#also how cute are man-jammies?
mylifeiscomics · 7 months
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Part 71 - College AU
Read the first 5 chapters here
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bronx-bomber87 · 8 months
Happy Monday Wonderful fandom. Are you still breathing after that little kiss teaser? Cause I was gonna pass straight out when I saw it haha We are a little over 3 weeks away from S6 premiere. Can you believe it? I need it to be Wednesday already for that trailer. Feels like we've been in this hiatus for years LOL But let's get back to the rewatch eh? Ahhhh the Valentines episode. So much goodness inside this one. From start to finish this ep is glorious. I knew from the promo alone was gonna be fantastic. The ep name is pretty apt. Off we go.
5x16 Exposure
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We hit the ground running in this one. Just a glorious shot of them sleeping in Lucy’s bed. The many ways I love this. Clearly he’s living there part time at this point. Staying over more often than not. If the man has a key i’m sure he has a drawer at her place as well. No way he doesn't at this point. My guess is Kojo having lots of sleepovers at Auntie Genny's with the kids too.
I love how peaceful they look in this shot. His body pointed towards her's in slumber. His head is damn near on her pillow. So close to one another. That gravitational pull just innate. Even when Tim is sleeping he is drawn to her. Just the little things that make me squee so very much. The domesticity of this moment has me reeling. As does this entire season for them really.
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Unfortunately their peaceful co-habitation is interrupted by Lucy’s phone going off. Tim groans sleepily. Asking who it is? Lucy says she doesn’t know as she goes to answer it. It sounds like a drunk dial. Lucy hops out of bed immediately. Tim reaching out to her side of the bed is so cute all sleepy. I vote for more sleepy Tim. Asking half awake if it was wrong number?
He watches Lucy moving in a panic and the sleep drops from him. Asking her what’s happening? Lucy informs him It was a distress call from a UC she trained with. We see Tim go from sleepy to fierce protector mode quickly. Hopping out of bed ready to back her play. He doesn’t even know what’s going on but he’s there for her. My damn heart. No hesitation whatsoever to back his girl up.
It’s written all over Lucy’s face how much she love this. Her appreciation and love for this man so apparent as he scrambles to join her. She didn’t ask him to and that’s what she’s loving here. He was coming whether she asked for it or not. He’ll always have her back. No matter the scenario. Also never be over the jammies and sharing a bed. I wanna squee into my pillow haha
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Something about Lucy driving Tim’s truck that is doing things to me. Like another version of wearing his clothes. I love it sfm. Tim waiting in the backseat with his gun at the ready. Phew lord started off this ep strong af. Lucy jumps right into character. God she’s good at this. She gets Noah out of trouble fairly quickly cause she’s a Queen. Lucy gives Tim the all clear to get out of the truck. Noah walks up and introduces himself to Tim.
Mentioning it was impressive she got backup this fast. Lucy proudly announcing it helped he was sleeping in her bed. Heh. Yeah he was. Noah then puts it together saying he’s THAT Bradford. So many questions stem from this statement I have to say. Clearly Lucy spoke about Tim ad nauseam at UC school. Not only that but the way she spoke about Tim Noah doesn’t seem shocked they’re together now. She clearly wasn’t with Tim during UC school so this is so damn fascinating to me.
I wanna know what she told Noah LOL As does Tim. Saying he’s curious to know what that means… Getting a small taste of some jealous Tim here I don’t hate it. I adore Lucy’s full bodied ‘No!’ in reply to Tim wanting to know more. Gotta love how expressive Melissa is. From her face to her body mannerisms. Why she’s always been the perfect Lucy. Just embodying her so well. Also am I crazy to think that’s Tim’s flannel? Cause looks a little big on Lucy. A girl can dream right? It’s possible...probably isn't but I want it to be LOL
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Lucy asks him what they just recused him from? He says ‘The Army of Freedom.’ It’s a militia group born in Victorville. Said his OP started about a month ago. Unfortunately hasn’t been able to breach their inner circle yet. Tim asks if he pushed little too hard tonight? Noah replies maybe…but he had to roll the dice. They’re about to move something big. He’s going to need a local assist.
Tim says he can set up at their station. We then get to see a little more jealous Tim come into play. I don’t hate it everyone. He’s also a little grumpy from the lack of sleep. Ha Not loving the 'hot pants' nickname clearly. Tim then makes the most obvious and dramatic eye roll at end. Clearly not amused by this inside joke of their’s in the least ha It’s ok love, you’re the only hot pants she wants. LOL
Jealously thy name is Tim Bradford in this scene though. He runs the gambit for emotions at the end here. He goes from confused in the cutest way about the nick name, then a little intrigued, but we end with his jealous dramatic eye roll haha I love this man so much. He is tired and over this rescue now. Goodness what a great cold open for them. Whenever we get the cold open usually gonna be a damn good ep.
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I’ll never be over how excited they both get when they find each other in the station in this season. Way she speed walks up to him. It’s so cute. Lucy hears the end of Tim’s conversation. All she hears is ‘You’re kidding.’ Lucy asking kidding about what? Tim’s clipped answer throws her off for a moment. But she doesn’t let it deter her too much. Touching his arm sweetly. Saying he left so early. That she had a whole Valentine breakfast planned for them. Gah I love that so much I can’t even stand it.
Of course she did. Damnit Tim why did you leave so early? Tim telling her she was up late he wanted to let her sleep in. Which is very sweet actually. Lucy apologizes but says it was nice to catch up with Noah. Lucy asking ‘We didn’t keep you up did we?’ Tim continues his grumpy short replies. Lucy is picking up on all of your being grumpy vibes. Did you think she wasn’t going notice you beautiful fool?
Love of your damn life knows you better than you know yourself. We get a SECOND sweet arm touch. *squee* Clearly something off with him. So Lucy approaches it with another soft touch to start. Knowing it’ll get his attention. Then sweetly asks if he’s ok? He lies and says he’s fine. Her face saying it all. Knowing he’s lying to her she’s just not sure why… Believe or not this is growth for Tim. His terrible lying showing how much she’s opened him up. He was as closed off as possible when they met. Now he's out here expressing feelings even if he's trying hard not to.
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Grey has Tim ride with Lucy and Noah today. Normally they’d be excited to ride together but you can feel the tension above. Mostly from Tim. He is an open book about how he feels about this today. Lucy is more concerned than she is tense in this scene. Wade wants Metro on scene ASAP for this situation. If he’s riding with Lucy and Noah that’ll happen. They’re looking for a random van that has explosive chemicals in it. It was meant for a meth lab Noah’s team took down. Now it’s floating around the city and needs to be found before it does damage.
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Another great shot of their day starting in the shop. Reminding me of 5x08 opening sequence. Lucy can see Tim is acting off still. Being Lucy she can’t let that stand. Having no idea it’s her that’s put him in this foul mood. Being the sunshine human she is tries to get him to engage with some UC school stories. I LOVE her putting her hand on the back of his chair. Crossing that invisible line of theirs that existed for years in the shop.
Getting as close to him as possible without actually touching. When Lucy sees the story isn’t working she makes a joke. Then touches his shoulder. Gah it’s so cute. She wants to get him through whatever this is by just loving on him. Trying to get him to smile. Sadly Tim doesn’t respond like she wants. Thought she was going to get the normal sassy reply back from him and nada. Lucy withdraws her hand confused but determined to figure him out.
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Lucy brings up Noah’s GF asking if he’s contacted her yet? He says no they broke up. Well that she broke up with him. Noah bringing up the elephant in the room that plagues them the rest of this season. Being a UC and being in a functioning relationship. I do adore Lucy being confident af in front of Noah about it. About them. Saying it depends on the couple.
Basically saying I’m sorry yours didn’t work out but mine will. She is all in and it shows in so many of her comments and decisions. I truly love it so very much. Noah makes a comment that has Tim shifting in his seat. Even turning the grumpy off for a moment. Looking over at Lucy when Noah tells her be a shame if she didn’t take the plunge.
So much being said in the looks above. The ever present issue they struggle to talk about is here. Rears its ugly head for first time since they got together. Gotta love Eric and Melissa’s chemistry especially in moments like this. Communicating so much without saying a damn word. Gah we’re lucky to have them.
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This next part is glorious for so many reasons. Angela, Harper, Nolan, Celina and Aaron are all gossiping on an open channel. Tim interrupts because well it’s Tim. He’s already grumpy today so this is last thing he wants to listen to. Angela calling him out for being so damn surly. Because she wouldn’t be his best friend if she didn’t. Saying he should be basking in the glow of new love.
Look at Lucy when Angela says this. Heart eyes for days for that man sitting next to her. As transparent as glass. Celina giving into the continuous gossip asking what they’re doing tonight? I love Lucy snatching the radio out of his hand. Even mad as hell at her he allows it because it’s wifey. Nothing he wouldn’t do for that woman angry or not. Lucy projecting what Tim is thinking. Saying they’re not talking about this on an open channel.
Look at how he has rubbed off on her I love it sfm. Also something about her jumping in and defending his side. *sigh* Gah getting me all in the feels. Also look at the way Lucy is looking at him when she does chastise the group. So in love with that man. Heart eyes nation in this shop. We can also see Tim fighting a proud smile wanting to stay mad. When he’s so impressed with her for doing that. Let’s not discount Noah being chill af in the back. None of this affecting him whatsoever LMAO
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Lucy can’t take it any longer and confronts Tim about it. We can see her studying his body language. Noticing how tense he is. He is broadcasting his feelings like a radio station. She knows something is amiss. Deep in her soul she knows something is off with her person. Love the way she is studying him then reaches out with a soft touch. Knowing it’ll get his attention and be an ice breaker into her asking. Her whole demeanor screaming 'Timothy my love what is going on?'
Lucy being as direct but soft as she can in her delivery. Telling him ‘Out with it.’ Tim ridiculous answer of ‘What?’ Like she hasn’t noticed him stewing all damn morning. You’re full of a lot of shit Timothy haha The disbelief on her face is so telling. Asking him what’s wrong with him today? He continues to be short with her. Lucy calling him the hell out on it. In a way only she can.
Noting he hasn’t even called her hot pants once. If Tim wasn’t being such a grumpus he would’ve been all over that. She is so right and knows him so damn well. Then she asks if it’s Noah? Is he jealous? Tim immediately saying ‘No.’ I mean it was a little last night…but it’s definitely not that now. It’s not helping but not the main problem here either.
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Tim FINALLY fesses up it’s her he’s mad with. Lucy is taken back but it becomes clear when he brings up Metro. Lucy tries to deny it and Tim gives that disapproving stare he’s so good at. Lucy giving in and saying he was SO miserable riding the desk. That she had to do something for him. Tim then shoots back the optics of it aren’t great for him. Lucy shutting this down asking if it’s fragile male ego thing? I mean it is a little bit. It's not the whole reason IMO (I'll touch on that more later) but it is part of it. Tim has grown leaps and bounds. Truly he has.
But he also still has to deep stubborn steak in him. One built on pride and earning everything he’s ever gotten. This is making him question if he deserves the position he now has. Negative grooves in his brain he still defaults back to. Now I know some may have hated his reaction to this. I won’t lie it wasn’t great. His reaction reminds me of myself pre-therapy. I would shut down and be one worded. Lash out if someone tried to get me to talk. My whole body would emulate frustration and annoyance. Just like he has been. I so relate to him reacting this way.
Once again not the best but the man is still human. Tim has earned everything in his career with hard work and his strong skill set. This was a blow to his ego 100 percent. He’s not admitting to this but it was. Lucy smells BS and is letting him know as much. I love how she holds steady and strong despite his boiling anger. Even making a joke Tim is just mad she solved it better than him LOL I mean she did…Lucy saying ‘We’ just wanted to help. Tim getting more ramped up hearing this. Lucy cracks me up stumbling on her words saying we? I meant Me. Ha smooth…
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This scene in his office is *chef’s kiss* I remember being excited this was their first fight as a couple. Because it’s so healthy to be fighting from time to time. Something neither of them had in their previous relationships. This was an important fight for them to have. They come out the other side of it stronger because of it. This is good angst. Productive fighting. I’ll take that any day damn if it moves them forward as a couple. This most definitely did.
Lucy comes into his office ready to confront this problem head on. Their talk in the shop leaving too much left unsaid. Lucy is a lot like me and can't let sleeping dogs lie. She has to clear the air and confront things. I do love her patting herself on the back as she launches into why she did what she did for him. I mean she did spearhead a miracle for him. She just needs him to see WHY she did it.
His anger has clouded that all day and it's part of why she is here now. Tim barely looks up from his paperwork as she starts her explanation. Still so angry about this whole thing. Lucy starts out with saying she gets why he’s angry. He looks up at her finally. Lucy going on a mini rant about why she did what she did. That she did it masterfully (I mean she most definitely did) Kudos to her amazing brain.
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Lucy finishes off saying despite all that she shouldn’t have done it behind his back. Tim being a sassy sass pot asks if that was an apology? My goodness Timothy. The salty sass. You can see there is still a lot of seething going on under the surface. Lucy immediately says yes. Tim not seeming less mad just replies ‘All right.’ Her apology feeling like it's made zero difference in his anger about what's happened. Also Lucy's 'Yes' doesn't seem whole hearted either because she's holding back and decides to let it rip instead.
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We see this is not sitting right with her. So she backtracks and says ‘No!’ I love her for this. Could've taken his half hearted acceptance but she didn't. Knew it didn't feel right to her. She wouldn't be Lucy if she just let that happen either. Knowing things felt unresolved still and not being able to stand that. The whole purpose of her coming to him was the clear the air. Tim looks exasperated af with her reply. That famous he can't believe she just said that look. He's about to be taken to school and probably knows it.
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Lucy launching into exactly why she is sorry but not sorry. I love this fireball of a woman. (So does Tim) That he never would’ve let her work her magic if he knew. She’s not wrong… Same goes for her. If Lucy had known he was taking that desk job she wouldn’t have allowed it. What makes these two dopes so perfect for one another. That she would’ve ended up transferring just to save him from himself. Which was what they were trying to avoid in the first place.
Lucy stands her ground and lets him know this worked out SO much better. I mean it really did. That if he can’t see that she’s sorry not sorry. This is where we see Tim turn the corner. What I love the most about this part is how she stood up so confidently. Strongly stood by her decision on what she did. Her sorry not sorry is perfect. Basically saying ‘I love you, you idiot and I don’t regret doing this for you.’
It’s not the apology that soothes Tim’s anger. No it’s her conviction in why she did this for him. Seeing that fire she has and he is feeling so lucky he gets to have her in his corner. Lucy is 100 percent unapologetically herself in this moment. Her standing up to him is one of the many reasons Tim fell for her in the first place. So naturally her ‘non’ apology is what gets it done. Not her I don’t really mean this but you’re mad at me one.
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He loves that woman standing in front of him so much. It shows when she’s done. It’s why he’s smiling at the end of her ‘non’ apology. She is his rock, his compass and his sunshine lighting his path when he needs it. But mostly she is a guiding force in his life. Kicking him back onto the right path whether he realizes he needs it or not. Beautiful thing is she has his back. He’s so not used to this type of love and support. It's a throw back to 2x01 in a way with his reaction to it. How visceral and angry he was then and now. Once again doesn't see her protecting him and helping him as a positive thing. And just like in 2x01 he didn’t see it this way until she stood up. Smacked some sense into him. Let him know why she'd done it.
Doing it this time around because she loves him so much. Only wants the best for him. Let's not forget this man has been put second in all of his other relationships. His needs being put on the back burner to take care of those he loves. Had to suppress his emotions for years. When you let yourself start to feel after years of not it's a tidal wave that drowns you. It's overwhelming really. Luckily Tim has Lucy to drag him to dry land. So when he's taken care of he doesn’t know how to handle it. It's not something you just get used to in an instant. Just like in the beginning with Lucy when she would push him to open up. We got surly angry Tim but he eventually came around. This is no different. He isn’t used to be put first. His gut reaction was hurt and being defensive.
Not oh Lucy did this because she loves me. Because he probably in the back of his mind still doesn't feel worthy of that love still. And although he has grown. So very much. He still isn't used to having someone fiercely love and defend him the way Lucy does. That's why this scene was so important for her to back her decision. To make him see exactly why she did this. It’s why he’s smiling at the end of it. This beautiful, driven fireball is his and she’s in his corner. What’s hitting him is that realization. She put him first and put in a massive effort to do so. Not only for him but for them as a couple. He is so very lucky to have someone as wonderfully understanding as Lucy to love him through these types of moments.
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I love how once the dust is settled they just morph back into them. How it should be. Fighting is meant to be cleansing. To confront the issue and then be done with it. Confrontation gets a bad rap. It’s meant to clear the air so both parties feel better after. Her cute. ‘So are we going to dinner or what?’ Haha They already missed her breakfast. She wants to do something with her man.
Tim couldn’t be cuter saying they are. But her outfit is missing a little something. Lucy being very confused by this. Saying 'What?' Then seeing the jewelry box in his hand and melting like butter. Tim could not be cuter handing it to her. Love struck as he gives her his gift. Telling her ‘Happy Valentines Day.’ The biggest grin on his handsome face. Lucy beaming right back at him. Her eyes screaming how much she loves this man.
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She is so impressed with him. So impressed she’s shocked he picked this out LOL He knows his girl. Tim is offended asking her if it’s that shocking? Lucy soothing his ego saying ‘No.’ Letting him know he clearly has good taste. I mean he does. He is in love with her after all. He really did a good job. That is the perfect Lucy necklace so he nailed it. The man has noticed a trend is what she wears. Well done Timothy. Your girl is mighty impressed with your gift giving skills. How far you've come since your days with Rachel ha
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It’s so intimate and sweet the way he puts it on her. Lucy is radiating joy as he does this. The way she looks at him while he puts it on and slides his hand down to adjust it. *heart clutch* She is revved up and wants to skip dinner now. More than ready to ‘Thank’ him for her gift. I love her being the one to suggest just skipping dinner and having her way with him instead. Tim saying 'No I'm hungry.' Lucy is feeling a little rejected like ‘Oh. Ok..’
Tim doesn’t let that feeling linger for long. Touching her back intimately mentioning she’s gonna need fuel for later. OMG. He just said that and I’m reeling. I rewound it I remember being so damn giddy. Basically saying she needs fuel to keep up so he can have his way with her. Tim Bradford talking about sex in his office. Not only that but they’re gonna have so many rounds he wants her fueled up. *fans self*
Lucy’s face is everything afterwards. She is blushing but also so ready for their night together. Man has some pent up tension to burn off but needs food first LOL Lucy is very ready to go to dinner now. Especially knowing what awaits her when they’re done hehe I can only imagine how antsy she was to get back to either his or her place following that dinner. I love how the writers constantly insinuate their sex life is spicy and active af. I adore it so much. I mean did we really expect anything less? Doesn’t make me love it any less though.
Anyone else just in shock we got all these goodies still? I keep saying feels like a fever dream because it does. In the best way possible. After last episode this was start to finish incredible.
Side notes-non Chenford
Wesley accidentally hiring a beautiful woman to guard him is hilarious. A non pregnant Angela wouldn’t be amused. A very pregnant one is ready to wring his neck.
Celina’s murder case gets brought back up. This SL is so good. It was my turning point for her as a character I needed that to care and give her more depth.
I did love how all the couples started off rocky and ended up fine by the end was growing a little from it. I do love Nyla and James so much.
Thank you forever and always to those who like, comment( love dem comments) and reblog these. S5 been so fun to analyze thank you all for still being invested in these all these months later. See you all in 5x17 :)
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starsurface · 7 months
Hi sorry for requesting again but I was wondering you had CG Headcannons for Mk 11 Johnny Cage ? He's a comfort character at the moment and I'm happy to see you do content for MK 10,11 and 1 :) sorry again for being awkward in my first ask I've been off tumblr for a while and recently came back ...
MK11 Johnny Cage!!! <3
And your fine, don't worry one bit!!
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
CG Johnny Cage MK11 Hcs
💫 Depending on where we are on the timeline depends on how ‘good’ on a CG he is (all CGs are good, they're trying their best <3)
💫 Younger Johnny is more of a babysitter or older brother figure, but still a pretty good CG
💫 Older Johnny takes on a more stable CG role (we're gonna focus on him)
💫 You have so much Johnny Cage merch!!!!
💫 Any kind of doll or stuffie made of him, you've already got it!!
💫 You've even got some shirts with his old movie designs
💫 Mostly you have these because he gets a copy of almost anything ever made of him (and he likes to spoil you <3)
💫 Older Johnny has kinda left his old Hollywood life behind, joining the military and doing some movies here or there
💫 He's settled down, more to Earth than his other selves
💫 That will not stop him from buying anything you want, no matter the price
💫 You want a yummy treat? What kind? He's already got his wallet put
💫 He knows you have a thousand and one plushies . . . But a few more can't reeeeeeally hurt anyone
💫 You are his baby and nothing is allowed to harm a hair on your head
💫 You think your clingy? Psh, you haven't seen Cage Clingy
💫 Constantly wants to hold or coddle you, your just so cute!!
💫 But like, he guesses he can let you go run off, but he has to be nearby and you have to be in eye distant!!!
💫 Matching Johnny Cage inspired jammies (he happened to have them already)
💫 He has a habit of babying you even if you regress older
💫 If you like being treated like a princess/prince/royalty? Brilliant!! He's got you covered!!
💫 If you want more independence, he's decent with it, and will treat you more your age
💫 Finds middlespace regresses entertaining (mostly if your an emo regressor)
💫 Loves making bracelets and drama when your bigger
💫 Drama can be almost anything, including this dramatic thing that happened in your favorite TV show
💫 Babble encourager!!!
💫 Full blown conversations with babblers, he thinks they're adorable
💫 If you want to have him dress up and have a tea party, he's so for it
💫 Make him wear a tiara and tutu, he'll do it with pride
💫 Will also let you paint his nails any color you want
💫 While he loves and babies you, he also puts his foot down >:(
💫 If your a rule breaker, prepare for a bunch of timeout time, because there's almost not changing his mind (unless you regress really small)
💫 Won't punish you if it was an accident though, he's not terribly mean
💫 If you ever offer to spar or wrestle him while your tiny, he'll generally laugh
💫 Not at you!! Well, kinda
💫 It's just, your so cute!! Thinking you could beat him up, that's so adorable 🥺
💫 He'll let you fight him though (and probably let you win, but you don't reeeeally gotta know that)
💫 He'll treat you with ice cream when you ‘win’
💫 He's getting old, but he's got the energy he had when he was in his 20s (y'all he's like almost 60 in MK11 can you believe that??)
💫 If you regress as base, your either right by his side holding his hand, or your always in reach just in case
💫 There is a not touching rule on everything if your small on base, there's a lot of dangerous stuff and Johnny's not having you get hurt
💫 He'll do his little “Here's Johnny!!” while playing peek-a-boo
💫 Sometimes he'll egg you on to do naughty things he finds funny (like prank Sonya by putting a bit of salt in her coffee)
💫 Will also take the blow when Sonya starts getting pissy because someone (👀) ruined her coffee
💫 Your naptime? Nuh-uh. Our naptime 😎
💫 Man's old, he'd love to just laze around and cuddle
💫 But he's also got the spirit of a child, and would love to run around with you
💫 If your small while he's working out, he'll laugh as you try to pick up his weight
💫 He'll probably give you one of those workout balls or some super light weights so you can be just like Daddy :D
💫 . . . Dad jokes 😒
💫 And sometimes they're not even good!! Most times they're just to poke or annoy you!! >:(
💫 Most times they're actually really funny though
💫 Favorite CG nicknames are Daddy, Dada, Papa, Bubba, and literally anything you wanna call him
💫 Your go-to babysitters are Sonya and Cassie
💫 (Maybe also Jax and Kenshi)
💫 Cassie and Sonya both love you, you've got the whole Cage family behind your back
💫 Favorite little nicknames to call you are Princess, Baby Girl/Boy, Little One, Sweetiepie, Honey, Little Star
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
I hope they're more MK11 Johnny and not MK1 Johnny, and I can always do more or something like that. <3
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posting my cringe old shit i wrote on wattpad. #1
OH GOD. help me. | SMUT | [ P A I R I N G ] ; Ayato Aishi x Reader [ WARNINGS ] ; P in V, Unprotected sex, AND BAD STUPID SMUT. last fucking warning! under the cut you promise to willingly suffer for your actions of this smut.
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Prompt : Ayato (male Ayano Aishi) gets horny and starts making out with female!reader :)
I asked my bestie for a prompt so uh here we go 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
BURN!! ^^^(i might delete this chapter idfk) (maybe ill make a masc one >:v) Also this is my first smut so it might be bad 💀💔
Comment here what the adventure was like after the story 💙
(Also you guys are in ur house n shit Its also night Netflix And chill (Even though my bestie didn't say this but i thought to just add this 💀💔))
💔💔💔💔- Ayato's pov Oh my gosh. She fucking right there next to me. Im gonna blow up right now. She's so pretty. Her gorgeous E/C(eye color) colored eyes. The most beautiful H/L(Hair length) hair she has. She dressed up in her little favorite jammies. So cute and only for me.
I wanna fuck her.
I felt hard but ignored it, and grabbed one of the pillows and my legs with it to make sure she wouldn't see.
💙💙💙💙-Y/N's Pov
I felt Ayato's eyes lay on me, i felt tension growing.
I just continue on watching the movie, leaning onto Ayato. My hands move over to his hands and held it. He seemed suprised, but caressed my hands gently.
I kissed him on his cheeks. Smiling at him like a cute little doll.
A few minutes later during the movie
I felt his cold hands snake onto my thigh and rub it gently. I was getting butterflies. He used his free hand to reach for my chin and smiled at me. He kissed me softly. He whined a bit when i pulled away but we both smiled at each other. He pushed me to lay down on the sofa. "Y/N, please~," he said crawling over me. He covered my neck with gentle kisses. I shivered at how cold he was.
He scooted over closer and started to take off my pants and my undergarments.
Revealing my pussy. He took off his own and revealed his member, with some little precum on its tip. It was... Probably a bit big to say the least to fit it in. He inserted his long, cold, finger inside and started to pump it in and out.
"Does that feel good, My little sweetheart?~" said the man with lust-filled eyes. Admiring the scene of you being finger-fucked by him. And i mean, only, Him. "Ye-Yes~" you quietly moaned out. He stopped and inserted two fingers inside you this time and pumped it in and out slowly. You whined out; "P-please~ Ayato, put it in~" His fingers stopped again and smirked at you, his cock was throbbing anyway. He inserted in slowly.
"Tell me when it hurts or you when want to stop, okay?~ I dont want to hurt you THAT much~" he started moving in and out of you. He chuckled. Which, kind of made you a bit worried.
Only a minute passed and you were already moaning mess.
It hurt a little but you didn't care. "H-Haah!~ AYATO!~" You moaned out, "Thats fucking right, moan out my name. Let everyone know how much of a slut you are for me and me only, let everyone know you are mine~"
Now that? That was so fucking hot for you to handle.
He started to suck on your neck and leave hickeys and sped up. "You like it when i do this to you? Hm?" He said, he wasn't even close to being done with you.  You moaned, loving the feeling and sensations he had given you. You were close to your climax and so was he.
You came and he did too, of course he pulled out before doing so. "Oh my~..." He chuckled, You tried to sit up but you were pinned back down. "Now, now! We aren't completely done yet~" He rubbed your pussy, he chuckled and loved the thought for another round, the movie seemed to not be done yet, the time was 1:34 am, did you both care? Nope. You both continued.
For what felt like hours. And hours. You both had 3 rounds. The aftercare he gave you was nice though. He loved you so much. Your leg was very sore still though...
Guess you wont be able to walk tomorrow.
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anyways listen to bag of bones in album 'lush' by mitski bbyz baiiii xoxo
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orderforbrian · 2 years
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new chapter of Sea Glass Promise (our jonmartin selkie au) is up!! i wanted to post the pictures here, im happy with how they turned out - martin's face in the last one is so cute and babby jon is even cuter <3
[Start ID: Five images of Jon and Martin from The Magnus Archives based off scenes from a selkie AU. Jon is a thin Persian man with short dark curly hair and a beard, both streaked with gray. He wears square framed glasses and has dark eyes. Martin is a fat mixed Korean/Polish man with short dark wavy hair and a beauty mark under his lip. He wears browline glasses in some pictures and has dark eyes, he also wears a blue sea glass necklace.
1st image: Jon is holding a book titled A Guest For Mr. Spider and looking at Martin with a horrified expression. He is wearing a white button up shirt rolled past his elbows. The book has a simplified black spider hanging upside down with a friendly fanged smile and is tipping a red bowler hat in greeting. Martin is holding a hand to his mouth and snickering at him in the right corner. the background is simple book shelves.
2nd image: Martin is flexing his right arm, looking down at his bicep with a proud smirk, his other hand is rolling up the sleeve of his white t-shirt. A couple diamond stars are in front of his eyes and there are three lines marking where he is flexing. Jon looks on with wide eyes and a blush, there is a white circle around his head to indicate he is thinking deeply about the sight. He is wearing a simple dark t-shirt that looks too big for him. The background is a dark window to the left with pattering rain outside, with otherwise light grey walls.
3rd image: Martin is dressed in a jean jacket and a striped shirt. He is smiling at a photo in his hand along with Jon's grandmother, Mrs. Sims, who is pointing at the photo. She is a thin, elderly Persian woman with rectangular glasses, dark eyes, and grey eyebrows. She is wearing a hijab patterned with flowers and a simple dark dress, as well as wearing dark lipstick. Jon is in the background thumping his head against a kitchen cabinet, his arms slack in front of him. He is wearing a dark v-neck shirt with sleeves rolled past his elbows and jeans with a belt. He looks very put off by the two looking at the photo. The background is a kitchen with a fridge on the left, a curtained window in the middle, and cabinets and countertop spanning the middle and right.
4th image: A close up of the photo from the previous image. It is of Jon as a child (around 6 years old), wearing oval shaped glasses and his hair is just past his shoulders. He is glaring up from a book he is reading while sitting in bed. The book is untitled but has a silhouette of a mouse on a broomstick on the cover, presumed to be some fantasy novel for children. He is wearing a plaid button up pajama shirt with matching pants. There is a plate of Jammie Dodgers (crimped cookies with a heart shaped hole for red jam in the middle) by his side and a teddy bear and lamp on his other side. A blanket is covering his feet and he is resting against a pillow. Martin's thumb is pressed into the corner to hold it.
5th image: Jon and Martin at sat across from each other at a circular table that is in front of a large window at a dessert cafe. Jon is wearing a plaid flannel with a dark shirt underneath, and is looking at Martin with shock, he is holding out a cup of rum raisin ice cream towards him. Martin is making a disgusted face and sticking his tongue out, he is holding a tiny spoon in his right hand and making a fist with his left. By his right hand, he has a cup of green tea ice cream. Outside the large window, there is a fuzzy outline of street lamps and a walkway railing. There appears to be scribbled writing on the window that is intended to represent the cafe's name. End ID.]
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pastanest · 1 year
A/N: just some fun headcannons I thought of for different regenerations of the Doctor with each other’s companions :)
Doctors With Each Other’s Companions
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Ten x Clara Oswald 
there is only one reason that these two could not spend more than the 50th anniversary special together: the bisexuals would’ve spontaneously combusted
no but fr 
if they had one full conversation they’d flirt themselves into an outerspace hotel room in approximately 4 seconds 
the tension is palpable 
the HEIGHT DIFFERENCE? I have been found deceased in a sewer pipe
no but seriously a show with these two couldnt be PG 
Eleven was all flustered and bumbling when Clara flirted with him but Ten?? OH, he is SMOOTH AS BUTTER WITH IT once he’s gotten a bit more accustomed to it
The Oncoming Rizz, if you will
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Nine x Donna Noble 
these two would probably never get anything done bc they’d be arguing all the time in an epic war to out-sass each other
and Donna would win every time
and Nine would never admit it
if there is ANYONE that could put any Doctor in their place, it’s Donna Girlboss Noble
imagine Nine yelling for Donna like Ten did too, iconic
I’m not sure Nine could cope with Donna for a whole series just in terms of keeping up with her but I think for however long they were travelling together, it would be the funniest pairing in Doctor Who history
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Twelve x Martha Jones
first of all, the racism that Ten allowed Martha to experience when he made himself human and chose the time period they’d hide in?? Twelve would NEVER, we saw how he protected Bill!!
second, she would’ve been saved from heartache with this version of the Doctor
Twelve would actually appreciate Martha, in ways that the heartbroken Ten couldnt 
the fact Martha is so smart and has such a vast medical knowledge? Twelve is ALL about it
he’d meet Einstein just to say “Martha Jones is smartest person in this room, after me.”
he has no regard for whether that’s technically accurate or not
Twelve has every faith that no matter the scenario, Martha Jones is smart enough to figure out a solution 
very biased and does not care
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Nine x Amelia Pond
now hear me out, this is an odd combo, but ENVISION IT
Amelia Pond would soften Nine like sun on snow, especially if they had the canon meeting of her and Eleven 
he’s more inclined to be blunt, but I think Amy would become his exception in a similar way to Twelve x Clara
like Nine will go on a rant about how stupid the human race is, but then ends it with “-except for Amelia, obviously.”
he roasts Rory to no end, the two of them are the ears and the nose
River Song slaps Nine more than any other regeneration of the Doctor and that’s canon
and if it had been Nine in a Good Man Goes To War, let’s just say his name would no longer be…
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Eleven x Rose Tyler
listen listen listen, I KNOW Rose already got two regenerations of the Doctor but it will never be enough for me Im such a whore for Rose’s dynamic with the Doctor I wont take any criticism goodnight
if her relationship with Ten continued with Eleven?? UMM
Rose would be jealous of River to begin with but they’d become besties in no time bc River has obviously heard all about her and is like “You stared into the heart of the Tardis? Slay x”
Eleven and his boyish antics, his bubbling excitement and ridiculous dress sense would have had Rose Tyler GIGGLING
also Eleven could charm anyone, including Jackie Tyler, it’s canon she thinks he’s utterly adorable and actually keeps a supply of jammy dodgers in the cupboard just in case they pop round 
Twelve x Rose Tyler 
Rose and her daddy issues, fixed by the lovingly-grouchy grandad that is Twelve? HAND IT OVER RN
also the Scottish accent saying “Rose” would scratch the brain 
similar to Twelve x Clara, except with the canon additions of Captain Jack and Mickey Smith
obviously, Captain Jack still tries to flirt with the Doctor and calls him a “silver fox” and Twelve is like >:( but internally he’s twirling his hair and kicking his feet 
and he forgets Mickey’s name entirely
forgets he’s there, actually
“When was the last time he said something that showed a shred of intelligence? As far as I’m concerned, he’s a vaguely familiar pudding brain.”
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thetopichot · 9 months
•°♧ Late Night Phone Call P. 2 ♧°•
Hi Hello & Bienvenidos al final de Late Night Phone Call. I don't really speak much spanish even though I'm Peutro Rican but I do somewhat speak it. However, that's not watcha here for. You're here for the Yuuriboys‼️‼️ Anyway, lemme shut my trap & get the crap.
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•°◇ Faust ◇°•
It was a long fucking night. Both of you guys were doing a livestream in person which was a long awaited event amongst all of your fans. The whole night you & Faust were sitting next to eachother on the couch as you live streamed a party game while also joined by your other friends on Discord. People in chat were commenting on how much Faust was so in love with you by the way he was looking at you. Faust told them to knock it off but his red face doesn't help.
After one final game, you guys said goodbye to your viewers & stopped the stream. You were both exhausted since the stream went on for 5 hours which is the most the both of you have ever done but spending time together was very much worth it. "I totally kicked your ass at Jackbox", you boasted, "You were so ass at Triva Murder Party."
Faust groans as he rolled his eyes. "Well, I'm not as much a nerd like you. However.." Faust showed you a soft smile. "I did have fun."
"You sound like you never had fun before." You playfully teased him. He just gives you a dramatic scoff.
"I have fun! I have tons of fun!" He put his hands on his hips. "I'm literally the embodiment of fun! People wish upon stars to be as fun as moi!"
"Uh-huh, sure. Whatever makes ya feel better, love." He just turns away from you like the brat he is. You really can't take him seriously when he's like this because of how cute he is. The sassy man apocalypse was truly upon us. You just pulled him closer to you by his hips & just gave a kiss on the cheek. "Jeez, you're such a brat."
"Don't think being sweet to me is gonna make up for you being mean to me."
"Your smile says otherwise, lovely." Faust was always bad at hiding his smile. It never truly helped his situation when he was trying to deny it since his denial made him smile even more. You kept kissing his cheek.
"Oh shut up. Don't you have to go home anyway?" Faust reminded you.
You stopped & looked at the time on your phone. "Oh, you're right. I do." You got up from the couch & grabbed your bag then headed towards the handle of the door. You looked back at Faust as you slowly opened the door. "I'll see you sometime, yeah?" He nodded.
"Yeah. I'll see you later."
It was about one hour later after your little get together with Faust & some of your online games. You were in your kitchen fixing yourself a plate of some leftovers that you made yesterday. As you put your plate in the microwave to reheat it, you get a text from your phone.
Hey Starshine
Well, lookie loo. It's your pookie, Faust.
What are you up to rn
I'm just chefing up some leftovers.
Oh nothing I just wanted to check up on you
Awww, you care about little ol' me?
Of course I do you ass
You hate admitting that you like me. 😘
I dont like you
I love you
I find you annoying 🙄
But youre lucky I find it endearing
Otherwise I would be such a brat
Well. Hate to break to ya.
You already are.
I mean MORE of a brat smartass
I know.
Love you too, pookie. 😘
Love you more
You closed your phone & grabbed your plate from the microwave. After you finished eating, you cleaned your plate & went straight to the bathroom to take a shower. It always felt rewarding after long day but the more you thought about it that said reward. You wish you could enjoy it with someone. Maybe someone you loved.
'Maybe someday.' You thought. 'Maybe someday...' You hopped out of the shower & put on ya jammies then went straight to bed but that wasn't all for the night. Those bits of longing became more louder in your head then it slowly became more than just that. You wanted him. You needed him.
But you were alone in your room staring blankly at the ceiling as you wished this bed was filled with warmth. Not just any warmth. Faust. Maybe you should text him. He's most likely still up right now.
You heard a vibration from your phone. You grabbed your phone & looked at the message. Huh, speak of the devil.
okayvthere we go I had turn off caps
Are you busy rigut now???
No not really.
And before you ask, yes. I can get on call with you, love.
Faust is calling...
"BITCHHHHHHHH!" Faust always starts strong as always. That's what you loved most about him. "TROYE SIVAN JUST FUCKING DROPPED HIS SINGLE ON SPOTIFY!" He was practically screeching like a banshee but you never minded. His happiness is what mattered a lot to you & you always enjoyed how he expressed it.
"Well, ain't that something? I assuming you're really hyped about it." You tried to sound enthusiastic but you were a bit tired.
"HYPED?! I'M MORE THAN HYPED! I'M-" You heard his phone dropped. "Ah fuck. Shit shit shit." You fucking cackled. You could hear him scrambling to get his phone.
"You dropped me, asshole! That fucking hurt!" You joked. He finally picks his phone back up. "Thank you, jeez."
"OK! Anyway, where was I? TROYE FUCKING SIVAN!!" Before he could say any more, you interrupted him.
"Hey, Faust?"
He paused. "Yeah?"
"Thank you." Faust felt confused by that statement.
"For what?"
"For being you." You said wholeheartedly. "Thank you for being you." Faust smiled.
"That sounds cheesy as hell but.." He took some time to get the word out. "Thank you & I also wanted to ask you about something."
"You don't mind if we stay on call for a little longer?" You laughed. "What's so funny?"
"I was going to ask you the same thing. I'm kinda having trouble sleeping. So I wouldn't mind listening to you talk."
"Well, good." He said confidently. "Because I drank a shit load of coffee & I'm going to be up for awhile." You were taken aback.
"Why are were you drinking coffee this late?"
"What are you? A narc?" He said offendedly. "Me drinking coffee is none of your business."
"Were you grinding on Overwatch again?" Faust went silent. "Faust?"
"N-No." He was. He was grinding on Overwatch again.
"I guess you're not the only one that needs to go sleep." You chuckled softly. "I assuming you're at your desk?"
"Yeah, I am." He admitted to that at least.
"So how about this.." You quickly thought of something. "You turn off your game, lay down in your bed, & we can help eachother go to sleep?"
"Yeah. That sounds nice."
•°♧ Finn ♧°•
Finn was working late tonight, surprisingly. Normally, he would close at least at 6:00pm. Not only that, he should be home by now. It's like what? 9:00 pm? You were starting to get worried so you sent him a text to see what was going on.
Finn? Baby? Where are you?
No text from him. Okay, now this shit is getting really fishy which made your suspicion rise. However, you trust Finn & he's probably just busy right now. You've noticed that Finn has been working himself to the bone lately. There was times where you found him passed out on the couch.
You asked him what was going on since you noticed him getting exhausted by the day. He just told you that "You shouldn't worry about me, sunflower! I'm just getting more orders than usual now." Of course, you are happy for him that his flower shop is gaining more attraction. However, him becoming too much of a workaholic didn't sit right with you at all. You wanted him to be okay.
So for the bit of the night, you just sat in your bed waiting for him. You couldn't go to sleep with the fact that he's exhausted. You want to at least hear that he's okay or just something that you can do to help Finn. Jeez, that boy was always so hard on himself & you just wanted him to be safe. 'Please, Finn,' You thought, 'Please be alright.'
Finn is calling...
"Finn, love?" You said as you picked up the phone.
"I just saw your text & I'm so so sorry!" Finn panicked quickly.
"Woah, slow down. Take a breath." You could Finn taking a quick breather. "Finn? What's wrong? Are you okay?"
"I'm.. fine?" Okay, yeah no. Bro was in fact not fine.
"Finn. Please don't lie to me. You've been stressed out for awhile now. I need you to tell me the truth." You said firmly. "What is going on?"
"I've.. been doing some orders." He explained. "The thing is.. The thing is that I've been getting so many orders & especially when business has been blooming. I-I didn't really wanted to stop there. So.." Finn paused. "I've been pulling some all nighters."
"I thought I could.. handle it." He sounded disappointed in himself. "I'm sorry."
"Finn, baby. I know you can handle it but there are times where you can really push yourself to the edge." You comforted him. "I love that you work hard but if you keep pushing yourself like this.." A silence filled the room then was soon broken by you. "Please. I love you, Finn. If anything bad happened to you, I don't know what I would do."
"Please come home." Those words felt comforting yet sounded so hurt. He could feel the pain in your soul & he hated it. He always hated it he made you upset & when he did, he felt like the whole thing was his fault. However, you always reminded him that he always wanted the best for the both you & that his heart was always in the right place.
You loved him & he loved you. He was always scared of disappointing you since he wants to be the best boyfriend for you but there are times where he forgets to take care of himself. He couldn't come yet for there are things still left to do.
"I would, my love.." He broke the news to you. "But I've still got a few things I need to do." Your heart once more fills with worry for Finn. "I do have some good news! I'm just cleaning up shop & then I'm calling it a night." He heard your worried sigh but luckily, there was something that always make you two feel better.
"Maybe I can help you fall asleep with my floral facts while I clean up?" He said reassuringly. "Then when you wake up, I'll be right by your side."
"You promise?" You asked him. "You promise you'll be home with me & not push yourself too much?"
"I promise, my lovely little bunny."
•°♤ Seth ♤°•
Seth was stuck at the mechanics. His motorcycle that he usually takes to work broke down on him as he was finishing clocking out for the night. Luckily, his boss was nice enough to let him stay a little longer in the garage to check out what was wrong with his bike & he gave Seth all of the tools that he needed. Now, he was checking the engine until he got a text from his phone. He opened it.
Are you alright?
yea im fine, sug
what's the matter?
Well, you're missing that's what's the matter.
aww ya missing me, sweetheart?
Well, yeah. My bed is empty & I don't see your boobs in my area of vision so, I'm sad.
so ya miss my boobs? that's it?
nothin else catch ya eye?
Your ass.
Your heart, too.
But your heart is inside your boobs, so I'm gonna just say boobs.
Seth laughed at the text. He loved how funny you are. He loved how you always make him smile despite being far apart. Your love was always there even if it came with weird, flirty metaphoric messages that always had to do with his boobs but hey, you both have weird ways of showing affection & that's just mighty fine with the both of you.
But for real though, where are you?
Are you stuck working the late shift again?
nah ain't nothin like that, sugar
it's just my motorcycle broke down on me
AS i was leaving too
Damn. Do you know why though?
not necessarily
my boss let me use the garage to check it out so
i might be stuck here for while
You know if you want.
I could be keep you company.
Like we could get on a call.
Plus I feel lonely without you. 😔
I miss my yeehaw boy.
yeehaw boy???
you know what fine i'll join ya
Seth is calling...
"Yeehaw boy?" Seth sounded so bewildered. "What in the sam hell is a fucking yeehaw boy?" You could only snort in laughter as a response. "Ay, don't be laughing at me! I'm too tired to be dealing with ya damn silly antics, sugar!"
"I'm sorry, baby." You giggled. "When I mean yeehaw boy, I meant as in cowboy." You explained to me. "You probably do say yeehaw unironically."
"No, the hell I don't!" The more you teased him, you could hear his southern accent fucking worsen.
"Your southern drawl worsening doesn't help you either, babe."
"You! You shaddup!" Seth was trying so hard to laugh & keep his accent together. "You're really mean to me, ya know that?" He put his phone beside him & grabbed a wrench. "You always enjoy teasing me!"
"Whaaaat? I'm not mean. You're just a big ol' goober that happens to do silly things & I find them funny."
"Sugar. That's LITERALLY definition of teasing! You are a bully!" He playfully accused you.
"Nuh-uh." Seth paused what he was doing.
He looked at his phone. "The fuck you mean 'Nuh-uh'??" You could only cackle like a wicked witch on halloween night in reponse. Seth sighed. "This is gonna be a long ass night, ain't it?"
"Maybe." You said with a smirk. Seth couldn't help but chuckled.
"Jeez, what would I do without ya?" He said with a genuine smile.
"I dunno. What would you do without me?"
"I don't wanna even think about it, sugar." Seth answered. "What I do want to think about is how much I love you."
"You getting sappy on me, Seth?" You teased.
"I could stop being sappy & be a asshole." Seth teased back.
"Nah. I like you sappy." You smiled.
"Good cuz' I like being sappy, too."
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☆ミ Author's Notes Underneath 👇 ☆ミ
🩷 - This is probably isn't as good as P.1 but hey, the curse is released & I can finally do that monthly poll. My personal favorite is probably Faust since it's kinda based off a real life conversation that I had with my friend. This took longer than expected because I was hoping to get this finished by Monday but, shit kept happening to me & I kept forgetting to write.
However now that this is done, I can finally live in peace knowing that I finished it & you guys finally get to read it after the many times I said that I was gonna write it. 😭😭 Once again, super sorry about that. Anyways, it's finished & thank you very much for your patience. It's always appreciated.
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theygotlost · 2 months
ok here's a compilation of a bunch of thoughts i had while watching Perchance to Dean. good gravy people !!!
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...why did he say that. why are you so gay and pregnant all the time you bald motherfyucker youre not even bald yet in this flashback but still. i know its just supposed to be early 90s fashion but my LORD theres some nonbinary slay going on. the undercuts... brocks stoner hoodie... the doc's bowling alley carpet ass vest... ive already gotten off track
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any teenager would be concerned about losing giant clumps of hair but i can make ANYTHING support my Dawn agenda if i try hard enough. doc venture is for sure passing on those male pattern baldness genes so its possible that hair loss could potentially feed into dysphoria ☹
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IM GONNA THRUP ☹☹ none of it was his fault man he just wanted to be loved .... HE WANTED TO BE PRETTY!!!!!! 😭
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he's 5'7". LOL.
ive already complained about how much i fucking hate sargeant hatred but oh my GOD enough. why is the doc's reaction to the idea of a child predator taking advantage of his son to just be....
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like, kinda annoyed??? and not do anything about it. kill yourself. ALSO BRING BACK BROCK ALREADY PLEAAASE BROCK WOULDNT TOLERATE THIS!!!!
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he quite literally put her ass in The Egg Chair....... 📸*snap!*
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the post credits scene shows that eventually hank went back home and presumably saw that dean was fine but for at least a few hours he really genuinely believed he had killed him.... I WISH DEAN WAS HERE......... 😢 also i just watched the next episode and they dont try to reoslve this at all but wouldnt hank have been confused or something once he realized dean was alive? he very clearly saw (one instance of) his dead body. we dont even see how he and dermott disposed of it but it must have been fucked up to come home and see the brother you killed walking around like nothing happened. thats gotta do something to you
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why was failed clone deans hallucinatory dad is GAY ASF. whatever
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IT MAKES ME SO SAAAAAD !!!! i still like doc venture as a character but also i hope he dies evilly. he unabashedly plays favorites and makes it clear that he doesn't like hank and thinks he won't amount to anything, meanwhile he's projecting all his own daddy issues onto dean (did somebody say GENERATIONAL TRAUMA? 😀) and imposes all these expectations that dean cant and doesnt want to fulfill. dean is just as unhappy being the "favorite son" as hank is being the rejected son and it sucks for both of them!!!!!! I GOTTA SAVE THEMMMM
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invisibleraven · 1 year
The more the merrier
A series of ficlets for @polyshipweek 2023
Day Three: Bed Sharing-Willexie <-AO3
Alex would be the first to admit that he didn’t have the best relationship with sleep. His anxiety made it hard for him to fall, and then since he was a light sleeper, he woke often and the process started all over.
He had become quite acquainted with every crack, spot, and shadow on his ceiling as a result.
It had sadly always been this way, even as a child he found himself having a hard time falling and staying asleep. Even when he was exhausted from a busy day, his mind wouldn’t seem to let him rest. He had tried going to his parents a few times, but eventually they got tired of rubbing his back or singing lullabies to no avail. Would sigh with exasperation and tell him to just go to sleep before storming off.
So he figured he’d try it his own way, especially now that he was out on his own.
He tried melatonin, warm milk, calming tea, and every sleeping pill on the market, but nothing helped. The sleeping pills actually made his anxiety worse sometimes, one even led to a panic attack, so he threw the rest in the garbage after that. Tried changing everything from the mattress to the sheets to his pillows. Made his room every variation of temperature from freezing cold to blazing hot.
And yet nothing changed.
That’s when he saw the ad for the sleep clinic, and in a fit of desperation, decided to call. The receptionist was nice, and cautioned him that some of their methods might be a little out there, but they had rave reviews, so give them a chance. Alex was a bit hesitant, but figured he had nothing left to lose and made his appointment.
The day of though, after filling out the paperwork, he still was half out the door. Maybe he wasn’t meant to have a good night's sleep. Heck, maybe he needed to just try counting sheep again, or some CBD gummies. He’d had decent luck with edibles, but they always left him with a headache and a dry mouth when he used them, and he didn’t want to rely on something potentially addictive.
“Alex?” a kind voice called. He glanced up and almost swallowed his tongue at the extremely handsome man standing before him. He had long wavy dark brown hair pulled into a low messy bun, bronze skin with cheekbones to die for. And the kindest set of brown eyes looking at him above a wide, gleaming smile.
“H-hi,” Alex said, giving a lame little wave, then cursed himself for doing so.
“I’m Willie, let’s get you all set up okay?”
He led Alex into a room where he could change into the jammies he brought with him, and then to a room with a comfy looking bed. There were a bunch of fake candles flickering around and a white noise machine was playing soft rain sounds in the background. The room was slightly chilly, but the bed had some warm looking blankets on it. Plus a very cute looking guy smiling at him in his own jammies-a set covered in cartoon Grogus.
“Hi, I’m Reggie!” he said with a wave. “You must be Alex.”
“I am,” Alex replied. “W-what’s going on?”
“Cuddle therapy,” Willie said from the doorway where he was wearing his own pajamas, which amounted to a soft looking crop top and a pair of cotton athletic shorts.
“Cuddle therapy!” Willie repeated. “Look, it’s a bit unorthodox, but sometimes you just need to be held and secure to fall asleep.” Alex gave him an unimpressed look and Willie grinned. “Just give it a chance okay?”
“How does that work, cuddling with strangers making them more comfortable in sleep?” Alex questioned.
“Well we usually talk first,” Reggie offered. “Do a little getting to know you thing, then get our snuggle on.”
“And you are?”
“Reggie’s my boyfriend,” Willie replied. “Also a snuggle bug who works here part time because he gets paid to cuddle while he goes through his doctorate.”
“In math, not medicine!” Reggie says. “Then I can teach it at the collegiate level.”
“I was always crap at math in school,” Alex replied. “Thankfully I don’t need much of it at the library.”
“You’re a librarian?” Willie asked, sitting on the bed and patting the spot between him and Reggie. Alex hesitantly sat down and started telling them about his job, about his hobby of playing the drums, with Reggie loving the bass and Willie being tone deaf.
But Willie also loved skateboarding while Reggie was forbidden from trying it again after he dislocated his shoulder after his last attempt. “What about surfing?” Alex asked through his giggles, though he was sure he’d fare no better than Reggie skating.
“Grew up near Silver Lake, I’m practically part fish,” Reggie replied. “Willie’s not bad either.”
“I’m still learning, but I do love it, the freedom of the waves,” Alex sighed. “There’s nothing like it.”
As time went on, the three of them scooted up the bed, getting comfy. Alex barely noticed as Reggie threw an arm over him or Willie nuzzled into his shoulder. And he wasn’t what you would call tactile, but it felt-nice. Instead he yawned, eyes growing heavy as they traded stories. Then they stayed closed, with Willie speaking softly in his ear, and Reggie humming a tune on his other side.
It was hours later that Alex woke up, feeling more rested than he had in a long time. “Morning starshine,” Reggie said from where his head rested on Alex’s chest. “The world says hello.”
Alex snorted a little, then louder when Willie’s snore hit him from the other side. “Did you two sleep?”
“Mmmhmm, it was nice,” Reggie said. “Did you?”
“Like a baby,” Alex replied. “Suppose this means I’ll have to get a body pillow or a dog or something to cuddle so I can get some rest.”
“You could always come back,” Reggie replied. “This was probably the nicest snuggle session I’ve ever been part of.”
“We could even snuggle at your house,” Willie mumbles and then yawns, blinking up at Alex. “I bet your bed is even nicer to share than this one.”
Look, Alex had been single for… quite some time now. And both guys surrounding him were super cute. Plus he genuinely liked them, and they had already gotten through all the awkward first date questions…
“W-we could do that,” Alex replied. “In fact we should do that so we don’t fall asleep here again and get locked in. Though I don’t know how much we’ll sleep after that nap.
Alex saw Willie and Reggie exchange a look, like they knew a way to tire him out. And well, Alex didn’t think he had any problem with that. It was one method that was hard to test out on your own, and his solo forays hadn’t done much for him. Worth a try, and even if he didn’t sleep, well, he didn’t think he’d mind so much afterwards.
So he brought them home, had a wonderful romp in his sheets-and slept. Blessed sleep that only ended when his alarm blared in his ear, everyone grumbling at the obnoxious noise. “I don’t wanna get up,” Reggie grumbled.
“I don’t want you to go,” Alex confessed.
“We can come back, as often as you want,” Willie promised. “Because neither of us are all that keen on leaving either.”
“So date tonight?” Alex proposed. “Snuggles after?”
Both men heartily agreed, and they were over to Alex’s house more often than not after that.
Especially after a few short weeks when they confessed they couldn’t sleep without him now either. Sure it meant getting a bigger bed, but Alex wouldn’t trade their snuggles and the loving embrace for anything.
Even a full night’s sleep.
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what-if-nct · 2 years
hihihi today's reminder is Doyoung whisking Haechan away to a peanuts museum and letting him eat whatever he wanted to because he looked stressed. that's my husband and our bratty nephew we've lowkey adopted and we love him
also it seemed to get a bit heavy here again and i know you find that stressful so a further little reminder of: remember when Johnny went to the met and everyone on the internet, k-pop fan or otherwise, was absolutely losing their shit over him, and then like forty eight hours later he was on Instagram live in a hello kitty pyjama set? like. he's not my man but i see why you're so down bad
Hii!! Awwww uncle Doyoung taking Haechan out for a fun day. That's so sweet, treating Haechan for a day he needed. How could you not want make a stressed Haechan happy. A man of true duality one moment walking around the met gala meeting Kris Jenner and Hopefully Megan Thee Stallion, cause the ideal of Thee Texas Stallion meeting our Chicago Stallion brings me joy (I know its for Amazonian women in the south but Johnnny's a stallion) to be a cute little butter bean in hello kitty jammies. I need more sweet adorable Johnny, we've seen enough stripper johnny I need my precious boy back, I can't wait till Halloween, I hope he's an adorable little Chester cheetah, or even the cheerios bee.
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pbandjesse · 2 years
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Happy new year!! I am so glad you are here in this new year to read this post.
Last night me and James wore matching jammies and laughed and watched tiktoks until right before midnight. I found a live stream for us to watch. James had put together our first footing basket. This was the first time I let James do the whole thing. I was sad that there was not CNN drunk anchors this year but we had a good countdown. James was in the hall. We had our shoes on. And at midnight I was holding Sweetp. I kissed James's. I kissed Sweetp. James kissed Sweetp. And we got ready to go to bed. Happy new year to us.
I slept really well. James left for work a lot earlier then me. And when no I woke up they had made biscuits. Excellent news. I got washed and dressed and felt really cute and good. I packed up my temp blanket and headed out. It was very warm today. Way to warm for January first. I didn't even wear a jacket today.
I drove to the museum. And was there a little early. I was happy to see James.
I Wisconsin lottery today just working on sewing down the edges and weaving in the ends of my temperature blanket. And it just felt so nice to be able to lay it out on the big table and look at it and see everything that I worked on. There are some funny spots. There's a fold in the middle where the loom wraps around. And a couple spots that are a little wonky but nothing is a huge deal and I think over time it'll settle. And I was just having a great time working on that.
After about an hour James came and found me because someone wanted a tour. I didn't have my phone on me because the stress doesn't have any pockets so I didn't get their text. But they came and got me and we called for the tour and it was a lovely family.
I wasn't sure they were really enjoying the tour though because they made no sounds or facial expressions the entire hour. At the end of the garment loft portion the mom told me that she owns a mill where they make yarn out of alpaca wool. But that was the most they said the entire time. It was really cool to learn that though good to know that a mill is around.
But apparently they really enjoyed it because afterwards like an hour later, the dad came and found me and he was all smiles and told me how much he loved the tour and thoroughly enjoyed himself and has decided that this is his new favorite museum and because I spent so long with them he gave me $20. I could have cried he was so sweet. I hope he knows how important that was to me because it wasn't about the money. It was definitely about how much his like actual heartfelt thanks was. It was great.
And really all the conversations I had today were wonderful. At the end of my first tour, my only tour, there were three guys that had wandered into the exhibit. And I told them if they had any questions to please let me know as well. I knew that they were there just because of Beth steel exhibit because James had told me. And they were like oh yeah that's what we're here for and I said have you seen the machine shop yet. And they didn't so I was like well let's go check it out and they were so jazzed. I ended up spending almost an hour with them not even doing a tour just talking. They were three guys from the south and it was a guy a little older than me his dad and his grandfather maybe. I'm not really sure who the third man was but they all were so nice and they had very fun accents. And they had lots of really good stories. They knew a lot about steel work and because I love bringing this up, I talked about my bronze casting past and all of the welding I know how to do. It always gives me cred with guys like this. And the youngest guy was just like oh my god you're married You're an amazing woman What a catch. And it was very funny and we talked about shrinkage and how you make sand casted molds and the different properties of patina. And it just felt really good. We also talked about coal towns and their family's history with that and how people got script and company coins. And I had a lovely time talking to them. I took them over to see the car because the oldest guy said that he was really an antique car building and didn't even know we had the 53 clipper. And eventually I did have to leave them because James was texting me about a lunch break. But they were so sweet and I really enjoyed every conversation I had with people today.
James went to 7-Eleven and I stayed at the desk. And when they got back I went back to the garment loft to finish my stitches. It was getting a little bit later in the day. Sundays are quiet for me and short. But I finished the last of my weaving and I just felt so excited. Two women came in and I got to talk to them about my blanket and they made jokes about saying how well I guess they went to an art museum today. And they had all kinds of questions. And I was just feeling really good.
We finished up the day and I hung out at the desk with James while they finished up everything they needed to do. And then it was time to go. As we were leaving a few women came to the door from the sailing center and they set out loud and wonder if the museum had even been open today. And I opened the door and I said we had been but we just closed. And they said oh that's a shame but can we please use the bathroom. And James, out of the goodness of their heart, let them go use the bathroom while we set up a shot to take a picture and video of my finished blanket.
The way that I had originally wanted to do it was me standing on the bench but the way that the sun was there was no good way to do it. So we ended up just doing it on the stairs and I'm surprised no one has yelled at me yet about getting the blanket on the ground but I don't care so it's fine. And I just felt so happy.
We said goodbye to the ladies and lock the door. James put the alarm on and we went home.
When we got back here James insisted on carrying the blanket inside because they want to practice putting weight on their arm. I am afraid they're going to hurt themselves. I think they're trying to do too much too soon. But I'm trusting them. And they would hang out for a while because they were going to go to football game tonight with their family.
I laid in bed for a little while. James made me a quesadilla because they love me. And after I ate I went to go work at my desk and that is where I spend the next 4 hours. With one small break to take a bath. The bath was great but now my back is on fire.
And while I have been having the best time because I'm making, I am in pain!! I have complained before that my arms and back ache after multi hour art sessions. And my doctor's just tell me, gently, that I shouldn't do that. But I have to do it??
Today was a good making day. I feel kind of low because of money. I hate thinking about money. I just want to work and be able to live comfortably and buy nonsense sometimes. But money is on my mind. I am doing a no buy month. Best I can. I made rules and everything. But one of the ways that I think I will be able to accomplish this is by really throwing myself into making stuff with the materials I already have.
And so I've been working on squares. I think this is going to be another blanket, maybe a gift for someone, but I'm making it just of all the leftover yarn I have in the weight that I used for my temperature blanket. And so far it's going great. I made a number of squares yesterday and today I may even more. I think I have 18 squares now? I'll have to count again but I'm really excited. I'm not great at crochet mostly because I have trouble holding numbers in my head. And I get very confused by that. But I am attempting to make them approximately 11 rows across but they're all around the same size at least.
And I finally stopped working and went to go eat some leftovers. And now me and sweep here hang out in bed. James is still at the football game and will be home probably by midnight if not later. But that's okay. I hope they are having fun with their family. And I'm having a nice time here alone. It's nice to be on my own sometimes.
Tomorrow I go to the doctor where I hopefully will get my first injection of my new medication. I'm still not sure how much the copay is and that makes me very worried that no one has talked to me about that yet. But it will be a good day either way. I hope you all have a really good night. And here's to a happy new year.
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tired-biscuit · 2 years
Hey so you started csm? May I ask who is your favourite character(s)? Or anything you wanna say about the manga I just wanna hear your thoughts 'cause they are amusing for me lol
hi!! yep, i'm on chapter 32 as of now and have watched the first episode of the anime. my bf is a big fan of chainsaw man actually, so he suggested that i read it cos he knew i'd like denji.
and my man was right about something for once (yippeeee, let's clap for Luka 🤩); cos i absolutely love denji, ok?? he's one of my favourite characters so far next to power. i like how chaotic and unhinged they are, as well as the fact how they lead their lives by sharing custody of a single brain cell. the constant bickering is rly entertaining, especially when they decide to be menaces together. also him calling her powy? it's so cute in a way lol
oh, and i also love how sharp both of their teeth are....... that's a big plus for me iykyk
AND OMFG THE WAY I GAGGED IRL AT THE VOMIT SCENE I------ i was reading it, all cutesy and fluffy like in my jammies on the couch, yankee candle lit up (black cherry scent btw), cup of tea in hand; all of that aesthetic autumn shit, and then it's just that scene with that fucken kiss........ istg i started resembling my fucken cat when she smells something weird, i was gagging more than i do when my bf holds his dick down my throat for a lil bit too long, i was all over the place byeeeeee 😭 called my bf crying about it, tears in my eyes, sniffling like "WHAT WAS THAT FUCKEN KISS, BRO--- AND HE SWALLOWED IT ALL"
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iantimony · 3 days
Another Doublepost
last monday i was told, surprise, you are giving a presentation on your work to a small group of experts! and i shat my pants a little and hyperfocused on that for two days so no tuesday last week. presentation went really well, i survived!
listening: saw ELO concert last week, that was good ... ngl the lead singer guy was not looking too hot but it was a good concert nonetheless.
the fine art of takin' it slow (milly raccoon): i forget how i got recommended this? maybe some list of queer/alt country? only listened to a little bit of this album so far but i liked this song a lot.
found freshman biology on instagram but i think i have to be in a very specific mood to listen to them. very goblin-core type of thing, really interesting instrumentals, but i tried some of it and i definitely have to be in a very chill headspace to not get uptight listening to them.
chips & dip (extra chunky) (sam greenfield): finally listened to the whole album 'sam greenfield sucks', it whips ass, highly recommend; this version of the song on the album is only like 90 seconds which is criminal and i guess this is not an unpopular opinion because a month ago he did an extended version. delicious.
love and death (ebo taylor): also forget how i got this one. some really jammy jazz.
the next few from daylist:
mountains (message to bears), the sense of me (mud flow): smooth guitar. would be good for yoga background music probably.
but wait, there's more (ben folds): anxiety song
last night i did a terrible thing (fever dolls): kind of song that makes one sway side to side. harmonica doin a lot in this one.
runner up (al olender): sleepy lil song.
clean slate (mountain goats): went on a brief mountain goats kick when i thought i would go to their concert in [redacted]; did not do so but still have been enjoying their songs coming back up in my rotation.
really sad because .. i forget if it was last weekend or the upcoming weekend .... but basically there's a lot of good local events in my town that i am not there for :( including performances by some really dope bands.
amchoor (balkan paradise orchestra): as a horn player i am in physical pain to miss this performance :(
allenby (yemen blues): really good overlaying of instruments with the brrrrr sound in the guitar.
and chopin :) classic.
reading: Chappell Roan Confronts The Sickness Of Modern Fandom (kelsey mckinney): did hear about this in a dangelo wallace video. man this fucking sucks for her but good for her for setting hard boundaries and not letting angry weirdos dictate what she should be okay with.
Don't Prep Plots (justin alexander): good tabletop gm philosophy, one that i think i have unconsciously been doing for a while simply because like it says in there, it's so much more work to prep Plots capital P as if it were a novel, and i have always been a work smarter not harder kinda gal. definitely one of my biggest strengths as a gm is my ability to make situations and let the players fill it in, i think. one of the reasons i am still running that dnd group despite it all is because of the validation of being told how good a gm i am, lol.
the two fics in Shang Qinghua Becomes An Isekai Protagonist Love Interest by daddykeehl; cute and fun.
i was looking into Bra Alternatives and ended up on reddit where some articles on shortstays and regency clothing were linked: Underwear: what was worn under Regency gowns? and Historical costume pics: gowns, petticoats, dolls, even men. honestly pretty interesting! i have never really touched regency era in any capacity or media - art, fiction, fashion history, any of it - so this was definitely a cool first peek.
Is it possible to keep your voice and soul while writing for an international market? (Sascha Stronach) and The Uncanny Valley of Culture by damon: two articles from nz and australia respectively about how man, all english-speaking media really does focus on and cater to the american audience, and that fucking sucks.
also the wikipedia page for the ham sandwich theorem. just because.
watching: this video linked in this post. interesting!!!! i love optics i love physics.
some weird history food videos - pizza hut and papa johns, specifically.
playing: fallow but bonus screenshot from playing stray a few weeks ago (already that long. god)
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making: incredibly funny and weird but my friend discovered a scifi/fantasy writing contest that is. like. funded? inspired by?? l ron hubbard. my friend did Not know who that guy was so i got to explain that which was fun. but there's a Free Online Workshop that my friend was like hey. we should do this together. and i was like sure why not. so now i am doing the free l ron hubbard writing workshop tm. so that's back in the writing zone for the first time in. a while.
sorry did not crop my images before uploading them to postimages and i simply cannot be assed to reupload.
can finally share these !! embroidered some patches for my friend's bachelorette party :) she does read these sometimes so i didn't want to accidentally spoil it. the bachelorette was summer camp themed and it was very cute. we made tie dye shirts and smores and played board games and all around had a lovely time.
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finished painting the underglaze on this bird bowl. have literally been micromanaging it since april. enough.
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started painting some new fat horses and cave painting hands but i am unsatisfied. dunno yet. don't love the mug shape either and given how long it's gonna take to paint all those fucking hands on there ... i wonder if i could make a stamp. that would be really helpful actually. hmm.
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some glaze kiln came out! bf made the world's goofiest chopstick rest based on sacabambaspis, i glazed it for him, and it's so silly. a very boring flowerpot came out. disappointing because i was going for this glaze layer. didn't do a thick enough coat of the vert lustre? the vert luster itself is too watered down? not enough texture on the piece despite the ridges? all of the above? idfk. i even made an insane chart of all the amaco glazes in the studio and how they might layer. sigh.
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pillbug coaster in progress to match my worm coaster which i thought i posted but now i don't remember. i think i posted it before the kiln but it has since kilned and i can't actually find a photo? it came out well though lol. when i get back to apartment i will take a photo of it.
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my magic the gathering gaming group made our friend some coasters at one of those paint pre-made pottery places and they came out cute!
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eating: last night made some deb smittenkitchen and by god she's done it again. fall bliss salad: yeagh. really good. i simply was not going to blitz the shallots in anything so i just chopped em up after roasting and mixed them in. had to use dried cranberries instead of pomegranate because grocery store limitations but that was still very tasty and served a similar niche. lemon chicken with potatoes and chickpeas: so because of a different oven chicken thighs recipe i like that has radishes i added radishes to the veggies. i also had to double the recipe and, uh oh, potatoes super would not fit in there, so i just did normal-ass baked potatoes and they were good. really satisfying meal, the amount of chopping means it's definitely more than 10 min prep but once all was chopped it all came together nicely.
i've started looking at some of her rosh hashanah recipes for next week ... she has a crazy russian layered honey cake that looks great but is a multi-day project so i think not. her normal honey cake looks great, and so does her brisket, so that's what i'll be doing. i haven't done rosh hashanah with my family in years so it will be nice.
misc: bonus image from my apartment. i miss her.
my brother is having A Procedure done today and we're all shitting our pants only a little bit about it. my mom dropped his ass off at 6am and now we're just ... waiting.
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Good evening Absy ^.^ can I call you Absy..i always think it in my head and refrain. I can't help my inner Cater sometimes..
But oh my gosh..a girl can only cross her fingers and pray it was Azul and Jamil on the boad...especially after Azul was in Jammys dream. Yess.. they can have a messy inky makeout. Would they,,bust in black...lol..? I don't know if they would be accostumed to each others preference,, they can figure it out. Ive seen fanart of them which is what struck the interest. Now i love jazul a lot.
I'm not too sure about mallekei..i just don't understand it. But i understand cater as a powerbottom,,teaching malleus all he needs to know because he's a professional! (He really isnt. He just likes being his fuckbuddy and getting recked by Malleus Draconia...even moreso when Malleus suddenly tops him. Why would he complain? If he can't get a selfie with him,,this wll suffice.)
Just for the fun of it I want to say Ruggie can swim. But he really isnt good. He can float and doggy paddle. Maybe Floyd gives him swimming lessons. Which Ruggie instantly regrets when Floyd tries to drag him under and tries to kiss him while he's hardly afloat. He probably panics a little. He can save himself from drowning yes,,just..not with the eels weight on him as well. He's too skinny. I feel like ruggie fits into the category of disordered eating with azul and vil..
But aahh..that sounds like such a cute au to write ugh. Pirate Rugs and Floyd being his helpful little eel (he doesnt know.) Floyd interacts with him for upfront slowly but surely, expecting something in return for his hard work. I can imagine Floyd evily shanking the poor fish,,
Lilidia though yes,,i see them more as good irl bffs if they met..but fwb is also so good. Let the old man show Idia how its properly done! He likes it! Its okay if he doesnt wanna date!! Just fuck him :(. His dating sims can only do so much, Mr. Lilia.
Cater and Idia though yes. They are such a silly duo..Cater would do his best to keep them on the dl..he probably likes to take photoshoots under idys led lights..hes probably invited idy to lm club and Ortho basically insists he go and not decline an invite from a bff!! (He knows)
Iam..talkingso much..my apologies "t.t - 🐍
Good afternoon Viper, I like Absy. I think it is cute and short. Also, forgive me. It has been a few days already.
I think it would be amusing to see an ink-based orgasm. Coating each other and staining their skin. It is oddly romantic as it is sensual. Cater is a professional. The known sleep around. And he is very proud of his skills and how he can bring pleasure and give it. Malleus is a shut in, lacking experience. So he is grateful to have such a bubbly teacher show him the ways of human pleasure. But Malleus getting excited and rutting into Cater is unexpected. But Cater feels happy. He's getting fucked by a future king, this is something he keeps close to his heart even if they end up separating some day. No one will ever give it to him the way Malleus did...
I think it would be a cute AU because Floyd wouldn't end up getting bored. Visiting parts of the world by hitching a ride on the back of the S.S. Savanaclaw. Seeing Ruggie fishing and telling stories about how he's positive he saw a hot mermaid... Merman? A hottie either way... And just for fun, during a late night drink... Ruggie wanders to the dock with a beer in hand. Swaying about before falling in. Where he should have drowned, he wakes up on the slimy chest of his little helper. Lilia is amazing at showing Idia a good time. But Idia thinks life and romance is just like a dating sim. I would like them best as a dramatic slow burn. I am a big fan. I do enjoy Cater x Idia a lot. Especially as boyfriends you don't expect to see as boyfriends. It makes me smile when I think of them getting each other into the things they like. Cater can teach Idia to skateboard, and they can do candy tasting videos together, and Idia can show Cater the wonders of multiplayer and co-op games.
I don't think you're talking too much. I appreciate you for chatting with me as always.
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allthemusic · 8 months
Week ending: 20 January 1955
Another busy week, as the festive, sentimental Christmas songs are swept away in favour of something a bit fresher - is it going to be more rock and roll? One can only hope...
I Can't Tell a Waltz from a Tango - Alma Cogan (peaked at No. 6)
Well, it's a distinctive title, though one that leaves me a little concerned for Alma's musical abilities. They're... quite different dances, really.
It starts out and it's absolutely a tango, in terms of the backing music, solidly in 4/4, with trumpet flourishes and that stompy string sound that you get - but Alma's all mixed up, singing about how "I never know what my feet are gonna do". Quite a severe issue - so is this just a song about how she has two left feet?
Nope, not at all! The reason for her fumble-footedness is more romantic in nature. She's not got issues in general - in fact, we learn later that "I've even won a prize or two" - but the issue only crops up "darling, when I dance with you". Which is either cute or implying that her love just a really chaotic dance partner!
Throughout, Alma sounds like she's mildly amused - she has a happy, warm voice, and it's glorious. It's not an all-time classic, or anything, but it's lovely none the less, how friendly and outright gleeful she sounds here.
There's also a terribly exciting orchestral break where the rhythm briefly slips into something jazzy and syncopated, which is a wonderful contrast to the tango rhythm's stompiness. I actually briefly thought they were going to turn it into a waltz - a missed trick, though I enjoyed what they did, too!
Mr. Sandman - The Four Aces (9)
Well, this is the second version of this in as many weeks, and I have to say, I think I prefer this one to Dickie Valentine's? It's still not my favourite version of the song, but there's a vintage charm that appeals.
I don't know if we've come across the Four Aces, but they're a four-man barbershop quartet hailing from Pennsylvania. Compared to the British Dickie Valentine, who's trying his hardest to sound glitzy and American and not quite succeeding, this is just a slight bit more sparkling and glam.
It starts with some very Disney-ish harps and then "Mr. Sandman" echoing at you like somebody's singing it from the bottom of a well. There's a slight clash in the harmonies, and the overall effect's just the right side of eerie.
Then we get a celeste (?) that takes over the "ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba" part. I do kind of miss the vocals doing that, to be honest, but the barbershop rendition of the song that follows is perfectly serviceable, and the "doo doooo doo doo" parts in the background are lovely and vintage.
There are also all these jammy chords throughout - the Four Aces aren't playing it safe, and it pays off. Decisions like leaning on the "Mr Saaaaandmaaaaan" line for all it's worth, or like using an urgent, driving double bass to back it all off really pay off, too, making it feel a bit more jazzy and edgy that it really has any right to be, given the G-rated, nursery-rhyme subject matter.
And then we end, with some brass and some layered echoing "Mr. Sandman"s from the backing singers. Actually, we fade into that, combined with the harps again. The effect is sort of uncanny - I like it, but you could use it basically untouched in a horror film, and it would be properly creepy.
Well, I enjoyed both of those songs. Neither are rock and roll, but they've got some of the same chaos. In particular, I enjoyed how quirky and tongue-in-cheek they both felt. In Alma's case, the song was explicitly humorous, and in the Four Aces' case, it was just a bit too cutesy and echoey to take entirely seriously. Fun times, either way.
Favourite song of the bunch: Mr. Sandman
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acaiasahi · 2 years
✶ falling asleep during date ; cravity reaction.
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synopsis. cravity's reaction to you falling asleep during your at-home date.
info. fluff. cravity x gn!reader [ they / them prns ]
warnings. profanity, teasing, grammatical and structural errors, lowercase and smaller text intended!
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✶ park serim.
[ . . . you both had decided that staying home for a date was better than going out because of your hectic schedules. you both have been busy and thought hey, why not stay home? date night + staying at home = happy serim and y/n! you both were watching a movie in the living room and you had decided that sleeping was more interesting than the movie as your face collided with his shoulder. he was caught off guard at first but seeing your cute little scrunched up face was... to die for. this suckas quick to take his phone out and take pics of you and selcas with him in it T^T takes it as his cue to take a nap with you but before he does, he carries you to your shared bedroom, making sure to tuck you in and if for some reason chose to wore nice clothes for your date, he'll put you in some jammies before knocking out with you <3
✶ allen ma.
[ . . . he already knew that this was going to happen but he did nothing to prevent it. wasn't exactly surprised when you fell asleep with your head in his lap but can you blame him? he was running his hands through your hair like a cat, you might as well be purring while you're at it bro. loves the way you stir in your sleep and twitch here in there. he stopped whatever you two were watching and since you were already in your room, he laid you down to be in a more comfortable position and nestled himself right next you, where he belongs! fell asleep soon after but not before admiring you :'<
✶ koo jungmo.
[ . . . has no social cues bruh. literally pokes your cheek til you wake up and acts all innocent when you get annoyed. uses his little angel antics to calm you down which works but you won't let him know that! for some reason, you play the "i'm mad at you no matter how many hugs and kisses you give me" game, which does work and he's all whiney about it and apologizing for waking you up and he continues giving kisses even though your face is painted as annoyed. idk if y'all get what i'm saying but he'll kiss you and you're like (´ ∀ ` *) but as soon as he pulls away and looks at you to see if it worked, you're like (¬_¬) he's quick to catch on and it ends up with you being the victim of tickles! :3
✶ seo woobin.
[ . . . super basic and just lets you sleep. he loves watching you though, like the way your nose twitches and how your lips are set in a pout. it makes him wonder what dream you're having! (⺣◡⺣)♡* when you wake up, you start apologizing because you felt bad... like man... it's date night!! c'mon y/n!! he teases the hell out of you and is like "aw really? do you not love me anymore?" "a-am i not enough for you?" and at first you're like "woOBIN NO I LOVE YOU!!!" but after awhile you start playing along and saying some outta pocket dumb shit too LOLOLOL
✶ ham wonjin.
[ . . . so invested in the movie that he forgot you were even there LMAO but when the movie ends and he looks over to see you cuddled up with blanket and in his hoodie, he can't help but coo! loves the fact that the hoodie is on and you pulled the string so only your face shows and tries his best to be quiet because he can't help but laugh </3 he also takes pics of you... it just comes with the territory of dating ham wonjin guys, don't shoot the messenger! takes selfies and hits that signature v with his little kissy lips (ʃƪ ˘ ³˘) it's not long before he puts all his weight on you and falls asleep. what a cuddlebug!
✶ kang minhee.
[ . . . if "bruh" was a person, it'd be minhee. his face is straight up like 「(°ヘ°) "huh?" gets a little confused because you were just answering his questions but... now you're... asleep?? erm.. wtf y/n? soon remembers why you had a date at home in the first place and it's because of finals. you've been studying your butt off and he was having such a good time that he forgot how tired his sweetheart was :'< feels a little guilty at first because he forgot about how stressed you were but once you wake up and apologies keep leaving your lips, he's fast to shut you up with a kiss before suggesting that you go back to sleep but hits you with the outstretched grabby hands like (ノ・ェ・)ノ "lets go back to sleep, babe." what a lazy little boy T^T
✶ song hyeongjun.
[ . . . gets all pouty but is too chicken to wake you up because he knows how tired you've been. ends up watching you sleep and tracing his fingers over your features because this boy is in LOVE! heavy sleeper or not, you finally wake up from his loving touch and make eye contact with him. you both sit in silence for a second because the first thing you see is jun literally in your face like (⊙_⊙) with a finger on your nose bridge so it's easy to say that you were pretty... confused LOL. "sorry, you're just really beautiful." he quickly says, he doesn't move though... guess who's flustered now :3
✶ kim taeyoung.
[ . . . finds you absolutely adorable! you both were looking up at your ceiling, talking about gosh knows what, moving from topic to topic until he started going on a tangent, talking and talking not even realizing that his soft voice luring you to sleep. "right, y/n?" he looks over at you and is met with the most adorable sight he's ever seen. lets out a soft "ah!" before watching your sleeping form. lowkey gets an ego boost at the fact that you fell asleep to his voice and brings it up later but other than that, my mans falls asleep soon after. he's got a crazy schedule, and what better way than to fall asleep with your loved one? i mean, he gets to see your beautiful face as soon as he wakes up so, win-win situation in tae's eyes <3
✶ ahn seongmin.
[ . . . he went to go get a snack in the kitchen but made up his mind last minute to make ramen. y'all were having a convo while he stayed in the kitchen to keep an eye on his food but he soon gets confused when you stopped responding to his questions. he thought you were mad at him, not sure why he thought that, hell he wasn't even sure, so he turned off the stove and walked over to the lounge area to find you asleep on the hoodie he'd took off prior to going to the kitchen. gets all blushy and goes (ノ)´∀`(ヾ) because you're too cute! almost trips over to you because the sight was truly one to see and he just wanted to admire you. safe to say that his ramen was looooooong forgotten! T^T
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★ cravity taglist. @enhacolor ... @rutowonz ... @setakdongies ... @byeongsung
[ 🎧 ] jaydi's notes. hi all! decided to try out a new-ish format for my reactions and i kinda like it so far so slay!! hope you like this one :3 i'm also going to attempt to write all members during a reaction when it comes to trsr and cravity but if i don't like it, i'll probably split it back up. i do like this format tho!! i'll lyk :3
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