#also don't y'all me askdjalkjawh
bluewinnerangel · 3 years
Didn't Niall say the person in no judgement was a lover and "you know it happened a couple times " when I heard that I assumed it was a romantic/sexual relationship... How does that fit in with Harry? (Im scared to ask if y'all are shipping narry now)
asklfdjsldkfja help me out here asdkjashdkjha yeah so I just rbed 2 i guess "opposing" posts.
this collective shitpost - and @ialwaysknewyouwerepunk actual good analysis but ok let's honor her mimosa wishes and call that a shitpost too
I don't know how to turn this into a coherent story, i used all my braincells on the other discourse today so youre just gonna get a bulletpointed mess LOL
people can lie
songs with initial non-romantic/sexual meanings often get a little spin on them to make them more 'attractive',
if that's a little added layer to the song the writers went for it makes sense for Niall to spice up the song like this
Niall has made a bunch of nods to it pointing to harry
the entire alternate MV with the kid is very harry
the banana eating in the MV with the elderly couple
the watermelons in the back of that one too
he's literally said "no judgement" when asked about harry('s fashion choices)
like i really feel this lil shit is pointing to it
I don't know what all happened behind the scenes and even if "it happened a couple of times" like, NO JUDGEMENT!? it doesn't invalidate any other relationship dynamics they might have? Not that I think so but... "y'all are shipping narry now" isnt very no judgementy now is it lol
but don't take music and their insinuated meanings so literal
maybe he even put the "i can be your lover" in there as a little nod to that they were all, all 5 of them, shipped around and just being pretty close and like... joked around pretending to flirt and yaknow "I can be your lover" in front of cameras all the time (as uh... some others couldn't)
anyway i think no judgement is about Niall himself most of all and his dynamics with the other 4 1D boys, mainly Harry as I feel he's judged most and has shown struggles of wanting to break out of it and be himself the most (or maybe, his self diverts the most of how he's portrayed maybe, who knows), but maybe all of them.
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