#akkayan fic
firstkanaphans · 3 months
For the smut prompt 🫣 - Akk/Aye and no 6
Cause I’m missing them so badly (although I’m not gonna lie, 1/2 of the prompts on that list reminded me of SandRay 😂)
I have a bunch of SandRay prompts waiting, don't you worry 😂 Enjoy!!
{licking} their neck to make them gasp
“You’re too quiet,” Aye purred, breaking their kiss for the first time in what felt like hours. He didn’t seem mad—or even annoyed—but Akk’s first instinct was still to apologize.
“Sorry. I—”
“Don’t apologize,” Aye said, kissing him first on the lips, then on the cheek, and then on the top of his head. “I just like to hear the sounds you make.”
The two of them were alone in Aye’s room, sprawled out on his bed fully clothed. Akk knew they wouldn’t stay that way for long. They had only been having sex for a couple of weeks, but Akk had become addicted to his taste. His body craved Aye’s with a hunger he had never felt before in his life.
The problem was that sex was still new to Akk and he was self-conscious about it in a way he rarely was in real life. He wasn’t good at it yet and he didn’t like not being good at things. So no matter how much he longed to lose himself in Aye, he was constantly getting stuck in his own head, focusing too much on his awkward body and his clumsy movements and forgetting to actually enjoy it.
“Sorry,” Akk said again. Akk glared at him and Akk had to stop himself from apologizing a third time.
“Tell you what,” Aye said, propping himself up on an elbow so that he could look down at Akk from above. He reached out and brushed a stray strand of hair out of his eyes. “Tonight, we’re going to do something different. Tonight, you’re not going to fuck me.”
Before Akk could say more, Aye placed a single finger over his lips to silence him. “Tonight, I’m going to teach you how to get out of your own head.”
That sounded…nice, actually. Akk’s relief must have shown on his face because Aye smiled.
“The only rule,” he continued, “is that you can’t hold back those pretty sounds you make. If I make you feel something, I want to hear it. That’s how I learn what you like. Do you understand?” Slowly, Akk nodded. “Good. Now close your eyes.”
Akk didn’t question him. He closed his eyes and just lay there, his heart beating heavily in his chest, as Aye began carefully unbuttoning his shirt. He tried not to think, just let himself feel.
Aye placed a wet kiss on Akk’s chest, right over his heart, and began licking his way up his flushed skin, running his tongue along his neck until finally he got to the delicate skin just below his ear. He bit down playfully. 
Akk couldn’t help it. He gasped. Aye praised him for the sound by soothing the sting of his teeth with his tongue. This time, Akk moaned and Aye purred against his skin, finally content.
“Just like that,” he praised and Akk, longing to see him, opened his eyes. Aye smiled down at him, ran a hand through his hair, and said, “You don’t have to be embarrassed with me. You don’t have to pretend to be unaffected. There’s not a single part of you I don’t love.”
Akk felt his cheeks flush. He didn’t know what to say. Luckily, Aye didn’t need him to say anything. With a smirk, he reached for Akk’s belt. “Now let’s see just how loud you can be…”
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oopsimafannow · 2 years
Heyy I just noticed that you are writing an Akkayan fic and I got excited??? I'm looking forward to it because it looks absolutely beautiful!
Omg thank you for this!! I'm so glad to know someone is looking forward to it.
The fic is still simmering in my google drive but I'm about 60% done -- I hit a block because I was getting too attached to like specific episodes? So I'm trying to step back and just get back into the Akk ~vibe~ lol
But here's a treat for this lovely ask -- another excerpt:
Akk cannot stop himself from wanting, but he can cover himself in steel. 
"On the outside, you're tough. But on the inside..."
On the inside, Akk is liquid sloshing around.
Inside, Akk is worse than soft, he's open, wanting, hungry flesh.
He places the steel around his body for himself, but also for others who don't need to see how desperate he is, who'd be horrified to know just how (what) he wants. He protects them from the creature that swims under his skin.
Or – he would. He could, before. 
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khaotunq · 11 months
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i'm so confused that your ask didn't appear in my inbox but instead appeared only in my notifs. wild. ANYWAY I LOVE THIS GIF I'M KISSING U ABOUT IT
EDIT ur ask didn't actually appear on my dash when i posted it so i have cunningly screenshotted
ANY-ANYWAY. Since I'm a liar who said I was going to bed and then didn't, how about AkkAyan dressing up? It's THEMATIC. Also I made that little gif for my ask to you and ended up rewatching the Our Skyy eps in the background, then remembered I wrote this!
Wat threw a costume party. That’s how it had started. That was the reason all of Ayan's friends were mad at him.
  In his defence, Wat clearly hadn’t thought through all potential permutations of a costume party for his birthday. He’d given them the prompt of old Thai movies and left them to it.
  It had surprised Ayan how little convincing it had taken to get Akk into the ridiculously tight shirt and pants that predominantly made up his costume. He'd rolled his eyes and fussed and turned his single syllable nickname into a three second groan, but he'd let Aye pick, and he'd certainly voiced no complaints when Ayan had pointed out he’d be wearing something similar, just in black.
  It also shouldn’t have been possible to look good in a ridiculous all-yellow outfit. That was part of Ayan's defence too: nobody but nobody should manage to pull off being dressed head to toe in banana yellow in lieu of gold.
  Akk could, it turned out. Akk did. Ayan was man enough to admit that at least half the reason he'd taken the black outfit was that he knew he'd be entirely unable to control himself around his boyfriend in form fitting black. Akk, at least, could usually be counted on to act appropriately.
  Anyway, it was Wat’s fault. All of it.
  It was Wat's fault they'd even heard of The End of the Red Eagle in the first place. Ayan would have never paid it any mind were it not for Akk insisting that their friendship with Wat depended on it. Ayan did sleep through most of Wat’s suggestions and although Akk ragged on him for it, he thought Akk enjoyed it when he was curled up sleeping in Akk's arms rather than awake and pointing out logical fallacies in any given film just to annoy him.
  So, Ayan had little to no real idea what the plot of Red Eagle was, but Akk hadn’t seemed overly fussed when Ayan suggested the hero and villain as their costumes.
  Ayan suspected Akk had also fallen asleep. He did it more than he'd ever admit to, because Ayan had woken up to him fast asleep under him several times while one of Wat's recommendations played on his laptop next to the bed. Akk would never admit to it, and Ayan found it too endearing to challenge: he knew Akk's phone browser was full of tabs on for various movie pages so that he could refer to them if Wat ever asked.
  By the time they arrived at Wat's, Ayan had reevaluated every choice he'd ever made that had led to that moment. He loved Akk for far more than his physical attributes, but the costume was serving as a brutal reminder of many of those attributes. He loved Akk's legs, which were normally a mile long anyway but were at that moment torturously accentuated by the bright yellow fabric clinging to them.
  Akk's body was already something Ayan was used to thinking about - and wanting - but the frankly obnoxious belt Ayan had picked out had turned his hips and waist into features specifically designed to test Ayan’s ability to keep his hands on the wheel on the drive over.
  Ayan had to unclench and clench his fists several times to get circulation flowing through them again after they’d parked up.
  Akk caught him staring a couple of times and had just laughed at him. He’d leaned in as they waited on Wat’s doorstep and reached around to check Ayan's mask was secure, using the excuse to run his fingers through his hair.
  Akk had started it. That was for sure. It was all Wat’s fault, but Akk had started it by flirting with him so openly. Ayan would have been just fine if Akk would have just kept his hands to himself.
  Whether that was true or not, nobody could prove anything.
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sollucets · 1 year
as a tiny prompt: aye wearing akks clothes (maybe an iconic tank top that's a bit too big on him) and akk feeling a certain way
hi nonny i am at last back at it again. thank you for your patience! ✨i think akk's more iconic of his 2 tank tops is definitely the teal one
we are in the post-os2 long-distance akkaye timeline again; 1.2k, rated t for they're kissing
It’s well into the afternoon when Akk finally hears the telltale sound of movement in his bed. His desk, across his dorm room, faces away, and he doesn’t bother turning from the chair to look. It’s going to take Aye a little while to actually wake up, and the last Akk had seen he’d been sprawled face-down across the pillows, taking up nearly all the room in an already too-small bed. 
So instead, he keeps writing, the little scratching noise of his pen the only sound in the room. Akk usually works with something playing in the background, but he’d forgone music in deference to Aye’s recovery from nineteen hours of air travel. He’s also not really working, not so soon after the end of term; he sets back to writing in his journal, content enough to wait just a little longer. 
Like he’d expected, it’s a while before he hears the telltale groaning of Aye actually getting up. He resists the urge to look for a while, but eventually turns to glance over his shoulder and catches the bathroom door closing, hears the sink turn on. He smiles. 
A few minutes later, he again doesn’t look up when the door opens and Aye’s arms loop around him from behind, a chin digging into his shoulder. 
“Good afternoon,” Akk says mildly, gently leaning the side of his head against his boyfriend’s. 
Aye whines, incoherent, and squeezes around Akk’s shoulders. He smells like toothpaste. 
“That bad, huh?”
“What time is it,” Aye mumbles, almost directly against Akk’s ear. 
“It’s half past two, and I probably should’ve woken you up earlier. The jet lag isn’t going to get any better like this.”
Aye lets out a muffled groan and drops his face into Akk’s shoulder, breath warm against the skin. He has to be leaning over the back of the desk chair, and it can’t be comfortable, but he’s clinging so thoroughly it’d be hard to detach him. He says something, barely audible. 
“What are you doing?” Aye enunciates more clearly, sounding both definitely still sleepy and distinctly pouty. Akk can feel his lips moving. “Pay attention to me.”
“I’m journaling,” Akk answers, laughing a little. Deliberately, he adds another word. 
“What happened to my cute boyfriend from yesterday who missed me so much he cried at the airport?” 
“Your cute boyfriend from yesterday had to carry you inside from the car and as such doesn’t miss you anymore,” Akk answers primly, holding in a laugh. “Also, you cried too.”
“You just called yourself cute,” Aye says, sighing dreamily. “You should write it in your journal. This is a historic moment.”
“Shut up.”
Aye scoffs theatrically. “Listen to you. I’m never so mean.” 
Akk pointedly gets another two words written down and very generously doesn’t refute Aye’s bald-faced lie. “I’m not mean. I let you sleep in, didn’t I? And I made lunch, but it’s in the minifridge now.”
Against his shoulder, Aye’s lips curve first into a smile and then into a kiss. 
Akk melts a little. He hadn’t known, really, how much he missed this. He thought he knew, but he didn’t. 
“You made lunch for me?” Aye asks, sounding delighted despite how he’s pulling his arms away. “I guess I can forgive you then. I am hungry.”
Akk spins in his chair, glancing up. “We can—“ he starts, before the words catch in his throat. 
Aye’s hair is down, soft and in his eyes. That’s the first blow. The second is his bare legs, the edges of boxers just barely visible under the hem of the third shot directly to the heart, one of Akk’s tank tops. 
On Akk, it’s already oversized, and on Aye the effect is worse. He can see the curve of Aye’s waist where the side hangs open, paler than the rest of his skin. It contrasts prettily against the blue-green of Akk’s shirt. His eyes stick there, tracing the shape of it over and over until without his conscious input he reaches out and curls his fingers around that waist, tugging Aye abruptly forward into his lap. 
Aye makes a cut-off little noise of surprise, just barely getting his legs to the side in time. His skin under Akk’s hand is warm and soft and his weight in Akk’s lap is familiar even after all these months away, and his mouth is still in a cute little ‘o’ of surprise. 
He rallies quickly, though, and that ‘o’ morphs into the cat smile Aye wears only at his most self-satisfied. Leaning forward to keep his balance, he sets his hands lightly on Akk’s chest and says, a laugh in his voice, “Does my cute boyfriend still miss me after all?”
Blinking a couple times and valiantly fighting the urge to dig his nails in, Akk says, “You’re wearing my shirt.”
It’s hardly the first time. Aye loves stealing Akk’s clothes, and he’s seen it before — but the combination of all that skin and Aye soft and real and in his room and his shirt and now his lap is doing something to him. Aye’s here to steal his clothes again, here and tangible in his arms. 
“So I am. Most of mine are still in my bags.” Aye’s tone is fond as he stares down at whatever dumbstruck expression Akk is wearing, but it goes darker as he asks, “Do you like that?” 
Akk tries to drag his eyes up through the sea of radio static that his higher thought processes have become, but before his face is another stopping point; his collarbone, visible from the drape of the tank top and sadly unmarked. His left hand comes up until his thumb can run over that exposed skin.
He feels more than hears Aye take a breath in, and lets his fingers follow the motion up the column of his throat. It vibrates as Aye says, a little shakily, “I guess that answers that question.”
Akk, who would usually roll his eyes but is distracted by the way Aye licks his lips after speaking, finishes the journey to curl his hand around the back of Aye’s neck and pull him down. Aye goes easily, melting into the kiss with a sigh that Akk has heard a million times and also not in months. They’d kissed last night, brief and soft and clumsy with sleep once he’d finally gotten Aye into the safety of their dorm, but not like this. 
No, not like this at all; he feels teeth against his upper lip. Aye’s hands leave his chest to wander down to his waist then back up to his shoulders and cling there, squeezing pressure through fabric. It feels a little like Aye might understand it, like he might get the ache in Akk’s hands and heart to hold him as close as possible. Akk makes a soft noise into his mouth, shifting in the chair, and they break apart for a moment, just far enough that their noses still touch. 
“So,” asks Aye, breathy but still somehow infuriatingly smug, “Do you want me to keep it on, or take it off?” 
In retaliation, Akk summons all his willpower and says, “I thought you were hungry.”
Aye leans in again, close enough that their lips brush, and whispers, “Shut up.” 
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boozles · 2 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Spread the self-love~
Okay, I am so late replying to this, but I love this idea!
Sadly, none of my old fics are online anymore (unless people downloaded them back in the day before I deleted/orphaned them) BUT I do have a few more recent ones (as in, the last two years).
and the walls kept tumbling down in the city that we love Prapai/Sky, Love in the Air
Sometimes Sky fights back, will push him away and cry out. Sometimes he cries his name, and Prapai feels his whole chest shatter. Tonight is one of those nights. “No,” Sky mumbles, and he pushes against Prapai’s chest. “Please…no…” “It’s okay,” Prapai shushes. “It’s okay, Sky-“ “Please…” Sky pushes again, eyes closed, still in the grip of slumber. “P’Gun…help…”
fifteen minutes Akk/Ayan, The Eclipse
Ayan sits back on the bed and fixes his shirt, which Akk hadn’t realised he’d been in the process of removing. “Blowjobs?” Akk knows he needs to try and play it cool. He knows he’s going to fail, miserably, but he has to try. “Uh, yeah. Blowjobs.” Ayan raises his eyebrows and pouts his lips. “Blowjobs.” “Yup.” Akk leans up on his hands, looking all around Ayan’s bedroom. Anywhere but his boyfriend’s face. “They’re…uh, fun.” “So I’ve heard.” Akk nods, and he just knows his face is a bright shade of red and he really wishes he had a better control of the words that come out of his mouth. “Uhm…do you…want…one?”
i'd meet you (where the spirit meets the bones) Phaya/Tharn, The Sign
Once the Naga Prince is asleep, always so deeply after a day of battle and taking what he wants, that is when Wansurat will slip away into the night. That is when she will seek her reprieve.
oh my wrists are weak but if i could life your body phaya/tharn, The Sign
There’s always a tell when it happens, when a memory returns. Sometimes it’s just a vacant stare, or a triple blink, but there are times when Tharn just smiles or sighs, and Phaya knows he’s remembering something. Tharn is lying beneath him, his legs loosely wrapped around his waist. Phaya can still feel the little shakes, the quivers still ringing through Tharn’s body, coming down from his orgasm. Phaya holds himself up with one arm, using his other hand to hold both of Tharn’s wrists to his mouth. He’s pressing his lips softly against the soft flesh of his lover’s wrists, something that Phaya has discovered that Tharn not only seems to find calming, but he actually enjoys it himself. It’s like kissing his lover’s heartbeat, like he can feel each little thump against his lips.
you think i'm a heartbreaker (but inside you wonder) Boston/Nick (kinda), Sand/Ray, Only Friends
Nick swallows and he knows he needs to stop, he knows he needs to hit the breaks and delete the damn file but soon enough he can hear the two men clambering into the back seat and he can make out the sounds of Top’s belt buckle hitting the floor of the car. There’s the sounds of kissing, wet and hot, and deep moans emanating from both men. This continues for a few minutes before it gets to the part that Nick hates most. OR Nick jerks off to the audio of Top and Boston
The rest of my writing can be found here, if anyone is interested :) I really need to finish all the wips I have on my computer /o\
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29daffodils · 2 months
fic : been lookin' for someone like you
ship : first/khaotung
rating : T
summary : khaotung asks, and first follows.
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incandescentflower · 2 years
I can't help thinking about how big, how insurmountable Akk's walls have to be to take so long to be chipped away by Aye. He is being given full on open intimacy over and over again by Aye and he can only barely let himself go. Did Akk think he'd never be given this? Did he think he is only allowed love and attention if he is the best of the best in the eyes of people he thought were important? Does Aye's adoration confuse him to his very core? Does he deep down think he is only loveable upon conditions - even his parents, who don't seem to put that pressure on Akk themselves, but still he has internalized that he is only loveable if he is someone to be proud of in the eyes of his school (and society as it stands in for).
And here is Aye putting forth unconditional love - even when Aye has seen Akk at his most shameful, even when Aye has called him out on things he has done wrong, Aye still cares, still opens up, still proves he wants to be with *this* version of Akk. The one who is flawed, and stubborn and true.
And even in the face of that, Akk can only give so much, can only open bit by bit. They are both so scared, but hanging onto each other exactly where they need to be - Akk still trying to keep control of his feelings and not ready to just let go, Aye needing to be loved, to be trusted, to be opened up to and only getting glimpses.
But that is probably why their feelings for each other are so significant to one another. Aye's central pain seems to come from not being let into Dika's internal world and not knowing what was happening and not being able to help. Aye feels like an outsider in all things and Akk is letting him inside bit by bit.
And Akk needs to figure out what he believes and not just follow ideology based on who he currently has feelings for. It's powerful that Aye shows that he cares for Akk even when he hasn't taken steps to make things right yet. It gives Akk the freedom to figure out where he stands without it being about someone else, but what is inside Akk and what he believes to be right.
Akk is still scared, but he is getting braver bit by bit. They both are trusting each other more and more and soon, hopefully, they will finally let go of their last secrets from each other and fully trust one another.
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aplethoras · 11 months
FIC: everytime you tried to play your part
Fandom: The Eclipse Relationship: Akk/Ayan Word Count: 10k Rating: Explicit
Summary: "Suppalo has outdone themselves this year. The ballroom is more grand than ever before. Intricate gold carvings swirl across the soaring ceilings, dozens of white tables and chairs stretching across the dance floor. Two chandeliers gleam in the middle of the room, strung up with crystals and gold chains, a Suppalo crest rising over the swell of the crowd like a shark fin.
More people are here than Akk has ever seen since he’s been attending as a prefect, which had been near the top of the worst-case scenarios that have been running through his head all week. But it does make sense that they’d need a bigger crowd—Akk hadn’t exactly impressed their usual investors at the anniversary celebration. If there was any air left in his lungs, he’d laugh."
Or Akk and Ayan attend Suppalo's Annual Fundraising Gala together, and it goes about as well as you expect. But hey, they have sex about it. It can't be all that bad, can it? Link on AO3
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distant-screaming · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: คาธ | The Eclipse (TV 2022) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Akk/Ayan (The Eclipse) Characters: Akk (The Eclipse) Additional Tags: Canon Compliant, Angst, Internal Conflict, Character Study, Akk-centric (The Eclipse), Metaphors, 5+1 Things Summary:
The truth is, Akk is wrong.
(or: akk, honesty and realizations)
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tiistirtipii · 2 years
A few magical realism fic recs because I can’t stop thinking about them.
The Eclipse
slit my throat and get to know me by johnnyfucksup. Anything they write makes me go so insane to such a degree I can never put it into words. And I’m obsessed with their concept and the way it’s written and just everything about this fic
Would you paint a sunset with me? by Scattered_Stardust16. The ideas and the visuals this fic made me crazy the first time I read it. It’s an extremely vivid fic, if you can even describe a fic like that? But god the emotions are emotioning and the colours are colour-ing
Bad Buddy
from the tide by fruti2flutie.When characters with magical powers have emotions >>>. And when the powers are related to their emotions and their personalities and everything?? 10/10 every time.
Anyway magical realism is always just so beautiful and emotional and interesting and lovely and always unique for every author who creates their own beautiful world and I love it so much. If you know any good ones please tell them to me.
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firstkanaphans · 2 months
I might be too late for this, but just in case I'm not:
Any remaining smut prompt, any pair. Up to you!
I saw that you like TanFang/AouBoom, so I thought I would give this one a shot. Enjoy!
{whispering} encouragement to them
The thing about Tan was that he liked to talk. Fang loved that about him. He loved that he was excitable and passionate and energetic—most of the time. But occasionally…
Fang was laying on his back on their bed as Tan fucked into him slowly. It felt amazing—like Tan was ripping him apart and then putting back together again with all the love and care in the world. It was pure, unadulterated ecstasy. The kind that made you think even heaven couldn’t possibly be better than this.
“You’re doing so good,” he praised because he had learned that Tan thrived on positive reinforcement. The first time Tan had gone down on him, Fang had told him, quite honestly, that it was the best blowjob he’d ever had and now barely a day went by where Tan didn’t get his mouth on him. He liked to please. Fang liked to let him. “Just like that. Don’t stop.”
That is, of course, exactly when Tan stopped because his problem was that he wasn’t good at multitasking. He could fuck Fang or he could talk about it, but he was seemingly incapable of doing both. “Oh, wait. There’s another position I’ve been waiting to try. I read about it in a magazine. We should—”
Although Fang would usually just lay there and listen until Tan saw fit to resume his ministrations, he was far too gone to wait him out this time. Far too impatient. He needed to come and he needed to come now. So he tightened his legs around Tan’s waist and used his body weight to flip them so that he was now on top and Tan was the one pressed into the sheets. He smiled down at his boyfriend, pleased that had worked.
“Whoa,” Tan said, speechless for once in his life. Fang didn’t waste any time: he started moving, riding Tan’s dick in the same slow, purposeful rhythm Tan had been fucking him in earlier, only Tan was deeper now, filling him up more than he ever had, and this time when he started talking, he no longer had to stop because Fang was doing the work for him.
“You want to do it like this?” Tan asked even though Fang was clearly already doing it and had no intention to stop. “Okay, yeah. Wow. That’s—”
Fang threw his head back and chased his own pleasure, grinding down onto Tan’s dick, satisfied that he had finally found a solution to their problem. Because like this, Tan could talk as much as he wanted and Fang would get to come listening to his favorite sound in the world: Tan’s voice.
“So good,” Fang sighed. “My perfect boy.”
Beneath him, Tan beamed.
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oopsimafannow · 2 years
This AkkAyan fic is taking over my brain right now so here's the soundtrack to my (now titled!!) WIP, this body of mine, which is a smut based character study of Akk and how he makes me so sad (and how Aye can help).
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But it's better to be honest with himself, better to know how things actually happen so he can get the self-recrimination right, later. If he lies to himself, the punishment won’t fit the crime.
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khaotunq · 9 days
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sollucets · 1 year
could you maybe write something where akk calls aye his home?
i absolutely can do that, nonny, thank u for asking! have a little bit (1.5k. of course.) of long-distance akkaye :') loosely related to the last prompt but fine to read without it
“Akk, are you sleeping?” 
Aye’s voice is tinny, the noises of a subway station behind him just the right side of too-loud through Akk’s phone speakers to catch his slow-moving attention. His headphones must have slipped out; he doesn’t remember it happening. 
“No,” he answers, like a liar, and pushes himself upright on his dorm bed with some effort.
He’d given up on holding his head up to look at the screen part way through Aye talking about one of the other international students he works with and her hopeless crush on a Thai grad student senior of theirs that Aye is 100% sure is taken, and all of the accompanying drama. “You think P’Win has a partner already.” 
“That’s the last thing you heard?” Aye asks, pouting a little on the tiny screen under his big blue scarf. His cheeks are pink. It’s really, really cute. Someone passes behind him; Akk thinks he hears the edges of a robotic voice making an announcement. “I don’t just think so, I know so, and I was telling you all the evidence.”
“Do you have a conspiracy board for this too, or am I still special?”
Aye says something extremely inappropriate for a public place in response, but he says it in Thai, so he’s probably safe. Akk still opens his mouth to scold him on principle, but he’s caught by a yawn before he can say anything, jaw cracking unpleasantly. 
Aye’s expression melts from put-upon irritation to fondness so quickly it’s impressive. “You don’t have to stay up so late for me,” he says. “Don’t you have class in the morning? At nine, right?” 
“Don’t remind me,” grumbles Akk with a sigh, but he swings his legs over the side of the bed, picks up his phone sans headphones, and heads into the bathroom barefoot. “It’s not really so late. And besides, you’d pout if I went to bed without calling. It’s our day.”
Their day, Thursday specifically, had been the day that worked best with both their busy schedules and the six-hour time difference for most of the first semester of their time apart. They’ve missed only once, during Akk’s midterms, and Aye had texted no less than thirty times that day, all test-taking memes and supportive emojis. Now, though, Aye’s classes combined with his new work in his university's tutoring center run into the London evening; it’s midnight in Chiang Mai. 
Aye says something in response, but whatever it is is drowned out by the noise of a rush of people behind him, all probably getting off of a train. 
“What?” asks Akk, propping his phone against the bathroom mirror and grabbing his toothbrush. 
“If it’s really not that late, then why are you falling asleep while I’m talking, hm? Am I so boring to you?” 
Akk rolls his eyes, squeezing out a little toothpaste, and says, “Maybe I just didn’t want to hear you go on and on about P’Win anymore, hm?” 
As expected, Aye zeroes in on that immediately. “Aww, is my baby jealous?”
Akk sticks his toothbrush in his mouth to avoid answering and weathers the ensuing and expected storm of teasing very bravely, if he does say so himself. He lets the ease of falling into a familiar dynamic soothe the very slight sting, and he listens patiently without showing even a hint of a smile on his face at how pleased Aye looks to have ‘won’ that admission. 
“And he’s almost as handsome as me,” Aye is saying, in his most annoying tone of voice, when suddenly he seems to stutter for a moment, his expression freezing in place on his face. It’s odd enough that Akk makes a questioning noise through his mouthful of toothpaste. 
“Akk…” Aye starts. He looks conflicted now, mouth turning down even as he speaks. “You’re not — really, though, right?”
Akk blinks. Then spits. Then says, “No,” even though it’s not 100% true.
His face must show it, because Aye’s frown droops even further and he says, clearly enunciated, “It’s not like that. You know I’m just—”
“Teasing,” Akk interrupts, having mercy on him. “I know. Aye, no, you’re fine. I don’t actually think you’re serious, or you wouldn't have spent the last half hour explaining why P’Win is absolutely definitely taken anyway.” And you wouldn’t usually worry that I did, Akk thinks, so why?
Usually, if he thinks he’s gone too far, Aye just drapes himself over Akk like a particularly affectionate cat, no matter what he’s doing. He kisses his way back to forgiveness, he brings Akk dinner or looks over his homework or buys him stupid, cute little charms to put on his phone keychain, and Akk always lets him even and especially if he isn’t actually mad, and — he can’t do any of that, six hours and half the world away. Oh. This is that communication thing they’re supposed to be better at by now. 
Aye is still staring at him with giant, horrible pleading eyes, because he doesn’t believe him, and he shouldn’t because Akk is still sort of lying. 
Akk sighs. “I’m jealous of anyone who gets to see you all the time.” He can’t keep looking at Aye, his gaze drifting towards the edge of the bathroom counter. “Just a little. That’s all it is. I’m— glad you have Thai friends, actually. You seemed a bit homesick lately. I think it’s cheering you up.” 
It’s silent for a little too long, and Akk finally looks up to make sure nothing’s happened to the connection and finds Aye with one hand over his mouth, eyes still huge but soft around the edges now. 
“What,” he mumbles. 
“My boyfriend is the sweetest,” Aye says, as he’d feared he would, all earnest and sincere and completely without the teasing edge, which makes it worse. 
Akk jerks his head away again, in a motion he couldn’t control if he wanted to. He puts his toothbrush into the cup with more force than is strictly necessary. “It’s just the truth, isn’t it?” 
“Phi reheated omelets on his break the other day and I thought I was gonna cry for a minute,” Aye tells him, laughing an embarrassed little laugh. “They’re not right here. They’re all undercooked and flavorless.”
“Did you get to have any?” asks Akk, imagining Aye looking (up, statistically) at this mysterious P’Win with his awful begging eyes.
“I wouldn't steal my senior’s lunch.”
Akk can’t help the little satisfied twitch of his mouth at that scandalized tone. Aye steals Akk’s lunch all the time. “Too bad. I get it a little, though. I really miss the way my mom prepares things.” 
Chiang Mai is easily 14 hours of travel from his house, more if you count having to switch trains, and he’s only been back once. He dutifully calls his parents every Sunday, but they don’t really have good enough reception there for regular video calls. 
Aye makes a sympathetic noise, then glances at something up and to the right of the camera. He frowns. “Baby, I have to go soon.” 
“‘Kay,” answers Akk, raising a hand to cover a sudden yawn. 
“Don’t worry about me too much,” Aye says, smiling at the screen all little and v-shaped. “I’m okay. I’ll go to a market and get my own ingredients and make my own omelet, and I’ll text you all the time, and I’ll call my mom twice so she can pretend I’m her favorite over you. Don’t you get too homesick either, okay?”
“Even if—“ Akk starts, hesitates, then forges on. He can say these things; he’s worked to say these things. “Even if I visit,” he tells Aye’s tiny, beloved face, miles and miles away and here in his dorm bathroom, “I’ll still be homesick until you come back. You’re my home.” 
Aye stares at him, mouth open for a minute, then demands, “Pick up your phone.”
“Just do it. Pick up your phone.”
Slowly and distrustfully, Akk takes his phone off the counter and holds it closer to his face. “Wha—“
Aye’s screen moves suddenly closer and then goes dark, the sound weird and muffled. “Hug me,” he says, just barely audible. 
Akk laughs a little, breathless and pointlessly fond. What must it look like, to those people in the subway station? Alone in his own room, though, he doesn’t hesitate to pull his phone to his chest, right over his heart. 
After a moment, though, he gives in to the temptation to peek and finds the screen still dark. “Aye.”
The station blurs into view again behind an Aye who looks notably pinker than before, a rush of people just like the last one passing behind again. “You’re so — I love you so much,” Aye tells him, sounding helpless, “and I miss you. It’s stupid that term break is still so far away.”
“Aye,” says Akk again, unable to stop grinning if he’d actively tried. “Don’t be late for your train.”
“They’re always late for me,” grumbles Aye, but he sighs and says, “Go to bed, okay? I’ll talk to you later.”
“Love you too,” Akk tells him, just before hanging up so he doesn’t have to deal with whatever new heart-squeezing thing Aye’s face is going to do at that. 
Just before he actually gets into bed, quiet in the sudden silence of his empty dorm, his phone lights up with a text: "❤️❤️❤️❤️"
And far away, in a subway car in England, Aye barely represses a little noise of delight to receive “❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️” in return. 
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paalove · 2 years
oh fuck.
when akk goes up to ayan, lying sadly on the steps, because the teachers have been mean to him (because, in part, of akk) and lets him rest, silently gives him the drink, etc... that's IDENTICAL to thua being the one to go up to ayan when he hasn't been back to class after the notebook was stolen.
at that point thua isn't mad at ayan yet - he's worried about him because he seems to be falling under akk's influence, right? so taking the notebook is instrumental and he feels bad for doing it by then - probably hasn't read any of it yet but knows how important it is. unlike akk, he won't try to go and fix it, because he thinks he's doing it for ayan, but he will try to make him feel better.
akk thua parallels! all the way down!
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In Our Own World
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A/N: The fanfic is finally done!!! Sorry for the long ass wait my peeps but it’s finally here XD This is my first time, I think, writing for AkkAyan, but I hope you guys enjoy it nonetheless! The events in this fanfic are based off First and Khao’s song from their Our Skyy eps and there is also a cameo as well! I won’t say who or from what drama, but I bet you guys can figure it out easily hehe. Enough from me! Enjoy the fanfic!!!
Summary: Ayan takes Akk to a secret building where a friend of his mentioned contains a lot of graffiti. Akk decides to act rebellious when Aye pulls out some spray paint and the two get down to some mischief as they paint one of the free walls of the building. 
Word Count: 2624
“How far are we even going? It’s getting late Aye…” Akk muttered, his voice low to prevent it from echoing around the crumbling tunnel they were passing through, the fading colors of previous graffiti art catching his attention as Ayan continued to pull him. Slowing down their pace to a light jog, Aye kept his attention to the sounds around them, taking in the slight echo of their running steps against the cracked concrete along with the distant noise of passing cars a few roads down. Other than that, it was quiet with no evidence of anyone but them in the surrounding area. “Is that the building you mentioned?” 
Perking up when he heard Akk’s question, Aye grinned when he noticed the old building, the boarded windows and doorless opening making it obvious that it was completely abandoned. Noticing the change in Ayan’s expression, Akk couldn’t help the fond sigh that slipped from his lips, the boy weak to anything his boyfriend did. Slowing down completely once they reached a concrete barrier, Aye shifted the bag that was strapped around his shoulder and climbed up, swinging his legs over the barrier before he reached out for Akk, helping his boyfriend over it as well. 
“We finally made it…I didn’t think it would be this far out. Sorry for dragging you so far out Akk,” Aye whispered, hopping off the concrete and holding Akk’s hand when he did the same. Shaking off Aye’s apology, Akk let his eyes scan the area and if it wasn’t for all the art on the crumbling walls, Akk would think that no one knew this building was even here. Tugging Akk’s arm to get him to follow again, Aye continued to lead the way, entering the ruins of what was once a factory and Akk found himself finally relaxing a bit since they were now out of the potential eyes of anyone who could call the cops. “It’s just up here…White told me that a friend of his boyfriend and her group used to come here to paint all the time. Apparently a really famous instagram painter used to come here too…I think he went by UNAR?”
“UNAR? What happened to him?” Akk asked, his interest in what Aye was saying making his boyfriend grin before he went on, talking about the artist until they reached the second floor. Letting go of Ayan’s hand to stroll towards what used to be a window, the lights of the city making his dark eyes shine while Aye placed the bag down, his eyes taking in the blank space that was just yelling to be filled. “Aye! Look at the view! You can almost see everything from here! I wonder what it would look like at the top!” 
Turning his gaze from the wall to his boyfriend, Ayan chuckled and closed the distance between them, wrapping his arms around Akk’s waist until he turned and met his eyes, their grins practically lighting up the room. Taking in the scenery for just a moment, Aye brought Akk back to what they were doing before, his boyfriend’s eyes finally turned to the semi-blank wall along with the bag Ayan had brought with them. Strolling back to the backpack, Aye unzippered it and dug around, the metallic clinking of paint cans catching Akk’s attention. Kicking a pebble as he made his way towards Aye, Akk knelt down and helped his boyfriend take the cans out, multiple colors catching his eye along with dozens of paint tubes and brushes, the last thing being two oxygen masks and some kind of lid to a cooking pot. 
“What’s this for?” Akk questioned, holding up the lid as Aye removed his jacket, leaving it by the bag. Eyeing the object, Aye grinned and muttered something about Akk seeing what it was for later, his attention now focused on bringing the paint cans and tubes closer to the wall so they could grab things they needed while they worked without having to step too far away each time. “Aye…what do you mean?! What’s this for?!” 
Hearing nothing but Aye’s cackle, Akk rolled his eyes when Aye turned and gave him a teasing grin. Brushing off the tease with a fond sigh, Akk grabbed the masks and followed Aye, both of them pausing in front of the wall and observing it. They already knew what they were going to paint, but if they wanted to add anything else, it wouldn’t hurt taking a gander at how much space they were working with. 
“How about we start with the background? It should be a light color since we’ll be painting over it,” Aye muttered, his gaze examining the wall closely, the focus in his expression making Akk’s heart flutter from how cute it looked. Letting out a noise to show he was listening and approved of Ayan's suggestion, Akk picked up one of the brushes while Aye laid out some tarp and opened the paint tubes, squirting out blobs of color for them to work with. “Okay, let’s start with this cream color? Or white…maybe we should mix them.”
Mixing a little bit of the colors first, Akk tested the paint on the wall and when Aye seemed satisfied, the two mixed more and got to work, dipping their brushes and painting, their strokes steady as they made sure to layer the paint evenly while making sure not to leave any bare spots. Pulling out of the buckets from Aye’s bag, Akk filled it with water from the bottle they brought and dipped his brush in it, washing the paint from the bristles. 
Sorting out the colors while they waited for the background color to dry, Aye felt mischief rising in him as he poured a small puddle of blue paint out, his eyes keeping track of Akk so he wouldn’t see what he was about to do. Coating his whole palm in the cool liquid, Aye smirked and slowly approached Akk, his boyfriend unsuspecting of Aye’s plan until it was too late.
“Aye!” Akk shrieked, the cool paint soaking through his white tank top, a blue handprint coating the back of his clothing while Aye cackled, triumph in his expression since his devious plan worked. Giving the shorter male a playful glare, Akk grumbled while Aye continued to chuckle, not registering the fact that Akk had picked up the paint brush and dipped it in the same paint Ayan had used to make the handprint on his back. Hearing Akk call his name, Aye focused on his boyfriend again just in time to see the brush being waved, the blue paint splashing onto his black tank top while Akk grinned. Not having time to bask in his revenge, Akk yelped when Aye launched towards him again, his paint coated hands wrapping around Akk’s bare forearms, wiping whatever paint he had left on his hands onto Akk’s skin. “Shortstop! Damn it! Get over here!”
Running to avoid his boyfriend’s now blue hands, Aye cackled as he hopped over the water buckets and laid out paints, Akk’s running steps close behind while their laughter echoed around the empty building. Finally catching Aye, Akk rubbed his hands all over the back of his boyfriend’s neck, Aye shrieks and whines of the paint being cold reaching Akk’s ears. Letting him go once he was sure he literally got everywhere on Aye’s neck, Akk couldn’t help the snort that left his lips when Ayan pouted, wiping the paint from his neck. 
“No fair…you put more paint on me then I did on you!” Aye complained, his tone making Akk coo and pull him closer, the amusement on Akk’s face causing Aye’s expression to soften. Taking Akk’s wrist in his hand, Aye carefully began to use whatever paint he had on his fingers to draw something on his forearm, Akk rolling his eyes when he noticed it was a poorly drawn smiley face. Giving him a look that screamed, ‘really?,’ Akk glanced back at the  wall and decided to get them back on track, Aye catching on as well since he pulled Akk back towards it. “It should be dry now…let’s not waste anymore paint on each other, okay? We need it for the painting.”
“You started it, you know,” Akk teased, the challenging look he got from Aye causing him to raise his hands up in surrender, not really wanting to be covered in more paint. Letting the silence develop around them once more as they got back to work, the two worked on different parts of the wall, Aye focusing on making the middle of the wall a mixture of orange and yellows while Akk focused on the top, making it different hues of blue along with splotches of white and grey. “Okay…should we let this dry while we get the black paint ready?”
Stepping back with a nod, Aye glanced down at his blue hands and sighed, the look he gave Akk telling him everything he needed to know. Snickering at Ayan’s expression, Akk dug through the bag himself, finding the black paint and squirting half the tube onto the tarp since they knew they needed most of it. Pulling out the gas mask as well, Akk stood up and carefully looped it over Aye’s head, securing it over his nose and mouth. 
“I’ll do the mountains, you wanna do the lining?” Akk asked, pulling a pair of goggles over his eyes while he dipped his brush in the black paint. Letting out a muffled, ‘sure,’ Aye pulled out green spray paint and shook the can, popping off the cap while Akk started the mountains. Creating the line of green paint carefully, Aye made sure not to let the paint drip too far into the mountain area, even though Akk would go over it with the black paint, it would still make the paint look lumpy. “That looks good…now, what’s next?”
Grabbing some blue spray paint while Aye picked up his brush with a mixture of white and grey paint, Akk waved some of the blue paint above the mountains, his fingers catching the paint trails before they hit the still damp green paint. Being careful while he flicked some of the white-grey paint over the blue waves, Aye stepped back and looked over the painting, a smile appearing on his lips behind the gas mask when he realized they were almost done. Hearing the sound of the lid clinking against the cement floor, Aye turned towards Akk who coated the rim with white paint, offering the object to Aye with a smile. 
“After this, we can paint the inside yellow and then we’re done!” Aye instructed, his voice dulled behind the mask but nonetheless, Akk heard him since he started to get the yellow paint ready. Stepping up behind Aye with his brush ready, Akk helped him pull the gas mask down around his neck, their eyes moving to the paint when Ayan pressed the lid right in the middle, holding it there for a moment. Holding their breaths in anticipation, Aye slowly pulled back and both of them let out a sigh of relief when the white circle caught their eye, the lid idea actually working. “Okay…be careful not to touch the white circle!”
“I know…I’ll do my best,” Akk muttered, his brush carefully touching the wall, his eyes never leaving it until the inside of the white circle was completely colored in with a bright yellow, the color mixing while with the sunset colors of the rest of the painting. Stepping back while lowering his brush, Akk and Aye met each other’s eyes and smiled, their painting finally complete. “Do I even want to know the time? How long have we been at this?”
Wrapping his arm around Aye’s shoulders, Akk pressed their heads together as they observed the painting, the colors shining even in the dark and if he was being honest, Akk couldn’t wait to see how it looked when the sun rose. Hearing the sound of Aye yawning, Akk chuckled and pulled away, turning his attention to cleaning up now. Capping the spray cans and tubes of paint, Akk tossed them in the bag while Aye dumped the water bucket out one of the windows, ignoring the protest Akk gave out when he noticed Aye’s actions. 
“You’re lucky we’re in a place where no one’s around or else that paint water could’ve got all over someone,” Akk lectured, huffing when all he got from his boyfriend was his rolling eyes. Gathering everything else that didn’t fit in the backpack, Aye placed them beside it and perked up when he heard the sound of fabric being rustled and the metallic slide of a zipper. Akk must’ve found the tent that Sean must’ve left. Spinning around to see that his assumption was correct, Aye observed his boyfriend as he spread out the blanket that was still in the tent, not noticing Aye was watching him until Akk reached out for the backpack and met his gaze. “Don’t just stand there, get in here! It’s late and we have to be up early tomorrow to get a move on out of here. The last thing we need is to get caught by anyone.”
“Yeah, yeah. I hear you!” Aye snorted out, placing everything he gathered close to the tent before he slipped in, zipping up the tent behind him. Giving Akk his attention, Aye couldn’t help the way his eyebrows rose into his hairline when Akk pulled off his shirt, rolling it up into a ball to most likely use as a pillow. Feeling eyes on him, Akk met Aye’s gaze and rolled his eyes, trying to hide the fact he was flustered by how his boyfriend’s eyes trailed up and down his bare torso. “Oh! Good idea! Using our shirts as pillows!”
Not wasting time with throwing his own shirt off, Aye rolled it up like Akk did and placed it in the spot next to his boyfriend. Getting comfortable as much as he could on a concrete floor, Akk laid on his back and opened his arms for Aye, who grinned and quickly dove into the embrace, wiggling around until he was comfortable. Pulling him closer until Aye’s leg was thrown over his own, Akk pressed a kiss to Aye’s forehead, pulling back to meet his boyfriend’s soft gaze, his brown eyes reminding Akk of melted chocolate. 
Letting his eyes lower to Akk’s lips, Aye shifted closer until they were practically breathing each other’s air, their lips not even a millimeter apart. Not wasting anymore time, Akk pressed forward, their lips meeting and fitting together like they were two matching puzzle pieces. Keeping the kiss soft and slow, Akk pulled back after a moment, a soft sigh leaving his lips as Aye snuggled back into his embrace, a sudden wave of sleepiness making his eyes begin to flutter. Seeming like he noticed Aye having a hard time staying awake, Akk pressed another soft kiss to his forehead, urging Aye to let his eyes close.
“Get some sleep, I’ll hold you all throughout the night,” Akk whispered, his own tone beginning to get deep from sleep wanting to drag him into unconsciousness. 
Chuckling softly when all he got was a soft murmur from Aye, Akk continued to gently rub his back, not having to even look to know that Aye had fallen asleep, his warm body still against his own and his breaths fading to something soft and rhythmatic. Burying his face into Aye’s hair, Akk finally let his eyes close, letting out one final yawn before he followed his boyfriend into a comfortable sleep, soft smiles resting on their lips as the outside world became nothing but background noise.
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