#also i laughed writing clint's reaction bc i BEEN THERE
diffcall · 5 years
@polyfacetious ( ➳ )
       the thought of that? 
                         in the middle of a big bite? 
    things go so wrong. as he closes his chompers on that god tier snack, he imagines it. it’s perfect. the single most poignant brain picture he’s ever developed. thor, rearing his thick arm back with a grandiose demonstration, heaving in a deep breath just to cry the word, YEET.
       he laughs and gasps; a savage pepperoni makes a beeline for his gullet hole. he gags and chokes; it’s not fun but the joke is still going in his head and there’s some crying. lucky makes worried whuffles until he realizes clint’s pizza is nose level and ganks it with a self-satisfied look. owner, who? 
                “GOD.” he half-cries, half-cries, still spitting out a laugh that doesn’t have an end in sight. it’s reached the point of belly status, gaining a soreness that rivals nothing else. that nice sore quality. it occurs to clint violently that he hasn’t laughed like that in ages -- over something so stupid and simple. “god,” he repeats as if in peter’s praise, “i really, really need to see that. i have a whole kidney i would sell just to --- if i could just have that happen.”
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marvel-m-lee · 3 years
I have a prompt: Kate and Yelena get into a vicious tickle fight. There can only be one winner...
I Know Everything About You Kate Bishop~
Words: 1960
Fandom: Marvel- Hawkeye
Summary: Yelana teases Kate about knowing everything about her, Clint reveals something that had never crossed the blinds mind... enjoy~
Warning: alcohol, swearing, just average things :)
A/N: I FUCKING DID IT! Sorry, I really thought I'd never get this done, but I've been writing it for about an hour and a half on my way home bc I finally saw the last episode. The end credit was fuckinh hilarious pfft- my dad also caught me writing this, I told him it was just a mini story so I pretty much risked my life for this- 😭😂 enjoy my love, I actually loved writing this! <333
"Sorry not sorry Kate Bishop" Yelana shrugged, stiffling a laugh as she sat down on the arm chair across from the sofa.
Kate was already sitting down and had a paper towel on her head, cleaning herself up a bit more from the fights she'd recently met Yelana in. She groaned when her friend mentioned her whole name.
"Do you only call me that to prove you know my whole name?" She asked, groaned and lifted her head slightly to look at a smirking Yelana with a bottle of vodka.
"Yes Kate Bishop" She couldn't hold back her smirk as she watched Kate groan and throw her head back a little more. They were at Kate's aunts house where she and Clint had been living for the past week or so before Christmas.
Clint was cleaning up in the kitchen, doing some dishes and sorting out their uniforms they'd gotten dirty in the fight.
After a moment Kate pushed herself up, adjusting her position and taking the paper off her head for a moment while she looked at her friend.
"How much do you know about me?"
Yelana only laughed, taking a sip of her vodka bottle and coughing a little to clear her voice from the burn. She looked at her friend in a mischievous way and grinned, "Everything Kate Bishop..." She teased, watching as Kate shifted a little more uncomfortable with the answer.
Yelana burst put laughing at this reaction, loosing her horror facade and looking down as she laughed. Kate only laughed nervously but soon did laugh a little lighter as she realised- or at least hoped- Yelana was joking.
Clint walked in the room with a smirk present on his face, he was wiping his hands with a kitchen tea-towel. He threw it over his shoulder and smirked, hands on his hip.
"Did you know she was ticklish?" He asked, making Yelana stop laughing quickly as her eyes filled with joy. Kate swore she could see them sparkle-
Kate laughed nervously, putting up a hand as if she was gonna correct him, "haha- no- no. Clint-"
"Oh my goodness! It is true? Kate Bishop why didn't you tell me!" Yelana laughed, teasing Kate by wiggling her fingers at the young woman.
Clint only chuckled at how a blush seemed to litter Kate's face as her eyes went wide and she tried to compose herself with a cough. He soon left, knowing very well he wouldn't want to be caught in the middle of what was about to happen.
Yelana put her drink down and stood up slowly, Kate staring at her and quickly looking to Clint for help- only to see him walking away.
"Clint- no! Yelahana- I'm not tihicklish-" Kate tried to back up on the couch, budging further down and leaning back as she had a finger out as if telling Yelana off.
"Oh really? Your laughter is telling me otherwise Kate Bishop~" Yelana teased, getting closer with her fingers wiggling.
Yelana dove in but Kate had already jumped off the couch, quickly running around the coffee table to where the armchair was, hiding behind it.
Yelana let out an off as she face planted into a pillow, laughing a little, only that laughter quickly grew high pitched as fingers began to graze her sides and work up her ribs.
While hiding behind the arm chair, Kate quickly put the situation together, she would be tickled, no matter what happened. It was Yelana after all- but if this was gonna happen, she's fight.
So without Yelana looking, she threw herself on top of Yelana and quickly began to run her fingers up her sides, testing if the blond was ticklish so her plan could work.
What she didn't expect thiugh, was Yelana's high pitched giggles as her fingers softly grazed over her ribs, it was adorable amd she couldn't couldn't but awe.
Quickly Yelana threw Kate over the couch to which she quickly landed on her feet and span around to see Yelana trying to stifle her giggles as she put her arm over her mouth and recovered, quickly taking form with a smirk on her face.
Kate stood awkwardly, trying to have form but also knowing fully well it was unlikely she would win this fight.
"Well at least this is a fair fight"
Yelana laughed, "Fair Kate Bishop?"
Kate only gulped as she saw the mischievous look in Yelana's eyes grow with revenge.
"You're going to regret that"
"Well really, you did start this?" Kate laughed, beginning to enjoy the back and forth banter.
"And I'm gonna end it" with that Yelana ran over and grabbed Kate by her hips, quickly squeezing and pinching as the brunette began to yell with laughter, falling backwards to escape and quickly running around the sofa, jumping over it, but somehow Yelana was already there and jumped onto her, grabbing her hips again and attacking.
"WAIAIAHIAHIT!" She yelled, grabbing her friends hands as she squeezed with precision to get every one of Kate's hip's pressure points.
Kate only threw her head back as she tried to fight Yelana's hands, giggly, squeaky yet deep laughter uttering through her throat.
"Oh? Wait for what Kate Bishop? I thought you said you weren't ticklish?" Yelana teased, squeezing a little harder as one hand ran over her stomach and spiders around her navel.
Kate couldn't stand that, and quickly turned to her side, knocking Yelana to the couch and quickly climbing on top of her, straddling her hips as she giggled above her, tickling and squeezing her sides to make the blond shake her head and let out more girlish giggles.
The giggling became much more frequent as Kate hit Yelana's ribs, running for fingers over them and squeezing lightly. This was definitely a terrible spot as the blond began to kick out slightly, unable to handle the gentle tickling.
"Aw! Yelana you're laughter is adorable, let me hear some more!"
Kate wasn't as good as Yelana at teasing but shit did she know how to quickly torture someone as her fingers jammed between Yelana's ribs.
Yelana quickly became frantic as she kicked out and threw Kate off her and onto the coffee table with a humph. Yelana had to give herself a moment as the tickles seemed to send butterfies under her skin.
"Ohohoh shit... Kate Bishop You're really gonna regret that one"
Kate had already jumped off the table though and ran towards the kitchen. Yelana quickly followed though and saw as Kate grabbed Clint holding him out as a shield.
Clint only laughed, tryma turn his head and body while putting up a hand, "no, I'm not getting invohoholeD!"
Clints words quickly got louder though as Yelana was happy to let the "old man" join in. Knowing he was unexpecting, she grabbed his sides and squeezed, pretending he was a shield.
"Barton as a shield? I doubt he's be able to survive much longer," Yelana teases, acting as thiugh he wasn't wasn't a human as he quickly began to let our belly laughter at the sudden ticklish feeling on his sides.
Kate only giggled at this, still holding him out as if he was a shield. Clint could have easily broken out of this hold, but he didn't mind this all that much, plus the tickles were definitely weakening him.
Yelana looked at him with a smirk, pretending to look sympathetic. "You have Kate Bishop to thank for this," she teased as she jumped into Clints armpits and tickle them maddeningly. Clints eyes went wide and laughed became a lot louder as he began to shout and swear a little.
Kate let go of him, and the moment she did, Yelana stopped, quickly following her to the living room again and pouncing, throwing her onto the couch and pinning her wrists under Yelana's knees.
Clint only doubled over slightly, holding the counter. It was very rare he's ever gotten tickled like that, expecially in the past few years. He didn't hate it but he knew for a fact he'd 100% want revenge on the both of them.
Yelana straddled Kate, who was automatically a lot weaker and much more ticklish than the assassin. Kate couldn't help but giggled as she saw yelana's hands sneak closer and closer to her face, shaking her head as the air already seemed to tickle her.
"Tickle Tickle Kate Bishop~"
Yelana gasped, pretending to look extra offended. "Oh now you're gonna get it!"
Yelana's fingers quickly dive in and poked around Kates tummy, poking and occasional spidering, pretending to walk over her tummy and teasing her.
"You know Kate Bishop, I was going to let it slide, you tickling me. But now? Now you really hit me where it hurts Kate Bishop!" Yelana teased, pretending to look offended offended unable to remove the smirk on her face as she got her revenge.
"Tickle Tickle Kate Bishop!~" She teased, beginning to squeeze Kates sides everytime she said tickle.
Kate only shook her head with laughter, all the teasing only made it a thousand times worse, she 2asnt even sure what she should say, it was all so goofy and torturous!
"Hmm.. you know Kate Bishop, I'm pretty hungry, and you're looking pretty tasty right now~"
Yelana teased, beginning to take two fingers and use each to walk up Kates ribs.
"I wonder how many ribs you have, I've never tried human- well not their ribs anyway"
With that she began to use her fingers and pinch and poke each of Kate's ribs. Kate shook and squealed with each one, her ribs weren't the worst spot on her body but mixed witb the teasing? Anywhere would be pretty bad.
After a while, kate's ribs began to ache from laughter, Yelana noticed this and decided to take mercy on her friend, it didn't really matter as she knew this definitely wouldn't be the last time she did this. Kate's reactions were just too perfect.
Kate jumped up and curled at the end of the sofa, giggling and laughing, greedily taking in the air.
After a moment Yelana shrugged and took another sip of her vodka, "you know Kate Bishop, your reactions are really inspiring" she teased, smirking at her friend.
"I just have to keep tickling you!"
"Nohoho morhehe! Please, mercy!" Kate begged, hands up, a wobbly smile still present on her face. Yelana pretended to think for a moment, but teasingly agreed.
"Fine- fine, but never Tickle me-"
Just then Yelana seemed to burst into another bubble of giggles as she felt fingers under her arms, taking her off guard at how light they were so she couldn't think clearly.
Clint was standing behind her, a smirk on his face and tickling for a few minutes before letting her go again with a rasberry to her neck.
"And you never tickle me again" He teased, letting her go as she giggled adorably for an assassin, shrinking into her neck. She was not used to such gentle tickles-
Clint only sat down on the armchair and petted Lucky who was sat next to him, turning in the TV as the two girls recovered form their torments. He knew he'd get Kate back too, but for now he got half his revenge and she'd already been wreched.
"Yohohoure lucky my sister and Kate like you-" Yelana threatened, though it wad very difficult with her high pitched giggled mixed with a deep Russian accent.
Clint only laughed, Kate was already leaning back on the arm of the sofa, back bending back in what seemed the most uncomfortable position.
Yelana poked her and she shot up, jumping off the couch almost. Yelana and Clint only laughed and turned the TV on, agreeing on something to watch.
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writingforloki · 5 years
Sparks fly - Chapter 2
Chapter 2: Take a pizza ma heart. 
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader.
Summary:  Y/N settles in to her new place at the Avengers tower, friends are made, pizza is ate.
A/N: Chapter 2 is here! it took a bit longer than I expected bc v unexpectedly I had a social life this week! So still not loads of Buck in this chapter, but I feel like we are still setting the scene. Also I love slow burn. Pls let me know what you think!! (ps my writing is a bit naff, I know this, I'm just getting back in to the flow after not writing fiction for about 6 years.)
here is chapter 1
After Sams comment broke the tension in the room, the rest of the introductions went pretty smoothly with everyone welcoming you as a new member warmly, although you knew that you had a long way to go and a group like this wouldn't trust you completely straight away, you'd seen what some of the members of the Avengers had been through and you weren't about to overstep your boundaries with them.
“So where's Y/Ns room then? I bet she's dying to take a load off and settle herself in.” The voice came from Bruce, who had smiled comfortingly at you and shook your hand warmly when you were introduced to him, it was almost as though he could feel the sense of anxiousness itching its way in to your brain, you didn't much like being the new kid.
“Oh yeah, its down here let me show you, I've already had your stuff moved up here and you can do whatever you want to the room.” Tony said walking ahead of you, turning to gesture animatedly while he spoke.
You followed him out of the meeting room and down a corridor, the chrome walls were all so uniform and every corner looked the same, you hoped you wouldn't get lost. Tony started to explain about the bedroom situation, telling you that he’d had to install more bedrooms when the newer avengers started to live at the tower, he explained briefly that not all of the team actually lived there full time but you all had a room, just for as and when you needed it.
“So your wing is part B of the permanent residents, so you have Bucky, Wanda, Vision, Sam, then you have Peters honorary room, you know really I didn't wanna give him a room because technically he isn't an avenger and he's too young to be hanging out with a group of freaky adults with a lot of personal issues, but he got all sad and thought we didn't want him around so he has a room in the permanent wing to visit but I usually kick him out back to his aunt's house when he becomes a pain in the a-”
“Hey Mr Stark!” A cheerful looking face popped around one of the doors, it was a face you didn't recognise but it was youthful and by the look on Stark's face, this must be Peter.
“Damn it kid what're you doing here? It's one pm shouldn't you be at school?” Tony sounded exasperated.
“Erm uh no Mr Stark it's the Summer holidays so I thought I'd come hang here for a bit, Aunt May wanted to clean and I just wanted to get out of her way you know!”
Tony pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head “Right okay but remember you should come through the front door rather than sneaking in through the window, one because it’s freaky as shit when you just pop up and two because if there was an emergency, you could just be nappin away and nobody would know because you're supposed to be at school!”
“But .. it’s the holidays Mr Stark..” The kid trailed off looking confused.
Stark shook his head and shot him a look “So not the point but okay. So if we knew you were here, you could've been at the meeting and we could have introduced you to our new trainee member, Peter, Y/N, Y/N Peter.”
You waved at the kid, “Hi nice to meet you Peter, I get why you’d wanna come chill here, it's pretty cool.” You smiled and he smiled back at you opening his mouth before Tony glared at him and and told him to go home, pulling him down the corridor and leaving you at what you assumed was your door.
You pressed your thumb against the fingerprint activation lock and the door swung open to reveal your new home, the room was big, with a large bed on the back wall, a desk, a TV, chair and a small sofa, this was the nicest room you’d ever been in, it was devoid of personality and a little cold looking at the minute but you still had your personal items to set up and make it your own.
You turned and opened the wardrobe, it was already full of your clothes, that confused you, but you assumed tony had many people at his whim to do things like this for the team. Nearly everything was unpacked save a one box, so you brought it onto the desk and opened it, this was the box of your most personal things, photo frames, movie stubs, your jewellery box, you set them up around your room and put some bits on to the pin board on your wall, your head spun when you heard a gentle knocking on the door, it was Wanda, she was stood in the doorway, a soft smile on her face.
“Hey, how’re you settling in?” She asked kindly, her eyes scanning the room.
“Good so far, the rooms amazing, I'm just trying to put a few things around the room to make it feel more like home you know?” You cast your eyes down and perched on the bed. Wanda looked at you with sympathy in her eyes and came to join you.
“I know how you feel, it’s weird coming here, everyone's great and all but we all know what it's like to be the new kid, to have nowhere else to go, and anyone of us will have time to listen to you if it all becomes too much or if you just need a chat.” She spoke softly.
“Thanks Wanda, I really appreciate it.” You smiled at her lifting your eyes to hers before standing up and wiping your hands on your jeans, “So what am I actually supposed to do around here Tony mentioned something about having training to do but he got distracted with that Peter kid, what's his deal by the way, is he just like a relative of Tonys or?”
Wanda's laugh caught you off guard, “Peter? Did Tony not tell you? Of course he didn't, Peter is Spiderman, yeah Tony doesn't like him being around that much, he says its because hes annoying but really I know he just wants him to have a relatively normal life, I think he makes him feel all paternal.” she said her smile now stretched to a grin.
“Wait hold up, that was Spiderman?!” Your face must've looked quite a picture because Wanda started laughing. “But he's just a goofy little kid! He said he was still at school!!” You exclaimed, shock radiating off you, as the two of you broke into giggles at your reaction.
You didn’t know if it was the sound that brought him over or if he was just on his way for a visit like Wanda, but another knock on the door got your attention, when you looked up Steve was in your doorway, smiling fondly at the two of you.
“Hey we’ve just got pizza if you guys wanna join us?” he tilted his head slightly, making him resemble a puppy, even if you wanted to say no, you definitely wouldn't be able to.
“Pizza? Yeah I love pizza, pizzas great.” you shuffled over to Steve and Wanda followed you as you made your way down the hallway to a room you hadn’t been in before.
“So this is the kitchen / living area, we usually eat in here but we have another living room with more sofas that doesn't get used as much, one of us will show you that later.” He said as you rounded the corner in to the kitchen where there was about ten pizzas spread across the table.
Sam, Nat, Clint, Bucky and Bruce were the only ones left from the meeting, with Steve explaining to you that everyone else had other responsibilities to attend to away from New York.
“So I’m guessing Tonys not explained what you’ll be doing here training wise for the next few months?” Steve asked, he was usually the one who ended up designing the training and workout regimens for the newcomers anyway.
“Um no, I must tell you though, I'm a real beginner, I don't really have much experience with training and working out a lot, I mean I walk all the time, gotta get those 10,000 steps in a day, plus I don't like public transport that much and I don't own a car..” you trailed off as you felt yourself babbling under the pressure of all the people in the room looking at you.
Steve smiled kindly at you as you blushed at your own awkwardness.
“Don't worry about it, we’ll start you off slowly tomorrow, usually it would be me starting you out with boxing and a bit of light training but I have a mission for the next two days so it’ll actually be Bucky you're training with tomorrow.” He said picking up a slice of pizza and put it on his plate.
“Oh okay, cool.” You said turning to lock eyes with Bucky who was across the table from you, you smiled and he gave you a small one in return which you appreciated it even though it looked awkward and didn't really meet his eyes. Maybe he’s just shy, you thought to yourself.
“Don't worry, he’s not as scary as he looks.” Sam said elbowing him in the ribs making Bucky glare at him.
Suddenly you were aware that it was probably the apprehensive look on your face that made Sam say that. “Uhm no he’s not, I mean you're not scary, sorry did I look scared you're- you don't look scary, you look nice!” You gabbled on, afraid you’d offended the man. God you really did have to stop talking shit when you were nervous.
Sam let out a loud laugh and the rest of the team save Bucky joined in, who was now looking embarrassed but you couldn't help but see how the corner of his mouth twitched up in amusement.
As if you weren't already afraid enough for training, now with your lack of experience combined with embarrassment you were really dreading tomorrow.
If anyone wants to be tagged drop me an ask!
This fic is also on Ao3
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cherrymoonvol6 · 5 years
some avengers endgame Thoughts cause i saw the movie yesterday and can't stop thinking about it
of course..... spoilers ahead
nebula and tony playing!!!! i just love how nebula's personality comes through without it being ooc
also... nebula carefully sitting tony up. she Cares so much :(
steve immediately going to tony :( like im a stucky kind of gal but holy shit i love them
which was completely erased in the next scene where tony drags steve up and down and after that passes out, which is a confrontation Mood
i wonder how they made tony look so skinny and sick. if it was cgi then i applaud them cause it looked so good
the way they killed thanos so fucking quickly here... i don't know how to feel lmao. like cutting the gauntlet arm and then slicing his neck... that's what we were all screaming at them during infinity war. it's good to see them learn from their mistakes, i guess ?
(can't remember the order in which things happen from now so forgive me if i make a mistake)
i told my sister "that's one of the russos!!!!!" so it took me ten seconds to realize that the russo was the gay character everyone was talking about (i thought it would be fury for no other reason than it being shocking and fury having very little to do with the plot, but)
and steve being supportive of that :( man out of time said gay rights!
carol's new hair!! holy shit!!!!!
rocket insinuating carol has been experimenting with more hairstyles... i would like to see it
don't think i missed that carol x rhodey nod. i support it.
don't wanna say it now... for now ill just state: i love what they're doing with natasha in the movie. she truly feels like a friend to steve. like that small gesture of her sliding the plate towards steve is just so domestic and beautiful! it really makes her feel so human and complex at the end. i was so worried about her being wasted but i loved her throughout the film
it was a fucking rat who got scott out. i have to laugh.
also is that the guy from that old "gayyyyy" meme????
cassie is all grown up!!!!!! i can't even imagine how hard it had been for her
also what happened to her mom? and the stepdad??? are they fine????? i hope so
i was hoping we would get more tony as a dad in this movie and it delivered!! tony is so fucking good with kids. the bond between him and morgan was so well portrayed
also the place they live in is so cozy and that's what he deserves
when steve stepped down the car in that black outfit with the leather jacket on i gasped... he's fucking gorgeous
i kept wanting him and tony to kiss lmao tf is wrong with me
OKAY my hawkeye rights. i missed him so much
the stylish subtitles on the middle of the screen felt like too much. this isn't a tumblr gifset honey, just write them down!
thinking about the whole clintasha conversation really foreshadows the whole thing. natasha cares so deeply about clint and really puts his needs before hers. it's so beautiful to see
honestly... my clintasha rights!
i think the hulk/bruce scene was kinda endearing but then the ant man banter dragged on for toooo long
the dab i YELLED. these poor kids have to stand this man on 2023 pulling out 2016 trends to appear Hip and Cool
fat thor...... i hate how it was handled. hate it so fucking much.
new asgard! that's so cute. i hope that's on norway
miek and korg are alive!!!!
the thought of thor insulting a possibly 14 year old on fortnight is too much for me. it sounds like bad fanon talk. i still laughed (bc noobmaster69??? that's fucking hilarious)
tonys reaction to i love you 3000 is so beautiful. like the way he looks taken aback and so happy. i love irondad
steve in a white shirt and jeans!!!! i gasped again. he's delivering, the fucking model
i know they were like, barely being decent to each other again, but i still wanted my stony hug:(
when they're discussing their infinity stones memories and natasha and tony are laying down together on a table???? adorable. amazing.
also why tf didn't nebula said the soul stone required a sacrifice??? i thought that's what she got from gamora dying in volmir
as soon as natasha and clint arrived to volmir i began chanting "nonononononononono"
fuckkdjdksndk fucking nebula. cue to more nononono chanting
rhodey knocking out quill with a single hit is the funniest scene in the movie
clintasha calling on bullshit on the sacrifice thing was also quite funny
the forehead touch :((( im so weak! so sad!
clintasha literally fighting each other to be each other's sacrifice!!!! kill me now!!!!
jeez now i can finally say it: scarjo shined so fucking much on this movie!!!! her delivery was amazing, i really felt a connection between her and the avengers, it really showed her growth during the five year time jump. she fucking killed it. she did her best and she's the best black widow we could've ever gotten.
clint mourning her :((((( probably the third time i cried during the movie
thor's panic attack being used for cheap laughs was the most uncomfortable moment for me... or any scene where people only saw thor as Fat and Lazy (basically, two thirds of the movie)
the freya + thor reunion was so sweet though!
okay. okay. hear me out. tony was on a very serious mission to regain an infinity stone. and the first thing he does is check out steve's ass. and aknowledge how glorious it is. i couldn't believe what i was watching!!!!!! like that actually fucking happened. consider me a fully formed stony bitch.
and scott joining in to say it was "america's ass" ???? poetic cinema
so it's canon that everyone checks out steve's ass and appreciates it as a national treasure. that's all i never thought id needed.
steve saying "hail hydra" i YELLED. it was a nice nod to the whole "cap is a nazi" mess
and steve fighting himself... hot
using his bucky trauma to shock himself is :/// but also :((((
i loved that for one moment i knew everyone on the theatre was staring at steve's ass
and steve being appreciative of his own butt!!!! ok that's all i have to say about steve's ass
i loved the reminder that thor was still kinda goofy back in avengers 1, for everyone who says taika completely changed his character. and the little tony + thor moment was adorable
"howard..... potts" i can understand tony being a mess but how did howard not suspect of anything??? elevator lady took one look of steve's face and all of her alarms started ringing
peggy carter... ive missed my wife so much
did peggy marry souza. i hope she did. steve tf are you doing staring at a married woman (jk)
clint kicking the stones away as soon as bruce is done with the snap is the biggest mood
also... the hell was scott looking at that made him think it had worked? just... more birds outside? i was really curious
the irony of the only avenger without superpowers being left with the stones
"i know you" *hands out stones* how can you not love clint, he's so pure
nebula killing his 2014 self is a power move. that would be me if i met my 2014 self
thor with a braided beard!!!!! beautiful
thanos is like, a real threat and i love that
okay. i kinda saw it coming. i saw thor leave mjolnir behind and i thought "oh????". and then the shock of thanos being able to wield stormbreaker. and then fucking mjolnir moving!!!!! i was the only person in the theatre who yelled
but seriously!!!! steve wielding AND fighting with mjolnir!!!!! couldn't stop thinking about it all day!!!!!!!!! STEVE IS WORTHY!!!!!!!
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parallels to thor going for the chest. it never works babies!
and just.... this was steve's moment. steve i-can-do-this-all-day rogers really fighting with every ounce of his body and soul against the most powerful being on earth. justice for him getting knocked after touching thanos for one second in iw!
and steve getting up again! all dirty and wounded!! trembling with exhaustuation and resolution!!! with his broken shield on his arm!!!! just him facing the biggest army of the universe!!!!! so powerful
sorry to destroy this epic moment, but like, okay. people had been reintegrated to life like, twenty minutes before. and i understand that they were all confused and out of place. but sam really needed ALL that time to just... try to communicate with steve????? ok
the "avengers..." *brings mjolnir with one hand while bracing his shield with the other* "assemble" moment was... oh my God. chills all over my body.
that One Moment where steve has stormbreaker on his hand... so fucking hot
the tony and peter reunion holy shit. the hug was everything i needed! like please just hug tony stark for ages
and tony and pepper fighting together!!! that's a power couple right there
i felt it when quill looked at gamora and just... stopped. im so sad his moment was played for laughs when it was obviously such an important moment for his character
thanos was so fucking scared of wanda that he put his own troops at risk to stop her for a little while. strongest avenger right there!
and carol coming back!!!! i was like
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i felt so relieved at that point. i was like "yeah thanos is fucking over what's next"
no need to talk about all the women coming together to defend peter :')
thanos getting the gauntlet again... the nonono chanting came back
fucking CAROL trying to stop him. looking at him with such a determined face, like "you can't stop me from stopping you". it was so powerful he had to snatch one stone to stop her
and strange giving him the one finger to tony.... i knew what was coming holy shit. i knew it. they knew it.
tony really proved himself there. it was his best scene on the entire mcu, don't argue with me!!!!!! the way he stood there and took all the power of the stones, unmasked, unaffected, powerful and almighty
"i am... iron man" cue to ugly sobbing
tony knew there was no other way. pepper did, too... she knew exactly what she had to tell him. she was right. tony spent all of these years moved by selfishness first, then fear, then guilt. an endless battle since thanos was on his head. but the war was over. what mattered was that he saved everyone, and he sacrificed himself for everyone. a complete 180° from last movie's ending.... wow
gotta said... peter there felt a little bit out of place for me. i think it would've been more powerful if he didn't say anything, though peter is a teenager, i can get it
his arc with steve felt unfinished, too. i would've liked to see steve's reaction as well, since tony had told him he wanted everyone back and also for his family so survive. but whatever
im not against tony killing thanos instead of gamora and nebula but i would've liked if we saw them react to his death, at least:/ like a little parallel between nebula's reaction at the beginning and the end of endgame
the One stucky interaction here was pulled from cap1 and iw. i feel betrayed
bucky Knew what steve was going to do. i wonder if steve told him before or bucky just sensed it
you can't convince me steve would go back and carelessly dance with peggy knowing his friend is being used like a weapon by hydra and bound to kill tonys parents. nah nah. it all felt wrong
my steggy rights!!!
love that the russos foreshadowed cap!bucky on tws just to give the shield to sam at the end
anyways what the fuck bucky was all steve had but he lived the happiest life without it and left him alone on the 21st century? okay fuck y'all
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janiedean · 6 years
Ok I need to know your thoughts about this Green Book mess
... pray for me anon XD
anyway, never mind that my general thought is that I’m really sad the mule didn’t compete this round because then it’d have deserved all the awards hands down........
tldr: the fact that people are outraged is the proof that tumblr at large can’t recognize classism when it hits you in the face.
in longer words: 95% of the hot takes I’m reading are Patently False And It Shoes People Haven’t Seen That Movie.
in much longer words: counting that I haven’t seen all the nominees but I did see both blakkk/lansman (which from now will be BKKK) and blackpanther and green book (and borap but that one wasn’t gonna win best movie anyway so) and I guess that is where the crux is, so, in order.
bkkk was obviously the best movie of the lot quality speaking. in an ideal world, it would have one. except that bkkk is a movie that’s heavily political and if y’all think that the oscars would give a prize to the heavily political movie that directly criticizes the administration in power then y’all missed the part where that’s not what happens at the oscars. last time it happened it was 1978 and the deer hunter won and I still don’t know wtf was the jury’s state of grace at that point, but in 1980 they had apocalypse now in the list and kramer vs kramer won. like. guys. if you have APOCALYPSE NOW on the list and anything else wins in the major categories then you’re a joke. and tbh it surprises me that spike l/ee is still hoping he might snag a major win that’s not for screenplay with these parameters - they’re not gonna go there. hasn’t happened since ‘78. come on;
bp was not a best movie flick. like, guys: it’s not even the best mcu film around as far as I’m concerned and while it most likely deserved the technical awards..... seriously? like. if neither GB nor bkkk won then any other movie on the list had better shots than bp. I can’t even think people seriously assume it was best movie material or ON PAR WITH BKKK as in, ‘if bkkk doesn’t win then THAT ONE should have won’. like, no;
now: green book was a *safe* pick in the sense that it wasn’t as heavy-handed as bkkk when it came to be political so it was the perfect choice if they wanted to go like ‘oh hey see we gave the award to the movie about racism without giving it to the one raising the middle finger to donald trump’, but differently from moon/light (which according to me was the most political political win of the last ten years like guys sorry that movie was nowhere near as good as people said back then and I found it incredibly overrated, and before you tell me that it’s because I didn’t understand it: exactly the point. the wire is one of my fave shows ever and it tacked all the things moon/light tried to except that it did it vastly better and I actually got it for how well it was written, moon/light completely failed in that sense and I’m glad if it was a good movie for the people it was directed to but it didn’t engage beyond that target imvho but never mind that) it actually tackled very well a series of issues I never see discussed in US cinema when it comes to *racism-themed* movies and I thought it was a really well-made movie that nailed a lot of things especially when it came to how classism and racism interject themselves in the discourse and how you don’t get out of discarding one of them so easily.
specifically, with SPOILERS FROM THE MOVIE under the cut SO GO AHEAD AT WILL OR NOT:
now: all the posts ‘this is the usual movie about the white guy who gets the black friend’ already are obviously from people who haven’t seen it because they missed the basic point, as in: that the white guy is poor and uneducated and isn’t *racist* because he’s a terrible person, he is out of ignorance and not knowing any better BUT at the same time he’s not so narrow-minded that he doesn’t have fairly forward opinions on other -isms (see THAT REVEAL IN THE MIDDLE OF THE MOVIE after which he goes like ‘I’ve been a bouncer in most of new york’s night clubs do you think I mind that thing’ which is a thing the audience wouldn’t have thought since italian-american men from the 50s/60s notoriously came from a fairly -PHOBIC culture in that specific sense), and that the guy being italian-american ie a *white* category that back then did not have *white privilege* put him in a lower class position than the black guy;
on the other side, it was spelled that the black guy’s issue was the contrary in the sense that he’s rich, he’s cultured, he speaks five languages, he’s not a stereotype and since people want stereotypes or expect them, he can’t seem to please either side and feels alienated from both, which I think is a discourse that should be way more relevant in a website where people talk all the time about people of color not being stereotypes and so on;
like the entire fucking point of that movie is that white guy overcomes his racism unlearning his ignorance and black guy has a few realizations about how classism works and reconnects with his heritage throughout the entire thing;
and the fact that it was the black guy explaining the white guy how to write the poetic love letters without grammar mistakes and got him to appreciate finer things in life while the white guy helped him get down to earth (which he plot-wise definitely needed - he was unhappy af before XD) *and* at the same time the movie never fucking forgot that skin color > money when it comes to systematical racism in the south (ie the scene where they get stopped by the southern policeman and white guy punches him bc he basically told him that being italian-american was being half-the-n-word and black guy tells him ‘yeah well I handled that my entire life you could deal with it once’ was FAIRLY DAMNED OBVIOUS even if it also showed that it’s Not How Things Should Go) was imvo a very good narrative choice/balancing;
also, I was really appreciating that scene where don asks tony (a guy who has no idea who orpheus is and thinks orpheus and eurydice is about orphans) to shorten his name because vallelunga is too difficult to pronounce and tony’s like ‘if the people you play for are so cultured they can learn to pronounce my name properly’ because like guys that’s a thing that happens with all non-anglophone names and seeing it come from someone who hasn’t had an education but doesn’t want to be *made better* because that doesn’t make them unworthy and then only accepts help when he wants it and doesn’t come from a position of ‘you need to look more presentable’ but from ‘I want to make your life better’ was really fucking nice excuse me, because it *did* make a point about how not being formally educated means that people are considered lesser when they shouldn’t have to fight for it, and I thought that the class-switch in there was a really great idea;
anyway nvm my specific opinions about specific scenes, the point is: green book is not heavy-handed and admittedly is a lot more sugary than BKKK and has the feel-good ending that makes it palatable for easy wins, but the content is fucking everything but sugary or devoid of discussing Serious Issues that I almost never see tackled in this kind of US movie and if people actually wanted to watch a movie that sees the subject counting that class relations exist, that some -isms are culturally learned and can be overcome, that money counts when we’re discussing how people are treated in the US, the *earned whiteness* concept (because tony is *white* but hasn’t *earned whiteness* and it’s plenty damned obvious) and that class relations are not automatically clear-cut *especially in the US* then green book is an absolutely valid choice. and like...... it wasn’t white saviorism in the sense that WHITE GUY GETS REDEEMED AND BECOMES UN-RACIST, it’s about two people growing and learning from each other and the fact that tony’s racism is tied to a) upbringing while being poor b) not literally knowing any better but that it doesn’t really take that much for him to see that his opinions are wrong when usually it’s poor black person vs rich white person, and actually that’s why I thought calling it reverse driving miss daisy was reaaaally not getting the point, so if people actually saw the damned movie before deciding it’s terrible that’d be nice;
I also think sp/ike lee was beyond rude in his, er, reactions to GB’s win, but then again... listen guys I love the man’s movies but since that time he went like ‘clint eastwood can’t make movies about charlie parker’ (??) and dismissed the italian partisans’s associations complains about what he did in miracle in st. anna (a movie I did actually really like but they were right about him villainizing the resistence when he could have not) with basically I DON’T CARE THAT YOU MIGHT HAVE ISSUES WITH HOW I, AN AMERICAN, DEPICTED A FAIRLY IMPORTANT PIECE OF ITALIAN HISTORY... like he needs to chill and to realize that there’s a thing called losing with grace and he’s not doing it.
tldr: bkkk imvo deserved to win way more and tbqh if I was spike I’d complain about bp having gotten more awards than his movie when bp really is the safest choice ever if we wanna talk about politics win, and I can agree that GB was a political choice, but it was not a bad political choice nor a racist one and actually it raised a lot of issues that I’d like to see explored more in movies because they usually aren’t. on top of that I thought mahershala ali’s performance in gb was fucking stellar and definitely was miles better than his part in moonlight (but like... bc he was in moonlight for TWENTY MINUTES, he was co-lead here) and I’m honestly baffled that when he won for moonlight there were gifsets everywhere and here there aren’t when this role was WAY better and more nuanced and with more to chew, never mind that again, he deserved it just for the speech under the rain I was discussing before. but like..... of course we’re all ignoring it??
also: I’m really laughing that tumblr as a whole is crying about GB winning when until two days ago bkkk was the worst thing ever because adam dr/iver starred in it and OMG OF COURSE HE WAS CHOSEN TO PLAY THE KKK MEMBER BECAUSE HE REALLY IS RACIST [lmao as if spike l/ee would work with a really racist person] and no one on this website gave a single fuck about it when it came out except for adam dr/iver fan blogs but now everyone is like OMG WHY DIDN’T BKKK WIN???!!!!! like guys you didn’t care about BKKK until a day ago and now I’m supposed to think you were rooting for it all along? when you all hated it because omg how dare they cast ky/lo ren in something where he’s not a bad guy? like we serious? come the fuck on, no one on here cared. and the fact that if blackpanther had won no one would say BKKK not winning = UTTERMOST CRIME just says all about how a film’s quality is judged around here. bye, I said my piece.
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avengers endgame reaction (spoilers!!!)
**if youre on mobile scroll fast bc idk if the keep reading works
holy shit holy shit fuck fuck fuck
i am an emotional wreak right now
ahhhhh it was so good im crying still
tony fucking stark my heart i guess ill start there 
tony stark i love you three thousand. he got his happy ending with morgan and pepper for 5 years they had 5 years together and he knew that the time heist (lol) would jeopardize that and he still went and helped
that scene where he had it out with steve at the beginning fuck my heart was breaking and i was crying .
i cried a lot in this movie. legit sobbing when nat died but ill get to that
that scene was everything i wanted it to be and perfectly executed. of course hes angry and lashing out because they were supposed to do it together and lose together and the emotion behind that ughh rdj killed it
he literally hands steve his heart the arch reactor
tony and howard ugh everything with them together. tony got closure with his dad 
everything tony was great. 
he got his happy ending. he got his dance with peggy (now im crying again) fuck. and he PICK UP MJOLNIR omg that scene was amazing and everything i never dreamed could happen when the hammer started moving ughhhh omg i was cheering so loud in the theatre and i dont normally do that. that whole scene ugh theres so much to react to
and he got to say assemble. 
ok now from the beginning. 
i started to cry literally before it even started. the screen was black and i was already tearing up but when clint and his daughter came up and then his family disappeared i was full on crying.
carol coming in clutch and saving tony and nebula yessss
steve and tony’s conversation right when he gets off the ship was everything i wanted it to be. (crying again) everything. 
when they go to thanos’s house thing and thor chops off his arm . its what ive been saying they shouldve done on titan 
and then he went for the head! 
years later
fuck them. literally when the ‘five’ came up i was like no no no dont you dare do it dont you dare and then they did it. fuck them
five fucking years?!?! they made them live through 5 years of that trauma?!?!? 
nat was everything in this film. she became the leader and keeping track of everything and her moment of breaking down was just so human. she couldnt move on in those 5 years and it just shows how much the avengers had become her family. 
scott and cassie omg cassie all grown up made me so emotional 
tony and morgan i love you three thousand she is the cutest and sweetest thing 
tony fucking stark figured out time travel. he did that. 
when tony gives steve his shield back my heart could not take it
the scenes where they were trying to pinpoint the exact time to go back and it was like a sleepover sesh and all the domestic avenger fanfics 
going back a little bit
clint killing all the people that should have been killed and deserved to be killed and being a total badass showing up all those people who said he was just really good with an arrow and every scene he has with nat.
‘dont give me hope’
thor. oh where to start. he really did lose everything and he was blaming himself for all that happened so i get where hes coming from. every time you could see him remembering and tormenting himself about what happened broke me. his scene with his mother (crying again)
also hulk/bruce was an interesting choice (not a huge fan of it but ok) 
the time traveling
everything about the new york scenes were amazing. the aftermath of the end of the avengers, loki turning into cap for a second, seeing rumlow and sitwell come out, steve getting into the elevator and channeling that winter soldier energy (i was slapping my sister on the arm so hard at this part) hail hydra and outsmarting them all. cap fighting cap “i can do this all day” lmao i was dying ‘bucky is alive” again dying they really nailed it with this. i was worried beforehand because like it would change how we would see the og avengers but i still think it works
also can talk about how tony (and scott) was checking out steves ass????
“i forgot how that suit did nothing for you ass” (be still my heart) “i like to think of it at america’s ass” (or whatever the line was) 
loki getting away with the tesseract (is that in this timeline im confused about that hopefully someone will explain bc does that mean loki is alive in this timeline or not? lol)
them going back to the 1970s (do you trust me? i do) and tony meeting howard and introducing himself as howard potts. again i know i talked about howard and tony already but i loved their scenes. and JARVIS FROM AGENT CARTER MAKING AN APPEARANCE OMG
PEGGYYYYYYY (crying) when steve walked into her office (grabbed my sister again) and when he was watching her through the window and you could feel his pain. 
thor and rocket are the pairing that i never imagined but amazing none the less. i loved that we got the return of mjolnir here even though idk what that does to the timeline (again who knows at this point) 
rhodey and nebula again another pairing i didnt expect but are great together. everything about nebula in this film. she really has a great arch. i was stressing out so hard when the alternate timeline thanos found out that they came from the past. the scene where peter quill is dancing and singing to no music was great.
clint and natasha. this pairing thie duo the og. fuck my heart. when they started going off to vormir i knew. i knew it and i cannot handle it. the whole scene where they are fighting each other to sacrifice themself i was SOBBING. LEGIT SOBBING. ‘let me go’ i loved this so much and also hated it. she deserved her happy ending too. after everything she gave up everything to save those people. her arch is so good too. im excited for her origin. i kinda want to see her when shes a bad guy and killing everyone and her journey to shield. i hope thats what we’ll see in her movie. 
but also that scene emotionally fucked me up hard. 
the og avengers (minus nat) sitting on the edge of the lake 
thor trying to put on the glove and redeem himself (in his own eyes not my own bc he doesnt deserve the shit he gets for not going for the head)
hulk doing it and the calm before the storm where everything goes back before that missile comes firing down. 
steve tony and thor facing off with thanos. everything about this scene. tony getting a juice-up from thor and lightning to max out his powers. steve jump kicking on thanos’s ass. thanos beating up thor and steve coming in with FUCKING MJOLNIR AGAIN CANNOT STRESS ENOUGH HOW MUCH I WAS CHEERING AT THIS POINT HE IS WORTHY MY BOY STEVE IS WORTHY
also on that note tony coming up to steve and saying “theres my man” or something and giving him back his shield again. 
steve standing there with his broken shield ready to face off with thanos’s army and sam coming in on the comm. and then EVERYONE COMING THRU AND KICKING NAMES AND TAKING ASS
legit cheering and crying so much 
valkyrie with her pegasus
shuri with her blasters 
peter parker and his reunion with tony was heartbreaking. tony looked so broken and complete at the same time. he got him back. 
peter quill’s semi-reunion with gamora and how she doesnt know him but he gets her back
also gamora, nebula and still-evil!nebula was a great scene. nebula killing her past self is some symbolic shit right there AND to protect her sister who she hated
im sad that she wasn’t in the film as much but i get why they did it and it also makes me really excited for her future films
but carol getting the gauntlet and peter saying “i dont know how youre gonna get through that” 
this is something that couldn’t of been done a few years ago because there weren’t a lot of female superheroes in this universe and just the fact that this scene can make such an impression and become probably one of the most badass scenes of the mcu is one of the best things that came out of this movie.
side note: ‘activate instant kill’ great callback 
and then we get to the sacrifice.
i knew it. i expected it. i read it in fanfics.
i was still not prepared. 
‘I am inevitable’
FUCKKKKKKKK they really know how to write these movies. 
he knew he would die. he knew he would never see morgan again. but he knew what he had to do. 
his character arch from a selfish man to a selfless man has been the most profound and powerful story. 
rdj and tony stark have really carried this franchise. they were the start. and it makes sense that his death closes out this era of the mcu. 
to rdj: i will never forgive my mom for telling me that she didn’t like you way back when. that really influenced how i thought about you and about tony stark for years. and i limited me from really appreciating and loving iron man and those movies and tony’s character. but as i continued to watch more of you in the mcu and in real life and have seen how you have grown and who you are today, i have so much love and respect for you and your character. im just so upset at the time i lost where i could have fallen even more in love with you. thank you so much for everything you have done over the last 11 years for this franchise. thank you for the time thank you for the memories and the laughs. the journey has been amazing. 
the funeral scene with ‘proof that tony stark has a heart’ 
(also was the the kid from iron man 3 in the back?)
VALKYRIE BECOMING KING (queen? i say king but who knows) of new asgard. look at my killing baby all grown up and being the leader they need.
thor becoming a guardian basically. 
also was quill looking for his gamora? where was the gamora from this timeline on the ship? she wasn’t there in the scene so idk
also fighting with knives to see whos in charge lol
im glad people mentioned/mourned for nat too 
steve rogers 
i knew he wasn’t coming back.
bucky knew it too.
im wreaked
but at least he got his happy ending. he got his peggy (again idk what that does to her timeline) 
captain sam wilson america in the house.
(old steve looks like joe biden or is it just me lol)
they ended it with a steggy dance and kiss
it really was a perfect end to his story and it wrapped up his character really well. he got that life he deserved 
to chris evans: as this is probably the last time we will see you as captain america let me thank you too for the years and joy that you have brought to my life. youre it for me. you are the reason i became so invested in this world. when you jumped on the fake grenade i was in it with you. chris you are and will always be the best chris in my heart. your passion for this character and understanding of steve rogers and his motivations have created such a memorable performance. steve rogers will always be the og. he will always have my heart. i am so thankful that you took this opportunity and used it and made this character your own. you live up to the standards that steve holds for himself and i am so excited for your future. i am also so glad that you didn’t die in this movie bc i definitely could not have handled it if i had to watch both my favs die. i love you three thousand.
i literally cried throughout the whole movie. there were laughs, cheers, groans, stress, tears, and love throughout this film. i am so grateful that i am alive during this time in cinematic history. there will never be something as great or momentous as this film. a true culmination of 22 films. its never been done and i doubt itll ever be done again
i am also so impressed and amazed by how well this film turned out. it is just amazing how everything fell into place 
im sure ill read other people’s reactions and they will bring up points or problematic things that will taint my view on this movie but i dont want that to ruin my own experience
and for me, this was truly emotionally draining and fulfilling. the feeling of being in that theatre with all those people who love the characters as much as i do and experiencing this film for the first time is something i will never forget. 
people talk about how they remember lining up for star wars.
well i remember sobbing my eyes out when nat died, cheering along with everyone when cap picked up mjolnir and whipped thanos’s ass with it and when carol and the rest of the badass women of the mcu ready to kick ass, crying with everyone as the light went out in tony’s chest and eyes, watching as history was made in front of our eyes.
and the end credits with the og avengers getting recognition with their photos and autographs. 
i love this franchise and these films and these characters i dont know who i would be without them. 
one last thing
thank you to the og avengers. steve tony thor nat clint bruce. chris robert chris scarlett jeremy mark. you will always have a special place in my heart. you were there at the start. you were the reason this all could happen you were the reason i became so invested in these movies. you brought these characters to life and embodied them. you are all so much like your characters the casting is perfect. thank you for your dedication to your work to you fans and to your characters. it means so much that you all stuck through this together and that you are such great friends in real life and i can only hope that one day i can be so lucky as to meet you all and thank you in person. 
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lilhemmo · 6 years
ahhhh this prompt!!! please write it with bucky bc i think this would be funny "You’ve liked me for ages and were really obvious about it and I didn’t like all the attention but now you’re over me I really miss it and fuck I think I like you too?"
a/n: i’m going to do this as a 5+1 thing!!
word count: 2,383rated: T
Request more HERE. 
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i.There’s always coffee on the table. Always.
No one is allowed to touch it but him. That much is left unsaid, but still certain nonetheless. 
Your plate is next to his, both filled to the brim with eggs and bacon every morning, that tall cup of coffee accompanying it like a childhood friend. It’s warm when he eats it, even if he eats in silence.No one else gets this treatment. Clint has to make his own pot, Steve has to fry his own eggs, and Nat has to pour the icing on her own cinnamon rolls. Bucky still doesn’t understand. You nudge his shoulder, “Orange juice?”“Mm,” he agrees, not looking up from his food. “Sounds good.”You chuckle and Steve can see it. God, he can see it. It’s so plain on your face. Your cheeks glow pink and he knows what that face means because he sees Sharon make it when he offers to rub her shoulders. “Hey,” he calls, tilting his eyes over the top of the newspaper, “can you grab me another cup of coffee?”Your eyes travel to the pot as you pour the two glasses of orange juice. “Pot’s empty, Steve,” you tell him point blank. You shrug, “On your own.”He wants to snap back: If Bucky was asking, you’d do it.But, he keeps his mouth shut.Steve stands to start up another pot of coffee just simply so he won’t look stupidly obvious for testing your reaction. Clint walks in at the perfect moment, giving him an excuse to need another pot of coffee. You and Bucky laugh over the funnies in the newspaper, and Steve knows. ii. “You could at least try,” Natasha chides you, watching as Bucky walks away to swipe the sweat from his skin. You raise a brow, “Excuse me?”“You have super strength,” she tells you as if you don’t already know, “and you’re over here acting like a twelve year-old.”Your eyes roll, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”But oh God, Natasha knows. “Sure,” she offers, her voice light and flirtatious. “Because you don’t wanna prove to Bucky that you’re stronger than him.” Nat pokes your bicep as you cross your arms over your chest, “Or maybe he’d find that hot and then you wouldn’t know what to do with yourself.”“Shuttup,” you smack her, making her stumble. It’s hard to control yourself around everyone else but him. “Go run the ‘mill with Wanda.”Nat cups her hands around her mouth so her voice reaches Bucky’s ears, “Hey, Bucko, be sure not to beat up my girl too hard.”He smirks as he flexes his metallic fingers, “You got that backwards.”Your cheeks heat and oh God, Natasha knows.iii. Your eyes are always on him, Clint notices. When you’re in the grocery market, when you’re on a mission, when you’re walking through the local fairgrounds. Your eyes are always on him. Clint knows.He knows because if it were his wife out there, his blood and love, he would be watching her too. He’d be watching her, and his kids, and making sure that there weren’t any creeps out there watching them back. “Hey,” he calls to you, throwing his arm around your shoulders.The sudden shout pulls your attention away from the back of Bucky’s head as he walks down the path towards a local concert. You turn your head to look Clint in the eyes, “Yeah, what’s up?”“You okay?” Clint questions. You can tell by the slight twitch in his lip and his raised brow that he’s teasing you. You’re tired of all this teasing. He talks to keep himself from snickering, “You seem a little…distracted.”You shove him off of you and go back to standing by Wanda’s side, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”“Yeah, yeah, kid,” he chuckles, pulling the brim of his hat low to cover his eyes, “and I’ll miss a shot with my eyes closed. Stop being so oblivious to yourself.”You, childishly, stick your tongue out before adjusting your own cap over your eyes. Sighing, you wrap your arm around Wanda’s and you fall into step with her. She nods towards where Bucky is standing next to Sam, “Clint is right, you know. You pay more attention to him than the rest of us.”“Maybe I just think he can’t take care of himself,” you supply, hoping the explanation will stick. “Take it as a compliment, Wanda. I think you’re self-sufficient.”“Oh,” she raises her brows, “and you think you can help Barnes become self-sufficient?”You groan, tipping your head back, “I’m going to forget you said that and we’re going to keep walking. Eyes on the road, Maximoff.”You told her that, and yet she watches as your eyes wander. Wanda Maximoff knows.iv.“Shut up, Steve, you don’t know what you’re talking about,” he argues, lounging back on the couch. Sam chuckles sarcastically, “Oh really? Then why don’t the rest of us get a complimentary breakfast?” Bucky waves his hand in the air to dismiss the mention, “Whatever, she only does it because she makes extra for herself and never eats it.”“You’re an idiot, Buck,” Steve sighs as he shakes his head. “You’re a lost, oblivious idiot.”“Whatever,” he shrugs the conversation off again. “Just because you guys are a whole lotta stupid doesn’t mean I’m going to let you suck me down into it too.” Bucky looks up from where he’s sitting, his fingers crossed in his lap, “She’s just a friend, okay? I’m comfortable with her, and I don’t want to jeopardize that by you guys being stupid. So, don’t be stupid.”“So, you don’t like her?” Steve presses, his brows raised in questioning. Bucky shakes his head, “No, I don’t. I don’t want the extra attention either, if that’s what you’re thinking. It doesn’t matter to me. I take it because it’s there, no other reason.”You feel the warmth of a tear streak down your face as you listen to the conversation, your forehead pressed against the cold brick to try and soothe yourself. Before you accidentally let out an embarrassing sob, you turn on your heels with the two hot chocolate mugs in your hands, steaming and melting the marshmallows, and walk back to your room. “Wanna drink?” you ask Natasha, holding up the mugs. “I made extra.”Natasha knows. Instead of being obvious, Nat grabs a bottle of flavored vodka out from a drawer, “Sounds perfect to me.”v. You eat toast for breakfast for the next two weeks.You alternate toppings: peanut butter, cream cheese, strawberry jelly. You buy containers of cold press coffee at the store because you don’t want the temptation of over-brewing anymore. It’s easier this way. You find yourself letting everyone else cook dinner, make the popcorn, and fetch something to drink. It’s not necessarily that you don’t want to do anything anymore, it’s just that you’re afraid of overdoing it. You’re afraid that you’ll crack an extra three eggs, put too many slices of bacon on the fryer, or grab an extra blanket out of the ottoman during movie night. You’re tired of being called out, but your heart is also torn at Bucky’s words from two weeks ago. You don’t want him to know that you’re trying to take care of him. You don’t want him to see it as charity when in reality it’s just you caring about him. And God forbid someone do that. Bucky notices. He eats breakfast alone now. He breaks his own eggs and sometimes makes extra for Steve. The first few days after you stop doing extra for him, he’s at a loss. He doesn’t eat breakfast but instead doubles up on his sandwiches at lunch. He bruises when he spars with Nat. He turns his head expecting you to be over his shoulder, but you’re not there. A part of him feels empty. vi. “Where is she?”Natasha turns her head, a knowing smirk lighting her face. She nods to the training room, where you’re currently beating the snot out of a dummy with your fists. “She’s in there,” she tells him, trying to force the laughter from bubbling out of her lips. “What, you miss your maid?”“Shut up, Nat,” he snaps at her. “She’s not my maid. She’s my friend.”She nods, pursing her lips in a way that comes across just as sarcastic as her tone of voice, “Sure. Your friend who cooks you breakfast, watches your back at all times, and makes sure you’re always warm.” “Shut up,” he repeats, pushing open the training door room open. Natasha yells after him, “You know what you have to do!”If he turns a certain finger her way, no one really knows. You’re stringing up another body bag to the ring hanging above your head with ease. He watches as the muscles in your shoulders ripple at the movement. “What’s going on?” he asks bluntly. You’re startled by his sudden appearance, turning to him with your shoulders shrugged to your ears. “W-What?”He nods to you and then motions between your bodies with his hands, “What’s going on? I haven’t seen you in weeks.”You try not to sigh and feel giddy at the fact that he finally noticed that you haven’t been hanging around him like a leech. You shrug instead, “I’ve been busy.”“No,” he shakes his head, “I-I don’t think that’s it. Something happened. You don’t just stop talking to me.”“Well, I did,” you snap back sharply. “I’m tired of being your shadow, Bucky.”He tries to counter her again, arguing with his disposition, “What does that even mean? My shadow?”“Yes, your shadow,” you echo back to him, your brow creasing in fury. “I’m practically your maid!” “You’re my friend,” he pushes, taking steps closer to you. In order to avoid his gaze, you work on stringing up the next punching bag. “You’re not my maid. Why would you even think that?” “Hmm,” you begin sarcastically, rubbing your chin with your thumb, “maybe it’s because I cook and clean up after you when you’re done, I always make sure that you’re attended to before everyone else, and everyone else can see it but you.” He rolls his eyes and that does nothing but ignite the fire in your chest, “I don’t make you do all of that, though.” “No, you don’t,” you settle, trying not to make a seething noise between the small space of your teeth. “And I’m done making myself do it. You’re a grown man, I’m a grown woman, and we can fend for ourselves. You’re no more special than Natasha or Steve, and I shouldn’t treat you like a child who needs my help.” You fight tears at the thought of Bucky not needing or wanting you anymore. It feels like ice has been shot into your joints when you force yourself to cross your arms over your chest. “I never stopped to ask myself if you wanted my help, I just did it because I-” Your voice escapes your lungs and you can’t speak because if you do, you’ll let out your secret. You roll your eyes and hug yourself tighter, digging your fingernails into your ribs. “Anyway. I should have never done it. That’s all.” “But I-I, ugh,” Bucky runs his flesh hand over his face. In exasperation, he talks with his hands, throwing them out wildly in front of himself. In any other situation, you’d laugh at the whirring sounds his arm was making. “I miss you.” “I’m sure you do!” You can’t help the way that you react. It is your turn to roll your eyes, “You miss being kept up after and looked after and all of your daily things being done for you. I mean, look at you! You’re so used to training with me, that you weren’t ready for Nat to punch you in the face based on that shiner.” He covers it up shamefully, turning his head slightly so it’s not as apparent. Bucky grunts, his metal arm whirring as he curls his silver fingers to a fist.“That’s not it,” he swears, looking up at her despite the embarrassed blush on his face.“I overhead you and Steve talking,” you admit finally. You can’t help the way your voice has deflated. “You don’t want the extra attention, so I’m done giving it to you. I know when to back off.”It’s strange to feel his hand pulling on your elbow, begging for your attention now. His palm is warm against your cold, sweaty skin and you can’t help but gape at him as he speaks. “I didn’t want to admit that I needed you,” his voice is solid and sure. His eyes bore holes into yours, almost down so deep that you feel your soul move within the confines of your body. “I got so used to the comfort that you being around me brought that I took it for granted. I don’t care if you never make me breakfast again.” Bucky snorts, moving his arm to brush over your bicep, heating your flesh and leaving goosebumps at the same time, “I would eat all the dry toast and bland eggs if it meant you were beside me at the breakfast table. It isn’t about what you do for me, prinţesă, it’s about who I am when I’m with you.”You let a long pause drag between the two of you, silent words passed between your irises as you gaze.You chuckle after another moment, shaking your head as you look down at your feet. You find yourself punching him gently in the chest, “You sure you don’t just need me to fold your laundry and make your coffee?”Bucky rolls his eyes and gathers you up in his arms, his body so close you can barely stand it. Your cheeks taint pink and Bucky breathes out through his nose, pushing your hair into your face.“Did you not hear a word I just said?”You smile, but it looks crooked because you’re trying to hide it. “Yeah,” you admit, shrugging as your smile turns to a smirk, “but maybe I just wanted to hear you say it again.”
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inkstainedfanfics · 7 years
End of the Year Fic Rec!
I started this blog in like March or April of this year, and since then, I’ve written plenty, but I’ve also read tons of work by others. So I decided to take a moment and just list some of my favorite fics/drabbles/one-shots I’ve read this year from the lovely people that take time to write stories for everyone.
I sorted them by fandom, and listed the author only once. So if there’s a few fics that follow an author, then they are written by that author until you see a different username! I hope you all check out and enjoy these stories as much as I do, and send comments to them if you do!
If you’re on this list, thank you so much for taking the time to write your stories. They’ve helped make my days better and have made me smile countless times. Thank you so much, I hope you have a lovely 2018 :)
And if anyone has any other recs, feel free to reblog and add them on. Authors deserve some love, and starting the new year off by giving them some appreciation can’t hurt!
                                       FANTASTIC BEASTS
White Lace - @fantasticnewtimagines: A Prince!Newt AU. Need I say more? Probably not but I will bc this series is wonderful. 2 parts are out, and I’m already shipping Newt x Reader. He’s so sweet but impatient with his role in the world and I just adore him and his interactions with Theseus so much.
Breakfast in Bed: Newt x Reader fluff. Pure fluff that is beautifully described with an adorable guest appearance by the disgusted Pickett.
Come Back: Newt x Reader. 3 recs in and I’m already recommending angst. Fitting. But honestly this fic will break your heart. Mentions of blood so don’t read if you’re squeamish about that I guess but otherwise, I promise you will not regret reading this fic. It’s heart wrenching and gorgeous.
Magical Office - @drdanwrites: The Office crosses Fbawtft. This series is hilarious and moving and a lovely combination of the popular show and the popular movie. I love the characterizations within this, and plenty of the jokes have legit made me laugh. It’s the right balance of goofy with dramatic and I’m hanging on every update.
Too Late - @scamanderson: Newt Angst. Shoot man I’m a sucker for the ‘tries to return to find out the other has moved on, awkward reunion’ trope (v. specific Ik lol) and this fic perfectly captures that idea. It’s sad, depicting the emotions of lost love and anger and regret as well as I think is possible.
                                       HARRY POTTER
Well, Hello There - @losers-witch: Remus Lupin x Reader. Sassy Reader gives me life tbh. “What’s a pretty young thing like you, doing in a bar like this?” “Ignoring you” I love it. + Protective, Confident Remus, something I miss in fics. + it mentions his scars in no way in a negative light, something I really like. + it’s a super cute story that has a chance meeting oooo. Go read it, seriously. You won’t regret it.
Mine: Draco x Reader. Tbh I normally don’t read Draco fics bc they don’t always characterize him like I expect, but this one is different (along with all the other ones she writes about him). He’s sweet in his own, Draco specific way. I like how it tracks the relationship growth in separate times and how we watch them grow together and apart as we read. and it has another confident Reader ahhhhh. I’ve reread it multiple times, also something I rarely do.
Welcome Back - @drdanwrites: Cedric Diggory x Reader. I honestly cannot read this around other people. I flail and can’t stop smiling it’s so dang cute. I love it more than anything. My boy Cedric is horribly underrepresented, and this is a wonderful cure to that. He’s so sweet about how much he loves his S/O and how he misses her when she’s gone and when he’s in the taxi on the way to pick her up??????? You should totally read this if you want your heart to grow like the Grinch’s.
The Climb: Cedric Diggory x Reader. I can’t even with this. It’s beautiful. He’s sweet and cute and you watch the relationship unfold and then there’s a kiss that I will never be over it’s so well written and honestly if you love Cedric and haven’t read this fic, you’re missing out.
You Are My Happiness: Seamus Finnegan Soulmate AU. Another boy that’s totally underrepresented. I haven’t read any other fics for him, so finding this was a miracle. The friendship between the two is adorable and seeing the two’s thoughts about each other is flipping adorable idk. You should 100% read this to make your day better.
                                       CRIMINAL MINDS
Gingerbread - @bookofreid: Spencer Reid x Reader. Soooooooo sweet. The final sentence gets me. Spencer’s so adorable and I love him and this drabble only fuels that love further and further. I still swoon and “awwwww” even after reading it at least six times. Short and sweet and worth your time 1000 times over.
Christmas Cheer: Spencer Reid x Reader. For some reason the line “Christmas with the Reids” gets me. This one involves Derek. Another short and sweet story that I love. The author has tons of shorter ones like this and Gingerbread, and I’m slowly but surely making my way through the list. The author has a wonderful grasp on the voice of the characters, and not once have I felt they said something ooc. Definitely check out and (I recommend) follow bookofreid bc the blog’s pretty great too.
The Ramblings of an Introvert: Spencer Reid x Reader. Okay, I’m a few parts into this 7 part series, but it’s gorgeous. It captures Reid’s voice really well, and I like the idea of him writing letters since that’s actually addressed in the show as something he would do. It’s an interesting way to relay his feelings, and I think the author executes it really well. The language use is exactly how I think Spencer would write, and the expression of his emotions is well done. Really lovely story that I’m certain I’ll be rereading in a while.
We All Fall Down - @criminal-minds-fanfiction: Spencer Reid angst. Another series that I’m only a few parts into. Honestly, I don’t read long series often, and I believe this one is over 20, but I read the 1st part and I had to continue on. The writing is descriptive enough that you get the scene but aren’t overloaded with details. It’s extremely engaging and sets up a story with a hook better than almost any other fic I’ve read. It also involves an intriguing relationship between Spencer and Reader, one that keeps you guessing and reading. Plus Will makes an appearance and I live for his accent and sweet attitude.
Night Out - @wolflhards: Clint Barton x Reader. All right, this is my only Marvel entry bc I don’t really read for the characters EXCEPT Clint and I’ve found very, very few Clint stories *sobs*. I like this one though for how mischievous Clint is in the beginning. I think it really captures him. Then he’s sweet and goofy and ahhh so many emotions bc I love Clint so much. + a Corvette is involved, an undeniable plus. + THE END if you love Clint you’ll die. It’s such a wonderful last couple of paragraphs there to tie up a beautiful story.
Dean Checking In - @supernaturalfreewill: Dean x Reader. Super short, a drabble, but still super cute. We get to see how Dean and Reader text, and then Dean smiles and I love that and Idk man I don’t have super in depth ideas for this, it just made me smile and swoon and I figure everyone should have the chance to read it and have that reaction.
Protective Dean: Dean x Reader. Another super short drabble but I have a thing for Protective!Boy fics, so this one is a favorite of mine. Dean’s so dang swoonworthy help.
Dean Sees You in a Towel: Dean x Reader. Dean’s so startled and he starts stammering and he’s showing his dorky, embarrassed side. Such a cute glimpse into a small situation.
Shut Up and Dance: Dean x Reader. They meet at a wedding Dean crashes, and the chemistry is amazing. I adore the dialogue in this, and could only ever wish to write Dean this well. Perfectly captures him and how he acts, and sets up a beautiful meeting that I just want to continue to read. Plus the ending is so gosh dang cute you’ll never get over it. Dean’s met his match :D
Impact - @kaz2y5-imagines: Dean x Reader. I will never be over this fic. I think about it all the time. It’s haunting, and Dean’s reaction to the crash has me swooning. He cares SO MUCH for the Reader, evident in his begging for Reader to return. And the end. Ugh. I love this fic so much. One of my favorite Dean fics I’ve read ever.
                                       DRAGON AGE
What You Did was Stupid - @jawsandbones: FenHawke. Okay, jaw is my go-to Fenhawke/ZevxWarden author bc all the works are beautiful. The author’s writing style is like the opposite of mine with short sentences and concise descriptions, but I’m jealous bc it’s so wonderfully done. A master of writing, I read everything that’s posted. This drabble in particular broke my heart. I requested it, and didn’t expect to literally tear up, but I did and now I’m here, recommending it to you all so you can have your heart shattered into millions of tiny pieces. It’s worth it, though, for the beauty of the tale and the tenderness of the emotions.
I Care About You: FenHawke. I don’t normally like fics that include mage!Hawke bc I always play as a rogue, which is fine, obv, authors can write what they want, I just usually scroll past it. But I didn’t scroll past this one, and thankfully so. It depicts a moment, one that is held out, one of terror meeting calm, need meeting warmth, worry finding a hand to help. I just love it. It’s short like the one above, but still rich with emotions and tentative, uncertain feelings that plague the beginning stages of a relationship. Idk I just love it. Highly recommend checking out her other works.
All in a Name - @kierarutherford: Cullen Rutherford x Inquisitor Baseball!AU on AO3. I don’t like baseball, but I’m partway into this series and I love it. I really enjoy how various characters have been included and written while Cullen’s still the focal point. Diana is independent and tough, but not obnoxiously so. I haven’t finished it yet, but the pieces I’ve read are interesting, the details really well described. I can always hear/see the scene vividly. The author’s super talented and wrote tons of stories this year, and I think y’all should check her works out bc they’re awesome.
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wintersoldeer · 5 years
ok yesterday i went to see endgame again (bc of course i did) and now i have few more Thoughts and Words to say (probably mostly for future me, who really likes reading past me's first (or second) impressions)  do i still need to warn about spoilers it's been like half a week already 
 Things i forgot from my last post/thoughts before seeing the movie the 2nd time: - i can't believe that hot tub time machine exists in the marvel cinematic universe. sorry but to me that's even better than the star wars prequels existing - i do love that we're once again reminded how insanely smart tony stark is - what even happened to sif tho?? 
 Thoughts after seeing the movie the 2nd: 
(0. mjölnirsteve. stevepeggydance. arrownecklace. still loved them more than anything else, still still can't not mention them) 
1. god spider-man in a fetal position in the battlefield is so heartbreaking. He's just a kid!!!!!!!!!he should not have to be there!!!! 
2. ok once again: clint should've died, goddamit. nothing would've changed in the story. Is it just that still, after all these years, no one really cares about hawkeye? I mean in the mcu he had no actual friends (besides natasha) among the avengers, did he now, and he had no "love interest" (or u know, no love interest who was an actual character with other character traits than 'wife'. whose reaction we as the audience would've cared about (or maybe when i say the audience, im talking just about me idk who knows..)) no one to look mournful after natasha came back alone or cry manly tears or throw some benches for him or whatever. 2b. What i am probably trying to say... i was robbed of live action hulkeye bffs 2c. i said it after aou, i say it now: once again the movie would've been so much better if clint and natasha just traded their storylines completely. or even partly. 
3. i'm not familiar with ronin from the comics, but i don't really get clint's motivation for becoming ronin in the movie?? "my family is gone, so now im going to kill... bad guys? whoever?....everyone?" sure...... and then it's just dropped 
4. i am now 100% sure that bucky knew what steve was planning to do in the end 
5. ok clint and wanda's conversation was like two words, so now i dont blame myself so much for thinking she was talking about pietro or even tony.... what did she even say, "i'm sure she knows we won. they both do"? I mean yeah it is about vision bc tony definitely knew they won and pietro... was on a vacation somewhere and didn't know there was something to be won....... idk why i need to explain this to myself so thoroughly..... 
6. the worst part is, i really really enjoy clint and natasha's conversation and fight and everything in vormir grrrrhg 
7. ggooddddd i hate marvel for making me kinda hate my favourite character for kinda causing my second favourite character's death.. or u know him surviving at her expence (also my third favourite character, nebula, probably /knew/ and i dont even know where to start with that... basically my fave character is unfairly dead bc of my two other fave characters i guess??¿?) 
8. i mean it makes sense outside of the movie, bc carol is so ridiculously op, but why didn't the avengers tell her about the timeheist plan? I mean i get that she was busy and all, but shouldn't she have at least known 
9. ok i was more okay with thor this time. there were still some scenes that made me go eehhhhh (like thor rubbing rocket with his belly why??¿?), but maybe without the audience laughing every time he shows up, i can learn to live with them 
10. i still don't like the professor hulk thing. i am definitely with valkyrie (really tho why doesn't she have an actual name..) here, he's better as either of the extremes. Goshdarn the first avengers hulk storyline was so good, i just keep thinking back to it. bruce has never been one of my faves but he's so good in the avengers. ghhh i love the avengers so much 
11. steve went to the past with mjölnir. i dont know what to say about that, but it sure is a thing that happened. did he just return it to past thor? did he keep it to himself? also why are people saying that steve just stood idly by a hydra infiltrated shield or as bucky was tortured as the winter soldier??? it's a different timeline, right guys?? who even knows what he did other than danced with peggy and had a life 
12. for all these years i have thought that in the avengers loki meant natasha was dreykov's (drakov's?) daughter, but.. apparently that's just someone else and part of her past crimes haha why didn't we get a black widow movie when we should have...like five years ago... 
13. as u may notice, i like lists. after rewatching aou on our marvel marathon, i made a list of things that bother me in that movie. i can finally cross this one off: 
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14. i may bitch about little things and rage about natasha, but please know that i still really loved the movie (i wouldve loved it even more if clint died tho, i can't believe i'm saying that) and i think it was a beautiful ending for the saga
//things i once again thought but forgot, when i was writing this out: - “and to not die trying would be nice” would it? would it really?? i might’ve kinda snorted sadly at this point and i hope that wasn’t a spoiler for the people sitting around me
- bar the fact that i’m still kinda mad at the whole familydad!clint for being a thing, i find the opening scene with clint teaching lila archery hilarious since jrenner clearly wasn’t very good at it (i will never forget those two arm guards in avengers1) and (in my very not professional opinion) her stance was still kinda terrible also that scene made me think about kate bishop and mostly the fact that she exist (even if not in mcu), so i can’t be too upset
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