#also her white jacket looks so neon damn
randomjreader · 2 years
Some of the cast wishing Corrina a happy birthday <3
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kenobers · 3 months
Gangs of Coruscant | mobster!Obi-Wan Kenobi x fem!reader
Chapter One: Dire Straits
but first free palestine !! The 23-year-old reader gets a fresh start in Coruscant after landing a sign language interpreter gig at one of the biggest hospitals in the galaxy. However, that plan flatlines after reader's attempts to be punctual land her somewhere she really really shouldn't be, where she sees something she really really shouldn't see. As luck would have it, that something just so happens to be the business of the most terrifying (and strikingly handsome) man in the city. tw: Mafia!AU, mentions of guns, drugs & violence, being held against one's will & non-sexual coercion (but not maliciously?), older manDisclaimer: Yes, this is a romanization of the concept of the mafia, but it is also a fictionalization based on the structure of the Jedi Order. No character in this story is based on any real life mobster and no plot point is based on an actual organized crime story. I am aware that most crime lords do not look like Obi-Wan Kenobi nor am I encouraging anyone to actually try and get with a made man (or woman). Please direct all complaints to Marty Scorsese. God Bless.
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There was no way you were keeping this job.
You showed up late to orientation, much to the disapproval of the hospital director. Now you had completely missed your first official day. It wasn’t for lack of trying, honestly. The bus had arrived late on orientation day. When a kind older gentleman told you this was a common occurrence, you decided you could carve out extra time for the twenty-five minute walk. 
Then you missed a turn. Then another. Then you’d discovered you left your wallet at home and that your phone had, in fact, not charged overnight. Then you took a chance on a bus. Then ended up on an entirely different side of Coruscant. 
That had all been seven hours ago, when the sun was still up. The infamous neon lights of the central city were now a distant glow, taunting you from miles away. So much for being a sign language interpreter, you thought bitterly, so much for a brand new life in Coruscant. Not only were you going to lose the job you moved to this enormous city for, you might just lose your life. Oh, well. At least that was the worst that could happen. 
This side of the city was…there was no other word for it, shady. It was made up of graying warehouses and shipyards, abandoned by workers who had long since headed home. The few people you came across didn’t give the impression they wanted to be bothered. Not that your anxiety would’ve allowed you to try. Or at least it wouldn’t have an hour ago, before the hunger headache set in. 
You weren’t sure how long you’d been cutting through the damn labyrinth of empty warehouses when you finally came across one with the lights on. The grimy windows dulled the sickly yellow shine, but it seemed like the most cliche sign from God.
You stopped before the aging building, weighing the thought of going in. A man’s laugh sounded from inside, making you jump. The news headline, “CORUSCANT’S MAFIA FAMILIES SPREAD THEIR POWER THROUGHOUT THE CITY” flashed in your mind. The words ‘brutal’, ‘ruthless’ and ‘violent’ had made appearances in the first paragraph. There had been a picture attached; a blurry image of two or three men slipping out of the senate building, a winged insignia sewn onto a leather jacket, a different flash of red against white fabric. 
To be fair, you hadn’t seen the symbol anywhere. You’d even read that the extent of the mob was overplayed by conspiracy theorists, driven by the myth of a couple of notorious figures. What was the chance you would actually come across someone ‘brutal’ and ‘ruthless’. The place looked like a shot out of GoodFellas, but a bus had brought you here. It looked like it was a busy area in the morning. It was too obvious. And more than anything, you were desperate now. It at least had to be worth poking your head in. 
Cautiously you approached the open door, took a breath and peered in. A shaggy haired young man leaned against a pillar, still laughing. 
“It’s not even that funny!” a young female voice shouted, although you could tell she was restraining her own giggles. Your eyes strained to see where the sound was coming from. Probably late night dock workers, you figured with relief.
‘Hello’ died on your lips and resurrected as a gasp when you laid your eyes on the large pile of spice and blasters in the middle of the floor. The man snapped his head towards you. You caught a glimpse of a nasty scar adorning his right eye and a set of white wings on the shoulder of his black jacket.
Terrified, you stumbled back into the shadows before he could get a good look at you. You backed away blindly, willing your fight or flight to take the wheel. 
Just as you were about to turn around, the rich scent of amber and vanilla filled the air and an unseen arm wrapped itself around your chest from behind. A large hand covered your mouth as you screamed, leaving the taste of a leather glove on your lips. Your back was pulled flush against a broad chest, the butt of a blaster prodding the small of your back.
Your fight or flight officially turned to lead as the weight of impending doom crushed your reflexes. 
“You’ve been lurking around here all night,” a smooth, accented voice murmured in your ear. The warm breath on your neck made you shiver. In any other situation, it might’ve excited you. “Who sent you, young
You tried to shake your head, but the hand covering your mouth had moved to grasp your chin. 
“I-I’m lost,” you stuttered. “I-I didn’t mean t-to-to see anything, I-I’m just lost.” 
“Lost?” your captor mused. 
Tears pricked your eyes. He didn’t sound like he believed you. “I don’t-I don’t even know where I am.” 
He tilted your chin up, craning your neck to meet a piercing pair of blue eyes that light up in the darkness. The face above you couldn’t be more than 35-years-old. Despite the lack of lighting, you could make out well kept fair hair, complimented by a matching beard. He was handsome, strikingly so. Your brain went blank for a moment. 
“Obi-Wan, who is that?” a male voice called from the door of the warehouse. Obi-Wan’s eyes flickered to his companion but yours stayed trained on him. 
“Someone saw something she shouldn’t have,” Obi-Wan responded, looking back at you thoughtfully. He tapped your jaw and hummed, sending a vibration through you. Then he released your chin, only to tighten his grip on your shoulders. “Come with me.” 
You made no attempt to disobey as he led you into the warehouse. The scarred man waited by the doorway, his split eyebrow raised, evidently sharing in your confusion. You cringed under the intensity of his watch. His stance was relaxed, his arms were crossed, but he looked at you like he might lunge at any given moment. 
“This is what the alarm picked up?”
You winced as he gestured to you. He rolled his eyes and pulled a lighter out of his pocket.  
“Now Anakin, be nice to our guest.” 
He gave you a sarcastic, tightlipped smile before shoving his hand back in his pocket. 
You sent a silent prayer to whoever was listening that you weren’t about to be tortured to death. Although you weren’t holding out hope; you’d been praying all day. 
Obi-Wan sat you in a folding chair, the cold metal burning through the thin fabric of your button-up. 
A young woman around your age with fiery red hair and two blue and white braids appeared from behind the pile of spice. You gathered that’s who you heard earlier. She watched you with wide interested eyes as she handed Obi-Wan another chair. 
“Thank you, Ahsoka,” he nodded. You sent her a pleading look, but she merely gave you a friendly smile before retreating to the other man. 
Obi-Wan cleared his throat and you snapped your attention back to him. He was even more handsome in good lighting. He looked…almost kind, even as he studied you with a straight face. His hair was auburn and each stand looked as though it had been meticulously placed. The creased lines peaking around his mustache told you he smiled a lot. His warm complexion didn’t give you the sense it was from sadism. His nose and cheekbones were as sharp as his crystal eyes, but his expression was soft, curious and understanding. The most unnerving aspect of his appearance was his white suit jacket, decorated with a red winged insignia on the shoulder. 
“Your symbol…” you muttered. A blurry photo of the crest on white fabric and black leather…next to the words, ‘brutal’, ‘ruthless’ and ‘violent’. You glanced over at Anakin, who had finally fished a cigarette from the pocket of his black leather jacket. Ahsoka, who was paying your situation no mind, typed away on her phone, the case decorated with the same emblem in sticker form. “There was a photo of you,” you breathed. The full realization of what exactly you’d waltzed into struck you upside the head. You reeled back frantically in your seat, “I-I read about you, I t-think. You’re, you’re-”
“Not going to hurt you,” he assured, sticking out his hand as if to pat you. You made a skeptical face. He looked amused at your apprehension. “What’s your name, darling?”
Your heart skipped a beat. Out of fear, of course. 
“(yn),” you whispered. 
“(yn),” he repeated like it was poetry. “And you’re lost. You’re new to the city, aren’t you?”
“Is it that obvious,” you asked shyly, embarrassed. 
He cocked his head and shrugged. “No one dressed like you ends up this far past the Urscu district unless they’ve yet to get the hang of the buses, or they’re wearing this,” he pointed to the mafia crest on his jacket, “and considering your attire, I’m assuming it’s the former.” 
You couldn’t help it, you burst into tears. This man was toying with you. He was luring you into a false sense of security and forcing you to admit your own stupidity before he did away with you. He wasn't studying you, he was preying on you.
“I do-don’t know what happened, I-I just- are you fucking with me?”
Obi-Wan leaned forward, furrowing his eyebrows and blinking slowly. “Fucking with you?”
You tensed up again as you realized you might've just offended him. If you were taking a tone with a mob boss after all of day's events, then your poor excuse for survival skills belonged in some sort of lackluster hall of fame.  
“I-I’m sorry, I just meant, like-like-like, please, I-I just want to go home,” you begged, your breath stuttering. He sighed and stood, towering over you. 
“And you will,” the crime lord promised with a surprisingly gentle sincerity. He tilted your chin up, his thumb catching a stray tear. “But you’ve seen too much. I can’t just let you walk away.” 
Nausea twisted in your stomach. A million scenarios of what he could do to you, of what he could make you do, raced through your aching head. This man was sick. Talking to you like you were a lost child and not a potential snitch was just a means coax you into being compliant with whatever he had in mind.
The sensation of his glove against your skin was suddenly overwhelming your sense and you swore you could smell blood beneath the leather. The groves in the material began to spiderweb all over your face, the seam coming undone to close your mouth. No one was around, no one would hear you scream. 
“I won’t tell anyone,” you pleaded with a sob, “Please, I promise I w-won’t say a thing, I’ll f-forget it.” 
“Take a breath,” he ordered, his tone briefly switching to that of a general. You obeyed, squeezing your eyes shut as he caressed your cheek again. 
He knelt beside you, softening his voice again. “You’ve given us no reason to hurt you, but that doesn’t mean we can trust you.” 
You nodded as if you understood. He continued. 
“Where do you live, darling?”
You sucked in another breath, “The Senate district, in the Millenium on Droid Street.” 
“Perfect,” he said. “We own a restaurant just around the block. We’re in need of a waitress.” 
You cracked your eyes open, suspicious. “You’re offering me a job?”
“We need to keep an eye on you,” he explained, standing up again. The way he looked down at you told you he’d be watching you one way or another. Given that you just lost your other job, you weren’t sure you had much of a choice. However, you couldn’t help but wonder what happened to the last waitress. “Unless you’d rather run drugs,” he added, pulling you out of your thoughts. You shook your head profusely. The blood started to smell like vanilla again.
“I think I can handle waitressing,” you accepted. Obi-Wan nodded, pulling you to your feet. He stuck out his hand. You hesitated for a moment, then your sweaty skin felt the lines of his leather gloves just once more for the rest of the night.
A rush of cold ran through you, flooding you with the feeling you’d just sealed your fate.
“Welcome to the family, (yn),” Obi-Wan smiled, patting you on the shoulder. “Now, let me take you home.” 
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writingjoycebyers · 1 year
One topic I'd like to read more are two: Hop jealous but tries hard to deny it, but badly. And a confrontation between Hop and Lonnie. Because it is right that he is punished by our sheriff!
Okay, I’m back. Please leave some love! I need motivation, input, random chats, whatever.. I mean, just in case anyone is still following my page and writing. I haven’t written in so long! Also sorry - I’m out of writing practice! Currently rewatching stranger things!
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This is the second part to this pregnancy ficlet here!
The light at Melvald‘s general store is bright, too bright, stinging. Joyce hasn‘t felt like herself for the past few weeks, the feeling of joy and curiosity, the little secret inside of her - it has all turned into some kind of nervous anxiety about what the future holds. She stands in front of a shelf packed with baby supplies, a million kinds of pacifiers staring at her as her thoughts wander off. Will she be able to do this?
„Come here, babe!“, a voice yells through the store and that’s it - she‘s back to reality, back from her inside to the outside world, a world full of bright neon lights, grocieries and the rough voice of a man.
„What is it?“ she asks as she crosses the aisles to meet the man, dressed in jeans and a black leather jacket, his hair greasy and his shoes dirty.
„Can you carry this?“, he asks as he looks down on her. He‘s not tall for a man, but she‘s small and has not been eating well or been able to keep in any decent food those past four and a half months. In fact, she‘s skinnier than ever - except for her belly that keeps growing, a vicious circle. In the beginning, when it had just been between herself and the little creature inside of her, it had felt powerful, but now she often found herself thinking that it was taking something away from her, energy, sleep, weight, her whole fucking self.
„Uhm, yeah.“, she says and is not even sure if she‘s able to as the man is handing her a sixpack of beer.
„I don‘t think she should, Byers.“, says another, much darker voice from the other end of the aisle. The store is not even empty, there are a few customers walking around and still she immediately sees him, turns her head around before Lonnie Byers can push the sixpack into her arms. He knows.
Well, she thinks, of course he knows. For a second her thoughts trail off to that one moment last month when she bumped into him in front of the store they were just standing in. Joyce feels a strange kind of nausea creeping up on her and she cannot really tell the reason - her sudden disgust for Lonnie Byers, the presence of Jim Hopper or the baby inside of her.
„Don‘t think that‘s any of your business, Hopper.“, Lonnie snaps, his voice low as Jim Hopper walks over to them. Jim is much taller than Lonnie, wearing jeans and a white shirt and Joyce can even see his muscles underneath. Suddenly, she feels safe because she knows that Lonnie‘s aggression is bubbling up but here, in public, in front of Jim Hopper he‘d never dare to fight because he knows all too well that he‘s got no chance, no chance against a man so much taller, a man with true self confidence. Lonnie was a different kind of man, out of control on the inside and put together in public, at least enough to keep some kind of normal appearences.
„Carry it yourself or put it away, Byers.“, Hopper says and he has not yet taken a single look at Joyce. It makes her even more nervous as she starts to feel like a bystander, a bystander in her own life. Joyce can‘t know it‘s not because he does not want to, does not know that he‘d love to look at her in all ways possible, but that he just can‘t because he would not bear to really see her again, so small and beautiful, carrying the traces of another life under her shirt. Summer was slowly beginning and by now, it was too warm for sweaters, pullovers or jackets, so Joyce was wearing a plain blue shirt and damn, she really could not hide it anymore. She could not hide it and he could not stand that.
Moments pass as the three of them just stand there, Jim staring at Lonnie, Lonnie staring at Jim and Joyce staring at the two of them. Then suddenly, Lonnie breaks the silence. „Alright, Sheriff.“, he whispers ironically, a scoff in his voice as he moves and walks past Jim. Joyce still stands there, it takes her a few seconds to react. „Bye, Jim. Gotta go.“, she whispers, raises her head and looks him in the eyes for less than a second.
„See you.“, he answers as she walks down the aisle, steps behind Lonnie. He can‘t stand it.
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kkusuka · 4 years
(i had to repost lol- it wasn’t showing up on my page)
this the request: part 3 of thiccy gf hcs ??? with kuroo, terushima, sakusa, and daichi and/or atsumu 🥺👉🏽👈🏽 i must be fed
i understand your need for them
and as a member of the thunder-thigh committee, i am happy to write about my fellow sexy women! (another 4:56 am ramble i refuse to delete)
part one
part 2 <3
i mixed this with this ask ;  Pt. 3 of the thicc af gf with Aone, Osamu, Kyotani, Daichi, Kuguri, and Terushima plz? 🥺
this got wayyyyyyyyy long
4, 685 words. my finger slipped?
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Kuroo tetsuro
this guy has been trying to get you since first year
he’s that dedicated
and you didn’t even notice, he was just a flirty friend who helped you with science
(even when he would practically put you in his lap while he went over things)
lo and behold, he finally got his chance during the third year culture festival
yeah as in he waited a whole three years for this
Eh, once again, had a whole pan to make you see him as your great future husband, aka the haunted house (a good excuse to have you hold onto him)
He has to give it to class 2-4, the did a damn good job, it was scary
Long story short you fell on top of him, boobs in face hands-on ass
Mans actually asked you to be his girlfriend right there, groping you and murmuring between your boobs. (he wouldn't have gotten up if the next group wasn’t approaching.)
From then on he’d literally do anything for the ass
He’s a big simp and we all know it.
Like When you wear shorts he has to ‘pull them down’ aka feel you up while pulling the hem of your shorts down ever so slightly.
Or when he gets on a knee right behind you to ‘tie his shoe’, but the school shoes have no laces.
He could be a bit more creative and he wanted to look under your skirt.
When he wants to cut the bull shit he’ll just lift the back of your skirt and rub around for a but, to hell with all the other kids in the hallway.
(did I mention that he puts things on the highest shelves so he can walk up behind you and practically dry hump you.)
Speaking of simp nation
You can't really wear anything without setting him off
Shorts drive him absolutely nuts, it's insane. But it isn't his fault that most of your shorts are spandex that cut off right at the beginning of your thighs, it's like a homemade booty lifter. He just can’t help but wanting to cop a feel.
Or the color red in general. It is ridiculous, the guy rips everything when he tries to take it off too. So that stunning red cocktail dress with the lace-up sides was not unwearable, and you only had it on for like 2 hours. And that was only because it was a friend's 18th birthday party you were both invited to.
(thanks to kuroo not letting you out of his arms you both were late and left early.)
((in his defense you looked like a full course meal and it was giving him severe blue balls, and he’s only seen you for a few minutes))
Halloween, you know. the one night you could dress up as anything. any you decide to go as a cat-girl in a maid costume. And you expected him to just take that sitting down? Hell no. the red thigh highs AND the corset middle? You're lucky it lasted as long as it did.
That my dear was bravery. His color. A cat. And a short skirt. With thigh highs!
And so, he did what he did all those other times, dragged you to sit on his lap, and opening your thighs, and like a good girl you’ll let him
If you could already tell, he gives no shits to whos watching, let ‘em see (they really never do but you get the point)
He’s also a prime thigh groper, especially when he wants to keep your legs open, he also loves thigh hic
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Terushima Yuji
Another shower-offer
You were already he's so why can't he let everyone know?
Speaking of you being his, he doesn't tell people how you guys don’t together, with good reason considering you practically beat him up
Not really but that’s what he calls it, basically he tried to get with one of your friends at a party.
She just happens to not be interested in men and has a wonderful girlfriend, so she was uncomfortable but couldn't tell him to leave her alone
So you took fate into your own hands, literally, you stole Fate from class 3-2’s drink and poured it on him before slapping him and telling him about how he was a pig.
And he fell in love, you looked like an angel, a really hot angel, it didn't help you were in a white dress either
And from then on he literally once or twice, got on his knees for you, asking to give him a chance.
Honestly, it got annoying, so you just agreed to make it go away. It did, but you also gained a perv of a boyfriend who has an insatiable love for your lower half
He’s a simple creature, do take caution of his fragile being
So that means all those times you bend over in front of him he was slowly cracking and trying to figure out where the nearest storage closet is.
He thought he was having heart palpitations when he saw you in the damn dress again, apparently, he didn't see all of it. Specifically the v-neck top, and the fact it only went to the end of your ass. Needless to say, he made sure to walk behind you on every staircase that you went on
Another set off is yoga legging, like the lululemon ones, that people wear all the time. They fit you great, really really great. They were supposed to work out in them???? Why were they so skin-tight????? And he also figured out that you wore things because of them. Instant nut.
How you ask, simple.
One time he saw your underwear line through the pants and he pointed them out, they did make it seem like your ass was super soft so he saw his chance and took it.
So the next time you wore them and he didn't see the lines he was like ??????
And thus began the “Yuji hunt for lineless underwear” and he found the thongs
And you received the fucking of your life soon after.
Oh! And there’s any time you go to the beach. Literally every time.
No cap.
The first time was when you wore a red one-piece and he practically went feral. It wasn't really a one-piece if it was see-through and had the lowest neckline on the planet.
Everyone was looking at you.
He practically fucked you on the beach but held off until you got back to the hotel room.
He’s way more forward when he wants to fuck, if you could imagine. He’ll just walk up to you and tell you he wants to get some, like right now.
If you can even ignore him, he’ll throw an arm around your waist and grope around your legs, all the way to the apex.
It is also not below him to try and get you off while still wearing underwear that he will be taking after.
(i didn't say anything about his stash off orgasm ruined underwear? My bad.)
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Sakusa Kiyoomi
Going beyond the fact he even has a girlfriend, y’know considering, but the fact that no one knew who you were until you showed up at nationals to cheer him on
(atsumu was even starting to think that you didn't exist and that poor kiyoomi just imagined you up, so can imagine his shock when you ran up to said boy after they won)
The whole dating thing wasn't the shocking part; it was the fact that you looked like you walked off of the Milan runway.
And you were wearing leggings and sakusa's jacket, all of a sudden everyone was interested in how that happened
It was a kind of a boring story, someone had spilled coffee in a shop that you both happen to be in
And he watched you offer the man the same disinfectant wipes that he uses!
And in the most sakusa way possible he followed you out of the shop and tried to talk to you.
An exchange of numbers and many awkward conversations (and boners) later, you were a couple.
Back to that hug, like the many others, he's let you have, it’s all just to feel how soft you were
But poor touch -starved sakusa doesn't know what to do with any of these pent up feelings.
And he has a loooooooot of them.
Multiple occasions have shaped the poor germ-boy into the horny-tornado he has become
so he’s not really into what you’re wearing, it’s more about what you’re doing
like when you wore the mask he bought you to one of his games, and you wore one of his alternate uniforms, but the kicker was how you stayed away from everyone and didn’t let a single person near you (or his shirt)
or when you helped him clean his dorm when he was doing his weekly deep clean
or when the two of you washed the dishes while trying to do one of those “try not to sing” challenges
(is it normal to get a boner when your girlfriend helps you clean? no?)
but, as much as he tries to remain emotionless on the subject, there are multiple exceptions to the “it’s not what she wears” whole thing
Like that violet puffy skirt, you wore to a study fate, the one with the white sweater? That one, the same one that he could see your panties, from anywhere he sat. and Every time you got up you would have to smooth it down to make the creases go down, but it was only ever really giving him a good idea about the shape of your ass.
(if he sees you in that skirt again he’s just going to fuck you in it)
The lesser-known horny-inducer, since he made you take it off within the first five minutes, was a dress! What kind of dress? A neon yellow see-through mesh dress. The bottom wasn’t what got him though, it was the fact that your white bra was clearly seen under the mesh top. Or maybe it was the way the skirt made your waist look super small, and how your hips looked so round and squeezable.
Yeah, no one else could experience you in that.
Not to sound like this, but sakusa is still averse to touch
That goes out the window when he wants to dance the devil's tango with you.
Mr. His way or no way shows up,  he does it every so slightly different
If it’s just the two of you, he’ll put a hand on your shoulder and he’ll push you to your knees. And he’ll pet your head and tell you what’s about to happen and advise you to listen like a good girl.
But in the instance you are in the presence of others, he’ll stand behind you and bring you super close to him, ass to dick. (maybe he’ll grind into you a bit, just to convince you to follow him) and he’ll throw a few words in about how much of a bitch in heat you are for getting turned on in front of all of these people.
It’s best to just do what he wants before he makes you cum in your underwear.
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Daichi Sawamura
oh my
you guys are the power thigh couple
powerful and defined mixed with soft and pillowy
In Fact, that’s literally how the two of you met, thanks to Tanaka and Nishinoya of course.
(let’s just pretend karasuno has a cheer squad, and you just happened to be the captain of said team)
So basically you were doing a favor for the student council, and you were supposed to ask how many third years, managers included, were on each team and each club in the school
Easy! Turns out not so much. You were still in your cheer practice uniform, which was the shortest spandex ever made, and a Karasuno school t-shirt that was ever so slightly too tight.
Anyway, you make it to the gym and open the door, and the little one, Yachi, saw you and literally screamed. (she was right by the door), and that alerted everyone else in the gym, which led to the bald boy and his short companion pushing you further into the gym.
But in the better sense, it did gain the attention of the captain! Just the exact moment he was in front of you someone pushed; your back and within a second, in some miracle like way, you both ended up on the floor and he ended up planked on top of you with a leg between your spread thighs.
Almost kissing nonetheless.
Then, like the gentleman he was, he got off and asked you if you alright and kneeled down and let you use his shoulder to try and stand back up.
You did get up, for a split second, Daichi still kneeling letting you use him as a step stool when a certain red-head was flung right into you and you went toppling forward.
Onto Daichi.
Onto Daichi's face.
Your thighs around his head.
His hands-on your ass.
Hand in his hair.  
He could sit there forever, you were frozen, everyone else was frozen.
You eventually climbed off and asked how many third years there were. But he just sat there, his hands hadn’t moved either, luckily Suga answered and you were on your way.
And Daichi still didn’t move, after that incident, you had begun to see him everywhere, and eventually, he just cut the shit and asked you out.
Daddy Daichi likes seeing you in literally anything from sweatshirts to lingerie.
His favorite was the brown buttoned pencil skirt and the white blouse, that you wore to a date. You were kind of overdressed for the ramen shop and after a walk, but he didn't even care. He was so thrown off by how turned on he was he couldn't speak in full sentences.
An example:
“Yeah, the food here is- boob, I-I mean great, not boob, great, yes, great.”
The second.
Was a bathrobe.
Can you see where I'm going with that? Simply you look hot.
His favorite part of the night was ripping it off of you.
And like the first time you met, he had his head in your thighs <3
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Atsumu Miya
You met poor atsumu at a party.
He tried to shoot his shot, y’know he sees a cute lady he’s just gotta try and show you what you could be getting
he had it all planned, he was going to walk up behind you and run his hands over your delicious curves and ask you if you were in need of any help
he doesn’t take into account that a having a random guy just start groping you and pressing himself behind a girl was panic-inducing
so when he dropped your waist, you freaked out and may or may not have punched him in the dick
while he was in a. world of pain you age to figure out what the hell had just happened to you
then you noticed him on the floor, and when he noticed you looking at him he put this forced cocky smirk on and gave you a “how you doing”
You took pity on the poor creature and helped him up and got him some ice, then conversed with him for the majority of the rest of the night.
And he just hasn't left you alone since
(and, you learned this far later, that he went so far to tell Sakusa and Kageyama all about you and how amazing you are, and has even sent them- more than one- picture
But in other news, he’s very horny
So really all that means is he always has his hands on you
Like during practice breaks when you're allowed to come down and talk to him for a bit, give him some things, but it normally just consists of him sitting on the bench and you standing in front of him.
While his hands rest on your hips and his face is shoved into the valley between your breasts, and he just sits and listens to you as you brush a hand through his hair.
Or sometimes, if he had been having a rough time, he’ll just have his hands under your skirt and he’ll feel around for a bit while grumbling about how people cant hit his sets
But for being the possessive bastard he is, he sure likes letting you wear all those outfits
Like the booty shorts and tank top, you wore to bring them food during the summer training camp. That same camp that the two of you disappeared at and he came back looking like he had won the lottery.
Or the cute little red dress you wore to your anniversary date? The one that made him have a hard-on the entire time you were at dinner. He knows the waiter remembers, he also bets the waiter remembers seeing him fucking you in the car when his shift was over.
And that time you wore his jersey to bed and sent him a picture of it. It was such a good picture that he made it his lock screen for everyone to see.
He just likes looking at you tbh.
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Aone Takanobu
you guys didn’t meet in some weird perverted way, it was actually really cute!
Not to sound creepy but he knew that you were in the garden club because you sat right in front of him in class
And since he didn't talk to anyone else in that class he was just content with listening, and so there he was
Standing outside of the garden club door holding his withering basil plant. Lost.
Lucky for him you were walking down the hallway and greeted him, looking all pretty and cute
You did help him realize that he was overwatering the basil and within a few weeks, it was back to life!
From that first time on, he came to the club room with you twice a week and walked home with you, just listening to all the random plant facts that you had harbored in your mind.
Eventually, with the help of the team, he asked you out, and you hugged him and said yes, and that was the beginning of the “oh god, y/n is way softer than I thought”
So he really just tries to be near you or be touching you at all times  
(i am also a firm believer that he likes to slow dance to classical music in your living room)
Like during lunch periods when you sit next to him and the second you finish eating hell push you to lean against him
And he’ll rub small circles on your hips and give you small innocent gropes
Or how he hugs your waist when you're doing literally anything, and he puts his head on top of your head while swaying
I can also tell you that Aone is a good singer
So he hums to you (I'm uwuing over my own headcanon lol)
He also really likes just running his hands along your body, so he likes when you wear the one-piece dresses so he has smooth sailing down your body
As a man of little words, he clearly has a more physical approach to getting you on the horny train
What I am trying to get at is that more often than not he literally just picks you up and carries you away.
Of course, that leaves you to come back to whatever you were doing.
That is after the cuddles and after sex ‘conversations’ about the dumbest things
Basically, he likes to hear you talk and he really likes being near.
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Osamu Miya
He knew who you were
With a brother like atsumu, who never shuts up about you, it's hard not to
(Osamu is pretty sure atsumu had a picture of you next to his pillow. ew)
Anyway, the two of you just happened to share the same lunch block, and it also just happens to be the only period block that he was alone
No teammates and no especially close that he could hang out with
That meant he could either study or eat
Had he chose to eat, only to be met with the fact that atsumu had drained both of their lunch accounts for his flavor of the week
Poor baby stood there for a while just processing what was the worst news of his life
When you, a true angel among the evil, said that you would graciously pay for his food so that he didn't outlook so sad anymore
If he wasn’t holding an armful of onigiri he would have fallen on his knees and begged to whatever god was out there to let him keep you
But he settled for thanking you and spending the entire period with you, he even offered to share (for the first time in his life)
You complimented him on his flavor choice and he decided to keep you
He made sure to share his recipes with you and you tried to do the same
And somehow that evolved into you guys going on dates, much to atsumu’s distaste, and you guys were totally hitting it off
Osamu was your official biggest fan, he loved everything you do
But that means he wants to stay your biggest fan, and he knows that you’re pretty well known for boys thinking not so innocent things about you
Again being brothers with atsumu gave him this little sadistic streak
He lets you wear all of the revealing outfits and the bikinis, all for everyone to see
Everyone to see what belongs to him
Like at suna’s party he let you wear a black mini-skirt and a white off the shoulder long sleeved flowy shirt.
You looked good, and all the guys staring at you proved that point tenfold. Three guys had come up to you and tried to get you to go upstairs with them. And it was almost immediately shut down when they noticed the act you were sitting on your boyfriend.
Speaking of, he almost always has you in his lap.
Aww, cute! Not, he like grinding you down on him, that's also why he likes having you wear skirts, easy access to your ass, also a nice way to ensure that he could get more than a few gropes in when he wants
No, it's definitely the way he made you wear thigh highs to school one day and the shortest skirt you owned (like a school skirt) and walked behind you the entire day.
And he just reached behind you and lifted your skirt for the whole hallway to see, but mostly for him
He waists no time when he wants to fuck, he’ll just walk up to and open your legs while making out with either you or your neck.
And yes he has done that in front of atsumu
Who was warned to stay out of their room for a while.
Not to mention all those times he convince you to go to school with no underwear on just for the fun of it
(I didn't tell you this but those off the shoulder mini dresses drive him wild. On graduation day he pulled into a closet and had his way with you. I mean he did say that if you wore that dress he was going to do it, buuuuuut y’know….. yolo)
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Kyotani Kentaro
We all know he’s a fighter, which means he gets hurt a lot, which in turn makes him a frequent face in the nurse's office
And who happens to be the nurse's niece? You of course!
And right after school, when your aunt takes her break and leaves you to take care of the office alone
Right after school is also when Kyotani always comes in.
(it’s not like he knew that you would be there alone, and that meant that you had to deal with him and heal him up. And it also is not like he started the fight so he could come here and see you. No not that)
Who am I kidding it was like that.
It was totally like that.
Your hands were just so soft when they put the bandages on and you have to bend down to get the wrapping.
He had a crush, that's what iwaizumi said, and after googling what the symptoms of a crush were he was sure
So with the help of the third years, aka Oikawa just having Iwaizumi repeat what he wanted to say, they had a plan
And the next time he was in the office he asked if you wanted to see a movie with him, it was so cute and he looked so shy
It would have been perfect if after five seconds he tried to take it back, you still went on the date with him though
He was happy.
Angry boy likes hugs
And yes he does, no objections
So when he’s upset he’ll make these grabby hands at you and have you come over and stand with him
He shoves his chin on your shoulder and his hands squeezing your waist and you’ll rock back and forth until he calms down.
He’s also very aware of what you wear
Like how your skirt perfectly frames your legs. How the socks you wear make your legs look 10x longer, and make you look like you’re walking like a model.
Or the dark blue leggings you wore with his alternate jersey and you were cheering for him!
But nothing and I mean NOTHING gets him better than when you wear spandex shorts and one of his shirts. He goes feral every time.
This man is the CEO of picking you up and placing you on his lap, straddle style, and just going ham on you
Not to mention that sometimes when he’s really tired he’ll have you just sitting on his lap while he plays with your thighs
(he also likes playing with your waist and stomach, but he doesn't realize that he’s talking out loud so you can hear all of the “so soft”’s he lets out.
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You were one of Mika's close friends so you were always just kind of around
It was a little get together that Daishou threw that really made you two close
It was a weird drinking game of sorts, and it had these teams, and you were out as a pair!
Somehow throughout the game, you guys got side-tracked and just ended up talking to each other the rest of the night
Eventually, you were convinced to go on a double date and the rest was history
He didn't even pay attention to what you wore that much until he heard a few rando kids in the locker room talking about it.
And that’s when he started thinking about just who he was dating
He first realized how round your ass was. Is it normal to look that good in leggings? No one else has ever looked that good to him. With that came his obsession with just touching your butt. He just grabs it or he’ll stop you from walking and palm it. Or he’ll rub circles into it.
(it's cute how intrigued he is by your butt)
Then came his obsession with your thighs. Mostly the way that they spread out when you sit. He didn't even understand why they were just so mesmerizing. They were so squishy too. He likes how they look in his hands-
Lastly was the waist thing. You aren't even sure what it is. He just likes putting his hands on your waist. Like a prom picture. Sometimes he’ll squeeze or run his hands along your sides. But he’s mostly stationary.
He also has this habit of just opening your legs and laying on your stomach.
He is just so into how soft you are.
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starlitangels · 3 years
Blame @floofdeloop and her fantastic playlist ideas for this one. This takes place before Inversion because I said so Floof’s Playlists: Playboy Millionaire/Vincent Solaire & Vincent Solaire/Playboy Millionaire (also Floof’s Post On The Difference Between the Two) Also we couldn’t go a little hedonistic without one very specific cameo 2.5k words
Ruby red paint gleamed in the lights from the club. Polished hubcaps shining. The speaker system of the elegant Maserati rivaled the club’s in terms of the loud music blasting from it. The convertible top was down and familiar black curly hair bounced in the wind. The car pulled into a parking space and the top lifted, closing down.
After a moment, the driver got out. He was tall and slim. A presumably expensive black suit and white shirt with the top two buttons undone adorned his lithe, sleek frame. Despite being windblown, his hair was styled to perfection. He tugged on his jacket to straighten it, adjusting how the gold watch he wore sat on his wrist at the same time. Silver eyes caught the light and reflected like a cat’s.
The bouncer chuckled, a small smirk forming on her face. One of her regulars. “Welcome back, Mr. Solaire,” she said. The vampire smiled at her. She caught the slightest flash of his fangs in the strobe lights from inside as one passed the windows.
“Hey Steph,” he replied, that smile turning flirtatious, even though he knew it would have no effect. “How’s the pack?”
Steph shrugged. “Same old, same old. And so are you, apparently.”
“How’s the crowd tonight? Mostly empowered or mostly human?”
“I think you already know.”
The amount of magic concentrated in the club’s space was almost tangible to the unempowered senses. Another fangy smile. “Anyone interesting tonight?”
“That’s not my job, Mr. Solaire.”
He pouted at her. “C’mon, Steph. You know you don’t have to call me that. I’ve said you can call me Vincent.”
“I’m aware. But this is my job.”
“One person, eh? Who do you think I could get lucky with?” He winked playfully. “If you want, I can make you forget you ever told me.”
Steph narrowed her eyes. “Don’t you dare. And you know better than to flirt with me. You’re not the only one with fangs around here.”
Vincent pouted again. “Fine,” he muttered.
Vincent turned out his pockets and let Steph wave the metal detector over him. “Wish me luck.” He smiled and swanned away.
Steph rolled her eyes.
The beat of the music was pounding its way into Vincent’s heart, changing its rhythm. He smiled, turning on the heel of his leather dress shoe and going right for the bar. Steph was a hard nose—came with the territory of being a bouncer, he supposed—but Lionel was a lot more loose-lipped.
The bartender smiled as Vincent took a stool and sat. “Well, well. The prince returns,” he remarked.
“Evening, Lionel,” Vincent replied. “How’s the crowd tonight?”
“Havin’ a good time,” Lionel said.
“Anyone seem particularly... lonely?”
Lionel laughed. “Not that I’ve noticed. Most everyone came in groups.”
“Oh, but not all,” a new voice remarked. Low, soft, relaxed, yet somehow capable of cutting right through the rest of the noise of the club.
Vincent smirked and spun on his barstool. “Gavin,” he greeted. “How’ve you been?”
The incubus gave him an ethereally good-looking smile. “I’ve been well. And you?” He leaned against the bar, not bothering to sit down, and scanned the crowd. Vincent remembered the last time he and Gavin ran into each other. Demon blood couldn’t actually nourish a vampire—but damn it had given him a buzz.
“I’ve been good,” Vincent replied.
Gavin jerked his chin. “See that girl over there with the neon orange shirt?”
“She’s feeling lonely tonight. And she’s also a Fire Elemental.” Gavin smirked. “You ever feed off a Fire Elemental?”
“Don’t recall.”
The smirk widened. “I have. In a different way, of course, but I have. Fire Elementals are intense—in every way. I’d highly recommend it.” Gavin winked at Vincent, who chuckled.
“Thanks for the recommendation.”
“If you’re in a different sort of mood, though, there’s a certain gentleman in the back corner booth who’s always down for a little fun.”
“What, is that your spot?” Vincent returned jokingly.
“Oh, Vincent, if I was wanting such things from you tonight, you can be assured I wouldn’t be so... roundabout.” Gavin smiled lazily. “No. The gentleman in the back is a Freelancer. He’s from Maine. You’d probably like him. He’ll have about seven rings on.”
Vincent put a sarcastic pout on his face. “Are you saying you don’t want me tonight, Gavin?” he teased.
Gavin laughed, low and unbothered. “Well, even I hate to presume sometimes.” Gavin leaned close. He felt and smelled like pure magic. “So, what do you want tonight?”
Vincent nonchalantly examined the cuff of his shirtsleeve. “Well, I certainly wasn’t planning on leaving here alone.”
Gavin chuckled. “We’ll see where tonight goes. For now, I still recommend the Fire Elemental over there. She’d probably let you feed on her in front of everyone if you play your cards right.”
“Gavin,” Lionel warned. “We have unempowered patrons too here tonight.”
Gavin shrugged, like he didn’t care. “Some people are into that, Lionel.” He winked at the bartender and slipped into the crowd. Vincent turned back to Lionel.
“So. What drink do you make that tastes the best? Since human alcohol can’t get me drunk.”
Lionel looked behind him at the shelves of alcohol. He smiled. “I’ll make you something special.” He gathered a few things and started to mix it. A gifted Psychokinetic, he could make his tricks a little extra embellished to wow unempowered patrons.
He poured Vincent the drink and passed it over. “You are a dear, Lionel,” Vincent said, taking a sip of it. “And this is delightful.”
He drank it slow, savoring the flavor, watching the girl in the neon orange shirt that Gavin had pointed out. If he concentrated, he could feel the burn of her aura among the dozens of other auras.
Once he was done, he put the glass back on the bar and got up, crossing the dance floor to the Fire Elemental. “Mind if I join you?” he asked, putting on one of his best smirks. She whirled around, her long hair thousands of tiny, harmless whips against Vincent’s chest.
“Who’s askin’?” she replied, a cocky tilt to her head. This close up, her aura burned like a bonfire against Vincent’s. “Besides just a vampire looking for his next bite?”
Vincent put a hand on his chest sarcastically. “You wound me,” he said. His smirk widened and he put a hand out. “Vincent Solaire.”
The girl raised an eyebrow. “I’m assuming of the Solaire clan?”
“The very same.”
“Igni Taylor.” She shook his hand.
He pulled her close, wrapping a hand around her waist. “And just like that, we’re dancing,” he remarked. She snorted and rolled her eyes. “So, did you come here alone?”
“I did,” she replied frankly. “I didn’t intend to. Some friends were supposed to meet me here. They all cancelled.”
“So you were dancing all alone, instead of just going home?”
“I didn’t get dressed up this nice to waste it.” She whipped her hair off her shoulder. “And the music here is better than anywhere else.”
Vincent tightened his grip on her hand. “So, you came here alone. Do you want to leave here alone?”
She gave him a knowing smile. “I was planning on it. But... I suppose I could be persuaded otherwise. It might take effort, though. I’ve never been easy to convince.”
Vincent leaned down—she was a fair bit shorter than him—and brushed his lips against her ear. “I’m sure I’m up to the challenge, little firebrand,” he said softly, but loud enough that she’d hear him over the pounding music. He felt her aura heat up. Heard her heart start pounding. Felt her pulse in her fingertips beat against his hand. He smiled, bent just a touch lower, and pressed a kiss to her jaw just below her earlobe. She shivered slightly.
Too easy. Vincent’s smile widened. He pulled her flush against him as the music changed to a hotter, heavier song. She sucked in a breath, and the ambient temperature around them rose several degrees—before it seemed to be sucked out of the air. Acute control.
Vincent didn’t like trancing people, except to modify their memories. There was something too sweet in convincing them to let him bite them of their own accord.
Igni ran her fingers through his hair. Her skin was warm. Every square inch that was exposed radiated heat. Vincent ran his hands over her body, feeling that warm, soft skin under his fingertips. She felt like he was holding a torch up to his skin. Not close enough to burn, but enough to suffuse his body with her heat.
He leaned down, hands holding her hips against his. “Come home with me?” he asked quietly.
“Mm... convince me,” Igni replied.
Vincent pressed kisses from her lips down her neck, feeling her muscles relax and turn pliant against him.
She shuddered. “Okay. You wanna get out of here?”
“It would be my pleasure.”
Fifteen Years Later...
Vincent shook his head—the same way he always did when he was clearing his mind.
“Something wrong, baby?” I asked.
He pursed his lips. “No. I’m just glad we’re doing this. I’m glad we’re here—I’m glad... I’m here.”
I scrunched my eyebrows. “At the restaurant?”
“No, like... metaphorically. Mentally. I’m glad I’m not the man I was before I met you anymore.” He smiled, and I caught a brief flash of his fangs. “Don’t get me wrong, lovely, I’ll probably always be a flirt at this point, but... who I was before you... he wasn’t a good man.”
He pulled up to the front of the restaurant and got out of the car, handing a tip to the valet driver as he circled the car to get my door for me. I admired him through the windshield, not even bothering to pretend I wasn’t checking him out. He opened my door and offered me his hand. I took it and let him help me out. “You look incredible. As always, lovely,” he said, barely more than a whisper.
I smiled. “You’re just saying that because I dressed up for our anniversary,” I replied playfully.
“What are you talking about?” he teased. “I always think you’re incredible. In so many ways.” He kissed the side of my head and we approached the seating host’s podium. “Reservation for Vincent Solaire.”
“Yes of course. Right this way.”
We were led to our seats—a nice booth tucked away in a corner—and given menus. The host slipped away.
I scanned my menu, looking for anything that looked appetizing when—
“Well, well, well. Vincent Solaire. Long time, no see,” a voice said.
Vincent and I both looked up. Vincent looking surprised, me probably looking confused.
An older gentleman stood there, dressed in the same fancy uniform as most of the restaurant staff. He had dark, thinning hair and a portly figure. But a large smile adorned his face. Vincent chuckled. “It’s good to see you again, Lionel. I see you’ve moved up in the world.”
“Yeah. Pretty cushy, bartending a place like this.” Lionel turned to look at me. “And who’s this little beauty?” He gave Vincent a significant look—an implication in his eyes that I couldn’t read.
Vincent shook his head. “Lionel, this is my partner,” he said. His eyes turned to me. “Lovely, say hello to Lionel. An old friend of mine.”
I reached up a hand to shake his. “Hello. Pleasure to meet you,” I said. He shook my hand, an amused chortle making his body shake slightly.
“Partner?” he asked Vincent, smiling. “Well—you’ve certainly come a long way from the Vincent Solaire I knew.”
“Yeah… well… things change, Lionel. People change.” Vincent fidgeted, trying to fix how his watch sat on his wrist. I recognized the motion—he did it when he was feeling uncomfortable.
“You never did when I was younger,” Lionel remarked. He turned to look at me. “This young man was the flirtiest of playboys back when I first started bartending. He could get anyone to leave the club with him, no matter who they were. Without even using a trance!” He laughed again, looking back at Vincent. “You and your friend… oh what was his name… the incubus… Gavin, was it?” He shook his head. “Anyway. The two of them were… quite the menaces when it came to persuading people to leave with them. Never a dull night.”
I looked at Vincent. “Who’s Gavin?” I asked.
Vincent glanced at me. “That’s not important,” he said, too quickly. “Lionel is a Psychokinetic, by the way.” He gestured to the restaurant around us. “This place is run by an empowered couple. In case you were wondering why he knows about trancing.”
“Gotcha,” I said.
Lionel clapped Vincent on the shoulder. “How about I get you two started on some drinks, eh?”
“That’d be great, thank you,” Vincent said. “Lovely?”
I gave Lionel my order, and Vincent gave the bartender his.
Lionel, still in good humor, squeezed Vincent’s shoulder. “I’ll be back with those for ya,” he said. He focused his attention back on me. “You’re something else, if you got this rascal to settle down.” Chuckling, he lumbered off.
We both picked up our menus again.
I watched Vincent read his for a few moments. Until he realized I was watching and looked up. “Something on your mind, baby?”
“You don’t talk about your past much,” I said. “You only ever briefly touch on the man you were before we met.”
“Well... I guess I just... I’m hoping that if I never talk about how I was, I’ll never be that way again.” He shut his menu and set it on the table, silver eyes boring into me. “I hate to use the word ‘hedonistic’ but... it might be the most accurate term. It wasn’t hard to lose myself in the flirt. I told you that.” He shook his head. “I don’t want to be that... playboy again. I want to do right by you. Be by your side for as long as you’ll let me.” He glanced around. “And, if I’m being honest, I like spoiling the hell out of you on special occasions.” He winked.
I laughed. “Well, I like it when you flirt with me,” I said. “But... I’m glad I get to see you for who you were when you were human, too. I like the man you’ve become.”
He gave me a soft smile. “Thank you, lovely. I... can’t tell you how much it means for me to hear that.”
I reached across the table to take his hand. “I love you, Vincent.”
“I love you too.” He picked up my hand and kissed it.
The waiter came over—in a dapper white shirt and tie held in place by a gold tie bar. “What can I get for you two tonight?” he asked. “Or do you need another moment to look at the menu?”
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lovee-infected · 4 years
Hello! ♥ Can I request headcanons or oneshot (whichever is easier) about how the twst boys react when they discover that MC is a girl, because they thought MC was a pretty boy, someone like Epel, when an unexpected rain happens during flying class and they can see the silhouette of the breasts or the vibrantly colored bra under the wet T-shirt 👀
At some point they all go : “My expectations for you were low , but holy f ”
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Riddle Rosehearts
Class 2 E had to take Riddle who crashed the ground from the 20 meter height to the nurse office afterwards
His pe grades were already horrifying and with those two tips of something he saw under your wet clothes , it isn't really strange to end up in bed
Thankfully he doesn't end up with a broken leg , but that seemed way better than having this broken sanity now : (y/n) is a girl...?
He gets red but not of any anger , instead embarrassment . He has been treating you too casually good lord , he is never the same with girls
Riddle doesn't talk to you for a few days because he now realizes how lame your relationship may seem ; many things he should have done , many things he shouldn't have done
Would things still be the same ? Well it has to be he , thought . After all you didn't ever hide anything or lie about your gender , it was his misunderstanding
Well now , maybe he wants to treat you a bit... softer ?
Trey Clover
He isn't terrified by the gender , he is terrified by the way he saw it : Wet clothes , squishy big things under your shirt with a visible color...
He sweats at even saying it by word he wasn't ; he wasn't expecting that at all
He tries to hide his blush but that doesn't really work ; everyone knows that Trey isn't one to blush easily
He decides that it's better to skip the class now ( His eyes need some fresh air) . Just a few hours away , and he seems to be already used to it
He has to admit that it's somehow creepy to see the guy who you always liked having around is actually a girl , but he decides to pretend that he already knew it
Male or female , you're the same to him . The lovely and adorable (y/n) you always were
But still , this got him thinking...does he need to treat you like a girl sometimes ? Stuff that just girls do , say or like ?
Cater Diamond
He... notices the big deal when he's taking a rainy day selfie with you . He is making sure that you both look good but suddenly his eyes lay at the sight of your chest through his phone...
His eyes grow wider and he doesn't notice when he presses the button : The sound of his phone's flash almost made him drop it
You ask if he's alright but Cater just gives you a nervous laugh and say that the phone just slipped for a second . He neither shows you the pic you just took nor agrees on taking a second one when you ask him to
He leaves in pretext of picking his umbrella up but instead , runs to a corner where you couldn't see him : He brings that selfie from his gallery and zooms on your chest . He wants to make sure of what he just saw
Which one's worse ? The neon pink bra under your T-shirt or the... clearly visible tip of your nipple under it ? Damn you are laying your breasts on his hand in the pic...
He quickly saves it though his private albums . On the second thought , he sends all pictures he had from you to that folder as well
Well , he'll get used to it right? Perhaps he can now flirt more comfortably with you knowing that you're actually a girl . The only important thing for him is too make sure that no one ever finds out about photos he has on that private folder ; the one he keeps specifically for you
Deuce Spade
"E-eh??" Remember what happened with Eliza ? This is the second version of it . Even during his rage days ( Wild yellow hair and random fights with others) he lacked the ability to even say hi to a girl . And here he is now spending all those days together without knowing that you were a girl !??
His whole personality almost cracks for a second . All those dirty stuff other first years had shared about girls flashes before his eyes . He wasn't damn prepared -
He couldn't be any more thankful that you couldn't see the horrifying scenes and sounds through his mind at the moment- He just leaves before you could even see him blush
Ace doesn't stop teasing him though , late at the night inside Heartslabyul's , Ace is walking on his nerves asking him to tell what's wrong . Ace isn't the only curious one ; soon all his classmates too keep asking Deuce to say what is bothering him
Deuce has decided to keep his mouth shut until he comes over this fact on his own , and he's strong on it . There's no way that he'd let anyone recognize his anxiety with women
He knows his friends better than this and doesn't want to be dared to steal your underwear or poke your breasts in another round of truth or dare
Let's just...hope that things will soon get better for him or , perhaps you can be his chance to overcome his lack of skills with women ?
Ace Trappola
"Holy sh-" He then gets fired from the pe class for his impolite usage of words- ( School rules , right ?) Not that he cares though
Comparing to Deuce , he's a lot better and more experienced especially because he has been in a relationship before... which is both good and bad
The last time he got this close to any girls before you was with his ex-girlfriend ; and to be honest even that relationship didn't brought them as close as you two are now . The thought of going through similar things with a new one even though he no longer thinks about his ex ... that kinda hurts
Maybe he would've died to tell Deuce what he found out if old memories didn't haunt him . He isn't an awkward realizing your gender like Deuce is , but he can tell that it's kinda hard for him to deal with it . Mostly because of how close and dear you are to him now...
He finally realizes that he doesn't deserve carrying the shame and anxiety on his own and tells Deuce ; well at least calming Deuce down will make him pay least attention to his own problems
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Leona Kingscholar
He almost chokes- He was standing in the corner without a single drop of water on his hair while you got too wet as if you took a shower with your clothes on
He is teasing you likr always again until he realizes a second color under your white clothes ... no . please don't be
He prefers to imagine that you're a guy having the kink of wearing feminine underwear . He isn't ready to accept that you're a girl and he still denies it after seeing the vibrantly visible bra with his own two eyes
God...he teased you , kicked you , laughted you off and literally stepped on you ; that's what he usually likes to treat others so..? But not a lady , never . He is raised better this to end up neglecting a lady's great level and worth
Now considering how he's been teasing you so far , what did you think of him..? Do you consider him an asshole who has no respect for women due to how he treated you ??
He is really stressed out and doesn't know what to do , he just takes off his own jacket and quickly comes to you , wrapping it around your wet body and hair and taking you to a warmer place . He keeps asking if you're alright ? Didn't you catch a cold ? Do you need a doctor ?
Leona doesn't know if your fascinated gaze means a yes or no , and it isn't going to help
He isn't going to explain himself right now , maybe give it some time ?
The only reason he treated you this casually was because he was comfortable with you and it was all...a way of showing admiration ?
Maybe it gets better when he explains himself
Ruggie Bucchi
His mouth drops open when he realizes the bra as you two were drying yourselves after the rain . (y/n) is a she...!?
He doubts , he would doubt it again if he even takes a closer look . Suddenly his body feels warmer and his cheeks get red . No way...
Ruggie barely talked to any girls other than his own family and even skipped conversations when girls were brought up , he isn't mentally prepared for it !
But now he is changing with you at the same room ?? Wait wait wait- He might act like a brat but he isn't a jerk
He leaves because he's sure that you need some privacy ; all though he still refuses to believe that you're a girl...
You never ever mentioned your gender in front of him and he never asked , but did anyone else know it except him ? He just wouldn't dare to ask
Well girl or not , he doesn't stop teasing you in general ; but also learns not to go too far since it's still hard for you to be wrapped in an all boy school...you need more support
Jack Howl
He doesn't mind going blind after seeing those nipples under your wet T-shirt . He first thought that they were a bit too big for a boy but...he soon realized that they weren't even for a boy-
He had to take a small look between your legs because he couldn't resist- he had to make sure . And NO ! He didn't see what he wished to see there
He still can't make sure ?? Those things usually proved someone being a girl but still , there is no way to make sure unless he asks you ; but how can he ? No way , he'll just melt down
He doesn't mention anything in front of you but tries indirectly bringing the issue of your gender up with Ace and Deuce : Didn't (y/n) tell you two about her schedule today?
" Her...?"
Well great , now Ace and Deuce have joined him on the ‘terrified of your gender’ army . The only way to make sure is either asking you or... stealing something that could prove it . Someone has to get inside your room but which one of them now...?
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Azul Ashengrotto
He is vibing with the pleasant rain as it made today's pe sessions a bit better for him . He asks you to join him
He just takes his glasses off for a second to dry them and- BANG
The color of your bra was too visible that he could even see it without his glasses on
He immediately puts them on and takes a better look , well great now he can clearly see your breasts closely . How bad he wished that he went blind for a second...
You don't get why Azul seems to be studying your chest so you ask if something's wrong?
Azul is pulled out of his thoughts and embarrassment takes him over because you realized what he was staring at : Pathetic
Azul excuses himself telling you that he has to take his pills before he returns to his Octopus form and disappears
How dumb he could be not to realize it till now... Beside that - Why the hell didn't those two tall sticks ( a.k.a Floyd and Jade) realize it either !?
God God God...he keeps swallowing his eyes at the thought...
How can he get over the fact that he was being with a girl all this time...?
Floyd Leech
Well of course he is shocked , Shrimpy was supposed to be a guy but he actually is a little girl ? Meh , what a disappointment
Well , body is body to him so he isn't really shocked or freaked out to see , well , those things under your shirt
He might not be that fascinated , but still has doubts . While you two are taking a walk back to Ramshackle dorm , he just doesn't stop staring at your chest and doesn't mind you noticing him either
To be honest , he now seems to be liking it . You were just a kiddo he always enjoyed teasing but now that you're a girl...? How different would things be ? And would the way he treated you make you possibly... have those girlish feelings for him ? Sounds fun
While saying goodbye at your door he stops for a second to say something . You don't quite get what he asked but he knows better himself : " Random question but- are those seriously soft to squeeze ?"
Jade Leech
Just as Floyd , he doesn't mind you being a girl . He actually appreciates you even more now. Night Raven College isn't a place for weak people and still , to think that a small human girl like you could last this long here... Farewell , human beings can be really interesting he can tell
He gently offers you his coat and escorts you to a warmer place , telling you to change into something dry before you catch a cold
Well the first day is nothing different or weird , but the upcoming days prove how creepy he can be...
He doesn't mind popping up out of nowhere to tell you to choose underwears with a less noticable color at school and it just makes you melt ; not just because it's embarrassing to be told so but also because it proved that Jade is watching you
He does do some research on surface females to get to know the differences between what he expected you to be and what you really are better ; not that he has a complaint though
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Jamil Viper
He exactly knows what he just saw there and - He can't help but to feel ashamed . For once he leaves without taking Kalim with him , he just forgot him a the moment
He now feels... angry . You never ever shared your gender but it's not like he ever expected you to be a girl . He feels lied to ; you didn't ever tell the truth but didn't lie either ; that bugs him even more because he doesn't know if he's mad at you or not
Well he now knows when someone you thought you know ends up being something totally different ; like the way Kalim saw who he really is...well that's really annoying to think of
Jamil ignores you for a few days until you come to ask why he's avoiding you . He insists that it's nothing all though it's obvious that it is-
Alright , a few days until he cools down . He wants to keep the distance till then
Knowing your gender often makes him feel ashamed of how casually he's been treating you . Well a lot of things are different when it's an all boy school , right ?
He doesn't know if he should act cooler with you from now or pretend that he never saw anything , he needs time to make up his mind
Kalim al Asim
He was giving you a towel to dry yourself when he recognized your clothes . He was actually thinking of bringing you some dry ones when he saw what he wished he didn't saw- Aaah why would you wear such a recognizable bra : " (y/n)..??"
He quickly pulls back and apologizes ; not that you know what he is apologizing for
He returns to Jamil and tells him to leave , he just can't face you right now
There at Scarabia , Kalim tells Jamil everything since he really needs to share some feelings . He asks Jamil if he knew about this and he certainly didn't
Kalim now keeps wondering... how hard might it be for you ? A girl sorrounded by all guys out there , do you feel safe ?
He now has decided to look after you more than he already did , he just doesn't want you feeling any sad or lonely because of your current situation
He always hated loneliness and that's why he needed Jamil around , now it's your turn to have Kalim around so you'll never be alone
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Vil Schoenheit
Vil is well familiar with all beauty materials - including feminine underwear - so he quickly realizes both the unusual size of your chest and the vibrantly colored bra under your clothes . He wishes he hadn't
Bearing the fact that he was having a girl beside him all this time is already hard enough , but what makes it worse is what a terrible female he thinks you are now
You seriously do need a start over ! You are no girl if you're this ignorant toward your appearance even as it makes you look like a guy
He spends all night thinking of what he now should do with you . He does know how to manage guys but girls ? That won't be called something he had much experience on
He isn't feeling as comfortable as before with you yet , he decides to give you some lessons to at least pull you out of your non feminine self
He doesn't mind telling you that you have to do a lot more for yourself as you are a girl ; and he says it as if he knew it all this time
He isn't going to turn you into a princess , it's safer for you to remain something between male and female as you are stuck between all these untrustworthy guys , but it doesn't hold him back from giving you some chance to see your female self. He brings you wigs and puts on your makeup , telling you that you sometimes need to show up like this
He still needs some time to feel as comfortable as he used to with you , but spending time with you trying to have a start over is actually helping him to like you even more than he used to
Rook Hunt
Well congrats , for so long no one had ever succeeded to shock Rook like you did ! That's an improvement . He always makes sure not miss a single detail about those he has his eyes on ; yet he failed to even recognize your gender correctly until now
A bit of fascination won't hurt , right ? After all having a boy like Epel beside him makes it really confusing to specify male and female sometimes
To be honest , he now finds you pretty fragile and helpless : Bunny between the beasts
If a hunter like him didn't know it so far , then probably no one else knew it either . So that's his little secret now
This place's a considerably dangerous zone for a lady to step on , and Rook isn't planning on exposing you like this . He isn't a monster after all...
But having Rook of all people knowing your secret is already enough of torture , isn't it ?
Epel Felmier
I-I thought we were the same...???
This can't be true , this shouldn't be ! Please don't be , please , please , please
Epel looked up to you bot only as a reliable and strong friend but also as someone who goes through similar appearance problems as Epel himself did
You made him feel better that he wasn't the only one having problems with looking too similar to girls ; seems like he was wrong
Epel wasn't ever comfortable with getting close to girls , along becoming a friend of them . He even kept you closer than his other friends since the too of you could relate a lot he thought ; now what should he do ?
He is too embarrassed to even look into your eyes now , he even skips classes you two share and in summary , does anything to avoid you for a while
That is said that girls and boys can never be just friends and... that's frustrating
Now , could the two of you ever be as close as you used to be again?
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Idia Shroud
Which is worse , realizing that he's been spending all his time with a girl over the past few months or seeing her wet breasts during the class ?Man , that looked just like those anime hentais one would find online...
Beside that , having your gender exposed makes him feel a bit unsafe about his relationship with you ; if even a simple thing such as gender could be different from what he was expecting you , then what greater differences would your reality have from the (y/n) you were into his eyes ?
Idia hardly ever gets to fully trust anyone and now he isn't sure if he could trust you anymore . Well yes gender might be no big deal compared to the fearful thoughts he is having at mind ; but it's enough to send him into his safe zone and stay away from you
His face turns red and hot whenever he thinks of that scene even when he's all alone in his bedroom , God he wasn't prepared-
Ortho finally forces him to tell what's bothering him and when he confesses , Ortho gets really excited . He keeps telling Idia that as a friend , he has to stay by your side specially because you may feel lonely being a girl all on your own . He reminds Idia of the fact that this is what friends do
He now feels sorry for abandoning you like a coward , but he has to admit that it's a bit hard for him to return the old friendship you two had . Well maybe just texting you instead of face to face interaction would be better ?
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Malleus Draconia
uh..? A girl...? Child of man caught in an unknown world and... That's a female . You keep fascinating him over and over ever since he met you , it's just another surprise he can tell
He kinda loses all his focus during the pe class after he accidentally notices the unusual knobs popping under your T-shirt ; are you wearing something wrapped around your...chest ?
He first thinks that it may just be somewhat of a brand new clothing trend to wear feminine-like stuff ; but remembering how you never clearly stated your gender , he now understands how wrong he was
He thought that he had you under his watch pretty well , but he even failed to realize your gender correctly ; perhaps he should learn to do it better
Malleus isn't about to treat you any differently just because you ended up being a girl , all though he has to agree that it was a bit shocking . But in general , nothing about your relationship really seems to be gender related
You don't know his name and he didn't know your gender until now ; is this how karma works ? Well that'd be a bit unfair , gender was rather worthless compared to the fear his real identity might bring you
The only thing that may change now is him being more protective over you ; not that he underestimates you but rather because there's no way for you to be totally comfortable in a school filled with rebellious guys . He wants to make sure that his currently favorite human being won't get in much trouble because of that...
Lilia Vanrouge
Eh ? Through out his hundred-year life this would be the most shameful thing he got to face . You might think that he found it to be a disgrace to his long lasting life which is filled with honor and pride ; but in that case you may like to get to know the old man better
He doesn't like being thought of as a pervert ; but it doesn't mean that he didn't enjoy himself either. Naked figures or seductive girls aren't something he gets overly excited about , same goes for you . Well accidents like this can happen everyday , right ? But this one had something rather fun along with it :
From the direct yet neutral gaze he gave your chest , you immediately realized what he was looking at and you pulled back . Lilia didn't expect you to notice it so quickly , but the embarrassed face you gave him afterwards , that was priceless
He giggles softly at the thought , a shy and cute little girl . He isn't really a fan of boys that are overly cute or childish , but when it comes to little girls , that's another story
You had already caught his eyes by being the only human being caught in this school on your own . Well , to see how feeble and shy you sometimes could be , that reminded him of Silver
Now now , what should he do ? Playing the role of a small girl's parents or something ? Doesn't sound that bad
Sebek Zigvolt
He's about to lose his mind - he feels like he has saw you totally naked or lurked into your privacy , he feels awful
He runs to another corner to cool down from what he saw - Damn- That scene doesn't get away from his eyes for a second
Well then , take deep breathes , it's cool , it's fine - it's gonna be fine
Sebek wouldn't dare talking to you for sometime after that . His cheeks get warmer whenever he sees you around , making him change his direction to avoid you
When you finally get him to talk to you , he breaks off- He starts apologizing . He swears not to ever peek on your body again and that he won't say a word from what he saw
You probably don't know what he is talking about , but you say okay to calm him down
Sebek isn't used to having girls around but now that he does , he should be really careful . He doesn't want you to think of him as a antisocial chick when it comes to women and he tries his best to be a gentleman in front of you . Man...he really does take it seriously
A... girl?... Silver's first reaction would be nothing different from blushing and turning back ; what else would you expect him to do ?
He's a simple guy , he doesn't overreact but doesn't feel totally comfortable either
He didn't ever even think of the possibility of you being a girl , he just isn't used to having anyone else than boys in NRC around . You did always look too cute for a guy but still , he didn't see this coming...
(y/n) is a girl...A girl , this thought gets looped inside his brain . He can't stop freaking out over it . It feels like he's been building a sand castle on water all this time and now he's watching it sink . His whole expectations of you seems to be ruined
It gets even worse when the figure of you dressed in a long beautiful dress , holding a brilliant crown of your flowers on your long silky hair haunts him on his dreams - Why on earth do you have to be so beautiful (y/n)..!?
Silver refuses to accept , but he's pretty soft when it comes to girls . He's pretty shy but to have a girl he has been liking for sometime close...his inner self is getting teased - in a pleasant way
He doesn't show up in front of you for a while , but he just can't get the thought of you out of his mind . From reality to dreams , seems like you're always in front of him . As if you really walked with him once upon a dream
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milkywaygg · 2 years
Time’s Passing-Chapter 1 (FOP Fanfic)
AN: I received an idea from nalooksthrough on Tumblr and I thought I’d give it a shot since I like writing ideas that other people give me. I was going to write a little bit on an older Luna, and still plan on it, but I hadn’t really had much ideas towards that direction, but I promise it’s coming lol.
Since I’m writing this, I’ve gotten a few comments on how they liked Darren, and I was kind of starting to wonder why Darren is so likeable to people, despite being a fraudulent and a bit materialistic and hot-headed. Out of all 3 of the Cosma children, I always felt like Darren was the closest to Nora’s personality so I wondered what the charm was with him. Idk. Let me know what you think.
Clutching his stomach as it growled lightly, Darren Cosma, or “Schnozmo” as he liked to go by, stepped off the Fairy World bus on a cold, twilight December night, with only the street lights and shops illuminating his path. After he heard the bus behind him shut the doors behind him, Darren began floating towards a building with a neon green “Bar” sign glowing, alongside a picture of a martini glass with an olive in it. As he had gotten closer to the bar, Darren also started to catch glimpses of a warm white light, and rock music that reminded him of his sister Chelsea’s band, The Killer Fairies, with ear-splitting percussion and an excess of electric guitar solos.
Darren considered himself quite lucky that the state hadn’t thoroughly gone through his pockets after he had to turn in his clothes. As he took a seat towards the bar, alongside some female fairies that were casting him strange looks, Darren dug around in his jeans until he found his secret pocket, pulling out a nice $40 bill and handing it to the bartender.
“I’ll have a jack and coke.”, Darren grunted, “And I’ll have a burger slider with some fries.”
“Sure. You wanna start a tab?”
“Nah. I’m only here for a meal and a drink.”
The bartender left to give Darren’s order to the chef as he lied his head down on the table, all the exhaustion falling on his face as he contemplated his next move, trying hard not to fall asleep. He heard whispers from the women sitting next to him as the music started to die down, with only the sound of clinking plates complimenting the whispers.
“Isn’t that Darren Cosma?”
“Yeah, don’t bother buying him a drink. He’ll just use his good looks to charm you out of a few bucks. Hell, he’ll probably order the most expensive drink and a shit ton of food.”
“Who said I thought he was good looking? He’s got that big ass, ugly nose. I mean, he wouldn’t look too bad if he got a nose job, but even then, I don’t date criminals.”
“Yeah. He’s got no respect for women.”
“Hey!”, Darren shot up, finally hearing a familiar voice coming from behind him. Chelsea glared at the women sitting next to him, clutching her ruby red guitar in her left hard, as if she were going to use it as a club. “You weirdos come here often, shit-talking men like that?”
“Pfft..yeah that’s what I thought. Leave him the hell alone, you freaks.”, Chelsea snapped, taking a seat on Darren’s left, opposite of the other two women. Darren stared at Chelsea with a keen interest, studying her immensely. She looks a bit older than what she used to when they were growing up, her eyes slightly baggier, and her face looked slightly aged. Her lime green hair was still a shaggy, long hairstyle topped off with a black beanie, complimenting her leather jacket and black jeans outfit, alongside maroon boots with gold spikes, reminding Darren of a skinnier version of a biker. Her jacket also had a patch of her band’s logo on the back, written with a green-flame font.
“Chelsea? Damn, how long has it been?”, Darren asked, smiling slightly at her. She shrugged.
“Lost count. How’ve you been Darren? Where’d you go?”
“Really? Have you been living under a rock or some shit?”
“What are you talking about?”
“Don’t you ever read the news?”
“No. I’ve been way too busy to keep up with busy.”
“Let’s just say I’ve finally gotten a title for my reputation.”, Darren started, “I’m officially Fairy World’s first male prisoner since 10,000 years ago.”
“Woooow go figure.”, Chelsea frowned, rolling her eyes, “I keep telling you if you continued scamming people like that-“
“Alright alright alright, I get it! I didn’t come here for a nagging fest. Damn…”, Darren groaned, thanking the bartender that delivered his food, before taking a bite of his burger, feeling as if his tastebuds were finally getting the massage they deserved, “Oh my god..where have these been all my life?”
“Did you get the slider?”, Chelsea asked, “I dunno why you think they’re good. The meat’s dry as hell even with sauce.”
“Well, if you’ve had nothing but slop for the past 10 years, literally anything else tastes like heaven in comparison.”, Darren said, practically inhaling the rest of his burger before getting started on his fries, feeling his throat starting to tighten up from eating too fast.
“Damn Darren, those fries aren’t gonna grow legs and run away.”, Chelsea chuckled, before looking at her older brother with a somewhat worried look on her face, “So for the past few years, you’ve been in prison? How’s that been?’
“What do you think? It’s been a living hell, but I don’t think I’m ready to talk about it right now. I’ve got bigger problems”, Darren complained, “I dunno where I’m going to be staying this evening. At this point, it’s been so long since I’ve paid any rent that I’m pretty sure someone else is living in my apartment right now and probably got rid of all my stuff. I don’t have anywhere to go.”
“Eh..not necessarily. I know some apartments will let people sublease if the tenant is going away for a while. It probably depends on your contract. I’d try to find your landlord’s phone number and ask.”, Chelsea shrugged, “I’m actually staying at a hotel tonight, otherwise I’d let you crash. I’m sure Papa’ll let you stay at his place though. I’m sure he misses you.”
“Oh hell no, not after the 18,000 years of hell we’ve been through. I’d rather live out on the streets than go back to the scumbag we call a mother.”
“Heh…funny thing about Nora actually. She’s….gone.”
“Gone?”, Darren asked, ears perked up in interest, “Like, did she finally leave Dad or something.”
“No. She passed away a couple of years ago in a magic accident, kind of like Grandma if you remember.”, Chelsea explained, “Papa moved out of that old, crooked house, and is living in the apartments a couple of blocks down from here if you wanna head over there?”
“I don’t know if I can face him right now, Chelsea.”, Darren sighed, his usual cold, hard exterior melting somewhat, “I mean, I can’t imagine how disappointed he must be in me. Hell, wouldn’t surprise me if he flat out told me to go fuck myself.”
“Oh come on, since when has Papa ever turned you down? I think more than anything, he’d want to reconnect with you. You are his first born child afterall.”, Chelsea pleaded, “And It’s not like you have any other choice…other than Cosmo, but you’d be staying with his family too.”
“Family? Good lord, how much did I miss?”
“Quite a bit, but to be fair, I honestly really only know because Papa tells me. I’m not much more active in their lives as you are.”, Chelsea explained, “You remember Wanda? Cosmo’s girlfriend?”
“They finally got around to getting married, and they got knocked up with a girl. Think she’s about 10 or 12,000 now or some shit, don’t really remember. Papa also said he also overheard them thinking about possibly another child.”
“Oh really now. What’s the kid’s name?”
“Cassia, I think. You’ll have to ask Cosmo. I don’t know a whole lot about his daughter myself.”, Chelsea shrugged, before paying Darren’s bill, who looked at her in confusion as he had his own money out, “Keep your money. You’re gonna need it. Now come on, Papa’s not a very heavy sleeper. I’m sure we can wake him up if we get over there early. Enough.”
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writerofshit · 3 years
(I mentioned briefly a story of how the Stream Team met. This is that story.)
Somewhere in Los Santos, in the late night hours of a Tuesday, a convenience store is robbed. So is one several blocks southeast. And one roughly in the middle of them both. After all, what's more convenient than 24 hour chili dogs on every other street corner?
Cash. Cash is more convenient. So are guns. Hollering, waving one to get the other. Most important, back alleys that twist and turn, snaking away from increasingly distant sirens. Three individuals find themselves running through these alleys, a couple grand each weighing their pockets down.
It's through serendipity and convenience that their paths cross.
The man from the farthest store arrives first. He's done this a few more times than he'd like to admit, so he'd had a plan. Of sorts. Cut through the park, take a few sidewalks like an upstanding citizen, under the bridge and find a fire escape to utilize from there. There aren't any that reach the ground, of course, because he's smart but not quite enough.
And so this is why Trevor is standing in an dark alley, contemplating whether or not the dumpster will give him enough height to reach the ladder, when the man from the middle store appears. He's around Trevor's height, but would probably win in a fight between them, if he were so inclined. He doesn't seem to be, though. He seems shaken, like he's not quite sure how he ended up in this alley. He's holding a gun almost gingerly, as if it might bite him.
Trevor pulls his own gun.
'dont you fuckin' try anything!'
This does not go over well with Matt. He takes a step back, and then seems to remember that he also has a gun so maybe this is even footing. He holds it aloft, finger nowhere near the trigger.
'same, asshole!'
At this moment the robber from the first store arrives, also, of course, with a gun. And a mask. And an entire purple and orange neon fucking suit, actually, topped with a white cowboy hat. It gives them a few extra inches of height they are distinctly lacking, comparatively. Somewhere in the back of his head, Trevor acknowledges that this newcomer could probably kick his and the other gunman's asses. It is not a pleasant thought.
'oh, what the fuck!?'
Jeremy sounds more annoyed and less scared than one would think, considering they've run into an alley only to find two men with guns. Two men who quickly turn those guns on them.
'who the fuck are you?'
The question surprises them all, including Matt, even though he's the one who asked. As it turns out, people have a tendency to say the first thing that comes to mind when in a stressful situation. Such as, having robbed a convenience store for the very first time and immediately finding himself face to face with other apparent robbers. It would get to anyone, probably.
'i don't want any trouble, but i've already robbed someone tonight and i don't give a shit about felony murder!'
Two lies and a truth, is what Trevor has chosen to play, for some reason. In reality, one does not rob a convenience store at gun point if one is intent on staying out of trouble. And he does, in fact, care very deeply about felony murder. Felony murder is the precise reason he'd shot a bag of Doritos and not a clerk. In his defense, the clerk had initially rolled her eyes at him, asked what exactly he thought he'd get out of this. He'd found this question rude.
The truth, of course, is that he did rob a convenience store. That did happen. No take backs.
'so did i!'
Matt and Jeremy speak so in unison it's almost scary. If they didn't know any better, they'd think the two of them had always known each other.
Trevor's gun wavers between them, unsure which is the bigger threat. The guy who clearly has zero experience with guns, or the weirdo who seems to have far too much? It's a toss up, really. So his aim pinballs back and forth, but his finger does not curl around the trigger. He's serious about that felony murder thing.
The air seems to shift, suddenly, and the sound of sirens is now growing closer. This evidently also annoys Jeremy, and they throw a glance over their shoulder to the direction they'd come from. Red and blue lights flicker past.
'shit. ok. we're all robbers, i guess, and we're all fucked if we keep standing here. who's got a plan?'
Jeremy's eyes are staring impatiently at Trevor. Eyes being the only part of their face Trevor can see. And their hands, a plastic bag in one and a gun in the other.
Trigger finger is an apt name.
He glances at Matt, still wild eyed and glancing back and forth. No, Matt probably does not have a plan. He sort of gives the impression that he's never had a plan ever, actually. That perhaps he'd simply woken up here and decided to wing it. So Trevor makes an offer.
'fire escape?'
There's another moment of tense silence. Well, minus the sirens. And oh, helicopters. Even better. Jeremy shrugs.
'good a plan as any.'
And then they're off, brushing past Trevor and hoisting themself up onto the dumpster. He knew it could work. Trevor blinks and Jeremy has caught the ladder, is quickly working their way up. Shit, how does five foot something manage to get that high on a good day, much less in this situation and with a bag and gun in hand?
Matt's gun clatters to the ground, and honestly, that's probably for the best. He's climbing onto the dumpster now, and he mutters something about not signing up for this shit. Trevor reminds him that he apparently robbed someone, so yeah, he kind of did.
Before Trevor climbs up, he shoves his gun into his jacket pocket. Smart? Probably not. Convenient? More so than climbing with a gun in his hand. He follows Matt up the ladder, wondering what happened to his plan. Yeah, the ladder had been involved. Two other people, however, were not.
Above them, glass shatters.
'warning, maybe!?'
'oops. careful, there's glass.'
Jeremy's voice is no longer directly above them. Instead, it comes from one story up and a little to the left. So they've broken into an apartment. Sure, add breaking and entering to the list of charges, that sounds great. But Matt and Trevor follow, because there's not really another option.
Inside the apartment, Jeremy's mask is gone. The suit is quickly disappearing as well, revealing a rather boring outfit of a white tank top and...sweatpants? The true mystery lies in where the cowboy hat has gone to, because that's a hard item to miss.
'do we really have time for this? don't you think someone might, oh, i don't know, wake up and call the cops?'
Trevor doesn't mean to hiss, it's just that he's sure there's more pressing matters to attend to than an outfit change. Continuing to flee, perhaps.
'nobody's gonna wake up.'
They don't even have the wherewithal to lower their voice. It registers to Trevor that Jeremy's bag and gun are missing as well. Had they dropped them on the way up? It was certainly possible. Trevor thinks he would have noticed a gun flying past his head, but there's a lot going on.
'can we maybe not kill anyone? he brought up a good point with that felony murder thing.'
It's the most words Matt has strung together since he'd shown up. It's damn near a whisper, but at least it's progress.
'i'm not- god, can you two shut up? i gotta make a phone call.'
Jeremy yanks the door open, hand carefully wrapped in the fabric of their shirt. For a moment, Trevor thinks they're leaving and steps forward to follow Jeremy. Instead, Jeremy turns and heads toward the kitchen, pulling open a drawer and digging inside it briefly. They come back with a cell phone.
Something dawns on Trevor.
'is this- do you live here? did you break your own window?'
Jeremy doesn't answer. They put the phone to their ear.
'you're gonna wanna hide whatever you've got. and try not to look like you just climbed in through a window.'
And then-
'hello? yes, hi, i'd like to report a break in, i think? i was hearing a bunch of sirens and then i don't know what happened but some guy just broke my window? he ran through and i just- my friends and i are really scared and we didn't know what to do- yes, we're ok, he's gone, but we- you'll send someone? ok, thank you. the address? oh, uh, it's the del perro heights building, apartment 7. should i shut the door? no, don't touch anything. ok- guys, don't touch anything, she said someone's on their way to check on us! thank you so much- no, i think we'll be fine. thank you.'
It's a marvelous performance. Jeremy genuinely sounds like some poor flustered victim of a crime. Trevor would applaud if he thought Jeremy would appreciate it. Almost immediately, their voice is back to normal.
'check things out my ass. they're gonna show up, ask which way he went and never call me again. feel real fuckin safe.'
Jeremy settles themself onto the couch, choosing the spot closest to the door. Matt, who has apparently gotten over his initial terror, wanders into the kitchen. Searching for something to distract himself, if Trevor had to guess. Trevor is still standing in the middle of the living room, dumbfounded. How did a simple robbery become hanging out with other robbers, waiting for cops to show up?
'i'm jeremy, by the way. they won't ask, but y'know. just in case.'
They're flipping channels on the tv, seeming to arbitrarily skip almost a dozen programs. Finally, they settle on one and stand. Trevor recognizes it as an old Disney movie, and desperately wants to ask why the fuck Jeremy has put this on.
'uh, hi. i'm trevor. why are we watching Mulan?'
'matt. oh hell yeah, i love this movie!'
He sounds remarkably cheerful, considering the circumstances. How Trevor had seemingly switched places with Anxious McGee is beyond him. He needs to get it together. He pulls his gun from his pocket and takes it to the kitchen, sticking it in the drawer Jeremy had taken the phone from. There are several other phones of varying price point. He steps back to the living room just in time.
'that's why.'
They don't elaborate. Apparently Trevor is meant to just figure this out on his own, which ordinarily he might be able to do. After the course of events of this particular evening? Not a chance.
But he can't ask, because now there's a cop in the doorway and he's staring at Trevor and that will never be a good thing. Trevor stares back. He has no clue what he's meant to say. Hello? Welcome? He went that way?
'oh thank god! we've been so terrified, we didn't know if he'd come back or what he'd do.'
Naturally, Jeremy has taken lead on this. They're a phenomenal actor, Trevor has to admit.
'did you see which direction he went?'
'toward the stairs, i think. we've all been rooted to the spot, you know, it's so scary-'
Matt freezes in the doorway of the kitchen. He's just out of the view from the front door.
'right, well. you boys did the right thing by calling. can you give me a description of the man?'
The corner of Jeremy's mouth quirks.
'gosh, it all just happened so fast. taller than me, probably, but shorter than you, wouldn't you say, trey?'
Trevor nods, because he's not quite sure what else to do.
'alright, thank you. someone will be in touch with you for an official statement. in the meantime, if you remember anything else don't hesitate to call.'
He's holding a card out to Trevor, of all people. He takes it carefully, like if he does it wrong somehow the guy will know and arrest them all. The card is simply the number for a tip line.
As suddenly as he'd arrived, the cop is gone and they're all breathing sighs of relief. Jeremy closes the door.
'you guys can stay for Mulan, if you want.'
So they do.
Trevor asks about why Mulan again, and Jeremy explains that they assume most people have seen it, could answer any questions about it if they came up. Perhaps, if LSPD officers were less incompetent, they would have. Although if that were the case, they wouldn't be LSPD officers at all.
Matt asks about the window, and Jeremy says yes, they did break their own window. Of course they'd had an actual plan when they'd entered the alley. They were always going to end up exactly here, give or take the extras. Asking for a plan was simply a test, determining the merit in bring them along. They'd passed.
Jeremy asks if they want to stay for Mulan II, which is apparently up next. They do.
Somewhere in Los Santos, in the early morning hours of a Wednesday, three convenience stores are recovering from three separate robberies. Right in the middle of them all, their respective robbers are sitting on a couch together, watching a straight to video children's film.
It is the beginning of something far greater than any of them can imagine.
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queenmuzz · 3 years
That little break cleared out my head a bit...and inspired this...
Nero, finally fed up with his outsider status in Fortuna, leaves the damn island the moment he turns sixteen, taking with him only a backpack of clothes, and a moped Kyrie’s family had gifted him. He’s sad he has to say goodbye to the only good people in Fortuna, but he just needs a new start.
Ending up on the Mainland, he finds out that while he’s no longer an oddity, he has no social network. He’s broke, homeless, and more alone than ever, living in a youth shelter, whose rules are just as strict as his old home. He hates it, and is half thinking about going back…
And then, out of the blue… when he uses some spare change he found on the street to buy a slice of Pizza, he gets a job as a pizza delivery driver. The owner takes one look at him (and Nero thinks he’s focused on his hair,) and immediately hires him, mentioning something about ‘One good turn deserves another…’
From then on, things are looking up. With his new job, Nero’s getting a decent amount of money, almost enough to get himself an apartment. And late one night the owner gives him a delivery, an extra cheesy pepperoni pizza...no olives
Nero’s never been to this part of town, and he doesn’t like it. Everything is run down, and the few people out and about look extra unsavory…. And then Nero’s moped stops working.
Nero’s inwardly panicking as shadowy people start approaching, probably not to offer him assistance. Nero has only a little bit of cash on him, and the pizza, and as the guys start cracking their knuckles, he begins wondering if he should just leave the moped, his sole source of income, behind and make a break for it.
And then, another person shows up, and in the burnt out streetlight, Nero can only make out a flash of bone white hair. "Really guys, you're gonna gang up on a delivery boy? How low can you go?" And Nero swears that the guy's eyes flash red for an instant.
The thugs make a run for out, yelling out things like "Shit, it's Dante!" Leaving Nero with his unforeseen saviour.
"I was getting a bit worried, my pizza hadn't shown up, and Cicero told me he'd sent out his newest delivery boy out when I called. I just assumed you'd gotten lost, so I decided to take a stroll to find yah...but..." He looks Nero up and down, and he feels like he's being put under a microscope. "Well, looks like I came just in time."
'Dante' checks his watch. "Shoot, looks like Cicero should be closed by now... you got a ride home, kid?"
Nero pets his moped. "Oh don't worry, she can get like this, I just have to coax her back into working, shouldn't take long"
The man looks skeptical.
"Look, this ain't a place to spend the night alone for any length of time, and my place isn't far. How about you crash at my place, and get your bike fixed tomorrow, I know a Lady who a wizard with bikes."
It's a tempting offer, but Nero, spending his whole life not being close to others, is highly suspicious. This guy could be a serial killer for all he knows. (Strangely, he doesn't give out those vibes, but what vibes would a serial killer give out, anyways?)
Nero politely declines, and also declines a piece of pizza Dante offers as the man sticks around as Nero fiddles with his girl, as if he's being....guarded.
Dante repeats his offer again, and Nero declines as the moped revs back to life, but the man insists on placing a business card in Nero's jacket pocket, saying 'the offer is still open', and waves him off.
Hoping Cicero won't be upset that he didn't get back in time to deposit the money, he makes his way back to his 'home'.
And that's when he finds out the youth shelter has closed its doors for the night, no body allowed to enter or leave after curfew. And if that wasn't enough....it just starts pouring rain.
Nero tries to find a sheltered place to spend the night, but he's cold, wet...and he can't keep his teeth from chattering. That's when he takes out that business card, and reads the text:
Sighing in defeat, he hops on his moped, thinking that even if he's about to become the victim of a serial killer, he's at least going to die warm.
Thankfully, his bike cooperates with him, and he stops in front of a shabby building, with a glowing neon. He looks back at the deserted flooded street one last time, and knocks, expecting no answer because its 3 in the morning, only a crazy guy would be awake at this time. Imagine his surprise, when the door swings open, before he even finishes his three knocks. As if Dante somehow knew he was coming. He's invited in, and in the brighter indoor light, Nero realizes that his saviour/potential serial killer.... looks a lot like him.
"Sheesh kid, you're freezing." Get your butt into the shower, bathroom's last right down the hall. Should be hot water, I caught up on the bill. I'll get some blankets out for you...uh...what's your name?" "Nero" he offers, feeling strangely secure in this stranger's residence. And there's a strange look on Dante's face, somehow ecstatic, somber, and regretful, all at the same time.
"Welp Nero," the man offers, "Don't know where you live right now, but you're always welcome to make Devil May Cry your home from now on..." And most strangely of all....Nero feels like accepting.
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venushasvixens · 3 years
Ch. 9 Home? - Life is but a Dream (Spike Spiegel x Reader)
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[A/N] I promise I’m going to get to requests. Enjoy the chapter!
WARNING: implied child abuse? (Nothing happens but it can still be uncomfy)
The soft creak of the second story window was the only sound in your shared bedroom. Having been sent upstairs and denied a meal for the millionth time this week, you were desperate for anything to eat. It wasn’t like the orphanage was barely surviving, but honestly you think the caretaker had something out for you. Always picking on you, calling you names, and finding any excuse to punish you. All around known as the caretaker’s personal punching bag.
“Now I can see why you were dropped off here.” She would say, before taking the plate of food from in front of you and dumping it into the trash.
With your lips sealed shut, you trudged up the stairs, sad little eyes tearing up. Any back talk would result in something far worse. The wilts on your back still stung days after your punishment, an example and demonstration of the cruelness of life.
Like a rabid animal, you were willing to receive any kind of punishment just to quiet the pain in your stomach. Grateful for the bushes located underneath your second story window, you swung your legs over the ledge, preparing to jump. With a small humph, you landed softly on your feet. Leaves and small branches pricked at your thighs as you wobbled out of the bushes. You gripped the small pouch of coins in your pocket, running your fingers over the opening of the bag.
A childish dream that a few coins were your ticket to everywhere and anywhere. The city you lived in was labeled as UN-1889, which was far into its development to retain its old name. Unofficially called “Yun” by the locals, it also held the record of absolutely nothing exciting or entertaining. Crime was moderate, chain restaurants and shopping centers were the place of excitement and that was it. Vowing to leave and never come back, you made sure to keep that promise by collecting and stashing away any money you could get your hands on. In the end, the most you had in your possession was enough to buy half a ticket, and you were ready to blow it all off in a matter of minutes on something that will only last seconds.
You spotted the bright, blue neon lights of the only local diner in the area. Parents looking to adopt will do nothing but rave about this place. Hearing just how good the food sounded compared to the gruel you were forced to eat every day, it made your mouth water and your stomach do flips. Jogging up to the entrance, you quickly opened the door to the diner. Air condition hit your dirty, sweaty face, cooling you down instantly. Much to your surprise, there was not one patron in the diner. Leaning against the counter was a middle aged woman with her hair pulled back tightly in a bun. She stared at the TV in the corner, sighing deeply. As the door closed, your presence was made known.
One look was all it took for her to know everything about you.
“Oh great, another one.” She mumbled from where she stood. “What do you want?”
“Food. I’m hungry.” You replied annoyingly.
“Have any money?” She asked, standing up straight.
You dug into your pocket, grabbed the bag of coins and held it out to the waitress. Snatching it out of your hand, she emptied the contents onto the counter. Shifting through the coins lazily, she huffed.
“Kid, this isn’t even enough for a plate.” She poured the coins back into the bag, tossing it back at you. “Door’s over there.”
Too tired and weak to fight, you slumped your way out, disappointed and embarrassed.
“Hey wait!” You heard someone shouting. You turned around, seeing another woman popping out from the kitchen. Her soft, platinum blond curls bounced as she walked out to stop you from leaving. Ringlets of silver hung from her ears and wrists, clanking softly as she motioned you to come closer. “Are you from the orphanage down the street?”
You nodded vigorously.
“I know how she treats those babies over there. You come on over and get yourself something to eat.” She said, tapping on the counter.
“I don’t have enough for-“ you started. She waved her hand, her signal for no ands, if, or buts. As you pranced over, you heard the waitress groan.
“Lou, you can’t be serious.” She muttered.
Lou held her hand up. “I don’t like seeing children go hungry. It’s not right.”
“Pick whatever you like.” She smiled, handing over a menu to you. Everything looked so delicious and tempting. You only see people like this on TV. It seems so fake, portraying kindness in a sickening, sweet way. It was enough to hurt your teeth.
You watched in adoration as Lou passed you a basket of warm rolls, butter shimmering off the golden buns. Forget manners. You gobbled down the bread in minutes, hiccuping softly. You weren’t focused on trying to quiet your hiccups down, just to fill your empty stomach.
“My goodness, slow down.” Lou chuckled, placing a cup of water next to you. “What’s your name, baby?”
“It’s (Y/N).” You replied, mouth still full of bread.
“(Y/N). Now is that your actual name or was it given to you by that devil woman?”
“It’s my actual name. They tried to change it, but decided to keep it.” You said, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand.
Lou handed you a few napkins. “I swear that lady does not like anything or anyone. An all around horrible person.”
You nodded sadly, trying to dissipate the knowledge that you were probably going to receive the harshest punishment you have ever had in your short life when you came back “home”. As your stomach was dropping at the thought of your imminent demise, Lou slid your plate of food in front of you. Eating a basket of rolls wasn’t enough at all. This food looked better than anything you consumed at the orphanage.
While Lou and the waitress babbled and bickered, the static and switch of the TV in the corner was the only noise in the room. Eventually the waitress decided to settle on the local news. Expansion of some parts of the city, a deadly crash near the asteroid belt, and so on and so on. Suddenly, the screen flashed with the words BREAKING NEWS splayed on the screen.
The news reporter quickly tapped through her data pad, smiled and addressed the viewers.
“Good evening, we bring to you some breaking news. The criminal Kedo, who was wanted on both planets Earth and Ganymede for the murders of multiple people, has been caught right here in UN-1889.”
The reporter then drone on about his crimes, and how he left his trail. You chewed slowly, hanging onto every word. Crime was at a middle to low level, but you have never seen something as large as this.
“It has been reported by BIG SHOT, a new TV program broadcasted specially for bounty hunters in the solar system, that Kedo’s bounty had jumped from 500,000 woolong to over a million woolong.” Your eyes widened. To a small child, one million woolong was a whole lot more than what it actually was. You were probably never going to see that sort of money in your lifetime. All the possibilities of having that much money ran through your head. The first was getting the hell out of this city.
“We are informed that the courageous bounty hunter, or huntress, known as Lady Jo, caught Kedo red-handed in hiding right here in UN-1889.” The reporter stated.
The screen switched to live coverage at the police station, cameras flashing and reporters clamoring to get a closer look at the infamous criminal who was now being led into the building in handcuffs. His hair disheveled, eyes scanning his surroundings like crazy, fitting a perfect description of a crazed murderer. The cameras shifted their attention to Jo, standing proudly with her hand resting on her holster.
Intrigue and fascination filled you. You couldn’t help but watch in awe of her. Her auburn hair was curly and volumized, laying softly on her shoulders, eyes a striking green that shone like emeralds in the harsh lights of the TV crews. The waitress scoffed at her outfit, which consisted of a revealing button up white shirt, tucked into black leather pants, with a matching jacket. She was truly a sight to see.
“Can you believe that? She’s not a cowgirl, she’s a goddamn model.” She said.
Lou snorted. “You know, I used to have an outfit just like that.”
You smiled back, finishing your plate. Not wanting to take your eyes off the TV, the silverware clattered loudly onto the plate.
“I’ll tell you what, there is absolutely no honor in being a bounty hunter. They’re rude, selfish, and I hate every last one of them. Especially Lady what’s-her-name right here.” The waitress nagged, taking your empty plate.
“They can do a way better job than actual law enforcement.” Lou retorted.
You didn’t pay attention to their conversation. If there wasn’t any honor I’m your choice, so be it. Your new bottom line was set into place. One million woolong was going to be a possibility for you, one way or another.
Jet sat at the navigation console on the bridge, pressing buttons at a lightning fast speed. On his right side was the computer TV, playing some late night television as background noise. Faye stood near the windows, smoking a cigarette and looking out into the nighttime sky. There was something that must have been discussed.
As she opened her mouth to speak, Jet sighed and got up. “I went ahead and placed our coordinates for our next bounty back on Mars. Should only be a week.”
“Dinner was a little off, don’t you think?” Faye said, ignoring Jet.
Jet’s eyes narrowed. “Are you saying something about my cooking?”
“What? No. I meant with-“
“With Spike and (Y/N)? Then yes, there is something off with them. I’ve noticed it since we got back home the other day.” Jet said.
“So much more talkative, that’s for damn sure. Couldn’t keep up with it.” Faye replied as she descended the steps to the navigation console.
“The big baby wasn’t all too happy about her staying with us. So I wonder why he’s acting all buddy buddy with her.”
Faye chuckled, a sly upturn of the mouth growing on her face. “Hmm, sounds like someone is jealous.”
Looking up from the console, Jet scoffed. “I’m more than happy that I’m not playing therapist anymore. Everyday it was, “did you see the way she did this” or “did you see the way how she did that”. At that point, I should’ve started charging Spike.”
Faye had given some deep thought since dinner. The outline was in plain sight. A touch on the back. A squeeze on the shoulder. A tap on the thigh. It thrilled Faye to be the only one to know of the growing tension between Spike and (Y/N), to be the one to hold a secret without being told of it. But in the midst of the excitement, there was another feeling circling, weaving it way into her head. Jealousy.
It hurts to see couples walking by, hand in hand, romantically flaunting each other openly. Bothering Faye for a second, she knew she didn’t have to go home with them. But now that it was only a few feet from her, it was going to be a problem.
If the game doesn’t go as planned, someone has to interfere to ensure a win. And Faye did not like losing.
The computer TV turned to static as Jet flipped through the channels, trying to find the right program to end the night on. Settling on tonight’s showing of Big Shot, he leaned against the console, pondering about dinner. A conversation consisting of 100 words and more between Spike and (Y/N) was non-existent for the time that she had been staying on the Bebop. One afternoon alone, and suddenly they’re two peas in a pod.
We’ll just see how it goes, Jet thought.
A big red WARNING sign displayed on the screen, waking Jet and Faye right up.
“Folks, it seems we have an important message to relay to all bounty hunters in the solar system from the ISSP.”Punch said, his playful, exaggerated facade never faltering.
“Go ahead, we are all dying to know!” Judy replied, apparently cheerful about a serious topic at hand.
“Bounty hunters, look out! A mysterious criminal is on the loose, and his target is not the innocent civilians of the solar systems, but our esteemed, hard working hunters.”
“What makes him so bad, anyway?” Judy questioned.
“I’m glad you asked! Some of our amigos already know what we are talking about. There have been multiple reported incidents of hunting vessels being set ablaze with the intent of murder all across the system. The ISSP believes that this individual is ONLY targeting bounty hunters, and no one else.”
“Mysterious you say? Well goodness, looks like there’s no bounty for them yet!”
“Right you are. Until we get a face and a name, no dinero can be placed for the bounty. So be aware, and be safe out there, buckeroos!” Punch finished, smiling alongside Judy. Knowing they were playing a character, it was off putting by the serious news given.
Jet and Faye looked at each other in silence, eyes wide and full of questions.
Happy hunting, amigos.
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thenightmaregrrl · 3 years
Orion's Body 2: He's Back- Chapter 6: X
Megatron ran out of Auto-Bop’s parking lot, the only sources of illumination for him are street lights sparse across the street and the moon in the sky. He was panting, where did that damn van drive off to?!
The cemetery probably. It’s full of dead people, maybe they’re using it as a power source for their rituals. Besides, it also is a good dumping spot. Open graves are everywhere in a cemetery. Just dump the body in one and you’re good.
He reached the cemetery and climbed over the gates. It was quiet, the only sounds being the wind and Megatron’s panting.
He walked past many graves. His optics scanning for any signs of demonic sacrifices or rituals gone haywire. He remembers Orion telling him that the Seekers killed him at the Falls.
But, that begs the question, did these assholes do the same? He scanned the entire cemetery, new graves were added, making the area much larger than it was previously.
But… He couldn’t find anything.
No knife.
No spilled energon.
No sign of anything.
It was driving him mad. Maybe… Maybe he was really wrong, about the Disciples, about their motives, maybe they’re actually trying to make it big without the aid of supernatural forces. Maybe they were just gonna have one night stands with a couple of groupies.
He walked, now crossing his arms as the wind was chilling him.
He felt like the ‘Dead People’ back in school, he would always wonder if they were truly into the black makeup and dark clothes or were just lashing out at society in non conforming ways. Whenever he tried to talk to them, they would either be really nice and charming, being really good at writing poetry or recommend awesomely metal songs. Or they toss up their noses at him and call him a “normie” or whatever slang term.
He remembers seeing a few of the Combaticons at the Spring Formal, wearing all black and red and purple with dark optic liner, popping balloons.
How did they do these late night graveyard crawls? He was shaking from the cold!
Megatron soon stopped at a certain grave. It was simple, but the picture was recognizable.
He was in front of it. Taking it all in.
He saw it had flowers on it, fresh, maybe his mother placed them there. He also saw a teddy bear, stitched up to look like him, and a few hand drawn cards that had childish drawings and sloppy handwriting on it.
He now remembers, Starscream has-had two twin brothers, Thundercracker and Skywarp. Primus they must have been… 7-8 when he last saw them. Which was when he ran to their house to wonder where he was.
Megatron ran across the yard to Starscream’s house. His gaudy suit was all wrinkled and creased, the shockingly bright magenta shirt’s ruffles popping out of the opened suit jacket like his chest was a gift bag and the ruffles were the tissue paper sticking out.
He made it to the door and rang the doorbell, frantically, panting like a maniac while doing so. After the fifth ring, the door was opened.
Megatron looked down to see the two fliers, Thundercracker in his mismatching armor of sky blue, neon green, highlighter pink and flashing purple. While Skywarp was muted in navy blue and white. They were sucking on frozen energon treats on sticks.
“Hi, you two!” He said in between in pants, kneeling down to their heights, “Is Screamer home?”
Their Carrier walked over, and had them step back to the door, they hurried to the steps and plopped their afts on them.
“Megatron? What are you doing here?” She asked, an apron tied around her frame.
Megatron leaned over, still panting, he soon looked at her, “Is Starscream home?”
“No, he left for the dance 5 minutes ago, cutting across the park, my Primus your suit is-” She was cut off by the teen.
“He walked?” His voice reached a squeaky level. He then took off, leaving a confused femme and two unaware bots behind.
Megatron sighed and sat down in front of the grave. Those two must be entering middle school by now.
“Hey, Screamer.” He said sullenly.
“Primus, I’m sounding like a lunatic, talking to you. You can’t really respond, since you… died…”
“But after you did die, I avenged you… sorta. I stabbed that son of a bitch in the spark with a boxcutter. Got him good. He died instantly.”
He chuckled, “But now, it seems like history is repeating itself, did you know they built a new bar? Yeah, it’s nothing like Dancitron, so much cleaner, more furniture, fire exits out the wazoo too.”
He looked at the grave, “Except, I could be wrong. The band that performed there, Disciples of Orion, yeah I know, they named themselves after that bastard. Anyways, they picked up two groupies, and left. And I couldn’t help but have a bad feeling. That’s it happening again, the sacrifice.”
He sighed, “I feel so lost without you…”
He wanted a response, but knew he wasn’t getting any, the dead can’t speak after all.
“Well, good talk.” He got up and walked, taking a different route to the gate. He soon came across the grave of Orion.
He fought the urge to snort up a loogie and spit on it, but stopped when he spotted the busted up casket and the tunnel dug up.
He felt his spark stop beating and his energon freeze.
Holy shit.
The grave was empty.
Did someone dig it up? Did Orion dig himself up? What the fuck happened?!
Megatron’s processor ran wild, until he couldn’t take it anymore and ran off, reaching the gate and bursting through it with demonic strength, smashing the lock off. He ran without stopping.
He reached the motel he was staying in and raced to his room, opening the door and slamming it shut.
He leaned against it, panting.
He has to be dreaming, yeah that’s it. It’s all a dream. He’ll wake up, and see that the grave of his dead ex-friend is not open and everything will be all right.
He just has to wake himself up, so he pinched himself until his armor was dented. Slapped himself silly till his cheek was nice and welty.
But it didn’t work. This is real life.
With a resounding sigh of defeat. Megatron trudged to his bed and flopped on it, dozing off into an uneasy recharge cycle.
In the morning, he woke up, sore as hell from all the pinches and slaps to the face. He got up and decided he needed a drink. So he walked out the room, and went to Auto-Bop.
It was the only place there with easily accessible booze. Plus the business is legit so he decided to give them his money. With how little he has.
He goes inside the place, where it was empty, mostly. A few patrons were scattered across, sipping coffee or tea, eating breakfast. He sits down at the bar and orders a nice cup of unflavored high grade. The bartender slides it to him, with a nod as a silent thank you, he takes it.
He sips it, the bitter taste waking him up.
He was about to dismiss what he saw as a figment of his imagination until he heard a voice.
“I heard what had happened to my family here, and had to come over and see.”
Megatron nearly choked on the high grade, no, that voice, it was so familiar…
“I heard some sick freak killed him in his own home. In his own room, which is so unfair if you ask me.”
Megatron slowly turned to the side to see the owner of the voice. And nearly dropped the cube shaped glass in his servo.
It was a mech, with a black helm, tipped with long audio fins, his face smooth and angled to perfection. His torso was purple with broad shoulders, big shoulder pad armor, and his arms were accented with silver, his waist was nipped and narrow, but still smooth. It was accented with silver and black. His legs were long and slim, his pedes topped with black leg armor, from top to bottom he looked flawless. His optics were a hauntingly alluring ruby red, and from his intake, tips of fangs were peeking out. He wasn’t facing Megatron.
The bartender asked, “So, what else brings you here?”
The mech glanced around, seemingly as if he could tell he was being gawked at and was reveling in it. His gaze fixes itself on Megatron, who froze.
With a smirk revealing sharp fangs, the mech answered, “I’m just here to see an old friend of mine.”
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motherjoel · 4 years
in case (spencer reid x reader)
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summary: you and spencer are each others forever, and spencer vowed to make this christmas your best yet.
a/n: the yard sale scene is based off of that moment in the office between michael and holly lol, i just thought it was so cute. also i am just so excited for christmas even though its months away so im sorry in advance. let me know what yall think!
wc: 3.1k
The LaMontagne-Jareau household was having their annual yard sale and as they do every year, they invited the team to sell anything they didn’t want anymore. You and Spencer had just moved in together a few weeks ago after dating for a year and you definitely had some things that you could get rid of, so you jumped at the opportunity to clean house. As you were packing some of your knick knacks into boxes, you noticed your boyfriend sitting in front of your shared bookshelf, closely examining its contents and placing the books into two piles. His brow furrowed when he placed another book into the smaller of the two stacks. You set down the lamp you were holding and walked over to a frustrated Spencer.
“You know Spence, you really don’t have to get rid of any of your books. I promise, I don’t need the shelf space,” you chuckled before examining the piles.
“I know, I just feel bad that you can't put any of your books up there. Besides, I’ve read everything anyway,” he said with a frustrated sigh. You patted him on the back before sorting through his “sell” pile. Picking up one of the hardcover books, you noticed it was one of your favorites. 
“‘The Complete Tales and Poems of Edgar Allen Poe’? You were getting rid of this?” you asked in slight shock.
“Oops, wrong pile,” he remarked, softly taking the book from your hands. “You remember the first time we read this together?” he asked, flipping his fingers through the pages. 
“Um, of course. Last year, before we were an item,” you recalled. “I was at your apartment and we ordered a pizza and opened a bottle of wine, which you proceeded to spill all over me,” you laughed, Spencer blushing profusely at the memory.
“And you were wearing white…” he trailed off.
“And I was wearing white. I know you have an eidetic memory but this must be the dirty side of it because I know full well you saw my bra through that shirt,” you nudged him teasingly.
“Hey, why do you think I asked you out in the first place?” he jokingly asked. You nudged him again and laughed. 
“So I changed into your ‘I Heart Vegas’ t-shirt and your FBI sweats and made you read to me as an apology,” you smiled, recalling the memory that you held near and dear. 
“And you’ve never looked better,” he laughed, pecking your lips. 
You set the books down and left him to his sorting, returning to your own work. Once the two of you were ready to go, you hauled the few boxes into your car and made the drive to JJ’s.
“My favorite lovebirds are here!” Penelope shouted, standing up from her seat on the lawn next to Morgan and making her way over to you and Spence. You gave her a quick hug.
“Hey Pen! I’m surprised to see you here, I know you’re pretty sentimental when it comes to your things,” you asked as she began to help you carry your things onto the lawn.
“Yeah, I’ve had firsthand experience with that when I accidentally knocked over her llama mug. The thing shattered and she refused to call me ‘chocolate thunder’ for days” Derek chimed in, standing to help you with the boxes.
“Okay, in my defense, I like to keep my sacred things sacred. I didn’t want my poor llama to face such violence!” she yelled, and you all laughed. “But you’re right, I’m just here to count the money,” she confessed, and you nodded. 
You all chatted about your days as you unpacked your boxes, the rest of the team showing up in the meantime. As you unpacked, you came across your old neon sign that said “boss bitch,” and you couldn’t help but laugh, drawing the attention of your friends. 
“Damn Y/N, I never pegged you as someone who’d have a sign like that,” Emily said, walking over to get a closer look.
“How come I’ve never seen that?” Spencer asked, observing the cheesy light.
“Gosh, i’ve had that since college. I found it in the back of my closet today and I don’t really have much of a use for it. I do love it though,” you remarked. Emily left you and Spencer alone after being distracted by Henry.
“You know, if you really like it, you can keep it. If there's a problem with the neon, I can take a look at it,” Spencer said, taking the sign from you.
“Oh no, it's not that. I guess it's just more meant for a ‘bachelorette’ pad,” you said.
“Oh okay. You can save it if you want, just in case,” he said softly. This got your attention as you looked up to him.
“In case? I don’t have an ‘in case’. Do you have an in case?” you asked, wondering if your boyfriend had any doubts about your move in.
“No, I don’t,” he said, as if he was just realizing how real the two of you were. He leaned down and your lips met his. You pulled away from him and continued setting up your table, a smile on your face the entire time.
A couple months had passed since the yard sale and you were absolutely loving the little life you had with Spencer. And as the weather got colder, it was nice to have someone to snuggle next to during the winter. Christmas was coming up and you couldn’t wait for Christmas Eve at the Rossi household. Dave had decided that this year, he would start a tradition for the team, a “night of the seven fishes,” and of course his famous Rossi pasta. Everyone was able to go- this was why you loved this team. You were all “misfits,” especially with your home life- these people had become your family and you theirs, and you wouldn’t have it any other way. 
You went Christmas shopping every day leading up to the fateful Rossi dinner. One of those days, Spencer came with you and the two of you had finished up pretty late- it was already dark out. Spencer offered to drive home, which was a little out of character, but you were too tired from your day that you didn’t question it. You noticed he was taking a different route then normal, however, so you decided to interject.
“My love, you’re going like the complete opposite direction of home,” you giggled.
“I know, I just thought we’d take a detour to look at the lights,” he said nervously. You just shrugged and went with it.
 You turned up the radio when you heard your favorite Christmas song start to play. Spencer began to sing along quietly, and you looked at him surprised- he never sang in front of you. He glanced at you and laughed, before continuing his serenade. You decided to join in, belting out the lyrics to Maria Carey’s “All I Want For Christmas is You,” turning to Spencer and singing to him on the “you” parts, earning a chuckle. 
After you had been driving for a bit, he stopped the car and stepped out. You didn’t recognize your surroundings, but it looked like you were in a park. It was decorated beautifully with countless Christmas lights and ornaments hanging from trees. It truly took your breath away. Before you knew it, Spencer was opening your door and offering his hand. You took it and stepped out, still in awe of your surroundings. While you were looking around, Spencer reached inside the car and cranked the radio up, just as Frank Sinatra’s “White Christmas” began to play. He walked in front of you and bowed his head, extending his hand. 
“May I have this dance?” he asked, feigning chivalry. You couldn’t help but giggle at the sight of the man in front of you, bundled in a jacket and a scarf, nose slightly red from the cold air.
“Of course, good sir,” you said with a terrible curtsy. Taking his hand, the two of you began to slow dance in the middle of the empty parking lot, snowflakes slowly falling down. 
“You’re amazing,” you told him, pressing a kiss to his cheek. 
“You missed,” he said, before leaning back down and giving you a firm kiss on the lips. You laughed into the kiss, wondering how you scored such an incredible boyfriend. You switched positions to get closer to him, your arms wrapped around his neck and his arms around your waist. You rested your head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. The two of you continued to sway as the song changed to “Last Christmas” by Wham! You looked up at him again, missing his face. 
“Don’t get me wrong, I love this and I love you for this, but why are we doing this?” you asked, not wanting to ruin the moment. 
“I don’t know, actually. I had the thought when we were at the mall, that I just wanted to make this your best Christmas yet. And I know you love those cheesy Hallmark movies, so I figured this was the closest way to bring one of them to life for you,” he laughed and your heart melted. 
“Well, my previous statement still stands. You are amazing, Spencer Reid,” you told him, leaning in for another kiss. The two of you swayed for a few songs longer until you both decided that not even you could keep each other warm. The drive back to your shared apartment was pleasant as you closed your eyes, letting the Christmas music and the warm feeling of Spencer's hand on your thigh lull you to sleep.
“Babe can you zip me up?” you asked, putting in your earrings. Spencer adjusted his tie to his satisfaction and made his way over to you in front of the full body mirror to help you with your dress.
It was Christmas Eve and the two of you were getting dressed for the big night at the Rossi house. Spencer seemed a bit more nervous than usual, but you just chalked it up to his occasional social anxiety. Once he finished zipping you up he wrapped his arms around your midsection, kissing you on the cheek. The two of you stood, looking at your reflections, for a few moments. Spencer looked as handsome as ever in his nice sweater, and you were a show stopper in your dark red velvet mini dress. It was moments like these when you stopped to think about how lucky you are to have met him- he was your future and you were his. If only he would put a ring on it.
You pulled yourself from your loving daze and finished getting ready- Spencer was already finished so he was attached at your hip as you pulled on your heels and made some finishing touches to your makeup. 
“Ready to go?” he asked, seemingly antsy to get on the road. You giggled at his eagerness and nodded, grabbing your purse and heading out to the car.
On the drive there, you once again cranked up the Christmas music and serenaded him to All I Want For Christmas is You, which was quite a frequent play on the radio. You didn’t mind, however, because it was always a way to get him to blush. Mariah Carey had that effect on people. Before you knew it, you pulled up to the Rossi mansion. Most of the team must have been there already, as it was bustling with life and Christmas joy. The front of the house was completely decked out with lights and decorations- Dave spared no expense when it came to holiday decorating. The two of you made your way up to the door, presents in hand. Garcia was on the other end of the door, apparently a few eggnogs in.
“Oh my gosh, you guys are adorable!” she shouted. You and Spencer shared a knowing look. “Everyone, the lovebirds are here! And looking like the hottest couple since Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively,” she gasped, taking in your dress and feeling the velvet. The confused look on Spencer’s face told you all you needed to know about his knowledge of pop culture, which was none. 
Garcia ushered the two of you inside to the living room area, where the rest of the team was settled. Everyone stood up for hugs and assisted you with carrying all of your presents to the tree, which was one of the biggest Christmas trees you had ever seen. You greeted Jack and Henry, who were playing with some toy cars under the tree. You made you way back to the team, and you noticed Spencer talking quietly to Derek and JJ- you decided to let them be and you made your way to the kitchen island to talk to Rossi as he cooked.
“Wow, everything looks so great!” you commented, observing the wide array of food along the table. 
“It better, I’ve been busting my ass for hours just so you kids could have a nice meal,” Rossi said, stirring one of the pots on the stove. You laughed at his fatherly comments as Emiy took the seat next to you.
“Don’t mind him, he’s just worried he might be on the naughty list,” Prentiss joked, finishing off her glass of wine and grabbing another bottle. 
“Hey, just because I’ve gotten a few divorces doesn’t mean i'm not a good man,” he said, pointing a jokingly accusatory finger towards Prentiss. She lifted her hands in defense and laughed. 
“I hear that,” said Derek, who had suddenly appeared in the kitchen. Spencer made his way to the chair on your other side, taking a seat. He nervously fidgeted for a bit, but when you rested a comforting hand on his thigh, his nerves seemed to calm. Soon after you poured yourself a glass of wine, Rossi announced that dinner was served. With a cheer, everyone made their way to the long table, Rossi and Hotch on both ends. You sat between Spencer and Emily, waiting to serve yourself. Once everyone was settled, Rossi stood holding his glass of wine.
“I would like to take a moment to thank you all for coming tonight. There are friends, and there is family. And, there are friends that become family. You are all my family, and I wouldn't want to spend my night of the seven fishes with anyone else. Dig in,” he toasted, and was greeted with a few “salut’s” and pats on the back. With that, you all began to serve yourselves and fill your plates and wine glasses. 
Once everyone was full from the delicious dinner spread, you all retired to the living room. Christmas music was playing through Rossi’s amazing sound system, and you were resting your sleepy head on Spencer's shoulder, his arm around you. It had been a perfect night, and you didn’t want it to end. As you were listening to JJ tell a story about Henry’s first Christmas, the song changed to “White Christmas” by Frank Sinatra, and you were flooded with the memory of you and Spencer dancing in the parking lot. You lifted your head from his chest and looked to see he was thinking the same thing.
“It’s our song,” you whispered with a sleepy smile. Spencer nodded and gave you a quick kiss before looking at Derek, who was mouthing “do it now!” As if it were perfect timing, JJ just finished her story and Spencer stood up, gathering the attention from the room. 
“Uh, if I could have everyone's attention, please,” he started, nervously clearing his throat. You looked up at him with stars in your eyes, and he returned it. “As many of you know, Y/N and I have been dating for awhile now, and we’ve been living together for a few months,” he began. You looked around the room and made eye contact with Derek, who shot you a wink. You returned focus to your nervous boyfriend, encouraging him with your eyes. 
“Living with her has made me realize that I don’t need an ‘in case.’ I normally always have a backup plan for when things go wrong, well, as an FBI agent that comes in handy,” he chuckled nervously. “But with Y/N, I never thought to make a backup plan. I’ve just known that she is my forever,” he turned to you. “Y/N, you are my forever, and I want to make it official- I want the world to know that you mean everything to me,” he shakily got onto one knee, earning a gasp from Garcia and a few tears from JJ. From his sweater pocket, he pulled out a tiny velvet box and opened it. You stood up, hands covering your mouth and tears welling in your eyes.
“Y/N, will you marry me?” he asked, a hopeful glint in his eyes. You were in shock. You almost forgot to answer until you heard a cough from Prentiss. 
“Yes, Spence! Yes yes of course!” you shouted, putting the ring on and he stood up as you jumped into his arms, wrapping your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist. You barely registered, the whooping cheers from the rest of the team, as everyone embraced each other. Tears were shed by most of them (Hotch tried his best to hold back). 
After a minute of spinning, Spencer let you down and you observed the ring. It was one of the most beautiful things you had ever seen. 
“I helped pick it out,” JJ told you and you pulled her into a hug and thanked her before embracing Spencer once again, a happy blush across his cheeks.
“Hey, look!” Garcia said, pointing above you and Spencer's heads. Looking up, you saw the mistletoe she was pointing at. 
“Did you know that the white berries on mistletoe are actually toxic to humans?” Spencer asked, receiving a few head shakes. You looked up at him in awe, always adoring his facts.
“Come here,” you said, pulling him down by his tie and giving him a passionate (but tasteful) kiss that was greeted with a chorus of “aww’s” and a few “ewwww’s” from Jack and Henry. You both laughed and continued to mingle with the team, showing off your rock. Spencer had made it a Christmas to remember, and you were so eternally grateful to have someone who loved you as much as you loved him.
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truglori · 4 years
Homebody (Ch.11)
Summary: Amiyah is the younger sister of local drug dealer (Durkio). Shy and reserved she keeps to herself and stays out the way. But lately she began to find interest in his right hand man/ best friend (Erik Stevens). Wanting to get him to notice her she discovers that he already had her wrapped around his finger without even trying! There was only a few problems that kept her away from her fantasies , her brother that controlled almost every single breath she took and would kill anyone who looked at her that way and lastly Eriks girlfriend, Alexis , who they called the queen of the hood according to her lavish lifestyle as well as being with the next newest top boy in the making. While Alexis was his girl to the streets all Amiyah wanted to do was be his Homebody...
Pairing: Erik Stevens x Thick OC
Warning: Language
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Erik sat on the round wooden stool. He frequently had to shift around in his seat due to the cheapness of the material and uncomfortable feeling. Arms resting on the bar and head low as he waited for the bartender to walk back over to his area. With his first finished drink pushed to the side he wanted another to hush his thoughts.
“Yo can I get some service over here.” His voice called out catching her attention.
She turned her head. Erik observed her the closer she got. A pretty brown skinned that stood no taller than 5’5. Her long hair falling past her shoulders as she had on an all black t shirt with the bar’s logo printed in white bold letters on the front along to go with some hip hugging blue jeans. With her towel in her hand she threw over her shoulder before leaning on the bar directly in front of him.
“Sorry about that. Had other customers to attend to. What can I get you this time?” She smiled showing her straight white teeth.
“Same as last Hennessy, neat.”
Shaking her head she went to grab the bottle.
“Yo, make that two!” Erik scratch the back of his head as he watched her bring another glass over.
She poured it into his first glass and the fresh one. Putting the top back on the bottle she didn’t move from her spot.
“You know you don’t have to call me like that. My name is not “Yo” and it won’t sound as rude coming out of your mouth.” She gave him a small smile.
Erik threw back both of the glasses like it was nothing. His eyes never left her frame. Wiping any liquid that didn’t make it in his mouth with the back of his hand, he pushed his glass towards her.
“May I have another miss...” He waited for her to speak.
“Harmony .” Her eyes looked exotic under the neon lights that surrounded the bar.
“Harmony. Can I have another shot please?” He brought his hand up to his beard and stroked it.
She blew out air twisting the top off the bottle. She poured him another but not as much as the last three times. Erik noticed as his face screwed up.
“What’s this? That’s not as much as the last ones you gave me.” His eyebrows knitted as he eyed the drink.
“Yeah well that was before I noticed that this has become a cycle within the last four days. Just before then I never seen you a day in my life and now here you are turning into a regular within a short amount of time. This is your second time being here and it’s only 8pm.” Harmony told him bluntly.
It was true. This was Erik’s second time today at the bar that he’s been visiting daily within the last few days. He was fucked up. About the whole situation from Amiyah to Durk and lastly Cane. There was a lot on his plate. So he came to Rue’s Bar & Grill. It was a local bar next to his place that became a quick stop for him on the way home. Erik wanted an escape even if it was just for a few hours. Amiyah would barely talk to him other than answering his good morning text, him and Durk were still not on the same terms for the job, and he hasn’t heard from Cane since he blew up on him that day. Erik was stressed.
“I don’t believe that’s your business how much I drink as long as I’m paying I don’t see what the problem is.” He wasn’t trying to be rude he just wanted to drink so he could be out.
Harmony smiled shaking her head. “Listen you’re not my only customer that drinks this shit okay I have other people that-“
“How much for the bottle?” Erik pulled out his wallet.
“Because I don’t give a fuck about your other customers. Now how much or I could take my business elsewhere?”
“Fifty-five.” Harmony gave a defeated sigh.
“Here.” Pulling out a hundred dollar bill he slid it across the bar to her and grabbed the bottle.
“It’s only a liter it doesn’t cost this much.”
“Keep it. For your trouble and your customer’s.” Erik snickered as he poured another shot.
Within the next hour about almost more than half of the bottle was gone. Erik sat at his end of the bar threw his shots back only taking breaks when he went to use the restroom. Harmony watching from the other end would look after his drink to make sure no one would do anything to it. His steps were starting to become unsteady as he would walk into some of the chairs but gain his composure back afterwards. Harmony shook her head as she walked towards him.
“Hey sir. It’s time to go home.” She gave a stern look.
Erik sat back in his chair. “I’m not done with my bottle yet.” Some of his words were partially slurred.
“Well you can come back and finish the rest tomorrow. It’s time to go. How did you get here?” She stated being concerned and not wanting him to drive home.
Erik laughed. “I got here by my damn self and I can take myself home. I don’t need any help.” Getting up from his seat Erik grabbed his phone and shoved it in his pocket.
He started walking towards the door when he knocked over another chair. Stopping he picked it up and walked outside. The night air hitting his face woke him up just a bit. He began slowly walking to his car when he felt a hand grab his jacket. Circling around he checked to see who it was. It was Harmony.
“Sir I can’t let you drive your car. I get off in about fifteen minutes, I’ll take you home.” Her eyes gave off compassion as she became worried about the stranger getting ready to put his life at risk. Harmony wanted to leave him alone but it would have been on her conscience.
“Nah I’m good ma. I’ve done thiss before.” Wiping his face Erik looked for his keys.
“I don’t think it’s a good idea. You’re slurring your words and you ran into almost all of my chairs in there. Please let me take you home at least. You can come back for your car tomorrow.” She stood in front of him and pushed him to keep him going in the street.
Erik looked stunned. He was shocked that she put her hands on him and also with the fact that her small petite body had enough strength to actually make him stumble back. He shook his head as he tried to walk around her but she followed his steps. When he went left she was there and when he went right she followed. She was not letting up.
“Look miss I don’t know you. You could be a serial killer with yo lil strong ass pushing me and shit so I’m not letting you bring me home.” Erik stated as he try to escape her but failed again. He cursed at himself for getting this drunk to where he could barely move fast enough.
“My name is Harmony and I’m not letting you drive. Now I don’t have to take you home let me order you a Lyft and I’ll wait with you.” She looked at him with pleading eyes.
Erik sighed and ready to end this stand off had finally gave in. He was drunk and just wanted to sleep this off. “Aight man fine order that shit and hurry up.” He shook his head as he sat on the curbside of the sidewalk.
Harmony gave a half smile of relief pulling out her phone. She went to the app and asked him for the address. Once he gave it to her she sat down next to him. Folding her arms together to try and keep herself warm from the night wind. It was a whole four minutes before Erik turned to his side noticing that she was still there. He smirked shaking his head.
“You ain’t gotta babysit me. I’m a grown as man.” He rested his arms on his knees.
“I’m not babysitting you I just want to make sure you get into the right car that’s all.” Her voice shivered when the wind blew.
“Why you helping me? You don’t know me. You don’t even know my name.” He eyed her up and down.
Harmony look back at him and gave him a blank stare. “Okay so then what’s yo name nigga?”
Taken back by her forward-ness he laughed. “Erik.”
They both turned their heading watching a white Chevy Malibu pull up in front of them. “Well Erik your ride is here and it was nice to meet you. Don’t worry about your car. I’ll make sure it’ll be here when you come back for it tomorrow.” Harmony had her hands on her hips and watched him walk to the car.
“Thank you.” Erik nodded his head as he slipped in the back slouching in the seat.
“Here you go. Thank you so much for doing this the last minute.” Amiyah smiled as she handed her stylist the money for her hair.
“No worries. I’ll see you in a month.”
She gave her a wave and walked out of the shop. Pulling up her phone she went to camera mode to admire her fresh knotless braids that stopped to the middle of her back. It was long over due for her to have a new style and she figured this would be a perfect looked. Now standing outside it was around ten o’clock at night. The streets were starting to get empty as the time past. She needed a ride home. She didn’t call Durk because lord knows how long it would take for him to get there and she didn’t want to bother Kelley so she settled for an Uber.
Ordering her ride she rested against the side of the building with one hand in her pocket and the other scrolling on her phone. She went to her messages to see if had any unread. There was one from Kelley saying that she wanted to see her hair when she was done and one from Durk saying that he wasn’t going to be home tonight. Then she saw Erik’s. His last text was sent this morning asking how she was doing but Amiyah didn’t respond.
After what happened between them four days ago she didn’t know how to react to him anymore. He scared her that day. Amiyah knew that Erik had every right to be upset but it was the way that he handled the situation that made her nervous. He didn’t seem like himself and extremely angry. She wondered if that would be the case every time they would get in arguments in their future. That was what made her afraid.
When Erik brought her home she went to her room and cried herself to sleep. She wished the situation could’ve went differently. It’s not like she planned on keeping it away from him forever, she wanted to tell him but it was always something that got in the way. Amiyah had no clue on had he found out but it had bit her in the ass for not speaking up.
Even though it was her who had fucked up it seemed as if Erik was the one in the dog house. He sent her countless text throughout the day asking how she was and if they could talk but Amiyah was still nervous. Yes she still wanted to be with Erik but they both needed their time apart to think.
The ride back to her house was short and fast. Walking to the elevator she waited until it arrived to step inside before pressing on her floor. Amiyah leaned her head against the wall as she gave herself a mental to do list. She had to get her clothes out for work tomorrow, clean her room and the kitchen before she could even think about taking a shower and getting in bed to go to sleep.
The doors opened on floor. Going through her bag she searched for her key. When she turned the corner to the hall where her apartment was she stopped in her tracks. There was Erik sitting in front of her door with his elbows on his knees looking up at the ceiling. When she was a few steps away he finally acknowledged her presence.
“Oh shit. What’s up Amiyah.” Erik stood up wiping the dust of his hands.
Flipping her braids behind her hair she sent a shy smile his way. “Hey Erik. What are you doing here?” She asked studying his movements. He was biting his lip out of habit and leaning against the wall.
“Uh I’m looking for Durk. You heard from him?” He held the back of his neck.
Amiyah squinted her eyes hearing him speak. She was starting to think that he was drunk.
“Last I check he wasn’t coming home for the night. Why don’t you just call him?” She asked stepping closer to see if she can smell the liquor on his breath.
“We got into a disagreement a few days ago. Now he acting like he can’t answer my phone calls.” He chuckled.
Yeah, it was definitely alcohol on his breath.
“You want to come inside Erik?”
Erik made eye contact with her. She was staring up at him with those innocent soft eyes that he missed. He noticed that she was now rocking a fresh hairdo that was making her look extra sexy to him. But Erik didn’t know how she still felt about their argument the other day.
“You sure?”
Nodding her head she smiled. “Come on.”
Unlocking the door they went inside. Amiyah hung up her jacket then walked to her room to sit her purse down and changed into her slippers. Going back into the living room she saw Erik sitting on the couch with his hands over his eyes. She walked into the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle and gave it to him.
“Thank you mama.” He spoke softly taking the top off and downing the beverage.
Hearing her pet name that he always call her gave her stomach butterflies. She sat down next to him. They didn’t speak only sat there quietly. Erik couldn’t stand the silence so he spoke up.
“I like this look on you. It’s cute as shit.” He played with the braids.
Amiyah giggled. “Thanks.” Her body tingled when his fingers ran over her scalp.
Biting his lip, his dimples showed when he smiled at her before stopping his actions. He took another gulp of the water now placing the empty bottle on the coffee table. Amiyah, with her face resting on her fist with her knee holding her arm watched him. The expression on his face was down and it made her sad. She didn’t want it to be like this between them anymore. She missed the Erik that she knew before everything happened.
Scooting closer to him she hooked her arm around his. “I’m sorry Erik.” She stated knowing her faults.
He glanced at her. Erik seen the genuineness in her eyes and knew that she meant it. Yes she was wrong for not telling him but he knew that Amiyah was a good person who was also still a bit naive when it came to other people. She had a good heart and wanted to please everyone. It still amazes him sometimes when he remembers who her brother was. Her and Durk was nothing alike. Durk was cold hearted and Amiyah had a big heart.
He looked down into his lap and shrugged. “I’m not tripping about it anymore.”
“It still doesn’t make it right. I knew what I did and I was wrong keeping that from you.” She intertwined her hand with his.
“I’m sorry for flipping out the way I did. I should’ve calmed down first and then we could’ve talked. I didn’t want you to see that side of me baby girl.” His grip on her fingers tightened as he spoke.
Amiyah nodded her head. “Yeah but you had every right to be mad.”
“Not mad enough to where it kept you away from me for days ma. You shouldn’t accept shit like that from nobody...wether it comes from me or not.”
“I understand.” She leaned her head on his shoulders.
“I just want you to keep it real with me baby girl. Don’t hold nothing from me. Tell me everything.” Erik tilted her chin looking into her eyes.
Amiyah’s averted her gaze. If she wanted a fresh start with him she had to let him know about everything.
“Erik there’s another thing...but I just don’t want to see you mad again.” Now she was the one looking down.
His chest tightened. From the look of guilt on her face he knew it was something he would disapprove of but he had to know.
“What is it?”
Amiyah hesitant but had to make it right. “Cane kissed me on the date.” She spoke lowly.
Erik heard every word. His hand left hers as he folded his together. His eyes was facing towards the tv that wasn’t on. The only thoughts the was running through his mind was wanting to beat Cane’s ass. Breathing in and out through his nose he had to calm himself down. He didn’t want to have another episode like how he did at his condo, but he couldn’t help but to be disappointed with Amiyah.
“Did you push him away?” His face was hard.
“It happened so fast but that was the only time. He kissed me not the other way around.”
“Did you push him off of you?” He repeated his question.
Amiyah closed her eyes. “No, but I didn’t kiss him.”
He felt himself getting upset all over again. “How would you feel if you found out something similar about me and Alexis? Would it make you mad?”
Amiyah furrowed her brows. “Of course I would , why would you ask me that?” She was confused.
“Because the same shit you accused me of trying to do that night when I asked you to be my girl, you’re doing now.”
Amiyah stood up in front of him with her arms folded. Here she was trying to apologize and admit her wrongs and he had the nerve to bring up Alexis. She was starting to feel disrespected and offended.
“Erik I’m apologizing to you and telling you everything and you bring her up. What the hell is wrong with you?” Her voice rose.
He stood up next. “What did I do now? Called you out and spoke the truth. Cause I clearly remembered you complaining about that in my car and yet you were the one who was tryna have your cake and eat it too.”
“How am I trying to do that if I’m telling you. You just sat there and forgave me but now you’re acting like you just found out again. Why?”
“Because you should’ve told me about him kissing you when I came to you about this the first time. Don’t have me thinking it was a just a date and that’s it. Damn it’s like could you really be honest with me Amiyah for once.” He sighed shaking his head.
The silence crept in the room once more. They kept their glance on each other. But it felt different this time. There was no more butterflies in Amiyah’s stomach that was there minutes ago and Erik was no longer nervous about seeing her when he had the Lyft sent here. The room was now filled with tension.
“I don’t want to do this anymore.” Her expression saddened.
“What are talking about?” Erik looked at her.
“Us. I don’t know if it was the thought of you along with the infatuation that made me say yes but I don’t want to do this anymore.” She folded her arms speaking lowly shifting between him and the grown.
“You breaking up with me?” Sadnesses had clouded Erik’s features. He could feel the effects of the alcohol wearing off.
The sound of keys unlocking the front door alarmed both of them. Amiyah walked in the kitchen leaving Erik. The door opened revealing a Durk who had a confused look on his face. He wasn’t expecting to see his so called best friend standing in his living room. But his sister standing in the kitchen also caught his eye.
“The hell you doing here this late?” He placed his keys on the coffee table.
Amiyah walked back in with her sleeves rolled up and dish soap and water covering her hands.
“He just got here. I let him in while I was washing the dishes. He was looking for you but said you wasn’t answering your phone for some reason.” She gave a fake giggle trying to cover for the both of them.
Durk nodded his head turning to his friend.
“What’s up nigga why you here?”
Erik’s mind was still catching up from the break up he just had only seconds ago. He didn’t care about Durk coming in. He didn’t even know what he came here for but he had to come up with something. Anything to keep Durk from thinking suspiciously about seeing that him and his sister in their house alone.
“Uh I came to tell you that...I’ll do the job with you.” It wasn’t what Erik came over for but he had to cover himself.
A wide smile crossed over Durks face. He shook his head walking towards him. Holding his hand out he gave him dap with a half hug.
“I knew you would come through nigga. Let’s get this money.” He spoke into his ear.
Erik didn’t care about a word he said. His eyes was focused on Amiyah who had her back facing them as she cleaned up. He couldn’t believe that she just ended things like that. Over an argument that they were having. He started to wondering if it even meant anything to her? Did she take it serious, or was it only him? Yes they were only together for a little bit but Erik liked her. More than what he was used to. But this is what he gets when he let his feelings think for him. He ends up hurt in the end.
“Yo you hear me man?” Durk knocked him out of his thoughts.
“Nah say that again?”
Smelling the liquor on his best friends breath he laughed.
“Damn Erik you fucked up ain’t you?” He laughed.
Erik tried his best to put on a fake smile. “Yeah and I had a Lyft coming over here so I’ma need a ride to my place.”
“Aight man say less. We’ll talk in the car.” Durk patted his shoulder.
He walked over to his sister who was still cleaning up. Amiyah faced him feeling him near her.
“What’s up?” She asked placing the scrub down.
“I’m bout to drop this nigga off then I’ll be back. Okay?” It came out more as a question trying to see if she was cool with it.
“Alright. I’ll probably be sleep when you’re back.” She smiled
“Aight lock the door behind us.” He gave her a kiss on the top of her head leaving after Erik.
Amiyah closed the door and locked it. Turning her back she rested against the cold wood. Bringing her hands up to her face she cried when she realized it was over between her and Erik.
Waking up from the sound of his tv playing Erik sat up immediately reaching for the remote to turn it off. He sat up finding himself in nothing but his sweats on the couch. The throbbing coming from his head was killing him. Getting up slowly he walked to his bathroom going into his medicine cabinet and poured out three Ibuprofens before popping them into his mouth. He was definitely experiencing a hangover.
After Durk had dropped him off last night he went to his mini bar grabbing whatever he had left trying to forget the knowledge he had of Amiyah’s last words to him. He may have been drunk but he remembered that moment clearly. He couldn’t lie, he was hurt. When Erik went after her he didn’t plan for it go like this. He thought it would be better. He knew she was different and that’s what he liked about her so much. At least that’s what he had thought. It was over between them just as fast as it started.
Erik hopped in the shower hoping to revive himself. He needed a refresher and the hot water rolling down his skin was doing the job. But every time he closed his eyes underneath the water he would see Amiyah. She’s been taking over his mind since he left her place. Taking only twenty’s minutes to wash up Erik stepped out grabbing a towel and wrapped it around his waist. He walked to his bed sitting at the edge and checked his phone. A few missed calls and a message from Durk that caught his eye.
Durk 😈: I need you at the shop today after you go pick up your car...1:34pm
A confused look dawned over Erik’s face. Glancing at the ceiling he retraced his steps in his head and chuckled when he remembered what he meant. He forgot that he left his car in front of the bar he got drunk at yesterday. Placing his phone down he lotioned his body and then went to his closet and got dressed. Since Erik always had his own car he never had the need for a car service so he had to to download one the apps to bring him to the location. Grabbing his keys he left out his his house and went downstairs to wait on his ride.
It didn’t take long for him to arrive back at Rue’s. It was a ten minute ride there. Erik spotted his car still in the same places that he left it. A flashback popped in his head when he thought of that to himself. It was the same thing that some young woman told him when they were outside. Erik remembered her being feisty and powerful for her size the way she kept pushing him on the sidewalk. He couldn’t remember her name but he figured he could go in and thank for her for helping him not make a stupid decision.
Erik walked in the bar. Being only three in the afternoon it was quiet only having a handful of people inside. Some were sitting at the tables and others at the bar waiting for drinks. Strolling up to the counter top he saw her at the other end servicing drinks. Her bright smile capturing his sight even in the dimly lit place. It was a nice one. Erik sat in the same spot where he drunk his feelings away before he called her.
“Miss “Yo” can I get a drink?” He playfully yelled causing her to look at him.
Harmony turned her head when she heard the voice of the young man who was intoxicated that she helped out last night. Seeing the smirk on his face let her know that he was in much better shape. She served one of her regulars their usual before walking over to him.
“Nice to see you again, Erik.” Leaning against the bar she smiled.
“You have to forgive me I forgot your name with me being drunk last night. You mind telling me?” Erik sent a sincere smile.
Harmony playfully rolled her eyes. “Harmony and if you’re here for another drink I’m not helping you.” She started to walk away before Erik grabbed her wrist lightly.
“Actually, Harmony, I’m here to thank you. For what you did last night.” He let her go not trying to over step his boundaries.
She searched his eyes. “Don’t worry about it. It’s nothing.”
“No it was. I could’ve made a stupid ass mistake and ended my life. I really appreciate what you’ve done.” Erik stated honestly.
Taking in his frame, Harmony found herself attracted to him. He was a bit younger than what she was used to but he definitely was very attractive. Besides him over drinking and getting drunk she didn’t mind if Erik became a regular.
Harmony leaned in closer while Erik stole a quick glance at her glossy lips.“Like I said it’s nothing. Take care of yourself Erik.”
Erik gave an inside snicker as he watched her walk away.
Please excuse any mistakes!
(A.N: I might fast forward in time just a bit in the next chapter)
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unmaskedagain · 5 years
Marinette: Stone Cold
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Ok so i love this prompt but it took forever to get to. And as soon as I did its like suddenly I was swamped with everything. So frustrating. But I finally finished it. And I love it. @vixen-uchiha​
              Marinette was six-years-old when her parents died in a car crash. She had been at school when the vice principle, Mrs. Valmontes, stopped by and pulled her out of class. The little black haired girl had known something was wrong instantly as Valmontes had smiled just a little hard at her and much more gently than what she was known for.
           Still, she had been really surprised to see Office Raincomprix, her classmate Sabrina’s dad, waiting for her in the principle. Marinette always thought he was really nice; always jolly and quick to lend a hand to the teacher at the end of the day if he got to class early to pick up Sabrina. However, he too, seemed rather despondent when Marinette entered the room. His partner, a rookie named Lorna, looked really sad too.
           They took her down to the station where she was led to one of the back offices. Sabrina’s dad waited with her there. And then woman name Susanna LeFlont, who Marinette would later learn was a grief counselor. Then they told her.
           Susanna held her as she cried and begged and called them liars, until she couldn’t cry anymore. And then they gave her a stuffed animal, and said they would try calling her relatives to pick her up.
           They came back an hour later, saying they got ahold of her parents’ emergency contact…
           Marinette’s Uncle Jareth Dupain.
           She had frowned when they said his name because to her he had never been Jareth Dupain. No, he was always her cool Uncle Jagged. So it took her a second to remember that his real name was Jareth Dupain-Stone, her father’s younger half-brother. Marinette even briefly remember her dad mentioning having to change their emergency contact after his mom, Gina, passed away a few ago.
           He was only 20 when Marinette born and he was always a budding Rockstar so he wasn’t around too much. And 6 years later he was the biggest rockstar in the world. Still, that didn’t stop him from rushing to the police station, Penny hot on his trail, and pulled his sweet niece into the biggest hug he could.
           Jagged took his niece to the hotel room to get her settled and had Penny go back to the bakery to get some of her things. He didn’t think it was a smart idea to take her there yet; not when the wounds were still so fresh.
           Still as the twenty-six year old Rockstar stared at the small form cuddled up to Fang, he realized for the first time that he was all Marinette had in the world; the only family she had left. The only family he had left.
           So he knew, despite the lawyers taking days to contact him regarding who Marinette’s guardian would be, that it was him. Jagged was the person Tom had entrusted to protect and watch the most precious thing he had the entire world; his daughter. And he wouldn’t let his brother down.
Tom had always been the best big brother anyone could have. And when Jagged’s own father, Tom’s Stepfather (as tom’s own father had suffered a heartache when Tom was a teen), had walked out, Tom had stepped up. He showed Jagged, who was still called Jareth at the time, how to be a man. He believed in Jagged’s rockstar dream when Jagged didn’t even believe in them himself.
Jagged would do right Tom, by Sabine; he would do what they would do if the situation was reversed and they were given Jagged’s kid to care for.
He would raise Marinette as he own. And though he knew would never come close to being the father that Tom Dupain had been…
Jagged would damn well try to be.
Jagged Stone, Shattered Roses, Nightmare’s Hail Mary, Unmasked Dragon, True Born Rejects, and Emancipated Mirrors were some of the biggest rock band in the world. Whenever, they went on tour together, they were the epitome of what people thought Rock Stars were. They were loud. They partied all night. Groupies hung around everywhere. To them, it was paradise. When all the bands were invited to go on the Kings of Neverland tour, with Jagged Stone headlining, they expected very much the same as they were used to. Jagged always had the most Rockin tour bus. His parties were legendary. They came to expect it.
However, when Neon Savage (front man of the Shattered Roses), Austin Knight (Leader of Unmasked dragon and lead Guitarist), and Niklaus Bane (Lead vocalist of True Born Rejects) showed up with beers and all other sorts of alcohol the day before their opening concert for the tour, they came across something very unexpected.
Or rather someone.
A little Asian girl with pigtails in her Blue hair, a tiara on her head, in a rainbow tutu paired with a black too large Guns N Roses shirt, her hand on her hips, no shoes, and a rather large crocodile next to her.
“What’s with the ballerina?” Austin asked. He had dyed silver hair done in a stereotypical emo style, grey eyes, and too many piercings. He was slim and tall.
           Niklaus sighed in relief, “Oh good, you see her too!” He had curly blond hair, dark brown eyes, and wore mostly black. He had ripped jeans and a red tie. The tie was as red as the whites of his looked. “Why is your hair blue?”
“Because Uncle said I could,” She answered and pointed a figure at them, “You’re not supposed to be here.”
Savage scoffed, “You got that twisted, kid.” He was a bulk guy, with long dark hair, and a severe expression on his face. His arms were covered in tattoos. He played in a metal band, and it was obvious. “Where’s your mommy?”
“Dead,” The little girl said bluntly. “I live with my Uncle Jagged now. This his tour bus, and you’re not supposed to be here.” She glared at them. “Fang, Stranger Danger!”
           What happened next was a bit of a blur. One minute they were fine, the next they were being chased around Jagged’s tour bus by a rather vicious crocodile while pint-sized twerp laughed.
           Lucky for them, their yells for help were overheard by Penny and Jagged who had been working in back, “What’s going on?” Penny asked as she ran in.
“Mates, what the h. e. double hockey sticks is going on?” Jagged asked right on his assistant’s tail.
           Austin, who had jumped on top one of the shelves, gave Jagged a confused look, “Better question; what the hell did you just say?”
“Ooohhhh! There’s five bucks for the swear jar!” The little girl taunted.
           Jagged glared at rockstar, “Watch it! A Kid’s in the room!”
           Savage glared at his longtime friend, “Who the fuck do you think set Fang on us?!” He cast a dark look at the crocodile. “Stranger danger my ass! I’ve known you sent you hatched, you overgrown cheap pair of boots.”
“That’s ten buck for the swear jar!” The girl said.
“Ten bucks?” Austin frowned. “Kinda of steep for just two swear words.”
“I swear to God-” Savage growled but was cut off.
“Chill, mate,” Jagged said. “This is my niece Marinette.” He gave her a loving smile. She beamed up at him brightly. He had been taking care of her for a year now. “I told ya about her.”
“You didn’t say she was Satan!” Austin whined. Fang had bitten him, the slowest of the three, quite a lot, and he had a giant hole in his jacket.
“I’m not Satan,” Marinette huffed. “I’m a ballerina, princess, Rockstar on my way to a tea party with Duchess Rosy Sparkles, of the Unicorn Fairies. And guess what, you’re not invited!”
“Oh that’s just mean,” Niklaus complained.
“She sicked a mini dinosaur on us,” Savaged hissed.
“Yeah, well, now she hurt my feelings.”
           Jagged sighed. The guys were some of his closest friends, and by the look up the “entertainment” they brought, they were ready to raze it up like always. But things had changed. Jagged couldn’t be that guy anymore. “Marinette’s staying with me from now on,” He reminded them. “No parties on the tour. She has a bedtime. And doesn’t need to see “us” at our finest, no matter how Rockin we are.” Jagged shrugged. “Spread the world, my bus is off limits.”
The rock stars grumbled a bit but didn’t leave. They could hang with Jagged without presence of booze, weed, loud music, and groupies. It would be a little weird but they’d managed. Jagged was their friend; they’d known him before any of them became famous and stayed close well after. They hadn’t been there for him as much as they wanted to after Tom died; too many commitments, too many required appearances in different countries that had taken them away. But they were there now. And if being there for one of their best friends meant regularly chilling with a six-year-old, then they’d deal.
Savage grunted, “Austin, get rid of the booze.”
“By ‘get rid of’, I assume you meant put back in my tour bus,” The silver haired guitarist corrected.
           Niklaus raised his hand like he was a student in class, “I get the whole no alcohol thing; that stuff will kill ya. But what your feelings on pot?”
           Jagged just sighed. It was going to be a long summer.
           The three musician, and even the other Rockers on tour, slowly but surely got used to the seemingly near constant presence of a six-year-old around Jagged or running around backstage. And the swear jar was a serious thing. It didn’t count when they were singing on stage but off it and anywhere near Marinette and they found themselves forking over five dollars for ever swear word. It added up a lot. And quickly.
           Jagged’s tour bus, instead of being the Party palace it used to be, now was the chill zone. It was also the cleanest of all the tour buses. No empty beer bottles everywhere. No one random passed out anywhere. No having to watch out for throw up. No rabid fans, as Jagged had increased his security to Tony Stark worthy levels.
           All they had to do was mind their manners and remember that Marinette was very impressionable at her age.
“OH screw you!!!!!!” Savage roared as he jumped up and frantically mashed buttons on his controller. “I’m not losing!”
           They had been babysitting Marinette all day while Jagged did an interview Buzzfeed.
           Austin snickered, “Says you.” His character raced past Savage’s. Only for something to hit him and send poor little Yoshi spinning out of control. “Did you- did you just blue shell me, bitch?” He hissed at Niklaus.
“Nooo!” Niklaus said sarcastically. “Hey!!! Not nice, brat!” He told Marinette after a banana caused him to slip off the ice.
           Marinette smiled easily, but there was a determined look in her eyes. Her hair was jelled into a faux-hawk courtesy of Ashley Crimson, from lead singer for Emancipated Mirrors, an all-girl punk rock band.
“Die, scumbag!” Ashley roared as her racer zoomed by. She was a vivacious redhead. Her and her bandmates got used to being some of the only girls around that weren’t either working for one of the rock stars or were scantily clad fangirls who do “anything” to get backstage.
“You’re going down, twerp!” Savage told Marinette.
“Bite me!” She snapped back just as Jagged and Penny walked into the tour bus.
           Jagged crossed his arms, “What did you morons do to my sweet little niece?”
“Nothing!” Niklaus, Ashley, Savage, and Austin chimed together.
“Savage taught me to throw a punch, and or kill a man.” Marinette smiled happily. “I helped Austin set up a glitter bomb in Nightmare’s Hail Mary tour bus. Niklaus and I are banned from Chuckie Cheese. Ashley and I spray painted her ex boyfriend’s car. Cleo and I got arrested. We disturbed the peace!!” Cleo was a pink haired girl who played drummer from Nightmare’s Hail Mary. She had to rush off for her own interview. “Oh and we’ve only been Playing Mario kart for an hour but they each owe like a hundred bucks to the swear jar.”
           There was silence as the words were processed.
“And not one of us taught her how to keep a freaking secret?” Ashley face palmed.
           Jagged just sighed.
           For the next few years that was Marinette’s life. Austin, Niklaus, Savage and Ashley became pseudo Uncles and Aunt to Marinette.
She spent most of her childhood on tour with her Uncle; going from to place, concert after concert. Marinette was homeschooled and didn’t mind it. Jagged went on tour with a bunch of different people over the years and she got to meet all sorts musicians; Clara Nightingale, Ed Sheeran, Adam Levine, Brendon Urie from Panic! At the Disco, Taylor Swift. Her favorite were the award shows though. Through them, she got to meet all her favorite actors. And was inspired to start designing on her own clothes after seeing so many fabulous looks. She got to model and do some acting. In her free time, she ran a very popular fashion blog/youtube channel.
The press had always loved her. To them, she was Marinette Stone (Jagged didn’t want her real name released to the media). She was always on the best dressed list, frequently seen with various celebrities, and could be found on the cover of various magazine.
However, when Marinette was eleven, she begged her Uncle to let her go to school with other kids. She was getting older and she wanted to have some type of normal childhood. It took him a year to agree. Her uncle Jagged had become quite protective over the years.
So Marinette went back to Paris. She cut her hair, used her given name of Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Her Uncle bought a grand penthouse not too far away from her new school, and whenever he was gone her bodyguard, a sweet woman named Harlow who was former CIA, was in charge of her. She started at her new school with a smile on her face.
Not long after, she became the hero Ladybug.
Everything was great. She had friends, a normal social life, went to school with other kids her age. She wasn’t constantly being followed around by paparazzi. She still ran her fashion blog and had frequently updates. It was perfect.
It took two years for it to go bust.
The reason’s name was Lila Rossi.
And she was the biggest liar Marinette had ever met. And Marinette had grown up in the entertainment industry.
Lila made wild claims that the other kids just ate up. A simple google search could refute all of them. The ones Marinette could stand was always about Jagged. Like her Uncle, or an airline, would be reckless enough to let a kid race on to an airport to save a cat; not that Jagged had ever own one. Fang was territorial.
Lila made her out to be a bully, and slowly Marinette lost all her friends. Her only one left was Adrien, her partner Chat Noir. The blond and Marinette had modeled together a few times and he had recognized Marinette despite her new looked but he kept it a secret. Because of their history, Marinette developed a crush on the other and Adrien was quick to lose his crush on Ladybug once he found out it was his dear friend behind the mask.
When Marinette was exiled to the back, Adrien was quick to join her (much to Lila’s fury) and nothing could change his mind. Mostly because he was sick of Lila always touching him despite his vocal protests, and Bustier not doing anything about it.
Soon Marinette things started being messed up or destroyed; her homework, her sketchbooks and pencils, her jacket. She was tripped and called rude names. Her cellphone, (Well one of her phones. She had two; one she used as Marinette Stone. One for Marinette Dupain-Cheng; a number only her classmates had.) was filled with mean texts.
Bustier caved to demands and had her excluded from class trips and events due to being a negative influence; again Adrien decided not to go either, and Lila was Akumatized once he said this. Marinette hadn’t been surprised. Bustier always ignored the bullying and harassment clearly happening in front of her. Still, Marinette decided to start recording her classes a hidden camera on her desk, on the corner of the celling and even on top of the whiteboard behind Bustier. It was just in case anything took a serious turn.
Still losing all her friends because of a few promises and dreams of glitz and glamour had been a wakeup call. Her Uncle had warned her. Her Aunt Penny, who Jagged had married with Marinette was ten, had warned her. So did Savage, Ashley, Cleo, Austin, Clara, and Niklaus. They told Marinette to watch out for fake friends and gold diggers, coattail clingers and desperate wannabes; people who would sell out every secret she had to the paparazzi behind her back just for five minutes in the spot light. So called friends who would do anything to get ahead, to get famous.
And it was clear that’s who most of her ex-friends were. Even Lila learned the hard way. When she told Alya about her mom meeting with some important celebrity about their Go Green initiative, this wasn’t a lie as it would turn out. However, the glasses-wearing girl posted it online, despite Lila legitimately asking her to keep it a secret. Lila got in big trouble with her mom apparently.
The teacher, Bustier, was awful but she always had been. Marinette ignored it in the past because at least she had her friends. But if that witch told Marinette to be a better example one more time, it was over.
           Everything came to a head after Marinette got expelled, granted she was brought back after evidence that it was impossible for her to have cheated surfaced, and the bluenette decided enough was enough. She finally gave in and told her Uncle everything.
           Jagged was pissed. He cursed up a storm; enough to fill the swear jar ten times over and buy Marinette a car.
           It took a while to get him to calm down. And to convince him that Marinette could handle it. She had a plan.
           Still, she remembered that Uncle was a wild card.
           Friday, during lunch, Marinette was eating in the cafeteria, when suddenly the lunchroom doors burst open, “Marinette,” Jagged called as he entered, trailed by a happy Penny and bodyguards “Where’s my favorite little fashion designer?”
           Marinette just sighed.
Adrien smirked at her; looking way too amused. The jerk must’ve known. She had thought it was strange that he wanted to eat in the cafeteria. The two rarely ate on the school grounds, opting and preferring to go to local restaurants rather than deal with terrible food and pesky classmates. Still Marinette didn’t mind as long as they away from her classmates. And they did.
Kagami, Aurore, and Claude gave her perplexed looks.
           The students in the cafeteria went wild. Girls and guys screamed, and tried to get pictures. Jagged ignored them and went straight to Marinette’s table, walking passed where Bustier’s student at lunch. Alya shook Lila’s shoulder and pointed at Jagged, and loudly asked if Lila could get her an interview. Lila looked horrified.
Jagged beamed when he reached Marinette, “There you are, you’ve been ignoring my texts,” He accused. Which to be fair, Marinette had been. Her Uncle had been coming up with way too many revenge plots to be healthy. “I decided I need a new look for the VMAs; something rockin, something tasteful, something to show remind the world the amazingness that the Rock Gods have blessed them with.”
“I’m at school,” Marinette told him.
           He smirked, “Then Learn to answer a text,” The Rock star shrugged. “But fine; we can talk later. How about at my concert, yeah. You and your friends” he motioned to the kids at Marinette’s table, “Can have backstage passes. We’ll talk then. But I really want you to wow me. Maybe get a matching hat for Fang too.”
“Fang?” Adrien asked innocently. Still Marinette could practically hear see the script he was reading off of.  “Is that your cat?”
           Jagged gasped as if insulted, “Cat? Do you think I’d ever own anything as ordinary as a cat? Me? Jagged Stone?! I should be insulted, mate. I hate cats, always have. Never owned one, never will. Fang’s a crocodile. Marinette’s knows. Fang loves her.”
“That is strange,” Kagami shot Marinette a smirk which caused Marinette to nearly hiss at the betrayal. Kagami knew too?! “Lila said you did.”
“Lila?” Jagged asked. “Who’s Lila? I don’t know a Lila.”
“Lila Rossi?” Aurore offered. “The Ladyblog practically swears in an interview that Lila Rossi saved your cat from being hit by a plane or something.”
           Jagged scoffed, “What a loud of bull! Any journalist that believes that is not worth the pen they write with.” Gasps were heard. “But I heard that rumor. Didn’t know where it was from. Thanks for letting me know who I should sue. This Ladyblog and Lila Rossi will be hearing from my lawyers.”
           It was a photo finish as to who fainted first; Alya or Lila.
           Lila went home right after that. This caused the reactions of the class to be split. Half the class still defended Lila; refusing to believe their golden ticket was lying. The other half was ready to burn her at the stake; they had carried her books, done her homework, wrote her notes, nearly everything for her.
           Marinette just sat back and watched with amused eyes. If they thought this was bad, they hadn’t seen anything yet.
           That weekend Marinette Stone released a video on her blog about bullying. She had been mentioning her own trouble with bullying for months and people had asked her for more information.
           The title of the video was:
           Bullying Stone: The Expose
           In it Marinette revealed that at her school she went by Marinette Dupain-Cheng, her real name, and had a new look. She told about how much she liked school at first. And they what changed; that it all started when a new girl arrived and started telling lies about celebrities about Marinette. She told the story of how she was expelled; and just how many procedures were broken when it happened.
           Marinette used the recordings she had of class, and even showed up the horrible texts she got.
“As you can see the teacher does nothing,” Marinette frowned. “It’s all happening right in front of her and she does nothing. In the next video, you’ll see someone being sexually harassed, in front of the teacher and she doing nothing about it. And then what victim blaming looks like. Again, as a reminder, all these videos and pictures are unedited.” She had offered to blur Adrien’s face but he declined, and even appeared in the video too and talked about his own experience.
           At the end of the video, Marinette looked straight at the camera, “Anyone can be bullied; famous or otherwise. If you’re being bullied; speak up. Tell your parents, your Aunts, your Uncles, your siblings, your cousins, teachers who you know will actually do something about it. I waited too long to tell someone. I regret that. They thought what they were doing was hurting me.  They thought I’d be miserable without them. They thought I’d cry and break and come crawling back to them. They thought wrong. You can bully Stone but it takes a hell of a lot more than that to break it.”
           The video went viral in an hour. And people were angry. The people who knew Marinette and loved her were beyond furious. Jagged, even more so, as he hadn’t seen the videos before, read the texts.
           Marinette Stone’s phone blew up with texts and calls. She was tweeted and retweeted thousands of times. And she got far too many, ‘You want me to kick their asses for you. I can kick their asses for you,” texts. But she had known she’d get them.
           The Ladyblog was ripped for lies by celebrities who been lied about on site and fans.
           Gabriel Agreste, Adrien told her, was pissed about what had been happening to Adrien, in front of a teacher no less. Lila Rossi fired. And if Lila ever had dreams about working in the fashion industry, they were over.
           Savage, after berating her for not kicking Lila’s ass, told her he and the gang (Austin, Cleo, Ashley, and And Niklaus) was coming over for some Mario Kart and artery clogging fast food.
           When the call disconnect, Marinette got a text from him.
Why did you sic Fang on them?
And that’s a five for the swear jar!
           Marinette couldn’t stop laughing.    
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heyiwrotesomethings · 3 years
ShinoMitsu Week 2021 Day Two: (Storms, Stars, Flowers)
A/N: Okay, so there are no manga spoilers here, but it's the next part of day one. This is also where the modern AU starts. You could read this one and not get manga spoilers but it might be a bit confusing idk. Like I said before, days four through seven are just gonna be out of order events that are purely AU without mention of events in KNY proper so, yeah. Probably your safest bet. Sorry if I’m not making any sense. Hope y’all like it though. Word Count: 4,080
“God damn it,” Shinobu sighed under her breath as she checked fruitlessly through her school bag for an umbrella she already knew wasn’t there. “Slightly overcast my ass.”
Currently, it was pouring buckets while the sky was rumbling and intermittently flashing with distant lightning. Shinobu had stayed late studying in the library, unaware of the storm that had been forming just outside. What had first started as a trickle, had become a full blown downpour and now she was stuck, deciding whether or not to call Kanae to drive her back or brave the eight block sprint and look like a drowned rat.
She took out her phone and finally registered the time, her shoulders slumped. Kanae would still be at work for another hour or so. Shinobu briefly thought of Kanao, but she wasn’t going to make her younger sister walk all the way over here, umbrella or no.
Shinobu shook her head and secured her phone in her bag, then tightened her shoulder strap. It was only a little over a kilometer and a half to her home. She ran laps all the time and calculated with the added weight of her bag and of course, the weather, it would probably take her about ten minutes to get home. Definitely not her fastest, but she couldn’t risk hurting herself before the meet on Friday.
She took a deep breath in through her nose, set her feet to push off the library stoop and—
“Hey, Shinobu-san!”
Shinobu’s hand shot out for the railing, stopping herself mid push off. She voiced her annoyance in a huff of air, before looking up at the sidewalk before her. Standing in the pouring rain was upperclassman Kanroji Mitsuri with a large, bright green umbrella that stung Shinobu’s eyes as well as it mocked her.
“Hello, Kanroji-senpai.” Shinobu greeted just loud enough to be heard over the pounding rain.
Mitsuri grinned brightly and Shinobu groaned inwardly as her senior skipped over in bright pink rain boots. It wasn’t that Shinobu disliked her, Kanroji was just emotional, a bit of an airhead. She acted sweet and familiar with everyone and it got on Shinobu’s nerves. Shinobu just couldn’t picture herself spending any extended period of time with the older girl, but that didn’t stop Kanroji from approaching her more often than not with frivolous chatter.
Mitsuri stopped just in front of her, asking the obvious, “Did you forget your umbrella, Shinobu-san?”
“I would hardly say ‘forgot’ is the right word, Senpai. I watched the weather report this morning. It wasn’t supposed to even sprinkle much less have this torrential downpour occur.” Shinobu bitterly replied. Mitsuri merely giggled at her Kouhai’s brusqueness before motioning her forward with her free hand.
“Come under my umbrella, Shinobu-san. I’ll walk you home, okay?” Mitsuri offered cheerfully.
“That won’t be necessary. I’ve already decided to run for it. Good day, Kanroji-senpai.” Shinobu stubbornly declined. She moved left, attempting to go off on her way, but Kanroji blocked her path, pouting.
“Come on, Shinobu-san. Let me walk you home. You’ll get sick if you run in the rain. How will I be able to cheer for you on Friday if you’re bedridden?” Mitsuri asked, coaxing Shinobu underneath her umbrella again.
“I’ll manage. I live a ways off from here.” Shinobu denied Mitsuri again, her patience running thin. She moved to the right and Mitsuri mirrored her once more.
“That’s alright, I was just out enjoying the weather. I’ve got no other plans and besides, what kind of Senpai would I be if I didn’t help out one of my cute little Kouhai!”
And Shinobu took that personally.
Yes, she was on the short side and wasn’t even a hundred pounds soaking wet, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t kick ass and take names when she wanted to. And she was not cute!
“I don’t need your help.” Shinobu said sharply, making Mitsuri flinch. The younger girl broke left once more and leapt over the stoop to land firmly on the sidewalk, soaking her feet in the large puddle. Shinobu paid it no mind and began jogging home as rain pelted her, quickly wetting her hair and clothes.
She thought that would be the end of it, but then the rain stopped hitting her and light panting could faintly be heard behind her. Shinobu glanced above her, and instead of grey skies, she saw neon green.
“Senpai, what are you doing?”
“Taking you home!” Mitsuri spoke resolutely.
Shinobu turned her head back in the direction she was going, shaking it side to side. Couldn’t Kanroji see she didn’t want her help? Shinobu was well past her threshold for politeness and respect for her senior so she scoffed and picked up her pace.
“You want to take me home then you’ve got to keep up.” She called over her shoulder before kicking up her pace a notch.
“Shinobu-san! Wait up!” Mitsuri whined, jogging after Shinobu with her umbrella arm outstretched, trying to keep up with her junior to keep them both relatively dry.
Shinobu did not wait up, gradually picking up pace, she began leaving Mitsuri behind. But Mitsuri did not give up, evident by the irregular breaths Shinobu heard behind her between rolls of thunder.
They carried on like this for nearly a full kilometer and Shinobu was glad they were the only two crazy enough to be out in this storm because she was sure they must be a sight. She leapt over a pothole in the sidewalk that she usually walked past everyday and was gearing up to run even faster when she heard a big splash and a pained sharp cry that forced her to stop in her tracks.
Turning abruptly, she felt a sharp sting of guilt pull at her chest as she took in Mitsuri laid out on the concrete, completely soaked. The poor girl must not have noticed the damaged sidewalk.
Damn it, why didn’t Shinobu just let the girl walk her home? She shouldn’t have let something so insignificant damage her pride so easily. All Mitsuri ever did was be nice to her, and now look at her.
Shinobu quickly snapped up the umbrella before it could be blown away and crouched over Mitsuri, shielding her from the downpour.
Slowly, Mitsuri made it into a sitting position and Shinobu felt exponentially worse seeing how drenched Mitsuri was and her torn tights and bloodied knees. She could tell her senior was tearing up too, this was a totally avoidable disaster.
“I’m so sorry Kanroji-senpai, do you think you can stand up?” Shinobu asked.
“I, I think so,” Mitsuri sniffled, shakily pulling a leg in front of herself.
Shinobu reached out, taking Mitsuri by the bicep in an attempt to help her stand. As soon as she touched her, visions flashed through her mind too fast to discern. She pulled back, looking at her slightly shaking hand.
Whatever had happened, Mitsuri seemed to have had a similar experience, gingerly cupping the spot on her arm Shinobu had touched, an awed expression on her face. They stared at each other for a minute, but Shinobu eventually shook her head and and helped Mitsuri up. Whatever had just happened must have been a fluke, a product of being out in this wild storm, because it didn’t happen again.
“Come on, we’re almost there. Let’s get you cleaned up.” Shinobu softly commanded, guiding Mitsuri forward.
Mitsuri aimed a small, thankful smile at Shinobu that made the younger girl’s ears burn. She shouldn’t be looking at her like that, this had all been her fault after all. Shinobu kept her attention on the street, tightening her hold on the basically useless umbrella as they walked the rest of the way to her home together.
Shinobu unlocked the front door and pushed it open with a sigh, “I’m home and I’ve brought company!” She called out before turning her attention back to Mitsuri. “You can hang your jacket there. Leave your boots there and follow me.”
“You have a lovely home Shinobu-san.” Mitsuri complimented, shaking off her jacket. “Are your parents home?”
“Uh no, they’re a usually off on pharmacy business so it’s mostly just my sisters and I.” Shinobu answered, tugging off her soaked socks.
“Oh! I remember your big sister, she was so nice! I haven’t seen her since she graduated. Is she here now?”
“She’s working.” Shinobu answered curtly, focusing on the list in her head of how to best tackle the state of mess they were in.
“Welcome home Nee-san... and guest.” Kanao called softly from further down the hall, observing her sister’s disheveled form curiously.
“Hi, Kanao.” Shinobu greeted, stepping into the main portion of the home with Mitsuri trailing behind her.
“Aw, is this your little sister?” Mitsuri cooed, waving excitedly, “it’s nice to meet you! I’ve seen you at some of Shinobu-san’s cross country and track events in the past. I didn’t realize you two were related!”
Kanao, not purposefully, ignored her, still focusing on Shinobu. “Nee-san, you’re wet.” She stated matterofactly.
“Yes, I know. Give me a few minutes and I’ll be ready to help you start dinner, alright?”
Kanao nodded and walked away, disappearing around the corner while Shinobu lead Mitsuri in another direction. The older girl squealed.
“Your little sister is so cute, Shinobu-san. I already have five younger siblings but one more wouldn’t hurt if it was Kanao-chan!”
Shinobu merely rolled her eyes and pulled Mitsuri into the bathroom. “Wait here a minute,” Shinobu said before leaving the room.
When she came back, she had a pair of Kanae’s shorts and one of her own oversized track hoodies for Mitsuri to change into, placing them on a clear edge of the sink.
“You can change into these after you shower, use whatever you want, I don’t care... maybe not the white bottle of conditioner, Kanae’s weird about that for some reason.”
“That’s very generous of you, thank you Shinobu-san!” Mitsuri beamed.
Mitsuri was elated. What started out as a failed attempt to chivalrously walk Shinobu home in the rain, had allowed her to be present in the home of one of the people she admired most. After months of trying and trying to get closer to Shinobu, she finally had an opportunity to grow their relationship!
Shinobu nodded in acknowledgment before leaving Mitsuri in the bathroom. Then Mitsuri warmed up the shower and took off her damp uniform, pouting a bit at the sight of her ripped tights and skinned knees.
As Mitsuri immersed herself in the warmth of the water she ran her fingers over where Shinobu had touched her arm and wondered what had happened. There was a connection between her and Shinobu, of that much she was certain. She could tell that her Kouhai had shared the experience as well. She decided that they would definitely have to talk about it soon.
Mitsuri peered over the mixed array of shampoos, conditioners and body wash and picked three. Being mindful to leave the white bottle of conditioner as Shinobu had suggested. She popped the cap of the shampoo and squirted some in her hand and lathered it into her hair. The smell of ginger and lemon grass enveloped her and Mitsuri teetered giddily on her feet as she rubbed the familiar scent into her hair.
Mitsuri finished washing up and dried off, slipping into the clothing Shinobu had provided for her. As she bent down to pick up her wet clothes, she caught a faint whiff of a wisteria scented perfume. She pulled at the front of the giant sweatshirt Shinobu had given her and took a testing smell.
She felt transported to another time as images flashed through her mind once again. She blinked pack to attention as a knock sounded against the bathroom door.
“Kanroji-senpai, are you almost done? I can put your clothes in the wash for you if you slip them out the door.” Shinobu’s muffled voice called.
“Ah! I’m done, I’ll be out in just a second!” Mitsuri called back, hastily grabbing up her clothes before yanking the door open quickly and startling the younger girl.
“No kidding.” Shinobu blinked. “Well then, I’ll put those in the wash for you and you can hang out in the kitchen with Kanao while I get cleaned up. Don’t expect her to be much of a conversationalist though.”
“Okay, thank you again for all of this, Shinobu-san. You’ve been very kind.” Mitsuri smiled.
“Don’t thank me for doing the bare minimum here, okay?” Shinobu sighed, “just go sit down.” Shinobu turned swiftly on her heel and went to the laundry room with rosy cheeks.
Mitsuri hugged the sweatshirt, pulling it closer to her skin to send another little burst of wisteria to her nose, humming pleasantly to herself as she made her way to the kitchen. The delicious smells that guided her made her stomach growl and she realized just how hungry she was.
She took a seat at the kitchen island, shooting Kanao another little wave. The middle schooler hardly looked up, focusing more intently of the vegetables she was cutting. Mitsuri tapped her fingers rhythmically against the table and watched Kanao work. Then, the best idea popped into her head. She had just been presented with an opportunity to learn more about Shinobu through one of her sisters! In an attempt to look casual, Mitsuri leaned over the counter.
“So Kanao-chan, what’s it like having Shinobu-san as a sister?” She asked.
“Good.” Kanao replied simply.
“Ah, good.” Mitsuri deflated a little. She was hoping for a little more, but it was a start.
“Any examples? What makes Shinobu-san good?”
Kanao put her vegetables in a pan lightly drizzled with oil and mixed them as the sizzled.
“Nee-san is clean and orderly. She is good at explaining things and helping people and makes me feel safe.”
It was almost enough to make Mitsuri squee with delight. Kanao made Shinobu sound so princely and put together.
“That’s nice, you must really look up to her then. I hope I can grow to be as close to your sister as you are.”
Kanao nodded slightly, watching the vegetables closely and stirring them up on occasion.
“I’m home! It smells great in here!” A voice called from the front entrance. “Oh? Either Shinobu developed a more colorful fashion sense or we have a guest.”
A few moments later, Kanae emerged from the hall and smiled kindly at Mitsuri, “Hello there, a friend of Shinobu’s perhaps? You look familiar.”
“Hi, yes, I’m Kanroji Mitsuri. I’m a year older than Shinobu, I was a first year when you were a third year.”
“Ah, I remember now! It’s good to see you Kanroji-san. I’d tell you to make yourself at home, but it appears Shinobu has become a better hostess in my absence.” Kanae said, motioning to Mitsuri’s state of dress.
“Oh yes, this! I was walking Shinobu-san home and had a little mishap and got wet.” Mitsuri vaguely explained.
Kanae laughed as she maneuvered around the counter to stand behind Kanao and patted her head, making the younger girl smile just a tiny bit.
“Yes, it’s raining quite terribly out there isn’t it? I could hardly see driving home. You’ll be staying the night won’t you? It’s much too dangerous to be out and about.”
“I wouldn’t want to impose!” Mitsuri shook her head.
“You wouldn’t be, I promise. I insist you stay the night. Do you need to borrow a phone to call your parents?”
“That’s alright, I can text them. Thank you.”
“No problem!”
After a quick back and forth with her mom, she was all set. She only hoped Shinobu wouldn’t mind her staying over. The girl definitely seemed the type to cherish her personal space.
Mitsuri turned her attention back to the two sisters, watching them cook together. She offered up her own hand and joined in on the work easily meshing personalities with Kanae and conversing as they made the food.
It’s nice to see Shinobu bring a friend home.” Kanae smiled. “She usually likes to compartmentalize school, sports, and her home life and doesn’t tolerate much mixing.”
“It was kind of my fault.” Mitsuri said sheepishly. “I didn’t give her much choice in the matter. I wanted to get to know her better but instead I face planted in the sidewalk. I think she would have liked to be left alone.”
“Trust me, if Shinobu thought you deserved to be left out there she wouldn’t have even turned around as bad as that may sound. Shinobu is strict and grumpy, but can also be very kind and gentle. She knows how to push people to be better but also knows when they are struggling and need a softer touch. She’s a pretty good judge of character too so she must think highly of you. Don’t worry about it too much, okay?” Kanae explained.
Mitsuri smiled and nodded, looking into her cup of water as her head spun with the eldest Kochou’s words. Shinobu thought she was good!
“Welcome home, Nee-san.” Shinobu appeared from the hallway and made Mitsuri jump in her seat.
“Shinobu, I love your friend! You should invite Mitsuri-chan over more often!” Kanae said, setting out the food.
Shinobu ruffled her hair with the towel she had draped over her shoulders and made a noncommittal noise that made her sister giggle. Mitsuri barely registered what was going on around her, too busy admiring the disarray of Shinobu’s usually perfectly made hair and how Mitsuri could see the toned shape of Shinobu’s legs through her leggings and how cute she looked in that oversized cross country hoodie that seemed to swallow her up. It was all a stark contrast to how she presented herself at school and Mitsuri wanted to burn the image into her mind forever.
The four girls sat together and ate dinner. Kanae and Mitsuri held up most of the conversation but it was light and comfortable. Mitsuri nearly swooned when Shinobu filled her plate with second and third helpings for her, cutting off her internal dilemma before it really started.
Then they cleaned everything up and as the thunder crashed especially loud and the rain tapped furiously on the windows, the girls sat around the living room and worked on their homework. Shinobu had already finished hers while she was at the library so she paged through some enrichment texts about botany and medicine. Occasionally helping Kanao with her homework before diving right back into her book.
Mitsuri was beyond impressed with Shinobu’s academic mind. She knew the girl was smart, but reading such heavy texts for fun? Mitsuri was amazed! She was a good student herself, often surprising her more shallow peers with her knowledge and skill, but Shinobu was definitely on another level. It made Mitsuri a bit envious of Kanao, being able to check in with Shinobu whenever she had a question. Mitsuri looked back down at her biology homework before flicking her eyes back to Shinobu lounging on the couch with her book. Maybe...
“Shinobu-san?” Mitsuri tentatively asked. “Do you think you could check my work on this?”
“We’re in different years, Kanroji-senpai. I don’t know what you’re learning.” Shinobu said, not unkindly.
“I’m sure you already understand it. You seem to love the sciences Shinobu-san. Take a look, please?” Mitsuri tilted her head and batted her eyes.
Shinobu seemed to mull it over and then marked her page. Mitsuri golf clapped and bounced in her seat as the Kouhai walked over and sat next to her at the table, peering at her work. A small, pleased smile worked its way on Shinobu’s face as she realized that she new the material and it made Mitsuri smile in turn.
Shinobu looked through Mitsuri’s work and helped correct a few minor mistakes, but otherwise her work was spot on. Which Mitsuri found a tad unfortunate since Shinobu would get closer and bump arms with her and the wisteria scent would swirl through her head whenever she noticed an error.
Before long, all homework was completed and they watched a little tv before deciding they needed to turn in for the night and get ready for school the next day.
“Shinobu, you should help Mitsuri-chan make sure her knees didn’t get any debris stuck in them from that nasty tumble I heard about. I’ll set up the extra futon in your room while you do that.” Kanae said, already walking off before her sister could interject.
“Fine.” Shinobu muttered anyway, leading Mitsuri back to the bathroom and motioning her to sit up on the sink so she could better see the grazed knees.
The shower had already cleaned them off well enough, but a bit of antibacterial spray wouldn’t hurt. Shinobu took the spray from the cupboard and showed it to Mitsuri.
“You’re knees look clean, but if you want me to give them a spray of this, I can.”
Mitsuri was a bit wary. The spray was sure to sting, but being cared for by Shinobu like this made her heart flutter pleasantly.
“I wouldn’t mind a spray, thank you.”
“Sure.” Shinobu shrugged, popping the cap and spraying both of Mitsuri’s knees without a second thought.
“Ow!” Mitsuri whined. The spray really did sting.
“Sorry, I probably should have warned you.” Shinobu said, looking genuinely contrite. “Here, let me just—“ Shinobu cut herself off, blowing a gentle breeze over Mitsuri’s knees, cooling the stinging sensation.
Mitsuri was suddenly brought back to another memory that felt like it was not quite all her own. Her hand cupped in another’s as a gentle wind blew over scraped knuckles, the scent of wisteria growing stronger for a moment before she blinked and was back in Shinobu’s bathroom again.
After a moment Shinobu cleared her throat and returned to her full height, capping the spray and putting it back in its place.
“Well, better get to bed now I guess.” She said, hardly waiting for Mitsuri to follow her to her room. They said goodnight to Kanae and Kanao before shutting themselves in.
Mitsuri watched Shinobu climb into her futon, mouth slightly agape. She could hardly believe the girl wanted to go to sleep right now with all the weird visions they were experiencing. She simply had to voice this now.
“Shinobu-san, don’t you think we should talk about these weird visions we’ve been having? I can tell, you see them too, don’t you?”
“I don’t think it’s anything significant. Just hope they aren’t hallucinations brought on by being out in the rain too long. I’d hate to be sick.” Shinobu said, curling up in her futon.
“But— it’s so specific! It’s got to be more than that, right?” Mitsuri said in return.
“I don’t believe so.”
Mitsuri couldn’t believe Shinobu was ready to dismiss this all so quickly, she looked down at the hoodie she was wearing and got an idea.
“These shorts aren’t yours, but this is your sweatshirt though, isn’t it Shinobu-san?”
“Yeah.” Shinobu answered, peering up at Mitsuri inquisitively.
“You know how I can tell?”
“Because it says track and field across the front?” Shinobu asked with a bit of sass.
“No!” Mitsuri crossed her arms, “It’s because it has this wisteria scent to it when I smelled it, I had another one of those visions! I think we have a real connection Shinobu-san!”
“Hm.” Was all Shinobu could bring herself to say on the matter which made Mitsuri frown cutely.
“Shinobu-san, don’t you want to try to figure this out?”
“Not particularly. I honestly don’t think there is anything to figure out,” Shinobu flipped over, snuggling further into her covers, “I’d like to go to sleep now, I’ve got early morning practice tomorrow. Good night, Kanroji-senpai.”
“You should call me Mitsuri now. Your sisters picked it up so easily! I won’t go to bed until I hear you say it!” Mitsuri huffed, expecting Shinobu to try to hold out all night but was very surprised.
“Go to bed, Mitsuri.” Shinobu’s muffled voice called from under the covers, making Mitsuri squee with unrestrained joy.
“This is great! Hey, can I call you Shinobu-chan now maybe? Hm?”
“I don’t care.”
“Okay Shinobu-chan, prepare yourself because starting tomorrow, I’m going to figure out what this connection we have between us is!”
Mitsuri didn’t get another reply, but she didn’t mind. She snuggled into her futon and closed her eyes, thanking the quieting storm for giving her this opportunity.
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druid-for-hire · 4 years
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new hadestown au: BIKER ! EURYDICE, in which she’s a rogue lone-wolf biker dwelling in the urban jungle of a Neo Tokyo-type city called Hadestown, wracked with biker gangs, violence, poverty, corruption, and civil unrest, still recovering and rebuilding from an apocalyptic event many years ago. Heavy-handed with the AKIRA inspirations here, haha.
She fights for herself on the dangerous streets, an illegal racer with a consistent top-three placement and a reputation for ferocity that earns her the money she needs to scrape by. And then she meets Orpheus: a dopey bartender who has no place being in her business.
okay okay okay i’m gonna be jumping around a lot here. be warned. thanks @supercantaloupe, @regzillas, @birdmanlyss for your contributions! (sorry if i missed someone it’s been a while)
she's a lone wolf in a city infested with biker gangs and it's brutal
she's run over plenty of limbs in her day
then there's orpheus, this gentle, kind-hearted soul, an indie musician and shes like. fuck. now i gotta keep this bastard safe
puts a long pipe with a mess of bolts and metal on the end in his hands and tells him he'd better buckle up and learn to fight the road
this sort of thing is common among biker gangs to cause destruction and knock people off their bikes onto the road. other types include mallets, hammers, baseball bats, etc
shes small but knows a lot of self defense and is very good at handling herself on the road
besides teaching orpheus to steel himself and yes use that pipe on people, push them off and jam it in their wheels and let it break if it does, she's gotta teach him to hold on while she pulls all this crazy shit on her bike
she avoids taking him on the road because having to fight people gives him so much stress but he also stresses about her so it's all weird
the first time orpheus sees her run over someones arm hes like ""???????????????????!!!!!!!!"
"Don't worry it doesn't happen often" "WHAT IS 'OFTEN'"
she has a red songbird on her helmet and flowers on her jacket
and flowers painted on her bike too probably
or patterns like on the album cover
orpheus thinks it’s the prettiest shit he’s ever seen
so eurydice races, right? everyones like “who is this tiny little upstart” and then she takes off her helmet and shakes out her hair and everyone loses it
somethingsomething ig hades (who is something of a crime boss here, similar to Tombstone from the Spectacular Spider-Man cartoon, but not so unambiguously villainous in nature) becomes a contractor and he catches her in like, a bad contract that's hard to get out of without some kind of consequence
and now orpheus has to topple a capitalist again
anyway she like, meets orpheus in this little bar he works at
it's about lower middle class, so it's not too bad but it's still mostly populated by like, poorer people and bikers, etc.
they meet and it's cool and fun blah blah Come Home With Me shit
also this is a scene:
biker!eury: we gotta cross through downtown orpheus: what???? but there's a riot going on there! right now! eury: that's too bad, it's the fastest way! that's why you get this! (tosses him her pipe weapon) orpheus, barely catching it: sajskhsfdfs ???? eury: and i am gonna take this. (kicks open a trunk and takes out a rifle) orpheus: ???????!!!!???!?? WHERE DID YOU GET THAT AND DO WE REALLY NEED IT eury: Yes we do now come on orpheus: H-HOW did you get it eury: (loads gun) no worries orpheus: No i have many worries HOW DID YOU--
actually, on this emergency ride, orpheus proves surprisingly competent with her pole weapon—ruthless even, and eurydice wonders just where and how the hell he learned that
the conversation she has with him about that is the same one where he shows her his old, old scars
(besides ruthless—orph has apparently learned how to pose and intimidate. he does stuff like putting the tip of the pole-pipe to the asphalt as they’re riding, skipping on the road and creating sparks)
eurydice loves her bike more than certain relatives 
certain complications lead to it being destroyed by hades as punishment for doing him wrong. and it destroys her. that is her most trusted sacred bike, that thing has been with her since she was a teenager
once she repurposes that devastation into white-hot anger orph has to physically restrain her from hunting hades down and breaking his kneecaps with a thick lead pipe
he's never seen her this absolutely devastated and furious
he goes to persephone for more work because he wants to buy eurydice a new bike
he keeps it a secret from her until he leads her out to a garage, hands over her eyes
(some of these bits are copypasted from my friend @regzillas​)
orpheus takes his hands off and says Tada!!! it's just like the old one, there's no painted birds but she can do that. She just stands there in total silence mouth open, and orpheus goes 'so? do you like it?' before she bursts into tears. and at first orpheus is like :O!!!!! oh no!!! do you not like it? and eurydice through sobs just says 'nobody's ever done something like this for me’
it's... beautiful, it's touching, it's deep and it's love and she's so in love and she loves him so much, and she cries and holds him close and takes him in and she's so overwhelmed by her emotions, full of the care that orpheus so freely gives to her; and it's a breath of newness, fresh air in the cycle of dread and bitter anger that haunts the city (but she's still going to find hades and shoot him in the foot)
he just holds her and kisses her head
they spend the day painting it, the day after he buys the bike
hand-painted. and they both leave their handprints in paint on it, like carl and ellie do on their mailbox in the beginning of Up
a significant amount of time is spent thinking of a good name
theres lots of joking and eurydice playfully shoves orpheus and he falls over into paint
okay i wrote something like. Obnoxiously long for orpheus. i sort of have his backstory in this down, but i don’t have anything for eurydice unfortunately :( suggestions are welcome! but first: Hermes
biker!au hermes owns a chain of bars, several of which find their patronage among the ruffian youth, several of which are more refined and serve the middle class, and another several of which serve the upper crust hermes has a hand in every world and it serves him pretty well, and his chain is a bit of a channel of communication and its unspoken rule that whatever socioeconomic class or gang or organization you're a part of, hermes' chain is neutral territory no fighting allowed
eurydice walks in and hermes just gives her a Look and taps the 'no fighting' sign and she huffs
hes >:( if anyone does try to start shit. the honor system is strong enough that usually the other patrons will just throw them out, and if there are really problems, they'll hear from hermes personally
he maintains a very strict "no bitching in my fucking kitchen" atmosphere
and now, Orpheus
this really is kind of akira but without the government conspiracies; the city is a neon corrupt hellscape that’s still struggling to rebuild after an apocalyptic event that wiped it all through. the city is wracked with frustration and violence and anger, there are still urban ruins everywhere and the scars of rebuilding and struggle are plain in every corner of life; plain to see are the shells of ruined buildings, gigantic boats levelled from the sea and left in the middle of inland sectors.
orpheus was abandoned by his mother at an early age—kind and timid, he had to learn fast how to be suspicious and cautious in cruel ways. he couldn’t land himself a spot in any of the groups that other ragtag raging folks had eked out for themselves, still too hesitant or ungraceful or young for any of them. sure, he made friends, sitting and talking with lots of people, but never got to really team up—all he could do was just fight for himself in the blown out corners of the city. weapons made from whatever he had. a young child already spitting blood and teeth in hadestown’s vicious ground-floor landscape.
hermes is his mother’s close old friend, though the times they see each other are few and far between. when he saw him, hermes hardly recognized her son, wild-eyed and clawed and alone in one of the city’s more dangerous neighborhoods, with a pole full of screws slung over his back. how did she lose track of her kid for so long? he thinks. and takes him in.
hermes eventually realizes that his mother didn’t lose him. meanwhile, tiny orpheus, kind-hearted orpheus, despises hermes at first. he’s full of suspicion and desperately wants to lean into hermes’ kindness, but the streets have taught him to hold back. he spits curses at him, though the words slide right off hermes’ shoulders. it’s not genuine.  just frustrated. and picked off of the delinquents that were his friends, just like most everything else about him.
(hermes knows he’s gotten his trust when orpheus starts getting soft, when he’s crying over littler things; it means he’s been deemed safe to be vulnerable around, and he damn near starts crying himself.)
orpheus owns a little vespa! it’s covered in stickers, some of them worn out and old, some places with just the adhesive and the fuzzy white paper from where he tried to pull them off. some of them aren’t even proper stickers and just shit he peeled off from places while he was wandering around and stuck onto the vespa
even in canon i see him as the kind of guy who like. you look at him and think jesus how is this guy still alive he’s so noodly and soft, but he’s unexpectedly sort of street smart
anyway i mentioned this before but didn’t elaborate. biker au orph, to eury's surprise, does have his collection of scars, since he had a bit of a rough go at life
also he’s just ungainly and runs into shit
you can see em on his sketch page. he has a bit more than what’s shown, but what’s visible is a little slash across the bridge of his nose onto his cheek, and two on his left forearm. he probably has a stab scar in his side from just getting fucking knifed. the ones on his left forearm are from when a drunk coming out of a bar charged him with a fork
eurydice also has scars. kind of hard not to with the kind of life she lives
ok thats it. For Now. i don’t know how persephone or the fates or the workers factor in, if at all. I barely know how Hades factors in, mostly what i’ve said so far and that he does what he does to support himself and persephone. ah well! just have this
as this is extremely based off of AKIRA, i verily recommend listening to the movie’s soundtrack. besides the fact that it slaps hard as hell, the opening song, Kaneda’s Theme, has the perfect vibes for the city and the tone of eurydice and orpheus riding at night through it
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