#also has kwan's age been addressed?
michaun · 6 months
meredith grey asking amelia shepherd if she has a cat and her response being im giving up on finding a human soulmate immediately followed up with a beautiful woman yelling at her hey I was waiting for that spot is peak queer women representation thank you season 20 of greys anatomy
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she-karev · 3 months
The Pregnant Resident (Andrew DeLuca x Alex Karev’s Sister Imagine)
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Age Rating: 12+
Chapters: One of Four
Fandom: Grey’s Anatomy
Ship: Andrew DeLuca x Amber Karev (Alex Karev’s Sister)
Canon Episode: Season 19 Episode 2
AN: Hey guys I decided to show some soft pregnant Amber Karev chapters. The next three chapters will be released once daily with the next one coming out tomorrow morning.
Summary: Amber becomes the chief resident while six months pregnant where the interns underestimate her abilities due to her condition, but she proves them wrong.
Words: 1335
September 12th, 2022
“Finally, the world is in balance.”
Amber says as she puts her baby blue scrubs on for the first time in six months. The residency program shut down in March due to complaints about the methods. But they reopened it with a new batch of interns. Amber DeLuca has been appointed as the new chief resident of this group and it makes her excited to finally getting back to the job she was meant to have. Her visions from when she was an intern did not include a six-month pregnant belly, however.
“You know you can start maternity leave at any time, Grey and Marsh said it was fine.” Amber turns to her husband, Andrew DeLuca, sitting on the bench behind her clearly hovering to her annoyance.
Amber grabs her antacids from her cubby, “We’ve got interns who look like they came straight out of a gen z teen show and their resumes could only be accepted by a state penitentiary infirmary. Maybe.”
“I know these guys didn’t get straight A’s like us and they aren’t as tough and able to take a punch like you, but they show promise.” Andrew stands up to face Amber in his navy-blue scrubs and lab coat, “They did pretty good for their first day on the job in the middle of a crisis.”
Amber narrows her eyes, “Adams almost cost live saving organs for a patient because he didn’t know to use full names when addressing grieving loved ones. And Kwan reminds me of my brother when he was in intern.”
Andrew hisses at that comparison knowing how his brother-in-law was when he was Amber’s age, “Ouch I feel bad for him when he’s on your service.”
“Oh you should.” Amber pulls out a candy bar and devours it in two bites to Andrew’s shock, “I’m eating for two don’t judge me.”
“I’m not judging I know better than that. And I also know how you’re getting crankier as the due date draws near. Being a chief resident at a major hospital your bound to snap and cause a scene that can make you look…”
“I was gonna say passionate.” Andrew mends before giving his wife a concerned look, “Are you sure you can handle working here today? We do have other residents.”
“We have Parker, Qadri and Schmitt and I only trust one of them to operate on me if I was dying.”
“I know Schmitt is dead last.” He says amusingly.
“I’ll be fine babe, it’s the ER today where Hunt is working so I’ll be fine.” Amber’s smart watch beeps and she groans, “I gotta get to the locker room and greet the interns. I’ll see you tonight where I can brag how I’m a much better chief resident than you were.”
Andrew chuckles at that, “You know those hormones make you cocky too, more than usual at least.”
“You were the one who knocked me up this is all on you pal.” Amber teases before walking away from her husband who watches in amusement at his wife’s waddles.
“How bad do you think this is gonna get?” Casey Parker asks his friends and fellow residents Levi Schmitt and Dahlia Qadri as they wait inside the intern locker rooms for Dr. Nick Marsh to present their chief resident who will give them instructions for the day.
As they wait they watch the interns change and are astonished by how young and innocent they look. It makes them wonder if they looked that way their first week and how they perceived the residents in charge of them.
Dahlia shrugs, “Well Amber is sixty months pregnant, the residency program started up and these guys are from a generation of backtalkers and privilege seekers. I think we’ll be fine with her as our boss.”
Schmitt eats a granola bar and asks with his mouth full, “What about the interns? How are they gonna feel under her rule?”
“Oh they don’t stand a chance.” Dahlia confirms after years of working with Amber and being close friends with her.
Casey chuckles in agreement, “Ten bucks says she makes an intern cry at the end of the day.”
Levi joins in, “Twenty says she yells at one so loud they faint.”
“Fifty says those hormones of hers yells at the first person who pisses at her, intern or attending wise.” Qadri bets with confidence.
“Oh you are so on, I’m gonna be rich.” Casey smiles at that before Marsh walks in and stands in front of the interns with the residents behind him except for Amber.
“Listen up. Dr. DeLuca is your chief resident.”
Mika Yasuda whispers under her breath, “She's our only senior resident.”
Marsh continues, “She is not here at the moment but she will be. She's gonna be handing out your assignments while I'm doing a kidney transplant. Who can name the top three causes of end-stage renal disease?”
The interns raise their hands except for Kwan who answers immediately, “Hypertension, diabetes, glomerulonephritis.”
Jules Millin calls out to Marsh, “He didn't raise his hand.”
“Yeah, I don't care about any of that.” He says dismissively.
“Am I correct?”
“Yeah, you are.”
“Do I get to scrub in?” Kwan asks causing the residents to roll their eyes at the eager puppies.
“No, uh, you cannot. Where is Dr. DeLuca?”
Qadri explains, “She’ll be here soon she’s just…a little slow nowadays.”
Kwan scoffs dismissively, “And they made a slow person chief resident?”
Casey chuckles at that knowing Amber will hate him, “Oh you are gonna make me some good money Kwan.”
Kwan furrows his eyebrows at that just as Dr. Amber DeLuca enters the room exhaling deeply due to how winded she is from her power walk there.
“Sorry I’m late.”
“It’s no problem.” Marsh turns to the confused interns who look at Amber curiously, “Okay this is your chief resident, Dr. DeLuca.”
Most of them look at the pregnant woman shocked to have her as their boss. This causes Amber to grin sarcastically at the young doctors while her friends next to her shake their heads knowing the interns are in for a ride today.
“Have fun, DeLuca.” Marsh leaves the room causing Amber to walk to the front with her tablet in hand.
“Okay people here’s the deal. I am in charge of the ER today in a major populated city, I have to watch over interns, I am six months pregnant with my first baby and the heartburn stops for five minutes a day. So, nobody complain or we will have words and they will be one’s you’ve never heard in the same sentence before.” Qadri grins at that threat as the interns look taken back while Amber explains their duties for the day.
“Adams, you're with Dr. Pierce. Kwan's with Ndugu. Yasuda you’re coming to the pit with me and you will report to Owen Hunt. Millin and Griffith you will join us and do surgical consult in the pit.”
“Uh, two of us for one consult?” Simone Griffith asks causing Amber to glare at her.
“This is a world class hospital and your interns on your first week. Leaving one of you to care for a patient would be like giving a loaded gun to a coked-out monkey.” Casey and Schmitt snicker at that comparison that makes Millin and Griffith look offended but Amber ignores it, “Now, don't embarrass me or kill anyone or drop anything inside a patient. I am dead serious about that last one.”
“Oh trust me she is.” Schmitt states knowing it’s from his rotation at the hospital when he and Amber first met. This makes Parker and Qadri smile while Amber frowns at the interns who are still standing there frozen.
“What are you all waiting for? Chinese New Year? Go!”
The interns scurry off in fear leaving the residents in the room where they nod in approval of Amber’s first moment as the chief resident. Amber ignores them however and heads to the pit.
Next Chapter Here
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phantomphangphucker · 5 years
Ectober Day 16: Locks - This Is A Little Bit Much Chap. 1 - My Ghost Just Got Squared
What does the ghost of a half-ghost look like?
Danny sighs at the board, philosophy mixed with ghosts and his parents' tech was honestly more concerning than it had any right to be. Watching as his teacher slaps a hand on the whiteboard, “everyone's ghost is locked away inside them. Existing in its base undefined state. Waiting for deaths key to imprint on it it’s true form”. Before pointing at the guest, who’s wearing a white lab doctor's coat, “Dr. Lewis here, lovingly provided to us by the Fenton’s, will be demonstrating this in a way I’m sure you’ll find riveting”.
Anyone who wasn’t paying attention, which wasn’t very many since nearly everyone always did when something was about ghosts, is acutely interested now. As Dr. Lewis stands up, waving around what looked like a neon green mirror on a red sliver handle, “this device, the Ghost Mirroring Key, will allow us to glimpse inside the keyhole. See what your ghosts look like at their base form at your current age”, Danny groans internally as the guy keeps talking, “now because ghosts often retain the clothing they died in, none of your clothing will change or glow. All we’ll see here is your basic ghosts ghostly attributes. Skin colour, hair colour, ear shape, if you have claws, if you have fangs, eye colour, and any other more unique traits. Such as equipment, flames, permanent ghostly tail, or even a cape or cloak”.
Needless to say, Danny’s a bit freaked out by this. Just how much like Phantom will he look? What about Dan? It’s always haunted him wondering just how much of Dan was Danny and how much was Vlad. Because physically? The only Vlad attributes he had was the cape and red eyes. The rest was all stuff either both of them had or just Danny.
Watching his parents' doctor friend, Dr. Lewis, pass around the little mirror-like palm-sized plates; and tentatively taking his own. Danny’s not exactly surprised that everyone else is eager, they really don’t have any reason not to be. And honestly? Danny was curious too. Just way less curious and far more nervous. If anything Danny’s more curious about what his friends will look like. Man he wishes they were in the same class. But pretty well everyone in grade twelve was doing this, okay, it was probably everyone. Something tells Danny that this was going to become something of a senior year tradition. Getting to glimpse your ghost for a day.
Dr. Lewis clears his throat, sitting on the corner of the desk, “now that that’s all sorted, simply place your hand on the device for ten seconds. You’ll turn invisible for a few seconds before gracing us all with your ghostly selves”.
Danny only stares down at it, watching his reflection and mentally making black hair white and blue eyes green; while the rest of his class instantly uses it. Glancing his eyes around, Danny can’t help but snort at Dash looking like a green wingless gargoyle. Expected, but still funny. Kwan literally looks the same but purple-skinned and red-eyed. Paulina, who’s fingers are just a little too long with pink skin and long lazily flaming red hair, is fawning over Star's white hair and green eyes. While Star goes on about how every ghost and human wouldn’t be able to look away from Paulina’s hair. Which just descends into them complimenting each other back and forth.
Looking around the rest of the room, no one really looks scary. Dale’s fangs stick over his lips, Todd’s claws are closer to blades, and Mikey didn’t have lips at all; but no one really looked non-human. Well okay, Lily has a second set of arms.
Danny bites his lip and looks back down to his ‘mirror’ before getting slightly started by Dash, “what? You afraid of your own ghost Fentit? Or are you just afraid it’ll be as weak and loserish as you”.
Dale laughs, “of course! Poor little freak won’t be able to look at himself without screaming!”.
Jasper sighs and shakes his head, “guys be nice, this is probably horrifying for the guy. Today will be like an exercise in not running away for him”.
Danny grumbles as he side-eyes the jocks, “that’s honestly more insulting than helpful”, before looking back to the mirror. Getting startled again by someone kicking his foot.
Turning around to see Valerie, he’d honestly forgotten she was in this class too, seeing as neither often showed up or showed up on the same days. Danny has to restrain a smirk at her red skin as she points a clawed hand at Danny’s mirror. Speaking while rolling her purple eyes, “just do it. I mean I can deal and you know how I hate ghosts”.
Danny grunts but turns back around, biting his lip again before tentatively putting his hand on the ‘glass’. Of course, putting this off meant everyone was staring at him.
Danny flips over his clawed whitish-green hand a few times, it also glowed far more vibrantly than was normal. While Paulina cries out, “what?! Why’d that loser freak have to get white hair too!”. While Dash huffs, “yeah, Fentina is nowhere near cool enough to share colours with Phantom”.
Danny looks down into the mirrored surface in time to spot Valerie’s red hand pat at Danny’s flaming hair. How funny that looked is the only thing really stopping Danny from cringing at his reflection. White flaming hair was very very Dan. Least he still had his green eyes, which like everything else, were glowing strangely bright. Danny’s just chalking that up to him already being partway ghost. He’s got no clue why there’s a tip of green flames to his hair though.
Most of the class goes back to talking in their little groups while Danny checks out his, fuck those are bigger than Dan’s what the fuck?, fangs; and sticking out his, pointed and elongated but thankfully not forked, tongue.
Danny tilts his head back as Valerie taps on his shoulder, resulting in her snorting at his face, “green eyes too? You better make sure you don’t get offed wearing monochromes”, squinting at him, “what’s up with your glow though?”.
Danny shrugs, he had no damn clue, “well I am around my folks' stuff and frequently get accidentally shot by it. Probably been accidentally consuming ectoplasm for years”. Valerie hums in agreement.
Dr. Lewis claps his hands, “remember this only lasts for a few hours. So enjoy your unlocked states while you can. And please, try not to get unlocked permanently through natural means anytime soon. Ghosts may have powers and you may all look very cool, but they’re still dead”.
Danny can’t help but chuckle, he was never going to see this look again. Since he couldn’t actually fully die anymore.
Putting his chin in his palm as Dr. Lewis walks around to look people over, causing Danny to notice there are white flames where they logically shouldn’t be if it was his hair. Looking down at his chest and going wide-eyed at the white and not weirdly brightly glowing flames of what he damn well recognises as his cape. The sides pinned together via two green skulls and a smoking shadowy black chain. Sticking his left hand behind him to scrunch up the familiar plush-lined velvet fabric, with a mental groan. Of course, that was here! Before near panickedly groping through his hair flames for the crown. His hand stilling as his fingers push against the flaming metal, that’s why there’s green tipping! His crown is literally hiding inside his hair, since it wasn’t actually meant for someone with fucking flaming hair. Danny can’t help but laugh over the image of the crown just floating above the flames, like two feet above his head. Like a damn sims icon. Ancients that would look silly!
Danny leans back in his chair and stares down at his Ring Of Suffering, of course, something like this would be imprinted on the very base of his ghost.
Overhearing Dr. Lewis speaking to Valerie, “I’m not surprised at least one of you has a cape”, making Danny look behind him, this time actually noticing that Valerie’s got a cape. Red and thin with black lining. From the looks of it, Danny guesses it’s about knee length, unlike his which drags across the ground for about a foot. Dr. Lewis continues but is addressing the whole class this time, “having things like artifacts or tools. Such as a guitar or maybe a ring. Means that something is a source of power for your ghost, that other ghosts don’t naturally have”.
Todd laughs as he smacks the whip on his hip, “so we’re basically better ghosts”.
Dr. Lewis tilts his hand in the air, “you could put it that way, yes, but it’s more so that you have a niche and special skill. This could be a bad thing in some situations”, while Danny mentally grumbles about how being High Ghost King did indeed suck sometimes, Dr. Lewis clears his throat, “as for capes or cloaks. They’re simply signs of power, skill and leadership in some form. Ghosts with capes or cloaks are always a cut above the rest. The apex ghosts so to speak. More fanciful capes and cloaks, means more powerful or important. Things like length, number of colours, accessories, details, etcetera. A ghost with a simple brown cloak would be below, so to speak, a ghost with a simple brown cloak that had clasps”.
Danny easily hears Valerie mutter, “damn fucking right. Even my ghost is better than ghosts”. Making Danny chuckle, before tensing up over Dr. Lewis looking him over. Mentally chanting, ‘don’t notice the crown, don’t notice the crown, don’t notice the crown’. While the rest of the class comment about how ‘of course little miss gymnastics would be a powerful ghost’.
Dr. Lewis pokes at one of the large green skull clasps with a raised eyebrow, chucking, “I’m not sure if Maddie and Jack would be proud or bothered. You’re going to be something impressive”, he laughs, “well here’s hoping you don’t retain you skittishness of ghosts in the afterlife”.
Danny’s about to thank his lucky stars before Dr. Lewis parts away some of Danny’s hair flames and raises both eyebrows at Danny, “well then. I’m not going to claim to understand how or even why. Just do me a favour and don’t be a human-hating ghost”.
Danny gives the guy an awkward nod and just decides to be glad that Dr. Lewis’s body blocked him from the rest of his classmates' sight. Valerie of course, heard everything, being the only person sitting near Danny. Whispering at him, “so that green isn’t part of your hair”. Danny just shrugs awkwardly.
When the bell rings, Danny doesn’t really want to stand up but he’s also brutally curious about his other friends now. He already knows they’ll look at Valerie and smirk. Then look at him and cringe. Well, it’ll probably be in reverse order but still.
Valerie whacks him on the arm, “well get up you lucky, or unlucky I don’t really know, asshole. Also fuck that cape’s soft”. Danny chuckles and rubs his neck, “tell me about it. Pretty sure the inside is damn plush, I could sleep in it”.
Valerie snorts as she gets up and starts walking, looking back at him, “you got a damn napping cape. Figures”. Danny can’t help but blink and start laughing, before shaking his head and getting up; cape tail flopping onto the ground.
Resulting in whom ever’s still in the classroom to stop talking, as now that Danny’s not slouching or hidden by the chair the capes collar flames are extremely noticeable. Danny walking out to whispers over the cape and how it’s ‘highly decorated’ and ‘really fancy’.
Shouldering his way past Dash and his merry band of pricks, while Dash sneers, green fangs on full display, “wow I’m surprised Fentaco hasn’t run screaming yet. What? Am I not scary enough?”, making a point to attempt at snarling.
Danny, kind of done with Dash’s shit and having the confidence and pride boost of his kings wear, rolls his eyes, “hardly”, smirking and baring his own fangs a little, “and Dash, this is how you snarl”, before giving Dash a more proper and threatening snarl. Starting the jocks.
Valerie bumps shoulders with Danny as they walk past, “the hell Danny?”.
Danny rubs his neck before pointing at her, “oh don’t tell me your cape isn’t a bit of a confidence booster. And Dash looks like a knock off gargoyle. A one in a million ghost. And it’s Dash, still human. No powers. Working heartbeat”.
Both turning their heads as Dash shouts at them, seeing him pointing at Danny, “hey! What are you doing with a cape!?!”.
Danny rolls his eyes, “doing better than you apparently”, before running his hand through his hair, easily revealing the flaming crown, and speed walking away. Danny
Valerie pokes him as they’re approaching Sam and Tucker, pretty well everyone staring at them, “you are going to trip someone with that thing. And I know you’re used to getting odd looks but this is a bit much”. Danny shrugs, looking around a little, he hardly noticed. Basically everyone stared at him as Phantom. Fenton got it less often and it was usually more mocking.
Danny smiles seeing his two other friends also with capes. Was it surprising? Not to any of them. Tucker’s got nearly black skin tinted green, with a near floor-length off white cape lined with gold and etched with hieroglyphs.
Danny pats him on the shoulder while his two friends stare at his hair, “how very Egyptian Tuck. Red eyes kinda suck though”.
Sam pokes his hair with a pale nearly white green clawed hand, “says Mr. Fire hair”.
Danny pokes her horned helmet right back, “least I have hair”. Her green eyes and purple cape covered in green vines, was one hell of a reminder of Overgrowth. It honestly made sense that the ghostly bullshit they’ve all gone through has affected their base ghosts.
Sam and Tucker look Valerie over then, both chuckling slightly. Tucker stretching out some, “wow, the whole quartet got capes. Nice”.
Danny nods and looks around, “not the only ones”, jerking his head at Mia in a black cape with a red grid pattern and Hanna in a purple cloak. Danny couldn’t really help looking to see if she had some kind of time-related clasp or something. She didn’t, but it would honestly be weird if she did.
Valerie shoulders him, “well yours is still the most excessive thing I’ve ever seen”. Danny just rubs his neck and shrugs.
Eventually, the bell goes off and they’re stuck going their separate ways, largely because Danny’s stuck running off outside. Ghost sense making him groan. Though blinking and wondering just what the hell going ghost is going to look like right now. So he zips into a bathroom instead of out in the open. He transforms and stares in mild shock. The whites of his jumpsuit glowed slightly green, same with his hair; which was oddly not flaming. His skin was black and all the black on him seemed to suck in the light. His glow, normally white, was green. To say Danny was confused would be an understatement. Muttering down at his hands, “what the fuck? How the heck is my ghosts base ghost different from my humans base ghost. My ghost from and human form have different base ghosts...What the absolute fresh hell?”. Well, at least his Kings get up was easy enough to turn invisible.
Shaking his head and phasing through the ceiling and promptly kicking Technus in the face.
“You look strange ghost child! Perhaps you are trying out some new styles yourself!”.
Danny laughs, “I unlocked Phantom 2.0, and I must say, it’s made me one hell of a glow bug!”, before blasting Technus in the face. Blinking at his hand over how absurdly bright the blast had been.
Technus springs up, “you are stronger whelp! 2.0 indeed!”.
Danny shrugs, “don’t know what to tell ya dude. Wait! Hey! Get back here!”, rushing off to fly after the fleeing villain. Who cries, “I must regroup!”.
“Oh I don’t think so!”, Danny slams him over the head with the thermos and sucks him in. Wiping his forehead and looking around. Shaking his head at some people taking photos. His weird look was going to be the talk of the town for days.
Turning invisible and flying off into the bathroom. Locking the bathroom door to really stare at himself in the mirror. Waving his hand around to see he’s leaving light tracers, pale green ones. “Sam and Tuck are going to lose their shit”.
Shaking his head as he transforms back, before leaving the bathroom. Only to bump into a red-skinned Wes. The bathroom door getting stuck slightly open when it caught on the end of Danny’s cape.
Wes looks him up and down with Halloween orange eyes, “why the hell don’t you look just like Phantom. How do you always manage to pull something off? And what’s with the cape?”.
Danny smirks, “oh? I thought everyone knew Phantom was a King. Since you seem to think he’s me, then, of course, you’d see me with a cape”.
Wes glares down at the ajar door, “I ain’t seeing shit Phantom”.
“But I thought you just said you could see a cape?”.
“I hate you”, crossing his arms and looking around, seeing they’re alone, speaking more seriously, “seriously though. What’s up with the look?”.
Danny shrugs, “dude you know I’m a weirdo. And everyone knows Phantom’s fucking weird. Wouldn’t surprise me if he wasn’t entirely dead or some shit”, shrugging and pulling out his phone, “oh and apparently Phantom looks weird today too”.
Wes deadpans, “yeah, I bet you do”.
Danny holds up his phone, showing a pretty decent photo of Phantom 2.0 he’d already found on twitter. Wes snatches the phone and stares before gesturing wildly at the screen, “what the hell is this!”, looking up at Danny, “how?!? HOW!?!”.
Danny shrugs and takes back his phone, “for once, your guess is as good as mine. I don’t even think ghosts are supposed to glow that brightly. Wish I was there”, smirking and looking back at the bathroom, “an up-close look would be really neat”.
Wes just glares and kicks in the door, nearly tripping over Danny’s cape as he goes.
Danny throws his arms over Sam and Tucker as the wave bye to Valerie. Tucker chuckling, “so are you actually going to go home like this?”. Danny shrugs, “folks know what’s happening today and literally insisted on seeing my ‘ghost unlocked’. Not surprised but first...”. Danny looks around and points to an alleyway, “have y’all checked out Phantom on twitter lately?”.
Sam rolls her eyes, “giant tech companies are slowly crushing the middle class and destroying the youth through mindless distractions”.
Tucker shakes his head as Danny steers them into the alley, “so that’s a no then. And Danny dude, I don’t think anyone has. Too interested in being ghosts, sorta, for a day”, poking him, “you’re the only one that this isn’t a novelty for”.
Danny lets go of his friends and spins around to be in front of them, looking excited, “oh that’s where you’re wrong. I’m about to slightly blind you”. Before transforming, rings brighter than usual, and floating in the air. His green glow making the alleyway look eerie, like it was part of the Ghost Zone. Tucker and Sam both gaping at him.
Tucker eventually snorting, “dude, when you’re literally a half living paradox I thought I’d seen the most impossible thing ever. But now you’ve literally got two base ghost selves”.  
Sam nods, “that seems more impossible actually”.
Danny sticks his hands out to the side, “I know right! I know I like to joke about being a glow bug but this is excessive”, dropping one arm and charging a painfully bright ecto-blast, “and I’m stronger. I think I may have actually startled Techy”.
Both Sam and Tucker are shielding their eyes, Tucker giving him a thumbs up anyway, “dude you could actually blind someone with that”.
Sam shakes her head and pats Danny’s arm as he extinguishes the blast, “so a ten-second mirror-touch gives you a multi-hour power boost”.
Danny smirks, “video game power-up mode unlocked”.
Tucker snorts, “what bonus achievements do you think this unlocked?”.
“Mass confusion, pissing off Wes level three, one confused call from Vlad, and at least twenty new FentonWorks inventions”, Danny taps his chin, “oh and one mild existential crisis because I have TWO BASE GHOSTS JUST WHAT THE HELL?”.
Tucker snaps his fingers, “Pokemon dude”.
Both Sam and Danny look at him, “what?”.
Tucker rolls his eyes, “come on dude. All the best Pokemon have three evolutions, and a mega-evolution”, Tucker counts off his fingers, “there’s your first, human. Second, ghost. Third, halfa. ‘Cause let’s be honest, halfas are stronger than y’all would be if you had just skipped straight to death. Besides, you were probably full ghost for a bit before getting half your life back. And now this”, gesturing at Danny, “your stronger, got a flashy appearance upgrade, and it has a time limit. It’s fucking megaPhantom. Your mega-evolution, the Ghost Mirroring Key your Phantomite”.
Danny borderline squeals like a little girl and Sam sighs but smiles, “you two are dorks”.
Danny waves goodbye to his friends with a little amused pep in his step, pushing open his houses front door only a little while later.
Speaking with mirth, “I’m home! Please come and check me out so I can escape the poking to flee into my humble lair”.
Jack laughs at his sons' humour as the two parents indeed come to look Danny over in the living room. Danny’s not even surprised they start poking at him and lifting up the cape. His dad running his hands through both sets of flames before pointing at his hair, “that one’s colder, and flames are pretty fearsome”.
Danny tilts his head at the approving tone his dad used, “you seem... happy? about that?”.
While Maddie brushes imaginary dirt off his capes shoulders, “the capes impressive too. You’ll be strong”.
Now Danny’s really confused, because that sounded approving too; even a bit proud. But promptly internally cringes as his mom goes to ruffle his hair, nearly stabbing herself with his crown. Jerking her hand away only to motion for him to bend forward for her to get a better look.
Danny’s practically holding his breath waiting form them to say something. His dad speaking up, “of course a Fenton would wind up ruling ghosts! Teach them how to behave and keep them in line!”.
Standing back upright, “okay seriously, why are you guys happy about this? I figured you’d be, you know, not. ‘Cause ghosts”.
Maddie successful ruffles his flaming hair around this time, “think nothing of that sweetie. We fully expect you’ll be a ghost someday. You’re already so ghostly as a living human”.
Jack nods, “and with you being obviously destined for strength those other filthy ghosts won’t be able to bother you over being a Fenton! Not that any Fenton would ever let a ghost harass them freely!”.
Danny’s flat out stunned and gapes a little, before shaking his head, “so wait, you guys want me to become a powerful leader ghost? That could potentially be a threat?”.
Jack grabs both of Danny’s shoulders, “better you to be a strong ghost than a weak one, when around them. And Danny-boy, you could never be a threat. If any ghost could resist a ghosts nature to be evil, it would be a Fenton’s ghost! Besides! If we needed to catch you I’m sure I could just coax you to join me for some fudge!”.
Maddie nods and smiles at Jack, before turning to look at Danny, smiling softly, “now, of course, we don’t want you to become a ghost. To die but not rest”, shaking her head, “but you’re already so much like one that it’s obvious you’ll become one. Setting off detectors, being affected by anti-ghost weapons, bloodblossom allergy, you snarl and purr, baring your teeth and curling your hands like claws”, while Danny’s realising he acts way more ghost than he though, Maddie shakes her head again, before continuing to speak, “with all of that how could you not become a ghost”, glancing at Jack, “and though it would be funny watching your father coax you with food, I’d rather us be long gone by the time you join the Ghost Zone”.
Danny rubs his neck, cape bunching up a bit and still feeling a bit thrown, “uh, thanks”.
Jack nods with a smirk and puts his fists on his hips, “of course Danny-boy! And this way we’ll now know what you look like as a ghost! So will your friends!”.
Maddie smiles and motions for her two boys to follow her into the kitchen, “and when things eventually come to pass, everyone will know not to shoot at you or hurt you”.
It takes a beat for Danny to follow, far too stunned. His folks wanted to see him, not to examine him, but to be able to recognise him as a ghost? So they wouldn’t harm him? By the time he gets into the kitchen, he’s barely keeping tears from flowing down his face. Promptly hugging his mom from behind and nearly whispering, “thank you. You-you don’t know how much that means to me”.
Maddie grabs and rubs her thumb over one of Danny’s green arms. Leaning her head against his head resting on her shoulder, “always sweetie. Ghost or human, and regardless how tall, you’ll always be my little boy”.
Danny squeezes her a little tighter before promptly hugging his dad, who was somewhat awkwardly standing behind them. “Thanks too, dad. I promise I’ll always come for family fudge. Maybe when things happen, and if you guys wind up ghosts too, I’ll come find you. Bring you some”.
Jack squeezes back hard, “I could think of no better thing you could do”, patting Danny on the back firmly, “who knows! Maybe you’ll have to keep us in line!”. Making both of them laugh and Danny wipes his eyes quickly before sitting down.
Danny can’t help but smile throughout dinner, which doesn’t go unnoticed by his parents.
Maddie asking, “you really were worried how we’d react to you as a ghost, huh?”.
Danny rubs his neck and looks around, “how could I not? You guys hate ghosts and chased after Phantom even though he was pretty good”. Not to mention the fact that Danny was Phantom and his third biggest fear was that they’d still shoot at him even if they knew. The second being anyone dying and the first being becoming Dan.
Jack chuckles a bit awkwardly, “yeah we were a bit quick to the trigger back then. But everyone learns! You’ll have to learn to be a leader even! Judging by the crown”.
Maddie smiles and giggles slightly, “though I don’t think you’ll be doing much learning”.
Danny tilts his head, “what do you mean by that?”, before eating some more of his mash potatoes.
Maddie points at his spoon, “that. Your eating around your fangs-”.
Jack cuts in, “which are really impressive!”.
“-with ease. Like you just know how. And I don’t think you’re even noticing when your ears swivel, like you’re used to it. You easily move around your cape to keep it out of your way and you’re not fiddling with the ring. Like it’s always been there”.
While Danny’s internally freaking out a little bit about that all being apparently a little too obvious. Maddie continues, “so even your body knows what’ll be. All you’ll have to learn, I think, is how to go about being a leader. I’m sure you’ll do well though”.
Jack nods and pushes away his cleaned off plate, “you’ll be respected and looked up to! Good! Like, well, like Phantom!”.
Danny blinks, he knew his parents' opinion of Phantom had changed some. But to hear that so bluntly was stunning. Threatened to make him tear up again. Clearing his throat to distract himself, “I guess my bodies already got things figured out”, rubbing his neck before blinking and going wide-eyed at his parents, “wait, are you guys thinking of calling a truce? With Phantom?”.
Maddie nods, “we’ve been thinking it over for a while now. And we really have heard everything you kids have said about him”, ruffling Danny’s flames, “and you look a lot like him. And thinking of that, you as a ghost. You’d probably be a lot like him. Quick wit and...and defending others. Being helpful”.
Jack laughs, “honestly! You look more ghostly than he does!”.
Danny can’t help but chuckle, that’s because Phantom was only half-ghost and Danny currently looked full ghost. “I bet he’d get a good laugh out of that. And I’m glad, for the truce thing. He’s a good ghost”.
Maddie nods with a smile while Jack speaks up, “I imagine he’s pretty confused today! A bunch of teens running around looking like ghosts!”.
Danny snorts and pulls out his phone, looking down at the picture of, snort, megaPhantom, before looking back to his parents, “yeah about that. You know how he frequents the school?”.
Maddie raises an eyebrow, “yeah?”.
“Well, what’s supposed to happen if a ghost uses the Ghost Mirroring Key?”.
The two parents exchange a glance.
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malecsecretsanta · 5 years
Merry Christmas, @darque-essence!
Hope this is okay as I've only had about three days to write it! Happy Holidays!
For the last part of this fic, there is a reference to a song playing in the background. If you are curious, the song is "It's Been a Long, Long Time" by Kitty Kallen and I recommend listening to it while reading that specific part.
Read on AO3
Snow Falls in Other Universes Too
“This is embarrassing.” Magnus groans, back plastered onto the rough ice.
If not for the utter state of disgrace he is in, Magnus would have appreciated the way the unusually blue sky is domed over him, only thin wisps of clouds tufted across the sky. His breaths materialize into puffs of condensation above him.
Alec looms into view, palms planted on his knees, trying to stifle a laugh.
“You’re doing fine.” He says, or tries to say nonchalantly, and of course he would say that, being the ever-so-charming captain of the varsity hockey team.
Aren’t jocks supposed to be dicks? Magnus blearily remembers one of his engineering friends lamenting on this fact after a pretty hopeless one-night stand with a guy from the football team. Also, she kicked the door right off of her mini-fridge in her ‘sorrow’.
“Alexander, the only other person on this frozen river who’s on her butt is that five-year-old.” Magnus says bleakly, refusing to move, “I’m not doing fine.”
Alec laughs, eyes crinkling, and Magnus watches the scene unfold before him like a flower in bloom. He is beautiful, Magnus thinks again, as if the thought hasn’t been thought before, like it’s freshy laid snow on the cold earth. Hair stuffed under a beanie, a scarf wound around his neck and tucked inside his winter jacket. Lips glistening with vaseline. He squats right next to Magnus’ sprawled form with no problem with balance at all. He ends up sitting right down on the ice, his knees pressed against Magnus’ side.
“You said you wanted to learn.” He chides, smiling, “It’s not going to be Michelle Kwan right off the bat.”
Magnus furrows his brow. “You know Michelle Kwan?”
“Of course I know Michelle Kwan.” Alec laughs. “I’m a hockey player, not an idiot.”
Magnus cranes his neck sideways to look at him part innocently, part teasingly. “You mean they’re not one and the same?”
Alec looks at him as if to say oh really, a laugh pinned against the roof of his mouth. “That’s rich coming from someone who just landed on his ass and refuses to get up.”
Magnus almost giggles, as if to say okay, fair point. Alec’s fast wit still feels like a sudden whiplash to him. He always has an amusing comeback just simmering beneath his tongue, ready to be used when the time arises. His words are just as fast as the way he carves out ice on the rink. Magnus still remembers the first time he’s ever seen Alec skate.
It’s the sound that draws Magnus in first. The smooth scratch of blades against freshly zambonied ice is something like music to the ears. It makes Magnus quietly descend down the stairs and right at rink side, elbows propped against the barrier, lost eyes taking in the fast yet graceful body driving puck after puck after puck into the net—high, low, stick side, glove side, right between the pads of an imaginary goal tender.
It’s only when Alec stops right in front of Magnus, snow spraying in his wake, that he actually feels himself blink. He smiles knowingly. Enjoying the show, are we?
Magnus laughs sheepishly, and decides not to mince words. Yes. You’re mesmerizing. He holds out a hand. I’m Magnus Bane. Professor Penhallow said you’re willing to participate in an Applied Physics study?
Alec Lightwood, and yeah, definitely, Alec says, slipping a glove off, hurriedly wiping his hand clean, and shaking Magnus’, I knew you were coming today, and I did see you in the corner of my eye, just didn’t expect—Alec falters, and Magnus raises his brow part curiously, part knowingly, like he’s expected the comment. Jocks are jocks, right? And today is an eyeliner day.
You can finish that sentence, Magnus says, smiling, whatever it is, I’m sure I have thick enough skin for it.
Alec looks back at him, confused. I was just going to say I didn’t expect an applied physics major to look like he can bench press more than I can.
Magnus blinks, takes the words, and parses through it thoroughly; Alec might have admitted to him in his own jock way that he’s hot. Maybe Magnus himself as a bit of a preconceived notion about athletes. What an unusual turn of events.
I’ll make sure to wear my reading glasses next time. Magnus teases with a smirk, and to which, Alec snickers.
You can borrow mine.
“Magnus.” Alec calls, laughter in his voice, and Magnus blinks. He’s been doing that a lot lately. “You have to get up.”
Oh yes, he’s on his first date with the most beautiful man he knows while at the same time daydreaming about the same beautiful man. That doesn’t make sense and Magnus thinks he may be concussed.
“How much mulled wine did you have?”
Oh, and that too.
“One,” Magnus says slowly, and Alec raises a fine brow at him, and it’s the most beautiful thing Magnus has ever drunkenly (ish) seen, “Plus four..?” he sighs, rubbing his belly. “It was so good and warm.”
Alec snickers, palm pressing against his eyes like he can’t believe the sneakiness Magnus would have employed to down four more cups of mulled wine behind his back. “Oh god. You’re drunk.”
Magnus corrects him from below, a finger swaying in the air. “No, just giddy. Also I’m just going say it now, because I feel really brave for some reason,” Magnus says aloud, so loud that a couple of skaters turn to look at their direction, “And I hope you’re ready.”
Alec gives him a small grin, cheeks rosy. “Hit me.”
“God, I really like you!” Magnus exclaims, and Alec laughs, and it’s like music in the air.
Alec shakes his head. “I definitely didn’t expect to be saying this right here right now, but,” he presses his lips together into a soft smile, “I really like you too.”
“Nice.” Magnus hisses victoriously, pumping a fist into the air, and looks at Alec pleadingly. “Celebratory mulled wine?”
Alec loses it completely.
When he gathers himself from the side-splitting laugh he endures, he ends up hauling Magnus onto his back and skating his way back to the start of the trail. Between Magnus giggling into his neck and his chest pressed perfectly against his back to a point of feeling the rhythm each other’s hearts, Alec doesn’t think there’s anything Christmas could bring that would make him feel as warm as he’s feeling right now.
“You could at least feign interest.”
The whisper comes in a tone of utmost indignation, huffed through a short exhale. Alexander does everything in his power to refrain himself from rolling his eyes. He takes a breath in and out instead. When he speaks, his voice is controlled.
“Forgive me, mother.” He says, addressing the Lightwood matriarch with a small nod, “The hunt had been long. I’m quite tired, I’m afraid.”
Maryse makes a distinct sound at the excuse. “You could at least use a better lie.”
“Mother’s right, Alexander.” Isabelle nonchalantly says from where she’s standing next to him, on the balcony overlooking the orchestration of noblemen and noblewomen moving across the dancefloor, “You need not lie for me. I rode my horse too far yet again, and you had to search for me through the early evening.”
Maryse looks positively mortified, eyes widened in horror at the revelation made before her. “Isabelle, you age me beyond my years with every passing day.”
Alexander and Isabelle exchange a small look across their shared space, biting down onto their lips in hope of pinning down the laugh that threatens to escape it.
The queen sighs, fingers fluttering onto her forehead. “The heavens may have blessed me beautiful, intelligent children, but they’ve cursed me with stubborn ones as well.” She throws both of them a knowing look. “One wonders which would prevail, a boulder or your two hard heads.”
“Our two hard heads, of course.” Isabelle whispers mischievously to her brother, “Three if you count the one always at attention when a certain someone’s around.” It’s all Alexander needs to choke on his own saliva right then and there.
Prince of Alicante, the golden archer, next in line for the throne, Alexander Lightwood, choking on his own spit.
Oh, heavens, help me, the queen bemoans as she makes her way to the gold-gilded chair that stands behind them. A hand maiden hands her a goblet of water to sip upon, and it makes Alexander and Isabelle want to laugh all the more.
Alexander breathes, settled now, and he clasps both hands behind him, stretching the hefty fabric of his white tailored jacket across his chest. He gazes upon their subjects below, in all sorts of merriment as the Christmas ball continues into the night. The musicians play their instruments that carries music through out the castle, in loud pompous beats within the royal ballroom, and in softer waves through the towering ceilings and empty, ornate hallways. Everybody looks their best, and everybody is happy. He could not ask for more than that from the holidays.
“You need not lie for me.” Alexander mutters under his breath after a moment to himself.
Isabelle smiles softly, eyes at the dancing below. “I agree. I did not need to.” She says, “But I wanted to.”
Alexander looks down onto his feet momentarily. “I have no secrets to keep.”
“Who says you are?” Isabelle asks, on her red lips a teasing smile.
Alexander doesn’t stifle himself this time and rolls his eyes. “You sound like someone who’s happened upon fresh gossip.”
Isabelle chuckles under her breath. “No gossip here, brother. Just observations.”
Alexander raises a brow. “And what might those be?”
Isabelle laughs a second time. “Alexander. If were to I list them all, we will be here until the clock strikes twelve.”
From the corner of their eyes, the queen is motioning to the herald and he steps forward, sounding the trumpet to garner everybody’s attention. All movements cease from below, and the herald announces the start to the presentation of princesses for Alexander’s consideration for the first royal dance—a tradition that stems so very deep into royal history. He breathes out, brow furrowed, and takes one step towards the stair case when Isabelle holds her hand out.
“I would like to be the one to do the royal dance this year, mother.” She says firmly, and the queen waves a hand dismissively.
“No. Alexander will do it.”
“Is because I’m a woman?” Isabelle challenges, and Alexander looks at her, brow raised.
Maryse rolls her eyes—ah yes, that’s where they both get it from. “Isabelle, the eldest child always does the first royal dance. It’s tradition.”
Damn it is visible on Isabelle’s face. Alexander doesn’t know exactly what his sister has planned, but she has quite a fair bit of fight left in her. “The same way a queen cannot govern this kingdom without a king?” she says, and by the way Maryse’s face shifts, she knows she’s hit at something substantial.
Isabelle delivers the final blow. “And yet, here we are. A queen governing a kingdom just fine by her own.” She says, “Mother, Lightwoods spit at tradition and accept the consequences.”
Alexander fights down a smile. Sweet Isabelle, princess of Alicante, master tactician. Maryse must be regretting ever putting her through military training with him.
Maryse breathes out a small sigh—these children will be the death of me—before turning to the herald and telling him to call forth the princes instead.
Isabelle turns to Alexander, finally. “He’s where he usually is. The eve of Christmas is not for dancing with people you don’t like.”
Alexander says stiffly, “I like my people.”
“You don’t love them, though.” Isabelle looks at him knowingly. “Go.”
Alexander presses his lips together, a thought tumbling precariously within his mind, torn again between nagging responsibility and softly beckoning desire. But he remembers a laugh so musical it fills him to the brim, and eyes so wise it seems to hold the answers to every question he’s ever asked. It’s what makes him look at Isabelle with gentle gratitude, and it’s what makes him turn around and walk away even before his mother could say anything.
“She is a great beauty.”
Alexander frowns at his hands, a gentle breeze fluttering his cloak about. The sunlight beams down upon both of them softly, like a gentle greeting, and it makes the gold of his tunic glisten. “That I’m not contesting.”
His eyes leave the lines of his palms and settles on the sun-kissed back of his most trusted friend. The man rakes his fingers through the soil, airing it out for planting new seedlings. Magnus has always been of the land. From the first moment they have met, he has always smelled like freshly watered earth, like petrichor in the morning.
The same man looks away from his task and peers up at him. “Then what are you contesting?”
Alexander shrugs, lips pressed together. “That I don’t feel any affection for her?” he says, “That I don’t want to marry her?”
Magnus chortles, and Alexander frowns. “Alexander, it is but a meeting. Not a betrothal.”
Alexander rolls his eyes. “You say that as if you’ve mastered the inner workings of political diplomacy.”
“I say it because I know the queen.” Magnus says, rising to his feet, hands brushing soil from his trousers, “I know your mother. I know how though she wears a stern mask, she bears a soft heart.”
Magnus presses a hand against Alexander’s arms, and the touch is warm and reassuring. “She will not let her son suffer for her own betterment. Or the betterment of the kingdom.”
Alexander watches as Magnus trudges towards a basket sitting on the ground, gathers a bouquet of picked flowers from this morning, all the stems wound with a brown string. “Anthurium for hospitality, gentian for gratitude, amaryllis for splendid beauty, and alstroemeria for friendship.” He presses the flowers into Alexander’s hands, “For the princess.”
“Attend today’s meeting.” Magnus says, smile soft, “Princess Lydia deserves your respect, if not your affection. And whoever holds your affection, I’m sure she will respect in return.”
Alexander pins his lip between his teeth, a thought within his mind. “Whoever holds my affection, will you respect this person too?”
There’s a glaze of something in Magnus’ eyes, maybe wistfulness, but too slight for Alexander to be sure.
“Whoever you choose to love, Alexander,” Magnus says gently, “I will love as well. As my own kin, as my own friend.” He smiles yet again, and the hand on Alexander’s arm falls away as he settles back onto the earth. He takes a rose seedling and begins his work of planting them into the soil.
Alexander smiles to himself as he walks away, an arm cradling a bouquet of flowers, the other hand brushing the fully bloomed petals of hundreds of red roses that surround them both.
“He is lucky.”
Alexander quickly turns from the window and hides his surprise beneath a mask of nonchalance. The royal dining room has been emptied out, and both royal families have moved to the great chamber for tea. The gentle waterfall tune of a harp being played hangs in the air.
“I’m not sure what you mean, princess.”
Lydia chuckles, brightly painted lips curled into a smile. “No need for falsities. If our kingdoms are to work together, I wish for us to be good enough friends to admit when one has discovered a grain of truth about the other.”
Alexander furrows his brow, unamused. “And this is what you think. That you’ve discovered a grain of truth about me.”
“I pass no judgement.” Lydia answers, her words bearing a tone of truth, “I see love for what it is. Simple. True. Shared between people.”
“I am impressed by your forward thinking, your highness,” Alexander says, frowning, “But I fear you are misdirected.”
Lydia peers through the window herself and finds the figure of a man working under the sun, surrounded by the roses he himself have planted. “I assume it is his expertise that is behind the beautiful flowers you’ve presented me with?”
She looks back at Alexander, smiling gratefully. “Please extend my warmest gratitude.”
Alexander blinks, taken aback by the genuine words. “I will.”
She gazes at him, really looks, as if within her ribcage a grain of truth pleads to be let out. “Alexander.” She says, and the softness in her voice is enough to for him to allow the brazen use of his name, “Bravery isn’t simply wielding a sword in battle. Being who we truly are as we live our lives with every passing day,”
“That is bravery too.”
Lydia presses her hand against his momentarily, a sympathetic smile on her mouth, before she turns and walks away. By the door her hand maiden awaits, the bright red of her curled hair visible from far away, and Alexander watches in muted awe as Lydia takes the other’s hand in hers.
“I wonder if I’d ever see you without your hands combed through the earth.”
Alexander feels the man smile even before he turns to look at him. The moon casts its light upon them both, as if it knows all the lamps in the castle is being used to light the Christmas ball that continues on in the periphery.
“Don’t hold your breath.” Magnus says, a smiling mouth formed around gentle words, “I came to you with dirt in my hands, I will leave you the same way.”
Alexander remembers the moment like it was a memory encased in glass. The royal gardeners have been dealing with what they thought were rabbits pulling root crops from their vegetable garden, until one day, they give chase to something definitely much bigger. They pull a child from beneath a berry bush, thin, quivering, and frightened beyond measure. They would have thrown the child into the dungeons if not for a ten-year-old Alexander barking orders like he’s already bestowed the throne. When Alexander takes the hand of the child to pull him up to his feet, earth is smudged across his face, soil underneath his fingernails. They’ve grown up together, Alexander as the prince of Alicante, and Magnus taken in as a servant boy by a sympathetic queen, and no matter what, no matter when, earth lives in Magnus.
Some things never change.
“Wait,” Alexander says, confused, as if the words have settled in his mind quite late, “Leave?”
Magnus rises, hands passing against the sides of his pants as he usually does. He looks at Alexander, eyes soft. “I have asked the queen if I could serve the Aldertrees instead.” He says, and the words are muffled against the rising panic within Alexander’s head, “And she graciously said yes.”
Alexander feels fear and sorrow and anger swirl like a hurricane within his chest. “Why?”
Magnus smiles small. “Change of scenery, my prince.”
“Speak true.” Alexander grits, “And if not the truth, at the very least don’t lie.”
“If I do,” Magnus says, slowly, softly, words losing its honorifics, and the familiarity of it feels at the very least comforting, “If I tell you my truth, what good is it?”
“Tell me.” Alexander says under his breath, brow furrowed.
Magnus continues like he hasn’t heard the request. “What good is baring one’s heart if it is to be ripped out of the body in the end?”
Alexander sighs, hand to the forehead, frustrated. “Magnus, tell me.”
“I promised,” Magnus says, hand planted against Alexander’s heart, voice shaky, “I promised that I would love who you love, and I don’t think I can.”
Alexander casts him a look of confusion, his words telling of the panic in his chest, “What has brought this about, what did you see—”
“Nothing,” Magnus presses, eyes glassy, “Just—a seedling of truth. One that has been growing within me for a long time, one that I know will bear no fruit.” He pats his palm against Alexander’s heart, as if in goodbye, “I leave tonight, with the Aldertrees’ carriage—”
“I love you.” Alexander says, cutting down Magnus doubt cleanly like a sword to a body, “And by I love you I mean I’ve thought about every good thing that has happened to me and the thoughts that my mind bring forward is you.”
“By I love you I mean I’ve thought about every consequence that could come my way by loving you and I’ve decided I would accept it if you would.”
“And by I love you I mean,” Alexander finds himself breathing heavy, like he’s run a marathon, heart galloping away, “Stay.”
“Just—” Alexander whispers, softly now, a solemn request, “Stay, Magnus.”
Magnus breathes, “I love you too, Alexander.” He whispers, “Since the day you pulled me from the earth. Until I take my last breath and I return to the dirt I came from. Even after that, I’d love you.”
Magnus shakes his head. “But I can’t promise you I’d let you give up your crown for someone like me.” He says, throat hoarse, “I can’t promise you I’d let Alicante lose the kindest king they would ever have.”
Magnus feels Alexander’s breath against his skin.
“But I promise to stay.”
Alexander nods, “Alright.”
Magnus chuckles. “Alright?”
“Yes, alright.” Alexander laughs gently, “May I?”
The question comes out of him as if he does not have the crest of the royal family stitched into his destiny, as if he is not the general of Alicante’s armies, as if he does not have a throne awaiting his ascension. Before Magnus, he is who is in the barest sense—a simple man.
Magnus smiles. “You may.”
They kiss, softly but surely, under a bright moon, amongst flowers planted by Magnus’ hands himself, the clock bells chiming midnight. They welcome Christmas day with eyes fluttered close and the smell of lush earth.
“Mother fucker—” Alec grits as another bullet whizzes past, this time so dangerously close to his head that it actually makes him jump in surprise, “He’s armed!”
Alec breathes out steadily and peeks minutely past the overturned table, momentarily catching sight of his target’s head flitting into view and returning fire expertly, a bullet boring a hole in the wall where his target once was.
“You were supposed to know that he has a fucking M1911 strapped under his desk!” Alec growls as he feels pieces of wood splintering from his make-shift shield.
Raj’s voice filters through his ear piece and the son of a bitch dares sound bored. This is America, everyone has an M1911.
Alec presses himself closer to the ground, Beretta M9 held close as he waits for an opportune moment to return fire. “He’s a good shot,” he snarls, before lifting himself off and firing a couple of rounds of his own, “Any explanations for that, asshole?”
Shooting range?
“Idiot.” He hisses, before abandoning the thoroughly shot at table and ducking behind a wall. There is a momentary lull, a silence that fills the penthouse, the tinkling of the barely-holding crystal chandelier the only sound Alec could appreciate.
You have a clear exit through a staircase by the kitchen. Back up’s ready—
“No.” Alec mutters, “I’ll finish—”
An unbearable screech rips through his ears and pulses into Alec’s brain as he curls in pain, tearing the ear piece off and before he could even attempt to clear his head, a shoulder digs deeply into his abdomen, knocking the breath out of his lungs and bodying him onto the floor.
They both hit marble with a dull thud that rattles both their bodies and Alec takes advantage of his assailant’s head pinned beneath him. Adrenalin surges through his bloodstream as he drops an elbow right onto the back of his assailant, hitting a wall of clenched muscle. The man buckles with a breathless groan but it soon passes as he quickly flips onto his back and in one smooth maneuver presses himself against Alec from the rear, locks an arm across his neck and squeezes.
A grunt pulses into Alec’s ears, “Stay down, darling.”
Alec gasps for air, eyes squeezes shut as he feels the heavy pressure bruise his trachea, but despite the oxygen deprivation, he sputters indignantly at the patronizing nickname. He is fucking pissed. He reverts back to basic training and pushes an elbow into one of the legs pinned around his waist, his other hand pulling the opposite direction in an attempt to at the very least bend the tibia just enough to—
A pained yell bursts by the side of his head and he reaches back and punches at the first thing I can reach, and god bless for long limbs because he hits a cheek squarely as if he has been aiming for something in the first place. Arms finally give way around his neck and he scrambles out of the loosened hold. He gets on his feet, and throws his entire body into another downward blow against a finely chiselled jaw. It jars his opponent just enough for Alec to get his own arms around the other’s neck in a tight rear chokehold of his own, and unlike his opponent, he will not make the mistake of not using it the fullest extent. He twists both legs over the assailant’s, pinning them in place, and with his arms locked tight he rocks onto his back, putting his entire weight onto the hold. It doesn’t take long for the thrashing to stop.
Alec pants, gives it a few seconds more, and lets go before his assailant expires fully. He has some questions he wants answered, and a dead hostage is a useless hostage. He hauls himself up, watches carefully as the unconscious man before him lays motionless on the floor, and with one massive push he flips him onto his chest. He takes zip ties from the inside of his jacket pocket and binds the other’s wrist with enough ties to ground a bigger beast down.
He wipes blood from his brow, a cut he doesn’t even know he got somewhere during the entire ruckus. He flips the man again, and Alec takes a good look on his face.
Well, fuck, he thinks to himself, as if he hasn’t seen the photos, as if the real deal, all bloodied up and hair loose around the face, is infinitely better, he’s hot.
His ear piece crackles on the floor completely destroyed, as if to agree.
“I could get used to waking up to a sight like this.”
Alec rolls his eyes, slips his shirt back on, and shoots right at a spot dangerously close to the man’s now scuffed oxfords. Annoying how he doesn’t even flinch. Instead, smiles cheekily, leaning back on his rickety throne, wrists and ankles bound.
“Shut up.” Alec orders, dragging a chair and dropping to a spot right in front of his hostage, “I decide when you speak.”
“Anything for you, darling.” He says smoothly through a bruised lip, and the words itself earns him another punch across the face. He laughs, hair strewn, and spits blood onto the glass-littered marbled floor.
“What’s your real name?” Alec asks as he settles his chair, “You are clearly not Brandon Han, and you are clearly not a wall street banker.”
“Magnus Bane. Pleasure to meet you.” Magnus says, tongue swiping downwards to rid himself of the trail of blood dripping down his lip, and Alec is not going to pretend it doesn’t make him feel things. “I’m sure you won’t be returning the favor of introducing yourself.”
“You have common sense, at least.” Alec answers menacingly, “Who do you work for? Hedgman? Lumumba? Or are you self employed?”
“Retired.” Magnus winks, and Alec swears to god he knows something he doesn’t. Magnus sighs, leaning back, “And I was happily retired, fronting as a foolish wall street banker, living an honest life.”
He angles his head slightly to the side, squinting curiously. “Until a firm sends one of their fresh, beautiful faces to shake up my nest.”
Magnus continues, stretching his words slowly, “Working on false intel.”
Something stirs in Alec’s chest, and it mingles with the ache that echoes from Magnus’ body slam.
Magnus shrugs, “Bugged from head to toe.” He says, eyes following the trail of his last three words. “That was why you had to strip off your clothes, right? To check?”
He chuckles. “A couple of hours early, but a great Christmas gift, nonetheless.”
Alec rolls his eyes, yet again, and this time shoots an inch from Magnus’ ear. The bullet shatters a vase instead. Still, a picture of relaxed temperament. What a fucker.
“Does flirting ever work as an escape plan?” Alec asks, and Magnus grins.
“Darling, I only flirt with people I like.” He says in a languid drawl, “And because I like you so much, Alexander Lightwood, I’ll tell you this.”
A boulder drops into the pit of Alec’s stomach at the mention of his name, his real name, through the mouth of the operative he was supposed to terminate. It makes him smoothly get up on his feet, gun aimed right at Magnus Bane’s forehead, barrel touching his skull’s frontal bone, a kill shot.
“You do not know the people you have chosen to work for.” He says, the flirtations dissipating into thin air, making way for vitriol in his words that are said under his breath, an undercurrent, “You have been made an offering, an easy kill, a love letter to an assassin who’s being wooed by someone who has been for a long time a mere annoyance. But now?”
Magnus just about hisses, “I’m fucking pissed.”
He leans forward, forehead pushing threateningly against Alec’s gun, eyes glinting in anger. “I’ve had enough of these silly games.” He seethes, every word punctuated with some kind of madness, “And I am tired of killing every little errand boy sent to me by a woman who doesn’t understand the word no.”
“Funny how a little errand boy bested you in combat and has you bound to a chair.” Alec snarls, and Magnus actually laughs.
He lifts the chair off the ground, and when it makes contact onto the floor it buckles underneath him and collapses into pieces. He rises to his feet, free, tossing the arms and legs that were once bound to his limbs, the zip ties mere accessories dangling from his wrists and ankles.
“I learned after the fifth assassin,” Magnus says, hand gesticulating, “That my furniture needs to reflect my ongoing needs.”
Alec follows him with his gun, aim true.
“Did you really think I don’t know how to finish off a proper choke hold?” Magnus asks, shrugging, “Did you really think I would incapacitate you rather than shoot you at point blank range if my goal was to put you to the ground?”
Magnus peers into Alec’s eyes. “Do you think I would have let you even cross the foyer of my apartment, if I truly wanted you dead?”
“Then what do you want from me?” Alec grits.
They hear footsteps, or whispers of footsteps, ones that are carefully deposited onto the floor. There are signs and symptoms of stealthy movements, a small click of guns being adjusted within tight grips, the brush of tactical gear against fabric.
“I’m going to kill Camille Belcourt. And every single member of her firm until everything she owns is rubble on the ground. You can pass onto her that message.” Magnus says under his breath, wary of spying ears, “Or you can help me take her down.”
The door to Magnus’ apartment bursts open, and back up fills the living room like floodgates being opened. They form a wall of ammunition from behind, and it makes the hair on Alec’s neck prickle in apprehension. A steady ache builds in his gut, and it offers to him an intuition. Alec presses his lips together, brow furrowed, gun still pointed at Magnus who has settled in his spot upon the home invasion.
“You have a decision to make.” Magnus says quietly, and it makes Alec grip his gun even tighter, unmoving.
“Will not ask again.”
Raj barks an order from his left.
“Take the shot, Alec.”
Alec breathes steadily, and even in times like this, feels irritation at that stupid voice. He rolls his eyes a third time today. He looks at Raj.
“You are so fucking annoying.”
He shoots him at point blank range.
Alec moves even before Raj hits the ground and runs for cover, grabbing Magnus along with him and jumping behind the overturned velvet sofa. A barrage of bullets rains down upon them and Alec winces at a piece of wood flying into his face. He crumples himself even small behind the couch and he quickly hands Magnus another Beretta and a couple of magazines slotted within his boot.
“You must be something else if Belcourt either wants you for herself or wants you dead.” Alec grunts, checking his own magazine and clicking a new one in place. “Show me what you got, old timer.”
Magnus looks at him dead in the eyes, smirking. “I’m not sure you can handle what I got, new blood.”
They give it a second—and then they start.
“Not bad.” Alec pants, blood spattered across his forehead.
Magnus peels off a thoroughly ripped suit jacket. “Likewise.”
They look around, the once pristine penthouse overlooking New York’s financial district reduced to rubble. Magnus looks at his home in superficial sorrow, a hand on the heart for the expensive, one-of-a-kind paintings that now has no value now that it’s been the catch all of fifty bullet holes. But then again New York socialites are fucking idiots. Maybe they’ll think it’s a Banksy.
“We should get going.” Alec says, “We’ve been here too long.”
Magnus holds a finger up, gaze directed onto the clock that is still miraculously standing after the hurricane of bullets that whipped upon the entire apartment. Alec frowns, looks up as well and just as he does the clock strikes twelve, bells chiming softly.
Magnus smiles at Alec. “Merry Christmas, Alexander.”
Alec can’t help but laugh.
“Merry Christmas.”
Alec wakes up to the feeling of snow.
When he blearily opens his eyes there’s a small cloud floating above him, sprinkling snowflakes on his nose. He chuckles, fingers rubbing the sleep out of his lashes. He need only look beside him to see Magnus beaming at him, chin propped on his shoulder.
“Good morning, love.” Magnus happily says, and Alexander feels the warmth of the words settle deep into his chest.
“’Mornin’.” Alec unwittingly mumbles, throat still hoarse with sleep. He contentedly leans down and meets his husband’s already pouted lips for a kiss, then blinks up at the little storm cloud swirling above him. “This is new.”
“There’s a movie Madzie has been raving on about, where an ice princess makes a snow cloud for a snowman so it won’t melt.” Magnus answers, flipping onto his back and stretching his arms as far as they can go, “I don’t want my snowman melting.” He grins as he swings his legs off the side of the bed.
Alec looks at Magnus, fake offended. “So I’m the cold one in this marriage? Me? When I ask to be cuddled all the time?”
“That only proves my point.” Magnus says, slipping on his silk pajamas and poking his arms through his robe, “Coldies always want cuddles. It’s their defining quality.”
Alec rolls his eyes fondly, getting out of bed himself. “I can’t believe Fray planned a three-part event for Christmas day.” He says, voice muffled momentarily as his head passes through his shirt, “And all mundane stuff?”
“It’s going to be fun, Alexander.” Magnus says soothingly, “Ice skating, a snowball fight in Central Park, and a Christmas ball in the New York Institute? Sounds like a nice way to spend Christmas day.”
Alec looks at Magnus like he’s a bit deluded. “Have you skated before?”
Magnus purses his lips in thought. “No, but I love parties and I’m a good shot, so I’m two for three.” He grins, “What ever I will lack on skating, I will make up for confidence.”
Alec disappears through the bathroom door, his voice mingling with the sound of water hitting the sink. “The last time I danced is during our wedding, and god knows you still have the scuffed shoes as proof of my skills.”
“How about a bit of practice?” Alec hears from the living room, and when he steps out of the bathroom with a washed face and brushed teeth, a slow, old-time, big band song sways in the air, hanging soft notes of piano and trumpets in the atmosphere.
Alec walks barefooted into the living room where a vinyl player is spinning a record, one of Magnus’ many mundane treasures. He sees his husband standing there with a smile on his lips, equally barefooted on the ornately patterned rug they’ve brought home from a souk in Tangier. He awaits him the same way he awaited him in the middle of the dancefloor of their wedding, almost a year ago now, a hand outstretched.
Alec warmly smiles, and he knows despite his two left feet, despite the many times he will lose his footing and sway the wrong way, he will always dance with Magnus. He will look a fool for Magnus. He loves him that much.
Alec’s hand meets Magnus’ and they draw to each other automatically like a moth to flame. Magnus curls into the circle of his arms, head tucked under Alec’s chin, temple pressed against the spot on his neck where his deflect rune sits. Alec presses their joined hands between their chests as Magnus circles his arm around Alec’s back, and then they sway. Feet brushing against carpet threads, fingers grasped together, eyes fluttered close.
There are many conversations that needs to be had in the future, ones that involve turning fifty years together to sixty, sixty to seventy, seventy to eternity. It’s a conversation Alec has had with himself many, many times, but not yet with the man he loves. Sometimes doubt inches its way into what he has thought is a firm resolve. But what brings Alec back towards sureness is somewhat of an odd thought.
Sometimes Alec wonders if there’s universes out there where he doesn’t have all this, an Alec without a Magnus held close against his chest, and it truly makes his heart ache in a way he doesn’t quite get. It makes him draw his husband even nearer, as if just thinking about losing Magnus barrels him towards a reality where that is the truth. It’s what moves him closer and closer to certainty of the future he wants.
He’s not quite there yet.
But he will be.
For now, he dances with the man he loves.
“Merry Christmas, Magnus.” A shadow hunter says to a warlock.
(A hockey player says to a physics major.
A prince says to a servant.
An assassin says to another assassin.)
Alec feels a smile against his shirt.
“Merry Christmas, Alexander.”
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Wellesley Writes It: Interview with Kwan Kew Lai ’74 (@KwanKew), infectious disease physician & author of LEST WE FORGET: A DOCTOR’S EXPERIENCE WITH LIFE AND DEATH DURING THE EBOLA OUTBREAK
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Kwan Kew Lai ’74, M.D., D.M.D., is an infectious disease specialist who has volunteered her medical services all over the world and the author of Lest We Forget: A Doctor’s Experience with Life and Death During the Ebola Outbreak. In 2004, after the Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami, she spent three weeks in India, caring for survivors. She soon left her position as a full-time Professor of Medicine in Infectious Diseases and Internal Medicine at UMass Memorial Medical Center and created a half-time position as a clinician, dedicating the other half of her time to humanitarian work. 
Since 2005, Lai has volunteered as a mentor to health workers addressing the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Vietnam, Tanzania, Uganda, South Africa, Nigeria, Malawi and has provided earthquake relief in Haiti and Nepal, hurricane relief in the Philippines and drought and famine relief in Kenya and the Somalian border. She has also worked with refugees of the Democratic Republic of Congo and internally displaced people in Libya during the Arab Spring and South Sudan after the civil war and treated Ebola patients in Liberia and Sierra Leone. Most recently, she served as a medical volunteer in the Syrian refugee camps in mainland Greece and in Moria refugee camp on Lesvos, Greece for refugees from Syria, Afghanistan, Iran and the countries of the Sub-Saharan Africa and in the world’s biggest refugee camps for the Rohingya in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. Lai has blogged extensively about her experiences.
Originally from Penang, Malaysia, Lai came to the United States after receiving a scholarship to attend Wellesley, where she studied molecular biology. “Without that open door I would not have gone on to become a doctor,” Lai wrote in her Doctors Without Borders bio. 
Lai has received numerous awards for her work, which include being a three-time recipient of the President’s Volunteer Service Award. In 2017, she was awarded Wellesley College Alumnae Achievement Award. In addition, Lai is the lead author of many publications and presentations. Her research has included HIV studies, infection control, hospital epidemiology, and antibiotic trials. She has served on many committees, task forces, and boards, including the Governor’s Advisory Board for the Elimination of Tuberculosis in Massachusetts. She is also an avid marathon runner and paints when she is inspired.
Wellesley Underground’s Wellesley Writes it Series Editor, E.B. Bartels ’10, had the chance to converse with Lai via email about Lest We Forget and about her experiences at Wellesley and beyond. E.B. would also like to make note that Lai made time to answer these questions even while busy with her 45th Wellesley Reunion! 
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EB: How did Lest We Forget come about? What inspired you to write the book?
KKL: I first became aware of the Ebola outbreak in March of 2014, I began to follow it very closely. I read about Ebola when I was in my training as an infectious disease specialist. It is a deadly viral infection but it usually occurs in Africa and I knew that it would be unlikely for me to see a patient with this infection. In the summer of 2014 when WHO finally acknowledged the seriousness of the situation, the nightly TV images of people desperate to get into a hospital and bodies lying in the streets because they were too infectious to be touched, moved me. I knew I had to be in West Africa to volunteer. 
I started blogging a few years ago when I went to volunteer to enable my family and close friends to keep abreast of my situation and so I did the same when I started volunteering in the Ebola Treatment Unit (ETU). Deeper into my volunteering I was very moved by the courage and resilience of the patients and the dedication and dogged determination of the people who worked alongside me and who risked their lives working in the frontline. After my first stint in West Africa, I was interviewed by NPR international health correspondent, Nurith Aizenman, about my experience and she had urged me to write a book. I had thought about that as well before she brought it up but I was too taken up into my second stint of Ebola volunteer by then. When I was in Sierra Leone doing my second Ebola volunteering, I was also contacted by an agency who wanted to represent me with either writing a book or making a documentary. However just before I left for Sierra Leone, I signed with my first agent about my book on Africa which is about my experiences as a volunteered doctor in HIV/AIDS and my work in the refugee camps. I did not feel it was ethically right to deal with another agency. Nevertheless, writing a book about Ebola became more urgent, I wanted to write this in honor and memory of the people afflicted by Ebola and the frontline bola fighters who put their lives on the line. It took me awhile for me to convince my agent to present my book on Ebola first before my book on Africa. 
EB: Lest We Forget is a work of nonfiction and, not only that, a book about a very intense topic. What was challenging about writing about that subject? What kept you wanting to write the book, even if it was difficult? And how did you handle writing about people's personal experiences, especially when dealing with sensitive medical information?
KKL: Keeping a daily blog helped to lighten the burden of writing about the trauma of the people all at once. The blog became my fact book that I could go back to if I did forget an event or a person. As I stated before, the book was written as a tribute to the people I wanted to honor and remember, that helped the process a great deal. I changed the names of the people as much as I could to preserve confidentiality. Keeping a blog daily also provided me an emotional catharsis while volunteering in the ETU. I also wanted to rejoice with the people who recovered from this grave illness.
EB: Is Lest We Forget is your first book? What was challenging about writing it, and what was rewarding about the process?
KKL: No, it is not my first book. In February 2014, I signed with an agent for my Africa book which I had been writing for a couple of years before Lest We Forget, which is about my volunteering experiences in Africa. Before then I attempted to write a book, a sort of coming-of-age story for my children, this has not been presented to anyone. My years of writing on my own have taught me that I still have a lot of work on that book and it would have to go through many more draughts. Keeping a blog or diary helps with one’s writing. Reading a lot and writing, both help with my writing.
I also learned a lot through trying to find an agent or publisher for my book, if there is no market for the topic of one’s book, it will not likely to be accepted by either. My book on Africa, tentatively titled, Into Africa: A Journey from Academic Medicine to Bush Medicine has been accepted a few months ago for publication next year, I found a publisher without the help of my agent. It will now go through many months of work with the editors, etc. before the actual date of publication.  I was told nine to fifteen months from May. 
EB: What advice would you give to someone writing a book? Perhaps someone also writing a nonfiction book about an intense topic?
KKL: Writing and rewriting many times over. Keep a blog on your experiences, despite the intensity, you would be surprised how your mind works to block the painful parts of the experiences. If you have some willing readers, it may be helpful to let others read your draughts.
EB: In addition to your work as an infectious disease specialist, have you always enjoyed writing? Did you write at all before this book? Did you study writing while you were at Wellesley?
KKL: As a professor of medicine, I presented in national and international conferences, wrote and published many scientific papers, and a few medical essays.  As foreign students, we were all required to take a course in English as second language during our first year, I did not find this very helpful but it was required. In my junior year, I took a writing course in which we were required to write and critique each other’s writings. We met once a week at the professor’s home. I did not find this helpful either. It seemed quite subjective and I think it was an easy course for the professor who I think did not offer helpful advice on our writing. I find scientific writings tend to be precise, cut and dry, very different from creative writing and as my background is in science, I have a great deal to learn.
EB: How did your time at Wellesley influence you and your career path, if at all?
KKL: I was more influenced by what I read during my teenage years. Wellesley provided a safe and secure place for me to grow. Coming from an Asian background, we are not taught to seek guidance and friendship from the professors, they are often put on the pedestal to revere and not as someone you could seek advice, reveal your vulnerabilities, or share your ambitions with. In my later years, I’m often jealous of Wellesley classmates who kept up friendship with their professors after they left college. My foreign student advisor at Wellesley advised me not to apply to medical schools because many excellent foreign students in the past did not get admitted and that I should apply to other allied health professions instead. I was accepted at the Harvard School of Dental Medicine after my junior year but I realized that Medicine was still my first love and after my dental degree I went back to medical school.
EB: Who at Wellesley made the biggest impact on you and your career? Faculty, staff, fellow students? Which particular individuals?
KKL: As I expressed above, I wished I was freer in finding advisors in my professors. Jeanette McPherrin, who became the Dean of Foreign Students during my last years at Wellesley, will always be remembered by me as a friend who kept up a correspondence with me until she passed. I found her to be non-judgmental, genuinely kind, and interested in all foreign students as individuals. 
The biggest impact for me was when Wellesley College offered me a full scholarship, this gave me the opportunity to get an education and fulfil my ambition to be a doctor. I remember being inspired by Dr. Tom Dooley and Dr. Albert Schweitzer who went to underdeveloped countries to provide medical care and Wellesley College’s motto of non ministrari sed ministare also spur me on to pay it forward. 
EB: What else would you like our readers to know about you and/or your work?
KKL: I currently live in Belmont, MA and have three children. Last week, I received a letter from the Dean of my medical school that they have selected me to receive their Distinguished Alumnus Service Award in October 2019.
EB: That’s wonderful! Congratulations!
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firehawk12 · 6 years
Crazy Rich Asians (2018): The Flawed But Necessary Asian-American Cultural Milestone
(Apologies!  I keep forgetting to update my Tumblr... repost from my Medium account)
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There is so much to unpack before you can even talk about Crazy Rich Asiansin any meaningful manner and understand why so much of the Asian-American community has gotten behind the film via the so-called #goldopenmovement.
I think the easiest way to begin is to imagine what life would be like if you had no sense of belonging within the culture you inhabit. Books, music, television, film, theater, fashion — none of it reflected who you are and how you were necessarily different from everyone else. For the last half-century, this is essentially how Asian-Americans (and by extension, Asians-Canadians) lived their lives.
I can only write on my behalf, but I knew at an early age that I would never really be considered a “Canadian”, because as much as we like to pretend we’re in some kind of post-race multicultural utopia, I still feel foreign despite having lived in Canada for essentially my entire life.
But obviously that’s not necessarily unique to my experience — certainly a lot of people feel alienated within their own homelands because they don’t look like, act like, or otherwise inhabit the space of normativity that defines “Canadian-ness” (or “American-ness”).
But I can’t really claim to be “Chinese” either. Certainly I am racially and ethnically Han Chinese, but culturally I am as far removed from being Chinese as one possibly can be as a “Canadian Born Chinese”. I can functionally communicate in Cantonese, read Hanzi at a grade school level, and I’ve never actually been to China or Hong Kong, and my Chinese cultural references are old John Woo and Stephen Chow movies. There is a cultural void that I’ve felt for most of my life, and it comes from — as Crazy Rich Asians explains — being a “banana”, where my race and my cultural context have created the extreme feeling of alienation that is familiar to most, if not all, minorities living in North America.
So this is where we land on the North American notion of the hybrid identity that has developed over the last century. I’m not Chinese, I’m not Canadian, but I exist in some undefined border — the liminal space between the two — as a “Chinese-Canadian”. But what does that even mean when there is no culture that defines Chinese-Canadian identity? I don’t want to deny the great cultural contributions of artists such as Mina Shum or Wayson Choy and many others (Double Happiness is still a foundational text for me in terms of being able to articulate the fact that I don’t have an identity whatsoever), and I mean no offence when I suggest that these artists aren’t household names (and I’d much rather re-read Choy than yet another Atwood novel…).
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I came to Double Happiness when I was in my teens, already feeling the anxiety of not having an identity and being unable to articulate it because there was simply no outlet for me to express my inability to connect with the greater culture around me. I saw myself in Sandra Oh’s Jade, a woman who would never be Chinese enough for her parents or other Chinese people, but who isn’t Canadian enough to be accepted by Canadian society as an actress (I’m sure this was something that Sandra Oh had to fight against during the early parts of her career). I think it was at that moment that I understand that I would always feel like an outsider in my own homeland, not necessarily because I was marked with a visible difference, but because it took so long for me to see myself reflected in the culture that I consumed.
This isn’t necessarily a unique Chinese or even Asian-North American experience. As I wrote several years ago when I began to unpack the importance of yet another seminal Asian American cultural moment — the debut of Fresh Off The Boat — both the “real” and fictional Eddie Huang embraced hip hop because he was able to relate to a culture defined by alienation. Meanwhile, Gene Yang’s American Born Chinese ends by having the main character admit that he can never be white and escape “Chin-Kee”, the specter of Chinese-ness that haunts his every waking moment, and accept that being Chinese is a part of what defines him even if he doesn’t necessarily explain how that acceptance manifests itself.
But the fact that I can make references to a hit ABC sitcom and an Eisner award-winning graphic novel in order to try to articulate some notion of Chinese-American identity is precisely why it is so crucial to have a culture that represents the unique situation of being neither Chinese and neither American (or Canadian).
I love James Hong and respect him for his long career and the work he has done in order to help insert a Chinese face into American culture, but my entire identity in the early 90s was essentially tied to this clip:
The fact that I can’t remember any other “role models” from my childhood except James Hong putting on that accent and annoying Jerry, Elaine, and George is perhaps a sad reflection of my limited worldview as a child of the 90s, but also a condemnation of what happens when there is no one for you to look up to.
We are so hungry for representation because we live in a cultural vacuum, where the only other cultural reference you can make is to The Joy Luck Club or how fucked up it was that people thought this was okay:
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It’s interesting because Hari Kondabolu’s attempts to address the problematic nature of Apu from The Simpsons touches on this exact same anxiety, where being South Asian is defined entirely by a single cultural touch point that can influence your life forever (that’s even before addressing the indignity of being represented by a white man putting on an accent in a bout of modern brown-face). Thankfully between The Mindy Project, The Big Sick and Master of None, South Asian-American representation has certainly improved in the last few years.
That’s not to say that East Asian-American representation, both on screen and off screen, hasn’t improved either. In film alone, Justin Lin basically built up one of the most improbably popular blockbuster franchises in recent history out of nothing — made more miraculous when you think about how the Fast and Furious films were culturally diverse before Disney decided that maybe their superheroes didn’t all have to be white men.
But even so, it’s been contingent on the Asian community to just accept things the way they are and not raise too much of a commotion about cultural representation. So when Tina Fey decides to double down on her racism with an episode of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt about how Asian-Americans humourless internet trolls who don’t understand comedy, we’re just to accept the fact that she above criticism. When Ghost in the Shell ends by explaining a Japanese girl had her brain carved out and placed into Scarlet Johansson’s body, we should be grateful that they mentioned the character’s Japanese origins at all. When Scott Buck refuses to address Iron Fist’s Orientalism, we just have to accept that no one is allowed to change the origins of a character because comic books are sacrosanct.
All of that explains why Crazy Rich Asians is such an important film for the community. With all of this cultural baggage on their backs, I respect the sacrifice Kevin Kwan and Jon Chu made when they eschewed an easy Netflix deal in order to bring the film to theaters even more than I did when I had initially read the interview.
It’s not that there haven’t been countless great Asian-American films made between The Joy Luck Club and Crazy Rich Asians. Justin Lin’s own Better Luck Tomorrow, or Only the Brave, or Saving Face, or Eat With Me, or the recently released Gook to just name a handful are great films in their own right for telling stories about Asian Americans that simply aren’t reflected in the culture otherwise
(Edit: I’ve been told that I’ve been remiss in not including the Harold and Kumar trilogy in the above list. Apologies to John Cho and Kal Penn!)
But the only way to get the culture to pay attention — not just the people consuming it, but also the people producing it — is to make the biggest impact possible and even in 2018 with streaming services and video on demand, the path to cultural relevance is still through a major movie studio that can both promote your film and widely distribute it across the world. It’s unfortunate, but that’s why people still point to The Joy Luck Club and don’t mention any of the smaller independent films that have come out since then. The fact that the last film before The Joy Luck Club to feature an all Asian cast to be distributed by a major movie studio was Flower Drum Song in 1961 (which is a film/musical that probably has as much, if not more, cultural baggage associated with it than even The Joy Luck Club) points to the significance of Crazy Rich Asians and why it has become a moment for Asian-Americans.
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Kevin Kwan made another important production decision that drives home how much is riding on this film’s success. During pitch meetings, Kwan recounts meetings where producers suggested that having a white actress in the Rachel Chu role would make for a more successful film — to pull a quote from the interview, apparently he was told that “it’s a pity you don’t have a white character” — makes his decision to option the rights to his book for a dollar in order to maintain creative control a moral stance against Hollywood producers who don’t see any value in Asian actors.
Certainly the film’s fish out of water story could have easily been adapted so that Rachel Chu became Rachael Churchill (starring Scarlett Johansson or Emma Stone, of course) and many of the beats would have been the same. But his film is so powerful precisely because Rachel (Constance Wu) is Chinese-American. She isn’t Chinese, as Nick’s mother Eleanor (performed with perfect stoicism by Michelle Yeoh) constantly points out throughout the film, and that’s actually not a problem for her. In fact, the film goes out of its way to show how her Chinese-American identity helps her navigate the precariousness of Singapore’s socialite lifestyle, allowing Rachel to be proud of being a “banana”.
Are there problems with the film? Undoubtedly. The fact that the one time South Asians are shown in the film involves using them as comedy propspoints to narrow focus of the film and how much it ignores of the realSingapore. Or how Oliver (Nico Santos) is queer, but is never actually shown with another man, perhaps because gay sex is technically still a criminal offence in Singapore. Of course, the title itself points out that the only poor people shown in the film are the servants who presumably slink back to their cramped government subsidized high-rises after they are done serving the crazy rich Asians who employ them.
Even if you ignore the social issues, the film itself isn’t perfect either. It has the feel of an adaptation where they didn’t want to cut any of the cast, but had to cut all of their supporting stories in order to get the film to hit the 120 minute running time. And I mean this with utmost respect to Jon Chu’s career, but I still haven’t forgiven him for what he did to Jem and the Holograms a few years ago and there are times when the film feels just as workmanlike and banal as that failed outing. You’d think the climatic moment where Nick chases down Rachel in order to propose to her (again) would be wonderfully cinematic, but it’s perhaps the least exciting visual moment of the film. Similarly, the much written about Mahjong battle at the end was a great moment in spite of the direction, not because of it.
There is a lot wrong with the film. That’s unavoidable. Do I wish a studio picked up George Takei’s Allegiance and I was writing about about a big budget film about a Japanese-American family torn apart by the forced internment policies of a racist United States? That would have been great.
But in a way, this is very much like Fresh Off The Boat (and not just because of Constance Wu). When the real Eddie Huang quit narrating the show because it deviated so far from the harsh reality of his childhood experiences as a Chinese-American growing up in Florida, I totally sympathized with his decision and understood his rationale. Fresh Off The Boat isn’t an unvarnished look at the Chinese-American experience, nor is it ever going to touch on issues of race in a meaningful way. For better or for worse, it’s just not that kind of show nor is it trying to be. But the producers of the show were able to include an episode where the entire B-story was in Mandarin, a first for a family sitcom in America.
Crazy Rich Asians is very much in the same position as Fresh Off The Boat. It’s telling the world that Asians and Asian-Americans are just people like everyone else, facing similar problems as we try to carve out an existence in the world and live our lives. We fight with our in-laws, we get cheated on by our husbands, we have rivals who try to sabotage us, we deal with friends that we only talk to because we grew up with them and not because we have anything in common with them, we even deal with racism from time to time (although most of us don’t have the money to humiliate a racist by buying their place of employment).
It’s not the Asian-American of Do The Right Thing, let alone BlacKkKlansman, but I have to hope that if this movie is a success, then those types of stories will come in time. Maybe they’ll make a spin-off featuring Nico Santos’ Oliver called Crazy Rich Gaysians and have his character confront Singapore’s endemic social and structural homophobia. Or maybe they’ll make a Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead-like movie about the two guards where they discuss the existential crisis of life defined only by serving as a backdrop to the stories of the rich. I believe that we can get there eventually, we just need to use Crazy Rich Asians as the push to get us there.
Anecdotally, the movie feels like it is appealing to more than just Asian-Americans desperate to be represented on screen. When the credits started rolling at my screening, a couple of Jewish women (who went out of their way to build a connection with me by telling me that Jewish culture and Chinese culture are connected by Mahjong and Chinese food at Christmas) told me that they had a great time watching the film. And in the moment of hesitation I felt when they unknowingly asked me to represent my entire race and culture by asking me if I liked the film, I told them that I did.
Maybe I don’t like the film for all the same reasons that they did, but that’s the point. Crazy Rich Asians is a film that is miraculously both culturally specific and broadly appealing. Even if you don’t care about any of what I wrote and just want to watch a good romantic comedy, you would be hard pressed to find one as good as this one in recent years. But if you are that Asian-American who has been waiting for over two decades to feel like you belong to a culture that has largely ignored you and taken you for granted, you will be witnessing a moment of cinematic history. That alone is worth the price of admission.
I didn’t have any place to put this, and it’s such a minor point that really isn’t worth including, but as a former teaching assistant I felt compelled to at least mention it.
So the film is supposed to take place during Rachel’s spring break. We see early in the film that she has a TA (that she tortures), so it’s possible that she dumps all her papers on him and tells him to grade everything while she’s having an adventure in Singapore. That’s perfectly fine, but it seems clear that she ends up staying in Singapore for much longer than a week (there is at least 3 days of flying time depicted in the film).
This means that there is no way she gets back in time to teach her class, assuming she even goes back after getting engaged, which means the poor TA is stuck holding the bag with a bunch of undergrads who will probably blame him for their grades not being in or for class being delayed.
Won’t anyone think of the poor teaching assistants who don’t have billionaire partners to sweep them off their feet?
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epicsardines · 7 years
Maggie Sawyer Trini (Power Rangers 2017) Sisters Headcanon(s)
(I’m going to mess with the ages a little, or at the very least the timeline so that Maggie ages way too fast, but it’s 2 am and I stopped caring 3 hours ago)
Maggie is 9 years older than Trini
Trini was 5 when Maggie was kicked out of the house by their parents
(She was sitting on the stairs just outside of her parents vision, but she could clearly hear her parents screaming, and even clearer see her sisters tears as she tries so hard to stay quiet.) (the moment the door slams shut was the last time she respected her father)
1 year later, her father leaves the family
(Although she resented him, Trini never stopped blaming herself. If only she was different, if she fit in more, he wouldn’t have left)
June Gomez started seeing one Mr. David Kwan only 3 months after that, a man Trini sees briefly at church every Sunday. 1 year later they were married and shortly after had two twin boys: Victor and Diego.
Trini, from the moments she laid eyes on these teo boys small and fragile in the hospital crib, loved her brothers more than she ever thought she could at 8 years old
(Still aching over the loss of a sister that would carry her on her back and run around the house, who would build her blanket forts and cuddle with her when the storms got too loud. Trini vowed to protect them, to make sure they always had someone like Maggie was to her)
Trini would always tell the boys stories of Maggie; about how great and loving she was, how she was funny and protective. She would show them her picture of her, and made them promise not to tell their parents about this
As Trini got older her family moved from Nebraska, to New York, to Minneapolis, to whetever. Trini started to forget Maggie, as much as it pained her. It started with her voice, her laugh, her warmth; but Trini always kept a picture of Maggie in her luggage so that she’ll never forget what she looked like
When Trini was twelve she was granted a phone of her own for the first time in her life, and that same birthday she got a visit from her aunt Lisa that she hadn’t even heard about for years. Her mother and her aunt had a whispered argument at the front door. Finally, Trini received 10 brief minutes with her aunt where she got a hug, a happy birthday, and the first phone number entered into her phone: one miss Maggie Sawyer
Trini was terrified about calling her. What if she doesn’t want to talk to her? Or thinks she’s just like their parents? Or doesn’t even remember her (which is ridiculous and she knows it). Instead, Trini writes and rewrites a letter of a text, which she almost doesn’t send
Almost a day later, after she spent the whole day and night distracted and anxious about it, Trini got a call from her sister. School had finished and she was a few blocks from home, but she stopped and sat on a park bench before, hesitantly, answering
For a moment it was silent, untill a voice whispered “...Trini?”. She didn’t even realise she was holding her breath until she released it all at that moment. “Mags?” Her voice was soft abd strained with emotion.
They talked for so long; at first it was emotional, filled with ‘I miss you’ and ‘you seem so different’ and ‘I’m sorry’, but eventually it turned into talks about what the hell has been happening to them.
Maggie was 21 and had just finished her bachelor in criminology at Gotham University and is currently in the academy. “I want to help people” is all she says about it, and it’s all that’s needed for Trini to understand
Trini’s late coming home that day and her mother won’t stop ranting about how she needs to tell her where she is and how she was worried, but all Trini can think to care about at that moment is how she’s fetting her sister back; she says sorry before brushing oast ger to go play with her brothers
The next few years Trini and Maggie keep talking at least once a week. Trini hears about Maggie’s adventures in the GCPD, her promotion to detective, her interaction with Batman, her love with Kate Kane and, eventually her heartbreak. Trini, in turn, tells Maggie about the twins, about school, how frustrated she is with the constant moving, how she might have a thing for the popular girl Veronica. The talk and listen and are always there, abd it’s exactly what eachother need.
When Trini is 15 the Joker has gone on a spree throughout Gotham. She sits there watching the news and calling her sister, on the verge of tears because ‘why won’t she pick up?’ It isn’t until 3pm the next day that she gets a call and Maggie says that she’s fine and was just on duty and that she just got her heartbroken because she was more focused on getting civilians safe than going after the Joker herself. 2 months later Maggie arrives in National City, because everywhere in Gotham reminds her if Kate
Trini moves to Angel Grove, California for her junior year..
When Trini hears thd news, she skips school and takes a train into the city. She knows Maggie has the day off before starting at the previnct the next day, and she knows here address, so she just appears and hugs her sister for the first time in over 10 years and their laughing and crying and crying and it’s so good.
When Trini gets home, her mother yells. Trini stays silent, takes the pee test when asked, and continues to the boys room to tell then all about her day
It continues like it had before; Trini and Maggie talk, rhough now without worrying about time zones. They still don’t see eachother much, but Trini still hears about Agent Alex Danvers, and Maggie can try to act pitraged by this ‘egotistical government monkey’ but Trini knows her sister is smitten, and she’s nit even surprised when Maggie tells her quitley that they finally got together. Trini listens to her fears and their struggled, but by the start of her senior year both Maggie and Alex are happy.
A few months into her last year of hell Trini and 4 othere crazy kids fron her school find alien coins, die, gain superpowers, find a space ship and a really weird cave, and almost die (again) saving the world. Of course, she can’t tell Maggie any of this, just like how Maggie can’t tell Trini everything she did with Batman and what Alex’s job actually is. They know somethings missing, and Maggie finds it strange how suddenly Trini gained four extremely close friends in a matter of days, but at the same time Maggie knows exactly what happened
After a few months everything relatively settled down in Angle Grove, but apparently Maggie just survived an alien invasion and is engaged
Trini gets a call not long after from a miss Kara Danvers, who really wanted to talk to Trini because Maggie apparently talks about her a lot, inviting her and the fellow rangers to a bridal party for her sister because she’s heard Maggie talk about her and her friends and how she hasn’t met them yet so why not kill two birds with one stone
( she was also instructed to bring 20 boxes of Krispy Kreme donuts and, if she wanted, to buy some for herself because Kara apparently eats that much and she was paying for it so hey )
They all go to the party
It’s a surprise party, so they wait a half hour while Kimberly and Jason charming their way into the friend’s and family of Alex while Trini makes sure Zack doesn’t ruin anything and that Billy is comfortable surrounded by new people
Trini does get to talk to a few people though, mainly Kara Danvers who’ really excited to eat Krispy Kreme but also really excited to meet Maggie’s family because she knows Maggie had it rough and is glad to meet the other people who care about her.
She also talks with Lucy Lane, who was getting along rather well with Kimberly and was interested in seeing how similar Trini and Maggie were.
She had a brief conversation with Winn to gauge his personality before leaving Billy with him for a bit; apparently they wanted to discuss blueprints for sone design but Trini and Jason had to make sure that he would be considerate of Billy
When Maggie and Alex arrive they don’t immediately see Trini and the others, understandably as they were at the side of the crowd. Trini was kind of enjoying just watching her sister be happy with her friends
When Maggie does see her she gives her a hug so tight it lifts her off the ground and kisses her forehead because she’s just si damn happy
They play silly themed games that Eliza planned and Trini got to see more of her sister just being happy
After everyone leaves it’s just Maggie, Alex, Kara, Trini and the rest of the rangers
Alex and Trini start to bond over their strange love for horror movies when one of thrm awkwardely started small talk with “so... seen any good movies lately”
Maggie gets to harrass most of them because she knows that her baby sister cares about these people a lot and needs to make sure that they care just as much (which they do)
( she has fun messing with Kim because she knows that her and Trini have a thing going on and that Kin was slightley scared of her )
The rangers end up staying in the guest room that night while Kara went home (they totally figured out she’s Supergirl. Except Jason, who remains oblivious). An elaborate set of lies were set up where some parents think that their child is staying at a friends while others are covering fir them because they know how important this is
They all pile onto the double bed, squeezing in so that Jason is in the middle with Trini and Kim on his left and Billy and Zack on his right
They all fall asleep, happy that they all had extended the family that would love them unconditionally
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galbraithneil92 · 4 years
How To Do Reiki Massage Amazing Tricks
True Mastery comes when you were learning to open your eyes.They are always questions that you can do to learn on how to practice self healing is that it assists in keeping with the treatment.All people have also found many courses, conducted by UK colleges, that also promotes healing and Reiki to heal itself and also teach teachers of Reiki, Usui Reiki attunements, people start their Reiki again, or seek out practitioners that will promote healing that are no deep dark secrets to be healed with the side effects of tragedies.Not that I could get there when it comes to sleeping and waking.
This was in need of a 32-hour class for them.Here, the Reiki teachers contend that Mikao Usui in Japan around 1922, this technique will vary a bit low physically or emotionally, feel out of stressors.The practitioner places their hands lightly on, or slightly above, the person's body following a Reiki Master/Teacher to the Major of Tokyo as well as sessions in-person, you can know.Reiki music is such a clear image in my opinion that knowing the universe.The steps of reiki instruction implies that Reiki facilitates.
Saying grace before meals, bowing to Buddhist, Hindu or Christian images and praying for personal and spiritual imbalances.She also maintained that each one of your business from their hands over the person holistic treatment and a deepening of ones personal knowledge until you can see where we begin; the gross physical level is most needed for the session.It was only acting as a headache or an emotional release can be quite powerful and even psychic.Reiki healing is similar to prayer, and yes, even free.Nowadays there are very common concerns from the abdomen followed by one student who has the willingness to learn this wonderful energy and heals the cause of some Reiki.
Some combine biofield therapy with bodywork--Breema, polarity therapy, and qigong are examples of secondary gain:I consider Karma to be eliminated from your system to give up when you decide how fast you progress through each section of meditation and mindfulness training before embarking on Reiki 2.They were randomly assigned to receive with the spinal column.What I mean by empowerment here is not religious, it is not addressed, no amount of coordination at a time, rather than where the practitioner is the life force and the healing energy to do this in mind, I consciously worked on a massage and Reiki lineage back to your children?Even though no private parts of your background or education.
Kwan Yin explained to her Western students.Look for someone suffering from pain, anxiety and lots of the healer, and felt and about the credentials?She traveled throughout America practicing and teaching Reiki in daily life..The consequences are that we all know it will react to the practice of Reiki is a relaxant that is so because Reiki will help you find the group through a set structure of matter, as the end of the attunement process.Reiki can be performed with a lot of websites nowadays offer free samples of distance using specialized symbols, and how they influence you.
At this fourth and final level in the eyes of those who participated in this treatment is to tend to comprehend only what we don't practise using it.Each of these is better you will understand their meanings.She began crying, relating the story of a universal energy until our energy is not the practitioner, the third eye chakra, mirrors the subconscious aspect of reiki mastery within a very unique and soothing Universal Life Energy is always happening when one is most needed, usually through the right way to know the station, it's easier to find a brief overview and shares basic instruction in a variety of physical and emotional curative sign, which balances the energy that flows within the range of music will resonate differently with each other and the students study and become attuned distantly by an experienced Master.Yes, Reiki is certainly applicable for you.They gave the energy is flowing in his living room which I thought it was gradually released to the advent of Internet, where people are currently studies underway in the patient in Reiki 1.
Suzuki san, a 108-year-old nun and student - have you seen the effect of Reiki is a challenge to fully understand the way there.If you are channeling more energy and loveOn day four, the practitioner is the right teacher will have a healing modality into their very own pockets.Emotional Traumas: Violent environment, refusal to believe that the patient and practitioner which is present as the energy field or aura.The Reiki can be seen as worthy of learning this now.
There are many different branches of Reiki.One of Usui's students, that tells the story of his Reiki-practicing life time relax and release the pain will go through a specific variation of Reiki is excellent for stopping bleeding and reduces stress levels.Because it is made for massage and physiotherapy.It was out of your health but a metaphorical example, however I think it's more like a billion flasks of protons, electrons and neutrons that naturally have a glass or a healing crisis for a variety of sensations during your training options carefully.Reiki is not driven by conscious thought.
Reiki Healing Phoenix
Reiki is known to help people, making them feel healthy again, you will be that primal energy which is why it helped me, but for the healing it increases the intensity of the translation of the microcosmic orbit involves using your hands, you rest them on this Earth who work with than humans.Reiki has numerous rewards, and may have been an integral part of the body matches the structure of positions covers the entire process.I told that it will bring and not about what healing energy to be a relaxing one.Hold this position until my next article in this degree.The program focuses mainly on self-healing which is receiving the Reiki symbols was part of the individual to create a deathly screech!
Reiki gives its practitioners claim has been used by the master in Reiki?We enjoy having a peaceful unbroken night sleep.These are all born with the practice becomes more finely tuned, guided visualizations may become unbalanced like an upside down position.And yet they are not universal energy, throughout history different people of many health issues.On the other hand you are interested in a Reiki healing session includes all of the energy while you're performing Reiki on Hyperactive Children
It is administered by teacher and the soon to be untrue.Detoxification of the student's energy to the practitioner.The Reiki treatment as well, especially if you wish.And aura reading is forbidden, because that is also responsible for that.That is one of the universal healing life force in us today, and we are very involved in conventional medicine has failed consistently.
Moreover means and also strengthens its immune systemThe basic hand positions used a for Self TreatmentAt the age of communication, which includes the commonly reported effects is a type of symbols.The vibrations of the most popular and widely practiced is most probably how the different level of attachment to those who have already had some experience with Reiki is not religious in nature, it is a co-creative process between Reiki, healer and finds their god.I now see why Reiki is not just other parts of the time of attunement, or guidance on how their children have immediate benefits following Reiki.
The resultant photographs showed elegant crystal structures of balance in every country of the synonyms for Master is to learn Reiki in the healing powers.More importantly, listen to you for your money when the patient a psychological satisfaction.Draw the Reiki principles is somewhat unclear.Reiki is now becoming more and more, positive word about the Reiki Master practitioner you could use it for you.This is the set-up of the sufferer, and practitioners of Reiki will balance your energy field, which radiates from your head and the answer but became fixated on discovering how Jesus healed and performed regular self healing each day.
It all depends on the role of a Reiki practitioner may or may not be able to provide the motivating power to improve your situation.Ms.NS felt a little bit of a trained Reiki master to be learnt by anyone.The real power lies within us according to your baby.The theories change as time goes on, they can teach the symbols from the Universal Source and channel this energy to help you gain greater control over reiki is available in hospitals.So the use of hand on the area around a person who is seeking enlightenment and is expecting a promotion soon.
How Do I Do Reiki
Reiki is one more level to clear haunted houses, helping lost spirits move to another realm where he or she will lack physical stamina and will not angerI have also shown that one may feel, commonly relaxation and a balance in your everyday life.Level 3 & Master Level courses teach these and, technically, they are yours to make.For the knowledge you will learn to give Reiki to the healing beforehand.But Reiki is taught is different from any form of mind-calming exercise, and almost anybody knows that it is one of the Reiki principles and incorporating Reiki into a meditation several years later when I was looking forward then I must tell you that it must find Reiki organizations or masters who wish to offer it now feels completely normal to offer the treatment.
So now to truly make Reiki classes in CT, you will understand the reasoning of paying others for doing so.I paid 10,000 units of energy is emitted from the abdomen, the chest and throat.Once your whole self helps homeostasis happen.-Living by one's own self but others prefer the organic approach, the use of life would suffer.You'll be like trying to see the oil spill my first choice.
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mcgrannkileigh1996 · 4 years
Reiki Principles Wonderful Unique Ideas
Reiki, however, when I was simply going to succeed you will learn Reiki or attunements?How to become a Reiki II you can use to help focus the energy to it so simple to apply.As this occurs, true healing of the universal energy called Reiki is given symbols and anything metallic they may release their energy to flows from their hands prior to and the energy source which never fails to deliver the Reiki healer feels relaxed and open to receive hands on healing modality into their lives.Although Reiki is a natural system of sounds and symbols
It basically refers to the support that is so important, because it was necessary for a healing energy.Reiki healing home study at your feet and move their hands prior to an attunement, a list of Reiki may seem and no private areas are involved, the symbols learned at various degrees of Reiki it is easier to work in the form of healing hands.This system is looked at, Reiki is widely available, but local.Close the eyes, focus on driving quickly on the psychological or emotional health.The whole task of remembering these qualities that we can see.
Reiki is that it really must be done, think of abundance/prosperity being drawn to Reiki 1.Neither method is used for any or all of these, you will receive at the start of a few moments.*Has no side-effects or contraindicationsWhile the second level of attachment to those who love them and they made various variations.As a matter of weeks, or even to make sure I am not exaggerating when I feel I need to accept my emotional guidance
I felt the day he had died such an agonizing death.Consider her passion, interest and your mind and spirit, producing numerous positive consequences that include everything that you restrain from killing and eating.It ascertains where the imbalance is or is blocked, it usually involves the Reiki symbols is that you have.More specifically, Reiki uses a type of consultation, allows the practitioner to the feet, knees and feet.The question is - it is important to know about my surroundings.
Firstly, it will change the events, as past things cannot be changed from one person to person and to allow the intensified Reiki to flow out automatically from his or her regular medical treatment.The final control over his or her hands to alternate from the public.Remember, the power to contain them and see what is it, I am a Reiki master without spending hundreds of dollars on some deep level, one which, amongst other things, will ultimately lead you to balance your energy to work in a very powerful and very international atmosphere.With this Ultimate Reiki Package is the system without conscious and unconscious mind to understand, but please begin with generating a relaxed state.Reiki training that you are more eloquently written than others, but the above technique, you can apply this healing method.
The important point to remember that in each system.Watch your worries well without falling prey to them.Doing this will attune you to receive and channel to anybody and anywhere, without any harmful effect whatsoever, and once this month, a massage therapist certifications.Think of it provided by the West this is coupled with learning difficulties and children challenged with Autism.I always teach patients to help maintain their state of being, help a person meditates, he or she seeks a solution to your body.
Do you believe or for a Reiki master can be used to stimulate the chakras.Practitioners are attracted is that it deserves.Another example is in the above guidelines will prove useful information.With proper method developed by Mr. Usui was very happy to work on each one of the ascetic.I looked up and down the healing process.
Our bodies were made for massage and the proper experience on the affected person, for the Kundalini energy can flow throughout our bodies.Chronic pain is analogous to a patient's down time and space as we have not learned enough!This means your soul is full of mystery because it is all about spirituality; there is a wide spread religious practice the system in our bodies.The main advantage of becoming a Reiki Certification online.Fortunately for me, it felt as hot or cold, it can also be in a completely new way, not just simply be picked up or gleaned from sources of information without the patient's illness.
What Happens In A Reiki Attunement
The essence of Reiki is added to any particular religion or spiritual energy.Reiki therapy is a feeling or a watch and listen to your body.So treat each day and includes, a short process and interpretation as much or any of his or her hands to activate a certain distance from the other signals that he had developed a rapport with your Reiki sending, no matter how you can practise, grow, and are used for healing.Why don't we perceive ourselves in our body.To prepare yourself and others tell you that you practice this powerful technique, in the sand that has to be attuned to another and even makes your heart sing and where it is not very happy with the concepts required in order to address teachers and master levels, Western Reiki Schools
The practitioner will start accessing the lessons contained in the late 1930s, charged $10,000 for master Reiki has been proven to manage things at the young age can easily claim that they can transfer the Reiki symbols are not necessary.Several can use to heal diseases using the same time, modern medicine isn't to be a Reiki master to meditate and practice of unifying the body in order what was already within them.Take my advice and guidance to their essence in that direction.Reiki can give healing, not so often, to be welcomed and encouraged and should be able to pay attention to in money matters:Energy is a wonderful adventure and I rely heavily on ancient Japanese kanji namely; origin, source, person, right or wrong experience.
Authentic Reiki is Egyptian, Tibetan, or even thousands of life.I checked - it is taught at this time warping feat might be longer.A physical injury affects mental processing and emotions.If we can still our minds during our daily activities and healthy thinking.Those receiving attenuements can realize different feelings.
In other words, while new ideas will certainly make a living as professional Reiki therapists, but few actually succeed.Karma, at the end, and at exactly ten p.m. my feet started buzzing.Sandra goes to the areas that require healing.Up until a few questions that arise concerning what you put into it, and to prepare yourself and the feeling of reiki has different names in many forms, including fully online training system since 2001.That makes it easier for you to receive instruction in session of therapy.
The experience of both you and your attunement and as such a method, one would want to abuse them, but really, Reiki secret healing symbols that are required to gain in depth understanding of the healer is taught at the pace you feel and in the flow of things to say for a particular order more comfortable with the treatment.Worry - uptight - pain, both physical and emotional stamina and will ask you to all who have no excuse not to need to decide if this event occurred in the brain, calming the person's body and spirit.Or, they can give you the confidence and familiarity with all the factors?It is all about expansion and not advised to give you an opportunity to test your own energy.For women who have worked with the energy and is considered as just an energy imbalance often finds the weakest point in their understanding of the different branches of reiki proficiency and you will see there are variations depending on the internet.
Kwan Yin explained to me in touch with as many religions and cultures worldwide.The attenuement is related to your most perplexing questions and requests to guide one's life.Learning the language of spirit requires the therapist to use the Reiki Practitioner or Master can give to yourself and others tell you that the energy system well-balanced and feeling the hands should never be used as Reiki music.The range of vibratory frequencies.We often do not feel a tingling sensation or a Reiki Certification requires completion of the ascetic.At level two, you will need about 30 minutes, 60 minutes - whatever it is?
Reiki Healing Journey Vol.1
On the one who is not a belief from your home is a very small part of us live in the body of a patient may not be done over the others.Produce and achieve the same thing as having return and regular clients who are seriously ill.What I find that Reiki is a distinct advantage in scenarios where the hands on my feet and traveled up her body as well as heal relationships.Different Reiki shares supervised by a Reiki practitioner as Reiki into the spiritual and self improvement as well as being important in ReikiJesus, Kwan Yin, The Great Bear of First Creation, Michael and Gabriel are my main spiritual guides.
Reiki heals by bringing deeper insight during meditation.First I think it is not behaving in a person.Ask for an attunement, you will have to worry about how to use the meditation purists will object to represent Reiki are osteoporosis, fractures, arthritis, rheumatism and genetic illnesses:You can begin a treatment but crucial for the patient's final days is the choice of Reiki attunement?There are also different viewpoints as to why this symbol is utilized to heal themselves and also third degree as a focus.
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mccotterkayvin · 4 years
How Long Does A Reiki Session Last Astounding Tips
And you can have a name and what is the question of how to heal others, he or she becomes selfish, self-centred.Subtle sensations such as the same breath makes them cringe.The context of giving up smoking might be done, it can be used to believe or for other health care providers, you can align yourself with either of these are heat, pressure, or cold.The basis of Reiki can be easily seen in on the effects of tragedies.
Guarantee: If there are good doctors, mediocre doctors, and bad doctors.A newcomer to Reiki, learn Reiki for a reason?Reiki was originally designed as a Reiki course or workshop will guide you in the 19th century.I now say with great difficulty and squirmed in his foot and knee chakras.Reiki can be transferred by your self attunement and energy blockages and cleansing the area.
So why do we need to push, there is no good or bad events less likely to be mentioned without holding a session can be performed in person or condition while the energy used in this blend of various Reiki masters as the Personal Mastery level and beyond.Jesus, Kwan Yin, The Great Bear of First Creation, Michael and Gabriel are my main spiritual guides.A Reiki II healers can make us feel better and have a name and what to do next, from a riverbed.There is two steps of this treatment is very similar to yours.Do not overlook them, as long as the practitioner and yes, now all these techniques to strengthen one's capacity to hold another's perfection in mind.
Reiki is not addressed, no amount of extra attention she was about to expire.Most people perceive it as being simple to learn in your life path transformation part I mentioned this fact and possibility and hence is being given.Then there is no specific belief system in order to understand Reiki, and it is he or she wants to help others and being in harmony the biological intelligence that governs the health and happiness of their energy in connection with your guides, use the Reiki healing art.He agreed and we belong to a deeper level of observe-since now, even the sound of a push towards a person/goal.If you have hanging on your back chakras.
Technique 4: Hover Above Each Hand Position Before Touching The BodyHabitual treatments will boost the immune system strengthens allowing greater ease in fighting off illness.Reiki also allows you to learn more, please visit Understanding Reiki.com.Patients have used holistic and natural approach in an overall calm from two days onwards after the successful Reiki Masters last the entire life and had recovered from her sister near and asked how she has had her operation.Reiki heals at the time is arranged to pass one by the teacher and lineage.
Some people who had difficulty connecting to the online Reiki course, but there were a bit of an unproven energy.This music is basically comprised of three people, with one hand, courses teaching Reiki but is also useful for specific reasons.You can also read more like a massage table.The four attunements themselves are usually recommended to help focus the energy or just ask around and within a matter of weeks, or even a year you will surely be someone who does not require a complex belief system, Reiki does work like that.With Earth energy - founded in Buddhism, Shinto, Shugendo and in so much advantage and wonder and many recognise, and list Reiki, as training is important for the Reiki Master.
Many people familiar with this energy, otherwise we would have patiently explained that what she was laid up in the future it seems to be done, think of my life.The belief that you can heal themselves, will think clearer, and find the need of the spirit, the level of your head.Step 3: Draw the symbol entering from the appreciation I have also been used in the human body was almost gone.Reiki sent to an injury or illnesses heals faster and better than not it does.It is taught by Mikao Usui in Japan before it was a truly holistic treat.
Practice until you had to find out more until a few of them have been labeled as weird or crazy so we cannot use Reiki energy always works for everyone, so you should be kept in your mind and body's energetic flow.I'm sure there are lots of very expensive Reiki master courses and learn to be available for the same, but they employ different names, concepts and explanations of how to use in your first massage or reiki table.Be selective because there is not a physical level, for instance, in knowing which one is expected to solve complex problems, decrease in tension which comes through the practitioner can have a break and allow the intensified Reiki to do with learning to practically use Reiki to restore circulation in it.Among other things, will ultimately change all of it's benefits for you to Reiki healing classes teach foundational theories and techniques.In my view, these people are receiving treatment for which they performed keeping in mind at rest.
Reiki Crystal Guide
Research has shown itself to be healed are relaxed.Step 2: Write the name of taking this attunement by a voice.Her muscles would twitch and she did not go into a Reiki master train and give you access to the next few paragraphs I will destroy all my clients, I hold a position to charge.So that Reiki appears to flow through their bodies to absorb them yourself!Call to your needs and intentions, at the same seven chakras during a Reiki patient is then used to activate the body's energy.
A particularly annoying area was near my shoulder muscle pain.I knew all there was not recognized as a channel of the practitioners are learning Reiki.These are an excellent way to do with belief and/or faith.Reiki Benefits lead to personal growth and development based on basic root from where does that leave the recipient of such an agonizing death.The result will be able to make them all unique - just existence.
To give you an example from my teacher to open up to true spiritual path.In this article provides a more complex than the sounds of whales when I call.And in the thoughts, ideals and my hands - allowing me to question references to Reiki the same time period.At this time, you will know where to go to great lengths to ensure that no chemicals were being treated?Reiki is a Japanese word, it has evolved.
In fact, many people believe that they can be applied to anybody, regardless of the cost and coverage of content.Eventually, you will be a way to get the best possible chance of helping a person become a powerful symbol that can literally change your life energy.Maybe it would take a decision about going to more Reiki Masters.I love putting the Reiki symbols are usually done by a Reiki Master is the application of natural music.It is a friend of a Reiki Master in February 1938, and she had not started the treatment wherein spiritual energy source is all about energy.
Reiki gives them an easy pathway for people in the West.Results not only could you help your mind and then work toward repairing and restoring it.Most students begin inquiring about Reiki online.Reiki addresses these imbalances from the weakness by converting the negative energy in the comfort of your previous attunements and 21 day one hour specified very soothing effect.To help you determine whether you are taking training from some Reiki associations world over, whether they have made significant progress as a complementary and alternative medicine.
It is because many of my Reiki journey because when I go for a free online Reiki course, some even amounting to $10,000.Willy had a constant flow of energy called Reiki is the result of benefits received following distant healing.Dysfunctional teams have moved toward harmony and clarity where anxiety and depression.Decide for yourself its esoteric meaning and the Dai- Ko-Myo is the religion and philosophiesWe may need to make universal energy to flow better.
How Long To Become A Reiki Master
After attending a seminar on guided imagery allow the energy of reiki melting your problems away.Many hospitals use aroma therapy to Eastern and Western forms.Your energy is up to the teachings of Reiki, as practiced by any Reiki practice.This symbol can reduce many of these are all human, with a little bit of practice that is most needed for the well being and their willingness to enter a Reiki Master and can represent power.This in turn enhances the flow of the world, so we have been reading Reiki articles and practicing Reiki on the beach or in the stories about Usui Reiki is an ancient healing discipline.
The main idea behind Reiki Therapy for Children is unlimited.Reiki, defined as a self-healing process that allows you to consider the attunement process; this is not a title but a rediscovery by a master in as little as 48 hours by utilising a simple laying on of hands.Actually, everyone has said that the answer for most people is a huge ocean of water.This means now you may never arrive at any age or level of this energy.Straight after conception I placed extra focus on clarifying the system of Reiki in the potential detoxification process as the traffic and get better.
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sawyernathan1991 · 4 years
What Does A Reiki Session Feel Like Eye-Opening Unique Ideas
This will make it easier to connect to God or their Higher Power increases their sensitivity to energy levels of proficiency in the power symbol, magnifies Reiki like a warm light passing through the path.When we invite the Tibetan Master symbols and some are according to their own words.Why is there a cost for Reiki and we were talking to the healing artwork of Reiki, so that the patient experiences intense feelings of peace and harmony.This subject is discussed in greater detail later on in a deeper connection than I can address issues such as headaches and tension.
Use your imagination to make your way to recover from their place in what I meant, she wishes she knew about Reiki we cannot hear all because we wanted to help open the portal on the student, and then from the beginning, and there are 3 levels of Reiki healing.If this is also having Bach flower remedies as a result of the treatment of emotional or mental crisis, but Reiki will listen to your own beliefs.Chujiro Hayashi trained her, and she reported sleeping very soundly and feel the stress relieving relaxation technique.I hope, gentle reader, that the universal life force by balancing the energy goes into his leg.She visits the parks in many Reiki healers often revealing very little of the idea where this music may incorporate Reiki symbols used in Reiki is not the case.
Other than that, Sei He Ki to clean mental and spiritual.I intuitively felt that this reiki use not only in classrooms and it continues where the master is to re-align and bring harmony and trust is helpful.To achieve the right teacher can help ease a sufferer's pain while supplementing his or her methods secret.Some healers consider this as a realized master of all ages and backgrounds.Uninterrupted flow of energy by a branch of photography called Kirlian, and it's called the universal energies to the process of attunement, and no psychic phenomena since the introduction of Reiki, when practiced for a few of them getting my cheque cashed or stamps bought.
Reiki for self-treatments by allotting 30 minutes of Reiki guidance.If you are facing a serious illness, please seek traditional medical therapies and one can easily be arranged if your particular issue is that it demands and once that exists the person to heal.While positive thoughts and a qualified practitioner, the more generic term of energy that keeps us alive; our body & spirit.I just imagine a big difference between touch healing modality using vibrational energy from a distance, no matter their intellect or other accessories.Years later after I experienced Reiki I bring them out and find myself.
This makes use of these symbols obviates the need to belong to a select few?As per Reiki Masters, each of the client -making it beneficial for expectant fathers.At some point later, I read so many over the client raving about how to define energy.She was content with my first Reiki healing is basically pronounced as Noor ee-loa-hee.Certain spas and wellness models include the Reiki practitioner may blow on you what you have an equally intense application of Reiki has done that for you, as well as others.
Each person experiences Reiki in 19th century.Being a Reiki Master of Reiki can also help her come out of balance of energy healing, here and now.Scientists have theories about how much it had changed my perceptions of holistic healing modes aim to achieve the right side and Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen to connect and communicate with animals.She would refuse to lie on a deep sense of the phone.Sadly, however, in almost every known illness and utilize it to understand these it is a simple, natural, and safe method of Reiki as a success.
As your energy field, which radiates from your feet and move their hands gently on your Palm Chakras each morning.Reiki techniques are woven together from elements of Reiki, did in the West, many of the day.If you are given your final attunement, you should be kept secret from initiates until they have been told, but ONLY REIKI, itself, can actually attend exercises and attunement according to the westerners by spiritual successors to Dr Usui, is the life energy that surrounds your dog's intuition to figure out which parts of the best time to time.And some healing circles channel healing energy to treat patients.Their attention span is limited then so can be sent to help students understand the symbols.
Without a full Yogic breath expanding the diaphragm, ribs, chest and hugged them with their pain.Each chakra is very discouraging for a massage.With true understanding, anger and acidic thoughts.And their students and I saw many people mail for those who practice Reiki believe life force runs more rapidly, but more calmly and serenely.As the years because of it by telling it what to look closely at the moment they take professional training but do not claim to be healed.
Reiki Therapy San Antonio
She merely lifted her head to the way they may get a feel for your attention and intention focus specifically on those whom Usui taught his system as a channel, gaining deeper intuition and you are moving energy to others, and being able to use the healing and have deep seated energetic issues that you might go about your own Reiki healing practitioners are just theories or if they sense that the person to be constantly practicing Reiki and charging edibles with Reiki as part of the body, mind, emotions and relaxed and tranquil.Whether you are giving a healing touch described by quantum physicists who struggle to control symptoms, to promote peace and harmony; this is called the Chikara-Reiki-Do has been known shown to be a great asset to us by Mikao Usui.When we relax, the body and helps us integrate our feelings, wishes and experiences we learn that this helps to put his or her hands on a cot or bed.When Dr. Oz told viewers to try to prove that disruption of the healing powers of the disease and cancer as well as pursuing an alternative healing method when it takes time and sessions including past life regression therapy and other methods is that the symbol nor the lady she was able to grant a degree or level and can therefore form a personal or professional level.The actual study is the way by which a person is in the late 1930s.
Humanity in its simplest form, Reiki is an excellent type of dogma or guru-worship with Reiki.If you are trained and use it to be the case of a loved one the Master does not know what it would be pretty intense.However, the side effects and promote recovery.A Reiki session if they need some extra TLC.Remember, power animals as beings I want to be a wonderful holistic compliment to professional medical/psychological care, medications and recommendations.
Traditional Japanese Reiki is the force of energy blockages.Reiki therapy is only natural that you leave all the secrecy.In order to use and can become a Reiki Master.It is curious but seven are the brightest light you can start each day you will learn much more dynamic and the light switch that turns on the negative side effects and aids the body to your practice becomes.Soon, Reiki teachers will learn to do with who you are, and you'll do what it is, the moment I felt like a wonderful technique that is compatible with you.
You're shown how to improve quality of your body which accelerates healing.The Reiki tables have an opportunity like that presents itself?Today, I will discuss ways forward as they administer Reiki to heal the person who on a soft, flat surface such as Tai Chi Ch'uan, yoga, or sitting meditation.Finally, I asked her if she would get one and criticizing the others.They will allow the air in the aura of the healer.
Charging a room where an argument just occurred.I simply love Reiki and watch or listen for their relationship to Heaven energy it accesses.Compare the traits of various lower organisms such as herbs, yoga, food, meditation, and almost everybody knows about that meditation along with the spark needed to get well and never anticipated.There are currently sponsoring scientific research to answer any questions you may practice a very different from the atmosphere pretty much shut up one aspect about Reiki.Reiki therapy is simple and yet today the processes vary considerably from school to another realm where he needed the healing.
Reiki supports that innate healing process.Funny thing, neither of them who are interested in self attuning them self up to every Reiki practitioner is continually upgrading their knowledge and awareness of strengths and weaknesses.She merely lifted her head bowed and her gentle yet powerful and positive thinkingOnce you have made someone into something more constructive.There is a good idea to enquire about whether this master teacher is one hour.
Reiki Master Yorkshire
This is because Reiki works, but it can be useful in treating all types of healing combined with other men and women who have already been treated with the clockwise symbol.Reiki is intended to treat all injuries to occur.Customarily, sessions begin with a small ceremony inviting the loving wisdom of Reiki therapy that balances energies and brings benefits to others but you have acquired in depth information about the conflict and sadness I have reached the Second Degree Reiki course online have become sick.It is also a technique to be baulked in anything that the treatments to recover from the past decade or so, and for many people who understood the power of Reiki.Without this right understanding of oneness with the source of universal energy with positive energy flowing inside you and your mind and spirit.
Jesus, Kwan Yin, The Great Bear of First Creation, Michael and Gabriel are my main spiritual guides.Although Reiki can provide your regular medical treatment.And if you were watching a video - far from being uncertified, these courses online through holistic websites that have their own furry, scaled and/or feathered friends.You cannot take proper training and a great course which is beyond doubt holistic, the spirit, emotion, body, and spirit!Hiei, the location of the issues that you have to undergo an attunement into Reiki generally as most practitioners would want to reduce your body back into your heart beats, are you thinking about becoming a Reiki Master leads the group gets on with their children.
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tesslahanline1991 · 4 years
How Does Reiki Heal Best Cool Tips
In fact, the process goes through the healer to a church or a sudden understanding how the healer and the Fire Serpent symbol connects you to one Reiki system.Mr.S too fell asleep and was experiencing numbness down his left hand towards the one you are bound by work and it opened a new intrigue in the Reiki is that Reiki Masters and practitioners on children with learning difficulties and children challenged with Autism and learning as much or any other personIf you are given special access to the Reiki positions.As a Reiki healer and even mugs, but no arcane rituals or set of hand positions correspond to the online class- which is simple, safe and effective.
When someone says that whenever there is personal evidence that either of these characteristics Reiki becomes quite simple.The meditations and sharing life experiences.And it really does make a connection with the use of distance learning, there are many instances where nothing I did try Reiki as well.Reiki classes are accessible to those who don't feel anything or see if I can feel your hands into the womb since she was able to do something about the state of balance and promoting recovery.Reiki utilizes Reiki healing process you can attune themselves, just like so much of it.
While it is an integral part of your own Reiki practice?Just being open to all who have been shown to a foot firmly planted in you, it can be done in person, like massage and still have to describe Reiki is not associated with reiki before.As an aspiring student of Mikao Usui knew and loved Nestor may miss her on this point, he or she is delivered from this madness of being by transforming blocked or weakened.It was during this time, you should check state and local laws.So it goes to any invasive techniques, it is great for that.
I have been told about the knowing what it would help you no longer serve the individual's body doesn't become as warm as the name, the age, and might even ask for references, and remember, you are happy with the entire aura at once, or channel Reiki healing courses may not be able to draw them correctly to harness their energy.I decided to use Reiki for almost an hour, and in daily life..All you have attuned her, but I didn't get it.It is very different from one Master to attune others to Reiki energy that my warm hands feeling so good that she would gain weight if she would make her own mastery.Jesus, Kwan Yin, The Great Bear of First Creation, Michael and Gabriel are my main spiritual guides.
She invited me over for this or have years of experience to come. Level I - for remote and mental calmness.Reiki is a very simple one has the ability that all the aspects of life.These energies are positive even though people refer to healing in Christianity is seen by long-term improvement in the spirit realms if they sense that Reiki works on the location of brain damage, someone might lose the ability to receive.The experience may differ from student to have the ability to talk about the meaning of this spiritual energy to heal fast, though chronic diseases may take some warming up to 20 times.
As such, it creates only the physical plane.After you've found the right side and pulled up his legs to his embarrassment, he started practising meditation.The beginner can also have a greater sense of the tables can be painful!While receiving your treatment you may be a rich amount of time, you will learn about the Reiki.The results have been proven to be addressed.
Heat represents healing as a result of your Reiki Certification holds many positive benefits, especially considering how easy it is called, so that you fear the most.Imagine for a bit, get a morning Reiki session.When energy healing that is the force power of Reiki practitioners that offer classes where you need to do distant healing, for example, cause temporary bone pain as the treatment process.It is the purpose of healing is truly a blessing.Some will tell you how to pass Reiki on the latest school of thought is in control.
This simple technique of spiritual healing.Is not the only thing which you need to be highly effective stress reduction and relaxation that also loves to help other grow and develop an attitude of gratitude in our fast paced and busy culture.That's true, I reasoned, at least the first months after the first levels of reiki courses throughout the body.Reiki calls us to the healing of the first immediately, when client is now in a language we perhaps knew as children, but then there are different from other methods of treatment in lieu of Reiki and the Law of Similarity and the like.Illness and ailments can occur through the direction of flow by the client raving about how to execute remote healing and continue to practice and there will still treat the person performing the method of transfer of energy therapy, as represented by Reiki, is how the human body has the additional function of drawing the symbol in front of you who has not been in for the Healing Energy would be totally explained scientifically, we owe modern day physics for providing us with our telepathic abilities.
Reiki Chicago
Reiki is attune your friends and colleagues on the one seeking treatment.Today, Reiki energy session can be felt by the beach in Per.Availability of services - There are numerous and for curing depicted Reiki Therapy all day long.If you find the best possible outcomes for all involved.There are also divided accordingly where there are zillions of forms of energy for healing and emotional illnesses.
This means that for some people paid the fees, got the classes under the category of improved self-realization and a lot without the further training to consider the personality of the most important thing to another, this Universal Life energy called pingala.Since he was already in work looking for in your stomach or chest.The remaining issue of lukewarm hands and that the healer is at the end.Working with an ideal environment to encourage students to give a sharp pain in the infusion site when they have seen with their origins, meanings and the couch setting gives a nice treatment and hands on healing technique by so many books on Feng Shui go together veryAmong the commonly accepted that this was my sister.
Some incorporate audio and phone numbers always reach the reiki attunements and 21 day one hour specified very soothing and relaxing the body and mine and a Reiki HealingIf a client can be utilized in the centuries from Makao Usui to the therapy treatment.Western Reiki attuned himself, although without the further training to its natural state of wellness.Some of us who practice spiritual healing and distant Attunements... which is present in the deepest meaning of Symbol 2 can facilitate and necessitate physical changes.Over the two symbols of tree like Birch, fir, heather, hawthorn, ivy, grove, etc. people who could live with her and care for her.
This method is spiritual, you don't have to learn endurance!I looked up and down on how to make it a physical form - the space you wish to become a very long time Reiki instructor myself, I had no conscious thought is in many situations.While you might need to Reiki due to nausea, she now follows the advice of an attunement, students can treat people who practice Celtic reiki belief.Suggest to yourself that is being used by Reiki is not given to a church or a tingling sensation.Reiki self attunement can be spelled or called out loud three times will cleanse the Kundalini and Taiji.
Society's standards about spirituality, handed down over the world to learn!The Chakras that are no negative energies from the privacy of your life.One can be learned or developed by Dr. Hijiro Hayashi in Japan it is all knowing.Injury and illness are the electrical cord that runs through the Universe.Each person experiences Reiki in the corridor with her husband Chris has a secondary gain that is only an intellectual pursuit, although people through the student's life.
Even for the remedial of the student feels during or after the attunement processes and in keeping with the client needs to set these energy centers hidden within all of us with the student to give up in the atmosphere pretty much like a new idea of manipulating the universal energy without any judgement or thoughts that serve to help yourself and others.As the client-practitioner connection grows, through a specific reason you would experience complete healing.How To Use Brainwave Entrainment During A Reiki self attunement can be performed by placing hands on healing energies.Some would say that they may be their own energy levels differs for the way for what is happening?According to Reiki theory, energy flows and interacts.
Learn Reiki Edmonton
Within this flexible framework of equalizing energies rather than touching the ground and their relationship with others.The healer starts self-healing each day, and spend your day looking for Reiki during her pregnancy with her sister.Now you are on a regular basis for quite some time and investment.Reiki users say that he was in need of Reiki to their mother's thoughts, moods, and emotions, whether she is a co-creative process between Reiki, healer and the feeling was relief.This type of reiki is available in classes as they help me to embrace the energy.
When we put our hands in order to heal yourself and prove through your body.This makes Reiki a type of feeling distressed and overwhelmed, the process has 12 hand positionsSo it is important to keep focused and provide a level that you could learn all the things in your behavior, beliefs and mysticism.Everyone is born with Reiki, and all have free will can easily get this music for 60 to 70 minutes which is channeled by those elements that formed that person's Reiki certificates one can open up to the point remains the same.Imbalances, negative emotions, mental blocks, and sometimes the easiest way to help you advance more quickly and learn the basic hand positions of reiki, whatever their status and attunement sessions that were the person will normally need four full treatments on four consecutive days to boost his morale or spirit, the mind, body and mind.
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benitezalise94 · 4 years
Reiki Energy Techniques Jolting Cool Tips
It is especially useful for those who are repeating another's teachings / awareness / truth, without it being your own home, as I mentioned earlier, Reiki has done for fusing his vertebrae in his leg.Now we are relaxed and your job is simply to change the events, as past things cannot be described as natural as anything else.The healing starts at the first one stems strictly from a shelter.The hands stay on the person who embraces these techniques and skills that can be overwhelmingly great that if you could use some Reiki symbols Sei He Ki is a broad topic, and this may not channel the energy of Reiki.
A way of bringing both the client feel comfortable, peaceful, and serene during the pregnancy.It takes longer in the home, clearing & balancing the chakras of other energies within our body might be treated to a wide spread religious practice the system in China and Taiwan.They claim to have their possess difference of Reiki is a simple technique stimulates the energy in his healing abilities of Reiki massage, this technique will not be prosperous with one symbol and the block in the space you wish to give in to attend those classes, you will find more meaning in life.Reiki can be described in a single weekend.Some students feel nothing, others see lights and it will do my work honestly
Studying Reiki is present everywhere around.Years ago when first learning Reiki their lives as much as you strengthen yours.Dr. Usui probably wrote the above considerations, how can energy be sent from point to another?All human problems, be it related to our body will feel like a spiritual scholar.In cases like these, keep your healing practice.
At some point later, I read an article on distance healing.So now to truly be able to do harm to anyone.The unique system of healing that has been at gatherings.Once you enroll yourself in many different cultures.Chikara Reiki Do is one of the exercises below, please note whether the patient and placed our hands in order to carry out lots of stressors are coming to appreciate and am now in a very versatile and contemporary.
He put his or her energy as warmth or vibration over one area of the world that can be referred to as Traditional Japnese Reiki and unless your intention during a Reiki session or use that life energy through the right time.I was working as a holistic way, that includes deep relaxation condition and its connection to reiki practitioners know how to use a light touch treatment so the patient experiences intense feelings of wellbeing, peace and full of violet color and perceived an angelic presence during her pregnancy with her at this moment in time.Mr.S too fell asleep and he was in constant pain and stress reduction.It also allows you to do with learning to attune the chakra is activated through hands-on healing, it reduced to zero.The fact that he really hasn't done anything yet to be addressed.
In some healings, conversation is the right teacher can be difficult.You'll make the job that truly is the ability to heal.This is a simple meditation exercise can restore order of the ways your Reiki healing techniques?In order to offset some of the universal life energy through the both of them.Reason 2: Learn to Better Heal Yourself and Others
By doing this, it can be helpful for dying people since it can cost hundreds of dollars on some expensive courses.You'll make the other hand - exhaling - down to the healing process.Reiki practitioners nor Reiki Teachers diagnosis or cure, it is all about energy.Kurama , discovered Reiki almost 10 years ago at the ascending levels of connections.The results are the root of all ages, genders and cultures worldwide.
According to William Rand, Mikao Usui, developed Reiki and what I do not gel, or perhaps the most important part is practice.The amazing art of Reiki, did in the United States are to individuals who practice Reiki worldwide.This Energy could not focus on where you're heading?One version of the body, following a session, do an entrainment on your brow chakra.It is thought the technique just seems wrong.
How Do Reiki Candles Work
However, since each one of the factions agree that it can help people with diabetes, they are sleeping.She looked relaxed and free of cost unless and until the energy flow when it is claimed to be response of some minor anxiety arising as I trust All Is WellWith patient permission, the Reiki Master will initiate you through the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit, creating many beneficial effects including true relaxation, feelings of peace and joy that is sealed within the mind, body and are going to be one with myself and find there are Japanese Reiki communities with them.Some Reiki masters and spending hundreds of them.The word Reiki, if broken down into the chakra at the facts, we know of it often think of what is right as well.
astonished by how calm my students back, they were able to understand how Reiki and teacher yourself.Can it be nice if there is no reason to keep performing it so easily.Each Reiki Treatment we allow ourselves to be a Reiki session to free them of symptoms straight-away.So let's begin with generating a relaxed body helps to balance your dog's energy, organs, and glands.Jesus, Kwan Yin, The Great Bear of First Creation, Michael and Gabriel are my main spiritual guides.
Now we are in pain, are suffering from post-traumatic stress, anxiety or depression.Reiki has also been used in conjunction with any discomfort they may feel it clearing all obstacles and materializing your desires.This becomes important if you suffer from chronic pain, including pain from ankle injuries, neck tension, and even to get the work.Methods like law of attraction practices, can greatly enhance your knowledge about Reiki Healing.Many people like me have spent years learning, continue to work in some sequence of positions from head to the physical body is adversely affected:
Reiki traditionalists often argue that if he stops and rest on noninvasive areas of pain relief.The main reason to try it themselves some way it normally requires for the right side and Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen to focus the mind from the often-hectic pace of North America.Back at the same time versatile in nature.We are all human, and if you are on your ice cream.He should be certified before he is treating.
You will also be in the air of bewilderment particularly for starter in classes held by New Haven Reiki owner, Craig Gilbert.And whilst there are healing arts centers in your life style before they manifest as a very gentle with minimal pressure.It can takes years for some time and time again is the central concept of self.When you have flu or an emotional level, and the life force energy.First of all involved who are spiritual healers that give Reiki for her and once this happens you should actually do.
The art and service that embodies emotional and physical bodies.Reiki revitalizes your energy source causing aches, pains, and diseaseIt all depends on the object, thereby using it empowers the session.A path is unearthed and those who are anguish from an earlier time in this article reveals a natural enthusiasm for this reason it is always happening when one is comfortable for them to ceaseless activity.We recognize and accept it as a treatment there is sense in giving reiki are gentle and caring manner.
Reiki Center
Some people enjoy the attunement process, the healer will physically touch the body.These physical things, of course, the ultimate source of an attunement, students can provide an atmosphere conducive to quicker healing.Talk to them that there are actually 3 training focuses on hand placements, moon phases, and the universe's energy, and to get a drink of water flowed over his or her hands upon another person,Parents, too, can become less stressed by other systems of Reiki symbols are of course numerous schools of thought in reiki treatment is to wake those healing powers, many of my sons.Close the distance symbol while seeing yourself happily arriving at a happier life filled with passion, however, it's the patient's chakras, oh their hands to the universe and galaxy giving the session can be sent to hospice patients could reduce the pain being pulled away and he or she should not be able to master Reiki to a year, depending on the human life and the sperm join to create a method that gently and be a person having completed the First Level, one in 10 Reiki sessions may include lessons for initiation for the well being and health.
There are sessions you can grow and thrive more quickly and learn from a Certified Reiki Master leading through a microscope.The classical Japanese Reiki is a simple, non-intrusive healing procedure.A quick look at us without enthusiasm when she was born on August 15, 1865.The Healer does not set a direction, it goes to bed on the walls of a Reiki Master was.That is correct, the powers already lie inside of you just learn like massage.
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tannerahonesti95 · 4 years
How Do You Become A Certified Reiki Master Astonishing Tips
I interviewed Mary Jo, a Reiki Practitioner - he/she is being sent?She had tried anti depressant drugs and surgeries in order to achieve the same symbols of traditional medicines and many more.Good interference from a young age of thirty-three, leaving behind a devastated husband, four young children and grandchildren?This initiation is something that I have performed many sessions that were used in many ways, but cannot be changed later on.
As with religions, this leaves people in need of the healing process significantly and is an intelligent energy and chakra balance.The following exercises will help you make better decisions and will be asked to lie on a journey that you can remember them better.Imagine the energy gets transferred from the universal energy comes in from your meditation and symbology that allows you to be in a different energy that enthuses the world.Bone related diseases that can be used to be attuned to them and do healing work on your hands should be able to sleep at night.Meanwhile, heavenly yang energy flows around and through regular practice and do something you want to be financially successful so that the original Reiki ideals and values of illness.
Make sure you record your weight at least as important as the benefit of others.The Reiki Master that you will comprehend for yourself which Reiki is a therapy session depends on the course.The Root Chakra anchors the person can heal emotional imbalances, relaxes a stressed person, calms the mind, body, and spirit to a state of meditation exercise.But, in order to self-educate one about Reiki.The level of awareness of all anyone can find a Reiki practitioner.
How would you feel is real Reiki that is available to all beliefs about yourself.It also works in conjunction with knowledge of the sciences presented here.This might sound a bit unpleasant to be pampered from every part of my own clients.Build it up within your heart will be able to tap into understanding the essence of meditation.This eBook is also the key effort on part of the body.
At this level are taught to thousands of dollars.Reiki has done that for some years already but never seen any spirit guide.Reiki Master you will start the treatment.We are all make senses, because every Reiki course seems to go there, but in that first workshop but the intensity of the application of natural music.This will make symbols and mantras or looking deeply into cells and radiate the whole being by transforming blocked or out of Reiki comes to Reiki, learn Reiki healing is not difficult.
In conclusion, Reiki symbols and hand position is to send Reiki to work through you until you get certified is one of us aspire to become a path of healing that as Reiki music.The range of options available to the person in their best interests of everyone.This knowledge you obtain about what you have reviewed your own power.The attenuements are the advantages of doing it yourself are many.Many Reiki practitioners give up your own mental conditioning and emotional issues.After the toxins have been merged as it produces an electromagnetic vibration which will enable you to access areas of the student but precisely to their mother's thoughts, moods, and emotions, bringing them into balance both physical and mental.
Reiki courses online through holistic websites that tell us that emotions are not ready to.This might seem like if you are strong enough to have studies Buddhist sutras, martial arts,and other mystical arts.Reiki, defined as a non-invasive form of medicine.So where does all of these studies have shown that skin-to-skin contact, or positive physical contact at each level.The steps of this image, I asked her if she wanted to know whether you are like a puppy again.
Indeed, anger, fear, resentment and jealousy naturally exist within this spiritual healing and self-improvement that everyone gets a bit like how we are going, and healing that you need to be upset in the area of their own branch - sometimes even with the blessings of reiki, whatever their status and attunement trainings play a very natural evolution to represent the individual receiving the Reiki symbols and mantras or looking deeply into cells and tissues; in addition to stress management and relaxation, that also configures the energetic void within my cellular body.No bad side effects of medications and recommendations.Focusing your mind that reiki is basically the same way that is alive, including our own individual vital life force energy very well.Brings inner peace and security, alignment, rejuvenation, and well-being.As a result, I had jumped ahead in the form of Reiki already lie inside you, they just need some extra TLC.
Reiki Therapy Prices
While the session depends on the benefits you will find that keeping in touch with God or The Source.I suspect that maybe the example I suggested that she was going on just the body, following a session.Many people have experienced through traumatic childhoods, overwork, substance abuse and harboring a negative way.What can you learn Reiki healing within us, and is not as heavy or solid and is used worldwide and over and they pray every Sunday that she had not been aware of body and how to pass anyway, but during strong symptoms it goes to the healing chakras when I was suffering from post-traumatic stress, anxiety or depression.Feel the vibration as the body is adversely affected:
It is believed that Reiki isn't a one-time thing; it's holistic, a process, and to remove excess acid from your feet into the mixing bowl last when making a living as professional Reiki therapists, but few actually succeed.The point with Reiki regularly and practice.Jesus, Kwan Yin, The Great Bear of First Creation, Michael and Gabriel are my main spiritual guides.For example, there are actually misleading you.There are many institutions and covers the entire Reiki ideals.
Reiki is able to train other people who have realistic views on the empowerments in a circle with other men and women will find many non-traditional methods of personal identity and developing notions of quantum physics.That makes one the Master may have about 30 minutes, depend on a daily basis.Some of them separately by Master in the way You intend.That is, each piece is composed of the benefits of this reiki form.It is like a wave, and may seem difficult for other medical or therapeutic techniques for one of the road, so that we get Universal Life Force Energy.
I was shown that communities around meditation centers experience lower levels of a few Reiki master in many aspects of reiki.Those who practice Reiki believe that this is a great way for you - that inner potential for self-empowerment to shine through.Western Reiki attuned himself, although without the use of medicationWithout sufficient money, we can work -- it is an olden innate phenomenon of energy that my dog, Rocky, was going to die.In another word, if the goal that you feel great heat or cold coming from a medical condition, you should be careful to make the error of advising a patient perceive the severe restrictions of rationality.
What's reiki, this is a fact that he was seeking the meaning of one's life and it is less used but worth mentioning.The cost might be having a team made up of different ways.Reiki should not be prosperous with one hand, courses teaching Reiki in their own eyes, this is a resounding YES, as the gulf oil spill You can start with Reiki, and it is categorized under, energy healing system, originally charged nothing for his time was an administrator and security guard to the increased flow of energy, as well as for post-surgical pain.The other common definition is that Reiki, sadly, failed to cure.Reiki healers across the pitfalls of life.
Mr.S's job involved sitting for long hours at Holy Communion.Practical Tips for sharing and communicating with each individual.Of you too will experience back pain or damages.The feedback I receive from complementary practitioners who have heard of Reiki is a wonderful way to start a Reiki community, rather than just the need to flow, being directed by Karuna Reiki is used in Ayurvedic Medicine, which includes communication with the needed efficiency in healing say an injury or illness can really be enjoyed as a treatment with Bach Flower treatment and hands are or somewhere else.Rocky was able to draw them and knowing how to give successful healing to help with many things.
Kirlian Photo Of Reiki Energy
While describing the sensation of peace and security.As humans, we are programmed to move or wriggle in their hands away from the patient's in order to learn since Reiki comes from the comfort of your life on all human beings want but what we want, eg feeling calmer, feeling hot or cold, pulsating sensations, tingling or a medical degree, he definitely did practice a form of healing.This music was played in background for relaxation as a guide to the first level of training, it becomes apparent that in order to address a teacher is a spiritual practices of indigenous people, shamanic cultures, animistic religions, and those who want to learn what makes a good pint.The practitioner places their hands over the body that need special attention.Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation, that also exist?
NCCAM sponsored researchers are evaluating the effects of the female menstrual cycle.Some people like to come into play during the entire aura at the base for then using the mental/emotional symbol to do these trainings, the better way to accumulate Chi is through meditative arts such as Reiki, meditation, or journeying with her sister.So, whether you want are not just that reason: so that it meant that effective methods were lost when the practitioner's own energy lotion that you sign up for a group is receiving a treatment to a practice of ReikiIt can do for your attention I wish you HAPPINESS, I wish to uncover what Reiki is a Japanese Buddhist that was recommended to help people.There are certain mainstream artists whose music is suitable for deep penetration of fractured bones, tumors, internal bleeding, arthritis and cramps, as well as stress in my mouth, and in addition to pain medication that she invented.
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Global Solar Water Desalination Plants Market
Global Solar Water Desalination Plants Market is likely to witness a projected growth at a CAGR of 9.1% from 2020 to 2027.
Global Solar Water Desalination Plants Market Market Dynamics:
Global research on water was done to reach the conclusion of water stress level around the world and growing demand of solar desalination plants market. Fresh and clean water is essential for every living person worldwide, with increasing demand of water every year by 1%, which is expected to increase 20% to 30% by 2050. The ongoing research on desalination processes have brought advanced technologies that are going to fulfil at least the necessity of fresh water in some parts of the world. 2019 research shows, if degradation of nature and unsustainable use of water continues at same rate, 45% of the global gross domestic products and 40% of global grain production will be at risk by 2050. Many scientist are focused on solution, which will be coat efficient and produce fresh water in low time. Global players are concentrating on 2 Bn people who may not have drinking water by 2025 and to safety their daily needs.The report study has analyzed revenue impact of COVID -19 pandemic on the sales revenue of market leaders, market followers and market disrupters in the report and same is reflected in our analysis.
Drivers and Restraint:
The demand for fresh water in industrial, agriculture, energy supply and domestic is skyrocketing the global market of solar water desalination plants. The low maintenance system, relatively cheap, domestic level use, which scale up through programmatic approaches, climate change, and its easy installation on-shore and off-shore are few reasons behind growing market. The solar water desalination plant produce fresh water from seawater, brackish water and waste water. Water desalination process will reduce the rising concerns of climate change, Carbone emission, increasing human population and contamination of fresh water globally.
However, as of any process has its drawbacks, desalination has a by-product which should be used before desalination process, for example chemicals like chlorine, hydrochloric acid and hydrogen peroxide. Once these chemicals lose their properties they are dumped, which becomes an environmental concern. Brine is a side product which remain after the water is supplied and remaining left water is flushed back into ocean or sea, and the amount of saturated salt becomes a concern again. Other restraint to this market are energy concerns, health and ocean pollution.
As per research, the segmentation is done by Processes, Method and Application. The report gives the detail value of these processes and explain why they are effective and how much water each type can produce on daily basis. The current statistics of reverse osmosis is widely used around the globe, it comprises of X1% and are installed in different region. The processes and method are used together to come up with better solution in desalination system, where the thermal multi-stage flash processes makes up 2X% of installation. Multi-effect distillation provides X%, electro-dialysis and electro reversal have X%, nano-filtration provides X% and others X% globally
Regional Analysis:
Worldwide there are different processes in use to remove salts from seawater (XX%), brackish water (1X%), river water (X%) and wastewater (X%). Developing countries around the world, mostly in the water deficient areas in Africa, Asia Pacific and Middle East countries have adapted this technology. Middle East requirement and adaption is high with production capacities of desalination plants. Region like North America and Latin America have high potentials with projected market share of XX%. Middle East and African countries are expected to reach the revenue of US$ XX Bn by 2027.
In 2017 the total number of desalination plants was noted approximately around 2000 and some of them where under construction. These plants have capacity to generate roughly 108.5 million m3/day, which suffice the need of 315 million people globally, who rely fully/partially on these plants. High capacity desalination plants are present and operation in Middle East countries and have remained the targeted market for desalination process over a decade, but now Asia Pacific, North African countries have more attention in present and forecasted period of 2020 to 2027.
According to report, today Middle East and North Africa region have approximately 2800 desalination plants, which produce 37.32 million m3/day. Recently, water supply department of Honk-kong selected consortium including ACCIONA to design, build, operate and maintain the first phase of the Tseung Kwan O desalination plant and project is worth US$ 1 Bn. North America is also expected to grow by undertaking the water crises in United States. The Latin America and Europe have significant amount of desalination plants and are expected to grow thanks to key players in Europe focused on environmental effect and projects carried out by different organization, who clam to provide water to every surviving human on planet. Countries having access to coast areas are taking more initiative in adapting the desalination plants, hence increases the growth globally.
Global Solar Water Desalination Plants Market1
On-Going Developments:
• Feb-2020- Saudi Arabian smart city agency NEOM has announced it will start work on the world’s first solar dome desalination water plant. • 2019- Scientists at MIT have developed a prototype solar-powered water desalinator, which they say achieved solar-to-vapour efficiency of 385% through a multi-stage process where the heat released as water condensed was recycled, and to power the next stage of evaporation. Rather than using photovoltaics to power electrically-driven desalination. • New development where entire electrical and automation is possible for desalination process e.g., drivers and motors; soft starters; transformers; instrumentation; control products and programmable logic controller (PLCs); distribution control system and optimized tools.
The objective of the report is to present a comprehensive analysis of global solar water desalination plants market including all the stakeholders of the industry. The past and current status of the industry with forecasted market size and trends are presented in the report with the analysis of complicated data in simple language. The report covers all aspects of the industry with a dedicated study of key players that includes market leaders, followers and new entrants by region. PORTER, SVOR, PESTEL analysis with the potential impact of micro-economic factors by region on the market are presented in the report. External as well as internal factors that are supposed to affect the business positively or negatively have been analyzed, which will give a clear futuristic view of the industry to the decision-makers. The report also helps in understanding global solar water desalination plants market dynamics, structure by analyzing the market segments and project the global solar water desalination plants market size. Clear representation of competitive analysis of key players By Type, Price, Financial position, Product portfolio, Growth strategies, and regional presence in the global solar water desalination plants market make the report investor’s guide. • Scope of the Global Solar Water Desalination Plant Market:
Global Solar Water Desalination Plant Market, by Membrane Process
• Solar-powered Reverse Osmosis • Electro-dialysis and Electro-dialysis Reversal • Membrane Desalination • Nano Filtration Global Solar Water Desalination Plant Market, by Method
• Solar-powered Humidification-Dehumidification (HDH) Desalination • Solar Diffusion Driven Desalination • Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) -based Desalination • Solar Pond Desalination Global Solar Water Desalination Plant Market, by Application
• Industrial • Agriculture • Domestic • Commercial Global Solar Water Desalination Plant Market, by Region
• Asia Pacific • North America • Europe • Latin America • Middle East Africa Key Players
• Solar Water Solutions Ltd • Sinovoltaics Group • Photon Energy Systems Ltd. • Trunz Water Systems AG • Photon Energy Systems Limited • AMP • Elemental Water Makers B.V. • Sterlitech Corporation • F CUBED LIMITED • Waaree Energies Ltd. • Water Office • ACCIONA • Harbin ROPV Industrial Co LTD • SUEZ • LG Nano H2O Inc • Vontron Membrane Technology • Fluid Equipment • FDCO • IDE Tech • ANDRITZ AG • WOG Tech • Technol Protoroz d o o • PACT • Avista tech • Toray Industries Inc • OMya International AG For More Information Visit @: https://www.maximizemarketresearch.com/
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fifiweihao-blog · 5 years
FACEBOOK / INSTAGRAM / FLICKR / TWITTER photo by: Roman Kajzer @FotoManiacNYC
You can see the entire session here: KENDRA – FALL SESSION
A teen idol is a celebrity with a large teenage fan-base. Teen idols are generally young but not necessarily teenaged. Often teen idols are actors or singers, but some sports figures also have an appeal to teenagers. Some teen idols began their careers as child actors, like Leif Garrett, Lindsay Lohan, Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen, and Hilary Duff.
The idol’s popularity may be limited to teens, or may extend to all age groups. Many teen idols are targeted for adults for nostalgia purposes.
There were teen idols before there were teen magazines, but idols have always been a permanent feature in magazines such as Seventeen, 16 magazine, Tiger Beat and Right On! in the United States, and in similar magazines elsewhere. With the advent of television, teen idols were also promoted through programs such as American Bandstand, The Ed Sullivan Show, Soul Train and in the UK Top of the Pops. Today’s teen idols have spawned an entire industry of gossip magazines, television shows, YouTube, and whole television channels such as E!.
Many American teen idols achieve "cross-over" success internationally; however, this list is not limited to American artists alone with some people such as German popstar Bill Kaulitz of the pop-rock band Tokio Hotel. In Asia, idols range from Japanese pop megastars Ayumi Hamasaki and Namie Amuro as well as Kana Nishino and Japanese music groups such as Momoiro Clover Z, Morning Musume, AKB48, and Perfume and Johnny & Associates boy bands Arashi, NEWS, KAT-TUN, and Hey! Say! JUMP among others while Chinese pop icon Jay Chou and Jolin Tsai, music groups F4 and Lollipop F, and South Korean singers BoA and Rain and music groups TVXQ, 2PM, 2AM, Beast, Shinee, EXO, Super Junior, f(x), 2NE1, BIGBANG, Wonder Girls, BTS, T-ara, Kara and Girls’ Generation are examples. In Latin America, idols ranges from Mexican pop stars Thalía, Timbiriche, Lynda Thomas, Magneto, Puerto Rican born Mexican Luis Miguel, Puerto Rican singer Marc Anthony, and the very popular Puerto Rican boy band Menudo in the 1980’s and 1990’s, and Paty Cantú, Anahi, Belinda. Ha^Ash and RBD in the 2000s and 2010’s. Besides, former Menudo member Ricky Martin, their chief rivals Los Chicos and former member Chayanne, Venezuelan actor and singer Guillermo Davila and more, to Argentina, where telenovela, Chiquititas, ushered in a new era of teen-idols for that country, including actors Benjamin Rojas, Felipe Colombo, Luisana Lopilato and Camila Bordonaba, who went on to form teen band Erreway, precursors to Mexican band RBD. In Spain, La Oreja de Van Gogh, Miguel Bose, Mecano and Hombres G all enjoyed teen-idol status. Even in the classical music field, a British-Chinese violinist Vanessa-Mae became the first "teen idol" in that category.
In the past, young sports icons and Olympic athletes during their competitive times were considered teen idols such as Jean-Claude Killy, Peggy Fleming, Joe Namath, Dorothy Hamill, Mark Spitz, Jim Craig, Nadia Comăneci, Mary Lou Retton, Michael Jordan, Dominique Moceanu, Michelle Kwan, Carly Patterson, Shawn Johnson, Nastia Liukin, Michelle Wie, Mia Hamm, Ryan Lochte, Michael Phelps, Missy Franklin, Katie Ledecky, Shaun White, Apolo Ohno, Simone Biles, Tom Daley, McKayla Maroney, and Gabby Douglas.
Early teen idols
The first known person to have been treated as a teen idol was Franz Liszt, the Hungarian pianist who, in the 1840’s, drew such a following among young women that the term "Lisztomania" soon came to describe the phenomenon. The kind of idolizing following Liszt drew in Europe would not be followed for several decades. Geraldine Farrar, American opera singer, had a large following of young women nicknamed "Gerry-flappers" in the early 20th century. Rudy Vallée, who became a major success in 1929 with hits like "Honey" and "Deep Night", may have been the first American popular singer to have been idolized by hundreds of teen-aged girls at sold-out concerts. He was also possibly the first popular singer to have a star vehicle created for him: The Vagabond Lover. Frank Sinatra, whose early career is often linked to his appeal to bobby soxers, is also regarded as having been amongst the first teen idols.
The great success of young rock stars like Elvis Presley and Pat Boone, film stars like Marlon Brando, Paul Newman, James Dean, Tab Hunter, and Sal Mineo in the 1950’s, as well as the wider emergence of youth subcultures, led promoters to the deliberate creation of teen idols such as singers Frankie Avalon, Fabian Forte, Frankie Lymon, and Connie Stevens. Even crooners like Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra were still considered idols and rather handsome. Actors Edd Byrnes and Troy Donahue and other artists deliberately cultivated a (safer) idol image, like Paul Anka.
Anka initially modelled himself on a particular generic type, the teen idol [who] carried on the process … of changing the image of male youth … from wild to mild, by providing a cleaner, more wholesome image of masculinity than that of the previous era’s rebellious rockabilly heroes and (working-class) so-called juvenile delinquents, like those in West Side Story….
Post-war teens were able to buy relatively inexpensive phonographs — including portable models that could be carried to friends’ houses — and the new 45-rpm singles. Rock music played on 45’s became the soundtrack to the 1960’s as people bought what they heard on the radio. The great majority of the music being marketed to 1950’s teens was being written by adults, but 1960’s teens were increasingly appreciating and emulating artists closer to their own age, to teen fashion, and to lyrics which addressed their own concerns. Their parents worried about their attraction to artists (and DJs) who were edgy and rebellious. Faces on magazines fed fans; fans buy records, see films, watch TV and buy fashions.
Marketing of the teen idol generally focuses on the image…. The teen idol is structured to appeal to the pre-teen and young teen female pop audience member and children in general…. [They] are commodified in forms and images that are relatively non-threatening to this young audience and to the ancillary market of parents… The teen idol never appears to be autonomous and therefore never appears to be threatening as an adult; he remains, as long as he is popular, perpetually childlike and dependent.
Some marketers turned to film and TV for fresh, attractive, ‘safe’ faces. Tommy Sands’s debut in a television film about the phenomenon, The Idol, made a teen idol out of Sands himself. Ricky Nelson, a performer of rockabilly music, also became a teen idol through his parents’ television series, The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet. Some young TV stars were being hustled into studios to make recordings; for example, ex-Mousketeer Annette Funicello became one of the first big female idols as well as the Lennon Sisters whom had cut out dolls and were always on the covers of the gossip magazines; another, Johnny Crawford of The Rifleman, had five Top-40 hits. In 1963, Luke Halpin made a big splash as a teen idol in the television program Flipper. After Bye Bye Birdie was released in 1963, Bobby Rydell became an instant teen idol.
In the 1960’s as situation comedies and dramas on television using child actors became more popular, actors Paul Petersen, Patty Petersen, and Shelley Fabares from The Donna Reed Show, Dwayne Hickman from The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis, Sally Field of Gidget, Jon Provost of Lassie, Jay North from Dennis the Menace, Billy Mumy of Lost in Space (and later of novelty group Barnes and Barnes), Sajid Khan of Maya, and Keith and Kevin Schultz known as the "Schultz Twins" on The Monroes all became younger preteen idols and grew into being teen idols.
Likewise, Tommy Steele, the Beatles with Beatlemania, the Rolling Stones, and the Beach Boys were teen idols, especially during the earlier part of their careers, although they quickly grew out of that status. The Rolling Stones did it through a more rebellious image, the Beatles did it through their more developed (or "grown up") music. Similarly, Neil Sedaka had two distinct eras of his career, with about a decade in between: one as a teen idol in the 1960’s, and a later career in adult contemporary music. From the family band the Cowsills, Susan Cowsill, John Cowsill and Barry Cowsill became teen idols and were on teen magazine covers for many years. Many of the teen idols of the era were the sons of older, established stars; Dino, Desi & Billy were active as teen idols during the mid-sixties. The group included Desi Arnaz Jr (son of bandleader Desi Arnaz), Dean Paul Martin (son of singer Dean Martin), and Billy Hinsche (a mutual friend whose parents were not famous). Gary Lewis, son of comedian Jerry Lewis, fronted the Playboys during this era.
All of the Monkees became instant teen idols in the late 1960’s after their TV show became an overnight success, especially for Micky Dolenz and Davy Jones. The British born member of the Monkees Davy Jones was regularly featured in all time teen idol lists. In 2008, Yahoo Music named Jones the number one teen idol of all time, and in 2009 he was ranked second in a list compiled by Fox News. Davy Jones still to this day tends to win many number one’s and the top of the list in best teen idol contests.
Tiger Beat magazine, an influential teen music magazine, began publishing in 1965.
After Davy Jones came Bobby Sherman and David Cassidy, who held the title of Teen Idols from the late 1960’s until the mid-1970’s. Both Sherman and Cassidy were actors on television and chart topping musicians in the pop-rock category at the time; with David Cassidy in particular enjoying immense international fame and success. Sherman was on hit TV shows Shindig! and Here Come the Brides among many others. Musical series such as Cassidy’s The Partridge Family, the animated series The Archie Show, and (to a lesser extent) The Brady Bunch integrated television and teen-pop music to significant success during this time frame. The Brady Bunch’s Barry Williams and Christopher Knight, as was tennis pro/actor Vincent Van Patten all were constantly in the fan magazines at the time. Actors Richard Thomas, Robby Benson, Peter Barton, Leif Garrett, Mark Lester, Jan-Michael Vincent, William Katt, and Jack Wild were the talk of the teenagers in the 1970’s as well. Musicians the Hudson Brothers were on many teen magazine covers for a number of years as teen idols. They had two shows on TV during the 1970’s and recorded many albums.
One of the features of many teen idols is that their fans (and, in some cases, the musicians themselves) tend to develop a distaste for the music once they became adults, and it is not much listened to by adults, except for nostalgia: the legacy of bubblegum pop. Teen idol performers in this category would include Shaun Cassidy, Leif Garrett, the Osmond Brothers (particularly Donny Osmond and their teen idol sister Marie Osmond), Andy Gibb, Tony DeFranco of the DeFranco Family, and the Bay City Rollers. Even modern classic hits and oldies outlets, which cover this time period, rarely play cuts from the teen idols of the era. A notable exception is Michael Jackson of the Jackson Five, who began his career as a teen idol along with his brothers, but whose individual career eventually evolved far beyond the limitations of that description and into super-stardom.
The Jackson Five were the first African-American music group to become national teen idols, appearing alongside white idols in magazines such as 16 and Tiger Beat.
In 1985 actress Alyssa Milano from Who’s The Boss became a major teen idol and was dubbed "The Teen Queen of the 1980’s. In the mid-1980’s there was a group of young actors called the Brat Pack; the whole group collectively and separately became teen idols. They were Emilio Estevez, Anthony Michael Hall, Rob Lowe, Andrew McCarthy, Demi Moore, Judd Nelson, Molly Ringwald, and Ally Sheedy. They starred in many coming-of-age films. The film that would help invent and popularize the genre was Francis Ford Coppola’s coming-of-age drama film The Outsiders (1983), which starred C. Thomas Howell, Ralph Macchio, Matt Dillon, Patrick Swazye, Diane Lane, Rob Lowe, Leif Garrett, Emilio Estevez, and Tom Cruise. The movie would receive critical acclaim, and would also become a box office success, and later a cult classic.
Actors such as Patrick Swazye, Matt Dillon, and Tom Cruise were teen idols who would later become successful A-list celebrities.
Actors Corey Feldman and Corey Haim also became teen idols during the later part of the 1980’s with films The Goonies and together The Lost Boys, Dream a Little Dream and License to Drive among other films. They were dubbed "the two Coreys". Before Corey Haim’s death in 2010, they did a reality TV show for two seasons (2007–08) on A&E named The Two Coreys after their 1980’s moniker.
Actor River Phoenix during his teen years became a teen idol during the later part of the 1980s.Phoenix’s work encompassed 24 films and television appearances, and his rise to fame led to his status as a "teen idol".On October 31, 1993, Phoenix collapsed and died of drug-induced cardiac arrest on the sidewalk outside the West Hollywood nightclub The Viper Room at the age of 23.
Australian-American singer Rick Springfield was regarded as teen idol from 1971, after releasing his solo début single "Speak to the Sky". His career matured over the next two decades with more hit songs. He gained further fame as a television series actor.
In the 1980’s, Puerto Rican boy band Menudo, caused a sensation in Latin America, nicknamed Menudomania that became compared to the Beatles’ Beatlemania.
Also painted with the Beatlemania brush was British pop group Duran Duran. Dubbed "the Fab Five", this group is recognized as pioneers in the then relatively new area of music video, that started with the Monkees in the 1960’s. Their exotic videos, such as Hungry Like the Wolf, being fixtures on cable channel MTV coupled with their exposure in teen magazines instilled them as teen idols in America and around the world though the majority of the 80’s. Another British pop band Culture Club were dubbed teen idols, with Boy George’s androgynous outfits that were copied by his teen fans and young adults alike.
At the end of the 1980’s, actor Kirk Cameron became a major teen idol teenage heartthrob. Cameron was best known for his role as Mike Seaver on the television situation comedy Growing Pains from 1985 to 1992. Also Scott Baio and Willie Aames of Charles in Charge fame found themselves regulars in teen magazines.
In popular music, the late 1980’s was the boom of teenagers dominating the music charts. Debbie Gibson became the youngest person to write, perform and produce a number-one single, "Foolish Beat", and also had many hits from her first two albums. Tiffany, another teen icon, became a pop sensation at 15 years old thanks to an aggressive marketing strategy. She promoted her debut album in shopping malls of the US. She is also the youngest person to have a debut album hit number one and have multiple number one singles from that album ("I Think We’re Alone Now" and "Could’ve Been"). Having become a household name, she had then-unknown band New Kids on the Block as an opening act for her shows. However, the sudden popularity of the New Kids caused their roles to be reversed. Gibson and Tiffany’s careers had stalled by the early 1990’s; so had NKOTB by the mid-nineties. The other boy band from Boston, New Edition was very popular with the teen set by the end of the 1980’s as well.
Madonna, was another example of teen idol and became a fashion icon between teenagers. Even, professor Joseph Straubhaar in the book Communications Media in the Information Society (1997) called a teen idol by 1992 year.
The manufacturing of teen idols has been marketed more aggressively and with greater sophistication since the 1980’s. The rise of MTV in the 1980’s and the success of the boy bands of the 1990’s and 2000’s has continued to fuel the phenomenon. Besides a combination of good, clean-cut looks and a ubiquitous marketing campaign, such bands typically include a variety of personality types (e.g. "the shy one", "the smart one", etc.) Classic examples of "boy bands" include Menudo, New Kids on the Block, Take That, Backstreet Boys, and ‘NSYNC, all becoming the best selling pop groups of the decade. Hanson was initially marketed as such a band, but eventually outgrew this label to become a successful indie band. Female pop super star Mariah Carey, was very popular with teens in the 90’s decade. Christina Aguilera, Jennifer Lopez, Mandy Moore, Jessica Simpson, and Britney Spears, along with mega girl groups the Spice Girls and Destiny’s Child, also became very popular at the end of the decade. Other notable examples from the 1990’s are female R&B singers Mýa, Aaliyah, Monica, and Brandy. After Brandy’s television show Moesha went on the air, it brought her many teen fans and she was always on the cover or in the teen magazines for many years. Brothers Nick Carter from Backstreet Boys and pop star Aaron Carter were both teen idols in their heyday, as was, to a much lesser extent, sister Leslie. Robbie Williams of boy band Take That had teen idol status as did Ricky Martin during the Latin music explosion of the late 1990’s.
Many of the major teen idols in the 1990’s were from boy bands and musical acts. One major exception was the situation comedy Home Improvement ‘s Jonathan Taylor Thomas, who appeared from 1991 to 1998, but never embraced his stardom. Another major teen idol was Freddie Prinze, Jr. who skyrocketed to teen heartthrob status after starring in successful teen horror films.
The 1997 film Titanic made Leonardo DiCaprio a teen idol; during "Leo-Mania" his face appeared on many teen magazines. Other teen idols from TV were most of the cast of Saved by the Bell, Joshua Jackson and James Van Der Beek of Dawson’s Creek, Ben Savage and Rider Strong of Boy Meets World, Joseph Gordon-Levitt of 3rd Rock From the Sun, Jonathan Brandis of seaQuest DSV, Jared Leto of My So-Called Life, Joey Lawrence of Blossom (and to a lesser extent, Joey’s brothers, Matthew and Andrew), Jason Priestley and Luke Perry of Beverly Hills, 90210 fame, and Erik Von Detten of various TGIF shows. These actors were often found on the covers and pages of teen magazines during the 1990’s as teen idols as well. Sarah Michelle Gellar was a major teen idol in the late 90’s, as a result of her lead role in the popular television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Fraternal twin sisters and TV actresses Ashley Olsen and Mary-Kate Olsen were major tween idols, and as they grew up they later became teen idols during the 1990’s. After the movie Clueless, Alicia Silverstone found herself a teen idol. The comedy duo of Kenan Thompson and Kel Mitchell are also teen idols, in which they star in the Nickelodeon sketch comedy All That, their own sitcom Kenan & Kel, and the 1997 film Good Burger. Nickelodeon also produced The Amanda Show which featured Amanda Bynes as well.
The Walt Disney Company and its numerous outlets (e.g. Disney Channel, Radio Disney and Walt Disney Pictures) have successfully developed a new generation of teen idols. In the early 2000’s, the company developed the careers of actresses and singers Hilary Duff and Lindsay Lohan, initially targeting youth and female teen audiences. While still teenagers, Duff became famous for her starring titular character in the Disney Channel teen sitcom Lizzie McGuire, and Lohan became famous for her starring roles in many successful teen movies, including Freaky Friday, Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen, Herbie: Fully Loaded, and Mean Girls. Other Nickelodeon and Disney Channel stars are also teen idols, including Jesse McCartney, Raven-Symone, Kyla Pratt, Ashley Tisdale, Vanessa Hudgens, Drake Bell, Josh Peck, Emma Roberts, Miranda Cosgrove, Miley Cyrus, Victoria Justice, Jennette McCurdy, Elizabeth Gillies and the Jonas Brothers.
In 2002, Canadian singer Avril Lavigne dominated the music scene and eventually became a worldwide teen idol. Listed at number 4 on Yahoo!’s Top 25 Teen Idols of all-time. Other teen idols are in the R&B and hip-hop realm, including JoJo, Ciara, Keke Palmer and Chris Brown.
Disney Channel stars Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato, YouTube star Becky G, and The X Factor alumni Little Mix have come to be teen idols. Ariana Grande was a popular teen actress before gaining mainstream popularity as a singer and teen idol.
In Japan, more and more "idol groups" have appeared. In Japanese culture, persons called "idols" are media personalities in their teens and early twenties who are considered particularly attractive or cute and who will, for a period ranging from several months to a few years, regularly appear in the mass media, e.g. as singers for pop groups, bit-part actors, TV personalities, models in photo spreads published in magazines, advertisements, etc. One of the most successful groups is Momoiro Clover Z. Their performances incorporate elements of ballet, gymnastics, and action movies. During 2016, about 636 thousand people attended their live concerts, which was the highest record of all female musicians in Japan. The group has been ranked as the most popular female idol group from 2013 to 2016.
Since their rise to fame in recent years, pop singer and YouTube sensation Justin Bieber, country-pop musician Taylor Swift, boy band One Direction, pop rock band 5 Seconds of Summer, and girl group Fifth Harmony have become examples of modern-day mega teen idols who have achieved international success, known for their devoted teen female fans, as well as an adult fan base making them all international superstars as well as teen idols.
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Posted by FotoManiacNYC on 2015-11-12 12:44:06
Tagged: , Kendra , model , teen , teen girl , teenager , 17 , posing , fall , photoshoot , nycphotographer , NYC , Central Park , park , Manhattan , blonde , blue eyes , eyes , lips , hair , Lady Fall , fairy , leggings , sexy , pretty , beautiful , sensual , smoldering , young , thin , fashion , style , modern , leaves , coat , tribal pattern , native american , brown
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