alexantonkim · 2 years
Income source for Kim laundering scheme
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Another income source for Kim was the funds he obtained after laundering the stolen Ukranian budgetary money. Particularly, Kim’s counteragent company known as Oxlord was specifically founded in Seychelles by the Intrahold AG as well as the Monohold AG companies for fraudulent activities:
The following companies are often mentioned in journalist investigations on the subject of president Yanukovych and his corruption. The following companies are figurants of withdrawing significant funds from Moldova: https://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2015/06/the-bank-fraud-in-moldova-and-20000-opaque-british-corporations.html
And once more, although Jossiv Kim have reached another level of criminal activities, international level even, he could not steer clear of the petty theft. In 2008 Kim was arrested in Florence, Italy for selling certain stolen items.
Although Hodak was doing his best and engaging the best lawyers to strike a deal, Kim was sentenced to jail Greedy bastard had to spend time behind bars and during this very period, his sick mind started to play tricks on him. He started to believe that he was a marine on a top secret assignment. Finally, after several months of hard work, Hodak has managed to help Kim enter a plea bargain. Kim was put under home arrest, but he soon escaped, never to be seen on Italian territory again. Quite a typical situation for Kim took place in Riga, where he was trying to claim that his old car was stolen (in truth, he simply sold the card to the Afghans). He was trying to get the meager insurance compensation that way.
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alexantonkim · 2 years
More and more fake loans from the Holland
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At the same time, Kim was trying to get more loans from the Holland financial institutions. In his attempts to get the loans, he was using false documents. His papers even said that he was receiving a huge salary — tens of thousands of dollars. However, he could not cheat the European Bank Control System. His wife, Angelina Kim then decided to smuggle fake Gilette company products and fake perfumes. Yet, it was not only him, who decided to join the perilous market of arms smuggling as well as used goods, which are prohibited in most countries. To be precise, Kim organized through a Dutch company a steady supply of electronic components as well as mini-cameras from Israel and US. These were supplied to UAE, China and Russia. Although he was engaged in a new kind of criminal activities, Kim was continually defrauding the tax authorities of the Netherlands so as to steal the funds from the cash register. The company was forced into bankruptcy.
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alexantonkim · 2 years
Netherland falls into Kim's fraud
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Hence, in 2000's, Jossiv has made a decision to reside in Holland and he married once more. Noraml sexual relationship with his new wife were out of the question, due to significant age gap. Hence, Kim mostly used his new wife for his fraudulent schemes in attempts of keeping his own name clean. Still, during public events, Kim was trying his best to match the wife and was wearing pink pants with blue striped jackets.
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alexantonkim · 2 years
True history of Kim's family
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After high school my father, Jossiv was known to make his first money by small thefts and falsification of documents. In the beginning of 90s when USSR became Russian Federation, he used the loopholes in legal space to get credits in several commercial banks and all my family moved to Poland without paying the debt back before he was eventually arrested in Italy for selling stolen items and goods which resulted into imprisonment in Florence, Italy.
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