m liking it so far. A lot of the old Gumball crew worked on this and you can definitely tell. It shows quite a bit in the animation style. (No, it doesn’t have the mixed-media approach that Gumball does, but compare the 2D characters from Gumball and the characters from Elliott From Earth and you can see the similarities.) And both have similar themes of “a group of incredibly diverse creatures living together in a society.” and “everyone’s a little weird so embrace it.” But at the same time, it’s not Gumball. To me, it’s not as funny as Gumball is and it goes at a bit of a slower pace. It also has a narrative throughout the whole thing, unlike Gumball which only threw one in at season 3. (Not that I don’t love the meta arc, I do. It’s one of my favorite things about the whole show.) Also, I don’t like the characters as much, Elliott seems a bit blander than Gumball when it comes to main characters for example, but that’s possibly because I don’t know them as well. We are only 12 episodes in. (Though I don’t know if we’ll get much more, CN seems to be releasing all of season 1 all at once. And with the creator having left.....Idk.) The side characters have promise, a lot of their gimmicks seem cool. Like Billy, who is invisible, and Nara, who can see the future, and looks like she could be Rob’s little sister. (She’s a cyclops with Rob’s color pallet from seasons 1 and 2, her eyes even glow that same pink as Rob’s iris when she’s using her power.) The story is engaging enough that I do want to know more about the rock and why it brought them to the Centrium, though I do have a theory. (A lot of the aliens on board mentioned that they’re there because their planet was destroyed, and the only other earthling there is Mo, a dinosaur, and there sure aren’t any of those here anymore. So I’m guessing they were taken because something is going to happen to earth, or at least to the human race.) All in all, I’m enjoying it so far, but no, I don’t like it as much as Gumball. But tbh, I wasn’t really expecting to. Gumball holds a special place in my heart, and I don’t think anything can replace it. 
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jacksgreysays · 4 years
Determined Clairvoyant, Misguided Knight brainstorm, (2020-05-29)
A/N: So I had a weird sleepless brainstorming/outlining binge last night, passed out and woke up to this chunk of nonsense...
I’ve been reading a lot of DCMK (Detective Conan and Magic Kaito) fic but also I am always a little bit thinking of DoS so my brain went:
Hey, Shisui and Shikako have very similar personalities to Kaito and Shinichi...
But Shisui is the detective and Shikako the thief.
And on the one hand, I was considering just translating it into the in Friendship Is A (Mutual) Con 'verse, such that Shisui is Interpol/FBI and ends up helping the crew because what they do is morally right even if it's not legal...
But it just wouldn’t be the same!
Also, for those who don’t know anything about DCMK, I’m not really using the Detective Conan premise (in which a famous teenage detective gets shrunken into a 6 year old and has to keep his identity secret while finding/dismantling the criminal organization that did this to him. In their defense(?) they were trying to kill him but used an “experimental poison.” They’re not going out of their way to randomly turn teenagers into kids... although there is another teenager that got turned into a kid by that same poison) 
But it is interconnected to the Magic Kaito ‘verse (in which a teenager discovers that his dad didn’t die in an accident but was murdered by a mysterious criminal organization (possibly the same one as in Detective Conan? we’re not sure) because he used to be Phantom Thief KID who was searching for a magical jewel called Pandora that supposedly grants immortality because said mysterious criminal organization wants it for nefarious means. Also the teen and his dad are stage magicians and make their heists very flashy and fun)
Anyway, personality wise I was really feeling the Shikako = paranoid/logical Shinichi vs Shisui = flamboyant genius Kaito contrasting with their arguable respective roles as Shikako = chaotic neutral regular rule breaker and Shisui = lawful good believer of systems if not authority.
I was considering whether or not I wanted to transplant the characters into the DCMK setting, but seeing how that’s just (arguably) modern day Japan I was a little... the adapting would be more work than its worth when really all I wanted was thief!Shikako and detective!Shisui and I also, as previously mentioned, didn’t want to just insert Shisui into the Fia(M)C ‘verse.
So then I remembered this ficlet in which Danzo successfully became Hokage but a mysterious figure (ie Shikako) is working against him and I was like. Okay, but reluctant detective!Shisui having to try to capture insurrectionist thief!Shikako is hilarious. And I know Shisui isn’t actually KMP in canon, but Danzo is Hokage which means the situation is bleak and I kinda explain everything below anyway, so...
shisui is one of the oldest uchiha in the village because everyone older than him was executed by danzo for their (supposed?) attempted coup
doesn't particularly want to be a detective, but he's the only one left
sharp-eyed shisui? it is both mocking his singular eye but also he does end up being pretty good at investigation
Itachi is clan head and also one of danzo’s busiest anbu (because danzo is creepy and weird) and he’s being run so ragged that shisui stepped up to do it since he vaguely remembers the KMP’s protocols and also, with one eye short, his combat effectiveness isn’t as reliable
He hates not being able to be back up for itachi, but until he figures out the depth perception thing, he’d be a liability
Itachi is the only one with both eyes (again, because danzo is creepy and weird)
every time one of his younger cousins activate their sharingan, they are forced to undergo surgery because danzo harvests one eye from each of them
sasuke is the next upcoming kid
hikaku/sai was the most recent
Shikako is working reverse chronologically to restore eyeballs because they’re not exactly labeled but she knows the newest eye goes to the most recent activator.
This is how she gets hikaku/sai’s immediate loyalty (he has both eyes, but still hides one under his eyepatch/headband because if you can’t passive aggressively use danzo’s tricks against him then what’s the point? )
((also, it’s a real good dramatic reveal of how shikako gets shisui to trust her because he’s like “you’re stealing my family’s eyeballs and turning my little cousin into your spy” and then hikaku/sai just flips up his eyepatch and blinks both eyes at shisui and he just. “well, that was literally the only argument i had”))
Oh, the age of graduation is lower in canon because danzo doesn’t believe in coddling kids and also “back in my day” nonsense, so sasuke is maybe around 8?
kakashi is, like, a weird sticking point. he's the only non-danzo adult that has a sharingan and, hey, he's also only got just the one, but shisui also remembers the elders being a little weird about him so :shrugs:
I should figure out what to do with him, tbh
i mean, i know Shikako helps Naruto escape/evade ANBU capture because Danzo was going to turn him into a “proper jinchuuriki weapon” so maybe she throws him at Kakashi and is like “BABY SITTING DUTY FOR YOU, SAD STRING BEAN”
and there’s also Tenzo/Yamato to consider here
at first the thefts are random but escalating: old mission reports, the sandaime's novelty(?) crystal ball, the hokage's hat, the sword of the thunder god, etc, etc
then it becomes directed: sharingan eyes
Shadow Thief Shikako is here to make things real difficult for danzo
while shisui is trying really hard not to get smitten (even though she’s stealing his family’s eyeballs! but he guesses better than in danzo’s possession? he’s very conflicted emotionally and very stressed and also a teenager), shikako is recruiting allies for her coup
She needs to make a deal with the devil… Kabuto? For the medical expertise in how to re-implant all the sharingan she’s stealing?
He does spy on behalf of who he thinks is the strongest, and shikako is v strong by this point
Although, the whole concept of “you were the first person i ever wanted to murder” “you flatter me” is kind of funny
What is going on with orochimaru in this timeline?
For that matter, what’s going on with the other sannin?
hyuuga have weird feelings about the whole one eye stolen thing, branch family in particular because on the one hand: DOJUTSU/BLOODLINE THEFT is literally their big nono. But they do like being the strongest clan in the village now.
Is neji’s dad still alive? When did danzo become hokage? Is it before or after Hinata’s near kidnapping?
Ibiki, anko, aoba -- gotta figure out what’s going on there
Does aoba not have the crow summons since shisui is still alive?
Is aoba a surprise half uchiha?
Unsure how bleak i want things to be for the Nara clan. They definitely don’t like things, but i’m not sure if they’re also largely killed off, just shikaku, or just yoshino…… unless Shikamaru has been taken as Danzo’s apprentice/ROOT?
Something also has to have happened to the akimichi and yamanaka tho, in order to justify/reflect it
Team 10 is essentially being held hostage. Shikako has to “steal” them from Danzo in order to get the ANY clans’ cooperation
they’re allowed to visit their family once a week in order to get clan training, but it’s on different days from each other so the other two are still within ROOT’s grasp and the one who is visiting their family knows not to step out of line
Shikamaru has been trying really hard to help him and his teammates escape, but he’s only eight years old. I’m but a boy. I’m just a boy
There is a war.
I’ve decided this.
It’s the only way to make sense of why danzo is still in charge without him having killed a ludicrous number of people (more than he’s already killed, that is)
There is a war and that’s where the majority of the loudest dissenters are sent (inuzuka, aburame, gai, etc) and because they are always out on the front lines they don’t know how bad it actually is at home
Mist rebellion peeps?
Zabuza and Haku are still alive at this time, i guess
Terumi Mei--is there even a mist rebellion at this time or are they too busy with the war, too?
… Gelel/Sand?
look, magical gems are the crux of Magic Kaito and I know I’ve replaced them with Sharingan eyes, but still. If there’s a magical gem I feel like I’m obligated to at least mention it
also, Shinichi in Detective Conan ends up with, like, the most ludicrous allies over the course of the series. He is a--as far as anyone else knows--a 6 year old Japanese boy with connections to the American FBI. That’s nuts! So Shikako having allies with Mist or Sand isn’t too far outside feasibility in comparison
A/N: So... in theory I would like to come back to this and actually write it--because as far as sleepless brainstorming sessions go, this one is fairly coherent--but just in case I don’t, I figure people would enjoy this mess of an outline anyway. And it’s nice to have notes for later.
Title is, unsurprisingly, my attempt to make the letters DCMK apply to Shikako and Shisui. On the one hand, I know the quote is “and angry Aburame, a focused Inuzuka, and a motivated Nara” but I kiiiinda misremembered wrong and thought it was “determined,” fell in love with Shisui as the “misguided knight” and then only after went back to check and realized that it should’ve been “motivated”
Ah well
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maxtothemax · 4 years
Hawk Annotations
It’s been some days since Hawk came out so I figured I’d post my stupid annotations on here. Putting it all under a cut because, obviously, there are so many spoilers, and I had a lot to say.
Started reading: 7/6/20
The 10th Maximum Ride book
It just came out today and I just got it in the mail so let’s see what this dumpster fire is all about.
2 – well! the world building is already bad
3 – I do sorta like the narrative voice though
8 – there’s so much swearing. wonder whether she’s allowed to say fuck though
she says “feck”???
11 – how is there an even remotely functional government like 15-20 years post-apocalypse
13 – why’d she wait the extra half hour?
15 – “my kids” I’m going to assume this is more of a flock situation than a teen mom situation?
19 – so much exposition :/
23 – I’m really not invested in any of this. Ugh, and I have 400 pages to go… [well, okay, it was more like 375. My hardcover copy was long.]
26 – for someone who doesn’t care about her parents, Hawk sure does bring them up a lot
37 – oh, that’s probably Fang, isn’t it
39 – is that a fucking smiley face? [It actually had J in the narration. What??]
40 – “Anytime I heard the word ‘experiment,’ my ears perked right up” okay just call me out like that I guess
43 – that would make sense
46 – black lab coat? [the future of lab fashion?]
67 – hmm this is weird, I don’t like it
69 – she didn’t really seem like she was into that
72 – …but apparently she was?
78 – well that escalated quickly
82 – I don’t know how to feel about this
85 – has Max been in solitary for 10 years? What the fuck?? [It wasn’t solitary confinement, actually, just regular prison.]
87 – none of this world building makes any sense
101 – this is incredibly poorly written. Barely even follows the rules of reality
102 – It’s also very dark, edgy, “Life sucks deal with it” flavored and I’m not a fan
General note: this is reminding me of Witch & Wizard in all the worst ways. Especially page 105. [It’s been brought to my attention that Gabrielle Charbonnet also co-authored at least one book in that series, so that’s probably why.]
106 – Why does McCallum sound exactly like Trump? [The most shocking part of reading this book was finding out that Jimmy Patterson apparently disapproves of Trump.]
108 – so we’re not ignoring the “he was like a brother to me” thing?
109 – JP has torn this series apart so thoroughly. I hate him.
116 – Fuck this. You killed her after giving her maybe 2 minutes of page time. There’s nothing meaningful about that!! Nothing!!
119 – oH SHIT OKAY
121 – that didn’t make it any better, actually
Everything feels so pointless here
I don’t even want to read this but it’ll bug me if I don’t :/
127 – At least this book is better about describing characters
129 – HOW COULD HE POSSIBLY TELL?? Isn’t Ridley enough to prove it?
Side note: will we ever find out who Rose is?
130 – multiple sets of what now?
133 – HOW DO THEY FOLD TWICE???? [Their wings! Fold twice! How the FUCK does that work??]
138 – I’m sorry what
141 – Okay yeah McCallum is definitely a Trump stand in
145 – that’s not gonna happen
147 – I know Jeb is dead but I would be totally unsurprised if McCallum turned out to be Jeb. [Spoiler alert: he isn’t. Evidently Jeb’s still dead. Good for him.]
148 – Okay that line was actually good [the line was: “I’m Maximum Ride, you son of a bitch!”]
149 – Max ALMOST said fuck. Very nearly.
[God just let her say fuck, she deserves it the most]
153 – well this is fucked
154 – you’re not allowed to judge anyone’s names, you named yourself Hawk
160 – It doesn’t even really feel like the flock is older. Except Nudge, probably b/c she keeps calling Hawk “sweetie”
163 – why is Freak capitalized?
164 – “We try to keep the body count low. Part of our personal growth.” I’M SCREAMING NUDGE IS SO FUNNY
173 – OH SHIT
181 – Crismins? Did they change the word for Christmas?
183 – As usual, Nudge is the only one here who I respect
190 – Nudge would be an amazing mom
I’m actually so happy about Nudge’s characterization so far, I love her. Nudge stan for life.
[In the original series: Nudge who? I don’t know her.
In Hawk: Nudge is everyone’s favorite person.]
193 – “You want a wing! Find yourself a goddamn brain first!” that’s so fucking good actually
203 – Are you fucking kidding me
209 – savage
215 – this just in: horses aren’t real
Hey also where the fuck’s Angel? Did she finally start a cult or something?
221 – “he’d put his dad wings on” that’s… quite a phrase
When did Fang become such a hardass? [Edit: actually he was focused on rescuing Max so I guess that’s justified.]
225 – “eyeless Rain” are we doing the blind mentioning thing again? Really? [JP has a bad habit of traumatically removing characters’ vision and then always bringing up that they’re blind as though that’s their only character trait, and I for one think he should be banned from writing for that alone.]
234 – well that escalated quickly
237 – way to avoid describing Gazzy or Iggy’s wings lol
246 – seeing Max call Fang “my love” is very uncomfortable
247 – Okay, that’s cute. [Cutest scene in the whole book, actually.]
257 – Nudge does have curly hair!!! See!!! [@ Narae Lee: take some fucking notes.]
259 – Gazzy’s environmentally friendly bombs. He should make a business.
269 – “forking”? Excuse me sir this is [definitely] not the Good Place I’m sure you can just say fuck
271 – Oh god I don’t want to think about how old the flock is now
272 – These Ride girls are really prone to fainting I guess. Real convenient for transitions between scenes.
278 – I’m still so pissed that the flock was separated for ten years. Not even in a heartbreaking way—it just feels like there was no point to it
Also: how did they find out what happened to Rose? [Also: why use a random character you just made up instead of characters we already know? Hello? Wasn’t Fang’s gang still around post-apocalypse? Weren’t they all friends by then?]
283 – Oh god, is it Angel?
284 – YEP! And holy shit did Total have a kid or something?
285 – Okay so I was this close with the cult leader thing
287 – TOTAL’S ALIVE??? and remarried?? where is he? [I still want some fucking answers, James.]
295 – what the fuck is with the spelling here? Did Angel really just say “staaaahp”?? [As in “stop” but the 2010 internet way of saying it.]
Did she just say “LOL” out loud??
301 – this feels like when you’re in the car with a friend while they’re having an argument with their parents…
This all feels so pointless. The whole first series was about building a better world, and things somehow only got worse.
306 – wow it really doesn’t take much to set Hawk off
307 – you know what, Max is right
The fact that it’s been 10+ years and the flock still has to save the world is really dissatisfying. [It’s passed off as a “it’s what we do” sort of thing, but that shouldn’t be their fucking lifelong job.]
315 – Breaking news: Hawk is introduced to the concept of daddy issues
320 – wait when did Ridley get here??
323 – why are there so many mentions of wearing ponchos to hide their wings? [There have to be better ways]
333 – this was the only major spoiler I got but even though I had warning I’m still mad about it
355 – “Could that could be sky?” has to be the worst mistype I’ve seen in here
365 – Okay this is super uncomfortable
370 – “200 km per hour” I don’t know the metric system but I’m guessing that’s not accurate [it’s 125-ish mph so… I don’t know enough about flying speeds for this, okay, that’s the author’s job]
375 – How would Hawk know what a geocache is?
378 – so she’s just leaving him to die?
381 – okay, zero foreshadowing on that one
396 – so Pietro lived
397 – so actually everyone lived except for Clete :/
399 – “More Epilogue”??
Finished: 7/7/20
I… have no idea what to say about this one. It was a lot. Some parts were decent, others were boring, and it didn’t really feel like a “new generation” book, just an excuse to show the old flock as adults.
I was pleasantly surprised with Nudge’s characterization, and I really liked the “drop the Phoenix” scene, but that’s pretty much all I liked.
[Additional note: the book had no plot. Zero. Like… there was an attempt, but it didn’t really come together.]
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