#aircraft T-7
T-7 by hirorin 2013
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usafphantom2 · 1 month
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8.20.24 | Well, Well, Well, finally something new around here! Lucky they needed some airplane juice!
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2x Boeing-SAAB T-7A Redhawks AS “FRDM78 and FRDM79” arriving on RW 17L and Departing RW 17R at @COSAirport
#avgeek #aviation #aviationphotography #photography #Colorado #canon #KCOS
@BrenNorton via X
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“The VALIANT WARRIOR SQUADRON is a serialized collection of short stories following an American soldier named Joseph Baker, in an alternate earth, year 2040. After developing psychic powers from a bio-terrorist weapons misfire, Joseph is inducted into VWS-1 special forces to fight a neo-nazi organization that has caused death and suffering for countless people, including Joseph himself. Not only fighting for right over wrong, and for personal revenge, Joseph fights to preserve a fleeting sense of normalcy in an increasingly tumultuous and unsure world. The Valiant Warrior Squadron explores the importance of putting aside personal differences to create a united front against fascism, while also taking inspiration from anime and video games such as the works of Hideo Kojima and Koichi Ohata. If you are looking for an adult-geared story about war and fascism with a diverse cast of heroes (including multiple large, bulky monster women!) The Valiant Warrior Squadron might be for you!
you can read it on tumblr  https://valiantwarriorsquadroncomic.tumblr.com/
and on wordpress!  https://valiantwarriorsquadron.wordpress.com/
i’m also active on twitter!  https://twitter.com/Towerofdoubt
thanks for reading, hope you enjoy my stories!
Editor for missions 1-2: Tish doolin https://heysawbones.tumblr.com/
Story Consultant: Gabriela Carolina
UPDATE 7/5/24
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arc-misadventures · 1 year
The Fashionable Date
Jaune walked to a dorm room used by one of his upperclassmates. He knocked on the door with a hint of hesitation. He wasn’t worried about talking with her, but considering the nature of what they were about to talk about he couldn’t help, but be a little worried.
The quickly door opened, and he was face to face with one roughish smirk from one hell of a beautiful gal. The one, and only, Coco Adel.
Coco: Well, well, well, look at who we have here? Hello handsome, what can I do for you~?
Jaune: Hey, Coco, are you busy today?
Coco: I’m free as can be. Why do you ask?
Jaune: Well, after recent events I need to buy some new clothes. And, since I’m more, or less a fashion slob, I thought I should ask, Beacons fashionista for some advice. So what do you say, Coco; Want to see how well you can dress up a dragon?
Coco: Oh hell yeah I do! This is going to be so much fun! Now, how can I dress up a handsome blond like you? Oh so many choices, so many decisions… Well, regardless of whatever choices I make, I will have to factor in those horns of yours. Can’t wear anything like a teeshirt anymore; You would probably tear it up trying to put it on…
Coco: …
Coco: Wait… Horns…? When the hell did you get those?! They’re quite fetching~!
Jaune: Oh thanks… I got them yesterday after we did some tests to see how effective my fire breath can be.
Coco: And, how did those tests go?
Jaune: Well… considering how… devastating my flame can be… honestly I’m hesitant to use it on, Grimm.
Coco: So since you were testing your ability to breath fire, does that explain why you were walking around, Beacon with nothing but your breast plate, giving everyone such a tantalizing view of your body~? Because I must say, you really filled out~!
Jaune: O-Oh… T-Thank you… But, uhh… It’s, Weiss’s fault all my clothes go incinerated.
Coco: Oh, really?
Jaune: She helped test my ability to withstand fire, and extreme heats. So, she set me on fire…
Coco: She did?
Jaune: Yeah, she incinerated all the clothes I had on during the test. All that survived is my armour, but all the leather straps have burned up as well, so I might as well replace my armour while I’m at it. So… you know anywhere I can find some, Fire Dust fused clothing so that doesn’t happen again?
Coco: I do, but it’s gonna cost you.
Jaune: I’m one of the richest men in the world; So long as they’re functional, I’m good.
Coco: Oh yes, you mentioned you were a rich dragon when you showed off all those gems of yours. Tell me, Love, how rich are you? I want to know what our spending range is.
Jaune: Ehh… I’ve never looked to see how much money is in my account. But, I know my, Net Worth is an estimated 787.5 Billion.
Coco: 7-787.5 B-Billion?!
Jaune: You can make a lot mining raw metals, gems, and dust. Also, constructing infrastructure, military bases, machinery, aircraft, armour…
Coco: Y-You’re rich! You’re filthy stinking rich! You can but anything you want, and you dress like a country bumpkin?! WHY?!
Jaune: Comfort over style?
Coco: This is a crime against fashion! Come on, Arc! It’s time to get you some style!
Jaune: Whoa, HEY?!
Jaune was standing in the open doorway to a changing booth, giving, Coco a spin as he showed off the apparel she recommended to him.
Coco: Oh yeah… Mama likey~!
Jaune: It’s pretty nice, but it’s rather tight.
Coco: Just like, Mama likes~!
Coco raised her hand up, and brought it crashing down upon, Jaune’s tight butt.
Jaune: AHH! Hey?!
Coco: Gotta say you got one hell of a nice ass~!
Jaune: Only because these pants are so tight…
Coco: Why do you think I told you to wear it?
Jaune: To check out my ass?
Coco: And, loving it~!
Jaune: Haa… They’re nice… Everything looks great. But, my hair… Did they really have to cut my hair like this? I didn’t invite you out to get a hair cut.
Coco: What’s wrong with it? It’s a shaggy brush cut, simple, stylistic, and really fits you. Plus it really shows off your horns.
Jaune: It does show off my horns… Glad the sash I found matches them.
Coco: You know, I’m usually against sashes, but that white, with golden fringe really blends together nicely.
Jaune: And, you said I didn’t have any style.
Coco: And, I stand by those words! You were dressed like an absolute slob!
Jaune: But, now?
Coco: But, now after some proper guidance from yours truly you look ready to slay ‘em with your handsome looks, and winning smile~!
Jaune: I don’t think my looks will help me kill, Grimm, Coco.
Coco: I wasn’t talking about, Grimm.
Jaune: Then what are you talking about?
Coco: Haa… Still as dense as ever, Handsome.
Jaune: What?
Coco: So armour, any plans for that upgrade you mentioned?
Jaune: Something more form fitting, that covers more of my body. Something I can put on without worrying about my horns. Going to get some gauntlets, but they’ll probably be fingerless so I can retract my claws. I probably should get some measurements done for that soon…
Coco: Most likely, you’re not your lanky self you were when you first came here. Hence the tight pants.
Jaune: No, that’s so you can stare at my butt.
Coco: Still loving the view.
Jaune: You’re just jealous you don’t have a butt like mine.
Coco: Excuse me?! I have a great ass!
Jaune: No, pretty flat looking.
Coco: You wanna go bud!
Jaune: As in go into a arena for a fight, or go into a supply closet like you did with, Pyrrha?
Though most couldn’t see it, Jaune’s enhanced eyes could easily see the brief moment of shock that flashed in, Coco’s eyes. Just as easily as he saw the lighest of blushes that was spreading across her face.
Coco: What are you talking about?
Jaune: Don’t play coy with me, Coco it’s not going to work.
Coco: I’m not playing coy, I have no idea what you are talking about.
Jaune: Oh, so nothing happened between you, and Pyrrha in the supply closet outside the biology classroom then?
Coco: Wait?! How did you know he had sex there?
Jaune: You had sex? I thought you said nothing happened.’ Does that mean something did happen?
Coco’s face was flushed red as she looked around for an excuse to draw his attention away. But, finding none she finally relented, and told him the truth.
Coco: Okay… After you left, Pyrrha asked if I wanted in on your little harem thing, and I asked if I joined if that meant I could also sleep with her… So we went into that supply closet… and, had some fun. There, happy?
Jaune: I’m surprised you were so hesitant to tell me. I thought you would brag that you banged the, Invincible Girl.
Coco: I’m a kiss, and don’t tell kind of gal. Spoils the mood if you go about bragging about it.
Jaune: Plus it’s polite. Though, every faunas I’ve met knows we did it… Faunas stuff.
Coco: Yeah, I remember, Velvet glaring daggers at her. But, how did you know we did it? Did, Pyrrha brag about us having sex?
Jaune: No, Pyrrha likes her privacy more so than you do.
Coco: Hold on; if, Pyrrha never told you about us, then how did you find out about us?
Jaune: Oh, that? Quite simple really.
In a flash, Jaune reached out, and grabbed, Coco’s ass, pulling her close to him until their bodies were flush with one another. Coco yelped as he grabbed her ass, and was about to yell at him, to slap him, but his grip tightened upon her ass as she stifled a moan at his touch. But, before she could make another sound, Jaune’s head dipped lower until he growled softly in her ear, and simply said:
Jaune: I knew you two had sex, because I can still smell her on you.
A wildfire being propelled by a strong breeze was slower than the deep blush that quickly spread across, Coco’s face.
Coco Adel was the one whose teased others into a blushing mess. She could flirt one into a stubor. She new how to make anyone, man, or woman utterly flatfooted with her seductive teasing. But, she had never been put on the backfoot like, Jaune had done with that simple sentence.
Coco: Y-You could smell us?!
Jaune: Shhh… You don’t want others to hear us now do you?
Coco could only stifle a moan as, Jaune pulled her closer, giving her ass a tight squeeze in the process.
Coco: S-Sorry… B-But, you can really smell her on me? We did that a week ago?!
Jaune just smiled, showing off his fangs as he chuckled as, Coco’s composure was swiftly crumbling.
Jaune: Don’t worry, only I can smell it. No one else’s sense of smell is strong enough to pick up such subtle smells. But, I can easily pick up, Pyrrha’s sent from all the time we’ve spent together. And, there is only one person I know that smells like mocha, and gunpowder~!
Coco’s face was flush red as her voice fled her. He mouth hung agape as his voice echoed in her mind.
Coco: T-That’s what I smelt like to you; Mocha, and gunpowder?
Jaune: It’s quite the tantalizing smell. However, you’ve recently acquired an all the more intoxicating smell upon you.
Coco: Oh, that’s just some perfume I put on earlier…
Jaune: No, not that. That barely has any noticeable scent to it.
Coco: Then… was is it… what do you smell?
Jaune’s eyes look around behind her, before he pushed her inside the changing booth, he quickly shut, and locked the door behind him. As, Coco righted herself she felt, Jaune’s hand grab her, and turned her to face him as he pushed her against the wall. His hands holding her tenderly, one along her waist, while the other cupped her cheek, forcing her to stare directly at, Jaune’s predatory expression.
Before she could utter a word, Jaune used his finger to pull of her glasses, letting them gently fall to the floor with a dull thud. Her face was red, her breathing was heavy, and her eyes were lost in his. All she could do was stare on as, Jaune smiled at her, and spoke those few simple words she never wanted to hear.
Jaune: I smell desire, hunger, and lust… It’s such a tantalizing smell~!
Coco knew, Jaune; If she said the word, just one word, he would pull off of her apologizing all the while for what he did. Just because he had a throng of woman willing to throw themselves at him at the drop of a hat did not mean he would just bed any woman. He would treat them with respect, and he wanted to know if they truly wanted this. So if she said the word, just one word he would back away, no questions, no pleas, no begging. He would just leave her be, and that would be that.
Those were the thoughts running through her mind as she grabbed his golden locks and pulled him into a deep, searing kiss.
Coco had fun with someone in a changing room before. They we’re usually girls insecure about their sexuality, or curious what it would be like. So since she was up for a little tumble now, and then she helped them find the answers to these burning questions of theirs. However, when these little escapades happened, she was in control; she set the pace, she set the mood, she was the one in control. And yet, she was completely helpless under the onslaught, Jaune wrought upon her. And, she was loving every second of it.
Jaune grabbed, Coco by her waist, and pulled her in for a hungry kiss that dominated her lips causing her to moan in wanton lust as her fingers intertwined with his hair as she pulled him closer, deepening their kiss.
Jaune soon pried her mouth open with his tongue, shoving his tongue into her mouth, and her in turn. Their tongues swirled around one another as they duelled for control. Coco relished in the icy cold flavour that hung about his mouth, while, Jaune in turned savoured the sweet taste of coffee that hung about hers. The duo were falling into a drunken stupor as the drowned in the pleasure of one another’s mouths, but it was soon brought to an end as, Coco remember something very, very important about, Jaune’s tongue.
It was long, incredibly long at that.
In order to stake his claim, Jaune pushed his long tongue deeper into, Coco’s mouth, at first she gave a squeak in shock as she felt his tongue seemingly coil around hers, and push deeper into her mouth as a guttural moan escaped her lips between baited breaths of air. Sadly their fun was brought to a swift end when, Jaune’s tongue had pushed just a little too far, and, Coco started to gag from it.
Jaune quickly removed his tongue from the depths of her mouth as, Coco reeled back, and coughed almost roughly from having the invading organ within her.
Coco: “Cough, cough!” Holy hell… Did you literally shove your tongue down my throat?
Jaune: Haha… Sworry…
Jaune’s tongue was hanging several inches from the bottom of his mouth before slurping back inside. Coco could only wonder in shock how he hid such a massive appendage.
Jaune: Pyrrha likes it when I do that to her, I got so into the kiss I forgot I wasn’t with, Pyrrha. Or, you for that matter. I just fell into the moment of it all.
Coco: Well… If I didn’t start gagging on it I don’t think I would have minded really. But, you better be careful with that thing; you’ll break a girl if you’re not careful.
Jaune: Oh really now~?
Jaune licked his lips with a predatory gaze as he moved closer to, Coco.
Jaune: In that case, lets see how hard it is to break you then~!
His hands reached for her belt, and undid the buckles, the buttons, and lastly the zipper before kneeling down before her as he dragged her pants, and her underwear down in one swift motion until she was bare before him.
Coco’s heart was racing, her breathing heavy, and quick. She knew what was going to happen, and just like before she knew how to stop it, and as she looked down at those deep blue eyes staring back at her she said the words she had to say.
Coco: Please… Please break me…
Jaune chuckled as he got to work. Coco’s hand immediately cover her mouth to stifle the yell that threatened to escape her lips. A yell that swiftly gave way to deep, gasping moans of pleasure as he began to eat her out.
Coco could barely contain the guttural moans that escaped her body as she bucked against his face. She bit her lips to hold them back as her hands grabbed a hold of his horns to steady herself, and pull him deeper into her welcoming opening.
Coco: MmmMMM~! How… Ahh~! How are you…?! Mmm~! So…! Ahhh! Good at this~?!
Jaune laughed softly as he pulled away, licking his lips with his long tongue before smiling up at, Coco’s blushing face.
Jaune: Most people don’t know this, but Pyrrha wasn’t my first time.
Coco: S-She wasn’t?
Jaune: Nope~! Case in point…
Jaune drove his head back, and went to town on, Coco. Her hands quickly cover her mouth as, Jaune attacked every her lower lips, basking her in unending pleasure of the body.
Coco: Fuckfuckfuckfuckfucyk~! Who taught you how to eat out a girl like this, a lesbian? Only girls are this good at eating out other girls! MmmmH~! I should know, I’ve… Ahhh~! Done it myself~!
Jaune: Actually yes, a lesbian did teach me. Well, she wasn’t a lesbian by the time we were done.
Coco: You turned a lesbian straight with your tongue?!
Jaune: She was more of a bisexual than a lesbian, I just made it a fact. Now, if you’ll excuse me; my meals getting cold.
Coco really shouldn’t interrupt him anymore, every time she interrupted him only denied him that exquisite tongue of his from caressing her body. And, to emphasize that he picked up his speed, and ravenously ate her out.
A hand clamped over her mouth while the other held him by one of his horns keeping him in place. Behind a flush face she looked down at him to see his deep cerulean eyes giving her a dangerous, and mischievous glint to his eyes.
She would swiftly learn how dangerous that glint in his eyes is.
Both of her hands were on her mouth covering up the guttural moan that if she removed her hands would be a moaning scream for all to hear, and all to be envious off as she felt him insert his long tongue into her precious depths. There are things in life you never expect to experience; the mind numbing pleasure of a faunas with a long tongue have a meal with you was something profound to experience.
She could feel his tongue swirling around her depths, mapping her insides out with his tongue for minutes that felt like they lasted for millennia’s. At long last she felt a quack in her hips, and she would relish it’s arrival. And, when it did she awoke with her butt on the ground, staring at, Jaune’s cocky smile as he licked his lips.
Jaune: Well, looks like I broke you.
Coco panted heavily as her mind raced to find where it had fallen off. And, she knew precisely where; At her peak, as soon as she had her mind numbing orgasm she blacked out, and was left here in a dazed state, but thoroughly satisfied state of mind.
She told him to break her, and good gods, he broke her.
Coco: I said that tongue of yours would break a girl… But, gods… You can break a girl…
Jaune: I aim to please~!
Coco: That’s an understatement if I ever heard one… H-How long was I out?
Jaune: Not long, about a minute, or two.
Coco: And, while I was out, you didn’t decide to keep on having fun?
Jaune: You wouldn’t be around to enjoy it; where’s the fun if you’re not enjoying it too?
Coco: Well, in that case…
Coco slowly rose on shaky legs, shaking from the unbridled pleasure, Jaune just assaulted her with. As she stood up, she turned around, and pressed her body to the wall, shaking her tantalizing round butt towards him, inviting him in.
Coco: Shall we continue~?
Jaune laughed softly to himself as he stood up, and stood behind, Coco’s plump rear, caressing it softly with his hand.
Jaune: We shall, butnot here.
Coco: What?! Why?!
Coco nearly shouted, but this time she remembered where they were. She look over to, Jaune, and saw him giving her an amused smile.
Jaune: Because, as nice it was hearing you trying to stifle a moan like you did, but what I really want to hear… Is you screaming my name~!
Jaune grabbed, Coco by her neck, and pulled him flush against her hotly whispering into her ear those few words that brought her over the edge again in seconds.
Coco: T-T-Then what are we waiting for; come on, make me scream~!
And, that is what she did, scream his name until she could scream no more. And, she loved every agonizing, intoxicating second of it.
Juniper: You’ve got to tell her to reel it in; Jaune doesn’t like a girl who screams at him to give her his babies, he finds that extremely off putting.
Kali: I’ve been trying to tell, Blake. But, does she listen? Noooo… She all about him pinning her down, and knocking her up on the spot. Where is the fun in that? I blame her choice in literature, there’s nothing romantic in her books, it’s just kinky self indulgence for inexperienced lovers.
Juniper: That’s my daughter’s target audience after all. You have to go with the easy marks.
Kali: Yes, but their not, Jaune’s type. I sear, if I could I would chase after him myself.
Juniper: What’s stopping you?
Kali: I’m a happily married woman, but if I wasn’t, I would be pregnant with his first child right now~!
Juniper: Second actually.
Kali: He’s already a father?!
Juniper: He’s the donor actually, they say it wasn’t him, but I know it was him. It’s cute they think I don’t know, but I…
Juniper: Hmmm…?
Kali: Juni? Is something wrong?
Juniper: My grandmother senses are tingling…
Kali: Well my aren’t! Ahhh! That means it’s not, Blake getting any! Haa… Best get, Sienna to get his kids then. One of my kids is going to give me adorable grandchildren, I don’t care which, but I damn well will get them!
Juniper: I know in mixed faunas families the baby’s faunas traits are a roulette wheel of possibilities, but I really want blond cat eared grandchildren.
Kali: Me too! Oh they would be so adorable~!
Juniper: I know right~?
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floridaboiler · 8 months
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Aircraft Flown by Blue Angels since 1946
1. F6F-5 Hellcat
2. F8F-1 Bearcat
3. F9F-2 Panther
4. F9F-8 Cougar
5. F11F-1 (F-11) Tiger
6. F-4J Phantom II
7. A-4F Skyhawk
8. F/A-18 Hornet
9. F/A-18A/C
10. F/A-18E Super Hornet
Aircraft Flown by Thunderbirds since 1953
1. F-84G Thunderjet
2. F-84F Thunderstreak
3. F-100 Super Sabre
4. F-105 Thunderchief
5. F-4 Phantom II
6. T-38 Talon
7. F-16 Fighting Falcon
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valkyrieres · 3 days
Putting notes abt Valkyrie here bc it'll be easier to find than if I put it in my notes app dnshjshshs (would revise later)
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I need to make a proper drawing of her later sjdhjdhdjdhdb 😭 ok the rant continues below
In my hc, there r vehicles that r naturally born from their parents (yes they can have sex shut up) and those who r built for certain reasons or for mass production (just like cold construction in Transformers)
S-70's variants (Firehawk, Seahawk, Pavehawk, Jayhawk, etc) are part of the latter. They were built based on Blackhawks' DNAs, and built into bodies/forms that fits their manufacturing reasons(?)
Once built, the manufacturer would expect them to adjust into maturity ASAP, since unlike normal vehicles who go through the childhood phase etc, they were built for specific reasons and are expected to start working in less than a year
They'd be put through intense training etc in special facilities based on their models
Valkyrie is one of the Firehawks, built with additional equipments for firefighting+SAR (night vision equipments, heat sensors for SAR reasons, built-in water tank+extended landing gear, rescue hoist, cargo hook, water pump to get water from lakes, infrared, weather radar, etc) (these r actually included in Firehawks irl so I'm not making these up other than the heat sensors)
She spends a year of training in the facility along with other Firehawks, several Jayhawks that were going to be released to Coast Guard, and a Blackhawk that were undergoing a training to be a Navy SAR.
They had developed sibling-like relationship with each other, but they weren't aware of the term until the Blackhawk explained abt it.
These helos r completely and painfully innocent/clueless bc their life had been revolving around firefighting lol. The trainers r so strict. No fiction books/movies/etc, no communicating with the outside world, no going outta the training facility, etc
They were basically raised to be the firefighting aircrafts to be sent out in rougher situations when other aircrafts can't fly, and they've been told to not get attached to anyone, mentally nor physically, bcs getting KIA (killed in action) is common in firefighting.
The Firehawks still developed siblings bonds tho (⁠◡⁠ ⁠ω⁠ ⁠◡⁠)✨ they can only act laid-back around each other dbjsjdkdj
This causes Valkyrie to feel foreign/weird when it comes to receiving affection, but she started pampering others with love etc after the Blackhawk showed her some of his novels in secret 😋
After getting certified, Valkyrie and the others got stationed to CalFire, assisting the intense fire season around the area.
The higher-ups kinda fucked up and made several Firehawks keep on working on a huge wildfire in nighttime with close to zero visibility
Their heat sensors, night vision equipments, and GPS r basically useless in that situation so they can't locate each others' position
Valkyrie and another Firehawk accidentally crashed onto each other
Yea basically it traumatized her
The crash caused her to get anxious to fly in the dark without her night vision equipments, and she'd turn on her heat sensors 24/7, day and night, out of anxiety
She can't stand crowded places/airspaces bcs of this since the numerous heat signs would overwhelm her system, causing sensory overload
After the fire that burnt the whole Piston Peak National Park happened, the higher-ups sent her to assist the PPAA, deeming her a good choice since she'll have less sensory overloads there
Imma shorten it up and she basically developed a semi-romantic relationship with Blade, no intense stuff tho
It's the type of relationship u go through bc u feel comfy around each other? Just cuddling, sharing ur stories and past, doing stuff together, supporting each other. No sexual stuff and they barely flirt with each other bc both of them aren't used to it???
Valkyrie would do night patrols with her equipments on until 3-ish am, sleep until 5 or 6 am, and steal some naps whenever there's no fire nor work to be done (with Blade's permission)
She'd do stunts while doing water drops (sideslips, loops, etc) for fun as long as Blade didn't notice her (he actually did, but she did her job and there was no casualties so he keeps his mouth shut)
She listens to Japanese rock songs until she discovered romantic songs, and she'd sing them for Blade bcs she's bad with her own words when it comes to showing him how much she loves him 😭 (she only sings in front of Blade tho, she's too shy to do it in front of the others)
She has been having a hard time trying to not get attached to Blade bc she doesn't want either of them to get hurt if one of them dies
She'd secretly go into Blade's hangar after her night patrols for a short cuddle and quick nuzzles
Blade would do the same whenever she takes naps
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workersolidarity · 3 months
[ 📹 Palestinian residents and journalists run, bike and drive away as fast as they can as the Israeli occupation forces fire directly at the civilian population in the city of Khan Yunis, in the southern Gaza Strip on Saturday, June 29th. 📈 The current death toll figures: 37'834 Palestinians killed, while another 86'858 others have been wounded since October 7th, 2023. ]
🇮🇱⚔️🇵🇸 🚀🏘️💥🚑 🚨
On 267th day of the Israeli occupation's ongoing special genocide operation in the Gaza Strip, the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) committed a total of 3 new massacres of Palestinian families, resulting in the deaths of no less than 40 Palestinian civilians, mostly women and children, while another 224 others were wounded over the previous 24-hours.
It should be noted that as a result of the constant Israeli bombardment of Gaza's healthcare system, infrastructure, residential and commercial buildings, local paramedic and civil defense crews are unable to recover countless hundreds, even thousands, of victims who remain trapped under the rubble, or who's bodies remain strewn across the streets of Gaza.
This leaves the official death toll vastly undercounted as Gaza's healthcare officials are unable to accurately tally those killed and maimed in this genocide, which must be kept in mind when considering the scale of the mass murder.
A new television poll conducted inside the occupied Palestinian territories and published on Friday has found that 66% of Israelis believe occupation Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu should leave politics and should not seek re-election, while just 27% said he should stay in office, and 7% answered they weren't sure.
Among right-wing Israelis, a different picture emerges, 37% of right wing Israelis opposed Netanyahu seeking re-election, while 53% said Netanyahu should stay in office.
At the same time, a full 85% of Israelis overall support a probe to look into the October 7th Palestinian resistance attacks on Israeli settlements.
Meanwhile, the Israeli occupation's leadership continues pushing for a war in Lebanon, worrying the Zionist entity's US ally who has maneuvered warships closer to the border between "Israel" and Lebanon, supposedly with the purpose of preparing to evacuate American citizens and soldiers as fighting between Hezbollah and the Israeli occupation army continues to escalate.
According to reporting on the moves by the United States, the American amphibious assault ship, the USS Wasp, which carries a force of US Marines, moved last Wednesday to the Mediterranean Sea in the vicinity of the region, joining the USS Oak Hill and another ship and forming a readiness group in the case of escalation.
The US warship group is trained in evacuating civilians from dangerous war situations, but also has offensive capabilities, as well as espionage and surveillance capabilities, and can also be paired with the F-35 attack aircraft.
According to one source, the warship group is also intended to project American military power in the region, in the hope that this will act as a deterrent against the axis of resistance led by the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Sources speaking with US news outlet NBC have said the United States is increasingly concerned with possible Israeli attacks on southern Lebanon in the coming weeks, this despite pressure exerted by the Biden administration for both sides to show restraint.
The Israeli occupation, however, is sticking with its position to keep Hezbollah away from its northern border, while the Zionist security establishment demands the creation of a buffer zone 10 miles deep along the border with Lebanon.
American officials are intent on settling the nerves of the two sides, publicly playing down the chances of war between the two sides, and claiming they see no evidence that a major escalation on the border is imminent, but then warned that a single miscalculation could spark a major regional war.
However, public pressure continues on the Israeli leadership to act against Hezbollah, and to ensure Israeli citizens can return to their homes in the north. US officials said this pressure is "very real", adding that the Israeli leadership feel the need to "do something" about the threat in the north.
Since the beginning of the Israeli genocide in the Gaza Strip, the Hezbollah Lebanese resistance movement has launched daily waves of rocket, drone and mortar strikes against Zionist military targets, and colonial settlements, in the occupation's northern territories, threatening to escalate the situation if the Zionist entity does not end its slaughter of Palestinian civilians in Gaza.
In other news, it is being reported that since the start of the Zionist entity's ongoing genocidal war in the Gaza Strip, the United States Biden administration has sent the Israeli occupation thousands of highly destructive bombs and enormous amounts of ammunition.
It was explained the Americans have sent the Israeli occupation "at least 14,000 MK-84 bombs weighing 2,000 pounds, 6,500 500-pound bombs, 3,000 precision-guided Hellfire (surface-to-air) missiles, 1,000 bunker-buster bombs, and 2,600 small-diameter air-dropped bombs were transported," along with other ammunition.
Additionally, the Biden administration intends on sending further shipments of US bombs and ammunition, including the shipment that was previously suspended out of concern that the Israeli occupation forces would continue to use the giant bombs to target civilians.
According to American officials, the US intends on sending the Israeli occupation army another 1'700 bombs weighing 220kg, which are expected to arrive shortly.
Reporting in the United States is also stating that the Biden administration has come under enormous pressure from some members of Congress following their decision to suspend the single shipment of bombs, including a bizarre series of comments and videos published by Netanyahu, leading the administration to reverse its decision.
In more news, on Friday, the United Nations Repporteur on the right to Health, Tlaleng Mofokeng, has made public comments stating that groups of people were being literally exterminated in the Gaza Strip, and that no other word but "genocide" can be used to describe what it happening.
Speaking with Turkish news outlet, Anadolu News Agency, Mofokeng pointed to the humanitarian catastrophe unfolding in the Gaza Strip, noting that residents of Gaza were being deprived of essential services and basic needs.
"We know that people are trying to survive, but that’s really all they can do," she said, adding there is no food, safe drinking water, or safe housing in Gaza.
Pointing to the increasing death toll in the Israeli occupation's ongoing war, and the horrific conditions for those trapped under rubble or living with disabilities due to the war, the special repporteur said that "When you look literally how small Gaza strip is and the kind of destruction that’s happening, it’s really impossible to understand how this is still going on."
Speaking about the reports coming from international aid organizations that depict a dire healthcare situation in the enclave, Mofokeng went on to say that "when they (hospitals) cannot get supplies and essential medicines, and when healthcare workers themselves are being killed and harassed, it makes the attacks on the right to health even more prominent."
Mofokeng went on to condemn the support the Israeli occupation receives from the United States and Europe, which she says supports a "genocide."
"How many more children must die?" she asked, adding that people in Gaza are living a "daily nightmare."
The special repporteur asserted that the situation in the Gaza Strip reflects an "apartheid regime", and that the Israeli entity's attacks on civilians meets the definition of "genocide".
She went on call for a global conversation to recognize the events in Gaza as a genocide, and to hold the perpetrators accountable in International courts.
"I’m not in charge of prosecuting anybody," she said. “But when you have a group of people who have literally been exterminated, what else is there to declare it a genocide?"
She ended the interview by declaring that Israeli violence against healthcare personnel in Gaza, along with its denial of human rights for Palestinians are entirely unacceptable, and further urged the international community to take action to address the crises.
Meanwhile, the genocide continued in Gaza over Friday night, and renewed again on Saturday morning, with several deadly airstrikes responsible for killing a number of Palestinians and wounding even more.
North of Gaza, Israeli occupation warplanes bombed a residential house in the Yarmouk area, adjacent to the Al-Jazeera Club Stadium in Gaza City, resulting in the deaths of two children and wounding at least 5 others.
Several citizens were also wounded after an Israeli airstrike targeted the Al-Maghazi Refugee Camp, in the central Gaza Strip, while Zionist soldiers opened fire on the tents of displaced Palestinian families near the Al-Shakoush area and the Tal al-Sultan neighborhood, west of the city of Rafah, in the south of Gaza.
At the same time, Zionist warplanes bombed a residential home belonging to the Abu Khadra family on Al-Wahda Street, in central Gaza City, killing four Palestinians, including two children, and wounding 10 others who were taken to the Baptist Hospital in the city.
Meanwhile, at dawn on Saturday, Israeli artillery detatchments renewed its shelling of civilian homes in the Al-Shujaiya neighborhood, east of Gaza City.
Similarly, occupation artillery forces shelled more tents of displaced families, along with agricultural greenhouses in the Al-Mawasi area, northwest of Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip.
Local civil defense crews reported recovering the decomposing bodies of 5 Palestinians after the Israeli occupation forces withdrew from the Shakoush neighborhood, west of Rafah City, while Zionist forces continued firing on civilian homes east of Khan Yunis.
Israeli fighter jets also bombarded a house in the Al-Maghazi Camp, in the central Gaza Strip, killing at least one civilian and injuring dozens of others, which coincided with the bombing and shelling of the Nuseirat Camp.
At the same time, the Israeli occupation's warplanes launched two raids on the Tal al-Hawa and Sheikh Ajlin neighborhoods, southwest of Gaza City, while occupation drones and armored vehicles targeted residential homes near the Candle Mosque in the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood, southeast of Gaza City, along with the Al-Shujaiya neighborhood, resulting in a number of casualties.
The slaughter continued when Zionist warplanes bombed two homes belonging to the Abu Kamil family in the Al-Daraj neighborhood, along with the Qwaider family in the Al-Sabra neighborhood, in the south and center of Gaza City.
Also in the Al-Sabra neighborhood, an Israeli drone fired a missile at a civilian vehicle, killing several Palestinians and wounding others, while occupation fighter jets bombed the Municipal Park in central Gaza City, killing and wounding a number of others.
The Israeli occupation army also launched a bombardment of the Al-Saada Towers area in the Tal al-Hawa neighborhood, southwest of Gaza City.
In yet another atrocity, the Israeli occupation forces bombed a residential house in the Bureij Camp, in the central Gaza Strip, resulting in the deaths of at least four civilians, and wounding a number of others who were transported to Al-Aqsa and Al-Awda Hospitals.
As a result of the Israeli occupation's ongoing war of extermination against the Palestinian population of the Gaza Strip, the endlessly rising death toll now exceeds 37'834 Palestinians killed, including over 15'000 children and in excess of 10'000 women, while another 86'858 others have been wounded since the start of the current round of Zionist aggression, beginning with the events of October 7th, 2023.
June 29th, 2024.
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soulntes · 1 year
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for sure there's nothing they could do but live how life is going right now and prepare for the worst. through his eyes... there was only promising.
there's a battle between the now and past. both have a role in their life changing how they act and interact. by seeing this demon telling how her what could be empty promises.. has her thinking differently about him.
how miles reassure her in a soft tone of their safety, alters on his purpose of birth in becoming colonel quaritch the rda programmed him to be.
created him to be the colonel miles quaritch.
but.. who is he exactly?
they've arrived at the land gate of the city, heavily guarded by soldiers and aircraft surrounding the entire perimeter.
her eyes keep searching for an answer in his manipulation tactics to trust him and give into his sins. "they won't touch neither you or him. not a single finger doll."
miles senses there's still apprehension into entering human territory.
she seethes with rage and is not fully on board with going to the enemies territory but for the safety of her boy is what convinced her decision.
with a sigh, "if you do not hold that promise, you will know eywa's rage on what happens to her child." miles chuckles but nods affirming about what he needs to uphold.
putting a hand on her cheek, "believe me, i don't know what you mean but i respect that determination of your eywa deity. i hope you teach me more in the meantime at bridgehead. we made a deal."
she tilts her head and her ears perk up confused on what he meant.
the recom continues to speak and holds her chin to pull her close in his sight, "the deal where i pass the whatever great rites, gain my ikran and i get my date with you, cupcake."
she scoffs responding instinctively the turn of her head away from his touch but there's a hint of her smirk that miles caught.
"you incompetent, ignorant child. that's all that motivates you to learn our ways?" she laughs at his stupid reason to complete and be na'vi.
"if it meant a date with you and you fall for me... then so be it, sweetheart." he slightly caresses her cheek as she pulls away.
"hey! leave my mom alone. she isn't interested!" spider yells squeezing himself in between his mom and quaritch to prevent him from flirting.
miles rolls his eyes and his ears pressed down and his tail swish in annoyance. this kid had to ruin a good moment. i basically had her wooed.
spider leans into his mom's arm to hold her and stare menacingly at quaritch.
ingyen smiles fondly at her son as she pets his hair.
before the aircraft could land, spider hops on his mom's back and ingyen jumps from a distance and lands perfectly.
in an instant miles and the recoms immediately hopped off thinking they were running away but failed to keep on their feet. they landed harshly with the aircraft move oddly by the impact of their jumps.
miles groans that his body took an impact and limps towards the mother and son who're standing there, "what did i say about staying close to me?"
ingyen shrugs and spider does the same when he looks at her for a way to respond back, "we do not wait. i hate sky people technology."
miles ticks at this synchronized behavior. like mother, like son.
the human soldiers see the unknown female na'vi and point their guns at her assuming she snuck in on the aircraft. she reacted pulling her dagger out, posing in defense mode over her son and hisses at every soldier.
they were getting closer to intimidate her, "don't shoot! the na'vi lady is with us, she won't do anything.. right?" miles immediately stands in front of them to prevent any mistake and give them protection.
he looks behind him, indicating to put her dagger away and show she means no harm. ingyen hisses watching every demon's movements in case of protecting her son.
miles raises one hand for them to drop their aim as he kneels in front of her, "sweetheart, you have to put it away or they'll end up hurting you and spider."
her tail swishes, baring her teeth and looks down at her son, hugging her to at least protect her from being shot.
her mind was a battlefield choosing from threatening the sky people with a scare or drop her guard to keep her seykxel safe.
her sight went to miles, staring at her with a look of trust.
to trust his word.
his ears were perked up and his tail swishes left and right of the suspense on her next move. trying to predict what she'll do next that can risk their deal.
miles gives her a nod as his other hand reaches out carefully towards hers and lower down her weapon.
he scoots as soon as she sees him getting closer to them.
miles leans in to whisper to her, "lower your weapon. they're not going to hurt you or your boy, as long as you're next to me i'll tell them to back off. not a single hair strand will they pluck out of that head, cupcake."
ingyen's skin shivers at his soft voice, her heart and blood quickens at his sudden closeness and his warm breath that tickles her ear. she should be used to this by now at the times he tried flirting with her but... it's different now. her eyes follow the blue stripes on his face as they trail to his eyes.
she stares at those small, hypnotically golden eyes that carry trust.. no lies. in the end she hisses one last time at the sky demons, putting her dagger away, and hugs her son tightly to hers and mutters under her breath, "fay sa tawtute." these sky people.
she'll listen to miles for now.
miles exhaled at last that he didn't even know he was holding in and reached a hand out under her chin to caress, "thank you, sweetheart. since you obeyed me, you deserve a reward."
"oe kemsike newonum ngenga txavä ayu, vrrtep!"
i do not want your filthy things, demon!
he chuckled at her shocked reaction. she went back to being the annoyed mother who hisses at him and plays hard to get.
when miles pointed his team towards ingyen and spider, the recoms immediately surrounds the mother and child for surveillance and protection.
"colonel. pleasant surprise you came in one piece. thought the na'vi would shred you to pieces once you went offline." ingyen saw a woman in green clothing with a machine that made her almost equal in height with na'vi.
miles saluted to the general, "no ma'am, of course not. turns out this little lady here was searching for the kid who happens to be his adoptive mother. she put up a fight but we made a deal in the end."
the general crosses her arms, "what would the deal be about?"
he continues, "she teaches us about being na'vi and her kid will be safe as long as she cooperates. it also seems she knows about jake sully well so i'm trying to get information about his whereabouts by pretending to be her ally.. a friend technically."
ardmore sighs and warns, "colonel, making deals like that comes with consequences on our end. if you get attached and intervene and involve yourself with the na'vi woman like sully did, you'll suffer those consequences-"
he interrupts, "general ardmore with all due respect, i don't really see myself with her or the kid. i'm here to accomplish a mission and it's hunting jake sully."
the general has an idea of his plan but has some doubts about the outcome. she fears it'll end up like jake from what she read in reports all those years ago.
she gives a nod, "you understand the value of this mission and how many puts their lives in our hands for pandora to be the new home for humanity. i better not see even a hint of compassion for those two because i can replace you or pull you out and they'll be locked up for questioning. with or without cooperation, we'll do it the hard way with the machine." the woman's threat caused miles to clenched his fists a bit after what he seen the machine did to the kid even worse when he endured such pain, "they'll have to be in a room under surveillance to not cause any trouble especially that na'vi. at that point, do what you can."
after she gave her orders, she left the recom to handle the situation.
ingyen scoffs with a smirk of annoyance cussing in her native tongue, "kalweyaveng. pxel po kame, teylu 'al. tsun tspang sno atxkxe fmong."
son of a bitch. like she knows, larvae shit. i could kill her, land stealer.
the colonel's hearing picks up familiar words she taught him as his ear moves down to try to hear what she's saying, "what'd you say, darling? can't hear your pretty voice."
the mother glares at him to not test her in cursing him out too.
miles shrugs with a smug grin planted on his face knowing she basically made a promise in ending the general with cussing her out.
as they made their way inside bridgehead city, the humans watch from a distance of ingyen's arrival because they never thought of a native wanting to be close in approximate circumstances.
it all over again.. the stares and whispers among them.
she tries her best to block them out of her mind and focuses on her son's well being and takes guard if anything to be useful to her advantage.
her tail swishes with her nerves building at the names she's being called..
a savage.
a blue alien.
a beast.
a wild animal.
it didn't hurt the slightest because they were the ones coming here and destroying everything. stealing what wasn't theirs and don't want peace. they're the ones coming to her home and invade. they were the monsters. a disease. the hate that she developed ever since she was a child.
but her mothers instincts kick in at the mention of her son..
a brat.
a stupid kid who doesn't know own his race.
an out of control child.
an orphan that can never be a human.
a boy who lived a savage life.
she knows not to act on her feelings to protect her boy so she brings her son to her side as she whispers, "kllkxem lenrra ma'itan. fay vrrtep lu'ke ley ve'kì tìngay" then covers his ears.
stand proud, my son. these demons aren't worth hateful truth.
that is.. until someone tried messing with a protective mother.
the sick laughter and jokes two sky people were making in front of her that her ears perk.
"do you really think that savage na'vi thinks the boy is hers. is she stupid or something?" one chuckles at their companion and they follow, "no but who's even more stupider in this is the kid. i mean someone who's a different species than you and chosen as your hypothetical mother? that's ridiculous! he's lucky nobody can touch him or his bitch of a mother because the colonel decided they stick with them. it would've been hilarious if we taunt them on how they speak behind a glass like a zoo animal."
it was echoing. her ears pressed down to the back of her skull. her tail pointed up to analyze her behavior.
their laughter was raging on ingyen's response to slit their throats to never utter a laughter and belittle her son.
she turns in their direction with wide, menacing eyes into their souls as her hand goes to her dagger.
it was like in slow motion.
spider caught his mom and was ready to pounce to attack the humans when quaritch put his hand on her shoulder, "hey little lady, you have to relax. i'll handle this."
he carefully places ingyen behind him to calm down and approaches the laughing humans, "what's so funny, gentleman?"
the two suddenly quit laughing as they caught the attention of the recom, "nothing."
miles doesn't believe their lies and chuckles, "if it's nothing, why is it so damn funny? the kid basically survived his entire life here on this planet for years, your laughing asses would've been taken out by her if she spotted you in her home. i can allow her to injure you enough until you see death in her eyes. would you like to take on that challenge?"
both shook their heads as they were quivering in their shoes, "i guess we understand each other. next time, insult the woman in silence or don't do it at all because if i ain't around then i don't know what she'll do if she was let loose and i was too late." he smirks down at their puny figures, turns to ingyen with a slight nod towards the sky people.
he's given her permission to frighten them.
her head snapped at them as she pounced in front of them, "tsewtx vrrtep! oe tam ta'leng rusey!'
dirty demons! i will skin you alive!
her vibrant yellow eyes dilated staring down at the humans with her teeth bearing at each word she spouts in her mouth tongue.
the sky people shudder and rush to their post of work, away from the mother's rage.
ingyen clicks her tongue as she watches them scurry, "ley ke."
the colonel laughs, "you got quite a mouth there darling, your mother never showed you to be a lady."
"my mother taught me to defend myself and protect what i love. not a lady like the sky people say it. it's stupid."
spider stares with admiration and stars in his eyes by how cool she acted, "my mom is perfect the way she is! you see how she looked at them! how awesome she got in their faces and they ran away like dipshits!"
miles rolls his eyes with a smile tugging in his face thinking to himself : they're both truly alike.
as a last remark he utters under his breath at his own joke, "i guess you're raised differently. mothers are truly the scariest beings out there."
ingyen's and spider's bond and life kind of reminds him of the child's movie back on earth.
a mother elephant protects and loves her baby with big ears even when others see him odd.
not much of a coincidence since spider is treated differently from both na'vi and humans and ingyen gets treated compared to a wild animal.
huh... there's not much of a difference.
if it's possible, he'll show 'em the film.
the whole city was filled with cool steel floors, machines moving as they fix and construct, humans walking to where they need to go, robots with people attached guarding or helping out.. it was unusual for ingyen and spider.
mostly for her.
after a long time the sky people have brought their evolution to another level than what she's seen before. all those years that the forest built to become what it used to be before is gone.
it won't be back until they leave for good. she'll be sure of it.
it was starting to become darker outside, how she wishes they were in the forest and be under the stars and eat the food she hunted. laugh and talk with her son as she cleans his face when he takes a deep breath to take off the mask for a second.
the look of love and affection that's plastered on his face whenever seykxel tells her a story of what jake told him but now they're stories of what the demon tells him.
not bad stories but stories of the memories he acquired and what he knows of.
it's also gotten personal the times she's heard for a moment and those talks help her son.
her son's changing. she feels her boy is slowly developing a kind of bond who is a replica of a father.
a father figure.
seykxel always desires and desperately wants fatherly love. all those times he watched the omatikaya kids play with their mom and dad, he wanted to cry.
not because it was his mom's fault.. because of his existence and ingyen claiming him as a son, it's an impossible dream.
at a young age, seykxel saw a father in jake. a father who helped him make a mother's day gift for his mama. a father who carried him with his friends everywhere when he wasn't busy.
but now that seemed to change.
they weren't at home.
they were with the recoms in the middle of a forest and base. most of all, with the reincarnated man that passed away.
the man both of them despised for all those years of pain and anguish.. started to take a turn.
"you alright there sweetheart?" miles says, observing her as she didn't seem to stare off into space.
ingyen looks at him and figures she was in her own world of thoughts, "i'm alright."
quaritch stares and notices her tail is lower than usual, her ears were slightly pressed back and she's quieter.
he didn't want to push it since she's probably overwhelmed by the place with the stares and whispers, he couldn't blame her.
he gives a slight nod and continues to lead them somewhere.
spider reaches his hand towards hers and caresses the same way she does to ease her nerves.
ingyen looks down and sees his worried look and changes it to a reassuring smile.
they stopped as soon as miles stood in front of a door and opened it for them to enter.
they slowly go in extremely cautious, not knowing if anything will harm them, as their feet takes them into the darkness.
miles chuckles and turns on the light. it was a room.
it had two beds, some shelves, a tv, another room with weird tools and other stuff. ingyen takes in the room as she looks back miles, "what is this for?"
"you and the kid are staying here with me. we can't give you a separate room since i fear your pretty little head will come up with an escape plan," he pets her head and she smacks it lightly, "okay.. still not at that step yet. either way i gotta keep an eye on you two sweetheart. you're my responsibility."
he made his way over to the other room as he explained what was in there, "this is a bathroom. you do your business there and you shower. you two can use it since there's enough soap and shampoo for you."
ingyen shakes her head, "i am not using demon technology. i bathe at the forest, better for skin with natural remedies and not damaging."
he sighs.
"you rather bathe your pretty ass in the middle of the jungle where everyone can see you naked. ain't that uncomfortable, cupcake?" miles asks with his signature smirk ingyen can sense from an inch away from her.
"now i have to teach you to bathe in the forest, great." she sighs, "that ain't bad on my part sweetheart, keep talking and we can lead somewhere between us."
before she could remark, spider points to the tv in front of the bed, "that a tv?"
miles nods going to turn it on for him, "since we're gonna be here until tomorrow morning, might as well enjoy this kid."
ingyen was reluctant on letting him near the so called tv but he's a child and he's curious especially when pictures show on the screen.
both of them got close as ingyen touched the screen staring at the pixels, "this tv, they tell stories and pictures?"
"pretty much, doll. in the mean time i'm gone, i'll put something on to distract you." he grabs the controller and searches for something that'll keep them entertained.
then he remembers what he thought earlier. showing the film of the baby elephant with big ears.
miles clicks on the movie to start, "i think you two will enjoy this one."
the movie started with theatrical music that caught interest to the young mother by its raw and strong sounds. spider sits in front of the tv with his mom following, behind him as her eyes settle on the bright colors.
ingyen tried saying it, "du-dumpo?"
miles chuckles at her attempts, "no, darling. it's dumbo."
"why does it sound like the word dumb? why, dumbo?" spider asks as he observes the characters drawn in the introduction.
"well guess you have to find out for yourself, kid," he pats his head and heads for the door.
"the controller is near the tv, rewind the movie as much as you want since i don't know when i'll be back." he tells them but they're too focused on the colors and music.
he grins a little and closes the door and locks on its own.
the colonel was beginning to become impatient.
the tests were suffocating him from all the wires, the beeps, scannings, and whatever other things they were doing to see his situation of the painful headaches and dizziness.
the science pukes didn't know a thing to why this is occurring to him than his comrades, he thought about the human colonel..
it's noticeable through the thoughts and personality he acquired that the human one was a lot worse a long time ago.
how human quaritch's zero hesitation in burning and destroying ingyen's home tree.
no guilt or remorse.
he may not have been present at the destruction but he's remembering the thick bark breaking as it fell on most of the natives when they were fleeing to safety.
he can't imagine what she witnessed that never occurred to her people.
miles didn't want to touch on the subject of what happened since it'll set back the acquaintance relationship that's building. it seemed the kid helped her cope.
spider. seykxel.
the way she protects and helps the kid adapt and accept the differences happening in their life, shows a different side to what miles originally thought of her.
from the beginning she knew she was at a disadvantage when a whole new set of human/navi hybrid soldiers prevented his freedom.
she didn't care. she snuck up on all of them with their guard up and threatened the life of miles for a small chance in saving her boy.
boy was she terrifying in his perspective that he thought it was jake sully's na'vi wife out to kill him but it was her.
ingyen. the possible woman he dreamt in his dream the first time he awakened.
it can be possible but the general's constant order repeating in his head to not get attached or involve himself personally with the captives.
his thoughts were interrupted when one of the science pukes entered along with lyle.
"colonel, looks like everything is alright. there's nothing wrong with your physical body or anything unusual that makes you have all of these constant headaches." the scientist in a white suit examines their tablet, scrolling through the information on it.
he tilts his head, "what do you mean there's nothing? so i'm gonna have to walk around with this headache all the time?"
they say nothing but lyle eases his next reaction, "colonel, i found some valuable information from the scientist that took mama lion's dagger.."
"what is it? it better be good than whatever this lab coat just explained about me." he snarls at the quivering human.
"she never mentioned her relationship with sully's woman, turns out... they're sisters. she's her younger sister." at that sudden news made his ears perk in interest as he took off the stickers with cables off his forehead and upper body, "little mama never mentioned about her connection sully's bat shit wife? man, am i gonna have an interesting talk with her."
lyle looks at the scientist and directs him with his eyes to show the dna and analysis of the dagger. they pulled a file from years ago, showing a picture of her next to neytiri's and they're information.
his eyes travel back and forth between the sisters and see the similarities. they look the same but radiate their differences by their facial expressions and hair.
neytiri with her hair fixed but ingyen let her hair loose with a few strands of decorative beads. scars placed far apart since ingyen had her scar under her left eye that he dreamt. her calm but stern expression in the picture he knows very well when he's seen her focus on hunting and patching him up.
his eyes landed on her eyes and lips. her eyes held nothing in the picture but when he's getting to know her, he picks up how her yellow irisis sparkles in amusement when he finally gets something. they also hold courage and love when it comes to spider. her eyes become crescents like the moon when eclipse starts to set, the only bright thing you can see in the night with her bioluminescent marks that glow in the dark like stars and her skin as the sky. too far and too precious for him to touch.
her lips. they were plump and looked soft despite being a warrior and scars on her face. it made her more fierce and a beast within her beauty.
miles wants to ask ingyen about her relationship with sully's woman to see if she says the truth or ignores his questions.
now he knows a way to influence her to give him the information on their possible whereabouts.
the colonel was heading back to the room to have a pleasant conversation with her. as soon he opened the door.. he wasn't ready for what he saw when entering because there sat ingyen in front of the tv still with spider sleeping in her arms comfortably.
with little effort walking in, he stood in front of her with a file in his hand, "darling, you must've been pulling my tail far too long that i finally know who you are. so tell me-"
a sniffle caught the flick of his ear, a swaying tail and looked down thinking it was spider having a nightmare or from the movie but it wasn't...
there were... tears in her eyes?
her eyes held pain and reminiscence, holding her boy tightly but lovingly, staring at the screen which played a lullaby everyone knows as a child on earth.
baby mine
he stays there listening to the soft melody.
beginning with the hummings, the little elephant reaches his trunk to where his mother was, touching and feeling each other; from what he observes; after a long time from criticism and separation.
baby mine, don't you cry
baby mine, dry your eyes
rest your head close to my heart.
never to part, baby of mine.
little one when you play, don't you mind what they say
let those eyes sparkle and shine, never a tear
baby of mine
ingyen replays a memory. from when she was young and the mother of her son in their beginnings. just like mama jumbo, she was joyous of having her own baby. at first sight, it was love and adoration for her son even if he was different than the rest... he was an innocent baby who wanted to be with his mama.
ingyen carried her son everywhere, teaching him the way of life and the balance of life eywa created in order for them to live in harmony.
just like baby jumbo, seykxel was a curious little boy. full of happiness and trouble that ingyen smiled at anything he did. he played, he laughed, he does silly pranks on his mama, and always beside her.
but it came with whispers, stares, and rumors among her clan about her baby.
about how odd looking he was. that her seykxel wasn't her baby and omatikaya. some other demon cursed mo'at's youngest daughter in raising a demon. someone created lies so she can raise a monster among their clan who'll end up like his diabolical father. when he grows, he'll be the one to kill her because he didn't feel like he belong because he doesn't.
she's gotten emotional about how the world can perceive a young child into something that's not in their little hearts.
since she too was perceived as the odd sister. a lost child who didn't care about humans turned into a mother for one.
more tears shed down to her cheek, landing on spider's sleepy face, watching how the baby animal kept smothering his face into his mother's touch and cries. mama jumbo uses her trunk as a swing, rocking her dear baby to comfort him on the days she couldn't.
as if it happened to her when jake and neytiri came back without her son. leaving her son because they didn't have any other choice. the rage, the anguish, the confusion she felt being separated from her son not knowing if he was alright or dead.
from your head to your toes [baby mine]
you're so sweet, goodness knows [baby mine]
you are so precious to me, cute as can be
baby of mine
baby jumbo's time was up as his mouse friend leads him back to his tent to rest and he waves to his mama goodbye until the next time. mama jumbo moves to the other barred window waving her sweet baby in a distance before he disappeared.
that truly moved ingyen. seeing it being relatable to her personal life made her vulnerable in front of the demon she despises despite showing her fearless character.
miles didn't know what to say, guessing the movie really pulled some heart strings making it far more meaningful.
"do you think the mother will be back with her baby? will the baby continue trying to be accepted and receive love from the world in order to be with his mother?" her sudden questions caught him off guard as he has no way to answer her.
he shrugs, "you're gonna have to wait and see, mamas," kneeling down near her sitting figure and carefully lifts his hand to touch and wipe her tears.
she reacts with a flinch at his odd behavior towards her given that she isn't used to being touched by someone trying to comfort her. much less her... enemy?
her eyes trail the veiny hand there, waiting for her permission in continuing what he was doing. ingyen looks directly at miles in search of anything he was doing out of concern is fake.
but nothing. only care and she doesn't know what else was there that makes it more... impactful and accepting being vulnerable with someone other than her sister, her mother, and jake.
a small nod, she allows him to wipe her glistening tears. his hand was strong but held a lenient touch when drying her eyes. her heartbeat accelerated a bit.
"got you all sad and sappy because of an elephant, huh?" he tried making it out of a harmless joke and she chuckled showing him her smile for the first time.
no mask. no exaggerated eye rolling. no smirk.
a pretty smile only god knows how long he's been dying to see it in front of him.
"it truly is moving seeing how tough that baby is but many forget.. he's a baby. a baby who wants his mama." she explains staring down at her boy, stroking his face without a mask to imprint it in her memories.
miles watches with a slight grin, leaning close only a few inches from her face, "that baby reminds me of someone," he gaze lands on spider.
ingyen turns to say something, realizing how close his face was, "yes it does, doesn't it?"
they stare at each other seeing their features of every line, every dot, and every detail they can absorb.
miles felt a pull to her somehow in a way to be close to her. know her more than anybody had ever tried.
miles was seeing the true beauty of pandaora ingyen was talking about.
those yellow irisis looking at him in a different perspective and their chemistry starts to become more... risky.
they didn't realize the movie was ending filled with cheers when the baby finally flew as he gained success to recover his mama back.
there he was in the arms of his mama and he kissed her face and she smiled, receiving his love and how proud she is of what he was insecure and thought it was wrong for him to be born with it, made him confident and shine brighter than any star.
the end.
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FUN FACT : this whole fanfic is inspired by the movie dumbo that i was watching after avatar 2 came out. it made me realize...
what if spider had a mother who didn't care about his appearance or how he was born and just loves him, it's her baby no matter what. spider deserves a mom who'll protect and love him without explanation.
she will do anything to keep her baby alive and happy.
this remake makes me cry every time when 'baby mine' plays, the chapter may be a bit short but it's meaningful to each other and how vulnerability works between them, not only ingyen and miles.
@skinmittensgoblin @eternallyvenus @winxschester @perseny @cleverzonkwombatsludge @reallysparklychaos @im-in-a-pansexual-panik @liyahsocorro @violet-19999 @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @ratchetprime211 @analuw @alexandra-001 @grimistangel @ok-boke
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dystopicjumpsuit · 1 year
Stars Beyond Number - Chapter 7
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Wind in Dry Grass
Rating: T (rating varies by chapter; mature content will be tagged; regardless of rating, minors DNI)
Pairings: Echo x Riyo Chuchi; Gregor x OFC Cerra Kilian
Wordcount: 2.7k
Warnings: angst; mentions of blood and injury; vomit; implied alcohol abuse
Suggested Listening:
Summary: The team grapples with the aftermath of the mission to 79's.
A/N: This story shares continuity with Martyrs and Kings and "Do It Again," but all three fics can be read as stand-alones.
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Our dried voices, when we whisper together are quiet and meaningless as wind in dry grass.
—T. S. Eliot, “The Hollow Men”
Gregor was uncharacteristically subdued as he piloted the freighter through hyperspace. Echo watched him out of the corner of his eye. The commando’s simmering rage the previous night had burnt itself out quickly, but he had been noticeably tense that morning when Rex had ordered him, Echo, and Fireball to scout the Balmorra system. Echo had half expected Gregor to refuse to leave Cerra’s side, but he had stalked wordlessly to the freighter and prepped the ship for departure.
Fireball napped in the crew quarters, avoiding them both. Echo still wasn’t certain how a simple recon mission had gone so spectacularly wrong. One minute, Cerra had been chatting up a few troopers, and the next, Gregor was carrying her into the garage as she bled all over the floor. The holofeed from Gregor’s surveillance cam was dark and blurry, and it had been impossible to make out in any detail what had happened to Cerra when she went to the refresher. Gregor flatly refused to discuss it.
The audio feeds, though, had been crystal clear, and so had the anguish in Gregor’s voice as he carried Cerra to safety. Echo had never seen him so shaken, not even when he was running for his own life. Still, his hands had been steady as he’d pulled shards of glass out of Cerra’s hand and stitched the wounds closed. He’d moved with an efficiency that demonstrated that he still remembered his training, regardless of whatever else he’d lost on Abafar.
Once Cerra was resting safely, that intense focus and self-control had cracked. Gregor’s fury as he lashed out at Rex was so out of character that Echo wouldn’t have believed it if he hadn’t witnessed it. 
“Better wake up Fireball,” Gregor said, interrupting Echo’s train of thought. “We’re coming up on Balmorra.”
True to his word, they dropped out of hyperspace within minutes. The planet loomed before them, a grim and hostile sphere of churning gray. Echo began his scan. 
He cursed. “Place is a fortress.”
Gregor shot him an inquisitive look.
“There’s a facility down there, all right,” Echo said. “But security is so tight we wouldn’t be able to land before they blew us out of the sky.”
“What are their defenses?” Gregor asked.
“Sensor buoys in the atmosphere. Automated anti-aircraft cannons. Gun turrets on the facility. Unknown number of ground forces. And the facility itself is dug into a mountain. There is no way we can get in there. We couldn’t even breach the atmosphere without being detected.”
“Can you tell what the facility is?” Fireball asked.
“If I had to guess?” Echo asked grimly. “I’d say a prison.”
“Then who are the prisoners?” Gregor asked, staring out the viewport at the forbidding planet before them.
“Don’t know,” Echo said, “but I’m not sticking around long enough to become one of ‘em. Let’s head back to Coruscant. We can report to Rex on route.”
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Cerra was dead. She was in hell. There was no other explanation. She had died and was being tortured for her misdeeds for all eternity. Her head throbbed. Her throat was raw and parched. Her stomach roiled. Searing agony shot through her hand. She groaned and cracked open one eye to see the deserted garage. 
Not dead, then. At least, not yet.
The shop was totally silent. A bottle of water and two painkiller tablets sat on a table next to her. As she reached for the bottle and caught sight of her bandaged hand, the disastrous events of the previous night came back to her in a rush.
“Kriff,” she rasped.
She swallowed the painkillers, then took a drink of the blessedly cool water, swishing it through her fuzzy mouth. She pushed off the blanket that covered her and saw that somebody had removed the cursed high heels, but she was still wearing Rafa’s dress, and it was spattered with blood.
“Ah, karabast. Rafa’s gonna kill me.”
The room spun around her as she forced herself to sit up. She waited a moment for the nausea to subside before she stood and made her way to the kitchenette. To her surprise, Rex stood next to the caf machine.
“I thought everyone was gone,” she croaked.
“The others are following a lead,” he said as he turned to her. Exhaustion was etched deeply under his eyes, and his face sported a massive bruise and a split lip.
“Kark me,” she cursed. “I didn’t do that to you, did I?”
Rex smiled painfully. “Don’t flatter yourself, kid. You couldn’t land a hit on me stone-cold sober.”
“What happened, then?” she asked.
“I ran into a pipe,” Rex said.
Cerra arched a disbelieving eyebrow at him and immediately regretted it when pain lanced through her head. “Don’t lie to me before caf.”
“Fine,” Rex sighed. “I ran into a fist.”
“Whose fist?” Cerra demanded.
“Doesn’t matter. I deserved it,” Rex said, handing her the cup of caf he’d made.
“I doubt that,” Cerra said, chugging the caf as she retrieved the small medkit that they kept in the kitchenette. “Come here and sit down.”
Rex sat obediently on a crate, and Cerra dabbed bacta on his lip. He stared up at her as she worked, his amber eyes—Fives’s eyes—clouded with remorse.
It’s not him.
“Sorry about last night,” he said. “I shouldn’t have asked you to go.”
Cerra frowned. “At least we got some intel. Yeah, it sucked, but you were right; there was no other option.”
Rex shook his head. “No. I should have found another way. I will find another way. I won’t put you through that again.”
“Well,” Cerra said in a speculative tone, “Gregor did suggest that you could wear the dress next time.”
Rex laughed and then winced. “Stop making jokes. It hurts to laugh.”
“Who’s joking? I bet you’d look great in those heels.”
She finished treating his injury and returned the medkit to its shelf. 
“Do, uh, you want to talk about it?” Rex asked, his voice tight with discomfort.
Cerra pretended to misunderstand him. “About how you’d look in this dress? Probably better than me.”
He didn’t laugh. “You know what I mean.”
“What do you want me to say, Rex?” she sighed.
“You could start by telling me how you ended up with half a kilo of glass in your hand.”
She shrugged. “The usual way.”
“Let me guess. It ran into a mirror.”
“The mirror had it coming,” she said flippantly.
His eyebrows furrowed. “How many drinks did you have?”
“Two,” Cerra said, instantly defensive.
“One of them was a double,” Rex pointed out. “And what about before you got to the club?”
“What does it matter?” 
“It matters because you put the mission and your squad and yourself at risk,” he said. He was using his Captain Rex voice—the voice of command—and it raised her hackles instantly.
“Kraytshit,” she snapped. “You got your intel, and everybody is fine.”
“Dank farrik, you aren’t fine!” Rex exclaimed. “And you drew attention that we don’t need.”
“Everybody important is fine,” she bit out. “And don’t use that farking voice on me, Rex. You’re not a captain any more, and I’m not a lieutenant. We’re both just deserters.”
Rex’s jaw dropped. He stared at her in shock, and Cerra knew she’d gone too far, but she was so angry; and she was so tired; and her head hurt; and when she looked at him, all she could see was Fives’s eyes, so full of pain; and her heart felt like it was shattering all over again when he looked at her like that. 
Suddenly, she couldn’t stand it any more. 
She needed out. 
She needed air.
She spun on her heel and stormed out of the garage. Neon signs and airspeeder headlights flashed disorientingly, and she stumbled as she crossed the landing platform. She barely made it to the edge before she vomited. She retched over and over until her stomach was empty, and then she collapsed, knees drawn up to her chest as she hunched over them. Her body shuddered, and her eyelashes were suspiciously damp, but at least she could pretend it was just from the effort of throwing up.
The wind in the underworld portal never stopped blowing, and she closed her eyes as it washed over her. If she ignored the smell, she could almost imagine she was back home on Corellia, feeling the ocean breeze.
Heavy footsteps approached, and Cerra knew Rex was giving her an out if she still needed space. She’d seen him move in total silence while wearing a full kit of armor and a heavy kama. She stayed where she was, but she didn’t open her eyes. He sat next to her with a sigh.
“Feel better?” he asked.
“No,” she said.
“Me neither.”
She opened her eyes and turned to look at him. He quietly offered her a bottle of water.
“Thanks,” she said. She rinsed out her mouth and then drank the rest of the bottle. When she finished, Rex spoke.
“Do I make you feel like you’re not important?” he asked.
“No!” she said immediately. “Of course not.”
“Then why would you say that?”
She swallowed. “I don’t know.”
It was a lie. She knew she didn’t have the clones’ fighting skills, endurance, or discipline. Beyond that, they had an inherent bond of brotherhood that she could only observe from the outside. She’d once shared a similar bond with her own family, but she had lost it along with their respect when she deserted. Rex let her tag along with his squad out of pity and some sense of obligation, but last night had demonstrated how much of a liability she was. 
It was true that she was useful for gaining access to locations and resources that were barred to clones, but Trace, Rafa, or any other nat-born could do the same, and they could manage it without teetering on the edge of a mental breakdown. The fact of the matter was that Rex would probably be better off without her. But she had nowhere else to go, and selfishly, she clung to him as the last shred of connection to her former life.
Rex spoke hesitantly. “Cerra, what you told those troopers last night, was it true? Were you and Fives married?”
She could lie. She wanted to lie. She wanted to tell Rex that it had just been a sympathy ploy to gain the troopers’ trust. But it didn’t make much difference now, so she told the truth.
Rex’s face crumpled. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I would have been court-martialed if anyone found out,” Cerra said. “Fives would have been sent back to Kamino for reconditioning or worse. You know the risks as well as I do.”
“I would have helped you!” Rex exclaimed. “Gods, Cerra, I never would have betrayed you or Fives.”
“I know,” she said. “But we didn’t want you to have to carry that responsibility on top of everything else.”
“Did anyone else know?”
“Only Tup,” Cerra said. “He witnessed it.”
“I wish you had told me,” he said. 
“I guess we’re both too good at keeping secrets,” she whispered.
An uncomfortable silence descended as they both stared out into the abyss of the underworld. Cerra’s head swam miserably, the swirling lights of the traffic making her dizzy and nauseated. She forced herself not to look away, feeling as though she deserved the punishment after her spectacular failure.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t save them,” Rex said quietly. “You could never blame me more than I blame myself.”
She whipped her head to the side to stare at him. “I don’t blame you, Rex. It wasn’t your fault.”
“I should have done more. I should have—”
“You did everything you could,” she interrupted firmly.
“But it wasn’t enough, was it?”
“Stop it,” she snapped. “You can’t think like that. We can’t change the past.”
“Then what can we do?” he asked, sounding as lost and helpless as she felt.
“Keep fighting,” she said. “The only way we know how.”
Rex sighed and rubbed a hand over his tired eyes. “It was Gregor.”
Cerra stared at him blankly at the abrupt change of subject. “What?”
“This,” he gestured at his split lip. 
“Gregor hit you?” she asked, astonished. The idea of Gregor—sweet, kind, funny, laid-back Gregor—hitting Rex, of all people, was incomprehensible. “Why?”
“He was afraid for you. We all were.”
Cerra sagged under the weight of her guilt. “Oh, Rex. I’m so sorry. It’s my fault. I never meant for any of this to happen.”
“Neither did I,” he said. “Cerra, I know you’ve been through hell, but you don’t have to do it alone. I am here for you. Let me help.” 
Her throat tightened, and those pesky tears stung her eyes again. She blinked rapidly to clear them. Gods, her head hurt.
“Do we really have to do this now?” she asked.
“You can’t push everything down forever,” he said.
“Watch me,” she said with a strangled laugh.
“Gonna have to talk about it at some point.”
“I tried,” she said. “I thought maybe Echo… But it just stirred everything back up again.”
Rex frowned. “When did you talk to Echo?”
“Yesterday morning, while we were on the supply run.”
Rex cursed. “That why you were off last night?”
“That and other reasons,” Cerra said, not wanting to elaborate.
“Wish you’d told me.”
“You had more important things to worry about,” she said.
Rex frowned. “There it is again. ‘More important.’ Cerra, you are part of this team. You are important, and not just to me and Gregor.”
She didn’t believe him, but she nodded anyway, desperate to end the conversation. “Thanks, Cap. I’ll get my shit together, I swear. I won’t endanger the mission again.” Rex looked like he wanted to say more, but Cerra stood and brushed herself off. “I should go wash off all this blood. Come get me if you hear from the team?”
He nodded, and Cerra hurried to the refresher, where she took a long, long shower. When she finished, she tossed Rafa’s dress into a bucket of cold water and hoped for the best. It was a struggle to get into her coveralls with only one functional hand, but she managed. Then she went to the kitchenette and dug through the conservator, hoping to find something greasy and unhealthy to take the edge off her hangover. She found nothing in the conservator except ingredients, thanks to Gregor’s obsession with feeding them all home-cooked meals, so she gave up and choked down a dry ration bar. 
She missed Kix and Jesse. Jesse would have been cracking jokes and making her laugh through their shared misery, while Kix doled out his magical hangover cures and lectured them both about proper hydration. She missed Tup. Sweet, adorable Tup, who’d been practically glued to Fives’ side after Umbara and had become the closest thing Cerra ever had to a younger brother. How many times had she, Fives, and Tup nursed identical headaches while secretly regretting nothing? Standing duty while hungover was practically a GAR tradition. Except those assholes bounced back twice as fast thanks to their enhanced metabolisms, and they never failed to tease her about it.
Rex’s commlink chimed, jolting Cerra out of her reverie. He answered it, and the flickering blue hologram revealed Echo, Gregor, and Fireball in the cockpit of the freighter. 
“Boys,” Rex greeted them.
“Rex,” Echo said. “We completed our scan of the Balmorra system and are headed back to base.”
“Sitrep,” Rex ordered.
Cerra suppressed a dry laugh. He just couldn’t turn off the habit of command.
“There’s a large Imperial facility. Heavy fortifications. We’re going to need detailed intel about what’s down there before we make a move,” Echo replied.
“You didn’t get close enough to tell?” Rex asked.
“Negative, Captain,” Fireball replied. “Planetary security was too tight.”
Gregor carefully avoided looking at the holocomm, instead fiddling with the controls of the ship.
“I’ll give a full report when we arrive, but I don’t think we could take that place with an army,” Echo said grimly.
Rex grunted. “Might not have to. I’ll do some digging and see what I can find about what the Empire is keeping down there. In the meantime, we’ll follow up on Cerra’s lead about high-ranking clone officers who’ve gone AWOL.”
“Copy that. ETA nine standard hours. Echo out.”
Next chapter
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T-7 by hirorin 2013
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usafphantom2 · 2 months
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‘Greatest Show on Turf’ – Warbird Night Engine Run at Geneseo
Tom Pawlesh
Thom Richard in his P-40 American Dream, and Lou Horschel in his FG-1D Corsair flying formation for Tom Pawlesh. Photo by Tom Pawlesh
By Tom Pawlesh The National Warplane Museum (NWM) held its annual “Greatest Show on Turf” airshow on July 13 and 14, 2024 in Geneseo, New York. Although this show has a small-town feel, there are always a large number of warbirds in attendance. This is an “open” airshow, meaning the spectators can walk along the flight line see the aircraft up close, and talk with the pilots. With today’s security concerns, the intimacy of this airshow is a breath of fresh air from a bygone era.
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Rob Holland in ihs Extra 300, Thom Richard in his TP-40N American Dream, and Lou Horschel in his FG-1D Corsair flying formation for Tom Pawlesh and other aviation photographers in a air to air photoshoot organized by Mike Killian.
With the growing popularity of night engine-run photography sessions, the NWM joined the growing number of airshows that offer this type of event. Aerospace Photojournalist Mike Killian was in charge of the event while pilot/photographer Tom Pawlesh provided the lighting. Not to be outdone by any airshow, the NWM fielded an impressive ten aircraft for the evening. First up was Skipper Hyle in his Stearman followed by the Fokker Dr.I and Dr.VII run by J. B. Aldred and Ruben Alconero, respectively. The NWM’s C-47 Whiskey 7 and the Tunison Foundation’s Placid Lassie, both World War II veterans, were next followed by Thom Richard’s TP-40N American Dream and Scott Yoak’s P-51D Quick Silver. Lou Horschel did a solo run-up in the Corsair and folded/unfolded the wings twice for the photographers. The evening finished with the T-6s of Steve & Juliet Lindrooth and David Steele.
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It was a memorable evening that left photographers very happy. We can’t thank the pilots and ground crew enough. It is because of them that this event was such a success. The National Warplane Museum is dedicated to the preservation and display of significant historical and military aircraft and artifacts for the benefit and education of the public. They honor United States veterans for their service and sacrifice. For more information, visit www.nationalwarplanemuseum.com
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venomous-ragno · 2 years
Writing advice...
... About military things by soldier :)
You wanna write a story with a militaristic setting, like CoD or R6S? But you don't know much about military related stuff and don't know where to start?
Well, lucky for you or not I know what that feels like and I've also got the combat / real life experience to help ya out!
Feel free to hop in my askbox or dm's and ask questions. I'll gladly elaborate and do my best to answer in full and plenty.
Disclaimer: My experiences and knowledge are mostly based on the German military, the Bundeswehr. They may differ from those of other countries.
Happy writing y'all :)
Pt. 7 / ?: Military jargon
I thought it'd be fun to do while I brood over all my other wips and future writing advice posts. There's a lot more jargon than I list in this post, but I needed some kinda start and end to this so I just wrote down all the terms I've heard and / or used myself.
Ally: How cool someone looks in uniform / gear. Speacial forces are automatically 'ally'
Bird: Helicopters, jets, drones, basically any kind of flying military equipment
Chest candy: Medals and ribbons worn on a uniform
Civy: Civilian (who doesn't serve in the military)
Demilitarised zone: Area in which any type of military force is banned
Expectant: A casualty who's expected to die
End Ex: Training exercise / event is over (a soldiers favourite words)
FOB: Forward Operating Base
Gunner: Service member operating heavy artillery
Green time machine: Sleeping bag
Helo: Helicopter
IED: Improvised Explosive Device
Jack: Selfish person or someone who disappears any time there's work to be done
Klick: Kilometer
Lizard: Someone who routinely screws up or a civy wearing military gear / uniforms for 'fashion purposes'
(40) Mike-Mike: Grenade launcher (either 40mm or M203)
Mincing: Procrastinating or being very slow while carrying out a task
Nails: Hard as nails
NIGS: New in Greens - soldier straight out of basic training
Outstanding: Very much not outstanding
Paddy: Irish soldier
P8: Mental health issue ("Going P8 in the block")
Quebec: Letter Q of the NATO alphabet
RV: Rendevouz - meeting up at a so called rendevouz point (meeting point)
Smoke: Punishing a service member with excessive scolding / physical work
Tango: Letter T in the NATO alphabet, also stands for enemy ("Tango in sight")
Ulu: Remote / rural area
Voluntold: Assignment that is technically vountary, but actually mandatory
Whiskey-Tango-Foxtrott: NATO alphabet letters meaning WTF
X-device: Radio navigation equipment used on aircrafts
Yoyo: Young Officer in training
Zone of fire: Area designated for help from above, aka fire support
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judgemark45 · 1 year
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Norfolk naval base, December 20, 2012
From bottom to top, front to back:
Aircraft carrier DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER (CVN 69)
Aircraft carrier GEORGE H. W. BUSH (CVN 77)
Aircraft carrier ENTERPRISE (CVN 65)
Amphibious assault ship BATAAN (LHD 5)
Aircraft carrier ABRAHAM LINCOLN (CVN 72)
Aircraft carrier HARRY S TRUMAN (CVN 75)
Amphibious assault ship WASP (LHD 1)
Amphibious assault ship KEARSARGE (LHD 3)
Amphibious landing platform dock NEW YORK (LPD 21)
A T-AKE dry cargo ammunition ship
Amphibious assault ship IWO JIMA (LHD 7)
and various cruisers, destroyers, frigates and submarines of the Atlantic Fleet USN image/ Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Ernest R. Scott
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hangmansgbaby · 2 years
Always Darling | 3 | J.Seresin
Summary: Training for the Uranium Mission begins and while they try their hardest to keep everything under wraps. Not all secrets are meant to be kept.
Pairings: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x OC!Willow "Vixen" Seresin, brief mentions of Pete "Maverick" Mitchell x OC Daughter!Willow "Vixen" Seresin and Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x OC God Sister!Willow "Vixen" Seresin
Warnings: none? Cute Seresin family moments, Ellorie being the best kid every, funeral
Note: you all are the absolute best! 😍😍 ENJOY!
Apr 2024 note: I did end up updating this into an OC as I dont write my series as a reader insert anymore.
Word count: 8.8k words (I'M SORRY! MY BRAIN WOULDN'T STOP!)
Masterlist | Always Darling Masterlist
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“So where is my goddaughter?” Phoenix questions as Willow and her sit down in the hanger.
“She’s with her grandparents.” Willow answers, standing next to the table by Phoenix.
“Which ones?! I miss the little nugget!” Phoenix practically whines.
“Well that little nugget is now 7 and a pain in our ass.” Jake groans, plopping down at the table diagonally from Phoenix.
“She is not! She’s just upset that all of her classmates get to see both of their parents everyday. Some days it's one, others it's grandma putting her to bed.” Willow slaps his shoulder, sitting in the seat beside him. “She’s with Sarah and Ice.”
“Life of a double pilot child. Must suck ass.” One after another, the other pilots and WSOs file into the Hanger, taking their seats throughout the room. Rooster is one of the last to enter with Fanboy and Payback. Willow glares at him as he sits behind her and Jake, Bradley returns to glare as Jake turns Willow’s chair to face forward.
“Attention on deck!”
All of the pilots rise, standing at attention. Admiral Bates stops at the front of the room. "Good morning. Welcome to your special training detachment. Be seated. I'm Admiral Bates, NAWDC commander. You're all Top Gun graduates. The elite. The best of the best." Everyone looks around at each other, all noting Hangman's smug look. "That was yesterday. The enemy's new fifth generation fighter has leveled the playing field. Details are few, but you can be sure we no longer possess the technological advantage. Success, now more than ever, comes down to the man or woman in the box."
Hangman looks at Willow and Phoenix, winking at them. Both girls scoff and role their eyes. Phoenix uses her middle finger to rub her temple, effectively flipping off Jake without drawing attention to herself.
"Half of you will make the cut. One of you will be named mission leader." Warlock says. "The other half will remain in reserve." Bates explains. "Your instructor is a Top Gun graduate with real-world experience in every mission aspect you will be expected to master. His exploits are legendary. And he's considered to be one of the finest pilots this program has ever produced. What he will teach you may very well mean the difference between life and death."
Everyone glances behind them and Willow immediately sinks into her seat. “Fuck.” She mutters under her breath. Jake reaches over to rest a hand on her thigh, providing all the comfort she needed from him. 
"I give you Captain Pete Mitchell. Callsign, Maverick."
Pete nods to Admiral Bates before turning to the pilots. "Good morning." Everyone gives him a tight lipped smile, mostly Jake and Phoenix. Willow holds nothing but resentment in her glare and unbeknownst to her, so does Bradley. Pete holds up the F-18 flight book. "The F-18 NATOPS. It contains everything they want you to know about your aircraft. I'm assuming you know the book inside and out."
"Damn straight." Hangman shouts, a couple other pilots agreeing.
"Damn right."
"You got it." 
“Obviously,” Willow mumbles, as Pete drops the booklet into the garbage can at his feet. He immediately catches the attention of everyone in the room who didn’t know of him. Willow and Bradley scoff almost simultaneously at the action.
"So does your enemy. But what the enemy doesn't know is your limits. I intend to find them, test them, push beyond. Today we'll start with what you only think you know. You show me what you're made of." Maverick dismisses the pilot to get into their flight suits.
As they all walk onto the tarmac, Pete calls out to Bradley. "Rooster." Bradley doesn't turn around. "Bradley." Still nothing. "Lieutenant Bradshaw." Bradley turns around and Willow glances over from her jet, rolling her eyes at their interaction. 
“Typical.” She scoffs, finishing her final round of preflight checks. It wasn’t long before she could hear her name being called.
“Lieutenant Commander Mitchell.” She turns, glaring at him. “Look, I just wanted to say that I think we should put everything behind us. For the sake of this mission.”
“You’d like that wouldn’t you?” Willow scoffs, turning away from him.
“Look Willow, I know what I did was messed up, but if you just–”
“What? Give you a chance to explain? I did. Every single time I called you over a school break, or when I had something important to me come up. You were never there. That’s all the explanation I need.” She seeths. “Am I dismissed, Captain?”
“Yea.” Pete sighs, making his way to his own jet. 
Fanboy, Payback, and Rooster are the first in the air. In the lounge, Jake and Willow sit together on one couch with Phoenix and Coyote across from them. The other aviators fill the room, either by the radio, which Bob currently occupies, or messing with the foosball table.
"Good morning aviators. This is your captain speaking." Maverick calls out over comms. "Welcome to basic fighting maneuvers. As briefed, today's exercise is dogfighting. Guns only, no missiles. We do not go below the hard deck of 5,000 feet. Working as a team, you shoot me down, or else."
"Or else what, sir?" Payback questions.
"Or else I shoot back. If I shoot either one of you down, you both lose." 
“This guy needs an ego check.” Hangman mutters.
“Oh we can do that.” Willow leans forward high fiving Phoenix.
"What say we put some skin in the game?" Payback suggests.
"What do you have in mind?" Maverick asks.
"Whoever gets shot first does 200 pushups?"
“Guys.” Rooster’s voice comes through the speaker.
"That's a lot of push ups." 
"They don't call it exercise for nothing, sir." Fanboy calls.
"You got yourself a deal, gentlemen. Let's turn and burn."
“So, any new pictures of my favorite niece?” Coyote asks, leaning forward a bit.
“There’s always new pictures.” Willow laughs, pulling her phone out. “Sarah sent me these this morning.” She passes it over and both Coyote and Phoenix look. “First day of school pics. Not like we don’t have a million.”
“Also, we don’t mention her, at all.” Jake whispers to their friends.
“They still don’t know?!” Phoenix whisper-shouts.
“Still don’t talk to them.” Willow answers.
“Vixen. Phoenix, Bob. You’re up next.” Hondo shouts into the room.
“Go get ‘em darlin!” Willow turns and blows a kiss at Jake who catches it.
“I can’t believe you two have been together for 15 years now.” Coyote sighs, moving to sit next to Jake. “Still not ready for a wedding?”
“Okay, Javy. I’m telling you this because you are my best friend but you can’t tell anyone.”
“Scouts honor.” Jake pulls his dog tags out from his flight suit to reveal the wedding band sitting between his dog tags. “Holy shit dude! When did this happen?”
“A year after Elle was born. It's all official with the Navy, but as far as anyone is concerned, we're still dating. Except for those who have to know.”
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"See him anywhere?" Willow calls out after 5 minutes of being in the air.
“Nothing on the radar.” Bob calls out.
“You think it's gonna work?” Phoenix questions.
“He’s too cocky for it to not work.” Willow answers. They turn slightly to the right and Willow looks up just in time to see another jet heading their way. “3 o'clock, we got incoming.” Willow calls out.
“Breaking left.” Phoenix calls, turning to break off from Willow.
“Come and get me, old man.” Willow shouts, taking off to distract him. With every twist turn and loop, she narrowly avoids Maverick’s lock.
“You’re good, Vixen. I’ll give you that. But you made one mistake.” Maverick calls.
“And what was that?” Willow smirks. She already knows what he’s about to say.
“You lost your wingman.” Suddenly the lock tone rings through Maverick’s cockpit. 
“What was that again?” Phoenix asks, right behind Mav with a lock on him. 
“I think that’s a kill, sir.” Bob speaks up.
“Nice try, old man.” Willow and Phoenix return to the ground with Maverick not far behind. Once on the ground, Pete goes to do his push-ups while Willow, Phoenix, and Bob make their way to the lounge.
“That’s my girl!” Jake shouts, immediately lifting Willow as she walks inside.
“Okay okay, Jake put me down.” She laughs as he immediately does so.
“You, darlin, are one hell of a badass.” Jake smirks, kissing her.
“Keep it in your pants, Lieutenant Seresin.” Willow giggles as he moves to her neck.
“I’d rather be in yours, Lieutenant Commander Seresin.” He whispers in her ear.
“Hangman, Phoenix, Bob. You’re after Harvard, Yale, and Fritz.”
Jake groans as he pulls from Willow. “I can’t wait to get you home.”
“Too bad, hotshot. We have dinner at the Kazansky’s tonight so we can pick up Elle.” Willow pushes Jake back and walks away.
“Damn tease.” Jake mutters, smirking as he watches her walk away. Willow intentionally swinging her hips more than normal. “Shit.”
Willow sat listening to their flight, sighing as her husband’s cockiness showed through. She knew Phoenix would have a few choice words about him when they landed. And sure enough, she was right.
“I don't understand how you like that man.” Phoenix groans walking into the locker room, Willow not far behind.
“He’s quite charming.” Willow laughs.
“It’s Hangman, Vix!”
“It’s the father of my child, Phoenix! And my husband.” Willow says softly.
“NO!” Willow shows Phoenix her rings, hanging from her dog tags. “When?!”
“Year after Elle was born. We got tired of waiting but always decided to keep it under wraps.”
“I understand why you deal with him now.” Willow laughs at her best friend. “I’m still pissed at him.”
“I expect nothing less.”
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“Hey, what the hell is up with Maverick and Rooster?” Hangman questions, running into Willow on his way in from his flight with Rooster.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, they both almost took a nosedive into a mountain because there is something going on between them.” Hangman tells her, Phoenix runs towards the tarmac.
“I’ll see you outside. Shower.” She kisses Jake before following Phoenix.
"Breaking the hard deck, insubordination. Are you trying to get kicked out?" She hears Phoenix's question, walking up behind her.
"Don't worry about it." Bradley mutters.  
"Look, I'm going on this mission. But if you get kicked, you leave us flying with Hangman. Talk to me. What the hell was that?" Phoenix asks, squatting down next to him. 
"He pulled my papers."
"What? Who?" 
"Maverick. He pulled my application to the Naval Academy. Set me back four years." Bradley answers.
“Glad you finally got some tough love.” Willow scoffs.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Bradley retorts, turning to see Willow behind him.
“My whole life! Bradley this, Bradley that. At least you got some tough shit from him too.”
“I think I had enough tough shit from your father with how my dad died.”
“Bullshit, you don’t blame him for that. You were always the favorite because of that.” Willow groans. “Always playing the orphan card, even before Aunt Carole died.”
“You’re one to talk. At least you still had someone. You just chose not to reach out for years.”
“Cause he chose you, and sent me away because I was upset! He will always choose you.” Willow sighs. “It's just how he is with you.” Willow sighs, walking past them to the parking lot.
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“Hey! How was it today?” Sarah asks, opening the door for Jake and Willow.
“Where’s dad?” Willow questions and Sarah can read the frustration on her face.
“He’s in his office.”
“Mama! Daddy!”
“Hi baby girl.” Every ill feeling on Willow’s mind immediately disappeared at the sight of her daughter running towards her. “Did you have fun with Grandma and Papa today?” Willow asks, kneeling to catch her.
“Yea! We went to the park and then I got a new toy and then Papa got us ice cream!” Elle rambles on about her day as Jake kneels down next to them.
“Did he now? What if Daddy wanted to take you to ice cream after dinner?”
“It's okay Daddy! We can always go again.” Elle smiles, moving into her father’s arms as he lifts her up.
“I don’t know. Two ice cream trips in one day? That's a lot.”
“Please Daddy.” The puppy dog eyes. Jake was always a sucker to the puppy dog eyes, especially to his daughter. His nieces, Maddy and Grace, had taught Elle how to do it and Jake was a goner when his 11 year old nieces and 3 year old daughter brought them out on Christmas eve in 2016, all three getting early christmas presents which Nancy and Willow were not happy about. 
“Oh all right.” Jake sighs before tickling Elle.
“No! Daddy put me down!” She slides from Jake's grip and runs back outside. Willow laughs as Jake follows her.
“He’s so good with her.” Sarah smiles.
“He’s an amazing father.” Willow smiles softly, “How’d she do at school today?”
“You know how first day jitters go. But she was brave and had a fun day. Her teacher said she was very helpful, and talkative.”
“She is her father’s daughter.” Willow smiles, seeing Jake catch Elle who immediately sticks her arms out like wings on a plane and Jake flys her around the backyard. “I’m gonna go have a chat with dad.” Willow smiles softly.
“Don’t be long, dinner will be ready in a few.”
Willow nods, walking towards the hallway leading to Tom Kazansky’s office. Knocking, she slowly enters and calls out. “Hey old man.” Tom turns around, smiling, waving her inside. “How are you feeling?”
You know exactly how I’m feeling.
He wasn’t wrong. She was one of the first people Sarah and Ice had called when they found out his cancer had come back. She herself had cried for hours after the call. “I know but I’m still asking.”
I’m fine. Ice begrudgingly writes.
“Did you know?” Willow questions. “About Maverick and Rooster being here?” Ice nods. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
Would you have shown up if you had known?
“Obviously not. You know how they are.”
That’s why I didn’t say anything.
“Do it for me.”
Willow sighs. “You’re not supposed to be talking.” Willow retorts
“I don’t have long.” Ice struggles to say.
“Don’t say that.”
“It’s true, little bird. You need this. They need you.”
“He’s not going to pick me, he’s going to choose Bradley like he always does.” Willow sighs.
Ice reaches up to cup Willow’s face, keeping her gaze on him. 
“Prove him wrong.”
“How do you always have a response?”
“Old age.” Ice chuckles. “Willow, I have always seen you like a daughter.”
“No, we're not talking like you’re dying.”
“No. I can’t do that.”
“Remember when you first called me dad?”
“Yea, It was when I told you I was pregnant.” Willow chuckles.
“No, it was when you were begging for me to find Jake.”
“Right. Still that same day.” Willow chuckles softly.
“I have never been happier than the day my children were born. But the day you called me dad? It topped every moment in my life.” Ice smiled softly. “You are an amazing pilot and an even better daughter. I’m so happy to have been a part of your life and I am so proud of you.”
“No. Dad… you’re going to be okay. Please don’t leave me. I still need you.” Willow cries, falling into Ice’s hold. He says nothing but holds her close, stroking her hair as she cries. “I love you, dad.”
“I love you too.”
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“Alright pumpkin, time for bed.” Jake carried Elle through the apartment to the small room setup for her.
“Where’s Mama?”
“Mama isn’t feeling well so it's just daddy for bedtime. Is that okay?” Jake sets the little girl down on her bed.
“Can you read me a story?”
“What’ll it be tonight? Cinderella? Rapunzel?” Jake asks, moving over to the stack of books on top of the dresser.
“Can you tell me about when you and Mama met?”
Jake chuckles. “You know I ruined Mama’s favorite hoodie? Ran right into her and my drink exploded onto her and that stain never came out.”
“Did you apologize?” Elle questions.
“About a million times. Your Mama is so beautiful that the minute I saw her I knew I wanted to marry her. But I was so nervous that she’d never talk to me again.” Jake sits on the edge of her bed. 
“But Mama loves you.” Elle says, climbing into Jake’s lap. 
“Not as much as she loves you. Mama is the most loving and caring person I ever met. And I will spend every day earning that love.”
“I love you Daddy.”
“I love you too, pumpkin.” Jake kisses her head, laying her back onto the bed. “Sleep tight, you have school tomorrow.”
“Good night.”
Tucking her in, Jake shuts the lights out and closes her bedroom door. “Little miss is asleep, we officially have a later start time. I think it's time for a little us time.” Jake says, walking over to the bed only to find Willow fast asleep, the streaks from her tears freshly dried on her cheeks. Jake smiles softly, pressing a kiss to her temple before crawling into bed beside her. Willow shifts as Jake pulls her back into his chest, his arm wrapped around her torso. “Good night darlin.”
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“Time is your greatest enemy.” Maverick says from his position at the front of the room. "Phase one of the mission will be a low level attack with two teams." The aviator’s eyes follow the pattern on the screen, watching the swerving flight pattern. "You'll fly along this narrow canyon to your target. Radar guided surface to air missiles defend the sky area. These SAMs are lethal, but they were designed to protect the skies above, not the canyon below."
“That's because the enemy knows no one is insane enough to attempt to fly through it.” Rooster replies. He knows better. He knows there are at least 2 people in the room that are that insane and they’re related.
"That's exactly what I'm going to train you to do.”
Willow’s eyes widened, looking over to Jake. They knew the dangers of their job and they signed up anyway. Jake looked at her and knew exactly what was going through her mind. 
"Today, your altitude will be 100 feet, maximum. If you exceed this altitude, radar will spot you and you're dead. Your air speed will be 660 knots, minimum. Time to target is two and a half minutes." Willow and Phoenix lock eyes. "The time is two and half minutes because fifth generation fighters wait at an enemy air base nearby. In a head to head with these planes in your F-18s, you're dead. That's why you need to get in, hit your target, and be gone before these planes have a chance of catching you. This makes time your greatest enemy." The pilots are silent, the mission being completely different than they thought. "Today, we'll go easy on you. Max ceiling will be 300 feet, time to target will be three minutes. Suit up."
“Hey Phoenix!” Willow calls, running onto the Tarmac.
“What's up Vix?”
“Would you be able to pick Elle up from school during our lunch? She’s out at noon and Ice has another treatment today.”
“Absolutely! Am I bringing her on base or…?”
“Yea. Jake and I have a meeting with Cyclone to set up daycare for her so we’ll meet you in the parking lot when it's set up.”
“Gotcha. Yea it's not a problem. But I’m gonna spoil the shit outta her.” Phoenix laughs, leading Willow out to the jets. 
Willow is first in the air with Fanboy and Payback. 
“One minute and 30 seconds to target, we’re 10 seconds behind Vixen.” Fanboy calls out. 
“Alright, increasing speed to 490 knots.” Willow calls, increasing her speed. “Come on, come on.” Willow follows the curves almost perfectly.
“30 seconds to target, 2 seconds behind.” 
“Increasing to 500 knots.” As her speed increases she miscalculates a turn and suddenly flies off course and above their max altitude. She punches the side of her canopy. “Fuck.” She failed.
“Why did you fail?” Pete asks when they return to the classroom.
“I miss calculated a turn after increasing my speed because we were behind.” Willow answers.
“No, why is she dead?” Pete asks, looking at Fanboy and Payback. 
“We didn’t warn her about the sharp turns ahead when requesting an increase of speed.” Fanboy answers.
“What excuse do you think her family will take at the funeral?” Pete asks. “What are you gonna say when you have to look me dead in the face and tell me my daughter is dead?”
Fanboy and Payback’s eyes drop, mutters are heard about Willow being Pete’s daughter. Choosing to ignore them, she stops Pete.
“Maverick.” Willow calls out but Pete’s glare remains firm. “Captain Mitchell!” Pete looks at her. “That's enough.” She says. Pete finally moves on to Rooster’s group.
“Rooster, why are you dead?" He asks but Rooster doesn’t look up from the table. 
"Sir with all due respect, he was the only one to make it to the target." Phoenix jumps in, defending Rooster.
"A minute late. He gave the enemy aircraft time to shoot him down. He is dead." Maverick starts but Rooster speaks up.
“You don’t know that.” Rooster retorts
“You’re not flying fast enough. You don't have a second to waste.” Hangman groans.
“We made it to the target.” Rooster stands firm.
“And superior enemy aircraft intercepted you on your way out.”
"Then it's a dog fight," He says.
"Against 5th generation fighters?" Maverick questions, heating up.
“We still have a chance.”
“In an F-18?”
"It's not the plane, sir, it's the pilot." Rooster defends.
"Exactly!" Maverick shouts. Willow has to withhold her laughter. She had never heard Pete raise his voice to Bradley so she was thoroughly enjoying this. 
"There is more than one way to fly this mission." Rooster retorts.
"You really don't get it," Hangman says. "On this mission, a man flies like Maverick here or a man doesn't come back. No offense intended.” Hangman says to Phoenix. Willow elbows his side and Phoenix goes to say something but Bob pipes up.
“And yet somehow you always manage.”
“Look, I don’t mean to criticize. You’re conservative, that's all.”
“Lieutenant.” Pete tries to interrupt but Jake continues 
“We’re going into combat, son, on a level no living pilot’s ever seen. Not even him.” Hangman directs to Maverick at the last sentence before turning back to Rooster. “That’s no time to be thinking about the past.” Hangman smirks, looking over at Rooster.
"What's that support to mean?" Rooster asks, tearing his glare away from Maverick. 
“Rooster.” Pete warns.
“Jake.” Willow warns her husband.
"I can't be the only one that knew Maverick flew with his old man.” Hangman answers. 
“That's enough.” Pete interrupts but Jake continues.
“Or that Maverick was flying when his old man—” 
“Lieutenant, that's enough.”
“Jake, quit it.”
Hangman doesn’t finish the sentence before Rooster is shoving him out of his chair.
"You son of a bitch." Rooster growls. Everyone jumps up to stop them from attacking each other. Willow is standing beside Jake, a tight grip on his arm. 
“Hey, I’m cool. I’m cool.” Jake shakes off the other aviators but Willow’s grip stays firm.
Rooster tries to jump at him again but Bob, Phoenix, and Pete hold a tight grip on him. “That’s enough.” Pete repeats.
“He’s not cut out for this mission. You know it.” Hangman grins as Willow drags him out of the room. “You know I’m right.”
“You’re all dismissed,” is the last thing the couple hears before they are away from everyone.
“What the fuck was that?” Willow sneers.
“Why the hell are you airing out dirty laundry? Let alone at work?” Willow questions
“You know I’m right, Willow. He’s not ready. He holds too many grudges.”
“So then I’m not ready either, right? I hold so many grudges against them both. Am I not ready for this mission too?”
“Willow. There's a difference between you and Rooster. You don't let your grudges affect your flying.” Jake says softly. “You are always my top choice for any mission.”
“You’re an ass, Jake Seresin.” Willow chuckles.
“You love me Willow Seresin.” Willow smiles, pulling Jake into a hug. 
“I absolutely do. I’m still mad at you.”
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“Mama! Look what Auntie Nat got me!” Elle comes running from Phoenix’s car when she sees her mom.
“Look at that. Is that an F-18?” Willow questions, admiring the joy in her daughter’s eyes. 
“Just like what you and Daddy and Auntie Nat and Uncle Yote fly!” Phoenix laughs walking up to meet them
“That's right, baby girl.”
“I wanna fly like you! I wanna be cool like you and Daddy.” 
“I hope you always think you’re dad and I are cool.” Willow hugs her daughter before grabbing her hand. “Do you wanna see an actual F-18?” Elle nods quickly, jumping up and down as Willow leads the way.
“Are you sure that's a good idea? What if Mav or Rooster are around?”
“It's been 2 hours since we were dismissed, I doubt it.”
“Let's go Mama!” Elle starts pulling on Willow, her giggles echoing through the hallways.
“Ellorie! Stay with us please!” Willow shouts as the little girl takes off running.
“Oh, hey there little one.” Willow catches a glimpse of who Elle had just bumped into and groans. 
“Fantastic.” She mumbles under her breath. “Ellorie! I told you not to run off like that.”
“Sorry Mav. She’s a little ball of energy today.” Phoenix says.
“Let's go, Daddy’s waiting for us.” Willow leads Elle around Mav and out the door. “Look over there.” Willow points and Elle gets excited. 
“Hey, pumpkin! How was school?” Jake asks, lifting her up.
“Fun! We got to draw pictures of our family today!” 
“That's so fun! Did you have fun with Auntie Nat?” Jake questions walking towards the jets with Nat. Willow stays behind because she cant feel Mav behind her.
“You have a daughter?”
“Yea. You would know if you didn’t abandon me.” Willow scoffs.
“Willow please. You’re really gonna keep that little girl away from her grandfather?”
“She has grandfathers, Mav. And fortunately for her, neither of them would ever dream of abandoning her the way you did me.” Willow retorts.
“I’m sorry Willow. I don’t know what else you want me to say.” Pete apologizes.
“I want you to stay away from me and my family. I think you’ve done enough damage.” Willow says before walking away, interacting with her daughter who asks a million questions about the jets.
“Ellie bellie!”
“Uncle Yote!” 
Maverick watches how Jake and Willow interact, especially with each other and their daughter. As much as he thinks they are exactly what's needed for the mission, he can’t orphan his granddaughter. Or send his daughter to her possible death. If he sends both of them, it’ll be another generation resenting him. If he sends Jake, Willow will never forgive him if he doesn’t come back. And if he send Willow, well, he’s pretty sure Jake will murder him for sending the mother of his child to her death. But he still doesn’t think Rooster is ready. He’s at an impasse and doesn’t know what to do.
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“School called. Campus is shut down due to a power outage.” Jake says, walking into the kitchen early Monday morning.
“Dammit. Mav is having us meet at the beach and there’s no one to watch Elle. Daycare is shut down for the week because all the workers caught the flu and Ice has appointments all day.”
“What about Penny?”
“She’s got the bar to run.”
“Hard Deck doesn’t open until 5, I’m gonna call Penny.”
Willow sighs. Working full time and having a 7 year old was not an easy feat. She knew that all too well now but balancing this life and keeping it away from her work life is becoming more difficult day by day.
“Penny said she’d be happy to watch her.”
“You okay Mama?” Elle asks, mouth full of her breakfast.
“I’m okay. Just a little stressed out.” Willow ruffles Elle’s hair as she walks by. “Finish eating.”
“Dress comfy! No uniforms!” Jake shouts, cleaning up the kitchen before he takes Elle to get ready. It's not long before they’re loaded up in Jake’s truck. 
“Alright, Elle. You need to behave for Ms Penny, okay?”
“You’re not gonna play with me?” Elle pouts and Jake quickly drops to her level.
“Mama and Daddy have some work stuff we gotta do first but we promise, as soon as we're done, it's gonna be a Seresin family beach day okay?” 
“Okay Daddy.” Jake and Willow packed up everything and got Ellorie into the car before heading straight to the Hard Deck.
“Hey! Why’s Elle here?” Phoenix questions, seeing the trio walk up.
“School canceled, daycare closed, and Ice and Sarah are busy. Penny said she’ll watch her while we do whatever and then we promise her a beach day after.” Willow explains.
“Auntie Nat! Are you gonna hang out at the beach with us?”
“Oh course I am! I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” 
“Oh my gosh! Ellorie! You’ve gotten so big!” Penny squeals walking over to the group.
“Hi Ms. Penny.” Elle smiles shyly. 
“Go on pumpkin. We’ll be back in a bit.” Elle waves to her parents as they walk towards the rest of the group.
Dogfight football was complicated to say the least even halfway through the game Willow did not understand a single rule about the game but everyone was having fun, cheering, getting along. Even her and Rooster had yet to butt heads all day. But Willow’s favorite part was her shirtless husband running forward to make a touchdown. Occasionally Willow and Jake would catch glimpses of Elle who would be cheering from the deck next to Penny. Everytime Jake or Willow scored a touchdown, Elle’s little cheers could be heard. 
When Penny had heard Mav dismiss everyone she sent Elle running across the beach.
“Mama! Daddy! Beach time?” Elle questions, running into Jake’s arms.
“Absolutely. In fact...” Jake trails off before taking off running towards the water, Elle screaming in his arms. Willow, Nat, and Coyote laugh as Jake plays with his daughter. Willow runs over and as soon as Elle is out of Jake’s arms Willow pushes him into the water. “Oh! I see how it is!” Jake grabs Willow’s ankle and trips her, catching her as she lands in the water with him. All three of them laugh as they play in the water.
“Did that kid call Hangman daddy?”
“Is that even Hangman?”
“He’s so relaxed.”
“Hangman and Vixen are a cute couple though.” Omaha says.
Halo gasps. “Do you think that's their kid?”
“Holy shit I totally see it.” Yale says to his friends. “Look at her. Spitting image of Hangman with Vixen’s nose. That's definitely a Vixman love child.”
“Vixman?” Phoenix asks, walking over to them. “What are you guys talking about?”
“Hangman and Vixen’s love child.”
“Hey Willow!” Phoenix calls and Willow comes walking up, Jake and Elle behind her.
“What's up?” Phoenix gestures to every who stares in awe of Elle.
“Okay.” Willow clears her throat. “Everyone, this is Jake’s and I’s daughter Ellorie. Elle, these are Mama and Daddy’s friends.” Elle waves softly, holding tight to her father.
“Holy shit dude! She’s like 10!”
“7 and watch your language.”
“Who knew Jake Hangman Seresin would settle down.”
“Oh and we got married 6 years ago.” Jake says. Immediately everyone is asking questions. Willow pulls Elle from the sand into her arms.
“So..” Bradley says, loitering around Willow.
“So…?” Willow replies, waiting for Bradley to continue. 
“You were pregnant through all that? When Hangman was MIA?”
“And you two got married?”
“A year after she was born.” Willow says.
“Just didn’t want to tell anyone? I know your dad wasn’t there.”
“Papa was there.” Elle chimes in.
“Papa?” Rooster questions.
“Ice.” Bradley nods. 
“We don’t have to do this, Bradley.” 
“Do what?”
“Play catch up. You are still part of the reason my childhood was hell and I don't talk to Mav anymore. We can be civil when it comes to the mission but outside of that? Don’t bother.”  Willow walks away from him with Elle still in her arms. “Hey Jake. I’m gonna take Elle to the parlor down the beach.”
“Alright darlin, I’ll meet you down there okay?” Willow nods. “I’ll see you in a bit, pumpkin.”
“Bye Daddy.”
“Nat, tagging along?”
“I’m coming!”
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"Good morning. The uranium enrichment plant that is your target will be operational earlier than expected. Raw uranium will be delivered to the plant in ten days time. As a result, your mission has been moved up one week in order to avoid contaminating the target valley with radiation." Willow's eyes widened, her lrft hand tightened its grip on her flight suit, knuckles turning white.
"Sir, no one here has successfully flown a low level course," Coyote is the first to speak up.
"Nevertheless, you've been ordered to move on." Admiral Bates steps aside to allow Maverick to go over the mission parameters.
Willow taps profusely on the desk before her. To anyone it would just look as if she was thinking but Jake knew better. It was an anxious tick he had noticed during flight school that seemed to pop up everywhere they went. Jake rests a hand on hers, attempting to settle her nerves.
"We have one week left to focus on phase two. It's the most difficult stage of the mission. It's a pop up strike with a steep dive, requiring nothing less than two consecutive miracles." He turned to the board behind him, the screen showing what their planes would do as he spoke. "Two pairs of  F-18s will fly in a welded wing formation. Teamwork. Precise coordination of these aircraft is essential to both the mission's success and your survival," Maverick says. "As you know, the plant rests between two mountains. On final approach you'll invert directly into a steep dive. This allows you to maintain the lowest possible altitude at the only possible attack angle. Your target is an impact point less than three meters wide. The two seated aircraft will paint the target with a laser bullseye. The first pair will breach the reactor by dropping a laser-guided bomb on an exposed ventilation hatch. This will create an opening for the second pair. That's miracle number one."
Willow's breathing halts at the thought, everything that could go wrong running through her mind. But most is the possible orphaning of her daughter.
"The second team will deliver the kill shot and destroy the target. That's miracle number two," Maverick continued. "If either team misses the target, the mission is a failure. Egress is a steep, high G climb out to avoid hitting this mountain."
"A steep climb at this speed, you're pulling at least eight G's," Jake thinks aloud.
"Nine, minimum," Maverick corrected.
"The stress limit of the F-18's airframe is seven point five," Rooster tells them.
"That's the accepted limit. To survive this mission, you'll pull beyond that. Even if it means bending your airframe. You'll be pulling so hard you'll weigh close to 2000 pounds. Your skull crushing your spine, your lungs imploding like an elephant sitting on your chest," Maverick described. "Fighting with everything you have just to keep from blacking out. This is where you'll be at your most vulnerable. This is coffin corner. Assuming you avoid crashing into this mountain, you'll climb straight up into the enemy radar, while losing your air speed. Within seconds you'll be fired upon by enemy SAMs. You've all faced sustained G's before, but this is going to take you and your aircraft to the breaking point."
"Sir, is this even achievable?" Phoenix asks.
"The answer to the question will come down to the pilot in the box."
Willow exits the room. She can feel the shudders from her heavy breathing as she exits the room.
“Willow.” She keeps walking, trying to find an empty room before she breaks down. “Darlin please, slow down.”
She opens the door to an empty classroom and leans against the closest desk.
“Darlin?” Jake questions, entering mere seconds after her. “Darlin, you gotta breathe.” Slowly Willow’s breathing calms, the tears subside and sits in the closest chair, no longer trusting her legs to keep her up. “What's wrong?”
“I don't think I can do this mission.” Willow sighs.
“Are you kidding? Willow you are the best pilot in that room. If anyone can do it, it's you.”
“I’m sure Jake but,” Willow sighs. “I can’t go on this mission and risk Elle growing up without her mother. Or both of us going on this mission and her becoming an orphan. I can’t do that Jake. I can’t subject her to what I had.”
“No one would ever let that happen. I can promise you that.” Jake comforts. “When we go on this mission, because I know we will, we are both coming home to our little girl. I would never dare let anything happen to her.”
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“That's a miss. Bring it back in, Vixen.”
“Hey don’t sweat it, Vix. We’ll get it.” Fanboy tries to encourage.
Willow sighs, heading back to base. She lays on the couch in the middle of the lounge, her head resting on Jake’s thigh. Jake runs his fingers through her hair, pulling the Navy regulated bun out so he can ease the tension he knows she has in her head. They listen in on Phoenix, Bob, and Coyote’s trial. Willow lays on her side facing the radio they had moved to the coffee table. Jaka softly massages her scalp when they suddenly hear Mav calling for Coyote but no response.
“Holy shit.” Willow sits up quickly, her gaze burning into the radio.
“Come on Coyote.” Jake mutters leaning forward. Everyone holds their breath as they wait for the sign that Coyote was okay. Once they get the all clear they settle down, thankful that what they thought was the worst was over. That was until the bird strike and then they heard Phoenix and Bob eject.
Willow refused to move from the couch. They had been dismissed over an hour ago but Willow refused to leave until she got an update on her best friend and WSO.
“I’m gonna go pick up Elle, darlin. I’ll be back, alright?” Willow nods, fiddling with the zipper of her flight suit that is now tied around her waist, flight gear abandoned on the floor.
It wasn’t even 30 minutes later that Mav had walked in, giving the update to her before leaving the room. With the knowledge that both Phoenix and Bob were okay, she gathered her gear and began the walk to the locker room. She deposits everything into her locker, changing into her civilian clothes and exits the locker room, heading for the parking lot to meet Jake and Elle. She is almost there when she hears Warlock call for her.
“Lieutenant Commander Seresin!’ Willow turns at the call, face dropping when she sees the sorrowful look on Admiral Bates’s face.
“What happened?” She questions.
“It's Admiral Kazansky. He’s passed. I’m sorry for your loss.” Willow froze in the statement. She tries to process the information but all she manages to do is drop to her knees and cry. Jake comes running through the door with Elle in his arms.
“Hey darlin, it's okay. I’m here.” Jake kneels next to his wife, both him and Elle wrapping Willow a group hug.
“It’s okay, Mama.” Elle whispers. “Papa isn’t hurting anymore.”
Willow pulls back and places a hand on Elle’s cheek. “When did my little girl get so smart?” Elle giggles at the act, wrapping her arms around Willow’s neck and holding her mom close. Willow cried softly as she held her daughter, Jake still knelt beside them, holding both close.
Despite how upset Willow was, she couldn’t deny that the service was perfect. Willow, Jake, and Elle had been asked to stand with Sarah and her and Ice’s 2 children, Jackson and Elizabeth. And despite her protests, that's exactly where Willow found herself.
Jake and Willow were in their service dress blues. Ellorie stood between them in a simple black dress, clutched tightly to her father’s leg.
Cyclone walked up to Sarah with the folded flag and attempted to hand it to her. It shocked Willow when she refused and directed him down the line. 
Jack and Lizzie who had been the best aunt and uncle to Ellorie had gone to their mother the day before suggesting that they don’t receive the flag. They both knew that their father loved them unconditionally but he always held a soft spot for his honorary first granddaughter. 
Everyone who previously knew about Ellorie and heard story after story from Ice over the years. So when Sarah gave Cyclone a look. He knew exactly where the flag was going. Jack and Lizzie smile through their tears as the admiral walks past them, knowing their father was smiling down on them.
Cyclone kneels before Ellorie, who was still wrapped around Jake’s leg, and holds the flag out to the little girl. Willow tries to fight back her sobs at the action. Elle gently takes the flag from him as he speaks.
“On behalf of the President of the United States, the United States Navy and a grateful nation, please accept this flag as a symbol of our appreciation for your loved one’s honorable and faithful service.” Cyclone stands and salutes the flag before returning to his post. 
Willow watches as Maverick punches Iceman’s wings into the casket. As they set up for the 21 gun salute, Willow reaches down to pick up Elle. Jake takes the flag from his daughter so Willow could hold her, muffling the shots fired.
Before long the service was over and everyone started heading back to their cars. As Sarah goes to leave, Willow catches her.
“We can’t take this, Sarah. It goes to the family.”
“You are family, sweetheart. He would’ve wanted you to have it.” Sarah smiles. Elle reaches out to her grandma, Sarah pulls her over and hugs her, kissing her head before setting her down. “Besides, the kids wanted Elle to have it. They got a lifetime of love from him, they figured Elle deserved a piece of her papa as much as they do.”
Tears well in her eyes at the information before being pulled into a hug. “I love you, Sarah.”
“I love you too sweetheart.” 
Sarah walks towards the car where Jack and Lizzie already wait.
Jake leads his family to the car, Willow stumbles still lost in her emotions and Elle rests her head on her father’s shoulder as he carries her, already fast asleep.
“Let's get you both home.” Jake smiles softly after everyone is buckled into the car. He rubs small circles into Willow’s hand for the entirety of the drive. 
This past week was taking its toll of Willow. Between the mission and losing the man she saw as a father, Jake knew she wasn’t okay. But Willow still played it off. When they got home, Jake carried Elle to her bedroom while Willow sat on the couch, pulling out every copy she had of the flight plans and mission details she had, burying herself into the mission.
Jake did their nightly cleaning and made sure everything was locked up and away before he spoke.
“Darlin, let's go to bed.” He says softly, wrapping his arms around her shoulders over the back of the couch.
“Just a few more minutes.”
“You’ve been staring at these papers for over an hour.” Jake sighs, massaging her shoulders to make her see she needs to rest. “We have an early morning.”
“I’ll be up in a bit Jake. You go on ahead.” Reluctantly, Jake made his way to their bedroom. He tried to stay up until she came in but he fell asleep waiting. And when he woke the next morning to Willow’s side of the bed was still neatly made, he knew she never came in. Walking out, he finds Willow asleep on the couch, papers strewn left and right.
He drapes the throw blanket from the back of the couch over her before heading to wake up Elle and get her ready for the day. They didn’t have to be at work until 9 so Jake lets her sleep. Once Elle was ready he took her out for a Daddy daughter breakfast.
“Is Mama okay?” Elle questions.
“She’ll be okay, pumpkin. She just misses Papa a lot.” Jake answers the little girl. Elle had become more observant the older she got. 
“I miss him too.” Elle says softly, picking up a piece of fruit from her plate.
“Me too. Finish your breakfast. We're gonna be late for school.”
When Jake arrived back home to pick up Willow, she was barreling through the house trying to get ready.
“Where were you?” Willow asks, buttoning her khaki shirt.
“Took Elle to breakfast before school. Are you ready?”
“Yea, lemme grab my phone.” 
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“Vixen! A word.” Willow turns to see Maverick walking up to her. Jake goes to stand in front of her but she stops him.
“It's fine, I’ll see you in there.” Jake nods walking inside.
“I need a favor.”
“I need you to run the course by yourself.”
“I haven’t even completed it as a team. What makes you think I wanna run it by myself?” Willow questions.
“They canned me Willow. You are the only person in there that I know can do this mission and should lead it.”
“I can’t—“
“Please, Willow.” She looks through the windows of the doors leading into the classroom just as Admiral Simpson begins speaking.
"Captain Mitchell is no longer your instructor. As of today there are new mission parameters," Admiral Simpson tells everyone as they lean forward paying more attention. Phoenix leans over to Jake.
“Where’s Willow?”
“Maverick pulled her outside.”
"Time to target is now four minutes." Everyone looks around to each other, shocked. There was no way anyone was coming back alive if the time to target was four minutes, and they all knew it. "You'll be entering the valley level at reduced speed, not to exceed 420 knots."
"Sir, won't we be giving enemy aircraft a chance to catch up to us?" Phoenix questioned.
"You have a better fighting chance against enemy aircraft than you do surviving a head-on collision with a mountain," the admiral answered. "You will be attacking the target from a higher altitude, level with the north wall." Just as Admiral Bates continued, everyone’s eyes were drawn to the screen, a beeping came through as two single F-18s fly towards the course.
"Vixen to range control, entering point alpha, confirm green range.”
“Oh fuck.” Bradley mutters leaning forward.
"Range control to Vixen. Uhh, green range is confirmed, but I don't see an event scheduled for you.”
"I’m still going.” Willow calls out.
"Nice," Phoenix mumbled.
"Setting time to target to two minutes and fifteen seconds," Willow said. The previously set time changed and everyone grew more anxious.
"That's impossible," Fanboy calls out just loud enough for everyone to hear.
"Vixen is inbound," she says, crossing the starting point.
The time starts and everyone watches on the edge of their seats as the Willow swerved through the course, on her own. “One minute and 35 seconds, coming up on pop up.” Willow calls out.
She immediately began the incline before performing the inverted dive. 
"Bombs away," Willow says, begining her climb out. “Bullseye!” She cheers as she sees impact. Inside the hanger everyone is cheering
By the time she reached the top she was already pulling 9.5 Gs and slowly leveling out, pulling Willow back in as she was close to G-lock. Once she was level the timer stopped. 16 seconds left on the clock. 
“That's my girl.” Jake smiles at the screens that document everything about the trial.
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Dressed in their whites, Jake and Willow walk into the Hard Deck with Elle beside them. Normally they would never bring her into a bar but with Penny taking Elle during the mission and this being the last night with their friends beforehand.
“Hey there's my favorite niece!” Coyote meets them at the door, lifting Elle from the ground and walking her towards the pool tables.
“I’m going to get some beers.” Willow tells Jake before walking to where the team was. She had been reprimanded for her stunt that previous day but Cyclone saw exactly what Maverick wanted him to see. Willow was the right choice to lead this mission and actually agreed.
“Hey, 2 beers?” Penny asks as Willow walks up to the bar.
“Yes.” Penny reaches down to grab Willow’s and Jake’s regular, opening them up. “Hey, thanks for watching Elle for us. I don’t know what we’d do without you.”
“It takes a village to raise a child in the military. Fortunately for you, you have a whole armada.” Penny points to the group and Willow looks over to see Coyote helping Elle play pool against Jake, everyone cheering when she sinks the 8-ball. Willow smiles watching how excited Elle is as Jake throws her into the air, catching her, celebrating her win.
“Yea. Listen, if tomorrow doesn’t go as planned–”
“You can’t talk like that Willow.”
“If it happens, make sure she goes to Jake’s family. I don’t need Mav doing to her what he did to me.” Willow finishes.
“Your father has grown a great deal since 1997.” Penny informs.
“My father has not proven that to me. I trust you with my life Pen, but I can’t trust him.”
“I understand. But I will be seeing you tomorrow after this mission.”
“Thanks Pen.” Willow carries the beers over, passing one to her husband.
“Hey darlin, Elle just beat at her first game of pool.” Jake tells her.
“Of course she did. Just like her mama. She will never lose to daddy.” She says to Elle, winking at Jake before walking over to where Phoenix and Bob sat.
“So team leader, you got an idea of who your team is?” Phoenix asks.
“If I did I couldn’t tell you. But I wouldn’t go anywhere without my wingman.” Willow smiles at her best friend.
“So who’s gonna be your second?” Jake asks, Elle now playing pool with Coyote.
“I get it, someone’s gotta come home to Elle.” Jake replies. “I’d do the same thing in your position.”
“If we didn’t have her, I would choose you in a heartbeat. I trust no one more. You are back up though”
“I’ll take it.” Jake smiles.
“Hangman being okay as back up? Never thought I’d live to see the day.” Phoenix laughs.
“Hey, you already know I would do anything for my girls.” Jake kisses Willow’s temple before walking over to play darts.
“Any idea who your second is?” Bob asks.
“No. I think I’m going to decide on the boat tomorrow.”
“Think hard, Vixen. Lives are on the line.”
The Dagger squad stayed until the late hours of the night. Elle had fallen asleep hours ago and slept peacefully in a booth Penny had set up as a bed. Around 1 am, Penny had closed all tabs and cleaned up before meeting Willow and Jake at her car. They had already gotten Elle buckled in and back to sleep after saying their goodbyes to the sleepy girl.
“We can’t ever thank you enough Penny.”
“You guys coming home safely will be thank you enough. Good luck.”
“Thanks Pen.” The couple retreats to their own vehicle, climbing in and heading home.
They held each other a little closer that night as they slept, mentally preparing themselves for the next day.
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drstonetrivia · 9 months
Chapter 232 Trivia (Part 1)
This is it… The final chapter.
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The Perseus and American planes get one final appearance, in color!
They must have landed a ways away from shore since Senku caught a fish, but the new Perseus isn't an aircraft carrier so how far did the plane fly?
I wonder if Charlotte is piloting it…
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The choice of a land vs water return has historically depended on the geography of the country sending the rocket up: Russia has a lot of land, so the Soyuz capsules are made for land, and the US is surrounded by water so they've traditionally used that instead.
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Since Treasure Island is an island, they opted for a water landing. Both types of landing have advantages and disadvantages, it just depends on which risks you'd rather take.
The Soyuz capsules Byakuya's team came down on are designed for both water and land, but because they don't have the same flotation devices that the Apollo ones have, they can't right themselves after landing. The capsules naturally float anyways.
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In Senku's case, the top flotation devices weren't needed, but it's odd that the buoyancy ring was already inflated upon touchdown— wouldn't the impact make them burst, or flip the capsule upside down? It's also unusual that they'd exit before the recovery vehicle reached them.
Maybe they were worried about Ryusui-the-stowaway using up all the air inside so they decided to open it early?
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We can't be sure of where they touched down since there's not enough landmass shown to identify anything, but given the celebration was held in Japan and the Perseus came to pick them up, it's a fair assumption that they landed in a similar area to the original Soyuz Six.
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I'm sure most people have noticed how Kohaku has fallen asleep on the stage and Stanley is going through a nicotine withdrawal/acting as if it was a proper military medal ceremony, but I doubt most people noticed that Ryusui is actually meant to be 7 cm taller than Stanley…
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Everyone's asking who this girl is, but I genuinely think she's just a random extra person, unless Boichi decided to recolor Kohaku with brown hair just to throw us off one last time. Another guess is that she's the girl with glasses from the 1st light novel, but without glasses.
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It appears the villager criteria has expanded even further past simply allowing outsiders— outer space is now fair game! Their new friend is officially a member of Ishigami Village!
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The bar in the middle of the E is also missing in E=mc², which I guess is a pretty E-Z mistake to make haha!
(Since it's now c=mc² does that mean we can simplify to m=1/c? 🤔 )
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The area reminds me of the DARPA expo in the national park rather than Corn City, so it may be a new town based around where the Americans had originally revived. It has a defensive wall which is unusual, so it may be a military research base or to protect against wolf attacks.
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I'm also a little disappointed they opted for cars and roads rather than trains, especially leaving the town, since America is very well suited for a rail network.
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This plane is unlikely to be the piston-type propeller plane that we saw earlier, but rather a turboprop: a propeller in front of a jet engine, Xeno's specialty. These types of engines are better for short flights (<480 km) because they're more efficient over short distances.
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Because of the slower travel, they can handle shorter runways better, but I'm not sure that's much of a problem when landing on the ocean.
Traditional jets are better for long distances like, say, the 8,500 km journey Gen took to get from America to Japan.
Did Francois and Gen leave Suika at the airport!?
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Gen could be talking about the old outfit design, or, because the leather didn't fully deteriorate in the 7.5 year time skip (we can see this from some of the other outfits), it could literally be the same outfit from the Stone Wars, but patched up a little.
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I assume this was because Francois is a more important character, but they could have gotten Carlos, the driver by trade, to bring Gen to the wedding.
Though he probably didn't want to leave miss Luna alone…
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Hair grows ~6in/15cm per year, and the average women's head size is 8.6in/21cm, so assuming Yuzuriha didn't cut too much off, her hair grew around 10.9 in/27.7cm, therefore 2 years have passed.
This isn't perfect because Mirai's hair didn't grow as long, but it's an estimate!
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These people are Yuzuriha's parents (despite the father's striking resemblance to Taiju), since Taiju's parents are long dead.
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Another shooting stance comparison! Stanley is obviously cool and using only one hand, but Yo is using two hands. The number of hands doesn't affect accuracy, but cops are generally trained to use two hands since it's more stable when firing consecutive bullets.
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(Next part)
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caroftheday · 1 year
Day 2 (bonus!)
Hello! This is the weekend bonus for today, the segment where we look at vehicles that aren't automobiles!
Today, the Piper Archer II PA-28-181 aircraft.
I'll be honest I don't know much about aircraft but I wanted this series to be a bit more varied and interesting for everyone!
Find more info on the Piper Archer II PA-28-181 below.
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Date launched: May 22, 1972
Empty Weight: 1416 Lb
Company: Piper Aircraft
Exterior Height: 7 ft 3 in
Wing Span: 35 ft 5 in
Length: 24 ft 0 in
Max T/O Weight: 2550 Lb
Max Landing Weight: 2550 Lb
Payload Useful: 1134 Lb
Fuel Capacity: 48 gallons
Galph burned: 10 galph
Payload W/Full Fuel: 637 Lb
Engines: 1
Engine Mfg: Lycoming
Rate of Climb: 667 fpm
Max Speed: 125 kts
Normal Cruise: 116 kts
Economy Cruise: 110 kts
Occupancy: 1 crew, 4 passenger
Price: $119,000 USD
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