#all i post is gay nickelodeon boys
Why is Wrabel following my Henry Danger, hensper fan page tictok account??
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lalal-99 · 5 months
of being true {l.f.} | track 5
©June 2023, April 2024 by lalal-99
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Lee Felix x Jung Wooyoung | trope: strangers to lovers | word count: 9.2k
Synopsis: The one that's about Felix and other pretty people.
Check Chapter Overview for complete list of warnings
Smut tags: explicit content | porn with plot | first time with the same gender | oral (m. rec.) | body worshipping | teasing | anal sex | top/sub dynamics | top!felix | Felix is whipped | sex under the influence (they're not wasted but definitely tipsy) | soft sex | nothing too spicy, honestly, but so, sooo many emotions
Note: This is an interim chapter. You don't need to read this chapter to understand the rest of the main plot. But I advise you do, because it's just so beautiful. Truly one of the best things I have ever written. (Reposting, cause the first upload tanked...)
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Felix learned he was gay at the tender age of 7. That was if he were completely honest with himself.
It happened on a beautiful Sunday morning in his suburban Sydney home. He had just prepped himself a bowl of fruit loops, clad in his pyjamas with his favourite blanket in hand. That’s how he made himself a home on the sofa, turning on the TV with the volume on low so his parents wouldn’t wake. Switching through channels his parents had forbidden him to watch, he finally landed on Nickelodeon. And that’s when he saw him.
Phantom, if that wasn’t clear already.
All the kids at school had talked about the show for weeks, raving over who they thought Danny would end up with. Sam—the sarcastic best friend—or Jazz—the cutesy love interest. Pretty, beautiful and whitty were some of the words his friends referred to them as. Felix needed to see for himself and make up his mind. If not to admire their animated beauty, at least to determine who he preferred.
Needless to say, all intentions went out the window once he saw the underdog protagonist. His hair as black as the night and his eyes as blue as the ocean minutes away from Felix’s house. And that was only the human form of one Danny Fenton. No one could have prepared Felix for the incredible looks of his super-hero alter-ego. His icy grey hair and green eyes were truly something else, and Felix was soon captivated by the fictitious character. A fabricated figure drawn with pencil, but even so the hero of his childhood.
In hindsight, Felix should have known it right then and there.
While his friends argued the show’s female characters, he fantasised protecting Amity Park alongside his idol. Telling him his deepest secrets and hugging him in glee at the end of each episode.
As he was only a child, Felix didn’t think to investigate the intensity of his affection further. He pushed it to the back of his mind. Argued that he didn’t watch the show for its romantic aspects whenever someone asked him about his prefered love interest.
Despite ignoring the nagging thought for all his childhood—oblivious to a deeper meaning behind it—it caught up with him at some point. And that point came in the form of one Cassidy Miller.
Cassidy was one of Felix’s classmates in Year 8. Upon laying eyes on him on the first day of the year, she made it her main plot point to become his girlfriend. During lunch that first day, she chose the seat next to him in the cafeteria, sharing some of her homemade snacks. As a teenage boy amid a growth spurt, he accepted with not another word of persuasion. He didn’t even consider it to be an advance of sorts. Even when his friend high-fived him after the fact, Felix understood it as an act of kindness. Cassidy was trying to make some friends after moving to town weeks prior. Nothing out of the ordinary.
It took him about three weeks of shared snacks every day and a kiss on his cheek to recognise that, yes. A girl had a crush on him. And everything would have been fine. Hadn’t it been for the slight complication that he didn’t feel the same about her. Cassidy was sweet. He would even agree that she was cute with her bunny nose and blonde locks. Conventionally attractive features for a 14-year-old girl.
Before he could break the truth to her, though, she had already introduced him to her parents. Quick, but Felix didn’t get the chance to intervene. He didn’t even know she wanted to introduce them when she asked him to follow her to the parking lot. Let alone introduce him as her boyfriend, much to her father’s dismay.
So, at the fragile age of 14, Felix found himself in a heterosexual relationship with a girl he barely knew but didn’t have the heart to break up with. As though being an unknowing closeted teenager wasn’t enough already.
That relationship, as innocent as it was, lasted 6 months. At most, it consisted of hand-holding and handwritten notes passed during class. Still, it lasted long for a first relationship Felix had no intention of having in the first place.
When Cassidy revealed that her dad had been relocated for the umpteenth time, Felix was even a little sad. She left after only 7 months, thus ending the relationship as it had begun—completely out of his control.
One should think: A closeted gay teen who just came out of a heterosexual relationship he hadn’t intended having? Definitely won’t do that again in the near future.
And that thought was fair. But wrong.
It took around 2 months after Cassidy left when Emily Wilson came into Felix’s life.
Emily was different from Cassidy in many ways. She was one year Felix’s senior, held back a year for grade-related reasons. She had black hair and a sidecut. Eyelids always painted in a thick layer of dark eyeliner which made her look at least two years older than she was. She had a nose ring her parents hadn’t allowed her to get and wore combat boots like part of a religion. Every word leaving her lips was drenched in sarcasm, which drew Felix to her right from the beginning.
It didn’t take Felix more than a few weeks to accept it. If he were to ever have a relationship with another girl, it would be a girl like Emily.
Fortunately for him, she and Cassidy had one thing in common. They were both pretty much obsessed with him from the moment they first laid eyes on him.
Whatever was drawing them to him, Felix decided that what anyone in his position would do, was make a move on Emily. Everyone in his class was obsessing over who was with whom. All his friends went from relationship to relationship in weekly rhythms. So, getting a girlfriend himself was the logical thing to do.
The 1.5 years he spent with Emily were the most fun but excruciating months of his life. Being with someone that long was hard, as much as he loved getting to know every part of her life.
He liked Emily’s parents, and they thought he had a positive influence on their daughter. But they were uber controlling and burst into her room every few minutes to check on them and what they were doing.
He adored Emily’s love for music and art. Every picture she drew for him and every mixtape she made proudly displayed in his room. But, she didn’t allow any opinions on the topics that didn’t correlate with her own. Felix’s love for Pop music? A slap in the face of a proud anti-capitalist. Felix’s one-year-anniversary plans to visit a special exhibition in the museum? Another penny in the pocket of the rich, making them even wealthier.
He fell apart at the touch of Emily’s hands and mouth. Losing his virginity to her left him breathless and in a sweaty sheen for hours. But, as much as he didn’t mind sleeping with her, he couldn’t shake the uncomfortable feeling. She always made the first move. And he was not only lying to himself but to her.
Their relationship was a constant back-and-forth. Liking her while not liking her enough to want a serious future. No matter how hard Felix tried, keeping up the facade became more agonising with every I love you. Eventually, Emily could tell something was eating at her boyfriend. And after 18 unforgettable months together, she finally had enough. She left him with usual harsh words and exhausted tears of relief in his eyes.
Even then, as the doubt and exhaustion finally reached the front lobe of his brain, it took him a couple more years and 3 more relationships to come to terms with reality.
Felix was gay and wouldn’t continue lying to everyone around him.
Well, except for his parents, who, despite living in a modern country, had different values. They weren’t particularly homophobic, though they approached the movement with ignorance. That’s other people. That would never happen to us.
Thankfully, by the time Felix realised he would never be content in a heterosexual relationship, he had already set his eyes on further education abroad. And once he finished High School, he was already packed and ready to head overseas to live as his true self.
Never in a million years had Felix expected to live that true self so early in this new chapter of his life. He had barely set foot onto campus when he bumped into a guy on his way out of the physiology building. Felix almost lost balance but the man grabbed his biceps, delicate fingers steadying him against himself. That’s when he met the guy’s gaze. Beautiful mahogany, surrounded by a sheen of gold eyeliner. Which only made them sparkle even further than Felix was sure they already did. His hair died in layers of blonde and black, ears adorned by so many earrings he couldn’t have counted them. And that cheeky smile on his lips made Felix want to taste him right then and there.
Instead, Felix pulled away, smoothing his t-shirt out as he hugged his bag closer to himself. It gave his hands something to do while hiding the semi he sported. From a short-lived, innocent physical contact, but nonetheless.
“You good?” the guy asked, and Felix nodded, eyes wide as though he had seen a ghost. The man swiped his thumb over his plumb bottom lip with a smirk and a wink as he brushed past Felix. “Next time, keep your eyes on what’s important. Alright, Pretty?”
Pretty. Felix subconsciously nodded at the words as the man rounded the corner with another look back. He remained still for approximately minutes before he shook himself to snap out of it.
And that could have been it. A short, embarrassing moment like he had had so many times before. But that wasn’t Felix’s luck.
God screamed You should see your face at Felix when he entered his Psychology 101 class days later. The same boy stood by the entrance, talking to another guy who looked a little too good in his pink hair.
Felix skimmed past him, feeling the man’s gaze trained on his back as he wordlessly sat between two girls. Anything so he wasn’t exposed to the man’s enticing presence. Making his heart race like that of an untouched virgin.
That’s when Felix diagnosed: He might not be as ready to live his true self as he had thought.
The decision to take his time exploring his identity was easily made. Yet, the pledge lasted only 4 days.
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“Hi, man! How’s it going?”
The first thing Felix noticed about the man in front of Jisung was the age difference.
Jisung might have been Felix’s age phsyically, but he usually carried himself with a heightened sense of maturity. His long-term girlfriend definitely was the cause for that, so much the countless dirty jokes had told Felix.
Jackson, on the contrary, had a sense of wiseness to him. He must have made many a experience that still awaited Felix and Jisung. What exactly made Felix feel like that, he couldn’t pinpoint. Although it likely wasn’t the baggy clothing or the Gucci snapback. Jackson must have come from money, was all Felix took away from them. And if it weren’t for Jackson’s clothing, the golden earrings and chain around his neck would have said as much.
“I’m alright. The workload already has me in a chokehold. But I’ll manage,” Jisung joked with his old friend before turning to Felix. “Jackson, this is my roommate, Felix. Felix, Jackson.”
“Nice to meet you!” Jackson greeted him as he pulled him into a bro-hug. The first of many, Felix was sure.
“So, already swimming in the workload? If it’s too much already, I wouldn’t advise picking Medicine as a Major. I was studying until the second the first guests arrived. And I will continue the moment the house is empty.”
A future doctor? Jackson? Definitely not what Felix had expected, but he didn’t know the guy. All he could go from was the first impression. He knew better than to judge from that alone.
“I’ll keep that in mind. You should tell Y/N before she suggests I also become a doctor.”
“She’s still not giving up on you picking a Major, huh?”
“I swear it’s everything she talked about the past two months.” Felix looked around the place, trying his hardest to ignore the words coming from his friend. It wasn’t like he knew everything about their relationship, nor was he picking sides in this debate. But hearing Jisung talk behind her back like that? It filled him with slight unease. “I love her, but it’s annoying.”
“You probably don’t want to hear it, but she has a point.”
Again, not what Felix had expected from Jackson. Taking Y/N’s side like that.
“There’s nothing wrong with taking a semester to figure things out, but you’ll have to pick one eventually.” Jackson could tell from Jisung’s expression that this wasn’t what he wanted to hear. “But...” Jackson opened three beer bottles from the sink before handing two of them over to Felix and Jisung. “That’s a conversation for tomorrow. Or next week. Right now, we party.”
“Hell, yeah!” Jisung agreed with a cheer before toasting the other two and downing half his bottle.
Felix took a sip, face scrunching at the bitter aftertaste of the liquid. He had never quite grown accustomed to the flavour of beer, his tastebuds preferring vodka or rum. Anything that mixed well with soft drinks.
While Jackson and Jisung chatted away like two estranged friends (which, for as much as Felix had understood, they were), Felix’s gaze wandered through the doorway into the living room. The house gradually filled with young students—some yet sober, some already intoxicated. Felix started appreciating Jisung by his side, so he didn’t have to approach this situation alone. Even if Jisung, right now, was ignoring his presence for his old friend.
Distracted by the loud music, Felix took a few steps out of the kitchen, when suddenly, he got knocked off his feet. Or at least almost.
He would have planted his face straight into the tiled flooring hadn’t it been for a set of delicate fingers coming to his biceps and steadying him. And if it weren’t already a complete recap of his encounter on the first day, Felix met the same mahogany eyes yet again.
Sweet, sweet irony.
The guy recognised him soon enough, a smirk appearing on his beautiful face. How he could be so enticing and cheeky without saying a word was beyond Felix.
“We have to stop meeting like this.”
Invisible strings drew Felix’s eyes to the man’s face, hanging on the way his lips moved whenever he spoke. He was in total awe of how someone could sound so sweet while having the fucking confidence of a... Well, if Felix had to name it, he would have called it fuckboy. Although, he didn’t want to judge a book by its cover. Even if this particular book was extremely easy on the eyes.
“You good?”
“I asked you if you were alright.”
“Oh, of course. Yes, I’m good.”
“Good.” And there it was again. That stupid smirk made Felix feel things he didn’t know he had the mental capacity to feel. Emotions he had prayed to feel for Cassidy, Emily, Tina and all the others, he instead felt for some stranger the second he laid eyes on him. Like a complete loser. “You’re Felix, right?”
Eyebrows raising at the sound of his name from the stranger’s mouth, Felix swallowed thickly. “Yes. How do you know?”
“We have Psychology 101 together.” The first non-flirtatious words coming from the man, though that didn’t last long. “And I always remember the pretty faces.”
Pretty. That word, again, made Felix’s stomach churn and his pants tighten. Internally, he scolded himself for being so new to this that the simple compliment could affect him like this.
“I’m—You—Erm—” Felix stumbled over his thoughts pathetically. The stranger’s eyes kept running over all Felix’s features and he was very aware of it. He must have thought Felix was an utter basket-case. If he wanted to keep the last bit of pride, he had to get it together. Quick. “What’s your name?”
“Ouch,” the guy said as he placed his hand over a heart in mock hurt. “And here I hoped you had paid as much attention to me as I did you.”
What now? He had paid attention to Felix? When? How long? And why? Was this all part of a play, or was he kidding? Felix didn’t know what to think.
“I—I’m sorry.”
“No worries. I’m messing with you.” A breath of relief escaped Felix’s lips as he hoped the guy didn’t notice. “I’m Wooyoung. Nice to make your acquaintance.”
“You, too,” Felix replied with the first smile in approximately hours.
“So, Felix. Now that I saved your life twice, what do you say we have a drink? It’s on me.”
Felix laughed at the joke as he pushed a strand of his blonde hair behind his ear.
“I already have one,” Felix explained, holding up the beer towards Wooyoung.
“Beer? You’re one of those guys?” Wooyoung asked with a sarcastic undertone, making Felix blush as he eyed the brown bottle.
“Actually, no. I never liked beer.” Placing the almost full bottle on the counter, he let Wooyoung guide him around the counter. A display of countless different liquors met them in a broad array.
“What’s your poison? Vodka? Gin?” Wooyoung questioned as he grabbed two red cups from the stack.
“Rum, actually.” The slight smile on Wooyoung flustered Felix as he hoped he hadn’t somehow made a fool of himself. Again. “What?”
“Nothing,” Wooyoung shrugged as he filled the two cups with a quarter rum before topping them off with coke. “I just know how to pick ‘em.” Felix didn’t know what he was hinting at, so he only smiled once Wooyoung handed him his drink. “To new acquaintances.”
“Yes. Acquaintances.”
With that, they toasted and took a sip each. The mixture of Captain Morgan and Coke gave Felix a sweet aftertaste. Much more comfortable than the beer had done, and he returned the smile Wooyoung sent him.
This whole situation was rather new to Felix. He had never been to a party like this. Single, that was. He never had the chance to meet someone on the go in a similar situation, and that reality filled him with unease. Despite having only met the guy, Felix wanted Wooyoung to like him. Whether that was a like in the we’ll become good friends sense or the give me all of you kinda way.
For a moment, Felix felt he was getting ahead of himself. He had met Wooyoung a few minutes ago. For all he knew, being flirtatious could have been engraved in his personality. Felix had arrived at campus mere days ago and even pledged to ease himself into this new, true identity. He definitely shouldn’t rush it.
As fast as he remembered that pledge he had taken, the memory evaporated. Wooyoung’s hand touched his hip, pulling him slightly closer, in front of everyone. Including his roommate and Jackson—two people he had no idea how they’d react to finding out his deepest secret. A secret he had never told anyone, on top of that.
“So, Felix—” Looking around the room, Felix soon realised that Jisung had left, and so had Jackson. A bunch of random people were running around, albeit ignoring the two guys in the corner, throwing googly eyes at each other. That realisation relaxed him almost entirely. “What’s your deal?”
Felix’s eyes met Wooyoung’s lips as he licked his own, a little nervous in the presence of someone so beautiful still. “What do you mean?”
“Are you, like, single? Hetero? Better tell me now before I fall for another straight guy.”
For someone so—unfamiliar, Felix felt himself drawn to anything Wooyoung did. Much more than he ever had with any of his ex-girlfriends. Sure, Felix was nervous around him, his hands shaking so heavily, he feared he’d spill his drink on the guy. At least some blame laid on his inexperience, blood rushing through his system like it was racing against itself. How was Wooyoung so self-assured and head-on anyways?
“I don’t know what to say.”
That was the truth. Felix had no idea how to answer such a straightforward question. Especially since he hadn’t said the words I am gay out loud, ever. Not even to himself. Expressing his personality to a stranger, out of all people, felt so out of place for him. Although he couldn’t deny the unmistakable magnetism pulling him towards Wooyoung.
“That’s okay. Because I know.”
The fingers at Felix’s hips dug into his flesh a little fiercer as Wooyoung closed in, breath hitting Felix’s cheek. Everything around him slowed in motion as his gaze switched from Wooyoung’s eyes to his lips, unsure of what to do or how to act. Would this be his first kiss with a man? With a stranger? In front of all these people? Tipsy from two unfinished drinks and Wooyoung’s presence alone?
“You do?” It took him a few seconds to finally reply, the tension becoming too much, too fast. “Maybe you can tell me. Because I have no fucking idea.”
Wooyoung laughed out loud at his words; a hearty laugh which sounded much like heaven to Felix. Some of the tension vanished as he took another deep breath and a long sip from his drink.
“And he’s funny, too. Damn, I really do know how to pick ‘em.”
The words made Felix blush as he averted his gaze towards the floor.
“I tell you what,” Wooyoung retracted his hands as his softening gaze met Felix’s anxious one. He must have noticed Felix’s unsure aura, torn between wanting to experience whatever Wooyoung had in mind and taking it slow. Felix had never been this happy about his expressional features. “How about you figure out what your deal is first? And when you do, come find me.”
As much as those words took the pressure off, Felix couldn’t deny the hint of disappointment pulling at his mood. He wanted to try and get him to close the proximity again, feeling cold after Wooyoung had pulled away. Sneakers screeching against the tiles soon captured their attention, rendering the moment gone. Felix recognised the owner as the same guy Wooyoung had been sitting next to in class. How could he have forgotten the bright pink hair and features as sharp as a fox’s?
“Dude, you gotta come watch this,” the guy exclaimed as he came over, dragging Wooyoung away by his hand. “Mingi is trying to do a keg-stand. It’s fucking hilarious. Like a giraffe trying to… well, do a kegstand.”
“No way!” With one last wink that made Felix’s knees weak, Wooyoung ran after his friend and out of Felix’s vision. It took him a few desperate moments to steady himself, hands still trembling from the adrenaline coursing through his veins.
Felix turned around, one, to tighten his grip around the counter and regain his balance, and two, conceal the boner which his pants did nothing to hide. His mind kept racing back to the proximity, the touches. The flirtatious words of a guy he barely knew but, at the same time, felt like he wanted to know everything about. The distance allowed him to realised how fast everything had played out. And while he feared it had happened all too fast, he couldn’t help but want to skip forward even further.
Perhaps, it was that he was desperate to finally get a taste of what he had denied himself for years. Crushes, love, passion. Everything his girlfriends had felt, but he never quite managed to. Making mistakes and gaining experience. Anything eventually leading him to alwaysness. With whomever that might be.
Although, right now, he wanted to have a sense of it with one particular person.
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Two excruciating hours later, Felix found himself in the living area of the frat house. He had thought back to the moment in the kitchen so many times he could hardly count them. Not to mention how often he had gotten semi-hard thinking about Wooyoung’s breath against his cheek. His hands on his hips. And his words in his ear.
How about you figure out what your deal is first? And when you do, come find me.
But what if there was nothing to figure out? What if Felix already knew what he wanted and what his deal was? What if the only thing keeping him from acting on it was his inexperience?
All those what if’s jogging through Felix’s brain didn’t change anything. All he wanted—truly wanted at the moment—was to drag Wooyoung into the nearest closet and make him feel good. Have Wooyoung make him feel good. Whatever the guy was up for, honestly. Felix had spent the better part of two decades pretending to be someone he wasn’t. Now that he had a fresh start, he desired to finally be his true self.
It took him not 20 minutes longer until he decided that enough was enough.
Y/N, Yuqi and Changbin had left a while ago to play Truth or Drink in the kitchen, leaving Felix with a group of random boys. Sure, it was a group of boys he considered his closest friends on campus, but right now, they appeared so boring. Especially with a much more intriguing person, throwing him suggestive winks from the other end of the room.
How he had even noticed Wooyoung in the sea of drunk students was beyond him. Though Felix had no brain capacity left for the whys and hows. Wooyoung was sipping on his drink, playing with the straw about as suggestively as Felix had seen anyone do. Biting at the short fingernail of his pinky, Felix already felt the excitement nagging at his gut. The combination of clothes, alcohol and arousal ran him so very hot.
Wooyoung’s pink-haired friend didn’t notice he wasn’t paying him the slightest hint of attention. How ever important their conversation was, Felix couldn’t bring himself to care. This whole back and forth went on for a few minutes when Felix finally couldn’t take it anymore.
Without a word to his friends he got up from his seat, eyes drawn to the beautiful tempter at the other side of the room. Once Wooyoung recognised the intention behind Felix’s approach, he left his friend for the stairs.
The sway in his hips had Felix’s whole attention as he followed him upstairs, always a few steps behind to not alert the surrounding couples. As though they weren’t completely immersed in their make-outs and other grindings.
Once at the upper end of the staircase, Felix looked around to find the hallway empty. Someone must have ensured the private rooms remained private, and usually, this would have been the end of his path. Though the confidence in Wooyoung’s step encouraged Felix to push that to the deepest part of his brain.
His movements stayed cautious until he reached the end of the hall, entering the last room on the left. Felix took a deep breath as he closed the door and turned around. Not a second went by until he noticed the man on one of the two beds, drink long forgotten on one of the desks.
“Hi.” With no hint of pressure in his voice, Wooyoung watched Felix fidgeting by the door.
Silence took over the room as Felix realised why Wooyoung wasn’t being his usual flirty self. Understanding how he had some reservations still, he left every decision up to Felix. It gave him a sense of security, understanding that if he didn’t want anything to happen, nothing would. Even if they were on their own in a small room, veiled in tension thick enough to cut with a spoon.
With that sense of total security in mind, Felix took a shaky step forward.
“So—” His voice broke as he regretted not bringing his drink. He felt the deep desire for something to cool his system, easing the lump in his throat. “I figured out what my deal is. And I’m coming to you, like you said.”
“Good.” The smile on Wooyoung’s face was as non-suggestive as he had ever seen, further soothing his tense body. “Do you mind sharing with me?”
“No. I will.” Taking another deep breath, Felix looked to the ceiling as he brought his hand to his stiff shoulders.
This was the moment. Felix would say the words out loud for the first time. Reality would hit, and there would be no escaping it anymore.
Fortunately, Felix didn’t want to run from it any longer.
“I’m single. And, I’m—”
Say it! He won’t judge. Just spit it out!
“I’m gay.”
Okay. Okay? Despite the simplicity of the word, pure relief overcame Felix, body slumping as exhaustion blurred his vision. He was gay, and it was okay.
The next breath through a watery veil of happiness and alleviation felt like the first one he had ever taken.
“Oh my God, did I say something wrong?” Wooyoung hurried over to Felix’s trembling body as he wrapped his protective arms around him. Felix’s hands clung to the man’s shirt, face pressed into the crook of his neck as he let himself be held. Nothing more. Just held and accepted.
“No. Nothing wrong.” The whispered words reached Wooyoung’s ear within milliseconds. “All the right words. But—”
He stopped, pondering for a few seconds whether to confide in someone he hardly knew. A man who had nothing but shamelessly flirted with him for all 20 minutes of aggregated conversation. But he was here right now. And Felix needed to let him know how much he had already done for him.
Also, he was bawling into the guy’s shirt. It could hardly get much more intimate than this, anyways.
“I never said it out loud.”
“Oh… Oh!”
The realisation hit Wooyoung like a bus as he further fastened his comforting grip on Felix. It all made sense to him now. The insecurity. The uncomfortable tension whenever he said anything below the belt. The silence following the question of what his deal was. And here Wooyoung was, thinking he was yet again barking up the wrong tree. As it turned out, he had finally found the right tree, though it hadn’t bloomed yet.
“Fuck. I’m sorry I came on so strong. It just… I thought you were cute, but then I wasn’t so sure if you felt the same way. I assumed you might be one of those straight guys who aren’t so straight after a few drinks. So, I went all in to skip all that will-they-won’t-they crap. Wouldn’t have been the first time I was utterly disappointed at the end of the day.”
He had only tried to feel Felix out and learn if he himself could get hurt. Evidently, neither of them was trying nor intending to play games with the other.
“You didn’t come on too strong. I mean, you kinda did. But I liked it.”
As they drew away from each other, light laughter filled the room. Wooyoung’s arms were still circled around Felix’s waist as they stared into each other’s eyes. Their smiles soon faded as they recognised their proximity. When Wooyoung’s hands reclaimed their position on his hip, Felix’s stomach erupted in sheer excitement. The sentimentality of the moment was ultimately broken by his arousal.
“You like this, too. I can feel it,” Wooyoung pointed out with a smile as he squeezed Felix’s sides once, making him jump a little. “Knew it.”
“Fine. I like it.”
“So, you never told anyone you’re gay. Does that mean you just found out yourself? Or did you always know on some level and try to fit into a pair of shoes that weren’t yours?”
“A little of both. Like, I used to crush on Danny Phantom so hard it surprises me my parents never caught on. But then again, I had many girlfriends in Middle and High School.”
Wooyoung explored Felix’s cheeks and nose where freckles decorated him in beautiful patterns.
“You’ve never been with a guy then?”
Felix shook his head as his gaze met Wooyoung’s inviting, plump lips. In his subconscious, he grazed his teeth against them, the intimacy of the moment turning the corners of his mouth upwards. The closer Felix got to him, the sexier he found him to be.
“But you want to be?”
This time, Felix nodded. Never had he been more sure than while looking at the most beautiful man he had ever seen. So close he could almost taste him. And if that wasn’t sign enough already, the prominent tent in his pants at the simple touch of his hips assured him.
He wanted Wooyoung, more than he had ever wanted anyone else.
“I don’t think I’ve ever wanted anything more.”
“That’s good. I can work with that.”
Leaning in their eyes met as Felix took in what was happening. Like the romance novel moment he had always dreamed of, seconds turned minutes, and moments turned into a lifeline. And then, finally, after hours of distant pining, Wooyoung closed the gap between them.
Now, Felix had kissed many people before. Cassidy, at 14, under the old cherry tree in his backyard while reading his favourite anime. Emily at 15 in more places than he could remember. And many others since. Girls, exclusively.
Though right now, as he tasted Wooyoung for the first time it finally dawned on him. The sweetness of his scent, the rum on his lips and the coke in his breath. This was what a kiss should feel like. This was what desire was supposed to feel like.
They deepened the kiss, tongues brushing lips, and Felix reached for Wooyoung’s neck. He ran his hands through the man’s hair, mouths moving in unison as silent whimpers escaped his lips. When Wooyoung pulled away, it was to catch his breath while also searching for a hint of regret in Felix’s features. When he couldn’t find anything but lust, he smirked, reconnecting his lips to the other’s.
Hands clawed at and bodies moved against one another as desperate whines filled the room. Mainly Felix’s, but who could blame him? Every single one of Wooyoung’s movements was the perfect calculation. He knew through and through what he was doing. Wooyoung clawed at Felix, pulling him into his body and providing his aching erection with much-needed friction. Semi-aroused for the better part of the evening, finally, he got relief from the discomfort.
Pulling Felix’s hair and tipping his head back, Wooyoung’s lips moved to the side of his neck. All the while, Felix kept his hands in Wooyoung’s hair, pulling him even closer and not letting him go.
“Fuck…” Felix slurred when the other sucked at his skin, trying to mark him for later. In the past, he hated having hickeys on his neck. Others knowing he had made out with his girlfriend had always made him uncomfortable. With Wooyoung, he couldn’t deny that he loved the thought of people knowing he belonged to someone. Or at least had done so for a brief moment in time.
Wooyoung’s hands fisted Felix’s shirt as he inched it up before checking in with the blonde, “Is this okay?”
“Yes. Please, take it off already.”
“Getting hot?” Wooyoung asked with a smirk, getting his answer once Felix nodded with a thick swallow. “Good.”
Once the fabric landed on the floor, Wooyoung lingered to take in the view. He had expected many things from the closeted nerdy boy, but not this. Not a full-on six-pack, tensing as he let his fingertips wander over his hot skin.
“Damn. Who would have thought?” The thoughts leaving Wooyoung’s brain without a filter made Felix blush. It was one thing, hearing how well-built he was from someone else. But someone he deemed the hottest person he had ever laid eyes on? That did something to him alright. And when Wooyoung leaned down to let his perky tongue run over the bulges, that did a whole other thing to him.
“Fuck… More, please.”
“Patience. I have a lot more to give you,” Wooyoung told him with a smirk as he pushed Felix onto the mattress and sank to his knees. This view was heavenly, straight out of a porno, and Felix felt like he was dreaming again. The whole situation was surreal.
Looking up at the blond, Wooyoung pulled him down for another kiss before focusing on his pecs. He took his sweet time worshipping Felix’s chest, his nipples and abs. Electric shocks rushed straight through Felix’s spine towards the top of his head. Wooyoung couldn’t get enough, spending a few extra seconds kissing his abdominal muscles until a layer of spit and sweat covered them.
“Please…” The silent prayer escaped Felix like a mantra. He’d come in his pants if Wooyoung didn’t do something soon and that was definitely not how he wanted this first time to end. Bad enough his first first time (a few years ago with Emily in the backseat of his father’s Toyota) had ended that way. Another taste of that embarrassment would have been too much to overcome.
“You think you’re ready for this?”
“I was born ready. Just— do something, please.”
“Oh, I’ll be doing much more than just something.”
Wooyoung opened Felix’s pants, dragging them over his thighs and towards the floor. Once the jeans had gone, Felix noticed he was almost entirely naked while Wooyoung was far from it. Without a second thought, he pulled the man’s shirt up, and over his head. To even it out, if you will. Now, not only their bodies but their pure skin was connecting. No restraints, no barriers. Only the two of them.
“I’m gonna go slow, okay? Let me know if you want me to do something different.”
As sweet as Felix identified the assurance to be, it was much unneeded. The second Wooyoung pulled him out of his briefs—tip red and leaking—he licked a thick stripe up the underside. That’s when Felix knew this would be excruciating in the best way immaginable.
Wooyoung worked him with so much knowledge and understanding of the male anatomy. It felt like he was inside Felix’s body, metaphorically. He knew exactly where to lick, where to suck and how to work him so he would fall apart below him. Felix’s eyes stayed glued to the beauty, watching him suck on his length and take him down his throat. As though he had never done anything else.
The past blowjobs Felix had received—which there were quite a few, thanks to his charming personality and sweet looks—had been good. He couldn’t lie that he had enjoyed every one of them, though it had never been this mind-numbing. Wooyoung had a technique to his movements only someone with a dick could come up with. Someone who had experienced many a blowjob first-hand— Felix was sure of that.
Spit slid down his length as Wooyoung navigated him deeper with each thrust, hands pumping what he couldn’t fit. His eyes filled with utter and total lust, gazes meeting when he looked up at Felix with a blurriness to his vision. It was a sight Felix had never seen—so pretty and feral. Enough to make him burst on the spot.
However, he couldn’t let that happen.
Felix’s hand on Wooyoung’s cheek urged him to let him fall from his mouth, cock glistening in a beautiful glow. He leaned down and connected their mouths as he tasted himself on Wooyoung’s tongue. Never had he tasted so delicious.
“Good?” Wooyoung asked as though he hadn’t made Felix see stars. Right now, he wasn’t sure he could ever feel as good again.
“So, so good.”
They shared a short moment of silence while Felix scooted back on the bed until he reached the headboard. Wooyoung situated himself above Felix’s lap as they continued their heated make-out session.
Felix admired Wooyoung’s broad chest and sculptured pecs while he planted wet kisses against his jaw. With as much confidence as Wooyoung presented, Felix wasn’t surprised his beauty continued past his face. Although he was still in awe of the perfect piece of art that was Wooyoung’s body. So chiselled, so muscular, so masculine. A dream come true in the most literal sense.
Delicate fingers ran over Felix’s stomach and snapped him out of his daydream. His abs tightened when he felt Wooyoung reach back and wrap his digits around his length.
“Oh, God.” Wooyoung seemed to enjoy the teasing too much, a triumphant grin on his features at the heightened reactivity in Felix’s expression. “Please. I— God.”
The grunt leaving Felix was nothing short of animalistic as Wooyoung’s thumbed over the head.
“You were saying?”
“I need you. Please.”
Bringing his hands back to his front, Wooyoung ended every direct skin contact to Felix. The loss of the physical component refocused all their senses while the fog in their brains lifted a little.
“You sure you want your first time to be drunk at a frat party?”
Felix appreciated Wooyoung’s caution, heart swelling as he wondered how he had deserved someone so considerate. A stranger, yes, but the most respectful one. However, this was hardly his first time. His body count filled all of one five-fingered hand. And even though this felt different, he was well aware of the vulnerability he exposed himself to.
“First of all, I’m not that drunk. See?” Felix straightened up as he positioned his pointer fingers at the corners of his peripheral vision. Bringing them together to touch right before his nose, he proofed his hypothesis. Much to Wooyoung’s amusement, who giggled at the adorable action. “Second, this isn’t my first time. I’ve done this before. With girls, yes. But I know what I’m getting myself into. And third, I really fucking want you to fuck me. Like yesterday.”
Opening up to Wooyoung seemed so easy after he had literally sucked his cock mere moments earlier. The guy’s sweet personality made it much easier for Felix to voice his wishes. He was sure about this.
Apparently, Wooyoung understood so much.
“Okay. But only under one condition.” Wooyoung’s fingers ran between Felix’s pecs and down his adonis belt. “You are the one doing the fucking this time. I have nothing to prep you with, and you want your first time to be slow, believe me. Ergo, you’re topping.”
“Alright,” Felix gave in with a laugh. If that’s what Wooyoung wanted to do, then Felix was content with being the penetrator rather than the penetrated. He also couldn’t deny the skip of his heartbeat when Wooyoung suggested there would be a second time. “One more thing. What’s topping?”
Eyes widening in amusement, Wooyoung couldn’t help but giggle at the younger’s words. “God, you’re innocent. Good thing you have me to show you everything you need to know.”
Rolling off Felix’s body, Wooyoung rid himself of his remaining clothes— jeans and underwear landing on top of Felix’s pile. With his free hand, Wooyoung reached for the nightstand and rummaged through its content with a hopeful expression.
“Come on, San-ie. Don’t disappoint me right now.” After a few seconds, his face lit up while he pulled lube and a condom from the drawer. “Do I know my best friend or what?”
“San. Is that the pink-haired guy?”
“Yup. I dyed it myself. You like it?” Wooyoung asked as he handed Felix the condom.
“It suits him well.” He rolled the piece of latex over himself with vigour while Wooyoung opened the lube and began spreading it between his cheeks. “So, this is his room? He doesn’t mind us using his bed?”
“Oh, I’m counting on it. San used mine so often, with so many different women, he should be paying half of my rent.” Felix chuckle was dark, eyes focusing on Wooyoung once he was back on top of him. “But enough about him.”
Felix’s eyes ran down Wooyoung’s naked form as he felt himself twitch against thin air. For a few rose-coloured seconds, he let himself enjoy the view of a beautiful man on top of him. His hands roamed over the older’s thighs, feeling the texture of his smooth, sun-kissed skin. He could have spent hours exploring every crevice of Wooyoung’s body.
In the dim lightening of the room, Wooyoung looked ethereal, muscular statue and pretty face only further continued in the shape of his cock. In no porn had Felix ever seen someone so enchanting, mouth watering at the mere sight of his erection. As much as Wooyoung had focused on him within the previous moments, Felix couldn’t shake the need to do the same for him. His own arousal pushed past its limits by the thought of making Wooyoung feel good.
Hands wandering further up his thighs, Felix soon reached the base of his dick. With one questioning look followed by an agreeing hum, Felix finally touched him.
He went slow at first, testing the waters and Wooyoung’s reactions to figure out what he liked. It took him not a minute to do so. Working Wooyoung the same way he worked himself in moments of privacy did the trick. It almost came natural to him as he collected the guy’s pre-cum to smear it over his length, hand pumping from base to tip in short, rhythmic motions.
“Fuck. You’re so pretty.”
The words were as much unsolicited as they were unintentional, though Wooyoung enjoyed the compliment. A blush appeared on his cheeks as he closed the gap, pushing his hungry mouth against Felix’s.
“How about you fuck me and see how much prettier I can become.”
Felix, yet again, felt himself twitch at the crudeness of the words, proving to himself that, yes. He might have a thing for dirty talk. Though that realisation was for another day to explore. With his bottom lip between his teeth, Wooyoung shimmied down his body until he reached his lap. Squirting some of the lube onto his palm, Wooyoung lost no time to massage it into Felix’s length.
“God, yes.”
As Wooyoung sunk all the way to complete fullness, Felix realised that was a lie. He could have never prepared for the feeling of Wooyoung’s snug hole, so much tighter than anything he had ever felt around himself before. His hands flew to the older’s thighs as he moved up and down and steadied himself by clawing his nails into Felix’s skin.
“Fuck, you’re tight.”
“You have no idea how amazing you feel,” Wooyoung agreed with a moan, hands resting on Felix’s stomach for support. “You think you can move? Meet me in the middle?”
“I don’t even know if I can breathe right now.”
His words were met with a giggle, though despite his inability to think, Felix lifted his hip up to meet him. Moving against gravity was more demanding than he had anticipated, but the look of pure bliss on Wooyoung’s face made it worthwhile.
He definitely hadn’t lied when he said he’d become even prettier while fucked out.
They soon found a rhythm that was comfortable for either. Still, Felix knew he wouldn’t last much longer. Not when Wooyoung caressed all his senses so perfectly, eyes, ears, hands, mouth and mind filled with nothing but him. The world stood still around them, entirely immersed in the moment.
One particularly sharp thrust poked Felix’s attention, tip hitting a spot within Wooyoung that made him throw his head back with a whimper. His body trembled under Felix’s palms, abdominal muscles pulling Wooyoung forward and crouching over the younger. At first, Felix believed whatever he had done had hurt Wooyoung. Once the older opened his eyes—gaze veiled in animalistic hunger—Felix understood it wasn’t a grunt of pain.
“Was that…”
“My prostate? Fuck, yes.” Stilling on top of him, Wooyoung needed to rest for a second. Right when he took up his previous movements, Felix fell back into the same rhythm. Five thrusts in, the same thing happened again, though Wooyoung didn’t stop this time. To say that the sight was divine would have been a crude understatement. “Fuck… Touch me, baby. Please!”
The first time Wooyoung begged him for something—rather than the other way around—Felix identified another new kink. This was all new anyways, and Wooyoung still unleashed underlying desires Felix hadn’t even known existed.
Felix’s hands flew to Wooyoung’s dick, stroking it in unison with his thrusts. And like that, the older fell apart on top of him.
Felix had only ever seen a man cum through the screen of his laptop. It had seemed so fake, the whimpering and grunting way too excessive to be genuine. Or so he thought.
When Wooyoung hit his high, he completely slumped with a groan in Felix’s ear as he released onto his stomach. Hot spurts painted his abs in white, running between the crevices and towards his navel—and there was so much of it. Felix wasn’t quite sure if this was still considered healthy.
Despite being in a state of utter bliss, Wooyoung kept moving, dragging out his orgasm and urging Felix towards his own. The sight and noises would have gotten him there as was. The added pleasure of Wooyoung’s tired hole clenching and his intense eyes eventually launched him into his sweet, sweet release.
Panting beside each other, they tried catching their breaths for a few minutes. It could have been hours, for all Felix cared. He couldn’t have been trusted with anything right now, not even telling the time.
At some point, Felix cleaned himself before reclaiming his position under Wooyoung, with the older’s head propped on his chest.
“That was…”
Chuckling filled the room as their gazes fixated on the ceiling. Wooyoung pressed kisses against Felix’s chest on occasion, a sweet gesture that was much appreciated. The longer they remained entangled, listening to each other’s breathing, the faster Felix’s mind spun. The kissing, the tension, the desire. Everything was so fresh in his mind but, at the same time, felt so far away. He couldn’t deny that after finally figuring out why everyone was so obsessed with sex, he couldn’t wait to experience it again.
Wooyoung figured Felix’s mind out with one short look at his lap.
“You’re still hard.”
It wasn’t so much still as it was again, his body visibly not done yet despite having reached a peak minutes ago.
“Because you’re still pretty.”
The explanation forced Wooyoung’s cheeks into another blush as he kissed Felix, softer this time but just as passionate. Climbing back on top of him, Wooyoung nipped at Felix’s bruised neck, making him moan at the mix of pain and pleasure.
“That’s gonna be a bitch to cover up tomorrow,” Wooyoung recognised with a giggle as his gaze met Felix’s. “Sorry about that.”
“It’s alright. I like having a visual reminder for the next few days.”
“Well, if that’s so…”
Trailing off, Wooyoung leaned back down, sucking on Felix’s chest. A red bruise appeared within seconds of him biting and licking over the flesh, Felix holding him close by his hair to keep him going. Any direct skin contact Wooyoung gave him Felix couldn’t get enough of. He wanted to live in this moment for as long as possible.
The fire in his stomach reignited when the older licked over his nipples, swirling the buds between his lips. The shock waves coursing through Felix reached his cock, which twitched in excitement.
Yup, he definitely wasn’t done for today.
While Wooyoung kissed his way all over Felix’s chest, the younger reentered heaven. He couldn’t help but ponder what else there was he hadn’t tried yet. Like giving blowjobs. Or whatever the antonym of topping was. He couldn’t quite wait to figure it out, although some higher power forced patience on him.
Felix wanted to ask Wooyoung if he could taste him, but he didn’t get there. Before anything else could happen, the door to the room opened with a creek, and Felix’s head snapped up. His eyes darted to the entrance, shock written on his face as his gaze met the intruder’s.
He couldn’t quite tell whether you had recognised him. Although the lighting most likely wasn’t dark enough to shield his identity. You must have identified him. But he couldn’t react fast enough. As soon as you had appeared, you muttered a perplexed “I’m sorry” and pulled the door shut. Leaving Felix with only fear and a hard-on he wasn’t so sure would find any true relief for the rest of the night
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omg not u believing a quiz in a website made by a third party company solely for the purpose of a failed giveaway in australia that mixes up the movie and cartoon/doll continuities over an actual leaked bible from a huge 4chan (not reddit!) nickelodeon leak that matches up with stuff released after it that's firmly believed by all the trusted doll leak sources...
and what was that about twyla and venus?
Why is it y’all only have the guts to air your greviences to me on anon? I wont block you for disagreeing with me, I’m not sensitive or a wuss and I’m much more inclined to be polite to someone with a name and not a faceless nobody. Just an FYI.
An international branch of Mattel is a way more reliable source than Reddit & if you think it’s a flex telling me the “leaked show Bible” came from 4chan & NOT Reddit, BOY have I got some news for you about the legitimacy of 4chan.
Yes, the Live Action Movie & The Show have different canons… is there a point to that statement or are we just saying the obvious? Not everything is going to be quadruple confirmed in canon like Draculaura being Asian or Frankie being nonbinary (movie character, actor, TV character, voice actor) all things won’t be hammered in that hard so we gotta take what we can get and international monster high is fair game because Mattel has to approve everything they do.
That leaked show “Bible” is sketchy as hell & no Monster High enthusiast worth their salt has taken it seriously. If you know anything about children’s media there is a lot of language used in it that is not Nickelodeon appropriate and I’m not the only one who thinks so. We don’t know where it came from, who wrote it or who posted it. Y’all saw something that looks slightly official and ran with it and that my darlings is a fool’s errand.
Y’all need to be more critical of the information you consume and perpetuate. “You should believe in nothing that you hear and only half of what you see- Edgar Allen Poe.”
And we need to stop screaming theories as if they are canon. I PERSONALLY head canon Twyla & Venus as lesbians (not together, Twyla is obviously in love with Howleen) because UNLIKE Clawdeen who has shown an interest in boys in previous generations they have never shown an interest in actual boys as far as I know. (I also made a chart of Clawdeen being attracted to girls for equal measure) that is how I see them, I don’t go shooting off that, that is canon information.
I know a lot of you desperately want Clawdeen to be a lesbian, I am very, painfully aware of this head canon but it is just that! A head canon! Yes it’s a very popular & persistent head canon but it’s a head canon nonetheless. G3 Clawdeen appears to have a crush on Deuce, now we don’t have time to unpack that weird ass ship but it does rule out Clawdeen as a lesbian. It does NOT however mean she is straight! Clawdeen could very well be Bi or Pan or any other sapphic inclusive sexuality. I PERSONALLY see her as Bi (for the reasons stated above) but you don’t see me claiming it’s canon.
“But Jess! What about compulsory heterosexuality!” - Clawdeen was created by a gay man. Do y’all really think a member of the LGBTQA+ community would put her through something that was hell for so many of us!? I highly doubt it.
I do not make the canon, I just study and report the canon, if had my way everyone would be fatter, browner and gayer.
Please, for the love of your deity of choice: stop believing everything you read, always ask for a source and stop being so cool with people making fake leaks it’s not some fun new fad it’s intentionally misleading & a little cruel to those of us who aren’t so great at social cues.
Mattel makes the canon & if it’s not from Mattel it’s probably not real.
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invinciblelikeu · 10 months
random dream facts that are ingrained in my head:
dream would’ve been a psychology major if he went to college
he had a collapsed lung
he doesn’t like coffee and chocolate, hates caffeine in general but drinks tea
he loves bubble baths, bath bombs, and candles
he sometimes puts tanning drops in his moisturizer
he loves banana pudding but only if his grandma makes it
he had a bet with his grandma that he would never drink (he lost)
dream was a massive bookworm - he used to read every single day
instead of going to school, dream would fall asleep in the garden
he had a roblox girlfriend
his first kiss was at the nickelodeon resort hot tub
he dyed his hair purple once
he painted his nails and walked around his neighborhood for a date/bet
movies dream has cried to: marley and me, everything everywhere all at once
he almost cried when he almost didn’t get to see spiderman no way home in theaters
he once cut his older sister’s hair as a prank
the most complex dish he’s ever made is eggplant parmesan
he wrote percy jackson self insert
he loves avocado on everything except sushi
he would eat olives straight out of the jar as a snack
he witnessed a fight at a denny’s
he loves broccoli on pizza
dream used to finish whole episodes of shows while working out
he wanted a quail coop at the dream team house
he was originally going to name patches "muffin"
he almost adopted patches' shelter sister
he once ran a red light with drista in the car, causing another driver to yell at him - to which he responded with a thumbs up, and made up for it by getting drista chick fil a
dream used to do contracting summer jobs in high school
he once got mustard on his clothes on a day he was supposed to work, and cleaned it off with sprite
his childhood home had a library
he watched anime’s that are recommended by his brother
he paid off his grandparents’ mortgage
he has a breathalyzer to use on his friends to make sure they’re sober enough to leave the house
he once cooked pancakes shirtless
he and george took the harry potter quiz together and he got slytherin
he prefers country taylor swift
his first album was of the jonas brothers
his mom caught him dancing to selena gomez’s naturally while he was cleaning his room
as a toddler, his dad would bounce him on his lap when they would watch OU games together
he once got a teacher fired because she pushed him off his chair
at one point in his childhood, his favorite color was pink
secrets is one of his all time favorite songs
he used to have bbh on call when he would go on long drives to keep himself from falling asleep
one time dream was speeding so much that bbh yelled at him on the phone
he once told ant and velvet that he thought they were gonna get married one day
he accidentally liked an ig post of a guy who was interested in alyssa
back in 2021, whenever sapnap would go skating, dream would tell him, “see ya later boy”
night changes is dream’s favorite one direction song
dream likes granny smith apples
dream used to collect yugioh cards
when his cat before patches passed, he immediately drove home from work and dropped to the floor by the door crying
that same cat once startled him enough to fall onto the lake while he was on a skype call with his friends
he has seen every single spiderman movie in theaters
his first real gf was his bff at the time and when she broke up with him, he cried under his bed - and kept it a secret from his parents
dream’s parents used to tease him about DNF
he ate cat poop as a toddler
he once had a whole frog in his mouth, and his mom didn’t believe it when his father told her until he took a picture
throwback to when i–
he has “george is gay” engraved on his ipad
he used to use a windows pc for gaming/streaming, and an imac for editing
dream uses film cut pro to edit his main channel videos, but uses adobe premiere to edit his dreamxd videos
the first person he told his youtube plans to was drista at a walmart parking lot
he used to send different publications his novels/manuscripts
he used to make football and skating edits and posted them on youtube
he once immediately cut ties with an online friend after they ddosed sapnap
dream and sapnap once had a falling out and stopped talking for 4 months
he once sharescreened himself editing manhunt in a discord call with corpse, techno, sykkuno, etc
dream was supposed to fly george out to america in early 2020
dream and sapnap almost met up 3 times prior to january 2021 )
dream and george used to be on call when george would go walk his dog
it was dreams idea to be the dsmp villain bc no one else wanted to be
dream would describe his writing style to be plot-driven
his favorite color is forest green but recently it’s been baby blue
he uses exfoliator and tree hut sugar scrubs
dream used to lift weights for more than an hour straight
he was going to get his ear pierced earlier than when he actually did it, but drista convinced him not to
he wants to get a 123 tattoo with sapnap
he used to be so reluctant to consume anime media that sapnap has tried and failed to convince him to read manga
he and george used to watch game of thrones together when it was still airing
he and bad watched prison break together
his favorite merch was the white hoodie with smileys all over
he donates a lot to the oklahoma sooners community
he has homeless kits in his car
he once paid off a cc’s gofundme to save their cat
he sent 5 dream fanartists free drawing pads
dream’s cosmetics in his makeup bag that we currently know of: blue garnier micellar water, charlotte tilbury blush, lip oil
he almost died in quicksand while geocaching
dream’s favorite planet is neptune
dream identifies himself as poseidon, sapnap as ares, and george as hera
dream types on his phone with only one hand
dream watches good mythical morning every day
dream once said “sorry i don’t speak australian” to a local in australia because he didn’t understand his accent
prior to the face reveal, dream has kept the fact that he was dream to several of his relatives
his cover when asked what his job was: advertising
he thought he failed his drivers license test after he accidentally knocked a stop sign - and begged his instructor to let him pass
he once injured his big toe after a football incident and almost refused to wear a cast until the doctors told him his big toe would grow to be smaller than the rest of his toes
dream has a porta potty under his bed
dream once got demoted from skeppy’s server
the longest dream has gone without showering was one week
dream was gifted a guitar when he was young and it was hung up on his bedroom wall but never got to play it
his love language is acts of service
he used to want a white picket fence marriage
he can find hidden minecraft chests using just the sounds
he helped sam build the dsmp prison by collecting a lot of the blackstone and obsidian
his mom accidentally got him and drista to drink alcohol as kids
his ring size is one size smaller than sapnap’s
his shoe size is 13.5-14
he was prescribed vitamin d pills after some of his hair had fell off
his favorite ice cream flavor is vanilla
he had to get carried as he was forced to ride a rollercoaster
he made duct tape wallets and sold them at school
he used to have a guitar hung on his wall but never used it since it was a gift
he once hacked all the computers in his school’s computer lab
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babydotcom · 3 years
okay i don't know if anyone's said this before but i think hakoda and bato's relationship is really important to sokka accepting his attraction to men. this absolutely got away from me so the analysis is under the cut. i'd appreciate it if you gave this a read!
we all know sokka sees his dad as the pinnacle of Manliness, and spends so much of his childhood and teenage years trying to live up to this standard he feels hakoda has set for him (whether or not this perception is accurate). he is supposed to be a warrior, a protector, a leader. he is supposed to be strong. this is why he represses all of his negative emotions, all his grief, sadness, rage, hurt. it's why he falls madly in love with the first sweet, emotional, kind, traditionally feminine girl he's ever met that he's not related to, because yue compliments his perception of manhood. it's why suki, a woman who is all of the things he thinks a man should be, is confusing to him. suki opens his eyes a little bit, because she is an attractive girl that also embodies manhood the way sokka thinks he should.
from the beginning of book two on, we see sokka be more honest with himself about his attraction to men, even if he's not so open about it. there's the boulder, chong in the cave of two lovers, and zuko (he was flirting at the western air temple i don't care. this isn't about shipping anyway). these are men that sokka textually finds attractive, so he knows he's not straight. this doesn't fit into his perception of manhood- hakoda's love for kya was incredible, so of course sokka would ingrain heterosexuality into manhood. he never voices this same-sex attraction (i know this is nickelodeon, but you know what i mean), but it's pretty much a no-brainer that a relationship with suki, who he perceives as being man-adjacent, is something he wants so much to pursue.
from book two on, we also see sokka sort of reevaluate this manhood standard by expanding his horizons. he finally is expressing himself creatively. first is the haiku club in ba sing se-- when else have we seen him trying to impress girls by meeting them where they're at, using his words in poetry to impress them rather than performing some act of machismo? second and infinitely more importantly is in Sokka's Master. the entire episode is about sokka proving (and realizing) his worth, and to him he is only worth anything if he is a perfect man, if he is like his father. for someone training to be a swordsman, we actually see sokka do little swordfighting in comparison to how much art (which for the sake of this post we'll consider traditionally feminine) he does. he never once complains about this, but his appreciation of the arts changes over the course of his training. for his first calligraphy practice, sokka tries, sure, but he doesn't take it seriously. he mushes his face into the paper, taking the easy, and the more brash route to the end goal.
he approaches his first spar with *checks notes* fat, the same way. he tries, but fails spectacularly because he takes the brash and easy route, making the most obvious first strike against his opponent. he sucks with the sword, so far. it's only after he takes piandao's painting lesson seriously-- or as seriously as he's capable of-- that he has any sort of breakthrough in his swordfighting. his development as a swordsdman, his mastering of a masculine activity and fighting style, is dependent on his acceptance of art and emotion and creativity, of femininity. piandao's training, his emphasis on the arts, is what made sokka a great swordbender. in realizing his worth, sokka had to accept femininity into his ideal of man.
back to hakoda and bato. sokka doesn't get a lot of time with his dad before the invasion on the day of black sun, because obviously they have a war to fight. but what time he does have with hakoda is spent spiraling over his worth as a man yet again, because hakoda has shown just how much sokka has yet to grow as a leader. it's neither of their faults, but hakoda showing up sokka at the planning meeting causes a blockage in sokka's growth, just after he'd reached new heights in sokka's master. sokka's back to feeling like shit, and this is compounded by the failure of the invasion. that moment at zuko's coronation, when hakoda tells sokka that's he proud of him, after sokka had been absolutely crucial to winning the war? that's means the world to him. his Ideal his proud of him.
i imagine that during the war, hakoda and bato weren't together. hakoda was still mourning kya (and he always will be, but the wound was fresher then), and then they were fighting for their lives. so, i think when they do get together, it's not terribly long after the war. sokka seeing them start a romantic relationship is what allows him to finally embrace his attraction to men. his father, his chief, his pinnacle of manliness, can love other men and express that openly. hakoda is the Typical Father in that we don't really see him actually vulnerable other than that moment in boiling rock when he tears up at seeing sokka, so to see his father in a loving relationship again, with bato, his life long best friend, would be incredibly powerful for sokka. it finally clicks that sokka can love a man, too, and that loving a man does not make him less of one. before bakoda get together, sokka probably fears ever coming to terms with his same-sex attraction. he knows that hakoda loves him absolutely, but the nagging voice in most, if not all, queer peoples' heads still makes sokka wonder if hakoda would respect him as a man if he were in a gay relationship, regardless of how much hakoda loves him. to have that worry soothed... that's everything to him, when it comes to his sexuality and acceptance of himself.
much of sokka's arc throughout the series is about deconstructing that idea of manhood he's held onto since he was a little boy, and redefining masculinity in terms that embrace the feminine parts of him that make him such a great warrior, protector, and leader. he is loving in his protectiveness, he is soft in his strength, he is creative and artistic in his leadership. sokka's development in this regard is incomplete by the end of the series, because he's 15 and nobody is done growing up at that age, but him getting his dad back, and finding that his ideal isn't really what he thought, has him on the right track to fully embracing himself as a man whose strengths go beyond the idea that he created as a kid, and whose love goes beyond gender. i just think that's neat.
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firecooking · 3 years
The Rodent Siblings Headcannons 🏍️🌺
Side note: I'm covering Lela and Butchy in one post Because a ton of my hc's for them have to do with each other
- Lela and Butchy's last name means Rodent [I go with Roditore cause i think they are Italian American] and they where called the Rodent kids\siblings well before there was a Rodents social Club
- They both also will tell you ant of the other Rodents are also honorary Rodent Siblings, they're Rodents anyways after all
- Butchy's soft spot for Lela is immensely deep, he'd walk to the ends of the earth for her, he even does things like pick up extra chores around the house and give her pocket change when he has any
- Lela has an equally deep soft spot for her brother, most of the time when Butchy over loads himself or needs any kind of rest she'll be right there to get him a drink and help out, or even put her foot down and make him go take a nap
- They never had their parents around as kids [both died when they where young] so they've taken to parenting eachother when needed, Butchy often puts more pressure on himself to be the mature parent of the two but Lela can and will hold her ground and tell him to go to bed or sit him down to talk
- They are Both Trans and Gay they deserve it
- the gay part took a bit for them to figure out but when they where little little they constantly would steal each other's clothes and more gendered belongings and eventually they just started going by there preferred genders and names and no one questioned it [them being silent\sandwich generation kids this would make total sense with attitudes at the time]
- Lela specifically is a Bi Trans Woman with leanings towards dating women, but she's also still VERY MUCH into looking at cute boys any day of the week
- Butchy specifically is a GayAce Trans Man who's also definitely on the Aro spectrum, he does have very strong queer platonic attraction but that one's hard to explain to other guys in the 60s
- Not a single Rodent would dare try and date Lela unless of course she was the one who took the first steps. Butchy can, will, and has gotten into fights over people looking at her too long for his own taste [he broke Lugnut's nose once over him offering her a unprompted jacket when she was cold. Everyone is surprised Tanner never turned up dead]
- Butchy has 100% given the worst dating advice you've ever heard to folks who ask, he forgets hes not Allo and it basically just turns into "Dump him\her" or "Ew wtf why do you want to do THAT" ['that' being something completely normal for allo's, like necking or second base]
- Lela and Butchy routinely skip church to see movies at the nickelodeon, they both love musicals and bad sci-fi movies
- Butchy is a Gene Kelly and Bing Crosby simp when it comes to picking movies, Lela will watch anything with Audrey Hepburn or Elizabeth Taylor, they both will watch a Fred Astaire movie no questions asked
- Butchy and Lela both did etiquette classes as kids and they both hated it, they still 100% subconsciously follow some of the more drilled in things like setting a table properly or manners when it comes to dancing
- Butchy makes dinner, and breakfast, and lunch, and snacks... He picked up cooking when he was little and he just never stopped, it also helps feed his "take care of my sister" instincts
- More on home life, Butchy dropped out of highschool pretty early and got a job and help pay bills, he refuses to let Lela drop out or get bad grades [but he's also never mean about it, he's kept up on 'school' to help her with homework and know what's going on with her]
- Butchy and Lela are Catholic Twins, they where close enough in age that they held Butchy back from going to school a year and the two went together
- there is a two month span every year where Lela and Butchy are the same age and Lela bully's him about it
- Lela wants to be a singer more than anything. Butchy wants her to go to college, he's been saving for it for years. They've never once just sat down and said that to each other so Lela thinks she's going to have to work through college to please him and Butchy thinks that she's very happy to go and have the help. They are both very dumb
- I have such an indpeth family arrangement for these two in my head but the basics is they live with their grandfather who is a disabled WW1 vet, they are fairly poor but they get by, they have a couple family members who they aren't that close with who aren't really around so the three function as a happy little unit
- If Butchy was an inch shorter he wouldn't be able to ride his 1950 Harley-Davidson Panhead, he refuses to acknowledge this, he also has a attachable sidecar Incase he needs to transport things or a person since he refuses to get or be in a car
- Lela built her bike, it's a very slick chopper built out of a Kawasaki W1 and Honda CB77, it is her absolute baby not even Butchy is aloud to drive it
- Because Butchy and Lela have shared a Jack and Jill bathroom from a young age they 100% are unphased by basically everything with each other. One could be showering and the other will open the door without knocking and ask a question. Around the house with just a robe? Sure. "Hey can I borrow your toothbrush" "how did you loose a toothbrush, but sure"
- Yes they are exceedingly gross, its just siblings things™. They share drinks, hair brushes, wipe dirt onto each other's clothes, "hey this is awful, try this", share a fork. Neither of them know what personal space or boundaries are
- they get into fist fights sometimes, not cause they are actually fighting but just because they're bored and they can
- Butchy takes care of the garden, he loves it
- Lela hates gardening, she kills everything she touches, but she has to help because if Butchy has to deal with a weird bug he will cry
- Butchy cries a lot especially around Lela, he's very sensitive and in touch with how he feels, the only time he'll bottle something up is if it has to do with feeling like he's not enough to take care of the people he loves
- Lela is the one that tends to bottle up how she feels, though she's mostly very honest with Butchy, she tends to try and be a people pleaser or yes man to everyone else to the point of getting herself in trouble
- Butchy is dyslexic and wears reading glasses, it's part of why he dropped out beyond needing a job, Lela is very hyperactive and struggles in school due to it, they are both Autistic because I said so
- and finally; Butchy doesn't celebrate his birthday, it's just not something he cares about, but Lela makes him his favorite cake and they have a nice night in every year, Butchy loves it. In contrast Butchy throws Lela a party every year for hers, she love it
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missmitchieg · 3 years
YouTubers I Like
harriyanna hook: I feel like I'm pretty vocal already about how much I like Harriyanna but anyway, she's a really cool Black woman who is really smart and not scared to call out and criticize even her favorite movies and shows when it comes to being misogynistic, anti-Black, anti-Asian, or anti-Indian. She's also really nice and cool and has a mega epic, mega awesome online store that I love looking at and very much recommend checking out if you like Disney, Nickelodeon and/or anime.
Pammie Plus Parks: Pamela is a very nice autistic and plus sized lady (she calls herself "Your Plus Size Fairy God Mother", how cute and catchy is that!) who posts detailed videos showing how to navigate Walt Disney World, Universal Orlando, and other Central Florida attractions as a plus size person or someone who has mobility, accessibility, cognitive or sensory concerns. She has been on a bit of a break, but has stated recently that she hopes to comes back to YouTube soon.
English Teacher KP: For all my Swifties and Livies out there, here's a YouTuber who reacts to and analyzes the song stylings of Taylor Swift, Olivia Rodrigo, Sabrina Carpenter, and more. She will also occasionally read poetry submitted by subscribers and discuss classic literature such as The Great Gatsby, To Kill a Mockingbird, Wuthering Heights, and more while doing her makeup. Please do keep in mind, though, that she is not taking specific requests at this time.
Cheyenne Lin: Cheyenne is an Asian American adoptee who makes very insightful video essays on pop culture stuff like movies, TV shows, and other phenomena.
Mina Le: Just a gal who likes fashion and movies.
ModernGurlz: Here you'll find videos analyzing the fashion of movies and television over the years along with discussions of iconic moments in fashion such as Jackie Kennedy's pink suit, Marilyn Monroe's pink dress, and Taylor Swift's ever changing style.
Jasmine Zade: In depth discussions of music artists, girl groups, boy bands, and the music industry.
Jessica Vill/JBunzie: Jessica does make up transformations into beloved characters like Betty Boop, The Powerpuff Girls, and Tiffany the killer doll along with Vintage and Princess fashion and fun facts about her favorite things like Halloween, scary movies and the Titanic.
Katherine Steele/party at kat's: Katherine shares Broadway and Musical Theater content like make up tutorials and deep dives into her favorite characters.
MacDoesIt: To be completely honest, this dude's just funny as hell. Very entertaining. Love this dude. Can't get enough of him.
Crescent Shay: She makes pretty dresses.
Jessie Paege: Pretty girls 👏 Good music 👏 Cute Kitties 👏 Gay Barbie Movies 👏
Klayton Fioriti: Jurassic Park/World Movie content.
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eyfey · 4 years
I’ve been meaning to update this for a while, and I finally got around to it!
if you’re looking for some new manga to read, here’s my rec list below:
These are all varying levels of good- some are AMAZING and some are just a fun read.
For the most part I tried not to include REALLY popular series (like yeah: One Punch Man and Detective Conan and One Piece and whatever are good! but also you’ve probably already read them!)
Also, the categories are just for the sake of organization- take them with a grain of salt. Most of the series are comedy, even those not in the comedy section.
Bonus: here’s a post with more detailed descriptions for 10 of these series, including an example page from each.
and you can also check my manga recs tag I guess
~2/20/21 UPDATE~
Hey! Comedy! -Hatarakanai Futari -Rojiura Kyoudai -Komi-san wa Komyushou Desu -Nazeda Naitou -Mechanical Marie Fun Times with Monsters and Demons -Yuko Sae Tatakaeba -Mairimashita! Iruma-kun -Maou-jou de Oyasumi -Nicola's Leisurely Demon World Travelogue -Heterogeneous Linguistics It's Romcom! -Futari Ashita mo Sorenari ni -Boku no Kokoro no Yabai Yatsu -Koudaike no Hitobito -Soushi Souai -The Story of an Engaged Couple That Doesn't Get Along Chill Slice o' Life -Yugami-kun ni wa Tomodachi ga Inai -Skip to Loafer -Kimi wa Houkago Insomnia -Koi wa Hikari -Boku to Kimi no Taisetsu na Hanashi Watercolor Vibes -Blue Period -Machida-kun no Sekai -Tokyo Alien Bros -Otoyomegatari -Witch Hat Atelier LGBT -Uchi no Musuko wa Tabun Gay (My Son is Probably Gay) -Shimanami Tasogare (Our Dreams At Dusk) -Sorairo Flutter (That Blue Sky Feeling) -Ao no Flag (Blue Flag) -Kimi ni wa Todokanai (I Will Not Reach You) Gender Bender Time -Pumpkin Time (MTF) -Queen Cecia's Shorts (FTM) -About a Lazy Guy Who Woke Up as a Girl One Morning (MTF) -The Villain Discovered My Identity (FTM) -Irregular Empress (FTMTF) The DRAMA of it All -Oshi no Ko -Three Days of Happiness -Inso's Law -Cheese in the Trap -I Will Die Soon ngl These are Kinda Fucked Up  (but like... still really good) -Sachiiro no One Room -I Shaved. Then I Brought a High School Girl Home -Bastard (Hwang Youngchan) -Yuki ni Tsubasa -Hibiki - Shousetsuka ni Naru Houhou Sounds Weird at First but Actually They’re p Good -Ano Hito no I ni wa Boku ga Tarinai -Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi wo Suru -Otome Kaijuu Caramelize -Mieruko-chan -Kusuriya no Hitorigoto Webtoons that are Good to Read -Homeless (or some sites have it as “No Home”) -Dam of the Forest -End and Save -Please Take Care of Me in This Life as Well -Her Summon Violence! (but like- also comedy) -The Violence Action -Nanba MG5 -Saihate no Paladin -Raise wa Tanin ga Ii -Spy x Family Isekai ~Boyz Night~ -Kamitachi ni Hirowareta Otoko -Maou ni Natta node, Dungeon Tsukutte Jingai Musume to Honobono suru -Kage no Jitsuryokusha ni Naritakute -Isekai Yakkyoku -Isekai Ojisan Isekai ~Girlz Night~ -Honzuki no Gekokujou -Sengoku Komachi Kuroutan: Noukou Giga (technically this one is time travel not isekai but close enough) -Crimson Karma -Beast with Flowers -The Lady’s Spaceship Isekai but with Food -Dungeon Meshi -Tondemo Skill de Isekai Hourou Meshi -Gensou Gourmet -Isekai Izakaya "Nobu" -Isekai Ryouridou Reincarnated as a Villainess -When the Villainess Loves -Beware of the Villainess! -Villainess Level 99 ~I May Be the Hidden Boss but I'm Not the Demon Lord~ -Jishou Akuyaku Reijou na Konyakusha no Kansatsu Kiroku -Otome Game no Hametsu Flag shika nai Akuyaku Reijou ni Tensei shite shimatta... Lady Knight! (when the lady is also a knight!) -Emperor and the Female Knight -Blinded by the Setting Sun -Bring the Love -Truthfully They Only Remembered Her -This Girl Is a Little Wild Reborn as a lil Babby -Who Made Me a Princess -Am I the Daughter? -Lady Baby -The Twin Siblings -The Youngest Princess More Children, but These Ones Weren’t Reincarnated (Probably) -Chichi to Hige-Gorilla to Watashi -Baby, Kokoro no Mama ni! -Yotsubato! -Dungeon Nursery -The Monster Duchess and Contract Princess Look: It's about FAMILY -Yuzuki-san Chi no Yon Kyoudai -Ohayou Toka Oyasumi Toka -Ikoku Nikki -Mizu wa Umi ni Mukatte Nagareru -A Boy's Scar
~ORIGINAL LIST: Made sometime in like 2017 or 2018~
COMEDY my dude -Saiki Kusuo no PSI nan -Pyu to Fuku! Jaguar -Sket Dance -My Name is Zushio -Samon the Summoner Supernatural pt1 (Youkai) -Demi-chan wa Kataritai -Natsume Yuujinchou -Satou-kun no Juunan Seikatsu -Fukigen na Mononokean -Takeo-chan Bukkairoku Supernatural pt 2 (Not-Youkai) -Hinamatsuri -Lookism -Mob Psycho 100 -Spirit Circle -Flying Witch Kinda Old n’ Obscure -Kyuukyoku Choujin R -Kyou Kara Ore Wa -Lucu Lucu -Ocha Nigosu -Yamada Tarou Monogatari Gender Benders/Crossdressing/Body Swaps -Shishunki Bitter Change -Usotsuki Lilly -AKB49 -Prunus Girl -Samurai High School Shounen/Seinen Series with Fighting -Birdmen -Saike mata Shitemo -Vinland Saga -Ajin -To You the Immortal (Fumetsu no Anata e) Shounen/Seinen Series without Fighting -Piano no Mori -3-gatsu no Lion -Hammer Session -Kings’ Viking -Oyasumi Punpun Romance pt1 (a mixed bag) -Love is Hard for an Otaku -High Score Girl -Horimiya -Ojojojo -Hoshino, Me wo Tsubutte Romance pt2 (It’s about the comedy) -Kaguya wants to be Confessed to -Ouji ga Watashi o Akiramenaide -Boku wa Ohimesama ni narenai -Yandere Kanojo -Tsurezure Children Romance pt2 (Very Shoujo) -Warau Kanoko-sama (and the sequel: Koi dano Ai dano) -Ore Monogatari -Last Game -Nekota no Koto ga Kininatte Shikatanai -Akagami no Shirayuki Hime Romance pt3 (Less about the romance, more about other stuff) -Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun -Karakuri Odette -ReLIFE -Pochi Kuro -Akatsuki no Yona Look. Just trust me on these. -Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer -Sumire 16-sai -Fujimi Lovers -Angel Densetsu -Nickelodeon You said it’s about… what? (weird plot but good) -Donyatsu -Shiori Experience -Uchi no Maou Kamimasen yo -Makai no Ossan -Katana (Kamata Kimiko) Warning: Ecchi (but still p good actually) -Mousou Telepathy -Hatsukoi Zombie -Sankarea -Rosario to Vampire -Boku Girl Mostly just Cute -Bird Cafe -Gokicha!! -Odette -Nukoduke -Ryuushika Ryuushika Taking Care Of Children (Extra Adorable) -Chichikogusa -Gakuen Babysitters -Flat -Hisohiso - silent voice -Love So Life Girl + Supernatural Creature = Great -Mahoutsukai no Yome -Somali no Mori no Kamisama -Kuro -Totsukuni no Shoujo -Suijin no Hanayome (by Touma Rei) New Start In Another World (isekais) -Ore to Kawazu-san no Isekai Hourouki -Kumo desu ga, nani ka? -+A Taichi -Moon-led Journey Across Another World -The New Gate RPG World (technincally not isekais? but very isekai-ish) -Tsuyokute New Saga -Good Night World -Sekai Maou -Toaru Ossan no VRMMO Katsudouki -Senyuu 4koma pt1 (Focus on Girl(s)) -Dekoboko Girlish -Love Lab -Tomo-chan wa Onna no ko! -Waratte! Sotomura-san -T-Rex na Kanojo 4koma pt2 (Focus on Guy(s)) -Kuzumi-kun Kuuki Yometemasuka? -Handa-kun -Kao ni Dasenai Yoshizawa-kun -Tanaka-kun wa Itsumo Kedaruge -Tonari no Seki-kun Technically a Harem??? (whatever- don’t worry about it) -Rokudo no Onnatachi -Jitsu-wa Watashi wa -Chikyuu no Houkago -Yamada and the 7 witches -Fujimura-kun Mates
Also keep an eye out for if these ever get picked up (very few chapters translated or Japan only)
-Moukin-chan -Kawaii Hito (Saitou Ken) -Time Slip Ota Girl
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spookyboogie3 · 4 years
The trope Last Minute Hookup shouldn’t be used for LGBTQ+ relationships.
I DO NOT hate any of these pairings. A good many of them could have been handled differently by the creators, writers, and networks. But this isnt me hating the relationships or characters or shows. Just going off about how they shouldnt have been tacked on at the end of their respective series. 
As of writing this all of these shows have ended their original runs. Except for Supernatural which is on its last few episodes. And Supergirl, which announced its coming to end with season 6.
LGBTQ characters and relationships aren’t as common in the media as straight-cis characters and relationships. Sure things are improving but a lot of networks and writers still don’t fully understand why representation is important why they can’t keep using the same throwaway tropes they’ve been using for the straight-cis relationships.
You could name any piece of media and find and name one character that isn’t LGBTQ+, but you can’t do this with LGBTQ+ characters. We haven’t gotten to the point where they are as common as non-LGBTQ characters.
I have a whole paper I wrote on why asexual representation is important to have in the media and the same logic applies to any part of the LGBTQ+ or anything that falls under minority.
Back to the topic on hand. The trope of “Last Minute Hookup.”
Its exactly what it sounds like. Characters get to together at the very end of the story. These characters could have a on and off again relationship, lots of ship teasing, the classic “Will They or Wont They?” trope. What makes it different for non-LGBT characters in relationships to do this, we know what these relationships look like. Not to say the that both Non and LGBT relationship cant have similar struggles, however members of the LGBTQ+ community know how hard it is to feel like your identity and self matters and is normal.
I know that the whole “will they, wont they” thing is done for drama and networks and showrunners think if they give the fans what they want that they’ll start losing viewers and they have nothing to look forward to. Which is true to some degree. But most of this comes from the writers not knowing how to fucking write relationships.
Let’s just focus on whats it like to be in a non-straight relationship.
Heres an example: you have an action series, with 2 male leads and halfway through the show, they get together. Cool. Now you have a Battle Couple.
By making LGBTQ relationships happen at the end of a series that’s already had plenty of other non-LGBTQ relationships happen before it, it makes it look like the people in charge don’t care for it or were afraid of backlash. But it’s the end of the series so its not like they can get the show cancelled or anything. (The only people who are going to lash out at LGBT couple or characters are homophobic people, we don’t want them around any way so just make stuff super gay, so they’ll leave)
This is especially a problem when the writer and network have spent the whole series queerbaiting the audience with these characters.
 Side note for anyone is doesn’t actually know what queerbaiting is:
It’s a marketing technique used in entertainment, which the writer or creators hint at but then don’t actually depict sex-same romance or LGBTQ representation. They do this to attract (bait) the LGBT/queer or straight ally audience into the show with the suggestion of representation but at the same time avoiding this as not alienate other audience members *cough* (homophobes) *cough*
Definition is from Wikipedia, not a reliable source says my highschool teachers and college professors but fuck em
The Legend of Korra is a great example of Last-Minute Hookup. Korra and Asami had VERY little ship teasing, and that was in the last 2 books/seasons. Any thing that was perceived as romantic came from the fans wearing shipping goggles. So to a lot of people just casually watching, yes this looked like it came out of nowhere. Nickelodeon had some serious balls to say how brave they were for putting 2 girls into a romantic relationship.
Theres a few problems with this.
A. It never actually aired on TV (to my knowledge). The last 2 seasons of Korra were put on Nicks website.
B. The confirmation that this Korrasami was canon had to come from the creators on twitter because of how unclear it was.
C. The show did the bare minimum when it came to hooking them up in the series. They walk off holding hands (very cute btw). They didn’t even get a kiss. Aang and Katara had a Last Minute Hookup at the end of ATLA after 3 seasons of ship tease and THEY GOT A KISS. Hell the original end of LoK*, has Korra and Mako kissing. *(the first season, they didn’t know they were getting more seasons at the time, no matter what you hear the writers say, they’re full of shit)
D. Anything continuation of Korra has come in the form of comics, which her and Asami are in a fairly well written relationship. Yes, they do kiss. Yes it would’ve been great to see this stuff happen in series.
A show that handles this a little bit better is Adventure Time. Not by much though. It implied several times that Princess Bubblegum and Marceline have history together and its shown more and more in its last few seasons that there is some ship tease happening. However its not until the finale where they kiss, and they are shown in the last minute of the show cuddling together in Marcy’s house. HBO has picked up Adventure Time and has a miniseries called Adventure Time: Distant Lands, where Bubblegum and Marceline’s past relationship is shown.  
I had brought up in my original post about being upset with networks making LGBTQ+ relationships canon in the last season/episode. I originally had Catradora tagged. While Catra and Adora have history together, they did not become official couple until the end of the series.
Yes, I was wrong about the network making things canon in the last episode as they’ve always had ship tease with each other, and it probably was the writers’ intent to put them together by the end. They do technically fall under the Last-Minute Hookup, however.
I wanna talk about Once Upon a Time really quick. Fans of the show were hoping and wishing for an LGBTQ couple for the show as a lot of characters, especially Regina and Emma, have alot Ho Yay moments. The showrunners weren’t going to put those two together, for whatever reasons they may have for that (im indifferent on all the shipping going on with this show). The showrunners thought to put two characters together, and hoo boy did it not make people happy. The characters they put together are Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz and Ruby the red riding hood, which would be fine if they had properly been developed.
The entire episode they did this in was a mess. They stopped the current arc during the season 5 episode ‘Ruby Slippers,’ to go over the characters that haven’t been seen in years, Dorothy was introduced and last seen in season 3, and Ruby was introduced in season 1 and was last seen in season 5 before ‘Ruby Slippers’. The characters get together in the same episode the meet in and are never seen again. The characters barely interacted, barely got along, and showed little to no ship tease or interest in each other and BOOM they are in love and together aaaaaannnnndd they’re gone. Other than having One Million Moms, a Christian fundamentalist organization, protest against the show and want it taken off the air (yes this really happened). The fans weren’t please with this development of the characters either.  
(also Mulan was right there and already knew Ruby from a previous episode, and Mulan already is established to like girls as shown by her being in love with Aurora. Don’t know why the writers didn’t just put these 2 together but whatever I guess)
So they tried again in season 7 with MadArcher. The characters of Alice, a version of Alice in Wonderland from another realm (its complicated) and Robin, the daughter of Robin Hood and the Wicked Witch (it’s also complicated). And the writers did a lot better here. Both characters were allowed to have time together and have a history together too and it was done over the whole season. Not just one episode.
Now even though the writers decided to do something different with the last season and it could be detached from the previous 6 seasons, MadArcher is not really a Last Minute Hookup per say but still falls under my thing about it being the last season so who gives a fuck if One Million Moms gets mad us and tries to get us cancelled again.
 I would like to say I have never watched a single episode of Supernatural in my life. I may one day. But as of right now my knowledge of it is coming primary from what ive seen on tumblr. You know a great source for doing research and looking for reliable information among the piles of shitposting.
From what I know from fans, the writers of Supernatural have been queer baiting for years. I mean it’s the CW, I’m not that surprised. What also wouldn’t surprise me, that by the end of the series Castiel is back and he and Dean actually start and relationship or strongly hint at starting one. I actually fear for the writer lives if they threw out a confession scene after years of queerbaiting and potential ship tease (debatable) and they don’t put them together. Fans are going to be angrier than they probably ever have been with this show and the showrunners and writers really would be known for queer baiting.
From what I know about how previous shows have done and if anyone that has ever worked on this show wants to continue living, Castiel will be back from Super Hell (is that what yall are calling it?) and he will get together with Dean. And they will fall under the Last-Minute Hookup trope and my networks make LGBTQ relationships canon last season.
 One last show I want to talk about is Supergirl, which in has been recently announced that the 6th season will be the last. The show started on CBS but moved to the CW after the end of season 1. So more CW bullshit. There is no confirmation about whether the CW or any of the Supergirl writers are planning to do this, its all speculation. Supergirl is more LGBTQ friendly than some other shows on the Network. One of the main characters came out a few years ago and had a girlfriend a season and has had plenty of hookups with other ladies around the Arrowverse. They even introduced a trans-woman superhero in the form of Dreamer.
Let’s talk SuperCorp. Lena Luthor was introduced in the 2nd season and has been a major character in Kara’s life ever since her introduction. Even if she isn’t involved in the plot, Kara always goes to her to talk and check in on her and worry about her. They are best friends. Since the 2 have met, there has been plenty of Les Yay going on. The writers seem to be aware of the fans wanting SuperCorp to be canon and they keep throwing in moments like Kara and Lena struggling together or Kara carrying Lena bridal style.
Why I bring this up after the announcement of Supergirl’s final season to start next year. We may get SuperCorp. Kara has a relationship with William in the show and not a single person likes this relationship. The writers may scrap it and get put Kara and Lena together for the final season. This is a big maybe though. The Supergirl writers and crew get called out a lot for queerbaiting.
   Let me know if you guys have any other examples of last season/last episode LGBTQ+ hookup.
And please let me know if you see any mistakes. This was all done in one sitting so I may have some things wrong.
Also check out the video by @aretheygayvideos on this topic too.
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Favorite Voice Actors
For those of you that know me, you know that my number one special interest is cartoons and the people that voice my favorite characters. Studying my heroes and watching them in interviews became a favorite pass time of mine. A lot of my friends thought that it was really weird and they stopped talking to me because of it. For a long time before I got diagnosed as having aspergers I talked forever about it. I think that both bored and confused people. For me, I love voice acting because anybody can be anything. You can watch a show and years later be like I know that voice it’s insert name here if you’re like me. True, certain actors have something that is brought to every character (I can think of one prime example later on down the list) but it is always about the heart that they put into their characters. 
10. Charlie Adler: I’ll admit that I am mostly a fan of him due to the amount of work that he has done and the quantity. This man was the voice of Cow, Chicken and Big Red guy in Cow and Chicken. True, this show was past my time (and if it wasn’t I feel like it would get the Fairly OddParents treatment where my parents would forbid me to watch it.) When I listened to his episode of Talkin’ Toons I found his story’s really interesting and compelling. I can only imagine how much work and effort went into all of his characters in that show. To develop one character is one thing but to be able to switch between them like a deck of cards is a completely different thing. I did however watch a lot of Brandy and Mr. Whiskers when I was younger!! Growing up with that show and hearing him play Mr. Whiskers brought me a lot of joy when I was sick at home and for that I will always be a huge fan of his voice and his work. 
9. Jim Cummings. If I were to say that one voice actor had a ton of versatility it would probably be him. I was a major Tigger fan when I was growing up. Not just that but I loved Raymond when Princess and The Frog came out. He is actually my mom’s favorite voice actor. But I also loved CatDog when I would see that on reruns, I grew to love Darkwing Duck and countless other shows that he leant his voice to. Studying voice acting and the people that do it has led to me finding some things out that I would rather not. Especially when I found that he wasn’t actually the nicest person in real life. But, to me that doesn’t matter when it comes to this list. He is here because so many of his characters made my childhood just a little bit happier. When I was thinking about favorite voice actors I considered two things, personality and character content. This one is here just for character content. 
8. Bob Bergen: I reblogged a post a long time ago with this man at the helm. What he can do every time I see him do it blows my mind. Bob has been the voice of Porky Pig since pretty much Tiny Toons back in the early 90′s. He has stated that there have been some others but when I think Porky this is the name that comes along with it. Watching him do his thing is something that continually blows my mind. Listening to his life story on Rob Paulsen’s podcast Talkin’ Toons is something that inspired me more than anything. It’s this story of persistence and resilience from a young age. He is one of the few voice actors that actually got to talk with Mel Blanc when he was fourteen. I love his genuine heart and the ability that he has to jump into his character full force. Porky was a big portion of my childhood and I grew up laughing at his “silly” stutter. It wasn’t until I got older and learned that the stutter is an actual art form that I learned something entirely different. 
7. Richard Horvitz: Most of you that know me might be surprised at this rather seemingly low placement for somebody that I greatly admire. I mean he was Invader Zim and Billy from Billy and Mandy for crying out loud!! I just bought a print for the man but really when I thought about it, he hasn’t really inspired me as much as my top six have. I love his sense of humor and his love of musical theater but he hasn’t taught me anything life altering. I think that he is hands down the funniest voice actor in Hollywood. I could listen to him make jokes forever and just talk in his voice but at the same time he is so other worldly and knows so much about the craft that it inspired me that way. He is as most of his fans joke “the dad voice actor” complete with dad jokes. I love Invader Zim so much, the show has helped me through a lot of loneliness and emotional moments in my life reminding me to keep laughing at life’s craziness. I also love Moxxie from Helluva Boss. All in all Richard is a fabulous man and actor. He has helped me figure out the kind of person that I wanted to be and I owe him a lot of laughter hours. 
6. Greg Cipes: Can I talk about probably my OG hero for voice acting? When I was six I spent a lot of time in front of the television watching the original Teen Titans. My favorite character was Beast Boy his character that he played. When I say that BB changed the way that I think about my life that is not an exaggeration. He was one of the first characters that made me laugh so hard my stomach hurt. Growing up I had to fight people for his validation. It seemed like nobody loved him as much as I did. Cut to me in middle school I’m a bit more grownup and I start channel flipping. I wind up on Nickelodeon and see the reboot of Ninja Turtles. I figure I’ll watch it and see what all the hype is about. I hear Mikey open his mouth and instantly I get this rush of my childhood coming back. It was one of the first times that I made the connection between voice actor and character. Greg taught me so much vicariously through his character. He taught me about fun and laughter, about the importance of feeling lonely doesn’t mean that you’re alone in the world and even if you’re the goofball that doesn’t mean that’s all you have to be. The fact that he is such a relaxed and genuine person only adds to the admiration of this vegan beach bum. 
5. Corey Burton: This is a very personal hero of mine. It’s one that I hold very close to me because of one thing. As far as I know, there have been very few voice actors on the autism spectrum. Corey is the only one that I have ever found. He’s the man that actually surpassed every expectation and said screw live performing it makes me anxious I’m going to get my experience through something that I know I’m good at radio. So he does radio and becomes really good at that. Then he goes to cartoons. He does Dale in Chip And Dale Rescue Rangers with a certain feminine icon of mine. He gets Ludwig Von Drake and has been that voice actor since the original DuckTales. Then he hits the peak, he was Mole in Atlantis Lost Empire a big budget Disney movie. I am so often inspired by my top six favorite voice actors. They are the ones that took me by the figurative hand and told me hey you can do get through whatever it is that you are struggling with. It just takes a little bit of laughter through the bad times, and an optimistic attitude that things will slowly but surely get better. Corey was the one that actually got himself to the top of the mountain and got to say that he did it. I admire that about him so much because for a while I thought to myself “Hey, he did it so can I”. 
4. J Michael Tatum: In terms of anime voice actors, even though I love a great many, only one has ever remained of legend status. It comes yet again with a rather personal story. I was 17, lost and a little bit confused. I knew that I was ace but I had no idea how to tell my parents. It was around this time when I was getting back into anime due to Yuri On Ice, Space Dandy and Princess Jellyfish. I decide what the hell I’m going to watch some panels of my favorite voice actors for anime haven’t done that since I was thirteen. I had always loved Tatum as Kyoya Ootori in Ouran High School Host Club and France in Hetalia but other than that I didn’t know very much about him. I looked up panels for him and came across one for Florida Anime Con filmed that year. In it, he talked about being gay a lot. It implanted a seed that would inspire me. If he could be out and proud then why was I stoping myself? It might sound silly or stupid to some but to me it changed everything. From that moment on I loved everything Tatum. It led me to discover my love for Rei in Free, Okabe in Stein’s Gate and many other countless roles of his. 
3. Tom Kenny: This man right here, he is the OG voice actor special interest of mine. He is the first name that I remember hearing because he did so much for Nickelodeon showing children how he did his most iconic voice. Who is that iconic voice you may ask yourself? Well it’s Spongebob flipping patties Squarepants. If that alone doesn’t put him at this spot then I don’t know what does. Like so many children in the early 200s I spent a good chunk of my childhood with me and my parents on the couch and this show on the television screen. You want to talk about legacy? This man voiced his way into the hearts of millions of children across the united states. I remember the first time I saw his actual face. I was flipping through channels and I saw this man on Nickelodeon. He had a goofy smile on his face and I figured what the hell I’ll give this a watch even though it’s not a cartoon. Then he started talking he introduced himself as Tom Kenny. Then he starts doing Spongebob. My five year old mind was blown. I never forgot his name ever since. Every time I would watch Teen Titans and Mambo would be on that episode I would be like “Oh that’s Spongebob’s voice actor”. It was that moment that changed everything for me. I have never looked back from my main special interest ever since. He has helped me through so much. Whether he be my favorite exorbitant yellow sponge, or Dog on CatDog, or Lazlo on Camp Lazlo part of me will always be with Tom Kenny. Keep making children happy Tom you’ve been doing a great job so far. 
2. Tress MacNeille: Hoo boy this is a big one for me. For those of you that haven’t ever been around here before and don’t know the name of my character on my icon her name is Dot Warner (the Warner sister) and this is her voice actress. I hope that she changes your life and inspires you as much as she has mine. When I was nine I had an incredible fourth grade teacher. She showed us Yakko’s Nations Of The World for geography class. She also encouraged us to watch the rest of the show because it was full of educational songs and humor. I went home that day with on thought in mind. I wanted to watch the rest of that series. I go home and I make one distinction, hey that Warner sister I can kind of talk like her a little bit if I try hard enough. It was a little bit harder back in those days and I talk a lot more like her now with the reboot out in the world. This is the first and only impression I can do. I can do Dot and that’s it. And to me that was what mattered I didn’t need to be able to do anybody else. There aren’t a whole lot of woman voice actress’s that can keep working. All we have is Tara Strong, Cree Summer and the one and only goddess Tress MacNeille. Tress has helped me out so much in my life. I have never been the most confident person alive but from a young age hearing her absolutely smack down the actors of her brother’s in the show (Rob Paulsen and Jess Harnell) something about that inspired me. It was around this point in my life that I learned I can speak my mind and just not give a hoot if anybody feels the same way that I do. I can make my opinions known to other people. I was sixteen when I made that discovery and Tress was there for me all the way cheering me on in her Dot voice.  I owe a lot to her and I wish that she was more active on social media so that I could have the opportunity to thank her for everything that she has done vicariously for me. 
1. Rob Paulsen: If you were surprised by this, we probably haven’t talked before. At least not extensively because my dog do I love this man!! He has inspired me more than any other and he is not just my favorite voice actor but I consider him my ultimate hero in life. Where do I even start with him? There have been so many moments where I’ve fallen in love with one of his characters. I suppose one should start at the beginning. As I mentioned with Tress, my introduction through Animaniacs was Yakko’s Nations Of The World. This moment it changed everything for me because this was the first time that I could actually remember seeing Rob do a role. Yakko was the first cartoon character to actually make an impact on me. It was the first time that I ever loved a character that deeply. It was also the first time I ever made my own character to pair up with a canon character not even knowing that I was doing it. Ever since then a part of me has known okay that’s what Rob talks like. Now thanks to Tom Kenny I can recognize him in other places. And recognize him I did. From there I found that he was Carl on Jimmy Neutron, Mark Chang my favorite character on Fairly OddParents and countless other roles that we could be here all day for. As I mentioned, I was in middle school when the 2012 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were originally airing. When I watched that first episode, Donatello sounded really familiar to me. So I waited to the end credits only to find out that holy hell that was Rob!! The same person that played my favorite fast talking older brother. I found out about his fight with cancer a few years after it happened. This is when he went from favorite voice actor to hero legend status. He fought his way out of hell so that he could continue to sing “United States, Canada, Mexico, Panama, Heidi, Jamaica, Peru” until the end of his days. Reading his book changed my life forever as it gave me insight to not just the man who made me laugh, cry and cry laughing listening to his podcast but that same man had a whole ass heart and soul that he put into every character that he did. I find it really hard to explain what he means to me. He’s my hero, the one that made me laugh when I was a sad and lonely elementary schooler and the one that continues to bring me back to my childhood every time I see him in a show. I don’t feel the compulsion to give strangers hugs very often but if I ever met Rob I don’t think that I would be able to stop myself from giving a hug and just telling him thank you. Thank you for making my childhood and the childhoods of countless others much better than they would have been without you. 
And that’s it folks!! Whew that’s a lot of me rambling but I feel a bit better now. Finals preparation week has officially started for me and I just wanted to give myself this big ol’ boost of serotonin before I went into it.     
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acelezz · 4 years
My Experience With Internalized Homophobia
I know that I haven’t been making that many posts lately, but I would like to announce that as of like a month ago, I officially came out to everyone in my life. It was a long journey and I’m glad that’s over and that nothing has changed. My coming out story is nothing special so I’d rather talk about something that is more interesting: my battle with internalized homophobia.
I first heard the word “gay” when I was 8-years-old. It was said on George Lopez and when I asked what the word meant, my mom told me. At first, I was very repulsed. I’ll admit it: I used to be a bit homophobic growing up and I’m very ashamed of it. I’ve always believed in being kind to others so it was never to a gay person’s face. I would just make comments when it was just all straight people and this went on for awhile but it wasn’t something that I did every day; just when the topic was mentioned. For instance, in 7th grade, two of my girl classmates were outed as a couple and although I had been suspecting that bc the one girl was obviously gay, I made a disgusted face when my one friend told me about it and did the same thing when she told me that another friend of hers was bi and was with a girl once. 
At first, I thought “Ok, maybe I used to be like this because I was young and didn’t know that I was gay yet and was just being introduced to gay people after not knowing about them for so long.” Nope. Completely incorrect because lets compare this to my reaction with finding out about trans people. I remember it very clearly: it was when Caitlyn Jenner had just come out. My cousin was staying with us for the weekend and her and my mom started talking about how her coming out documentary was airing that night. I remember asking what it meant to be transgender as my mom was driving us. She explained what it meant. I’ll admit, my reaction was not the best as some of my questions were ignorant but I was still young as I was still only in middle school. But my tone wasn’t nasty; I genuinely wanted to learn more about what it meant to be trans. My mom explained it the best she could as a cis woman and then that night, my parents let us watch the documentary.
Now, I do not know much about Caitlyn Jenner but what I do know is that she probably is not the best trans person to idolize as she has had some controversial moments, but I really do have to admit one thing: my initial understanding and acceptance of trans people came from what her coming out documentary taught me. Initially, I thought that people may wanna be trans if they are gay and are facing too much homophobia and wanna change their sex to avoid discrimination but boy, was middle school me painfully wrong in so many ways 😂. Caitlyn Jenner taught me that transgender people whose gender identity doesn’t match up with their biological sex. Also, that people who crossdress aren’t transgender necessarily. When she transitioned, I wonder if this meant that she liked men now but she answered that for me as well. She taught me that trans people can be any sexuality just like cis people. 
Obviously, my trans knowledge has since expanded but I learned a lot that day and took it in with acceptance. Now, keep in mind that I am gay and cis. When I first learned about being gay, I was a bit disgusted even though my family told me that it was okay. When I first learned about trans people, I was accepting and understanding from day one. Clearly, I was battling internalized homophobia. Obviously, this didn’t come from my family as they were accepting. I believe it was because I knew that not everyone accepted it and that deep down inside, I was scared that no one would accept me. 
Let’s trace back to when I said that when I was young, I had no idea that I’m gay. The only reason that I didn’t know was that because I was so deep in denial that I convinced myself that I wasn’t. Shortly after I found out what gay meant, coincidently, I started to have urges to kiss girls. At first, I thought that it was because I had just learned what it meant to be gay but little did I realize that I was starting puberty.
Now, this inner battle went on for YEARS. I remember that when I was twelve, I first learned what it meant to be bi because I was watching a “Whatdaya Want From Me” lyric video and as you all know, Adam Lambert is gay and someone in the comments was saying how they loved him and his music and said how they are bisexual. I thought that I had a crush on a boy before in 4th grade and one on my friend’s cousin in 7th-8th grade but those were no crushes 😂 If anything, I just really wanted to be friends with them and had never had a real crush on anyone before so I mistook platonic crushes for romantic ones. So in the back of my mind, I kept on saying to myself, “you’re bisexual.”
6th-7th grade was the most unhappy time of my life tied with October 2019-today(big thanks to my family problems and miss rona) because I was constantly argued with myself in my head and it didn't help that I had family problems at this time as well. It got so bad that in 7th grade, I just genuinely hated myself so much that I hated going to sleep at night bc I hated being alone  with my own thoughts (similar to this year but this year it was just all external forces and nothing with myself at all). I was just very miserable and felt really caged from silencing my gay thoughts that I hated that I had. Then I eventually found the song “Let Me Be Myself” by 3 Doors Down and it saved me. It’s as if it was directed towards my own conscious, telling me to be myself and let all of my thoughts flow without arguing with them. Whenever I found myself hating myself, I’d just scream this song in my head and it was so relieving. It made me feel like I was standing up to my own self and it made me feel more free.
Now, there is a reason why I didn’t accept myself as gay or bi in 8th grade. I don’t get crushes much and I literally only saw my friend’s cousin once and found out that he had a gf so, I thought I was asexual for a whole year although I was happily devouring Girl Meets World fanfics that were all just RileyxMaya(I’ll never forgive Disney for not making Rilaya happen and for cancelling the show so early on). This is when I stopped being so homophobic and more accepting. I honestly thought it was bc of all of my LGBTQ+ classmates and bc of their kindness, I learned that I needed to be more of an ally. I mean, I did learn a lot just from watching those classmates, but that wasn’t it, fam. I truly thought that I enjoyed wlw fanfics because I thought that the stories were cute and that the couples were nice together. While that was true, someone who’s just an ally wouldn’t enjoy that many gay stories and read as many and devour them like I did. Not to go off topic, I did start doing that in 7th grade so that is probably another reason why I labeled myself as bi in the back of my head then, but in 8th grade, saw myself as ace bc it’s not like I had a crush on Riley or Maya. I just really shipped them and REALLY enjoyed any wlw fanfic on Wattpad. For some reason, the fact that I didn’t have any crushes that year made me think that I was ace which is totally untrue bc I’m about to hit my one year anniversary of not having a crush (but I’m going to a new school so that’s probably gonna change next month lol)
When I stopped arguing with myself in my head for good and allowed my thoughts to flow freely, I was truly happier although I was still questioning myself. I learned that questioning is so much easier when you consider those thoughts in the back of your head instead of fight them because I did question myself for much longer, but it was pleasant and a self-discovering journey.
I remember my first crush on a girl clearly. I was 15 and at first, I didn’t know that it was a crush bc it was actually my first crush and I didn’t know what it was supposed to feel like. I was obsessed with her and constantly thought about her and constantly wanted to be with her. I remember getting really nervous whenever I knew that I was going to see her. I remember that I used to talk about her all the time. Let’s call her K. I remember my mom saying, “L, do you like K?” And I got all nervous and denied it. The moment I realized when it was indeed a crush was when it got to be too much so my mom had a talk with me and I told her about how K made me feel and so my mom was like, “L, that’s a crush.” and I just sat there and said, “oh, crap!” and that’s how I semi-came out.
I still struggled for awhile after that. I knew I wasn’t straight and that I had a crush on a girl, but it was a hard pill to swallow that people could hate me for something that I can’t help. Although that “oh, crap!” was probably a dead giveaway,  it wasn’t an official, “oh, I guess that means that I’m not straight”. I kept it to myself for awhile and didn’t hate myself for it, but still couldn’t quite process it. 
I probably have an unusual self-acceptance story. I didn’t truly accept myself until months later when I got bored and decided to see if the new Nickelodeon was any good and of course, stumbled upon the Loud House. I eventually found the episode “L is For Love” and fell in love with the show. I had never seen good bisexual representation before and it really did help that it was a girl my age at the time too. I felt like I could really relate to Luna with how she was nervous to confess her feelings to Sam and how everyone treated her like she was no different made me really accept myself. It made me realize that friends and family matter the most and all of mine were accepting of LGBT (at the time and I’ll explain what I mean in a second) and that I had nothing to worry about because they’ll always love me. 
It did take me a couple of months to come out to my parents after that because although I knew they’d accept me as they said they would always love me even if I was gay. Coming out is just a scary process even if you know they’ll accept you because you feel like you’re exposed because it’s something that you kept to yourself for so long. My parents telling me that did make it way easier to come out to them so props to them for doing that right. I feel like it’s so important to tell your kids from a young age that you’ll accept them if they’re LGBTQ+ because even if you were never homophobic, coming out is scary and they may worry that you are homophobic but just never brought up the topic. 
It took me so much longer to come out to my friends because for one, I promised myself that I’d tell my family first and also, when I was 16 and had just finally accepted myself as bisexual(even though I’d later realize that I’m just gay, but it was a good start), I became best friends with these girls who were kind of homophobic. We’ll call them GH and GS. GS had found my rilaya fanfics on wattpad from 8th grade and we had just become friends, so I lied and said that it had nothing to do with me, I was just supportive. GS didn’t care but she stopped reading the book and thought that since I was comfortable enough to share my opinions on the subject, that she’d share hers. Not the most homophobic comments, but she made it clear that she didn't like it too much but that she didn’t hate gay people and that she recognized that others don’t share her opinions. GH was more harsh about her opinions which scared me the most. I feel like I should mention that I have two other Christian friends. I wasn’t as worried about them since we never really talked about LGBTQ topics but they do go to the same church as GH and GS, which made me a bit worried. Imagine finally being ready to come out of the closet all of the way just to be scared into staying in there for a few more years. 
This made me feel conflicted bc these girls didn’t constantly preach their beliefs and never bashed on LGBTQ people, but I was afraid that if I came out to them, they wouldn’t accept me. I should mention that they’re very religious Christians and I noticed that homophobic Christians come from a place of love bc they are so brainwashed that they think that shoving their beliefs down people’s throats helps them bc they believe that what they believe is the only right way to live and there's nothing wrong with being religious, but they are very mislead about LGBTQ+ people. I literally saw this when I was 14 and I stood up to my Baptist cyber friend who cyberbullied a lesbian and he admitted that he thought that he was helping her and that he didn’t think that it was bullying. Bullying is never ok and so I blocked him and only learned that from an apology letter that somehow made its way to me through another cyber friend.
I am going to say something that some of you may not agree with. I honestly don’t care if people don’t like that I’m gay as long as they don’t vocalize it. Like I don’t like spiders but I recognize that my dislike is irrational as they play a huge part in our ecosystem and are important to this world, just as every single person is. I wish that people who are against LGBTQ bc of their religion just would recognize that it’s irrational as everyone has different beliefs and would just keep that to themselves. If they just kept that to themselves, I would have came out so much sooner and I bet a lot of people can relate to that. I’ll never understand the dislike as I’m catholic and was taught that it’s okay but respect and kindness is better than outward hatred and is a step towards more acceptance in this world. 
Anyways, after awhile of being in the closet with my friends, I decided I would tell them once we graduated and not in the middle of the school year since if anyone was mean, I could literally just block them and never have to see them again instead of having to switch friend groups and still having to see their faces every day in class and in the hallways. Also, I did go through a period of questioning myself and did not want to tell them until I had a clear label. When I was 17, I got another massive crush on another girl and I realized that I never really did have crushes on boys as those “crushes” do not even begin to compare to the ones that I had on girls. I then finally realized that I'm just lesbian and with school being shut down, I came out sooner than I intended which is good. 
I wish that I would have came out to my friends sooner. Everyone was so accepting, including my christian friends and the two girls that I had massive crushes on. It was a relief that they all accepted me because I feared that they wouldn’t. I really discussed my fears with my religious friends but with my crushes, I knew that they were both accepting of LGBTQ+ as they both had gay friends and only said nice things about gay people, but I was afraid that they would figure it out that I used to like them with how clingy I was with the both of them, especially the second one(let’s call her LM), and would become uncomfortable around me.  I have no idea if either of them figured it out but K showed her support when I came out on insta and left a nice comment and LM liked the post and didn’t make any comments about it but since has shown an a bit of an interest of becoming closer friends with me again since we stopped talking as much since we didn’t have any classes together this year.
I never told either about my feelings but if they figured it out, they must have realized that I was only such a clingy friend bc I was crushing on them and didn’t know how to show it properly bc I was closeted so it came out as that. Also, they probably have both realized that I am over them now as I am not clingy with them at all, making them realized that I have changed and have realized that I learned that I shouldn’t be so clingy as it can be really annoying as I’ve been on the receiving end of that before. Also, I have to say I don’t think that either of them ever liked me. I was just so deep into my fantasies that I created false realities. I mean, I think they both like boys. I’m not saying that they can’t be bisexual, but I feel like they have accepting friends so at least I would have found out by now especially after coming about bc I’ve had 2 ppl come out to me as bi after I came out. What I’m saying is that I’m happy bc I would rather crush on accepting girls who don’t like me back than homophobic girls. Now that I don’t like them anymore, I realized that K and I are good as just acquaintances and that I want to become better friends with LM bc when I talk to her now, I feel as if I’m talking to my best friend M and I’ve always seen M as a sister. 
About my christian friends, I was happy that we got to stay as friends. I was so scared that I would lose them bc they are wonderful people. I came out to them separately and they were all very accepting. It kind of made me realize something about them. Perhaps they too are struggling bc they are being brainwashed into thinking that it’s a sin to be gay but they don’t seem to believe it exactly. I feel like I always see the best of people when I’m alone with them bc ppl feel comfortable to be their true selves around me and I noticed that my christian friends talk differently when we are talking one-on-one. It’s almost as if they change themselves and what they talk about to look like “good christians” as if they seek their own church’s approval in front of one another and it’s sad.
Sorry that this turned out to be so long. I just have really changed over the past decade or so and I’m really proud of how I became a better person and what I learned about myself and the lessons that I learned along the way. I learned to be myself no matter what and I hope that everyone learns that at some point, especially my christian friends that I mentioned bc you should never put on an act to be accepted. You’ll be much happier when you realize that your true friends and family are the ones who love you for you because you’re amazing just the way you are.
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Hello everyone! So, if you’re because you enjoyed my last fic, I sincerely apologize because this one is way worse. Despite being triple the size of my first fic, it’s more horrible. But I promised I would post soon so I’m just going to go with it. I hope you like it! (Warning: very slight nsfw. Also I’m sorry because this is full of fluff, sap, and some angst. But it’s very sappy. You might cringe, I apologize. Also, just a note, I know it seems really lazy that I didn’t write the actual Hell dream. I’m sorry, but I’ve tried writing Hell dreams before and they always sound very cheesy/different from the Hell dream in Book of Mormon. I hope you can look past that. Enjoy!)
Kevin turned around from the shopping list he was making when he heard the door open.
“Oh, hey Arnold! So, how was your time with Nabulungi?”
“Man, Nickelodeon and I had a great time! First we hung out, then I explained the plot of The Hobbit to her, and then she showed me how to text on her device! It was awesome! But I missed you, best friend!” With that, Arnold wrapped his mission companion into a hug.
“I missed you too, buddy.”
Arnold began to explain his night minute per minute to Kevin when Kevin suddenly felt a strange feeling on his rear end. 
Did someone just grab his butt? Kevin looked behind him where he saw Connor grabbing a snack from the cabinet. 
When did Connor get so smooth? Kevin started to contemplate this. Then, he got a better look at Connor’s face and saw that the boy was blushing like crazy. Ah, that was the awkward ginger he knew and loved.
Meanwhile, all Connor could think about was the awful Hell dream that he was going to have for that.
“Are you okay, Kevin? You look a little...out of it.” Arnold said, looking between Kevin and Connor. 
“Huh? Oh, yeah I’m fine I just…” Kevin watched as Connor hastily went to his room.
“Sorry, I have to do something Arnold.” Kevin began to walk after Connor.
He got into Connor’s room and found Connor curled up on his bed.
“Con...you good?” Kevin looked at the sad ball that was his boyfriend.
“Kevin…” Connor whined. 
“Yes?” Kevin sat down next to Connor.
“I’m sorry…” Connor avoided eye contact. 
“Yeah, what the hell was that back there?”
“I just wanted to be flirty. And sneaky. And sly. And romantic. And,” Connor blushed, “sexy…”
Kevin laughed. “Well, you were adorable, I’ll give you that. But what if someone had seen you? You have to be careful with that Connor. I mean Arnold was right there. Right there. Luckily he was too distracted to notice, but you could’ve outed our relationship...and me.”
Connor sat up. “I’m really sorry...I didn’t think about that.” 
He had gotten caught up in the moment and forgotten that Kevin wasn’t out to the others like he was. After the excommunication with the church, Connor had come to terms with his homosexuality and told the other missionaries. However, this was all very new to Kevin. He wasn’t quite ready to come out and Connor wasn’t going to rush him.
“If it makes you feel better I’m sure I’ll have one heck of a Hell dream tonight.” Connor said, smiling sadly.
“Aw, babe.” Kevin grabbed Connor’s hand and intertwined their fingers. “Do you wanna spend the night in my room? Arnold’s a super heavy sleeper so I doubt he’ll wake up and see us.”
“Oh, I don’t wanna intrude…”
“Please?” Kevin stretched out the word.
“Fine…” Connor said, resting his head on Kevin’s shoulder.
“Now, as much as I’d love to spend the whole day cuddling together, Arnold is going to come looking for me. I’d rather me find him than have him find us. But meet me in my room tonight, twenty minutes after lights out.” Kevin planted a kiss on his boyfriend’s forehead and walked back into the living room.
Connor laid down in his bed, considering what to do. He could stay in his room, have a Hell dream, and deal with it alone. Or he could attempt to stay up all night and avoid the Hell dream all together. Or he could sneak into Kevin’s room, like they had planned, and he would have someone to comfort him when he woke up from his Hell dream.
While the third option was the most appealing to Connor, he felt sort of guilty about just barging into Kevin and Arnold’s room. But Kevin had invited him…
Connor considered what would happen if he just stayed in his room. He’d go to sleep feeling upset, he’d wake up in the middle of the night and sob about his Hell dream until he went back to sleep, and the next morning Kevin would be angry at him.
Screw it. Connor was going to Kevin’s room. He only got to be in Uganda for two years. He was going to make the most of it.
Connor looked at the clock. 10:22. It was two minutes after they had planned to meet. Connor carefully crawled out of bed and sneaked into Kevin’s room.
Kevin sat up and spoke a faint, “Hello.”
Connor sat next to Kevin, unsure of what to do next. “So…” he said, anxiously running his hands through his hair.
Kevin giggled. “C’mere.”
Kevin laid down and motioned for Connor to do the same. He wrapped his arms around Connor and kissed him on the cheek.
“Mmhmm?” Kevin said, nuzzling his face into Connor’s shoulder.
“How are you so good at this?”
“Good at what?” Connor could tell Kevin was beginning to fall asleep, as he was mumbling and pushing all his words together.
“Relationships? Like, this is your first one and you’re so perfect at it.”
“I dunno. I’m a natural.” Kevin smirked. “Now let’s get some sleep, mkay?”
“Okay...goodnight, Kev.” Connor kissed Kevin gently.
“Night Connor…”
Connor woke up, covered in sweat. A single tear rolled down his cheek but he quickly wiped it away.
The next thing Connor noticed was his hands. They were insanely shaky and he couldn’t stop them. Next, his breathing. He was breathing quickly and loudly, and couldn’t slow down.
“Mm…” Kevin stirred in his sleep. Connor looked at Kevin. He began to worry he would wake Kevin up. He tried to quiet his breathing.
Connor slapped his hand over his mouth and tried to calm himself, which somehow only made him more upset. His breathing got quicker and a couple more tears escaped his eyes.
Eventually, Connor’s heavy breathing woke Kevin.
“Whoa, hey, Connor, are you okay?!” Kevin sat up and put his hand on Connor’s shoulder.
Connor opened his mouth to speak, but was hyperventilating too much for any words to come out.
“Hey, shhh, I’m here Con. It’s okay. Whatever it was, it was just a dream. You’re okay.” Kevin said, pulling Connor onto his lap.
Connor embraced Kevin and put his head on his shoulder. Kevin rubbed his back until his breathing eventually slowed.
“I’m sorry, Kevin.”
“Connor, it’s okay, you have nothing to apologize for. Do you want to talk about it?”
Connor slowly nodded. He inched off of Kevin’s lap onto the bed.
“Well...it started like a normal Hell dream: Demons everywhere telling me how I’ve sinned, Satan telling me that I shouldn’t be gay, Jesus explaining how I’ve disappointed him, my parents crying about their awful son…” Connor flushed, “you...being cute and flamboyant.”
Kevin smiled.
“A-and then I started to feel guilty for being attracted to you, but then Satan started explaining how I’ve sinned more than I ever have when I grabbed your butt, and he convinced me I was going to Hell, and you started explaining how I ruined your life and made you uncomfortable and how I’m so gross and disgusting and the worst sinner ever, and—“ 
Connor’s rambling was interrupted when Kevin wiped a tear off Connor’s cheek. He hadn’t even realized he had been crying. 
“Connor...none of that is true. I know that doesn’t help much, but I love you so much, and I promise I don’t feel that way.”
“I just really don’t want to go to Hell. And I don’t want to be the reason you go to Hell—“ Connor’s voice cracked and he started to cry harder.
“Hey, shh, it’s okay.” Kevin said, rubbing Connor’s back. “Come here.”
Kevin laid down with his boyfriend, rubbing his thumb up and down Connor’s tear streaked cheek. 
“Can I tell you something?” Kevin cupped Connor’s face.
Connor sniffed. “Yes?”
“When you grabbed my ass—“
“Your butt—“
“Con, I can’t believe that even while you’re sobbing from your Hell dream you’re going to censor me.” Connor smiled. “But anyway, when you grabbed my ass, it was really cute. But not near as cute as the embarrassed look on your face.”
Connor began to blush. “Well, you see, I just—you know I thought that...I just felt—“ Connor sighed. “I love you, Kevin.”
“I love you too, Connor.”
“...also the shocked, concerned look on your face was super adorable.” Connor laughed as Kevin rolled his eyes.
Connor rested his head on Kevin’s shoulder, and eventually they fell back asleep.
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all-things-lgbtqia · 4 years
Why the Nickelodeon Pride Tweet isn’t as Confusing as Everyone Says it is
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On June 13, Nickelodeon released the above Tweet featuring rainbow patterns on three Nickelodeon characters: Schwoz Schwartz from Henry Danger, Korra from The Legend of Korra, and, our subject for today’s discussion, SpongeBob from SpongeBob SquarePants. The caption reads, “Celebrating #Pride with the LGBTQ+ community and their allies this month and every month”. This entire Tweet seems to have confused many a media outlet, and even if you know the truth about SpongeBob’s LGBTQIA+ status, you can’t blame the uneducated for being confused. Let’s clear up that confusion, shall we?
First of all, I really feel like the wording on this Tweet was a mistake. Don’t get me wrong, I love my allies, but pride month is about celebrating the LGBTQIA+ community, not our allies. This is kind of like wishing someone and their entire family a happy birthday. Plus, this wording has been the culprit in tripping a lot of people up. One of the ways people have interpreted this post is that SpongeBob is actually an LGBTQIA+ ally, and although I have no doubt SpongeBob would be supportive of his friends if they came out as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, etc., I really don’t think that’s Nick’s point. Plus if only three of the characters in their entire pantheon would be considered allies, that would look really bad.
So let’s take a closer look at these characters. That will really clarify the use of all the rainbows. Korra is, of course, bisexual, and this reveal at the very end of the series really [pleasantly] shocked a lot of people. Even though the last episodes premiered online, the creators could only get away with so much if their two female leads kissed onscreen, and although a lot of people see it as a copout today, it’s important to remember that this was the best they could do at the time. LGBTQIA+ representation has, for a long time in media (especially for children), been about pushing that line more and more to increase what creators could get away with. Korra is the first Nickelodeon character to be confirmed on-screen to be LGBTIA+, and we shouldn’t take credit away because her coming out is no longer up to our standards. Schwoz I had to look up, because even though his actor, Michael D. Cohen, was assigned female at birth and underwent surgeries and hormone therapy to appear more masculine (I have to say that in interviews, Cohen has stated that he does not identify as transgender, which is why I don’t say he’s transgender here, but that he did have a transgender experience; although said experience fits the definition of “transgender”, it would be wrong of me to put that label on someone who does not want it), that doesn’t mean the character himself was also assigned female at birth. I went to the character’s Wiki page and found that all his love interests were women, so I scrolled down to trivia and found that Schwoz “will be transgender in the future, according to future Ray...”. This happens in the episode “Ox Pox”, whose synopsis can be viewed here. What is important to note is that the episode premiered in 2016 whereas Cohen came out in 2019, so this likely wasn’t a jab at his identity (or at the very least I am hoping it wasn’t). Finally, the sponge himself, SpongeBob SquarePants, is asexual.
SpongeBob Squarepants is asexual.
SpongeBob’s sexuality has been up for debate for years. We live in a society where any male character that doesn’t immediately express outward affection towards a female character, he must be gay. When asked about this in a 2002 interview with The Wall Street Journal, creator Steven Hillenburg said that he believed the characters, especially SpongeBob, to be asexual. For a children’s show, that makes sense (after all, it would be really inappropriate for sexual desire to be expressed on a kids’ show). Because the article is effectively behind a paywall, you can read an article from People that says basically the same thing here. The show actually has a bit of proof of this. If we look throughout the show’s run, we can find a lot of characters end up in romantic relationships or with romantic feelings for another character, but SpongeBob doesn’t have feelings for anyone other than a Krabby patty in an episode we’d all rather pretend doesn’t exist (but click the link if you’ve somehow forgotten and are curious, I guess). Mr. Krabs, of course, develops feelings for and even enters into a romantic relationship with Mrs. Puff, Patrick develops a crush on Princess Mindy in The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie, Squidward goes on a date with a lady octopus (and SpongeBob even helps him practice), Plankton is married to his computer wife Karen, Pearl is a teenage girl and frequently fawns over various boys, and even SpongeBob’s pet snail Gary is seen crushing on other snails. It seems that Sandy and SpongeBob are the only main characters that don’t end up with love interests at any point in the show. Even if we want to pretend that “To Love a Patty” exists and totally wasn’t a shared fever dream, it’s important to note that asexual people are completely capable of falling in love and sustaining romantic relationships; they just don’t experience a sex drive the same way non-asexual people do. From what I’ve noticed from personal experience, asexual people also tend to care very dearly for their friends, which is apparent in plenty of pre-first movie episodes as well as post-Hillenburg’s return episodes. In fact, the Valentine’s Day episode is all about SpongeBob giving all his friends Valentines, and saving the best one for his best friend Patrick. All the evidence we need is in the show.
So, why the rainbow flag?
The rainbow flag represents all LGBTQIA+ identities
The original rainbow flag was lovingly dyed and stitched together by a large group of people, including lesbians (including lesbian transgender women, and don’t you forget it!), gay men, transgender and non-binary people, and yes, even asexuals. It was meant as a symbol for us all. It represents all non-hetero and non-cisgender identities. The flags that followed exist in part to help express all the unique identities that fall under the rainbow. Think of it like the United States flag. The Star-Spangled Banner represents all of the country of the United States, but every state within has its own flag. Just because I’m from New Jersey doesn’t mean I’m not allowed to fly the US flag on Independence Day. Or any day of the year because we Americans sure do like our flag. And just because Schwoz is transgender, Korra is bisexual, and SpongeBob is asexual, doesn’t mean they’re not allowed to use the rainbow flag. So no, SpongeBob isn’t a straight ally, and he isn’t gay, either; SpongeBob is asexual, and we’re proud to call him a member of the LGBTQIA+ community.
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azurehyn · 6 years
I hate to sound like a toxic 'fan', but there's probably no other way to describe this, because this is a rant of everything I personally found wrong with Voltron, as a fan who does love the show but isn't blind to the fact that...they fucked up.
I know someone's going to say "well if you don't want to be a toxic fan don't post stuff like this" well excuse me but fuck off, i need an outlet after that emotional trainwreck
If you're here for positive allurance you ain't gon get that
If you're here for positive klance you ain't gon get that either
Because why? This season was a fucken mess and screwed most us over. Hello and welcome to my poor and angry Ted Talk
They shouldn't have introduced so damn many plot points and leave over half of them hanging
They lied? Multiple times? Example: was Keith's suicidal moment properly addressed like they said it would be?
Lance being Altean? You handle that well with good clues scattered throughout the seasons and DON'T EXPLAIN HOW HE IS ALTEAN TO BEGIN WITH?
Lotor. Was. Wrong. I'm turning to @astralscrivener on AO3 with their fix-it fic because yeah Lotor's arc was good one but felt fucking off because he deserved a redemption arc and I DON'T SEE THAT ANYWHERE
Rift monsters anyone? There is a whole beautiful avenue of story there and y'all just left it hanging
Allura was also kinda wronged? Her character started off inherently hating Galra and quick to jump to the worst conclusion about them. What Lotor did was shitty af, but the way Allura handled that entire situation invalidated her growth from hating Galra for being Galra. If she had properly grown as a character and the writers/showrunners actually showed that, she maybe would have reacted differently to SHOW it, to show that growth. This is just my personal opinion, the situation might have ended up the same either way, but i dont like how it was handled.
Call me a Klance fan for hating on the show but i am never going to get over or forgive this; KLANCE WAS WRONGED AND WE WERE FUCKING BAITED. I feel like many Klance fans wouldnt be as bitter as we are now if only we werent fucken BAITED
Tim Hendrick is the real MVP
Which reminds me; how is it good rep to show us Shadam, and we only know it's Shadam from the comic-con because it is not even PROPERLY PORTRAYED IN THE SHOW ITSELF that this is a gay relationship which could/would have been construed as roommates/friends NOT LOVERS, kill Adam so that so that we know little to nothing about him, then AT THE END OF THE SHOW pair Shiro with someone, again, we have little to no connection to? I feel like Dreamworks or whoeverthefuck was trying to squeeze too much rep into one single character, with Shiro being Japanese, disabled, mentally scarred from his trauma, oh and also gay but still a great role model. Look, i have no problem with Shiro being any and all of the above, but as has been mentioned by others, they relied too much on our love for Shiro, and tried to fit in too much rep in a single character when it could have been evenly spaces out between all or more than (1) one of them.
You know something ain't being done right when a plethora of fanon is lightyears better than canon. Again, dont get me wrong, i do love the story of vld, BUT that does not excuse the smell of the stanky shit they pulled multiple times.
...y'all there's 200k word fics out there better than what the beauty of Voltron derailed into
They had a chance to be a groundbreaking american animated show in terms of represention and instead they chose to skate close to the ground instead of shattering it by screwing up on multiple accounts.
As a hardcore Klance shipper, i say Allurance would have made more sense and sent a better message if it wasn't some half-assed shit sprinkled into s7 and shoved down our throats in s8. By making it canon you're essentially saying its totally fine for a guy to make repeated attempts on a girl when she's said no, and he'll eventually get her through dogged determination. LANCE WAS A FUCKIN REBOUND. WHY SAY HE'S GOING TO BE SOMEONES FIRST CHOICE (do not @ me about The Feud) THEN GET ALLURA TO 'CHOOSE' HIM AAAAFFFFTTTTEEERRRR LOTURA BECAME A CANON THING???
"Better an open-ending for Klance than a definite no possibility of it" bitch the fuck, don't bait us with Klance and make it such an obvious ship from FUCKING SEASON 1
"You'll be happy with the lgtb rep" *insert most deadpan expression in existence* does this look like the face of a happy camper
If you could make Korrasami a thing on freaking Nickelodeon, how did you fuck up so badly with Klance on NETFLIX?
Unrelated but also related: if the Dragon Prince doesn't deliver on the GOOD lgbt rep they promised within the next 1 or 2 seasons, i am never trusting any american animated show that throws out the "oh we'll have lgbt rep just you wait n see" bone ever again
As someone who identifies being both demisexual and bisexual (demibi? Because apparently demigay Keith is a thing which just hurts now), i am sorely disappointed by, and hurt by voltron. The show isnt even bad! Its a good fucking story with good characters, a number of whom were utterly wasted. I think the whole mess vld derailed into in later seasons could have been avoided if they just didnt try for any romantic angles. Because, as they said, this is a show for 7-12 year old boys. Do you really think boys that age give an actual shit about romance.
Do you guys who read fanfics notice there is no 'fix-it' fics for the first 3 seasons? Those only turned up season 4 onwards. Does that say something? Hm...
I am just so angry and SAD and disappointed with THIS being the end to our journey with voltron. Just what the fuck. I know there's the comics but it's kind of not the same? And after what happened with the show i am wary about the comics now too.
Fucking KICK forever, fuck all of you haters and shit writers of the latter seasons, and bitches i can say that because I AM A WRITER AND HAVE BEEN ONE FOR 10 YEARS, I CALL IT LIKE I DAMN SEE IT
Finally, to end this rant, I leave you with what Tomoe from Kamisama Hajimemashita (dub) once said: I AM SEETHING. SEETHING WITH PURE RAGE.
*sits back and prepares for the hate*
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spiftynifty · 6 years
Hey there! I’m the same anon that sent that confusion ask to jojo. I saw your reply and Read your post about LGBT in kids shows and how (at the time) it seemed probable for a m|m canon. I wanted to ask what your thoughts are now? I personally think it seems most likely that Keith will end in a het. Relationship (despite it seeming a little rushed and lm and jds saying they wouldn’t) Keith ending with no one when such a strong relationship with shiro was built up just doesn’t seem likely either..
To be honest, I was worried about Kacxa at first too. Many, many other hetero romances have started with less than that and seeing underdeveloped relationships just happen because “he was a boy, she was a girl, can I make it any more obvious” is something we are extremely accustomed to. Heck the show kind of plays right into this with Hunk/Shay.
But Keith is different, he is a far more developed and story-focused character than Hunk is, and thus if he’s to be given a romantic partner then it needs to match that flow and level of development. One of the “rules” that we often get in media is that “romance is a higher level on the relationship chart than friendship”. And at this point, and even after 13 more episodes, there’s just no context this show could offer me where I could honestly believe that Keith could regard Acxa with a similar level of affection to how he regards Shiro, let alone higher. This was the biggest reason I stopped worrying; to be blunt, Kacxa doesn’t make sense on a narrative or character level. Keith aside, Acxa deserves to have a story told that doesn’t involve her following dudes around.
Also, revisiting the show I’m quite convinced that Keith is canonically in love with Shiro, that his feelings for him were intended to be read as so many of us do. There’s a reason so many people in and outside the fandom have written about their relationship with optimism and curiosity about where the show is taking it. It’s there, even for those who have never been looking for it. I know a lot of straight guys who have picked up on it despite never realizing Korrasami was a thing. 
But we definitely do a lot of speculating here in the Sheith fandom and I’ve seen some pretty elaborate meta for scenes that didn’t particularly resonate as shippy for me. So stepping back, shipping goggles off, speaking as a viewer and as someone who works in animation, there are really… 3.5 sequences that give me pause, that are so heavily coded and so… interestingly storyboarded and animated that I find it increasingly impossible to believe the showrunners and directors never intended for their relationship to be read romantically. They are:
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Because there is something inherently romantic about the slow zoom on their smiles before the slow drift of them towards each other, the castle forgotten
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Because this is blatantly highlighting how beautiful Shiro is and Keith staring at him in awe before he closes his eyes for the last time, resigned to their joint fate
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Because I have run all the permutations and scenarios in my mind and there is literally no reason for Keith to stop mid lean, with his eye direction shifting lower than Shiro’s eyeline. It would have been faster and way less work to show him just hugging him without the pause.
And then this is the 0.5:
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Because while the canon tempers this moment with “you’re my brother”, I am beyond convinced that that line was added because the scene was too romantically coded without it. And if you don’t believe me, check out this edit someone made of what the scene sounds like without the brother line. It’s incredible. 
But will we SEE canon Sheith? that’s… a little more complicated. 
My post ages ago about LGBT in cartoons was pretty optimistic but where I failed was considering the differences in studios. Some companies are a lot more chill about LGBT content in their shows. But they also aren’t the Big Two: Disney and Dreamworks, whose records of LGBT characters are utterly abysmal. Here are the two they had prior to July 2018: LeFou from live action Beauty and the Beast, and Gobber from HTTYD2 in a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it line that was ad-libbed by the actor and left in. Arguments could also be made for the Sheriffs in Gravity Falls (that had to be Dumbledore’d after the fact by the show creator who alluded to there being a fight over it).
NOT great, especially when you consider Disney is not just Disney: none, NONE of the 19 Marvel movies feature an LGBT character, nor do ANY of the Star Wars movies. It’s utterly inexcusable. Shareholders in these companies make things more complicated because they help dictate the direction a company will take and if a large portion of their major shareholders are say, more conservative, we’re going to notice that there is one area on the diversity checklist that is repeatedly getting passed over. The bigger the company, the more complicated the relationship is with shareholders. That’s why it’s difficult to compare Korra’s achievement, through Nickelodeon, to the potential of an LGBT relationship on Dreamworks. We should absolutely hold them to the same standards regardless of company size but we can’t expect to get an endgame LGBT relationship just because Korra did, or because of the giant 20-gayteen celebration going on for two wlw ships at Cartoon Network.
But we also got THIS on Voltron.  
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And it’s a start. I think it outlines pretty clearly where the limits are for Dreamworks at this time, especially since many casual viewers seemed to miss the romantic implications of Zethrid/Ezor, and a more alarming number somehow walked away from Adam/Shiro’s fight completely unaware they were a couple. Which honestly, was certainly Dreamworks’ goal. Keep it vague enough to fool the shareholders, but implicative enough to pat themselves on the back for their achievement. Even though it only exists because JDS and LM fought tooth and nail for it. But at the end of the day, we still have Shiro, Shiro our canonically gay rep, and that’s so huge. I don’t think people realize how huge that is, and I wish his coming out party hadn’t been so marred by toxic antis and even non-antis who decided to take a really big moment in cartoon history and make it all about themselves and their own pain over the “more” that they didn’t get. 
It’s incredible that we are getting LGBT in cartoons finally, properly. 2018 celebrated three massive historical achievement in kid’s animation: A strong, muscular, leader hero was revealed to be gay and have had a boyfriends, and two wlw couples kissed–one of them got married, onscreen. 
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This is HUGE. Prior to 2018 the biggest LGBT cartoon moment we had was Korra and Asami four years ago. 
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It was like for four years everyone fought and fought and fought and 2018 was the breaking point and we got this glorious explosion of LGBT romance as a result. Audience reception to these couples has been immensely supportive, which is something the companies are definitely noting if it’s translating into dollar signs. It’s something that makes me much more optimistic for the future of cartoons in years to come. 
But I’m just going to come out and say it: the road to mlm is just a little bit harder. There are a ton of reasons for this but I’d say the biggest two boil down to: classic, gendered homophobia (the white conservative straight dudes with money supporting the studios have an easier time with the idea of two women making out, cuz that’s “hot” than two men, cuz that’s “weird”), and also because it is easier for people to accept that two overly-touchy women are “just good friends” than it is for them to accept that two male characters doing the same thing are. Guys Don’t Get Affectionate With Each Other, after all, because that’s not the Masculine Way. Or something. Tons of people watched the end of Korra and assumed they were just friends. Replace those characters with Shiro and Keith and it raises eyebrows. 
So where does that leave Shiro and Keith? It’s really hard to say and at this point it’s anyone’s guess. I truly believe Sheith was intentionally coded as romantic, but getting the green light is another matter entirely. In addition to the DW shareholders, JDS/LM have to deal with the Voltron ones and since that would include conservative-minded folk along with some Japanese shareholders and Japan has complicated rules about LGBT content… it’s a hot mess. Realistically speaking if you were hoping to see Shiro and Keith kiss onscreen, it’s time to come to terms with the fact that there is a 0.0002% likelihood of it happening. I think the best outcome we can expect at this point is that they both end up single, with bonus points if they’re still alive and on the same planet by the series’ end. I firmly believe that this IS something the showrunners are and have fought for and will continue to fight for until the last retakes are done and the show has been approved and shipped off to Netflix for distribution. 
My tinhat theory is that there is one, single scene/shot, that is blatantly canon, that JDS/LM and KR animated on the sly, and have at the ready that they are totally prepared to replace another more platonic scene with– should DW give the go ahead. But I doubt that go-ahead will ever come. At the end of the day the shareholders are the rulemakers and unless they’re convinced it’s worth the financial gain, Sheith is forever bound to be the “will they won’t they” friends we have seen for the last 7 seasons. And I don’t think that potential financial gain of the kids’ animation world’s first mlm couple is big enough to convince them. But god do I ever hope I’m wrong. 
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laceyeb · 5 years
But that gayporcelain post makes sense ONLY if a gay woman has never been attracted to a man in the past. If, however, a woman has been attracted to a man in the past (oh hey, Enrique!) then the possibility of being attracted to a man in the future as well is perfectly logical.
On the occasions I get messages like this, I’m always torn between ignoring/deleting/blocking or actually responding with the hope of educating someone. Though I very rarely expect to educate this person. It’s more a hope that I educate others and even myself.
What confuses me the most is that this person seems to think they know me better than I know myself. To be fair, I often feel as though I know very little about myself. I still know me better than any other person. I am the only person in the entire world who knows, understands, and gets to label my sexuality as I see fit. Just me. No one else. Why you think you get an opinion on that matter is beyond me.
Did you know that people can change as they grow and learn more about themselves and the world around them? Did you know that a person does not remain exactly the same throughout their whole entire lives? I know it sounds a little crazy to think that humans can live for many decades and not be the same person they have always been, but it’s true. When I was about 8 or 9, I was determined that I was going to be a mountain climbing artist when I grew up. As in I was going to climb mountains and paint pictures while I was up there. Shockingly enough, that is not where my life has taken me and it never will. The fact that I once thought that was my life’s purpose does not mean I have the desire or expectation of that happening in the future. It’s not lying dormant inside me just waiting for me to stumble upon the right mountain and then have me throw everything else away to chase this dream I had 20 years ago. When I was a kid, I would not eat mashed potatoes if my life depended on it. I wanted my bedroom walls to be Nickelodeon slime green. I couldn’t sleep with my blinds open. None of these things are still true about me. I have changed. And just because they were once true, they are not suddenly going to become true again just because these things used to be a part of me. Sure, that might happen in some cases. Like I might someday pick up an old hobby I used to enjoy years ago and it makes me happy again because it was once part of my life. But that doesn’t happen with everything. I’d go so far as to say that doesn’t happen with most things.
My past might determine my future to some degree. I work where I work now because I chose to come to this area for college. If I hadn’t already been here and familiar with my current place of work, I would not have ended up with a job here. But those are events that occur as a result of other events. Uncomplicated things. Those aren’t feelings and emotions. My past does not dictate my future. It does not say that things have to be a certain way.
I could sit here and make a list of all the boys I liked growing up. It’s a long list. At least 10 off the top of my head, one of whom was my boyfriend on two separate occasions. Enrique is just the tip of the iceberg. (By the way, you’re the only one still hung up on him because I haven’t thought about him for at least a year now.) None of this invalidates how I feel and/or choose to identify right now. If I felt so inclined, I would show you the numerous journal entries I have written on exactly this topic. Trying to decide what I’m “allowed” to call myself based on the types of feelings, experiences, and attractions I have. (Spoiler alert: I’m allowed to call myself anything I damn well please.) I choose to identify as a lesbian because that is how I understand my own feelings. Honestly, I probably could still identify as bisexual. But I still have not yet figured out if that’s because of genuine attraction I feel or if it’s what I think I’m supposed to feel. Which was actually THE WHOLE POINT of that post I reblogged for literally no other reason than because I liked what it said. However, I identify as a lesbian because I know that I see myself with a woman in the future and not with a man. Relationships, marriage, sex (which is a whole other identity I’ve been trying to figure out lately and a story for another day), etc. All of that is with a woman. None of that is with a man. And yet I still feel some sort of attraction towards men. It’s not attraction I feel any desire whatsoever to act on, which is why I consider myself a lesbian.
But here’s the really fucked up thing about attraction. a) There are so many different kinds. This is what has really messed me up in trying to better understand myself. Physical attraction, sexual attraction, romantic attraction, aesthetic attraction, etc. etc. etc. All of those can be different things and I can feel different kinds for different people. But that’s too complicated to sit down and explain to anyone just for the hell of it. So therefore b) I always find myself feeling the need to defend the attraction I experience. Like because I’m a lesbian, god forbid I ever acknowledge that a man is attractive even though I have eyes and they fucking work the same as they always have. God forbid I ever say that I once had a boyfriend. Obviously these things wouldn’t make me a real lesbian. BUT IT DOESN’T MATTER. These things do not invalidate who I am right now.
And yet I find myself doing stupid shit like defending myself to people like you.
I’m not out at work. I don’t exactly hide and I think a few of my coworkers at this point just assume, which is totally fine with me because it beats having to find an opening in a conversation at lunch to be like, “Surprise. I’m gay.” (I have not yet found that opening.) But I find myself doing and saying (and not doing and saying) certain things so that people won’t assume I’m not gay. I don’t want to give anyone a reason to doubt me. That old boyfriend recently joined the military and I happened to see it on facebook on my phone while at lunch and I must have said something under my breath that made someone else ask me what I said. I told them, “Oh, an old friend just joined the military. That’s pretty cool.” Something like that. I made a deliberate choice to say friend instead of boyfriend. Even though it’s been almost 10 years since we were together and I have absolutely no emotional attachment to that anymore. And when someone at work will make some comment like, “Oh I always liked that actor. He’s so attractive.” And I will intentionally choose not to make a comment because if I say that guy is attractive, could someone use that against me some day? It’s ALL stupid, but these are legitimate things I do because of people like you who try to subtly tear down everything I have done over the past 3+ years to get to where I am today.
And you know what? I’m the lucky one. I’m lucky these are the worst things I endure. So then I feel guilty complaining about these minuscule problems when it could be so much worse. Even though it’s not a competition and I can still feel the way I feel without taking away the pain someone else might feel.
This was cathartic. Most of this was off topic, but I’ve been getting more work emails these past two days of summer vacation than I get during a regular work day and it’s doing wonders for my anxiety, so I appreciated the distraction.
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