#also HI MICAH
titlishu · 2 years
i dont think any person on here period (EVEN LESS any person on anon) has a right to tell you how to live your life or how to have your relationships . youre good ishu . youre *good* . you have done nothing wrong by living your life the way you want to , and no one on the internet has a right to call you a monster for just making the choices you want to .
- micah
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wrylu · 2 months
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quality post
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crowbury · 1 month
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Emi and her girlies met up at the cafe to discuss their winter vacation plans. Little do y'all know, some drama ensued behind the scenes.
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arthursfuckinghat · 7 months
I think a lot of people forget why a character like Micah exists - aside from aiding the plot.
Micah is a guide (of sorts) for you to see what a "bad man" really is, to help you understand why Arthur does what he does and to show you that there's actual thought and morals behind his actions.
Micah, on the other hand, kills because he wants to and for stupid reasons. He is a malicious, mocking, hurtful, and sadistic man who cares very little for anybody but himself. He's a misogynist, racist, and frankly irredeemably evil.
As much as Micah was able to manipulate Dutch, Arthur could see right through him. Ultimately causing a rift between Dutch and Arthur, which is exactly what Micah wanted.
Micah was made for you to see the differences between "good" and "bad" people.
Characters like Sean, Lenny, Charles, all "good" people who have done "bad" just like the rest of the gang, including Arthur. I think the reason that people are quick to say that Arthur was "a bad person until he got tb" is because we see his experiences first hand (plus player choices) and not much of the other "good" gang members' "bad" actions. That and his motives and his background is sometimes misunderstood by players.
Arthur is a "good man", "a saint", "an angel", "a blessing" to some and a "bad", "evil", "cruel" man to others.
Playing as Arthur means getting to understand his internal conflicts and his desire to be a better person, something Micah had no intentions of being.
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gremlin-boah · 29 days
What if we seal Micah's mouth with tape? He won't be able to bite while we mess his hair....
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I hope when I remove that tape his mustache doesn't came with it. Otherwise it was a horrible thing.
Who wants to pet the rat? Tape works 10/10 will buy again.
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bonefall · 8 months
clear sky’s fridged women polycule when
This man's victims need more than a polycule, they need a domestic abuse shelter
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cryptidcr3ature · 7 months
I need to figure out rdr birthdays STAT. I need proof that Dutch is a Leo RIGHT NOW!!!
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legendsliveon · 4 months
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I was getting references for a friend of Micah's lightsabers for some artwork and I realized the crops of the sabers themselves are uh... environmental storytelling of sorts. 🥲
Jedi Council: Acts of War -
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player1064 · 6 months
accidentally outing themselves on live tv? dunno how or if anyone else at sky knows but it’s something they’d do providing some images from the carraville discord that we were talking about yesterday
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god they WOULD end up accidentally outing themselves bc they already can't keep their hands to themselves imagine how much worse they would be.......... I shudder to think............
“I’m here pitchside with Gary Neville –“
“—Carragher were meant to be joinin’ us, but he’s late getting up from London.”
“Yes, quite. I’m sure he’ll be arriving soon. In the meantime – Gary, what are your thoughts on United’s starting line-up tonight?”
Gary is nodding along to something Kelly is saying when his attention suddenly shifts to something off camera. He rolls his eyes as Jamie comes crashing in, bag slid halfway down his shoulders, seemingly unaware of the producer holding his earpiece who’s trying to get his attention.
“Sorry, love,” he says as he hurries up to Gary, immediately stepping into his personal space. He ducks his head down to press their lips together in a quick greeting before he continues, “there was a crash on the M6 or summat, a whole section of the road was closed off. Bloody nightmare, I’m tellin’ ya.”
As he talks, he doesn’t seem to notice Gary’s wide eyed stare, the blush rising in his cheeks, or Kelly clamping a hand to her mouth while her shoulders shake in laughter.
Gary tries his best to compose himself and turns to the camera with an expression caught between terror and amusement, and he says “well, now that Jamie’s very kindly provided us all with a traffic update I think it’s time for us to hear from our colleagues in the studio.” When the light of the camera turns off, he reaches out to give Jamie a slap round the back of the head and hisses “live television, James, how many years’ve you been doin’ this again?”
“Wha?” Jamie looks over, already surrounded by a small hoard of tech people and a make-up artists trying to get him camera ready as quickly as they can.
“Oh my God,” Gary mutters, pinching his brow. “Jamie, you dolt, you just kissed me in front of our live audience of what – a million people?”
“I never,” Jamie says with an offended glare, far too confident for someone who definitely fucking did.
“Oh my God,” Gary repeats. “You don’t believe me? Check your fucking phone.”
“You don’t even get Sky Sports in America, Philip, how have you already seen it?”
“Tray sent it to me, it’s all over Twitter.”
“Oh, well that’s just great then in’t it?” Gary huffs. At Jamie’s questioning look, he repeats “it’s all over Twitter, apparently.”
For a moment Jamie looks almost proud that he’s a trending topic, but he shuts his expression down when he sees Gary’s glare and turns back to his own phone call (“no, Ma, I –”)
“I just don’t understand why you didn’t tell me, Gaz,” Philip whines down the phone. “I tell you everythin’”
“An’ I keep askin’ you not to tell me everythin’! Isn’t a man entitled to a little privacy?”
Group: STF Gang NO PARENTS > Jill: who had money on it being Jamie cos I’m pretty sure I’d said Gary > Roy: I think we all said Gary > Ian: statistically it was most likely to be Gary. > Ian: but Roy said it’d be while they’re covering a match so I think he wins it > Jill: :(((
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Stevie G: > you’re trending on twitter what have you done now > NEVIlLE??? Carra have some self respect
J Redknapp: > you melt 😂 > everyone in the studio is running around panicking rn
MO: > did everyone know except me?? > you’re shite at texting I didn’t even know you had a boyfriend > I didn’t even know you liked men? > Gaz is nice though we should all go for drinks sometime
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Scholesy: > twat why didnt u tell me > u was moaning about him just last week
Philip MU mob: > you hung up before I could say but proud of you Gaz!
Roy Keane MU mob: > does this mean we’re allowed to tease you two about it on camera now > here if you need anything > [image: a blurry, blank-faced selfie with a thumbs up]
BIG MEEKS: > you could do better 🙄😉
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fvkvrodani · 2 months
these days i look at arthur & wonder if he'd have changed had he not contracted tb... bc he already knew that the world doesnt allow outlaws. he already knew or at least suspected that dutch didnt have the gang's best interest. he already knew how things would turn out... or at least suspected.
bc i feel like even without tb, arthur still wouldve tried to save ppl simply bc thats just who he is; hes a responsible, caring person beneath all that tough guy act. & even if dutch was his father that man was tearing the family apart w his madness & bringing other ppl—innocent ppl—down w him too...
he might have grumbled, huffed & puffed, & self-deprecated his way through but he would have still helped people in ch5 & ch6 w/o the tb... the illness just accelerated everything...
("i aint a do-gooder" mhmhmm so why did you help albert mason even tho you had nothing to gain from his friendship? why do you keep helping strangers that have nothing to benefit you financially? why did you rescue a young girl from a murderous incestuous cult, sent her back home, & refused the money her mom was offering you for her return? why do you keep rescuing & helping ppl left right & center everywhere you go?
low honor arthur is canon but high honor arthur is even more so bc of all the things you can do in some of the stranger missions... where youre basically forced by the narrative to help them. sure, some of them do give money to arthur but some dont... some of the stranger missions he does are truly out of the goodness thats hidden in him.)
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It had to be said
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ghost-qwq · 5 months
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silly little characters in my screen, surely nothing will go wrong with them ^^
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pinkysberg · 1 year
whenever i say i hate dutch more than i do micah ppl r always thrown off by that but it's like. anything micah does, dutch does with this veneer of self righteousness. dutch is just as violent and bigoted but he hides it all under this false bravado.
and it's not even his betrayal to arthur and john, or the gang in general, it's the violent destruction he sews in his wake that he doesn't seem to care about - or even notice - that makes me hate him so much.
of course, he's also wildly more interesting to me than micah is. his rich history with characters i do love and care about (like arthur, john and hosea) and the respect they have for him perplex me. but he's not really any better than micah. he's just a little better at not looking and sounding so overtly evil.
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messmers · 7 months
LETS BE REAL HERE OKAY. they're all stinky but one of them gotta be the stinkiest
i didnt have room for every member so unfortunately i had to add the 'other' tag
pls rb im curious
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ENRICHMENT!! I meant -- sensory AND enrichment room!! Yeah!! Uhm!! Does he at least have like one of those bouncy balls to bounce off the walls-- or like-- visitors through the bars of that window (?)
Please fella, I just wanna see the man Happy,, I love that funky endermite,,,,
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Null isn't... really happy where he is. Nor does he get any balls or toys.... But, he does end up with a friend :,)
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stardestroyer81 · 4 months
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Did y'all see yesterday's Starfield strip? 💙🏳️‍⚧️✨
(Pssst... you can get this as a print or on a t-shirt over on my Redbubble store!)
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