#also in case you don't know the most right picture is from the official design. which gem posted on her twitter :]
kitmoss · 8 months
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Gem's new skin is literally SO Lina Inverse coded...
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corrupted-nightshade · 5 months
List of things that point towards Gojo Satoru & Geto Suguru being kissers of boys with connections to eachother
(If they did kiss though is another story)
Note: the list will be divided into different sections with space in between. So don't go speed scrolling through if you don't want spoilers. :"3
Some of these are less serious, but are still included because all the more content for these two sillies.
--- Last updated: April 26th, 2024 Note: Make sure to check the original post if viewing a reblog version in case Tumblr does not update things under the "read more" like it used to be able to.
572. This number is used frequently as a ship number for the two as "GoGe" the ship name can also be produced as "GoNatsu". Go means 5 and the rest sound similar to 72. These numbers ironically show up accross the series a few times and also in official merch. (Some examples being a clock in season 2 episode 1 stopped at 5 hours 7 minutes 20 seconds or a Gojo teddy bear priced at ¥57,200)
JJK official fanbook
"Q: Please tell us his first impression when he first met Geto. A: Bangs."
"Q: He seems to be aware that he is handsome, but doesn't he want a lover? A: I can't imagine Gojo being faithful to a particular woman."
"Q: Is there anything you are particular about Geto's character design? A: Bangs"
One of Gojo's songs & one of Geto's songs given to them. "Shame on you" by "Avicii" (a break up song) for Gojo and "Come back Home" by "Two door cinema club" for Geto. Stated in volume 3 chapter 24.
The sheer amount of times Geto shows up in MMVs for Gojo and how they display the impact Geto had on Gojo (For example, the latest MMV for volume 26's release)
Their birthday's solar terms tying in with parts. (Geto being "Risshun" beginning of spring & Gojo being "Taisetsu" heavy snow.)
Rings for them that were released on August 8th, which is "Pairing day" in Japan
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Jujutsu Kaisen 0
Geto's kesa is specifically a Gojo kesa
Gojo stating in 0 that
"I've always believed... ...Love manifests the most distorted curses." / "This is my personal theory, but there's no curse more twisted than love."
Even after 10 years, Gojo recognized Geto's smell. (The mall scene after Yuta & Toge fought the curse)
Geto renaming someone to "Sato" because
"That's what I've decided, so Sato is better."
This sunset scene
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Gojo's veil is black & Geto's veil is white. Gojo's veil causes darkness, Geto's does not. [Peep who reminded me]
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The song "This is pure love" not only plays over Yuta & Rika vs Geto, but also plays over Geto & Gojo's conversation
The way that Geto looks at Gojo & says his name, and how Gojo looks at Geto & says his name
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Geto's blushing face at Gojo that we were robbed of in the anime
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Some of the lines from the JJK 0 light novel lines
"Yet Gojo's bandage-covered eyes kept watching, kept following the shape of Geto's soul."
"But to Gojo Satoru, he was —— '————, ————' '...ha.' When he heard the words Gojo blurted out, Geto couldn't help but laugh. Such embarrassing [...] words. Even why they were students, those words had never been said before. 'You should've at least cursed me a little before the end.' December 24, 2017. The curse called Geto had been well and truly exorcised."
Season 1
JJK Juju stroll
"Q: What kind of person is your type?" Gojo: "[...]The one who seemed nice. With the notable bangs."
yes, i know who he stated but the way he answered was so half arsed as he struggled to come up with an answer as an example of his type. 💀
Season 2
Again, the way they look at each other and say each other's names (There's another picture with Gojo looking at Geto, but I'm missing it right now)
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They literally even have a themed honeymoon place???
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Geto makes sure Gojo has his favorite soda. :3
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Part 1 / volume 8 - 9
The intro for season 2 part 1
"Even after I got to know the smell of you, different from mine"
"In such a color as if it were a silent love"
"I've got a curse word for you stuck in the back of my throat"
The outro for season 2 part 1:
"Even trivial conversations are fine Show me your blushing face once more"
"It only exists here I want to touch you"
The fish in the outro
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The flowers in the intro & outro. [Peep who reminded me]
The purple ones (Located on table in the part where older Gojo is sitting in a chair by a window) are possibly Primula/Primrose flowers. They can represent young love, beauty, desire, desperate, and can be a symbol of spring and renewal/new beginnings. etc.
The yellow ones (Located in the part where Gojo & Geto are sitting together with their hands & cans of soda surrounded by the flowers) are possibly osmanthus flowers. They can represent love, passion, happiness, beauty, etc.
[See here , here, here , here , here , here ]
Geto not answering Tsukumo Yuki's question of what kind of woman is his type more than once
When Geto is asked by Haibara if he would like a sweet or savory souvenir, Geto says
"Satoru will probably have some too, so maybe something sweet."
Part 2 / volume 11
This whole image (Geto in the glasses on the left, and Kenjaku's silhouette on Gojo's face on the right)
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Season 2 part 2's "Specialz" intro hidden meaning
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Despite the following about Geto's state, Geto's body still instinctively reacted to stop Kenjaku from hurting Gojo.
"Q: Fake Geto's arm was moving during the Shibuya Incident, but how much of Geto's consciousness remains in the body? A: Not much. He was moving like how a dragonfly whose neck was torn off can move."
Fun fact: Some owls pair/bond for life (Whether the owl is supposed to be Geto's because Kenjaku is using Geto at the time or it's not Geto's animal because that is Kenjaku is up to you)
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Volume 26
The Camilla flowers with snow. Not only do they represent Gojo well with their meaning, including one meaning being unchanging/strong love alongside modest love / beauty for pink, but flowers are given to different dates. The birth flower of February is this flower, said to bloom on the 3rd of this month. Aka Geto's birthday.
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Chapter 236
Gojo actively chose to fight on December 24th (a day considered romantic for Japan) which is now the day both Geto and him have died on. Even Kenjaku acknowledges the days significance with
"Ha ha! How romantic. Isn't it gross to make plans with each other on Christmas eve?"
These lines
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Both Gojo & Geto's volumes' numbers can have bad meanings in Japan. 4 can mean death & 9 can mean to suffer/agony. (I put this under volume 26's section because of the spoiler)
There's likely more, but this is what we could think of right now. XD If you have anything you want to add on, feel free to send it my way because the more help the better & easier this is. (^w^ ) Same for any corrections to the list (as it's just me writing up this post and I may make slip ups)
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riaaanna · 6 months
Montreux Part 3: Queen Studio Experience - 2 Sept 2023
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I had the opportunity to visit Queen Studio Experience in Montreux for the occasion of Freddie's birthday celebration! This day (2nd Sept) was the main agenda of my entire visit to Montreux. The morning was for my dissertation lol but the afternoon was for the Studio Experience and the evening was for the official Freddie Mercury Birthday party! So here was my afternoon.
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Queen Studio Experience is in the Casino Barriere Montreux, which I didn't take a picture of from outside so here's one from Google on the left (📸 Martin Tanev). It's located where Mountain Studios used to be and has been converted into a Queen museum/exhibition since 2013. It was curated by Greg Brooks after the success of the Stormtrooper in Stilettos exhibition in 2011. You can read more about its history here.
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This is the display at the entrance before the door! There are two lion statues in Freddie's outfits, a Flash Gordon pinball machine (I didn't actually try it so I don't know if it works!), and one of the replicas of Freddie's harlequin catsuit that he wore on tour from '77-78.
There are actually many costume replicas that take turns taking displays inside the QSE, some of the previous ones over the years can be seen here (with pictures of other displays in QSE over the years). In fact there was a new Brian costume replica put up a few weeks after this event, and I was even back in Montreux (yes I went twice 😭) just two days before that was put up so I missed it...
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There was also this coin dispenser by the entrance where you can buy a commemorative coin of Queen Studio Experience! I had exactly the right amount of cash at that time so I got myself one!
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Entering the door to the exhibition, there is a small room of fan arts, poems, prints, handwritings, and a lot of fan tribute items from fans all over the world. The walls are full of them and it's touching to see the outpouring love for Freddie and Queen from so many people over the years who have come to visit the place!
When I came to visit it was quite crowded which made it difficult to take a proper overall photo of the entire place. (Not that I did that the second time round I went there either, sadly...) It took some time to get clear shots of these costume replicas on display in the middle of the room.
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Inside there are four cabinets of costume replicas. The first one is Freddie's famous yellow jacket for the Magic Tour. It's also supposed to be accompanied by his Shure Unisphere microphone, but it's been taken out as a photo prop with the fee for each photo going to the MPT.
The second is Brian's Zandra Rhodes top that he wore during the '74-75 tour. There's a cute little Knucklebonz Rock Iconz statue (from the Queen II collection) of Brian on the bottom left of the cabinet. A small detail that I've just noticed is the top doesn't use a zipper in the back but instead there are fourteen buttons to hold the thing together.
The third is Freddie's black and white catsuit which he wore around '77, one of the most notable occasion being the shoot of We Are the Champions music video. Complete with matching black and white ballet shoes!
Last and absolutely The Most, is Freddie's massive lobster(? prawn?) costume for the It's A Hard Life music video, which was designed by Natasha Korniloff. I'm not sure if the big feathers are part of it. I also noticed the yellowish leaves on the back of the legs. I don't remember if they were supposed to be there? But it was a nice detail.
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Inside another display case is what a typical Queen studio setup looked like when they were there. Here are closer shots of each of them along with what was written for them:
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Roger Taylor’s Ludwig chrome drum kit often played in concert including Live Aid.
John Deacon’s ‘Music Man Stingray’ Bass Guitar has featured in a number of concerts.
This Brian May ‘Guild’ replica of his ‘Red Special’ electric guitar has been used in concert.
Brian’s Vox AC30 guitar amplifier.
Shure SM85 vocal microphone used during Freddie’s last studio recordings.
Yamaha DX-7 Synthesizer played on many Queen songs, including “Who Wants to Live Forever”.
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"Handwritten lyrics by Brian and Roger. The band often played the game scrabble during recording sessions." The handwritten papers are clearly from Jazz session - on the left looks like a running order of the songs in the album and their durations, and on the right seems to be a lyrics draft for "Fun It". I adore the little doodles and squiggles on the paper, some of which are unmistakably Freddie's, and you can find similar ones on some items that were auctioned at Sotheby's.
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There were a lot of display cases for each album, most of which are albums that were recorded there in Mountain Studios. There's not enough space to attach close-up pictures of everything but it was so fascinating to see all the different tidbits when I was there.
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There was a display case that showed photos of the inside of Freddie's apartment in Montreux which I quite liked. I have to admit I never looked it up before and only saw it for the first time during my Boat Tour with Phoebe, I even struggled to find which one it was from the boat cause I stupidly didn't google what it looked like before 💀. It was new information to me that the stuff from there were also auctioned at Sotheby's so I guess it's all empty now.
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But outside the casino on the side of the building there is a Queen Tribute Wall, which is just a big wall dedicated as a giant guestbook for fans to leave their own handwritten marks. On the second photo above, on the far corner on the left (I didn't properly take a picture of) there's a door, which actually used to be the original entrance door to Mountain Studios when it was still active. Again great to see marks from people from all over the world!
It was only a quick tour of QSE before the main sessions which I'll have separate posts for! But before that the next one after this will be a Lyrics special, because QSE was a goldmine of handwritten memorabilia and I adore each and every one of them. Thank you for reading!
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nex-kyit · 3 months
Shyrax Designing
This might be a long post, apologies.
Tryna design Shyrax right now. Design-wise I feel like she is going to be the most complex, both because of how regal I imagine her to be and because I have to essentially design up karoshans. While reading I also found it really hard to visualize her especially. When character designing, my process usually involves rough sketches trying to find the characters personality and then coming up with outfits that fit them/the setting. For Shyrax though, I decided to do what I will now call the paper doll method, where I try to come up with a design first using a base, before actually drawing her. Did it this way so I can have a rough idea of what Shyrax could look like, put some ideas down instead of trying to tackle personality and appearance in one go. In future pieces, I would use these as rough guides on how to draw her, atleast until theres official art released.
My first attempts came out decently well. I think this is closer to what I initially pictured imagined her as. And I really like the results! I always got the impression that Shyrax is wearing a dress, but like designed for battle. I think it adds to the royalty vibe. For some reason, I also imagined her without irises, so I left them out here too. Whats really missing is more jewelry but eh that can be added in future work. I tried a few color schemes, these three were my favorite. Imo red looks the best, but I feel like the darker vers would be closer to canon.
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I still like this version, but in the end I don't think it matches the setting very well? Maybe I'm overthinking it but it feels like it borders too much on fantasy over scifi.
Next version is closer to what is described in the books. I also took some minor inspo from the armor Predators wear. I'm not sure how much inspiration from Predators I want to pull for her design, because although I do think Karoshans take some inspiration from them, I feel like its in a very different vibe. I also gave her irises in this version. This version also feels like it could have more jewelry and could probably deal with being a bit more scifi too. Two color versions, using a bronze as a secondary color. I like the one on the right more.
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Additional notes:
Anatomy wise, I find it very hard to decide how alien I want go with Karoshans. Tried to find the nice balance between alien and humanoid. Now that we know how human-ish Visiri look, I don't want to go to far into alien, both because I have no experience designing aliens and I don't want Karoshans looking out place with the other races. I am giving them digitigrade legs, because its fun.
I debated adding more techy stuff to Shyrax. I think it'll be something I do on a case-to-case basis. Jewelry too.
I think I've hit the limit on using this method. I have some more ideas for alternative designs but at this point I really rather draw Shyrax in action rather than using a base.
Anyway this was mostly written for myself for future reference, but in case anyone is reading this, please feel free to share your thoughts on Shyrax's design or how you picture her. Or vote in the poll below for which of the versions you think looks better.
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15 years of Life in Black and White 🌙 (draft start date: June 7th, 2008)
In honor of the 15th anniversary of the day I started the draft of Life in Black and White (June 7th, 2008), I'm sharing some of the contents of "Annex C," my personal collection of "memorabilia" from my years spent writing the book of my heart - these include photos, journal entries (I kept a dedicated "novel diary" for Life in Black and White from 2008-2013), original concept art and notes, and other things. Hope you enjoy!
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Here I am at age 20 (and, notably, pre-transition lol) in 2011, with the finished second drafts of both novels - the story was originally written as a duology totalling over 400K words, but the second drafts pictured here total about 370K. I believe Life in Black and White (then the first novel) was around 220K, and It's All Inside My Head (then the second novel) was around 150K.
More under the cut!
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My tattoo appointment card + the actual tattoo I got for the novel on February 12th, 2013 (aka the two-year anniversary of the draft completion date). If it gets published, the publication date will most likely be added under the original completion date.
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My original cover concepts for the two novels, designed in 2010. I kind of dislike these now, but I've kept them for posterity. Last name redacted because I was using my real last name at the time, which I'd rather not share!
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Me (right) and a friend at her place on Thursday, February 10th, 2011 - two days before I completed the draft of Life in Black and White. I had about five chapters left to draft/finish drafting at this point. I was Very Tired.™
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The original opening to Resolution, originally the second of three parts in the first novel, Life in Black and White. Today, Resolution is the first of two acts in the single novel, and Gabriel's story starts much later in his life. Note the third person narration.
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Me with Saturday in 2013. In case you didn't know, she was named for Life in Black and White - specifically the draft completion date, although the draft start date was also a Saturday. I adopted her in October 2012 - she's going to be 11 in July!
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Card from our community NaNoWriMo package from my first of three consecutive NaNoWriMos I spent drafting this story. I'm talking about the regular NaNoWriMo in November, to be clear - my first Camp NaNoWriMo was July 2013, during which I started the draft of The Dotted Line.
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My first ever entry in my dedicated novel diary for Life in Black and White, exactly one month after I started drafting the novel. I was seventeen years old here, having just finished my junior year of high school. At this initial stage, I was so obsessed with the project that I barely left the house the entire summer of 2008. All I wanted to do was write this story. Side note: I had a prologue? I had a Part 4? At least I can rest with the knowledge that "Chapter One" (now "A Rush of Blood to the Head," I don't number my chapters) is still completely dysfunctional, despite being a completely different chapter and part of the story.
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More evidence that all I did the entire summer of 2008 was write this novel.
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Back when I still referred to Gabriel's relationship with Jeff as a "subplot" and decided officially to develop It's All Inside My Head (now Act II of the novel).
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Date of the ending change, six days after I started drafting It's All Inside My Head. I no longer believe I was blindsided - it was more like a puzzle piece falling into place, a fragment of subconscious knowledge that finally found its way to the surface.
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February 11th, 2011, re: composing the ending sequence and finishing the novel. My feelings haven't really changed as I approach the finalization/querying stage, tbh.
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2012, re: second draft of trainwreck.
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dia-souls · 2 years
Hello dear admins, i hope you’re having a good day/night!
What did you think about the cats anniversary art?
💮Admin Afra : I personally enjoyed the theme of this anniversary very much. Dangerous vampires look very cute next to lovely cats. Besides, I am very weak against the cuteness of kittens. ><
But Art itself disappointed me greatly :( Or maybe I was expecting too much. Imagine that I waited impatiently and eagerly for a few weeks for the release of the complete illustration, but after it was released, I was very disappointed. The design of a large number of diaboys was extremely weak compared to the previous art.
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Just compare Ayato's face with one of my favorite official art. Ayato is very poorly designed in this art.
But on the other hand, this art made me happy to some extent. Because finally, after a long time, we saw Yui's presence in the official art. It's true, I'm not an Ayayui fan and I'm always sad that we don't get as much official art from other ships as Ayayui. But there is no reason to protest. Because Ayayui is main ship, right? I just prefer to be happy with Yui's presence again .
🌹 _____________________________________ 🌹
🌟 Admin Ava : I thought this festival was very cute! I especially love how before we to see the full reveal, the boys would post pictures of the cats on their individual Twitters which I think was a very smart idea. Also those kitties look so fluffy! I wanna hold one!
However, once again Rejet has disappointed me with how Subaru is drawn. Like what Afra has said it's clear as day to see which boys in this particular festival got the most treatment. At this point it's a game seeing which boy was more favored in each festival. Case in point Subaru. It has always gotten on my nerves how he clearly got the worst treatment out of all the boys, especially his brothers, they literally give him the same pose each time and don’t even experiment with him a little!
While I am glad that my baby Yui finally got to be introduced in some official art after god knows how long, I hate that she is in cat form and worst of all is being held by Ayato. I know that they're the “canon” ship but I too am not an AyaYui shipper and wish Rejet wouldn’t focus on them too much. Let’s just pray that the next festival has better art for Subaru and shows Yui with a full body alongside the boys.🙏🏾
🌹 _____________________________________ 🌹
🌸 Admin Irsa: I actually find this theme so adorable and cute, I like the way Yui looked as a cat she looked so cute but the again this girl needs a separate art for herself. She always appears along other diaboys she is either held by them and is not fully shown this is my biggest complain against rejet. They are not improving their design that much the theme was cute but design of some diaboys was poor.
Also Yui in the art is held by Ayato which again shows favouritism of him, Yui as cat is adorable but still she needs her own official art without the presence of other diaboys.
The design of some diaboys is completely different from their old arts which shows that their designing are not improving that much but overall theme was cute. I am going to cry tears of joy when they will post full Yui arts poor girl is drawn only by fandom, all the diaboys have their own art but this girl deserve better she needs more of her individual art. They are some cases in which fandom draws better than the original art which shows their carelessness while drawing they also don't give importance to minor details like they used to do before which is kinda sad but we can only hope they may improve.
🌹 _____________________________________ 🌹
But please note that this is our personal opinion and we do not intend to insult any characters or ships or the opinions of others. Many people have different opinions from us, which is completely commendable.
🌹 _____________________________________ 🌹
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haootia · 6 months
hi!!! hi hi!!! do you have the images for your dream puzzles custom cassette on hand (if you did print it) O_O? i like making custom cassettes too, and i'd love to use your images for one for 3d virtual buddies if you'd be okay with that!!! :-)
yes i do :] under the cut are ready-to-print pngs but if you want to customize anything here are .kra and .psd files with the layers intact. the krita version is strongly recommended because i know it has the right layer blending modes, the .psd Should still work for the most part but if you're using a different program it might not have the correct layer mode options (i like using some wacky stuff like implication and xor which i know for instance gimp doesn't have.)
not included here are the sale price $1.00 tag and the happy face sticker because those are real stickers from the real world, you will have to source your own. also i would highly recommend using an xacto or something to cut holes for the spindles on your cassette case of choice, i had intended to use a hole punch on mine but none of the like three or four hole punches at my partner's house had a long enough reach so i ended up just stabbing the spindles through the paper like an animal which is why it looks kind of janked there. but we stay silly.
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the way i did this is to line up both these images so they share one long side so they fit on a normal 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper, then once printed i folded it up using the handle of a butter knife as a bone & scotch taped the other edges together.
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i didn't take process pics but hopefully this explains it. in my opinion this is probably the best way to do it besides printing it double-sided to begin with (which i can't do on my printer bc the photo paper has to go through the rear tray) because you don't have to glue anything. glue gets wrinkly and gross even if you're really really careful with it. scotch tape #1 forever. speaking of paper i printed these on some matte photo paper i found in my craft room out of the package so i don't know what its official Paper Stats are but i doubt there's anything that would really mess up the picture unless your printer is evil (not impossible.) the folding panel makes it a liiiittle thick for the case but i managed to squeeze it in there. if you go without the extra panel and just do a normal C card, which you may want to do if you're only doing 3DVB and not also HIRF, i think it will be no prablem.
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the side labels are designed for avery 5198 templates with some generous overbleed but even then it is hard to line them up perfectly. i tried scanning the sticker sheet in with some pen markings to try and get it exactly on but even then they were still off. just give it your best shot i guess.
all the graphics are taken from the dreampuzzles twitter & website (except for the background of the exterior side flap & interior panels which are just processed versions of random pics i had on my computer lol) , i've been considering making a lyric booklet to go along with this and that will probably have some original fanart which i will release free 2 download, etc.
THANK YOU so much for the message, i think this is a really fun hobby and i hope more people get into it. it's so awesome to have a homemade physical copy of your favorite music especially if it's a custom mixtape or the artist doesn't have official physical releases. ummm i took a really long walk today and i'm very tired so i shan't pontificate any more on how cool cassettes are, enjoy the images ^_^
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Where and how to find a Shopify Expert?
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Finding a Shopify Expert: Your Guide to E-Commerce Success
As the e-commerce landscape continues to grow, finding a Shopify Expert has become increasingly essential for businesses looking to thrive in the digital marketplace. A Shopify Expert possesses specialized knowledge and skills that can enhance your online store's performance, design, and functionality. This guide will walk you through where and how to find a Shopify Expert to help you make the most of your e-commerce journey.
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magicalink · 1 year
Hi! I have a question: I've been reading your works —which are awesome by the way— and seen that, in some cases, you've put pictures of Lumine to "represent" the reader (or Y/N). And I wanted to ask: these Lumine pictures should be thought to think of ourselves as her, or no? Thank you! —☆ Anon
Hii! It makes me so happy that you like my writings! 💕 About your question, I use any picture that represents for me the mood of the story, but I tend to choose pics of Lumine and sometimes Aether mostly bc since they are supposed to represent us as the Traveler in the game, they have become kind of a self insert to some extent for some of us, even if we are nothing like them physically. The pics are just to set the mood and you can imagine reader to be however you like. Honestly I don't even imagine the reader as myself most times, I even imagine the protagonists of different AU's differently.
I try to mantain the reader a bit blank by not describing hair, skin, eye color,etc but since self indulgent some things are fixed like female, shorter than Scara, having hair, having all bodyparts, being able to see and hear, etc. But when you read you can feel free to imagine the details to your own taste, I've liked to do that since I was a child when reading books or fanfiction 💕 And if you can't do it with your imagination, there are some google extensions (I dont remember the name right now) that you can use to replace certain words for others in your browser when you read.
I designed some outfits for the main character of "Y/N's marvelous adventure in Teyvat"! Soon I will upload them so you know what clothes reader is using for each nation. I also have a doodle of how I imagine reader for thst story: has some similarities with me but I wanted to make her different. Also if you want drawings of reader with specific body characteristics I was planning to draw them by request if someone is interested. I only draw traditionally, I don't draw digitally but I could also make images of reader generated by AI to stop using other people's real drawings, since many people don't allow repost even if it's with credit. I only post art of real people with credit and if they don't specify in their bios that they don't want reposts even if it's with credit. This makes me sad because sometimes I wanna share with you the fanart that inspired a certain fanfic but I can't because I don't wanna disrespect the artist's will. So to fix this I've been learning to create AI generated images of the Genshin Characters made with official art from the game, and as you may know Hoyoverse has the policy thet Genshin characters are free to use even commercially by fans.
So soon I'll add images of our naughty catboys to the fics 👀
Have fun while reading and imagine the protagonist however you like, similar or different from you, it's your choice!💕
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linuxgamenews · 1 month
Things are bound to get hilarious soon with The Jackbox Naughty Pack
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The Jackbox Naughty Pack game unleashes a date for the release on Linux, Steam Deck, Mac, and Windows PC. Thanks to the creativity of Jackbox Games, Inc. Due to make its way onto Steam. Jackbox, the studio behind a decade of party game favorites, unleashes the heat with their latest release date for The Jackbox Naughty Pack. Releasing on September 12, 2024, this collection is Jackbox’s first foray into adults-only territory. So it’s going to get wild on Linux and Steam Deck. The Jackbox Naughty Pack includes three new titles, each designed for mature audiences, and it already unleashes its ESRB rating of M for Mature and PEGI 16+. It’s a bit of a departure from the studio’s usual teen-friendly fare, but that’s what makes it exciting. And don't worry, it’s packed with the features you’ve come to know are here too. Such as easy log-in with QR codes and tools to keep your live streams free of unwanted interruptions. Plus, there’s also full support in multiple languages including English, Spanish (both Castilian and Latin American), French, Italian, German, and Brazilian Portuguese.
The Jackbox Naughty Pack already unleashed an Official Trailer
Now, let’s talk about what's new:
Fakin’ It All Night Long (Social Deduction) If you loved the original Fakin’ It, get ready for its cheeky sequel. One player is the Faker each round, and it’s up to everyone else to figure out who’s fibbing. With prompts like “Put a finger up for every public restroom you’ve used today,” things are bound to get hilarious. A new “remote play” mode means you can play with friends even if you’re not in the same room. The Jackbox Naughty Pack unleashed a design for 3 to 8 players, so gather your crew and start faking!
Dirty Drawful (Drawing, Guessing) Dirty Drawful is the spicier sequel to Drawful, and it’s all about who can draw the most convincing (or the most ridiculous) pictures based on their “not-safe-for-work” prompts. Whether you're drawing or guessing, the goal is to make everyone believe your prompt is the real deal. Like Fakin’ It All Night Long, this one also works best with 3 to 8 players.
Let Me Finish (Debate) Ever wondered about life’s most absurd questions? In Let Me Finish, you’ll be debating the important stuff like, “Where is this mailbox’s butt?” or “How does this avocado get aroused?” It’s all about making your case and convincing your friends to see things your way. This is perfect for 3 to 8 players who love to debate the weird and wonderful.
Wishlist Now:
The Jackbox Naughty Pack is up for Wishlisting on Steam right now, so if you're looking to unleash some laughs to your next game night, this pack has you covered. Make sure to follow Jackbox on social media for the latest updates as we get closer to launch day. So, mark your calendars for September 12th, the release date for The Jackbox Naughty Pack, will unleash for you. Available on all major platforms, including Linux, Steam Deck, Mac, and Windows PC, priced at $23.50 USD / £18.51 / €21.69).
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tonysslut · 2 years
I like the idea of having a small private wedding, just with the parents and close friends
I had so much fun planning this out, I'm not huge on weddings but I think this is so cute! I'm not very good at endings so it kinda sucks lol. Also I pictured Tony from IM2 while writing this.
There are a few links in this so let me know if any of them don't work.
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Summary: The day you marry Tony
Warnings: Mainly fluff, implied smut towards the end.
W/C: 1.1k
If someone would’ve told you a few years ago that you would be marrying Tony Stark, you would’ve laughed in their face. But that’s exactly what was happening today, you couldn’t wait to be Mrs. Stark. 
Nat helped you slip on your dress, it was everything you wanted in a dress. It hugged your curves in all the right places, the thigh slit was your favorite part, and you knew Tony would love it just as much. 
Wanda finished your makeup and smoothed out your hair before slipping your veil on. Nat stood beside Wana as they both admired you, tears filling their eyes at how beautiful you looked. You extended your arms out and hugged your friends, making sure you all touched foreheads. These girls meant the world to you, having them here was so special to you. 
“Please don’t cry! You’ll make me cry!” you said, attempting to fan your tears away. You all broke into laughter, squeezing each other one last time before pulling away. 
Wanda and Nat left the room to meet with Bruce and Vision, making their way down the aisle before standing in their designated places. Your mother came in, leading you into a tear-filled hug before walking you to your father, who waited at the start of the aisle. 
“You look beautiful, Y/N.” Your dad whispered, kissing the top of your head and bending his elbow for you to take. “Ready?” 
You gently nod your head, squeezing his arm as the doors open. In most cases, classical music would play while the bride walks down the aisle, but Tony decided to change that, letting Back in Black play as you walked down. The song brings a smile to your lips, shaking your head at his choice of music. 
You admire the venue as you walked down, it was a private wedding, just your closest friends and family. Your eyes land on Tony and you can feel your eyes starting to water, he looks so handsome. The green suit fits him perfectly, the color matching the scenery that decorated the venue. 
Reaching the end of the aisle, your dad gives you one last kiss before heading back to his seat. You look up and Tony and see him wiping his eyes, a giant smile plastered on his lips. He takes you in, eyes stalling a bit on the slit that showcases your thigh before reaching your eyes. You send him a quick wink and look over at the officiant. 
The officiant introduces the two of you, giving everyone a brief rundown on your relationship. They then address you, letting you know you’re responsibilities of marriage before allowing you to say your vows. Tony decides to go first. 
“Well I’m sure nobody thought we’d ever get to where we are now, but I’m so damn happy it happened. Y/N, from the first moment I laid my eyes on you, I knew you were my person. Now, I know I’m not the easiest person to deal with, but you’ve never failed to show me your raw and honest love.” His words are filled with love, tugging on your heartstrings. 
“You have taught me that two people joined together with respect, trust, and open communication can be far stronger and happier than each could ever be alone. You are the strength I didn't know I needed and the joy that I didn't know I lacked.” He stops and lets out a small laugh, you smile, knowing he’s about to throw in some of his personality into the moment. “I promise to never keep score, even when I'm clearly winning.” Everyone laughs at his words, knowing he couldn’t stay serious for too long. 
“But most importantly, I promise to love you for eternity, my love.” He maintains eyes contact as he says the last few words. 
The officiant looks over at you and nods, letting you know it’s your turn. You take a deep breath and speak. 
“You were my reason back then, my reason now, my reason every day. You make me feel happier than I could ever imagine and more loved than I ever thought possible.” You look up and smile at Tony. 
“You know me better than anyone else in this world and somehow still you manage to love me. You are my best friend and one true love. There is still a part of me today that cannot believe that I’m the one who gets to marry you. I promise to love you on your good and bad days, I promise to be everything you need me to be as your partner.” 
“I know they say it’s till death do us part, but whatever our souls are made of, yours and mine are the same. We’ll be together forever, darling.” You say, feeling butterflies in your stomach as Tony smiles up at you with teary eyes. 
Rhodey hands the both of you the rings. Extending your hand so Tony could slide your ring on, he does the same with his hand as you put his ring on. The officiant says their last words, letting you and Tony finally kiss. 
Tony pulls you in by your waist as you grab his face, pouring all your love into the kiss. You pull away and press your forehead onto his, both of you smiling like idiots. He leans in and kisses you again, tipping you back as everyone cheers. You laugh into the kiss and wrap your arms around your husband. He intertwines your fingers together as you two walk down the aisle to the car that waits for you. Happy opens the door as he congratulates you. 
“We’re married baby!” Tony says, the realization just hitting him. You laugh at his words, watching how his eyes lit up. “You’re officially Mrs. Stark,” biting his lips, loving how the last name suits you. 
He leans forwards and slots his lips with yours, leading you into a lust-filled kiss. His hands make their way to your thighs, taking advantage of the slit to touch your bare skin. You thread your fingers through his hair to bring him impossibly closer. 
The car suddenly stops as he starts to kiss down your jaw, you hear Happy exit the car and start to make his way around to open the door for you. 
“As much as I want you right now, we’re gonna have to wait a little bit longer, baby.” You say, pulling him away from your next and kissing his exaggerated pout. 
You turn around and grab Happys’ hand to get out of the car, Tony following close behind you. Entering the room, everyone cheers, bringing a smile to your face. You feel your husband places his hand on your ass, squeezing as he leans down towards your ear. 
“Bathroom in 15 minutes,” he whispers as he walks toward Rhodey and Bruce. 
You laugh and shake your head, you couldn’t wait to see what marriage had in store for the two of you. 
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Tᕼᗴ ᑕᕼᗩOTIᑕ ᗩᑎᘜᗴᒪ
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6)
Chapter 3: Au Revoir Gotham My True Home
Marinette explained what happened and that she didn't mean to cause trouble, she didn't know why the bats were looking for her (author to audience... it's because she looks like one of his bat kids gone rouge.) When she asked how they knew the Bat was looking for her, she found out that Selina was actually dating the Bat... So Marinette was very surprised at that, her family talked about it and a few days after her birthday she'll be going to Paris, France with Selina to be with a family friend of hers. Marinette was now really thinking she was cursed, but she made sure to take it in stride and spend as much time with her friends and family as possible.
"Doan wawhry suguh, we'll make sure tuh visit as much as possible, yuh can even visit us durin' summuh and wintuh break." - Harley held back the tears as she hugged Marinette, Bud, Lou, Ivy, Selina, Ed and even Frank joined in on it.
……… ………
Marinette was out with her friends still not sure how to tell them, she started with the obvious.
"Sooo... tomorrow I turn 10... the double digits." - Marinette
"Soon you'll be one of us!" - Garfield gave Marinette a side hug with a big smile, god he made it harder to tell them
"So what do you want to do? We can celebrate, tomorrow and the day after that, and the day after that, heck we can celebrate for the whole week while we're at it!" - Garfield
Rachel noticed the sad smile Marinette had as Garfield continued talking.
"Is there something you need to tell us?" - Rachel's words stoped Garfield in his tracks, he then looked at a slightly teary Marinette, and he felt a slight tinge of pain in his chest.
"I- um, I'm moving this Saturday... I'm sorry I really don't want to, but- *hic* I-" - Marinette was cut off by Garfield giving her a hug, he rubbed small circles on her back as she let out a few sobs. Rachel patting her shoulder to try and comfort her.
After they were like that for a few minutes, they decided to get ice cream
……… ……… ………
"I'm sorry." - Marinette eating her chocolate chip ice cream
"It's not your fault Mari, besides, we can officially say we have a pen pal in Paris." - Garfield with his chocolate mint ice cream trying to lighten the mood, managed to get a chuckle out of Marinette.
"We can still video call, or text you. And your parents said you can visit on summer and winter break." - Rachel just starting her strawberry ice cream
"But what if I need a friend to talk to when I can't sleep? Or if I need a movie buddy? Or gaming buddy?" - Marinette
"There are online multiplayer games we can play you know." - Rachel
"Yeah, and I'm sure you'll make friends over there really quickly, I mean you already know a few other languages, including French, so there isn't any communication problems." - Garfield
"I wish you guys could come with me..." - Marinette almost done with her ice cream
"... Didn't you say you always wanted a hamster, maybe one that's unique, like a the rare Green Gotham Hamster?" - Garfield with a mischievous grin
"Selina's family friends own a bakery, so no pets allowed. Sorry Rare Green Gotham Hamster, I'm afraid you're staying native to Gotham." - Marinette said patting his shoulder.
"Wait they own a bakery?! As in you can be on a sugar high 24/7?! Take me with you!!" - Garfield
……… ……… ………
Soon it was time for them to go home, when Marinette got home, she continued packing what she would need, making sure that her Siren plushies where safely secure, and then went to eat dinner.
The next day she made sure to get up early, Garfield and Rachel knew where she lived, and wanted to make sure everything was ready for them, setting up the games they would play into the night, and the movies they would watch after that.
She then went to the Gardens to greet her Mom and the plants, doing the usual routine of checking all the plants, complimenting and watering them. During which a sleepy Harley walked over giving Ivy and Marinette a morning kiss before going to make her coffee.
At breakfast she didn't see her Aunt yet, she assumed she was robbing someone rich again.
……… Over to Catwoman ………
"Come ta mama." - Catwoman mumbled as she used her claws to cut the glass surrounding an old elegant purple sapphire that belonged to one of Gotham's founding fathers' wives.
��…… Back to Marinette ………
About an hour after breakfast Garfield and Rachel came over, holding Marinettes' rapped presents, they started the day off with trivia games, which they called the MIQ (which can mean either Marinette Isley-Quinzel or in this case Memory Intelligence Quiz) which Marinette and Rachel came to a tie followed by Ivy, then Harley, and Garfield. They then moved on to board games, Marinette decided to play The Game of Life rather than Monopoly (because lets be honest, who has ever finished that game in the time of a signle day? An extreme speedrunner... maybe.) while the adults got the cake ready. Surprisingly Garfield won, he got the acting career, a sports car, a nice old fashioned mid modern house, a wife, and 3 kids... Marinette got the fashion designer career, got a motorcycle, and a small, but nice victorian house, a husband, and one kid... and Rachel got the scientist career (because science is just simplified mortal magic), a delorean car (and even said "Since science is magic I can make it fly, so technically, I don't need roads where I'm going."), a modern cabin in the woods, single (she didn't want a significant other to interrupt her magic science) and got a pet bird.
Once Selina and Ed came over, they began the party, playing games like DDR, Ultimate Mecha Strike 2, and Racing games.
When it came time for Marinette to blow out her candles, she wished that everything would be okay, and that she will be able to come back to Gotham permanently, and blew them out.
She then got to open her presents, she started with Harley's, and got a custom baseball bat that was a dark steel blue, with a light grey handle grip, and it had the words "Quinn For Da Win" on it, putting a smile on her face, when she opened Ivy's gift she got seeds of her favorite flowers to plant over in Paris. She then opened her Uncle Ed's gift, which was a small watch that had special A.I., it had a cover over the inside screen that would flip open to reveal another screen. The cover was silver with a blue question mark, and when it opened, it showed the time, and the location you where in, it could also act as a GPS, and a phone (it could even play music AND had an incredible battery life span). She then moved on to her Aunt Selina's gift, finding a small purple sapphire in the shape of a cat paw, surrounded in silver. She then opened Rachel's gift, it was a travel mug that said "Coffee lives in my veins." (Marinette started drinking coffee recently) which made Marinette laugh, and then she got to Garfield's gift. When she opened it, she found a handmade charm bracelet, it had animals that she really liked around it, and there was one that was a small tiger, with it's eyes and nose having a light green peridot stone, to represent the first day they met. She put the bracelet on her right rist and thanked Garfield for it, and gave everyone a big hug.
She spent the rest of the day playing with her friends, having a wonderful time, and getting a massive sugar rush from all the cake they had. When it came time for dinner they were running low on energy, but were back to normal after Harley snuck some coffee into their food... The only thoughts that went through Garfield and Rachel's minds where "That's why Mari drinks this stuff..."
After dinner they played all kinds of video games, and ended it by watching Back To The Future. They fell asleep some time after 2am.
……… ……… …….
The next morning they all had breakfast and then spent the day playing parkour tag over roofs and playing I spy games. And at the end of the day Marinette gave her friends a big hug, before heading back home. She spent her time with her moms, Uncle, and Frank, playing more boardgames and discussing what she should do to make friends...
"Just be yawhself, we love yuh fawh who yuh are, and I'm sure everyone in Paris will love yuh too... if dey doan, den dey most likely have a massive defective reject of a brain." - Was Harley's opinion
"Riddle the f-ck out of their brain, if they can solve all of them, and like you for you, then they are worthy." - Which was Ed's opinion
"Use a chemical based compound from the magnolia flower, combined with three tulip petals, one rose petal, and pollen from a lilac to create a befriending potion." - Ivy's words made everyone silent before Ed spoke up
"... Harley if you're being mind controlled blink." - Ed deadpaned, which had Marinette cackling
"I'm not bein' mind controlled, also yuh nawhmally say ‘blink once or twice’ not just ‘blink’ I could blink at any random interval and yuh woun't know what tuh tink, and here I thoughtcha were a genius." - Harley with her head on Ivy's lap as Marinette starts wheezing.
"I think y'all broke her." - Frank just pointed to Marinette as she was still cackling and wheezing while in the fetal position.
That's when Selina walked in...
"What the hell did you guys do to Kitten?!" - Selina dropping the bags she got from some high end shop, and after they made sure Marinette was still alive they continued their game... and Marinette may have actually written the list of ingredients for that position, but only as a last resort. When it was time for them to sleep Marinette spent the night with her moms, like she use to when she was 4.
She got up early to make sure everything was ready, she had her sketch book in her backpack, as well as some pencils, ear buds, snacks and a picture of her with her family and friends. She decided to wear her new watch and charm bracelet as she finished checking her bag, she then went into the garden to say goodbye to all the plants, and to give Bud, Lou and Frank one last goodbye. She had about 3 hours before her and her Aunt were to head to the airport, and she spent that time with her moms, almost never leaving their side.
……… ……… …….
As the plane took off she looked out the airplane window, saying goodbye to Gotham, until her next visit home....
Chapter 3 complete, also just in case I didn't describe her B-day gifts good enough, here's what they look like (꒪꒳꒪)
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Hope you're all having an amazing day, staying safe and rockin' all positive vibes,!BUG-OUT! 💮🐞💮
〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜Tag List〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜
1st Place★: @jumpingjoy82
2nd Place★: @myazael
3rd Place★: @solangelo252
@fandom-trapped-03, @zorua-adorable, @blueblossombliss, @thefangirlwholiterallydies, @woe-is-me0, @lady-bee-fechin, @jayjayspixiepop, @kashlyn, @toodaloo-kangaroo, @buginetye, @our-preciousss , @vroomtaka, @alessialeone6997
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itsclydebitches · 3 years
I know the season is over but thinking about it now, what exactly was the team's long-term plan once they evacuated the people and the relics to Vacuo? They wouldn't be able to summon the Gods because they still don't have the Beacon relic so Salem would just do a literal rinse and repeat of what happened to Atlas.
As far as I can tell they didn’t have one. Which, to be fair to them, Ironwood didn’t have one either. Ironwood at the end of Volume 7 and Ruby at the end of Volume 8 both went, “We can’t stop Salem, so all we can do for now is get as far away from her as possible.” But that’s why Ruby’s choice to stay and fight is so strange. She knows she can’t beat Salem and... she didn’t. Imagine that. If reinforcements had somehow arrived (which, given what little we know about the world, Ruby should have realized was impossible) they still wouldn’t have been able to beat Salem. This wasn’t even a case of Ruby doing what she claimed in Volume 7: we’re remaining only long enough to ensure that everyone is evacuated. She didn’t help with the evacuation! She jumped straight to trying to bring more people to Atlas, then sat around for a while, then when no one came she went, ‘Oh, I guess we can just leave now using the Relic we had access to this whole time’ and then she left a ton of people behind anyway.
Like the story ignoring that Ruby made the same morally gray choice she condemned Ironwood for in the previous volume, the fandom tends to ignore that Ruby is making the same mistakes everyone condemns Ozpin for. And no, I don’t just mean those lies and secrets. Ozpin gets a lot of heat for failing to come up with a way to stop Salem, but so far Ruby isn’t even trying. She was more than happy to just be a huntress in Atlas indefinitely, never telling Ironwood about the immortality problem until the final hour, never speaking with her teammates about their options. Ren was the only one going, ‘Hey, what about the big picture here? What are we going to do about Salem?’ for which he was designated a bad, pessimistic friend. The most common defense for this is that Ruby is just a poor, stressed teenager who is not responsible for solving this impossible problem... but that stopped being the case when she started deciding things against Ozpin’s recommendations (the Lamp), became an official huntress, turned on Ironwood, and presented herself as the world’s savior through that message. You can’t systematically dismantle all the leaders already trying to solve this problem, make yourself the new leader... and then claim it’s not on you to fix this. 
The second most common defense is that Ruby hasn’t had thousands of years to come up with something which, very true. But she’s had a decent amount of time to start thinking about something and... she hasn’t. She’s purely reactive, only dealing with Salem when Salem is right outside her door. What people tend to forget is that Ozpin did have a long-term plan. Not to stop Salem indefinitely, but to weaken her to such an extent that she wouldn’t be nearly the threat she is now: create schools to combat her grimm, keep the Relics out of her reach, try to bring unity to the world through groups like the White Fang and the bandits. It was a good plan when no other plans were on the table, yet Ruby and her friends have not only failed to come up with something better after her uncle punched Ozpin into a tree over that failing, she’s also destroyed so much of the work Ozpin managed across those generations. Ruby chose to keep the Lamp out in the open rather than telling Ironwood that it still had a question and should be locked up, now the Lamp and its question are gone. Ruby chose to take the Staff out of its vault and bring two Relics together (foolish on its own) and now the Staff is gone. Ruby chose to oppose Ironwood’s plan and, as a result, took out the entirety of Atlas and Mantle with her wish. A Kingdom is gone and that wasn’t Salem’s doing. She barely did anything this volume, spending 95% of it just sitting in her whale or reforming. It’s Ruby’s choices that lost two Relics and took out the most advanced kingdom Remnant has, dumping all its survivors in a hostile land that is not ready to receive evacuees. 
Ruby has less of a plan than Ozpin did and she’s become someone who is entirely passive up until someone forces her to act... and then she makes pretty reckless decisions. Ruby, as a character, doesn’t function based on logic, plans, strategy, knowledge, or intellect. She used to, but not anymore. Ruby is a character who gets by on being The Protagonist. That’s why Amity is suddenly finished for her, why the plot drops a solution into her lap, and why no one questions whether this is really a good way to go about things. Or, if they do, they’re rejected like Ren/quickly forget it like Yang. And this extends to all her allies too. Why does Willow hand Weiss perfect evidence to convict Jacques? Why does Whitely hand the group three solutions (a doctor, the airships, and blueprints)? Why does Oscar suddenly have a bomb in his cane? Why do their enemies turn the second they need them to? The group rarely needs to formulate short-term plans, let alone long-term, because the world just twists and turns to ensure they get whatever they need whenever they need it. How did YJR get into the whale? Doesn’t matter! What benefit did that have when Oscar was already escaping? That also doesn’t matter! To ask what the group’s plans are is to assume the story intends to hold them accountable for their ideas, skill, and choices. It doesn’t. If Ruby needs Amity to be finished, it’s finished between volumes. If Ruby needs her eyes to go off, they go off. If Ruby needs an excuse not to choose between Mantle and Atlas, Penny drops down in her backyard. The assumption that Ruby might have to abandon something she wants to do because of a limitation, or think ahead to what she’ll do if her eyes fail her, or actually make the choice she’s been putting off for two days, likewise assumes Ruby is still written as a complex, flawed, growing character. Sadly, she hasn’t been that for three years. 
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officialinuyasha · 4 years
Something has been brought to my attention that there is still nay-sayers out there about Yashahime trying to call it "fake"/"unofficial"/"non-canon"/"fan-fiction" then trying to say that Rumiko Takahashi only did the character designs.
That is so far from the truth.
I have two people who have read the magazines.
Mod Esther and Lea / @ayuuria
Let's go for starters. First of all "canon" was a term invented by the Bible for Apocrypha. This was when they tore pages out of the Bible and tried claiming that these were not the truth. Somehow religion adapted itself into fiction. This happened because of a Sherlock Holmes writer by the name of Arthur Conan Doyle. Other writers started to use it into their fictional writings.
Canon is a word that also describes what is official.
In Japanese, they do not have this word "canon" in their vocabulary, they use "anime-original" or "manga-original"/ "official". So if a creator wants to ret-con something, or say something is from another universe. They will tell you.
Now about Rumiko Takahashi. She had an issue once in her super early work, and since then she's been keeping tabs hardcore on who she works with.
Mod Esther: When it comes to storyline, I can say Rumiko is quite strict about this lol.It’s because she already had a bad experience once when she worked Urusei Yatsura at 1980s.
Movie  2: Beautiful Dreamer is her most dislike movie in the series. Urusei   Yatsura was meant a illogical gag story, but the story writer made it into a philosophy movie, which caused her very displeased (frustrated). Ironically, it also became the most famous movie in the series.
So here we can say that Urusei Yatsura movie 2 is "non-canon" because the creator had zero involvement and did NOT like it. She got super screwed over this instant.
In the InuYasha Bluray Set 1 VIZ Media interviewed Katsuyuki Sumisawa on how he wrote all four original movies that do not break the original canon!Katsuyuki Sumisawa says he gets praised by Rumiko Takahashi alot
"For me atleast, I comprehend Rumiko-sensei's atmosphere pretty easily without leaving a single dent on Rumiko-sensei's unique atmosphere because I recieve praise from Rumiko-sensei often. There are scriptwriters who fail of course. Those scriptwriters who can't stop creating their own world."
He said that most creators don't like it when the scriptwriters try to do backstories for the main characters family, but Rumiko sensei's approval for that and her help to make the movies, he is so grateful for.
Mod Esther: So if Rumiko says yes for original animations (the stories that aren’t made based on manga), it means she’s very satisfied.In many interviews Rumiko mentions Katsuyuki Sumizawa alot, are they like InuYasha and Kagome? lel
In the recent Q/A with Rumiko Takahashi translated by @eeriechan
Rumiko refers to the anime scripts as official answers!
Q.- I want to know how Jaken and Sesshomaru met. Even from that time, was Jaken an old man already? (PN. Momo)
A.- I remember that their first encounter was depicted in one of the original scripts for the "Inuyasha” anime. I forgot what episode it was. According to that, Jaken was the leader of a group of yokai that fought against Sesshomaru and lost, so he decided to follow him. And I think he was already an old man.
Now let's take a toast into the creation of Yashahime.
Mod Esther sent me the kanji translation for this magazine, which was then proof read by @ayuuria
Animage November 2020
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Sumizawa: I think it's normal to first read the story setting and then expand on the character's image, but in Rumiko-sensei’s case, she is particular about "Solidifying the characters in great detail before moving the story forward." With a "This is the type of character they are" kind of planar description, you get told "then I can’t come up with the character's picture". Well, this is very normal. To put it simply to readers, there are often character descriptions written in game strategy books and movie pamphlets, right? They’re easy to understand because they have the picture but can you imagine the character if the picture is hidden and there’s only the text? It is that kind of nuance. In short, I wanted depict the character’s actively moving charm in a multifaceted way by including the position, setting, and environment in which the character grew up, and viewing it from multiple angles.
Sumizawa: For something like that, in my case, rather than sloppily writing the setting material, I implemented writing the script suddenly for episodes 1 to 3 thinking that by having it read it would expand a more concrete image. Of course it’s not going to get the OK in first shot so I wrote different variations of Towa and Setsuna. At the beginning, coming up with Towa's first person ling (translator’s note: how she addresses herself) was difficult. Potential options that came up were the usual “Watashi” (translator’s note: this the formal way of saying “I”) or “Atashi” (translator’s note: this is a more casual way that girls address themselves when saying “I”), and there were times when I was eccentric and made it "Boku" (translator’s note: this is what boys say to address themselves when saying “I”), but Rumiko-sensei pointed out "make it more suitable for a daughter of Sesshomaru." In the next version, I was told, "Please write without the first person ling," and when I tried to write it, I was surprised. After that, I was released from the first-person ling particularities and in the end, it was decided that Towa's first-person ling would be "Watashi". We wrote the scenario like that and finally got the OK from sensei, “we’ll go with this” and that’s how she drew the 3 that we currently see now.
-Here he follows Rumiko Takahashi's guidelines on how she wants scripts to be written and her vision on descriptions. Everything must be approved by her, and she will guide him if any changes necessary
-Next we are told that it was Rumiko Takahashi's idea for the Well to be made from the Sacred Tree's wood that would be used for the first movie AND Yashahime!
-Sumizawa: That's right. Kagome’s role ended, and the bone-eater’s well can no longer be passed. In the original story, the Tree of Ages is only called "The Sacred Tree", and that that is the tree that Kikyou sealed Inuyasha to. In the movie "Inuyasha: Affections Touching Across Time", the setting "The sacred tree was the material used to make bone-eater’s well" was an idea given by Rumiko-sensei.
-THEN we are told that they came together and agreed that certain things would be kept out from the manga and put in exclusively for the anime versions! This would include things like: The movies, Ayame, InuYasha and Kagome's kiss.
-Sumizawa: "Readers and fans may not have known but even for the non-original parts of "Inuyasha", while discussing with Rumiko-sensei many times, we decided on a number of basic settings unique to the anime version and that’s how we made the work."
-Here comes the BANG. The staff, and cast are very close to Rumiko-sensei.
Yashahime is being made very closely with Rumiko Takahashi and her vision.
Sumizawa: "The staff and cast of "Inuyasha" are so close to each other that we travel to tropical islands every year with Rumiko-sensei (laughs). Even in this work, I make it while working very closely with sensei. All the staff are working hard so that the viewers can feel this is a story after the world of "Inuyasha" so please treat us well. Thank you for your cooperation."
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mellosakicc · 3 years
Hi! Sorry if I'm bothering you, but how do you do your recolors? I've tried using blender and getting rid of the background of pictures to use the graphics, but I can never quite get it right. Any tips?
no bother! :) here's a tutorial below the keep reading on how i do my tshirts. i used gimp (it's free!) and sims4studio, but any 2d image editor or even drawing software should work in gimp’s place.
from your ask i assume you know how to get around s4s, but just in case i'll go from the start.
i tried to make this little tutorial easy while also giving you some extra information and tips, so it might be kind of long but hopefully it’s more helpful that way.
step 1. after opening s4s, click on "Create CAS Standalone" and then on the CAS button:
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next you'll see the CAS catalogue.
step 2. select your item
i use the filter options (circled below) since i know the specific shirt i'm looking for, but you don't have to use them or can use different filters. the process is the same for most CAS items, i would say. i just wanted to point out why our screens will probably look different at this step.
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i usually choose an item that doesn't have a pattern since those are a pain to get rid of although if you do want to do that, it’s not so much difficult as it is tedious lol.
for male tshirts i always use these since they have my favorite fit in the game:
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highlight whatever item you want to recolor and then click the next button in the bottom right corner.
step 3. export the texture
after you've clicked next and named your .package file, you'll see this screen. you don’t have to change any other tabs or anything. just click on export:
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save the .png image to whatever folder on your computer that's convenient for you (i usually just put it in my downloads folder) and name it. i normally name it something like "base" so i don't mix it up with my recolored swatches.
step 4. open it in your image editor.
i'm not sure how this would work in blender or if you can recolor using blender, but i know just about any 2d image editor will work. as long as it has a decent select tool, layers, and layer modes, you're good to go.
again, i usually use gimp. regardless, you'll see something like this:
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now the fun begins!
step 5. find whatever you want to put on the tshirt.
some graphics are finicky to use and some i've found just didn't work at all like i wanted them to, so if the first few you try don't turn out how you want, don't worry.
i usually go to band's official stores, eyesoremerch, or hellsheadbangers for shirts and stuff.
since i was going to make a shirt when i opened this ask, i’ll go ahead and take you along that journey lol. here’s the image if you want to use it and follow along. it’s also going to be an easy one, since it is just black and white. you’ll see why later on in this post.
step 6. open the tshirt image as a layer in your editor & isolate the graphic.
tip: for gimp you can just paste images into it from your clipboard, so i do that instead of saving the image so i have less clutter in my files and the process goes by a little quicker.
you’ll see something like this:
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you can probably guess that this is a little bigger than we want it to be, but first and foremost, i usually get rid of the parts that i don’t want so i have just the graphic. to do that, you can do a couple of different things.
most often, i use the free select tool to trace around the graphic like this:
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it will make things a lot easier and quicker, so make sure you get as close to the design as possible. it doesn’t have to be exactly to the edges of the graphic, but you want that selection to be tight!
then click on select > invert. this will select the rest of the image so now you can isolate the graphic. (circled as number 1 on the image below)
now, you can get rid of parts of the image you don’t way a couple of different ways in gimp. either press “delete” on your keyboard which will delete it; or use the eraser tool and make it really big and erase the selection (circled number 3 and 3.2 on the image below); or press the “delete layer” button (number 2).
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sorry for this handwriting btw i’m using my mouse lol
all these methods will get rid of the excess (you can see in the next image how it should look). now go to the select menu and click on “none.” other programs will probably have a similar option, it might be called “deselect” instead. there are quicker ways to do this but this is the easiest and simplest for learning purposes :).
if you’re using a different program, you’ll probably want to go with the eraser option as it’s the most likely to work in most if not all editors and be the most easy to figure out.
step 7. resize the graphic.
“but it’s still has a background" i hear you cry. just sit tight, we’ll get rid of it soon.
on gimp, you click the scale icon (circled below). some other programs will likely label this option as “transform.” it can be different for each one.
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now click the image and you can scale it by dragging it in or out. this is usually also the way you scale if the image editor has it labelled as “transform.”
scale the graphic down and move it so that it fits on the shirt like so:
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try to center it or position it where you want it to be, but it’s okay if you don’t get it exactly right. we will fix that in the last step.
in gimp, once you have scaled the image down, click on that “scale” button that i circled above. other programs might say something like “confirm” or “save.”
and this is why we cut the graphic out before resizing: now you can clearly see whether the graphic will fit on the shirt or not! just makes things a little easier to do it in this order.
tip: when you scale down an image, it will lose some quality. this is unavoidable. the best way to lose as little quality and details as possible is just to make sure you don’t make the graphic any smaller than it has to be and to only resize it once. it will get “blurry” the more times you resize it.
step 8. change the layer mode (or remove the background).
this part is easy, but there’s a lot of different possibilities so this section will probably be the longest.
i’ll show you how to use layer modes so you don’t have to remove the background; what to do if those layer modes don’t look quite right so that you still don’t have to remove the bg; and finally, how to get rid of the bg. and also some other things that apply to different types of designs like colors and stuff.
it’s a lot of info but it’s easy and goes faster once you get the hang of it.
step 8.1. change the layer mode.
more often than not i just change the layer mode. this works a lot of the time for me, but sometimes it doesn’t. you’ll just have to try and see.
for gimp, click on “mode” and then scroll down in the menu and click on “lighten only” like so:
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as you can see, the black that was around the design is now gone; only the white design is left!
for other editors, this menu might be in a different place (usually it is in the layers menu, though) and it might be called “layer mode” or something instead. some editors call the lighten only mode just “lighten” but they are the same thing.
other layer modes that work for this trick are “addition” (some editors call it “add”), “luma/lumanence lighten only,” “dodge,” and “screen”. sometimes “hard light” and “overlay” work too, but this depends. just scroll through the layer modes and see what looks best to you.
lighten only also works for designs with colors in them:
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now sometimes, you have to make additional adjustments so that this will look 100% great...
step 8.1.2 change the contrast.
let’s say you change the layer mode and your graphic looks like this:
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you can see the white has some dark gray bits around it. to get rid of these, just go to colors > brightness-contrast and mess with the contrast until it goes away.
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now the gray is all gone!
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this also works for colored designs. for other layer modes, you may have to adjust different settings.
sometimes it will make it look a little crispy lol, in that case you might want to go with the removing the background option and then messing with the layer mode.
step 8.2 remove the background.
if the layer mode trick doesn’t work, you still have this option. not every editor has a select by color tool so for those, you will want to just use the eraser tool and do it by hand. not very much fun nor quick but personally i really haven’t found any other ways to do it and also get good results. often the remove bg options aren’t the best.
in gimp, click on “select by color” and for this graphic, click on the black surrounding the white.
you get something like this:
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now do what we did before and either press “delete” on your keyboard; use the eraser tool; or in gimp, click on the delete layer button. then deselect.
now you’ll have this:
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sometimes you might need to add or subtract from the selection or sometimes it might not look too good, which is why i usually go with the layer mode method.
at any rate, that step’s done.
(final!) step 9. import it to sims4studio & make adjustments.
maybe your design isn’t exactly where you want it to be, and that’s okay - we’re going to make sure it is in this step. if you make recolors often you’ll eventually get a feel for where “center” is on the texture and won’t have to make as many adjustments.
export the .png (make sure it’s .png, so it doesn’t lose its transparency!) and import it back into sims4studio using the blue import button:
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(it might look a little wonky in s4s because the model’s chest distorts the image some; you will want to test it in game too to double check)
i’m going to move my design up and to the left some.
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much better!
make any other adjustments you want to the graphic and click the save button in the lower right corner.
and now you’ve made a recolor!
you can add other designs by clicking the “add swatch” button on the right and repeating this process. you can also export the swatches’ .png files back out of sims4studio if you should need them later.
there are some other minor touch-ups i do to my own recolors but this is the basic process and should help get you started. if anyone has any other questions let me know! hope this helps, anon.
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thekidultlife · 4 years
Aww yall are the sweetest! Missed u too! 🥺💖 Can u guys do leanne's illicit affairs and hyeri's jihoon steampunk au for the wip game if you haven't already? (im a sucker for mafia aus they're so 🥵🌶) Don't forget to stay hydrated and smile today 👁👄👁 Thanksies! 🤸‍♀️
HELLOOOO, ANON! Thank you so much for asking for this!!! "Illicit Affairs" will probably come out in November or December (no promises--the number of WIPs I have is astronomical, I kid you not, and I don't know how to get to them all in time LMAO), but this is a snippet of what you will see in this fic! Also, please look forward to "Run, Run, Baby" and "Protect" (snippets of Hoshi's arc) as well, because they are parts of one big Mafia AU using different members' arcs and perspective. So, yeah, "Illicit Affairs" and "Run, Run, Baby" are parts of a Mafia AU! 😊
“We are currently searching for the gunman and one other confirmed accomplice who pretended to be the wedding officiator. As of now, however, we have no solid leads, no clues at all—we…we are still trying to get our bearings and are as of this moment figuring out a way to make sense of this attack. We are also confirming that we are taking into consideration the possibility that this might have been an inside job,” Chief of Police Kang Sejung states during the press conference held earlier this afternoon. “It is one of the most plausible theories that we have right now as to how the gunman and his accomplice could have entered and left this place without a trace.”
When asked about whether this case might have ties to the infamous Brotherhood, of which Congressman Shin’s family has long been suspected of having ties to, Chief Kang tersely responded, “The City has been safe from such violence for years now. There is no more Brotherhood. There is no more [mob-related] violence. Our City has never been safer than in our times today. This is an isolated case with possible designs of an inside job. And as we thoroughly investigate this tragedy, I am confident that the leads and results will show as such. That is all. Thank you."
More in-depth reports about this case will follow as details become clearer.
As the Officer pushed away the very thin case file, he closed his eyes and leaned back on his chair. 
Many things have happened tonight. There were too many questions and too many uncertain answers. But there was only one thing on his mind that rang true. 
"Fuck you, Kang Sejung," he growled underneath his breath as images of bodies mangled by fire and bullets flashed across his mind. "Fuck you and your lies. The Brotherhood is very much alive, and I say fuck you once more for trying to cover that up." He slammed his fist onto his desk. Pictures of the cathedral which had burned to the ground flew around him.
Breathing heavily, he got up from his seat and walked around the empty room of the Heinous Crimes Division. Computer screens lit up occasionally with the insignia of the City Police Department. 
He was alone. 
He was the only one who was truly searching for answers.
But he should have known that he would not find it within the databases of this City. 
Something darker and deeper was at work the moment that gunman burned the cathedral to the ground. Perhaps even before that. 
But there was one thing the Officer was sure of: the Brotherhood has not disbanded. And this atrocity was the very proof that they were still, very much alive.
I hope you liked it!!! 😊😊😊
Steampunk AU 1:
“Knyazhna.” He hissed through teeth, exasperated that you never did try to be as malleable as other girls out there; and you could very well imagine the look of contained rage on his face. “I’m trying to protect you. And please, watch your language.” 
“Don’t play mom with me Jihoon. I hear you cuss day in and day out,” you arched a brow, even though he can’t see you. “Besides, I bet you just want to chase crooks around too. Controlling dolls can be as boring as hell.”
Too annoyed to respond, Jihoon cut off the communication. He knew you were stubborn and if it were a normal day, he wouldn’t have any problem with a rebuttal, yet he was unwilling to bicker with his boss especially on an important run. Instead, Jihoon leaned against his seat and ran fingers through his bleached hair. The darkness of the room made his Cyrillic circle enchantment, with its cerulean glow illuminating his cheeks, obvious to the eyes. 
He swept his finger in a deft curve along the outer ring; arranging the dolls to form a three-line barricade on your four sides in real time. It was simple information manipulation, but you couldn’t help but widen your eyes at what he did. The lines of dolls made you look like you’re the one needing protection from the criminal you were currently chasing after. 
You groaned, teeth gritting because of his passive-aggressive retaliation, unable to do anything but go with it. It was more than entertaining to push his buttons, knowing that he’d rather have you behave like a sweet little girl, which you aren’t; thus creating ripples of havoc in his head. However, you knew more than to childishly fight back; it was important that you catch this guy and you needed your right-hand man for it to be possible. Jihoon can kiss my toes later. 
FREAKIN LOVE THIS ^^^^^^^ (Knyazhna i think is ‘princess’ in Russian;; so it’s more like a title than YN’s actual name!)
Steampunk AU 2:
“You don’t look so good.” He sighed.
A voice—slightly annoyed, but mildly worried—reached your ears as you sought where it had come from. Training your head, you saw a figure beside you as he observed your countenance for any sign of major discomfort. 
You gazed at him with dazed eyes, and noticed that he had soft platinum blond hair, chocolate brown orbs for eyes and plump pink lips, often in an adorable pout. He had a look of concentration, wrecking his brain for any ideas on how to take care of someone who seemed so weak. 
It might’ve worked, you guessed so, as he raised his hand to feel your forehead for any heat way above the usual. You would’ve jerked aback only if you weren’t so uncalibrated and frail. 
He hummed. “You don’t seem to have a fever…I guess all you could do now is rest.” 
The young man sighed once more and stood up, the sleeves of his white button up shirt falling past his arms, seemingly too big for him. Yet he doesn’t seem to mind, and carried the pail of your vomit somewhere. You watched him go; his back the final image you saw when your eyes fell like heavy curtains. 
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