#alexander sessorov
undyingmedium · 4 months
What an ugly sensation. Why was she so nervous despite the drug? Even after the second dose, her mind could not seem to subside, and negative thoughts raced one after the other. Anika and Ilori had been sent to follow the captain of the guards, but never had any further instruction about how the Red Watch would have acted. Where was Syndicate House? Did they take care of the Seraphim's ability to relocate? Did they just send them off to somewhere as a diversion, so that they could act undisturbed and make anything of Kairon once he was found? She couldn't stand the idea.
Dragging the cleric with her while she kept attempting to calm the medium down - to no avail - they went to find the leader of the guards, and behind a veil of illusion, they also met Evalith working on an even more complex sigil. The wait was corroding Anika from the inside; but, after an hour, it was finally done. The city was encapsuled under an invisible red dome, and a small division of the Red Watch appeared, led by familiar faces.
Huntmaster Amelia, priestess Carmille and Evalith opened the way. Amelia might have been able to single-handedly wipe the entire of the Sessorov's refuge alone, but Anika's fury was uncontrollable. Some of her blasts slipped through her fingers, and she was about to kill one of the brothers when she finally got a grip on herself. She asked about the hostage instead.
"Hah! I do hope you meet him!" The laughing mockery from Sergei, however, just earned him a death stare and one eye stolen. The same fate fell upon Alexander, who was caught and maimed in an even worse way by the Red Watch agents. The Huntmaster was extremely indulgent with her old acquaintance, and Anika couldn't be happier to exploit that.
And then, finally, the group was reunited.
A very drugged and confused Kairon was barely being kept alive in the farthest room of the house, but... he was out of danger. Much better than the warlock feared, too. A heavy huff and a breath of smoke later, when Ilori hugged him, she joined in too just for a few seconds before moving away to see what good treasures those criminals had in store for her, anywhere else but in that room.
The time ahead was certainly booked full: the Sessorov brothers would have been mind read soon after, and then would get publicly executed - apparently by Kairon himself, for his joy; Amelia needed a corpse of an enemy to talk, for which she asked for Anika's help, since the friendly Death Shepherd that Evalith had found moved before Nithmé could be locked; the bard called for a celebration night after a good restorative nap, during which Anika would have loved to get her second tattoo completed since she spent all of her money on it. But it was no time to care for it all at the moment.
Somehow, they all made it. The Seraphim nightmare was, hopefully, over.
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undyingmedium · 4 months
Time to run, she said. If their instincts hadn't been enough, if their wounds weren't bleeding enough, Sasha Sessorov made sure they knew - now that she had been freed, not even she had a reason to face one of the leaders of the Seraphims yet. Alexander was pissed, somehow still in peak shape, very determined to catch her alive and disintegrate whoever he found in his way between him and her, and he very well tried. Ilori had already done her best to keep everyone on their feet so far, but she was clearly strained beyond her limit and heavily compromised, so she was the first to listen to the advice. They could hear a very pained Kairon scream to run as well, and Sasha freed herself from her brother's unholy clutches too and made it as well thanks to his diversion. In no time, no one was visible anymore other than the tiefling.
They could not see Anika hiding behind a wall, oh so close to Alexander and his minions, as Kairon nearly lost his consciousness and was carried away with them. Her homicidal instincts were so very obvious, but the Deep One, still keeping her together through his possession, also forced her to just watch from a safe distance as another one of her... her...
She had a flash of the elven girl bleeding out in her arms so many years ago as they fell down the pit in the woods. At least, back then she could make sure she would not die. Today, she could not care for her friend as she would have liked.
Emma was right. Getting attached to the team was an easy way to get in trouble, lose sight of the objectives even. How many other confirmations did the medium need before she could start to act properly?
Well, shit. She was already too deep in it. The pipe would smoke like a chimney while she brewed bitter revenge.
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