#also dimple and reigen have the worst mouths
thefandomcassandra · 2 years
snippet of champion ch7
“You screamed like I was gonna kill you.” Dimple poked at the barrier with a finger, tilting slightly mid-air, as if he was contemplating something. “Rude.”
“Excuse me for having a sense of self-preservation! You try and keep your calm when some green blob crawls through your wall!” Reigen tried to will the barrier away but all he could do was pull it close around himself, like a second skin. When his heart stopped hammering, he would try again. As it was, he just sniffed and adjusted his track jacket in an attempt to play it cool.
Dimple, however, wasn’t fooled. “Yeah, I’m sure seeing spirits for the first time ever probably does have you on edge a little. Especially considering that one of your upstairs neighbors is being haunted by a pretty nasty grudge.”
“Himiko-san?” The poor woman looked like she was tired a lot. Apparently that wasn’t her natural state? Who the fuck would want to haunt her?
“You’re deflecting.”
Bastard. “Knock next time.” He managed to get the barrier to dissolve, heart finally still.
“Yeah, sure,” Dimple snorted and pushed a hand through Riegen’s front door, “I’ll fucking knock.”
“You talk to Mob using that mouth?”
“Nah. Like you, I have self-control.” The corner of his mouth curled up in a wicked smirk. “Unlike you, I’m willing to admit when I have a motive for keeping Shigeo around.”
Oh? “What makes you think I have a motive?”
“I’m not stupid, Reigen.” Dimple closed the distance between the two of them, leering at Reigen, who backed into his own bed. “I know what a psychic looks like, how one acts. Hell, I saw Ritsu when he first awakened to his innate skills. You were never psychic. You’re just a fraud. Those powers aren’t even yours.”
Oh. “And what are you gonna do about it? You think Mob will believe you?” Reigen fought back for control of the conversation. He stood up and pushed further into Dimple’s personal space, borrowed power sparking slightly. Sure, he was getting agitated, but he could play that in his favor. Make Dimple think he’ll exorcise him. “Sure, Ritsu doesn’t like me and might buy that, but Mob trusts me. I’m his shishou, and you’re some pest that started hanging around after his plans for godhood were disrupted. You’re an evil spirit. Why would he trust you?”
Dimple simply shrugged. “He might. Might not. Depends on him. But I know overcompensation when I see it and this?” He gestured at all of Reigen, aura included. “This is just sad. Get some self-control. Figure your shit out.”
Reigen took a moment to weigh the pros and cons of actually being honest with Dimple. On the one hand: he could use someone on his side who knew the truth of the matter. Especially since Ritsu was one of the few involved that actually knew and was completely willing to try and beat Mob’s powers out of him. On the other hand: this was Dimple he was talking to. Who’s to say he wouldn’t use this to get his hands on Mob’s powers. Reigen wasn’t as experienced as Mob or even Ritsu and he had readily possessed the latter. If Dimple possessed him, there’s no knowing what he would do.
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