#alexandra kollontai had these ppls numbers from the jump lemme tell you
queen-mabs-revenge · 5 months
so you know what's a bit banana peels?
local elections here and we're running a candidate and were invited to a womens' group meeting - our candidate couldn't make it bc....it was in the middle of the work day and she was at work, so we submitted a statement.
it was read in full except for a line about how we need to follow the lead of the disability activists who organised for a no vote on the care referendum. they organised for this because the government, under the guise of removing hideously misogynistic language from the irish constitution, were trying to redefine 'care' as only being something the state should 'strive' to provide - essentially being in no binding way the responsibility of the state and only the responsibility of, as ol' maggie thatcher would put it, 'individual men and women and families'.
disability activists pointed out how this would open the door to destroy even the meagre public support for care and accessibility they have, and would make the job of carers that much more undervalued and precarious as care responsibility could be fully shouldered off onto anyone who the state deems to be part of a family unit, which with a passing of the family referendum could have been expanded to be anyone with a 'durable bond'.
and they were right. even though the current wording of the irish constitution is disgustingly patriarchal, gains for one oppressed group that come at the expense of another oppressed group are poisoned pills from the capitalist class. telling others to sit back and wait because you want to grab the pathetic crumbs swept off of the tables is how we all starve to death.
and we had the part of our statement lauding the huge efforts and organisation by disabled activists literally censored by the person who was reading our statement. just chopped it right out and altered the next sentence so it made sense without the preceding statement. lmaaaoooo fucking BOURGEOIS FEMINISTS doing what they do best!
bourgeois white feminists in the us betrayed working class women of color in the united fight for bodily autonomy supported by economic liberation (the right to choose both to have and to not have children and the economic stability to do either) by condensing the fight to abortion rights won through the corrupt and violent court system. its that betrayal that's what lead to the constant fragility of federal abortion rights in the us and its eventual repeal by the same violent court system.
we fight together or we die together. we don't want the crumbs, we want the whole damn bakery.
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