#alcatraz zone
mysteries-uncovered · 7 months
what is extropy? the opposite of entropy? the idea that life will expand throughout the universe in an orderly way?
this page is listed as A-004 in the Omnias Network anomaly database. it discusses the concept of a house and links a specific instance of a house with strange physics to another structure, the tunnel network of Alcatraz Island. i immediately link this to the alcatraz zone on the map found elsewhere on the omnias network website
i look forward to reading more of "the island in the bay"
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incorrectbatfam · 2 years
All the places the batfam was banned from
Damian's parent-teacher conferences
The HBO writer's room
An almond farm in Manteca, California
Victoria's Secret
32 U.S. states + Puerto Rico
6 countries
Downtown Tokyo
Comm. Gordon's office
Ra's Al Ghul's hot tub
The Phantom Zone
Other-dimension Jason's safehouse
Every Pizza Hut in Ontario
15 feet of any Confederate statue in South Carolina
The Ford dealership in Tallahassee
Riker's Island
Club Penguin
The original Starbucks
Wayne Enterprises boiler room
Brentwood Academy biology department
Outback Steakhouse
West-Reeve school debate team
Steph's apartment bathroom
USDA regional inspection office
Every BP gas station on the Atlantic seaboard
Gotham High model rocket club
Gotham High acapella choir
Gotham High ventilation system
Harper's work table
A meme subreddit
A furry Discord
A Minecraft battle royale
His part-time job after ghosting instead of formally resigning
Every Gotham restaurant requiring a dress code
50 feet of the Mona Lisa
The Manor's wine cellar
Planet Fitness
A Harry Styles concert
A falafel cart
Justice League snack storage
The local tarot reader
A bus stop in Hong Kong
The Vienna Philharmonic
The Apple Store
The Microsoft Store
Amazon HQ
The backend of all Google sites
Best Buy
The Pentagon
A Home Depot in Wisconsin
Yellowstone National Park
A free pottery class
Gotham City Hall
The Tootsie Roll factory
Boy Scouts (not because of gender)
The duck pond at the park
A Barnes & Noble in Boston
A soccer stadium
A Dairy Queen in Houston
A rest stop near Reno
Death Valley
The Kremlin
The British Museum
The Vatican
Most museums in Gotham
Times Square
Buckingham Palace
A mini golf course
Netflix studios
The kitchen
Kate's garage without her present
Batburger without someone else accompanying
A Justice League conference room
The Batcave when injured
Best Western
Jason's safehouse
Facebook Marketplace
Diana's invisible jet
Stark Industries break room mini-fridge
Near any animals on Kent Farm without Clark's supervision
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wsdanon · 8 months
Oooh fit in the fuga universe is so interesting too! I wonder how their relationships would be affected by being in Alcatraz. Also, what would Cell and fit think of each other if they met in that time instead of in the future in quesadilla island! There is so much potential in this idea!!
hm I feel a little better now so I can think about the idea more. and writing the first bit this is already kind of long and I have a lot more to say so I think this will be going under a cut lol \o/
also just to be clear there’ll be no spoilers for my 2bxfuga fic this is just me expanding on an idea for the reverse I came up with earlier
I think it’s much harder to make work than the other way around but also this is fanfic so who cares. fit has been in normal society before going to 2b2t and hasn’t been there for as long as on qsmp by the time he gets out. I think he adjusts fairly quickly to the rules but not in his mindset (probably similar to on the island but there’s a difference of everyone around him could still be enemies so he’s not as chill)
fit and cell would be especially interesting to me. I think they would immediately size each other up as being from similar places (kill or be killed places: the war versus the wasteland) and they’d either get along really well because of this familiarity or they’d hate each other. i think you could honestly argue for both ways but for a fitpac story fit and cell hating each other makes more sense
imagine them seeing the new guy come in and he’s immediately pretty cold to cell specifically. also he looks buff and capable as fuck and he’s in for murder \o/ think them trying to hire a gang to protect themselves from cell. maybe they approach him and go “hey we don’t like this guy that you don’t like—how about we team up?”
would fit agree to this? well I think out of his comfort zone in a prison where he doesn’t speak the language (and with pac asking) he’d agree. purely strategic not at all because pac was the one asking (okay maybe a little because it was pac)
fitpac interlude: pac seems pretty into polyamory so I don’t think whatever he has going on with fit will change what’s going on with cell but it might make him think twice about it/might not make it so extreme. I always use the idea that fuga takes place over a year so pac flirting with cell is partially to try and get him to not just kill them whenever he gets mad at them. having the slowburn with fit could just make his feelings for cell less genuine but wouldn’t stop the flirting (pac flirting with prison guards and bobinho even now that he’s dating fit)
mike is honestly probably relieved by this and even though he doesn’t trust fit as much he warms up to him a lot quicker than in my 2bxfuga fic I would say. as now pac has some other hot violent guy to fall in love with and this one doesn’t want to kill him. plus they haven’t had all their horrible experiences with cell yet so the two being similar in his mind doesn’t ring any alarm bells (unlike in the fic) and by the time it would, he already trusts fit
they probably don’t tell him about the escape plans until much later on and they trust him more. and then escape plans have to be delayed to account for another person. I’m not sure how much it would change of the overall plot because to me the biggest plot points are: 1) pac loses a leg 2) they escape—and I wouldn’t want to get rid of either of these
maybe they manage to escape without bringing cell with them? abandoning him at the prison instead of island? maybe JV survives? But then they wouldn’t bring Guaxinim with them… I’m not sure. if I ever wrote something for this it wouldn’t be like what I’m writing with the other version of the au now it’d just be a oneshot maybe. I already have two multi-chaptered fics I’m balancing I don’t think I could manage another lol
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Neato answers buddy! :D
1: What's one video game the duo would like to go into? (It must be a story game not like Minecraft or any multiplayer)
2: Let's say the starburst duo got sucked into resident evil 2 remake & had to go through the events ( Leon A, just them, & no powers) will they be able to beat it & escape?
3: What's the worst panic attack the duo ever gotten?
4: How would Jon, Chris, Kon & the super-twins cuddle together?
5: Between the super-sons, the super-twins, starburst duo, & timkon, who wins in a game of basketball? Rules: only hover a few inches above ground (if able to) first to 10 scores wins, & the group with the least amount of points get face covered up in make-up.
Aww thanks @pin-crusher2000 . these are always fun to answer XD
1) Hmmm…..Well I have been having in my mind for the longest time a sort of crossover between DC and of all things CoD Zombies so…..Maybe one night Chris and Jake find themselves awakening inside a denounce and hellish version of the infamous Alcatraz Island, crawling all over with not just the undead but also hellhounds all led by an equally demonic Warden and the Duo have their powers severely dampened. They don’t have to rely on firearms to protect themselves but the waves of undead charging at them are endless and there’s seemingly no escape. Thats when they get help from a certain voice of a girl who guides them on their little haunting adventure, explaining that ancient evil which brought these undead to life had sucked the Duo into this world to break a sort of cycle their reality was within to ensure their own dominance or reality.
The girl’s name is Samantha. She would tell Chris and Jake how all this really began
Basically The Starburst Duo in a combination of Mob of the Dead and Origins basically lol.
2) Oh definitely so. Their parents taught them very well on survival techniques for those types of scenarios where both the Dead and the Monstrous Rise and they’re left powerless. As such, them fighting alongside the lovable rookie cop that is Leon Kennedy in the world ravaged by the T Virus can seem right up their alley no matter how freaky the effects of said Virus can be like, and not just those Nemesis T Zombies
3) Chris: The one he got once a more complete picture of his memories as Lor Zod and all the harsh treatment he got from his birth father and after sending the General and his army back into the Phantom Zone, being surrounded by all those reporters and his super hearing picking up on all the sounds of suffering all over Metropolis, unable to reach his family and eventually the pressure getting so bad, he straight flew away from the sight as fast as he could and far away from everything as fast as he could. It was once he was far away enough at the other side of the globe that he managed to calm himself to an extent. It really took another whole week wandering the earth in secret and about another week and a half staying with the Graysons until Chris finally was able to approach the Kents once again.
Jake: Probably in the immediate months after he was discharged from Bludhaven General Hospital for his recovery from his fateful and haunting duel against Victor Zsasz, it’s easy to envision Jake getting increased anxiety with capers and cases involving kids like himself in grave danger or far worse. He might get the job done if it involves rescuing said kids but his mind has gone into full overdrive with panic and fear as those memories of finding those slain orphans and how cruel Zsasz was are surfacing. It usually takes his allies, friends and loved ones present to help calm him. Also of course, plenty of nightmares and bad dreams about that particular case are a lot frequent for him, especially on those first few months afterwards.
4) it’s a five person longways pile on either the living room couch or a king sized bed. Conner would be at the core with Chris to his immediate right side and Osul to his left. From there, Jon would be snoring happily next to Osul while Otho in turn is cuddled up next to Chris. Conner’s loud snoring is blissful ambiance for the younger siblings.
5) I would say it’s major tie between the Super Twins and the Starburst Duo, not simply for their power levels and ability to learn as they play. It’s moreso how well in tune those two teams really are with Chris and Jake complimenting each other’s strengths and weaknesses with both stern direction and experience. Thr Twins on the other hand have superb understanding of what the other of doing and how to follow suit given their years working side by side back on Warworld
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thesakuragarnet · 11 months
Conjugal Visit
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Summary: In a world where evil has been defeated, Touya Todoroki's presence is requested, and he once again finds himself in a transport van. (Originally a oneshot for K!nktober)
Non-Spicy Tags: final war arc spoilers, post-final war arc, DabiHawks, Dabi and Hawks were childhood friends, angst, swearing, todofam drama, ab*se of authority (sh!tty prison handler who overuses a shock collar), post-canon, alternate universe, hurt/comfort, smut, blood, injury, scars, emotional hurt/comfort, making out, enemies to lovers to enemies to lovers (a vicious cycle lol)
Word Count: 4,299 words
AO3 link
Spicy Tags: @ n a l s3x, table s3x, spit as lub3, creamp!e, hate s3x, kinktober 2023, explicit s3xual content
It had been a few months since the war ended. Good had triumphed over evil…as per usual…if you could even call it “good” and “evil”. With the help of Eri’s Quirk, Touya Todoroki was back in his old body…or at least…his body from before the war started. He still had his purple scars and staples, but he’d been brought back from the brink of death. The child’s powers had reversed the incineration, and his flesh and muscle had regrown over his bones…and he had both his arms again. Since he got out of the Villain Hospital, he’d been forced into an inpatient mental facility…basically a glorified Tartarus startup hiding behind therapists and medication. With the former Alcatraz-like prison in shambles, the HPSC was having to rebuild from the ground up…including its inner framework. The new Hero Commission Leader was much more business-like and perhaps showed promise in actually giving a shit about the people rather than the power-hungry bitch before him. Not that Touya cared. The system was still broken…no matter how many good eggs there were. Endeavor was still walking…alive and unpunished. Touya was still reeling from it all. His plan should’ve been flawless, but it only resulted in a few outbursts and uprisings. He had publicly outed his abuser…his family’s abuser…and didn’t have shit to show for it. This wasn’t the revenge Touya was hoping for. He didn’t see any remorse…not through actions. The so-called redemption only came from worthless words. After everything…Touya is just tired and bitter. He fractured during the final battle…he didn’t remember most of it. It was unclear whether or not his memories would be erased during the rewind…but…one image remains in his head. Their family… happy …Touya…as a hero . Too good to be true of fucking course. It was all Enji’s fault. Everyone seemed to neglect that. Even Shoto…still didn’t show pity after Touya explained that he had come back to the house. How different would it have been if Endeavor had changed before that moment? If he had come back to a family truly trying to help each other grow…not caught in rampant madness? Not caught up in struggles for power…not with some vicious bastard hell-bent on living vicariously through his offspring. Touya would have stayed. Dabi…wouldn’t exist. 
Touya blinks himself back to reality, zoned out in his hazy tangle of memories as he sits up straight in the backseat of the transport van. His neck itches, though it’s probably in his head. His nerves are still dulled. But even if they weren’t, he can’t fucking scratch it…not with the bulky metal collar around his neck. Another reminder that the system never cared. One wrong move, and up to a thousand volts go straight into him…it was up to the discretion of his handler just how many he got. He doesn’t know where he’s going…all he knows is someone requested a visit at a secondary location. For all he knows, Fuyumi and Shoto have invited him to dinner again. He wishes they’d stop trying. Too little too late. He’d refuse to get out of the car if that was the case…though his handler might threaten him with a shock…how would they react to that? Would they even care? Touya shakes the thoughts away, flexing his hands in the handcuffs as he tries to remind himself that he doesn’t care…even though he’s always cared too much. That’s the problem.
The van slowly comes to a stop, and he hears the driver getting out. He recoils when the doors are wrenched open, forcing sunlight to pour into the darkness. Touya squints, and before his eyes can adjust, he can feel his handler roughly grabbing his arm, dragging him out of the car and into the daylight. He swallows the cry of pain. The bastard intentionally grabbed the scarline on his bicep, pulling at his staples. He’d have to go to the infirmary later and get them changed out and sterilized. 
“Move!” The tall, broad-shouldered man grunts as he shoves Touya forward, and he stumbles onto a sidewalk. 
“A please would be nice,” Touya mutters sarcastically under his breath, earning another rough push in response. “I’m goin!” He growls, lifting his head to see that he’s being escorted up to an apartment building. By the looks of it they’re in…downtown Kyushu? There’s something about his surroundings that’s hauntingly familiar. 
Touya stops dead in his tracks. 
“Nuh-uh. I wanna go back,” Touya stammers, feeling rage and…was that fear? He feels nauseous, though that could’ve just been from the car ride. There’s only one person that he knows from around here who could’ve asked for a meeting…especially when meetings with the ex-PLF members were high-profile and family only. 
Touya bites his tongue, swallowing the yelp of pain that he refuses to let anyone hear as the collar zaps; Touya assumes it’s with as much force as a cruel dog shock collar…maybe a little more. He’s definitely been hit with worse from it…his handler is being generous today. Touya leers over his shoulder, blue eyes blazing. Oh, how he wishes those Quirk dampeners he was drugged up with on the daily lost their touch. Without his Quirk, he feels impossibly weak… pathetic …and yet…part of him…is unusually at peace. He can’t destroy himself with his own power if it’s not there. 
“You want another?” The man sneers, hovering his thumb over the trigger on the remote. Before Touya can respond, a voice rings through the air:
“That’s not necessary. I’ll take it from here.”
Touya freezes. His… totally-not-fears …are materializing. 
‘Don’t turn around. Don’t turn around.’ 
But he doesn’t have to…because ex-Pro Hero Hawks walks right past him, holding his hand out to take the remote from his handler. 
“We’ll go in by ourselves. You can chill out here until we’re done talking,” Keigo Takami says smoothly as the man presses the remote into his hands. 
“You’ve got two hours. Then I’m coming in and hauling his crispy ass back,” The handler gruffly replies, making Touya’s lip twitch.
‘Of all the fucking people…Fate is cruel.’ 
When Hawks… Keigo turns to face him, he isn’t smiling. His face is calm…and a deep intrinsic part of Touya flinches when his eyes fall on the scar on his face. He put that scar there…he put… so many scars on him. Most of them are covered by his shirt. The clearest mark Touya… Dabi put on Hawks…is his lack of wings. Touya had seen it on the news. Dabi had burned his wings off, and he’d been operating with prosthetics as they slowly grew back. But…in the war… All For One took his Quirk. Hawks… Keigo is Quirkless. Now, he operates on the board for the Hero Public Safety Commission, so he’s still just as much of a fucking puppet. Touya thinks it’s laughable. He had the chance to remove himself from the HPSC and start a new life…yet he chose to wallow deeper in the cesspool. 
“It’s good to see you, Touya.”
His words are serene…but his eyes…his golden eyes harbor fury…and other emotions Touya can’t put his fingers on. He remains silent, and Keigo’s eyebrows raise, almost in feigned amusement before he points to his apartment.  
“It’s that one. You go first.”
Touya swallows. There’s too many emotions for him to focus on. Anger. Pain. Betrayal. Sadness. Disgust…Heartbreak. Regret. He tries his best to dissociate, turning around on his heel and walking toward the door.
Touya stops short in front of the door. 
“You can open it,” Keigo says, his voice coated with a reassuring tone. 
“Kinda can’t, jackass,” Touya retorts, gesturing to the cuffs on his wrist. Keigo scrunches up his nose. 
“Hey! Come unlock him,” He calls to the handler, who looks at the ex-Pro with an incredulous expression.
“You can’t be serious.”
“I’m sorry. Do you want me to report your inability to cooperate with a Commission order? Or is your job really worth your opinion?” Keigo replies flatly, and Touya’s handler mutters grievances under his breath as he stalks back toward them, pulling a key out of his pocket and shoving it roughly in the lock. Touya winces as he feels the metal intentionally scraping his scars once again, but he sighs in relief when the cuffs clunk to the ground. 
“Your funeral,” The man grunts as he picks up the handcuffs and saunters back to wait in the van. Touya stares at his hands for a moment. He can’t remember the last time he was allowed without cuffs outside. Keigo, however, goes rigid when he sees the blood running down Touya’s wrist. 
“We’ll get that patched up before you leave,” Keigo says nonchalantly as he opens the door, gesturing for Touya to come inside. The villain blinks, unsure if he heard him correctly. 
‘The fuck do you care?’
Hesitantly, he steps inside, a chill running down his spine at the temperature difference. The apartment is nice and neat…almost sterile …if Touya didn’t harbor such resentment toward Keigo Takami, he’d feel bad for him…because he knows exactly why. The Commission has had their teeth in him since he was a kid…Keigo hasn’t been really allowed to develop his own personality…his own interests. Everything in his life is orchestrated by the HPSC…
‘Well…not everything …Maybe…or…maybe everything…’ Fury bubbles up in Touya’s gut as his memories reappear in the forefront of his mind. He’d known Keigo for far longer than either of them had let on…or…at least… Touya knew Keigo …as far as anyone was concerned… Dabi’s first interaction with Hawks was during his recruitment for the PLF. No one knew about that time in his life except Keigo…and Giran. Those years after he woke up in the hospital but before he joined the League…during Keigo’s early formative years as Hawks. The Commission didn’t have complete control of him yet. He was young. He wanted to help people, even if it meant breaking the rules. Even if it meant checking in on the nameless homeless kid in the hospital gown that he’d befriended. It was something neither of them addressed…yet. 
Meanwhile, Dabi’s relationship with Hawks had taken an intimate turn, albeit for only a little while. Before he turned around and literally stabbed the League in the back…stabbed Twice in the back. Touya’s fists clench at the memory. The blood. If only Toga had been successful with that last bit of their friend. Maybe he wouldn’t have this stupid collar on. Maybe his Dad would’ve received justice. Maybe-
“Are you going to sit?”
Keigo’s voice jars Touya back to reality. He’s sitting at a dining table…it looks horribly plain…and-
“Are there only two chairs because this is an interrogation?” Touya spits, but Keigo’s calm demeanor falters for a moment.
“I…don’t really have many guests,” Keigo remarks quietly, sitting up straight in the chair. 
‘What? Am I supposed to feel bad for you? Twice was your friend. And you fucking murdered him.’  
Touya takes a deep breath before sitting down. Touya stares at the empty space behind Keigo. He distinctly remembers the array of crimson feathers that used to hang behind him so elegantly. Apparently, Keigo notices his stare.
“You didn’t take my wings. All For One made me Quirkless.”
‘Oh, but I wish I had…after what you did…I knew that was the one thing that would break you…if you lost them.’ 
“Pity,” Touya sniffs, crossing his arms over his chest. This is the first time they’ve seen each other since the war…and part of Touya wishes he’d been privy to this meeting. He wishes he’d had time to prepare. Keigo clears his throat, drumming his fingers on the table like a nervous habit. So many thoughts run through Touya’s head…he finally picks one. 
“Why do you play dumb?” He blurts, and Keigo cocks his head. 
“You act like we never met. You act like you didn’t know who I was. Like I didn’t know who you were. Why? I know you’re not an idiot,” Touya snaps. Keigo stops tapping.
“Whatever you’re implying-”
“How else would I have known to go after your mother? Hm? Those heroes are too stupid to even consider that. She was a nobody. A crackhead mooching off of the society that brainwashed you. There isn’t any sane villain who would choose some fool like her to target unless they already knew why she was valuable. Unless they knew she was your mother. Listen, I don’t care if your stupid apartment is bugged and those HPSC fuckers can hear all this, but you and I know the truth. We knew each other before I became a villain.” 
“There’s no bugs,” The ex-Pro mutters, almost sounding defeated. Touya rolls his eyes, not believing a damn word. A tense silence falls over the apartment. For a few seconds, it almost looks like Keigo might apologize, but he closes his mouth as fast as he opens it.
“Y’know…you’re acting really hurt for someone who doesn’t give a shit. You never cared about me. Not like how I cared about you,” Keigo suddenly blurts, his tone accusatory, and Touya scoffs.
“Are you fucking kidding me?”
Keigo stares blankly, unmoving. 
“You don’t think I cared about you? Why? Because everyone says I’m a fucking villain?! Is that so hard of a concept?!” Touya’s voice is filled with rage as he stands up and slams his hands down on the table, looming over Keigo. Touya half expects him to press the button on the remote, but the ex-Pro remains unflinching. 
“When you kill innocents for fun, it’s a little hard to believe you’re capable of love,” Keigo responds flatly, his words piercing Touya’s chest in a way that proves he’s wrong.
“You’re one to fucking talk about killing innocents,” The white-haired man snaps, eyes flashing. 
“Jin would’ve destroyed Japan, Touya-”
The villain brings his fist down on the table so suddenly that finally , Keigo flinches. 
Now Keigo’s standing up, his own hands pressed flat against the table as he gets eye-level with Touya. 
“WHAT ABOUT WHAT YOU’VE DONE. MY WINGS ARE GONE !” He shouts angrily, but Touya just laughs. 
Suddenly, Keigo holds up the remote, his eyes piercing with that same look he gave Twice. Touya gasps, eyes widening and heart skipping. Keigo could kill him. Right now. And there was nothing he could do about it. For the first time, Keigo sees real fear in Touya’s eyes, and a part of him is crushed to see that Touya thinks he would do that to him…that he would toss him aside so carelessly…just as carelessly as everyone else had in Touya’s life. Touya braces himself, squeezing his eyes shut and preparing for the electric shock. 
He opens his eyes to see mechanical bits scattering on the ground…Keigo threw it so hard that it shattered. Touya stands there, trembling; his chest feels tight. He’s so angry. So relieved. So confused. So…empty. A familiar dull sting prickles beneath his eyelids, and it isn’t long before blood slowly beads beneath his scars, forming crimson tears at his waterline that trickle down his face. Touya collapses into the chair, grabbing at his chest. 
‘What the fuck just happened?’
Keigo’s expression is cold…but…his eyes…they’re misting.
“I always hated those collars,” The ex-Pro whispers, his voice cracking ever so slightly on the last word. 
“Why…why did you do that?” Touya demands, his tone borderline scathing and full of mistrust. Surely this was just a ruse. Surely Keigo didn’t care. Surely…this was just a cruel trick…everything from Hawks had been a cruel trick…from the very beginning. 
“Because I’m not afraid of you,” Keigo responds, his eyes softening…but his words spark a fire inside Touya. Oh, the irony…Touya wishes he had his fire back now more than ever. 
‘You should be afraid of me…I want you to be afraid of me. After everything… why aren’t you ?!’ 
Once again, it was a cruel trick in Touya’s eyes. He hates this feeling in his chest…the sensation that irrefutably proves he still cares for the ex-Pro. He’s so angry now that he’s fucking shaking…but Keigo misreads his emotions completely. Touya dissociates, vision blurring behind bloody tears as he tries to concentrate on his breathing. Keigo walks around the table, stopping beside Touya, and rests his hand gently on the villain’s shoulder. The second Touya registers pressure, something inside him snaps. Without his Quirk to sense danger, Keigo isn’t fast enough. Without warning, Touya leaps up from the chair, grabs Keigo’s arm, and spins him around, shoving him onto the table. Keigo’s eyes widen, breath catching his throat as he’s suddenly pinned against the table, his face inches away from his ex-lover’s; Touya looms over him, holding Keigo down by his shoulders, breathing hard and fast as his heart stutters in his chest. He’s so fucking angry. He wants to hurt Keigo. He wants Keigo to hurt like he did. Old memories float back into their brains, and their rapid heartbeats unknowingly sync in rhythm and intensity. Touya grits his teeth, scarlet tears streaming down his face. The room is dead silent save for their heavy breathing. 
“Touya…,” Keigo whispers, his voice faltering, and the ex-Pro slowly brings his hand up and cups the side of his face. The villain freezes, shivers running up and down his spine at the unexpected caress, and his heart practically stops. Keigo’s the only person who’s ever touched him like that…the touch that felt genuine and caring…but Touya never knew if it was real…not after what he did to Twice. He swallows the sob that’s building in his throat, hating how much of the crybaby he used to be has come back to the forefront. Keigo whispers his name again, almost sounding like he’s trying to soothe him, and his thumb gently wipes away the blood off the healthy skin between the scars on his cheek. 
“You still don’t think I ever cared?” Keigo mutters, his voice laced with angst. His words make something twitch in Touya’s soul. 
Before Touya can think it through, he’s pressing his lips to Keigo’s in an intensely passionate kiss. Keigo melts into the gesture, eagerly kissing back as his arms wrap around Touya’s neck. Keigo’s kisses are gentle, and it makes Touya sick. He doesn’t want to be gentle. He wants to take out all of his emotions on his ex-lover. Every single one of them. He’s going to fuck every thought out of his head until he’s sore for days . He wants to make him remember just how good it was before he betrayed him…so he’s filled with that much more regret when he realizes this is probably the last time they’ll see each other. Part of him doesn’t want that to be true. Part of him craves this connection…but he can’t allow himself to be so naive again. 
Keigo whines when Touya harshly bites his bottom lip, greedily sucking at it and pulling back until it jerks free from his grip with a slick popping noise. Keigo pulls him back almost immediately for a sloppy open-mouthed kiss, and now they’re chest-to-chest on the dining room table. Touya’s eyes roll back into his head when he feels Keigo’s warm tongue sliding against his own, desperate and possessive. Keigo slides backward, pulling Touya with him until they’re completely on top of the table, and Touya puts his hands on either side of Keigo’s head as they hastily make out. Touya’s breath hisses out of  his nose, a subtle growl rumbling in his throat as his anger starts to bubble up again, muscles clenching and desire peaking. It’s been so long. He needs Keigo…as much as he loathes the idea…he needs him. 
“Get your fucking clothes off,” Touya hisses a seething order as he pulls back, but Keigo’s eyes are half-lidded and just as feral. Keigo reaches forward, grabbing the zipper of Touya’s gaudy orange jumpsuit and almost ripping it off with how fast he pulls on it. Touya mutters offhanded insults under his breath as he sits up, climbing off of Keigo so he can shrug off the jumpsuit. Keigo’s apartment is cold…and he becomes even more aware of it when he’s standing stark naked in the dining room. When he turns back around, Keigo’s already stripped completely, legs spread and inviting. Touya briefly thinks about ramming straight into him without any regard…but he isn’t quite that cruel… still . 
Touya climbs back up on top of Keigo, greedily pressing his lips to his and dragging his hands down the ex-Pro’s body. He’s still just as toned and muscular as he was in his prime a few months ago, and Touya remembers every curve. Keigo moans softly as the villain sinks his teeth into the side of his neck. The sound is like fucking music to Touya’s ears, and it makes his cock throb between his legs. Keigo moans his real name, and Touya sees red. He pulls back, spitting into his hand before rubbing it on his pulsing dick, breath hissing between his gritted teeth as he sighs in ecstasy. Keigo whimpers, spreading his legs as much as he can in anticipation. Touya gets in position, and, slowly, he eases himself inside Keigo. The ex-Pro gasps, face contorting in a mix of pain and pleasure. Touya groans as he bottoms out, grabbing Keigo’s shoulders and digging his fingernails into his scarred skin. 
‘The scars…They’re my fault…because…’
Memories come flooding back. 
‘He deserved it.’
In a sudden rush of anger that blooms in his heart, Touya starts forcefully thrusting in and out; Keigo practically screams, clapping his hands over his mouth. He doesn’t want the handler hearing. All hell will break loose if they’re discovered. If Touya didn’t have his Quirk dampeners in his system, he knew his skin would be steaming. Smoke would be curling from his scars. It’s what always happened whenever Dabi and Hawks had sex. 
“So fucking tight,” Touya snarls, body shuddering as he ruts up into Keigo’s guts. The table rocks back and forth, screeching against the hardwood floor with every roll of Touya’s hips.  
“ AH~ AH~ AH~ !” Keigo’s screams are muffled behind his hand, but Touya can hear him loud and clear. The pain and lust in his voice rile up the villain even more, and he fucks him deeper, increasing his rhythm. 
“Gonna~ fuuck your brains out, bastard,” Touya grunts between bated breaths, sweat beading on the back of his neck as he reaches under Keigo’s thighs, pushing them up until his ankles are above his head. 
‘Flexibility hasn’t changed.’
Keigo squeezes his hands over his mouth harder, eyes going crossed in an ahegao as he drools. Touya leans forward as he feels his orgasm approaching, tearing his ex’s hands away from his mouth and replacing them with his lips. Keigo moans like a whore into the kiss, completely losing his composure as the table shudders under their weight and the force of Touya’s thrusts. Without warning, Keigo orgasms, his hole clenching around Touya’s cock. With a few more rolls of his hips, Touya gasps as he comes; Keigo whimpers as he feels the warmth pooling inside. For a moment, only Touya and Keigo exist, staring deeply into each other’s eyes…just like they used to. The faint memories of intimacy pulse through the air, tainting their realities. However, it doesn’t last. Touya pulls out, making Keigo wince, before lying next to him, trying to catch his breath. 
They both lie still for a few more moments before Keigo gets up with a grunt, promptly grabbing his clothes and pulling them back on like nothing happened, save for his obvious wobbly stance. Touya’s heart pangs when he sees the splattered scar that covers his entire back…the empty places where his wings used to sprout. 
“Did you really invite me over here just for us to hatefuck?” He snaps, climbing off the table to get dressed. 
“I…I wanted to tell you that I’m sorry…and that…I forgive you,” Keigo murmurs, his voice strained like he’s trying not to choke up. Touya zips up the jumpsuit, breath catching in his throat as he processes Keigo’s words. 
“I don’t want your pity…or your forgiveness,” He retorts, trying to let it roll off his shoulders, though it’s very obvious his words are an empty cover-up. When they’re both decent, Touya’s eyes fall onto the crumbled remains of the shock collar remote on the floor.
“What are you gonna tell my handler?” He mumbles, fear pricking in his chest at the wrath he might face from the facility. 
“Don’t worry; we’ll figure it out,” Keigo flashes all of his teeth in that smile Touya’s seen countless times. Suddenly, it’s like every ounce of malice that had polluted the air completely vanished…and Touya’s mind latches on one word. 
‘He said we .’
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16 June 1907 - 25 November 1981
            Jack Albertson was an American actor and is best known for playing Grandpa Joe in Willy Wonka (1971) and Manny Rosen in The Poseidon Adventure (1972). He also appeared in Miracle on 34th Street (1947), The Shaggy Dog (1959), The Fox and the Hound (1981), I Love Lucy (156), The Twilight Zone (1961), Mister Ed (1961-1964), Land of the Giants (1969-1970, Professor Kirmus), and Terror at Alcatraz (1982).
            Albertson was born in Malden, Massachusetts, US and was the son of Russian-Jewish immigrants. He was raised by his mother and stepfather as his father left before he was born. At school he was known to be intelligent, but he couldn’t concentrate in class, he didn’t do his homework and was the class clown. He dropped out of High School and started working numerous jobs and during this time he took tap dancing classes and would sing with a local group.
            Albertson was married and had one child and lived in West Hollywood, California.
            In 1978 he was diagnosed with colorectal cancer. He was working on Disney’s The Fox and the Hound (1981) four months before he died. He died at his LA home aged 74 from colon cancer. His sister died 10 months later from Alzheimer’s disease, the siblings were both cremated and their ashes were scattered in the Pacific Ocean.
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#jackalbertson #grandpajoe #willywonkaandthechocolatefactory #theposeidonadventure
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multi-muse-transect · 4 months
"You gave 'em hell today." Leon reached over Jill's shoulder, to place a longneck beer down in front of her, as the ravenette woman sat alone at the bar, and Leon joined her, wearing jeans, the gray shirt that he had been wearing from their fight in the bowels below Alcatraz, to dealing with Blake's bioweapon form, as he sat with her. "Trandition for comrades in arms, to buy each other a beer, after the taste of victory. So cheers, Valentine." He suckled on his own longneck, sitting with her, as he threw a dart with very little time, wearing a sleek leather jacket, as he put the needle right through the center of a bullseye on the dartboard.
“Cheers to you. I’m gonna have a long talk with HUNK about this…makes me wonder if there’s other former Umbrella mercs around wanting to continue its work.” Jill sighed in the process rubbing her temple. She made contact with the Grim Reaper himself at a quarantine zone and the two exchanged words with one another. Since then he’s become her personal advisor about things.
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marketinsight1234 · 4 months
Dark Tourism Market Worldwide Opportunities, Driving Forces, Future Potential 2032
Dark Tourism Market Size Was Valued at USD 31.09 Billion in 2023 and is Projected to Reach USD 39.00 Billion by 2032, Growing at a CAGR of 2.55% From 2024-2032.
The practice of traveling to destinations connected with death, tragedy, or gloomy events is known as "dark tourism," and it includes going to places like crime scenes, jails, war zones, haunted houses, and catastrophe sites. This can provide light on past occurrences, encourage reflection, pique interest, or, for some, even produce an exhilarating experience.
Historic sites and events are better preserved and communicated thanks to dark tourism. By traveling to these destinations, travelers help to maintain and conserve historically significant sites. A greater understanding of historical events and their effects on society is made possible by dark tourism, which gives visitors the chance to learn about the past, including the causes and effects of tragedies and conflicts. This promotes learning and knowledge-sharing.
Get Full PDF Sample Copy of Report: (Including Full TOC, List of Tables & Figures, Chart) @
Updated Version 2024 is available our Sample Report May Includes the:
Scope For 2024
Brief Introduction to the research report.
Table of Contents (Scope covered as a part of the study)
Top players in the market
Research framework (structure of the report)
Research methodology adopted by Worldwide Market Reports
Leading players involved in the Dark Tourism Market include:
"Lupine Travel Company (United Kingdom), Chernobyl Tour (Ukraine), Young Pioneer Tours (China), Aero Travels (India), Atlas Obscura (United States), Dark Rome Tours (Italy), Anne Frank House (Netherlands), Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial and Museum (Poland), Haunted History Tours (United States), Alcatraz Cruises (United States), Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum (Cambodia), Robben Island Museum (South Africa), Gettysburg Battlefield Tours (United States), Salem Witch Museum (United States), Ground Zero Museum Workshop (United States), Titanic Belfast (United Kingdom), Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum (Japan), Airbnb, Inc. (United States), Expedia Group (United States), Booking Holdings Inc. (United States), TripAdvisor, Inc. (United States), Thomas Cook Group (United Kingdom), TUI Group (Germany), DER Touristik Group (Germany), MSC Cruises (Switzerland), Carnival Corporation (United States), G Adventures (Canada) and Other Active Players." 
Moreover, the report includes significant chapters such as Patent Analysis, Regulatory Framework, Technology Roadmap, BCG Matrix, Heat Map Analysis, Price Trend Analysis, and Investment Analysis which help to understand the market direction and movement in the current and upcoming years. 
If You Have Any Query Dark Tourism Market Report, Visit:
Segmentation of Dark Tourism Market:
By Type
Holocaust Tourism
Genocide Tourism
Paranormal Tourism
Battlefield Tourism
Nuclear Tourism
Prison Tourism
By Tourist Type
Domestic Tourist
International Tourist
By Traveller Type
By Purpose
Historical & Educational
Cultural & Social Understanding
Adventure & Thrill-Seeking
By Booking Type
Phone Booking
Online Booking
In Person Booking
By Regions: -
North America (US, Canada, Mexico)
Eastern Europe (Bulgaria, The Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Rest of Eastern Europe)
Western Europe (Germany, UK, France, Netherlands, Italy, Russia, Spain, Rest of Western Europe)
Asia Pacific (China, India, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, The Philippines, Australia, New Zealand, Rest of APAC)
Middle East & Africa (Turkey, Bahrain, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, Israel, South Africa)
South America (Brazil, Argentina, Rest of SA)
Key Benefits of Dark Tourism Market Research: 
Research Report covers the Industry drivers, restraints, opportunities and challenges
Competitive landscape & strategies of leading key players
Potential & niche segments and regional analysis exhibiting promising growth covered in the study
Recent industry trends and market developments
Research provides historical, current, and projected market size & share, in terms of value
Market intelligence to enable effective decision making
Growth opportunities and trend analysis
Covid-19 Impact analysis and analysis to Dark Tourism market
If you require any specific information that is not covered currently within the scope of the report, we will provide the same as a part of the customization.
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We are technocratic market research and consulting company that provides comprehensive and data-driven market insights. We hold the expertise in demand analysis and estimation of multidomain industries with encyclopedic competitive and landscape analysis. Also, our in-depth macro-economic analysis gives a bird's eye view of a market to our esteemed client. Our team at Pristine Intelligence focuses on result-oriented methodologies which are based on historic and present data to produce authentic foretelling about the industry. Pristine Intelligence's extensive studies help our clients to make righteous decisions that make a positive impact on their business. Our customer-oriented business model firmly follows satisfactory service through which our brand name is recognized in the market.
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"look and see"
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sacredotus ego. i assume this is sacred ego, but it is bad latin.
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ex septibus unum. out of seven, one. this is also bad latin. septibus is not a word.
ohio is where eyedol games is/was based and seems to be featured prominently as a cursed location within zampanio, perhaps as a nod to that fact
what also immediately jumps out to me, is the alcatraz zone. this is exactly the same as the alcatraz zone from monument mythos. so , this suggests, presumably, another media being subsumed into zampanio. 2 of the other zone names (washington and rushmore) are also found in the monument mythos, though their borders are not the same.
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I don't think this does anything right now. Maybe I am missing something.
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I've definitely seen the death clock stuff before. Or maybe I'm getting mixed up with the revelation clock.
The cipher says "Look for the eye in the dark."
TA (Time)
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this looks like it links to a lot of things, but i dont have the time ^^. just note the name
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the-firebird69 · 4 months
The Magic of David Copperfield IX: Escape From Alcatraz (1987) (With spe...
This is our son's brother Dave his performances were spell mining still binding he was doing things people could not explain and still can't and some of you started doing it a little and it was abruptly halted and he began to descent and you're still going downwards and it's one of the starting points of your fault and a lot of people blame him and they think it is him.
+we're doing work on Jupiter and we see millions of probes a minute being launched mostly intercept by the max or foreigners and even Chow fat says I should let one or two go by and you can see him smiling and is letting all of them go by so that's how he feels about it. It's a huge day tons and tons of issues came up because our son might get money. Huge fights not breaking out because he said he's a valuable construction consultant and they're fighting over Morrison Knutson and a new chairperson was elected today as we hold the most votes and actually all showed up it's true except for John remillard and his vote was not cast and it wouldn't have done it and they brought it up and said he can't have a crack at it cuz he is missing it on purpose to see what happens is severely chastised and people gave him the dirty eye and begin to fight over the jobs they want to be considered to be one of us no, then when I find us and use us up and take what we have. This is happening and all the companies we mentioned and they are clearing themselves out for real it's heavy fighting. The areas around Pontiac that's so hot you're being putting up walls around the factory and about three rings out they can see nobody is within there yet they are fighting like madness. Sometimes 100 miles out praise God it happened in the Midwest it was nowhere near as fierce this is ridiculous drugs we're now going to lay down the law and begin to sanitize the areas in order to start the businesses up and we have to and father and mother said we should fly things in and out and it would remind us of the max and that's a great idea and remind them too and we'll have to fly the cars out elsewhere so you don't caress them like ants and he said we should be getting pre-sales of the Pontiacs and we'll take them to dealerships and drop them there probably with ships and they're already sold to people or we can do it in concealed trucks but that might be difficult and we can take them to drop zones and the alternative to a war zone so his idea is to have people buy them in a dealership and you ship them there when the people are there to pick them up the ship so truck comes out of the ship and drives down the road and they drive away and it happened probably at night in the middle of the night we're going to go ahead and set that up and we see how it is
Thor Freya
I don't think it's Billy Joel but it might be the song in the middle of the night
Hera Zues
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brookstonalmanac · 9 months
Events 1.1 (between 1830-1940)
1822 – The Greek Constitution of 1822 is adopted by the First National Assembly at Epidaurus. 1834 – Most of Germany forms the Zollverein customs union, the first such union between sovereign states. 1845 – The Philippines began in sync with Asian dates by redrawing the International Date Line through skipping Tuesday, December 31, 1844. Ordered by Governor–General Narciso Claveria reforming the country calendar to align with the rest of Asia. It's territory was one day behind for 323 years since the arrival of Ferdinand Magellan in the Philippines on March 16, 1521. 1847 – The world's first "Mercy" Hospital is founded in Pittsburgh, United States, by a group of Sisters of Mercy from Ireland; the name will go on to grace over 30 major hospitals throughout the world. 1860 – The first Polish stamp is issued, replacing the Russian stamps previously in use. 1861 – Liberal forces supporting Benito Juárez enter Mexico City. 1863 – American Civil War: The Emancipation Proclamation takes effect in Confederate territory. 1877 – Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom is proclaimed Empress of India. 1885 – Twenty-five nations adopt Sandford Fleming's proposal for standard time (and also, time zones). 1890 – Eritrea is consolidated into a colony by the Italian government. 1892 – Ellis Island begins processing immigrants into the United States. 1898 – New York, New York annexes land from surrounding counties, creating the City of Greater New York. The four initial boroughs, Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, and The Bronx, are joined on January 25 by Staten Island to create the modern city of five boroughs. 1899 – Spanish rule ends in Cuba. 1900 – Nigeria becomes British protectorate with Frederick Lugard as high commissioner. 1901 – The Southern Nigeria Protectorate is established within the British Empire. 1901 – The British colonies of New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania, and Western Australia federate as the Commonwealth of Australia; Edmund Barton is appointed the first Prime Minister. 1902 – The first American college football bowl game, the Rose Bowl between Michigan and Stanford, is held in Pasadena, California. 1910 – Captain David Beatty is promoted to Rear admiral, and becomes the youngest admiral in the Royal Navy (except for Royal family members) since Horatio Nelson. 1912 – The Republic of China is established. 1914 – The SPT Airboat Line becomes the world's first scheduled airline to use a winged aircraft. 1923 – Britain's Railways are grouped into the Big Four: LNER, GWR, SR, and LMS. 1927 – A new Mexican oil legislation goes into effect, leading to the formal outbreak of the Cristero War. 1928 – Boris Bazhanov defects through Iran. He is the only assistant of Joseph Stalin's secretariat to have defected from the Eastern Bloc. 1929 – The former municipalities of Point Grey, British Columbia and South Vancouver, British Columbia are amalgamated into Vancouver. 1932 – The United States Post Office Department issues a set of 12 stamps commemorating the 200th anniversary of George Washington's birth. 1934 – Alcatraz Island in San Francisco Bay becomes a United States federal prison. 1934 – A "Law for the Prevention of Genetically Diseased Offspring" comes into effect in Nazi Germany.
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toughgirlchallenges · 10 months
Louise Minchin - former BBC Breakfast presenter, endurance athlete and author of two books, Fearless Adventures with Extraordinary Women and Dare to Tri.
Louise is a journalist, broadcaster, podcaster and writer.
She presented BBC Breakfast for 20 years and before that was a news anchor on the BBC News Channel and the BBC’s One O’clock News. She has also presented The One Show, Five Live Drive, Real Rescues and Missing Live and has been a contestant on I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here, Time Crashers and Celebrity MasterChef.
Her first book, Dare to Tri, charted her journey from the Breakfast sofa to representing the Great Britain Triathlon team in her age-group at World and European Championships.
Her second book Fearless, Adventures with Extraordinary Women was published by Bloomsbury on 25th May 2023.
It reflect her passion for celebrating women’s success. In each chapter Louise takes on a different challenge with a courageous woman, to get to know them and tell their incredible stories.
About the book: Fearless, Adventures with Extraordinary Women
'To get to the heart of who these women are… I decided to do it the way that I know best, by taking part, spending time right beside them to experience the things they love.'
Driven to bring more attention to female stories of courage and endeavour, Louise Minchin pushes herself to the extreme and embarks on thrilling endurance adventures with trailblazing women.
She freedives under the ice in the dark in Finland with Cath, the first woman to swim a mile in the Antarctic Circle; she cycles across Argentina with Mimi, one of the world's most famous female endurance runners; and she swims from Alcatraz with Anaya and Mitali, two young sisters who have braved the shark-infested waters over 70 times.
With her natural empathy and sense of humour, Louise forms close bonds with 18 incredible women. She explores what drives them and how they find the resilience and determination to go on despite life's setbacks. Lizzie overcame a life-threatening illness and now paddleboards whilst cleaning up the planet with her community; Rhian set up a charity in the face of grief and fundraises through hikes; and Zee took up rugby alongside her busy nursing career and motherhood.
Louise reminds us of the bravery inside us all, and how essential it is to celebrate women's achievements. Prepare to be touched and inspired by these fearless women.
Don't miss out on the latest episodes of the Tough Girl Podcast, released every Tuesday at 7am UK time! Be sure to hit the subscribe button to stay updated on the incredible journeys and stories of strong women.
 By supporting the Tough Girl Podcast on Patreon, you can make a difference in increasing the representation of female role models in the media, particularly in the world of adventure and physical challenges. Your contribution helps empower and inspire others. Visit www.patreon.com/toughgirlpodcast to be a part of this important movement. Thank you for your invaluable support!
Show notes
Who is Louise?
Why you might know who Louise is (if you live in the UK)
Taking up sport at 45
Calling herself an endurance athlete
Her early years and passion for sports
Being a water baby and why swimming was her thing
Stopping swimming at 15
Doing a Christmas Challenge in the velodrome for BBC Breakfast in 2012
Having 1 hour of training before race night
Buying herself a road bike with drop handle bars 
All the gear….
Making mistakes on the bike
Being encouraged by a friend to try a triathlon
Being a goal driven person and why having a goal helps with training 
Advice for taking your first step 
Telling other people and feeling a sense of accountability/responsibility to achieve goals
Being willing to say yes to new challenges
Being pushed out of her comfort zones at work 
Fears and concerns before her first triathlon 
Her attitude of - lets give it a go
Not worrying about negative outcomes or failure
Having a life changing moment when her daughter was born 
Thinking she might die and how the experience changed her
Having a more positive attitude to life 
Feeling so lucky to do what she does
Her love for cycling and spending time on the bike (both indoors and outdoors)
Becoming a Team Great Britain (GB) Triathlete  
Representing her country at triathlon at the World and European Championships at Olympic distance.
Feeling extra pressure when competing in the UK
Training for a triathlon and fitting it around her work and job
Waking up at 3.40am every day to host the breakfast show
Book: Dare to Tri: My Journey from the BBC Breakfast Sofa to GB Team Triathlete
Chapter 14 - Kit list - What to take and why to take it.
Book: Fearless: Adventures with Extraordinary Women
Loving stories about adventure
Why do we never hear about women doing these adventures and challenges?
Making changes at the BBC around equal pay and being allowed to say hello first
Wanting to drive change, by going and doing it 
Doing 17 different adventures with fearless women 
Needing to amplify women’s voices 
Needing different heroes 
Trying to get Fearless on the TV
Noticing change 
Do you know who Mimi Anderson is?
Do you know who Cath Pendleton is?
Free diving under the ice in Finland with Cath 
How hard could that be?
Why being fearful and having fear is a good thing
Deciding to cycle across Argentina with Mimi Anderson 
Feeling the fear and wanting to stop
Listening to her gut
Doing running with Susie Chan
Being part of a wonderful sisterhood of amazing women
Running the London Marathon with her daughter
Fitting in training while travelling for the book tour
How menopause has impacted on exercise and taking HRT
How to connect with Louise on the socials
Final words of advice for women who want to be fearless and embrace new adventures 
Words from Belinda Kirk   
  Social Media
Instagram: @louiseminchin 
Twitter: @louiseminchin 
Dare to Tri: My Journey from the BBC Breakfast Sofa to GB Team Triathlete 
Fearless: Adventures with Extraordinary Women 
  Check out this episode!
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Part I:
Wolf drove us to San Francisco yesterday. I dozed off from time to time. In between glimpses of cows grazing, long stretches of land, and pit stops at gas stations.
He purchased parking a day ahead, close to the pier that we were departing from. We stopped in at a local gift shop where I found a rainbow tie-dye San Francisco sweater and he found me a black Volcom tee. We commented how we were both surprised how Volcom was still around, as I used to wear it’s brand in middle school and high school.
We had time before we left and I grasped his hand, asking him if he wanted a clam chowder bread bowl. One of his favorites, and something we get anytime we’re at the water. It’s fresher. The bread fluffier. We found a place, small, held a bar and seating outside with a Cajun style to the chowder. We split the bread bowl as I sipped on tea.
It was time for our boat to depart. We headed to the line and boarded. We stood at the front of the boat (labeled warning: splash zone) as we watched the island come into view. I stood in front, holding the railing as my heart skipped beats in excitement. He stood behind me, holding me still as the boat rocked and swayed.
He had forgotten that I don’t go on boats much. He used to own one of his own, but sold it before we started dating. I’ve been on boats before, but not as experienced as he was. My body swayed against the boat, nearly tumbling me forward. He held onto me, keeping me safe.
We landed on Alcatraz island. We communed to the front where a tour guide explained the rules. Some areas were off limits. Plants and animals were protected. Don’t take anything from the island.
We climbed the island to the top where the cell blocks were. We admired the flora and fauna that grew , beautiful purple flowers and succulents adorned the grounds. We found a rock laden path, and how it artfully carved its away around shrubbery. We decided that we wanted for our yard, and how we could manage it on our own.
We continued the climb and found ourselves at the cell blocks. Our tour began where the showers were. The showers were in the middle on white linoleum with the spouts above them. They were allowed to shower once a week. I read on boards around the room how they would be stripped of their street wear and given a blue jumpsuit.
We collected our recorders and headphones and counted to 3 as both hit play on the audio recorder for the tour.
The audio guided us through the cell blocks, narrated by former inmates and former guards who worked there. It was eery as they spoke about their time there.
Throughout the door were more boards and it gave us names as well as photographs of those who were speaking.
The cells were small, yet managed to hold a bed, a toilet, a metal folding chair and metal folding table. They were not allowed to decorate their cells. They were allowed to read, play checkers, and paint or draw.
The outside grounds were concrete, where they had outdoor activities. The island surrounded by deep water. Sharks roaming below.
We headed back indoors and the audio guide led us to the dining hall. They spoke of how much they enjoyed the food there. It made me think of how people become fascinated with a death row inmates last meal. How food is quintessential to human existence. It sustains us, defines us, allows creativity, brings people together, or can alienate one another.
We wandered as the voices in our skulls gave life back to the empty halls. I could hear chatter. Dishes clinking. Voices from years ago alive and well in my thoughts. I reached out and touched the walls. I grabbed onto cell doors, feeling the metal, cold. I peaked through cells and through windows.
We walked through the hallway, where visitations were held. Glass panels separating the prisoner from a friend, relative, loved ones.
As the audio tour ended, we returned our recorders and headphones. We took a left into a room that gave context into our present day prison system. Alcatraz itself was never at full capacity yet todays prisons are over capacity. It talked about the history of imprisonment and how majority are men, and are people of color.
We wandered through a gift shop. Books with more details and photographs of the inmates.
We went into another area of the grounds and read on the history of when a group of Native Americans, from many different tribes, occupied the island of Alcatraz and reclaimed it.
We wandered the grounds some more, admiring the beauty of the moss crawling up the rock, as I reached out to let my fingertips graze the soft plants. The air was cool and breezy.
As we walked back to landing, the boat was beginning it’s departure. As there was nothing more we wished to browse, we decided to board and head back to the pier.
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comfortunit · 2 years
like i said in a previous post on my other blog, normally i’m firmly against the anthropomorphizing of A.I. characters in fanworks because i think it ignores crucial aspects inherent to their stories and journeys as beings who don’t physically resemble humans and don’t experience certain elements of the human condition
i’ve also thoroughly been enjoying the new fan interpretation of edgar as a sort of demon-creature based on the theatrical poster art, primarily because i have often wondered what the ‘dream’ scenario would look like; if edgar really did get his wish and got to meet madeline, if it was a tangible reality now and not just a fantasy, how would he feel? because part of me thinks he might actually be a little intimidated, and maybe afraid (mostly of being rejected)
so when i started seeing art of not-quite-robot definitely-not-human edgar, i thought, “oh, wow, how perfect is that?” because it just encapsulated the complex dilemma i feel like he has, in which he possesses such a strong desire for reciprocated love but, at the same time, he knows he can’t logically receive it. at least, not how he wants to, or in a manner that’s congruent with how he thinks love is supposed to work (all of which he’s been taught by a human, of course, so his comprehension of love as a concept is already skewed).
(plot-armor bullshit aside) canonically, he had several reasonable opportunities he could’ve leapt at to pursue madeline or, at least, made his presence known. he could’ve interrupted his first performance of “love is love” and cut miles off. he could’ve unlocked the door while miles was away once he heard madeline approaching to invite her in. he could’ve continued serenading her through the vents. there were a lot of things he could’ve done while he still had his voice, doing the verbal equivalent of waving his arms around to catch her attention. but he doesn’t do these things. and i think, deep down, edgar ‘knew’ (or, let’s face it, assumed) — whether it’s because miles taught him this or it’s something he gleaned from entertainment media — he would have to be human for madeline to love him back.
there’s also the monstrosity element this creature-y interpretation brings to the conversation, and (given the above) the worry edgar might hypothetically have that madeline could somehow be afraid of him
like “what if she finds out about how badly i wish moles weren’t an obstacle in my way? and she thinks less of me because of it?” except miles (at least once) had a dream that he was fighting with bill over madeline! and madeline likes miles just fine!
or “what if she’s repulsed by me because i’m not human?” except i’ve genuinely never seen a more (albeit unintentional but still) explicitly objectum-coded character... i bet she named all of her cars, past and present, and talked to them daily. she canonically talks to her cello and cares about it like it’s her sibling or a best friend. i bet she even talks to her fish. despite those pithy one-liners about “since when is talking an indication of intelligence?” and “what’s wrong with [human] artists?” there’s just no way this woman draws the line at nonhuman love. no chance in hell. i’ll die on this fucking hill, mark my goddamn words.
and “what if she’s afraid of me because-” except No she Wouldn’t be. her entire character is sort of defined by a sense of fearlessness, or at least not letting fear stand in her way. she’s afraid to play in front of the entire orchestra on her First day of rehearsal but she does it anyway and she does it well. she’s bold enough to march right into miles’ apartment when he is basically nude to deliver some concert tickets and even stays to snoop and chat. she’s not afraid to break the rules and sneak away from the alcatraz tour group to go have her own fun. she keeps trying to break miles out of his shy comfort zone, attempting to worm details out of him about his (she thinks) musical talents because she knew what it was like to hide parts of herself. but edgar’s the one doing the hiding!
all this to say...
demon-creature edgar is so big-brained. madeline would adore him. it has the right kind of tradeoff, it’s a fun interpretation that enhances aspects of his narrative journey... and it also lets him touch and hold!
what’s not to love?
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lovearne · 2 years
As it is
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Chris Smith x reader
Word count: 3k
Warnings: Canon typical violence, swearing, soft moments with Chris, Adrian is in it too
8 years is a long ass time to be with somebody, especially when half that time that somebody was in prison. Chris had been caught by the police and the fbi, and promptly thrown into the most secure prison in the country. Nothing like Arkham Asylum or Alcatraz though, they've learned from those experiences. When Chris had come back, you had spent most of your time in the bedroom, making up for the lost time, but times like right now, you got to just sit around with him. Sometimes Adrian was around, and sometimes not. Quality time definitely was high on both of your love language lists. Along with words of affirmation and physical touch for Chris.
By far, your favourite quality time exercise was Chris laying his head in your lap either facing you, or away. Your hand carding through his hair, and holding his head as you just bask in the presence of him, your other hand in one of his, or scrolling through your phone. Chris is never vulnerable like this with you in front of other people though. Whenever you wanted to be close to him in public, or at the office, you’d have to initiate it and would most likely end up on his lap in some way. Whenever Chris would get the urge to be close to you outside of his comfort zones, he’d grab your hand, holding it softly as you talk to him, a dope smile on his face.
Chris is expertly trained in how to kill, the quickest and most efficient way to take a person down. His body is his most deadly weapon, thanks to his rank and racist father. He had told you all about what had happened to his brother, and everything else that happened to him that emotionally scarred him. That stunted his emotions, made him feel weak at any sign of something other than hate. It took him a very long time for him to tell you that he loves you, and even at that, the most he can do is look you deep in the eyes, and kiss your fingertips, during times where words fail him. He has only said it once, on purpose at least. He shows you that he loves you though, that he appreciates everything you do for him and for eagly. He kisses the back of your neck when you have your back turned to him, picks up things he knows you love from his store runs, he brings home smooth rocks when he goes on patrol with Adrian, and he makes you breakfast in bed. When you first started dating, you couldn’t believe your luck, you had gotten a good one, an amazing one at that. He was one of the most supportive partners you had ever had.
The only words he's said to you, are words of kindness, they are from the kind part of his brian. He normally shows his love by aggressively insulting people, much like Adrian, who would frequently stay in the extra bedroom after a patrol. Just so he wouldn’t have to drive himself home tired and beat up.
This brings you to right now, Chris had just come back from a mission, and all he wanted was to be held by you. Laying back on the bed, after helping him out of his peacemaker garb, he pulled on a pair of shorts, pulling your shirt up a bit to reveal the skin underneath, placing his palm over the skin on your stomach. Chris has always loved to feel your skin against his, he lays on top of you, his body off set with yours, his head laying just at the top of your chest, his arms going around you, as if he was grounding himself with you. Your hands were running up and down his strong back, hitting the many scars adorning his body, soothing your hands all around him. He groans into your chest, relaxing even further into you, leaning his whole weight onto you.
The small touches that you gave him drives the man crazy, he loves them much more than he’ll ever be willing to admit. “Hey Chris?”
“You should grow out your hair, I think you will look very badass,” You’ve always had a fascination with his hair so it made sense you were saying this to him.
“You know I don’t do the mullet rock thing babe.”
“Ok, fine. I won't ask about your hair anymore, but can I ask something else?”
“We are not getting married, and no you can't legally adopt Eagly as your child.” He scoffs, “Sometimes you are worse than Adrian asking questions.”
“That wasn’t what I was going to ask, asshat.”
“Ok, fine. I won't interrupt this time.” You nod at him.
“Can I please do some makeup on you?” You wait with baited breath, not sure what reactions you were expecting. His head shoots up so he can look up at you, his chin resting on your chest now. His eyes alight with confusion.
"Why would you wanna do that darlin? Isn't that emasculating? I don't think I'd look good with makeup on babe. Maybe Adrian would sit for it?" You immediately soften the vrease in his brows with your hand, your way of telling him to hear you out and calm down.
"May I please do your makeup? I have a whole skincare routine planned for you and everything. I've thought about me and you a lot recently, and I want you to learn how to take care of yourself. Keep your skin healthy, you know?" The whole time you were talking to him, he had a dumbstruck look on his face, completely distracted by you. He agrees without thinking much more about that.
"OK, fine babe. Can we just nap first though? I wanna nap with my favorite person." You nod as he rips your shirt open to bury his head into your chest, skin to skin.
"You better give me one of your shirts when you wake up, Chrisy." He growls into your skin. His breathing eventually evening out.
Waking up a couple hours later, you find Chris still dead asleep and Adrian above your bed. He was just standing there, watching you two. His eyes currently watching the way your hands were running chris' back.
"Hey buddy, what's going on?" Adrian jumped a bit, looking at your face now, his hand coming up to fix his glasses from where they fell.
"I just came to ask if I could take eagly with me, I'm going to catch some mice for my pet snake, he likes the extra snacks." You smile at the thought, Adrian and eagly best pals feeding Adrian's pet rat snake.
"Of course you can take him, he's probably just hanging out in the back, he likes the little pond we made him." He nods at you, you two had gone to high-school together, and you were his only friend back then. He leans down and kisses your forehead, as attention starved teens you two started showing your appreciation this way, nothing more than platonically.
"He'll be back at some point," he smiles as he hops out the bedroom window. You hear Adrian yelling at him and Eagly squeaking back.
Chris slept for about another hour, and you busied yourself by playing with his hair, brushing your fingers through and massaging his scalp, he would never admit if questioned. But he loves when you play with his hair, loves the feeling of you touching him in any way actually. You were one of the good things in his life, and he was grateful for that. You didn't just want him because he's attractive, but because you actually love him.
When Chris woke up, he didn't want to let you go, he just wanted to keep you there with him, in his arms where he knows you are safe. His biggest fear is not being enough to save you, if it comes down to it. And that shows a lot when he's emotionally open with you.
It's these soft moments in time, the ones where you can spend hours and hours in the arms of the man you love. It's these moments that make all the bad ones worth it. All the bad days, and all the bad thoughts, they all get blown away by the love you share with him. He's your rock, he'd protect you from anything, he'd die for you, and he'd kill for you. And you'd do the same.
"So I'm thinking maybe soft purples, and some blues? For your eyes, maybe a nice glitter on the bottom lid, yeah, that sounds delightful. You would look amazing with that on, baby." You thought aloud very often, he's kinda gotten used to you sprouting your thoughts out. He finds it adorable, knowing that you have to say something you are thinking in order to comprehend it. The same way you read to yourself, quietly under your breath. Those are things you never noticed, things that Chris picked up on by watching you. Sometimes he will just lay his head on your lap while you read, a front row seat to whichever story you had that day.
He loved it when you wouldn't know a word and pronounce it a few different ways before you settled on one. It's these little things the things you do when you are most vulnerable, he loves them. He loves you, you are chaotic and testy at times, but he loves you despite the bad qualities you may have. You were the first person Chris ever felt this deep connection to.
You two only get up when the need to use the facilities gets too great. When his hands unwrapped from you, you felt so cold, wanting nothing more than to delve back into his warm embrace.
"Chris, hurry the fudge up man! I'm freezing out here," you pout outside the bathroom door, waiting for your boyfriend to come and give you hugs. As soon as the door opens, you dash into his warm chest, him stumbling a bit.
"Why are you so cold?" Chris flinched as your body touches his. "You could have grabbed a blanket, babe." He rubs his hands up and down your arms and back.
"I missed you, and I just wanna be close to you"
"Oh, it's one of those days for you? Do we have anything we have to do today?"
"Yeah, you said you'd let me put makeup on that handsome face." You smile at him, "but it's ok if you don't want to." He looks at you alarmed, thinking very carefully about what his next words will be.
"Is that a trick statement?"
"Did you say that because you actually don't mind, or because you just don't wanna upset me by asking me to do something and want me to decide to do it on my own?" You blink at his small outburst.
"Why are you stressed baby? I don't mind if you don't wanna have your makeup done. Promise." He eyes you a bit funny, moving between your eyes trying to decode it.
"Then I am going to say no, final answer." You nod, and step away from him. Walking back to get a shirt from his pile. When you walk back out, he's sitting on your couch, and becons you to sit down on his lap. You sit, stirring to get comfy. "Stop moving babe."
"Sorry baby, just trying to get comfy." You settle to sit sideways on his lap as he looks through the newspaper. You sit there, just thinking letting thoughts run through your head, you bring your mind from place to place. Until you hear eagly again. Adrian must not be too far off. You hop off of Chris' lap.and launch yourself into Adrian's body as he comes through the door this time. Adrian hugs back just as fast.
"Hey, what's going on?"
"I just missed you is all, how was mouse hunting?"
"Oh dude! Eagly was a badass, he kept catching so many, like it was crazy, he even caught a rabbit. He'd also go and retrieve what I killed with the bow!" Adrian got excited talking about his hunt with eagly, he always loved taking the bird out with him when he did things in the woods.
"You took eagly? How come you didn't ask me first?" Chris had joined in, his voice firm.
"It's ok Chris, he asked me. You were still sleeping. I figured eagly would love the entertainment and would be a big help to Adrian." Chris watches as you walk closer to him, pulling Adrian with you. You push him to the couch. going into the bedroom, and coming back out with your makeup case.
You sit on Adrian's knees, pulling out your makeup supply, his eyes watching you amused, you pull his glasses off him.and get to work, he already wears eyeliner so you just have to do some eyeshadow. Maybe freshen up his eyeliner, make it a cat wing maybe? Yes.
You stuck your tongue out as you did the makeup on Adrian, tilting your head this way and that way. Adrian was completely relaxed at the sensations of the brush strokes. His eyes closed, and his mouth in a nice semi smile, the same one he has when you play with his hair. You've even seen it while the two of you cuddle during your Thursday night movie marathon. Chris doesn't go to that, it's you and Adrian, that's one tradition you've had since high-school.
Chris watches your every move as you apply the makeup on his friend. With baited breath, he knows only about the kisses you two used to share in high-school, he knows you two were never a thing, and he knows that you'd never cheat on anybody. He calms down his mind, the green that flares up. He knows you two are just really close friends, being as you've known each other for more than 15 years.
He knows that you love him too much to cheat on him.
Chris is actually much more likely to cheat on you then you are to cheat on him, he hasn't ever though, and he doesn't think he will. He Learned to respect you when you first started dating, and he learned to respect your relationship with Adrian, you had told him that if he couldn't respect you, or your longest friendship that you were gone.
As the brush strokes slow and you pull away, Adrian opens his eyes the beautiful green now popping against the purples and reds on his lids. His eyes now cut through you, more intense with the shadow. You smile and kiss the bridge of his nose, moving off his lap after he gives you a hug.
Starting to pack up your makeup supplies, you feel a big, rough calloused hand grab at your arm pulling you into his arms, and seating you on his knee.
"You made Adrian look really good, thought you wanted to do that to me babe." You smile at Chris, kissing his palm.
"Yes sir, I will do yours. Now pucker up, big man." He does as told, and pushes his lips out, smiling a tad bit, his eyes lighting up. Instead you lick his cheek.
"Aw gross man," he recoiled, "you just licked my cheek. I thought you were gonna kiss me." Chris doesn't mind being soft around Adrian, he's been around for forever and a day anyways.
"OK mon ange, after when you are all prettied up, oui?"
"What is that, spanish?" Adrian laughs
"No dude, it's fucking French, they took it in high-school with me."
"You were put on this earth to give me a headache, and not the good kind that y/n gives me," Chris sighs, nothing but affection in his voice and his eyes. You could read him pretty well after this long. You kiss the space between his lip and nose, pulling away as he reaches to pull you back in. Giggling at the face he pulls, being denied a kiss the second time.
"OK mister, let's get you all powdered up, yeah?" He nods at you, smirking as you sit on his lap. Wrapping his strong hands on your hips, pulling you closer and more comfortably on his lap. You swat his arm with the brush in your hand, "Don't be getting handsy with your makeup artist now. I might make you look like a 3 year old that eats makeup."
Chris relaxed and watched you as you applied the makeup to his face, just admiring you as you work, loving that all your attention is on him. That cute little tongue pokes when you put the colour on. You whisper the colour names as you go. He's so in love with you, he can't imagine his life without you in it. It comes to him then, the want and need to make you his, permanently.
He opens his eyes to you when you lift the brush of his lid, you gently blowing the fallout of his cheek.
"Just marry me already" you stop in your tracks.
"Did I stutter?" He smirks.
"Because I can only ever imagine you being here at the end of the day. You are my ride or die, if you asked me to, I'd give up being peacemaker, I'd do anything for you. I'm so in love with you, and I hope it shows, because I wanna love you for the rest of my life."
You nod your head, too overcome with emotion to think. Just nodding and frantic grabbing for his face, pulling it to yours for a kiss. After pulling away you say yes, tears streaming down your face.
"I'm Crying, you made me cry" Adrian was holding his phone up, recording this moment. Chris scoffs
"Now's not the time for pet names, your fiancee is tight there."
"No, I'm calling you a baby, I'm insulting you." You hit Chris' chest as he said that to Adrian.
"Don't be mean to my BFF, muscle man." And there it was, you and your boys, the way it would be forever.
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miintsprigz · 2 years
A thought about Monument Mythos
So, I got into Monument Mythos and I have watched it all the way through. Now to be fair, I am a chicken, so I’ve been watching it mainly through Night Mind and Wendigoon, and people like them. That being said I LOVE IT and I have many thoughts. So this is a theory/headcanon.
If you haven’t finished yet, just know the ending is the main subject of this theory.
So…Alcatraz. I don’t know about you guys, but I was shocked when we found out it literally made atom-for-atom replicas of everyone in the world overnight, if Leonard is to be believed.
Now from what we saw of it in ALCATRAZATTACK, I think if it had been able to do that back then, we would have heard something implying that.
Either it was hiding it, or it just hadn’t started doing that yet.
My question is…how?
Well we’ve established Alcatraz is something of a giant unicellular organism when we first see it (HAHA PRISON CELL), and there’s a biological theory that organelles like chloroplasts were originally very small unicellular organisms that got absorbed by bigger ones, which then assimilated them and, after realizing somehow that they served a purpose, got to the point where they could make them autonomously.
I think it’s possible that Alcatraz did the same.
Surely there were at least corpses in the prison, but I find it highly unlikely that there were many people alive, if any, surely not after they blasted it with radiation. It could probably learn to copy the bodies well, and it checks out that it would be able to learn this quickly because it’s been shown to have an exponentially higher rate of growth than your average cell.
But how did it learn to copy the personalities?
This is where my semi-headcanon comes in.
Remember DEANDISASTER? Which is now heavily implied to be not a huge terrorist attack by the ADA but a plot by Dean’s guys to conveniently deafen and restore the hearing of the population in such a way so that they could continue hearing the songs of the beasts in the monuments…and also a convenient excuse to feed some people they didn’t like to those beasts?
Well where do bad people typically go? Prison.
It’s implied that the Alcatraz zone was sanctioned off as a no-fly zone, but knowing how shady the ADA and the Dean groupies all are, I wouldn’t be surprised if Alcatraz got a few pieces of live bait.
You know how they kinda phrase it ambiguously that most people came back better? Well maybe some of the people that came back were no longer themselves, but Alcatraz’s fleshy reproductions of “themselves”.
Let me know what you think~
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