#also I have a thing about scars FITE ME
mandareeboo · 1 year
Unfinished Work #55: "Autism Feels"
I feel bad about not finishing this one, but I never thought of a concrete ending! I think a lot about how Frosta is a damn good ruler, and how she would probably adopt Entrapta fast (considering how quick she was with Scorpia).
Also no one in She Ra is neurotypical. No one. Fite me.
Title: Autism Feels
Summary: N/A
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"She's so weird," Mermista intones, not for the first time, but it's certainly the first time she's been sitting next to Frosta by the campfire when she does so.
Frosta's hands went into her fluffy sleeves, tapping her fingers on the pale skin of her arm. She didn't know Entrapta well. Frankly, it'd be a stretch to say she knew her at all, seeing how she hadn't come to give an official greeting during Prom. But Entrapta didn't strike her as weird. Passionate, morally gray, and a bit obtuse maybe, but not weird. She was just enjoying her work.
"What makes you say that?" she broaches finally.
"Like you even have to ask?" The princess gripes, but the gentle nudge to Frosta's elbow tells her it's mostly for show. "She never stops talking about her dumb robots. It's like she doesn't even care about the bigger picture here. And that mask! Can't finish a conversation without her pulling it on."
"Oh," says Frosta, understanding. "So she's..."
Like me.
She stood up suddenly, ignoring Mermista's surprised grunt as she almost falls over. "Kid?"
For once, Frosta doesn't bite back against the reminder of her age. That's just how Mermista talks. "I'm gonna go take over watch."
"Don't you have, like, a bedtime?"
"No." You'd know that if you'd listened during the big war meeting.
"Oh. Uhhh.. okay?"
Frosta presses her curled fist against her forehead as she trudges out of the main area of camp, feeling stupid. It wasn't like Mermista was intentionally being rude, she reminded herself. Mermista had never exactly struck her as neurotypical herself. If Frosta had to guess, she was probably grinding her gears by how open Entrapta was about her own neurodivergence- and, considering she'd been left to rot in a kingdom destined to fall apart, it didn't take a genius to work out that Mermista's family was likely a piece of crap. She was overreacting.
Still. Did it have to hurt so much?
She'd never had friends before all of this. The Kingdom of Snows was distant from the rest of Etheria; secluded in tradition and a lot of ice. Frosta had never learned the typical social interaction stuff most her age did. Her job was scrolls and decrees and sitting at an appropriate ninety-degree angle on her throne. No one had cared that she didn't make eye contact or stimmed in her sleeves. She was a child and royalty, and together she had one helluva pass to do whatever she wanted.
Then her parents died. Everyone had chalked it up to grief ever since.
Frosta paused, finding herself in front of Entrapta's tent. She didn't know why. To apologize? She barely even knew Entrapta. They weren't friends. She'd be hard-pressed to even call themselves acquaintances. Entrapta had betrayed them, sending things that hurt them. Frosta had a scar on her arm from one of her bots. She was pretty sure Scorpia was her only concrete friend here.
And maybe that was why.
Maybe Frosta just hated the idea of another Frosta being out there.
Pulling up the flap, Frosta let it drop behind her. It was bright inside, but not too bright. The glow of tech was soothing. Entrapta was typing away on her pad, still cracking how to work out Horde Prime's signals. Scorpia was on her cot, fiddling with her tail. She looked up and waved.
"Frostbite!" she greeted. "Here to stim into oblivion?"
Frosta felt something warm in her chest. "Yeah."
The purple-haired Princess pulled up her mask and squinted. "Do I know you?"
"You were at my party?"
"Oh, that! You had lovely tiny food."
"Thanks." Suddenly feeling sheepish, Frosta tip-toed over wires to plunk down next to Scorpia.
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antivanruffles · 6 years
or carlwheeler 20 or 23
20. kiss on a scar / 23. kiss in relief.
Phillip was nearly asleep, breathing slowly down and his body relaxing as everything around him seemed to fade away. He was only dimly aware when the bed dipped next to him, felt Anne shifting.  
Then he was pulled back to consciousness by the feel of her hair tickling his chest, her lips grazing his stomach. Prying one eye open, he watched Anne sit up, her fingers going to the raised skin running across his torso. His burns had long since healed, but the scars remained. 
Without a word he gently gripped Anne’s wrist, pulled her down to him. They settled facing each other, bodies twined together and faces only inches apart. They both dreamt of the fire, from time to time, a memory neither of them could ever really shake. His dreams were filled of desperation and an unbearable heat, hers with guilt and an unbearable loss. 
“It’s okay,” Phillip whispered, closed the small gap between and pressed his lips to her forehead. 
Anne nodded slightly, mouth twisting as if were trying not to cry. She slid her hand over his side, inched herself as close as possible, and kissed him. He could practically taste her relief on his lips, could feel it in the way her fingers dug into his skin. 
In the morning the dreams would be a distant memory, like they always were. Nearly forgotten in the bright morning sun, and the dawn of a new day. Though while the night remained, and the dreams were as vivid as a lightning flash burned against your eyelids, he would hold her and comfort her as best as he knew how. 
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bnhaclaimedmysoul · 4 years
request:  In your bio it says requests are open but here it says they are closed if they are closed please just ignore this I was hoping to request a headcannon where Bakugou Todoroki and your favourite class 1a student is kinda angry and they open a door alot harder then needed and the door slams open onto their girlfriend face poor reader and their reactions
a/n: howdy! imma fix that up lol, thank you for pointing it out. i’m guilty of slamming the door when i’m angy lolol. also idk what to classify this as lmao. 
bakugou katsuki
-slamming the door is a natural instinct for him
-fite me on this one
-it takes the will power of every cell in his body to not slam the door
-nobody ever comes in his way when he’s angry
-cuz nobody wants a bloodied nose or a broken limb 
-so slamming the door was never a problem for our blasty boi
-that is until you came around
-one he hears you wincing from the pain from the sheer impact built up due the swinging the door with utmost momentum
-he’s just shocked
-like what was that? doors don’t squeak when you slam them do they?
-was terrified to turning around
-because he was afraid of seeing you in pain, which was caused by him
-he knows that it’s you because nobody else would have the brain cells to chase him
-but he sure does when he hears you voice getting louder
-when you ask him about why he’s being so quiet and not shouting at him
-he just clicks his tongue before he begins to scold you
-but tries to hold back because it was clearly his fault that you ended up this way
-will nurse you up and refuses to let you go until you’re all up and well
-expect him to make some nice food and feed you if you end up injuring your hands
-please kiss him out of his guilt otherwise he’s just gonna wallow in sadness
todoroki shouto
-door slamming really isn’t thing
-the poor boi is just too tired to do it, the last thing he wants his energy drained body to do is to put in the energy to create a startling sound
-so nobody ever notices whether he is in his room or not since no sound emerges 
-but a whine arises while everyone besides the both of you were in front of the tv for a weekly movie night
-everyone is just confused asf 
-they keep looking for the source but they can’t find any
-hence they go back to watching the movie since they could no longer hear any noises
-little did they know that todoroki uncharacteristically slammed the door
-and his s/o was the one received it’s wrath instead of it’s frame
-he’s shocked when he sees on the floor from the impact
-panicking while looking at you form
-but when you immediately tap his foot
-he is snapped back to his senses and activates his right side 
-and uses it in place of the ice pack to reduce your pain
-which is why the others couldn’t figure out the source of the noise
-he kisses your tears away when you’re in pain
-please comfort him and let him know that him getting mad and slamming the doors is fine
-seeks advice from fuyumi on how to take care of you
-the first few times, he ties the cast too tight or too loose but eventually gets it right and is now a pro
-compliment him on his first aid skills and he will pass out 
sero hanta
-likes to playfully slam doors to mock bakugou and his anger
-issa baku squad thing y’all
-but when you unfortunately become the victim of his playfulness
-he’s just still
-his two braincells unable to process anything
-and when you start laughing about how he mastered the act of angy bakugou
-spreading your libs in the floow
-he’s breaks out from his trance and begins laughing with you 
-the both of your stomachs hurt from laughing and sero joins you on the floor
-y’all just be gasping for air until you wince from pain
-will tape your hand up to your body so that it doesn’t move unnecessarily
-when the pain subsides after a pain killer 
-y’all conclude that it’s a sprain at the most
-and when you try to peel the cello tape of your arm
-he looks at you, in panic
-can feel your rage building up
-because who the ties an arm up with cello tape? 
-you’re half crying and half laughing as he tires to peel his tape off your arm
-whoever walks into the common room and find you doing that
-they’re scarred and instantly walk away
-when you are healed up
-the both of your braincells form a connection with one glance at each other
-and the both of you dart towards your room
-getting all pumped up to bang the door, tease a certain someone and experience that serotonin
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theboiinyellow · 3 years
So, i don't feel like anyone was positive about the clawthorne mom before this trailer really, we had a few strong hints she was gonna show up already, and we also had that bit at the end of covention where Eda pretty much states that her family sucks, but the shots where she apears in the trailer are both worrying in their own way
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Like, this one? Eda listening as her mom shouts at someone (i'm betting it's Lilith) being one of the images choosen for the trailer really gives me the feeling that this is especially worth mentioning, like it's a constant ocurrance, or this one event In particular is something scarring
The second image, while totally inocent at face value, has a whole diferent way of instilling fear
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So, little old lady with a comically large staff, i didn't really see anything wrong with It at first, but you know, both Eda and Lilith have at least some symbolism linked to their respective palismans right? and this woman right here? Hers is a whole fucking eagle!
Now, i'm not going to burn my braincells here trying to tie characters to their respective animal symbology, the birds the Clawthorne sisters have choosen as their palismans are roughly similar to them in some ways, owls are smart and solitary birds of pray, ravens are also smart, but have a creepy reputation, really fiting for an "Evil MacEvilface, the totally not evil character" like Lilith
And what's the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about eagles?
I'm gonna bet It involves hunting, agreesion, killing, the palisman in question is really large too, like It could acctually just swallow a regular one whole, sure, owls are also predators, but is that what you think about when you see one?
In conclusion, this staff was purposefully chosen to give of the "won't hesitare to slap you" vibe, and that's really what paints this character as a bad person for me
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bard-llama · 3 years
New Lambert Crack Universe
So, for the witcher rare pair bingo, I got the prompt Author AU, which naturally led me to decide that Lambert is a secret romance novelist whose protagoinsts Gerard and Esteban have a lot of sex. Like, a lot. They might be more erotica than romance novels, but whatever. I am genuinely unclear on where bodice ripper fits into that continuum. 
Anyway, Lambert, the genius that he is, chooses the penname Burt Lamb the Third and lists Kaer Morhen as his address. This leads to letters with royalty checks going to Kaer Morhen - or attempting to. More importantly, Burt’s books took off and housewives whisper about them in back corners. Also, a lot more of them start propositioning Eskel and Geralt, because they look just like their favorite characters. Like, just like, and they know that because the books come with illustrations made by the author.
(Does the Witcher have the printing press? No? It does now. Don’t question it.)
Details under the cut
I’m writing the fic now where the other wolves find out about Lambert’s secret second career, but I have more planned. Chronologically, I think the series is:
Lambert pines and is haunted by an idea and decides to write it. Not quite sure how/why he decides to publish, but he doesn’t think much of it. Until he starts to hear people talking about his stories and wtf if so many people are reading them, where’s his fucking money??
Turns out, it was getting sent to Kaer Morhen via a handful of very brave couriers and a whole lot of sensible couriers who hired Geralt to deliver them. (my current fic)
A few years pass and no one thinks much of it. Lambert updates his address ASAP and like, gets a PO box in Novigrad or something. And wow, this writing thing is pretty profitable in fantasy land and he hates being on the Path/being a Witcher, so like... why not rent a nice room in Oxenfurt or maybe a cabin in Skellige (except Lambert’s a canonical baby in the cold) or wherever and just write for like half the year. Then he’ll spend fall doing a few contracts just so he has stories to bring back to the Annual Bitch Session/Drinking Binge (it lasts all winter long). He still pines, but at least now he pines in style.
And he starts getting bold too - he knows Geralt and Eskel don’t read his books, so when he’s searching for inspiration, he recalls some of their stories about people they’ve met on the path. This leads to some interesting rare pairs and some awkward first meetings where everyone around the two think they’ve already boned, but they’ve never seen each other before in their lives. (AKA Lambert/Llama writes random pairs like Eskel/Iorveth for the Scar WorshipTM and then we get to see the reactions of people reading these books.) (like fr i wanna write these, but as Lambert writing them lol)
Like, imagine Lambert going all “huh, Geralt said that elf guy was pretty, and he matches Eskel on the fucked up right side of the face thing, so like, why not?” So he starts writing and then we get a scene break and actually get the porn (with character names or actual names?). THEN we cut to like the Blue Stripes reading the book and Reacting. Ves names her knife after Esteban/Eskel ‘cause ‘I want it to penetrate Iorveth too’. Roche is not amused.
Dandelion, who is an epic shipper of Gerard/Esteban/Burt Lamb the Third, mentions the books when Geralt and Eskel just happen to be at the Chameleon at the same time and the idiot witchers slowly realize that Lambert writes about THEM. Them having sex. A lot of sex. And sure, it’s gotten them a surprising amount of action over the past few years, but that’s still kinda creepy, right? And Dandy is That Fan who some casual viewer has said something hugely contradictory to Their Canon and they have to decide if they wanna fite or not. And Dandy has never seen a fight he didn’t take and lose. So he gets all offended like “no, you’ve got it all wrong! Yeah, the books are filthy porn, but the whole thing is really a love letter to Gerard and Esteban (aka you two, you dumbasses).” So then Geralt and Eskel are uncertain enough to be convinced to go back and read the books - all of them. And by this point, there are rather a lot. Like, Lambert is the Chuck Tingle of fantasy medieval Poland. And while, yeah, Lambert is clearly very horny, he also shows Gerard and Esteban as like... pretty awesome people??? Sweet and nonjudgemental and brave and dumb as a bag of bricks, but that’s just facts.
So now they gotta DO something about their realization that Lambert wants them and maybe kinda loves them? I... have no idea how they actaully get together. Maybe... maybe Geralt and Eskel are divided and uncertain, so they don’t say anything when they all see each other that winter. Except idk something happens/they just get drunk and stupid(er) and they blurt something out? idk, I’ll figure that out. But endgame is Geralt/Lambert/Eskel. And they live happily ever after on the funds from Lambert’s horny writing (which he continues to publish).
So yeah, new universe lol. It’s been fun to write Lambert again. He’s such an asshole.
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willel · 4 years
I don’t have much else to do and I’ve seen some mostly friendly discussion on this topic so I wanted to throw my hat into the ring. A welcome distraction from less interesting fandom debates.
Lonnie Byers. Dead beat, absent father of Jonathan and Will. It seems from the very getgo, Lonnie and Joyce’s relationship was on the rocks and yet somehow he got her pregnant. Twice.
In some ways.... Lonnie is very representative of my own family situation. Constant arguing, kids being put in the middle of the conflict. Mom raises the two kids all on her own (in my case, we had government assistance). I don’t have a volatile relationship with my dad like Will and Jonathan though. He’s never laid a hand on me, he was just... EXTREMELY absent and I have accepted that many times in his life, I’m sure he wished my brother and I didn’t exist. (people do change though, my brother and I kinda chose to keep our dad in our lives and it’s generally worked out and much better now that we’re grown so my parents don’t have to talk to one another)
But, I can tell. Lonnie is NOT like my father. Lonnie appears to have more issues than just being absent and a toxic relationship with his babies mama.
It seems to me, Lonnie is irresponsible with his money and constantly put his family’s financial health at risk. It seems like he has/had a drinking problem or possibly something more (drugs). But one of the most OBVIOUS things to me is, I think Lonnie was physically abuse to go along with the emotional kind.
There is no picture perfect definition of abuse. It manifests in various ways. Do I think Lonnie beat his family until they were black and blue with constant blood and scars? No, that pretty obviously isn’t the case.
Lonnie’s physical abuse seems to manifest as:
Pushing his family around
“Wrestling” which is actually just pinning them forcefully and pretend to be playing around
Corporal punishment. I was going to say this is a given, it was the 80′s. Even I got “whoopins”. But I know that’s probably not as common as I used to think
Physically imposing/threatening. Even if he doesn’t touch them, Lonnie was/is bigger than all of them. (Even with Will’s growth spurt, if he’s only the same height as Jonathan, Lonnie is still bigger and stronger)
Obviously, none of these are the intense stories you hear about abusive dead beat dads. You could almost say it was tame. Some would say none of these classify as physical abuse, but I think it does.
You can see it in the show.
Lonnie’s first appearance in the show is shoving Jonathan hard against the wall and then complementing his ability to finally push him off. Which means in the past, he has probably pinned Jonathan to the wall or the floor or whatever before many many times and Jonathan wasn’t strong enough to push him off. Note, Jonathan was 9 years old when Lonnie left and Will was 5.
When Joyce and Lonnie are arguing in the house, he technically doesn’t put a hand on her, but it does tower over her quite a lot. Maybe in the past that would’ve gotten to her (my mom is even shorter than Winona and she comments a lot about how much she hates how some taller people use their height to get at her. I honestly don’t think most people do it on purpose though. Lol)
Joyce uses a hammer to force Lonnie out of the house. When Hopper later comes to tell her she’s right, she’s literally prepared to use it to attack. I don’t know about you but we know Joyce and it’s not really her style to threaten non-threatening people with weapons. No matter how much she and Hopper argued in season 3, she didn’t pick up a knife to make him do what she wanted.
And then, we’ve got Will. Sadly, we never saw the two interact on screen (love me some family drama and trauma!). Will is the most timid kid you ever did see. I explained my family situation to you guys early for this very purpose, Will is trying to do what me and my brother did.
When I was younger, I was terrified of rejection from my dad. I did whatever he wanted to do to “have fun”. I watched what he watched. Went where he went. Never raised a major complaint to his face always afraid he’d disappear again or say aloud he didn’t want me. People pleaser to a fault. 
That is Will, but worse. He probably took on these traits not only because he’s afraid of rejection from his father (which has happened his entire life), but also doing or saying the wrong thing resulted in backlash from said father. Was it physical? I don’t know, I do get the feeling Will did not get nearly as physical as Jonathan and Joyce though.
Now that I’ve said all this, does this make Joyce weak? Does it make her a bad mother?
No! I don’t think so. Even if Lonnie sometimes physically abused her, it doesn’t mean she sat there and took it. Joyce is a small tiger. Despite her size, she will fight for herself and her kids and I’m 100% sure she did, which is why Lonnie “left”. (I have a headcanon that Joyce gave him an ultimatum and his punk ass couldn’t take it so he left thinking Joyce would come crawling back to him. Which maybe she did once or twice because she was desperate for financial stability)
Joyce needed Lonnie at some point for financial stability. That’s the only reason she kept him around at some point. When she didn’t need that anymore, she was done with him and the constant battles. Toxic relationship for sure for sure.
When people say Lonnie was a physical abuser, it isn’t to make the Byers seem weak willed or even to say they have to be protected. It’s an explanation as to why they are the way they are (Joyce and Jonathan are fighters, Will is a bit more timid). It doesn’t mean they laid down and took the abuse. It doesn’t mean we need to handle them like fragile sculptures.
It means the Byers are tough. If Lonnie is reintroduced, it would certainly be an antagonist force, but he would be met with suspicion and antagonism. Lonnie’s only route back into their life.... is people pleaser Will.
This is why I kinda want Lonnie back. Joyce and Jonathan are already firmly in the “screw you, I’ll fite you” camp, I want Will to be there to. The writers just need to give him the opportunity....
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arigatouiris · 5 years
of flowers and forgiveness // todoroki shoto
Author’s Note: Shoto is adorable and despite being a bit dense I’m sure he can love like no one else, fite me if you don’t agree.
I don’t really like Todoroki Enji, considering how abusive he’s been to his children but I am a firm believer of redemption and not forgiveness. Shoto’s decision is his, and I don’t want to write about that. However, I did write a bit about something I personally believe in—something I’ve done with my own family as well. I hope you guys like this, I’ve poured my heart and soul into this. I got this prompt from here~ All credits go to them!
Word count: 3532 
Pairing: Flower shop AU! Todoroki Shoto x Reader
Warnings: hurt/comfort, fluff
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When someone told Todoroki Shoto that he could give flowers to his father for his birthday, he flipped. 
Not in the usual ‘Are you kidding me?’ flipped, but a more subtle version of ‘I’m so disappointed in you’ flipped. 
Those close to Shoto knew of the strained relationship he shared with his father. It wasn’t something he considered a secret, it was just that he barely ever spoke of it and he was happier when he wasn’t reminded of being related to his father in the first place. Yes, there was a lot of loathing there, but it wasn’t uncalled for. He was very close to his siblings, as a matter of fact, and he loved his mother to death—but his father, well... He wasn’t aggressive with his father, but he sure as hell made it evident that there was no love there.
So when Todoroki Enji’s birthday actually arrived, he knew he had to get something—for the sake of it, considering his siblings were all getting their father something and Shoto didn’t want to be the only one without a gift. But, he didn’t want to please his father in any way. He didn’t want his father thinking Shoto forgave him at last, though that day was still quite far away, it wasn’t time yet for a father-son bonding to begin. 
Shoto wanted to give his father a gift that signified everything that went wrong in their relationship. It had to be subtle because that was how Shoto functioned, but it also had to be a screaming idea behind the subtlety. 
So, he asked his friend, Izuku Midoriya, on how to go about this.
     “Why don’t you get him flowers? I’ve heard that flowers each have meanings and you could give him meaningful flowers, correlating to whatever is in your heart?”
Shoto wasn’t sure. Flowers seemed like a good idea, but he had no clue as to what meaning flowers would have, he had no idea whom to approach regarding the meanings of flowers and he wasn’t confident enough to look it up on the internet on his own. He didn’t want to accidentally do a nice thing, so he had to be 100% sure. 
     “Todoroki-kun,” Iida, another friend of his, “You could visit a flower shop and ask the person there about it. I’m sure they can help.”
Which was what led Todoroki Shoto to your store. He stood outside the store, which smelled divine considering the number of fresh flowers stacked inside. He kept staring at the door, breathing to himself, concealing the nervousness of going to a flower shop for the first time. He had no idea who you were, he had no idea what to ask, he had no idea if this was even a good idea—but, there he was, under severe peer pressure, inching closer and closer to being numb.
He almost jumped at the sound of your voice, which startled him. Turning behind him, he spotted you—holding a bunch of yellow flowers in your hand, inquisitive eyes staring at his form, a soft smile etched on your face (which didn’t help the nervousness bubbling inside him). You wore a white apron, track pants and your hair was gorgeous and your smile was making him faint. 
     “Are you looking for a flower?” You asked, tilting your head a little bit.
He nodded, before clearing his throat once. He wanted to find the right words, but just as he was about to ask,
     “Let’s go inside. It’s cold out.” You suggested, leading him inside the store.
Once inside, Todoroki stared at you as you placed the flowers amongst a bouquet, carefully, and headed to the counter. You blinked a couple of times before offering him a sweet smile, which by itself asked him, ‘How can I help you today?’
Todoroki looked at you before finding the words. He wasn’t sure if they were the right words, but he was glad they were words, regardless.
     “How do I passive-aggressively say ‘fuck you’ in flower?”
Your eyes widened at his choice of words, which seemed odd coming from him for some strange reason. He didn’t seem like the type to swear, he was wearing a dark blue jacket with a white tee inside, casual jeans—but his eyes were so gentle you thought you’d never come across someone whose eyes represented such calm. Not to mention, the story of the scar on his face... You were already sure he was handsome as heck, but the mere way he managed to utter that sentence made him all the more amusing.
He was very cute, and you found yourself giggling.
     “Are you giving a bouquet to someone you don’t like?”
Todoroki nodded, “It’s something like that. I don’t want to give them the wrong idea and give them a good flower. Not that flowers are bad, I just want them to signify disappointment.”
You giggled some more at how obvious he made his sentences sound. Todoroki blinked at you, before thinking for the fourth time since meeting you that you were cute, and waited.
     “Did I say something funny?”
You shook your head and apologized, “No, no... I was just startled, that’s all. People usually buy flowers from me to confess or apologize or do something nice. You’re the first one who’s using flowers for something like this.”
     “Is it a bad idea?” 
You shook your head again, “Not at all. I personally think it’s a great idea. It’s subtle and loud at the same time. Let me help you!”
Todoroki watched as you led him to an aisle of reddish-pink flowers. Todoroki’s eyes scanned them, they were beautifully laid out and arranged, but he had no idea what the flowers were.
     “I take it you don’t have any idea regarding the meanings of flowers?” You asked, folding your hands as you stood beside the male.
     “No, I don’t. I’m sorry.”
     “You came to the right place, please don’t apologize! These,” You picked up one flower and handed it to him, “Are horseshoe geraniums, see they’re shaped like a horseshoe?”
Todoroki nodded, “They look nice. What do they mean?”
     “Stupidity.” You said, chuckling.
A small smile sat on Todoroki’s face. He turned to you and noticed you were moving away, to the other side of the aisle. There was an array of purple flowers—not too pleasing to the eye. You handed another flower to him and looked at him analyzing it. 
     “Those are foxgloves,” Your eyes darted to the flower and then to him, “They represent insincerity.”
     “I never knew flowers could mean so many things.”
You nodded, “Not many do, as a matter of fact. But, when the time calls for it, flowers have a language spoken unlike any other. The meaning they deliver lasts longer than they do, actually. The impact—,” You made a ‘super’ sign with your hand, causing Shoto to smile at you, “—is intense!”
     “Would this do for a bouquet?” Shoto asked, curiously.
     “No, no. Two flowers falls a bit short on the number of flowers in a bouquet. Let’s make this hate bouquet with a bit more patience.” You suggested, earning a chuckle from him.
     “Hate bouquet is an appropriate name.”
You hummed before leading him to another aisle, before turning to him with inquisitive eyes. Shoto blinked at you, knowing you had a question but were unsure of how to ask it. He smiled warmly before gesturing through his eyes that you could ask him whatever you wanted, and he’d answer. He didn’t know why but he felt like he could trust you. Perhaps, it had something to do with the fact that you handled these flowers with such care, and the care displayed on your face and aura magnificently. 
It was a great feeling to have.
     “If I may be so bold, can I ask you who you’re giving this to?”
Todoroki blinked, “Oh, it’s for my father.”
Your eyes didn’t widen, your smile died slightly, and you blinked once. There was no look of pity or uncertainty in your features—just acceptance. You nodded once and turned to the flowers in front of you. Todoroki was surprised at your lack of a reaction but was grateful that you didn’t pry.
     “These are meadowsweets, they signify uselessness.”
Todoroki nodded once. 
     “They look...” 
You nodded before humming, “They don’t look appealing at all, do they?”
That earned another chuckle from Todoroki, which caused him to turn and look at you from the side. You were trying to pick out a few of the white flowers, with an intrinsic soft smile on your face. He almost couldn’t look away from you and considering the aura around you, Shoto truly believed he knew you better than he actually did. 
     “They’ve very appealing.” He blurted out, unaware.
You blinked before turning to spot him looking at you, which caused your eyes to widen just a little bit. You could feel your face redden, but before you could turn and avoid his gaze, you were lost. You really thought you could stare into his eyes forever, the way he looked at you—you wondered so many things that his eyes were trying to tell you; you wondered if this whole ordeal with his father was a minor spat that they shared, or if it was something far more severe. You wondered about his scar, but didn’t want to pry—you wondered about the years of pain he may have gone through, figuring out life on his own as you did too, and you wanted to know everything.
     “I can’t look away from you...” You whispered, but Shoto didn’t hear.
     “Yes?” He asked, desperately wanting you to repeat.
You snapped out of this reverie before clearing your throat and stepping back. Your face was bright red now, and there was no way you could look into his eyes again. 
     “These,” You guided him along another aisle beside the one you two were standing against, “Are carnations.”
     “They’re so...yellow.” Shoto said, unable to say anything else.
     “Yellow carnations are basically ‘you’ve disappointed me’. You give them to someone who’s caused you...” You turned to his direction said whispered, “...pain.”
     “Disappointment is pain?”
You nodded, “Pain varies. When certain people aren’t allowed to disappoint and they do, it causes us inexplicable pain. Pain to adjust to the disappointment and pain to let it go.”
Shoto froze. 
Suddenly, he felt the desperate need to touch you—he didn’t know where it came from, but he blamed the smell of the flowers and the air around you; you were the warmest person he had ever met, and he wanted to touch you—feel your hair against the tip of his fingers, smell your skin, feel it, learn of its texture and essence; Shoto just wanted to be very, very close to you and he had no idea how to make it happen without seeming like a creep.
     “We’re almost done,” You whispered, “Just one more flower to go.”
He didn’t know why he felt so bad at your choice of words right then. He followed as you led him to a counter of orange flowers, and stood beside you. He hoped you wouldn’t notice how close he stood beside you, your shoulders almost touching. He wanted to be close to you—he had never felt this attracted to someone in his entire life.
     “Orange lilies,” You said, grinning. “I really like how strong these flowers are. They are prideful. Represent hatred and disdain. They really aren’t flowers you gift someone.”
     “Why do you have them, then?” Shoto couldn’t help but ask.
     “I personally adore them,” You let out, a wistful look in your eye. “No one bats an eye toward them because everyone thinks they’re not flowers you give to people. But, I love them.”
You turned to him with the warmest smile, you almost blinded Todoroki Shoto.
     “Because pride can mean many things, and is often not an absence of love.”
Shoto’s eyes widened. 
A moment later, you walked over to the counter—where there was a bench right behind and started making the bouquet. He watched you through it all, unaware of what to say, enjoying the comfortable silence that you offered. As he watched you, he was certain there were several traits about you that formed the entirety of your charm. Your warm smile was like winter fire on a rather cold, gloomy day; your inquisitive and kind eyes were like the hug Shoto grew up without; your voice bore into his soul, waking him up in the morning for a freshly brewed cup of coffee; your aura... Ah, your aura was what was driving him insane. 
But at the end of the day, Shoto knew that all these things, while they comprised of you, it was not just them. It was you—it was all you. 
When you handed him the bouquet, Shoto almost hesitated in taking it. He knew by taking the bouquet, he’d be ending this interaction; there won’t be any more reason for him to stay and watch her or talk to her or just bask in her presence. It was time for goodbye, and there was no more reason to even come to this store.
     “Do you like it?” You asked, handing him the bouquet.
Shoto took one look at the bouquet and felt his insides blossom with a strong emotion he had never felt before. It caused him to tear up just a little, before turning to look at you. You wore an unreadable expression on your face, one that balanced between understanding and sadness. What were you thinking of at that second? What was the emotion behind that face?
     “I do.” Shoto said, his voice low.
     “I think,” You said, unsure if you had to say it. Your eyes met his and Shoto literally begged you to say whatever was on your mind, “—I think, when you give your father this bouquet, make sure you put in every bit of loathing you have into it.”
You smiled a second, but your eyes weren’t lit up like before. 
     “You have such kind eyes, you don’t deserve to carry around what these flowers represent.”
Shoto’s eyes widened at your words. You didn’t know his name, you didn’t know his story, you didn’t know anything about him and yet—you had said the same thing several others had told him before, but the way you said it made all the difference. Perhaps, it’s because it was coming from a stranger, he had no idea that eyes could be kind but here you were, telling him so earnestly, with no reason to lie, that his eyes were kind.
     “Thank you...” He didn’t know your name, and he so desperately wanted to know not just your name, but everything about you.
You smiled graciously at him before saying, “And on giving your father this bouquet, maybe, and I don’t mean this in any condescending way, maybe you can start to live again.”
     “What do you mean?”
You let out a breath and continued, “If you carry your childhood with you, you’ll never grow.”
Your words were simple but they carried so much meaning, it almost blew him off for a toss. The whole world was spinning around you, and you stood in the midst of it all—you wore chaos on your shoulders like you owned it, and perhaps you did. Your smile had the power to move galaxies.
     “Thank you,” Shoto found himself saying, not just for the bouquet but for so many other things that went wordlessly appreciated.
     “Really.” He finished, his eyes gleaming with an unexpectant hope.
You giggled before noticing Shoto’s hand on the counter. Taking a plunge, you placed your hand on top of his, feeling how cool his hand was. It was a cold day, you presumed his hands were cold because of that. Shoto noticed the gesture, but couldn’t look away from you.
     “Anytime.” You said, merely a whisper.
It was at that second did Shoto realize that to see you, was to be seduced by you. He shut his eyes before giving you the money and holding the bouquet close. He could have done a lot of things right then, but your words struck him hard—and he knew what he had to do. He didn’t need to do anything, nothing in particular, but somehow, without even knowing the story—you had caught on to the endless ache Shoto carried around with him everywhere he went.
It was time to drop off the baggage at home, where it belonged. He had no use for it.
When Shoto reached home, he noticed his father, brother, and sister sitting at the table. His eldest brother, Touya, wasn’t around—wouldn’t be either, considering the feud. Touya’s battle was his own, and Shoto didn’t have to worry about that. He had understood that fighting other battles requires conquering your own, and that meant facing what you hated.
What he hated.
     “This is for you,” Shoto said, handing the bouquet to his father. When Enji didn’t take it in the first glance, Shoto pushed it toward him with a force, unlike Shoto, “It’s a bouquet that represents my dissatisfaction in you.”
Fuyumi and Natsuo’s eyes widened, but there was nothing they could say. They looked at one another and kept their eyes focused on Shoto. Enji was merely just looking at his youngest with sharp eyes and an unreadable expression.
     “I had someone compile all the flowers that signify insincerity, disappointment, and hatred. This bouquet contains all my loathing for you in it.”
     “And this is a gift?” Enji asked, cocking an eyebrow.
     “Shoto—” Fuyumi began, but Shoto spoke up.
     “It is. If this bouquet contains all my loathing for you, then I don’t have to carry it around anymore. It’s exhausting. Hating you is exhausting.”
Enji’s eyes widened. His mouth opened, but no words came out.
     “This does not mean I forgive you. I won’t, not just yet. But I don’t hate you. All of that,” Shoto placed the bouquet on the table now, “Is in here. I’m done. This is your gift.”
Your gift is that your son doesn’t hate you anymore. 
     “Happy birthday, father.”
With that, Shoto walked out. He didn’t know what came over him but he was breathing heavily, and his eyes were filled with tears. He felt an overwhelming feeling of...something, but whatever that something was made him want to cry. He thought of everything in his life that led him to this point and never before had Shoto ever felt this sort of relief. He was finally free from his father, confident to do whatever he pleased, go wherever he desired, be whoever he wanted to be. 
Never in his life had he believed that going to a flower shop would want to make him move past his life. After all, the past was a story he kept telling himself over and over and over again, which made him slightly less ready to live in the present.
His legs carried him back to the flower shop as if he had been there so many times before. He noticed you there, watering some of the flowers, alone and wistfully gorgeous, and he paused. He walked over to you, and stood there, breathing heavily.
You turned and spotted him there, shock plastered all over your face, your mouth a bit ajar, but the shock cleared in an instant as a smile returned on your face. It was as if you were studying his eyes, staring into them for answers only you knew how to read, and upon finding what you needed to, your smile only grew.
     “So, it’s all gone?”
Shoto knew what you were asking about. He nodded, returning the smile.
     “I’m so glad. You deserve a light and unregretful heart.” 
     “Can I hold your hand?”
Your eyes met his once more before you nodded at his query, feeling his hand grasp yours. He looked down and watched as his hand covered yours, and your gaze followed his own—his hand enveloped yours and fingers entwined with one another. His hand was suddenly so warm, you felt tears in your eyes. He was carrying such a cold, dead weight on him. 
And now, it was all gone.
As his hand grasped yours, Shoto gave you all that you had been waiting for. A shiver down your spine.
You looked up into his eyes and noticed how the space between you was considerably smaller. You could feel your heart racing, but it was a good feeling, a warm feeling.
     “(y/n).” You said, whispering, looking straight into his kind eyes.
     “Shoto.” He said, before beginning to lean down.
And when his lips touched yours, your other hand flew to his cheek and grasped it, before kissing him back slowly. He kissed like he was unsure, but gradually, he thanked you as he kissed you. He told you he was alright now, he told you so many things you couldn’t put into words. 
But, Shoto understood one thing from the way you kissed him. And it was the one thing he had been begging to hear from a very, very long time.
You’re okay, Shoto. I’ve got you.
He was okay.
You’ve got him. 
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banggkang · 4 years
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⌠ VERNON CHOI, 23, AGENDER, HE/THEY ⌡ welcome back to gallagher academy, ALPHONSE KANG! according to their records, they’re a THIRD year, specializing in DRIVER’S ED AND KNIFE FIGHTING SKILLS, SWORD TRAINING, PRECISION SHOOTING, FIREARMS & SWAT TRAINING; and they DID NOT go to a spy prep high school. when i see them walking around in the halls, i usually see a flash of (worn doc martens, the glow of a computer screen, empty cornfields, cartoon bandaids over blisters). when it’s the (gemini)’s birthday on 06/18/1997, they always request their CHOCOLATE STICKY TOFFEE PUDDING from the school’s chefs. looks like they’re well on their way to graduation.
hi i’m kiwi (26/usually pst but currently cst rip) and i would apologize for alphonse but actually i love them?? 
the only thing you really need to know is that they are a lil alt/punk farm boi and tended to cows with black flag playing in the background 
also al is not pretentious about music they will go from kill lincoln to hatsune miku in a matter of seconds please also the double g in the url stands for girl groups. 
ults are red velvet & dreamcatcher before anyone asks 
ANYWAY so some background on alphonse their mom comes from old money but her parents cut her off because they’re uh racist and didn’t want her with al’s dad and it all went down when she was like i’m pregnant and we’re getting married teehee 
so with the money they had saved the kang family ended up starting a small farm in south carolina and al was born and raised with the chickens  uwu 
they do have an accent that they’ve worked hard to hide it as much as possible, but it does come out when they’re relaxed and around close friends
damn why is this taking me so long i didn’t really think anything through huh
oh oh al rly j exists in the void and pronouns really don’t matter to them! for structure proposes though i’m mixing it up with he/they in writing with whichever works best in each specific thread but really al vibes.  
sooooooooo back to the kang family and specifically al’s mom
okay she got cut off but not really because the other parent that wasn’t super racist still sent her money on the dl so she and her husband had a good amount of money for a rainy day + all the farm profits
al got recruited for their interesting (vroom vroom) hobbies and also because apparently there is a good amount of spies down the family tree 
honestly they knew their mom was estranged from her parents and all that fun stuff but once everything came to light they were like oh my god??????????? 
anyway al is like fuck my grandpa and now he can’t do anything about alphonse continuing the spy legacy <3 
quick stats:
nickname: al(paca)
orientation: pansexual 
height: 5′11
current hair color: dark brown
ethinicity: half-korean & some type of white al really did not ask questions after finding out about everything tbh
nationality: american 
tattos: didn’t have any until recently! kiki dared them to get pikasso inside their lip and al was like bet?
has a very thin scar on their left eyebrow bc they’re dumb and will not ever tell the story of how they got it (it’s lit a cat scratch)
favorite color isn’t black don’t asSUME it’s actually dark green like pluto’s hair from sailor moon 
fav movie is josie and the pussycats (2001) bc nobody rocks the mic like dujour
i can’t think of anything else rn oops
as far as connections go i’m not picky and really if you think your character(s) would get along or dislike them it’s really all good with me they’re always ready to fite or maybe just play animal crossing with them pls 
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luccislegs · 4 years
The goddess of writing for polyamory can we please be blessed with All Might/Reader/Aizawa where reader and Aizawa still have their hero jobs so they often go on patrol together, but one night they come home to find All Might feeling down because he’s no longer able to do heroics anymore? The two of them decide to do something to cheer him up and make it up to him, it can be fluff or nsfw! I’m lof u :sadcat:
@jinxxyminxxy here you are even tho i know this mostly for me, and i appreciate it 🥺 i was on a really soft, insecure, needed comfort all might kick when i wrote these so fite me if u don’t like it 😤 i was gonna try and do smut but i just,,,wasn’t feelin’ it idk. this is also 2k words oops
You and Aizawa both know that it’s hard on Toshi, watching the two of you carry on with your hero duties while he’s stuck at school teaching or at home watching the news for any hint of you. No matter how many times you’ve told him that you like having him home at night, ready with a meal after a long day, he still feels like a burden.
Or that’s what he tells you, anyway. You’re both sure it’s true, but you know deep down that it’s more than that. There are feelings of insecurity, self loathing, and worthlessness stewing below there, but All Might won’t spill them no matter how gently you coax. So the best you and Aizawa can do is support him where you can, reminding him that you’re there for him.
On that particular night, you and Aizawa are out far later than normal. Having had no time to even shoot Toshinori a quick text letting you know you would be late, the two of you completely forget amidst the chaos and destruction the villain is causing. By the time everything is over, it’s 3 hours past when your patrol was supposed to be over and the two of you are bone tired.
Ignoring the swarming news helicopters, reporters, and adoring fans and rescued victims wanting to thank you for saving them, the two of you duck away, letting other heroes take the spotlight so that you can rush home. Now that the adrenaline has worn off, you’re both in hurry to get back to Toshi, to reassure him you’re alright and also maybe get something to eat.
It was probably the not knowing, or maybe it was just his norm when you and Aizawa aren’t home, but when the two of you stumble into the house, Toshi is slumped over the table with his head in his hands. Judging by the ragged breathing and the unkempt, tussled spots in his hair, something was wrong.
“Toshi, what is it?” you ask, rushing to his side. Aizawa follows at a slower pace, settling down on his other side and threading his fingers through All Might’s disheveled blond locks.
Toshi freezes as he realizes he’s been caught. It was something he was ashamed of, the jealousy he feels that the two of you can carry on as if nothing is wrong-- which is an unfair thought. He knows you worry for him, knows he’s being irrational, and it’s one of the reasons he hides his feelings. He doesn’t want to drag either of you down with him.
“W-Welcome home,” he murmurs, pulling his hands from his face. Taking either of yours in his, he forces a smile to his face. “How was your patrol? You’re running awfully late.”
You share a worried, critical look with Shouta, who’s giving you his own before nodding sharply. “We’re sorry we couldn’t let you know. I don’t know if you’ve seen the news, but things got very out of hand tonight.”
Aizawa picked up where you left off, squeezing Toshi’s thin fingers in his. “But don’t try to distract us. This has been going on far too long. You need to talk to us.”
You wince at his blunt, straightforward statement. He wasn’t known for his tactfulness (unless it was directed at kids, and even then...) but you wished just this once he could be a bit softer. But you were there, as ever, to pick up his slack. “Honey, you can’t keep doing this to yourself. We’re a team and we’re here for you. Talk to us, please.”
Toshi sighed then, slipping his hands from yours. They folded in his lap and he stared at his knees for several long moments. He was grateful that you were home, and deep down there was relief that his hand was being forced. There was one fear that was greater than all the others, and that was his fear of losing the two of you. Whether you realized it or not, you and Aizawa were his anchors, the only thing keeping him from drowning in his own self-pity. 
But that didn’t make it any easier on him, finding the words to explain how he felt. It was years of stewing and pushing these feelings down, only letting himself fall victim to them when he knew he was alone. Putting them into words wasn’t something he’d ever really considered doing.
“It’s got to do with us being heroes still, doesn’t it, Toshi?” Aizawa asked at last. He was always the most perceptive of the three of you, and both you and Toshi were grateful for it now. 
It gave him a place to start, and he nodded. “W-Well, sort of. It’s-- You know how I felt about retiring. It was necessary but…”
“But you didn’t want to. We know, Toshi,” you said. You wanted to reassure him, but felt like it wasn’t the right time. Right now, he just needed prompting to vent. Reassurance would only cause him to shut down.
“Right. I don’t like just sitting at home while the two of you go out on dangerous patrols. It makes me feel so worthless.” The last part was murmured, and you could hear the shame in his voice. “I know that isn’t fair to the two of you, so I didn’t say anything.”
You shifted, situating yourself as comfortably as you could besides him, with his knees tucked under the table and your hero costume digging and chafing after wearing it for so long. Covering the hand you were already holding with your other one, you leaned forward, pressing your forehead to his cheek.
On his other side, Aizawa sighed, giving Toshi a fond, exasperated look. “You fool. You aren’t worthless just because you can’t do this anymore. You did it for damn near thirty years. Probably more, given how stubborn you are.”
You nodded, the motion awkward against his cheek, and Toshi leaned into you a little. “You gave everyone so much. A Symbol of Peace. Years of peace and security. Your health, almost your life. Toshi, how could you be worthless?”
Before either men could react, you had thrown yourself at Toshi, knocking him into Aizawa, who was just quick enough to brace himself for the impact. You giggled from atop them at Toshi’s stunned look and Aizawa’s half-hearted scowl. While you were nuzzling into Toshi’s neck, you felt Aizawa’s arms come around the two of you, though he could only reach so far.
“I know you say that but how...how could you like me-- like this?” Toshi asked, staring blankly up at the ceiling. This was another deep rooted insecurity that he had been avoiding. Most of the time the thoughts were drowned out by your constant presences and actions, reassuring him that you weren’t there for show. But then the two of you would kiss him goodbye and head off together, leaving him alone at home and they would rear their ugly heads. And when neither of you had bothered to let him know you would be home late...
His fingers were threaded between Aizawa’s on your sides, squeezing so tight that Aizawa was sure he would lose feeling in them shortly. But he squeezed back nonetheless, telling him he wasn’t going anywhere. “Like what? Like a man who’s given his all for a country? Like a man who’s literally given his health for millions of strangers who don’t even know what he’s done? Like what, All Might?”
Toshi flinched at Aizawa’s use of his hero name. It was like there was a disconnect there now. He was still All Might, but he no longer felt like he deserved to be All Might. “Like a walking skeleton ready to keel over at any moment.”
Neither of you missed the slight tensing and quick relax in his body, and you sat up, pulling Toshi with you. For as strong as Aizawa was, you knew it couldn’t be comfortable with 200+ pounds of weight laying on him.
Aizawa situated Toshi between his legs, resting his head on the older man’s shoulder while you straddled his legs, cupping his face in your hands. “Well first off, you’re our skeleton, and don’t you forget it.”
That got a chuckle out of both of them, Aizawa covering his face with his hand in exasperation. “You’re ridiculous, _____.”
Sticking your tongue out at him, you continued. “Second, Aizawa said it already. You are someone who’s given everything for everyone. We couldn’t be more proud to be with you, to call you ours. Lastly and most importantly--”
“You are All Might. You *earned* that title and you shouldn’t let anyone take it from you--”
“Least of all yourself, Toshi. You shouldn’t sell yourself so short. You worked so hard to build your name and your reputation--”
“And the fact that you think you don’t deserve it now is insulting to everything you’ve done in his name.”
In the silence that followed, you could have heard a pin drop. From the deep shadows of his eyes, tears began to fall. You wiped them away as quickly as you could, and when Aizawa realized what was going on, he pressed his lips to Toshi’s neck, squeezing his middle tighter.
“We aren’t going anywhere, Toshinori. I hope you don’t forget that again,” Aizawa drawled against his skin. He could feel the prominent scar underneath his partner’s shirt, a symbol of pain and all that Toshi had fought for, given up, and lost over the last several years. His hand slid up, pushing Toshi’s shirt up and ran his fingers over the twisted flesh, causing him to jump.
“We couldn’t be happier. Maybe you can’t support us from the field, but do you know how much it means to us to come home to you? It’s like a breath of fresh air after a patrol, seeing your face. Even if he won’t admit it, we both feel as much. We love you, Toshi. Please don’t forget that,” you murmured, pressing a tender kiss to his lips.
Aizawa followed your sentiment, trailing languid kisses up the side of Toshi’s neck, ending just beneath his ear. “And if we have to, we will show you just how much we mean it, won’t we, _____?”
The smirk you gave Toshi was devilish and almost criminal. “Is that what you need? Do we need to show you how much you mean to us, All Might?”
Aizawa could feel him gulp under his lips, his fingers tightening on your thighs as he struggled to come to terms with this new arousal and his still jumbled feelings. At last, he sighed, giving you a soft kiss and laying his hand across Aizawa’s, the one still covering his scar like he was protecting it.
“Not tonight. Tonight I think I just want...to watch movies. Is that okay?” he asked, giving you a tired smile. His eyes fluttered closed as your lips covered his, jumping at the slight nip on his neck from Aizawa.
“Whatever you want, sunshine. Let us get changed out of these costumes, okay?” you said, standing up and helping your partners to their feet. You knew Aizawa’s costume was a lot more comfortable than yours, but even he had his limits. 
“I’ll heat up dinner again,” Toshi said, half-stumbling towards the kitchen. The two of you smiled, laughing under your breaths at how easily the man was flustered by your affections. 
In the bedroom, as you got undressed, you had a dawning realization. Half-clothed, you pulled Aizawa to you, enjoying the feel of his warm skin on yours. He was surprised by the intense kiss you bestowed him, letting his hands settle on your hips. Pulling back, you gave him a serious look. “You know I love you too, right?” 
Aizawa laughed, looking a little concerned. “Yes, kitten. And I love you. Is everything alright?”
You shrugged, drawing small patterns on his chest. “Yeah, everything’s fine. I just felt like saying it.”
In a moment, you were crushed to his chest, his fingers wound in your hair and his breath raspy in your ear, and you knew he understood your sentiment. The door creaked open mid-hug, and Toshi watched the display with a shy, hopeful look. Laughing at his timid behavior, which you figured wasn’t ever going to change, you both opened your arm to him, ending up in a smushed, awkward threeway hug.
He towered over both of you, hiding his face in the top of Aizawa’s head, who in turn was resting his on top of yours. Your head was directly over his heart, listening to it stutter at a fast and uneven pace, and you felt a flood of adoration all over again for the two men. 
They were yours and you would never let them forget it and the warmth in their gazes when you pulled away told you all you needed to know about how they felt.
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secret-engima · 4 years
Ohh? TWO bby AUs?
Me: Okay so- I mentioned this FOREVER ago back when Pretty Song verse was just getting started, but off and on this little Cor-Child bunny will jump out and bite me. The basic idea is either Cor or (more commonly in my head) a CHILD of Cor that he may or may not know about falls through dimension and winds up in the underground as Frisk (I forget what name I gave the child OC but it started with an F I think because I wanted Frisk to be a shortened, mangled version of the name the monsters heard from tiny lisping child tongue).
Anywho, child fall into Underground, child ends up doing a near complete Genocide Run for Reasons (partly the Fite Me Leonis gene, partly past abuse and bad daemon associations, partly just a lot of tragic misunderstandings) but then ends up changing his mind at either the fight with Papyrus or the fight with Sans, does a reset, ends up nailing the True Pacifist and saving all the monsters. Child lives with the monsters for years until he’s ... a young teen? Around 14-15 I think then accidentally winds up going BACK to his “proper” world for some reason (possibly to prevent anyone from using him to perform a reset on his beloved family). Child’s only companion who knows about his past is Flowey, who is ... mostly reformed if still stuck as a flower and who came with him during the jump because Flowey is his Seeing Eye Flower.
Because I stumbled across a fancomic series that had a Frisk who’d gone blind at some point in their runs and it melted my heart and I’m very sad that I never found it again so I shall just make a Blind!Frisk of my own kthanks.
The basic idea all started because I wanted to mentally play with a pacifist protag who, for whatever reason, no one EXPECTS to be so stubbornly kind and pacifist. I toyed with it being Cor because Cor Being a Pacifist would be weird and fun to play with but in the end chose a Cor-Child because seeing the dynamic between said stubbornly pacifist, formerly Fite Me Child and his very Fite Me not pacifist parent was arguably more interesting. Particularly the whole “talking flower, blindness, LOTS of scars from all his deaths/save reloads, hints that he was once not NEARLY so stubbornly pacifist and something has made him scared not of fighting, but of HIMSELF being in a combat scenario as a combatant” thing.
Also Cor-Child might have magic which confuses everyone to no end because he’s definitely not an LC or a Fleuret (learned from the Skelebros, so all his magic attacks looks like bones and those skeledog heads and stuff which brings up a lot of ... THEORIES in the minds of adults who finally see him snap and use magic).
So yeah. Two bby AUs. This one only counts as a bby because I’ve never actually written it out before, but I’ve daydreamed about it off and on for a while not.
Guess it needs a name...
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frpoopstains · 5 years
Ight no one asked but- headcanones sp style
[Literally no one asked,, i have one follower (y u following me? I appreciate u but yyyy)]
A little warning, these arent happy, fluffy little imagines. Some might be,, but dont come in here thinking im a beautiful person with beautiful thoughts
· Butters' dad is abusive af and im not just talking about the grounding, i mean legit physical abuse, verbal, etc. Why else would this pure vanilla bean be so used to how he's treated by others? He doesnt bat an eyelash at the continuous onslaught of bullying and i can only think thats because its nothing compared to at home
· Stan despises his dad and often fantasizes about him dying,, he's terrfied of growing up to be just like him. But we all know he will :(
· Stan becomes an alocholic when he's still in highschool
· Kyle has anxiety™ and gets frequent panic attacks
· Clyde is as straight as it gets but is a passionate ally
· The real reason why Cartman is so horrible to Kyle is because he's actually in love with the ginger and doesn't know how to deal w it
· on the topic of ginger... Eric Cartman is. fucking. ginger.
· im also fully on board with him having heterochromia
· Butters' has a very gruesome scar from when he was hit with the ninja star
· Craig loves anime and reads manga frequently,, Him and Tweek binge anime all the time as like a "datenight" at Tweek's.
· Kyle and Stan used to have sleep overs every weekend and beg on school nights but as they get older, their parents get worried they might have caught the gay for each other and dont let them hang out anymore
· Stan is actually an emo/goth/metal head at heart
· Kenny is a pothead and is a dealer to support his siblings and himself as his parents' meth addiction and alcoholism spiral out of control (more so than already)
· Kenny came out as pan and genderfluid to the gang and they're fully supportive. Kyle will often set him up with dates (Kenny would never show :( but Kyle was determined.
· Kenny always had a thing for Butters but never had the self-esteem to admit it or ask Butters out
· on the topic of Bunny, Kenny will only stand to call Butters 'Leo' uwu
· Stan self-harms and is very good at hiding it. Cartman is the only one who knows (he caught Stan in the act)
· Cartman was molested as a very small kid which is why he's so messed up in the head. When he remembers what happened to him, Liane forces him to get therapy. Although he's still a dick, he isn't as horrible and can show his love towards his friends and mom.
· Stan and Kyle hold hands whenever they can. Under tables, when no one is looking, squeezes for insurance
· Cartman is the only one who understands that Kenny can't die and remembers every time he has died/was killed
· Stan will often run away from home and stay at Kyle's (he'll sneak through the poor soul's window and scar the shit outta him)
· Craig and Tweek will often text "i love you" "i love you more" back forth like they're in a cheesy romcom
· Craig is one very tall boyo
· Stan found out he was gay when Wendy dressed up as a boy to get at Cartman
· Kenny doesnt hit a growth spurt and stalemates at an outstanding 5'7
· on the topic of height, stan doesnt get ovet 5'9 sjend and Kyle gets over 6'0 hahebejshs
· Kyle might be a day-walker (a ginger without freckles) but his entire body is covered with beautiful reddish-brown freckles
· Style switches fite me
· Cartman is actually pretty PC (i say that lightly lmaao) and accepts everyone. He just thinks shits funny and had a habbit of taking jokes much too far
Well this is one long list of seamless thoughts so i better stop.
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spadesofthecards · 5 years
Discord ask about Spaghetti
first impression: wow okay, red head, looks fancy af. also hard to get. but, def interested in u.
now: fun fact! i was actually the very first spaghetti on twitter, before he got banned. (like, legit, i got perma banned from twitter. didn't even know that was a thing. whoopsie on my part) i also ran the second twitter account for a bit, but now its run by someone else. buuut, this lets you know i have done quite an analysis on the character.
so, first things first, i made sure i got to know his interactable character first. he is a very snobby, up tight character, which matches his rich vibe that he has. He is a self proclaimed king, and he very much acts and expects to be treated as such. as well as very proffesional, at least in what he works. He expects high quality jobs, as well as high returns and profits in return for a job done well. If he doesn't get what he wants, then he doesn't want it. To quote him, "If I'm not interested then I don't want it."
Of course, thats looking at the surface of his character. Deeper, spaghetti is a very wounded charater. Those whom he trusted betrayed him and his MA, to the point where once his MA was deemed too useless and worthless, killed him. And i mean, for someone whom you went from poverty to the high life, seeing what he assumed to be warmth and welcome, only for it to be utterly crushed and who you are very close to is killed by back stabbers, I would expect them to snap. Spaghetti just went down another path than what some other folks may have done, but tbh he isn't a weak character, and I don't see him being broken over it, at least for long. He would use the sadness, turn it to rage and revenge, because he is strong and determined character.
If im honest, I see Spaghetti more as an anti hero. I mean, some of the jobs he takes, or at least gives to the others in his group, are actually good jobs. That, and i feel like if it really came down to it, he would genuinely help people (of course he may also expect a price). I mean, think about it, someone who takes jobs for money, but sometimes also takes jobs to help others (sorta like he did with oyster), sounds a lot like a certian super hero who wears a lot of red and black... XD
But, again, Spaghetti still does some things that tips the scale from anti hero to villian. and, tbh, i do not mind that one bit. in fact, i very much like it. Its like he has an internal struggle with himself, but we only get to see the surface of it, leaving us fans to figure out what is going on in his head. Did he rescue oyster just because he saw the potential for such a strong food soul on his team? or was it more because he saw himself in oyster, seeing how once he was determined useless or dangerous, he was tossed aside and mistreated? its up to us to decide, and i really love that.
And his group. His team. His assets. Its an odd bunch, so many wildly different characters. Stargazey, a princess who doesn't seem to have morals, or at least doesn't follow any. Borscht, the strong female that often lends spaghetti the voice of reason, as well as care (for when he isn't stupidly stubborn to the point of fustration.) Black pudding, who seems to really only be there for preztel, but also for stargazey (i haven't read her backstory or stargazey, so idk much on them). Oyster, who also sees Spaghetti for himself (to an extent) but stays cause he was the first to show him any sort of compassion other than beer. and Black forest cake, which is an odd ball herself XD. its sich an interesting and diverse group, and i absolutely adored seeing them interact in the oyster event, vetting that slice of life. its almost like a family. Of course, I don't think Spaghetti realizes its a family. That and its not exactly the perfect, or even good family. there are many flaws in the group, but, they do all seem to work well together, even if many headaches ensue lol. but, i can say i feel like spaghetti is secretly very proud of his team and the fact they work like a well oiled machine, most of the time XD
speaking of machine, lets talk about what i think about him and bifty. Definitely an interesting relationship, and one I'd like to see more interactions of now between the two groups. I get a mixed vibe about their relationship, and tbh, i think thats what spaghetti feels too about it. sure, spaghetti saw bifty as an asset, much like the rest of the team. just another cog in the machine, one that worked very well. but, i feel like once he started to see him more as a human (abliet probably in his subconscious), he grew closer to him. of course, as we have learned in Oyster's back story, spaghetti was devistated when bifty left, not just because of him loosing a toy. oyster said in his back story he could feel that Spaghetti felt a deeper loss after bifty left. and,.as i said before, i am very interested to see what they may have planned for them in the future.
personally, spaghetti is probably my 3rd or fourth favorite character, but with him having so much potential, he can easily also be my second favorite, behind beer. sure, he may be a twisted character, with a group he mostly only sees as his worker bees or subjects, and may only care for them as assets or a team, but there is so much that can be done with him. or, maybe not. maybe he doesn't ever change, and i wouldn't mind it at all, and he would still be one of my top favorite characters.
td;dr: evil pasta noodle is great villian, 2nd to scar from the lion king. he also pastafarian fite me.
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scatterpatter · 5 years
[ROUGH DRAFT] Corren’s Backstory
Okay so i REALLLY stress the “rough draft” part because I need to run this by my dm and he’ll probably need me to make changes, but this is the general idea so far- granted its worded for him and the group who know the story already rather than for like a new player, so sorry if a lot of things are out of context XD
Content Warnings: Death, emotional and physical abuse, violence, depression
Life for Corren was pretty par for the course for a Marelienth child. He lived with his father, mother, and 2 older siblings in a somewhat large town known as Warrencrest. Warrencrest was a town nestled in the Thistlepoint mountain range- a range named for the thistle-bearing plants that lined the edges of the trails. Many adventurers traveling through the mountain range wouldn’t take the trail through Warrencrest, so the city did not see many travelers. Of course travelers and adventurers weren’t rare, but the town was mostly made of Marelienth residents.
Growing up, Corren was the youngest of three siblings- his brother Julian being the middle child and his sister Mila being the eldest of the bunch. Mila and Julian were very close in age, though Corren was considerably younger. Despite this, they were as close as siblings could be- even building a tree house on their property. Most in his town practiced spellcasting in one way or another- and that followed to his family. Julian was a necromancer, and Mila was an Evoker. Due to a lack of visitors and adventurers, there were often all sorts of jobs and mini-quests posted for townsfolk to take to earn some extra cash.
Julian and Mila were definitely the adventuring types, always taking jobs to help provide for the family when not working their usual jobs. They loved every minute of it, and they’d do it full-time if they didn’t have a family to help provide for. Corren was far too young to accompany them, since many quests involved either fighting enemies and monsters or some other form of treachery, but they let him tag along on more tame quests such as deliveries or escorts. They were both so kind and happy to have him tag along, and he wanted to be just like them when he grows up.
… But things couldn’t be perfect forever. When Corren was about the Marelienth equivalent of a pre-teen, Mila got sick. It didn’t seem serious at first, but her condition slowly began to deteriorate. No one knew exactly what this illness was nor where she contracted it, but many believe she contracted it on one of her adventures with Julian. Healers in Warrencrest did whatever they could to help save her, but for whatever reason, they couldn’t. She died in their home.
Julian and Corren were understandably devastated upon losing their big sister, and neither really knew how to cope. The day she died, they spent the entire afternoon in their treehouse, just hugging each other close and not saying a word, crying in each other’s arms. … Though, Julian was a grief-stricken young adult with a focus in necromancy. That never ends well. That night, while everyone else was sleeping, Julian snuck to where they kept Mila’s body… and attempted to use his magic to resurrect her. One cannot truly resurrect a corpse unless they are level 20, and Julian was far from 20, but that didn’t stop him.
Corren woke to the sound of screaming, rushed over to where the noise had come from- only to find his sister’s corpse, still fresh and beginning to rot… attacking his brother. Mila was not herself anymore, she was a mindless undead creature with the mind of a cornered animal. Corren watched in horror as his parents rushed over to help Julian and ultimately kill the creature that was once Mila. Being only one undead creature, the battle itself wasn’t hard, but it looked too much like Mila for anyone to willingly bring more harm than necessary to it. The battle quickly ended and she was laid to rest a final time.
This was the last straw for their parents, though. They chewed Julian out for being so reckless and for essentially desecrating their daughter’s corpse. As things escalated they eventually kicked Julian out of their home forever, unofficially banishing him from the town. Corren attempted to protest, but no one listened to him. As they were throwing him out, Julian caught one last look at his little brother and shouted “We’ll meet again, this isn’t goodbye forever!” and, as a physical reminder of this promise, threw a pendant to Corren. The pendant was nothing special- a simple amethyst wrapped with copper wiring on a chain, but Julian would always wear it, and now it belonged to Corren.
To this day, they still haven’t found each other. Julian could be long dead for all Corren knows. He has no leads on where his brother could have possibly ended up.
The next few years were the hardest. Being the Marelienth equivalent of a teenager, he now had to truly focus on studying and magic, and his parents became extremely strict with him now that he was the only child of theirs that wasn’t dead or disowned. They forbade him from any questing, as they believe that’s what killed Mila, but they also forbade anything to do with necromancy, as that’s what Julian specialized in and they didn’t want Corren to turn into someone like that. They pressured him into various “safe” schools of magic, to which Corren eventually decided on Chrono-Busting.
Over the years, the tree that their childhood treehouse rested upon grew old and began to rot, and one storm brought winds high enough that made the tree topple altogether. The treehouse was ruined and unsalvageable, and as Corren stared at the wreckage that once brought him so much joy, he felt that last pit of childhood innocence fade from his soul. He kept to his studies, completely absorbing himself in books to try and distract himself from the vast emptiness he felt inside himself. As he learned how to properly cast Rope Trick, he found the room he was brought to could be molded to look like anything he wanted… … Of course, it was that tree house. It was still empty and depressing without his siblings, but at least it gave him good memories to cling to.
 … Though, he still kept the small amethyst pendant that Julian gave him. He simply couldn’t hate his brother, no matter how much his parents tried to convince him of how awful his brother was. He still looked up to Julian and still aspired to be like him… maybe without the whole “messing up in trying to revive their dead sister” part. He couldn’t help himself, as he started to study necromancy on the side, learning a few spells in that field. He knew what he was doing was wrong, but… he simply couldn’t help himself. 
One night, however, his father caught him practicing his necromancy, and things quickly went south. Corren admittedly doesn’t remember much about what happened that night, it was a blur. All he remembers is there was a lot of yelling- mainly from his father- him trying to explain himself, his father grabbed something from the desk, a sudden movement- and next thing he knew, Corren was on the floor, a dull throbbing in his head as he only saw red from his right eye. Time felt like it slowed down from there- he wasn’t sure if it was from the adrenaline or the fact that he was studying how to manipulate time itself, but it was just enough to act before he got hurt any worse. He didn’t mean to cast a magic missile… it just… happened. To be honest, to this day he’s unsure if he killed his father or simply wounded him, because once he hurt his own parent he knew there was no going back. Panicking, he took the amethyst necklace, a cloak to shield him from the elements, and ran.
He knew he wouldn’t survive a winter in the Thistlepoint range without a proper shelter, so his first order of business was to get away from the mountains and flee to a town with a more temperate climate. As he was crossing one river, he spotted his reflection in the water and realized why his vision in his right eye had gone wonky: whatever he got hit with was sharp, and left a good scar across his eye. Great, now he looks like a criminal too. But it was something he’d have to live with. His vision returned to normal within a few weeks which was good, though of course he still needed glasses. 
The next few years he just spent on the run, hopping from town to town. He never stayed in one place too long, as he didn’t want to raise any suspicion and for people to find out he was a runaway from a town he could potentially be wanted in. He absolutely hated this life, he hated feeling like a criminal, he hated how afraid he was to be found out and forced back home, he hated how he barely scraped by… and he hated being alone. He missed Mila. He missed Julian. … At least his scar slowly healed over the years, to the point where most don’t notice. At least he didn’t look like a criminal anymore.
One day, going between towns, he ran into the city of Lilenthemar. The story he told the residents there was that he was some kind of refugee from the Crescenfall area. Luckily they seemed to trust him and his story enough to allow him to stay a while, so that became his temporary home. … One day, though, he ran into an interesting fellow by the name of Jethro Mosen. He doesn’t even remember how they began talking, especially since Corren was far from the social type. Yet- something just clicked. He found himself conversing with this man, avoiding as much about his own story as he could but rather focusing on who he currently was. Though, Jethro seemed to have picked up on something, and began asking more… intellectual questions. It felt as though he was being quizzed… but Corren didn’t study magic and history for years for nothing, so he answered everything with ease. 
Then… Jethro smiled. No one had smiled at him like that since he was a child. Before he could question it, Jethro offered to hire him as a historian for the Mosen household. Corren couldn’t believe what he was hearing. To be offered a job and a place to stay- and to offer that to a stranger? There had to be some kind of catch, right? Jethro explained that whatever his story was, he was clearly qualified. Maybe it was obvious that Corren was currently homeless and jobless, to be offered a position on the spot, but… how could he say no?
And that’s what lead him to live in Lilenthemar as he aged into adulthood. He had a job that paid for food, a shelter to keep him warm, a place far from Warrencrest… And most importantly, he had Jethro. Someone who took him in and cared for him, seeming not to care about who he used to be but rather who he is now, and was so much more than an employer, he was a friend. He was even the only person that Corren had ever told his true backstory to, and despite being a runaway criminal, Jethro was so understanding and non-judgemental to his situation. Some may think that his feelings towards his employer are romantic, and honestly Corren himself doesn’t really know what he feels for Jethro… but all he knows is that for the first time in many years, he didn’t feel completely empty anymore.
The next few years he remembered what it was like to feel happy. He grew his magical skills, still mostly chrono-based but with his typical dash of necromancy. He learned to handle firearms to defend himself if magic couldn’t suffice. He began a collection of books that quickly grew into full library now that he didn’t have to be on the run with minimal possessions anymore. He even wrote a few books based on his studies, mainly focusing on the Menoa tree. He spent much of his time studying the magical properties of this place, albeit a bit frustrated that he couldn’t ever seem to activate these supposed magical properties. He kept the amethyst pendant all these years and almost never took it off, though he usually wears it underneath his clothing to protect it, so it’s rare for anyone to actually see it. He spent much of his time with Jethro, offering to help out with chores or housekeeping whenever not doing his usual historian tasks. He would find just about any excuse to have bonding time with the other, but why wouldn’t he? He may not have been this exciting adventurer that he wanted to be when he was a child… but he had a stable life that treated him well, which is more than what most of his adolescence offered.
But then… he met the F.U.C.K.s, as Jericho was Jethro’s son and the crew needed escort to the Menoa tree. Corren was more than willing to help someone of the Mosen family, so he didn’t mind giving them escort at all. Though… they quickly revealed themselves to be so much more than a typical group of adventurers. The Menoa tree immediately reacted to their presence, putting them through a series of trials before bestowing a magical weapon to Jericho. And yet… they hardly reacted, as if this was normal to them. Corren… admittedly had a meltdown in front of them, he’ll admit it, yet he just couldn’t wrap his head around who the hell these people were! Who just shows up, activates a magical tree, accepts a magical object from said tree, then turns around and leaves like that isn’t a huge deal?! Yeah, no, that was enough excitement for him. He escorted them back and told them how to get to their next destination… then he took a goddamn nap. He was so done with that crazy shit.
… Yet, he couldn’t quite forget them as easily as he wanted to. There was something so familiar about them… and then it clicked. They were just like Julian. Loud, dorky, rushing head-first into adventure, and not questioning how crazy life was for them. He nearly forgot what living life as an adventurer could be like, since that was something he gave up in favor of a stable life. He did whatever he could to distract himself from these thoughts, yet they never failed to creep back.
One day, while with Jethro, they both received the news that Jericho and company were going to war. Not just any war, the war against the Scabbards- Corren was lucky enough to have never run into them before, but he heard the stories over what they were capable of. They both knew this wasn’t going to be an easily-won war, and many would die in its wake. Jethro was worried about his son, and could Corren blame him? They weren’t fighters, though, so all they could do was sit back and wait for news- good or bad. … Unless?
To this day he didn’t know what came over him, but Corren offered to go and assist Jericho, doing whatever he can to keep him and his party alive. He came up with every excuse to go: he was a historian and wanted to witness this historical event, he was a skilled spellcaster who could help the party when need be, he had a sniper rifle and pistol to use when not using magic, so on and so forth. Something was pushing him to join and help… and he had a feeling Jethro could see that, considering how willingly he allowed Corren to go.
And that’s how he rushed to the city of Joshua as fast as he could. Admittedly, he was pretty late in the game, considering how the walls came down and just how many either evacuated or lied dead on the ground. But he knew who he was here for, and he was determined to catch up to them… of course he tripped the moment they saw him. Of course. But he was relieved to see that everyone in the party was still alive. It took some convincing, but they let him tag along and offer whatever help he could.
This had to be the worst place to begin adventuring- right near the climax of a brutal war? Well, things were never easy for Corren, so he gladly took on the challenge. Maybe it was rude to feel so exhilarated when so many were dying around him, but hey, he’s part-necromancer, death is far from foreign to him. But what made his heart race more than anything was the party he was with. They were brave and strong, inspiring and kind, even if annoying and confusing at times- they were just like Julian. In every action they took, in every enemy they slain, he saw his brother. He saw his brother in each and every one of them. He’d never admit it, but he was quickly growing endeared to them- he didn’t really know what he was doing, but he knew that it was right. 
All he has to do is try and prevent these dorks from getting killed.
No pressure or anything.
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ninjago-hc-blog · 5 years
Ninja headcanons
•Likes to knit sometimes
•Pure baby boy
•He gained sass after season 3 and is amazing with comebacks
•He definitely has PTSD
•The ninja go to him to talk about things that bother them
-They all know he’s trustworthy and will keep their secrets
•He doesn’t like many movies about robots; at least the ones that portray them in such a bad light
•He forgets to ‘sleep’ a lot and will have to be reminded at times
•His biggest fears are forgetting, his friends dying, or being corrupted and hurting his friends.
•He may be made of metal but he is a soft boi
•Doesn’t like wearing “revealing” clothing (short sleeves, shorts, etc) because he’s self-conscious about his robotic self
-I headcanon that’s why he wore that full body swimsuit in the beginning of season 11
•He can’t read those “Are you not a robot” things, so he needs help with them
•Zane doesn’t even have a phone because he can just text the other ninja using his head. And it’s really freaking creepy. Like. he’ll be sitting across the room and you’ll suddenly get a text saying “what do you want for dinner”. He doesn’t even turn his head. He likes messing with the others this way
•Also has PTSD
•He has red eyes like his dad but wears green contacts
-He’s very self conscious about his eye color
•After the whole Harumi thing, he’s beyond hesitant to get into any romantic relationships again
•He has so many nightmares about so many things
•This is turning into angst hcs so I’ll spice it up
•He still has a big sweet tooth
-Lay a hand on his candy supply and you better pray
•He has brown hair roots because he uses blonde hair dye
•Lloyd isn’t good at cooking actual meals, but he is able to make some pretty delicious pastries
•He hoards things a lot due to his dragon blood
•Acts like a cat a lot; he will hiss at you
•He hears voices sometimes, a side effect of the staff
•While he’s a huge flirt, when he’s being flirted with he can get flustered
-Oh yeah he def uses makeup
-He wears eyeliner and no one can change my mind
•If he’s cooking he always uses too many spices
•He’s absolutely bisexual
•He usually has some form of bandage on him because he’s always doing something reckless
•I’m always torn on whether or not to hc him as trans or not because a large part of me does
•Fluent in memes
•UwU’s a lot
•Insult his height and he will fite you
-He’s a smol bean
•Wears feminine clothes sometimes
-Hush he’s beautiful
•He for sure has ADHD
•A bisexual bab
•Piggybacks on Cole a lot
•He has the loudest scream you will ever hear
•Has gashy scars on his inner arms :(
•He has a trigger word and it’s “wish”
-If you say that word he immediately panics and will shriek “NO” or “NO WISHING”
-The ninja have just learned not to say that word around him anymore
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the-golden-ghost · 5 years
Dracula: A Comprehensive Summary
(part 4. Now you all understand why this took 4 hours)
Chapter 19:
The Squad Discusses Renfield. Quincy’s like “okay dude either he’s an INCREDIBLY good actor, or you’ve got a sane man locked up in there”
Seward:  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
They all break into Dracula’s house and mess with his pet doggos cause whatever. He’s not there anymore
Mina sleeps late the next morning uh oh
Van Helsing decides to talk to Renfield again and Renfield tells him to go fuck himself
Mina has been having trouble sleeping, and hears the barking of dogs in her dreams. Does this sound familiar? We’re in for it NOW
Chapter 20:
Dracula moved houses and now lives in a beer dispensary cause you know why not
Renfield is starting to lose it again. He is now terrified and haunted by the souls of the living
Seward thinks he’s gonna become a cannibal, and start eating people hence the ‘soul’ thing
He keeps insisting that he only eats living things for their life, and does not want the burdens of their souls. Seward realizes that Dracula got to him somehow and is now trying to turn him into some sort of living vampire OH shit
They go away for a bit to plan more Dracula Slayin’ until Seward gets a message from the asylum that Renfield got in an accident
He is dying
Chapter 21:
So it turns out Renfield somehow ripped the skin off his face, caved his head in and snapped his own neck
How is this possible, you ask? IT’S NOT.
Someone DID that to him. And the culprit?
Yeah it’s Drac lmao
Renfield basically says that Dracula has been sending him flies and moths and shit to eat and Renfield was loyal to him because he wanted some of that power
But then Drac started trying to hurt Mina
And since Everybody Loves Mina, including Renfield, Renfield decided to just straight-up Fite Dracula with his bare hands and he lost miserably and got fatally injured
He presumably dies from his injuries but we don’t get to know cause the Squad leaves immediately after that and so we never find out the ultimate fate of Renfield  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
They hurry to Mina’s house and find some Freaky Shit going on.
Drac has her, is drinking her blood and is also making her drink HIS blood by holding her mouth to his chest which is like
Drac bails when everyone comes in, and Mina is now Officially Cursed :(
So it’s only a matter of time before she ends up like Lucy...
Chapter 22:
The Drac Attack has caused Jon to lose it and Mina to think she’s cursed forever
Van Helsing’s like “nah you’re fine” and they go to a church to bless the devil out of her
Except all it does is burn a scar onto her forehead which makes everything worse honestly
Chapter 23:
Except PLOT TWIST now that Mina’s linked to Dracula she knows his every move. Suck on THAT, Drac!
So now even though she’s rapidly becoming a demon, they have a Spy on their side!
They keep breaking into Dracula’s hidey-holes to destroy his fake coffins but it doesn’t do anything really
They actually catch him one (1) time and try to kill him but he’s like “nah” and escapes
And leaves the country. Everyone is briefly like “oh cool problem solved” but Van Helsing is like “um no actually cause he still has Mina’s soul and if she dies even of old age without being freed she’ll still become a vampire” :(
Chapter 24:
Eventually. Mostly they just Discuss it in this chapter
At first it’s just gonna be The Boys and they’re gonna leave Mina in safety and Jon to “protect” her (really it’s cause Jon is not well enough to go) but then Mina is like “no you need a spy so I’m coming too” and Jon, being the coolest and best husband ever, is like “I’ll go because my wife needs me :) “
Even though tbh she doesn’t but they love each other a lot
Ride-or-Die couple these two
Chapter 25:
Before they go a’Slayin’ Mina calls a meeting
And is like “hey listen if this ends up with me damned to hell for eternity to save you guys, I’m gonna fucking do it cause you’re my bros and I love you”
And then says “but get this: if there comes a point when I’m too far gone and there’s nothing left of me but a demonic shell, PLEASE fucking kill me.”
And they all agree to do it :(
Even though nothing could be worse for anyone than killing Mina. Since everyone loves her
And then, since it’s likely she’s not going to come out of this alive, Mina makes Jon read her burial service. :( But he doesn’t get all the way through because he’s too sad
THIS ONE’S FOR LUCY and Renfield
Anyway it takes forever cause the train is delayed but that’s Eastern European rail service for you  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Chapter 26:
They travel slow. Mina is spying all the way via hypnosis and mental link with Drac.
Quincy is like “LET’S KILL DRAC WITH A GUN” like an American
Everyone preps Battle Stations and Van Helsing decides to stay with Mina cause “he’s old and can’t fight” which is coward talk but heck
Literally the last few chapters are mainly planning and traveling I’m sorry but it gets dull right before The End
Chapter 27:
The End
Mina hates garlic now lol (the locals keep putting it in their food)
The Boys (including Jon) go to Vampire Slay and Van Helsing stays behind with Mina, putting her in a Holy Circle so she can’t get out lest she go Full Vampire, and also so that Drac can’t get in and take her or something.
While they’re hiding out, Drac’s wives come and try to lure Mina to them. It doesn’t work. But Van Helsing is also unable to link her to Drac via hypnosis now :(
Everyone writes their goodbye letters to each other :(
Van Helsing actually discovers Dracula’s Final Coffin and fucks it up so Drac can’t get in and rejuvinate. Rock on
The Boys meanwhile find Drac riding along to his castle on a cart and break into the box he’s traveling in and all four of them Do A Stab on him. Which actually kills him! Who knew!
They didn’t even use garlic or anything just knives. It was really That Easy
Quincy got fatally wounded in the fight though, but as he’s dying he points up at Mina’s forehead, where the scar left by the blessing is gone, and she is free.
NICE EPILOGUE: Everyone is happy, Mina and Jon have a baby named Quincy, Seward and Arthur got married (Bram Stoker said Gay Rights) and Van Helsing is like... the Team Dad idk
And it ends the way it begins: with Everybody Loving Mina.
No literally the last sentence of the book is about how much everyone loves Mina lmao
And that’s a wrap on Dracula! Now you never have to read it, because boy oh boy is it ever a trip
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loremonster · 6 years
Prompt: Dee and Kenny get into a lively and impassioned debate over whether boobs or butts are superior.
Set Before NKS 01
Readmore in consideration to dash-clogging
[Sent, 10:22] so[Sent, 10:22] t or a?
Kenny was bored. It was the last week of summer vacation, with the first day of Middle School fast approaching. Orientation was tomorrow, his class schedule would be arriving in the mail soon, and the period of sleepovers whenever and not getting his sorry ass up until noon would be replaced with the daily pattern of the bus stop and classes.
The rest of the guys were wrapped up in some end of summer bullshit with Eric, trying to cram their last week of freedom with as much adolescent crazy as possible. Kenny had been right there with them for a chunk of it, but things had escalated, as they do, and he’d ended up with an iron rod through the eye. 
At least brain damage blocks out some of the pain in the last few seconds. Take out a chunk of the frontal lobe, suddenly I don’t give a fuck about anything anymore. 
He’d flipped on a local radio show to keep abreast of what the fuck was happening in town, just in case things got bad crazy for his friends… but for now, he was content staying in his room, idly texting one of his other buddies who had listened to Eric’s last ditch summer fun plan and walked the fuck out, and browsing the web for a new bikini babe to put on his phone’s home screen. 
[Received, 10:23] Ass. Ass until the day I die. 
Dee’s response briefly sat atop his screen, making his eyebrows raise up beneath his tightly drawn hood. The fall chill was coming, but it wasn’t cold enough for his parents to turn the heat on just yet. They’d wait for as long as possible to save money on the energy bill, and only heat the house enough to keep pipes from freezing. He shuffled his shoulders up inside his coat, curling up a little tighter on his bed beneath his Sports Illustrated (swimsuit edition) posters. 
[Sent, 10:23] rly dude? i get that ur buttlord an all b cmon[Sent, 10:23] titties[Sent, 10:23] soft round bouncy boobies with perky pink nipples[Sent, 10:24] ud take an ass over that?
This wasn’t the first casual debate he’d had with the effectively mute kid over text. Granted, they usually argued over tactics in their partnered work as Buttlord and Mysterion… arguments Kenny soundly won nearly every time. Dee was a lot of things. A strategic thinker? Not one of them. 
[Received, 10:25] Everyone has a butt. Asses can be soft like boobies but have a little muscle underneath, so it’s always a firm handful for grabbing, and they’re a lot less likely to have surprise surgery scars.[Received, 10:26] Also its on the backside, less chance getting caught staring[Received, 10:26] Asses forever, boob boi
The barrage of ‘evidence’ from Dee got him to stop scrolling on his web browser, switching wholesale to the messenger app and staring more and more seriously at the words on the screen. 
[Sent, 10:27] well evryne has titties 2, technicly[Sent, 10:27] if u got nipples u got titties[Sent, 10:28] and all titties r good titties[Sent, 10:28] even if you cant stick ur weiner btween them[Sent, 10:29] and nipples give u a thing to focus on[Sent, 10:29] boobies = best
[Received, 10:30] HAHA[Received, 10:30] he spends 2 minutes describing perfect playboy breasts[Received, 10:31] and then back peddles to make the ‘inclusive’ argument[Received, 10:31] meanwhile u can stick ur dick between any set of butt cheeks AND REACH AROUND TO MASSAGE THE BOOBIES AT THE SAME TIME[Received, 10:32] Buttz win bitch
A sure sign that Dee was getting into an argument; he dropped his capitalization and spelling habits. 
[Sent, 10:33] dude if i start with the inclusive argument asshats start screaming UR GAY[Sent, 10:34] screw a dude for habits, nipples r cute and u’ll never change my mind
He smirked, and decided now was a good time for eggplant spam. 
[Received, 10:36] You done?
Nope. Eggplant for days.
[Received, 10:39] I’m just gonna wait until you’re done.
Then you’re gonna be waiting a fucking long time, ain’t ya? I ate a used tampon to get unlimited texting on this phone, motherfucker, and now you shall face my purple wrath. 
[Received, 10:41] K, gonna go get my workout in, BBL
Oh, shit.
[Sent, 10:41] No no no[Sent, 10:41] ur the only one active rn[Sent, 10:42] do not condemn me to the boredom[Sent, 10:42] fite me Assmaster
[Received, 10:43] Asses are beautiful and fun to grab[Received, 10:44] And a firm ass is a good indicator that a person gets a healthy amount of exercise[Received, 10:44] Big titties are a good sign that someone either got work done or has back issues[Received, 10:45] I’ll take healthy over painful, thx
[Sent, 10:46] BLASPHEMY 
Kenny didn’t even realize he was grinning, certain the utterly hyperbolic argument was about to start back up… but he didn’t get a response right away. His all-caps cry remained as the newest message for a full five minutes; a time in which he started off mildly annoyed… and then concerned. 
[Sent, 10:53] dude u ok?[Sent, 10:54] i didnt mean it truce alright?
Still no answer. It was weird; Dee usually announced when he was dropping out of a one-on-one text conversation. It was a courtesy Kenny had gotten used to, even if it was kinda weird for a guy friend to observe the social niceties over text. 
A sense of dread grabbed the bottom of his spine, making him sit up a little straighter in bed as a vague anxiety worked it way between vertebrae like the many tiny legs of a centipede. Each individual tip prickled his skin along the way. 
Finally, there was an answer. 
[Received, 11:02] Text Wendy. We have a situation.
Creeping dread was shed off with a heavy exhale, but the next inhale brought in a more serious sense. Dee’s situations were a regular issue… and when the kid suddenly stopped answering, Kenny had been well and truly worried that one of those situations had gotten to him before they could do something about it. 
They weren’t just partners. They were friends. He cared about the guy. Cared enough to put his immortal ass in front of government agents and take the occasional bullet for the fucker. Sudden radio silence was shit that made him paranoid, but now that tension could turn to something a bit more proactive. 
[Sent, 11:03] on it
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