#also he either didnt realize i had a nap or he didnt care
Naps are great because it's like time travel, but you wake up not knowing where the heck you are and where you've been. You're just there now.
For context, I had a power nap in the truck, and now we're somewhere.
And no, Keegs wasn't driving (thank god)
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funnyscienceman · 21 days
Ok but like WHYY did ubisoft have to insist with the one game a year thing. Why couldnt they let syndicate cook in the oven more. Why do they have THREE queer men in the same game and not do ANYTHING with them!!!
Like yes, yes, i get it, i get wanting to for once make a story in a fun setting where you dont have to think about real life prejudice and hardships and bigotry and just have characters be silly, i love that too. I do! And id be all for that if doing it just didnt waste a potentially banger study of the characters and the setting ;-;
Like god i go back and forth on this constantly. I already love syndicate as it is, i think it's fun and neat and the happy gaming vibes about it is core to its identity, it's just that simultaneous to that, three queer men in the same game!!!
like GOD im still miffed that there are only, like, two or three fics about this, and so far i havent found any discussion or anything of it, but oh my god how different all three of them are from each other. You could do so much just with having any of them in the same room — and they are often enough in the same room (jacob and either ned or roth at a time), but nothing's really done there!
we have roth who sees fcking nothing wrong with getting kids hurt, because he doesnt actually care about anyone or anything, he's just some fucking joker wannabe that yeah, sure, probably has some anger and resentment at society because he's a gay man in his 40s or 50s by now, but jesus fucking christ retaliation against homophobia does not equal rampant needless unproductive violence roth!!!
then we have ned, who — i mean he doesnt ever give his opinion on whether kids deserve any respect or anything but considering in every other department he's pretty much just Some Guy, it'd be fair to assume he also has the extremely average stance of 'dont fcking kill kids and dont blow up buildings for no good reason??' in the grand scheme of the templar-assassin stuff he has just about as much relevance as roth: roth was just the boss of the blighters, ned just finances the fryes by virtue of them working for him. He probably doesnt even know about it, and tbh i dont even know if he'd care??? But like i imagine roth doesnt care in the way of 'as long as you dont get in my way, it's all set dressing,' ned i imagine would be smth like 'are yall fckin serious? are you kidding me rn? i have to skirt around transphobes on a daily basis, now youre telling me there's a secret society on top of that with even worse ideas?? What the fuck???'
like uh, not caring about it as in 'I cant deal with this rn i need a nap'
then there's jacob, who's the youngest out of these guys btw, fckin 21 good god he should be at the club not trying to disassemble systemic oppression— ANYWAY
(ned is 27-28 over the course of the game, btw; we dont actually have a solid timeline for anything, just the year, so tbh jacob could've also been 20 and not 21 yet during the game. both he and ned have late birthdays, just a month apart)
so, yknow, being extremely early 20-somethings, both frye twins just take a train to london completely on impulse and dive headfirst into undoing the templars that've had an iron grip over the city for basically as long as they've been alive, yknow, as you do; and throughout the game jacob has to deal with goddamn daddy issues and fighting with his sister and insecurity and trying to be an assassin — and that's a lot for a guy to handle!! Especially one who's still just a couple years out of being a teenager! That's a fucking lot and if the devs are right, then he hasnt even realized that he's bi yet! Not until roth fucking kisses him while jacob's got a knife in his throat for the aforementioned indiscriminate, unproductive violence!
i mean, granted, yeah there were gay undertones during sequence 8, but i have to admit my bias here because i honest to god cannot take those missions seriously. Roth fucking preaches this and that about freedom and whatnot and then im plopped into the mission and it's the most rule-heavy shit ive ever seen in my short life as an assassin's creed player. Like what the hell, those missions were atrocious. Apprently i need to detonate the bombs a specific way, i cant just shoot them from a distance, i have to hold a button crouching down right next to the bombs, and then run the hell away! I have to avoid THIS and THAT while kidnapping xyz! Like there's freddy's apprehend missions and then there's THIS.
at least with ned's missions all you have to do is get the shit and go… i'm still salty that ubisoft cut his questline because they fucking insist on releasing a game a year >:((
my battery's dying. All these guys are different flavors of queer on top of just being pretty different and pretty similar in various ways, and there's just… barely anything about it. Ned especially, since he's just a quest giver whose screentime totals to, like, 2-5 minutes. I just wish they really did more with the setting; not just the queerness and these three specifically, but like, evie, henry, the class conflict — like there are shreds of it, seeds, but there's not much before you kill starrick and credits roll :((
idk. im just gonna refresh ao3 again cjemddjekjx
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designatedbreadbox · 4 years
Bros. with an Constantly Tired/Sleepy!MC
it's cuz of his brothers, isn't it? no? well shit, he thought he was close.
very concerned since you came to him as a last resort
seriously thought it was his brothers fault so he mad you take a nap in his bed. you were too scared to sleep
he had to leave the room so you would feel somewhat comfortable enough he came back to do work and took a photo of your sleeping face
contacts diavolo for advice and when diavolo's advice didnt work, he was stumped. admitted to it too
the one time he doesnt know what to do and he's mad about that
thats it bitch. youre sleeping in his room he doesnt care to hear your protests
plays any type of white noise if you need it and stays quiet if required
sneaks into bed to sleep with ya
nd if ya call him out for it he claims its his bed, he can sleep in it whether someone else is or not
complains everyone else is loud snd thats why you have trouble sleeping
persists to help you in some way becuz youre his human dumbass and no human is gonna act like that under his watch
you have to force him to stop trying to help
bitch is in the same boat as you but for a whole ass different reason
if it wasnt for the fact that he cock blocks himself he would totally cuddle w/ you to sleep
you two constantly end up asleep on either your bed or his bathtub
sure, he's blushin' in both but ey, one's more comfy
at first thought you were bored during an anime run or also have a shit sleep schedule
ya had to tell him you were just like that
wants to help but doesnt know how
all the books he ever read cant prepare him for this moment
like belphie, he lowkey worried
he tried doing therapeutic shit to help such as oils, readings, meditating for some reason. nothin' helped
he thought a human demon in this case presence would do something; like sleep would be better with someone else there
all it did was make you fall asleep faster and woke up feeling the same
he kept trying until eventually realized nothing was working
still worries over you and makes you sleep as early as asmo does
blink twice if you need help
tries multiple methods for you to not be tired
gave up after seeing none worked and SWORE each one would work
very worried and complains his precious MC isnt getting enough beauty rest
forces you to spend a night in his bed *wink wink* to see if that does anything
it didnt but A for effort, am i right?
for compensation for his efforts, you MUST kiss his face MC. thats the only form of payment he accepts
he has belphie, so this aint new
but MC are you good??? he was painfully aware just how hungry humans can get but the fuck are they always tired????
every method he uses for belphie, he uses on you
forced belphie to sleep in your bed so he can wake you at "optimal time".
didnt do shit and when he tried at a later time, you tried getting back into bed. he carried you out of it
wherever you fall asleep, he carried you somewhere else that's safer in public and to your bed if in HOL
fattest mood ever
lowkey worried HE'S the one that should be tired 24/7 not you
tries getting you to sleep normally so he can keep his sloth title w/ the amount of naps you take to feel energized
asks you if something is wrong
if not, he'll try to make you sleep better at night anyway
if yes, his first thought is therapy and the 2nd one is therapy through sleeping
it's just sleeping but he goes all out to make the bed very comfy
he has another cuddle buddy though, so he kinda wants ya to stay tired. he also doesnt cuz, ya know, your health.
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h0neyjaehyun · 4 years
☁︎ 𝐊𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬 ☁︎
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Summary // Jeno finds out Tali's favorite skinship, and later on so do the boys.
Characters // Talia Flores + Jeno Lee (ft.Nct Dream mention. Chan, parents)
Era / Year // July 2017
Word Count //
⚠️Warning⚠️ // Mention of Alchohol abuse
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So members like to give out kisses once in awhile and Tali is no different. Even tho she doesn't really do skinship, she doesn't mind giving kisses here and there mostly because thats how the people around her gave her affection when she was in her pre-teens. Lots of head kisses mostly, from adoring her to comforing her.
Something about Tali makes you want to smother her in affection. But the boys don't want to over step her boundaries so they never did, and hoping that one day Tali will give the signal that it was okay.
And the moment had come.
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Its was 2017, Tali felt quite sad. Not that the boys did anything wrong its just sometimes she misses the times she can be carefree and drink. The adrenaline that she got when she was younger but she knew that she wasn't able to go back to it.
She knows drinking is bad,especially at her age which wasn't llegal drinking age, she hasn't drinked alcohol since Chan convinced her not to, and saying it was bad for her. She knew that when she was younger too but she missed the thrill, and her friends. They all kept in contact, visiting them when she is off. She just misses the affectionate that they usually gave her, but can't since it might get her in a scandal. Mostly the head kisses, and when she kisses them on the cheek, that made her feel the most loved and thats how she preferred to show her love.
Her parents never really gave her affection, it was usually her friends, and she felt comfort in those moments and safe. The boys didn't really hug her, only Haechan or Jaemin, what they usually do is just pinch her cheeks. Even tho she doesn't like the cheek pinching, she wanted kisses, but it felt weird asking that.
So she finally had the courage to just kiss one of the members cheek one day....all hell broke loose when they found out the habit.
"Jeno~" she said sleeply, tired of the comeback, she went and sat beside him. "You look tired." "Wow, thats what every girl wants to hear." Tali said sarcastically. "Sorry" Jeno laughed with his eye smile. Tali looked at him and smiled back loving his smile. She put her head on his shoulder while they were waiting for the rest of dream to get ready for bed.
She heard yelling outside knowing it was the 2 boys that have been practically fighting all summer and not getting along for only god knows what. (Or whatever figure you believe in). She tried her best to ignore it, but also wanting to get out of the dorm that she wasn't very comfortable in at the moment.
"Hey Jeno?"
"Wanna go for ice cream?"
"Right now? Its the middle of the night."
Tali looked at him then looked back at the door from where all the yelling is coming from.
"Either you wanna stay here and keep hearing them scream their heads off at each other or you wanna go get ice cream and go on the roof so we can look at the stars. Either way im going."
Jeno thought about it, he didn't want to stay here, nor did he want Tali to go out alone knowing she was too stubborn to back down from not leaving.
"....Sure why not...Renjun can always handle them"
Tali nodded, not caring if she was tired she just wanted out. They left quietly without anyone noticing, and headed to the the Open 24 hours store, to grab some ice cream and snacks.
They left and Jeno almost went to the dorm forgetting that they were supposed to go to the roof but Tali pulled him to the roof. Jeno was amazed on how Tali knew about going up here, the view was so pretty, like she can read his thoughts she said. "This is my safe place these past months, the amount of fighting those two have is...terrible I just wanted to leave the bad aura and come here with you." She said looking at him with sparkles in her eyes.
Jeno looked mesmerized by her speech and her eyes, he always liked looking at them. He pulled her to the ground and they sat there in silence with only bags being moved around being the only noise.
Tali looked at him and she found comfort, he looked back at her and gave her his famous eye smile, she was so happy to see it she couldn't help but just climb on his lap and just stay there in his arms. Jeno was surprised but took the rare opportunity to hold her.
Then Tali out of habit gave him a kiss on the cheek. Jeno froze, Tali could feel the stiffness in his body. Then it clicked on what she just did. "Oh my- IM SORRY I DID THAT OUT OF HABIT, IM SORRY I MADE YOU UNCOMFORTABLE." Tali said panicked.
While Jeno still loading, Tali was about to get off his lap but thats when reality came in he held her in the same position they were before. "No no its okay, its okay as long as you don't do that to people outside the group your okay" Jeno laughed at her panicked state.
There was silence
"Wait....what do you mean out of habit?" Jeno said out of curiosity.
Tali blushed not expecting that question she laughed and said "Well when I was like 11 I developed a love for kisses, like not lip to lip more like head kisses of comfort, then the way I respond to that comfort is by giving that person a kiss on the cheek if I really really trust them.." she said while she was hiding in her red hair, she couldn't help but feel embarrassed at that confession, she didnt really like saying those cheesy things if makes her cringe or flustered.
Jeno laughed at her embarrassment. Feeling good that she trusts him, and that he is getting closer to her. "You trust me?" Jeno said cutely. Tali now flustered "Of course I trust you" she said with giggle. "Then why didn't you kiss my cheek before huh?" He said teasingly with a pout. Tali smiles at his cuteness "Because I didn't know if your were comfortable with it" she said with a smile, head tilted cutely. Jeno gushed at her.
"How about this" Jeno proposed
"How about me and you only do this hm?" Tali thought about it, she doesn't know if the members are comfortable with it and honestly doesn't wanna embarrass herself so one member is better then none.
She looked at him the a smile and said "of course!"
Jeno was happy that he got closer with Tali also that they get to have their own little thing. But he knew it wasn't gonna last long since they were probably gonna accidentally do it infront of the boys out of habit, but he is gonna take the time that he has with it.
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Dream were in the waiting room. Bored out of their mind waiting for their turn to perform. So Jeno and Tali were just napping together, Jaemin visited them and he saw them together and started taking pictures.
Then Tali started waking up and looked up and saw Jaemin."Jaeminnnn" she said cutely still sleepily doing graby hands at him like a baby while Jeno was still asleep beside her, hands around her waist, his face in her hair. Jaemin couldn't resist the invitation so he layed on top of her and snuggled his face in her chest.
She wasn't expecting the face in chest but she thought eh he is injured i don't to hurt him by pushing him off and its been awhile I'll let it slide. Then Jeno woke up from all the movement
"Hm?" The boy still buried in her chest too comfortable to move.
"One why are you here and two why are you in Tali's chest?" Concerned for the girl under him since she is a small human being.
"One to visit since its been awhile, and two...its comfortable and she did the grabby hands so I couldn't resist." He said still in her chest. Jeno looked at Tali and Tali looked back at Jeno. She blinked a few times.
Jeno just smiled at her cute hello.
Tali looked at Jaemin who seemed to be asleep.
"Jaemin....Jaemin....JAEMIN!" Mark yelled waking up the boy. "WHAT." The boy said upset that his sleep got disturbed. "Get off of her she need to fix her clothes to perform." Mark said, Jaemin just glared at Mark "You're just jealous that Im in this position and you're not." Jaemin said getting up and started to bicker with Mark.
Tali just crawled onto Jeno's lap and both of them sat there looking at the boys just bickering with each other while the others started joining in. In the moment Tali felt at home, Jeno reminded Tali of her brother when he would hold her when something bad came up or just in general.
Jeno looked down and saw Tali seem comfortable which made him happy and out of habit he kissed her head, and in that exact moment the boys turned to Tali to ask her who gives the best cuddles and they see Tali in Jeno's lap and him giving her a head kiss.
Everything was quiet
"WHY DOES HE GET TO KISS YOU AND NOT ME!" Haechan whined while he collapsed on Tali's legs.
Tali blinked trying to figure out whats happening then she realized...he kissed my head....oh no.
Then their manager came "Its time to perform LETS GO PEOPLE." Tali and Jeno took this opportunity to book it so they looked at each other and RAN.
All the boys laughed and then after they performed they saw Jaemin still there waiting for an explanation. Jeno and Tali looked at each other trying to figure out how to explain.
"Um...well you see its just...it became a habit~?" Tali said trying hard to explain without confessing the truth cause if she does, they won't stop kissing her.
"Tali." Jisung said.
"Hm?" Tali turned to Jisung
"Are you and Jeno hyung dating" Chenle said
Tali and Jeno looked at each other and they burst out laughing.
"YOu ThInk WE ArE DAtiNg!?" Jeno said laughing his ass off.
Everyone was confused not knowing what to think.
"Listen, I find comfort with head kisses when being hugged and I usually repay the person with a kiss on the cheek or a hug nothing more, its just Jeno found out by accident when we hanged out and I was sleepy, we agreed to be our thing till we slip up and do it front of you guys nothing more." Tali said giggling.
They all were in awe at the little cute confession and started to coo at her and petting her hair.
Jaemin just looked at her after the cooing and said with a betrayed face.
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gloriafc · 4 years
Paul imprinting on Emily's best friend-Part 3
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Paul imprinting on Emily’s best friend -Part 3? @laurastrutz
The only words that could repeat through Paul's head were, "She suffered a great number of internal damages. She will need to be put under a medically induced coma. When she wakes up she may have a slight case of amnesia from hitting her head on the road." Everyday he heard them echoing around in his head for weeks as he stared at your sleeping figure, no one could get him to move from his seat, except Emily, who promised she'd stay at your side until he got back from his nap and shower. He could only stare at the many tubes and wires connected to you, counting how many times your chest would rise in an hour.
Kim and Emily were both fine, the other driver crashed into the front drivers side of your car. Jared and Sam are both grateful you got them out okay, but they also won't let their imprints out of their sights. The two wolves made sure their friend was okay, but they knew he was basically dead inside, his life laying unconscious in the bed surrounded by balloons and flowers your best friend brought so you'd see something other than the dull walls when you woke up.
The other driver was okay. He did have to go into surgery, but when he was out, he alongside his family tried to say thank you. Of course that just pissed off Paul, if the other driver saw the stop sign, you wouldn't be in the hospital, all of the imprints would be safe and fine telling them about the movie they saw and the random things they bought that are now ruined or was barely salvageable.
When she woke up and found out what your condition was, Emily immediately called your dad, who sped his way to the hospital from Seattle. It wasn't the way he planned on meeting your boyfriend, but he could see just how much Paul cared about you, and that's all he could ask for his daughter especially at a time like this.
The two men quietly sat at your bedside everyday. Occasionally they'd talk, getting to know each other, telling stories of the random things you'd do.
When the doctors decided to take you off of the medication they informed your dad and Paul you wouldn't wake up right away, that your body would come to when you were ready. They sat for three days, taking showers in the hospital bathroom, taking turns to go get coffee. Emily would come everyday to make sure they ate. They'd constantly look at how different you looked without all the tubes on your face, and the wires connected to your body now gone, you looked somewhat normal. The only thing missing was the smile that was constantly on your face.
On the fourth day, they were both sat by the window, one of the rare sunny days in Forks that they knew you loved. They opened the curtains and windows and sat there staring outside. They were both so lost in thought they didnt hear you start to wake up until they heard a raspy voice say, "You both look like shit."
Their heads both snapped to your bed where you were laying wide awake and a soft smile on your face.
After the doctors checked and made sure you were okay and were checking to make sure your stats were normal. Paul's hand never left you. He was either holding your hand or drawing shapes on your arm or leg. Your dad was the one who called Emily. As you waited for her you turned to your dad, "Where's mom at?" He stops talking to the doctor to look at you, "Baby. Your mom died remember?" You look at him for a second before shaking your head, "Right. Yeah. I know." Before you can say anything the doctor quickly reassures you, "Dont worry. That's normal after an accident like yours. It's very common for cases like this. For little bits to be missing, it'll just take a few moments for your brain to correct itself. It should only happen for the next couple of hours."
About ten minutes later Emily runs into the room like a track star and practically jumps on top of you. You dad can only shake his head, "Dont break her already." Emily just shrugs with her arms wrapped around your shoulders, "Shes already in a hospital."
The next person to enter is Kim followed by Jared. You watch as she stops in the doorway before running and joining you and Emily on the small hospital bed.
Your dad leaves telling you he's going to get some actually sleep at your house, now that you're awake, leaving you with your two friends and three wolves. Despite just waking up, you were exhausted and quickly fell asleep after Emily put on a movie. Soon Kim and Emily followed, the three of you sharing one blanket and squished on one bed. The boys can only shake their heads realizing why you're all so quiet. "At least shes finally awake." Sam just chuckles, "At least they're all in one place. Just wait till Y/N gets discharged."
The doctors started you on physical therapy the next day, to get your body back into the activity it was used to before you could get discharged. You struggled but you pushed against it until you could walk on your own, even if you needed something or someone to help keep you on your feet. You didn't let anyone join you except the trainer and the doctors, not wanting Paul or Emily to stop you from pushing yourself.
When you get discharged you find yourself bouncing back quite fast, you still need help getting around but it's more like you just need someone to make sure you dont fall.
You called your sergeant to help you bounce back and he agreed knowing you need someone to push you but know the limits, and not Paul who'll hold back when he thinks you've had enough. You asked your dad to go on morning jogs with you, not knowing the wolves follow you in the tree line hidden by the shadows and bushes.
When you got cleared by the doctors your dad went back to Seattle and you were free to do what you normally did everyday.
Of course that didnt stop the boys from doing stuff for you, even if it was simple stuff, "I'm gonna get some water." "I got it." "What happened to you practically live here get it yourself?" "Don't worry about it."
You realized about a week after getting cleared for regular activity that three certain wolves tried to keep you, Kim, and Emily together constantly or you always had a wolf with you. You watched everyone before sneaking out in the middle of the night while Paul was asleep. You easily avoided any wolf on patrol and made your way to the beach. You stayed there all night with a small fire and blanket, thankful it was a warmer night.
When the sun started coming up you laughed as you heard howls coming from the woods and started a timer to see just how long it'd take for your boyfriend or one of the other wolves to find you.
As the sun slowly starts to rise higher into the sky you all hear a shout coming from the tree line, "Hey! What the fuck?!" You turn seeing a barely woken up Embry and Jacob. And with a shit eating grin you wave, "Hello friends."
You watch as they trudge their way through the sand before plopping down next to you, Jacob looking at you, "If I knew you getting discharged meant a wild goose chase before the sun was fully up, your ass would still be in a hospital bed." "How about I bring potato salad to dinner?" "What was I mad at you for?" With a smile you shake your head and stare out at the water, soon the boys leave to go find your boyfriend and tell him where you are.
Not even fifteen minutes later Paul is walking through the sand to get to you. Even though he's slightly mad at you he can't deny how beautiful you look with the breeze going through your hair as the early morning sun shines on your face. "How long have you been out here?" With a shrug you reply, "Since you fell asleep."
Paul cant say or do anything except step forward until you're in his arms, both of you staring at the water. You lose track of how many times the water reaches your feet, your mind focused on one thing in this perfect moment.
"Marry me." Paul looks at you thinking he misheard you, "What?" You turn to face him, staying in his arms, "One day, it doesn't have to be anytime soon. I want to take your last name. I want to marry you."
You continue speaking before he can say anything. "I almost died and your face was the last thing I saw. I was in that hospital bed in a coma and your voice was the only thing I heard loud and clear. I cant remember anything you said, I just remember your voice. I-" You dont get to finish your sentence before Paul's lips are smashed onto yours in a kiss so powerful and full of emotion your knees go week. You'd be on the ground if it weren't for the cold water touching your feet and the two strong arms wrapped around your midsection, holding you up.
The two of you stay on the beach for a little while longer, sitting in the sand, in each others peace and happiness. Paul never thought he'd be so happy, better yet to be the one to get proposed to. But he also knows he'd do anything for the person sitting between his legs with her back against his chest, even if it means he has to go on a wild goose chase before breakfast.
The silence gets ruined when you both hear another set of howls, breakfast call. Paul looks down when he feels you look up at him, "How long do you think we can go before anyone suspects anything?" Your fiance can only shake his head with a smile on his lips, before playing along, "As long as you dont get hurt again, I'd say we could play that game for a pretty long time." "Wanna bet on it."
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tittty-bitty · 4 years
Nemuri struts from store to store like an empress gracing her presence on her citizens. Really it was businesses being graced with one of her clients limitless creditcards and her impulse shopping. Who ever invented financial domination was a mastermind.
“Come along darling! Just a few more shops then we can be done!”
“You know Miss Midnight, when you said you needed help with extra curriculars, I didnt think it would make me a pack mule for your personal spending habits.”
“Your still a pillar of peace! It’s just now you have a metal hook for me to hang my shopping bags on.”
She looked over her shoulder to see Yagi struggling with the shopping bags. Yagi isn’t weak by any means, even with out his quirk. She’s seen him spar with Shota plenty of times. Which is totally just two coworkers sparring for exercise Shota claimed, with no sexual tension at all thank you very much. But any one would struggle with that many bags, especially a man with only one lung.
They manage to make it into Gucci with out any lungs popping. Yagi sprawls on one of the ottomans with a poof and start to rub his wrists. She starts to look at the purses and leather belts. Not even glancing at the price tag before adding them to her haul. When she goes back to the waiting section she glances at Yagi. Who is scrolling away on his smartphone. Despite losing over 200 pounds of muscle, he was still an attractive man. Sharp cheek bones, piercing eyes, and such a sweet smile. His handsome features multipled when he gained more confidence in this form. Everyone could see after the truth was out about Allmight that he wasn’t comfortable in his true form. Scared to talk to other adults, skiddish and horrifically terrified of making mistakes. Not including how he obviously avoided reflections and wore only baggy outfits. But a year after his retirement and him making friendships with his colleges at UA, he finally started accepting himself and it’s amazing on the amount of progress he’s had. She’s so proud of her coworkers, especially her boys to make Allmight’s retirement less lonely. Even if one is especially passionate with the task but wants to be an edgy teenager about it.
Despite the progress the man made, he still didn’t know how to dress himself for shit. He may of got himself a few outfits that arnt 5X but he still loves to drown in his clothing. If she has to be assaulted with that damn yellow suit one more year she’s going to ask young Todoroki to set it on fire for extra credit.
If only he would wear clothes that actually fit him. Show off his long neck, his collar bones, long legs narrow waist, she could go on and on about why Yagi needs a new wardrobe. She needed to show the world how Yagi is still a fine ass man. She has checked him out countless times to be confident with that claim. There was one day where he had to actually put on pants that fit him way too well after a coffee spill and had to borrow some pants from mic. She doesn’t understand how a man so skinny could still have an ass. Nothing to go over the moon about but it was so cute, so perky for a man his age. It almost distracted her from the front, his buldge which is probably the one thing that stayed the same from his Allmight form. It was extremely hard to maintain eye contact with him that day. Not that she was complaining about the eye candy, the yellow sleeping bag that pretended to sleep on the floor didn’t seem to mind either.
While thinking about the potential of jokes about Yagi’s pillar of peace to bring up in front of Shota later, Nemuri comes across a sweater. The sweater was a high quality wool, cream colored with some green trim on the collar that goes down to a v. It would be perfect for his form, a little snug but still covered everything to start him off slow. The arms a little long for the average person but perfect for his long arms. The bottom might come up a little short though. Showing off his midriff when he reached up. Potentially showing a nice v of his hips, maybe even a nice little trail of blond that dips into his pants. Oh the thought of sweet little Yagi in a crop top is intoxicating. But baby steps. She needed him to trust her with fashion first before she tries anything to scandalous.
He was still reading on his phone when Nemuri grabs the tall man by the wrist and yanks him out of his seat. With a cute little yelp he is brought up to his feet and shoved into a changing room with the sweater being thrown at him.
“Your not coming out till you put this on.” Nemuri says as she chucks over some black jeans to go with it.
After watching awkward arms reach above the door and listening to the general struggle of a man menuvering in a changing room that doesn’t accommodate him, he steps out. His black blue eyes shine in contrast with the creme color of the sweater. Giving off a sweet older man who waters flowers in the community garden than his usual look of a man who got lost in a deflated blimp.
“Oh my god honey you look so sweet.”
He checks himself in a mirror and twists to see the back. She could see his ribs poking through the fabric wile it rides up his toned stomach not as much as she hoped unfortunately. But the fitting pants made up for it. Although they don’t show off his front for the sake of the students and people who actually want to get work done in the teachers lounge, it still shows off that cute little ass of his, and that’s all she can ask for.
Yagi actually holds his attention to his reflection of the mirror. Giving the look an actual chance. From the relaxed look in his eyes, he might actually like it.
“I never thought I would wear a wool sweater like this again. I forgot how warm and comforting they are.”
Nemuri comes up in front of him and adjusts the collar for him, opening it up a bit so his collar bones peek out a little. “I can’t imagine the amount of sheep needed to make a sweater for Allmight.”
He chuckles at the comment and how her nails tickle his chest, now used to her touchy nature. “It was in high school. My mentor forced them on me when she found out that my foster home didn’t try too hard to find winter clothes that fit me.”
He rubs the end of the sleeve to feel the texture, smiling slightly, reminiscing the memories he had with her when wearing the sweaters. It was always interesting to hear about his life when he was young. He was usually guarded when it came to anything about himself before his hero days, so to hear any little tidbit about him was to be met with a neutral yet encouraging reaction.
“Well I’ll be sure to make her proud by making sure that your fabric needs are taken care of.” Nemuri says while coming around behind him and placing her hands on his shoulders, admiring his smile in the mirror. “And I can make sure she rests peacefully by getting rid of that ugly yellow suit.”
He looks up from his sleeve. “Hey! I love that yellow suit!”
“You look like the noodle balloons that are outside of a car dealership. Im no longer letting my dear friend to walk around looking like a mustard bottle.”
Yagi takes the light roast with little grace with a small groan. He looks down at his wrist to look at the tag. He reads it with a puzzled look.
“I think we need to call an associate. I think they’re missing a decimal on the price-“
“Alright! Time to head out! I’ll meet you outside the store!” She shoves the bags in his hands, rip the tags off his wrist and waist and hurries to the counter.
“Ah. I can pay for my own clothes-“
“Nope! This is my treat! You can pay me back by meeting me at the car!”
Yagi looks at the minimum of 20 bags in his hands and accepts his fate. Trudging his way back to the car with the mini fortune in toll.
“Alright come on this is our last shop.”
“Ya no. I think I’ll wait in the car.”
“Dont worry, this place is very professional and no one will mention you being here. They are very strict about privacy. Also it will stop random men from asking me out.”
Yagi goes over the definition of professional in his head as he walks into a sex shop named “The Bimbo’s Boneyard”. It was suprisingly sleek inside despite the name. Defiantly one of the more higher end sex stores he’s been to. It was similar to a tech store with all the LED lights and plexiglass display boxes. It would be less weird if some of them didn’t have sex dolls that were determined to stare him down.
He decided to walk away from the display, trying to find something to look at with out actually looking at anything. His eyes catch a box with a cute little cat on it. He smirks a little. It reminds him of the stray cat that lives in the brush that’s on the way to campus from the dorms. He would give it pets every morning and eventually leave cans of food every morning. One morning he found a hunched black blob taking a nap on the grass. He was about to ask the obvious homeless man if he wanted his bento when he realized it was his coworker Aizawa. Sleeping on the cold ground at 5:30 in the morning with a cat that, while a sweet heart, was probably ridden with fleas.
“Excuse me sir, the food bank is on the other side of town.”
“I know but they were offering a cash prize for who ever found the dementia patient that ran away from his nursing home. Looks like I just found him.”
He chuckled at the memory. When their odd friendship really started to bloom. Not only with Aizawa, who while he was probably the closest too, took the longest compared to his other coworkers. He loved talking to Mic about classic American rock and fighting with him on how Nikki is so much better than Cardi. He loved trading tea with Thirteen as they go on about a new show Yagi has no clue what their talking about, but loves the passion. And Nemuri, who took pity on him the first day and decided to spoil him with attention and gifts that mostly ranged from sugar free candys and cute pens. It makes him feel like a toddler more than anything, but he thinks it’s sweet. He just never expected to have so many friends after Allmight was gone. He half thought if Nighteyes prediction didn’t kill him, then his loneliness will.
“My my my, I must say I’m surprised.”
Toshinori shook out of his self reflection and looked at his friend.
“I had my theories but I must say I never expected pet play from you. To think I thought you were just a vanilla cradle robber.”
He flushed with shock in confusion. Only to find that the box with the cat he was staring at for the past 2 minutes was for a bundle for a cat headband, a leash, mouth gag, and plug tail.
Absolutely horrified Yagi stammers to regain his reputation of role model rather than creepy old man. “Shit! No! No! I was just looking at the cute cat!”
“There’s no need to be ashamed, I am a professional after all. If you ever want to talk about that kind of stuff with me, I’m always open for questions.” She assured him calmly. “I’m gonna go to the check out if you want to look at the other options. I will say that you would look a lot better with the black ears.” She struts off with a few leather tools and some weird egg looking balls.
“There’s nothing for me to fucking look at because I’m not interested in that! Wait.. WHAT DO YOU MEAN CRADLE ROBBER?” He stomps off to catch up with her.
The staff Christmas party is filled with decorations, overworked teachers and spiked eggnog. Coworkers chatting and playing games as the snow falls outside. Yagi is chatting with Aizawa about how much Nezu is going to lose in poker after he demands people play with him. He takes a sip of his sugar free hot cocoa, very glad that his friends get a well deserved break.
“Merry Christmas Yagi!” Thirteen shouted as they shove a fancy bag in his face.
“Oh thank you Thirteen! I hope you didn’t spend too much on me.
“Oh no it wasn’t me!” Thirteen corrected. “Midnight was your secret Santa. She said she’s a little too tipsy to walk in her heels right now and asked me to give it to you.”
He looks past the smaller teacher and sees Nemuri in a tight red dress and tall stilettos. Giving him a wink when she notices him receiving her present.
He smiles and waves back at her. He pulls out the first item from the bag. An expensive looking cologne. He brings it up to his nose and gets notes of Cuban cigars and vannila. He sees a little tag attached to the bottle. With lovely cursive script it read “Garenteed to even get the angriest cats purr~”
He reads the tag as he hands the cologne to Aizawa. Shota sniffs the bottle and his eyes roll back a little bit. Obviously enjoying the scent.
“Wow she picked out something that matches your pretentious persona.”
“Maybe you can ask her to pick out some bar soap that you desperately need.” Yagi rebuttles without even looking up. Still trying to figure out what the tag ment.
“Is there something else in there? If not that’s a heavy bottle.” Thirteen comments before being passed the cologne to take a sniff.
Oh ya, maybe look at the rest of the gift before over analyzing the card. He opens the bag wider and is smacked in the face with realization on what the message ment. His blush going to his ears as he looked at the “Kinky Kat Play” bundle that he repressed from his memory. He looks up at Nemuri with shock as he finds her staring at him. Raising her glass with a smirk as she turns back to her pile of chips and angry, losing boss.
He shuts the bag quickly before Thirteen and Aizawa gets a chance to peek. “Ahhh ah. It’s a very personal gift that I don’t want everyone to know about.”
“Alright I understand.” Shota replies. He turns to Thirteen. “Thirteen get your hand vacuum ready.” The nosy prick demands as he lunges for the bag. Thank god for these stupidly long arms as he gets the bag out of Shota’s reach.
“It’s none of your fucking buisness you asshole!” Yagi cries as he goes on his toes as Shota climes him like a tree. Thirteen is giggling at their weird friendship while not helping anyone. Yagi would rather die than have the present be shown to his coworkers and worst of all Shota, who would NEVER let this go.
While he hates to do it, he’s desperate, and it has to be done.
The sickly man expands his diaphragm in such a way where when he coughs, he gets enough blood out of his mouth to put on a show. He makes a display of coughing and catching his breath. Blood covering his hand and dripping out of his mouth. He goes a little too far by making his hand shake but he needed extra sympathy points.
It seems to do the job as Thirteen rushes to his side to support him. “Shota you know you can’t be to rough with him.”
Aizawa stares at both of them in disbelief, then back at Yagi. “You are not seriously trying to play the sick old man card right now.”
Thirteen loops Yagi’s arm around their shoulders.“Shota you were to rough on him. The man has no stomach and only one lung. You should know better as a professional.”
“A professional knows when someone is faking when said person has no problem taking and dealing punches while sparring, but suddenly can’t handle a few grabs.” He cannot believe Yagi is trying to make an escape route by making Aizawa look like the asshole that beats up sick old men.
“You don’t need to defend me Thirteen.” Yagi says, adding a little tremble to his voice. “He just can’t handle losing to an old man. Could we go to the office? My nebulizer is in there.” The asshole making sure to add some pity coughs at the end.
“Of course Yagi.”
Shota stares openly in shock on what happening in front of him. Not only at Yagi’s pathetic stunt over something stupid, but Thirteens naiveté.
“A nebulizer treats asthma! Not bleeding lung asshole!” Shota shouts like an absolute child.
As he watches the duo walk, no sorry, LIMP to the office, he sees Yagi readjust his arm. To give an undeniable middle finger to Shota behind Thirteens head. The shameless bastard smiling back at him.
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a-libra-writes · 4 years
Could you do ⛅ 💎 💥 💤 and 🌸 with Aberama Gold? You can delete this if you want to cause idk if I sent this beyond a deadline. And if you do it you can choose one of the emoji, I liked them all lol so I'm fine with whichever one you want. Thank you so much, I love how you write for Aberama so it would mean a lot if you do write the headcanon. Not that I'm trying to guilt trip you into doing it, not my intention at all. I just really live your writing and wouldn't be hurt if you didnt write it.
aaghh sorry i took so long with this!! stupid work grumble grumble save me. I hope u didnt think I deleted it haha, I like Aberama a heckin lot. Glad you like how I write him! OK LETS GO LONG BOI
⛅ Sunset HC
He loves watching the sunset. Once you got to know him, this didn’t seem so strange. As the afternoon began to end, you’d notice him glance toward the sky no matter where you two were, and he’d be a little more distracted if it was an especially clear, beautiful day.
Getting such pretty sunsets wasn’t too common in London,  or any city, which is why he preferred being out in the country. 
Aberama used to think by himself during these times, but he began to like it when you joined him. He’d have you sit on his lap and chat with him - and if that was too embarrassing - at least sit beside him. During the colder months he’d wrap his jacket around you (and probably put the hat on you too, because you’re too cute).
When he’s feeling particularly sentimental, he’ll tell you all about how beautiful you look with the golden and red colors shining on your eyes and skin. He’ll sweet talk you until the moon comes up.
His favorite sunsets are the fiery orange and red ones that are scattered with clouds. To him, they look like a glimpse of heaven... he often thinks these are the only looks he’ll get of that place.
💎 Marriage HC
It was obvious when he was smitten with you, and more obvious that he wanted something more long-term. He’s actually quite a romantic man, in spite of his occupation, and he wanted to make a life with you. He thought you were just perfect.
And yes, he was a bit into the age gap.
Your wedding was modest, but surrounded with family and the reception is lively. Plenty of dancing, drinking, music and laughter, and his family put together a new wagon that was decorated in flowers and vines, just for you. Aberama couldn’t keep you out of his lap or his arms the whole time. 
Depending on your preferences, you either had a small cottage in a village or you stayed with his family in the wagons. Due to his jobs, Aberama would disappear for days at a time, sometimes a week or more. He’d come home, tired and a mess - sometimes injured - but he always gave you a kiss and hug before washing up. He preferred to be clean and in a change of clothes before holding you again.
He doesn’t discuss his jobs with you, period. He doesn’t want you getting tangled up in them, and he’s expressly forbid his men and Bonnie from discussing it with you. Even if it frustrates and worries you, he doesn’t budge on this decision.
If you didn’t know Romani, he’d gradually teach you. Since he wasn’t around all the time, Bonnie and his daughters would help.
He’s very delighted that you get along with his children, especially the younger girls, who don’t remember much of their mother. As much as he’d love children with you, he’d understand if his were more than enough. 
Bonnie sees you as more of an older sister figure than a mother - since he still remembers his mom - but you two still get along great. You’re usually patching him up after a boxing match or cooking him filling food. He’s glad you made his dad happy, but could you two please stop being so sappy in front of him and his friends? Thanks.
Once Tommy meets you and realizes how much Aberama dotes on you, he makes a point to invite you to gatherings together. He hopes you’ll calm the man down or act as a pacifying presence. It ... sort of works. While he is in a better mood with you on his arm, he’s also far more likely to bash the teeth out of any man who disrespects you.
He’ll bash the teeth out of his own men if they dare the same thing, and that’s if they’re lucky. Bonnie doesn’t tell you, but he’s seen his father send more than one man to a ditch for insulting you and your family (especially if you were non-Romani).
No matter what, he’d be protective of you, but it would happen behind the scenes. He wouldn’t want you to feel like he was being possessive or suffocating, so he’ll have a guard or two quietly watch your home when he’ s away, and he’ll deal with the before mentioned troublesome men on his own.
This has led to situations where you go to him in a panic, saying a strange man has been following you and standing around the house. He grabs his gun and investigates and ... it’s one of his idiots. “Be more careful, would you? Just go the fuck home, I’m here anyway.” 
When he comes back he acts like he chased off some scary robber and you play along and give him plenty of kisses.
Basically, you two have a very loving, sappy marriage that makes people forget he’s one of the deadliest guns-for-hire in England. 
💤 Napping HC
Aberama hardly ever naps, but he can fall asleep anywhere. You have no idea how he does it. He can do sitting in a horse, leaning against a wall or standing up. 
His “technical” naps are when he gets back from a job in the middle of the afternoon. He’d been up for days at that point, and he collapses on the couch and tells you he’s just going to rest his eyes for a few moments. You eventually gently wake him.
Still, he much prefers to fall asleep next to you. After staying up for an ungodly amount of time, he’ll let you drag him to bed, only if you promise to lie down by his side. 
When he sleeps, he reminds you of a cat with how he tucks his head down and curls into himself. Often his face twitches with expressions, but only for a moment.
💥First Fight / Making up HC
Your first fight is also what your subsequent fights and squabbles have been about: The danger of his jobs, and what little you know about them. Aberama wouldn’t give in, curtly telling you there was zero reason for you to be involved.
You knew about these “jobs” while he courted you, and you didn’t delude yourself into thinking he’d stop after you married. But this time he came home with two bullet wounds, and he was gone for two weeks. Couldn’t he at least have sent a man to tell you he was alright? Or where he was? That he was hurt? At least that?
Aberama just dismissed you, which he so rarely did, as he was just as tired and frustrated... Not to mention the wounds. He hoped in the morning, you’d understand, and both your moods would be better.
It wasn’t. You were still pissed, so he left, insisting he’d be back.
You fumed, but began to worry. What if you were too harsh, especially since he was in such bad shape? Maybe he didn’t want to worry you, or maybe someone was on his trail and he didn’t want anything coming back to you. He always kept you and his daughters out of his messes. Maybe ...
Your mind began to race, and you were feeling frustrated and emotional all over again. You decided to go look for him, it wouldn’t be hard. Right as you opened the door, Aberama was walking up to the doorstep. He had bought your favorite flowers and he quickly pulled you into an embrace. 
While he still thought he was doing what was best for your safety, he understood your worry and recognized he was dismissing your concerns. He said all this, giving you plenty of kisses and apologies.
He wanted to make love to you to show you how truly sorry he was but those bullet wounds were kind of, you know, painful as all hell. Aberama was still gonna go for it but you insisted “cuddles until that’s healed”.
🌸Kissing HC
There’s no such thing as chaste kisses or pecks unless he’s truly in a hurry. He feels so much for you that those just seem inadequate displays of affection.
Whenever he kisses you, he wants to properly show his love, although it never does seem like enough. He’ll hold the small of your back and bring you closer, because you always have to be close when he does this. If there’s not many people around, or better - none - he’ll start at your neck and work his way to your lips.
The kisses on your lips are always deep, and you feel yourself pressing back against him. If he has to say goodbye, he’ll make sure it’s longer, and he’ll promptly kiss your cheek and promise to be back soon.
Even when you’re just parting for a few hours while he goes to the boxing ring or you leave to town, he’ll pull you into his embrace and give you a firm kiss. “Behave yourself, dear.”  “Aberama, I always tell you that.”
It’s kind of nauseating to anyone who watches, Bonnie has long learned to just walk away 
To be sure, it’s very jarring for some of his men to see their terrifying boss turn to his wife, give her a sweet kiss, then turn to them with a sharp gleam in his eye, like he’s daring them to say something.
At home, he often gives you stray kisses on your neck, your cheek, your hand, whatever suits his whims at the time. In bed, even if you aren’t making love, he wants to give you several kisses goodnight. When he walks into the house and you’re already asleep, he’ll give gentle kisses that won’t make you stir. He hopes you can feel them in your dreams.
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chocolate-parfait · 4 years
(1) Hello, I saw you were accepting match ups and I jumped in your ask box :) So I am a Gemini INTJ, creative, ambitious, honest and thoughtful. I can come off as cold as I am mostly neutral in my expression, but I am very loyal and caring towards my friends and generally compassionate. My passions are writing, reading, ballet and learning new things (criminology, literature, history, sociology, psychology, sciences, philosophy), I am kind of a master of all trades. I also stand up for feminism
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Here ya go, luv!
(+you didnt specify pronouns so i hope you're okay with she/her! If not please let me know and I will change them~)
I match you up with... Napoleon!
When you first meet (a proper meeting, not him trying to get you out of a mansion full of vampires), he is not fazed in the slightest by your neutral expression. If being in a such important position has taught him anything, that'd be not judging a book by its cover; you never know what people are hiding just beneath the surface. The same way, you want to witness and judge with your own two eyes the man's qualities and faults before running after him because "omg napoleon bonaparte-senpai!! >\\\<", and this is something that doesn't go unnoticed
Despite the fact that you don't throw yourself in his arms at the sight of his interest in you, one could say that your relationship started off on the right foot. You are straightforward and honest, and on multiple occasions you directly tell him that you want to see who he is for yourself instead of blindly believing rumors and legends
By now Cupid has already hit him with his arrow, and it's clear as day that his feelings will only grow from then onwards. All he can do is show you his true colors and hope that you'll like the view
Though he won't tell you so at the beginning of your friendship, he feels immense pleasure whenever you turn down Arthur's (or any man's) advances. And when, as your feelings develop into something stronger, he sees you walking to him with indescribable and genuine love in your eyes, he feels his heart bursting in his chest. Seeing how the most important person to him gifts him with unwavering loyalty, something that he had learned not to take for granted, it really makes him realize how much of an amazing person you are
Though on the overall you're pretty independent and can hold your own on most occasions, he'd like it if you relied on him more. From morning to dusk you're like a train running at full speed on neverending rails, so sometimes he has to run after you and snatch you away to force you take a break. Overtime he has learned to read every sign your body has to offer, no matter how subtle. He knows when you can still keep going and when you're a inch away from snapping, in which case he'll gently hold your hands and press a solemn yet soft kiss to your cheek, whispering words of encouragement in your ears
He particularly loves seeing the fire in your eyes whenever you talk to him about all the causes you support so firmly. He carefully listens everything you have to say, posing insightful questions as the will to share your ideals burns deep in his resolve. It's one of the reasons he realized he became so utterly whipped. You both share strong convictions that are able to fire you up fiercely in mere seconds, and to share such passion and conception with someone else makes him feel like he came back for an actual reason
Second choice: Leonardo
The moment he lays his eyes upon you, he already knows that there's much more about you than you let on, great minds (or storms in Leo's case) think alike and are bound to recognize each other. He's immediately drawn to you and being as curious as he can be, he immediately takes a liking to you and starts trailing behind you like a lost puppy, though unfortunately for you he plans on endlessly teasing you until he's satisfied with the results of his newfound research
It doesn't take much time for his interest to be rewarded with the first fruits of knowledge as you show him both your passion and skills. The vast variety of topics you cover with your knowledge make you an extremely great partner for all kinds of conversations, especially for someone as cultured as him. Your creativity matches perfectly with his spontaneous personality and oftentimes you find yourselves lost in deep and long conversations, considering and discussing all kinds of ideas and projects
You're also caring and considerate, and it's one of the aspect of your personality he finds liking a lot pretty quickly. You don't overstep boundaries nor ask him questions he'd rather not answer to, and you're genuinely concerned for whatever may bring him harm despite his inhuman resistance. While there isn't anything strong enough to physically bring him down forever, it feels nice having someone fussing over your bruises, tending to your wounds and checking your temperature; it's a completely new feeling for someone without a real family like him, and knowing he can completely trust you with anything is what ultimately wins his heart over
As the days pass by he gets to know you better, and just when he thinks you couldn't surprise him more than what you had done already, he discovers a new side of you, passionate and vigorous. You were out on a date walk in the city, going around and giving a hand to whoever needed it, when suddenly a couple started arguing in the street. It was a man harshly gripping a woman, probably his lover, by her wrist while yelling all types of misogynist insults as she tried to break free. The argument was rather one sided, and Leonardo could clearly see how hard you were staring at the scene in front of you, fists tight with rage and repugnance. As you went to tell him off, the pureblood followed you ready to back you up any moment. In the end everything was solved with just a punch in the face of the man and comforting words to the woman. As the two of you started walking away, Leo asked you about how you were feeling about the whole situation, interested and worried at the same time; that's when you finally explained about how you were an activist and fought against injustices, describing how situation was back in your time and how things developed through the years. Seeing your eyes light up with fire and finally understanding how deeply you cared about equality, he feels his heart flutter in adoration against his chest. You're truly one of a kind, and he can't help but want to support with everything he has.
Your relationship developed pretty fast as he found falling for you almost immediately, and being the flirty little tease he is, nothing changes much even after you start being a thing. He becomes more openly affectionate, that's true, but it comes so naturally to him that it's as if you've always been a couple
Most of your dates involve either philosophical conversations or happen in the library. You take naps together, or he gives you books he read that he knows you'll like. It kinda became your favorite meeting spot, and everyone in the mansion prefers keeping a certain distance from the room whenever you're in it, not wanting to be the third wheel or walk in on something embarassing
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sentofighta · 5 years
on the previous post note; muses’ affection expression (if they have partner or not)
he will let you pet and feed his cat. make his food because he HATES homemade food. compromise and let you hug him whenever you want. fix his clothes or touch his head. now to harder level. comfortable with you seeing his right magetik arm. comfortable with you seeing his bare chest with the scar and tattoo. sleep next to him and hug him while sleeping. will hug back because he will definitely want to hug you back (no sniff your hair shut up.) will use cat to talk to you because he is embarrassed to ask if you want to do something or go out. let you kiss him whenever you want. starts headbutting your back whenever he wants attention because he is a literal cat. pURRS when he is given attention. will start hugging you from the back maybe even carry you so he can sit you on his lap because he wanna hug all of you. he is tall sonvabinch he probably think of you as his cat. is it bad? idk. talk to him not me. excuse him to stop being shy about his fetish and sniff your hair because u definitely have nice smell mm yes. 
redirects. innocent af.  ok but shows up to ask if you wanna join his training. jogs nearby where you are/sit so he can see you. does the oh coincidence thing but it is not. will climb a tree to pick up an apple for you if you looked at it. stares into your general direction but has the cool calm poker face to cover it up at first. blushes a little whenever he sees you because you make his heart go boom boom and he did not feel like this before. the i might be sick because i feel weird whenever i see this person. sudden realization because he actually has good amount of smart braincells that he is in love. it could either go i am going to forget this because we are at war and i cant get distracted OR this is new for me and i am interested in knowing more about this route. whichever route you are bound to hyper active tiny boyfriend who will punch people for you. and has like the purest smile ever. have you seen my son smile that he obliterated the sun and the moons? yeah. 
actually knows how to flirt when he wants to. generally nice and caring to all but extra for his crush. will show up magically whenever you need help because he has the sixth sense (thanks to his fear lol) will help you study and train if you wished for it! hey wanna.....talk about chocobos? wiggle eyebrows. do you believe in collecting chocobo feathers? because my wish was granted; talking to you. will confess at the right time because he cant hide his feelings anymore. will hug and kiss you every time he sees you if you allowed him--well, hugs mostly because he likes being around you. obligatory nap around the chocobos. brushing your hair and playing with it definitely. h*ND h*LDING !!!!!!! EXTREME! carries you like the princess you are because he loves you to bits. high affection when he carries u, sits u on his lap then wraps his dracula cape around you both. just the cape wrapping is his thing because now you are so close to him and chu when no one is looking. ok the final stage could be you see him crying because lets face it he fucked up a lot haha~~~ u know ~~ usual machina dumb onagiri kyun stuff.
EXTREME FLIRTING WHAT IS GOOD BOY? are you an angel? can i offer my services for you?? stronk boy and soldier impressed or what? head pats. h*nd h*ldong god at an early stage because he means it. will make your wishes come true even if you wanna go to the moon. will make stuff for you. smiles brightly shinra uses him to generate electricity. tells u a lot that he is proud of you. tells u a lot he likes you. tells you a lot that he will protect you (and if u fight bonus that you willhave his back too) treasures everything you do and call you cute.  doting boyfo. actually very softy will cry if you put on a sad movie. carries you a lot because he has the stronk to do it. are you impressed x2?????? i love you~~~ hey hey do you know what? i love you~ listens to you and to your rambling. will beat up anyone who hurts you. excuse him to nap on you because this is his best spot. a lot of hugs. expect a lot of them hugs. hugs. hUGS. hes more of cheek and forehead chus because they are more playful but will give lip kiss if it was more serious and important situation. 
 . . . .if he allowed you to be near him when he is synthesizing that is the first step. initiate a conversation himself EVEN if he does not have anything to ask out of you. actually keep an eye on your vitals because you are...important test subject. makes things for you but calls them test items and he does not need them so take them. maybe he can slip a gift or two because he felt like it. does not nap around strangers but around you he is...fine. actually tells you he might see you in a different light but unsure how so dont expect much. gradually he will let you be close to him maybe touch his face or hair. no hugs or sudden kisses yet but if he prepared himself..it might be allowed. he is good at pip talk. also expect some sewing because mommy taught him how! count on him to fix things for you. gets tiny upset if you dont give him your broken things to fix or mend them. rely...on me ok? i may not be a strong fighter but....i can do other things. rare moment of a smile will definitely melt your heart. once he make up his mind, he will ask if you are willing to stick with a madman who probably likes science and alchemy maybe a little bit than you? 
hey. wanna spar? compliment you a lot. smiles!!!!!!!!! more spar please. actually make effort to find you around many people but does not approach. just seeing you makes her happy for some reason. smile and wave. spar???????? talk to you more! compliment you for doing good job! now you have her watch your back and be a little bit reckless to protect you. apologize but she is not sorry to protect you. b-because you are an important friend . . . . . friend ? ? ? ?  lucina exe crush down. goes to read books about this explosion in her chest every time she sees you. books say to act natural. time to ignore you for a bit because it is said in the book play hard to get. regret decision when you mention if you did something wrong she will aPOLOGIZE ALOTALOTALOT! NO YOU DIDNT DO ANYTHING WRONG IMSRRRYYYYY. new tactic. spar??????????????????????????????? please notice me. more effort in cooking things you like for the lunch break. you might die of poisoning but it is made with love!!!!! spar. . . . realize she cant confess, she cant express herself but in a spar. uses spar to tell you that she might be perhaps like you!!!!!!!! that is why she wanna be stronger!!!!!!!!!!!! blushing princess lucina of ylisse you will be executed by her dad if you make her cry. but actually cries if you say you like her back. cue her sudden doubts because not fit enough to be a ‘woman’ since she knows next to nothing about how to be a good partner. will promise to trust you and her heart. NAGA ALLOWS FOR AND HOLDING !!!!!!!!!!!!!! then she can be comfortable with hugs after tiny bit. you could for chus and she wouldnt mind but have mercy on her kokoro. expect her to chus your cheek every time she sees you because my S-support for life~ 
does not beat around the bushes. if he likes someone and is sure will confess. easy. got the ok he will start with whatever they are comfortable with. naga has blessed this and allowed hand holding. lets go for a picnic in the forest or anywhere. animals come because he is their friend! now you are animals friend because you are his girlfriend. very gentleman. does not do anything 18+. plus he probably cant due to his OCD so you are the only one after lucina he can hold her hand no problem. dont worry he may like his sister but he does not speak about her when you are around. leans against you and you can too! tells u he trust you so much. lets climb a tree and enjoy the scenery. or we can ride on Vesperus, his horse! listens to you and actually try to give you advice if he can. a courtesy kiss to your cheek~! he is trying his best! smiles from his heart it has been a long time someone made him feel loved like this. 
go home she is a narcissist. but if someone managed she is just a dumb who will make your life miserable because she will prank the shit out of you at first. slowly warms up to the idea she likes someone. has a pretty good idea about where you were what were you doing ect because she was watching. she is watching you. make sure you have eaten. have you slept? compliment you if you impressed her. be more comfortable to rehearse her lines around you. asks you to help her rehearse. wanna play something together lets say walk on a tight rope??????? lol wuss. no hugs or touching till now. admits she might have something for you but....you may not like to be with an orphan of no lineage. pass that? well, then are you ready to accept she is criminal? pass that then are you ready to accept she is going to make you regret this choice??? because she will make every day of your life like a circus! excuse her to sweep your hand to hold it and tug you somewhere only for the two of you. let her hold your hand for a bit it is ...nice. leans against you. 
listen....i dont want to joke about this but...he is...probably over the human interactions because he married his job but i assure you he is very loyal man. thats it. 
yEEELLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! does not realize she loves you until one of her sisters point she mentions you like ten times in every conversation. is very kind and pure and diligent. will not force herself on you in any way just subtly gives you the things you like after going through the trial and error a couple of times! keeps notes of you in her ‘People journal’ because she is a scatterbrain. maybe draw a tiny heart around your name shhh love interest. is very happy and loud when she sees you!!!!! HE-LLLOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! asks about your health and if you had eaten properly and slept well. offers more gift from her own farm to impress you with her work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! smiles~~~~ smiles even more around you because you make her happy. does not confess. she is not the type to. more like i will just watch because deep inside believes she can be loved due to some bullying in school and only her fam likes her (who likes a scatterbrain who keeps messing things up???) if you confess expect waterfall and ugly crying because she cant believe it is happening ;;;;a;;;; promises to do her best to make you happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cries!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she will do her best to make you happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 you made her happy beyond words and now just she clings to you please dont be upset with her she will do her best to not cause any trouble! but she bounces back and runs to bake something for this occasion~ time to feed boyfo! say ah~ be ready for fatting sessions because she will cook and bake a lot of things!! well, when she has time after her farm work now she is super excited and motivated! is shy but will give cheek chus if she can reach. likes to tug your shirt from behind so you can lower yourself so she can properly give you a kiss to your cheek/forehead. wishes you best of luck in your job!!!!!!!!!!! good luck!!! come home h-h-h-h-h-h-h...eeeeh....h-h-h-..HONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;;;U;;;
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rosykims · 5 years
i was tagged by @nordxz thanks so much tash !! i'm gonna answer this for duncan, my babey and the next gen son of alistair and ella cousland 😊😚😘
i snappped while answering these and accidentally wrote 6 pages and almost 4k words so uh. loooooong infodump ahead.
Alignment: What would be their D&D alignment? How might it come into play?
duncan very easily falls into the lawful neutral category, like i dont rly need to give his alignment too much thought unlike with some of my other ocs. duncan is.....hmm. hes a very KIND person, generous and selfless, and tries his best to make people happy, but i wouldn’t necessarily say he's good, considering a lot his issues lie with his inability to act, or stand up to others. he’s guilty of very blindly following the law, or other people's ideas of what's right, and he doesn't really feel confident enough to rely on his own conscience for most things. so i'd say while he tries to do the right thing and act within the law, sometimes he goes against his own values out of fear or confusion or, simply out of ignorance, since he was born into a life of privilege and can't always distinguish what's right and what’s believed ykno
Beverage: What do they most like to drink, and why?
duncan shares a weird trait with both his brother and sister where they all just inexplicably ?? don't like alcohol at all. so stuff like wine and liquors is off the table. he absolutely LOVES tea though. u know that one scene in scott pilgrim where the gal is going thru her list of like 72 teas? thats him 100%. it's his lifeblood at this point, he has SO much of it and a perk of being the heir to a monarchy means he's got a lot of foreign merchant acquaintances, so he tends to order in different blends from all over. he's a chronic insomniac, and he uses it as a crutch to get through the days some times. modern!duncan still loves tea but obviously has a stronger love for coffee, since its far more effective!
Co-Habitat: Do they live with anyone? What’s “need to know” before moving in?
duncan currently lives in the residential dorms of the college of enchanters, while he's sort of aimlessly studying a bunch of subjects he's already mostly adept at. firstly, duncan is VERY sick lol, he was conceived while ella and alistair still hadn't found the cure for the joining, and essentially he inherited both of their darkspawn taint so 🙂🙂🙂 thats always a good time. so anyone who lives with him needs to prepare for 1) him being sick obviously,, throwing up, coughing up blood, looking like a corpse virtually 23 hours of the day lol. and obviously the fear that one day he might actually die. but also 2) he suffers from grey warden nightmares for the same reasons, hence the insomnia. he can go a concerning number of days without sleeping and usually only takes strategic cat naps when he needs to, but obviously he has his limits. it's very rare that he goes a full night without waking up in a cold sweat due to nightmares so. we stan one depressed king ! oh he also is Incapable of locking the door to his apartment. he always forgets and hes too tired to care about people stealing his stuff fkdkdjdjd he would probably make more of an effort if he had someone living with him, but old habits die hard so !!!!!!
Decor: What kind of home do they keep? Are there any defining details?
honestly , duncan's house is very devoid of clutter or personal items in general, which is sad. he definitely would have a lot of decor if he could, but since his current housing is only temporary while he's in orlais, he doesn't really want to get... comfortable ykno. other than that, duncan's home is always kept impeccably neat and clean, for two reasons. firstly, growing up in denerim's palace really engrained into his head the importance of keeping up appearances, so its sort of a subconscious ritual of his at this point. but i think more importantly its because of all the nights when he cant sleep, so during the night with nothing to keep him from dwelling on his thoughts or nightmares, he really needs the distraction, and cleaning gives him something to do. duncan really needs to feel like he's doing something, like he's managing, like he's able to achieve something so cleaning is just one little way of taking ownership of his life.
Escape: What do they do to de-stress? How successful is it?
nsfw warning but uhhh..... he has a LOT of sex basically dkdkdksk u wouldn’t know it by looking at him tho ! bc hes very polite and nervous and kinda shy?? but hes also charming and obviously attractive so he doesnt really lack for interested parties. mainly he just sticks to one night stands, with no strings attached, and it helps him take his mind off things when hes exhausted or its late at night and hes afraid to go to sleep. otherwise he also has had some friends with benefits but usually his personal life is too complicated for a serious relationship. aside from that, he also reads a LOT, writes too – when he has the time/energy – and obviously cuddling sessions with his cat, moira dkdkdk
Fluff: What hits their soft spot? Does anything turn them into emotional goo?
so ik above i said that duncan doesnt do serious relationships but thats,, not through any will of his own. he LOVES love and is a complete hopeless romantic , but unfortunately for a number of reasons he's just very unlucky at love ! 😔 so having an emotional, intimate connection with someone that isnt just sex is super healing for him, since he's not used to it at all. being with nadaia is such a positive thing for him, just knowing that his feelings are reciprocated and that he's valued and wanted.
Grudge: How bad does an insult go over? Do they hold a grudge long?
i think it depends on who its directed at !! duncan usually ignores any insults directed at him because he's grown up being so scrutinized by the public and for the most part, fereldens are very weary of him so he hears A LOT. most of criticisms about him he just.. automatically accepts as fact and really buys into them, bc he has such low self esteem. but as for other people, and ESPECIALLY loved ones thats a very different story!! he's not exactly the type to start throwing punches if anyone says a bad word against someone he cares about, but he WILL personally see to it in his own sneaky way that they get whats coming to them dkdkkdjd usually he'll either find a way to expose their dirty laundry, embarrass them in public, prevent a promotion, something like that lol. this goes double if the insult is directed at nadaia or his family.
Hobby: What’s something they do for fun that might be surprising?
ive already mentioned that he's an avid reader and he likes to write occasionally, but he's also a talented musician! He can play harp and lute, and has a beautiful singing voice ! tho he never EVER sings in public and u have to be like,, a ride or die for him to even consider singing in front of u.
Insomnia: What’s their sleeping schedule like? Snorer? Sound sleeper?
well like i said he's an insomniac so sleep rly is a vague, barely recognised concept to him at the point dksksksk he also experiences sleep paralysis during especially bad nightmares, honestly he rly hit the misery jackpot and i feel so bad like hes indisputably my most tormented oc 🙃🙃🙃 so yea hehe doesnt really thrash around during nightmares but he sweats A LOT and sometimes talks in his sleep. during sleep paraylsis obviouslyy he goes COMPLETELY rigid and still which is terrifying for everyone involved lol. on the rare occasion that he is able to sleep he is out like a light lol he would sleep for 17 hours if he could. in saying that because he is also a Strategic Napper he is usually comfortable falling asleep ANYWHERE, because hes so tired comfort really isnt a concern lol.
Jaded: Do they buy into the “happily ever after” ideal? What’s their standard?
no he doesn't unfortunately 😔 or at least i should say he doesn't believe in it for himself - he's pretty convinced that he won't live til 30 and he's existing on borrowed time as it is, so he hasn't really put a lot of thought into his own happiness or the pursuit of his own goals because he doesn't believe he'll be around to see them realized
Kin: What’s their role among their relations? Do they consider others family?
duncan is the firstborn son of king!alistair and ella cousland, my canon warden. he's also the eldest brother to roslyn and bryce theirin. he's also, obviously , the half brother of keiran, tho none of the theirin kids are aware of that oof. his role, officially, is to become king when his parents eventually pass. its NOT something he wants, due to being so sick and unsure of himself. despite what his parents tell him, he doesnt believe he will make a good king and is really terrified of the notion in general, i guess a little like alistair was in dao. duncan kinda,,, avoids his duties, to the point where he literally LEAVES to live and study in orlais. he still does what he needs to do, keeps in correspondence with people he needs to, but its all bare minimum stuff because hes just. so afraid of it lol. he has a mostly good relationship with his family, despite that – theres some resentment between him and his sister, rose, but thats a whole entire story we dont have time for dkdkskdk
Law: What do they think about abiding rules? Are they selective about it?
like i said before he's pretty adherent to the rules and laws of society tho i do see that as more of a flaw than anything. he doesnt really feel comfortable stepping outside the norm and tends to accept that other people know best ! even if he disagrees he's usually too unsure of himself to speak up. that does change quite a bit once he and nadaia grow closer, since SHE is big on bending ridiculous or unjust rules, but he's always gonna be a bit of a follower i think 😒
Magic: In a magic series or not, are they accepting, or is each instance a shock?
he's accepting!! he's a mage so it would be wild of him if he didnt lmao. during his childhood/adolesence he was kinda harsh on himself and had a lot of internalized guilt for being a mage, bc this was obviously still fresh after the mage rebellions. he resented his own abilities and just wanted to be normal, but that was also him projecting a lot of his other problems as well. he had amazing teachers who helped him come to terms with his abilities, and the best of all was my inquisitor, ashara, who is kind of like a very distant, scary aunt who always had a soft spot for him. she helped him – and alistair and ella – RIGHT after they discovered he was a mage, and she was really the biggest role model in his life when it came to magic. duncan has always looked up to her skill and control and confidence, and tried very hard to match that.
Network: Are they connected to the people? How much do they reach out to others?
duncan has an ARMY of acquaintances and connections due to his family, but doesn't really have a lot of people he considers his close friends. he's super friendly and he gets along with most people, but like ive said before serious relationships including friendships are always a bit complicated for him bc of who he is as a person lol. as for reaching out, he's a very independent, introverted person and so he tends not to seek out other people unless he's close to them or has no other choice. he's very self conscious about being a burden on people or being to “needy" so he holds himself back and sometimes comes across as a little cold.
Offspring: What kind of parent would they be? Would they prefer one, or multiple?
he.... probably can't physically have kids unfortunately due to his condition, and as a result he's never really wanted to think too much about it, or imagine a scenario that he believes he cant have. but if it WERE a possibility, or if he felt stable in his own life enough to adopt, he'd probably be comfortable with just one child to completely spoil. he would be such a good father, albiet maybe not the coolest dad ddkdkdks i think nadaia would be the one who got up to the crazy shenanigans and let her child get away with everything, and duncan would be more of the nurturing, responsible one. he'd be a MASTER at telling bedtime stories, would kick ass at homework assistance, and would sing his kid to sleep every single night (until they got too old for it obviously). ooooo im so IMMENSELY emo abt this au now that i think about it
Pistol: Is this character skilled with a weapon? What’s their opinion of violence?
duncan is a very non-violent person, but he does believe that sometimes violence is necessary and will BE violent if he needs to – only in self defence scenarios though. he's an adept mage, and very skilled with a staff, but he isn't a fighter, really – more of a defensive, protective figure.
Question: How often do they feel doubt? What topics are they defensive about?
oh the doubt is constant with him 🙃🙃 he has a lot of deep routed dread about his own morality and whether or not he's a good person or if the maker will accept him when he dies. he's andrastian but TERRIFIED of the notion that its all actually real, bc then he doesnt know where that leaves him. he has this weird existential dichotomy where he doesnt know if hes closer resembling a grey warden or a darkspawn bc of his tainted blood. he also doubts his abilities and his magic bc he's afraid that the taint just,, makes him inherently a corrupted thing. he doubts himself on a more basic level with like, being a good brother, a good son, a good king when the time comes. he wants to be a good student and partner but sometimes his health makes him feel like he cant, and it weighs on him so heavily, almost all the time. basically he needs a hug so badly its not funny 😔😔😔
Reminder: How are they at remembering daily needs? What falls through the cracks?
uhh its very selective !!! for the most part he's very good at taking care of himself, mostly because he NEEDS to otherwise his health gets out of control, but sometimes he tends to prioritize one set of needs above another,, which usually means not sleeping (the most common), forgetting to eat, not letting his loved ones know when he's having a poor health day which usually results in him getting really sick and nobody is around to help him. he also forgets to do certain things like lock up his house, buy foodstuffs, reply to peoples letters n stuff like that.
Sing: Do they like music? Do they listen often/sing/hum/play songs in their head?
yes and yes !! duncan loves music altho its a very personal and private thing for him. he's pretty naturally gifted with music and gets it from ella, who taught him a lot of what he knows. he has a gorgeous singing voice (i kinda hc something similar to dan smith’s vocals from bastille!) that he rarely uses bc he only ever sings when he's alone or if he's forced to by a nosy loved one or something lol
Touch: How do they handle contact? Is their personal bubble big?
duncan doesn't mind being touched !!! in fact in most situations he welcomes it, as long as its like,,, appropriate and not some random stranger obviously. he grew up with ella and alistair who obviously are VERY affectionate people so he loves giving and receiving hugs from friends and he doesnt flinch or feel weird about just? random natural touches or anything. his ~love language~ is also physical touch so he LIVES for cuddling with nadaia and holding hands and anything like that. however !!! his little sister rose HATES being touched by virtually anybody and in any capacity, so he's very aware that not everybody is okay with touch, and is always careful and considerate of other peoples boundaries. he usually waits for the other person to make the first move, or simply asks them first !
Upcoming: How much do they think of the future? Do they make long-term plans?
he doesn't at all 😔 i mentioned this before but he doesn't see himself living very long, and its really impacted his outlook on life. he is afraid to commit to a lot of things, even if its something he really, truly wants, because he doesn't want to get his hopes up for things. it also keeps him from forging positive relationships. a lot of it has to do with him just being overly polite, but he refuses to make the first move with anything, or communicate what HE wants out of something. for example, his relationship with nadaia could have progressed so much faster if he had just,,, told her what he wanted. she had to make a lot of the first moves in the relationship because he just,, doesnt know how to take chances i guess !!! we love a Deeply Flawed king
Vice: What bad habits do they have? Is there something they would be ashamed of?
Some harmless ones are ; him talking to his cat constantly dkdskd also he has very poor time management skills so he's almost always a few minutes late, forgetting to lock his stuff up, and slouching, probably !!! some more serious ones would be like,, having sex with strangers as a coping mechanism lol, not speaking his mind and instead just letting himself be a doormat, also INTENSE avoidance of his problems (moving away to orlais for 9 years to avoid his fear of being king for example 🙃) tho i guess they fall under the same category oof.
Wardrobe: What’s their fashion style? Do they have any staple pieces?
duncan dresses nice, for the most part !!! again, it's mostly to do with growing up in court and having to keep up appearances, but also hes just. a nice bisexual boy who wants to take care of himself ykno, and that includes hygiene/clothing/grooming etc ! he's maybe a bit TOO reserved tho, he mostly wears dark colours like blacks, greys and brows, but hes been known to wears reds/blues/whites as well, and there’s a lot of subtle yet beautiful details on his more formal attire that might go unnoticed by a casual eye. a lot of his clothes are specifically tailored but he's also fond of big oversized sweaters for when hes just hanging out ! he's got a not great relationship with his body lol so he usually dresses very conservatively, with long sleeves and pants and usually more than one layer, but hes also a thot so !!! pants be TIGHT dksksksks
X-Ray: How’s their health? Any problem areas? Do they take care of themselves?
Djdjdksksndjddjkekdidksjs OKAY WELL if u have read this far than obviously u kno the answer to this question. if ur just skimming tho first of all ur valid ! second of all duncan is VERY sick. he was conceived when ella and alistair where still searching for the joining cur, so basically he inherited the darkspawn taint x 2 and nearly died a bunch of times as a baby/young child. obviously idk how the cure storyline is gonna resolve but my hc is that bc the darkspawn taint is something he was BORN with, not just something that happened to him via ritual, his body is much more impacted by it so even if they are able to find a cure, it wouldnt work THAT well and his health would still suffer bc of the prolonged damage. so physically, he deals with a LOT – intense migraines, insomnia, nausea, fatigue, problems with breathing and fevers and stuff. obviously mentally hes.... not doing great either, tho he’s trying his best. sometimes his insomnia gets so bad he starts hallucinating visions from his darkspawn nightmares, and sometimes he just feel paranoid in general that he's actually an Evil Darkspawn and hes just somehow managed to convince everyone hes a normal person – sort of a weird blend of imposter syndrome and body dysmorphia its. complicated. anyway he has very low self esteem and tends to think hes a huge inconvenience to everybody, and when he was a teenager he went thru a period where he was very suicidal, and ANGRY and afraid 😔 he’s doing better though, now that he has learnt how to manage most of his symptoms and he's not suffering in denerim court. nadaia is also a huge help, though he tries not to become too heavily reliant on her, since he's had bad experiences with depending too much on other people.
Yack: What’s their favorite thing to talk about? What do they go on about?
skskdkdk im already crying hehe 🙂 duncan is so introverted and self conscious of being “Too Much" for other people so he tends to keep his thoughts/interests to himself and stick w just. boring small tall or non invasive questions relating to the other person. BUT if u show an interest and he trusts u then oh boy. hes an absolute dork. he loves talking about magic and having really intense conversations abt the technical sides of it (he and dorian would get along SO well) but he also loves history !!!! before he began studying at the college of enchanters he received multiple ??? qualifications?? (idk if thats the right term but u kno) from the university of orlais, one of them being orlesian and ferelden history. also anything to do with the grey wardens, the blights and darkspawn for personal reasons obviously. He's a VERY good storyteller so he somehow finds a way to make even the dryest topics seem very compelling and Cool – varric would be proud !! he finds the orlesian Great Game fascinating, and he enjoys sharing wild anecdotes about the things he's seen asshole nobles get up to. thats always thrilling skdksksk ALSO. He has a secret interest in necromancy and the mortalitasi (its only a secret bc hes the heir and that wouldnt look ... great lol ) but he only ever really talks about that with nadaia, who finds that stuff almost as interesting as he does. also, finally, he loves talking about nadaia 😊😊😊😊 hes the type of guy who will always namedrop “my girlfriend" into any conversation, loves telling people about her accomplishments and how Cool she is ..... he loves her a Lot is what im getting at sksksks
Zodiac: What’s their astro sign? Does it fit? What would you pick, if it’s unknown?
duncan is a pisces babey like his mother !!! tho he could also be a virgo but,,, i think for now pisces works better for him. he's very smart and introspective and creative, but he has some issues with critical thoughts, avoidance and melancholy like ive mentioned. also pisces is a water element so i guess that makes even more sense, since hes an ice mage 👌👌👌
okay !!! im done !!! i cant believe i wrote all that but i guess if u didnt know abt duncan before, u absolutely do now dksksks im so sorry to anyone who actually read thru all of this, u really are braver than the troops
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xxwritemeastoryxx · 5 years
Forgotten Alliance Ch 32
Author: xxwritemeastoryxx
Pairings: Elijah Mikaelson x OC with other parings mentioned throughout.
Word Count: 7.6K
Warnings: Canon Typical things
Author’s Note: As a reminder, FA can be found on ffnet up to chapter 42. I am uploading chapters here on tumblr for convenience. I decided against tagging this until new chapters are posted. If you would like to be tagged please let me know! Chapters are queued and will be posted randomly. Enjoy
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Elizabeth sat on a bench as she watched Elijah with Hope. He had been chasing her around the garden just as Kol and Rebekah had done so earlier. From the moment they walked back up to the house and were in her sights, Hope demanded his attention. There was no way she was going to leave the dream world without spending some kind time with her Uncle Elijah. Elizabeth knew it was only fair. She had spent the beginning of their visit with Elijah, it was now Hopes turn.
To see Elijah chasing after Hope had brought back the memories Elizabeth had of her wanting attention from Elijah when she was younger. It brought a smile to her face just thinking about it.
"'Lijah" A whine passed Elizabeth's lips as she tugged on the man's shirt. Her younger siblings had been put down for a nap and she had been bored. While she probably would have found Rebekah to play with, she was no where to be found. The other siblings didn't seem to take an interest in the young girl and if she had to be honest, Kol scared her. It was why she favored Rebekah and Elijah. Elijah always seemed to give her the attention she wanted when Rebekah wasn't around.
Elijah had been busy with the plans he and Elizabeth's father, William, had been working on to expand the village. They had plans of making the village safer so that they no longer had to venture to the caves once a month to hide from the beasts that came with the full moon.
"We will be able to build a barrier around the village. While it will take time to complete, it will benefit the village in the long run." While Elijah had heard Elizabeth and felt her tugging at his clothes, he needed to get his ideas out to William. He wouldn't have an attack on this village that was becoming their home. And if Elijah had to be honest, if they did everything they could to make the village thrive he'd hope there would be no reason to leave.
"Elizabeth, leave Elijah alone." Her mother, Mallory, had said rushing over to pull Elizabeth into her side.
"It's quite alright " Elijah said giving Elizabeth a smile.
"I told you she wouldn't leave you be once she got used to you." William said with a smile. William had told Elijah and his siblings from the moment that arrived in the village that Elizabeth would be attached to them as soon as she was comfortable with their presence. It happened exactly as he said it would. "I'd say between your sister and yourself, Elizabeth would rather live with your family."
"She knows good people when she sees them." Her mother said looking down at Elizabeth who was currently pouting. She didnt like that she was being held at her mother's side and kept from Elijah. She enjoyed spending her time with the newcomers. And Elizabeth's mother was right, Elizabeth had a sense who was a good person and who wasn't. Its why she kept her distance from Kol and occasionally Niklaus.
William noticed the pout and chuckled before looking over at Elijah. "I believe we have the plans that we need. We can start building the barrier tomorrow." He said with a smile. "We'll take a break from planning for now."
"Come on, Elizabeth." Her mother said beginning to head towards their hut.
"Why not leave Elizabeth in Rebekah's and Elijah's care?" Her father said before looking towards Elijah. "My wife needs her rest and I must leave the village for a while, if it would be alright with you and your sister."
"We would love to." Rebekah said walking up to them.
"I see no problem in that." Elijah said giving a nod in agreement.
"She would be trouble if I didn't leave her be." Elizabeth's mother said nodding. She looked down at Elizabeth giving her a smile before letting her go. They all watched as Elizabeth ran towards Elijah.
"You do realize that child is attached to you." Rebekah said smiling at Elizabeth before looking over to see William and Mallory smile at them before turning and walking away.
"We are the new comers. You heard what William said." Elijah said as he smiled down at Elizabeth.
"But none of the other children are attached as she is." Rebekah said looking back at Elizabeth. "How about a game?" She asked.
Elizabeth nodded eagerly. "Yes, please." She said with a bit of excitement.
"Now," Rebekah said looking back and forth between Elijah and Elizabeth. "How about we go hide and Elijah tries to find us."
Elizabeth looked up at Elijah for only a moment, giving him a smile before she left his side and left with Rebekah to go hide.
Rebekah took her hand and they quickly ran off into the woods surrounding the village. Reaching a tree that had a hole in it, Rebekah tucked Elizabeth into it. "Remember not to make a sound, okay?"
Elizabeth nodded. "Okay." She said with a smile and watched as Rebekah went to hide behind a nearby tree.
If felt like minutes had passed while she had waited there in her spot. She looked out towards Rebekah from time to time to see if Rebekah was still in her hiding spot. When she didn't see Rebekah, she wasn't sure if she should stay in her hiding spot or go out and find Rebekah. She knew the woods could be a scary place and she didn't want to stay there if something had happened to Rebekah. She took a step towards the entry way of the hole she had been hiding in and looked around for either Rebekah or Elijah.
"Gotcha!" Elijah said as he pulled Elizabeth out of her hiding spot. A loud shriek passed Elizabeth's lips and soon after laughter followed as she looked up at him.
Elizabeth's laughter had brought a smile to Elijah's lips as he placed the young girl down and watched as she began running away from him. He shook his head slightly and began chasing after her. Her laughter could be heard the whole time she ran from him.
"Elizabeth?" Elizabeth looked up to find Freya standing there.
"Sorry, I was lost in thought." Elizabeth said giving her a smile.
Freya smiled sitting next to her. "It must have been a great thought if it has you grinning from ear to ear."
If it was possible, Elizabeth's smile grew as she looked over to see Hope jump on Elijah's back. "Picture a little girl with black hair and hazel eyes in Hope's place."
Freya smiled at the thought. "Sometimes I forget that my family knew you when you were human."
"Out of all the memories that I have, that is the part I could never forget. There was so much about your family that had me curious. Despite the outcome of it all, I'm glad I did know them during that time." Elizabeth said looking towards Freya. "To say that I've known them that long, it is rare. I know that there are others that have known your family for longer, but it is rare to find someone that knew them for years before being turned. If it wasn't for Elijah, I probably wouldn't be here now."
"I'd say it had something to do with that bond of yours as well." Freya added in. She was right though. Elizabeth knew that if they never had that bond between them, Elijah probably wouldn't have fought as hard to keep her alive.
"Bond or no bond, I kind of owe my life to your brother for saving me and helping me give my daughter a chance to live a full life." Elizabeth could have been just a meal the night Kol and Niklaus had decided to slaughter the village. She also could have died at the hands of her husband many years later, but Elijah had been there to save her from it all.
"After you find the cures and wake us up, I'd call it even." Freya said with a nod.
Elizabeth chuckled. "Until the next time I'm in trouble and then I'll owe him again."
"Are you planning to get into trouble?" Freya asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Not today." Elizabeth said with a nod as she looked back at Elijah and Hope. "Not even tomorrow."
"Good." Freya said looking out to the two as well. "I think after this, our family needs a break from trouble and just needs to take a vacation."
"A vacation only lasts so long before having to deal with the real world again." Elizabeth noted. She knew that from the times she had come to visit. This was her small vacation from the real world and once she left here, she'd be forced to deal with reality once more.
"Maybe we'll just make a life where ever it is that we decide to vacation at." The idea had sounded perfect. It was something that Elizabeth wanted. To just leave her problems behind and not have to think about them. She just wanted to enjoy life more than she already had been.
"That sounds like the best plan." Elizabeth said with a nod. "I could get used to that."
"I think we all could." Rebekah said as she walked up to them. "A lovely vacation on beach somewhere would do us some good."
Both Freya and Elizabeth laughed. "Why does it have to be somewhere with a beach?" Freya asked.
"We'd be less likely to run into some kind of vampire council there. If we are in a beach town, no one would dare even to suspect us of anything if we are out in the sun all day." Rebekah said placing her hands on her hips.
"She's got a point there." Elizabeth said with a smile. "Might as well find a place that is mostly abandoned. That way we'd really live a worry free life."
"A worry free life from what?" Elijah asked as he and Hope made their way over.
"From everything." Rebekah said. "Once Elizabeth cures you and Kol, we'll be up and out of this place and on our way to sandy beaches for a vacation that will last a lifetime."
"What if some of us wish to go elsewhere to vacation?" Elijah asked looking at his sisters.
"Then you and Elizabeth can go vacation somewhere else and eventually make your way back to us." Rebekah said rolling her eyes slightly. "And don't even think about saying you wouldn't return to us. We always return to each other."
Elijah just shook his head and smiled. But the truth was they always found some way back to each other no matter how long they had gone their separate ways for. Like any other family, separation made them want to come together after time. It is what would happen if they did decide to go on separate vacations. Eventually they would all meet back up together and move on with their lives together before they needed time apart from each other once more.
"Besides all this planning for a future vacation, there is something we should worry about now." Elizabeth said looking over at Hope who just had a smile on her face. "Hayley needs help with Hope's magic. That charm of hers isn't exactly helping with her magic."
"Has Hayley said what she has been able to do?" Freya asked curiously.
"Well besides this loophole that she found with me, she managed to cause a blackout from having a tantrum." Elizabeth said looking at the siblings.
"That sounds like one hell of a tantrum." Rebekah said looking over at Hope. "What made her upset?"
"Her not wanting to be in time out for redecorating the living room with paint." Elizabeth said with a nod.
"She's been holding in that magic." Freya said shaking her head. "Maybe I can start teaching her how to control it from here."
"But if I am not around as much, how will you be able to do that?" Elizabeth asked. "Without me she can't get here."
Freya sighed. "We'll have to figure something out. Her magic will only continue to grow unstable if you are telling me she can cause a black out with a single tantrum."
"Whatever you can do to help Hayley its best to come up with it fast. She can only do so much." While Elizabeth had no idea what it was like living with a growing witch, she can only imagine what one would go through.
Both Elizabeth and Hope's heads lifted and they looked towards each other. It was obvious that they had both heard Elizabeth's name being called. It was Hayley's voice they had play through their ears and there was no mistaking it.
"What is it?" Elijah asked watching the both of them.
"Hayley." Elizabeth said looking over at him. "She's trying to get my attention. " There was disappointment in her voice. She wasn't ready to leave yet.
"You two have been here for quite some time." Freya noted.
Elizabeth, someone is here.
Those words had caused her eyes to widen and to stand up, picking Hope up in the process. "Something's wrong." She said looking at the siblings. She probably should have stayed calm but if there was a chance someone was there to harm them, Elizabeth couldn't do anything while she was there.
"What is it?" Elijah asked taking a step closer to her and Hope.
"I'm not sure." She said shaking her head. She didn't want them to worry, but she had no clue herself on what was going on out there. "We'll be back. I promise." She said with a nod before looking at Hope who understand it was time to leave. The moment they were back in the basement, Elizabeth placed Hope down and looked towards Hayley. "Whats going on?"
Hayley brought a single finger up to her lips to get Elizabeth to stay quiet. She then pointed up above their heads. Both Elizabeth and Hayley could hear two people walking around upstairs. Elizabeth pushed Hope gently towards Hayley before mouthing 'stay here' and making her way up the stairs. She could easily hear them walking through the living room. One made their way down the hall towards the rooms and another headed outside.
Elizabeth figured if she could keep the mess outside, it would make Hayley happy. Heading outside, she found a woman standing off the porch looking around. It wasn't a minute later that she pulled out her phone and began texting away. That had worried Elizabeth. Without wasting another second, Elizabeth had the woman pushed up the nearest tree with her hand shoved into the woman's back, holding on to her heart.
"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't rip your heart out." Elizabeth said keeping the vampire pinned.
"I-I'm here w-with Kai." The vampire struggled to say.
"Kai?" Elizabeth asked as she almost completely let go of the vampire's heart.
"What the hell, Liz." Malakai asked as he stepped out of the house. "Taylor is with me."
Elizabeth sighed and pulled her hand out of Taylor's back and took a step away from her. "Sneaking around isn't the best thing to do." She looked to the ground noticing that Taylor had dropped her phone. Picking it up, Elizabeth noticed the message she had been typing.
"All I was doing was trying to find you." Malakai said as he watched Elizabeth pick up the phone off the ground.
"I'll take that back." Taylor said as she held her hand out towards Elizabeth.
A smirk grew on Elizabeth's lips as she stood up straight and looked at Taylor. "I'd so love to know more about you, Taylor. I mean you were about to send a very interesting text about my whereabouts."
"I have family that's likes to keep tabs on me. Is that a crime?" Taylor asked as she rolled her eyes.
Elizabeth took a step closer to her before locking onto her eyes. "What is the real reason you are here? And don't leave anything out." While Elizabeth had no idea if Taylor had been taking Vervain or not, she just knew that she was lying. There was something about her Elizabeth just couldn't trust.
"I was to find you and follow you. If you lead me to what I need, I was to call back and give them the location." Taylor said under the compulsion.
"What is it you are looking for?" Elizabeth asked.
"The hybrid. A lot of people know that she left New Orleans with The Mikaelsons in tow. Elijah still lives and other wish to know where he is being hidden." As Taylor finished, Elizabeth had felt a rage fill her at knowing someone wanted to know where he was.
"All to end his line, am I correct?" She asked taking another step closer to her.
"Yes." Taylor said with a nod of her head.
"Who knows you were on your way here?" Elizabeth asked needing to know more.
"Several people. They've been waiting." Elizabeth didn't even want to hear anymore. Without hesitating, Elizabeth shoved her hand back into the woman's chest and pulled her heart out.
"Let's leave a message for when they get here." She said as she watched Taylor's body fall to the floor. "Now while I am glad you are here, I hope you knew nothing about this." She said looking over at Malakai.
"If I knew anything about it, do you think I would actually bring her here," he said gesturing around to where they were. "just to watch her get her heart pulled out."
Elizabeth's eyebrow raised as she crossed her arms over her chest. The hand that had the fresh blood on it, the fingers tapped on her elbow. She was tempted to compel answers out of him. But he had been right. He wouldn't have willingly brought someone straight to her when it came to Elijah. After a moment she nodded and sighed. "How did you even find me here? I expected you to be at the compound by the time I returned."
"I tracked your phone here." He said pulling out his own phone. From the looks of it, Malakai had gotten a new phone while he had been gone. "All updated maps dont show anything here. Which made me question why you'd be here in the first place. Then we saw the house."
"That's because the place is cloaked." Elizabeth noted as she looked back at the house before looking back at him. "How did you even meet her?"
"The better question is why you are out here in the middle of nowhere at a cloaked house?" He said crossing his arms. "Or why said house has a child's room."
Elizabeth rolled her eyes. "There is so much I need to catch you up on." She said as she turned towards the house."But first, I have a few things to do."
"What exactly?" He asked but she hadn't answered him. Instead she just continued to walk back towards the house. The moment she took a step inside the back door, she placed her hand up signaling for him to wait there.
Malakai sighed and did as she said. He watched as she walked in and towards the a door off to the side. Now that he had looked at it, he wondered what would have happened if he had went through it first.
"What happened?" Hayley asked the moment Elizabeth began descending the stairs.
"It was Malakai." Elizabeth said sighing. "As much as I am glad to have seen him, there is a problem."
"The woman that was with him." Hayley noted.
Elizabeth nodded. "There is no telling who she was keeping updated." She held up the phone Taylor had. "Whoever it is, she was about to tell them they had something."
"But they knew she was headed here." Hayley sighed and looked down at Hope. "If we stay, others will come."
"That's what I'm afraid of." Elizabeth said with a nod. She was counting on it actually. She'd leave Taylor as the message to hopefully get them to back off. But even though she wanted that, she knew what this now meant. She looked around at the caskets before looking back at Hayley. "Any idea where you will you go next?" She asked knowing that this was going to cause Hayley to move.
"I don't know. Give me a month and we'll have a new place." Hayley said looking down at Hope. "I'd say that this would be the last time you saw us until we had the cures to keep us all safe, but she needs to see you. To see them as well."
Elizabeth looked down at Hope. "If I wasn't her loophole to seeing them, I would completely agree on staying away." Elizabeth hated that this is the cause for Hayley to uproot Hope once more. "Give it two months though." She said with a sigh. "Gives us both enough time to make sure there is no one following us in anyway. I'll look into some more of who she may have been with and the two months will give you time to make sure you weren't followed."
"That sounds like a reasonable plan." Hayley said with a nod. "I'll give you a call once we are all settled and I feel that it's safe for the time being."
Elizabeth nodded before looking at Elijah. "They are going to need to know." she said sighing.
"I know." Hayley said with a nod before looking at Hope. "Take all the time you need. Let her enjoy it while I start to get the essentials packed."
Elijah had been pacing the garden until Elizabeth and Hope had returned. He hated that there was nothing that he could do to help them. For all he knew there were vampires attacking wherever it was they were currently at. Hope would be guarded by Hayley while Elizabeth was left to take them on. While Elijah knew that Elizabeth could handle herself, it still left him worried for her. But most of all he hated that he wasn't there to help protect them -to protect her. Seeing Elizabeth and Hope enter the garden, a sigh of relief pass his lips and he began walking towards them.
Elizabeth noticed the worry that was written on his face and she gave him a smile. "Everything is as okay as it can be for now." She said with a nod.
Elijah wasn't sure he believed it. But she didn't seem to look worried at all and Hope seemed happy to be back that she ran passed Elijah and ran towards the house. "Who was there?"
Elizabeth sighed and shook her head almost in disbelief. "None other than my lovely friend Malakai."
"Why would he be looking for you?" Elijah asked confused. "Doesn't he know you come for visits?"
Elizabeth shook her head once more. "He's been gone all this time. To where, I don't know yet."
"You didn't tell me he left." Elijah said surprised. This was Elizabeth's best friend they were talking about. He figured she would have been at least a little upset that he had left to go on his own. But then again, Elijah didn't know when he left. He could have left before Elizabeth and Hope found a way into the dream world.
"He didn't leave on his own free will." Elizabeth clarified. Those words alone had shocked Elijah and Elizabeth could see that. "The night you were placed into this spell, Malakai almost ruined our plan to ensure that Klaus would be safe. And since I was supposed to be this creature without her humanity or had no care in the world for your family, I compelled him to leave." She shrugged slightly. "I would have told him to come back a few days later but I figured he would want to see the world without my problems interfering."
"I'm sure he'll understand you had a part to play." Elijah said with a nod as he looked at her.
"I know he will. But him coming here wasn't the only thing." Even though her visits weren't as frequent as she would have liked, she knew the next few months were going to be hard for her. "He brought someone with him that I couldn't leave alive."
Elijah looked at her with worry. He didn't like the sound of her words at all. "Someone was looking for us." He said after a moment. He knew there were still plenty of enemies that were still out there. He just assumed-more like hoped-that they dropped it all once they had been gone for some time.
Elizabeth nodded. She wasn't going to bring up the fact that they specifically wanted him just kill off his sireline. "Malakai had no idea what she was really doing behind his back. But that doesn't change the fact that someone is out there wanting information on where Hayley could be keeping you and your family."
"I assume you and Hayley have come up with a plan." He didn't like this at all. For the first time in his life he really was helpless. Other times where he believed he was didn't even come close to comparing to this. Those were moments of where even if helped in someway, he was helping and never felt completely helpless. This time, there really was nothing he could do. There was no way he could even help in the slightest and he hated it.
"Hayley will be moving from here." Elizabeth said sighing. "I don't know the specifics and I won't know about them until Hayley is sure no one has followed her. In the meantime I'll be doing my own digging to see who may be trying to find her. But this also means that-"
"That your visits will stop for some time." Elijah finished for her.
Elizabeth nodded. "I know my visits haven't been frequent, but I'm not sure how long it will be until we know for sure everything is safe for them to have visitors." She ran her hand through her hair as she looked around. "If only there was an easier way."
Elijah smiled at her and placed his hand on her cheek. "We are lucky enough to have this. Imagine if we didn't."
"I'd be even more crazy." She said with a small chuckle as she leaned into his touch.
He smiled down at her before kissing her forehead . "How much time do we have?" He asked knowing their time was limited.
"How ever long she needs." Elizabeth said referring to Hope. "As much as I don't want to leave this place, or your side, it all depends on how long she can handle being here."
Elijah sighed before grabbing a hold of Elizabeth's hand. "Then we'll spend this time together, as much of a family as we can be." He said as he took a step back before turning and leading her back towards the house.
Once again, Elizabeth found herself standing next to Hayley in the back of the moving van. Elizabeth's hand ran over Elijah's casket as she sighed.
"It's not goodbye." Hayley said watching Elizabeth. As much as Hayley loved Elijah, there was moments like this that she could see that she would never have what Elizabeth has with him. Elizabeth's literal other half was lying in a casket in a deep sleep and Hayley could see it, just in this moment, that Elizabeth looked lost without him by her side.
"I know." Elizabeth said with a slight nod. Her hand tapped the top of the casket one last time before she turned and jumped out the back of the moving van.
Elizabeth tried to hold herself together but that was difficult. She watched as Hayley closed the back door of the moving truck and it had reminded her so much of the the night this had all started. She didn't know when the next time it would be that she could visit any of them.
"I'll call you as soon as I know it is safe again." Hayley said as she walked over to Elizabeth.
"You still have connections with a witch that can put up another cloaking spell, right?" Elizabeth asked wanting to make sure. She wanted to offer Jess to do the spell but it would be against the whole reason they were leaving in the first place.
"I'm sure I can find one once we get to where we need to be." Hayley said with a nod. "Every once in a while she's going to want to call you. "
"I'll have my phone on me." Elizabeth said as she patted her jacket pocket. "You'll have to remind her that she can't tell me where you guys are until you are ready to."
"I know." Hayley said sighing. "Just make sure that if you find anything at all, you'll let me know what we are up against."
"Of course." Elizabeth said with a nod. "I'll keep you updated as much as I can from my end."
Hayley nodded before taking a step back and turned towards the moving van. Elizabeth watched as she climbed into the driver seat and a lump formed in her throat. The sound of the engine starting actually caused Elizabeth to look away from the truck. There was this feeling in the pit of her stomach telling her she should stop Hayley from leaving. But she knew it was just the bond telling her that someone was taking Elijah from her. She had felt the same thing the first time she had watched Hayley drive off. She had thought it was guilt but now she understood the feeling that was in the pit of her stomach.
Malakai placed his hand on her shoulder just as Hayley began to drive off. Elizabeth wanted to shrug his hand off her shoulder, she wanted to be angry with him for what this all meant. But Elizabeth knew that none of this had been his fault at all. So instead of shrugging her shoulder, she simply sighed and looked over at him.
"How about some dinner?" She asked knowing that there was a lot she had to explain to him.
"At a time like this, you're thinking about food." He said raising an eyebrow as he looked at her.
"Wanting food is a whole lot better than wanting to drain a body." She said with a smirk on her face. Even though at that moment she did want to rip her teeth into something, she knew it wasn't going to help any situation at all. Food in public place was probably the safest thing for her.
"You know what, you're right. There is a restaurant that I saw not to far from here. It had an advertisement for some steaks." He said knowing that Elizabeth had a point. He knew her. He knew this was just added stress for her.
"Sounds like the perfect place." She said as she started backing up towards her car.
"What do you remember from the night you left?" Elizabeth asked as they sat down in a booth that was away in a corner. Their conversation wasn't exactly a human friendly conversation and Elizabeth preferred not to have to compel people tonight.
"To be honest I've tried remembering myself. It's like there are pieces missing. I remember you coming to the compound and I found out you had taken the serum. I could tell you were fighting the switch. I warned Elijah about what I had seen before leaving. I couldn't just let you deal with that on your own. I looked everywhere and when I finally started making my way back to the compound, there was a lot of noise. I just remember that there was a lot of chaos walking into the compound and..." Malakai stopped trying to get the memory of that night. "Nothing." He shook his head. "I was compelled wasn't I?" He asked Elizabeth.
Elizabeth nodded. "You were. I was the one who compelled you. It was actually necessary at the moment."
"When is compelling anyone actually necessary?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.
"You were about to ruin the plan that we had in place." Elizabeth said honestly. "Yes, we should have included you in on the plan, but you were still out looking for me."
"I had no idea where you were." He sighed. "You were fighting your humanity and on top of it I had no idea where Alex was lurking. It had me worried."
Bringing up Alex had made Elizabeth stiffen slightly. "Alex is dead."
"Since when?" He was glad to hear that Alex was dead.
"The day you left." She said with a nod. "I ripped his heart out."
"Nothing slow and painful?" He asked disappointed.
She smiled slightly and shook her head. "There was other things going on at the time." A sighed passed her lips. "Do you want to remember it?" She asked.
That made Malakai actually think about it. This was a piece of his memory that he had been trying to put together for a while now. There was obviously something there that Elizabeth didn't like. "Will it explain everything?"
"Everything up until you walked out of the compound." She said with a nod. "I'll fill in everything afterwards." She promised.
Malakai thought for a moment before nodding. "Alright. Go for it."
She nodded before she looked him in the eye. "I want you to remember everything I had taken away from you." She said before looking away. She watched Malakai sit back for a moment. She was sure he was getting that night back.
"Did you kill him?" Malakai asked watching Elizabeth.
"No." She said shaking her head. "I shoved Papa Tunde's blade into his chest. Doing so, while putting on a show bought Freya the time to do one last spell before they were pulled into the spell."
"What spell was that?" He asked.
"Tie their life force to Klaus'. I had bitten Elijah and Kol in the process of cleaning up a mess that Marcel had began. It was the only way to make sure they would survive my bites. That and Freya had been poisoned and Rebekah's hex wasn't going to be doing us any favors."
"That would explain Hayley hiding out with them." He said with a nod. "They're vulnerable."
"They are. And with there being others out there that want to find her, this is just going to add to everything I've been dealing with."
Malakai shook his head in disbelief "That whole time you had your humanity."
"I had to put on this show." She said hoping he'd understand. "It was to help them in the end. And I have been failing at that even now."
"You believe you should have found a cure for them already." Malakai noted. "Liz, you do realize that this is a big task you are putting on yourself. It's been a year of you trying to get things undone. Who knows how long Lucien had been coming up with that serum."
"I've thought of that." Elizabeth said shaking her head. She knew that Lucien must have been working on getting the serum for years before any of them had even seen him in town. "That doesn't mean I can just sit around and wait for it all to fall into place."
"Okay, since everything went down, what have you gotten done?" He asked wanting to prove that she hadn't been doing nothing as she seemed to be claiming to be.
She sighed before looking around. "Freya's antidote had been made, Hayley got the cure for Bekah's hex, and I currently have someone trying to break down the components of my venom."
"All of that in a year sounds like you are doing everything you can to get them back." Malakai said with a nod.
"Yeah, it just doesn't seem like it is enough. Even with all my distractions in the quarter, I was hoping that this would have been easy."
"They are immortal." Malakai reminded her. "A few years of sleep isn't going to hurt them."
"But it keeps Hope from having them awake and in her life. Seeing them in a dream world isn't enough. She also needs to see Klaus." She knew what it was like to not have her parents in her life. She hated that Hope had been hours away from seeing her father. But because of the precautions Elizabeth had to take, he was still kept locked away.
"That day will come." Malakai said giving her a smile. "When it does, Everyone would be one happy family again."
Elizabeth nodded. "One day. But enough about the problems I am going through. Tell me all about where you've been this past year."
A grin grew on his face at the mention of it. "I'll tell you, but first let's order and get a round of drinks."
She smiled and shook her head. He hadn't changed one bit. That was the thing about Malakai. While he was as old as she was, he had hardly lived that long. He was still that twenty five year old man that loved adventures. Being awake for almost five years hadn't put a damper on his perspective on life. While the world had changed in so many ways for him, he was still that guy that was her best friend from the moment she met him.
"There are a few things you should know." Elizabeth said as she drove into the city limits. "Things changed since you've left. Different rules were put into place."
"When aren't there ever any rules?" Malakai said as he looked out the window.
"I'm serious Kai." Elizabeth said looking over at him. "These rules have kept the city in the best shape possible. The rules are enforced and it keeps the perfect balance that we need."
"Were these rules put in by everyone or just the humans?" Malakai asked keeping his eyes looking out the window.
"I tossed some in there as well." She said with a nod, bringing her eyes back to the road. "You do need to know the changes to the rules Marcel had put all those years ago."
"Let me guess, no feeding on the locals, stay out of which territory, don't piss off the wolves?" Malakai listed. Elizabeth could tell he wasn't interested in hearing the rules.
"This isn't a game, Kai." She said sounding worried. "You are a hybrid. While you are both vampire and wolf, the rules you follow will be that of the vampires. Punishments aren't taken lightly anymore."
"I get it." Malakai said shaking his head. "No freedom, no fun unless its with the tourists that won't be missed."
Elizabeth looked over at Malakai once more. "I hope you fully understand that these rules have kept the city in good standing."
"What happens if one of the rules are broken?" Malakai asked.
"It depends on what you are. Witches have their magic bound, for the wolves it is completely up to Mary on what their punishment is. As for the vampires and hybrids, that is my job to handle and most punishments lead to one thing and one thing only."
"Your kidding right?" Malakai asked looking over at her.
Elizabeth shook her head as she pulled up to the compound. "I'm not. So don't get carried away or anything, okay?"
Malakai nodded. "Alright." He said. "No getting carried away."
Elizabeth sighed but nodded. She knew how Malakai was. She just hoped that he really did pay attention to the rules and the things he'd be doing. "Welcome home." She said with a smile before getting out of the car.
Malakai smiled and got out of the car and followed Elizabeth into the compound. As he looked around he noticed that there had been a lot of changes since he had last been there. "Someone's been redecorating."
Elizabeth laughed and looked around. "It was needed. Especially after the chaos from letting Klaus' sireline destroy the place."
"You let them do what?" He was shocked. He definitely missed a lot.
She shook her head slightly. "This place was a mess, don't you remember that at least? Someone had to clean up the mess."
"Right." He said with a nod. "It looks great though, Liz."
"Thanks. Just took a few compelled interior designers to get it the way I wanted it." She said as she looked around again. "I assume you still know where your old room is."
"You mean you aren't in the room next to me anymore?" He asked faking hurt.
She laughed and shook her head. "No. I'm in Elijah's room."
Malakai opened his mouth to say something but closed it quickly. He knew his usual jokes weren't ideal for this moment. "Does it make this easier?” He asked a moment later.
She nodded. "Some days it does, some days it doesn't."
"We'll get those cure for them in no time." He said placing his hand on her shoulder, giving a slight squeeze. "But for now, I'm going to get settled and then we'll talk about our next move."
"Sounds like a night of starting to plan things but then becomes a night of you drinking away half the stock of alcohol in this place." She said with a shake of her head.
"You know me so well." He said with a smile before he turned towards where his old room had been.
Shaking her head once more she turned to head up stairs. As she made her way up the stairs she found Veronica standing up at the top with a smile on her face. Elizabeth's eyebrow rose as she reached the top.
"What's that look for?" She asked as she put her bag down for a moment.
"You left to see Hope and Hayley, yet you come back with him." Veronica's smile grew into a mischievous grin. "Should I call him temporary grandpa until Elijah wakes up?"
"Veronica." Elizabeth said rolling her eyes. "And god no. That's Malakai."
"Wait, that's Malakai?" Veronica asked almost excitedly. Veronica didn't even recognize the man Elizabeth had been talking to.
"Yeah." Elizabeth said with a raised eyebrow at how excited she seemed to be
"I'm just going to poke my head out to say this," Malakai said as he looked over at Veronica from his room door on the other side. "While I tried that once, she turned me down. And I'm sure if Elijah heard you say that, I'd be somewhere lying in a ditch with a stake in my heart. You don't even kid around with that man when it comes to Liz." Without another word, Malakai was gone. Elizabeth laughed and shook her head before looking back at Veronica.
"Is he serious?" Veronica asked. "That Elijah would do that."
Elizabeth smiled before grabbing her bag once more as she walked past Veronica to go towards her room. "The bond makes both Elijah and I very...what's the word I'm looking for… possessive and at time makes us jealous if someone shows any caring actions towards the other. Kai had been talking to Elijah about me, words were said, and let's just say that during said conversation I felt that need to show I was Elijah's. I'm sure if Kai didn't set things straight, Elijah probably would have."
"Remind me to never be bonded with someone like that." Veronica said following her.
Elizabeth chuckled. "Oh if it happened to you, you'd have no choice. It becomes a part of you." The thought alone made her already miss Elijah. The next few months were going to be tough on her.
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yourkittywilde · 6 years
i like me better when i’m with you
TAGGING  → @yourkittywilde​ & @sammynolanh​
TIME FRAME  → ummm mid feburary (i think. i’m terrible).
LOCATION  → NYC locations + Sammy’s apartment
WARNINGS  → Alcohol. Also this is HELLA long. 
NOTES  → Sammy returns from filming in LA. There’s coffee, napping, and drinking. And they decide to move in together when they get to LA. 
Kitty was still debating even showing up to meet Sammy as she got to the coffee shop. It was easier to feel like she didnt need or want him around when he was thousands of miles away. She had done everything she could think of to prepare herself for his realization that they couldn't work any longer -- shed given dude back, she'd taken down the Polaroids from her wall, and kept Netflix off since it always seemed to watch to recomend she watch his movies again . Kitty had told him over and over again that she was terrible at relationships and she would eventually push him away, and the blonde felt as though it may have sunk in. Her heart sinks to her stomach when she sees her boyfriend -- he was still her boyfriend, right? -- and she wants to turn and run. But she could hardly avoid him forever (she'd tried that once). She swallowed nervously and took a seat across from him, looking down at the cup in his hand and up at him. "Hey. Welcome home."
Sammy was so lost in his thoughts, looking down at his hands, that he hadn’t even seen or heard Kitty sit across from him until he heard her voice which removed him from thoughts, a smile appearing on his lips without a second thought. He was happy to see her, and even went to hug her until he remembered the terms they were on and he reserved himself. He didn’t even know if she wanted him to touch her. “I- sorry... hey, thanks. It’s good to be back.” He offered her a small smile. “How are you?” He asked, not that he really expected to get an answer from her but he did want to know.
Kitty's lips press together sadly as she watches Sammy move in and then change his mind. This was awkward... They really should have done this over text message or the phone or something equally less confronting."its fine... and yeah, I bet." She says simply, her fingers idly combing through her hair. "Yup... i'm great." It was the answer that fell from her lips whenever she was forced to engage in small talk.  Truthfully this week had somehow managed to be one of the best weeks of her life... while simultaneously sucking. "How's Dude?"
Sammy chewed on his lip and sat quietly in his chair, hearing Kitty make bullshit conversation. He only had one question on his mind and he couldn’t wait to get an answer. “Did you come here to break up with me?” He blurted out, maybe a little too loud. “Do you not love me anymore?” He asked a lot quieter and feeling extremely vulnerable like he didn’t want to hear the answer. He looked away from her, feeling himself become emotional as her took deep breaths.
Her eyebrows furrow, and she's surprisingly not even concerned about who might be listening to their conversation. "I dont love you." It meant to come off as a question, but the way her heart was beating from her chest was making it difficult to breathe let alone fully understand what was happening right now and respond appropriately. She had been just waiting for it to be over with. "I don't want to break up with you." The words stumble only a little. "I mean, I thought about it... a lot. When we started dating I was basically homeless, I was this poor college student, and you were... well, you." She shrugs. "And I want to be successful, Sammy. Like not the sort of successful people settle for, the sort where Im on top. I dont want to always be questioned if I'm getting somewhere because I'm Samuel Hummel's girlfriend." She pauses, and steals Sammy's coffee, bringing it to her lips -- she needed caffeine way more than he did right now. "But aren't you here to end things anyway? So none of this even matters."
Sammy felt his heart drop to the floor but continued listening as she spoke, a mix of emotions running through him. He scoffed. “Kitty, I want you to be successful. I want you to be more than successful... and like you’ve said, I’m a C list actor. I’m nothing. You’re fucking awesome, you’ll come on top because you’re you...” he huffed and furrowed his brows as she took his cup from him. The sleeve falling apart from him picking at it.  “End things? You’re the one who didn’t want to talk to me. ...I just want to fix things... I just want to understand why you won’t open up to me... I thought we were past this.”
"You're B list." She admits. "And you're not nothing. Everyone loves you. But the world is biased." She shakes her head and slides back the tattered coffee cup to the brunette. "Theres always some old white man somewhere who believes a woman cant make it without a man." Aka her father. But sammy was right, everytime kitty thinks she's making progress opening up to Sammy, life intervenes and her first response is to push the man away. But she didnt really know how to put that into words. "How am I supposed to know when I can open up to you and when I cant? You're never here, Sammy. I get it, you have work or... whatever...but, while you've been off working I've been here."
As Kitty pushed back the cup to him, he took hold of her hand gently and nodded “You’re right. There will always be someone saying you can’t do it. You don’t think I’ve heard it a million times? I’m a joke to some people and while, yes it sucks, I still believe in what I do and so should you... Who fucking cares what the others think when you’re out there being successful and living your best life... I know you’re going to make it big someday.” He assured her and shook his head as he squeezed her hand. “Kitty, you can always talk to me, no matter where I am. I’m always going to be there to listen and support you. I don’t know where you get the idea that I won’t.” He sighed.
Kitty doesnt move away when Sammys hand touches hers. In fact she could almost feel herself start to relax -- It was comforting, the sort of comfort she'd never been able to find with anyone else. "I don't care what everyone thinks." Not really a lie. "I care what my parents think." Kitty looks down at their hands, and sighs under her breath. "If I can't get them to believe I can make it on my own, how do I get the rest of the world?" Her gaze moves to meet Sammy, and she bites down on her lip softly as she listens to him talk. "I cant do that. I can't just call you up and talk to you about my feelings... I'm not that girl. I need you here." She takes a breath, and reminds herself that hes a celebrity and they're in public. "I'm sorry for telling you I didn't want to talk to you? But since when do you actually listen to me when I tell you to leave? Or stay away? So, i dont know, it seemed fair to assume you were done."
Sammy nodded, knowing what it was about now. “I know, babe. But you’ll show them. You’re going to make it big and then they’ll know, whether they accept it or not.” He brought her hand up to his lips and then caressed it against his face. “I know and it hasn’t been easy for me to be away either. I know it’s not the same as us being together and I’m sorry for being away for so long but it is something I can’t control, Kitty... that’s something we’ll have to work on and hopefully get better at. But once we’re in LA it shouldn’t be a problem....” he sighed and dropped their hands back down but still holding hers in his. “I wanted to to give you the space you asked for... I was going to call you and all but then you gave Dude back and I didn’t know what to think... I thought you were done with me, too.” He confessed.
Kitty nods, she logically knows Sammy had no control over his filming schedule... She just missed her boyfriend. Besides, he'd done everything he could to be back as much as possible. "I know." There's a faint smile on her lips for the first time when he kisses her hand, and all she wants to do is lean over the table and actually kiss him. "I don't think I can do long distance anymore." She says honestly. "So if you could plan your next movie for when I'm in L.A that would be great." Kitty's tone is very matter of fact, because while she trusted Sammy -- shockingly -- it was too easy for her to push him away wen he wasn't here, for her to just assume he wasn't coming back. She shakes her head, "No...I'm not done with you."
Sammy felt a sigh of relief leave his lips and his body visibly relaxed at her words. They were out of the woods for now. “I have no upcoming movies, I got all my filming out of the way this month... any news on jobs out in LA for you?” He asked, hopeful for her.  He moved over to the chair next to Kitty’s just wanting to be closer to her. He leaned against her and kissed her cheek. “Good, cause I’m not done with you either. We should go out tonight.” He suggested.
Kitty actually found herself smiling when Sammy moved closer, an hour ago she was convinced her relationship was coming to an end, smiling didn't feel even close to doable. She shifts her hand to rest contently on his leg, "I actually got a job." Her smile widened, it was the first time she had  said the words out loud... Or told anyone besides a professor at NYU. "I got the job... It's entry level obviously,  and I think there's currently a 'kitty wilde destroyed my life club' because of it, but I had a meeting with TMZ on Valentine's Day -- I think they got sick of my daily emails with new and amazing reasons why they should hire me." She shrugged. "Anywhom... I pitched a few stories, and they didn't hate them, I guess. I found out on Monday I got a job... I wanted to tell you, but well... yeah. Just don't tell me that I'm an awful person. That's old news, and besides, I did what I needed to do." She turned to him and bit down on her lip as she realized she sort of just rambled on. "Yes, let's go out tonight." Kitty murmurs happily, not able to stop herself from looking at his lips. "Since we're not breaking up right now can I kiss you again?"
Sammy did a double take as she said the words. He was so happy for her. “What? You got the job?!” He asked ecstatically, a huge dopey grin reached his ears as he pulled her in for a tight hug, rocking her back and forth in her seat. He knew how much she wanted it and how hard she worked for it. “Holy shit, babe. That’s amazing. I’m so proud of you.” He pulled away slightly but not before kissing her deeply. “You can kiss me as many times as you want.” He grinned. “So, when do you start?”
Kitty hadn't expected that reaction from Sammy -- she honestly hadn't expected that reaction from anyone considering the circumstances. She grins and wraps her arms around him tightly, allowing herself to be genuinely super happy about everything for the first time since she got the news. "I got the job." She repeats and laughs a little, finally feeling her body relax as he embraced her.  "Thanks, hot shot." She says with a soft smile before leaning into his lips -- beyond thankful she didn't have to give that up. "Good... The whole making out thing is most of the reason I have a boyfriend." She teases, before pulling away. "I start in a month... But I guess a week of that has already passed now... so three weeks?"
Sammy rolled his eyes at her comment but then raised his brow “So you’re moving to LA in less than a month? Girl, we have to look for places and areas, LA can be very sketchy.” He warned her.
"I move to LA in less than a month..." She scrunches up her nose a little as she repeats the words, the girl hadn't really thought about how quick that sounded. "I sort of didn't think about the whole physical moving part to be honest. I was more worried about the job part. I haven't even started looking for places to live." She admits. "But I survived in my tiny shoe box apartment in a somewhat sketchy area in New York, I'm sure LA is going to be easy."
“Holy crap, Kitty. We need to look for places for you. I can help you. And I need to look for a place too, hopefully somewhere close to you...” he rambled as he pulled out his phone. “Well, yeah. But people are more homey here. LA is filled with mean people who don’t give a fuck about you.” He mentioned as he shot a text to his assistant.
"Sammy..." She smiled, and rested her hand on his arm. "We have time... and you don't have to move." Granted after their last conversation it probably wouldn't be great for their relationship, but Kitty wasn't about to force anyone to move their life to a new state.  "Breathe. Nothing has to be sorted right now... I just got my boyfriend back, and you're probably the only person on the planet right now who can share my excitement. So can we go and celebrate or something? ... Now that we're definitely not breaking up?" She added, needing to make sure with certainty she wasn't about to let her walls down again to be heartbroken like an hour later.
Sammy had set his mind a while back when Kitty has first mentioned LA and it was somewhere he definitely wanted to be with Kitty. It also just made sense for his career in general and his agent and assistant would be thrilled for him to be in the city. More opportunities for him to work on. “Oh, I’m moving. What if you find a hotter Netflix star?” He joked. “I’m definitely gonna be around.” He grinned and kissed her cheek. “Okay, yes. We will look at this later, I have to go home and check on Dude before we do anything tonight. You coming?”
"True... LA is crawling with hot Netflix stars. And I might actually have a shot with Luke if you're not standing in the way like you were at the Christmas party." She muses teasingly and smiles bashfully at the kiss on her cheek. There was no doubt in her mind, she already had the hottest one. Kitty perked up at the mention of seeing Dude, she hadn't seen him in days and that felt like a really really long time to her.  The two hadn't spent that long apart since Sammy and Kitty went to Florida. "Yes." She nods, trying not to show how enthusiastic she was about seeing the dog. "He's okay... Yeah?" She asks standing up from the chair. "Like, when you got him. He was ok?"
Sammy flares at Kitty. “That’s not funny, cause Luke actually asked me for your number a few days after that.” He bit his lip at the confession and looked away. “Anyway, yeah, he’s doing great. He was very excited to see me so I suppose that’s a good sign.” He smiled at Kitty as he stood with her. “Let’s go, okay? I’m sure Dude is going to be ecstatic to see you.”
"Whoa whoa whoa." Kitty lowers her voice to try and jokingly resemble her boyfriend's. "Did you sabotage my chances with Luke? Again?" She feigns shock, looking up and scrunching her nose at Sammy. Not that she cared, it was Sammy she wanted... she just didn't want to admit that at the time. "That's good." She responds about Dude, feeling a pang of guilt when she thinks about him not being with either of them for a few days. The idea of ending a relationship with Sammy and losing Dude on the same day hurt way too much. She pushes open the door of the coffee shop, and feels the cold air brush her cheeks immediately. "I'm sorry I gave him back." She eventually gets the words to roll from her tongue, folding her arms in front of her chest. "How did you get here?"
Sammy looked away sheepishly as he bit his lips. “He wasn’t right for you.” Sammy mentioned as he made his way out the door with Kitty, searching for her hand and intertwining their fingers together. “It’s okay. We forgive you.” He smiled at the girl. “I walked. Needed to clear my head but it didn’t really work, I was really nervous about everything.” Sammy shrugged, bringing her hand back up to his lips. It was very comforting to him.
"Worst. Wingman. Ever." She replies, sideeyeing Sammy. "Is this where you get really cheesy and tell me he couldn't have been right for me because you are?" Her fingers latch into his and the girl cant help the soft smile from dancing on her lips, thankful he wasnt holding it against her that she stopped looking after the dog -- God knows if the situation was reversed Kitty wouldn't be as forgiving. She wants to apologize and tell him it won't happen again, but she wasn't going to make a promise she couldn't keep. Because it didnt matter how many perfect words Sammy sang it was like Kitty was constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop. "There's no polar blast, so we can walk, I guess." She comments, squeezing his hand gently. "Still nervous?"
Sammy shook his head and brushed off her comment with a small laugh. He knew he wasn’t perfect for Kitty but he also knew Luke definitely wasn’t either. He pressed soft kisses to her hand and walked idly along with her down the sidewalk. He definitely felt relieved but he was always nervous about Kitty, he didn’t know if he’d ever not be. And sometimes, most times, it was a good kind of nervous as it had become now. Sammy shrugged a little and leaned his head on hers. “You always make me nervous.” He sighed with a small smile.
"Because I'm so unpredictably wild?" She asks with a short laugh. "Kidding... I know you're being sappy." Kitty nudges his side playfully. The two were so different, and maybe on paper they shouldn't work, but the thought of not being with him scared the blonde more than anything had in some time -- the past week showed her that. "So where are we going tonight? Because as much as I love Sassy Nights, it reminds me of my lost dreams of becoming a stripper."
“Yeah, honestly. You are unpredictable, but I love that about you.” He responded with a small nod as he brought their hands back down, he ended up wrapping his arm around her shoulder instead. “Okay, where would you like to go? I’m down for any hole in the wall bar.” He smiled.
"You do?" She furrows her brows, knowing there's a part of him that's probably lying about that -- like, surely no one wants to constantly be guessing if they're girlfriend is going to push them away today. Kitty snakes her arm around his waist and leans her head contently on his chest. "A hole in the wall sounds great... anywhere you can avoid paparazzi and girls trying to steal you away all dang night." She muses, biting down on her lip gently -- she would fight anyone for Sammy, but she had only just got him back. Her lips curl into a smile when they get to Sammy's apartment building, it had been weeks since shed been here but the familiarity of the place was comforting. Plus, dude was inside!
“I think so, yeah. Like don’t get me wrong you frustrate me sometimes but it keeps me on my toes and I like that... idk maybe that’s the actor in me liking the roller coaster of emotions.” He shrugged with a nervous chuckle “I’m sure there will be girls trying to steal me away at any bar.” He teased and shoved her playfully as they reached his apartment. He greeted the doorman and they made their way up to the apartment. Upon entering they were immediately greeted by the cheerful puppy. Sammy crouched down to pick him. “Hey little dude, excited to see someone.” He chuckled and handed him off to Kitty after a few licks from the pup.
Kitty nods slowly as he talks. "You are a very emotional person." She comments with a teasing smile. "No girls are allowed to steal you away tonight." She says with a serious look, her eyebrows furrowed. "You're mine, they can go and find someone whose girlfriend isnt prepared to set a killer dog on them. Maybe we should go to a gay bar..." she pauses as she remembers Sammy would probably be more interested in that. "Actually, no." Kitty grinned the second they entered the apartment and Dude showed up. She bites her lip a little nervously watching the two and feeling kinda guilty for giving him back. Sammy and dude were like... family. "Hey..." she takes him into her arms, her nose scrunching as he licks it. "Sorry, buddy." She says softly to him. "But hey, your dad's home." She smiles and looks at Sammy. "Yeah I know, im totally the fun one."
“No one could steal me away from you even if they tried. I’m yours babygirl.” He smiled back at her. “Alright, we’ll find a place.” He nodded. He made his way further into the apartment and sat down on his couch, looking up at Kitty. “C’mere.” He said reaching out for her.
Not that she'd admit it -- because petnames were super cheesy -- but it still made kitty's heart race whenever he called her that. She rolls her eyes playfully and with the pup still in her arms she moves to where Sammy is sitting, straddling his waist before letting Dude off onto the couch. "I missed you." She murmurs quietly as she looks down and picks off the little dog hairs from his shirt one by one. "Hey.. are you still going to think I'm a good person when I'm writing about people... like, that you know?"
Sammy waited for the puppy to jump off to wrap his arms around the girl. “I’ve missed you, too. So much.” He told her with soft smile as he pressed kisses to her head. “I mean you’re not writing lies... I don’t see how writing the truth would make you a bad person.” He replied honestly.
The faint look of worry on her face changes with Sammy's words. Why couldn't everyone see it as he did? "You're awfully open minded for an actor who's sort-of-sexy face is all over our site." Our site -- it felt way more real now that Sammy knew. She looks up to meet his eyes before leaning in to kiss him, smiling against his lips as the taste off coffee still lingers. "Thank you though." She says quietly as she pulls away. "So I guess now I'm moving to LA in three weeks, we're not going to Mexico?" She asks, her fingers twirling into hair as she speaks.
Sammy shrugged. He had always been pretty open minded about most things. “Sort of sexy?” He raised a brow at her but melted into her kiss. “Mexico?” He asked, forgetting for a moment about what they had talked about. “Oh, right, sorry. My brain is all jumbled. We can still go to Mexico. It would be nice to take a little vacation just the two of us.” He smiled at the girl and squeezed his arms tightly around her.
"You forgot?" Kitty shakes her head. "What is it you think about when you're away anyway? Because when Dude and I aren't having elaborate coffee dates, I'm thinking about you... On a beach...wearing very little clothing." She smirks, as she presses soft loving kisses along his jaw. "But I guess we can also do that in LA now come summer, so I'll forgive you for forgetting our incredibly briefly discussed vacation." To be fair their conversation had been a little about mexico and a lot about threesomes. "Is there anything I can do to help with the whole jumbled brain thing?" She asks genuinely. Normally that comment wouldn't get a second thought from Kitty, but it was Sammy, and Sammy seemed to always be an exception.
“Mostly scripts I have to learn and publicity shit.” He replied honestly. “And I think about missing you and being here with you...” he smiled at her and tilted his head as she pressed kisses to his skin. “I mean, we can still go. I can get things set up so we can go before LA, unless you want to wait until after we move in.” Sammy told her and looked down at her with a genuine smile. “It’s getting better. But I think I’m just tired from all the work I did this month. But thank you for offering.” He told her and kissed her cheek.
"I'm not gonna have a whole lot of time when I get to LA... I'm not as charming as you, and it's really important to me to not to mess anything up, you know? I need this job to go well." She says with half a shrug. "We can go to Mexico, but it's not the end of the world if we dont, babe... It was a passing conversation." Kitty nods at his answer, "Do you want to take a nap or... something? I can take Dude to the park or go back to Louis' for a bit. And we can always just go out tomorrow night... give you time to relax or whatever it is B list celebs do when they finish filming movies."
“I totally get that.” He nodded and rubbed her back. “We will do whatever you want to do. I’m in no rush.” He responded. He pouted playfully because he was thinking of a nap but he didn’t want kitty to leave. “You know me. But I don’t want you to go. I want you to be my body pillow.” He said as he squeezed around her and buried his face in her neck. “You’re comfy.” He mumbled against her skin.
"There's always after graduation." Between working and college, Kitty's not even sure how she'll have time to see Sammy let alone go out of the country -- though there are worse places to be confined to than L.A. She laughs a little at Sammy's pout, rolling her eyes. "Fiine" She grumbles jokingly, and pulls herself up from the boy's lap before extending him her hand to take. "I'll stay. C'mon.... Let's go take a nap, sleepy head."
Sammy grinned. “I love you so much.” He chuckled as he took her hand and followed her back to his bedroom. “Just like an hour nap then we can get ready to go out, promise.” He told her as he jumped into his bed.
"Yeah yeah, I've heard that before." She laughs softly, watching as the puppy follows Sammy's lead in jumping onto the bed. "It's like having two of you home." She teases, following them both and crawling up next to the scruffy haired brunette. "I love you." Kitty strokes his cheek lightly before leaning in to kiss his forehead. "Just in case I haven't told you in a while." And she hadn't... Not since before she snapped at him. Dude curled up between their legs and Kitty let's her boyfriend's head rest on her chest. "I'm glad you're home." She says simply as her fingers stroke through his hair. "Now go to sleep so we can do something not boring."
Sammy yawned briefly before cuddling into Kitty’s side. “I’m glad I’m home, too.” He smiled and soon drifted to sleep, only to awake about 45 minutes later feeling a lot better and refreshed. He stretched himself out in bed and looked to his side to see if Kitty had stuck around.
Kitty didnt have the 'sleep anywhere' skill Sammy had -- she sort of envied the way he was able to just fall asleep at any time. She had put on the television, quietly watching it with Dude as her boyfriends head rested on her. "Hey. Welcome back." She joked when  she realized he was awake. "Feel any better?"
Sammy smiled up at Kitty with squinting eyes and nodded as he continued to stretch. “Mhmm. Lot better.” He murmured and went up to kiss Kitty on the cheek. He sat up and pet Dude before turning back to look at Kitty again. “Imma go ahead and take a shower. Do you want to join?” He asked with a raised brow.
"Good idea... you smell like... a boy." Kitty scrunches her nose teasingly before nodding, "I should probably check the water pressure." She replies with a half smile. "Since you know, its been a while since I've been here." The girl gets up from the bed, stretching slightly as though she had just been asleep -- it was kind of exhausting doing nothing. "Come on, hot shot. Before you decide you need to sleep again."
Sammy laughed and and got off the bed, following her to the bathroom. His arms wrapped around her waist from behind as he kissed her shoulder. “I’ve miss you so so much.” He gave her a tight hug before he pulled away to remove his shirt and pants. Then he walked over to turn the water on, making sure it was at the right temperature before turning back to Kitty. “Ladies first.” He grinned
"Oh my gosh." She laughs at the arms suddenly embracing her tightly from behind. "I missed you too, weirdo." Kitty turns to him as he pulls away, her smile widening a little when his clothes come off -- she couldn't help it. "You're still a little good looking I see." She smirks and takes her own clothes off, not really caring about them falling to the ground messily. "That's very gentlemanly of you... also very 1950s." She steps into the warm water, and holds out her hand for Sammy and pulls him in with her. "Much better."
Sammy winked at her and joined her under the water. He lets the hot water collide against his back for a moment, letting out a soft groan of pleasure before he pulls Kitty under the stream with him. “How’s the water pressure?” He asked
Kitty presses her lips together and hums softly at the question, letting the water wet her hair and warm the rest of her body. "I give it an eight out of ten." She says with a simple nod, letting her hands glide  gently down Sammy's side idly as she talked. "The company is... slightly above average."
“Slightly above average, huh?” He raised a brow. “And what could said company do to make it better?” He asked with a bite to his lip as he admires the girl’s body, glistening under the water.
Kitty shrugs. "The company should come closer." She muses, her fingers lingering on his abs as she lifts her eyes to meet his. "And then the company should probably stop talking and start kissing me... sort of like kissing in the rain, but we're less likely to catch pneumonia which makes it way more romantic."
Sammy bit his lip as she spoke. His hands wandered to her waist and pulled her in close, her front touching his. He leaned down, his lips ghosted over hers and he nipped at them gently before he kissed her deeply.
Her eyes followed Sammy's movements, and she couldn't stop her heart from speeding up when his body became flush with hers. Her arms reach up to wrap around his shoulders, her fingers twirl into the back of his wet hair, and she happily let's herself melt in the feeling of his lips meeting hers. This was everything she didnt expect when she got out of bed this morning sure they were about to break up. Lost in the kiss, Kitty loses her balance for a second, stumbling on her own feet and falling back into the wall of the shower, pulling Sammy with her. "Sorry." She murmurs against him, a half smirk lighting her lips. "But I'm pleased to report the company has improved their score." She chews on her bottom lip and untangles her body from her boyfriend, pushing him back into the water stream playfully. "You're meant to be cleaning yourself." She says,  grabbing the body wash and throwing it at him. "You should really stop getting so distracted, babe."
Sammy yelped a bit and caught himself with one hand against the wall, laughing over the short girl. “It’s okay. You’re cute, so you get a pass.” He grins and raises a brow. “Ah, really?  What’s the score now?” He asked as he was pushed back into the water. He caught the bottle and nodded. “Alright, Alright.” He said pouring some on his hand and handing it back to her. “Get my back?” He asked as he turned away from her and soaped himself down.
"Company gets an eight out of ten." Anything higher would give the male way too much of an ego. She laughs softly and takes the bottle back from Sammy. "How did you even survive without me in LA for a month?" Kitty teases, pouring a small amount on her hands and rubbing her hands down his -- surprisingly toned -- back. "You know, I don't think I've ever seen you go to the gym and yet... You look like this." She shakes her head and uses the remaining soap on her own body, though she had showered earlier that day. "It's a miracle."
“Only an eight?” He questioned and laughed. “It was hard, had to get one of those scrubby things on a stick.” He grinned . Sammy actually went to the gym all the time, he enjoyed being active just as much as he liked settling down. “I go regularly, actually. Have a trainer and everything. This body is far from a miracle.” He chuckled softly as he finished washing his body.
"What a hassle." She chuckled slightly, rinsing the soap from her hands and her body. Kitty raised her eyebrows, "You do?" She looked up at Sammy curiously, and leaned her side against the wall. "I mean... of course you do." He was an actor, he'd be stupid not to. But sometimes it became super obvious to her how little time they've actually spent together since getting into a relationship. "Is your trainer hot?"
“Exactly.” He agreed with a smile,  “Yeah, at least a few times a week.” He shrugged and turned to look at Kitty. He rinsed off and got closer to the girl. “Eh, I mean I guess.” He answered, not really finding his trainer attractive but wanting to be nice about it.
"It's like I know nothing about you." She muses only half joking, her lips pressing together a little. "What other totally boring secrets are you keeping from me?" Kitty asks with a faint smile, her hand gliding over his chest as she moves past him and out of the shower. "You guess? So you dont know if they're hot... or you dont know if you want to tell me if they're hot?" She asks, avoiding eye contact as she reaches for a towel -- trying so hard not to sound like a jealous girlfriend.
“You know I’ll tell you anything you want to know. This just never came up.” He leans in to peck her lips before she escapes from him. “Secrets? You know all my secrets.” He muttered. He shook his head. “No, I mean he’s hot, conventionally. But I don’t really find him attractive.” He shrugged. “He’s also like 15 years older than me.” He chuckled.
"Please, you have no secrets." Kitty rolls her eyes, and uses the towel to dry herself before wrapping it around her and hooking it under her arms. "You're like... the most squeaky clean person I've ever met." She folds her arms in front of her and leans lazily against the wall, her wet hair still dripping down her back. "In fact it would almost make sense for you to be harboring a massive secret crush on your maybe-hot, mysterious, older personal trainer." She looks up at the tall brunette with a faint smile.
Sammy chuckled softly and shrugged at her words as he exited the shower after her, turning the water off. He walks up to her and presses her up against the wall with a raised brow. “Are you jealous?” He asked and leaned into kiss her temple. “You’re the only one I’m interested in. As cheesy as that sounds. I don’t want anyone else...”
Kitty huffs quietly, "I don't get jealous." She lies, her eyes lifting to his lips pressing against her head. "Okay. Fine... maybe a little. Dont make a thing of it." She pouts a little and reaches for his waist, ignoring the fact hes just wetting her towel more and pulls him closer. "It's cheesy... and I still want to see shirtless pics of this personal trainer of yours. I need to see all competition."
Sammy tilts his head and raises his brows again. “Oh, really?” He chuckled as she admitted her jealousy “You’re fucking cute.” He grinned into her hair. “I’m not sure I have any shirtless pics of him but I’ll link you to his Instagram.” He compromised with her. “Maybe you can come train with us sometime.” He smiled at her.
Kitty scrunches her nose, "I think I'll just stalk his insta. I don't really do gyms... There's only so long I can watch ego-driven men stand in front of a mirror flexing and being all like, 'do you even lift?'" She lowers her voice to try and imitate a dude's, shaking her head. "I'll stick to kick boxing and yoga." She leans in and kisses his chest softly before pushing him off her with one hand and passing him a towel. "Besides, I don't wanna invade your secret life." She teases.
Sammy threw his head back in laughter at her impression. “Seriously the cutest... we should do yoga sometime. Like couples yoga.” He mentioned as he took the towel from her, drying himself off. “Psh, you’re my girl. You get to know everything.” He smiled genuinely at her as he nodded towards the room where he was heading to. He looked through his closet, pulling on some boxers as he decided what to wear. “How casual are we going?”
Kitty hushed him, "Not cute, thankyouverymuch." She raised a brow at his mention of doing yoga together. Kitty had started yoga at the beginning of college -- something her roommate of two minutes suggested to help her "chill", the blonde went to prove a point and as much as she wanted to hate it, she just never stopped. "You... Samuel Hummel -- the sleepiest boy in the world -- wants to go to yoga?" She chuckles, and takes a seat on his bed. "Well, I have like, four, changes of clothes here so... We can go super casual, I'm talking sweatpants and a hoodie, which I think belongs to you anyway. We can do normal casual, or we can do slightly above casual." She lists off. "Or sexy and slutty. But that's probably more of a for-your-eyes-only outfit."
Sammy turned back to give her a quick kiss before returning to his closet to pull out some skinny joggers and a slightly oversized hoodie. “Normal casual? Sound good to you?” He asked the girl as he turned back to her and  began pulling his pants on. “Although, sexy and slutty sounds tempting.” He teased.
Kitty nods. "Normal casual works."  She finally gets up from the bed and moves over to the bag of clothes, grazing the back of Sammy's jeans  lightly with her fingers as she walks past. The bag is more like a heaped pile of her random belongings at this point -- and one of Dude's toy which the pup has deemed to now belong to her. She sort of just moves things around until she puts her hands on a skirt and a sweater, shrugging to herself that it would do. "The sexy and slutty isn't totally off the table." She winks as the towel drops to the ground and she starts to get herself changed.
Sammy grinned at her touch and watched as she leaned over to dig through her bag. He tossed his hoodie on and sat at the edge of the bed. “Unfortunately I don’t have a pair of booty shorts that go with this hoodie. He teased with a chuckle. “You know... I can clear up a drawer for you to put your stuff in while you’re here if you want... just so you don’t have to have it all in the bag.” He offered
"That's so disappointing." She jokes, turning to face Sammy with a smirk. "It's okay." Kitty shrugs at the suggestion of the draw. "I'm sort of a pro at living out of bags at this point, and even if I wasn't I'm moving soon so it's not like i'll spend a lot of time here." She smiled thankfully at him. "That's just creating way more work for yourself." She slides the sweater in over her head and flicks her hair so it's sitting on the outside. "Besides, where is Dude going to take all the toys he wants to give me when I'm not around if this bag is gone?" She leans over picking up a small soft toy and throwing it at Sammy. "I just need to dry my hair, and make myself even hotter than I already am." Kitty muses, kissing Sammy's cheek quickly as she moved past him and into the bathroom.
Sammy shrugged. “I don’t mind the work.” He told her. Even if she said no, he still planned on clearing some space for her, for the short time being. He chuckled at the girl as he dodges the toy. “That’s impossible. You’re the hottest already.” He grinned .
later that night 
Kitty stumbled back into Sammy’s apartment, reaching out to grab his shoulder to steady herself as she took off her shoes. Finally.  “I’m hungry. “ She mumbled, not really thinking about what she was saying. Somewhere between the wine and tequila, Kitty had lost track of her words. The alcohol not only warmed her body enough to forget about the fact that it was freezing outside and she probably didn’t have enough clothes on, but also helped her forget about the paparazzi and fans wanting to climb up on her boyfriend. She had clung to the tall brunette all night, not caring who was around to see and paying zero attention to anyone else trying to steal away Sammy. “Duuuudeee.” She calls out to the puppy, grinning when he emerged from the bedroom. “Hey!” She picks up the growing pup into her arms and pats his head before looking back up at Sammy. “I feel bad we left him and brought him nothing back... You should see if they uber dog treats. Or puppy wine.”
Sammy stumbled in behind her with a smile. “I’ll order the ‘Za!” He yelled across the room as he booked it to the kitchen to look for the number of the 24hour pizza place. He peeked out of the kitchen and chuckled “I think that’s possible?” He asked confused, disappearing back into the kitchen and emerging with the paper with the phone number, his phone in the other hand, dialing.
"You know there are apps for that, right?" Kitty smirks, letting Dude down from her arms and tugging at her boyfriend's shirt so he would follow her to the living room. "You know, I kinda like New York." She muses, sitting down on the couch and folding her legs off to the side of her. "Because it's where I met you." Kitty reaches out for Sammy to sit next to her, not bothered by how cliche the words that just came out of her mouth were. "My life would sort of suck without you." She furrowed her eyebrows for a second. "Well that's not entirely true, but, like, it wouldn't be the same. And I wouldn't be getting pizza soon.  Which is a massive bonus." She laughs happily, pressing  kiss to Sammy's cheek.
“Uh, yeah but this is the best pizza.” He replied as he followed her to the couch, still on the phone. He waited for them to answer and smiled at the girl making the gushy comments. “I love you.” He whispered before the person on the other line answered. “Uh, yeah, can I get a..... meat lovers with extra cheese... large. And umm... cheese sticks with marinara. Ooh also you guys have spaghetti? Mhm. Yeah an order of that...” he proceeded and gave them the address. After hanging up he turned his attention back to Kitty and rushed his lips to the exposed skin on her neck. “Pizza will be here in 25 minutes.” He whispered.
"You got spaghetti? Who orders spaghetti with pizza, you weirdo." Kitty chuckles, grinning at the feeling of electricity spreading around the spot on her neck with the impact of his lips. "I love you so much." She murmurs and turns her body slightly to face Sammy on the couch. "Thank you for coming out tonight." Her fingers trace shapes idly on his thighs, and she can't stop herself from smiling tonight. "But we should just stay here for the rest of our lives... in this apartment. We're cooler than everyone else anyway."
Sammy frowned. “I like spaghetti.” He pecked her lips and smiled again. He pulled her closer, bringing her on his lap. “Thank you for being awesome.” He chuckled. “We should move in together, in LA. It would be so cool. I would get to see you every single day... I would love that.” He sighed and leaned in for another kiss.
"Like... living together together." Kitty says the words out loud, nodding as she thought it through for all of about a second.  She wraps her arms around his shoulders. "Are you serious?"  She asks, a smile lighting her lips. "Because I'll totally live with you. It means I get to see you everyday, and I reeally like seeing you. Like... everything is better when I see you. So." She shrugs. "We should live together."
“Together, together.” He nodded “it’ll be you and me and Dude and we can even get an apartment with two rooms so Marley can come visit or whoever... it’ll be so great.” He mused with a big cheesy smile. Just the thought of living with the woman he loved made him so happy. “I wanna be with you forever and ever.”
"It has to have two rooms." She says adamantly. "Because I love you, like... more than I love coffee, and pizza, and tmz, and trashy reality television combined. But I like Marley more." She teases, rubbing her nose lightly against his. "And I can't be anywhere without a bed for her." Kitty grins at his next words -- it was probably the alcohol (it was definitely the alcohol), but right now planning forever with this man didn't seem like the scariest thing in the world. In fact not spending forever with him scared her a lot more. "Forever's a really long time, babe. You don't think you'll get bored?"
Sammy nodded along with what Kitty said “Of course.” He agreed with her. And he didn’t mind it one bit. He loved that Kitty had someone who was there for her besides himself. He almost envied their friendship but in the best way. He leaned into her and kisses her again. “Me? Get bored of you? I could never ever ever. You’re everything.”
Kitty leans into his kiss like it was the easiest thing her lips have ever done, not able to stop herself from giggling softly against them. All she wanted to do was be close to Sammy right now, she wanted to kiss him and be in his arms and never leave.  Maybe it was too soon to move in, and maybe in the morning she'd get cold feet, but right now she was being honest with herself. And honestly? There wasn't a night she went to bed and didn't wish he and Dude were with her. "You're perfect." She whispers, her fingers twirling into his perfectly messy hair. "And sexy, and smart, and sweet, and stupidly funny." She smiles, blissfully happy. "And we can spend forever together making everyone insanely jealous of us." She purses her lips together, suddenly remembering her non existent domestic skills. "But I can't cook, babe."
Sammy blushed at her comments. It was rare when Kitty complimented him like that and it was nice. He liked it a lot more than he’d care to admit. He leaned his head against hers bashfully, hiding the redness in his cheeks. ��You’re too good to me.” He told her and pressed his lips to her neck once again. “Forever.” he repeated and nodded “that’s okay. We can order pizza and eat cereal and sandwiches and drink coffee.” He assures her.
Kitty laughs, "I'm really not, baby." Even drunk, she knew Sammy probably deserved someone who was a lot more... like him. Everything about them was her opposite, down to and including the way they communicated. "But I'm adorable so it makes up for it." She says grinning and leaning in to press small kisses along his jaw line and down the crook of his neck. "Good. Because you're mine." She murmurs against his skin with a smile. "I'm keeping you. And I'll fight alllll the bitches." She jokes (kinda) as she pulls away from him. "Foooood." The blonde grumbles, remembering at the topic of food that once upon a time a million years ago they ordered pizza. "I'm hungry... And I want to fuck you. But super hungry."
“You are even if you won’t admit it.” He nuzzled into her face. “All of them?” He asked with a chuckle. He was about to answer her about the food when he heard the knock at his door. “It’s here!!!” He yelled out and pushed Kitty down on the couch, hovering over her briefly and pressing a kiss to her lips before getting up and pulling his wallet out of his pocket, stumbling just a tad as he reached the door. He paid the man at the door, leaving him a big tip and returned to kitty, balancing the boxes in his arms. He placed everything down on the coffee table and smiled at the girl. “Let’s feast.”
Kitty mouth opened excitedly when she heard the knock on the door, "Finally!" She grins, a small shriek leaving her lips as she's pushed back onto the couch.  "Don't be long." She breathes against his lips before Sammy disappears to get the food. She finds herself looking up at the ceiling for a moment, listening with a smile to the small polite conversation Sammy was having with the delivery man. He was so nice. Too nice. How did someone so nice end up with her?  "You're my knight with shining pizza." Kitty muses, sitting up and watching the world wobble for a second as she did. The food smelt amazing and God, she needed it so badly -- all her stomach could feel right now were the tequila shots she'd taken before deciding to come home.  "Is pizza good for dogs?" She asks, opening up the box and pulling out a slice of pizza, glancing over at their puppy.
Sammy tilted his head to the side in thought about the pizza and looked over at the dog. “I think it might upset his tummy if we give him pizza.” Sammy said as he took a bite of the slice with a moan. He then put the slice down moving on to the container with the spaghetti and grabbed the plastic fork digging in.
Kitty pouts and mouths to Dude that she's sorry. "We're bad dog parents... and not just because we called him dude." She slides down off the couch and onto the floor -- not entirely intentionally, but at least this way she was closer to the food. "Do you remember when we first got pizza? After you lured me into your apartment with the promise of a blanket fort." She laughs at the memory of the sad stack pile of pillows on the floor. "Also our first time." She leans her head back against the couch and looks to Sammy with a loving smile. "You have no idea how much I love you... also you have sauce on your face."
Sammy shook his head “Youre a better dog mom than me.” He pouted. “We should give dude a middle name.” He watches the girl slide down the couch on to the floor with a smile and nods. “It was the best I could do. I think it was pretty good.” He said confidently with a cheesy grin. Sammy leans down and kisses the girl and then rubs his face on hers, smearing the sauce on her face too. “I love you more. Now you have sauce on your face.”
"Well obviously. You're a dog dad." She teases, raising an eyebrow at Sammy. "We should totally give him a middle name!" Kitty says probably over-enthusiastically. "It has to be something strong. Just incase he becomes doggy president or something and we need the other dogs to take him seriously." The girl was slightly over protective of Dude, but she really never imagined shed love a dog so damm much. "Oh my God." She laughs loudly, scrunching her nose and pulling on Sammy's shirt to pull him back down to her lips. "You're very annoying." She chuckles, leaning up to nibble on his lower lip lightly.
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iamsonyeondone · 6 years
heir! seventeen // yoon jeonghan
♥ fluffy!! and sum angst
♥ 2.1k words
♥ summary: being yoon jeonghan’s deskmate has its pros and cons but what happens when the cons outweigh nearly everything?
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yoon jeonghan; the heir to a large conglomerate group and also one of THE most good-looking heirs in the entire of Pledis High
everyone likes to assume that he lives such a picture perfect life because, he looks perfect?? every moment of the day??
the students in his class even tried to take an unglam photo of him before whenever he takes his naps between classes, and all of them turn out so photogenic
even his group of friends advice them to give up because in all of their 7 years knowing him, there has never been a time when he looked remotely ugly
jeonghan will give them hell if they exposed him lmao
he actually does pretty well in school, rarely failing any of his exams or tests and most of the time, if he ever did, it was because he missed class for a photoshoot
other than that, he's practically a perfect dreamboat that everyone envies and swoons over because bOi if you dont have either one of these emotions around him, there's something wrong with you
and thats what your friends always tell you
"are you sure your heart doesnt flutter when you see him?"
"uhh hh no?? i mean, he's pretty but my heart doesn't skip a beat or anything,"
"sometimes i wonder why we're even friends,"
"hEY :(("
sO why weren't you attracted to this man who's been sculptured meticulously by the gods??? you don't know either lmao
you were more focused on becoming a good example to your little siblings so that when you take over your father's insurance company as the chairperson, you'd be more than prepared
and as the new semester began, you went to your first class in accounting and scrolled through your phone as you waited
students rushed in at the very last minute, some still sneaking a few bites for breakfast before your teacher walked in to begin roll call
"Jeonghan?? Yoon Jeonghan?"
" he went off for another photoshoot, sir" Joshua replied while your classmates began murmuring about who knows what
"I've already planned seating arrangements so please check it in front and go to your seats. we'll begin class in 5,"
and as you walk up to the front, everyone was murmuring as always but this time, their eyes bore holes through your soul
wtH is goinG On?? until you look towards the piece of paper and see none other than THE yoon jeonghan having a seat next to you
and his friend, Joshua, pats your back and youre just like????
"so you're his deskmate for this class? take care of him well, yeah?" Joshua flashes a friendly yet devious smile before everyone was shooed by the teacher to take their seats
and you swear to yourself because you can feel every pair of eyes in the room staring holes through your head
and you're just silently cursing because you didnt ask for this!! :((
and being the sweet deskmate that you were, you ensured jeonghan had his own set of notes prepared before you went to your next class
but even before you could step outside, you were dragged back into the room, a group of girls hovering you with fire in their eyes
wtF??? is it what you think they're gonna do??? because you can merely pack a punch
and one of them steps up in front of you, a face that seemed familiar, and by the way the other girls stepped aside for her to 'shine' in front of you with her excessive jewellery, you just new she was the leader of a jeonghan cult
"let me say this just once, lay a finger on my hannie and i'll make sure your parent's business will be destroyed and unrepairable,"
she was hissing at you with her disgustingly pearly white teeth and her well-manicured nails digging through your cheeks
and you have to admit, this evil aura around this classmate of yours is really terrifying you
to the point where your knees were turning into jelly and that your fingers were desperately clinging onto the desk behind you to balance yourself
saved by the bell, she scoffed at you, swaying her hips as her minions followed her trail
and with a deep and shaky sigh, you gather your things for next period, which you would be inevitably late to
"there's always something wrong when you play with your food, (y/n). you always try to gorge it down even when you can't," your best friend, Kyulkyung, tilts her head as she sips on her drink
"It's nothing, really"
"the last time you said ‘it was nothing’ was when someone put bricks into your bag and stole all your notes. don't even try to 'it's nothing' us," as Minghao lays his tray on the table and takes a seat beside you
and then your walls start to collapse and tears threaten to spill
after taking a closer look at you, Minghao gasps in horror, grabbing your face gently towards him as he inspects the dents in your cheeks, flesh tearing
and Kyulkung and Minghao was ready to fight whoever did that to you, especially with how defeated and afraid you looked
"Don't. she's my classmate and her father is my parent's sponsor. If we do anything to hurt her, it's the end for me, for my family,"
and they understood your decisions
but that didn't mean that they wouldn't do anything about it
from that day onwards, they would always walk you to class, and wait outside your classroom whenever they ended – your safety being their top priority
and during this period of time, jeonghan notices
i mean,,, how could he not notice the way you passed him his set of notes you wrote for him that day so sneakily and the fact that you always try to avoid a n y of his questions
"hey (y/n), do you know-"
"sorry, i don't," you reply, whiLE you're doing the said question with much ease
and it feels like something is driving you away from this specific lesson, the only lesson you had with him
and he takes it as you're trying to avoid him
and he's been nothing but polite to you ever since he appeared for the next lesson after that photoshoot
and he's just so??? confused??
so on the next lesson when the teacher was about to wrap up, jeonghan was already packing his bag, ready to intercept
while your two best friends watched out for you outside the classroom
and just as the teacher announced that class was dismissed, jeonghan grabs you by the wrist and you tense up
to the point that you couldn't even react to the situation and simply just,, stood there
and you could feel the pairs of eyes in the room staring through you yet again and you just want to disappear, hoping if you closed your eyes tight enough that time would rewind
but that was impossible
"(y/n), I'm sorry if this is sudden but I just want to know if I did anything to piss you off,"
and with that little courage you had left, you looked around the room
a grave mistake
the one and only Miss Kim, the leader of the Jeonghan Cult, is staring right back at you, her arms folded while her lips formed into a tight-lipped frown
and you stiffen even more, jeonghan noticing the change in your behaviour as he connected the dots, glancing between you and her
without another word, you were dragged out by none other than jeonghan himself and for a second you almost trip from the anxiety and the nervousness bubbling inside you
and your best friends stood there in shock, jaws hitting the floor as their eyes followed your figure running down the hall with mr yoon
"do they think it's a damn kdrama?" Minghao muttered, in disbelief with the way that you guys were attracting attention from left and right
"oh shut up, (y/n) hasn't had any romance in their life for years," rUdE kyulkung
and as you were running through the hallway with Jeonghan, your heart beat is racing through your chest and if it weren't for his strong grip around your wrist, you would have probably let your fatigue consume you
the both of you pant, leaning against the wall while you slid down onto the floor legs too tired to function
"someone's threatening you, right?" was the first words that tumble out from his mouth
and you couldn't rub off the chill running down your spine while you hung your head low, away from him
"if it's because of Kim Areum, I'm very sorry. This isn't the first time that she's done it," he sigh, plopping down next to you
why was he apologizing? it wasn't his fault and neither did he intend for her to do this, or at least that's what you know of
maybe it was the adrenaline still rushing through your vines
or the stress being unbearable for you to handle
but you began spilling words without knowing
"why the fuck are you apologizing for? it's not like you planned all this right? this isn't the first time for me to deal with this people either, so i can handle myself,"
"you can tell yourself that but i won't let someone like you get pushed down for nothing,"
"someone like me? what do you even mean-"
"can't you tell that I like you, (y/n)?"
OOOooooOoo shit's bout to go down
and your head shot up towards you, nearly giving you whiplash as you lips part to talk, but to no avail
but jeonghan avoids your eyes, chuckling to himself as he ran his hand through his hair
"w-when??" was all you could muster as you anxiously waited his reply
"i don't know, maybe ever since sophomore year?"
and bOI LET ME TELL YOU this guy right here always found you intriguing since the first time he saw you during a volleyball game between your school and another neighborhood school
he was there to support one of his best friends while you were probably doing the same, except your energy was beyond his
seeing you cheer the loudest with your other two friends, holding banners and having paint on your cheeks as if you become a completely different person compared to your quiet and calm personality in school
and he was amazed that you actually had something more than just the quiet girl in his school
you were more than people assumed you to be and oh my god, jeonghan wanted to see that side of you even more, to see you be yourself than hide yourself in your little shell
he didn't know why he did nor did he realize the pounding of his heart when he saw you with that wide grin plastered on your face during that volleyball game
but as what his parents advised him to do was to, "follow his heart,"
that was so foking cheesy please excuse me while i shut myself in a corner
and here he was confessing to his long time crush while the both of you sat side by side, having an actual conversation besides the short yes and no's you would give him in class
"i never knew you felt that way about me," you mumbled, bringing your knees closer to your body while you attempted to hide the pink hues rising onto your cheeks
“But now you do, and I’ll do anything I can to stop Areum. Anything for you,” he mumbled while your heart is pounding through your ears 
“T-That sounds nice and everything b-but-”
you didn’t know how to react, to the fact that one of the most popular men in this school liked little old you
but to him, you weren’t plain, or boring or anything you assumed yourself to be
because he can never forget the gorgeous smile plastered on your face that day, no matter how long ago it was, he still found you as beautiful now
“Why don’t we find a compromise. I’ll find a non-harmful way to get Areum off your back and... you go on a date with me. Sounds good?”
You couldn’t ignore the heat rising in your cheeks even if you tried and with a hesitant nod, jeonghan took your hand gently in his and planted a soft kiss
“You better not forget our date okay, princess?”
let’s just say jeonghan broke some of the rules, sneaked a little here and there and snitched Areum by telling on her to her parents, nearly getting her pulled out of the school for his safety and others
but you had to admit, that date with him was pretty fun wink WOnk
and maybe because he finally managed to steal your heart uwu
A/N: this is longer than i expected :O also i should probably write for the other groups because i’ve only written for svt for the past 2 months OOPS hope you guys enjoyed it anyway ^^
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banesbottombitch · 7 years
Headcannons of the bowers gang as single parents?🤔 btw, love your writing!
Fuck it, lets do this. I’ve got so many feelings about this. For disclaimers sake, the boys are 20-25, so college age. This is long.
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Henry “You are my Sunshine but you’re also a Pain” Bowers
First of all, he was’t ready. Nothing prepared him to end up alone, with a baby that was his newest and most precious responsibility.
The mothers either DIED, or straight up left the baby in his arms and was  like “your problem now” either way, he does not consider adoption. 
Called Vic first, actually crying, because how the fuck does he do better for this kid than his dad did for him? He has no idea how to nurture, to care, to help something grow and thrive. He confesses his fears, and Vic gets Belch and the three of them drive to the closest department store, picking out baby shit.
Has no idea how bottles work. Gets the cheapest kind possible, and is so upset when the baby wont drink from them (texture might be off, his dumb ass didnt warm the milk, his dumb ass gave the baby COWS MILK, the list goes on) and screeches in frustration when they leak because, yet again, he got the cheapest fuckers possible
He’d be out of his dads house by this time, probably college age (about 20-25) but he has made a point to not let his dad know of his child’s existence, because lets face it, Butch would wanna see his grandkid (especially if its a boy). So, Henry keeps the information that he’s a new dad on lock down
Calls Mama Huggins weekly for advice, and actively looks at parenting hacks online. He’s trying his best to be a good dad, and would take extra shifts for work to make ends meet. His kid would probably go into daycare sometimes, but he doesnt like leaving them with strangers and just tries to get one of the guys (or Mama Huggins) to take them for a few hours.
Uses his kid as a chick magnet. Goes to parks and hits on the single moms while he helps his toddler roam around. Gets a lot of ass because of this, since he comes off as a very caring dad (he is, surprisingly).
Dresses his baby girl up like bad asses. His daughter wears his old bandanna with her princess outfit (claiming she is a cowgirl princess, because of course she is) or gets a jean vest with decently kid friendly patches on it, and parades her around when he gets the chance. Insanely protective of her, and follows her when she plays at the park and later as she gets older, he makes her text him where she is at all times. Low key helicopter dad. The type of dad to clean a gun in front of her new boyfriend, 11/10.
 His son’s hair gets styled into a fohawk daily and he’s encouraged to wear cool printed shirts his uncles (the rest of the gang) get him that have various metal bands on them and stuff. Teaches him sports, and drags him along to baseball games when he can. Was a bit torn when he heard his son was causing trouble in school, but decides that he cant have his kid doing the same shit he did and nips the bullying in the bud. His son got his temper, and it upsets Henry sometimes how easy it is for them to snap at each other once he gets older.
Takes his kid fishing, hiking, rides on motorcycles, ect. Lots of out door activities. His favorite is to take his kid out fishing, because they’re TRAPPED with him and he gets to spend the day with his mini-me, making crappy jokes and teaching them how to do proper techniques, like he always wished his dad would have done with him.
Gets really stern with his kid though. Takes no fucking bullshit from them, and lives the line “because I said so”, expecting his kid to listen. He loves them, he would NEVER raise a hand to them, but he’s not above a sit down and heavy glare if they mouth off to him or act up in public.
Lives his life better to make his kid’s life better. Goes to anger management if he thinks he’s starting to emulate Butch, and he’s explained to his kid why they’re so distant from his family. Doesn’t articulate what Butch has done to him, but makes it a point to focus on the fact that they Do. Not. Talk. To. Butch.
Makes a point to take his kid to school every day. Tells his kid how much he loves them. They do not go a day without a clap on the shoulder and a small little smile that he wears just for them.
He was a little shocked when he ended up with a baby. Dazed, confused. He just sat there with this bundle, all soft and small, and held them close. He didn’t know what to do, but does anyone when they become a single parent without word?
If his s/o died, he would be heart broken, but pull through for the kid. If his s/o dumped the baby on him and ran, he’d be fucking furious and vow to never let them within arms reach of HIS child.
The best at easing into parenthood. He told his mama that adoption wasn’t an option, and that he was going to take care of the baby. “I can do it,” he told her, “I’m a man, and men take care of their kids.”
Mama Huggins is overjoyed to be a grandma, even if she claims shes a little young to start being called Nannie, but she spoils that baby rotten. Reggie has to fight to keep her from buying the kid so many different outfits, as she goes overboard and buys too many, and they grow out of them before they can even be tried on.
Leaves the kid with his mom to work, which is fine for Mama Huggins, but Reggie feels like he’s ghosting his kid when he does it. So he works harder and advances in his career as much as possible, wanting to get to  place where he can maybe get extra days off to be with his kid.
Wakes up early to make them breakfast. Every morning he sits down with them, from infancy till they leave his house (read as, his moms, he never moves out lets be real). He wakes them up gently, or flicks on the lights and heaves a great big “UP AND AT ‘EM, KIDDO!” But its all with love.
Doesnt seem interested in dating for the most part, but ends up meeting someone with kids at some point in time, and is happy to have his kid get a new sibling. He always wanted one himself.
Gives in too easily if his kids misbehave. If they cry, it HURTS him, and he just lets them do as they please. Had to nip this in the bud before they got into school though, because he wasn’t going to deal with a spoiled brat for 12+ years.
Straps his kid into the backseat of the Trans-Am, and has a Dad Bag under the seats for bottles, toys, and general baby shit. Patrick likes playing peek a boo with his kid, and Vic only complains a little bit of he has  to feed the baby.
Stops going out with the guys, and is worried that it will dampen his relationship with them It doesnt, they just start  coming over to his house and hanging out. Henry was scared to hold the baby at first, but Reggie eased him into it, and now Henry’s the first one to grab the nugget and bounce them on his knee to calm them down.
If he had a daughter, jesus christ. Jesus H Christ. His most precious gem, his princess, the light of his life. He spends free time doing tea parties, letting her “help” him with fixing Amy, and lets her run wild in the neighborhood. She is fierce, she is the wilderness- NO, HONEY, DONT PICK THAT SNAKE UP PLEASE- DROP IT. DROP IT. NO, DONT ARGUE WITH DADDY. DROP IT!
His son would have a very healthy and loving relationship with him. Everything is open for discussion, and he tries to lead his son into a better light than bullying or the like. Lots of sundays are spent in the front yard, tossing around a football while his son asks the craziest, but most wonderful shit he has ever heard. “Dad, whys girls gotta be so.. weird?” “Dad, do you think Luke Skywalker would have been cooler if he was a sith?” “Dad, if we die, do we meet god, or do we gotta wait in line with our guardian angel?” Loves his boy, cherishes him. He can do no wrong.
Goes to every single parent/teacher conference, and puffs up in pride when they praise his kid. Because, of course they’re praising them! He raised them right!
Victor “Pinterest saved my life” Criss
Legit hid the baby from his parents/bros for a good week before he ran out of excuses as to why they hadn’t seen him for days. He’s at a loss of what to do, and considers adoption. He isnt a paternal guy. he thinks, this wont work out.
Already moved out, like, come on. He’s a rich boy, his parents set him up in a nice apartment/condo in Bangor for school.
If his s/o was still alive, he’d have given the baby back to them. This only works if they ghosted town, or are dead. Otherwise, he’d have been like “fuck no”
Finally figures he’ll give fatherhood a shot, and quickly realizes how much he did NOT bargain for.
Reggie turned up to help one day with Vic holding his baby and sobbing back at the baby while it shrieked and squirmed, the poor guy having no idea what to do. Vic was escorted to the bedroom, and given a nap whole Belch attempted to get the baby to sleep.
Buys all the nicest shit the baby could ever need or want. Lots of sleepless nights are spent with him rocking his baby and scanning amazon, thinking that yet another Sophie the Giraffe is exactly what his demon spawn needs to keep from sobbing through the night
Turns to online archives and pinterest for advice, and slowly becomes a better dad. Lots of trial and error, trips to the emergency room from Patrick convincing a half-dead Vic that his baby’s cough is from the baby black plague, and some angry sobbing of his own leads to a decent routine that makes him and his kiddo happy.
Instagrams his kid, because to be fair, he made a gorgeous baby. Sends lots of photos of the kid to the guys, and Patrick uses some of the most unflattering ones as reaction memes, because he is a dick. Vic has laughed at them, despite being furious Patrick would dare to make his baby a meme.
Literally cried when his kid called him “Dada” for the first time. On the floor. Sobbing. He called Reggie and made him come over. Henry and Patrick came around and tried to get the bay to say swears. They got them to say “sheet” which is pretty close to “shit” so they called it a win.
Throws the biggest birthday parties for his kid. Confetti? Everywhere. Cake? Three layers and professionally made. Presents? Out of this world.
Most stylish child of the group’s kids. Sunglasses, designer clothes. That kid dresses better than you do by the time they’re five. They own it too, and flaunt it for the camera, because Vic takes 89,005,467 photos of his child on the daily.
Taught his kid Beastie Boys songs, and there are videos of his kid rapping along to “Intergalactic”. Vic is so proud of his kid.
Friend dad. Has a hard time punishing his kid if they do something wrong, and sometimes makes up for his own mistakes (raising his voice, getting to upset) by giving them gifts. Its not an amazing system, but his kid is humble…ish.
Having a daughter, that boy is her best friend. She can tell him anything, it wont phase him. Willingly talks about boys, clothes, music. Loves to take her to the park and watch her knock the boys down a peg or two. she inherits his sharp tongue, and its scary how fast she goes from 1 to 101. Blunt child, that one.
A boy? Vic’s son is given the coolest shit, there is no need for want with this boy. Probably some awful mix of fuck boy and wanna be rapper, but Vic loves him anyhow. Shows him off to the gang CONSTANTLY, and shows up in almost matching outfits without realizing it. Its cringey, but it could be worse. Teaches him how to throw a punch and encourages him to kick ass if people step up against him.
Puts his kid in after school tutoring, and thinks bonding time is shopping or watching TV together. Fills their schedules with sports, dance, and music. Expects a lot out of them, academically.
Loves his kid, even if they’re being an asshole, not matter what.
Patrick “You’re Demon Spawn and I adore that” Hockstetter
Was not here for this dad shit. Considered chucking the baby into the system, and would have done it too, if his mother had’t made him face the music.
Total “This is what you get for having unprotected sex, Patrick” rant from her. It ended with him being forced with a baby and his mother’s watchful eye on him. Shes not going to have another Avery on her hands.
Hates the baby the first few MONTHS. No love. Nothing there. Lets it cry itself hoarse, barely remembers to feed it, the type to forget an infant in a shopping market. Considers the possibility of it being real, since it came from him in one way or another, and feels a little threatened.
Drops the baby off with his parents 99% of the time. the 1% is when his parents force the baby back with him.
The first time he feels a little something for the kid is after getting them back from his parents and sitting in his apartment, with him screaming at the kid to shut the fuck up, (the baby is sobbing, lets be real) and they just stop. Right then and there, silence. 
They lock eyes, and Patrick swears he sees a flash of something behind their little baby eyes, almost as if they are betrayed he’d treat them that way, before they quietly sniffle. And then Patrick Hockstetter, the man, the myth, the self proclaimed Literal Satan, feels guilt for the first time.
He picks them up and calms himself down, bouncing them on his hip and softly talks to them. No hate, no love really, just apathetic words that a baby couldnt understand. He does that for hours, until the baby is sleeping, and even then he keeps going. Pours out every thought he’s ever had to this little version of him, and the next time he puts them in their crib, he does so gently. 
Lowering them down and tucking a blanket in around them. He decides they’re worth something to him that day, and everyone in his life see a drastic turn in his reactions towards his child.
Kind of a distant dad, but his kid knows that Patrick is their father and that he, yes, loves them. He’ll still drop his kid off with his parents sometimes on weekends, but as the kid grows up and he starts seeing more and more of himself in them, he’d be more attentive.
Goes on philosophical rants with his kid, and expects them to keep up. Raises his kid to question everything, and they grow up almost just as creepy and weird as him. He’s proud that they’re a little freaky, otherwise he’d be worried they weren’t his.
Patrick wouldn’t do too well with a daughter. He’d make it work, but there would be some issues. He has no idea what common ground to go off from, and would force his daughter to be more tom boyish and enjoy the same shit he does. Wouldn’t care if she was a bully in school, actually encourages it. Hands her cash, shares his weed stash with her once she’s older, and bids her good day. Doesnt see reason to punish her for misbehaving hopes she doesn’t end up dead in a ditch somewhere from her smart mouth. Grades are the least of his concerns. Will kill anyone who hurts his daughter though, and makes good on his threats too.
Patrick thrives with a son. A mini-me, that is almost indistinguishable from himself. Same creepy little smile, same predatory tilt of the shoulders and with eyes that pierce your damn soul. Praises his son to the high heavens, calls the boy a genius, and 100% thinks of him to be the Jesus to his God, if you feel me. The promised one, type of shit. Think of a young Trick from Black Mirror, and thats the kind of son Patrick hopes to have, if not MORE edgy.
Halloween is his favorite holiday as a dad, because he takes his kid out and scares the shit out of other children and teaches them to steal the candy.
The family photo of him and his kid is them out with the gang, with his kid (about 7) wearing his jacket by a bonfire and flipping the camera off, him squatting beside them and doing the same damn thing with the biggest shit eating grin. Ah. Parenting. Patrick’s a natural.
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cloudidiot · 6 years
okay, so you know how i said she didn’t wake up in awhile...yeah by that i meant almost a year. but hey, she isnt dead. (or is she????) im joking. okay but before we get to Zeta waking up, let me say a few things. 1) Tilith, Seria, and Karl all stayed with Zeta through all of this. But most of the time they were quiet, just waiting to see if she had woken up. 2) if you’ve see the BF2 art work for everyone (except Tilith) then at this point, i feel like they would already have the armor/clothes that they have in those pictures. ok that’s all.
So the day she had woken up, some of the people that knew she was in a coma, were starting to lose hope about her waking up. but they kept on believing because Tilith kept on telling them that she WILL wake up soon. so they kept on waiting of course because who wants to make a goddess cry????
either way, it was the usual quietness that was in the room, Seria and Tilth on one side, and Karl on the other. of course they didn’t have anything to talk about so they all just sat there, waiting for any signs of movement. and after awhile, it was about time for them to go get food for themselves (because they don’t want to starve) when they heard some weird noise. they all looked confused until they realized that is was coming from Zeta, who was just now starting to wake up. Tilith quickly went back to Zeta’s side, followed by the other two as well. they waited to see what would happen, and after a few moments of silence, Zeta finally said something.
what did she say??? here’s your answer: ow. yup, that was the first thing she said in almost a year, but it made Tilith break down because !!!! HER DEAR SUMMONER WAS FINALLY AWAKE AFTER SO LONG!!!! Tilith was too happy that she ended up hugging Zeta so hard, that it made her yell out. now that REALLY woke her up. Zeta was a little confused as to why Tilith was hugging her so hard and crying at the same time, and she was about to say another thing before she saw Seria and Karl’s reactions. Seria was on the verge of tears (because we all know that she does have a caring heart) while Karl...had this face of relief. Seria then started to yell at Zeta telling her why she didn’t wake up sooner, which made Zeta go ?????? in her mind.
She was still confused because 1) Tilith was a mess right now, 2) Seria is asking as to why she didnt wake up sooner, and 3) Karl didnt say a word at all. She was even confused as to WHY he was even there in the first place (still thinking that he had rejected her before the attack). Infact, she almost didn’t want to look at him, but she knew that she would still have to explain a few things, but she didn’t want tondo that while Seria and Tilith were in the room. So after about, an hour of just listening to Tilth cry and Seria yelling, they both stopped what they were doing amd finally told Zeta about what they ment. They told her that from the fact that she used her powers AND took the full attack from the moster, she ended up in a coma for almost a year. After thinking about what they just told her, she thanked them for telling her, because her coma just felt like she was taking a really long nap to her. At this point, she told them if they clould get her any food, since she hasn’t really eaten anything in awhile. Tilith REALLY didn’t want to leave Zeta after she had just woken up, but Seria forced her to come with her to go get food for everyone, and so they left the room.
which meant that only 2 people were in left in the room.
Zeta was the first one to talk, saying that she apologizes for what she did. for taking on the attack....and for telling him how she truly felt. She goes on by saying that is was fine for him to reject her, thinking that he never wanted to be with her in the first place. after saying that, she couldn’t handle it, and broke down, letting her emotions and insecurities take over. She kept on apologizing and apologizing, and she didn’t know what was going on. Until she heard him speak. Karl was asking her why she was apologizing so much if she didn’t do anything wrong. This made her go silent, but he still continued on. He told her that he was grateful that she protected him, for still being alive, for still being the friend that he knows so well. This made her stop crying, and it even helped her calm down a little. But the last things he said to her were the things that really made her stop.
He told her that he was thankful that she had those feelings for him....because he didn’t know if she felt the same way about him that he did of her. This almost caused Zeta to stop breathing for a few seconds, until Karl told her that he would’ve told her if it wasn’t for the monster that tried to attack him. Zeta was about to ask if he was joking, but before she could say that, he stopped her and told her that none of what he was saying was a joke.
When he said that....she actually broke down crying again, which made him get worried. But she told him she was fine, the only reason she was crying was because of how happy she was feeling. She was so scared about the fact of being rejected by one of the few people she fully trusts, only to find out that she was worrying over nothing. It even made her laugh at that fact, which also caused him to laugh as well. but then she suddenly stopped because she remembered that she was still pretty sore, even if the wounds were healed. This made him stop to se if she was alright. And from there on out, Zeta never felt happier in all her life than in that moment of finally waking up and knowing the truth about the one person she loved.
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serahne · 7 years
79 or 75 with Komahina please :> ((Also don't be restless ;; take a rest sometimes
Thanks anon, that’s sweet. And sure, Komahina is always good ~
75. “You fainted, straight into myarms. You know, if you wanted my attention, you didn’t have to go to suchextremes.”
"Hinata, are you alright ? You are quite pale !”
Sonia was looking at him with a very serious expression on her face, which unsettled him for a moment. Then he just sighed, and ran a hand through his hair - grimacing when he realized how greasy they already were after skipping the shower this morning.
“I’m fine,” he replied, though his tone said the exact opposite. As their princess was still worried, he offered her a tired smile. “Alright, I’m not fine but I’ll be better after some coffee. I didn’t get that much sleep, that’s all. That will pass.”
It didnt. Pass, that is. If anything, around noon, the pounding in his head was so intense, that he was under the impression that his skull could explode at any given moment. The sole idea to eat anything for lunch was giving nightmares to his stomach, and even drinking water made him nauseous. He wasn’t well at at all, and everyone noticed.
“Are you feeling well, Hinata ?” Komaeda asked when the white-haired boy found him, uselessly wandering in the lobby. “You look... tired.”
Wow, Hinata thought for himself, I must really look like shit if Komaeda is commenting on it.
“I am,” he just replied, and he closed his eyes for a second, trying to make the world stay still for a second. “I think I should go back to my cottage. I’m good for nothing in this state.”
For some reason, Komaeda’s face was starting to get a little blurry, and his voice sounded, to Hinata’s ears, as coming from behind a glass.
“Yes, I agree ! Everyone is busy with their own activities, I’m sure there won’t be a problem if you take a nap in you room !”
Hinata nodded weakly, the unpleasant feeling to lose his footing gnawing at him. Komaeda was as far away from him as could be a TV show, when one is about to fall asleep in front of it : he could hear his voice, loud and persistent, but he was somehow unable to understand what he was saying.
And then everything went black.
When he woke up, the first thing he noticed was the warmth. He could feel the weight of an heavy blanket wrapped around him, and he blissfully burried his face into the fluffy pillow under his head. Eyes still closed, he took a deep breath.
That smells... nice.
He sniffed the pillow a few more times, enjoying the strange yet, not-entirely-unfamiliar sent, and curled himself into a ball. It was nice. He could have stayed like that until the end of his days.
If a high-pitched voice hadn’t suddenly broken his peaceful bubble, that is.
“Thank god, you’re awake,” Mikan Tsumiki’s voice squealed in relief. He felt a hand on his forehead. “You’re still a little hot, but it’s gett better,” she added. “Can you look at me for a second.”
With a groan, Hinata opened his eyes, to find out that the nurse was a lot closer than he had anticipated, looking anxiously at him with a wet towel between her hands. She smiled timidly at him and Hinata did his best to smile too, though he suspected it was more like a grimace.
“Very well. I’m going to the kitchen get some soup” Tsumiki said, before looking behind her, at someone Hinata couldn’t see from where he was. “Can you keep an eye on him, please ?”
The other person probably nodded, because even without a verbal answer, Tsumiki seemed pleased and ran off.
After a few seconds of calm, where Hinata seriously wondered if he should fall asleep again - he still felt tired, and not hungry at all, even if the idea of soup didn’t make him want to puke anymore, he heard approching footsteps, and another moment later, Komaeda’s figure moved closed enough for Hinata to see him. He looked... very tired.
“Hey,” Hinata managed to croak out, his throat sore and irritated. And before he could stop himself : “You look like shit.”
Well. Such nice words for welcome someone, right ?
Of course, Komaeda didn’t get angry at the words, just midly surprised. Hinata thought that maybe, when one lived a life as ridiculous as Komaeda’s, being surprised didn’t really mean anything.
“Ah...,” he replied with a simple shrug. “I guess I do. But you don’t look that much better, Hinata. You could be more grateful, since I’m the one who carried you here and called Tsumiki to check on you.”
“You did ?”
Komaeda hummed quietly, throwing a glance by the window - probably checking if Tsumiki was back yet.
“You fainted, straight into myarms.” He said with a careful smile. “You know, if you wanted my attention, you didn’t have to go to suchextremes.”
Hinata wasn’t too embarassed by the flush that suddenly came up to his cheeks - he could just pretend it was a sudden and quick-lived fever, why not, after all. Instead of answering, he turned his back toward Komaeda and hide his head under the pillow. The smell was still here, and he just laid there, enjoying his little cocoon, when the origin of the smell hit him.
He turned back toward Komaeda, who was looking at him with a curious look - he was allowed to act like a child since he was sick, alright.
“Are we in your cottage ?” He asked.
“Oh, yes.” Komaeda replied. Then he bit his lips, embarassed. “I tried to find your key, but I wasn’t sure where... I didn’t want people to find me looking for it and think that...,” he coughed up a little. “Anyway, yes, you are in my cabin. I’m sorry, I didn’t think about changing the sheets.”
Huh. Hinata blinked, suddenly a lot more awake than before. Komaeda’s... cabin ? He had never been there before, not really. Not since the simulation, anyway. He had looked through the door, or the window, but he had never been inside the cottage itself. And definitely not in Komaeda’s bed.
Was it supposed to be embarassing ? Maybe a little. Maybe he wouldn’t have been embarassed if Komaeda wasn’t either. But here they were.
“Thanks” he said, and Komaeda seemed really surprised this time - he could still be surprised by some things, then, and being thanked was one of these, as sad as it was. “For carrying me here, and... not letting me die on the lobby’s floor or something.”
God, someone really needed to stop his babbling before he made a fool of himself. Thankfully, his words had turned Komaeda into a mess. Eventually, he just nodded, stiff as a stick.
“You’re welcome, Hinata”.
Writing prompt
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