#also kinda mad about that time awhile back when I was reading it in school
cyphrgrey · 2 days
Idk bro I don’t think every piece of fiction has to have a moral or a lesson but is more or less just a way to relate to or reflect our reality
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alyjojo · 6 months
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Love Reading 🎇 - April 2024 - Cancer
Who is Coming In: Queen of Swords & 2 Swords
Regarding: Temperance
Long-Term Potential: 10 Pentacles
An ex. Maybe just a Libra. Or both. There’s been a separation between you for whatever reason, I don’t see a lot of angst or pain here, maybe this person was away for work for awhile. They “had business” somewhere, that’s how it’s coming off, could be school, training, military even, there’s a logical and practical reason why this person has had to be away. They’re obsessed with you though, entranced would mean when you walk into a room, this person doesn’t see anyone else, they’re very genuine in their feelings - even if they come across as kinda detached, could have air in their chart, it’s a protective thing. They feel all of the right things. You could be mad at them or upset with them, however this ended, it’s not saying. It only says that they’ve taken their time coming back around because they’re afraid of what you’ll say or do. This person has changed a lot since whenever you two interacted, Phoenix shows a whole new perspective & life change, they’re not the same, but they kinda fear you’re going to see them however you saw/knew them. Very strong character and also hesitant, indecisive, they know what *they* want but can’t control other people’s decisions, obviously. They do intend to be fair to you, part of this time passed may have been them waiting on you to do something, you didn’t, so they are.
Long term shows 10 Pentacles, The Hierophant on the bottom, they intend to fully commit to you, this is a whole marriage being shown. Is forever good? That’s the plan. There could also be a new job opportunity in one of your careers where the other person might get on too, working together in tandem somehow. Like a bakery you both run, a sales team with a married couple, somehow work and love intermingle for you both, this has major power couple potential ❤️
- Best of Intentions
- I am ENTRANCED by you 😵‍💫
- New Phase & Rekindle
- Renew & Growth
- Changed Mind
- Rise From Ashes
Signs you may be dealing with:
Libra, Virgo, Gemini & Taurus
In the preshuffle there was a note that you’re jumping into something new to avoid a problem later, prevention, and I saw skin cream, possibly Botox. May apply somewhere.
Them: 6 Pentacles, Page of Cups, 2 Swords & 7 Wands
Regarding: Ace of Pentacles
Difficult energy to read, both of you, because the situations are different. For you I’m sensing a major lack in confidence and pressure on yourself to meet some standard - you don’t speak about - and your person has no flippin’ clue what’s even going on. You’re defensive with them, or generally, and they have no idea why. Or they act that way. They feel they’re very generous towards you, they give you money (an Ace of Pentacles) and romance (a Page), and why is that not good enough? This is a person who probably plays dumb with underlying motives/intentions, or they see you that way. One of you feels like they’re can see right through the other person and all of the avoidant/sneaky bs that comes with them, Ace of Swords would probably be calling that out. Like I see you, you’re not fooling anyone. What I see with them, is they’re giving bare minimum effort and expecting everything to be peaches 🍑 , while you’re over here with 10 Wands. If you address it or act a way, they could feel like you’ve “abandoned happiness”, like you’d rather stand around with an attitude than just being happy with the crumbs they lay for you, jeez Cancer how dare you 🙄 They could do more of something in your world & you know it. They pretend not to. Or they’re calling you on the same thing, direct communication, honesty, being open about intentions & actions and boundaries are what’s necessary with this 7 Swords behavior. They may have enabled it in you, or you have with them. They do love you and see you as the one.
- Meant to Be
- You Belong With Me
- Charmed or Used
- Enable
- Boundaries
Be aware that sorrow can shape your soul like fire forges a sword.
You: 9 Swords rev, The Fool, 10 Wands
Regarding: Queen of Wands
There seems to be outside people, 3 Queens besides this person and yourself, who is at the bottom. Someone could’ve left someone else for you, or this person left you someone else and now wants to come home. Queen of Wands can show a pretty women period, maybe one at work or one online, doesn’t have to be a full 3rd party and it doesn’t really feel like it is. They’re obsessed with a particular celebrity or a pornstar idk, it’s made you feel some kind of way. Botox could play out with this Queen too, your looks, and how you feel about them. 9 Swords is rev so what once was very difficult and mentally taxing has eased up and started healing. You could be putting more effort into things like going to the gym or caring about how you look, but why? This person? They have no clue what you’re on about or why. You’re putting a lot of unnecessary pressure on yourself and it’s like it’s in order to “keep up” with someone else, or keep your person? They’re not going anywhere. If they have at some point, then this anxiety has been the result. You’re not being vulnerable about your feelings with them. For some this is a person in your life that could be really pretty, they make you feel like you’re not, even though that’s not true at all 💯 Your person doesn’t think so. While you’re feeling these things, simultaneously you’re trying to keep calm and be loving, sweet, “perfect” and aren’t showing your imperfections which…are part of who you are. All of the messy stuff, to some of us, that’s the actual cute part ijs.
- I won’t go backwards, only forwards.
- I don’t know how to communicate!
- Happiness & Joy
- Playfulness
- Enjoying Each Other
- Honeymoon Phase
Quit obsessing about whether you’re a good enough mother, father, or any other family member. If your motive is pure, God knows your heart.
Mutual: Queen of Pentacles, The Magician, 9 Wands
Regarding: 8 Pentacles
Someone in particular, could be family, coworker, friend, your person’s coworker/family/friend - makes you feel like less. This is your problem, not theirs, not your person’s, not even yours really. Just, why? Why does it bother you, what do they have that you don’t, what are they doing that you’re not, and why is that a standard for “better” in your eyes. Realistically. Your person may have sent a flirty message with this Page of Cups, that could be the thing. Or flirted with someone period, a colleague? You found out and flipped out, now you’re questioning everything. That would explain their oracle, you’re fine you’re just dealing with the aftermath of hurt. Lack of trust, insecurity, wondering about intentions and feelings, etc., all that is fine and kinda expected. But if you’re not speaking then you’re just confusing your person - or that’s how they act anyway. Boundaries need to be drawn, clearly, by you. You would appreciate this and won’t tolerate that. Everyone is different and if they want *you* then this is how to keep or lose you 🤷🏻‍♀️ Nothing wrong with speaking up. Both of you are aware of the effort that needs to be put in and both of you are aware of the competitive vibe now on the field because someone’s feelings got hurt. Probably yours. I don’t see an ending, just a difficult time. Queen of Wands in your area could be calling you beautiful and you need to let this person know what’s what, because you could easily find anyone. Stand up for yourself, you’re doing fine ❤️
Same goes if you’re doing literally everything in the relationship and your person gives you bare minimum and acts like they have *no idea* what the problem is. Let them know 💯 and hold their feet to the fire, it’s bs and you know it.
- Expressing Love
- Messages of Love
- Thinking of You
- Informing You
Plant silver columns of light around everyone who is negative. You will see the world get brighter.
Signs you may be dealing with:
Aries, Gemini, Sagittarius, Cancer, Leo & Virgo
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Hi 🧸-anon here.
Something that would be kinda funny would be like, staying up really late on a weekend hanging with Levi (probably binging some anime or playing games in his room) and then you just look at the clock and go,
“Damn, it’s 6 am already”
And like, you look at each other, nod and go directly back to what you were doing before looking at the clock. Later it’d be even funnier when all of the others would bare witness to neither of you looking alive, while simultaneously jumping between that “I’m so tired I seem more awake than anyone” and “It’s taking all my willpower to stay awake and not fall asleep at 1 pm”
Idk just some fun 3 am thoughts
Catch you later 👋
I love this because I am definitely the second one and all my friends say it is really funny to watch me try to stay awake.
Brothers Masterlist | Dateables Masterlist
Here's how I imagine it.
They are both sitting there playing some long co-op game (it takes two, mario, etc.) They started late thinking it'll be easy, and we are REAL gamers so we can speed run it without ever playing it before.
It wasn't a speedrun. MC looks up from taking a swig of their energy drink and sees the clock. It reads 6:00 AM.
"Hey Levi."
"It's 6:00 AM"
Now he looks at the clock. They both stare at it until it changes to 6:01. Before looking at each other and then looking back to the TV.
"I need your help for this part." The time completely disregarded. I mean, they have to at least be halfway done, right? (Wrong) They finish the game at like 3:00 PM with high fives.
Now they both decide to venture out for "Breakfast" and this is when the residents of the House of Lamentations bare witness to the sleep deprived duo.
Levi would be the I'm more awake than everyone type of sleep deprived. He is able to cope somewhat well. He looks pretty normal, except he is putting orange juice in his cereal. Wait, now he put the cereal box in the fridge. Why is he using a fork? Maybe he isn't alright.
MC on the other hand, I think would be the one using all their willpower to stay awake. They stumble around the kitchen making their bowl of cereal. They actually put in the right ingredients (not without dropping some of it and making a mess of course) all before plopping at the table and falling asleep face first in the bowl.
Here are the brother's reactions to
Sleep Deprived MC (and Levi)
💙 Lucifer -
He is mad that Levi would keep MC locked up in his room like that! And on a school night!
Because of that MC missed all their classes and it reflects poorly on him.
He does think it is kinda cute how they stumble around...
"Please be careful where you are pouring MC"
He tips the milk back before they get it everywhere.
He also makes sure to put everything that Levi moved, back in its proper place and clean up their mess.
💛 Mammon -
He is very worried.
He keeps pulling MC in different directions because they keep trying to run into the counters!
"Oi, Watch where your going!"
Definitely records Levi's triumphant look as he tries to eat cereal with a fork and asks "why is my spoon broken?"
Mammon is also the one to pull MC's face out of the cereal and lean their head back against the chair. Can't have them drowning.
🧡 Leviathan -
Records MC running into every counter and laughs everytime they say "ouch" (which is everytime they hit something)
Thinks he is so awake and smart.
Until he tastes how disgusting cereal and orange juice is and wonders when the milk went bad.
MC laughs a little before face planting into their cereal.
He laughs at them before doing the same.
💚 Satan -
Definitely smirks and watch the two putz around for awhile.
Doesn't help Levi at all, just let's him put things in wrong places and eat terrible cereal.
Satan at least hands MC the right ingredients.
"No, that's a plate. Here is a bowl, love."
Makes sure they don't make a huge mess (but doesn't clean up any messes they do make, just to piss off Lucifer)
💖 Asmodeus -
Would think MC is just so adorable when sleepy.
"MC! You need to keep up with your beauty rest otherwise you will get wrinkles. I know just how to fix this. You need a self care day."
He watches them start the cereal and then eventually guides a sleepy MC to lay on his bed. (And No, he did not clean up or put away anything)
They then fall asleep and he would do a whole self care routine on their face while they sleep (like the tiktoks where the girlfriends do it to their boyfriends) it would have cleansers, those rollers to tighten skin, face masks, the works.
Definitely doesn't care about Levi or the well being of his skin.
❤ Beelzebub -
This poor boy doesn't want you to get hurt.
Tells MC to sit at the table while he makes them cereal. (Proceeds to make them a Beel sized bowl)
MC's head starts to lull forward but he catches them and feeds a sleepy MC to make sure they get their sustenance.
He then eats the rest of their bowl and Levi's (because he just left it after tasting it)
After the snack he carries MC to his room and proceeds to cuddle them while they nap.
💜 Belphegor -
He definitely just sleepily watches.
Laughs at how stupid Levi is being, before yawning and realizing that now is the perfect time to bond with MC.
Gently guides MC away from the milk they just pulled out, grabs a few small snacks and heads up to his bed.
He would offer them food, but by the time he pulls back the blankets they just crawl in and pass out.
Now he can get all the snuggles he wants with no interruptions!
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itsdanii · 4 years
can i req the iwa, atsumu, and suna being in a secret relationship w the reader and the reader gets insecure bc they wanna keep it a secret? w comfort after plspls
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Hey, bubs! Of course, you can request ♥️ Unfortunately, I'm only taking 1-2 characters per request so I canceled Iwaizumi from the list. Also, this is only Atsumu's part. Don't worry, I'm still going to do Suna's part, however, it will be uploaded tomorrow instead of today. I hope you enjoy it! Have a good day, stay safe and hydrated! ♥️
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Secret Relationship
genre: semi-angst to fluff, comfort
warning/s: self doubt and insecurity, descriptions of anxiety, do message me if i missed any
a/n: please do read the warnings before you proceed. warnings have been put there for a reason.
ft. atsumu miya
maybe keeping your relationship wasn't the best decision after all
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Atsumu Miya
You and Atsumu have been in a relationship for 2 years now
With the rising popularity of Atsumu, not only throughout Inarizaki but to the other schools as well, he decided on keeping your relationship a secret
Though you respected Atsumu's choice, it can't be helped that sometimes your emotions got the best of you
Random girls would always approach your boyfriend. They were basically anywhere, everywhere - at school, during practice matches, and even when you were both trying to have a simple date on a nearby cafe
You tried to confront Atsumu about it once but you only ended up fighting, him saying that there was nothing to worry for because you were the only person he loved
So despite the heavy feeling of insecurity looming over you, you tried to understand his side which eventually caused the both of you to make up
You tried to ignore the insecurity and put your trust on Atsumu
But maybe sometimes, trust isn't just enough
"Y/n, someone's looking for you."
You lifted your gaze from the book you were reading, eyes snapping towards the direction of the door where two unfamiliar students were currently standing and waiting for you.
Even without having the need to hear what they needed you for, you instantly knew why they're here. For the past weeks, after Inarizaki's defeat against Karasuno, you've been bombarded by several girls, holding chocolates and teddy bears in hand, asking you to deliver them to Atsumu since they were afraid of giving it to him directly. So, as his "bestfriend," they wanted you to give it to him instead.
And although you wanted to be mad and scream at them to stop, you couldn't just do that. It would be wrong for you to snap at them since nobody, aside from Suna and Osamu, knew about you and Atsumu's relationship.
Sighing loudly, you shut the book you were reading and went over to the two girls with a semi-forced smile. "For 'Tsumu?" you asked, taking the paperbag from them and taking a peek of what's inside.
One of the girls nodded eagerly, her eyes sparkling as she fanned her face with her hands. "Yes, please! I really really like Atsumu and the way he played from the previous match was so splendid! With every spike, I can't help but fall in love even more!"
You could only chuckle at what she said because even though there was a feeling of jealousy inside of you, you wouldn't be able to deny that what she said was true. You loved how he was able to inspire other people through sports and you couldn't be more proud of being his s/o.
"Please hand this letter to Atsumu, senpai!" the other girl said, bowing down as she handed you a letter.
You reluctantly took the envelope from her, your body becoming stiff as you muttered a small "Okay."
"I put all my feelings and support in that letter so I'd really appreciate if you handed it to him," she said with a smile.
Just how were you supposed to tell these girls to stop giving you stuff and ordering you to hand them over to your boyfriend? You weren't the type of person who would hinder others to relay their feelings. In fact, it wasn't your job to blatantly tell them to give up. It was Atsumu's responsibility, not yours.
But it wasn't your obligation to be their messenger as well.
Torn between two sides, you decided on maintaining a polite smile, giving the two juniors a pat on the head before nodding. "I'll make sure to deliver these to him, okay? Now, go back to your classroom and study well."
The two girls glanced at each other, eyes sparkling before smiling at you. "Thank you so much!" Turning around, the two went on their way, squealing slightly at their successful mission.
You, on the other hand, sighed and stared at the paperbag with a small frown. "Guess that's two more girls on the list," you mumbled before slipping back inside your classroom.
When the class ended, you immediately headed to the gym where you knew Atsumu was currently training. With the paperbag and 2 more boxes of chocolate given by some fangirls along the way, you entered the gym and placed the items down on the empty bench.
"That fer me, angel?" came Atsumu's voice from behind you.
Spinning around, you were met with a grinning Atsumu before getting engulfed with a warm hug. Sighing with your eyes closed, you wrapped your arms around him tightly, unconsciously gripping the back of his jersey. You couldn't help but bury your face more to his chest despite the slight sweat clinging to his clothes.
"Ya alright?" Atsumu murmured beside your ear, worry obviously evident on his tone as he slightly squeezed you.
As you were about to answer, someone from behind Atsumu cleared their throat. Your small moment was immediately cut off and Atsumu reeled back as if you were caught doing something wrong.
The comfort he brought awhile ago was instantly replaced by uncertainty and insecurity, making your heart throb as you bit your lower lip.
"Sorry, did I interrupt something?" Aran asked while shifting his gaze between you and Atsumu.
With a forced chuckle, Atsumu was quick to scratch the back of his head. "It's fine. I was just givin' y/n here a hug. They seem kinda down. Ya know, bestfriend duties."
"Ah.." Aran simply muttered with a slow nod. "Practice is almost done. Why don't ya sit down while we cool down and clean up?"
Sitting down on the bench, you looked at Aran with a small smile before nodding. "Okay," you said before turning your head to Atsumu's direction. His eyebrow was already raised as if asking you whether you were fine or not.
"I'm fine Atsumu. I'll wait for you here."
When the boys went back to the court, you were left alone to ponder with your thoughts. It felt as if the sounds around you suddenly died, your self doubts once again making its presence known.
You knew how much Atsumu loves you. In fact, he never failed to remind you everyday. Not once did he forgot to say it and express it through actions, or at least when you were both alone.
Everytime you were in school, he would deny your relationship. When people asked if you were his s/o, he would simply shake his head and claim you as his bestfriend. It really didn't bother you at first but as the time passed, you were slowly starting to question why he would do such thing.
Though he claimed that it was to avoid people from harassing you and picking on you, was it really? What if there was a deeper reason?
What if he was slowly getting tired of you? What if he didn't even liked you in the first place?
You anxiously tapped your foot on the floor at the thought. Gripping the hem of your hoodie, you stared at the gifts you brought from his fangirls. You knew that it was an act of invading someone's privacy but you couldn't help but reach for the letter given by your junior awhile ago.
You took a quick glance at the boys, checking if they were still cooling down, before opening the envelope slowly. As you read on the letter, you unconscious tapped your foot faster on the floor, your grip on the paper tightening as you let each words sink into you.
Bit by bit, you absorbed what was written on the paper, making the unpleasant feeling inside you deepen. You wouldn't deny that the letter was well written and you were certain that if it was handed to Atsumu by that girl personally, she might be able to get his attention.
After all, she was pretty. She looked like a bubbly person and someone who people would easily get along with. There was an optimistic aura around her which you knew Atsumu would appreciate.
And maybe if-
You were snapped out of your thoughts by Atsumu's hand touching your shoulder.
Jolting up slightly, you looked up at him with wide eyes, immediately noticing the worried expression on his face. "Tsumu.." you mumbled with a shaky voice, your eyes glossing with tears as your lips trembled.
Atsumu was quick to sit down beside you. Lifting you up, he sat you down on his lap and nestled your face on the side of his neck, knowing how much you hated it when people see you crying.
"Y-your teammates," you mumbled against his skin, hiding your face even more as you tightened your grip on the letter you were holding, almost crumpling it.
"Let's worry about them later, alright, angel? Yer my priority and ya know that," he answered while rubbing your back, "Now, tell me what happened. Why are ya crying?"
With the overwhelming emotions surrounding you, it took you a few seconds before you could answer, and you were thankful that Atsumu was patient enough to wait instead of forcing you. "Do you really love me, Tsumu?"
You felt Atsumu stiffen at your question and for a biref moment, you were scared of hearing the answer.
Was this it? Was he really lying to you all this time?
"Look at me, angel," Atsumu said, slightly pulling away from his embrace to cup your cheeks in his hands. "Of course, I do. Where is this coming from? Did somebody-"
"No," you cut him off. "It's just that... you always tell people that we're nothing but bestfriends. I can't always have my moments with you because you want to hide our relationship. It didn't really matter at first but... because of your constant denial, your fangirls would keep sending me these random stuffs and ask me to give them to you. I'm scared, Tsumu. What if one day you get tired of me... or worse, what if it's me who gets tired? I don't like this set-up..."
"I want to be able to express my feelings. I want the people to know that you're mine. Why can't you show them that you love me, Tsumu?... Do you even love me?"
Atsumu was left speechless as he listened to your words. All he could do was rub your back soothingly while listening to you as you let everything out. As you did, the guilt inside of him kept on piling up, enough to make him clench his jaw at how disappointed he was at himself for making you cry.
"Of course, I do. I love ya so much, angel. Don't ever ferget that. I'm sorry fer not taking yer feelings in consideration. I didn't know that ya have been feeling this way fer quite a while now. I really thought that we were already fine after our first argument about this but.. I guess I should've paid more attention," Atsumu said while staring at you, his hands still cupping your cheeks to angle your face to him. "The reason why I wanted to hide our relationship was fer people not to bother ya. It wasn't my intention to make ya feel insecure. I'm sorry."
"I'm sorry, angel." Wiping your cheeks with his thumb, Atsumu leaned down to place a kiss on your forehead. "Would it make ya feel better if we open our relationship to other people? No more hiding it."
Nodding, you wrapped your arms around his neck and smiled. "Mhm, yes, please."
"Alright, if that's what ya want."
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batlingsstuff · 4 years
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✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧
hello! this is my first time doing headcanons, and i just want to clarify some things:
sadly, i won't be doing requests because i'm busy af with school and i dont want to dissapoint anyone, but you can drop some suggestions and i would think about it! it would be really nice :)
also i won't be writing romantic headcanons for minors or those who are uncomfortable with it, but i can do platonic headcanons for them! ^^
i won't be doing nsfw headcanons either, because i'm uncomfy with sexualizing real people and just writing nsfw in general :)
also, please tell me if someone is uncomfortable with fanfics and/or headcanons and i will erase that part as fast as possible, thanks for passing by! - batling
✦ means platonic
✦ characters : ranboo, tubbo, tommy, philza, techno and jschlatt
♥ means romantic
♥ characters: quackity, wilbur, nihachu, dream, george, sapnap, eret, karl, fundy and bbh
(y/n) : your name
(n/n) : nickname
(p/p) : pizza place
✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧
“As he read, I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at once.” – John Green
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♥ Quackity
oh boy
i just have two words for this one: pure chaos
he will punch you with a pillow if you try to sleep
and you will be MAD at this
grabbing a pillow and hitting him RIGHT IN THE FACE with all your strenght
he'll probably fake cry about it, saying that you hurt him
after a while of pillow fighting, you guys got tired and plopped into the bed, snuggling into eachother and just enyoing the comfortable silence before drifting to sleep
♥ Wilbur
you two will probably blast hamilton and scream the lyrics till the neighbours wake up and you get angry knocks at your door
and you will laugh at that, lowering the speaker's volume and telling him to lower his voice aswell to avoid your neighbours calling the police
then you'll eat snacks and talk about anything that pops into your mind, laughing at the most silly jokes
he will sing sweet songs to you, making you fall asleep to his calming voice
summary: fluff
♥ Nihachu
you and her will bake pastries at a very late hour
she REALLY enjoys baking with you bc she thinks it's a great way to spend time with you
all this girl wants is to spend her time by your side, doing particularlly anything like streaming, baking, playing games and going outside for a walk and/or shopping
once you finished baking, she will kiss your cheek multiple times. that's her way to tell you that you did a great job :)
you'll spend the rest of the night cuddling, eating your pastries and watching some random movie, commenting about how bad it is and laughing
♥ Dream
this bitch will speedrun the sleepover
is it possible to speedrun a sleepover? maybe
you'll spend the rest of the night probably playing uncharted 3: drake's deception in his old ps3
after a while, you guys got bored from uncharted and went to his pc to play amnesia: the dark descent
there are 2 options:
you will be scared as fuck and will avoid looking at the screen when you think something bad will happen or when some body will come out from a drawer
or you will be totally chill with it, laughing hard when clay pisses his pants for real when he encounters the gatherer
you named the gatherer 'bob' :)
♥ George
he'll take you to the rooftop
and pushes you so you fall to your death
i mean
he gets blankets and pillows so you can stargaze together
he'll teach you the constelations while pointing them, excited about every single one of them
"look (y/n), that's the ursa major!"
he'll have hot chocolate prepared too, so you don't get cold while stargazing
you try your best to not fall asleep on the rooftop
but eventually fail
when he notices you're asleep, he stops talking about the constellations and carries you to your bedroom, giving you a goodnight kiss and leaving you in your bed so you can have a peaceful rest
♥ Sapnap
hey mamas
i don't know what sapnap will do in a sleepover so i will just improvise B)
you will watch anime together
not any kind of anime, like that romance-comedy bullcrap
no fuck that
you will watch the classy angsty anime like madoka magica
you will fucking cry because of literally anything that happens to the characters
"(y/n) why are you crying it's just a show"
the last chapter made you fucking cry harder
yeah you will basically watch anime with him, cry about it and he will comfort you and bring you a glass of water so you don't have a terrible headache after it
♥ Eret
you two will plan a picnic in your yard
yes your yard
he'll bring a ton of snacks and you'll buy a few drinks
you two spend the rest of the picnic talking about your future and enjoying the snacks
then, he'll make you stand up and will teach you how to dance tango
and of course you will mess everything up
and you even stomped on his feet accidentally, making him wimper
but he brushed off the pain and laughed at your concerned face
after calming down his laughter, he gave you a passionate kiss and hugged you tightly
i love eret ok
♥ Karl Jacobs
this man.
this man is the definition of sweet
you'll spend the night cuddling and making cute pet names for eachother
he will definetely give you a great back massage if you're stressed
then he'll start writing love letters full of things he adore of you
and you'll do the same for him
after that, you will share your letters and just snuggle and smile at the sweet things you guys wrote for eachother
he will deffo shower you with kisses when he finishes reading your letter, telling you that you're the nicest person on earth
and that he loves you so so much
♥ Fundy
i'm a huge fundy simp ok
he will bring his piano to your house and you guys will compose a melody together
he will let you sit on his lap while you play the piano/keyboard with him
fundy will basically teach you how to play basic piano songs
you asked him if you guys could play megalovania together
he said no :(
but still you got to play nice songs together without messing up
and when you got the hang of it, he snuggled his face in your neck and kissed you there genly
and when you got tired, he started playing very calming songs and you fell asleep in his lap, snuggling into his chest
he gently carried to your room and will sleep beside you putting a fair distance so you can have a comfortable sleep!
♥ BadBoyHalo
bbh supremacy
he will get rat ready so you can snuggle with her too :)
you guys will mainly play with rat and talk about life in general
he will call you tons of cute pet names
ofc he will call you muffin it's bbh who we're talking about
he will talk about how bad he wants to spend the rest of his life with you
after a while, he will take you to his kitchen and start making muffins together
he will guide you on how to bake 'em though
you guys had a great time making muffins and cuddling with him and rat :)
══════ ∘◦❀◦∘ ══════
✦ Ranboo
tall mf gives the best piggy back rides
when he gets to your house there is a 100% chance he will bump his head on the door frame
and there is a 100% chance you will make fun of him because of that
"(y/n) please stop laughing my head hurts :("
you'll give him some ice to put on his head while you two play minecraft on your ps4
you will bring snacks too and ask him if his head is better
"yeah, thank you (n/n)"
he will pull you in a hug so you can be comfy together while you play good ol' minecraft
because ranboo surely doesn't play anything besides fucking minecraft
stfu that video of him playing spooky's jump scare mansion doesn't exist
✦ Tubbo
he will gift you a bee plushie
expect a lot of (FRIENDLY) hugs from him
like fundy, you guys will play piano together
you guys are most likely to prank call some random numbers AND your friends
and you accidentally called some random pizza place
"hello! this is (p/p), may i take your order?"
you were nervous and didn't know what to say
"hello? are you there?"
'hi yes, i would like to order 7 extra large pepperoni pizzas to (tommy's adress).'
"oh- okay! uhm- they will arrive in a few hours. are you okay with that?"
'yes ma'am, thank you.'
when you ended the call, you couldn't help but burst out laughing, knowing that tommy will be so mad at you guys-
✦ Tommy
like quackity, PURE. CHAOS.
you guys will obviously stream your sleepover
doing a q&a stream :)
tubbo and wilbur will probably crash your stream and start spamming things like 'MEETUP??' and 'DIDN'T GET AN INVITE'
you guys laughed and added them to the call
'i'm sorry willlll'
you kept playing minecraft with wilbur, tubbo and quackity too since he crashed your stream like an hour later
after the stream, you got up and plopped on the mattress that was on the floor
"okay, good night big (initial)"
✦ Philza
and oh god you ADORE kristin
i'm pretty sure she's a total sweetheart
it would be like having a sleepover with your parents
only that it's less boring
you guys will watch a movie together, you will be in one side of the couch eating snacks while phil and kristin are in the other cuddling
you'll eventually bug them about it
after the movie, you fell asleep early and philza noticed, talking to kristin about it too
and wrapped a blanket around you so that you get a good rest :)
✦ Technoblade
mr. blood god teaches you the arts of the CRAFT.
yeah i mean it's techno what else does he play besides minecraft
he will play bedwars w/ u, teaching you how to pvp
"bro you kinda suck tbh"
'stfu techno'
he will comment about how bad you are, but tries to help you get better anyways
and when you do a very poggers gamer move, he praises you
and when he praises you you're all :)))
after awhile, he gets tired from watching you play minecraft and suggest watching anime
fucking weeb
i mean
other thing you guys do together in a sleepover is playing and commenting about pokemon
if you don't like pokemon get tf out of here /J
i was joking please don't leave i respect your tastes
✦ Jschlatt
ooooh boy
get ready for a session of wii training
that's all you guys will do
play wii sports and some other shit like wii music
he will laugh his ass of if you fall while playing wii fit
but he will eventually help you bc outside his funny and shouty persona, he's a really chill guy and a really nice person!
seriously like have you ever seen a theweeklyslap video?
well expect hearing amazing pep talks from him
bc this man is a legend and knows his way to words and is very good at comforting people :)
sometimes you'll rant to him about anything that's happening in your life, and he will listen to you and give you really helpful advice
and you appreciate him so much for that
✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧
TYSM FOR READING GUYS, i appreciate it if you made it this far :)
i hope you guys really enjoyed these headcanons, it's my first time doing them and aa i'm a bit nervous about posting this but i'll be fine ig
also i'm sorry if there's a grammatical error, english is not my native language and i'm still learning it :) have a nice day/night, drink water and don't fuck up your sleeping schedule!!
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thechangeling · 3 years
She burns like rum on a fire
Why did I do this to myself ughhhhh?
So @adoravel-fenomeno and I were talking about Kit potentially getting into an abusive relationship given that he's statistically likely too given his roots. So now I give you this fic! Sorry. Kit is using he/him in this fic because he hasn't really gone on his gender quest yet.
The title is from Cherry Wine by Hozier. I reccomend you listen to Cherry Wine and Trauma by NF while reading this.
Cw: Mentions of physical and verbal abuse, abusive, controlling behavior, negative self talk and extreme denial. Also brief mention of blood.
Don't cry.
Don't cry Kit told himself over and over inside his head as he tried to get a hold of his breathing. As he lay on his bed at 2 in the morning, desperately refreshing his conversation with Autumn.
Autumn or as his best friend Janessa liked to call her "the virus" was Kit's girlfriend. His very first. A mundane with the sight. They had been dating for a few months now. When they had first gotten together everything was amazing, it so it seemed.
They had some much in common and they had fun together. Autumn was hot, funny and charasmatic. She had this way of making him feel like the only person in the room. She showered him with gifts and complements that made Kit finally feel worthy for the first time in his life.
But as time went on things shifted. Autumn insisted on spending almost ever waking second with him. Kit didn't mind at first, he loved hanging out with her. But he missed his parents and his sister, and he knew they missed him too. Whenever they had family movie night, or they wanted Kit to watch Mina, Autumn threw a fit. She insisted that he was ignoring her.
She didn't want him seeing Janessa either, or Nessie as Kit called her for short. Autumn always insisted that she was plotting to steal Kit away from her, which was ridiculous but nothing could change Autumn's mind when she was in a mood. So Kit had found himself blowing Nessie off to hang out with Autumn and making excuses for it.
Kit always felt super guilty for making Autumn so upset. He tried to get out of his agreements if it to stop her from crying but sometimes Tessa and Jem wouldn't let him. It was frustrating when they didn't understand. She would rage for awhile, calling Kit stupid and worthless. Sometimes she would make comments about him being adopted, telling him that Tessa and Jem didn't really love him and they only saw him as a free babysitter for their real child.
She would make jokes about all kinds of things. How Kit wasn't a real shadowhunter, his weight, his past, his bisexuality, his ADHD. Kit knew that Autimn didn't really mean anything by it. It was nothing personal and she didn't really mean it. She loved him. And he loved her.
Tonight had been different though. His grades had taken a turn for the worst because he had been blowing of the tutoring sessions the school had payed for as a part of his accommodations. Because he had been spending that time with Autumn. Kit knew it was a bad idea to miss those, but his girlfriend needed him. She didn't have anybody else. She couldn't count on her parents like he could, and she didn't really have any friends.
But Kit was in big trouble. Tessa and Jem were mad. The school was mad. People were saying that Kit was ungrateful.
Ah yes because every disabled person should just bend down and kiss the feet of every person that deigns to give them what they're legally entitled to.
But Kit knew that he had really screwed up this time. He tried to explain to Autumn that he couldn't see her as often as he used to anymore because he needed to fix his grades. And she absolutely lost it. Which he had been expecting.
However what Kit hadn't been expecting this time was for her to hit him.
And she hit him hard. Punched him straight in the nose. And sure it wasn't that big of a deal. Kit was a shadowhunter and he was pretty much used to being hit. But he hadn't been expecting it.
And there was just so much blood.
Autumn of course instantly apologized profusely. She kissed him over and over and told him that she loved him and she didn't mean to. And Kit knew she was telling the truth but-
But he still felt a sinking feeling in his chest that he couldn't explain.
But Kit had applied an iratze, wiped off the blood, and now everything was as good as new. When he had arrived back home, his parents had noticed anything or asked him any questions.
Now he was lying awake at 2 in the morning, filled with guilt and worry as he waited for Autumn to text him back. He gnawed on his bottom lip anxiously as he tried not to over think things.
Maybe she was still mad at him? Was there something else Kit was supposed to say or do? Or maybe he should just leave her alone for awhile?
It was maddening.
Kit turned off his phone and threw it down in frustration, pulling his giant red and black flannel over his shoulders and curling in on himself. He felt strangely exhausted, but unable to sleep. His nose and left eye socket still throbbed a little despite the fact that they should be healed.
Kit thought about using another iratze but his steele was across the room and he couldn't bring himself to stand up to go get it.
God he really was pathetic. Maybe he deserved this. Tears welled up in Kit's eyes.
Don't cry. Don't cry.
This time Kit couldn't hold it back. So he let himself cry. Tears came streaming down his cheeks as he tried to muffle his sobs with his hand. Deep down he knew it was his fault. It was always his fault.
But with Autumn he had really tried. Sure he wasn't perfect but Kit really cared about her. And it wasn't good enough. He wasn't good enough.
Kit couldn't help but think of the last time he felt like this. The last time he was rejected. He had been careful about trying to keep all thoughts of Ty Blackthorn out of his head for awhile. Autumn was a good distraction, even when she was screaming obscenities at him. It was still a distraction.
Kit closed his eyes and conjured the memory of holding Ty up on the roof. If he squeezed his eyes tightly enough, Kit could still feel the softness of his hoodie and the slight tickle of Ty's dark hair against his skin. He could conjure the smell of Ty's skin and the way he had trembled slightly against Kit's body.
I should have kissed him. Kit mused, hugging himself tightly. Just once. Even if Ty had pushed him away in disgust, it would have been worth it. Just to know what it felt like.
Suddenly from the bottom of the bed, Kit's phone lit up with a call. He scrambled to grab it, thinking it was Autumn, but it was actually Janessa. Kit cleared his throat, trying to make his voice sound normal as he answered the phone.
"Why are you calling me at 2 am Nessie?"
"The better question is why are you still awake at 2 am," she pointed out, sounding smug. "I'm a vampire. Creature of the night remember? It's kinda prime time for me Kit Kat."
Kit smiled as he felt the previous angst wash away. "Yeah fair enough. But still, why are you calling me?"
Kit heard her sigh into the phone. "Well honestly because this is probably the only time you're free now a days," she said spitefully. "You know thanks to she-who-must-not-be-named." Kit rolled his eyes.
"That's my girlfriend you're talking about, Janessa!" He snapped.
"Well your girlfriend's a total bitch!"
Normally Kit would argue with her and tell her that she was way off base. That Autumn wasn't so bad and that she was trying. That she loved him. But today he just couldn't.
He sighed, running his fingers through his hair. "We got into another fight tonight," he admitted. "Just a few hours ago actually."
"I'm sorry love," Janessa murmed. Nessie wasn't British. She was actually Canadian. But she had moved around the world with her previous band before settling in Devon and leaving them to go solo. She had picked up on some British expressions though.
"I wish you weren't going through this. But Kit, you gotta break up with her! She's bad news!"
Kit rested his face against the palm of his left hand. "I can't," he groaned.
Janessa let out a frustrated yell on the other end of the phone. "What the hell are you planning on doing Kit!? I mean are you just gonna wait into she hits you or what?" She spat.
"She already did," Kit responded instantly without missing a beat.
He gasped and slapped a hand to cover his mouth. Kit had no idea why he actually told her. Impulsivity maybe? Or maybe he just needed to get it out. But he instantly regretted it.
There was a long uncomfortable silence on the other end of the phone. Kit was just about to ask Janessa where she went when suddenly she spoke.
"I'm coming over."
Kit tried to protest but she hung up on him.
Before he had time to panic or scream or throw something, there was an aggressive tapping on his window. Of course. Janessa had vampire speed. He looked up to see Nessie perched on his windowsill looking solem.
Her long black curly hair was pulled into a high ponytail and she wore what by her standards was probably a casual outfit. A black long sleeved low cut crop top and white ripped skinny jeans tucked into thigh high heeled leather boots. And of course, she wore a full face of makeup. Even after the facial feminization surgery she was still a little insecure about going out without makeup on.
Nessie banged on his window again, more impatiently and Kit jumped up to let her in. She landed on his bedroom floor with the grace of a cat, making no sound. She stared at him silently with an expression that Kit found hard to decipher.
"Show me where," she whispered in that deep raspy voice of hers. She reached for his face and Kit let Janessa cradle his face with her hands and tried not to wince as her cold skin came into contact with his.
He shook his head. "No you won't see it, I put an iratze on it already. It's done." Janessa scoffed and stepped back.
"You know the damage isn't just skin deep Kit," she said pointedly. "No matter how much you want to pretend it is."
He glared at her. "Wow that's so insightful Nessie!," he said sarcastically. "What else you got?"
"Oh come on Kit you know I'm right," She hissed. "You have to end it!"
Kit shook his head. Why does she keep saying that?
"No. Why should I?" Kit retorted. "She loves me." He tried to sound as confident as he could, but truthfully he wasn't so sure anymore.
Autumn had gone above and beyond to make Kit feel loved and appreciated yo the point where she was almost obsessive. But she could also be cruel and spiteful. Kit had convinced himself that he should be happy with what he had because it was as good as he was gonna get.
And the sad part was that was still true.
"No she doesn't," Janessa breathed desperately. To Kit's horror, it looked like she was about to cry. Kit couldn't remember if he had ever seen her cry. Not once.
"Somebody who really loved you could never hurt you like that!" She protested shakily, her voice warbled as tears spilled down her face.
Kit could feel his tears returning at the sight of Nessie crying. He rushed towards her and pulled her into his arms, burying his face in her neck. In the comfort of his best friend's embeace he allowed himself to finally sob. He cried for that broken niave part of himself that kept getting hurt.
She rested her chin on the top of his head, (she was taller then him,) and held him close. "Please promise me you will break up with her," Janessa begged.
"I just don't get it," Kit whispered against her skin. "I did everything right. I did everything I could." He blinked back tears. "Why doesn't she love me Nessie?"
He felt her shake against him. "I don't know Kit," she sobbed. "But I love you ok? I love you and your parents love you, and Mina loves you so much!"
Kit sighed, pulling back to wipe his tears. "I know, but what if I, you know-. What if I never find someone? Like romantically?"
Janessa studied him, raising her eyebrow. "Well do you need to find someone? Who is this arbitrary someone who can give you something a friendship can't?"
That's actually a good point.
"I mean," Nessie continued, crossing her arms and shifting her weight. "If you do end up in a relationship then cool, it's whatever. But the way I see it is you shouldn't focus all of your energy on looking because you're gonna end up missing out on some pretty cool stuff in the mean time." She smiled.
Kit thought about it. He knew logically Janessa had a point. But he just couldn't feel it. He was too depressed and defeated. And as ashamed as it made him, Kit still missed Autumn. He tried to smile along with Nessie but it must have looked weak because she looked concerned.
"Hey," she cooed, reaching for him.
"Can you sing to me Nessie?" He asked. Kit  felt a little pathetic but hopefully she wouldn't judge him.
She smiled lovingly at him. "Sure." Janessa took his hand and led him to his bed.
"Any requests?" She asked as she pulled off her boots and lay down on Kit's bed. He followed her, snuggling up against Nessie with his back to her.
"No not really," he murmered, closing his eyes. Kit was finally starting to feel how exhausted he really was.
Janessa wrapped her arms around him and pulled him close, resting her head slightly against his shoulder. "Ok," she whispered very softly.
Kit heard her clear her throat softly before the sound of her breathy angelic alto filled his ears.
"I'm turning out the lights, to remember how to see. Till the renaissance takes place, Until a renaissance takes place, and resuscitates the color of paint and divinity."
Kit smiled sleepily at the sound of his enneagram song, something Janessa had introduced him to.
He yawned and let the sound of Nessie's voice lull him to sleep, putting all thoughts of Autumn behind him.
In my head Kit is like 5'4 and Janessa is 5'9. Originally I had her at 5'11 but I wanted her to be closer in height to Kit. Also did I name Kit's abusive girlfriend Autumn after my toxic controlling ex best friend? You bet I did!
Tag list: (you know the deal) @playwithravenclaw @lavender-scented-rat @jazzkaurtheglorious @waterlillies   @nott-the-best @stxr-thxif @magnus-the-fabulous-entp-bane @foxglove-airmid @littlx-songbxrd @clarys-heosphoros @queenlilith43 @arangiajoan @hardlymatters @the-wckd-powers @thomas-gaypanic-lightwood @adoravel-fenomeno
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yelenasdog · 4 years
school girl skirts and metallica (warren worthington x fem reader (kinda) nsfw head canons)
Tumblr media
genre: lemón if u catch my drift. like nothing explicit tho
summary: warren’s a spicy (yet somehow shy) mf w a thing for skirts and tights. that’s literally it
words: 845
warnings: i am a minor, and if that makes u uncomfy, don’t read :), cursing, themes of warren being sub-ish?? very heavy implications of sex, hank being nosy, idk, just warren being a horny fucker, that’s it.
a/n: yeah uhhhh my blog was previously nsfw free, but this has been sitting in my drafts for awhile and i want it oUT. also i put the keep reading in a weird place so that ppl could ignore this if they wanted lols.  k enjoy mwah
to put it plainly, warren worthington has the hots for girls that wear short school girl skirts.
stop what ur doing and say that 10 times fast
u prolly couldn’t HA ok sorry for bullying u, back to warren
now, he found this out after beginning to attend xaviers, which has no dress code.
but for some reason
you enjoyed wearing this evergreen and navy colored skirt, rolled up. u paired it with a collared shirt, a jumper, and a worn leather jacket that went to your knees.
but what really got him, was the white knee highs you wore with your docs.
drove him absolutely crazy
so when he finally got the nerve to ask you out, he was ecstatic when you (obviously) said yes.
the two of you were known as a sort of punky couple around school
often found sitting together on sunny days underneath an oak tree, leather jackets abandoned in the heat.
the pair would share their earbuds, listening to metallica just loud enough that it would do no harm to your ears (for your sake, he couldn’t care less about his own)
after some time together, he simply couldn’t take it anymore.
it was another normal day, both of you sitting under your favorite spot, watching as the few students walked about, minding their business
it was sparse on the courtyard, though, as it was rather chilly that day, so most opted to stay in, comforted by the fire xavier always had on inside.
and warren’s mind immediately went to how you were still wearing that blessed skirt despite the weather, a pair of tights in addition to the high socks resting under the fabric.
he seemed on edge, which you picked up on immediately.
worried that maybe the cold had gotten to him, you placed a concerned hand on his neck.
“warr? are you alright?”
given his current state, at the brief contact, his large hand immediately formed a fist.
you moved the hand to run itself through his golden curls, and he nuzzled further into your palm.
you smiled sympathetically, allowing him to close his eyes, finding a momentary bliss in your warmth.
“what’s wrong, golden boy?” you barely whispered, hoping to ease whatever illness he might have been feeling.
he opened his eyes, tentatively moving his own hand to your thigh, snapping the elastic of your tights.
“i need’ya.” he muttered, closing his eyes again.
you tilted your head, heart beating much faster now.
you ran your thumb across his stark cheekbone, feeling a shiver run down his spine, his wings also vibrating lowly.
“what was that, warr?”
he all but whined, “you’re driving me mad in that skirt, ‘s all i can think ‘bout.”
a wide smile spread across your features, still not completely sure where this was going, although you may have had an idea or two.
you can probably guess what happened next.
and no, you heathen
you didn’t do it right there.
did he want to?
oh, no doubt, that cheeky little bastard. (lmao) you had to basically pull him to his dorm.
once you did make it there, though
it was hot and heavy behind closed doors
he was a brat fs, but he was ur good boy or whateva
when he finally, hehhem, ya know
does it
his wings spread out and scratch at the sheets, ripping them basically to shreds LOLS
after that, he has to get new ones every week after you, uh, visit
and of course some of the staff wonder why his door is often closed
and some even begin to notice how he always seems to be visited by you each week with a pack of new linen
(which was strictly for the reason that you get annoyed when ur foot gets stuck in the rips when cuddling, by the way)
and he hates making u upset
so he gives u the cash and u go buy them, as a compromise
(which also confuses the staff bc its a literal boarding school so everything u need is there, but you think it would be too suspicious to go and get new sheets every week at abt the same time)
buttttt back to the store
u would get the linen ofc but not w/ out coming back with some snacks and movies
which usually would lead to needing more sheets AGAIN (if u catch my drift rejkbgr)
but anywho
nobody ever says anything
xavier doesn’t even begin to pick up on it, that poor man
hank kinda thinks something fishy is going on, but chooses to ignore it completely
avoiding any convo of that nature at all costs
(but he does make sure to loudly tell charles about how important it is for the youth to practice safe sex when he sees the two of you near, much to charles’ confusion.)
not to mention relentless teasing from jubilee, who told jean, who then of course told scott, leading to being teased by all of them!
(minus peter, he would just occasionally nudge warren on the shoulder and smirk, but that was it)
but in the end, nothing could put a damper on the relationship of you two, truly.
he loved you (not that he would say it yet)
and you loved him (ditto! fun!)
but let’s be real here
the real savior of your relationship? the real matchmaker, if u will?
that damned school girl skirt.
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roxiestranger19 · 3 years
OBX2 spoilers ahead this is your warning‼️‼️
(also apologies i don’t know how to do the read more thing)
k so i really liked this season! except in the beginning i didn’t really like how it was mostly focused on john b and sarah like i get it, they’re trying to get the gold and it’s important but i mean my jj baby wasn’t there so it was low key boring for me💀💀
but anyways, YALL i realllly loved seeing the pogues in school like idk it just made me really happy seeing there dynamic in school and how they just give zero shits about what anyone thinks about them😁😁
k but i literally nearly had a heart attack when sarah got shot and basically died like my girl flat lined and somehow survived?? seriously she is immortal my god. and taking her to that sketchy ass doctor 😬😬not the brightest decision and when they just lost the gold all together made it seem kinda pointless
i really loved the whole thing with pope and the cross and stuff. like pope isn’t really my favorite character but i liked the plot line and it gave them something else to solve, though the creepy crutch lady (i forget her name lol) i did not fuck with her, she and renfield were not it for me
ok but literally everyone almost died multiple times and that really gave me so much unnecessary anxiety like i knew no one was gonna die because i just don’t think they would do that but some parts were pretty close. like sarah got shot and died and got resurrected, kie got stuck in the sewer thing, pope and the bees, john b nearly died in prison and my baby jj nearly drowned🥺🥺seriously i knew he wasn’t gonna die because of the scene in the trailer but it was close man 😬😬
ok while we’re on this let’s talk about kie and pope vs kie and jj. y’all when i tell you i cringed during the kie/pope scenes i- 🤮🤮 however, kie was being such a bitch to pope- like using him for his body and shit! really pope had a reason to be mad at her but i’m glad they “broke up” it was so awkward and i hated seeing jj third wheeling the whole time just like 👁👄👁 ok kie and jj😍😍honestly the jiara moments were pretty slim this season 😭 i loved the part when jj saw his dad and stuff it just reminded me of season 1 and it put me in my feels and like kie being all protective of him 🥰🥰 like every time they were together i was squeeling so hard!! omg when they were forced to stay in the crate together i was really hoping we would get a confession or something! but no, they really be doing this slow burn shit😩😩but i do think it’s good. it would be weird if kie jumped from every guy in the group all at once but jiara is endgame no denying. and obviously i LOVED the boat scene at the end- kie was so worried for him (SO WAS I OMG) and yeah
CLEO YALL I LOVED CLEO she did not get NEARLY enough screen time. she’s always just vibing and hanging around and just doing whatever tf she wants. a literal queen i love her so much. i’m so happy that she decided to help the pogues and go with them at the end and i really hope we get to see more of her in future seasons
ok but i HATE WARD AND RAFE (everyone does) but like i knew ward didn’t die like it was just too easy but i hate that he came back and just kept going on and on and on and on and on like god just stop PLEASE and rafe 😡😡😡i hate him SO much like just stop y’all are already rich as hell just like chill out for real i hate them
i was so frustrated tho when they lost the gold and then just gave up and started focusing on the cross and then lost it too. like it was all so pointless and frustrating and kinda got boring after awhile ngl i just hope in the next season we see more of them just vibing and chillin and being normal and causing normal teenager trouble on the island and then maybe the gold gets back to them somehow idk (also jj didn’t get his dog which was very disappointing my baby just needs something)
in conclusion i thought the season was good! the humor was there and hilarious and it wasn’t super cheesey or anything and i didn’t cringe the whole time (except for pope and kie🤮🤮🤮) 10/10 in my opinion thanks for listening to my rant ❤️❤️
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jinkicake · 4 years
The Panty Raid
Tendou wants to play a little game.
Tendou x Reader
I wanted to post something more light after my last headcanon and I’ve had this in my drafts for a while. (s/o to my friend for the idea lol) I’m also working on part two for the previous Dabi x Reader so I wanted to give something during the wait. Tendou is just so GOOFY, I adore him, he’s so fun to write. This is kinda smutty, kinda not, that’s a lie it is smutty. 
Yes, read ‘The Panty Raid’ in Patrick’s voice from Spongebob.
WC- 1,659
“(Y/N)-chan” Tendou sings and you hum into his chest, clutching the material of his shirt in your fist. His fingers trail from your sides to lightly tap over your bottom and you mentally roll your eyes. 
“If I guess the color of your underwear right I get to take them off, okay?” The question causes your eyes to narrow in amusement and any other time you would have hit him upside the head but today, you chose to entertain him.
“Okay and if you’re wrong no sex today.” A smirk plays on your lips but your confident boyfriend shows no worry on his face. His palm flattens against your one of your cheeks before squeezing gently as he dramatically ponders over his answer. 
“Pink.” One of your favorite colors and most of your comfortable underwear is that color, he knows that. With a huff, you lay on your back and cross your hands over your chest.
“Nope.” Your boyfriend’s eyes nearly bug out of his head while you sulk on the bed. “Tendou I really wanted to play today~” You teasingly pout and he wraps his arms around your waist before burying his face into your neck. 
Technically you were cheating by not wearing any underwear but if Tendou found that out there is no way he would hold back.
“I’ll get it tomorrow.” He grumbles into your skin and you laugh while running your hands through his wild hair.
The next day you’re in the hallway with your boyfriend during lunch period and you can see the familiar fire of determination in his eyes after being shut down so quickly yesterday. It was difficult choosing a pair of underwear this morning, when you would usually reach for white you opted for a baby blue pair instead. 
“White.” You cover your laughter with your hand as you shake your head and your boyfriend sighs in disbelief. “I don’t believe you.” He growls and hooks his finger along the waistline of your skirt to take a peak.
“Tendou!” You scold whacking him on top of his head, what was he thinking? In the middle of the hallway? A dramatic cry of rejection falls from his lips as the baby blue shines out to him, and he falls against the wall next to you. 
“Tomorrow.” He pouts sadly trying to make you feel bad and you cross your arms over your chest.
“I thought you were the guess monster?” You ask him, disbelief etched into your tone. Tendou growls out in annoyance.
“I am!” He frowns and you wrap your arms around his trying to pull him down so you can whisper in his ear.
“Prove it then.” Your voice sounds like a melody Tendou wants to hear forever and when he pulls away he can see the want in your eyes. 
He was going to get it right tomorrow. 
The third time Tendou makes his guess you’re leaning against the wall of the gym after he finished practice. Something about him all worked out gets your blood pumping and you think that if he doesn’t get it right day then you’ll just lie and say he did. 
It seems his guesses would have been accurate the last few days if you hadn’t changed and worn random colored underwear to throw him off. You knew he probably picked up on that tactic so you thought to wear a color you’d wear often, but then again he has probably picked up on that too. 
Needless to say your brain turned to mush this morning when trying to choose a color and you just grabbed a random pair of cotton material without giving it much thought. You try to hide the giggles slipping from your lips as Tendou’s hair brushes your face, his lips peppering kisses all over your cheeks. 
“Don’t worry my angel I’ll guess right today.” His soothing voice only causes your heart to beat faster, you feel so light in his presence. Tendou pulls away from you to stare directly in your eyes, his own red ones narrow in thought. “Grey.” 
With a nod, you bite your lip refusing to break eye contact. Tendou lets out a soft laugh and trails his hand up your thigh and under your skirt.
“We’re on school property, you idiot!” You slap his head and try to push his hand away.
“Just let me collect my prize.” He mumbles, using this other hand to tug open your skirt waist to take a peak. A loud noise of confusion leaves his lips and almost immediately his warm touch is gone. “You tease.” He sadly whimpers as he crouches against the wall and you peek down at your own skirt, a dramatic black adorns your skin and you gasp at the sight.
“I-In my defense I didn’t remember what color I put on this morning.” You whine and slide down the wall to sit next to your boyfriend. “Can’t we just pretend you got it right?” You pout at him while rubbing his knee and he stubbornly shakes his head. 
“Tomorrow I’ll get it right.” Tendou pushes himself off the ground before helping you up. You wrap your arms around one of his as you start to walk to the dorms.
“For my sake, I hope you do.” You sigh and your boyfriend looks down at you, curiosity painting his face. Yes Tendou, girls get horny too.
The next time Tendou takes his guess is after a game Shiratorizawa had just won. Emotions were high and you swear if Tendou didn’t get it right then you were going to finish yourself off. But, your boyfriend knows you. 
He knows how worked up you’ve gotten the last few days and he knows you always wear the cute thin, white lace at his games and it drives him mad. Tendou can practically see the tiny bow on the front, wrapped like a gift, because according to you ‘your ass is a present’. 
How Tendou managed to sneak you into the storage closet after the game you don’t know but his fingers running up your thighs cause all clear thoughts to leave your mind. 
“Tendou if you don’t guess right I’m-“ Your voice is cut off his his lips practically shushing you. 
“I got you. I’m on a winning streak angel.” He whispers and you can’t think of anything else but his voice. Mentally you roll your eyes at his comment, his ego flourishing after winning the two sets back to back easily. You let out a whimper as his fingers run over the material of your panties.
“My favorite pair, white.” His breath his warm against your thigh and you can feel your stomach flip at the sensation. “I love seeing you in white, you look so innocent. You’re anything but that naughty girl.”  Tendou lightly mouths wet kisses over your inner thighs, letting out a groan when he sees the white lace. He can’t help but reach out and kiss you over the fabric. His hot tongue runs along the fabric, getting off on watching it get drenched in the mixture of your two fluids. Your eyes practically roll to the back of your head when he begins to suck on the lace, the loud slurping sound-emitting throughout the empty closet.
Long, nimble fingers push your panties to the side and a large hand wraps around one of your thighs, pushing your leg over his shoulder so he can shove this tongue deep inside you. You clench around him and bathe in the feeling of the warm muscle massaging your walls. 
“Tendou~” You cry, fisting his hair tighter and your nails scrap against his scalp. Had his hand not been pining you to the wall you would have fallen to the ground when he moves to suck on your outer lips. 
Your knees buckle and he only laughs at the action, the vibrations running up your spine. With a light kiss to your clit he starts to teasingly lick the bud, small kitten licks before he licks a broad strip. 
Your body feels too hot, his mouth feels so good. Tendou raises a long finger to enter you as he continues to massage your clit back and forth, up and down. Within two pumps he raises a second finger and enters it alongside the first. 
Your head falls back against the wall when his talented fingers curl, you know you’re not going to last much longer. Slowly your back slides down the wall until your butt hits the floor and Tendou only follows, refusing to disconnect your bodies. By now both your legs are thrown over his shoulders and your back is arching off the floor. His fingers alone make you feel so full and you nearly combust at the thought of his dick. 
Tendou consumes your thoughts nearly all the time and this is one of the many reasons why. 
“I’m gonna cum. Please let me cum.” You beg, sounding like a whimpering mess and the redhead underneath you nearly falls apart in his shorts.
“Mmm go ahead baby cum now.” Tendou orders against you, delivering a harsh suck to your clit, helping you ride the pleasure for as long as you can. When you finally calm down, your heart is still racing in your chest and Tendou is still lightly mouthing at your inner thigh. 
“Get up and fuck me.” You whine and Tendou chuckles as he lifts himself up to press his lips against yours, running his tongue along the inside of your teeth.
“God, you taste so fucking good.” He groans and you moan at the sound, Tendou pulls himself off of you and you try to grab at his shoulders to bring him back. “Can you walk baby? I’ll fuck you but you deserve to get absolutely destroyed on my bed, right?” 
Needless to say, as much as your legs felt like jelly, you had never gotten up quicker in your life. 
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sunseteyes · 4 years
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prompt: pranks (promps are by @jojosmilktea)
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word count: 902 words | themes: hurt & comfort. angst & fluff.
tags: @kacchanori @chickynn @todominica @sparkleswritings @brinthie @patricia-ceballos @giyuus-wife @bitchtrynafck @astrxrism @animatedarchives @deephasoceanmagic @strawberrysalwa @kawaiinishii @moonlightaangel @mrs-kuroojinguji
rv: this was so fun to write, honestly. kinda predictable but still fun. hope you’ll enjoy reading!
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✒︎ a bad prank
denki wasn't looking at you today.
i mean, sure he's allowed to do that. but he's just blatantly and obviously ignoring you—you, his partner for a year. and today is your anniversary.
very first anniversary.
you didn’t mind it at first, ruling out that maybe he was just having a bad morning and he wanted to be alone for the meantime, but the more you see him interact happily with your other peers, smiling as if there wasn’t anything or anyone he had forgotten, it’s making you feel uncomfortable and out of place. who wouldn’t, right?
you wanted to confront him, of course you have every right in the world. however, you held onto your nerves, choosing to give him space for the meantime, going with izuku, ochako and iida as lunchtime comes.
"why are you not with kaminari-kun, (y/n)-san?” izuku was quick to notice. how could he not when you look at the blonde from afar with a worried and yearning look, one that you rarely do since denki never had once ignored you before. he always makes sure to make you feel seen—clear and visible on his and everybody’s eyes.
it’s embarrassing to say, but you’ve jus realized that his presence had been a constant in your life, that even such a small time of being apart from him or having him ignore you was making your heart break slowly into tiny bits and pieces, scattered on the grounds of yuuei.
"uh-i just wanted to eat with you guys for awhile." you refused to tell them the truth however. what a liar you are. how could you not when revealing such might only result into a difficult situation. it’s best that you opt not to do so.
it’s best that you wait further.
by the moment lunchtime ends and you were back in the classroom, there was nothing;
nothing happened, aside from the fleeting gaze that you sensed. glancing over at denki, he looks away, seemingly also looking at you a second before you had caught his eyes. this made you suspicious but you didn't have much time to question him for aizawa-sensei then enters the room for his class.
by the end of classes however, he still wasn't coming to your way.
frowning to yourself, you decided it was enough. you needed to confront your boyfriend once and for all.
it's your damn anniversary for all might's sake.
"denki," your voice was firm as you barricaded him from getting out of the room, his eyes finally meeting yours after so long that you thought you were melting under his gaze from how much you've missed it.
you couldn't even stay angry at him.
"let's talk, (y/n)." his words made the heart inside your ribcage beat loud and fast, as if you knew what would happen.
you knew these words—they were words that were said in the television when one was about to end their relationship. what happened?, you began to question yourself, recalling each and every memory that happened by the course of the days. it’s true that you and him had been incredibly busy with your school works, but was it enough to call all of these off? to throw it all to the ground as if it was nothing?
if your peers saw how your eyes trembled and how it seemed like the world has fallen in front of you, they never said anything. you let denki guide you outside of the school and eventually to the gates, until no one was at sight that could hear or see what could happen. that’s when he finally spoke up.
"i think this is not working, (y/n)." each and every syllable of his words threw bricks on top of your shoulders, a heavy feeling flowing inside of your body that you couldn't even pinpoint where it is.
it just... hurts. everything hurts. each and every part hurts.
denki twirls himself around and you were engulfed in a hug, your whole body instantly relaxing. you didn't even realized the tension in your muscles until you felt denki's warmth, his embrace that you didn't know if it was of goodbye or an apology.
or both.
what’s happening?
he wrapped his arms around you, tight and long-lasting, his head resting by your side, as if he didn't want to let go.
"i don't think i can imagine my life without you, (y/n)." he pulls away and there it was; his smile, his bright eyes—your denki. it was as if suddenly, the world lit up, the bricks falls to the ground and you can breathe the fresh air again.
"i plan on ignoring you for the whole day but i can't. happy anniversary, (y/n)!"
tears. you didn't realized you were crying until you felt the streams of droplets flow down your cheeks, denki's thumb brushing them off as he panics at your state and explaining that it was all in his masterplan to surprise you and that he prepared a dinner for the two of you to share that night.
you can't even stay mad at him. you merely hugged him and lightly punched him on his shoulder. it was not a good prank, but both of you learned one thing.
and that was how genuine you two feel towards each other. by that, you were glad. for now.
you still have to scold him for making you feel miserable, after all.
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ihavelovednone · 3 years
Emily & Miguel: Power & control
This post is long - REALLY LONG. I’ve tried to reduce it and separate it - but it’s not really working. So here goes. It’s centered around Emily and Miguel and the power imbalance between them and the abusiveness that he displays. I hope it’s somewhat interesting and not to hard to follow - if you read it in full that is.
The initial power imbalance There are several aspects in Miguel’s and Emily’s relationship that creates a power imbalance between them. First, and probably the one that relates to every other imbalance in their relationship, is the fact that she’s a woman. That doesn’t really need any further explaining. Women are generally seen as the weaker sex and there’s a long since decided role for women that still has deep roots in our society and in Emily’s life it’s very prominent. Dita displays dislike about Emily involving herself in the search for her child for instance. Devante uses a tone that reeks of aw, little girl and Miguel is somewhere in between wanting to be the sole provider and wanting her help.
One more obvious thing is the clear age difference between Miguel and Emily. It’s kinda like a spinn on the stereotypical old husband, young wife trope - except that Miguel, even though he’s no spring chicken, is still relatively young and very attractive. Kurt Sutter and Elgin James are so subtle in the way they decide use a stereotype without stereotyping that if you don’t look closely, you miss it. 
I think they met when Emily was in her final years of college or in law school and Miguel was in the start of his business career - the legal business that is. I have this idea in my head that Miguel tried really hard to impress her and she just rolled her eyes at him. Emily’s smart and strong, opinionated and a fighter, we’ve seen that in season 1 when Emily’s delivered info to Miguel about LO, called Devante out on his misogynistic shit and when she didn’t let herself get intimidated by Potter. She also found the info about the murder of EZ’s mother and called out Miguel’s hypocrisy in season 2. 
At the same time there’s an insecurity within Emily. She’s probably been told several times by her parents that she’s not good enough. When Emily meets Miguel the break-up from EZ is probably still lingering, even if it was awhile ago they ended in a way that never really gave them closure - she didn’t just loose her first love, she lost someone that was a security to her. On top of that she’d lost her baby (yes I say lost because I don’t think she’d have aborted it had the circumstances been different). This probably made Emily more susceptible to Miguel’s charm.
That insecurity is very apparent in season 2 when Miguel starts spending more time with Adelita. He used to worship the ground she walked on, she was his “touchstone” and all of a sudden his work is all about taking Potter down with the help of Adelita and Emily ends up being in the background. There’s a desperation in her actions in that season. She enters territories she’d never actually enter otherwise. She’s so desperate for the Agra Park thing to work because she never chose the cartel, she chose Miguel. 
There’s also a duality with Emily in season 2 - The cartel is, up until the kidnapping of Cristobal, in the background of Emily’s life. She didn’t see, she didn’t hear.  I think she stayed with Miguel in the hopes that he’d liquidate the cartel and go one hundred percent legit but now, he’s rising - he’s making more money and Emily’s spurring him on. Maybe because she wants to be more involved with him, close to him, move Adelita out of the way. She wants to feel needed. It’s a weird dynamic between them, like the abused wife that wants to please her man or something.
Never in control Miguel might’ve initially been a person she found to be what EZ once was - a safe harbor, a home, a lifeline. Not necessarily financial, more emotional. Emily sees Miguels way of treating her with loving words and gifts as affection, maybe she knows that there’s something else under the beautiful exterior, maybe she doesn’t. As Erin said, they choose men that are darkness personified, hinting that they seek it out, it comes naturally - almost as a way to punish themselves for not being good enough. Miguel’s affectionate behavior bleeds into darkness, or maybe his affectionate behavior is actually something sinister altogether - like he feeds on women wanting him, needing him, he uses it to get to them.
In the midst of her vulnerability Miguel displays behaviors of wanting for her to belong to him and no one else, and that’s dangerous and toxic. She doesn’t realize that behavior as problematic until season 2 - even though it starts in season 1 when he propagates to EZ that he need to leave Emily alone - because it complicates things. 
Emily’s very isolated. She has no friends, she’s got no one that’s just hers. Except for EZ when he gets out of prison, and even so, they’re not really friends either. They’re more in limbo than anything. And even though they’ve got a past - she’s got the right to spend time with whoever she wants. Or should have the right. Loyalty to a man does not derive from how few men you’re in contact with as a woman. Emily doesn’t need to go back to her man, or only stay by his side. She’s not Miguel’s property. She’s allowed to have relationships with other men - as long as she’s not actually cheating - and even if she wanted to - she’s could, it doesn’t warrant abuse of any kind.
His want for her to be a housewife - or work close by, offering her a job in his company - is toxic. Why? Well, she’s constantly under his watch, she’s doesn’t have the opportunity to make new acquaintances and friendships without those people having relations to Miguel. If Miguel were to demand information about what a person has spoken to his wife about - they’d tell him - in fear of loosing their job, or their life. Now, had Miguel not displayed other types of weird and controlling behaviors it probably wouldn’t have crossed my mind that she worked for him. It would’ve been fine.
Him having her ride with a platoon and not be left alone is, yeah, you guessed it: TOXIC. Freedom is not something that she has. You might think that Emily, just because she lives in an ocean of money and opportunity that she’s somehow free. She’s not. She has no privacy. And yeah, you could argue that Miguel’s cartel work is dangerous and therefore she needs to be protected - but at what cost? She’s constantly under the watchful eye of Miguel’s lackeys - which becomes more apparent in season 2 when Nestor’s following her every move without her knowing. They work for him - they abide to him. She doesn’t have the ability to do what ever she wants - and when she does, he abuses her, as seen in S01E05. As I said in a post that’s been deleted now: Miguel is, most of the time, abusive without actually doing it himself. He uses his staff to control her.
We’ve never actually seen Miguel give Emily any presents, probably because it’d be very stereotypical of him and Sutter and James want to avoid stereotypes. But I think he’d do something like that, considering his expensive taste in suits, cars and other things - I think he likes showing of how rich he is. 
Miguel comes of as one of those people who’d use presents to stifle someone. The wife’s mad? Get her a meaningless expensive present to shut her up and simultaneously tell her you care for her without actually asking how she’s feeling. She thinks you don’t love her? Diamonds, get her some diamonds. Diamond equals love. Him throwing all kinds of materialistic shit at her is toxic and it doesn’t matter how much he loves her because his behavior ends up being manipulative and controlling every single time. 
The comment you should be grateful feels like something that’d come out of his mouth to (and probably from people on the outside looking in). Not that many women get to live a life in luxury, he’d probably say. Like she should be grateful for something she never really asked for. 
Conclusion This became a long post - probably longer than all my posts so far - combined. There are so many red flags with Miguel and Emily - some of them so subtle you hardly notice them. In the first episode I thought they’d go the whole sugar daddy route which might seem cool and fun in theory. But it’s in fact a very common way for young women to enter prostitution so I’m glad they didn’t go that way with it and display it like it’s no big deal - it’s all fun, look at all the pretty things I get for being a companion. 
Miguel’s abusive behavior is subtle at times and yeah, he loves her and she love him, but it doesn’t matter when the relationship is so unhealthy. Writing this piece has given me a new perspective of the two as well. Emily’s desperate to not loose Miguel - why? Most likely because she’d be on her own otherwise and she’s not really ready for that and Miguel’s behavior is probably something he’s picked up from his childhood and I’m not sure he’s always aware of it. Miguel very insecure. Let’s be honest, no man comfortable within himself would ever restrain a woman’s social circle, career or freedom to roam. 
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keanureevesisbae · 4 years
‘Dad, do you still love me?’
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A one shot in the universe of ‘Mister Cavill, your dog is kinda fat’
Henry Cavill x Olivia Tran
Summary: Henry notices Elodie isn’t exactly herself, so he takes her out on a little father/daughter date, hoping to figure out what is going on inside of her head.
Wordcount: 1.8k
A/N: Thursday at 7 p.m. CEST time I’ll start the celebratory Q&A
Masterlist // previous one shot
Vanessa is 23 // Elodie is 15 // Heather and Chloe are 11
Henry noticed how Elodie hasn’t been herself lately. She constantly avoids him and barely talks to him anymore, even when they are doing the dishes. Usually the two of them would have their little moment together, as she was washing, while he was drying. They would always talk a little bit, catching up with one another.
Just a few days ago, he found Olivia with Elodie in bed, her arms wrapped around his serious little princess as they both slept. Out of all his daughters, Elodie was the serious one, the introvert and he loved her for that.
But he noticed that something was eating her up alive and that killed him. He asked Olivia about it, who simply looked at him with a cocked eyebrow. ‘I’m not going to tell you.’
‘So there is something?’ he asked.
‘Yes, there is something,’ Olivia said. ‘But I’m not going to tell you about it, because she has to tell you about it when she feels ready.’
‘But why did she tell you about it and not me? Am I not a good enough dad for her?’ he wondered.
‘No, honey, of course you are a good dad for her, but she is trying to process this herself right now. It took her some time to tell me, so don’t you worry about a thing.’
‘Is she okay though?’
‘It’s nothing life threatening, if that’s what you are worried about. If that were the case, remember, I’d always tell you. But this… It’s personal and not my place to share.’
He was grateful that his daughters were so close to Olivia and that when there were problems, they found their way to her. But he sometimes wonders if the girls don’t trust him or anything. He would always listen to them, drop everything he was doing, so he could listen to his girls. And Elodie came to him a lot of times, when she was stressing over school, when she needed to have a dress for a Valentines Dance back when she was thirteen.
What has changed?
‘Honey, are you okay?’ Olivia asks him.
He continues to look at Elodie from the doorway, who has her earphones in as she is doing her homework. She pushes her glasses further up her nose. ‘I’m worried about her,’ he admits.
Olivia, who has reached the beautiful age of forty six, but looks at least ten years younger, wraps her arm around his waist. ‘Maybe you two could go out for awhile. A little walk with some iced coffee.’
‘Really, honey.’ She stands on her toes and whispers: ‘I understand you are worried and maybe if you take her out, she might talk to you.’ He feels her soft lips against his jaw and she whispers: ‘I love you, Henry. You can do this.’ Olivia smiles at him, before walking back to the kitchen.
‘Elodie, princess,’ he says and his voice is louder than the music coming out of her earphones, since she looks up. Because she is so responsible, she always has her volume pretty low, because she doesn’t want to ruin her hearing. He looks into her large brown eyes and he knows that—as always with her—is so much going on inside of her head. Whilst her sisters always voice their thoughts, she keeps them to herself. ‘We’re going out for a drink.’
‘Why?’ she asks, placing her glasses on her books.
Why. That’s her first and most used response to basically everything.
‘You need a break, you’ve been at it for quite some time now. Come on, homework can wait. We’re going to get something to drink.’
She looks at her homework, contemplating for a moment, before she gets up. She puts on a thin vest and slips on her sneakers. They walk to a nice cafe nearby and he orders two iced coffees for the two of them. ‘Thanks,’ she says, as she takes the cup from him, when they start to walk to one of their favorite spots. It’s a secluded area in the park, a large oak with a park bench right underneath it. The bench is empty and Henry and Elodie sit down.
He remembers when she was seven, he would take her to this exact place all the time. He never came with his other daughters, because they thought it was boring. Elodie on the other hand loves this place and he took her here quite a lot. He would read his own book, or read one to her.
‘Tell me, sweetheart,’ he says, to break the painful silence between them. ‘How are you?’
Elodie doesn’t make eye contact with him, as she stares right ahead of her. ‘I’m okay.’
She can stop talking to him all together, basically ignoring him, but lying to him is something she simply cannot do. ‘Are you sure?’
‘No,’ she mumbles. ‘It’s just that I don’t want you to get mad at me.’
‘When have I gotten mad at you?’ he asks her.
She finally looks at him. ‘Never,’ she mumbles, ‘but dad… I’m scared.’
‘Sweetheart, why are you scared?’ he asks, turning a bit, so he can look at her.
Elodie’s eyes fill with tears and she brings a shaky hand to her mouth, to cover up the sob, but he knows her.
‘Come here, Elodie,’ he says, holding out his arm. She scoots over to him and lets herself be wrapped up in a tight hug. He presses a kiss on top of her head. ‘It’s all okay, princess.’
‘I’m so sorry,’ she cries out.
‘No, no, no, none of that,’ he tells her. ‘You don’t have to apologize.’
‘It’s just that…’ She takes a deep breath and whispers: ‘I have a girlfriend.’
That was what she was worried about? ‘Why would I get mad about something like that?’
‘Because Vanessa has a boyfriend and you love him and you continue to say that the rest of us should pick out a nice boy like Trey. Besides, you never said anything about the LGBTQ community and I figured that you might not support it.’
She has a point, he thinks to himself. He always jokes about how the girls should get themselves a boy like Trey, he barely mentions anything about the LGBTQ community and knowing that that scared her into thinking that he would get mad, makes him want to curse himself. ‘I’m sorry I gave you the impression that I do not support the LGBTQ community. I really am sorry about that and princess, I’m also really sorry that I made those jokes. I just didn’t really think about it, I guess.’
She pulls back a little and he sees her red and puffy eyes. ‘Dad, do you still love me?’
The fact that she has to ask this, is a punch in the gut. ‘Of course I still love you, Elodie. I love you so so so much and this will not change anything about that. Absolutely not.’
Elodie lets out a nervous laugh. ‘I love you too, dad.’
‘You still think I’m mad at you?’
She shakes her head. ‘No, I don’t.’
‘Good, little princess.’ He smiles at her and it earns him a beautiful, yet timid smile of his second daughter. He pulls her securely to his side and she places her head against his chest. ‘Now tell me all about this girl, because I need to know everything about her.’
‘Her name is Katie and she is in my Math class.’
He frowns. ‘Katie?’ he asks. ‘Didn’t she come over a few weeks ago?’
Elodie nods. ‘Yes, she did.’
‘Oh, but I thought she was really nice,’ he says.
Katie was open, extraverted and had the sense of humor that was quite crude, but also very funny. He liked her a lot and was happy that Elodie found a friend like her, who would pull her out of her shell a bit.
But the fact that they are dating makes him even more delighted.
‘When can we meet her as your girlfriend?’ he asks.
Elodie lets out a chuckle. ‘Maybe tomorrow. Vanessa, Chloe and Heather really wanted to meet her too, as my girlfriend this time.’
‘They knew?’
‘Yeah, they did. I think two weeks ago. Mom knew that Katie was my girlfriend when she came over. She actually has known for about two months now, that I like girls and for a month now that Katie and I are a couple.’
Now he really feels like an idiot. Why isn’t anyone telling him anything. Is he really not a good enough dad?’
She knows exactly what is going on inside his head. ‘Dad, the reason I didn’t tell you, was because I thought you’d love me less. Vanessa is this perfect daughter with the perfect boyfriend and then Heather and Chloe are also doing really well and I’m just me. Just boring, but gay.’
‘Oh no, sweetheart,’ he sighs, feeling like an even bigger idiot right now. ‘You are not just boring. You are so intelligent, such a lovely young lady and you, my love, are never just you. You have so much to offer and your mother and I are so lucky that you are our daughter.’
When they finally walk back to their house, she holds his hand. He doesn’t know how long ago that has happened, but he enjoys this moment, because he figures it won’t happen again any time soon.
She stops walking when they are almost home. ‘I love you, dad,’ she says. ‘And I’m sorry I didn’t tell you before.’
‘It’s totally fine. You should only tell me, your mother or sisters something when you feel comfortable. I mean, this is pretty big news.’
‘I know,’ she chuckles.
‘Can I ask you something?’
‘How long have you known? That you liked girls?’
She looks at their hands and says: ‘I always thought I was really weird for not falling in love in elementary school. But a few months ago I changed my math class and I sat next to Katie. It just clicked, I guess and then I started to dream about her. A lot. And I got so nervous all of the sudden around her, until one day she just asked me why I was being so weird. So I just told her and it turned out that she liked me too.’
He pulls her into a hug and closes his eyes, as he is happy that his daughter is visibly more relaxed right now. ‘I’m so happy for you, Elodie,’ he tells her and he means it from the bottom of his heart. He never thought about it really, that one of his daughters could come back with a girl, hence the comments he made to them. But seeing that smile on her face when she talks about Katie, it reminds him of how Simon talks about Belle, how he talks about Olivia and how Vanessa talks about Trey.
He just has to remember one important thing.
Love is love.
A few years later:
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casgirl · 3 years
People are so weird about the most unimportant shit ever. Yes Supernatural is bad. I’ve seen it. I enjoy it. It makes me crazy but like, I’m an adult that has a job and buys groceries. I cannot be bothered to care about how lame some things in a CW show were, ESPECIALLY because I have the power to make those things better in my head or by indulging in fan works. Being upset about malicious or offensive writing is one thing. Being upset about if a show is good or not is another. I used to be one of those people that shit on Riverdale for all kinds of “reasons” without even watching it because that’s what people did. Now I realize that yeah, it’s kinda stupid, but it’s fun right? Then that’s a good thing! Gotham is bad but it’s silly and I like it. Star Wars is fucked up and I love it. I watched a commentary video of two twitter lesbians genuinely complaining about how unwoke and lame the High School fucking Musical movies are and I just had to go outside for awhile on their behalf.
I guess people just don’t know that they can enjoy things that aren’t like Oscar worthy cinematic masterpieces that are groundbreaking generational and cultural phenomena or some shit.
I didn’t mean to full on rant but just know that 9 times out of 10 when I’m tired of watching people make big deals out of meaningless fictional bullshit online I come back to your account or I listen to baitpod because it reminds me that there are still normal people out there
there’s like a fine line between making fun of a show’s ridiculous writing vs being like genuinely upset about it and if you’re gonna constantly make yourself mad about a show’s bad writing you can just find something that you think is better! like i love being a hater we all know that but like im always gonna just keep it to the level where i’m like still having fun and am enjoying most of the content and if it gets to a point where it’s making me miserable i just move on. hence why i don’t really talk about star wars or asoiaf anymore. like. you’re not gonna Fix a tv show by posting on tumblr about plot holes every day.  
i feel like riverdale is an entirely different beast bc like, most of the people making those long as video essays about how the writing is “cringey” are like adults in their twenties. and riverdale is a teen show for teens. people with english degrees are NOT the target demographic for this show! like you can enjoy it for what it is or you can watch idk. the wire or something. 
i guess this is all a bit hypocritical of me bc im like. a media studies person in real life but that’s also like WHY i am never going to write about supernatural in any academic capacity. like its something lighthearted that i enjoy and i want to keep it that way lol. also i think the embarrassment of a professor reading any of my takes on supernatural would kill me outright. anyways, thank you for the ask and thank you very much for saying i’m a normal person it really does mean a lot.
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dorkydiaz · 4 years
911 4x04 Things cause uhh (insert spongebob wiping his brow meme here)
It has been awhile and I have thoughts 
Spoilers below :) Also I swear a lot in here so there’s that. 
Okay so like absolutely fuck them, they are horrible parents. But we kinda had that one pegged. 
But everyone being like, he doesn’t have a baby box cause he was a donor kid or whatever, clearly doesn’t have a sibling. Cause in my experience the youngest always gets the short end of the stick on these sorts of things. Like I am 6 years younger than my brother. I don’t have a baby book, and I didn’t see honest to god baby pictures until high school, hell I wasn’t even baptized (not that I care but moving on) and my brother was. It doesn’t rule that theory out at all, but like, it is not a reason to come to that conclusion. 
Anyway, more thoughts-- they will be all over the place cause its been like an hour and a half and so much has happened and I am still processing. 
Maddie is her actual given name?? Like huh. That’s kinda weird, but ok
Chim, Albert, Maddie, and Buck all together--- I need more of this good content.
THE PINKY PROMISE THING IS BACK- this is obs a sibling thing and I love it 
Chim using the pole to escape-- 10/10 hilarious
“Love me anyway.” “LOVE ME ANYWAY”-- I am about to cry again just thinking about it - that shit hurted and will haunt me- GOD Oliver was good
Firefam being so casual about buck in therapy opposed to Maddie and parents reactions, just wow, yeah. good shit. 
My money is on they called him Dan, or Danny and that’s why they hate nicknames, cause Danny and Maddie just sounds cute and stuff--- Also totally explains Evan- like its short, there is not a nickname for it really, it’s different that either Daniel or Maddie, so yeah it just makes sense.  
GAAWWD I hate them they are so awful, what the fuck was that gaslighting bullshit. Like talking about Doug, even after Maddie has said she does not want to talk about him (for OBVIOUS reasons) and then her mom is back on it and is just like “the husband who must not be named”) GAHHHHH
She ran all the way across the country when her parents were in the same town-- I just want to hug these children, and punch their parents
If I have to sit through mads and buck forgiving them next week- I will fight- cause they are sooooo emotionally abusive and that is not something that gets forgiven easily. 
Okay, so my theory as to why Maddie told them about him going to therapy is that he has repressed memories about how Daniel died. Cause otherwise, is he gonna be talking through stuff and Dr. Copeland is just gonna be like, sounds like you had another sibling that died? no-- cause that also explains why everyone is so worried about buck finding out. And to my knowledge we have never really seen Buck trapped in a fire before, which is different than all the other traumas, and could trigger him into having flashbacks or something, especially since now he knows of Daniels existence. 
Also the parallel of Eddie being trapped underground and then Buck also being trapped 🤡 ( i hate myself sometimes)  If there isn’t a parallel of Eddie screaming buck like when Buck was screaming for eddie I will be a bit sad
Also Buck as Protective Younger Sibling TM is just *chefs kiss* We have gotten it a few times with them but I feel like it barely ever happens on tv cause like that’s not the trope, younger siblings are feisty af and wont let you forget it 
In conclusion FUCk the Buckley Parents- I hate you- there is no redemption arc for forcing your 9 year old to lie like that, or all around treating both of your children like shit 
I love the Buckley Siblings, I will fight the writers if they hurt either one of them anymore on this fucking show that I conned myself into getting emotionally attached to
anyway... imma go read some fanfic to soothe my mind 
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alatismeni-theitsa · 4 years
16 anti LO anon opinions
All under the cut
(1) Fastpassers are also probably mad bc when smythe post fastpass title on twitter(which was heathers musical song ripoff) everyone was so hyped up and excided, they thought this gonna be about "Underqold badass queen Persephone " or something with her trail or something big with her, but no, they got Minthe flashback that didnt change anything in the story
(2) Fastpassers are annoyed bc this episode was flashback of Minthe. Two previous fastpasses got pretty big(and stupid) revals(leto is bad guy,apollo and artemis may be zeus child and last but not least Cronus awakening) so they were hopping for something more not a filler wpisode that changes nothing in to the story bc there were wpisodes that make Minthe more "symphatetic" than this one.
(3) Am i the only one a bit concerned that a Minthe episode made LO fans demand their money back but apparently episodes and a planned redemption over Apollo, who R*PED the main character, was met with fans sympathizing with him and feeling bad for judging him "too soon"?  They can accept a sexual assaulter having mommy issues to excuse his bad actions, but a boring filter episode about Minthe, who we know will be killed by the end anyway, gets outrage? That doesn't sit well with me.
(4) oh my god the LO fans hated the minthe fast pass so much they actually made LO's rating start to go down 😭 most of us here dont even like the comic but none of us would purposely review bomb it over a boring episode over a character we didnt like, thats so entitled!
(5) Adding on to the recent fastpass, it was extremely boring. I get that you can't please everyone but the fact that Minthe is having a backstory now just feels like filler.
This is the main issue I have with Rachel's story, she has so many characters but chooses to develop them at the worst times. If we got this backstory earlier in season 2, this would make sense. However, the fp before this one ended on a cliffhanger. You'd think it'd continue but no, we just get Minthe backstory.
I'd rather see an Apollo backstory, he's an active villain and would be interesting to see his motive.
Minthe doesn't have a compelling motive other than jealousy.
(6) I can't be the only one who thinks the new hairstyle updates for characters like Apollo or Eros look weird right? Eros literally looks like an adult version of one of his siblings Storge (who has curly permed hair and was holding a hamster)
(7) That Lo eros panel ... oof. Wheres his hairline going? He had a damn 7 head. Also at least for awhile the men had a different face from the women, but I guess they’re also women now, facial features wise?
(8) On a side note: why the fuck is Eros so ugly in this episode😭
(10) This is something i see so much but LO especially but why do all of them have boring ancient clothes? It's always white or tan sheets or maybe black if it's someone in the Underworld. I'm going more off ancient images but shouldn't the gods especially have more grand and detailed clothing options? i get it's probably harder to design based off colorful skin tones but it's not impossible. it just seems so much of the comic design feels very flat, so if the story can't hold up then the art should.
(11)  The main problem I had before with lore olympus was its cliffhanger syndrome. Like, why do some many chapters leave on a cliffhanger and for no reason at all? Like when Hera got hit and nothing happened. When I was experiencing the episodes coming out in real time, it drove me mad.
It's gotten better recently but that's probably because the three recent episodes (fastpass) felt more like filler.
That's the main reason why I feel like the plot is being dragged out. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for cute character moments and creators getting money but, LO is slowly becoming less and less interesting. I literally skipped around in most of the fasspasses because it really wasn't interesting. The only thing memorable about all of the fp episodes is the beginning and end, the middle is just kinda there.
(12) Ampelus (psyche)'s eyes used to be golden/yellow but now its coloured purple lmao
(13) Wtf is happening in lore olympus?! Now they want to bring cronus back and do another war?!? Are they crazy nothing like this didnt happen in mythology and obviously not bc of persephone(in comic her pink tree in underwold will give crounus power and life). It supposed to be romance not whatever fuck this is now.
(14) I feel like if I was at Henson Co. or Webtoons with a tv deal on the line, I would make Smythe to hand writing duties to a pro or take a hiatus seriously plan everything out, because all these new plots are distracting from what people signed up for, which is to see HxP get together and the myth. It seems like filter seeing as any TV adaption wouldn't cover most of it anyway, so why even include it? If RS wants it over sooner than later, this isn't how you do it, she's just procrastinating now.
(15) I find Demeter in LO just confusing. If she’s so overbearing and controlling, why would she ever allow Persephone out of their domain to live with Artemis in the city? Even the most liberally easy going parents don’t let their naive children out into the world like that with people they barely know, yet the supposed helicopter parent does. Why not literally literally lock her up? Especially when Persephone can’t control her powers and is desperate to hide that she killed a village of people? Demeter knows she’s a danger to others yet let her out anyway? That doesn’t sounding overbearing to me. It sounds like she’s right to want to hide her away. Persephone is a bigger threat to everyone else than they are to her. More so, actual controlling parents do give their children phones to keep easy tabs on them, yet LO Demeter doesn’t? She could constantly call Persephone or check up on her without physically needing to be there, yet they don’t do that. What modern parent would let their child leave home without a way to contact them? If anything, she’s extremely loose on parenting her and lets Persephone do/have whatever she wants. The controlling helicopter parent premise too is undercut by the fact LO Demeter ends up being right in wanting to hide her daughter away because within a month of leaving home Persephone is drugged, kidnapped, threatened by several people, r*ped, blackmailed, is close to dropping out of school, attacked by shades, and had a mental/emotional breakdown, many of those things being linked to her future “caring” husband. I just don’t buy it. Demeter ends up looking correct by anyone who isn’t blinded by the rose colored glasses of HxP.
(16) If I'll ever bother to read LO I'll do so only to see how horrible exactly it is.
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disdaidal · 3 years
i agree with you about billy not being a bookworm!! i kinda thought i was the only one. i just hc that he have adhd (idk where that come from, i guess i’m just projecting) and maybe he likes to read but he reads very rarely since he always gets distracted also he can’t pay that much attention to the book so he doesn’t remember what was at the beginning when he reaches the end and he gets very mad abt it
Hey <3 sorry it took me time to respond, i came back from work
Honestly what you just described is largely how I picture Billy as well (I'm probably self-projecting too since I definitely found myself there haha). Like he probably does read a book every once in awhile but he needs the right kind of mindset, the right book and the right location to do it.
I can easily picture him getting distracted if the book has big, difficult words or the text is too small or if he feels like the author just keeps rambling forever about useless details and the plot just isn't getting anywhere. Sometimes he forgets what even happened two pages ago or what were the names of those two side characters and what was their purpose in this story anyway. And omg, I can definitely picture him getting mad and closing the book angrily (even tossing it across the room and lighting a cigarette) if he feels like he's just wasted what little concentration and time he has on something that wasn't even worth reading in the end.
okay i'm definitely self-projecting here now xD
I really like to think that he's actually smart and that he would probably ace most of his classes if he just put his mind into it, but overall I just don't really see him as the 'academic' type. As in as someone who would study every night and worry about not getting into a good school. D: he would probably just skim right through everything and pass anyway or then he'd just begrudgingly accept what he gets as a result and try to figure it out one way or another (and probably end up regretting it later). Like he's smart but really impatient and a bit shallow too lol.
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