#also fun fact I drew all the hair on the back
The wedding getaway
A mile in each other's shoes
"Oh, come on, you can't be serious."
Lance groaned and looked at Lisa, the bride's maid, who in turn didn't appear all that amused either, although for different reasons. She smiled a sweet and poisonous smile as she answered.
"Yes, I am, Lance. Dead serious. Apparently, you have no idea how difficult it is to find a hotel with enough free rooms on a Caribbean island in the middle of spring break."
Before Lance could answer anything, she continued with a sharp voice.
"Or how expensive. So, yes, I'm afraid you have to share your suite with one of the other singles for the duration of your all-inclusive stay. Deal with it."
Lance took a deep breath and fought down the urge to say something very inappropriate. Lisa was probably right, and he wouldn't die from having to share a room with one of the other guests for a few days. He would only go there to sleep, anyway.
"Ok, ok. No need to explode like that. So, who will be my... roommate?"
In an instant, Lisa had a list in her hand and looked at it until she found the name.
"Let's see... that would be Jamal, who also didn't arrive with a date. I trust the two of you know each other?"
"Jamal? Oh god, no! Why do I have to room with the n... with him? Isn't there any other option?"
Lance couldn't believe it. Jamal, really? Of all the guest, he had to endure Jamal?
"No." Lisa said firmly. "And now, if you excuse me, there are a thousand other places I need to be right now. Have fun and try to get along with your roommate, ok? I'm not gonna make any changes."
With a flip of her hair, she walked away.
Lance was fuming as he fingered the keycard to his room. This had to be a bad joke. Jamal and him... Let's say they never got along really well. And ‘never’ was quite a long time for them, actually. They've known each other since kindergarten and didn't get along very well even then, although they had arguably be friends back then. But ever since, their relationship became worse.
It wasn't Lance's fault, of course. That much was certain, he decided, as he drew the card through the door sensor. Jamal was just so...
The door opened and revealed the object of his disdain.
There was hardly any way to phrase it differently, Jamal had the unmistakable dark skin color of a dirty ... Black man. Lance didn't consider himself a racist, but the fact was that people who weren't white were less civilized, that was just the way it was.
Jamal's voice was just as dark as his skin as he glared at Lance. Unlike Lance, Jamal most definitely was racist. He was proud of his heritage and thought very lowly of Lance, no doubt because of his skin color. If things were allowed to continue like that, people like Lance would surely become even more oppressed by people like Jamal. He closed the door behind him.
"Yes, that's me. Do you have a problem with that?"
He approached the other man like a predator until he stood right in front of him. They were about the same size, and Lance could see the dark wide nostrils of the other guy flare.
Jamal spat the word.
"I do. What are you doing here, you white piece of trash?"
Lance gritted his teeth.
"What are you doing here, you filthy ni-"
Jamal's fist flew before Lance could finish the word and it was only due to the fact that Lance expected the hit that he could dodge and thus avoid having his teeth bashed in. He answered with a quick kick to the balls, and the two men began their brawl.
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The fight was short and intense, but neither of them managed to seriously hurt their opponent. At the end, they sat at different sides of the large double bed, breathing heavily.
Lance spit out a blood drop. Jamal had a surprisingly hard punch.
"Yeah, that about sums it up."
Jamal was massaging his wrist, and Lance guessed that his jaw would bruise pretty badly. He was more than surprised, however, when Jamal offered him his hand to help him up.
"It's no use, Lance. It looks like we're stuck together for the next few days, and I've got better things to do than beat your racist ass every time I go to my room. Truce?"
Lance considered the proposition for a few moments, before he nodded and grabbed the dark hand.
"Truce. At least as long as we're stuck in this room with each other, you fucking monkey."
A moment of silence followed before Jamal got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower. From inside, he mocked Lance again.
"You know, Lance, you really need to learn how to control your racism. I bet the only reason why you're so angry about me is the fact that I have a big dick."
"Oh, shut the fuck up, asshole."
These were going to be a few long days. The wedding wouldn't be for another two days to give everyone time to enjoy themselves a bit. Originally, Lance had looked forward to this opportunity, but now it seemed like these days were going to be more of an ordeal than anything else.
Of course, there was no way he was going to sleep in the same bed as Jamal, and, luckily, Jamal agreed on that without argument and moved his stuff to the couch. They didn't speak a single word to each other this evening, and Jamal left the hotel room shortly after, allowing Lance some time alone. He was still bruised up and dirty from the short fight and took the opportunity to take a shower himself.
The water was somewhat soothing, and slowly, Lance regained his composure. He certainly wouldn't let someone like him spoil his vacation, and perhaps Jamal was right, and it was a good idea to just ignore each other as much as possible. He could live with that.
When he was sufficiently clean and calm, he left the shower and reached for a fresh towel, only to see a small article of clothing fall from the rack.
With some disgust, Lance noticed what it was: A piece of underwear, a pair of boxer briefs to be exact. It was previously worn, and Lance had no doubts who the owner was. Jamal must have forgotten it when he took a shower earlier.
Lance tried to ignore the unwanted textile as much as he could, but his eyes kept returning to it. Truth be told, it wasn't all that small. In fact, especially the pouch area was rather large, and the fabric looked like it had been stretched somewhat. Without really wanting to, Lance had picked up the piece of underwear and inspected it from all sides now. Frustratingly enough, what Jamal had said earlier appeared to be true. If this piece of underwear was any indicator, then Jamal's dick had to be fairly huge.
That only angered Lance further. Who did Jamal think he was, with his stupid large penis, mocking him? Did Jamal think he could impress him with that?
The piece of clothing had a slightly damp feeling to it. Most probably it was because of the steam from two showers, but was that really all? His body acted on autopilot when he brought the foreign item of clothing closer and sniffed. It was a bit musky, that was for sure, but he wasn't quite sure yet. He buried his nose in the front part of the pouch, right where the dick had been before and took another deep breath.
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Oh, there it was. Definitely, Jamal's scent was embedded in the fabric, and the smell was stronger now. Lance felt a rush of shame and anger. Did he really smell the underwear of his black temporary roommate? That was disgusting. He was just about to drop the garment, when he noticed something else. His own -rather small- dick stood proudly at attention.
"What?" Lance said out loud? He was hard because of a man’s underwear? No, not just any man’s. Jamal's, his arch enemies if he had any.
No, this had to stop. With a quick motion, Lance pulled the underwear over his legs and left the bathroom.
Only when he pulled on his pants over the baggy and mostly empty cloth that concealed his erection, he took note of what he had done. Why had he put on the thing?! Well, now it was too much of a hassle to change that, he decided and closed his pants, pressing the damp sweaty fabric against his groin.
Luckily, Jamal didn't come back until late in the night, when Lance was already asleep. He half noticed the other man getting settled on the couch, but he was too tired to care.
When Lance woke up the next morning, he was covered in sweat and his boxers were uncomfortably tight. He groaned as the memories of the day before came back. A quick glance confirmed: Yep, the black man was still there, on the couch, and still asleep, as it seemed.
With a throb, his cock demanded attention under the sheets. It had been quite a while since he had woken up with such a severe case of morning wood, but there was nothing he could do about it now. He wasn't alone, after all. He couldn't resist, however, to reach down under his sheets to readjust himself.
Only when he felt the unfamiliar fabric, again somewhat wet, by his own sweat and precum did he fully remember. Right, for some reason, he had put on Jamal's underwear after the shower. And later, when he went to bed, he hadn't fixed his mistake. There was something else, though.
Lance carefully felt the outline of his cock. This wasn't right. The stolen underwear pouch was filled to the brim with a throbbing organ entirely unfamiliar to him. This wasn't his cock! It was much, much too large!
However, every touch on the large piece of flesh felt good, and he couldn't resist stroking the length stealthily, if only a few times. Why did this feel so good? Lance failed to fully suppress a moan, and saw Jamal stir in his sleep. He really had to stop this. Only perhaps one or more stroke.
Were before, when rubbing one off, he often resorted to only using three fingers to stimulate his length due to his tools size. Now, however, he found that his whole hand was unable to fully close around the shaft, and there was a lot of space for his hand to move up and down, too.
He threw Jamal another glance, but the unwanted roommate still seemed to be asleep. Perhaps he could continue just a bit longer, and perhaps pick up some speed...
This time, too, he failed to muffle his moan completely.
"Ahh, fuck, yes..."
He breathed as he pumped the thick organ faster and faster, using his other hand to caress his balls through the underwear, which felt unusually large as well. Not being able to keep it down any longer, he pumped faster and faster, through Jamal's underwear, until, with a loud groan, he shot a generous load into the fabric.
Lance saw stars for a moment, but the noise had apparently been enough to wake up Jamal, and he turned around on the couch and remarked with a sleepy voice filled with annoyance.
"Dude, what the fuck? Did you just jerk off?"
"Uhh, no. I was... not."
"Yeah, right. And I'm the president. What the fuck, dude? Couldn't you wait until I was gone or something?"
Jamal groaned and got up to go to the bathroom. As he was walking, Lance got a short glimpse at the other man’s groin for the first time. If one thing was for certain, his dick wasn't as large as Lance had suspected. Most of the front of Jamal's boxer briefs was obviously empty.
Jamal spent a surprisingly large amount of time in the bathroom, and when he emerged again, he was - as far as Lance could tell - pale as if he had seen a ghost. He didn't speak a word as he quickly got dressed and basically fled the room, leaving a puzzled Lance behind. What had gotten into that guy again? He shook his head and, finally, removed the sheets and pulled down his borrowed boxer briefs.
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And then, he looked at his crotch dumbfounded. He had been right. It wasn't his dick, even though it was flaccid again now, it was much too large. However, that wasn't the biggest problem. Despite being too big, it was decidedly... Black.
And it wasn't just his shaft that was suddenly dark skinned. His balls, too, and the rest of his groin as well. When he turned in front of the mirror, he realized that even his ass-cheeks were a rich dark brown color now, and his pubes dark and wiry.
Lance's head was swimming. What in the world was going on? Was it an infection?
No, even a guy as biased as Lance knew that dark skin was not a disease you got infected with. He simply had no explanation for what he was seeing. Luckily, only his groin was affected. Both his legs and his torso were still as white as they were supposed to be. And his face was fine, too.
Lance shook his head. He'd have to get to the bottom of it, but that had time until later. Today, he wanted to enjoy the beach a bit. However, as he tried to put on his swimming trunks he noticed a problem with his new anatomy. Neither his swimwear nor his pants would fit without being extraordinarily uncomfortable. Not wanting to cut off the circulation to his now much larger tool, he glanced over to Jamal's suitcase. Judging by the pair of boxer briefs, Jamal's stuff should be about the same size, even though Lance didn't really understand why the other man brought clothes this big.
After rummaging through Jamal's belongings for a bit, Lance found what he was looking for. A pair of swimming trunks and a pair of pants that fit comfortably as he put them on without a second thought. He briefly considered fully dressing from the other man’s trunk, but decided against it and took socks, shirt and sunglasses from his own stash.
Finally, fully equipped, he went to the beach.
Given the time of the year, it was rather full, just as he had expected it to be. Nevertheless, he found a spot to lay down a bit and sunbathe, and soon, the warm rays had him relaxed.
For a while, nothing happened. Lance felt at peace, and his thoughts returned to the morning events. He was no stranger to masturbating, but it was the first time that he had felt the urge to do so while in the same room as another guy. Even stranger though, he didn't feel particularly ashamed about it anymore. So, what if Jamal had seen him? He certainly jerked off, too. Put aside all the obvious things that separated them, that was one thing they had in common. They were both men, and men had certain needs. Nothing wrong with indulging in them, right?
In fact, in the morning sun, his thoughts about Jamal were less hostile than usual. It was really hard to be angry all the time when relaxing in the warm seaside sand.
A few hours later, Lance decided to take a swim. However, as he wiggled out of his borrowed pants, he was confronted with yet another surprise.
Apparently, the dark skin had spread. Now, the whole length of his legs was decidedly dark-skinned. Lance shook his head as if he would be able to revert the skin color of his legs like that. But it was no use: The pigment was there to stay. This couldn't possibly be natural, or even healthy! He needed to see a doctor, right now!
Half-panicking, he checked his upper body but was relieved to see that there, his skin was just as milky white as it was supposed to be, as were his feet.
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Against all logic, his panic subsided. Sure, he looked ridiculous like that, but it wasn't that bad. In fact, once he managed to look past the weird color of his skin, he found his legs somewhat better looking even, packed with lean muscles. It wasn't bodybuilder level, but a whole new level of power that he never had before.
Originally, he wanted to run, search for a doctor as quickly as he could, but now, he reconsidered. He might as well go through with his plan and swim a bit in the inviting ocean. He could look for a doctor afterwards.
The water was wonderful, and the feeling of his legs powerfully propelling him through the waves was intoxicating. Lance lost track of time, and it was only when his stomach reminded him that he hadn't eaten all day that he turned back, all thoughts of a doctor forgotten.
He grabbed his stuff and went back to his hotel room to change, but was surprised to meet Jamal in there, when he unlocked the door.
The other man was sitting on the bed with his pants at his ankles and was furiously beating his meat. When the door opened, he quickly covered his groin with a pillow, but there were two things Lance had noticed: First, Jamal's dick was really small! And, secondly, from the waist down, Jamal's skin was colored a bright tone of pink, a stark contrast to his dark torso. There was an obvious connection waiting to be found, something really profoundly easy, but it escaped Lance persistently.
Instead, for the first time in God knew how long, Lance smiled at Jamal briefly.
"Don't mind me, just carry on. I'll just get changed really quickly."
"O...okay." Jamal replied, obviously confused about more than Lance's statement. Hesitatingly, he removed the pillow and continued his work, his eyes glued at the other man.
Since Jamal was occupying the bed at the moment, and Lance didn't want to disturb him by accessing his own suitcase, without thinking too much about it, he grabbed a new set of clothes from Jamal's: A pair of socks, pants, fresh underwear, a shirt and a baseball cap. He got dressed and nodded at the furiously masturbating Jamal again as he left the room just as Jamal came.
Dinner was somewhat strange for Lance. His upper body, arms and feet felt all strange and tingly, and below the borrowed cap, his hair felt like it was shifting and changing. He was really hungry today and was glad about the all you can eat buffet.
However, the more he ate, the more the strange feeling took hold of his head and face as well, and with it, another urge awakened. Lance's thoughts consistently went back to the picture of Jamal masturbating on their bed. Say what you want, but that white boy really had a cute body. That was something Lance had always liked about Jamal James.
Lance Lamar felt his groin get tight again. It was difficult enough to find underwear for his large black python, but when he got aroused, there was hardly anything able to contain the beast of burden.
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Finally, he stood up in all of his black glory and went to the elevator. Time to see if James was still around and was up for a length of his loving boyfriends large dick up his cute tight ass.
He was.
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As he left the dining hall, Lisa smiled a thin smile and changed an entry in her list. Two less troublemakers and one more happy couple for the wedding.
What a great couple, in the end! After all, racism never pays.
If you like to read about another great couple, in a magical story, perhaps check out this novel!
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crazyk-imagine · 1 year
Napping and Defending Friends
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Pairing: Sanji x Straw hat!reader
Characters: Straw hat!reader, Sanji, Usopp, Zoro, Nami, Monkey D. Luffy, Kaya
Warnings: Sanji being sanji, everyone outing reader or sanji to the other, this is kinda cute, fluff, everyone is nosey as hell, everyone is tired of Sanji and reader going around one another's feelings, the last few lines with the crew make me giggle, reader is (not so secretly) a pirate with her own bounty 0-0
Word Count: 2,688
You roll your eyes, listening to the two acting like children. You bump the green haired man to the side with your hip.  "Shut up already. You two are acting immature for your age." You lift your plate. "I'll take more."
Sanji shakes his head to the left, moving his bangs away from his eye. He lifts the ladle, giving you a decent portion. "And I'll gladly feed those who enjoy my food."
Zoro rolls his eyes, leaving you two to flirt some more.
The sound of Usopp's voice explaining what happened drew you all in, moving closer to listen to him.
You stop mid bite to listen. "I would ask to see his supposedly bloody fingers," you shrug. "But, whatever."
"Let him have his moment," Nami mutters.
"But it's more fun to get him stuttering if I make him tell the truth. It's very easy to break him into confessing."
"And I couldn't do it alone."
"Damn right you couldn't," you tell him, earning a chuckle from the group and your crew.
"Yeah, yeah."
"Let's hear it for the great captain Usopp," Luffy shouts.
Your lips tug to the side, "that's so not going to give him an ego boost."
Sanji chuckles, covering his mouth with his hand when Nami and Zoro turn to face him.
His eyes glance at you from the corner of his eyes and smiles, his heart races and stomach flutters at the sight of you (not so gracefully) scarfing down the food he cooked.
The calm mood falls when Luffy's grandpa announces he and the marine’s arrival.
"Hey, gramps."
He narrows his eyes at you, never quite taking a liking to you like his grandson did.
Although, he did find comfort in the fact that the rubber man had someone to help and guide him (which is why he disliked you). It also didn't help that you would feed into his "becoming the future king of the pirates" dream.
Before you know it, the two family members are in battle.
Your anger gets the better of you and you forget what you've been proud to consider a usable future trait, think before doing. "Don't hurt, Luffy."
As your friend flies back, you manage to latch onto the man, his head between your hands with just a mere few inches keeping his spinal cord intact.
His nails scratch the top of your hands, the adrenaline keeping you from feeling the pain.
You try to slip your feet underneath his armpits to pull his arms back and away from you.
"Stop it," Luffy mutters, still trying to get air into his lungs.
"Let go of him."
"But he-"
"This is my fight."
You grumble under your breath as you push yourself off him and if your foot accidentally finds its way into his back, oh well.
The old man grumbles the pain.
You glare at his grandpa during their fight, never letting your tense posture go.
Sanji's hand hovers over your shoulder, he hesitates to give you some sort or comfort; his hand falls beside him as the orange haired girl takes a step-in front of you, preventing you from slipping past them.
"This was all a test?"
"Go. Arlong's pirates are still on the island."
You scoff. "Now you don't want to be a dick."
The chef coughs to hide his amusement.
"Shut up."
"You can't tell me what to do Roro Zoro."
"I told you not to call me that."
You stick your tongue out at him.
"Children, I'm dealing with children," Nami mutters.
Sanji shoves his hands into his pockets.
You sit across from the stove, observing the chef's knife skills.
"The harder you stare, the more likely he is to mess up," a deep voice brings you out of your thoughts.
"Do you want to try and do it?" You ask, resting your hand on your knuckles.
"You can't match his skill."
"You are too kind, madame."
"It's true. I still don't even know how you can do this, and I've been watching you prepare the vegetables for a while." You steal a chopped veggie and snack on it when the rubber man bursts in, setting a piece of paper on the counter.
"You finally got your own poster."
"Yeah, no more piggybacking off you."
"Nothing, look at the amount of berry's your wanted for."
"I know."
"Everyone's going to be after you now," Zoro tells him.
"Every bounty hunter is going to be after all of us in the East Blue," Nami adds.
"Finally, a challenge."
The orange haired girl shakes her head at you.
"Then it's a good thing we're not staying in the East Blue," Luffy explains.
You clap once. "Finally, you make sense. Let's go."
"Yes!" Luffy raises his hand for a high five which you gladly give to him.
"Come on, people. We're settin' sail. Move it."
"Have you seen a barrel on deck?"
Your brows knit together. "Sanji, did you find a plant you shouldn't have?"
"No, I-" He chuckles, "no, no. I just- I have an idea." He calls for the others and everyone gathers around. He sets his foot on top of the barrel. "I am gonna find the all blue."
Next, naturally was your oldest friend, "I'm gonna become king of the pirates."
Zoro puts his foot up. "I'm gonna become the world's greatest swordsman."
And then, Nami. "I'm gonna draw a map of the world."
Followed by Usopp. He hesitates, unsure of what his promise should be. "I'm gonna be a brave warrior of the sea."
Now everyone's eyes fall on you. "Oh, it's my turn. Uh- I don't know what to say. I feel like I've gotten things I didn't know I needed."
"There has to be something," Luffy says.
You lift your leg, "I'm gonna promise never to forget who I am."
"That's too easy."
A faux chuckle escapes you. "It's easy to forget who you were and your code," you tell Luffy.
"I like it," Sanji says.
"Thank you. See I knew someone would." You stick your tongue out at the rubber man. "That's enough. I'm going back inside. I need a nap."
"I can get started preparing tonight's dinner." He basically skips after you.
"I hope they figure out whatever they have going on soon," Usopp shakes his head. "It's getting really..."
"Annoying," Zoro adds.
"It's not- it could be worse."
"How much worse than two people going around their feelings for one another." Nami raises a brow causing the storyteller to look away because he did the exact same thing with Kaya.
"That's not what we're talking about right now." The man pouts and walks inside, not wanting to be outed anymore.
"Has anyone else noticed how easily he follows her after she hugged him."
"Yeah," Luffy nods, agreeing with the storyteller. "Wait- what hug? They hugged and I missed it. Oh man."
Nami shakes her head, "is that what you're really focusing on right now?"
"Yes. I think he'd be good for her."
"You do?"
"Clearly he hit his head too hard during that fight with his grandpa," Zoro adds.
"We probably should've checked to see if he had a concussion before boarding," Nami says.
"Why are you guys talking like I'm not even here?"
The three shared a look and chuckled.
"C'mon, guys. Tell me, please?"
You wake up from your nap to the smell of well-cooked food. You're still pleased Sanji decided to join the crew, it was time there was someone (else) who could prepare a nicely cooked meal and not burn eggs or not know how to cut a vegetable.
You lean against the doorway, enjoying the pleasant aroma of food coming from a few feet away.
"You're awake."
You open your eyes, not realizing you closed them. "Yes, I was persuaded to get out of bed because of what you're cooking."
"Is that the only reason?" He teases.
"Ask me again after I've finished my meal."
"Will you have a different answer?"
He glances up from the ingredients he's mixing as the corner of his lips tugs upwards.
"In the meantime, I'll be over here with my eyes closed."
"Napping again?"
"No, just resting my eyes."
"If that's what you say, then I believe you."
"Is anyone going to wake her up?" Luffy asks, munching on his meal.
"Why can't you do it?" Nami asks, "she's your friend."
"What are you all babbling on about?"
"They're trying to wake her," Zoro uses his head to gesture to your sleeping figure.
"Are you all so scared to wake such," Sanji glances down at your relaxed face, "a beautiful creature?"
Usopp groans, taking another bite of his meal. "Do something already."
The chef places hands on your shoulders, lightly shaking you until he finds himself staring at the ceiling, gasping to get the air back into his lungs.
Your face comes into view. "What were you doing?" You push yourself off him.
He groans when you pull him up.
"Waking you," he groans. "I see why no one wakes you now."
"I said, I was sorry," you mumble.
"And that's why we leave her alone," Zoro tells him.
"Shut up, make fun of Luffy or Usopp's love for food and Kaya."
"Woah, woah. Don't drag me into this. I did nothing." The storyteller raises his hands, dropping the meat he had in his hands.
"You all are going to get brought into this."
"I'm just gonna-" Usopp runs around to the other side of the counter.
You chase after him, he counters going around; eventually you stop following him and jump up on the counter and launch yourself in his direction. But are unable to catch- "You're such a bug. I am this close to squashing you under my foot."
"Your fingers are touching," Nami points out.
"Exactly, orangie," you smile at her. "Can you put me down now?"
"Are you going to continue acting like a child in my kitchen?"
"That depends on the bug."
"She's not, hold her so I can finish my-" Usopp yelps when you reach out for him.
"Stop trying to attack your fellow crew members." Luffy orders you, food flying out of his mouth.
"How did you ever deal with him?" Sanji mumbles, unable to keep himself away from you, "he has no manners."
"I don't know." You shrug, taking a bite of the dinner he prepared (as he stands beside you, leaning against the counter). You moan as the flavors hit your tongue. "Again, I'm very," you pat his arm unable to open your eyes due to the richness of the seasonings hitting your tongue. "Very happy you decided to come aboard."
He chuckles, not at all trying to hide that his cheeks are enflamed from anyone. "I am happy to hear that, mademoiselle. That is what every chef lives to hear."
"But you're not every chef."
Nami groans, closing her eyes at the sudden headache. "Can you two stop flirting for two seconds so we can eat in peace?"
You open your eyes and stare. "If you don't like it, then leave. We are enjoying ourselves and if you don't like it, then shut up."
You stick your tongue out and shove another spoonful into your mouth. She sighs and doesn't say anything else. "That's what I thought."
"Could you say that again?" The blond asks, breaking the silence.
"Which part?"
"The part where you don't deny us flirting with one another."
"Oh, yeah." You don't know what else to do and use your spoon to move around the carrots on your plate, not entirely focused.
On the one hand this could be good, and you'd be able to confess. Although on the other hand, he could reject you and that can potentially lead to some awkwardness between you, him, and the rest of the crew. And in the case, he tells you he doesn’t feel the same, you will respect his wishes.
Is this a risk you're willing to take?
You take a deep breath. "I won't because it's true."
The others don't know what to do, this is not what they were expecting after they just started to return on their adventure for the grand line.
His breath hitches, "oh?"
You nod. "It's hard to deny the facts when they're right in front of you. Plus, these guys would make sure to do something about it at some point."
"No," Usopp and Luffy scoff, as if they're offended.
"Okay, maybe but only because we know you two are good for each other," the rubber man argues.
"See," you use your utensil to point at the two. "They'd definitely be the first to try and plan something for us."
"Appreciate the thought boys, but I am capable of taking things into my own hands." He wraps an arm around your shoulders, leading you outside.
"Are you sure it's safe to leave them alone? I think we should go back."
He tilts his head, the corner of his lips tugged upwards. "Are you, dare I ask, afraid to be alone with me?"
You scoff, "hardly."
"Then why don't you admit it?"
"Admit what?"
"That you like me."
You roll your eyes, "you're crazy."
"Am I? Or is that maybe you don't want to admit it fully to yourself because you were perfectly fine admitting that we were flirting, so what makes this so different?"
"Okay, fine." You walk back and forth along the deck. "Maybe, I do."
"I'm going to need more than that."
You stomp your foot and speed walk to him. "I am not going to repeat myself for the sake of you just wanting me to repeat myself because-"
You barely have any time to acknowledge the kiss until his breath fans against your lips. "I figured I'd save you this time."
You frown. "This doesn't make up for when I saved you and Usopp at the Baratie."
He nods, "I know." He glances from one eye to the other, "this does." And he does it again.
You put a hand on his chest, pulling away this time. "We have an audience."
"To your left."
He glances over at them and back at you, a hint of mischief twinkling. "Let's give them a show."
He presses his hand against your back, cupping the base of your neck as he tips you down.
Usopp and Luffy cheer as Nami and Zoro give looks of disapproval (even though they're happy you two did something about your feelings).
"Okay, that's enough. We get it, you two are together and you knew we were here."
The blond pulls back and smirks down at your flushed face, winking when you catch his gaze. "We didn't know you were there, forgive us."
You owlishly blink, not at all focusing on everything going on around you. You return your attention onto him, feeling his thumb brushing against your side since your shirt had risen from his show.
"Are you alright?"
You nod, "I'm fine."
"Are you? I feel as though you are not. I shouldn't have done that, shouldn't I?" He shakes his head at his behavior. "I know, I know. I'm sorry but I- I was excited."
You gently remove his hand from you before stomping past Zoro (who puts his foot out to trip the chef).
"What? What did I do?"
You groan and spin around. "You make it so hard to be mad at you."
All the worry leaves his body. He happily chases after you. "What can I do to make it less hard on you? Not be as cute, perhaps."
Nami nods, "I'm gonna go puke now."
"Ah, come on. They're not that bad."
The echoes of Sanji's voice playing coy can be heard out onto the deck.
"It's cute," Luffy shrugs.
"They won't be as cute when he has to wake her up," Zoro adds.
"Oh, that's a good idea," Usopp nods. "Make him the target."
Nami covers her face with her hand. "You're an idiot."
"Stupid says what," Zoro mumbles.
"I rest my case," the orange haired girl adds.
Return to: Part I
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poge-life · 5 months
heyyy. can u do a drew starkey imagine where both him and the reader are members of the obx cast and they are at the pougelandia event and they are in a secret relationship but they are constantly doing cute stuff throughout the event but the reader gets a bit tipsy a bit tipsy and outs their secret by accidentally kissing him on stage and the whole crowd reacts and screams. also sorry if this really long.
Ugh, I absolutely loved this one!
This was probably the best event you had ever been to. Jonas had decided to do a big ‘Poguelandia’ event to kick off season 3 and there were hundreds of people here. You absolutely loved how much support the show got and how happy this event made people. Maddy and you had pregamed before you left, as always.
You guys had been dating for a year and it was the best year of your life. You guys had immediately kicked it off when you met and then one thing led to another and you started dating. You both decided to keep it a secret from the public, just knowing how cruel the media could be and would try and twist you guys apart. Obviously, your friends knew; considering it would be hard to hide it from the people you were always with.
You guys had shown up separately; you arriving with the girls and Drew arriving with the guys. And boy, were you having a hard time keeping your hands to yourself. His hair had grown out again and he opted out of styling it, leaving it messy. He was wearing his green jacket with a white Tee underneath, pairing it with black jeans and his black converse. Going for a more casual look, you had a black cropped button up tucked into a black skirt with white flowers on it and slit up the side. You paired it with platform docs and gold jewelry.
Everyone had been split into different groups for all the stuff going on; you were with Carlacia and Maddy while Drew was with Austin. Carlacia had mistakenly left you and Maddy unsupervised at the bar and to no one’s surprise, you both got tipsy. It was no ones fault but her own. She had been told when she joined the cast to never let you and Maddy be alone at any kind of bar or else you’ll drink them out under the table.
Once the performance’s started, you guys all made your way up to the platform, to get away from the crowd and have some time with your friends. You stood in front of Drew with Chase on one side you and JD on the other. You all were just having a good time with each other and you couldn’t have thought of a better group of people to be friends with.
You leaned back against Drew, looking up at him as he looked down at you. He chuckled at your appearance; cheeks all red and rosy but he couldn’t tell if it was from being in the sun all day. Or, it might be the fact that you’re wearing all black in 70 degree weather.
“Having fun?” He asked, letting out a laugh as you had a dopey grin on your face as you nodded, “The best fun. I haven’t been this relaxed in a long time.”
“Good,” He smiled, placing a hand on your waist, thumb brushing the skin exposed between your skirt and shirt. Goosebumps showed up at the feeling of his cold ring against your skin that had been warm all day but it was comforting and very much needed. It probably wasn’t the best idea to be drinking in the heat but you didn’t care. This day was about you and your friends and you were going to enjoy it.
“What?” Drew asked, once he realized you were still staring at him. You shrugged, turning around to lean on the bar, “Can’t I just appreciate how good looking my boyfriend is?”
“Uck. You guys are gross.” Chase mumbled, brushing past you two as JD followed after him.
Please feel free to let me know if you guys want me to continue this fic!!
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sycamoregirlsworld · 8 months
I Can See You- L. Castellan
“what would you do if i went to touch you now?” -Taylor Swift
Luke x Fem! reader
slightly mature? idk
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Early morning training wasn’t something many campers enjoyed doing.
Most of the kids at camp would much prefer staying in their cabins until the very last minute. Wrapped in their covers until they just had to go to training.
Luke and (Y/n) we’re not those people. Well— it was more like they couldn’t be those people.
Their sparring sometimes got a bit… competitive. Too many campers had complained about it, so the pair decided that they would start to spar early in the morning.
It’s not like they were complaining. Being alone provided a better environment for them.
“Gods, Luke.” (Y/n) breathed out as she was forced onto defense, blocking his jabs with her twin swords.
Sweat glistened on their foreheads as they clashed blades, the metallic echoes filling the air. Luke's brown eyes never left (Y/n)’s form, enamored with the way she fought.
While his fighting style was quick and agressive, she fought gracefully and her moves were calculated.
“C’mon sweetheart, is this all you’ve got?” Luke teased as he attempted to strike her arm.
“Fuck off, Luke.” She grunted and parried his strike.
She had always been a bit too competitive, and it got even worse when it came to Luke.
He winked before swinging his sword towards her, the steel side of backbiter unknowingly facing her.
Catching the silver gleam of the steel, (Y/n) quickly dropped and rolled under his legs.
“Steel side is out, stupid.” She huffed and kicked the back of his knees.
Luke grunted as he stumbled forward. He caught his balance and whipped around to glare at her.
“That was a cheap move, babe.” He breathed out.
Before she could blink, Luke had thrusted his sword out (this time making sure the steel was not facing her) effectively catching her off guard.
(Y/N) stumbled backward, her swords falling out of her hands. Her heart pounding, and not just from the shock of the move but also from the Luke way look was looking at her.
She found herself on the ground, the force the the disarm sending her sprawling. Luke crouched next to her, his eyes now a mix of pride and something deeper.
Unable to break eye contact, Luke lifted (Y/N)'s chin with the tip of his sword, their faces inches apart. (Y/N) bit her lip as she looked up at him, her eyes wide and her breathing unsteady.
The cold metal of his sword should’ve made her scared, if he moved it a bit it could’ve pierced her skin, but instead all (Y/N) could think about was the fact that if she moved her face just a bit her lips would’ve been on his…
The tension hung thick in the air, their faces were both flushed from their sweat and close proximity.
"I could have defeated you," (Y/N) teased, her voice a mix of challenge and vulnerability.
Luke's lips curved into a half-smile, "Maybe, but where's the fun in that?"
His hand reached up and grabbed a fistful of her hair, tugging her head back slightly.
“You look hot like this.” He mumbled, his sword still under her chin.
(Y/n) averted her gaze from him, her face burning brighter.
“You’re such a perv.” She chewed at her bottom lip.
Luke nudged her chin with his sword softly. “Look at me, pretty girl.” He pouted playfully.
Luke discarded his sword with a clatter, his urgency evident as he pulled (Y/n) onto his lap, their lips colliding in a fervent, heated kiss.
With one hand tangled in her hair and the other gripping her waist possessively, he drew her closer, igniting an ache within her. (Y/n) gasped softly, before surrendering to the kiss.
She threaded her fingers through his tousled brown locks and tugged softly, eliciting a soft moan from him.
Luke's kiss was rough, and the lingering scent of his sweat heightened her desire.
With a yearning for more, she instinctively began to move against him, seeking the friction she so desperately craved— until a sudden realization pulled her back to reality.
"Luke—" Her voice faltered as their eyes met, his pretty, brown eyes were half-lidded and intoxicated with desire. His tousled hair and flushed cheeks, saliva-slicked lips only fueled her longing. "We can't... we're still on the training grounds..." She hesitated, torn between restraint and the burning need coursing through her veins.
"So what?" Luke's husky voice sent shivers down her spine as his hands began to explore beneath her shirt, his touch setting her ablaze with desire. “It’s still early.”
Glancing around, she considered their surroundings. It was early, and the ache between her legs had gone unattended for weeks…
"Fuck it," she muttered, her resolve crumbling as she pushed Luke down, surrendering to the intoxicating allure of their forbidden passion.
This was why they trained early.
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hpdmguy · 1 month
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ways they show each other love !
loads of rambles + clutter-less version below the cut
the yellow lines highlighting things is actually marking (almost) everywhere they touch since the primary theme of this piece is physical affection! the stars were just for fun
top left (kissing): pretty self explanatory! fun fact, it was the first thing i drew for this piece :)
top middle (hand on back): i was trying to sleep the other night and my brain suddenly went. drarry physical affection and that was the first thing i pictured! i kind of imagined this one as like... dracos stressed or something and harry just puts a nice comforting hand on his back
top right: the good ol pinkie hand hold,, link, ,think. yeah. no real thoughts behind this one. it fit the box and its cute
middle left (speech bubbles): one thing i see a lot (im pretty sure this is ((implied in)) canon as well, but dracos a big yapper! so its kinda showing here that harrys just listening to all hes got to say. probably my favourite one of the lot, i had fun rendering it. (looking at this post i too am a yapper)
middle (orange slices): theres this thing where you peel an orange for the people you love. you can look at it either way; draco providing food for harry, knowing his childhood food insecurity and always wanting to make sure he has something, or harry (whose love language is acts of service) giving something to draco, maybe after a long day
watermarked middle (draco constellation): just some fun symbolism i thought i might try to fit in
middle right (legs): in this theyre just chilling. dracos reading (the book didnt come across well ((i cant draw hands very well)).
right edge (flowers): these are narcissus flowers, also known as daffodils. a reference to narcissa malfoy, and also a reference i suppose to how she saved harry in the forest, because draco was alive, because harry saved him in the room of requirement
bottom left edge (flowers): these are lilies. partly to complete the circle of mothers saving sons saving the world, and partly because i wanted to fill space. (theyre fucking terrible to draw tho i do not recommend)
bottom left (hand in hair): well harrys hair is very luxurious as you can see and i imagine during cuddles draco cards his hand through it and teases out snarls and such. (i know hair pulling is something that can be seen as sexual, this isnt that and it isnt meant to be that and please dont see it as that :(
bottom watermark (stag): harrys patronus because why not
bottom middle: so this is a bit obscure but theres this post by @/iamnmbr3 that talks about a headcanon that they can share wands and its kind of special and intimate. so thats what ive depicted here. also for funsies harry has the draco constellation on his arm. not the big dipper. also i cant draw the dark mark for shit
bottom right (shoes): just a subtle way they can touch, not always big. just under the table or sitting on the sofa together, just to feel the other person there.
i knew i wanted a warm scheme and i knew i wanted orange and blue to play a big part in this. i was going to have warm colours on blue and cool colours on orange as a sort of contrast but that didnt end up working out.. the wand scene is an attempt at it except i mixed it up and made it cool on cool, its so washed out and i didnt bother to fix it
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BINGOO! Can you please write a Miguel O’Hara sugar daddy story with prompt 15? I’m not creative enough to write a description for this but could you add a mention of the age gap? Miguel is Like 30 or something. Reader is young and wants money ofc. They met online and are meeting up irl. Thank youu
—𓆩[mi menté, cuerpo, corazón, y alma]𓆪—
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I am so sorry anón honey, I got completely carried away!! I hope you enjoy it though!
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𓆩[main masterlist]𓆪 𓆩[request/ask me something!]𓆪 𓆩[updated bingo card!]𓆪 𓆩[bingo masterlist]𓆪 𓆩[join the bingo taglist!]𓆪
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𓆩♡𓆪 CHARACTER - Modern AU! CEO! Sugar Daddy! Soft! Miguel O'Hara x Sugar Baby! Fem! Reader
𓆩♡𓆪 TYPE - fluff, smut, angst
𓆩♡𓆪 WORD COUNT - 3.1K
𓆩♡𓆪 SUMMARY - You loved being a sugar baby. Truly, you did. The only con was the fact that you had to get with someone who was literally a hair away from dying, so when Miguel found you, it was truly a saving grace. After a while, he made you cut off all of your other sugar daddies, easily matching what they give you and more. Things have gotten weird lately, though… and you’re not sure how to take it, even when he says everything is ‘strictly pleasure’.
𓆩♡𓆪 STORY WARNINGS - cursing and foul language || obsessive behavior || sugar daddy & sugar baby relationship || possessive! Miguel || his wife and daughter do not exist anymore 🤍 like at all || Latina coded reader || featuring Jessica Drew as another CEO because we love her (spider-verse variant) || sugar daddy & sugar baby relationship turned real relationship || i speak rancho spanish so i write rancho spanish, it ain’t google translate so it might not make sense- || miguel is lowkey an asshole so he is an asshole now || fighting || you make him fix himself || i’m ngl, i don’t know what the hell i did but i had fun and there’s smut so enjoy || this is so much more kinky than it initially was going to be- || kinda OOC Miguel || sub turned dom! reader || sub! Miguel || sounding || cbt || slight oral || praise & degradation || riding || non-protected sex || cumming inside || ending is supposed to be humorous I’m not weird ||
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Finding a sugar daddy that wasn’t quadruple your age was hard. Very, very hard. What was wrong with men? Couldn’t they just become billionaires at twenty-five?
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Oh, but then Miguel O’Hara came along. A man in his early thirties that absolutely towered over you at 6’9”, built like a fucking god with looks to match and wealth to pair.
In the beginning, though, you had your doubts, so many doubts. You didn’t know what made him drawn to you in the first place, mainly because you had over five sugar daddies and he easily matched the prices immediately and made you get rid of them. He easily matched all your prices, doing even more before purchasing a test to make sure you were ‘healthy’.
After that, everything else happened extremely quickly - him buying you a car, jewelry and clothes, but the most recent was having you move in with him in his extremely large mansion. The first thing you noticed was that he had nothing in his home that gave it personality. No pictures, just crazy expensive art and photographs of things that were also crazy expensive.
He didn’t even have plants. Or a dog. Or a cat, something to give him some sort of personality besides that stupidly hot face. And stupidly hot money, but that’s why he was at work while you were at a shelter, promising yourself that you’d take some sort of pet home. You had settled on a kitten, a tuxedo kitten with a little bow tie and a mustache, along with small little mittens on his paws.
He immediately curled in your lap, a giggle falling from your lips as you stroked the back of his head. “I’ll take this one… I’m gonna name him Hart.”
And with that, you took him home. You bought him his own bed and all of the toys he could ever want or need, and you sat in the closet you had made his room as you wagged the cat toy in front of him, Jessica on the phone.
“Y/N, I really think you’re going to kill him bringing that cat into his house!” She laughed, snacking on her latest craving.
“Oh, he won’t! You’re being overdramatic, he’s gonna love Hart,” you wiggle the stick some more, the kitten swatting at it as you heard Miguel’s loud voice yell out for you. “Oh! He’s here, I’ll call you later Jess! Love you!”
“Don’t get killed!”
You giggled as you hung up and quickly stood, running out and fixing your skirt. “Miguel!”
He was tired today, you could tell. His body was more tense than you had ever seen, the buttons at the top of his shirt undone and his tie loose with his blazer open. You paused, his clenched fists making you swallow slightly. You had your share of violent lovers, and you sure as hell weren’t going to have another.
“Hola, mi reina,” he whispered, voice hoarse as he set down his briefcase and his fists unclenched. He softly set his hand on your hip, kissing softly against your temple as he sighed. “I’m sorry, it’s been a tough day.”
You inhaled as he softly pressed kisses down your temple around your eye, along the apple of your cheek. “Wh-What happened?”
He shook his head, his hands going from your hips to the pretty skin of your thighs that was exposed by the skirt. “Stupid idiots who don’t know how to fucking do their job.”
You hummed softly as you stroked the back of his head, twirling the locks of his hair with your fingers as you kissed his sharp jaw. You were already on your tiptoes, his hands supporting you as he ducked down. “I’m so sorry, Miguel,” you whispered as he let out a soft hum. “I uhm… I got something.”
“Ah si?” he responded, his hands slipping under your skirt to tease your pretty cunt. “Es esto, mi reina?”
“No,” you giggled, shaking your head. “Lemme show you.”
He smiled as you dragged him along, pulling him toward the closet you turned into the kitten’s room before turning around. “You can’t get mad.”
He started to cross his arms, raising a brow. “Why would I get mad?”
“You won’t be mad because you can’t. That’s my whole point,” you say, nodding firmly. “Okay?”
“You can’t say I can’t get mad and expect me not to get mad.”
“Oh, shut up!” You laughed, shaking your head as he hummed softly and leaned down. “Just… trust me.”
He hummed again as you opened the door, the loud mews of the kitten making his eyes widen. You felt your smile disappear as you inhaled, shaking your head as you turned around. “This is Hart! He’s a little spy,” you giggled, kissing the kitten’s small head. “H-He was named after-”
“I know who he’s named after, Y/N,” Miguel growled, glaring at the kitten in your hand. “Why is it in my house?”
“Our house,” you correct him, a scoff falling from his lips. “What?”
“My house,” he basically growled, stepping forward as you started to step back. “Just because I fuck you like a ragdoll and cum inside of you like a cumdump doesn’t mean that this is your house.”
You inhaled as you held the kitten closer to your chest, scoffing. “You’re a fucking bastard, Miguel O’Hara. This is strictly business as always, isn’t it? You fucking asshole.”
He scoffed as you went around him, shaking his head. “This is mine, Y/N! All of it!”
“It might be yours, Miguel, but you don’t want it! You keep this giant house full of nothing that you love, nothing that you care for! You don’t even have a damn plant here!” You yelled at him, inhaling as you sent him a glare. “You’re a self absorbed bastard, Miguel.”
“I have you here,” Miguel spoke, something that completely betrayed his previous words. “You’re… all I could ever need.”
“You don’t need me though. The only thing that you fucking need is a damn whore,” you shake your head, keeping Hart close to your chest. “I will get myself a lawyer to get myself out of this contract, and we’ll never have to see each other again.”
“Y/N, wait-”
“No! Fuck you!” You were already rushing to your room - which was sadly one you shared with Miguel - locking it before he could come in after you.
“Y/N, amor… mi amor, I’m sorry.”
“No you’re not!” You yelled, sighing. How could you ever think this would go any other way? “Just… go away!”
To be honest, you weren’t sure what made you think you could love him. Actually love him and have it reciprocated, but you didn’t want to leave. You had worked so hard in this relationship with Miguel, gaining his trust and what you thought was his love, for fucks sake you couldn’t lose it now. What he said just… got to you.
It wasn’t until you heard a soft knock that you unlocked the door, Miguel slowly stepping into the room. “What do you want?”
“I just… look at this,” he gave you the binder, swallowing. “If you uhm… look at it, it annuls our last contract… if you sign it, mi amor-”
“What, are you gonna try and bribe me?” I ask, softly scratching Hart’s ear before he gives you the binder.
“Perdóname, amor,” he whispers, slowly falling to his knees in front of you. You certainly weren’t expecting this. “Read it.”
“Summarize it for me.”
“It says that you own me,” he says, tilting his head. “Everything I own, you own. Everything I am is yours,” he takes your hand, softly kissing against your wrist. “I’m sorry… that it took me so long to see how important you are to me. Soy tuyo, mi mente, cuerpo, y alma.”
You swallow as you stare at the dotted line, looking down at him as he kisses your skin. “Tu cuerpo? Es mío?”
He groaned as your hand shapes his jaw, softly tugging on his hair as Hart jumped down, sauntering out of the room as though he knew what was about to happen. “Todo es tuyo, mi amor,” he whispers, groaning as you pull his hair so he’d stare up at you. “Todo lo que quieras, es tuyo. Nomás me digas y es tuyo. Todo, todo es tuyo.”
You hummed, sighing as you moved your hips to come off the bed slightly. “Show me. Show me that you belong to me and I’ll sign it.”
He hummed, sending you a smile as he started to kiss against your wrist. “Of course, mi reina.”
You smile slightly as he starts to tug off his shirt, carefully unbuttoning and kissing along your calf before slipping off your heels. “If this keeps going, Miguel, you need to know that I’m not putting up with your bullshit.”
“Ya se, mi reina,” he whispers, his tongue flattening up your thigh as he pulls down your skirt. “I’m aware.”
“I’m going to sign that shit in your cum.”
He laughed, nodding. “If that’s what you want to do, mi amor.”
You tilted your head down at him, raising a brow. “That raises no red flags?”
“No, they’re actually green.”
You hold back a laugh as he slowly stands up, already taking off his clothes before you put up a finger. “I’m in charge, right?”
“Yes,” he said, tilting his head slightly. “What would you like me to do, hm?”
“Get on the bed,” you say, standing and slipping off your clothes. “Why are you just standing there? Go.”
Miguel smirked slightly, but followed your orders, his bare body looking perfect against the bed. “Well, what do you want me to do next, mi amor?”
You hummed, staring for another few minutes. “Get hard. I’ll be back.”
You go into your closet, but after hearing Miguel’s moans, you knew he listened to what you said. It wasn’t until you went into your drawer filled with sex toys did you know what you wanted to do - oh, you were going to make him sob. You grabbed the small silver toy you had never had the chance to use on him, biting your lip as you finished taking off the rest of your clothes and fixing your bra and underwear.
It was normal to makeup with Miguel with sex, then talk about what happened and why it should never happen again before you fell asleep, resulting in Miguel waking you up with breakfast in bed and another lavish apology gift.
When you walked out, you smiled when you saw Miguel bucking his hips into his hand, his thick cock dribbling precum out of his bright red tip. “Look how pretty your cock is, baby… so, so pretty.”
He lets out a dry laugh, groaning. “Oh yeah? Que vas hacer?”
You giggled, slowly sliding between his legs and taking out the metal sounding rod. “Voy a jugar con lo que es mío.”
He lets out a choked moan as the cold tip of the rod dragged in a circle along the tip of his cock, already lubed up so you wouldn’t hurt him, a giggle escaping your lips as you slowly pushed it into his cock. He lets out a choked moan as you laugh, watching as it slowly disappears inside of his cock.
“Hijo de su pinche madre,” he cursed, groaning as he bucked his hips, stomach clenching as you watched his body slowly fall to your mercy. “Amor, please, please- I'll be good, I just need to fuck you.”
“Cállate,” you ordered, giggling as you pushed it inside until the ring was showing, your mouth latching onto his balls and sucking softly. “Come on, be a good boy and fuck it.”
He cursed as he starts to roll his hips, following the sounding rod as he groaned loudly. One of your hands rubs along his thighs, giggling as you stared up at his face all scrunched and desperate. He really did make a good sub.
“Come on, don’t stop now, Miguel, you’re doing so good,” you move away from his balls but continue to cup them, moving so that his fat cock was settled on his abdomen and you rubbed your now bare pussy against his shaft. “Come on baby, I know you want to cum. As soon as you cum, I’ll put your cock in me and I’ll let you fuck me.”
He groaned loudly, almost growl-like sounds falling from his lips as he forced his hips to go faster, fucking into the sounding rod as he rubbed against your wet cunt. You couldn’t hold back your own moans, the friction of his cock perfect against your cunt and he wasn’t even inside of you yet.
“Amor, please, please!” He was begging to cum, even if he didn’t quite know it yet, a groan falling from your lips as you continued to squeeze and rub his balls. He had never been this quick to cum, and you knew you’d have to try this again soon. “I’m close, chingao, I’m close.”
You let out a laugh as you watch the sounding rod start to be pushed out, pushing it back in as he whined. “Not yet, amor mío.”
“Por favor, mi vida, necesito- fuck!” He screamed out as you continued to hump against his length, pushing and pulling the rod in and out of his cock.
“Say it again. That you’re mine.”
“Fuck, I’m yours! Soy tuyo, mi mente, cuerpo, corazón, y alma, ¡chingada madre!” He yelled out as you finally let go of the sounding rod, watching it pop out of his cock and a perfect, pornographic cumshot follow. You moved your hand from his balls, lifting your hips as you continued to pump his shaft. You watched as the pearlescent liquid spurts onto his toned abdomen, smiling before cupping your hand in front of his tip and gathering his cum.
He panted, watching as you slowly smeared it along your cunt and placed the sounding rod onto the nightstand. “Next time we need to go bigger.”
“Whatever you say, amor,” he whispers, groaning as you pull his cock to push into your cunt, another loud groan falling from his lips. “Fuck, you feel so good.”
“I know,” you spoke, laughing slightly as you gasped. No matter how many times his cock was inside of you, you never got used to it. “Fuck, Miguel, It’s like you get bigger every time.”
“Maybe I do,” he smirked, offering that playful wording as you finally sat on his pelvis, groaning loudly. “Look at how perfect you look with my cock inside of you, mi reina. Fucking perfect.”
You whimpered, groaning as you started to roll your hips, his cock feeling as though it was deeper than it ever was. “N-No, no.”
He smirked, tilting his head. “No what, amor? Tell me.”
“Stop that,” you order, knowing damn well if he kept talking like that you’d soon be on your back begging for him to fuck you. That’s now how it was going to happen, not today. “I’m in charge. Not you.”
“I never said you weren’t, amor-”
You leaned forward, pressing your lips firmly to his as he held your hips, helping you rock onto his cock. “Stop talking.”
He laughs as his other hand pulled you in for another firm kiss, your hands searching for the contract before his hips slam up into you. You pulled away, gasping as he lets out a loud groan, cursing. “Thought you needed some help, mi amor.”
Your hands claw against his shoulders as he keeps your chest pressed to his, using his strength to easily thrust up into you. For fucks sake, he couldn’t even let you have this, but you weren’t complaining as he grunted underneath you and you felt his cock rub against every place you ever wanted him to be. He repeatedly thrusted into you at that perfect rate to hit that spot inside of you that just made your body go limp, stomach twisting and turning.
One of the pros of having a man who knew your body like the back of his hand was that you could always count on him making you cum.
You gasped as his cock finally thrusted against that perfect spot that easily made you come undone, mind blurring as you basically see stars right as your nails dig into his skin. Your cunt clenched and squeezed his cock as a result of your orgasm, a hissed groan falling from his lips as he thrusted a few more times and finally came inside of you.
Your eyes rolled back, the added feeling of his cum spurting inside of you, filling you up as your inner thighs started to register slight heat from the power of his thrusts. You panted as you started to sit up, Miguel letting out a slight laugh before you grabbed the sounding rod and the contract.
“Q-Qué estás haciendo?”
You looked up at him, giggling as you dipped the rod into his cum. “I said I was going to sign it with your cum.”
“Mierda, Y/N, don’t do that!”
“What?! You think I was joking?! I said it was a red flag!”
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Thank all of you so much for supporting me!! Even though Bingo requests and Bingo itself is done, I have my next event already planned - please stay tuned!! Requests are closed but they will be open when I clear my inbox, and again, thank all of you so much!!
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Bingo tag 𓆩[@ennycutie]𓆪   𓆩[@yoongiwife23]𓆪 𓆩[@urlocalbum12-blog]𓆪 𓆩[@theonetheonly-mee]𓆪
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Regular taglist: 𓆩[@lem0ns77]𓆪   𓆩[@cecepop15]𓆪   𓆩[@memeorydotcom]𓆪   𓆩[@your-favorite-god]𓆪   𓆩[@xyzstar]𓆪   𓆩[@just-my-shit]𓆪   𓆩[@your-mom21]𓆪   𓆩[@c78r]𓆪   𓆩[@dizscreams]𓆪   𓆩[@copypastedaphne]𓆪 ����[@asrt5]𓆪   𓆩[@xoxomoonlightbabe]𓆪   𓆩[@ineedmentalhelp123]𓆪
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© asterias-record-shop
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leonenjoyer69 · 20 days
Day 6: Ships!! Tosses these guys down (I LOVE THEM I LOVE THEM, MR TANIS I AM YOUR NUMBER 1 FAN)
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(Click for higher quality--)
I might color this at some later date but omg procrastinating made this take all day, so 💀 I also might write a little oneshot for them bc hello we need more writings guys 💔💔
Anyways, ship yapping under the cut 😋😋
I AM A DODDLE X TANIS TRUTHER!!! THEY'RE SO PERFECT TO ME!!! My evidence: this panel and vibes
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That arm behind Doddles back. I see you Tanis. Also, I yapped about them a bunch on head canons day (plz go read if you haven't they're so important to me /nf) BUT UGHHHHH.
Ship name is Swiss Roll, bc of Tanis' hair and, yk, Doddle's baking.
Super empathetic guy x ray of sunshine guy please save me. Save me amazing ship dynamic. THEY'RE JUST!!! HAPPY!!!
Tanis is the only person Doddle can stand to have in the kitchen with him when he's baking, bc Tanis just instinctively knows how and when to stay out of the way.
Tanis also gets to be one of the main test subjects of Doddle's experiments, and gets leftover or unsatisfactory goods to use as offerings to spirits.
Also, fun fact, I drew these on 2 separate pieces of paper (bc I'm an idiot) and just,,, ibisPaintX extracted the line arts and edited them together 🙏 so here's those separately lmao
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Anyways!!! Um, this won't be the last time you hear of them bc I'm not normal about them, thank you for reading :3333
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blooberrytea · 28 days
Playful Banter
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Summary: A little friendly sparring session!
Pairing: Connor x Reader
Word Count: 905
“Oh, absolutely not!” You turned in your swivel chair, deciding that the current case on your computer was far more interesting than the android behind you.
“Ohhhh, [Name], why not!” Connor pressed, nudging your shoulder, “It’ll be fun!”
You let out an exasperated sigh, dropping your head back against your seat– to which Connor promptly leaned over you. You had to hold back a laugh because the position immediately reminded you of something out of a movie. 
“It’ll be anything but fun. No offense, but you’re literally built like a machine.”
Connor pursed his lips, “I’ll go easy on you.” 
“That defeats the purpose of sparring!”
Connor huffed, turning your chair back around to face him. He placed his hands on the arm wrests, practically looming over you. A few months ago this would have flustered you to no end and he would’ve teased you relentlessly for your rosy cheeks. Today you met him head on. 
“You’re causing a scene.” You murmured. 
“Would it help if you lost in the safety of your apartment? Wouldn’t want anyone to see, y’know.”
You gaped at him, furrowing your brows, “I’m not scared of losing!”
Connor hummed, tilting his head at you, “You sound pretty scared. In fact, I think you’re starting to cluck. Like a chicken.” 
You leaned in until your lips were almost brushing against his, “I’m going to kick your little android butt.”
 You had two options here. Take the offensive position or the defensive position. Connor was built for this. As an android he didn’t run out of stamina, air in his lungs, or feel even remotely tired. He’d go easy on you in the sense that he wouldn’t use all of his brute android force, but he wasn’t going to let you win. He could predict your movements faster than you could execute them. 
You could choose to go in and use up all your energy assaulting him or you could block his oncoming assault. Either way, you drew the short end of the stick. 
You took a wide stance on the mat, leaning into your back foot. 
Defense it was.
“I could turn on sparring mode and initiate false stamina.”
You gave him a look and he held his hands up in surrender, “Your loss.”
The two of you danced around each other for a moment; You bouncing on the balls of your feet, Connor flat footed and with an almost dangerous look in his eye. He was definitely seeing your vital signs right now. While yes, you were absolutely reeling about potentially losing, Connor had also been relentlessly teasing you all day. This sparring match was just the icing on the cake. 
You swallow and beckon him forward with a couple flicks of your fingers. 
He smirks.
Connor throws the first punch and you dodge, swiftly side stepping him but he sweeps his foot under your leg and effectively knocks you to the ground. 
He’s set the tone for the fight instantaneously.
You’re built pretty decently, have to be as a detective, right? But holy fuck, you couldn’t compare to the literal hunk of metal that had badgered you into training with him.
You let out a groan as your head collides with the mat. 
“Still don’t want me to turn on sparring mode?” He’s leaning over you again, continuing this trend of being so close he could kiss you. He doesn’t though. 
“Shut up.” You huffed, taking his hand and allowing him to pull you back onto your feet. 
You throw the first jab this time and he catches your fist in his hand, easily overpowering you. 
“Come on, [Name], is that all you’ve got?” He teases, tilting his head at you. That stupid piece of loose hair falls over his eyes and you’re briefly distracted by how hot he looks right now. Your eyes glance to his lips and immediately back up. 
You mentally shake yourself out of it and opt to jab your other fist into his torso, only for him to catch that one too. Connor spins you around, crossing your arms over your chest and holding you back against him; like some kind of mock straight-jacket. 
You can feel heat along your neck, his synthetic breathing, and it makes you shiver.
“Someone’s distracted.” 
You lean your head back against his shoulder, letting out a soft breath.
"Yeah. You are."
You adjust your stance, placing your foot between Connor’s legs before abruptly kicking his foot out from under him. He falls to the mat, taking you with him but he’s stunned enough that you’re able to wrestle yourself out of his grip.
You adjust yourself with lighting speed, settling yourself on his chassis and slamming his wrists to the foam. You both lay there for a moment, your chest heaving as you recover.
“Point: Me.” You say triumphantly, crossing your arms, albeit breathless. 
You’re too busy basking in your glory to notice the smug grin on Connor’s face. 
A yelp escapes you as the android abruptly flips you onto your back, pinning your wrists to the mat. All arrogance leaves your body as you meet Connor's eyes. He’s so close you can see every detail on his face. You can feel his torso moving against you as his inner-workings replicate human breath.
“Your cheeks are flushed.” He hummed, murmuring against your lips. 
“Oh my god. Are you going to kiss me or not?”
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Can you please write some jealousy hcs for sf6 Luke, Ed, Jamie and Bosch? If you want to do different characters that's ok or if they are too many you can just do some. Thank you !!!
fun fact: this was originally supposed to be released 2 days ago but guess who accidentally deleted half of it. :| soo it had to be rewritten again. so sad. also I think you can tell who i like based on the length of the hcs, oops
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For the most part, Luke's a pretty chill guy so things don't bother him as much as they used to when he was younger.
He's glad to see you expand your horizons and meet new people along the way, especially finding new masters to train under.
He wants to see how far you've come from the last time he saw you, so he asks for a quick sparring match.
And you'd exceeded his expectations!
He's happy to see you develop your own style and dominate the streets.
"Woah, you've really stepped up your game," he said, genuinely impressed.
One thing though...why do you fight like a certain drunken boxer he knows?
Oh, You're learning under Jamie? Cool. Cool.
He's smiling but you can feel the tension behind it.
Luke is definitely the type of jealous that tries to play it off in a joking manner.
"Let's just say, I've had a couple of run-ins with the guy." he forced a chuckle. "He's...something else."
"Sounds like there's more to the story."
"Maybe there is, but it doesn't matter. What matters is that you're growing into an incredible fighter, and I'm proud of you for that." He pulled you in to press a kiss on your temple.
"Thanks, Luke. That means a lot coming from you."
"Anytime," he said, reaching out to ruffle your hair playfully. "And hey, if Jamie gives you any trouble, you let me know, okay?"
"Of course." you laughed, swatting his hands away.
"Come on, let's grab something to eat. I'm starving, and I bet you could use a bite after all that."
"Sweet! But you're buying."
You're your own person and you get to decide who you want to train under, but it still nags at him from somewhere deep within.
It may sound selfish of him, but he would rather you come to him for your concerns than anyone else. In part as your Coach and boyfriend.
So when other people try to make moves on you, he's internally sizing them up as he gives them a once-over.
So even though he has a smile on his face, it never reaches his eyes.
But he won't bring it up this time since you held Jamie in such a high regard.
And he's not going to hold your hand for every decision you make, but he trusts you enough not to do anything behind his back.
He hates to admit it, but it does tick Luke off knowing that Jamie would rub it in his face in their next encounter, it's almost inevitable.
So he would have a couple of not-so-nice words for the guy the next time he sees him on the street.
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Ed watched you near the gym entrance as he leaned against the heavy sliding doors. 
You were running late to your nightly meet-ups and you weren't responding to any of his messages leading up to now. 
He wouldn't have cared if something came up and you had to cancel your date with him, but you mentioned how excited you were about seeing him today that he didn't think you would've just dipped the last second. 
So he went on a whim and decided to pay the gym down the street a visit. 
And surprise, surprise, here you were. 
You were chatting with, what he could assume was your coach, in the middle of the room. 
Ed's eyes flickered at the way Luke lightly squeezed your shoulder with a certain fondness in his eyes.
He didn't know if you were oblivious or dumb for not noticing, so he made himself known by stepping on the mats in your direction. 
His presence immediately drew your attention and your eyes lit up when you saw him approaching, stepping back from Luke you said, "Ed! What are you doing here?"
"You're late. We had plans, remember?"
"Oh, crap, I'm so sorry! I lost track of time and…" You sputtered an apology and some excuses that fell deaf on his ears but his attention was more focused on your chummy coach.
Ed's glare could paralyze most people with fear, but Luke observed the exchange with a curious expression.
Realizing you may be having a one-sided conversation you introduced the pair to each other.
Luke extended a hand with a friendly smile. "The name's Luke, I'm one of the coaches here at Buckler's.
"Yeah, I've heard about you." He said, not acknowledging Luke's hand, which made the former pull back.
"Ed's been teaching me a little bit of boxing on the side." You chimed in, wrapping your arms around him. 
Actually, it was a bit odd that he didn't immediately try to shake you off. But that meant his mind was somewhere else.
"You've taught them well, They're lucky to have you as a teacher." Luke replied, addressing Ed again.
He shrugged the arm you were hanging onto. "You ready to head out?"
"Yeah, just let me grab my stuff real quick then we could go," you said, giving him a small peck on his cheek before heading toward the locker room, leaving the pair alone.
"Look I don't know what you're trying to play at and frankly I don't care, but it ends now." 
"Hey, man, I'm not trying to play at anything. I'm just their coach. We keep things professional here." Luke raised his hands in a placating gesture.
"Yeah? Well, you seem pretty damn friendly for just a coach." Ed scoffed, not buying it.
Luke sighed, dropping his hands. "I get it. You're protective of them, and that's fine. But you need to trust that I'm not crossing any lines."
"Trust ain't something I give out easily. And right now, nothing's telling me you deserve even a lick of it."
"Fair enough," Luke said, crossing his arms. "But you should know that Y/n's here because they want to get stronger. And I'm not going to stop coaching them because you're feeling insecure."
"Insecure? Now you're just spouting crap." Ed narrowed his eyes.
"I don't think so." Luke hummed.
You quickly reappeared from the locker room with a bag slung over your shoulder. 
"Ready!" You said cheerfully, grabbing Ed's hand. "Alright, I'll see you later, Coach!" You called over your shoulder as you dragged the boxer towards the exit.
"Take care. And keep on practicing your footwork," he gave you a small wave. 
"Oh, and Ed," Luke said with a slight edge to his tone, making Ed turn to face him, "Take your shoes off the next time you step on my mats, won't you?"
Ed scoffed, with a smirk tugging on his lips. At least, he ain't no pushover.
You glanced between the two, sensing the underlying tension but not quite catching the full meaning of Luke's remark.
"What was that about?"
"Nothing, Just gym etiquette."
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With Jamie, he doesn't get jealous as easily as other people on this list. But he definitely has his gripes from time to time.
Woah, Pulling punches during a dance battle? Didn't see that one coming.
You told him you've been learning boxing from a guy who's been hanging around the beat square subway station, at least three times a week.
He was wondering what you've been up to.
Wait, did you say three times a week? That's more than you see him.
What's up with that?
He didn't mind you picking up new skills, especially with something as badass as boxing, but he missed your late-night talks.
And now, it was basically cut in half thanks to this Ed guy.
So he thinks it's time to give him a little visit from the infamous Jamie Siu, himself.
"Ah, now I get it." Jamie playfully circled him. "You got the whole bad boy get up and everything, huh?"
Ed looked up from his phone with an unreadable expression, "You gotta problem wit' me or something?" 
"Not at all buddy. I'm just trying to see who Mooncake's been hanging out with."
You sighed, telling him that Ed is just your Boxing coach and he's teaching you how to wield Psycho Power.
Nothing more, nothing less.
After adverting the crisis that was about to break out at the station, you would give Ed a quick apology before leaving with Jamie. 
Ed shrugged, saying 'whatever' and went back to his phone. 
You would have to confront him about his attitude later on.
Even if he felt jealous of where your focus was, you're still learning how to street fight. And he has no right to interfere with your training with your other Coaches. 
He shrugged at your concerns before asking if you wanted to try this new concoction he put together, offering the lip of his gourd to you. 
"Jamie, I'm being serious." You pushed the bottle back to him. 
"So am I."
You hardly picked up the way his eyes bore into your soul before he broke into a grin, taking a swig of his drink.  "Nothing like a good drink to ease the nerves."
When you tell him you're still upset with him about today, he'll lean up against the rails and cross his arms. 
Most of his jealousy stems from the fact that you're spending more time with other people than him. And he feels a tad bit neglected.
He's used to being isolated so the feeling isn't new to him. But he found himself staring at the space beside him where he expected to find your presence.
The times when you don't visit him, his mind wanders to the silly little adventures you'd tell him about and the places you get to see around the world.
But you have a track record of being gone for long periods of time and he just waits here, until you came back.
It's not your fault. He was just being a hard-ass, so he would be the one to apologize. 
"Look, I know you're still starting out and learning new stuff, which is cool n' all but I miss our nights together. And if it's that important to you, I'll back off. Just make sure to stop by from time to-time. 'Kay?"
"I will…And thanks, Jamie. I really appreciate it."
After a beat of silence, you gestured to the gourd resting beside you two. "Now, about that concoction of yours."
Jamie broke out in a grin, handing it to you. "Prepare to be amazed. The new and improved recipe is made from the ingredients you brought from Tian Hong Yuan. It's got a kick to it, just like you."
You both would've retired for the night in a drunken stupor, entangled in each other's arms.
He snuggled his face in the crook of your neck with a dumb smile, mumbling how much he loved you.
But next time you visit Ed, Jamie gives you a couple of 'souvenirs' to show off to your friend to show who you belong to. 
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You know, when you decided to stroll through town, Bosch didn't expect you to pick up another Master.
If anything, he guessed it was your eagerness that made people naturally gravitate to you.
He could tell how much you admired Rashid's wind abilities and charming personality, but it still irked him more than he cared to admit.
You would spend the majority of your days training and chatting with Rashid, eventually kicking Bosch to the curb.
He knew it was nothing more than a student-teacher relationship, especially since Rashid's wind techniques were something you wanted to master.
And the thing is, Rashid isn't even a bad guy.
He's just very charismatic, in a way that can be overbearing at times.
But he still couldn't shake the pangs of jealousy that gnawed at his soul.
With every new move that clicked, you would glance at Bosch to see if he noticed.
He's at least a little glad you still sought him out, despite your attention being elsewhere.
Maybe that's why he let it go on for so long.
He'll sit on his emotions and let the feeling bubble in his stomach before he would ever confront you about it. 
He probably even lets out a few snippy remarks if you keep pushing him away.
He doesn't mean it.
He never does, but Bosch has never been in a relationship before, so he doesn't know what to do whenever he felt the burning sensation of jealousy below the surface of his skin.
Bosch sat by the window sill and let the cool midnight breeze brush against his face.
He should've been relaxing, but his mind was anything but calm.
He heard the soft creak of the floorboards as he turned to see you approaching. 
You sat next to him by the window, offering some food you got from the markets. 
Your presence instantly eased his nerves as you both sat in the dark, listening to the distant sounds of the city.
Sensing Bosch's off demeanor, you asked what was on his mind.
"I'm just thinking." He said, sipping his drink.
"About what?"
"You." His eyes met yours, "…and Rashid."
You blinked in surprise. "Rashid? What about him?"
"It's just…you've been spending so much time with him. I get that he's your new master and he's teaching you a lot, but it feels like there's no time for us anymore."
"I didn't know you felt that way, but I'm sorry for not noticing sooner." You said aimlessly playing with his hands before tangling them together.
Bosch sighed, looking down at your intertwined hands. "You don't owe me an apology. I know I'm being hard-headed. I just…I wish I could open up to you more."
"You can always talk to me about anything, Bosch. And you don't need to force yourself to do so for my sake."
He looked up, meeting your eyes again. "I know. It's just hard sometimes. And seeing you with Rashid, makes me feel..."
"It's stupid, I know."
"I don't think it's stupid, it's a very human emotion. But I want you to know that no matter what, I'll always want to be here with you."
He hummed, still not taking your words to heart and opting to stare off into the night.
"How about this?" You scooted closer, resting your head on his shoulder, "I'll set aside more time for us, and you tell me whenever something's bothering you instead of bottling it up...Deal?"
A smile tugged on Bosch's face as he drew your intertwined hands closer, brushing his lips against your knuckles.
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chronicbeans · 1 year
Human Illustrator Wally x Reader (part 2)
Fun fact: I like to listen to music that fits the vibes of what I'm writing and I wanted something more cheery an whimsical for this... but my dumb brain likes sad/creepy music and I couldn't find anything I liked that was truly happy, so I ended up listening to Bo en's My Time while writing this.
TW: None
🐻 When you arrive at the daycare, you quickly show everybody the book. Opening it to the back page, where he signed it, you see his name scribbled down. It is slightly messy, with all the letters being capitals and the "L"'s being slightly sideways. From what you can tell, it fits his silly little personality.
🐻 However, right as you begin showing everyone the book, you remember that some of the kids won't be able to see it that well, if at all... Oh no, now you feel like garbage...
🐻 One of those exact kids, a little girl related to Howdy, the local store owner, asks "Can I hold the book? I wanna see if something I heard works!" You grow quiet, before saying "Sure." To your surprise, all of the kids are watching and whispering "Right... Let's see if it works..." What in the world are they talking about?
🐻 She holds the book in her hands, which you made sure to keep opened to the signature. She runs her hands across it, before she makes it to the signature. She flinches, before gently pushing down on it. Her little face beams with the joy of a thousand summers as she chirps "He cares! I can feel it! I can feel his name! Johnny! Johnny, get over here!" "You're right, Henny!"
🐻 You are shocked, as well as a bit confused. You don't understand and want to investigate, but you want to wait for the children to calm down and let them have their fun. Even a few of the children with no visual impairments are pressing their hands on the book, chirping that they can feel it, too. You have an idea as to what it could be, but you want to check, first.
🐻Henny calls you over "Ms./Mr./Mx. (Y/N)! Come on! Feel it! I know that you probably didn't think to do so because you can see it, which is alright, but it's so cool!" You gently take the book, staring at the signature, before placing your fingers on his name. Your suspicions are confirmed as you grin.
🐻 While writing his name, he must've pressed the pen down hard enough to leave an indent to let all the kids be able to experience his signature. "Wow... Henny, how were you able to tell he would do this?" Henny, as well as the other kids, all start speaking over one another. You can hear Henny's voice over the rest, though, as she practically shouts with pride "My dad is friends with him! He constantly talks about how Wally does things like that for kids! My dad was the one who gave Wally that idea!"
🐻 You look down at her, expecting the other kids to tell her that she is lying, however, they go along with her claims. "I saw Mr. Wally at his store a few months ago with my mama! He tries to do that thing where people dress up as someone else, but his blue hair is very recognizable!" "Yeah! He helped me reach that apple toy on the top shelf! He then got another one and bought it for himself!" "Howdy is so cool for knowing celebrities!" "Doesn't Wally also know Ms. Poppy, that baker? I saw a show where she baked a cake in the shape of one of the bears he drew!" "I heard Mr. Wally gets his clothes from Julie's Joyous Clothes Company and is friends with Julie Joyful, herself!" Slowly, but surely, the talks about Mr. Darling and Howdy knowing each other turns into children's gossip about which famous people Mr. Darling does and does not know.
🐻 You think about the number in your pocket, subconsciously placing your hand over it. You don't know enough to know if any of their gossip is true... But you have the means to find out more about the mysterious, cheerful man. You can also make these kids so happy by having him visit! They can ask him questions about what they want to know, too!
🐻 Mr. Abbott walks into the recreation room, smiling as he asks you "Looks like these kids have Darling Fever, eh, (Y/N)? Do you want to go outside to relax? It is, technically, your day off today. Andy can take it from here." You giggle at the words "Darling Fever", before nodding. "Yeah. I actually want to talk to you about something, if you don't mind."
🐻 The two of you walk outside, sitting on the bench at the front of the daycare. You take out the paper from your pocket, saying "Mr. Darling gave me his number to call if you ever want him to visit the daycare." He gasps, looking at you "He... gave you his number? That's amazing! Wait, why are you trying to hand it to me?" You tilt your head and you hold it out to him "Well... you own the daycare? So it would make sense for you to call?"
🐻 He shakes his head quickly "No, no... he gave YOU his number! He very rarely gives out his number to people. I don't know why, but I think it might be that he doesn't trust many people with it. So, I can only assume he gave it to you because he trusts YOU. If I called, he might be uncomfortable." You look down at the paper, asking "Really...? There is so much I don't know about him. Should I call to see if he can visit? He must be a busy man... I don't want to bother him while he is doing something."
🐻"It's now or never. I know you. You'll be too nervous to call if you don't do it now." You smile, taking out your phone and calling the number on the paper. It beeps a few times, before somebody picks up and says "Hello?"
🐻 You take a deep breath. You can hear the voices of the crowd at his book signing in the background. You must've called during it... You hesitate, before saying "Hello! Umm... Is Mr. Darling there? I am from the Apple Castle Learning Center. He gave me his number and told me to call to see if he can visit?" The man on the other end of the line hums in thought, then says "Let me go get him. He has been waiting for you to call. It might take a moment, so be patient."
🐻 You tense up, feeling your heart race. He has been waiting for you? You look to Mr. Abbot, who places a hand on your shoulder to try to comfort you. He whispers "You're doing great! You got this!"
🐻 The man on the other end of the line suddenly shouts "COMING THROUGH! MR. DARLING'S GOTTA VERY IMPORTANT CALL! OUTTA THE WAY! HE'LL BE BACK IN A MOMENT!" You flinch from how loud it is, but you are shocked when you hear Wally's voice in the crowd, asking "Did they call? Please tell me it's them!"
🐻 It takes a bit, but you hear the crowd's voice die out, before Mr. Darling says a quiet "Thank you, Barnaby." Then, your heart races when he says "Hello? Is this (Y/N)?" You grin, saying "Yes, it is! Umm, I was wondering if you would like to set up a date and time to visit the Apple Castle Learning Center?"
🐻"That would be just lovely. We can talk about it tomorrow. Do you want to meet up at Howdy's Place? I'm friends with the owner. We can sit and talk at the little cafe area near the back. They serve some lovely milk tea. We can talk it all over then. I know you have some phone anxiety from your tone." "Of course! How about we meet there at 12 PM?" "That would be lovely. I'll see you then. Goodbye, (Y/N)." "Goodbye."
🐻 You end the call, looking over to Mr. Abbott and telling him the plan. He pats you on the back, telling you how well you did on the phone. You write down some things you need to ask Mr. Darling about, such as what date and time would be best for him to visit, as well what activities would be best. Then, you suddenly realize something... You never told Mr. Darling your name and there is no name tag on your uniform. The daycare doesn't have enough funds to make them... So how did he know it...?
🐻 You write down at the bottom of the list to ask him about it at Howdy's.
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thedvilsinthedetails · 6 months
wrote a quick, just fluff, slice of life microfic w rosekiller (679 words)
wrote it pretty quickly so the description is #entirelynonexistant
Oh for the record ‘grunkle ford’ is a gravity falls character bahaha
also ten things I hate about you I LOVE THAT MOVIE thats the literal only reason I have them watching it is just bc I love it lmao
CW: reference to background sexual stuff but nothing depicted (its Barty btw bc Evan is ace in this)
Evan got back home at around seven, rain soaked and shivering from shitty London weather. He leaned against the door with a sigh, throwing an angry glance at the umbrella he’d decided he wouldn’t need today and left in the doorway this morning. Then he heard it. 
Barty softly groaning from the bathroom, then a gasp and then…
Then silence. 
Evan just chuckled, sitting himself down on the sofa, smirking bemusedly when Barty emerged a minute later from the bathroom. 
“Having fun?”
Evan joked. Barty stuck his tongue out his boyfriend. 
“I tried to do it before you got home.”
“Don’t worry it’s fine, I don’t mind hearing it. I mean I kind of like the fact that you think of me when you…I just don’t want to do it.”
Barty’s smile softened and he reached his hands out to cup Evan’s face. Evan hesitated, moving his head back for a second.
“Sorry just…you’ve washed your hands like a lot right?”
“Course baby. Hands cleaned thoroughly with scented soap.”
Evan relaxed and let Barty’s hands slip around his face. Barty leaned down and pressed a kiss gently on the top of his head, nestling his face in Evan’s hair for a moment.
“Just so you know though.”
Barty whispered softly in Evan’s hair.
“I may have said your name but I was actually thinking of Grunkle Ford. Ultimate DILF.”
Barty chuckled before dropping his hands and running to the kitchen, giggling at Evan’s indignant expression.
“First of all. RUDE. second of all, he’s a literal old man.”
Evan chased Barty quickly with a laugh.
Barty just shrugged, turning and pulling Evan into his arms. They swayed there for a moment, holding each other in the soft glow of the kitchen light. Barty curled his head against Evan’s chest, looking up at him with soft eyes. 
“DILFS only improve with age.”
Barty laughed again. He had a strange laugh, one that alternated between complete gaping silence and something that resembled a hyena’s shriek. It warmed Evan up from inside out to hear. 
“How was your day?”
Evan pressed their foreheads together gently as he asked.
“It was good, boring. You?”
“Same. Wanna watch a movie?”
“Ten things I hate about you, ten things I hate about you, ten things I hate about you…”
Barty began to chant it, dancing around the kitchen excitedly as Evan got snacks for the movie ready. Evan threw a handful of pretzels at him at one point which Barty tried and failed to catch in his mouth. In the end he just picked them up off the floor, blew on them (like that would even do anything) and shoved them in his mouth. 
They were curled up on their sofa, Barty had his back pressed against Evan’s chest, one hand resting on Evan’s knee. Evan had an arm slung over Barty’s shoulder, other one wrapped around his waist. Evan tried to focus on the movie but it was sort of difficult when Barty kept throwing Evan not so subtle glances. 
“What is it baby?”
Evan murmured. Barty’s eyes widened and he dropped his gaze quickly. He took his hand off Evan’s knee and began to rub his knuckles against one another nervously.
Evan asked again, hugging him just slightly tighter. 
“Don’t worry about it.”
Evan whispered.
“You don’t have to tell me but I won’t judge you or anything.”
Barty glanced up at him again. He drew in a shaky breath before speaking.
“I’ve been thinking recently, you know about us. And I didn’t know what it was but I just figured it out and well…look I think I love you. I know I love you.”
He blurted it out quickly, tripping over words as he spoke. Evan just froze slightly.
Barty shifted awkwardly, eyes fixed down in his hands.
“I love you t-“
“Ev you don’t have to…”
Evan pressed a soft kiss against Barty’s cheek.
“I love you too.”
Barty looked at him for a moment, then hummed happily, snuggling even closer to Evan. 
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Like a siren's call-teaser
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pairing: beomgyu x vampire reader
summary: your voice is sultry, smooth in the kind of way only a vampire’s is. like a siren calling to the sailor. but you’re not completely sure who the siren is at this point,
OR beomgyu goes to a vampire bar in hopes of fulfilling his depraved fantasies
warnings: (most of this isn't in here, there's no smut in the teaser but there will be in the finished fic) dom reader, sub beomgyu, biting, blood drinking (it is vampire so what do you expect?), handjob, exhibitionism, reader calls gyu 'little lamb', more that'll come later on,
word count: 1.4k
a/n: this is the teaser and i do have more than what is written here but that would be majority of the fic so you only get this for now
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He sits alone at the bar, seemingly bored as he swirls the liquid around in his glass mindlessly.
He was exactly the reason you’d come here tonight.
For him. For his type.
Somehow looking innocent, pure in an alluring kind of way despite his appearance speaking quite the opposite. Feminine and gentle in a way that drove you wild.
With glittery makeup that shimmered in the strobing lights of the club. He drew the attention of passersby like a siren, eyes stuck on him for the brief moment before they continued on with their night.
You were surprised that no one else had approached him yet. Surprised that you hadn’t gotten up already. 
Something told you to wait though, told you to play a little with him, make him work for it. Something about him, something you couldn’t quite place, screamed that he often got what he wanted.
You were never one to play with your meal but just once maybe it would be a bit of fun.
He also looks as if he’d be really pretty when he begged. 
Tongue swiping over your teeth, you wonder if he was here for what you assume he is. For nearly the same reason you were. Or if your fangs that seemed to frighten people and send them running would send him in the same direction.
Who were you kidding though?
He was obviously here for a reason and that most likely wasn’t for the glass in his hand that he was leisurely drinking.
His eyes catch on your own and he stiffens in his seat, looking startled but certainly not uncomfortable by any means.
Flickering from your eyes to your mouth and then down to the rest of you, he takes it all in with another sip.
And ever so slowly you let yourself to the same. Gaze dragging over the length his body, appreciating every little thing as they trail lower and lower. You can barely wait until you can be a bit more… intimate with the exploration.
He’s gorgeous, for a human and for a vampire as well; he clearly relishes in knowing the fact, with little details that only accentuate it.
The barely noticeable detail on the short skirt he’s wearing, the length of it nearly short enough to be called scandalous but just breaks as passing with society’s expectations. 
The pretty knee-high boots make up for the length as well as the thigh highs he’s clearly wearing underneath, little frills peeking out from where they end. Almost obsessively, your eyes rake down the delicious sliver of thigh that they reveal. 
And lastly, but very certainly not in the least when it comes to this human, a choker sits snug against the smooth skin of his throat. One of the cute pink ones with the little metal heart placed in the front.
Pale, unmarked skin moves, throat bobbing as he takes chugs down the rest of his drink and calls for another. Skin that's practically begging to be claimed.
By you? Well, only if the pretty thing would let you.
He focuses back at you now, looking like he expects for you to look ashamed at being caught, after all, you were practically boring holes into him.
But to his surprise, you don’t. You hold steady and continue your unabashed stare.
He flushes, as pretty as the rest of him, face downturned to the bar, hair falling just so.
He tugs a lip between his lips, perhaps unconsciously or maybe not. The mischievous twinkle in his eye argues for the latter.
You’d never excelled at understanding human emotions, much less read them off a pretty human boy’s face.
“Can I get you something to drink?”
Your eyes.
That's the first thing Beomgyu notices. The first thing he’s drawn to.
The deep shade of crimson they take on, the exact colour of blood. The exact colour of the essence that runs just beneath his skin.
They should scare him more than anything.
They should make his skin crawl and create the urge for him to run for the hills. Away from you. Away from everything that you could do to him if you wanted to.
The things that he wants you to do to him. But that's really not the point.
They hyper-focus on him, darkening by several shades to an entirely new kind of red. His skin crawls, invisible bugs scurrying over his body. Heat swells, filling him up to the brim-did they turn the heat up in here? They had to have turned the heat up.
Goosebumps break across the exposed skin of his thigh, a shiver runs up his spine, zinging him but not for the reasons they should.
You look away all too soon, shifting your focus to the bartender in front of you, leaving Beomgyu feeling weirdly cold once again.
He was kind of hoping you’d approach him. Sure, he could approach you, he would’ve but he wasn’t ashamed to admit that he was more prey than hunter. After all, why else would he be here?
The amber liquid in his glass burns down his throat but makes his body feel all the less tense, all the more free. This was his second and last drink of the night. He’d heard it was better to stay mostly sober for these kinds of things. There was no saying what someone’s intentions could be and he didn’t want to turn up dead in the alley next door tomorrow. 
Besides, even if this was his second day coming here and still, he hadn't been approached, his hopes of something happening tonight weren’t completely squashed yet.
Not with the way he could feel your eyes on him again, not subtle in the least, shameless in a way that drove him a touch insane.
He rubs his thighs together, trying to fight back the heat lighting between them. Welcoming and also trying to reject the thought of how you would look at him, just like that, in a different kind of setting.
Beomgyu has no idea how, but you seem to notice the imperceptible movement, eyes flickering down to watch as your tongue peeks out to wet your lips.
He sits up straighter, flustered by the look, looking away and hoping you don't somehow notice the blush flooding his face. Using the opportunity, he surveys the busy venue.
It was definitely one of the more popular ones in the city, one of the better funded ones and the patrons only proved it. Humans and vampires alike dressed lavishly, screaming of an old kind of wealth. Showy-offy in a way that begged the eye not to look away.
The people here were certainly well off and that was obvious. Practically dripping in jewels and riches, many scantily clad and wearing nearly nothing at all yet still looking expensive. 
He was glad that he’d gone with his gut to overdo instead of underdo. His roommate had frowned when he saw Beomgyu leaving the apartment, asking him if that was really what he was wearing.
Beomgyu had never taken much mind to being slut-shamed but the words almost made him turn back to his room and change into something more 'suitable'.
He's glad he didn't. He fit in more like this and the outfit, as well as the makeup certainly garnered its fair-share of wanted attention.
“Can I get you anything?”
The bartender was a tall man, lithe and nearly able to pass as a human before his winning customer service smile revealed the fangs hidden just beneath his lips.
“No, I’m good, thank you.”
The man-vampire followed Beomgyu's line of sight, settling on you. "Is there anything else I can get you? Perhaps a name or a number?"
Beomgyu looked back at him, slightly horrified at the thought. "No!" he cleared his throat in an attempt to cover the outburst. "Uh-no, no, that's okay. I'm good, really."
He smiled politely and the bartender nodded, "Okay then just call me over then if you need anything else."
His eyes were back on you the second he was gone. But you haven't looked back yet, instead talking with the other bartender on across.
Beomgyu can’t help but find himself slightly disappointed.
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a/n: again, i do have more of this written than what's in here-it's actually almost done but i wanted to release a teaser first
if you wanna be tagged, just message me or let me know otherwise!
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PT Dragon Strawhats line up!
design notes below
Not a huge change but he has the Marineford scar and longer horns
He's got both longer hair and horns! The goggles/ ear protector were hard to figure out how they would sit on his head.
He just got more grey hair (mans old AND stressed)
Grow his beard and hair out. I also decided to give him some stripes to add some interest to the blank areas.
New Designs!
I based Zoros design off of icewings from Wings of Fire b/c I felt they fit with his personality and swords. ospreys also were an inspiration.
Nami was inspired by magpie geese and Haku from Spirited Away. Magpie geese for their feisty and protective nature, and Haku mostly because I like his design but also because I feel they share some story beats
Chopper was one the easiest to draw as his base form is literally just a reindeer. I also gave him fangs similar to Musk Deer and plated spine down his back, to give him a more draconic look.
Robin is my favorite for being simple yet a lot of fun to design! Snakes, swans and Quetzalcoat were the largest inspiration for her. Snakes for the 'devil child' symbolism, swans for their beauty that hide the fact they can break your arm; aka their strength (true fact about swans) and Quetzalcoatl for being the Aztec god of culture and literature!
For Franky I drew the most inspiration from pitbulls, b/c similar to Franky the have a rough and tough look but tend to be quite nice.
Brook, due to being literally a skeleton, didn't really give me a lot to work with but I did give him antenna because I felt like when he was alive he would have been a moth/butterfly esque dragon.
That's all for now, critiques are welcome and I hope you have a lovely day! :}
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heartbreakgrill · 1 year
stiles stilinski: breakable heaven; pt 10, "i scream, for whatever it's worth, 'i love you.' ain't that the worst thing you ever heard?"
a/n: pls ignore the fact that i’ve been writing miss morel instead of miss blake 😭 also enjoy my sappy writing. thank you all for every ounce of love and support on this series. i’ve had so much fun writing for you and interacting with everyone. i may have smth else in the works, but no promises. for now, enjoy x
tagging: @scarletrosesposts
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stiles reluctantly shifted y/n's body into isaac's arms, took the opportunity to swipe the tears out from beneath his eyes. then, he focused back to y/n. he took the sleeve of his sweatshirt, cleaned the blood off of her face, as he came up with a plan, "okay. i-i can get past the cops. i'll distract them down front, while you guys slip out the back. my jeep is parked in the emergency lot. but, i don't know how you'll cross the entire parking lot with them all out there."
danny watched stiles’ gentle hands. he was terrified, but he tried not to show it. he spoke, strong and clear, "i can go out first, bring it around to the ambulance bay. isaac and allison can wait there.”
the aforementioned hunter before adding on her own idea, "that's good. then we can swing around and grab you, stiles."
"okay, okay," stiles ran his hands through his hair, anxiously. a million thoughts raced through his mind, "and what do we do if-if the alpha pack comes for us? they still think we're protecting jennifer. and we-we're useless again-"
"stiles," allison touched his wrist, gently, drawing his eyes back to her own. she’d never admit it, but she was worried, too. without scott, they were not only outnumbered, but weak. like danny, she put forth a strong front, "she's gonna be okay. we're gonna be okay. i doubt they stuck around here, considering the police. i think we’ll make it through.”
"okay," stiles breathed out, "let's go." his arms dropped to his sides. he watched y/n’s head wobble as isaac turned away.
he, allison, and danny were going to take the stairs, stiles the elevator. so, this is where they would split up. though, before isaac could turn all the way, to follow allison and danny towards the doorway, stiles called out, “wait, isaac-!”
he looked back towards stiles, brows raised, "yeah?" he held y/n so carefully, like she was a pillow. stiles felt useless, again. useless because he wasn’t that strong. useless because, without scott, like miss blake had said- he had nothing.
stiles pushed down the feeling and stepped forward, "i just want to say goodbye. to her. i know she can’t hear me, but-“
“it’s okay,” isaac nodded once, reassuring the boy.
stiles slowly drug his eyes down to y/n's sunken face. she was beginning to look more and more sick, more corpse-like, as every moment passed. every so often, since isaac took her from stiles’ arm, y/n’s entire body would wrack from the chills that were causing sweat to sit on her brow. then, she'd cough violently, chest constricting with the effort, and blood would gush out of her lips. each time, isaac would spindle the pain out of her legs, around her back, his own face grimacing in response. he didn’t even hesitate to help her. stiles was grateful for this.
when he drew her pain out from her blood, isaac could feel the life slowly dissipating from her body. he had told stiles, just before he came up with the plan, that she, in fact, dying. but, she had a while to go. it was happening, slowly but surely. inching through her body at a snail’s pace. cruelly.
none of that information reassured stiles. it only made it worse, knowing that she was in so much, drug-out pain.
he lay a shaking hand to her cheek, thumb brushing across her skin. it was moist with that feverish-sweat. her lips were pale white, the color only dulled more by the black line circling the center of them. finally, a redness was visible beneath her eyelids, in her veins. she really was dying. she looked it.
stiles dragged his lips between his teeth, stilling them because they were wobbling. then, his eyes fluttered shut as he leaned forth, and pressed a kiss to her forehead. “i love you…”
“i love you, y/n…”
y/n woke with a jolting start, heart beat thumping in her neck like a choking reminder. her breath came out, raggedly. she managed to grab the fading words that echoed in her ears, whispered down her spine, like someone had just prickled their lips to her lobe, before they could leave her. y/n quickly looked to her left, then the right, before shifting onto her knees to examine the space behind her back.
there was nobody there.
in fact, there was nothing there.
the room- if you could call it a room- was bright white, lit by loud bulbs y/n could not find. the space stretched out before her, never-ending, miles and miles wide and long. she squinted her eyes, searching for its end. she expected the horizon to curve, eventually, for her view to diminish because of the curvature of the earth.
but it didn’t.
no, the room just kept on unfolding. the nothingness expanded.
there was a low buzzing sound, like flies, or florescent lighting, but the source of it was nowhere to be seen. she figured it must be from the bulbs, but the more she looked above her to try to find them, the more her head hurt. it was a blinding view.
she took a shuddering breath, head lolling forward. she was terrified of this subliminal space. terrified of what could be waiting on either end, what would find her. what she would find.
terrified of the fact that, as far as she knew, right now, she was utterly alone.
y/n went to stand, carefully bracing her shaking palms onto the matte white floor. she expected to groan in pain as she stood, but her legs lifted with ease. y/n ran her eyes over her body as she was shocked by the strengthened version of herself that she had recovered to. it was almost like she wasn’t really herself- like she was a dream-like avatar of her real self. maybe she’d blacked out so hard that, now, she was dreaming.
though, it did not feel like a dream.
she was in the same clothing as her real self- hospital gown, jeans, grippy socks, and stiles’ hoodie. though, her clothes were soaking wet, like she had dipped in the pool, again. there was no water on the floor, nor any source of it as far as she could see. then, y/n’s eyes reached her hands, and she noticed the black liquid coating her skin. it looked like she had been coughing into her hand. she gasped at the sight.
y/n brought a wobbling hand to her lips, feeling fresh blood evident in her mouth. she began coughing, erratically. she crouched over, hand braced on her knees, as the coughs wracked her chest. her hands became wet with the black blood, and some of it splattered across the white floor.
“wha-“ her coughing ceased, and a shocked look dilated y/n’s pupils. “what’s happening? what-“
she turned every which way, searching for an exit sign, searching for a doorway, a window, another person. she was becoming panicked. the pain was starting to soak back into her body.
“hello?” she called out, voice echoing off of walls that didn’t even exist. she spun in circles, calling out to the void, “hello? is anybody there? please-“ she coughed up more blood, “i need help! help me, please!”
she shuddered as a wind flew past her body. “hello?! please, help me! stiles! stiles?! please!”
just then, as she spoke his name, that voice came again, whipping as the wind carried it down her spine. “i love you, baby. i’ll see you soon, okay? i love you.”
y/n continued spinning in circles as she tried to find that voice. it went away, again, and the low buzzing of the back room was all she had left. it was worse, the loneliness, because she was able to recognize that voice now- it was him. she was sure of it. y/n cried out, “stiles!”
he was gone. there, at her fingertips, at the precipice of her consciousness, but gone, again. taken. swept away with the ever-fading wind.
“stiles, where are you?” she sobbed, “please!”
the energy was sinking from her body, and she struggled to keep herself on her feet. y/n slowly crumpled to her knees, more blood continuing to spew from her lips, and tears spilling from her eyes.
everything was fading.
“please, stiles!”
“what’s wrong with her?” stiles demanded, cracking his knuckles against either palm as he paced the floor of the animal clinic.
his eyes shot back and forth from y/n to deaton. his chest felt so tight, and he thought, at any moment, he might start having a panic attack. things were seemingly becoming worse, by the minute. deaton had been examining the girl for nearly half an hour. he kept pulling herbs out of cabinets, shutting them away, listening to her heartbeat.
like he was now- deaton pulled his stethoscope from his ears and hung it around his neck. he glanced to isaac, allison, danny, warily, before looking to stiles. he let out a hopeless, so stiles snapped his head in deaton’s direction.
“what? what’s wrong wi-with her? is- is she gonna be okay?” stiles voice cracked. deaton’s frown seemed to deepen. stiles shook his head, quickly, “no, cmon- no. please- wha…please tell me what’s wrong with her. please tell me you can fix it. please.”
stiles was barely able to speak through that pleading word, his chin falling to his chest as a sob wracked his body. allison clenched her jaw and had to look away. she took a shuddering breath, pressed a hand to her cheek. it was so hard to watch.
deaton braced his palms on the steel table, hands on either side of y/n’s head as he looked down at her. “she’s…jennifer placed some sort of poisonous spell on her. that’s the best way i can understand it. it’s like her body is rejecting itself. and, so, she’s…she’s dying, stiles-“
“i know that!” stiles yelled, “we all fucking know that! so, just do something to save her!”
he swept a hand across the counter adjacent to his left hip, knocking all of the tools to the ground. a yell, deep and vicious, erupted from stiles’ throat, as the supplies clattered to the floor. the scream resounded throughout the room. allison and danny flinched. she kept her gaze pointed from the boy, too pained to look his way. danny shut his eyes, pressed his lips together. he was still trying to be strong, though hearing this news was starting to affect his demeanor. he wanted to scream, just like stiles. but, he held it all in.
meanwhile, isaac was watching stiles carefully in case he needed to step in. he crossed his arms over his chest. he, too, felt terrible for the boy, but he wore his heart in his ribcage, tucked away, private.
stiles put his back to them, head in his hands, shoulders heaving up and down while he sobbed. allison wanted to step forward, to comfort the boy. but, then, deaton was speaking again.
deaton, also a stoic mourner, cleared his throat, then said, “stiles.”
“what?” he whispered, tone laced with venom. he slowly turned around to face the vet. his eyes were now rimmed with a red, bloodshot look. stiles no longer tried to hide the tears racing down his face. it only made danny feel worse.
deaton spoke slowly, gently, a hand set out towards stiles as a treaty-like offer, “i-i don’t want to give you any false hope. but, i think there may be something we can try to do.”
“what is it?” stiles stepped forward, hands falling onto the table. he kept in mind deaton’s words and tried not to let the faith bubble in his chest. but he couldn’t really control his emotions right now. he was all over the place. one of his fists lifted, moving through the air as if he were rushing deaton’s idea. “what is it? what can we do?”
deaton tilted his head in slight disappointment because he knew stiles was clinging onto an idea that could end in flames, “you must understand, stiles…i don’t have the anecdote for this poison. everything i have will only hasten her death, which is why jennifer did this. she knew we wouldn’t be able to stop it. she knew y/n’s state would only slow us down, weaken our numbers.”
“i know,” stiles’ shoulders barely lifted in acknowledgement. this is exactly what he wanted to avoid, exactly why he had never told her about all of this. “i…figured. y/n was clear bait. an easy target. it’s- what can we do?”
“scott can give her the bite,” deaton hurried the words out within a breath. he was scared of their impact. “i’m not sure if she’s strong enough to turn, but…but it might just counteract her death. the bite and the poison could cancel each other out. but…there are chances it won’t work, stiles. if i’m wrong, she may still die. or…she may actually turn.”
“or she could turn into something worse,” allison whispered. stiles found her eyes, much to allison’s dismay, and she nearly shuddered from the look in his. his pupils were dark, threatening. allison looked away quickly.
danny had been caught up on everything by allison and isaac on their way down to the ambulance bay. he was able to finish a lot of their sentences because he had been suspecting something like what they were telling him. after all, jackson was his best friend. he knew something was off. and he’d done his own research.
the validation that he had been right about monsters hiding in the dark didn’t feel good, though.
danny wondered what she could turn in to. contrary to jackson, she was a good person. were there any monsters that were good in their disposition? any without claws and fangs and a deadly bite? he didn’t really want to find out.
stiles punched the table, ever so lightly, drawing danny from his own thoughts. “i want it done,” stiles demanded.
deaton braced a hand between them again, “stiles-“
“why is this even a question? i mean- we always go out of our way to save people we don’t even know!” he shouted as he took a step towards deaton. “and, now, suddenly it’s an issue. please, just…we have to save her!” his voice cracked again.
the doctor, though threatened by stiles angry demeanor, still didn’t falter. he simply lifted his chin in response, “okay. then, it’s really just up to scott, now. if he is willing to do it, then it can be done. i must ask, though, would she be okay with this?” he gestured to y/n.
danny took the moment to interject, for the first time in a long time, “sorry to interrupt, but, i-uh, she’d probably say yes. if the chances are she could die either way, she’d want us to at least try.” 
stiles nodded to danny, gratefully. the latter boy pushed himself back into the wall, sinking into himself.
“okay. then, we must wait for scott.”
everyone tucked in, preparing to wait as deaton said. isaac slid up onto the counter, legs dangling over the side. allison sat criss-cross on the floor as she worked on ensuring her bow was in one piece. stiles was stoic at y/n’s side, head tilted down to gaze at her. danny watched him for a moment, watched how he entwined his fingers with hers, pushed the hair back from her forehead, and cleaned some of the blood off of her chin.
danny pushed off of the wall and came to stand across from stiles. he followed the boy’s eyes down at y/n, a deep frown creasing his cheeks. he set a hand on her wrist and put the other against her palm. danny took a shuddering breath, pushing aside the anxiety and mourning crawling up his chest. he wanted to comfort stiles. so he tried to.
“i don’t know how she manages to look so pretty, even when dying,” danny shortly chuckled, hoping the joke wouldn’t be too harsh for stiles.
stiles jumped, just slightly, at the sound of danny’s voice. it took a second, but the joke finally clicked in his head. stiles appreciated the humor. “hm? oh, yeah…i- she’s so fucking beautiful. i don’t get it. and then she’ll say that she’s not, and i’m just, like…i wanna hit her, ya know?”
stiles looked up to danny. the older boy searched stiles’ eyes for a moment, and he didn’t have to force the smile that came onto his face.
“you love her so much,” danny simply said, a breathy laugh shortly off his tongue.
stiles didn’t know what to say. his head nodded in a hesitated manner, and he peeled his eyes off of danny.
y/n let out a heavy breath, her chest deflating from the effort. stiles brushed more hair behind her ear.
“i do…i…” his tongue darted out as he licked his lips, “i love her.”
danny reached out and wrapped a hand around stiles’ shoulder. he squeezed. stiles shot him a half-hearted smile.
they didn’t need to say anything else. after all, that was everything.
twenty more minutes passed. stiles tried not to stare at the clock, but he found his eyes flirting towards the teasing hands, moving ever so slowly.
isaac talked quietly to allison, who cleaned her bow about three times. her hands were shaking. danny stepped out, at one point, to call y/n’s parents, who were still struggling to find a flight home to see her.
he lied and told them she would be just fine.
finally, scott arrived, relieving some of the tension in the room. he came rushing in, breathless, rambling on about what he had learned. there was drying blood on his hands, on his shirt, but no one even questioned it. at this point, it was normal.
everyone listened intently,silently hoping that whatever information he had received would help them save y/n.
but, instead, it was about the other issue stiles was trying not to remember, “we have to find the nemeton! if we find that, we’ll find out parents! she has them trapped in the cellar beneath it. here-“
scott didn’t notice y/n, still sprawled out, lifeless, on the table in the center of the room. he smelled something weird, but his mind was racing with the excitement that they’d be able to save their guardians.
stiles glanced back down at y/n, hoping scott would cut himself off. he couldn’t find the strength to do so. allison and isaac even exchanged a wary glance as scott produced a map out of his jacket pocket. from what everyone else could see, it pictured highlighted telluric currents. as it flattened between his hands, scott stepped forward in orderto set it on the table. that’s when he noticed y/n.
scott slowly lowered the map and flicked his eyes to stiles. “wha- what’s happening?” scott asked. he glanced around to everyone else, “what’s wrong with her?”
“she’s dying,” stiles murmured.
“i know, but, i thou-“ scott hurriedly shifted his words to deaton, who shook his head, sadly. “i thought you’d bring her here, and she’d be okay. deaton- i thought you would be able to save her.”
“scott,” deaton gently interrupted, “there’s nothing i can do. whatever jennifer did to her, it’s unbreakable. none of my herbs would work. they’d just- speed it up. the only thing we can try is-“
“i’ll give her the bite,” scott glanced between stiles and deaton, a determined look in his eye.
stiles blinked rapidly as relief flooded him, “scott, you don’t have to do-“
“i have to,” scott raised a hand, “i want to. besides, this isn’t about me. it’s never been about me. it’s always been about protecting and saving innocent people, like y/n. if the bite would save her, then i have to do it. i can’t let her die.”
deaton leaned back against the counter and crossed his arms. he was proud of scott for adopting such a morally right approach to the thing that could have changed him for the worse. but, deaton still had worries, concerns, “you know what this will entail, don’t you? you know the consequences of giving the bite?”
scott didn’t hesitate to nod, “i’ll do it.”
stiles’ spine straightened with an eager energy that pulsed through his blood. he nervously watched as scott turned his gaze down to y/n. scott’s brows furrowed slightly as he took in her deadly appearance. he set his hands, gently, on her arm. immediately, her pain shot up and through his veins. scott winced, and flinched his hands away. stiles squeezed her hand in response. that was never a good sign.
“she’s in a lot of pain,” scott breathed out.
stiles really wanted to say something rude, something sarcastic, something to press scott to go a little faster. but, he bit his tongue. it wasn’t the time, even if the humor would lighten his anxiety.
but, scott’s movements were painstakingly slow. he set his hands back on her wrist, paused as he took some more of her pain. it didn’t seem to want to let up. then, he lifted her arm in the air, inner wrist tilted towards his mouth. scott dipped his head back, a small groan coming from the back of his throat as his fangs protruded from his mouth. his eyes flashed yellow.
just as scott leveled his chin, opened his mouth to sink his fangs into y/n’s arm, lydia burst into the room. she always had impeccable timing with these things. “stop! wait, stop!”
everyone flinched, heads twisting around to look at the girl. she was breathing heavily, hair and dress soaked from the rain. she looked like she had been crying, voice hoarse from a scream that had been out of earshot. she’d had a premonition. lydia walked further into the light, “i know how to get her back.”
y/n lay there for what felt like forever. she stared up at the sky, the ceiling, whatever it was. it loomed overtop of her, a menacingly blank space. it seemed brighter up there, like there were lights somewhere above. if there were lights, that meant that had to be some sort of something in there with her. she wanted to get up and start running, try to find that something in this vast, dismal space, but she didn’t have the energy. she was dying- she knew it.
so she just lay there.
she could feel the life being drug out of her as each and every moment passed. yet, the only thing she could think of was him- stiles.
as her mind wandered, bringing comfort through the daydreams that played in her head, she thought about only him. she missed stiles so much. she knew it couldn’t have been that long, but she still missed him. she missed him before all of this- before she knew about the supernatural.
besides, no dying person wanted to go out alone. he was the one she’d pick to be next to as her final breaths were drawn out of her chest.
she wanted to go back to a week ago, in his bed. before she looked at his phone and everything was ruined. she yearned to feel his fingers ghosting her forearm, tracing the veins there like a pattern, slow and loving. the more she thought about his touch, about his chest beneath her cheek, his arms around her shoulders, she almost swore she could feel his calloused palm wrap around her wrist. it tickled, almost.
y/n shot open her eyes, brought her hand to her eyes, but realized there was no one there. she dropped her hand back down to her stomach. she tilted her chin to take a deep breath of his hoodie, which was acting as a makeshift pillow beneath her head. it didn’t help much. her neck ached slightly. but the smell- the smell of his room, his hair, his deodorant. it helped just a bit.
it brought out more vivid memories behind her eyelids. laying in his jeep, her music low on the radio, fog on the windows, rain beating down like a protective coating around the vehicle. just the two of them, always just the two of them, and an undeniable, desirable secret dangling between their chests.
y/n turned onto her side, curled her legs up to her stomach. she wanted to go back to sleep, so that time would maybe pass- if there even was time in this place. she noticed that she hadn’t coughed in a while. but whenever it would happen, the fit was disastrous. the perfectly white floor surrounding her was stained with clumpy, black splatters. her entire neck was coated in the liquid. and the skin of her fingers was unrecognizable. she squeezed her eyes shut in the hopes that she could go to sleep, avoid another coughing fit, dream about him…
dream about his lips pressed against her forehead. she would pretend like it hadn’t happened, again, if that was the cost. she would take that over this- yearning for him quietly, secretly. the feeling that she would die if he never looked at her, the feeling that she would die because she couldn’t have him the way she wanted. she would take unrequited nothingness of the reality of actual death.
y/n felt the tears welling up in her eyes again. she tilted her chin towards her chest, withering in on her curled up self. whatever this place was- the after life, a punishment, limbo- she just wanted it to end already. at this point, if she was dying, then she wanted to just die already!
y/n’s shoulder wracked with another sob. the wind whipped past her curled body, carrying on it a voice. she ignored it, knowing it wasn’t really there.
but, then, it rang out, again, this time, independent of the wind.
and, this time, it wasn’t so distance.
she slowly lifted her head, eyes scarcely searching the white space for where the voice might be coming from. then, as it continued yelling for her, she lifted her upper body from the ground, and twisted her spine to look behind her.
yet, there was no one there.
a moment passed and the yelling stopped. because of that seconds pause, y/n went to lay back down.
but, then, she heard her name again. this time, it was just an inch closer. this time, it sounded clearer, like somebody she knew, “y/n, y/n!”
she listened for a moment, and heard footsteps echoing off the ground, padding quickly across the space.
then, two other sets of footsteps, two other voices. calling her name. they weren’t just voices in her head, distant memories in her mind- they were here. in this place. with her. at her fingertips.
y/n stood, carefully, body aching and yelling at her to stay down. gravity pushed against her. but, she got up. she turned in a short circle, searching for those voices.
and, finally, she found them. she found him.
hundreds of feet away from her, seemingly stuck behind some invisible wall separating the space, they stood, calling out her name. he pounded a fist against the invisible barrier, veins in his neck protruding as he screamed her name again. scott and allison were at his shoulders, her name falling from their lips, too.
“stiles?” y/n cried out, voice cracking, weak, quiet. she took a deep breath, willed herself not to cough, “stiles!”
he finally could tell that she had seen them, and he started yelling louder. somehow, someway, he took a step forward, the wall no longer there. stiles seemed to lose his footing as it glitched in and out of existence, and he looked to his feet in confusion. then, when he realized she was just an inch closer, he took another step, then another, and, then, he was running.
y/n realized that she had to run, too. because, even though he was running as fast as possible, he still seemed worlds away. she had to get to them. she had to close the distance. she had to go. she grabbed stiles’ hoodie, braced her lungs with a deep breath, and took off. he was moving closer, inch by painful inch, until-
y/n ran into his chest, ricocheting off and nearly falling back onto her ass. stiles quickly reacted and grabbed his shoulders, steadying her. he crouched to meet her eye, searching her face as if he couldn’t believe it really was her.
as their eyes met, the world shifted, just one last time, finally clicking back onto it’s axis.
y/n’s shaking hands came slowly up to his cheeks as a sob escaped her. “stiles?” she whispered.
he nodded, just once, before squeezing her into his chest. “it’s me- i’m here. i’m here, baby.”
she wrapped her arms around his neck, holding tightly, so he could never leave her again.
he would never leave her again.
like a line of dominos, everything began falling into place, quickly, righteously.
y/n clung to stiles’ side as they found the nemeton, tucked away in some corner of the woods, which appeared out of nowhere. it took them through his memory, but part of her own recollections, too. some distant evocation of a day spent with danny, practicing his time for cross country. she could hear his voice, but she couldn’t see him. eventually, she and stiles stumbled onto the large tree root, evident as the fall air whipping past them.
everything felt distant, still, unreal. though she could feel stiles there, beside her, she knew that this wasn’t reality. she couldn’t wait until this was all over, when they’d wake up in the animal clinic. when she could really touch him, his actual skin, there, right there for her to take and never let go.
after they found the nemeton, everything surrounding them glitched out to a pitch black dream. they fell into something similar to sleeping. y/n heard her name, whispered through the dark, like a question. she slowly came to, fingers twitching upon her stomach, eyelids fluttering open. the bright lights of the animal clinic shone down on her, and it took more than a moment for her eyes to adjust.
when they did, she saw dr. deaton, standing over her, holding a gentle hand to her cheek. he helped her sit up, slowly but surely, with his touch on her upper back. she swung her legs over the side of the table, groaning at the residing pain still lingering. it was fading, fast, but it still clung to her. as the feeling was coming back into her body, so was her memory, her awareness. she darted her eyes around the animal clinic, searching for stiles, when deaton said:
“here,” the vet held out a purple-ish liquid, contained in a shot glass. “drink this.”
y/n took it, hesitantly, from him, and drank it in small, awful sips. “what was that?” she made a crude face at the foul taste.
“herbs. to help you regain your remaining strength back,” he encouraged the idea with a small nod.
y/n thanked him, before accepting another glass. this time, luckily, it was just water. she glanced around the empty room, again, “where is everyone? where- where’s stiles?” she yearned for him.
“stopping jennifer. stiles and lydia went out to find the nemeton. to find his dad. everything will be over shortly,” deaton patted her shoulder.
“what am i supposed to do, in the meantime? i mean…i don’t know where i fit?” she was new to this dynamic. she felt she should be out there helping. she was, after all, considered a part of the pack now. didn’t that come with responsibilities? though, she had just almost died. surely there was time allocated to humans for rest and relaxation in this type of world?
“well,” deaton he crossed his arms over his chest, “what do you want to do?”
“go home,” y/n admitted with a short laugh.
“i’ll drive you.”
y/n twisted around at the sound of that familiar voice. danny stepped out of the shadowed corner of the room. he had been giving her and deaton space as she was brought back to life. but, he couldn’t wait any longer. his best friend almost died. and now, he could finally take her home, to safety, to quiet, to peace.
deaton nodded, once, before stepping out of the room. his role in this chapter was completed.
meanwhile, y/n jumped off of the table, hurriedly tossing her arms around danny. he squeezed her in the tightest hug they had ever exchanged. their reunion was sweet, sentimental, full of tears from either friend.
and, then, danny drove her home, as promised.
he helped her out of her blood-stained clothing, and into the hot shower. he waited, less than patiently, on her bed while she washed away all of the black staining her skin. when she was finally changed into pajamas, tucked up underneath her bed covers, her eyes were heavy again.
she was exhausted.
danny was going to stay the night, until her parents got home, the next day. so, he hugged her one last, lingering time before retreating to the guest room, hesitantly.
y/n wanted to fall asleep, and wake up in tomorrow, when, hopefully, things will have washed away, sorted themselves out. but, she also knew that, eventually, this would happen again. based on the stories she’d heard, they always did. so, as her mind raced with the worries of that version of tomorrow, she felt her body wake up a bit more.
she just wanted stiles.
this day could not end any better than if stiles would just come back to her.
she climbed out of bed, paced down to the kitchen, and nursed a glass of water as her phone rang. y/n waited, impatiently, as the line beeped.
“hey,” stiles’ voice finally shone through.
y/n wanted to scream with joy, but she simply said, “hi.”
stiles breathed out a heavy sigh, “are you okay?”
“in one piece, somehow,” she managed a small chuckle. “what about you? is your dad alright?”
“he’s sleeping now.”
she was grateful to hear that. “and you, stiles?” he had just been through the hardest few days of his life.
stiles, elbow against the windowsill of his jeep, hand lazily rested on the steering wheel, blinked away exhausted tears. “fine…i guess. as fine as i can be.”
“stiles,” y/n nearly interrupted with a grin on her lips, “please, come over.”
he peered out his window, where her house sat, peacefully, on it’s precipice. the moon hung low behind it, enticing him to step inside. but, after all this, he knew what he must do. for her, her safety, her livelihood.
“i can’t,” his voice almost cracked.
y/n’s face fell, heart sinking into her stomach, “what? why? why not? is there- i thought everything was worked out. i thought that you guys solved everything?”
“we did,” he tapped his fingers against the wheel anxiously, “we did…this time. but- there’ll be other problems. there’ll be other druids trying to take your head off and alpha packs trying to kill all of us. it’ll never stop, y/n. i can’t, with sound mind and heart, drag you into this, knowing what i know. seeing what i’ve seen. i can’t- i have to just…end this.”
in the silence that followed stiles’ confession, y/n picked at the kitchen countertop. she didn’t cry- she didn’t even feel the need to. because she knew this wasn’t the end. she knew it would never end. it was- whatever they had- unbreakable. it was heaven. it was everything.
and she loved him. she’d never stop loving him.
“are you here?” she finally spoke.
the painful silence had only spurred more tears on stiles’. he pressed a hand to his lips, as if rubbing them would force the cries away. but, when she asked him that, his body took a pause. “wh-what?”
“you’re outside, aren’t you?” y/n pushed up off of her seat. she began marching to the front door, stopping only to put on shoes, unwilling to hear his answer. she knew he was.
sure enough, his jeep sat on her road, idling. she shook her head, that grin still sat upon her face. as she began the long walk down her driveway, she spoke, “i realize now how often you’d sit out here, watching my house, making sure i was safe. my brain always said it wasn’t you, but that freshman down the street, who drives that black jeep. it’s too dark out to see that robin egg blue on roscoe. but, no, it’s been you along. you’ve always been here, protecting me.”
“y/n, please, i-“
she hung on him. she was at the jeep door, now. stiles met her eyes, glanced away as he tried to stay strong. he was ending this. he had to. he didn’t want her pretty eyes and soft face to break him down and give in.
but, she knocked on his window.
stiles huffed, turning off the jeep, and stepping out. “y/n, please, you need to-“
“i have spent the last three months pushing you away. i have spent three months convincing myself that you weren’t everything to me. convincing myself that we were only friends, that even though you make me laugh like nobody has ever made me laugh, you didn’t mean the world to me. i have spent so, so long ignoring all the signs, ignoring all of these feelings that i have for you- and yesterday? i almost died. i realized just how precious what we have is. and, if there’s going to be other alpha packs, other crazy english teachers with some weird grudge against all my creative writing assignments, then i’m not going to waste the time that we have letting you go, again. not again, stiles. i have you- i’ve had you, i’ve had you right between my fingers this entire time. and i’ve just been letting you run like water. but, i’m not doing that again. i’m not letting that happen.”
stiles shook his head, removed her gaze from his. he couldn’t bear it. he couldn’t bear this. he just wanted to kiss her, but he couldn’t. get back in your jeep and drive away, stiles.
“okay- i just-you know that being with me means having a target on your back. and, you may be okay with that, but i am not. y/n, we can move on from this, okay? i can- i can let you go if it means you will be safe. and you’ll easily get over me. i know you think- i know you have these feelings, but, i also know you never wanted to get attached in the first place. i know you probably really even aren’t. i promise-“ he bullshitted himself.
“i love you, stiles. and i know that’s the worst thing you wanted to hear right now because it changes everything,” she stepped closer, demanding his eye contact. stiles pressed his back into the jeep, trying to shrink away. “and, i know that you love me. you didn’t have to tell me. i’ve felt it- i’ve felt it from you on more than one occasion. and it’s, it’s not the kind of love that you just let go, or get over. it’s- yeah, it’s dangerous and it’s terrifying to hear and it has the worst timing and it changes everything in the world. but, i love you, stiles.”
he lifted his chin, slammed his fist into his palm, weighing over everything in his mind. he didn’t need to- he knew what he felt, but then he knew what was right. and, not even deep down, he knew what to do. what he wanted to do. but, it was the choosing to do so that terrified him. that made him anxious, that made him feel like that pathetic, weak human everyone thought he was. he wouldn’t be able to protect her like he wanted. he wouldn’t be able to stop an attack on her, like yesterday had proven. he wouldn’t be able to ensure she’d get to go to college, that she’d even make it to graduation. if they did this, if he let her do this with him, she’d be in immense danger every second of the day.
but, he knew if he didn’t do this- he wouldn’t be able to breathe. he’d suffocate without her. she made him feel stronger, she made him feel better. she made him feel human in the best way, in the way that was never weak, nor pathetic- in the way that only humans can feel and love.
so, he made that hard choice, and he chose that hard thing.
and he kissed her.
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Hi, this is my first time requesting anything on this site holy fuck.
could you write a Sukuna x M!Reader? it's a struggle finding any lol. I don't really have anything specific in mind but it would be cool to read a fic where he's not to OOC and lowkey treats the reader like shit, but it's completely up to you hehe
I am so sorry this took so long! I re-wrote this like ten times before finally deciding to just keep it simple and spicy!
Be warned: This is Sukuna people, it toes a line, it gets suggestive, no actual smut though. Proceed at your own risk.
You groaned, reluctant to be awake at this hour, much less to the sound of someone sneaking into your room. Again.
'Dude, it's like 8:30, what're you doing in bed?'
You cracked one eye open, scowling at the pink haired vessel stood over your bed. He had no idea what the hellspawn he hosts does to you after dark.
Yuuji has total control of his body, most of the time, except, as you've learned, if he sleeps too deeply. Sukuna can occasionally slip through, and though he can't go running wild and waking up Yuuji, he can, and will make his way to your room, and keep you awake until all hours.
You won't be telling Yuuji about this because the poor guy would trip over his own guilt, so this leaves you here, sleep deprived at eight in the fucking morning.
'Sleeping, what's it look like?'
'If you don't get up Gojo-sensei's gonna come poor water on you again.'
You whined, driving your head into the pillow before reluctantly throwing the covers off yourself. 'Fine fine, stave off the blindfold demon.'
Yuuji chuckled, throwing your uniform at you, followed by an apple. 'Just hurry up, you promised Maki you'd spar with her today.'
'Oh fuck!'
Eyes wide, you dressed in a panic, hoping the adrenaline would help wake you up. Sparring with Maki is not something to be half asleep for. Never mind that you only had ten minutes to meet her.
Yuuji rolled his eyes, throwing an apple at you next, oblivious to the fact that he's the reason you've been struggling to be a functional human being.
He's also the only reason you manage to get to any one class these days, so as far as you're concerned, he evens out his evil twin pretty well.
'You were impressive this morning.'
A sigh left your lips, spitting into the basin as you hurriedly finished brushing your teeth. 'Evening to you too, your majesty.'
'Attitude, brat.' Sukuna purred, his claws brushing across your bare back, watching the shivers shoot down you spine and the gooseflesh ride in his wake. 'Why you bother covering up during the day is beyond me.'
'I'm well aware of your opinions on shirts, Sukuna.'
Slowly, you turned to face him, wary of any sudden moves the curse may interpret as an attack. He's half naked, as usual.
His upper lip curled in a sneer, sharp teeth almost reflecting the moonlight pouring in through your window. 'Ridiculous things, how you fight in them is beyond me.'
'Is that true? Or you just wanna show off?'
Over the weeks that Sukuna's been paying you these night-time visits, you've grown desensitised to the danger you're actually in. You know you'd be dead if he wanted you dead, so why not have a little fun with it?
The curse's grin could have swallowed you whole, his hand suddenly clasped around your throat, forcing you to his eye level with his other hand digging into the flesh of your back, leaving you to wonder of he drew blood.
'You like what you see, twisted little brat.' His breath fanned your face, presence looming over you. You can feel the power rolling off him in waves, power you couldn't possibly rival. You were helpless compared to this creature.
So why go out crying?
A smile curled your lips even as he restricted the air in your lungs, making your head feel floaty. 'I'm starting to think you do too. You haven't killed me yet, bastard curse.'
Sukuna laughed, and now, you're sure he's drawn blood, you can feel it sliding down the curve of your back in tiny rivulets from where his nails broke your soft skin.
'You don't have the power to back up this kind of foolishness, boy!' He snapped.
Your heart stuttered with the growl in his voice, and despite any kind of better judgement, you melted into it further.
'Then why come here every night?'
'Why haven't you told the sorcerer?' Sukuna countered, his grin turned knowing. 'The brat, the Six Eyes, any one of them could stop me from doing this, you've had ample chance, and you've told, no one.'
You averted your eyes, ears growing warm as Sukuna eased his grip, only to yank your head back by your hair, teeth and tongue assaulting your neck.
This. This is why you've told no one. Gojo would know in an instant that you'd let the King of Curses in your pants, or worse, Sukuna would tell everyone himself, and you couldn't stand that kind of embarrassment, even if the choice had been amazing sex, or die.
Sukuna laid you out on your bed, stealing the breath from your lungs as he nipped at your ear lobe.
'You'll tell no one brat, because you're mine now.'
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herbivorp · 8 months
cw for horror-esque design art!
Just some concept art of Bad but it's intentionally spooky this time so :P
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+ some fountain pen doodles so It isnt just a text thumbnail O-o
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ignore that he doesnt have his scars or uhm. hair
We need more BadBoyHalo being a scary monster so I am here to deliver 🫡 If you havent seen my other art this is his "true" form and what he's worried about the other members seeing, even though a few already know (like quackity, wilbur, niki, tubbo, ect) and the other's probbaly wouldnt judge him or see him differently other than being a bit surprised.
This is turning into a bit of a species info dump but that's what tumblr is for I guess so !
Some things to know- This strange looking ten foot tall monsterish form is what regular Wither demons normally look like! Ofc they're not always pissed like how I drew here but the unsettlingness can still stick around when theyre not trying to be threatening just because of their large teeth, claws, and well being large LOL Bad, coming from the nether originally got the gist firsthand how the overworld viewed WIther Demons and most people were scared of him, so as a safety measure and for his own anxiety he learned transfiguration magic over the coarse of a few years to create himself a smaller, less thretening form. At first it was hard and painful to maintain his smaller form (which is about 5'6, gets rid of most of his teeth, smaller horns/tail/wings that can't fly and less defined leg joints) but after a while of using it frequently along with getting better with his magic he's able to maintain it prettymuch constantly! Though he does have to revert back for at least 30 minutes a day to avoid health issues and longterm transfiguration detriments. (I had a breif idea that during purgatory he would be forced into his true form to defend himself and/or because he kept his smaller one up in front of everyone for too long) Anyyyways Dapper and most of the other babies know about his real form! He lets them ide on his back sometimes and teaches them how to fly/roar and other silly things. hmm another fun fact, Bad has the demon equivelent of a dad bod, if you notice he shed the spikes on his upper back and neck (which parent demons do so their babies can ride on their backs safely), and gained the barbs on his lower neck (which he can rattle to better communicate and imitate the call of a baby demon, it doenst serve much of a purpose with the baby dragons seeing as they aren't wither demons but they've grown fond of the sound when Bad would make it on accident, and can mimic it <3) AKA with the addition of the dragon babies his body went into dad mode like it had when JR was born, he can't really control it but doesnt really mind and it does kinda help him with them anyways. In addition to the physical changes, he's also beome incredibly protective over them Despite them not being his bloodborn children (this is common for wither demons, since their species is scarce they evolved to get these paternal instincts and hormones when they take a paternal role which was meant for ophaned baby demons but works with other species too, Bad's just like oh okay I have a handful of baby dragons my body thinks is its own now woah okay
Went off on a tangent there LMAO i could talk about him all day anyways hope you like my ideas :D
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