justgotawesome · 6 years
Aww I really love your blog... Your dedication to HTYD is simply PERFECT! Thank you!!!So... how is all the feellings after the poster of the next movie?!?!I already have some scares, because this title "The Hidden World" gave me some thoughts about Toothless leaving Hiccup to be with his new family... What do you think??
I’m glad you love my blog! Yeah, I’m not resting till I get through every episode. That’s why I’ve started doing multiple per month.
My feelings from the poster are excitement, and happiness. I wasn’t quite sure what to expect from this film, I did think Hiccup would look a bit older though. I’m assuming it’s only been a couple years then. But just for the first thing we see to be them with a new dragon of a new species that seems very important to the story, yeah I don’t really have any ideas except for they discover a hidden world and a new species of dragon. That’s why I like posters, they don’t tell you the whole story of the film haha.
This new species making Toothless part of their family is an interesting thought. Way before HTTYD2 even came out I remember hearing the third could end with all the dragons leaving (”There were dragons when I was a boy”). I had no idea the reason for the leaving, and I didn’t want to know. Still don’t. However it would be the only thing that makes sense for Toothless to leave, if there was reason for all of them to. I can’t imagine Toothless meets a new dragon and just ditches Hiccup. That’d be very uncool of T.
plus can you imagine Hiccup and Astrid’s kids growing up without him bECause I CAN’T.
There’s also the question of if this is gonna be the last film or not. I know it was meant to be, but then they got rid of the ‘3’ and that has me worried. Universal owning DWA now, it only makes sense they’d want to milk the films for all their worth. I just hope they do it without affecting this one, like not forcing hints or storylines to leave open. Maybe, like, one line of dialogue. Subtlety is always better for these kind of things in my opinion.
But I just want a trilogy. There’s not enough trilogies nowadays and I LOVE a good trilogy. I know this film was delayed for years, but I always hoped that was just because they needed more time to simply make the film (I mean 2016? come on that was never going to happen) and not because Universal made them change stuff to either dumb the film down (to be more like an Illumination “movie”) or not end the story properly.
but most of all I’m excited and happy and can not wait to see Hiccup, Toothless, the gang, Valka, Gobber and Eret on the big screen one (hopefully) last time.
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mymcdanno · 7 years
Question tag!
Rules: Always post the rules, do all 11 questions by the tagger, write 11 of your own questions, and tag 11 people to answer said questions.
I was tagged by the lovely @cowandcalf, thank you so so much babe!! xx
Answered questions:
1. What were you doing during the day yesterday?
I’ve been on a holiday for almost a week and I just got home today, so I was enjoying the last moments there with my family! x
2. Is there a person in your life you broke up with out of whatever reason and you wish to meet her/him again?
Yes, there is... but it’s not going to happen, so.
3. Is there a scene from your favorite TV Show that blew your mind, still stucks in your head and you have to think at it every now and then? A scene that moved you, knocked the air out of your lungs kind of special scene?
Oh man, this is a really hard question!! This is going to be long, I’m so sorry! But yes there is, and here are some of them (no way I could choose just one):
-The Steve and Danny “I love you” moments and hugs, all of them. ALL OF THEM.
-Other McDanno moments, obviously! Danny giving Steve his liver, Danny finding Steve in s2 e10, all the scenes where Steve treats Grace and Charlie like they’re his own kids, “book’em Danno” scenes..... I mean, you guys know how much I love them. You can see more of my fave scenes/quotes here: (x) (x)
-The “I’m a thousand years old, you can’t kill me!!!” scene from Teen Wolf, Dylan is an amazing actor!! Holy shit, that scene is awesome.
-Also, so many Stydia scenes from Teen Wolf. So many. The scene where they dance for the first time, the red string scene, the “Remember I love you” scene, the “If you die, I will literally go out of my freaking mind” scene, the “You look beautiful when you cry” scene, THE KISSES........ I love them so much. Send help.
-The “Be your own anchor” speech from Teen Wolf. I really love Melissa, okay?
-The “Scott, you’re my brother” scene from Teen Wolf, and the “Stiles, if you have it, we’ll do something. I’ll do something” scene. Both so beautiful and important, I love Stiles and Scott!!
-Allison from Teen Wolf is one of my favorite characters ever, she had some REALLY GOOD scenes. I love her, and every single Scallison scene too.
-Glee had some really wonderful scenes that made me cry. It was the first show I ever fell in love with, so it has a special place in my heart. I’m not going to count scenes here, because they would be about 2000, but I ship Klaine. That’s probably all you need to know. <3
-Marvey scenes from Suits have almost given me a heart attack, and @themcinebcnd knows all about this!!!! <3 After some scenes I actually had to stop and wait for a few days before continuing the episode. It’s a wild ride, watching that show. Holy shit. But I really really really love them.
-Every cute Malec scene from Shadowhunters there is, they are so adorable and they deserve all the best in the world okay?
4. Do you know a person in real life who knows fanfiction, the real meaning behind it and is a fangirl/fanboy too?
Oh my god yeah, luckily I do!!
5.  What would you want to experience but weren’t brave enough to just do it?
Hmmm, this is a very good question. If I was brave enough, I would probably want to go skydiving. It looks awesome!
6. Do you watch porn on tumblr?
7. How does a perfect day should look like?
Probably just having a fun day out in the sun with friends, eating good food and having many laughs. <3
8. What kind of beauty products do you use in the morning to get fit for the day? (like all of it)
Toothpaste, day cream, deodorant, body mist and then some makeup.
9. How do you celebrate your birthday?
I always go out to eat with my mom on my actual birthday, and then I normally choose some days close to it to invite friends and family over (on separate evenings, though)!
10. Would you step on an empty dancfloor and start dancing just because the music is awesome?
Nope, I would have to have a friend with me haha!
11. Is there a project in your mind, a dream maybe, that you love dearly and maybe one day you want to do it?
Yeah, there is <3
Asked questions:
1. What tumblr blog is your favorite blog of all time?
2. What is your favorite book?
3. Do you like drawing?
4. Who is your favorite YouTuber?
5. Who is your favorite celebrity?
6. What is your favorite TV-show?
7. Who is your OTP?
8. Have you ever written fanfiction?
9. What would be your dream job?
10. What is your favorite color?
11. What is your favorite band?
Please feel free to ignore this because it’s very random, but I’m tagging:
@themcinebcnd @tari-aldarion @szvms @erienne1983 @swietlik @alexisa1206 @bookemfangirl @tissueoflies and everyone else that wants to do this, just say I tagged you!! <3
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takadasaiko · 7 years
My money is on Tom, and that he is calling Liz. I don't believe after everything he passed to be with Liz and Agnes, he would stab his love on her back only for what?? Money?? He is a HARGRAVE for Christ's sake!
Better yet, he’s a Keen and chose to be ;-)
I completely agree, though, @alexisa1206! Even if he’s not talking to Liz on the phone, I don’t think playing delivery man for Kaplan is anywhere close to betraying Liz. It’s providing a piece of the puzzle to her so that she can make a decision with all the information.
Kate wasn’t leaving anything to chance, and Tom is 1) loyal to Liz first, 2) not afraid to go up against Reddington for Liz if need be, and 3) likely going to hear about her death (from Liz), even if no one would be able to get in contact with him from whoever was left in the fallout. While I certainly didn’t think of it when she said she had someone set up, the more I think about it, the more perfect the choice was for what Kate needed.
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nephelite · 5 years
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Lucas worried about Vic (2.07) Vic worried about Lucas in (2.14)
requested by @alexisa1206
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The Bodyguard - Part Six available
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The Bodyguard (A McDanno AU)
Senator Daniel Williams is facing a problem – a spate of kidnapping attempts on kids of other Senator families in his circle has him on edge.
His six-year-old son Charlie is the guiding of his life, and he’d do anything to protect him. As it turns out, though, ‘anything’ must include hiring the man he slept with and ghosted on six years ago to serve as a bodyguard.
Daniel went on a date with Steve McGarrett that was filled with chemistry, fondness and a night of passion – but the morning after, fear overtook him, and he slipped away before Steve woke up.
Part Six
So my dear readers of the story, this is the last part. Thanks a lot for your likes, reblogs and lovely reviews.
I dedicate this chapter to @gatorasmus. Thanks for being such a wonderful friend to me.
Charlie just wanted to go to bed as soon as they arrived home, and of course Danny could understand that. When he had tucked his son in and returned to the sitting room, however, he and Steve had no chance to rest themselves. Flopping down into his seat, Danny sighed heavily, and let his eyes flick over to Steve on the couch. “You want to tell me what’s wrong now?”
Steve’s brow was still furrowed - his lips slightly pursed. “I know I got him,” he said. “But it shouldn’t have happened in the first place. He should never have been able to pick Charlie up. It was too easy.”
Danny was stunned. “You can’t beat yourself up for that,” he assured him. “These things happen, and… I mean, of course Charlie was afraid, but he’s a hardy kid. He’ll be okay. We got him back. You got him back.”
Steve seemed surprised by this answer, his eyes flicking up to meet Danny’s. There was a sensitivity and vulnerability there so deep that Danny felt he could fall into it – but then, he’d always had a soft spot for Steve’s eyes, even all those years ago. “You really aren’t mad?”
“Of course not, Steve,” Danny assured him. “You saved my son. You did exactly what you were supposed to do.”
Steve scrubbed at his face. Realizing that there’d be no telling-off or angry rant from Danny, he sank back into the cushions. “Okay,” he said, sounding limp. “That’s good. Alright.”
Danny shook his head, clearing his throat. “Honestly, I’m very impressed. It was just like you’ve been telling me. You knew exactly what to do straight away. No hesitation.”
Steve smiled, appreciating the compliments on his job. “I tried my best,” he assured Danny. “I did.”
“I have to admit I was afraid for you,” Danny admitted. “Watching him swing that knife.”
“Afraid for me?”
“Absolutely,” said Danny. The surprise in Steve’s voice - well. Surprised him. Did he really believe that Danny didn’t care what happened to him? “I was watching it happen. I was terrified that something might happen to you - that you might get hurt.”
“It’s all part of the job.”
“Nothing I’d want you to go through,” Danny insisted. “I mean, I…” he trailed off, wondering what the best way to phrase this was, before giving up. Danny was just going to have to come out with how he felt. There was no other way. “I really care about you, Steve. I cared about you when we first met, and it never really went away.”
Steve cleared his throat, meeting his eyes only briefly to confirm that Danny was being serious. When it was clear that he was, those eyes flicked right back to the floor. “But that’s what I don’t understand,” he said. “I’ve been feeling that from you recently - just a little, I mean. Don’t get me wrong. But then why would you have walked away in the first place?”
Danny sighed, running a hand through his hair. “I was just beginning to grapple with my sexuality back then. When I woke up sober, I was afraid of how much I liked you. I knew what it would mean - in my social circles and for my political career…”
Steve’s voice was gentle as he responded. “But the wider world is going to accept you.”
“I know that now,” Danny said. “It’s just… some big steps to take, especially on my own.”
It took a long time for Steve to answer, but Danny couldn’t say he minded. The feeling he communicated when the words finally came was absolutely worth waiting for. “Maybe you don’t have to take those steps alone.”
Danny looked up, finding Steve’s piercing eyes right on his. The intensity of the moment floored him, and he swallowed, feeling that they were looking directly into parts of each other that no human being had ever seen - not even back then on their date.
“Yeah?” Danny croaked.
Steve took a moment before nodding. “Yes.”
The time for pausing was done with. It had taken weeks, but now that the floodgates had opened and the words had been said, they had nothing more to wait for. Danny crossed the room with the sounds around them fuzzy in his ears, practically melting against Steve on the couch.
Steve’s hands were strong and warm as they skated over Danny’s body, sliding up underneath his shirt to immediately insists that it be removed. His eyes were hungry as they traced over Danny’s body. Then those eyes flicked back up to meet Danny’s, spellbound, and they finally leaned closer to kiss.
Kissing Steve was like returning home after a long and tiring trip - like the plane ride that never ended or the political work that never stopped. He was so strong and secure around Danny that there was nothing to be concerned about. It didn’t matter that he was kissing a man, or what the world outside would think, whether good or bad. It felt like they were doing the right thing, and that was important to Danny. Judging by the easy, happy grin on Steve’s face when they pulled apart briefly, it was equally as important to him.
“You want to take this to your room?”
“I’m glad we found each other,” Danny told him, reclining back against the bed where he was placed, watching as Steve stripped off his clothes. “I’m glad we’re getting a second chance.”
“Me too,” Steve assured him, and he sank down to the bed to occupy his mouth with something rather different than a long-overdue conversation.
Hands sliding up his thighs, he bobbed his head over Danny’s length with a skill the Senator well-remembered. If Danny was honest, he’d been living off the memory of the last night they spent together for years. The thought that it was happening again right now was as blissful as the sensation. Well. Nearly.
As they lay together afterward, Steve’s hand loosely carding through the messed-up tangle of Danny’s hair, the events of the kidnapping attempt seemed miles away. All three of them were safe. Judging by Charlie’s reaction to Steve coming to live with them, he’d be even more excited to hear that they were a couple – and that meant that all three of them were happy, too. Frankly, Danny intended to keep it that way.
The Senator’s smile widened as he felt the light press of a kiss against the top of his head, and he glanced up at a rosy, lazy-looking Steve. “You’re thinking too hard, Danny.”
“Only about the future,” he assured him. “About how I’m not going to waste my second chance with you.”
“Mm,” said Steve, kissing the top of Danny’s head again, and humming in mock-disapproval. “Just see that you don’t.”
The city is slowly coming to life and something told Danny that this was the start of a really glorious, lucky chapter of all their lives.
I’m tagging: @murphyhatesme, @surewouldbeinteresting , @82tweeder, @dawilly76, @soarincynindlca, @nephilimeq, @thekitsuneko , @iheartmbm, @power-bottom-steve, @annechoulie, @xsxmxp, @just-fandomthings , @avictoriangirl, @mcdannoangelwolf, @thename-ofthewind, @break233 , @fvckboi-carlile, @mymcdanno, @alexisa1206, @cowandcalf, @kozuszek, @teamfortress2ofresidentevil , @ohmy-mcdanno, @bertolio, @auntie17, @shelton-devers , @minahahj, @telltaleclerk, @saratour, @mkbcaan, @aries470, @neko-suke , @yoko787878, @nathiawarrior, @tinocrane68
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tari-aldarion · 7 years
Hi! I’m looking for more blogs to follow, and I was wondering if you could tell me some of your favorite mcdanno blogs? :)
Oh my gosh there are so many! 
100% definitely right now go follow: @mymcdanno @cowandcalf @erienne1983 @whenamarshmallowmeetsahothead @alexisa1206 @nade2308 @ohmy-mcdanno @alohaspaceman @thekristen999 @mcdannofan 
Honestly, the entire fandom as a whole is just wonderful and amazing and I’d follow every single person in the fandom tbh. 
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lisab1991 · 7 years
10 Favorite Female Characters Meme
I was tagged by @goldenhairedwolfgirl thanks Lucy! 
RULES: list ten of your favorite female characters in ten different fandoms and then tag ten people.
Alright, here we go! In no particular order:
Claire Beauchamp Randall Fraser - Outlander Emma Swan - Once Upon A Time Belle - Beauty and the Beast Felicity Smoak - Arrow Rachel Scott - The Last Ship Alexandra Udinov - Nikita Anne Boleyn - The Tudors Seven favs, seven tags: @rosemoon621 @sal-si-puedes  @disneyflower-7 @findangoh @poedameron @alexisa1206 @dandystrades and everyone who reads this and would like to continue the chain. And for the ones I tagged, you know the drill: only if you want to.
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mymcdanno · 7 years
Hi! I love your blog and wondered what other H50 blogs you would recommend? ☺️❤️
aww, thank you anon! 💕
@themcinebcnd @mcdanno-love @tari-aldarion @cowandcalf @tissueoflies @peggyswilliams @szvms @erienne1983 @h50europe @mcdannofan @nade2308 @alexisa1206 @swietlik @bookemfangirl @alohaspaceman @fckin-mcdanno @ellenlovesh50 @hawaii50s and of course @whenamarshmallowmeetsahothead💕
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indiguus · 8 years
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req. by @alexisa1206 // [inps.]
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Senator Daniel Williams is facing a problem – a spate of kidnapping attempts on kids of other Senator families in his circle has him on edge.
His six-year-old son Charlie is the guiding of his life, and he’d do anything to protect him. As it turns out, though, ‘anything’ must include hiring the man he slept with and ghosted on six years ago to serve as a bodyguard.
Daniel went on a date with Steve McGarrett that was filled with chemistry, fondness and a night of passion – but the morning after, fear overtook him, and he slipped away before Steve woke up.
Thanks to all of you - for your likes, reblogs and comments on the story so far.
And now in this part there's the bonding moment between Steve and Charlie.
Part Three / Part Two / Part One
After the initial shock of meeting him again, having Steve around wasn’t as bad as Danny had been expecting. The guy was gruff and grouchy, almost as if he was completely different person to the warm, caring man Danny had slept with. Maybe he was. Years could change a person - but whatever the case may be, it could have been an awful lot worse.
“Danno’s kind of famous and important.” Steve glanced at Danny, who was working on the dining table across the room. The senator smirked briefly, returning to his work. “And I’m important, too,” Charlie assured him with his usual confident charm. “Even though I’m just a kid.”
“Of course, you are, Charlie,” Steve said. “I think you’d be important even if your Dad wasn’t,” Steve told him, though he seemed to wait until he thought Danny was no longer paying attention. “You’re very good at drawing.”
He picked up one of the boy’s drawings. Out of the corner of his eye, Danny watched Steve survey it. Charlie was a kid, and his drawings did not really resemble masterpieces, but maybe a generous person would say they see the inspiration. Charlie’s backgrounds were rich and colourful, and his figures dominated the drawings. He put a lot of effort into trying to represent the faces of the people he drew, and if he had a lot to learn, it was quite a sweet attempt.
“So, you like make portraits, huh?”
The boy nodded, switching between two different shades of green crayon. “Yep. I have to finish this, and then I’m gonna make one of you.”
“Sounds great.”
Steve had not been hired as a babysitter, and his conduct was largely grouchy and non-personable around Danny himself. As such, it was a big relief to see that this terseness did not extend to the way Steve treated Charlie. As vital as it was for his son to have a bodyguard, Danny would have worried about his feelings being hurt if Steve didn’t want to befriend him. For all the boy’s confidence and warmth, he suspected Charlie was quite a sensitive person. The boy tried hard to please people and seemed to care very much what people thought of him.
“I guess you’ll have to show me how to draw sometime,” Steve said. “When I’m not on duty.”
The boy looked at him, brow slightly furrowed in confusion as if Steve had said something utterly bizarre. “We’re home now. You can’t get kidnapped from home.”
“Right,” said Steve. “Sorry. Why don’t you show me then?”
“I’m busy,” Charlie told him. “Maybe later.” He sounded so grown-up and self-assured that Danny couldn’t fight a grin off his face, glancing briefly in Steve’s direction. But the man wasn’t looking back at Danny - in fact Steve was turning away with a hand over his mouth so that Charlie wouldn’t see him laugh - but he seemed quite amused, too.
This brief bonding moment warmed Danny’s heart and it’s good to see his son enjoying Steve’s company so much. In the battle to keep Charlie safe, there was no motivation as strong as trust and affection between the two of them - not even Steve’s pay. If these attacks were going to continue, then Danny would take any advantage they could get.
I’M TAGGING: @murphyhatesme , @surewouldbeinteresting , @82tweeder, @dawilly76, @soarincynindlca, @nephilimeq, @thekitsuneko , @iheartmbm, @gatorasmus, @power-bottom-steve, @annechoulie, @xsxmxp, @just-fandomthings , @avictoriangirl, @mcdannoangelwolf, @thename-ofthe wind, @break233 , @fvckboi-carlile, @mymcdanno, @alexisa1206, @cowandcalf, @kozuszek, @teamfortress2ofresidentevil , @ohmy-mcdanno, @bertolio, @auntie17
You want to be tagged for the next parts - please let me know.
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dailythebrave · 7 years
OMG I just found you , and now you become my FollowForever blog!!! Thank you for te mazing post, and gifs, and edits... They are beautiful! Can we from the last epi the way Top look to Jaz in the final scene?!?! Thank you so much for your hard work. Happy 2018 for you!
thank you so much darling
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mymcdanno · 7 years
Top 3 tumblr blogs and why they are your favorite? ❤️️
THIS IS SO HARD oh no, i love so many blogs!!! but i’m just going to say this from a hawaii 5-0 point of view okay?
@themcinebcnd is my angel  and my rock, she has honestly helped me a whole lot and i love her so much!!!! she is so kind and supportive, and her blog is really good!!! you guys can also check out her sideblog for mcdanno and marvey right here (x) 💕
@cowandcalf is an amazing writer, one of the kindest people i’ve seen on here, and leaves the most wonderful comments on posts!!! she also has a great blog with some of my favorite things, mcdanno and marvey 💕
@tissueoflies makes the most amazing mcdanno gifs ever, i’ve probably reblogged all of them!! 😂 lovely blog too!!! 💕
i can’t end this without mentioning some of the other blogs: @tari-aldarion @szvms @erienne1983 @alexisa1206 @swietlik @bookemfangirl @bookemdanno @dont-stop-believin-in-klaine @mcdanno-mcdaddy @fckin-mcdanno @mcdannoland @mcdannofan @alohaspaceman @peggyswilliams @h50europe @hawaii50s 💕
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indiguus · 8 years
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req. by @alexisa1206 // [insp.]
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smkkbert · 4 years
Time for a story - Dangerous Liaisons
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“What would I do without you?”
Oliver smiled when he took the two milk cartons from Addie and Connor. The two toddlers smiled happily about the compliment. They were at that age to love helping in the house or the garden or whatever else the adults did. Of course their help usually caused things to take much longer, but Oliver didn’t mind.
Sometimes he really wished that he would have been given the chance to help as a child. Only Raisa had ever let him help with anything without making him feel like he was annoying. Maybe that had been part of the reason why he hadn’t given a damn anymore in his youth. If his help had meant that he was only in the way, it had seemed reasonable to not offer any more help eventually.
“Can we get more?”
“You could get two tins of sieved tomatoes.” Looking at Addie’s frowning face, he scrunched up his nose, trying to find the right words to explain that to Addie and Connor. “You know, the red tin that daddy always adds to his special spaghetti sauce.”
Addie thought about it for a moment before she nodded her head. Grabbing Connor’s hand, she pulled him to some shelves then. Oliver grinned, watching them disappear in some aisle.
Connor was only a day older than Addie. To say they were the same age was hitting the bull’s eye quite exactly. Because of that and because of the many playdates Lyla and Felicity had made for the two of them, they were best friends already now. Whenever there was a party that everyone of the Arrow Family attended, they always found themselves immediately. They had just gown up to become good friends. If their mothers had anything to say about it, they would certainly wish for them to become more than just friends.
Thinking about it, Oliver had to admit that there was something very sweet about the thought of Connor and Addie falling in love with each other. The Queens and Diggles had been through quite some tough times together. They were connected in ways that barely anyone would understand. Adding a little love story to it would be the little cherry on top. It would make their story almost ready to be used as a foundation for a movie.
With a shake of his head, Oliver got into the waiting line. He knew that Felicity and Lyla, just like him and John, wouldn’t mind if their families got connected like that. If it didn’t happen, neither of them would push for it. After all, they loved their kids too much to put their own romantics daydreams or their needs and wishes above the wellbeing of their children.
It only took a couple seconds more before Addie and Connor came running back. Each of them was carrying a can of sieved tomatoes in their hands. Once they stopped in front of them, Oliver put them into his cart and smiled at the both of them.
“You really are the best shopping assistants I could have asked for.”
Addie nodded proudly and high-fived Connor. “We really are.”
Chuckling, Oliver lifted her into his arms and kissed her cheek. Addie hadn’t always been the easiest to take care of. As a baby, she had driven him and Felicity insane because they hadn’t been able to guess what she had wanted and needed. She had been crying for hours without ever giving them a pause, and nothing could have helped to calm her down.
Now, it was quite different from that though. Addie was still not easy to take care of because she was stubborn and feisty, and she knew exactly what she wanted and what she didn’t want, but she was easier to calm down now than she had been back then. At least now she could tell them what she was thinking.
While Oliver was stroking his fingers through Connor’s short hair, he noticed that Addie’s focus had changed. She was smiling at something or someone behind him. The slight blush on her face and the way she looked away from whatever or whoever she was looking at told Oliver that she liked whatever she was seeing.
When Oliver turned his head back over his shoulder to follow his daughter’s gaze, he realized that she was keeping eye contact with some guy. He was standing a couple of feet behind them in line. Whenever Addie was looking in his direction, he was smiling or making faces though. Olive guessed that he was either a dad himself or that he had at least some toddlers in his close environment. Otherwise, he would never be this good at it. Most guys in their twenties didn’t know what to do with toddlers after all, and Oliver couldn’t really hold it against them. He had been no different at that age either.
Addie became uncalm quite soon, so Oliver let her back down to the floor. She leaned herself against his leg and wrapped both of her arms around his leg tightly. Again, Oliver looked into the direction of the man, Addie had been kind of flirting with. He was throwing Addie an air kiss by kissing the palm of his hand and blowing the kiss in her direction. Addie squealed excited, but she was hiding her reddened face against his legs nonetheless.
It was kind of sweet, Oliver thought to himself, especially because it was a rather rare view to see Addie so shy. Still, he had to admit that he wasn’t too happy about the whole situation. The thought that even his youngest daughter was now flirting with strangers reminded him that she was one day – even if it was taking two decades – finding someone she loved and start a family of her own. He was nowhere ready to face it, considering that he was nowhere ready to have his oldest son go to college somewhere far away from home either.
Since Addie was kind of struggling in his arms. Oliver kissed her cheek once more and let her down to the floor. Addie still held onto his legs, but she also continued looking at the stranger.
While Oliver wasn’t happy about the situation, Connor seemed to really hate it. As soon as Addie was standing next to him, he hit her. Addie seemed to be anything but pleased about it. She frowned at her friend angrily and hit him right back.
“No, no, no,” Oliver said when Connor lunched out again already and lifted him into his arms, “we don’t hit each other.”
“Addie- Addie-“
Connor seemed to be out of words which was kind of amusing to Oliver. He knew exactly what jealousy was like. He had experienced it himself more than once. In his marriage with Felicity, there had been so many moments that he had felt jealous. Only lately, he had realized that it was a completely useless emotion. That was why he had chosen to let go of all jealousy and trust Felicity a hundred percent. He knew that, if she was flirting with someone else, it never meant anything.
As Connor started crying, Oliver put his hand to the back of his head and pushed his face against his shoulder. Connor cried against it quietly.
“I know it sucks when the girl you love is seeing some other guy,” Oliver whispered to Connor’s ear, ��but you have to woo her now instead of angering her.”
Connor frowned at him. “Woo her?”
“You have to be little, charming prince. You have to make her smile a lot.”
Connor’s frown deepened briefly, but he soon smiled and nodded his head. Oliver looked at him encouragingly once more before he kissed his cheek and set him back to the floor. The young boy took a step towards Addie, but she shot him an angry look and hid her face against Oliver’s leg.
“Addie, I’m sorry,” Connor said and put his hand to her back, rubbing it up and down, “forgive me?”
Addie frowned at Connor angrily once more. She couldn’t be mad with him for too long though. Connor was her best friend, and she always wanted to reconcile with him quickly. That was why she turned towards him and let him hug her.
Oliver smiled at the sight. The kids were still so young, but their hearts could already carry so much love. Oliver could only hope that they would never lose that.
“We do a princess tea party at home, okay?”
Addie nodded, excited about the idea. “With tea and crackers and feather boas.”
Connor nodded his head. “Okay.”
When Addie started getting their supplies onto the counter, Connor turned his head towards Oliver once more. Oliver winked at him. Connor was without any doubt a good boy, and Oliver knew that, if time passed, Addie’s heart would be safe with him.
* * *
A short chapter before the angst storyline begins!
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@fannaz​ @promiseyoullbepatientwithme​ @bytemegeekette​ @felicity-said-just-in-case​ @phanseptiic​ @orangeisorange​ @mspotatohead14​ @whentheheavenfades​ @emmaamelia95​ @smoakingskye​ @seaolicity​ @ourwritinginvein​ @1022bridgetp​ @felicityqueenforever​ @leagueofolicity17​ @yryssss​ @myhauntedblacksoul​ @sherlock44​ @sinceriouslybea​ @olivyflavescentdeer​ @olicitys-castle​ @ofnothingcharming​ @vaelisamaza​ @smoakedandcharmed​ @alexisa1206​ @florence-bubbles​ @addictiontelly​ @queens-of-arrows​ @memcjo​ @hysterical-for-joshifer-blog​ @oswinelevenforever​ @olicitylovemaking @bandanab310​ @mymusiclove101​ @lynslogic​ @scarletqueen23​ @olicityshipper19​ @alex-wesley​ @arrows-4ever​ @unabashedlynerdypatrol​ @louehmysoul​ @ligiapimenta​ @chattyyana​ @charlie-leau​ @coal000​ @samcrowleys​ @ishippolivia​ @julygqueen​ @malafle​ @miriam1779​ @charlinert​ @melaux​ @ontheolicityship​ @myshipperlife​ @wrightainsley @lexi9515​ @ladygreenwood​ @multi-fandom-crazy-fangirl​ @morinamel​ @mje-thomas​ @kebarry​ @canadianheartgirl​ @nannett2307​ @almondblossomme​ @kathrynelizabeth89​ @imdfabulous​ @mrt2501​ @arsipaci14​ @salasvia​ @brandis91 @cainc3​ @morganmiguess @pr0fessi0nal-fangurl​ @iamisalima​ @nessafrancis-blog​ @jonhdiggle​ @niki-is-amazing​ @universed-posts @hopeful-warrior​ @senoritaswiftie​ @bellemmie​ @green-arrows-of-karamel​ @iheartarrow​ @olicityovereverything​ @oliverfel4​ @olicity-in-the-heart​ @fullychippedcreation​ @geemarie​ @everything-but-normal-cat @myarroworld​ @tjmartinez​ @pleasantfanandstudent​ @j69confessional2​ @scentedcolorpirate​ @icanica74​ @tjmartinez98​ @certainmentalityface​ @tatianadamaceno @ryelew​ @wildwillowzepplin​ @missafairy​ @letsplaymurde-r​ @lipizette​ @positivepiper​ @nuttymilkshakehologram​ @laksagirl-blog​ @turnupthemusicandscream​ @pumpernickle93 @onceuponanolicity​ @1106angel​ @jaspertown​ @fadinglands​ @morganashimi83​ @mochababychristy​ @omglovechrissie​ @mariejr88-blog​ @thetaufactor​ @onceuponanolicity​ @speakandseethetruth​ @bri206​ @aglasgo​ @geemarie​ @pineprincess​ @nerdgirljen​ @eternal-olicity14​ @allyouhadtodowas-stay-stay-stay​ @lovelycssefan​ @tsseract​ @flowerandsunshine​ @dcnmarvelgamergeek​ @blondeeoneexox @monetsmark​ @bb-olicity​ @mashamarty​ @rulerofsilence​ @erika-amber​ @nothingmorethanmyotps​ @kayleenyc​ @tonto16 @olicityfluv​ @olicitea1990 @haahaaa2408​ @pattid1​ @faegal04​ @24karatgem​ @wrldtravler​ @readerkas​ @olicity-beliver​ @greencoffeecups​ @snorlaxishere​ @sonothappening118
(If you want to be tagged or untagged, just let me know. :))
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myshipperlife · 8 years
I was tagged by @pleasantfanandstudent! Thanks for the tag :)
Birthday: Jan 5th Gender: female Relationship Status: single Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff Time right now: 9:27 PM Lucky number: 5 (same one haha) Last Thing I Googled: the difference between a mandarin and a clementine haha Nicknames: Kase or KK Height: 4′9 Favorite color: orange and maroon  Pets: none, hopefully a dog in the future Wake up and sleep times:  my body wakes me up at 7;30 Average hours of sleep: 8 hours Love or Lust: love Coke or Pepsi: pepsi Day or Night: day Text or Call: Text Make-up or Natural: natural Met a Celebrity: no Smile or Eyes: smile Light or Dark Hair: dark Shorter or Taller: taller Intelligence or Attraction: intelligence (if i absolutely had to pick) Chapstick or Lipstick: chapstick City or Country: country Blankets I Sleep With: two Last Song I Listened To: Better Man - Little Big Town Favorite Band/Artist: Taylor Swift and Bruce Springsteen Dream Trip: back to Costa Rica Favorite Fictional Character: Peeta Mellark What I’m Wearing Right Now: lularoe leggings and a cami When I Made This Blog: last February How Many Blogs I Follow: 107 Posts: 1,049 What do I post about: all my OTPs When did your blog reach its peak?: my blog is small, I don’t think it qualifies for a peak hahaha Why did you choose your URL: I wanted it to be similar to my original blog the-gif-life but geared towards shipping my OTPs BONUS: If you were transported to the world of the book you are reading now, where would you be? Bruce Springsteen’s life?? haha
tagging: @dontfreakout @rubiastrash @somewhatinvisible @alexisa1206 @smkkbert
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Senator Daniel Williams is facing a problem – a spate of kidnapping attempts on kids of other Senator families in his circle has him on edge.
His six-year-old son Charlie is the guiding of his life, and he’d do anything to protect him. As it turns out, though, ‘anything’ must include hiring the man he slept with and ghosted on six years ago to serve as a bodyguard.
Daniel went on a date with Steve McGarrett that was filled with chemistry, fondness and a night of passion – but the morning after, fear overtook him, and he slipped away before Steve woke up.
Part 4
Who’s ready for ‘The big talk’ between Danny and Steve?
Now that things had started to calm down a little with Steve, Danny began thinking about repairing their relationship. As friends, of course. Of course, nobody was suggesting that they’d try again. Frankly, Danny considered himself beyond romance at this point.
Maybe that was a little naive of him, though. One evening, as he considered inviting Steve to stay late for dinner, he couldn’t fight the feeling that he’d be disappointed if the man refused - nor kill it off when Steve actually did refuse.
“Thank you,” said Steve, stiff as you like in response to Danny’s timidly-worded offer, “but I should get back. I don’t want to intrude on your family time.”
“Don’t be silly,” Danny assured him, cowed into choosing a weaker word by Charlie’s intermittent presence in the kitchen. You couldn’t very well playfully call somebody an ‘ass’ where a six-year-old might hear you. “You’re very welcome. Besides, Charlie will be having his dinner quite soon, and the he’s off to bed. This would just be you and I. We can talk - and you should know I’ve already ordered for two.”
If anything, the thought that it’d be just the two of them made Steve seem even warier, and he opened his mouth to refuse again – but after a few moments, he closed it, eventually nodding. “Alright,” he said, sounding reluctant. “I’ll stay.”
Danny had ordered in a veritable feast for the evening, courtesy of a fancy Italian restaurant a few blocks away. It took Steve a few minutes to speak again once they’d taken to the dining table - though his first were, of course, “Thanks for this.”
“You’re welcome. I remembered you liked Italian food; I hope that hasn’t changed.”
“It hasn’t,” said Steve. “Very little has.”
“Oh?” said Danny, lading some of his favorite lasagna onto his plate. “Still the same guy, mostly?”
“Yup. Aren’t you?”
“Honestly? Not at all.” Danny couldn’t even say he was ashamed of that. He stirred the lasagna with his fork. “After… you know. I met Rachel and things got serious with her pretty fast. Charlie was conceived not long after, and then… you know. Having my son really changed me on so many levels.”
“What kind of changes, then?”
“Oh god,” said Danny. “Everything. It’s genuinely strange. One minute you’re waiting for your partner to give birth in the hospital hallway, and you’re one guy. The next minute you’re called and there’s this whole… person. So fragile, so perfect. Like an extension of yourself, but… improved on. It’s like being hit in the head with a brick; every single priority just shifts in an instant. Nothing matters like he matters, Not one single thing.”
“Seems like you have a great bond with Charlie.”
“Oh, he’s incredible,” Danny assured him. “Make no mistake. He’s my little best buddy.”
Steve swallowed, seeming to work up to a question - and once he asked it, Danny understood why. “I guess you’d say you’re straight then.”
“No,” said Danny. “And trust me, it’s a testament to how much I’ve changed that I can say that out loud so easily.”
“But your wife…?”
Danny shook his head. “We never married, and now we’re separated - but yes, I genuinely loved her.”
“Just couldn’t keep your hands off other men?” Steve’s eyes were down at his plate. Maybe he realized that this was a very personal question and felt guilty for answering. Or maybe he thought there was a chance he wouldn’t like the answer.
It was a difficult one. Normally, Danny would outright the idea that he should have to answer something so intimate, but honestly, he felt he owed Steve this one. If nothing else, he could at least give him some answers - years down the line.
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I’m tagging: @murphyhatesme, @surewouldbeinteresting, @82tweeder, @dawilly76, @soarincynindlca, @nephilimeq, @thekitsuneko, @iheartmbm, @gatorasmus, @power-bottom-steve, @annechoulie, @xsxmxp, @just-fandomthings, @avictoriangirl, @mcdannoangelwolf, @thename-ofthewind, @break233, @fvckboi-carlile, @mymcdanno, @alexisa1206, @cowandcalf, @kozuszek, @teamfortress2ofresidentevil, @ohmy-mcdanno, @bertolio, @auntie17, @shelton-devers, @minahahj, @telltaleclerk, @saratour, @mkbcaan, @aries470, @neko-suke, @yoko787878
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