#also Saint said she wants to continue this. tell her she should!
tomicscomics · 4 months
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Continuing from the previous cartoon, St. Joan of Arc's sleepover reaches its THRILLING CONCLUSION?! (Yes, this is based on an actual true story.)
1. Source: After all this time, we finally see the full picture. Now witness the full source from which this ridiculous-but-more-or-less-authentic story arc was spawned -- a portion of St. Joan's trial (translated by W. S. Scott): "Asked if she knew Catherine de la Rochelle, or had seen her, [Jeanne] said yes, at Jargeau; and at Montfaucon-en-Berry. Asked whether [Catherine] had shown her a woman dressed in white, who she said sometimes appeared to her, [Jeanne] answered no. Asked what she said to her, [Jeanne] answered that this Catherine said to her that a woman appeared, a white lady, dressed in cloth of gold, who told her to go through the good towns, and that the king would give her heralds and trumpets to proclaim that whoever had gold, silver, or treasure should at once bring it forth; and that she would know those who did not and those who had hidden it; and would know where to find the treasure; and it would serve to pay Jeanne's men-at-arms. To which she had answered that she should return to her husband, and look after her household and children. And, in order to be certain of the truth, she had spoken to Saint Catherine and Saint Margaret, who told her that this Catherine was mad and a liar. So she wrote to her king that she would tell him what ought to be done. And when she arrived, she informed him that Catherine was only a fool and a liar. However, Brother Richard wanted them to set her to work, which she [Jeanne] would not permit, wherefore Brother Richard and Catherine were displeased with her. Asked if she had spoken to Catherine de la Rochelle concerning going to La Charité, [Jeanne] replied that Catherine did not advise her to go there; saying that it was too cold, and she ought not to go. She said also to Catherine, who wished to go to the Duke of Burgundy to make peace, that it was her opinion that they would find no peace save at the lance's point. She also asked Catherine if this Lady appeared every night; and if so, she would sleep with her. And she did so, but kept awake till midnight; saw nothing, and then went to sleep. And when morning came, she asked if the Lady had appeared. And [Catherine] answered that she had come, but [Jeanne] was asleep, and she had not been able to wake her. So [Jeanne] asked her if the Lady would come the next night. And Catherine said yes. On this account Jeanne slept during the day in order that she might keep awake at night. And she shared Catherine's bed again the following night, and kept awake throughout the night. But she saw no-one, although she often asked, Will she come soon? To which Catherine answered, Yes, soon."
2. Explanation: In short, Joan met Catherine, and while the two might have gotten along at first, their visions eventually told them very different things, and Joan started to distrust Catherine. Eventually, Joan asked Catherine if her visions were visible to everyone and if they would appear every night. Catherine said yes, so Joan stayed over to see the vision. After falling asleep at midnight the first night, she managed to stay away the whole second night, but saw nothing. She took this to mean Catherine was a liar and a madwoman, and that was that.
3. Pun: In the fourth panel, the second narration says that Catherine was "lying" beside Joan. There are two kinds of "lying": one means "resting on a surface," and the other means "deliberately saying something untrue." Because Catherine is lying (resting) on a bed, but also lying (untruthing) to Joan about the White Lady, both definitions are valid AND grammatically correct. Hence, this is a perfect pun, and I demand all due compensation.
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kiingkiismet · 2 months
You ARE selfish. Why should I vote for the ones who have been actively committing genocide against my people for almost a year?
Why do you all expect Palestinians and other Arab-Americans to get over it and vote to protect your rights and lives when you’ve all done everything you can to show us that OUR rights and lives are apparently the only ones that don’t matter?
First of all—no matter what we do, voting is supposed to be harm reduction and there’s always going to be something negative. Black Americans (psst: that’s me) for the longest time have been voting for the “least harmful option” for decades even IF those people are still harmful to some degree. Honestly, the best case scenario that could’ve happened is if colonialism didn’t happen 400+ years ago, but here we are.
Like I said in my original post, there IS no perfect option, and doing nothing will only allow the OTHER option to succeed. Yknow, the orange fuck and his posse of conservatives who objectively want to strip everyone of their rights and will definitely still be supporting Israel with what they’re doing. Instead of narrowing in and making it an individual moral matter, it should be “what else are we to do that will cause the LEAST amount of harm possible?” Which is what I and others are trying to do. Pointing fingers and telling people, especially other people of color in the same fucking boat that we are selfish is very unhelpful. Read the room, we are ALL in danger here!
Because if you missed it when I said it time and time again, I am ALSO a minority in this country. I will ALSO get harmed and if I am at risk of harm and death (more than I already am given police brutality, threat of trans healthcare, lack of investigation in murders of BIPOC and queer folk, etc.), how can I help other people further?? Dead people can’t help others.
I DO care about Palestinians AND other minorities in this country and outside of it, we are all in the same fucked up boat here. No one is telling yall to get over it, that’s wrong and that’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying the other option will not care about me, and they sure as shit will not give a shit about yall.
I do not think Kamala is a saint, but she’s leagues better than two white men who are so damn myopic and can’t see the suffering of anyone who is not them, at least it will buy us time (4 or 8 years) to find another suitable candidate that better represents the people and hurt us even less than her. There was no time between the beginning of this year and now to get a new candidate that all Americans can collectively agree upon to stamp trump out. That is virtually impossible—and if you say it isn’t, you have clearly forgotten what happened in 2016 where we tried that and ended up getting trump.
Do not tell me that I do not care when it’s yall and other minorities ALL AT ONCE in danger when the trump administration wants ALL OF US dead and will CONTINUE wreaking havoc internationally as well. We CANNOT let that happen so Kamala is literally the ONLY option.
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The Albatross decoded
(as requested by @asteracaea's anon, just wanted this for my records too. I hope you see it)
It starts with 'Wise men once said' so immediately we know it's some old white men wisdom, so probably some BS... "Wild winds are death to the candle" isn't a saying I've heard before but English is also not my first language. I'd take it to mean a wild unruly person will destroy something delicate and fragile, just like a strong wind will blow out a candle. As warnings are being issued here, I assume that they are warning the person about this woman because she's known for being a 'wild wind'. The warning then continues into the 'Rose by any other name...' line. Just to make it perfectly clear that it's the MEN who are saying it's a scandal, not Taylor. Taylor knows it's a rose. At least twice on this album does she refer to kissgate as a scandal and with such venom that I'm very sure that that's what the old white men at her label told her it was at the time. And she's still angry about it (as she should!).
In the chorus we have "Cross your thoughtless heart/ Only liquor anoints you" Crossing your heart means you're making a promise to tell the truth, similar to a pledge or a pinky promise. And adding 'thoughtless' would imply she wants the other person to make this promise without any fear or consideration of the possible consequences. So, basically, "promise me something sincerely without thinking too much about it". Only liquor anoints you - Anointment is part of religious ceremonies and is usually done with holy oil to either improve someone's health or make them a saint. It's also done when kings and queens are crowned and I think that's the meaning here. The other person is being raised up to be a monarch or a saint, but with alcohol instead of holy oil. Personally, these two lines convinced me that Taylor is talking to her lover here, because asking for a sincerely promise, almost like a vow, and in return making the other person your king/queen is all very soft and romantic. Very 'King of my heart'. 😉 (and note that she's not saying I'M here to destroy you, she saying OTHER people will tell you that I'm going to destroy you)
In the second verse we're back to what the 'wise men' are saying and this time it's the bad seed that kills the garden (kinda self-explanatory) and then "One less temptress, one less dagger to sharpen". First they were warning the lover and now they're clearly trying to keep them apart by saying that this woman (Taylor) is a bad influence or a temptation. Not sure if I would call this a literary reference, but it's noteworthy that lesbians in early media portrayals (the days of the Hays Code) were often shown as predatory or evil women who would seduce the good straight girls and turn them gay... bad seed/temptress indeed.
Then we have an add on chorus with "Devils that you know raise worse hell than a stranger". This is in fact a saying "Better the devil you know" which means it's better to choose the bad thing you already know over a new one, because you're already used to this one. But again, in this context it's flipped (she does this a lot). In this case, the devil you know is in fact WORSE than a stranger. So they're saying to her lover 'this devil of yours is worse hell and you'd be better off with a stranger' adding to the above warnings, and then they're also adding the warning "You're in terrible danger/She's the death you chose". Boy oh boy, they really didn't want them to be together, very Romeo and Juliet indeed...
Ok, the bridge: "And when that sky rains fire on you/ And you're persona non grata/ I'll tell you how I've been there too And that none of it matters". -> All these warnings are coming to fruition and the sky is now 'raining fire' on her lover. Something bad has happened and they are persona non grata, which is Latin for an unwelcome person, but more commonly used to say the worst person you can think of. So, her lover is in the eye of the storm and is seen as the guilty person, but Taylor tells her that she's been through the same before and it doesn't matter. Like she said in her Lavender Haze video, "We just ignore it and protect the real stuff."
The third verse gives details about what the fire storm mentioned above actually was (just for context, I know you didn't ask about that): some people read some fake news about her lover and came after her because they believed it. The "Jackles raised their hackles" and being dragged from your bed at night very much gives witch hunt imagery, which is a cool choice for two reasons: 1) like the 'witches' her lover is innocent and wrongly convicted of a crime, and 2) all 'witches' were women. 😉
In the last chorus, of course, Taylor's albatross becomes the rescuing angel that swoops in to save her lover from being burned at the stakes. The devil becomes the angel and the anti hero becomes the hero. She says "I'm the life you chose and all this terrible danger". This reminds me of peace: Yes, the life you chose with me comes with shit storms sometimes ('would it be enough if I can never give you peace?') but I will always rescue you if I have to.
(And this part hasn't happened yet, one reason why I love this song so much, it feels like such a sneaky insight into things yet to come, same as FOTS and the Alchemy 😊)
So, there you go, hope this helped, never ask long questions if you don't want long answers ;)
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AITA for separating my boyfriend from his family⁉️⁉️
My boyfriend is not perfect by any means but when it comes to how shitty his family is to him, he is an absolute saint of patience. His mom pretty much uses him as her personal servant and cleaning crew, and she also forces him to be the parent & bad guy to his little brother. And whenever his little brother gets mad at him, his brother and his mom will talk shit about him like. In the same room as him directly in front of him. I know it happens because I have heard it. His dad treats him like he's a stupid little child, while also trying to convince my boyfriend to continue living with his shitty mother and brother, despite my boyfriend being a fully grown man who pays bills.
If its not clear, I hate these people. Its a miracle from the lord above that my boyfriend ended up even slightly well adjusted. The issue is that these people are his only family. His mom cut off her whole side of the family, and his dad's side is all in the middle of Mexico so my boyfriend cant visit them often and doesn't have much of a connection with them.
Him and I have been together for 3 years, and we are planning our future, most notably planning on living together here soon. He has been slowly learning not to tell his parents things, because everything turns into an argument, but he told them about us planning on moving out together, and it was a whole thing. They tried to demand that, instead, I move into his house with him and his mom and his brother so that he doesn't "end up in debt forever". Also in retaliation, his mom has been extra demanding, as if she's implying she can't survive without him (she can, she's fine, not disabled just shitty).
Here's where I may be the asshole. My boyfriend refuses to set boundaries, because he doesn't want to lose access to his only family. In return, I have been setting my own boundaries around his family. All of these boundaries limit their access to me, and my boyfriend and I's future home, and thus limit their access to my boyfriend whenever him and I move in together and start our own lives together.
I don't want him to cut his family off, because I know his family is very important to him.
So I am drawing defined boundaries to outline, hey, I'm not spending any time with these people! And I sure as shit don't want his slob mom & brother, or his shitty dad, in my house!
Every time he gets in a fight with either of them, also, I go out of my way to stress as much as I can to him that the way they're treating him is not normal. And I've been putting him in situations where he spends more and more time with me and my parents, so he has an example of how normal parents treat their adult children, instead of how his parents treat him.
I should note that he has agreed to most of the things I've said. Some hesitantly, but I do think he's starting to realize that I'm right. I'm just worried that I'm the asshole for constantly pushing him.
So, AITA for trying to separate my boyfriend from his family⁉️
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viridianevergarden · 7 months
I’m sick and tired of hearing these:
“Elain will come around”
“Lucien deserves someone too”
“They’re mated”
“They’ll get along eventually”
These arguments are literally the most popular arguments that I see all the time in nearly every comment section about them.
Perhaps it’s me being overdramatic or in general a bit of a hot take but I feel like the people who say this have a little 🤏 internalized misogyny.
Like imagine genuinely feeling uncomfortable around somebody who you’re match made with and people continue to debate over whether or not you should “come around” just because the man deserves it.
Just because your dear Lulu deserves it?
It really rubs me the wrong way. What about Elain’s wants? What about her feelings? Her thoughts? As if her body language wasn’t obvious enough of a tell tale sign of her discomfort. Not to mention the fact that Lucien is also uncomfortable around her.
Moreover, regarding my thoughts on Lucien:
I also feel like the same people who say these things are the ones who truly glorify Lucien and think him to be some innocent puppy or just an all around good guy.
Do we not remember the fact that he enabled Tamlin’s abusive tendencies by doing nothing for Feyre? Do we not remember that he tracked Feyre down like some hunting dog to get her back because (mainly) Tamlin wanted her back? (Even then, it was all about Tamlin rather than Feyre, the one actually suffering the most.)
Lucien’s eye widened slightly. “We need to get out of here. Tamlin’s been—he hasn’t been himself. I’ll take you right to—” “No,” I breathed (ACOMAF, ch 47).
All about Tamlin.
I understand Tamlin saved his life. I understand that Tamlin means a lot to Lucien. They’ve been friends for centuries. I get it. But his constant “I’ll try to talk to him” wasn’t enough. I feel like Lucien should’ve been the bigger person in that situation with Feyre. She literally begged him for help.
“I begged you,” I said, the words sharp and breathless. “I begged you so many times to help me, to get me out of the house, even for an hour. And you left me alone, or shoved me into a room with Ianthe, or told me to stick it out.” (ACOMAF, ch 47).
He knew and recognized the fact that Feyre was actively wasting away under Tamlin’s discretion yet he chose to stand by because Tamlin is his friend and a High Lord. It’s honestly no better than kicking an already downed man.
Not to mention the fact that he compared Elain to his dead ex lover? And questions if Elain is even worth the attention or attempt to bond with? If she is even worth risking his life for just to get to the Night Court after betraying Tamlin? (Not very mate-like behavior). Kind of shitty if you ask me.
Lucien isn’t an amazing person, just as everyone else in the book. No one’s a 100% good guy in ACOTAR. But some actions (or rather inactions) are justifiable just as some others are not.
So all this talk about “Lucien deserves love too” while Elain is merely treated as a prop for him because he deserves love and not her too is utterly ridiculous. It’s gotten to the point where I neglect looking into ACOTAR comment sections lol.
Now with all of this being said, I don’t hate Lucien. I don’t love him either. He’s just there for me. There’s plenty wrong that he’s done just as anyone else. I just wish people would stop babying him and glorifying him as if he’s some saint. He deserves better than that.
And most of all, Elain deserves better treatment too. But then again, people in this fandom are ✨delusional✨ and close minded so I don’t think that may happen. Especially not until Elain’s book release.
Rant over.
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aquamine-amarine · 2 months
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I've got a lot of thoughts.
And it ended up being way too long again. Spoilers, analyzing, half assed translations, rants... Has anyone translated this or summarized it yet? Did I just waste my time? It took hours.
The title page is an obvious throwback to the very first chapter. It's nice I guess, I would have liked something a little more original and unique to this new series though. This new character still bothers me so I'm not sold on him just yet...
The official X account for the series is killing me though, cropping out that middle part to use as a header... Also this:
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Where will Amu-chan's love go...!?
I'm telling you're the Nakayoshi editorial department is full of Amuto shippers.
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The armband is on the wrong arm...
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This is a huge red flag and a major regression in character development, because Amu should NOT be acting like this anymore. It's a huge problem.
Her crush on Tadase pretty much died after volume 7. During volumes 8-12 she isn't fangirling over him anymore and doesn't have any fangirl fantasies involving him like she used to. She started acting normal around him, like close friends, and it was nice. It was a positive development. WHY is all that development being thrown out the window? Just to cater to new fans?
I fully expected Tadase to continue trying to whoo her because he pretty much said he would continue to do so in volume 12. So I'm not annoyed about that. Amu's reaction to him is what annoys me, because she's not supposed to be acting like this anymore. You can keep trolling us with the love triangle WITHOUT regressing Amu's behavior to how she was in volume 1. They proved they could do this in volume 12. So this is bad.
As for the reason they're still in their elementary school uniforms, it's because the new school term hasn't started yet. This scene takes place during spring break in the Royal Garden, and there's a scene where Rima is asking if the middle school uniforms have arrived yet. I was wondering why they were still in their elementary school uniforms, when we know middle school uniforms DO exist. So the transfer happens before they even start middle school, it makes sense now.
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The school they're transferring to (because Tadase is going with her) is called Arcana Academy. It's Seiyo's sister school.
A Japanese fan I follow on X noticed something very interesting about the kanji in the school's name. 聖或奏学園 translates to "Saint Arcana Academy". The 或 kanji is present in Aruto's name (it's the "aru" part), and the 奏 is present in Souko's name. Although in Souko's case it's a different reading. For her name, it takes the on'yomi reading of "sou", and when it's used in the school's name it uses the kun'yomi reading of "kana". From volume 10:
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That's pretty interesting, I wonder if it ends up having any significance later? Or maybe it's just a coincidence? They do like being funny with the kanji they use in names, like all the celestial references they used here.
Tsukasa tells them they're transferring because there's an outbreak (he actually uses the word plague) of X-Eggs at Arcana Academy. He also says that Amu has a "secret mission".
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Fast forward to the new school...
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Amu's thought bubble says he's the Principal. He looks so familiar... He kinda looks like P from Kugiko-san (another Peach-Pit manga, from the Kugiko-chan series). And I feel like I've seen a character similiar to him in some other manga...
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Someone said something they weren't supposed to during introductions in the auditorium... don't traumatize your new classmates already!
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This little psycho is going on a joyride on this chandelier...
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It did not want to be cleansed.
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He's telling the entire auditorium that what they just witnessed were a "character change" and a "character transformation". The students are all amazed.
In a later page Tadase says that everyone in this school has a guardian egg. He said "egg" and not "character", so maybe most of them haven't actually hatched yet?
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Daiya is a fucking airhead and slept through the entire fiasco in the auditorium. Because of that, everyone thinks Amu only has 3 guardian characters and not 4!
But Tadase thinks that's fine, they should keep Daiya a secret and use the fact that everyone thinks Amu only has 3 guardian characters to their advantage. Daiya can be their trump card.
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She introduces herself as Erito Rose, a guide. Is that a name or a position? But if it was supposed to be "Elite Rose" instead, the whole thing should have been written in katakana... The guardian character's name is Rosetta.
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Amu's dorm room is haunted... so the rumors say.
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Phone call with Rima! And oh boy is this juicy...
Rima: By the way, did you contact Ikuto and Nagihiko who are overseas? Amu: Ah, not yet… Rima: Is that okay? Rima: Isn't Ikuto your boyfriend? Amu: Boy…!? Amu: There's no way!!
Rima!!! I love you, you angry little midget. That last text bubble was giving me trouble, so I gave up trying to translate it...
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Amu: We've been apart this whole time. The replies to my messages vary.
I knew they were going to hurt me by bringing out my repressed long distance relationship memories... you stop that!
She was also saying how he's actually studying music overseas right now... no mention of looking for his father.
Also they forgot to draw the belt/strap things on his pants.
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Amu: Even though you said something like that! Amu: Jeez! I'm an idiot! It's the same pattern. Rima: Amu? Amu: I won't be swayed by him anymore!! Definitely! Rima: Hey Amu, I just had a thought.
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Rima: Do you live with someone in the dorms? Rima: If you say something like "I'm sharing a room with a boy", it'll make him jealous. Amu: Ha?! Amu: No no, this is a single room!? Amu: That's just a lie!! Rima: Amu, you're a kid. Rima: Boys like it when you tease them sometimes. All the servants say that it's a reward. Amu: This girl is scary...
Rima!!! Now I know why the Chinese Amuto fans were rolling around in their feels all over the place. Girl is giving Amu advice on how to flirt with Ikuto. I'm dying. How did I miss this page the other day...
Exactly what has Amu been telling Rima? Did she tell Rima they've shared a bed together already? I was not expecting Rima to be pro-Amuto! I always assumed Rima would hate Ikuto - for one, he's fucking tall and she's smol. Second, it's another man that's way too close to Amu (the other one being Nagihiko) and I thought that would make her angry. Although she mellowed out around Nagihiko in volume 12... and she's gotten REALLY attached to Amu in this chapter.
As fun as these pages were, time for some more ranting...
Amu: I won't be swayed by him anymore!! Definitely!
What the fuck are you talking about?! Did you forgot ALL OF THIS:
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What the fuck happened to all this character development?! Why is she regressing?! Her reaction to him should NOT have been that hostile. Not after all these scenes. Which only happened months (some of them only weeks) before the graduation and wedding. The fact that 14 years has passed is definitely showing, and not in a good way… It feels like they're going backwards and I don't like it.
This bullshit right here is why I didn't want a sequel, I just knew they would fuck something up. They're either senile and completely forgot the events of volumes 8-12 (how, when they clearly took that quote from volume 12…) or their editor is braindead and giving them horrible advice, like how erasing 5 volumes worth of character development is a great fucking idea by setting Amu's relationships with Tadase and Ikuto back to pre-volume 8 levels. It's fucking stupid. It shouldn't be happening. It's bad writing to just erase all the good stuff that happened near the end of the first series. For what, to cater to new fans and drag the love triangle out some more? That's so stupid.
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Should I make her my girlfriend?
I see someone has a death wish. I'd pay to see that cat fight.
There's a LOT of things that were left out. No mention of Easter, Hikaru wasn't in the Royal Garden with everyone, no mention of Nagihiko actually being Nadeshiko, no mention of Yoru being gone... hopefully these are all addressed soon. Maybe I'm being too critical, since it's still just the first chapter... I just have high expectations. I don't want them to ruin this.
As for the art... miles better than what they drew for that stupid ad (NOT a "short story", that was a lie). I hate the way Ikuto looked there, he looks a lot better now. The eyes look a lot better too, more detailed like they used to be. So that's a plus. The way they drew eyes were always one of my favorite parts about their shoujo artstyle, and it was sad that for their other manga they got lazy with it.
As for the story... everyone in this new school is aware that guardian eggs exist. Like I said earlier though, they were always using the word "egg" and not "character", so perhaps only a few people have actually had their eggs hatch.
Near the end of Amu and Rima's phone call, Amu talks more about her "secret mission", and how purifying X-Eggs isn't the only reason she's there. She also has to look for something. So I wonder what that's about...
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Father! Kaz Brekker x gn! Reader - One for the barrel
A/n: Once again, do not read the request if you don't want the fic to be spoiled! Also I used my Oc's from my Claws fic, you don't have to read it (it's not connected lol) but it does introduce the characters well!
Request (by anon): Could you do another father Kaz x child reader where they are the 3rd and forgotten child. Maybe the reader sneaks out a lot cause of teen rebellious years in hopes of Kaz noticing them (maybe inej is out with one kid again and Kaz has the second kid for the crow club). In reality Kaz knows the reader sneaks out and always stays up to ensure they are home safe.
Maybe angst of someone following the reader home (your choice as to whether reader knows or oblivious) and Kaz hears the two footsteps and Kaz sorts it in his own way. Fluff at the end of course
sorry for it being so long 😂 I loved Claws so much and it fit the characters so well.
Warning: death, killing, swearing, gangs, I think that's it? You have been warned!
The three P's:
[Pronouns used: you/your] [Pov: 2nd person] [Pairing: (parental) kaz x reader, (parental) inej x reader, (platonic) sister oc x reader, (platonic) brother oc x reader]
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Kaz knew his children like he knew money.
Jordie is a business man through and through, he was always interested in taking over the Crow Club since he was a little boy. Numbers came to him like the flick of hat, and although it took time, Jordie had always been destined for the Crow Club. Then there is Allea, who's acrobatic tricks neared the perfection of her mother's, and when she was born she was wailing like the sea. Kaz knew that Allea's feet would almost always want a rocking platform underneath her feet.
Then there's you.
You weren't like your brother and sister, in Kaz's eyes you weren't the best at the books, nor Inej's acrobatic moves. That did not mean you were terrible, you were probably better than most people could ever hope to be, you just weren't what they expected you to be.
Maybe Kaz should have known that would've happened, you were the unexpected child originally as he and Inej did not want more children, you just didn't fit. Although you continued to surprise him everyday, and Kaz absolutely adored you for it.
He always wished you could see it, Kaz might've not been the best at showing his feeling but for the first time he wished you could have seen how proud he was of you for surprising him.
He's just disappointed with how you're surprising him this time.
You were sneaking out every night, without telling anyone where you were going nor why, and as far as Kaz was concerned it was an idiotic violation of your own safety.
But he never said a thing, he could sense how you felt, how lost you've been for a while and he knew you were just trying to find your way. So instead of telling you off, every night he would stay up and pray to his Wife's saints as you go off into the night. He would've tried to follow you but you seemed to disappear without a trace, and the fact that he couldn't hear your footsteps made it nearly impossible. It was a unique talent that your siblings did not possess, it made him think of your mother. Though like how he could sense Inej's presence he could sense yours.
Therefore when he heard footsteps instead of just sensing your presence he knew something was entirely wrong.
You were walking back from the Slat without a smile or any emotion at all on your face.
You were being followed, of course you were aware of the idiot Razor Gull attempting to stalk you.
You were nearly to your house when you decided it was time to act, you were bored with this "spy" technique.
Abruptly, completely out of no where you flicked out a knife and threw it with exact precision at the Razor Gull's stomach.
They cried out in pain and clawed at their stomach, before deciding they should probably try to defend themself and pulled out a knife of their own dagger.
"They're coming Y/n Brekker-" They started.
"Actually," You smirked. "It's Y/n Ghafa-Brekker."
Quickly, you pulled out a sliver gun with a crow on the barrel and shot the opposing gang member in the head.
That'll ought to teach the assholes to mind their own goddamn business.
"Y/n?" A shocked, gruff voice came from behind you.
You turned around to see your dad, Kaz Brekker himself standing before you with a shocked and furious face.
Kaz was certainly a mess, he was pacing the house while giving you a lecture.
"You can't be apart of the Dregs! Inej and I have extensively kept you guys away from the barrel." He growled while running an hand through his hair. "How the hell did you manage to just do exactly that!" He yelled.
You rolled your eyes as you fiddled with the handcuffs that were around your one wrist and the other clasped around the chair you are currently sitting on. Your dad had handcuffed you to the chair in a panic so you won't "run away."
"I'm actually the leader of the Dregs." You shrugged indifferently and stood up as the handcuffs dropped to the floor.
Apparently you also had your father's lock picking skills as well, Kaz was wondering how much you truly were like him and Inej. You did certainly remind him of the two of them when they were younger.
"And what did you expect dad?" You giggle a bit.
"One child for the land, one for the ocean, now one for the barrel."
Kaz sighs and dragged his hands over his face.
"Your mother's going to fucking kill me!"
Words 776
Grishaverse taglist: @kaqua @rika90 @thefandomplace @musical-theatre-obsessed-dumbass @gallysonegoodlung @navs-bhat @sumsebien @dontjudgeabookbythecover @brekker-zenik @alohastitch0626 @brekkers-desigirl @emmsamultifan06
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i-hug-exploder-shanks · 3 months
Hello! If you are open to it, maybe we could see some good natured conversation between Lord Shaxx and Saint-14 in regards to O14! Maybe Saint’s gushing about it a lot and the love he has for Osiris…
Ooo this is really fun for me. I'm plopping this just before they start officially dating because poor poor Shaxx likely was third wheeling just as much as Tallulah. Perhaps this is what helps Saint figure out his feelings which leads to him first saying he loves Osiris? Also featuring my OC Clover who is Shaxx's wife from early in the dark age.
"...and then he said to me. 'Do it.' and stepped closer! Like he wanted me to slam him against the wall and crush him like a tiny warlock bug!" Saint complained. Shaxx looked longingly out into the distance but no one was coming to save him.
"He probably did Saint... Tell me, when you look at Osiris, what do you see?" He asked, deciding if he humored him maybe he could convince him to do something and end all of their misery with the UST in the tower.
"An angry little warlock?" Saint offered but Shaxx stared him down until he meekly continued.
"Osiris is good, very good. He cares deeply about everything but acts like nothing matters to him at all! It's frustrating! He is passionate, yes, and intelligent but also shy." Saint started ticking off his fingers like he had gone over this before. Shaxx's glimmer was on him talking to himself or poor Geppetto about it before.
"People do not believe me when I tell them he is shy but he is! I saw him once stop to pet a stray cat and coo to it so kindly but the moment I walked forward and he realized I was there he shooed it away and acted so mean! Why? Because he is shy with his true self. But that makes seeing it all the more beautiful." Saint continued to rant. Shaxx had to stop him before he ended up there all night.
"Right. Did you know I was married? My wife's name was Clover and when we met she infuriated me! Every time I'd make a decision for our people she'd turn around and argue against it and several times I thought to banish her just to get some peace. But I couldn't make myself do it because if I banished her for her passion then what would that say about myself? That I should be banished too? Plus the thought of going day after day without her around sounded dreadfully boring." He said and could swear he could hear Saint's mind ticking as he listened. Good.
"I didn't realize how much I cared about her until one day she was gone. No one knew where she went. She was just gone. I tried not to worry but it made me look at every moment with her that I'd miss if she didn't return. It made me realize that i had grown to love her. Thankfully, she had just gotten lost in the woods nearby trying to pick wild strawberries and managed to find her way back. I told her immediately how much I had worried and that I loved her so please not to scare me again. After all if you don't tell someone how you feel, many times they can be as blind to it as you are yourself." He hummed smiling behind his helmet at the memories.
"She was mortal?" Saint asked and Shaxx shrugged.
"We can't help who we love and I think it's cowardly to sit around avoiding relationships or good things in life just because you know one day they'll end. My memory of her gives me strength and reminds me of my purpose. I also don't bother with traditional ideas on love. If you love someone you love them, enjoy it! She wasn't the only one I loved and lost and she won't be the last. But I will never regret a moment of any of it." He said brightly.
Saint tapped his fingers against his vambrace as he thought with his arms crossed. Shaxx leaned against the railing to wait him out.
"You think Osiris and I..." He started and Shaxx laughed.
"The whole tower thinks that he wants you to... How did you put it? 'Crush him like a tiny warlock bug' In the most fun way. If it's not romantic he definitely wants in your pants." He said bluntly just to see how Saint floundered.
"But you think it could also be romantic? But he- but- He hates me?" Saint shook his head.
"Saint, he goes out of his way to help you. Only you. All the time. He fetches your pads along with his own and hands them to you. He walks everywhere with you just to debate even if it means he ends up on the opposite side of the tower from where he's going. He is your vicious defender to anyone he feels might be critiquing you as well. I've even been caught in one of the 'Saint is better than the lot of you and you better know it' lectures. I'm telling you. Pay attention. Enjoying debate doesn't mean you hate someone, it can often mean that you respect their opinions so much that you want to hear them even if they counter your own. Or do you hate Osiris? Seeing as you argue back just as much." He said and Saint's eyes turned somehow even more violet as he ducked his head.
"I think it is fun to ruffle his feathers mostly. He reacts so well and... I do like his company. I will think about what you said. Thank you Lord Shaxx." He said sincerely but Shaxx waved him off.
"Thank me by finally dicking him down and saving me from hearing both of you complain and argue non-stop. Please." He said laughing as Saint basically fled but he felt rather proud of himself for the progress he thought he made. If Tallulah managed to break Osiris even a little then maybe the tower might know true peace soon. At least a man can dream.
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silawastaken · 6 months
I love seeing people compare music to their favourite characters and go like 'oh yeah this verse might be this character... and then this one is the other one... and then this little bit here is them both honestly. Or something like that' because I HAVE gone through every taylor swift song on evermore and folklore and compared it to skk. Sorry to be autistic on the writing account, but this is a fanfic writing account and I'm writing my second novel length fic about them so what did you expect.
folklore/evermore are very canon skk, and verge into fanon and some songs are the reason for very specific head canons, or some of the ways I write the way they perceive each other. 1989... DON'T GET ME STARTED OMFG HAVE YOU EVER LISTENED TO BLANK SPACE? I THINK IT'S IMPOSSIBLE TO NOT HAVE AND OMG IT'S SO SKK CODED LIKE WTF. I HAVE VERY FIRM OPINIONS ABOUT WHICH LYRICS ARE THEIRS. Also the vault tracks literally exist what more do you want from me. 'i think about jumping off of very tall somethings just to see you come running and say the one thing I've been wanting' okay dazai pack it up you did that already, beast exists. 'i call my mom sister she said that it was for the best remind myself the more i gave you'd want me less' yeah yeah chuuya we know he left you get over it, it wasn't personal(think that line could go for either of them but the other line 'the way you faded till i left' feels more Dazai personally). Plus suburban legends. For personal reasons I struggle to listen to song without SPIRALING FUCK YOU THAT ONE PERSON SEHDHSSJNS but very skk as well 'we were born to be national treasures' is very soulmates of them. And out of the woods screams them in fanfic when they try to get better. Red, straight away all too well. They both remember it all too well. All too well skk cover with switching vocals anyone? The last time. The one with gary lightbody. Underrated song, is my favourite on that album, and SO THEM. 'this is the last time you tell me ive got it wrong, this is the last time i wont hurt you anymore' because they're fated to be together and are constantly drawn to each other and yet keep HURTING EACH OTHER RAGH. also 'we are never getting back together' is pretty funny and nice when applied to them. also state of grace. any taylor song with a mild drop of religious imagery is them cause yeah. but 'i never saw you coming, and I'll never be the same'... okay pack it up, we don't have time for your yearning. 'you were never a saint' (dazai abt chuuya) 'and i loved in shades of wrong' (bc hes toxic and doesnt know how to healthily like people) 'we learned to live with the pain, mosaic broken hearts' (bc they continue anyway and stick it out, living with the pain of being bad for each other because of how deeply they care). I almost do. Dazai after leaving. moving on to more religion, holy ground. 'for the first time i had something to lose' 'and i guess we fell apart in the usual way, and the storys got dust on every page' AAAAAA IT'S THEM. Can't really speak on debut- but I've listened to our song and picture to burn and if picture to burn isn't a vengeful chuuya idk what is. BOY OH BOY SPEAK NOW.
excuse me. one moment.
Mine- literally a skk au
Sparks fly- 'the way you move is like a rainstorm and im a house full of cards, you're the kind of reckless that should send me running' that entire verse screams dazai's fascination with corrupted chuuya, and the whole song is well yeah
back to december- dazai when they reunite just trust me on it just trust me on it. the repetition was intentional, that's how serious i am. 'i go back to december all the time' 'I got back to december to make it all right'
speak now- might just be me but it really makes me think of teen skk in fanfic harbouring urges to ruin the others relationship for 'some reason. I don't know, seeing him with her just... irks me'.
the story of us- first verse is chuuya, second verse is dazai, and the third is them both because they're LOSERS and they LOVE EACH OTHER and FUCK I'm CRYING NOW. 'id tell you i miss you but i don't know how' EMOTIONALLY CONSTIPATED BASTARD.
enchanted- self explanatory. for more context, i really think it's from dazai's pov in this case, could probably be both, but dazai fell first and harder so it's really like god he's been in love ever since he got kicked into that wall he wants him around forever. He held Chuuya's hand in the fight with rimbaud and then had all those close moments in the manga and went home to lie on his bed kicking his feet and giggling don't lie. (god im still crying this isn't helping)
better than revenge- they're both pretty vengeful idk it makes me think of iwsynttr for some reason
haunted- chuuya pov. 'i thought i had you figured out, something's gone terribly wrong' 'stood there and watched you walk away from everything we had' they're so sad, but the general idea of chuuya thinking he has figured out dazai and knowing how he thinks and then dazai just leaves suddenly and he's like 'Wow! I thought i knew you. How do i forget this'. 'wont finish what you started' bringing chuuya into the mafia then leaving it.
last kiss- 'you told me you love me so why did you go away' chuuya pov again oh god it hurts why am i doing this to myself? 'never imagined we'd end like this, your name, forever the name on my lips' yep yep ow.
LONG LIVE.- LISTEN. TO. THE. SONG. AND TELL ME IT'S NOT DAZAI AND CHUUYA. I COULD DO A WHOLE ANALYSIS ON JUST THIS SONG. 'promise me this, that you'll stand by me forever, but if god forbid fate should step in, and force us into a goodbye...please tell them my name, tell them how the crowds went wild, tell them how i hope they shine, long live the walls we crashed through, i had the time of my life with you' FUCK IT'S DAZAI AN HE'S IN LOVE WITH CHUUYA AND DOESNT KNOW ODAS GONNA DIE YET, JUST THINKS HE DOESNT GET TO KEEP ANYTHING HE WANTS. FUUUUUCK. THEY'RE IN LOVE AND DAZAI WANTS IT REMEMBERED PLEASE I'M SO SAD.
anyway, i can't pretend I'm normal about skk anymore i haven't even covered fearless, reputation, lover or midnights please somebody encourage me to actually write full things dedicated to each album and the most fitting songs from said albums please i'll do it and plus i need to actually gather proof for my autism diagnosis appointment so this would be a good way to to that probably. anyway yeah this'll never make it out my drafts lol
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teaveetamer · 1 year
i read through a lot of your analyses and i still can't tell what some of your stances are, but i just wanted to know how much you agree with my own stances on edelgard and dimitri/3H.
3H is obviously not a well thought-out political treatise on the ramifications of war and different styles of political change. it just isn't. it ends far too quickly and is too simplistic to ever be anything similar.
what 3H is incredible at is character writing. this is why i simply don't understand why people "hate" edelgard OR dimitri. neither of these people are saints. they've both done horrific things. but they both portray trauma in such fascinating and complex ways that you rarely see in videogames. the parallels they have and the way they see the world are just so compelling to me that i actually avoid finishing CF/SS/AM because it always leaves me feeling so emotional afterward and sometimes i just want a nice comfort game.
that being said, i do take issue with the way dimitri's arc resolves. i think it's extremely unrealistic how he just "snapped out" of his intense mental problems. as someone who has also struggled with mental health, it's a very slow process and often it feels like one step forward, two steps back. i wish that they had left his recovery a lot more incomplete, or that the game had lasted longer so his recovery felt more organic.
this is why i prefer edelgard purely as a character because i think the way she represses her emotions completely and is slowly corrupted by her inability to trust or love herself is a story that makes a lot more sense to me.
I'm not sure in which respects my stances are unclear, but I'm always happy to clarify if you just ask! Keep in mind that this blog is like three years old at this point so if you go back far enough you'll probably find contradicting things, as my opinions have developed and changed over the years. So if that's the problem just assume the most recent stuff is the most accurate.
I will say that while 3H can have some very good character moments, I also think it's incredibly disappointing in a lot of ways. The plot, writing, and worldbuilding being so messy just doesn't give the characters a good foundation to stand on, so character moments often come across extremely hollow to me.
I could name countless examples but I think the most obvious one that everyone picks up on is Gronder Field. First, we're told that this is extremely sad and difficult for all of the characters involved, despite never or almost never seeing the students from different houses interact with each other at any point during the main story. If you don't recruit then it's entirely possible to go the entire Academy portion of the game without seeing a single cross-house interaction beyond the house leaders.
They all point to the feast they had after the battle of Eagle and Lion in the Academy part, but that happens entirely off screen. It's not even really described beyond "it was fun" and "we were all sitting together". Emblem Claude in Engage gives a better idea of what happened there than 3H ever does. A piece of DLC for a completely different game in the series describes what is supposed to be a key interaction better than the game it was actually from!
And then you actually get there and it's contrived AF. There's literally no reason for the BL and GD to be fighting each other at any point but they all kill each other anyway. There's no fog of war. Characters will even recognize each other before they fight and then continue fighting each other anyways despite having absolutely no reason to?
And then it just ends and we're all told to feel very sad about it, but why should we? It's not earned. These characters don't know each other or care about each other, most of them weren't even on opposite sides. It comes across as feeling dumb and unearned, which makes the characters reacting to it completely 100% straight as if it were this huge but unavoidable tragedy come off as confusing and overwrought.
Edelgard's writing as an entire other can of worms that I've gotten into too many times to count, so I'll try to keep this short.
I'll preface this by saying I don't have a problem with people liking or relating to Edelgard in any way. Also, just because something has problems doesn't mean you can't have found meaning in it. I can tell you really enjoy the character anon, and that's great! I wouldn't want to take that away from you.
Buuuuuut since I'm giving my opinion here... I don't agree with her being a well written depiction of trauma. I feel like, especially now, the fandom tends to engage with the Edelgard we all wanted instead of the one we actually got.
Again I'll use a specific example (well actually two) to illustrate my point.
It's hard to take her trauma seriously when it's immediately undercut by her doodling pictures of her crush, getting embarrassed about it, and getting teased. This happens twice. They do this twice! Once in the explore section immediately after Ladislava and Randolph literally die right in front of her, and once after you could have potentially killed Claude and she's talking about being locked in a fucking dungeon!
Like it blows my mind that more people don't talk about this, especially the latter example. You have just potentially killed someone. She's sitting there. Talking about being locked in a dungeon, tortured, and experimented on. And then your character's reaction is to tease her for doodling a picture of you. And they did this two times, so it's not like it was an accident!
So like how am I supposed to read this, exactly? Either the entire scene is bunk and you're not really meant to take the trauma portion seriously, it's all just a big joke, or... or you're supposed to find teasing someone going through a genuine trauma response endearing and enjoyable..? It's just. I've been looking at this scene and the numerous other Edelgard scenes like it and I just don't get there. I don't understand how to read this in a way that isn't incredibly belittling or sexist or SEVERELY undercutting what should be a serious character moment.
But people want it to be this serious, well-written character moment for her. I don't blame anyone for that, because that's what I would have wanted too! But it's just... it's so crazy disrespectful on every level, to treat a female character's trauma like it's a funny quirk or an opportunity to flirt/tease? I can damn well guarantee that no male character would be treated with that amount of disrespect, and we know that because Dimitri exists and at no point is his trauma ever played for a joke or undercut like this! It's not perfectly written, but it's written with respect to the subject and the character.
There's an absurd degree of sexism baked into the writing of 3H that just doesn't get addressed by the fandom at large, so I kind of find it frustrating.
And worse, sometimes when you try to engage with that and critique it you're shouted down or treated as if you are the problem, like I somehow spoke the sexism of the game into existence just by pointing it out.
I could go on but I'll cut myself off here
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gentlyjimin · 1 year
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“If I could chose my dream, I just wanna stay right next to you.”  - kim namjoon, tokyo 
words: 1.3k
warnings: n/a, mention of religion 
work is unfinished, i am posting to see how well it is received.
“You know,” you started, eyes locked on the same person that your friend couldn’t help but glance at for the past half an hour, “for someone so confident, that guy sure does render you speechless.”
Unamused, Jimin turned to look at you.
“He’s not just some guy. He’s the guy.”
“The guy?” You repeated, brows raised. “What does that even mean, the guy?”
“Do you know who the guy is? Jeon Jungkook.”
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes.
“No-no,” he scolded after catching your eye-roll. Jimin shifted in his seat and moved closer towards you, “he not only led our lovely rugby team to victory the moment he joined it, but he also-“
“Got rid of all the dickheads and makes sure the team takes care of drunk people at parties.” You finished for him, unable to suppress a smile at Jimin’s unphased expression. “The Vatican should make him a saint.”
Jimin’s huge crush on Jeon Jungkook was evident the moment the sport star turned the entire team around. You’d argue that it existed the moment Jimin saw Jungkook, but your friend was adamant that it didn’t. He was also adamant that he didn’t suit short hair, but everyone knew Jimin could very well pull off being bald if he wanted to.
Jimin continued to deadpan you.
“What,” you laughed, “Jungkook’s a good person, nobody has ever said otherwise. He may be the guy to you, but-“
“Oh?” A light voice suddenly cut you off. 
Speak of the devil and he will arrive. 
“The guy to you? Do you have anything to tell me, sweetheart?” Jungkook continued. He directed his question at Jimin as he sat down and stole one of the fries that sat in front of the other man.
“Nothing that you don’t already know,” Jimin answered with a wink, to which Jungkook laughed while continuing to munch on the fries.
As the two fell into a hushed conversation, you shifted your gaze away from your two friends. Although the three of you sat together, their conversation felt too private to listen to, even as a friend. Instead, you moved your gaze to where you last saw your own crush. He was still there, still working away. He was wearing a dark brown, long sleeved shirt that you noticed kept getting in the way as his fingers glided across the keyboard in front of him. The long sleeves kept shifting the pages of his book. He didn’t seem to mind, though. You found that admirable about him; not only did he look good in brown, but he was patient. It may seem silly, but you found that small things like pages moving when you don’t want them to move was big enough to irritate a lot of people, including you.
Not him, though.
Last week you saw a girl trip and spill her coffee all over his jeans and notes. You could feel your heart break as you watched the pages soak up the dark liquid, but he didn’t even look at them. He jumped out of his seat to help the girl the second she fell. You could faintly hear her apologize to him, but he told her to not worry and that they were just notes.
If you didn’t know better, you’d say you were in love with him. 
Jungkook was one thing, but the Vatican should consider Kim Namjoon a saint.
You couldn’t help but internally cringe at yourself. If you rolled your eyes at how in love Jimin is with Jungkook, Jimin would straight up vomit if he heard what you were thinking right now. 
“You know,” Jungkook’s voice brought you out of your thoughts while you considered what you could possibly wear to a saint-decleration, “I could introduce the two of you. He tutors me in Philo, we take the same class.”
You sighed, wishing so very badly that you could take him up on the offer, but you were too afraid that it would all go wrong. Although you considered yourself to be a fairly confident person, you were not blissfully ignorant. You and Namjoon have never spent time alone together. All that you know about him, you know because the two of you are close to the same person. 
Min Yoongi. Both of you were also familiar with Seokjin and although you considered him a friend, you knew that he was closer to Namjoon than he was to you. 
“Listen,” Jimin started, picking up on your hesitation, “Taehyung is throwing a party this weekend. I know for a fact that Seokjin will be there, which makes it more than likely that Namjoon will be there too.”
Jungkook nodded, “which makes it a perfect setting! You guys won’t be alone. If you hit it off, great. If you don’t, we can come rescue you.”
“Exactly,” Jimin continued, “but either way you’ll get to know whether this is something you want to pursue, or if you should leave it alone and move on.”
You gasped in fake-offense, “move on? How could I possibly move on?”
It was Saturday, 7:36pm and you were halfway through getting ready. You had been texting back and forth with Yoongi, who had confirmed that Namjoon would be there tonight. You had also reassured Yoongi that if he needed an out at any point during the party, you’d be there for him. 
You were aware of his social anxiety, and how much it took for him to attend events like the one tonight. Although you didn’t know the ins and outs of what he had to deal with, you knew enough to offer support and reassurance. When the two of you were 14, there was one particular school event that Yoongi had to attend, a school concert of sorts. He was forced into doing a piano solo, but his set was delayed and cancelled because he was unable to breathe from the nerves. That was the first time you saw the extent of what your childhood friend was dealing with. Since then you promised to be his rock, his stability if and whenever he should need it, if it would be helpful. Sometimes your presence was helpful, sometimes it wasn’t. But Yoongi never shoo-ed you away. Not once. So you stayed, each and every time. 
By the time you finished getting ready, Yoongi had already texted you that he would be there to pick you up in 10 minutes.
This is good. You told yourself. You’d finally get to talk to properly talk to Namjoon, see what he’s like. You loved spending time with Yoongi, and he loved spending time with Namjoon, so surely you would love to spend time with him too?
Of course you will. 
Why were you so nervous? You were never nervous to meet people. You looked hot, felt hot. Why were you nervous?
A horn sounded outside. Has it already been 10 minutes?
“Ooooooh,” Yoongi scanned you up and down as you slipped into the passenger seat, “you dressed up just for me?”
You laughed, “you like?”
“I do,” he laughed, pulling out of your driveway, “and I’m sure that he will too.”
Yoongi knew. Of course he knew. How could he not know? Your interest in Namjoon was clear when you interrogated your friend after each time the two of them hung out.
“Do you have a plan?”
“Ah yes,” you mused, “I will show up, seduce him and hook up in your car. You’ll leave the keys inside for me, right?”
You saw Yoongi roll his eyes.
“I don’t have a plan. I just hope it all works out, that’s all.”
“Why wouldn’t it work out?”
“What if he doesn’t like me?” You hated how that sounded.
Yoongi clicked his tongue.
“Why wouldn’t he? Not only are you hot, but you’re interesting. And as far as I can tell, that’s what he’s after. He likes people with substance. You have plenty of substance.”
You almost blushed. Compliments from Yoongi were not a common thing. This one you’d cherish.
“Can you just repeat that, I didn’t get a chance to record it.”
“Oh ha-ha. Save that attitude for Joon.”
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badfictropes · 7 months
My Hc’s for the Batfam & DC Universe
(Warning: These are just my personal hc and there will be character bashing so read the tags and continue at your own risk.)
I want to start this by saying I have not read the comics and though I plan to my opinions and hc now are shaped by the Batman movies and Batfam and DC fanfics.
Bruce is a great mom(personal preference mpreg or not).
Talia is a rapist; if she physically raped Bruce or not that doesn’t change the fact that Damian was conceived without Bruce’s consent(no I don’t care it was retconned) and a bad abusive mother.
Jason does not and will never consider Talia his mother and he would murder her on sight if he ever finds out exactly how Damian was conceived.
Dick is not, has not been and will never be Damian’s dad(his older brother, mentor but not dad).
Jason is a total mama’s boy(Bruce).
^Having said that I also ship JayBru(here is the author that got me shipping them; love how Bruce is a total submissive bottom and Jason is a dominant top in most of these stories<also my hc for them)(and of course nothing happens romance or sex wise until after Jason comes back to Gotham as a adult) and think their soulmates platonically or otherwise.
Tim is a plain peace of white bread(no butter or anything). He is not smarter or a better detective than Bruce. He is a stalker and blackmailer that used Bruce’s grief against him(with Alfred and Dick’s help) and I will never forgive him for it(neither will Jason if he finds out).
Alfred is not a saint or God or a good parent. He’s the type of parent that total messed up raising his own child(Bruce and the daughter he never sees) and over compensates by being a better grandfather. Nothing wrong with being a good grandfather but I’m tired of people acting like Bruce not being the best at emotions is just his own fault. Alfred was the one who insisted on being just a butler to a grieving traumatized kid who need a parent and/or guardian(and people shit on Bruce for not having the courage to offer to adopt Dick) and never forced Bruce to get therapy. And I know you can’t force someone to benefit from therapy but Alfred had access to money to get Bruce the best therapist in the world and Bruce was what 8 or 9, you can’t tell me he wouldn’t have gotten bored or curious and started talking to the therapist eventually. Not to mention backing up Tim in forcing Bruce to make Tim Robin.
Clark and Diana are not Bruce’s best friends.
Harley and Bruce went to Med school together and are best friends and basically siblings.
Stephanie is annoying and useless and quite frankly after Bruce fired her she should have left and never came back.
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bookloover35 · 1 year
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Roman Staionis x fem reader-Im not a toy part 1.
Roman Staionis aka The black mask but also known as one of the most famous psychopaths in all of Gotham. But to me he's Romy or my husband and yes I know what you're thinking. You must be crazy because you are married to him, or you were forced to marry him, he threatened you to marry him. And the answer to all your questions is no I was not forced I love him and he loves me.
I am his queen and he is my king.
But the answer to the question if I'm crazy then I can honestly say yes I'm crazy, I'm not a saint I'm Yn fricking Quinn.
If you have not listed my last name, I have a question for you where you have been somewhere. I'm the sister of Harley Quinn herself. Harley and I are very similar but still very different she has blonde hair while I have red hair.
And she stole and kidnapped while I work as an assassin.
I actually met him through my job when I got a job killing a man who used to work at Roman's club, but that story is for another time.
Back to the story.
Yn: Fuck you Roman
I told him while we were sitting and had a meeting with Salvatore Maroni himself and some other members of his gang a lot of pigs if you ask me. They clearly know who I am throughout Gotham know that I am his wife, but I am best known throughout Gotham precisely because of my profession.
But every time they have put their feet inside this club, they have never shown me any respect at all and they have always checked on me one and the same thing that I am just Roman's toy.
Every time they have said that, Rome has never been around. And every time I have tried to do something against them, I have always been stopped by Zas.
I have told Roman about what Salvatore Maroni and his gang have called me and he told me that the next time they say it again he would make them regret it.
But did he do something about it no he did not he just sat there and kept quiet and he says he should be Roman Staionis himself aka the world's most dangerous psychopath HA what a joke.
My thoughts were interrupted by my sister Harley putting her arms around me and telling me.
Harley: You look like you'll kill someone if they say a single word wrong to you.
Come on, tell your sister now.
Yn: It's Roman I told him about what Maroni and his gang call me and he told me that the next time they told me he would do something and he did absolutely nothing.
And I do not need a man to defend me, but still he is my husband.
Harley: Yes I understand you you're his wife and not his toy and you really do not need a man to defend you you are Yn fricking Quinn my sister and all the villains in Gotham know who you are.
I was about to answer her but was interrupted when I heard Roman shouting my name.
Roman: YN!!!!!!!
Yn: UGH what does he want me now, Harley we continue to talk to you later okay love you.
Harley: Okay we'll talk later love you to.
Right after we said those words to each other, I started walking towards Roman's office. I could hear him calling my name and he wanted me to stay, but I refused, I just kept going.
When I got to the door, I opened it and went in and slammed the door shut with a loud bang and then I went to the office table and slammed my hands down on the table.
Roman: How dare you humiliate me like that.
Yn: Fuck you Roman.
You say you love me but I'm really starting to wonder if you really love me.
Roman: What are you talking about, you know I love you.
Yn: Do you really do what you said to me now again. I promise you darling if they say anything to you I'll do something about it.
I said to him and went up to him and put my finger on his chest.
Yn: But do you know what you did instead you did absolutely nothing. I'm not your toy I'm your wife. Not a TOY.
Roman: I know I should have said something and in fact after you left I scolded them. And you are not a toy you are my wife and my greatest love.
He said to me, I went to the table and stood in front of it, where I suddenly came up with an idea a very insidious idea. I'll show him, I'll make him ask me to forgive him. I turned to him and said.
Yn: I do not believe you.
Roman: Please darling you must believe me and please forgive me.
He said to me and stood in front of me now we'll see if my plan will work.
Yn: Prove it.
Roman: How ?
Here we go!!!!
Yn: I want you to get down on your knees and eat me out until I come later if you do a good job I'll let you come.
Roman: Excuse me???
Yn: You heard me.
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TBTK Valentine’s day side story
So. Forever ago @optimistic-violinist and I mentioned that we had this whole other Bruno x OC story to tell in the Take Back the Kingdom universe. Here’s a bit of it for those who were interested in reading it. (We’re working on the next chapter of TBTK. Writer’s block and Life happened)
“Oh come on! You have to do something for your first Valentine’s Day together!” 
Bruno sighed, resigned to his fate. “I really shouldn’t have to remind you of all people that neither of us are Christian.” He jabbed the quill into the inkwell before glaring half-heartedly at Mulligan’s pathetically over-exaggerated pleading face. The kid really wasn’t going to leave him alone until Bruno heard him out was he?
Scooting his chair back from the desk, he sighed, feigning a much more put on attitude than he actually felt. “Go on then,” he folded arms over his chest, leaning back. “Why should we care about this one saint’s feast day?”
“Well first off, you’re the one that said it wouldn’t always be a Christian holiday. You said it’s going to turn into ‘a non-religious commercialized nonsensical nightmare’.”
Bruno gave him a flat look. “That doesn’t help your augment.”
Mulligan’s eye twitched. “What I’m saying is, I think you should ignore the fact that it's technically a religious holiday and just take the excuse to do something nice for your wife.” His shoulders sank as Bruno’s instinctual dread rose. 
The young man rubbed the back of his neck. “Look, time is precious. We’re not in the safest of professions, and we all just want you two to be happy—” the unspoken ‘for as long as you can’ hung in the air with more weight than an executioner's blade. Both men couldn’t help but glance towards the direction of the infirmary where some of their crew mates were still recovering from their last skirmish.
All encompassing dread filled him at the reminder of the lurking agony he knew was coming when he inevitably outlived her. 
Clearing his suddenly thick throat he offered Mulligan a tight smile. “You may have a point there Mulligan.” He brought his chair back to the desk and dropped his chin onto his clasped knuckles, elbows resting on the varnished wood surface. “And knowing you, am I right you already have a plan?”
Mulligan smirked, “Captain! I planned both of your weddings. Of course I have a plan for this.”
Mulligan’s plan, as it turned out, had been a joint venture with the rest of the crew. 
In the grand pirate tradition of making up plays, that evening found them watching a play their crew had titled ‘A Tale of Lost Bets and Eternal Frustration.’ Also known as, ‘The Lovers Dance Through the Eyes of Their Crew.’ 
Razili turned to him, whispering in his ear. “Did you know about this?”
Bruno shook his head, threading his fingers through hers without looking. “Nope.” He stifled a laugh and leaned to whisper, “Who do you think lost the most money betting on us?”
She gave him an amused side eye. “Probably the one who suggested we get married and use the wedding as a trap for our enemies.”
They both looked at Mulligan, happily reenacting his first day on the ship and the wager he’d apparently made about them while O’Connel and Evelyn reenacted Bruno and Razili’s spar. 
As the scene continued Evelyn disarmed her husband, the resultant look on O’Connel’s face making Bruno’s eyebrows climb higher. “We weren’t that bad were we?”
The crew members around them made disgusted noises of disbelief. “Worse. Much, much worse.”
Late that night they sat in the crow’s nest, Bruno’s arm around Razili’s shoulders with her head pillowed over his heart, both of them watching the stars go by.
“Today was nice,” Bruno murmured, interrupting the comfortable silence.
She turned her head to look at him. “You think so?”
He nodded, lost in thought and the stars.
She shifted so her head was on his shoulder. 
He blinked and looked down, meeting her eyes. “Do you?”
She smiled softly, “Yeah, I do.” 
They moved at the same time, their lips meeting in the middle in a tender kiss. 
After they broke apart Razili’s smile grew mischievous. “So, Valentine’s Day, is that something we’re going to celebrate now?”
Bruno rolled his eyes fondly. “I don’t need a specific day to appreciate how much I love you. But—” His eyes grew softer as she tucked herself into his side once more. 
He exhaled deeply and lied, “I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to celebrate a day that’s for remembering you.”
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hekate1308 · 11 months
Honestly, Why Would I Care?
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Richard knows it is no easy task to take in a friend. Theoretically, at least, since he has never been in this situation, and since he has always been careful who he spends time with (and has, an annoying voice in his head is quick to point out, rarely had something that he would even have called a friend). But the point stands. It’s not easy to take in a friend, no matter what they have done, and if that something turns out to be murder, it’s even worse.
And today, he arrested one of Dwayne’s oldest friends. He decided he didn’t want to wait any longer for the heritance from his great aunt, and so –
Dwayne, meanwhile, seems not to have been too affected, or at least so Richard believes until he goes on his round and Camille comes over to his desk to stand there and stare at him. “Aren’t you going to do anything?”
“What about?” he asks because he is actually busy with the paperwork – he can’t let Dwayne process the case because that would be against the rules, and they have to make especially certain that there will be no questions raised.
“About Dwayne of course!”
He raises his head because she clearly wants to talk, and when Camille wants to talk, there is nothing to do but get it over with. “And what should I do about Dwayne?”
She huffs. “Do you really have to ask? He just had to arrest a friend.”
“I insisted on making the actual arrest – “ Not only does, he even went so far to over Dwayne to stay behind, which was more than many other superior officers would have done, he is sure.
“As if that makes a difference! He must be absolutely devastated –“
“I’m sure he’ll deal –“ In a way, Richard can’t help but imagine that already Dwayne is getting all the assistance he needs. He most likely dropped by a friend, probably of the female kind, on his so-called round…
“That’s not the point!”
He feels they are getting nowhere and he really wants to continue with the paperwork to finish this case up as quickly as possible so he inquires, “Honestly, why would I care?”
Only he already knows the answer to this question, despite not wanting to acknowledge it even to himself. Said answer(s) being: Because he has grown far fonder of Saint Marie than his grumbling would indicate. Because for the first time in his life, he has a team he can trust completely, and who he also believe trusts him. Because they are not just colleagues – they are friends.
And also because Camille is glaring at him and he knows from her expression that she will not let this go until he does what she wants, so there is nothing to it but getting up and looking for Dwayne.
He finds him at the harbour, actually doing his round, which immediately makes him feel much more concerned than he was. Dwayne actually doing his work means he must be very upset indeed. He should have sent Camille or Fidel. He’s not good at that sort of thing.
Again, there is nothing to it but move closer. Camille won’t let him back into the station if he doesn’t do what he set out to do.
Dwayne doesn’t notice him until he is almost up to his face, another proof that this is afflicting him worse than he let on. Normally he feels his superior officers coming near him with almost supernatural (if one believes in this kind of thing) precision.
“Chief. What can I do for you?”
He tries to speak, and then realizes he has no idea what he should say. Eventually he settles on, “I wanted to see how you are doing.”
Dwayne frowns. “I’m just doing my round, Chief –“
“Yes, yes, of course, I can see that – “ he shakes his head. “I meant with – the arrest we made today.”
Dwayne looks at him in astonishment and he wonders if he has indeed such a reputation for being a curmudgeon who wouldn’t care about his colleagues, despite having demanded why he should from Camille only a short time earlier.
Now, this is normally where he would expect Dwayne to say nothing or tell him he is doing fine, but the sergeant replies, “I – it ain’t easy, Chief. I won’t say it is. I’ve known Bertrand Mollier for years and years – we ran around together when we were kids. I would never have thought him capable of something like this.”
Most people don’t, when it comes to someone they care about, but even Richard knows better than to say that.
“But I’ll – I’ll be fine.” After a pause he continues, “Thank you very much, Chief.”
“Don’t mention it, Dwayne.”
For, to his own surprise, Richard suddenly realizes he is indeed glad he came to speak to him.
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six-of-aros · 2 years
I have just finished watching shadow and bone season two and I have many thoughts, but non of my friends have read the books, just watched the show so I can’t really talk about it with them so here we go. With that said, major shadow and bone spoilers below. Proceed with caution. 
First of all, I accept that the books and the show are two different things, however, some of the book plots just made more sense and also I think it’s weird that the show just takes whatever part of the books they want which messes up the crows whole storyline. 
Alina is alive and not fake dead?? How are they planning on spinning that? And also I was really looking forward to the white hair Alina look because I feel like that was going to be really cool but they just.... skipped that? Also why did she and Mal split up? That made no sense to me. I feel like Alina should have followed Mal, because he’s spent his whole life following her and now it’s her turn. 
David??? My boy??? I’m not supposed to be sad about him now, I’m supposed to be sad later! That part really messed me up. 
One part I loved was seeing Inej and Jesper and Nina all meet for the first time, it was lovely to see the start of that friendship. But Nina and Zoya had basically no reaction to seeing each other? They just kinda, cut to them being in the same room and had a few comments that hinted to a backstory but that was it? 
I liked the Wylan and Jesper backstory better in the books, but I loved their interactions and story on the screen as well. I’m still mourning the loss of the “Just girls?” “Not just girls,” line, which sucks. 
Speaking of missing lines, how about Genya’s iconic “I’m am not ruined, I am ruination,” ? I’m glad she stood up to the queen, but why was the king just dead? 
I absolutely loved Tolya, anytime he brought up poetry I couldn’t help but smile. I’m glad he and Kaz had a poetry moment at the end. 
Also, the whole story in the Shu Han was so cool! I loved seeing countries other than Ravka and Kerch, and anytime a saint popped up in the story I happily grabbed my copy of the lives of saints and felt more connected to the show. 
I love Zoya in this season, I just love Zoya in general but it was easier to justify it to those who haven’t seen her full character with the way she acted during this season. I loved seeing her and Inej team up to take down the nichevo’ya. 
Kaz and Inej make my heart hurt. That’s all .
In terms of Nikolai, I can honestly say I have no complaints. I know his story differed from how it was in the books, but it felt better somehow, having him present throughout the whole battle and having to discover and fight his demon on his own after everything. I don’t know how he’s going to do that with Alina around, but we’ll see how that goes. 
Now for the kicker, the ending. I didn’t like the ending. The ending in the books is so much more poetical, despite Alina’s good intentions, she let her hunger for power get the better of her and she lost it all. She sacrificed everything for her country. Fought, bled, and killed for it, and it still took everything from her. In return, however, her power was given to others so they can continue on her legacy and relieve her of her great burden to destroy the fold. I probably didn’t explain it all that well, but I think it was much better in the books. 
When I tell you I jumped out of my seat and paced around the room for a good five minutes because I saw the bee on Zoya’s shoulder, I mean I fully jumped out of my seat and paced. I might have screamed a little bit as well. 
I’m exciting for the whole Jurda Parem storyline, although I’m not quite sure how they’re going to pull it off with the patchy mess they left of the crooked kingdom book after taking only what they want and scrapping the rest. 
I’m glad they made it Siege and Rising rather than have a whole other season for the third book, I think that worked well and while it felt a little rushed at times it fit the story. 
I loved the show, loved the books, and can’t wait to see what Netflix comes out with next. 
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