#agro bank
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Forever love that Rafe is trying so hard to be intimidating and agro, and all Barry can do is hold his arms and stare up into the sky like "what the fuck is this boy doin now?"
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MARCH 10, 2023
Against the wishes of hundreds of millions of farmers, the bank is backing a model that can push economic dependence, soil depletion and pollution.
After the largest food price spike in recent decades, 2022 was dubbed the “year of unprecedented hunger”. Africa was once again at the forefront of the catastrophe, with hundreds of millions suffering from severe food insecurity.
In May that year, the African Development Bank (AfDB) launched a $1.5 billion African Emergency Food Production Facility with the stated goal of boosting food and nutrition security on the continent. This strategy is largely geared towards expanding an industrial model of agriculture centred on monocropping and increased reliance on inputs such as “improved” seed and chemical fertiliser.
To boost food production – with a focus on wheat, corn, rice, and soybean – the facility is to deliver “certified seeds, fertilizer and extension services to 20 million farmers” and provide “financing and credit guarantees for large-scale supply of fertilizer to wholesalers and aggregators”. Additionally, and in a concerning echo of Structural Adjust Programmes, the AfDB also announced that it is working to “secure commitments from African governments on implementing policy reforms on fertilizer”, after consulting with “fertilizer company CEOs”.
Framed as a crisis response, this corporate-led strategy has actually been at the core of the AfDB’s agenda for years. Its Strategy for Agricultural Transformation in Africa (2016-2025), for instance, seeks to expand the use of commercial inputs and liberalise input markets. Meanwhile, through its Africa Fertilizer Financing Mechanism, the AfDB has worked closely with the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) and the International Fertilizer Development Center as well as controversial corporate giants like Syngenta, Yara, Dangote, Export Trading Group, and Omnia Fertilizer.
Is this approach what African farmers want or need amidst shifting precipitation patterns, rising temperatures, and more extreme weather? Is it compatible with the AfDB’s commitment to support a “transition [of] food systems compatible with climate and biodiversity imperatives”? Who truly benefits from this agenda?
Do synthetic fertilisers work?
According to the AfDB, the use of fertilisers and “improved” seeds increases agricultural productivity, leading to “a huge impact on [farmers’] yields, and therefore on their income”. This notion, however, ignores the vicious cycle that reliance on chemical fertilisers leads to. As research has shown, synthetic fertilisers can deplete the land’s nutrients, meaning more and more fertiliser is needed each year to produce the same yields. This creates a dead-end in which farmers have to spend more on inputs year on year, food security doesn’t improve, and the soil loses fertility over time.
This strategy can also prove extremely expensive for countries that subsidise synthetic inputs, a common intervention of many governments on the continent. At one point, for instance, Malawi was spending 16% of its entire government budget on a farm input subsidy programme that failed to reduce hunger. The costs of these kinds of subsidies may only increase; chemical fertiliser prices reached near record levels in 2022 and are projected to remain high for several years.
As well as being ineffective and costly, the use of chemical fertilisers also devastates the environment. The supply chain for synthetic nitrogen fertiliser is responsible for 2% of all global emissions. Meanwhile, runoff of nitrogen and phosphorus lays waste to local water supplies through algal blooms. These impacts are so serious that experts have called the flood of excess nitrogen into the environment “one of the most severe pollution threats facing humanity today”.
Who gains from chemical fertiliser use?
Agrochemical corporations have made record sums during the recent crisis as the prices of nitrogen, phosphate, and potash skyrocketed. For instance, Canada’s Nutrien took in a record $5 billion in net earnings in the first half of 2022. Norway’s Yara International reported a first-quarter operating income of $1 billion, more than triple the same figure a year earlier. US company Mosaic saw its earnings per share grow by over 250% in the same period, while Germany’s Bayer boasted “outstanding sales and earnings growth, with particularly substantial gains for our agriculture business”.
Fertiliser companies have a history of thriving in times of hunger. As detailed in a report from the NGO INKOTA, top fertiliser companies captured colossal profits during the last food price crisis in 2007/8, which they then used to consolidate and expand their power.
Today, agrochemical companies see Africa as the last expansion market. While an average 135kg of fertiliser is applied per agricultural hectare globally, that figure in sub-Sahara Africa is just 17kg. On the continent, smallholder farmers have been feeding hundreds of millions of people with little need for chemical fertilisers or so-called “improved” seeds. Entrenching a greater reliance on commercial inputs for African farmers is thus seen as a major opportunity for business growth.
What do farmers want?
Across the continent, organisations representing hundreds of millions of African farmers strongly oppose this Green Revolution model of large-scale, monocrop production reliant on chemical fertilisers. The Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA) and many other networks of farmers reject these programmes and have urged governments and international institutions to instead support a move to sustainable and climate-friendly methods.
This starts with the rehabilitation of African crops, such as teff, sorghum, fonio, amaranth, millet, cassava, yam, and many others. While Indigenous plants have assumed a reputation as “food for the poor” due in large part to ideas engrained during colonial rule, they are central to the diet of hundreds of millions of people. These crops are adapted to local geoclimatic conditions, which makes them more resilient to climatic shocks and less reliant on inputs than foreign cereals. By using agroecological systems that nurture healthy ecosystems, these crops can form part of a wide diversity of crops – alongside cereals, vegetables, roots, tubers, nuts and fruits – to provide a range of socio-economic, nutritional and environmental benefits – unmatched by monocrops.
Building on Indigenous knowledge, millions of farmers across Africa have assembled an abundance of effective practices and innovations that don’t require costly and polluting inputs. In Kenya, fermenting organic matter to create a nutrient rich compost called Bokashi is helping farmers restore dry, depleted soils. Farmers planting nitrogen-fixing “fertiliser trees” in Malawi are benefiting from the high levels of biomass they create and the nutrients they capture as well as their resilience to drought. A variety of nitrogen fixing leguminous plants are widely used from Malawi to Benin. And in many countries – including Senegal – cover crops are planted to protect the soil and improve the fertility through increased nutrient retention. Coupling such practices with composting, farmers across the continent have seen drastic yield increases. Mixing plants, crops, and trees also makes communities more resilient to the climate crisis by providing different sources of food and income along the year.
These are just some of the many impactful agroecological practices that are backed by scientific studies. This growing body of research – along with centuries of experience – demonstrates that alternatives to chemical fertilisers are effective, affordable, and sustainable. Moreover, unlike synthetic inputs, these approaches restore the soil over time and are unaffected by erratic global price spikes.
These practices are not just solutions to hunger. They are also essential for a shift towards resilient, environmentally sustainable farming. Yet they will remain neglected and underfunded as long as corporate bottom lines are prioritised by international finance institutions such as the AfDB. Instead of doubling down on a failed model, now is the time to direct public funds to support the solutions that African farmers are calling for across the continent.
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thewonandonly · 10 months
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PLAYLIST : spotify
PAIRING : thief!kang yeosang x news reporter!fem!reader
GENRE : thriller? fluff, smut, angst
WC : 14,374 words :3
WARNINGS : strong language, agro-hwa, aggression, graphic description of hostage situations/kidnapping, mention of bank heists/artifact theft, mention of firearms, absolute chaos from ateez as a heist group, oral sex (f receiving), vaginal penitration, vouyerism/exhabitionism, praise, pet names, cunnilingus, no happy ending, its giving mama im in love with a criminal tbh
AUTHOR'S NOTE : it's finally done! i've been writing this fic for OVER a year, ever since guerilla came out 😰 i hope you all enjoy and jsyk, this fic is heavily, heavily, inspired by "love letter from thief x".  
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Becoming a news reporter wasn't your first option. You originally wanted to write news articles for your local paper, something close to home, but it turned out that your local paper hired another much more qualified person. So, you used your degree in journalism for field reporting. 
Your first story was about a cold case being reopened, and you would've loved to do your own research on the topic, however, the teleprompter read everything for you, telling you what to say, what to do and how to do what they tell you to do. You seriously did not have any freedom. You were about ready to go on sabbatical and open a gossip blog like Perez Hilton. Then, maybe you'll finally be able to get the freedom you'd like to report how you'd like. Or, maybe you'd even put the degree you got for investigative journalism, something you think would be extremely enjoyable to you and your wallet.
But, you didn't start hating your job at the beginning. No, because it was helpful to have a teleprompter in front of you, telling you what to say while the ring light blinded you. No, it wasn't because of that. It was because you were currently trapped in a hostage situation, the news broadcast now hijacked by the criminals in this entire scheme. 
It was a classic museum robbery, and you wouldn't say you were excited to cover it, but it was different from what stories you would normally cover. It had the potential danger in it all.
But the second your cameraman and producer cut the cameras to take a break, you were left alone to your own devices until you were going to be called in again by your co-workers in the studio. 
You pulled out your phone, scrolling through social media timelines, reading the other news sources that popped up about the situation. 
The microphone you held, that did little to nothing when you spoke into it on camera, was suddenly dropped as you were pulled from where you were standing, a hand over your mouth and another arm around your waist, lugging you away like a piece of cargo. 
How was no one noticing this, you questioned. The cameras were rolling for different news broadcasts, and yet no one gave any mind to the sound of your heels scraping against the gravel road, leaving white marks from the top piece on the bottom of your heel. 
You practically screamed from behind the hand against your mouth, but the sound of all the chaos from newscasters, sirens that echoed against the buildings silenced your screams.
All the self-defense you've learned for this moment, that you pleaded never happened, seemed to disappear from your head. And you were nearly incapacitated, anyhow. The last you saw of the outside was where your team sat, and the microphone discarded on the ground, your phone right next to it with a shattered screen.
The captor pulled you around the back of the building, another holding the door open for them.
They all wore masks, some you've seen at Halloween stores. Some of them you haven't seen available anywhere. You could only assume that this has been planned years before it happened. 
Shutting the door at the back of the building, the man released you before another took over and tied your arms behind your back, and sat you down to bind your legs.
"I'm sorry." The person tying you whispered, "For what it's worth."
"It isn't worth jack shit." You grumbled, moving around in the restraints, trying to get him to mess up even a little bit. 
The other cleared his throat, "Come in, Base, it's me." He mumbled through the mask. 
You immediately assumed that this was a much more complex plan, looking as he communicated to "Base".
"You read me?" He paused, "Newscaster is secured. Video's free to run."
"Y/N, uh... Come in." Your coworker spoke through the in-ear you had, and you nearly shook. There was no way you could respond unless you were left by yourself. "Y/N, come in." Their voice got a bit more stern, a bit more deeper.
There was a loud ringing playing over the in-ear and you jumped.
A voice full of static echoed, sounding distant but close at the same exact time, "This is an official notice. We, the group known by Kyomi, require the government release the Dream Texts to us, immediately." The video that played was a deep, almost god-like voice, similar to the voice configuration that Anonymous had used many, many times in the past, "The National Treasure Museum does not have rights to own the Dream Texts, nor does the government. They are to return them to their rightful owners. You have 24 hours."
Ringing played in your ear and you began to rub the in-ear across your shoulder trying to get it out from your ear, before it fell against the floor, the ringing echoing across the walls.
"Son of a..." The one tying you up glanced at the in-ear, looking at you before kicking it away, "What do you think you're doing?"
You struggled in the restrains, the rope digging into your skin.
"Wasp, we got a breach." He called to the other across from him, swinging the bolt rifle back to his hands, "She had an in-ear. They heard us."
The other turned to you, glaring at you through the mask, which made it 20 times more horrific, "Well, what are you waiting for? Break it." The one called Wasp spoke, squatting beside you, "Killer," He called over his own in-ear, "Shut it down." 
You glared back at him, not at all deferred from your fear coursing through your veins. 
There were so many other people that you weren't aware were in the next room, dealing with 4 others. Museum staff and guests visiting the 24/7 museum alike, all being threatened in front of the barrel of a gun. 
And as soon as "Wasp" called to shut it down, it was all over in a second. 
"Meet at the van. 10 minutes tops. Grab your shit, we're leaving." 
Your brain immediately connected the dots that maybe this "Wasp" was the leader of the others, and you didn't think even a little bit that you would be going along with them until the one who tied you up in the rope swooped you over his shoulder, your legs kicking at his back.
"What about the newscaster, Wasp?"
"Bring her along, Hornet. Base is gonna need all the info we can get." He nodded to the entryway, and opened the door to the reception desk. "Sharp, let's go. We're out of time."
"Sharp" immediately stood up from his crouching position with his gun still aimed at any who threatened through the glass windows, "You go ahead. Killer and Spiral are in the next room with the hostages."
"Copy." Hornet responded, carrying you through the door, "Killer, Spiral, get anything gathered about the Dream Texts and head out."
The two across the room gathered backpacks and threw them over their shoulders, their rifles resting in their hands.
The other hostages huddled together, shaking in fear. And in contrast, you rested on Hornet's shoulder, watching them from the corner of your eye. 
Wasp and Sharp entered through the door, a whistle escaping Wasp's lips, "Let's load up, Web is waiting for us." He lead the group to the van, "Hornet, drop the newscaster inside. You know the drill. Sharp, check for trackers. Spiral, swap out the plates." 
Hornet nodded his head to the door as Killer opened it, plopping you inside, "Alright, miss, no need to worry."
You trembled like a leaf. You never, ever thought this would happen to you. You, who took kickboxing as an extracurricular in high school and actually passed the class as top student. You, who checked every glass window you passed by in your hometown. You, who was so kind but also knew how to set your boundaries. This couldn't be happening to you. There was no way. The one second you were distracted by your cellphone and it wasn't while you were working; much rather it was while you were on break. 
The rope binding your arms behind your back was suddenly met with another rope through that one, and you had to convince yourself that this wasn't some messed up shibari sex cult. Inappropriate thoughts aside, Hornet tied a blindfold around your eyes, covering any light that might've flooded in from the dingy alleyway that the Kyomi group stood in, watching as Hornet finished restraining you and depriving you of your senses.
There was a faint beeping that echoed in and out your ear. "Can's clear, Wasp." Sharp called. 
"Good. Let's head out." He climbed into the van, hitting the door to the others, "Up and at 'em, boys."
"Jesus Christ, this mask is fucking annoying." A voice called and you heard the horrendous sound of latex rubbing against one another.
Another shouted, "Dude, you're all good to take the mask off!"
"I already did, asshole!"
You wiggled around, trying to grab even the slightest bit of attention, but they all seemed too busy talking to one another to notice you using your shoulder to move the bandana up just a little to see out of the bottom.
A voice sighed, "Come on, you two. Relax. We're not out of the woods just yet."
The other voice laughed, almost high pitched, "He's just so fucking ugly. I can't help it."
There was the brief sound of pushing and shoving, before a deep and stern, "Hey!" echoed through the car, "If Web gets into a crash and we get caught because of you two, it's over."
A tongue clicked, "Yeah, listen to Wasp. He can't afford to go back to jail, guys."
"You're one to talk, Yunho!"
"All of you just shut the fuck up." The voice boomed, and you almost flinched back into the car, feeling like you yourself was the one getting scolded, even though you were the most quiet out of the others, aside from Web.
You took this moment to actually lean your head back, and angle your eyes downward, catching the briefest glance among the group.
Three sat across from you, their masks still covering their face as they leaned against the empty van, guns resting at their side. The other two sat with their backs against the driver and passenger seats, next to the other group. Aside from the one directly in front of you, you were by yourself.
One of them cleared their throat, breaking the silence, "So, what's with the newscaster? Why'd we take her?"
"Information." That was the voice. The voice you could recognize as Wasp.
The other sighed, "Where are we gonna keep her?"
"Base can take care of her." It was short, simple, but definitely not sweet. He was the leader, he was the one that told the other's where to go.
The brief sounds of sirens were what pulled your attention from leaning your head back. And the sound only made you more agitated. I'm in here, you wanted to call. And how you pleaded you have superhuman strength to break out from your ties, break the door and crawl into the street.
The car ride was long. Extremely long and painful. You could feel your bottom going numb, and the rope digging into your arms. You were sure that you had a rope burn from it. The blindfold getting all the more irritating.  But, they didn't seem to notice that the bandana was even lifted a little bit, or how you would glance at them from underneath it. They were comfortable with each other, all joking around, almost as if they didn't hold an entire museum heist just a few hours ago. Their masks were off, the weapons and items they were able to grab from the museum in the middle of the van.
Wasp slumped forward, his arms folded across his stomach as he slept. 
And when the van stopped, you nearly shook. The rain pattered on the concrete.
"We're here." Web, the one driving called, putting the car in park.
The others sighed, standing up and stretching, climbing out the van, "Shit," one of them yawned. 
"Come on, Wasp. Let's get you inside." One of them shook him by his shoulders.
Wasp looked up and took a single glance outside and was already on his feet, "Alright, grab the things. Web has to get this back to the rental company. Base already changed the plates and VIN for it."
"Copy that." They all began to pick up an item; at least one gun as well, and opened the back door to the van. 
Wasp began to untie the rope through the one rubbing into your arms and lifted you over his shoulder. He kept a strong arm over your waist and walked around to the driver side. "Web, pass me the dash cam card." 
Web immediately reached toward the device and pulled out the card, "Got the replacement one?"
Wasp rummaged in his pocket, "Here. Base got still footage while we were setting up." Passing the card to Web, he nodded to him, "Get back safe."
"I always do." He shrugged before driving off.
Wasp sighed, looking up at the sky as the rain fell into his face, "God, I hate rain."
You wanted to make a stupid pun about wasps and their aggression, but your throat was so dry, you believed even speaking a little bit would cause your trachea to crack.
The mud gushed around his feet as he walked and opened the door to what you assumed was their base. 
"Welcome back, Seonghwa." A soft voice mumbled, "Who's this you have with you?"
"Newscaster." He dropped you down onto a couch and pulled the blindfold from your eyes.
It took a moment before your eyes could adjust to the dim lighting, and you felt 8 different pairs of eyes on you. The ones you saw in the museum had their masks either in their hand or on top of their heads. It was hard to believe that these people were so ready to show their faces to you.
And the two you haven't had the pleasure — you use that loosely — to meet yet, sat across from you, large computer monitors on top of two separate desks that looked just a little too large for the room, watching your every move.
Your breath began to quicken, your lungs beginning to constrict on every other breath. It didn't begin to hit you that you were obviously very much kidnapped, until you began to look around for any hint that maybe this was all big nightmare. 
Wasp, or now known as Seonghwa, bent at the waist and looked into your eyes, "Tell us what you know."
You've seen movies like this; the main character ends up kidnapped for knowing too much and when asked for the information they know, they always respond with the stupid words of "where am i?"
But honestly, you didn't really care where you were, you just wanted to get home. You wanted to lay in your bed and cuddle up in your covers. 
"Just about as much as everyone." You mumbled, shrinking under Seonghwa's stone cold glare, "I know that you want the Dream Texts, and I know that your groups name is Kyomi, and that there's 8 of you, only 6 of you going out on missions." You looked up at the man in front of you, shifting uncomfortably, "And I know that you don't kill."
The blonde male in the chair nodded, "She's good." He chuckled, pointing at you, "You actually know a lot more than others."
"I spend a lot of time reading about you guys." You mumbled. 
Seonghwa clicked his tongue, "All that information is on the internet?" He turned to the others, "Yeosang, do something about this."
The blonde male in the chair spun around and began to type quickly on the keyboard. 
You could only watch and listen, feeling uncomfortable as another member sat beside you and placed his arm around the top of the couch.
"Yeosang's our eyes." The other member whispered, "And the other one is Mingi, he does all background work for us."
Mingi waved sweetly, in contrast with the dim lighting of the room.
"Okay..." Yeosang mumbled, "Well, there are other news sources giving background to the group but it doesn't look like they know anything about us, personally." He rubbed his bottom lip, "There's not much to do aside from let the tabloids run their crazy little course and let them speculate."
Seonghwa clicked his tongue, "Son of a bitch," He pushed his hair back and sighed, "Yeosang, keep an eye on those articles and make sure that anything slightly close to our personal lives gets taken down."
"Aye, aye, sir." Yeosang nodded. 
You briefly made eye contact with Yeosang, before looking down at your lap, "Do you think I'll be able to go home soon?"
Seonghwa looked at you like you were crazy, "You think you'll be able to go home now? You've seen our faces, you know how we sound." 
The realization hit you all too late. There was no way you were going to be able to go home after everything you've been through. Like Seonghwa said, you've seen their faces. You've heard their voices. They had no collateral to the fact that you wouldn't say a word. And they definitely weren't going to risk some feisty newscaster giving away what they were doing anytime soon.
"You're right." You chuckled softly, "God, I'm such an idiot." You weren't generally speaking about your current situation, more rather this whole evening. You were distracted, you were caught unawares. And now, you were trapped in a situation that you didn't ask to be in. 
"Wooyoung, San, get her something more comfortable than those ropes." Yeosang called, and the member that sat next to you and the other across the room stood up and wandered off to the back of the shack... house, whatever it was.
Seonghwa looked around, "What are we gonna do with her?"
Yeosang shrugged, his demeanor almost changing in that instant, "I'm not the one who brought her here." 
You furrowed your brows, "You guys don't even know what to do with me and still brought me here?"
A brown haired member with a gentle smile and soft eyes chuckled, "Seonghwa didn't think it all the way through."
"Shut up, Yunho!" The latter scolded, "So, who's gonna give up their bed?"
"Definitely not me." A shorter male shook his head, "My back's still messed up from that heist in the city."
"That's always your excuse, Hongjoong." Yunho rolled his eyes, "I can't give up my bed because I made the perfect ass dent to fit me."
"That leaves Wooyoung, San, Jongho, Mingi,"
"Just let her sleep down here." Yeosang shrugged, "I'll be down here most of the time anyhow."
"Dude, you get zero sleep." Mingi chuckled, shutting off his computer, "Speaking of, I'm gonna head up now. Great job today, guys. G'night."
San and Wooyoung immediately came strolling down the stairs, a pair of silver cuffs in their hands, "Found something!"
"Give them here." Seonghwa called, holding his hand out, using his fingers to motion them towards him. And one of them placed the cuffs in his hand, "Keep her down."
The two hold your shoulders against the couch cushions as Seonghwa used a pocket knife he pulled from his pocket to cut through the rope, forcing your arms to the side and locked the cuff around your left wrist, and the other cuff around the arm of the couch. 
Sure, it felt better that you were out of that rope, but with the pinching cuff around your wrist, it made it almost worse.
You sighed, rolling your wrist around, as you finally had circulation returned to your wrist. 
Seonghwa sighed, "There." He grabbed the two spare keys and tossed them to the other at the end of the desk, "Keep an eye on her."
You could feel your hand go numb as the blood began to rush back to your fingers, "This is not ideal, but it's better than how it was." You mumbled to yourself, using your thumb to crack your stiff fingers.
Yeosang sighed, spinning around in the chair to continue using his computer, "So..." He whispered. "I know they said you're a news caster, but what station do you work for?" He asked softly, clicking on different links on his screen.
You cleared your throat, "I, uh, I work for STVU. I do field... field reporting." You swallowed roughly, feeling your throating drying up more as you spoke, “They decided it was easier-“
Yeosang chuckled, “All I needed to know was the station.” He pulled up the news website, playing back the live feed. “These your coworkers?” Yeosang motioned to the screen.
Nodding your head, you looked as they stood in silence and you could already imagine the teleprompter moving before their eyes, the producer nodding them to continue. You could imagine the shock from them calling on you, and finding your producer picking up your now shattered cell phone on the ground as the hostages continue to file out of the museum. 
Yeosang tapped a pen on the desk, “Looks like the missed out on the money shot ‘cause you weren’t there.” He chuckled, exiting the full screen, “They really depend on people of your career.”
You coughed lightly, “So, what’s the point of keeping me here? If they depend on me so much, what’s the point?” Yeosang turned around in his seat, using his legs to roll over to you on the couch, “Because it gives us an upperhand.” He smiled, almost sinisterly, grabbing your free hand, “It gives us a huge hand. Return the Dream Texts to the most loyal group, Kyomi, or we kill off the newscaster.” He chuckled, looking up at you sitting on the couch, fear brushing your brows and forehead in the form of sweat, “But, you already know we don’t kill people.” He laughed, pushing across the floor back to his desk, “Or, do we?” He began to type on his computer, “I mean, if we did, it’s not like anyone would find out. We have this disposable land, buried under these old junker cars. If we did kill anyone, we’d bury them under those junkers and call it a day. And, the dead can’t speak.”
The way he spoke about it made you wonder, have they really never killed anyone? Have they really, honestly, never did what he spoke about?
Laying down on the couch to calm your anxiety never really helped; In your everyday life and in this situation now. Normally, you’d come home from work and eat, drink, and then lay down on the couch until you passed out from exhaustion, but here — here was so much different. You didn’t feel overworked, you didn’t feel tired even in the slightest, you weren’t hungry, you weren’t thirsty. You were just horrified. And uncomfortable. Your hand would normally meet your hair halfway through the night but with your hand chained up to couch arm, you couldn’t get comfortable. And the only way to get comfortable was to have your bone pressing against the bottom of the arm of the couch.
You just decided that staying awake for the rest of the night would be fine. After all, you did have a later broadcast time rather than waking up at the crack of dawn. So, staying up wasn’t immediately out of the question; in fact, it would’ve been the perfect option.
It was damn near the crack of dawn, and Mingi was right, Yeosang didn’t get any type of sleep. Not even a second of resting his eyes. He just sat in front of his computer screen, typing on his keyboard with a click from his mouse here and there. You wondered how he could do that, especially when you, personally, couldn’t sit at a desk for longer than 10 minutes before getting up and finding anything else in the world to do. You honestly didn’t know if he even got up and used the restroom, if he got something to snack on or to drink. He seemed completely entranced by his computer screen.
You assumed if you loved what you did that doing that type of work wasn’t as grueling.
With creaky steps, down came a lethargic and gloomy looking member of Kyomi, his blonde hair sticking up in every direction. He rubbed his chest from under his shirt, his sweats hanging around his waist, “Sang,” He called to the one sitting at the desk.
Yeosang only responded with an uninterested sound, typing something else into his computer, and a click from his mouse echoing around the two.
“Did you even get her anything to eat?” The other man asked, turning his eyes from you to the other in the chair.
“Jesus Christ, San, she’s not a fucking dog.” Yeosang scrolling down the page, “If she needed something to eat, she’d let me know. We’re like best friends, now, right, Newscaster?”
San looked back to you, rolling his eyes, “Are you hungry?” The fear overpowered San’s kindness, and you felt scared to even speak your mind. You were starving. You didn’t anything since before you went live on screen, and you had your entire menu for the week planned out. But, if he was offering to get you something to eat, you wouldn’t turn down the offer even if it killed you. So, ignoring every thought bubbling in your head like soda pop, you nodded.
San looked back to the one slumped over in his chair, scribbling down something on a notepad, “See? She was hungry.”
“Not my problem.” Yeosang shrugged, “Even if she was, it’s not like I had the key to unlock her.”
“Oh, shit.” San wandered back up the stairs, poking his head down momentarily, “Hold on, Newscaster, I’ll be right back!”
You sighed to yourself, sitting up in the couch, skillfully moving your arm around the arm of the chair to have it rest there comfortably. Sitting on the couch, confined to one spot brought back memories of your high school years, awkwardly sitting on your friends couch as they went to retrieve something from their bedroom, leaving you there to do nothing but play on the cheap cellphone your mother purchased for you. It felt exactly like that moment, with your “friend” across from you as they were comfortable in their room while you felt like you stuck out like a sore thumb.
San quickly hurried down the stairs, a key around his finger as he walked over to you, to unlock the cuff around your wrist.
This could’ve been your moment to pack up and run. This could’ve been your out. And you would’ve done it, if not for San locking the other open cuff around his wrist, smiling as he looked at you, “Now, you can get those legs moving.”
He locked the cuff around your wrist just as quickly as he unlocked it, making it known that he’s used them for something of this exact situation before. San helped you up off the couch and steadied your wobbly legs as you stood.
“Sang, I’m going to make breakfast, if you want any.”
Yeosang yawned as you walked past, the computer screen lighting up his features and the blonde hair covered up by a black beanie, “It’s fine. It’s about time I head to sleep anyhow.”
San scoffed, “I get that you’re our eyes through out the night, but you seriously need to fix that schedule of yours. You spend the whole night keeping tabs on tabloids and news broadcasts, but they never post during the middle of the night.” He scolded, with you standing there like a clueless bystander, which you were, but you had a bit of a better idea on what exactly Yeosang was keeping an eye out for.
“Heard it all before. You say that until STVU posts all of this Newscaster’s notes on us and suddenly we’re compromised.” Yeosang stood up, stretching his arms above his head, “With that being said, I’m heading up now.” He shut off his computer and wandered over to the stairs leading up to the mysterious upper floor, “G’night, San. See you later, Newscaster.”
You lifted your free hand in a silent attempt to bid him a goodnight, or good morning in this case, and looked at San.
“He’s a trip.” San sighed, leading your cuffed hand behind his into the rickety old kitchen, “What are you hungry for?” “Um,” You shrugged, “Anything, really. I could eat anything.”
San lead you over to the foldable kitchen table that was enough to fit two, and unlocked your cuff, almost forcing your hand against the brace of the table as he locked you in, “Sorry, safety measures. You understand, right?” He smiled at you as he kneeled down to unlock his cuff, shaking his hand, “I’ve only had mine on for a couple minutes. How did you wear that for so long?”
You shrugged, looking around the kitchen for any type of impossible escape. It was in this moment you realized just how tired, panicked, and anxious you were. The late night shift was hitting you a bit too hard now, the drowsiness infecting your eyes like a sickness. You were worried for the next person to walk down the stairs, what they'd say or do. And you were anxious for your day's beginning behind these walls. Should you be worried about what they'd do to you, or should you just stick out the days and hope with enough time, you'd be let back into the world and live your days like they were your last? 
Everything in the kitchen of this shack they inhabited was rundown. There was a vent with no cover, the floorboards squeaked with every step San took across the room, and if you moved your own feet enough, you could feel the splinters covering the floor. The appliances and cupboards looked like ones they found in the junkyard just outside their front door, although you had to admit, the repair on the appliances were like no other, giving a clean finish with a bit of damage here and there. Whereas, you could not say the same for the cupboards which looked like they were living on their last leg of life; cracked wood, rusted hinges, and some even missing half, or a whole door. 
San pulled open the fridge and pulled out a carton of milk, then opened the cupboard and pulled out a sack of flour, and a pan, “Do you like pancakes?” He asked, sickly sweet that made your tummy hurt.
You turned your eyes to him, nodding.
San smiled, grabbing the pancake mix from the cupboard as well, making his way to the stove to turn it on, “So,” He started, “I know you’re a newscaster, but other than that, I know nothing about you.” He looked back to you, “Tell me about yourself.”
You shrugged, “Um, well, My name’s Y/N, I’m in my 20’s.” You shrugged again, realizing now that sharing your life story to an unknown stranger who also happened to kidnap you and used you as an advantage hostage for the government to give them what they want. “What is it exactly you guys want?” You asked hesitantly, scared to have touched a nerve.
“The Dream Texts.”
‘Which are?” You made a face, and turned your palms upwards, shrugging.
“Which are-“
“Which are none of your business.” Another voice echoed, and you turned around to find a groggy Seonghwa, glaring at you from across the table, “That information is classified for Kyomi, only.” He leaned against the table, “If your view on us changes, maybe you’ll find out.”
“Hwa,” San started, flipping a pancake onto the pan, “Come on.”
“What?” Hwa immediately began to push away from the table, and sized up the other male across from him, although they were practically the same height.
San gripped the pan’s handle, “Think about it. If she’s gonna be here for as long as we’re hoping, she should get to know us. Us, personally, and us as an organization.”
Seonghwa stepped closer, glaring at him, “And why would you do that? You’re willing to lay everything on the line for a snake to share it with everyone she’s knows, if she ever does get out.” Seonghwa had San practically up against the wall of their kitchen in the shack, and San’s knuckles went white as his grip tightened on the handle.
“You really don’t want to me to hurt you.”
“Like you’d ever hurt me.” Seonghwa chuckled, his tongue poking his cheek, “If you even move so much as an inch-“
The chair to the table across from you was pulled out, and you pulled your eyes from the fight, to find Yeosang sitting there, yawning, “They’re fighting again.” He sighed, leaning on his hand.
“Do…” You paused, “Do they always fight like this?”
Yeosang moved his hand side to side, “Sometimes. It’s always something stupid.” He complained.
You looked at Yeosang just for a moment, the side of his face all too familiar for only being in this place for a few hours, his birthmark decorating the side of his face. His hair was mussed in all different directions, and there were purple bags under his eyes, possibly from his insane sleep schedule. 
You looked back to the two across the room, Seonghwa holding San by his shirt against the wall as the latter tried his best to swing the hot pan across Seonghwa's head, the perfectly cooked pancake laying on the floor, now broken into pieces.
"Oh, my pancake." You whispered under your breath, sighing, placing your hand against your belly as it grumbled.
Yeosang sighed, standing up from the table, "Alright, you two." He wandered between the two, opening the fridge, "What happened?" He pulled out a wrapped bowl of what looked like macaroni and cheese, using a spoon discarded in the strainer and then ate the food cold, not bothering to step out of the duo's way. 
The two immediately began to go on a ramble, San pointing the end of the frying pan at Seonghwa's face, and Seonghwa keeping San pinned against the wall. Yeosang looked between the two, absorbing all the information as if he was in a comedy show, shoveling another spoonful of macaroni and cheese into his mouth. 
And as the two men threatening to bite each other's heads off settled down, Yeosang turned to set the bowl beside him, "Now, doesn't this all seem silly?" He asked sarcastically, a smile crossing his lips.
San and Seonghwa continued to glare at each other, releasing each other from their grasp, just as the other members joined to watch the drama unfold in the doorway of the kitchen. Hongjoong sat at the chair across from you, and the others peeking in. 
Yeosang patted both their backs, "Okay, good. Let's continue planning our next move." He nodded, picking up the bowl and wandered out to the living room, the sound of a gentle clatter from his spoon hitting the bowl as he set it down to get into his chair comfortably. "Mingi, pull up the National Bank."
Mingi yawned, "It's too early for this." He rubbed his eyes, but nevertheless, sat down at his computer and typed in the National Bank of South Korea, "There."
From being attached to the collapsable table, and with the room being empty, you listened as closely as you could to what exactly they were planning. You heard a voice here and there asking questions before Yeosang took over, "The National Bank has a piece of the Dream Texts, and I know where it's hiding." He chuckled darkly. 
You already saw the perfect opportunity to get your ass away from here; in front of you, sat a shoddy door, with a lace curtain that must've been pinned up in an attempt to make it look not so bad. It was only a mile from you, at least it felt like it, when it was only a couple steps ahead. And you would've taken it, if it wasn't for the giant, grey collapsable table you were currently handcuffed to. You would've ran out the door, screaming your head off about the horrendous situation you found yourself trapped in to anyone who would listen. You had an idea to even carry the table on your back almost like you were Sisyphean rolling the boulder up the hill, for all eternity. 
San's voice cut through the air, "Y/N?" He called, peeking into the kitchen, his voice recognizable enough to cut your thousand-yard-stare in half, "You okay?" He asked gently, looking at your eye's connecting to the door.
You turned to look at him, your eyes delayed like your mouse as work with the horrendous input delay, "I'm okay." You nodded to him, even willing him to accept it with a gentle smile. 
"Well, alright." San nodded back, "If you need anything, we'll be in here." He smiled, dragging his feet across the floor and sitting on the couch as Yeosang continued.
In a perfect world, they would've recruited you into their ranks, having you join in on the meeting about what came next, allowing you to go to and from as you please, make your own food. And overall, have you free of the pinching cuffs and let you exist as yourself.
"Seonghwa, Wooyoung, and Yunho, you two will enter from the top window, using the special forces gear we got from Jongho's truck run." Yeosang held the pen cap in his lips, as he pulled out the printed blueprint from his printer next to his desk, "That way we can get an upper hand for the Dream Texts. You three will check the top floor while the rest of you, hold the bottom floor."
"It'll just be me and Joong." San pointed his finger at them both, "We can't possibly hold an entire floor by ourselves. I mean, it took Wooyoung, Yunho, Joong and I to just barely keep the floor of the museum clear."
Yeosang smiled a bit more sinisterly, "You're all forgetting one valuable hand in all of this." He cackles.
"I hate when he does this." 
How, was all you could ask yourself. How is it possible to be in this situation again? The cramped van, the uncomfortable ropes and the barrel of the pistol pressed against your temple. And it happened to be the only nice member holding it there. You were blindfolded, and you wouldn't be surprised if you were dead already. This all had to be some type of nightmare.
Despite being the very valuable part of this plan to get into the bank, you were the one that was once again at the end of the barrel. When you learned that you'd once again be placed in that terrifying position of playing a hostage, Yeosang spoke with almost a chuckle, almost like he liked seeing someone under duress. As well as the others. 
All this for some stupid writing? All this for Dream Texts. It was hard to believe you'd be forced to stay with them. 
Jongho, who you learned was Web, after connecting the dots, was driving around the city in a car that was a little too small for the group. You were aware of all the codenames at this point. Wasp was Seonghwa, Hornet was San, Killer was Hongjoong, Sharp, Wooyoung. Spiral, Yunho. And Base was Yeosang and Mingi. 
You knew their plan, and their means of getting to the oh-so desired Dream Texts, which you still had no idea what it was about or why it was so important to them. The only thing you could think of was National Treasure, the Nicholas Cage movie, which was, in it's entirety, about a treasure map on the back of an official government document. Maybe that's why they want it so bad, you thought, for money and fame.
Jongho stopped, dropping off the five in front of the National Bank, one you attended since you began your adult life. It had a bittersweet nostalgia, the building. It was where your family was charged foreclosure. It was where you cashed your first check after a successful month of your career. It was where you paid the down payment for your family's new house, after living with family for years. 
Some would say you had a humble upbringing; learning the importance of money and paying dues where it's needed. You would say you had a difficult life. Getting a job as soon as you could, paying for your own high school expenses, and funding your own college education and tuition. You were constantly stressed out, and even now, with a steady job, you were considered a workaholic, but who could blame you? Cause and effect is what you normally pushed it off with. 
Seonghwa, Yunho and Wooyoung split off from San, who gripped your arm tightly, and Hongjoong. They all had their weapons around their shoulders and masks that covered their faces, that you weren't even aware they had put on. The masks were different from what you had first seen, this time, they all donned balaclavas, unlike the clown masks you've seen them in previously. 
You were still blindfolded, a sound of a shattering glass echoing through the sky, San tugging you along into the building.
You were aware that you, in this situation, were a hostage again. You weren't sure if this is where you died, or if they'd take you with them again. So, you tried to settle the pit that lingered in your stomach as San shoved you onto the floor, a ray of bullets echoing through the air and a loud yell of "get down!" interrupting the fire. 
You felt that anxiety and impending doom creep into your chest again, your brain shifting gears back into fight or flight. After all, you were nothing but an accessory for them to use. Your life, to them, had no meaning. They could preach that they don't kill all they would like, but they would actually have to take responsibility for their actions of causing psychological damage to others.
Hongjoong cleared his throat, raising his voice, "We are Kyomi! We require the Dream Texts. Who here is the bank manager?"
A woman shakily raised her hand, and looked around anxiously. 
Hongjoong motioned for her to approach, and when she was close enough, Hongjoong gripped her arm and looked her in the face, "Open the safe, and don't try anything funny." He whispered. 
You used the linoleum floor to push the blindfold from your face, catching sight of Seonghwa and Yunho standing on the second floor, their guns positioned at the back of the victims. It almost looked like they were ready to shoot. 
Hongjoong lead the bank manager around to the safe at the back of the building, where she opened it with shaky hands. Then a shot was rung out.
The desk someone sat at was completely destroyed, the sight of Seonghwa glaring through his balaclava. 
"Every one of you to the center floor now!" Seonghwa shouted, and people began to shuffle towards yourself and San. From the position Seonghwa was in, it was obvious he could see the entire floor. 
Hongjoong returned with the bank manager, a plastic wrap tucked into the vest he wore. "That wasn't so hard, was it? And no one got injured." He chuckled, returning the bank manager to the group that sat on the ground floor.
Hongjoong spoke clearly, "Secured. Web, whenever you're ready." His hands rested on the gun, and looked into the faces of the victims; some were teary eyed, some were angry and some were avoiding their eyes. 
You looked into the eyes of one, sympathizing as their eyes watered in terror.
This. This was your out. 
You opened your mouth as San began speaking, and didn't mutter a word; just mouthed it. Using your eyes to motion them to look at Hongjoong, you mouthed the instructions. And they only furrowed their brows, shaking their head, scared of even the possibility of getting injured. 
If anyone was going to be able to end this, it had to be someone who could fight back. And there was more than enough to take the fight between the four invaders. If they had the possibility of saving everyone, even yourself, they should take it. They would be reveled as heroes; people who saved the hostages of the National Bank. But, no one would take the risk. They all had families, friends. People they loved. Creatures they loved. They wouldn't risk it. 
If you were to be the one to sacrifice, they would do it. Because the blood staining their hands wasn't as bad as leaving the ones they loved. 
You assumed Jongho must've responded to Hongjoong's call. San was quick to pick you up off the floor by your restrained arms and drag you out of the building. You looked around for any type of exit to get away from them. Standing around was just as bad as doing what they were. But, once again, like every chance before, they had nearly every corner blocked off. Seonghwa, Wooyoung and Yunho were walking from the back of the building around the corner and Hongjoong opened the door for us all, before you got thrown in the back just like before. 
You anxiously watched the hostage all relax, and you begged, pleaded for a way to feel that comfort, of being able to relax. Not constantly feeling like you were under watch by these monsters. Jongho drove off as everyone sat in their seats, taking the initiative to drive away from the building, and as you drove off, you saw the police round the corner, and everyone filed out, some falling to their knees from fear. 
You wished to feel their fear. And the rush of being alive after a five minute standoff with five villains. You were oddly surprised that you could feel fear this intensely through your bones, despite being with them for a day.
"Now, you're one of us." Wooyoung chuckled.
You looked at him, your brows furrowed, "What?"
Seonghwa turned from the front seat, looking at you, "You've committed as much a crime as we had."
"Again, what?" Your teeth grit, "I was kidnapped. I was held hostage." You pointed out the obvious, looking between the men in the car, "I was an unfortunate victim in this whole situation!"
San chuckled softly, "Aiding a criminal in a crime is just as bad as doing the crime." You could already hear the condescending high pitched voice he spoke with before the words even left his lips. "You're just as guilty as we are."
"I. Was. Kidnapped." You emphasized, "By you! Those people you all just traumatized, are not the only victims." 
Seonghwa waved his hand, turning back to the front, "Someone blindfold her again. And gag her. She's getting annoying."
"You're no better." Jongho mumbled, his hand tightening on the steering wheel, "We still have a few miles to go."
Jongho easily turned into another lane, leaning on his hand as he drove.
Seonghwa looked back at the others, "Well? Are any of you gonna do it?" 
San sighed, "Yeosang said not too!"
You completely forgot that they had in-ears wrapped around the shell of their ears, all communicating between one another. You felt out of the loop; what exactly did Yeosang say not to do? What were they communicating between each other?
Seonghwa sighed deeply, obviously annoyed as he pulled out a single of his own in-ear, and motioned to you.
Seonghwa wrapped it around your ear for you, slowly pushing it into your ear.
"Go, for Base." Seonghwa called.
Yeosang cleared his throat, "Y/N? Are you there?"
You nodded, before realizing that he couldn't hear you, which you choked out a "yes" in a small, shy voice.
"If you look out onto the road, you'll see the route back to the dump." He spoke simply, "Because of this, we have no other reason than to recruit you." His voice was filled by the keys of his keyboard, "You'll either have to pledge loyalty, or we have no other option then to keep you hostage. And, possibly kill you."
"You don't kill people." You shot back, looking at the road in front of you.
Yeosang chuckled. The clicking of the keyboard stopped, a gentle creak from his chair echoing, "We unfortunately have to finish off the ones we try to recruit that don't agree. Just a little Kyomi group secret."
The list of charges they could catch just add up; armed robbery, kidnapping, assault and battery, and murder. You had the benefit of doubt that they didn't kill, and Yeosang obviously had a heavy heart telling you what exactly they did. 
"So," Yeosang chuckled, "What'll it be? Be part of Kyomi, or meet the sweet embrace of your own inevitable destiny?"
You sighed; It was a lose-lose situation. Either commit crimes and the possibility of life in prison, or die? If you had another option, you'd take that in a heartbeat. Being a housekeeper, being an informant for the group, or just going home, would have sufficed. 
But, obviously, they cared too much about their pride to let you off the hook so easily. They cared too much about those Dream Texts that you still have no clue what they were about. They cared too much about their own safety to risk sending you off in the world.
You clenched your fist, "How do you know that I'm not in connection with the police? What if I let you all take me hostage?"
"Because you aren't that smart." Yeosang whispered, his voice tickling the inside of your ear, "L/N Y/N, graduated from SKU with a degree in journalism, which is surprising, since you only had a 2.8 GPA throughout your school career." His voice twinged with amusement. "You spend majority of your money at the convenience store and on bills. You live in an apartment complex, although I won't share the address, I know where it's located. Your social security number is—"
"Okay, okay." You stopped him, "Okay, fine. I get it." Your lips trembled as you spoke, "I'll... I'll join Kyomi."
Yeosang chuckled, "I knew you'd choose the right choice." You could hear the smile in his voice. "But, for the time being, you'll have to keep being restrained, for the safety of my comrades."
You wanted to curse at him, and let all of your aggression out on him. If they really thought they were gonna get away with this, they were sorely mistaken. 
You would find a way to report them, and you would finally be free of the wack jobs that thought it would be a good idea to kidnap you.
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It's been two months since Yeosang thought it was a good idea to have you join Kyomi. And it absolutely was not. Your plan to get out of there as quick as you could wasn't working as well as you hoped, but, everyday, you spent your hours looking for a way to leave, to report what exactly happened to you.
Your face would briefly show up on the news every now and again, with your family begging for you to find your way home, as if the police force haven't already ruled you out as presumed dead. 
The last everyone saw of you was at the National Bank, where you were pulled away by the rope tied behind your back. You still feel the rope around your wrists every now and again, waking up from nightmares, hoping it was all a joke that you were put in this position. 
Nevertheless, you pretended to be on their side. Seonghwa has lightened up to you, and will even indulge about San and Wooyoung's ridiculous behavior. Mingi was back in the game, having you taking over his spot as resident hacker of the group. Those coding classes would've done you well, if you had any idea this is what you'd be doing. Yet, it seems like every time you touched a keyboard, your mind blanks on why exactly you agreed to do this.
Yeosang has everything blocked on your computer, which you believed he put on as soon as Mingi said he'd want to join the guys on their heists. 
You've been given a new identity, essentially. They didn't call you "newscaster", they called you "Centipede," which you wholeheartedly believed was Yeosang's idea, after he shared his disgust to centipedes after. You and the arthropods. 
You wore an in-ear, just like Yeosang did, and talked with the guys while they were out, and it still hits the ear wrong when they call you the name. Like they were taunting you.
Aside from the new, definitely underpaying job and the new name, you could not even begin to describe the bedding situation. You shared a bed with 7 others; all guys. You were, rightfully so, tense every time you walked in after a shower to grab a fresh pair of clothes. The beds were lumpy and you slept on the bottom bunk, shared with Seonghwa at the top, who slept like a rock, but was surprisingly easy to wake up when it was needed. A slight tap on the shoulder and he was awake. You didn't understand that when you were first nabbed by them, when he was sleeping in the van. Not to mention, he slept max four hours. Wooyoung and Yunho had a bad snoring problem, so you could rarely get any sleep through the two months, but now, unfortunately, you were growing accustomed to it. It was like white noise. And you didn't even want to start with the splinters you received on the first night; bad mistake not thinking to borrow someone's slippers.
Hongjoong, Mingi and San were light sleepers. You'd shift in your bed across the room, and the three of them were already staring at you, like you were in the wrong. San slept with stuffed animals, which was entirely uncharacteristic of the Hornet you met the first time you were brought there. 
Everyone of them were uncharacteristically what you thought; Seonghwa was actually a sweetheart when he wasn't under pressure; he enjoyed building legos, and had the ones he built sitting in the shared window the two of you had. San was an animal lover, and you had to turn away multiple strays he brought back to the shack. Mingi was quiet. He had a bunch of interests that you really couldn't keep track of. Yunho was like a giant puppy. A single bit of praise and his invisible tail was wagging like he had happy tail. Hongjoong was much more serious than the others, despite his first introduction. Wooyoung was more or less the same, but when he wanted to be, he was much too serious than what you were used to. You were used to his boisterous laugh that echoed through the house, yet he gets pulled out into the field and he changes demeanor completely. Jongho wasn't fond of praise and gratitude, in fact, he spent most of his time waiting for the guys to finish up the heists by driving around, listening to girl groups. 
The only one you could never really understand was Yeosang. He seemed much like the same as when you first met and saw him. Bags under his eyes from staring at a screen all night and all day, disheveled hair and kept to himself. You both never slept at the same time. He was the eye in the sky, and the security. He slept around the time all of you woke up, yet, he was up and at 'em not even an hour or two after he slept. Now that you think about it, there was only eight beds available in the barracks, as you like to call them, and you were the eighth. It made you think about where exactly Yeosang would sleep, and you began to wonder if he took your place on the couch to rest or if he stole someone else's bed to sleep in.
This morning started like any other; restless, tired and exhausted, and you were aware that all the words you were repeating to yourself had the same meaning, but that only emphasized your point that you were so exhausted, you couldn't think of anything else. 
Yunho and Wooyoung were snoring so much that night, you thought they might've caught a cold from the way they sounded. Maybe that's why Wooyoung was so goofy with you, the lack of oxygen to his brain during sleep.
Hongjoong woke up and wandered over to you, nudging you slightly, and you turned to look at him. "Holy shit," he began, "I think you're beginning to spend a bit too much time with Yeosang." His finger went under his eye and began to swipe there back and forth. 
You sighed, sitting up, "It's not that. They never shut up." You whispered to him, pointing at the two chronic sleep apnea patients, "I'm so tired." The exhaustion was beginning to catch up to you, and you rubbed your eyes. 
Hongjoong smiled softly, "Well, today's a rest day while Jongho tries to find a new car for us to use the plates you found yesterday. Take the day to yourself."
You sighed, nodding lightly. 
Normally, taking a rest day back in your normal life, you would have went out shopping and went to visit friends and family. Now, all you had to yourself was a walk around the junkyard, occasionally ending it earlier than you would have liked to due to a pest running rampant through the disgusting, rusted cars and whatever trash was left in there. 
And that was definitely not going to cut it. 
"I'll make some breakfast. Eat, then come back up to rest." Hongjoong basically planned your entire day for you. All you wanted to do was sleep the day away, which is something you've done a lot on rest days. 
Hongjoong wandered around the corner to get downstairs and you laid back on the lumpy bed, your head meeting the pillow in a short second. The snoring seemed like it was getting louder by the second, and you were too exhausted to even move to cover your ears.
You shifted positions to face towards the empty bunk Hongjoong left, wrapping the weighted blanket around your body, and burrowing your nose into the soft fabric, sighing as you felt your tension melt away. 
If you were home in your apartment, you wouldn't have had this issue. You wouldn't have to try almost anything to fall asleep. Hell, you wouldn't have even woken up. Tale has it, you were a heavy sleeper before you were brought here. 
Shutting your eyes and hoping for the embrace of sleep to take you over, you sighed just as the steps creaked. Opening your eyes was already too much of a labor, so you just covered yourself more with the blanket.
A sigh exited from someone's lips, the floorboards creaking as they walked over towards the bottom bunk bed and laid back. Wooyoung was directly above them, as they laid in Hongjoong's empty bunk.
"Shut up." A kick was met to Wooyoung's stomach from underneath, right underneath the bed slats. "Get a mask." They scolded.
Opening your eyes, the exhaustion was already setting again, squinting as you looked across the short distance.
Yeosang laid on the bed, the shadow under his eyes already looking worse for wear. His shirt was discarded on the floor, and his sweatpants were below his hips. He covered his face with his forearm, sighing as his body relaxed. 
Okay, so Yeosang was attractive. That much was obvious. And, what's the worse that could happen? He breaks your heart because he's too focused on Kyomi? Or, he doesn't see you the same way because he works too close to you?
You blinked as you watched his body relax, his free hand resting on his belly, his fingers brushing the waistband of the grey sweatpants.
The last two months were long. Tiring, even. But, just like you would do in high school, you'd take extra care into your appearance, even if it meant you got a second longer of a look from someone.
"Stop staring at me." 
You nearly jumped out of your skin at the harsh call, feeling your ears bleed red. 
Yeosang moved the arm over his eyes and faced you, his hair falling in front of his eyes.
"Sorry." You mumbled, "I was spacing out."
Yeosang chuckled, "You're an idiot."
The jab was meant to be cruel, but you could see the sparkle in his eyes, and the smile that crossed his lips, and oh, my god, did you hear that laugh? The way he spoke, even if it was meant to be cruel was so soft, and you know it's just how he is; his care and warmth are there, despite the harsh words that bite at you.
You rolled your eyes, curling your legs under the blanket, "Are you going to sleep now?"
Yeosang shook his head, "I never really sleep much when I get up here." He mumbled, studying the slats as if there was something there, "Wooyoung and Yunho snore too loud."
You laughed softly, "Tell me about it."
Yeosang smiled softly, closing his eyes briefly, "I wonder if it's even worth sleeping in here."
Shaking your head, you smiled gently, "It's not." It was simple, shortcut. "I haven't gotten a good night's rest since I've been given this bunk."
Yeosang's face relaxed, turning his head back to you, "Can I ask you a question?" His voice was like shoes dragging through gravel, and his eyes stared at you intently. You couldn't help but nod. "Why did you agree to stay? And why haven't you even tried to leave yet?"
"Oh, my god, you mean I could've went home?" You asked sarcastically, your eyes playfully widened. But, you saw the look in his eyes and decided that maybe it was time you opened up to him. It was your turn to sigh, turning to look up at the slats that held Seonghwa's bed, "My life was going nowhere in the job I was in." You spoke simply, "I didn't even want to work for a big news station like that. I would've rather have worked back in my hometown, but, someone got the job I wanted."
Yeosang looked at your profile, his eyes scanning the way your nose was, the curve of your lips and the long eyelashes you had. He's worked beside you for two months, and he never noticed just how enticing you were. Your eyes turned to his, his heart nearly beating out of his chest.
"Besides," you started, "My family never really checked up on me." Shrugging, you got all the more comfortable, "Everything we see on the news feels a bit fake anyhow."
Yeosang couldn't really recall his family life before Kyomi and the Dream Texts.
"We've given you so many opportunities." Yeosang whispers. 
You chuckled, "Did you really though?" You asked softly, "The last two months, I'm scared to even try to sleep." 
Yeosang shook his head, "You didn't have to be scared." He mumbled, "We've always given you an option."
His eyes were shining, the sun hitting his brow bone to give you a better look at the honey eyes he had. 
"Well, I'm here now." You responded, his eyes completely captivating his beauty.
Yeosang and you held the eye contact, not saying another word to one another. Wooyoung and Yunho's snoring filled the air between you two.
Tension, heat and pressure surrounded you both, before Yeosang scooted himself off the bed and wandered over to you, climbing on top of you over the blanket and leaned his face close to yours.
"Do you feel it too?" He whispered, his lips only inches apart from yours.
A breath was caught in your throat, and you swallowed roughly. You assumed he was talking about the sudden tension that covered you both, and you agreed. You did feel it. It loomed over your head, every so often. Now, during missions, after missions.
"You do feel it." Yeosang smirked, leaning forward to encapsulating your lips with his own. 
The dream you've had every night about him was coming true. Yeosang had a sweet tooth, the citric acid from Sour Punch Straws he frequently ate echoed against your lips. His long hair practically covered his eyes as the strands brushed your cheeks. His hands were hot against yours as he intertwined your fingers with his own. His weight was distributed evenly on top of you, basically pinning you down to the bed.
Yeosang pulled his lips away from yours, his face still centimeters from yours, "I've been wanting to do that since you took over Mingi's desk."
You blushed, feeling the blood rush through your neck up to your ears.
Yeosang's hand gently cupped your cheek, rubbing your skin with his calloused thumb, "Tell me if you want me to stop."
His lips met your neck, his tongue gently running along the skin, his hand hot against your cheek. His lips left wet kisses against you, and when a gasp escaped on a certain spot, they turned up into a smile, gently biting the skin with his teeth. 
His lips, his lips, his lips, it was all you could think about as they moved from your neck, down your chest, stopping just at your belly button, placing gentle kisses on the skin and rubs your thighs with his hands.
You were so nervous, you honestly couldn't remember the last time you got laid, let alone by someone you work with. If you remembered correctly, it was a year or so-
Yeosang had pulled your shorts off, along with your panties, smiling softly, "Look at you, kitten. Aren't you so pretty?"
God, you thought, When he calls me that, it makes me want to scream. 
His smirk only grew wider, "Do you want to continue?"
You nodded your head vigorously, already sure that you would have given yourself whiplash, "Please."
Yeosang settled in between your legs on his stomach, throwing your legs over his shoulders and held your thighs in place with his hands.
His hands were strong, and veiny. They were warm around your thighs, compared to the cold chill in the air. His callused hands were rough against your soft skin, his tongue a nice heat against your mound.
Your hand shot to grab at his hair as he sucked on your clit, a soft moan escaping your lips.
"Shh, baby, you don't wanna wake up the others, right?"
It was impossibly hard to think of keeping your moans back, since Yeosang was making you feel so good.
Yeosang continued his pace, his tongue dipping down in between your folds, working his fingers against your clit.
The thought of waking up the others from their slumber excited you, and almost made you infinitely more comfortable with the idea.
Yeosang kept his eyes trained on you as your chest rises and falls, watching how each movement of his tongue affected you. And when you began to groan, your legs shaking, Yeosang knew just how well of a job he was doing.
"Sang..." You whimpered, thighs threatening to squeeze against his head. 
Yeosang chuckled, using his thumb to pull the hood of your clit back to teasingly bite at it, lifting his head as you let out a loud yelp. He glanced around the room, hearing an interruption of Yunho's snore before he began once again, "Come on, kitty cat, can't you try to keep quiet?" He sat up, positioning himself between your legs, his buldge pressing against your heat, the sweats he wore staining with the wetness from your cunt.
"Sang..." Your voice was strained, looking up at him with begging eyes, "Fuck..."
"Can't get the words out?" Yeosang smiled, leaning forward as he laid on his arms on either side of your head, "Come here, baby." He whispered, pressing a deep kiss against your lips, one of his hands running through your hair just as the other tugged his sweats down, the tip of his cock pressing against your entrance, "Is this okay?" He gasped softly.
You nodded, "Yes, yes... More than okay."
Yeosang smiled softly, capturing your lips once more as he slowly pressed into you, the heat from the stretch as you grew accustomed to the size of his cock was painful, yet pleasurable. "Fuck, you're so tight, baby." He bottomed out, holding you close to him as he slowly moved his hips against your own. He chuckled as a loud moan escaped your lips, using the hand that tangled in your hair to cover your mouth, "Shh, shh, angel." He cooed softly as his thrusts grew faster, looking between the two of you where you were both connected.
Yeosang's cock twitched against your walls, listening to your groans and smiling as he felt you clench around him.
"Y/N!" a voice called up the stairs, and Yeosang and you both shared a look. "Hey, Y/N, are you still awake?" 
Yeosang adjusted your position so you both laid on your side, pulling the blanket over his head, looking up at you, "Pretend to be asleep." He whispered, his cock continuing to press into you. "And keep quiet."
You furrowed your brows, looking down at him before Hongjoong stepped up the stairs. Yeosang's hips continued to roll against yours, and you felt a soft whine about to escape your lips. 
"Hey, Y/N." Hongjoong approached the bed and despite your best efforts, you screwed your eyes shut, and buried your face in the pillow. Yeosang moved slow, pressing soft and silent kisses against your sternum. "Y/N, food's ready."
Your ears were bright red, the soft sounds of your wet cunt echoed against the walls. Or were you just toning out Yunho and Wooyoung's snoring? 
Hongjoong called your name one last time before he found his way back down the stairs. As if on cue, Yeosang peeked his head out from under the blanket, chuckling softly, "Good girl." He whispered, grasping your hips tightly in his hands, "You're just a good girl." Yeosang thrusted deep into you, "Gonna cum for me?" His thumb rubbed at your clit, his voice gruff and strained as he laughed at your convulsing.
"Mmhmm." You whined out, gasping as his thumb continued his assault.
"Cum for me, kitty." He whispered, moaning out as he felt his own climax quickly approaching, "Fuck, you feel so good."
As your cum dripped from your cunt, Yeosang was quick enough to pull out from your entrance, his cum coating your lower half, his gasps turning into panting as his cock twitched in his hand.
Yeosang chuckled breathlessly, leaning forward to press a kiss to your forehead, "Fuck, baby." He smiled, holding your ankles gently to move your legs from around his hips, "I knew you'd feel good."
The action you both committed finally began to register in your brain. With 4 of the other members of the Kyomi group in the room. You quickly reached your hands up to hide your face, chuckling softly, "I can't believe we just did that." You whispered out.
"I can't believe we did that with the guys in here." He smiled, pecking your cheek before he pulled up his sweats and stood from the bed, rising his arms to hold the side of the top bunk, looking down at you, "Wait here." Yeosang turned to the restroom, grabbing a wash cloth and sitting beside you on the bed, "It's gonna be cold." He warned, chuckling softly as he pressed the cloth against your mound.
You blushed softly as his gentle hands cleaned your skin of his climax, "Did you mean what you said?"
Yeosang looked up to look at you, "You know me better than that." He mumbled, "You know I'm not one to say anything if I don't mean it."
"So, you've really been thinking about this since I took over Mingi's desk?"
Yeosang smiled, "Actually, I've been thinking about it since you got your callsign." He folded up the cloth, setting it down on the window sill, "I didn't make it up for no reason."
You pulled your bottoms up your legs, laying on your side to look at him, his arm around your hip as he leaned on his hand, smiling at you, "I thought you hated centipedes?"
"Sure. But, it's just a callsign." He shrugged, "It doesn't mean anything." He used his other hand to cup your cheek.
"Okay, sure." You rolled your eyes, smiling at him, "You must've had a lot of fun when taunting me."
"Sure did. Why? You liked it?" He chuckled, pinching your cheek between his fingers.
"Maybe I did."
"Bet you did."
"Yeosang!" A voice shouted up the stairs, and Yeosang was quick to move from where he sat, rushing down the stairs.
You could feel your heart racing in your throat at the urgent call and was about to follow until Seonghwa quickly dropped down from his bunk, "Stay here, Centi." He patted your shoulder as he moved around the room, waking up the remaining members, who also were quick to stand up.
Wooyoung and Yunho, who were formally snoring, furrowed their brows as they stood up. San shot up at the sound of urgency in Seonghwa's voice. 
"What's happening?" Your voice trembled, watching as the three men walked by, "Seonghwa, what's happening?"
Seonghwa almost made it past, before he sighed, "You wouldn't understand." He grumbled, "Just stay put." He continued down the stairs, skipping each step as he moved, "What's happening?"
The voices all blurred together, your feet slowly moving down the steps before you sat down just out of view.
"The cops are on their way." That was Hongjoong, "Mingi just confirmed with the scanner." You could hear the shaking of his voice.
"Jongho isn't back yet." Seonghwa glanced amongst them all, his arms crossed, "Meaning our means of leaving are pretty low."
"We could hide in the junkyard, couldn't we?" San whispered. 
Seonghwa rubbed his temples, "That's fucking stupid, San."
"We have 30 minutes to either pack up and get out of here, or 30 minutes to find a way to stand our ground." Yeosang grumbled, the echo of the mouse clicking between them all. 
Wooyoung stomped towards the steps, "Well what are we waiting for?"
Seonghwa sighed, "We'll never get anywhere in 30 minutes." He crossed his arms, "Packing up everything we need is too much of a hassle. Centi will never get far enough."
"What's that supposed to mean?" Yeosang interjected.
"She's not exactly the most active person, Sang. Why do you think I stuck her with you?" Seonghwa bit back, "We'll have to find a way to get out of this."
"Oh, dude, I can't go to prison again." Yunho groaned, tangling his hands in his hair.
"Yeosang, Mingi, wipe everything from the PC's. Hongjoong, San, you two find somewhere to get rid of our weapons. Yunho, try to get an update on Jongho." Seonghwa's brows were pinched together, crossing his arms over his chest once more, "We're gonna have to find a way to make us seem like normal people."
Everyone was quick to do their assigned tasks while you sat there on the stairs, your eyes glancing at them all from the railing of the stairs. Seonghwa turned back to the stairs, looking at you with sharp eyes.
You've remembered that look. The same look he gave you when he first saw you at the museum, and you felt just as small now as you did back then.
Seonghwa gripped your hair, looking at you, "Let me figure out you had something to do with this, and I won't stop hunting you down for the rest of your life."
"Ow, Seonghwa..." You grumbled, trying to pull your hair from his hand, and sighed as soon as he let go, "I promise, I didn't have anything to do with this."
Seonghwa continued to walk up the stairs, his eyes stuck on you until he turned the corner into the room. 
You glanced back over the railing, your eyes meeting Yeosang's. As if under a spell, you slowly began to move down the stairs to stand beside Yeosang, whose hand squeezed yours.
"I hope everything's okay." You whispered.
Yeosang smiled softly, "We'll be fine." His eyes focused on the screen, watching the recovery drive get moved to the USB plugged into the computer, "Not the first time this has happened."
Nodding your head, you moved to sit on the arm of his desk chair, his arm wrapping around his waist as he finished clicking his mouse.
Everyone was off doing what Seonghwa assigned them to do. San and Hongjoong returned from the junkyard covered in dirt, sweat rolling down their foreheads. Mingi and Yeosang both ran recovery drives through the computer before they both ripped apart the components and tossed them on their desks.
Seonghwa was stowed away upstairs and Yunho paced the front porch of the shack, the rain pattering atop the roof, a loud twang! echoing the room as the droplets rhythmically dripped into a steel bucket placed against the wall by the stairs.
"17 minutes out." Seonghwa called, tossing a backpack onto the couch; your couch that you were handcuffed to months ago.
You've grown to love the rundown shack; the leaky roof, the splintered floor, the creaky stairs. You thought you'd grow to hate the building, but... it grew on you like a rash. 
Yeosang glanced up at you as you sat on the arm of his chair, "You should go change." He whispered to you softly.
You nodded your head, "Yeah. Yeah, I'll go change." You stood up and made your way up the stairs as if someone else was controlling you. Your shoulders slumped, your head hanging down between them. You pulled on the pants one leg at a time, your shirt over your head, a coat, thick socks and shoes. 
"We can't bring her with us." You heard the voice, immediately recognizing it was Seonghwa.
Yeosang piped up, "And why not?"
"At the moment, she's one of the largest missing person's case in the country. If someone sees her with us," Seonghwa trailed off.
"We can't just leave her." Mingi mumbled, cursing to himself as a clatter dropped to the floor, "We're safer if we take her with us."
Seonghwa voice strained, "She won't say anything." He scoffed, "She's too afraid."
"She's coming with us." Your heart twanged as Yeosang's voice dropped, "End of discussion."
"Since when have you been one to make decisions?" The sound of Seonghwa's heavy boots bounced off the walls.
"Since you've grown more incompetent." Yeosang responded back, "She's coming with us."
You adjusted the jacket over your shoulders, staring at the backboard of the old closet, trying to make it seem like you weren't evasdropping at a time like this just as Yeosang reached over your shoulder to grab his own pair of clothes.
"You shouldn't be listening to that stuff." Yeosang leaned against the wall as he pulled on his clothing, moving some of his hair from his eyes, "You know Seonghwa's just being dramatic." 
"I can't help it." You shrug, turning to look at him as he laced up the boots, "Yeosang."
"What's supposed to happen?"
Yeosang paused from tying his shoe before he started once more, "Same thing that happens everytime we get caught up like this; run until we find somewhere to set base again." He mumbled, "Y/N, you know, if you do this..." He stood up, grabbing your hand in his own, squeezing it, "If you do this, you'll be just like us." 
You furrow your brows, "Have I not always been like you guys?"
"Of course you have, but... this'll seal the deal. Before, you were just collateral, a hostage. But now, if you follow us down this path, you'll be a fugitive. You won't be able to go back."
You shrugged, "Well, I don't wanna go back."
"No," Yeosang chuckled bitterly, "No, you don't understand." He shook his head, "Think about it. Use the last..." He glanced at his bare wrist as if there was a watch there, but you knew he was counting down the seconds in his head, "15, 14 minutes of this time to really think."
He walked off, despite one of his boots not being tied through, not giving you a second glance. 
You stood in the middle of the room, as everyone moved in and out, grabbing their items, their clothes, their prized possessions. Hongjoong was kind enough to pack up Jongho's belongings for him.
You spent that time really thinking like Yeosang said to. You thought about your life before these two months; it was bitter, it was bland and it was unexciting. But, here... with the boys, with Yeosang, it was everything you wished for. You didn't have to dress a certain way to work. You didn't have to pretend to like the people you worked with. You didn't have to pretend like everything was okay. 
You moved your feet down the steps, seeing the 7 men who you have grown so accustomed to standing in a circle, glancing you up and down as you tightened the straps of the bag over your shoulders. 
"What are you guys waiting for?" You mumbled, looking at them all as you approached the door. 
And despite your excitement to pull open the door to the downpour, seeing eight to nine police cars skidding along the road with their lights flashing and sirens chirping was enough to have you withdraw your hand from the handle.
"Shit, they're here!" San shouted, looking out the windows to the front of the shack, "If we go out there..."
"Stop making a bad situation worse." Seonghwa bit, "They aren't gonna shoot on sight. They have too damn much to ask."
"What are we gonna do, Hwa?" Yunho asked.
Seonghwa pushed his way to the front, gently moving you aside as he slowly opened the door, his hands raised, "Don't shoot." He grumbled, lacing his fingers behind his head as he stepped down the shack's rickety steps.
The rain water pattered on his head, moving close enough to look down at the police.
"My name is Park Seonghwa." He shouted, "I'm 25 years old. I was born in Jinju. I have an older brother. My blood type is..." He was listing out random facts about himself, until an officer approached him and was quick to cuff him.
"They've got Wasp." Hongjoong dropped his items and went out into the rain, steam practically escaping his ears as he tried to intervene, only to be met with the butt of a gun and fall into the mud.
"Show yourselves." You recognized the man on the intercom. God, how could you forget? You've spoken to him so many times. The police chief of the National Police Force.
San was the first to lead the way out the door with his hands up, Mingi, then Yunho, then you, then Yeosang. Police officers began to surround the area, Seonghwa now being moved into the back of a police car, Hongjoong's unconscious body being placed in the back of the same one. One by one, they got handcuffed.
"Yeosang!" You shouted, ready to run to him before the police chief placed a heavy hand on your shoulder.
"Y/N..." Yeosang barely whispered over the rain, before he was shoved into the back of a police car, sat beside Yunho was looked like he was about ready to start kicking at the officers.
You gave one final panicked look at the Kyomi members in the back of the police cars; a calm and collected Seonghwa, an unconscious Hongjoong, a panicked San and Mingi, an angry Yunho. Yet, you couldn't read Yeosang. You never could. 
You couldn't tell what he was thinking.
The police questioned you for hours about the last two months you spent with Kyomi, and you spent a lot of time with a hired therapist they said that brought in to help hostage victims. Your family were ecstatic to see you, nearly moved to tears at the sight of you wearing the black clothes, your shoes covered in mud and your hair stringy from the rain.
Despite answering their questions to the best of your ability without incriminating anybody, the entire time all you could think about was "Where's Yeosang? Is he in the station too?"
You were granted release from the station not long after being taken in, the blanket wrapped over your shoulders and holding the cup of coffee they offered you as they kicked you out like a newborn calf. You sniffled softly from the chill of the rain lingering in the air.
You glanced upwards, and your bottom lip trembled as you saw Jongho sitting there in a car, climbing inside beside him.
Neither of you shared words; Jongho wasn't one for that, but he did gently pat you on the head as soon as he turned the car on and began to drive off, the sound of 2NE1 filling the quiet space.
You never knew what happened to the boys. Jongho and you both tried to figure out what exactly happened but... there was never much about it on the news or anywhere else. Yeosang, the boys and that rundown old shack in the middle of an old junkyard were an exciting new beginning to a life you only got a taste of. But now, you'd have to live with the bitter, bland and boring life that you had previously. 
Becoming a news reporter wasn't your first option...
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paulagnewart · 6 months
Sonic the Oz-Hog Act 4/12: Knux Readux!
Knuckles the Echidna Volume 2 issue 1 AU Publication Date: 14th April 1997 Price: $2.70
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Spinoffs. No self-respecting media can live with them. No self-aggrandising media can live without them. And for those of us who lived through the space year that was 1997, corporations were chomping at the bit for a slice of those sweet spinoff dollarydoos.
Best place to start and witness such influence would be, arguably, the cinema. After Baz Luhrmann's blockbuster remake Romeo + Juliet spent weeks atop the box office, the majority of March was a bitter struggle between Wes Craven's thriller Scream and Cameron Crowe's football drama Jerry Maguire. A fascinating if ultimately pointless grudge match between two distinct genres. For all their efforts, neither claimed victory when by month's end, a film 20 years their senior blasted both off the map. The Star Wars Special Editions had arrived.
The promotion (and merchandise deals) was huge. A New Hope proved an instant hit, swiftly followed on 10th April by The Empire Strikes Back. Everything old was new again, and the re-hits just kept coming. Audiences pounded the pavements, eager to revisit Jurassic Park when its sequel The Lost World saw release on 29th May (only a week after its US premiere, a then-impressive feat). Superhero buffs ignored the winter freeze to watch Batman and Robin on 26th June, a film often lauded yet pulled respectable numbers and local reviews at the time.
Speaking of space, following a successful campaign through latter 1996, the Oddbodz were back. Smith's Chips and Glow Zone launched their second series of 61 collectable glow-in-the-dark cards featuring a myriad of wacky, wicked and occasionally controversial space-themed characters. If gross-out humour wasn't your speed, ripping into packs of Thins, Ruffles, Cheetos or Doritos chips instead offered adventures in a galaxy far far away with official Star Wars 3D Magic Motion and Techno Tazos.
After the toyline's initial launch in January, Beast Wars had successfully put Transformers back on the map, though kids would have to wait at least three more months to see their favourite characters in animated action. To Channel 7's credit, they at least gave the program a decent timeslot. More than can be said for Channel 9's decision that April to broadcast the all-new Star Trek: Voyager season 2 and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine season 4 at the ghastly time of 11pm weeknights.
In spite of the former losing 30 minutes off its timeslot, the rivalry between weekday morning children's entertainment continued between Agro's Cartoon Connection and Cheez TV. Both were banking on the spinoff craze, and viewers waking up 14th April could choose between the premiere of Power Rangers Zeo episode 'Oily to Bed, Oily to Rise', or the premiere of Earthworm Jim episode 'Darwin's Nightmare'. For the musically inclined, American rockers No Doubt had enjoyed 8 weeks atop the music charts with the third single on their third album, 'Don't Speak'. At least until April saw them bumped off by Aussie pop prodigy Savage Garden and their third single 'Truly Madly Deeply'.
But of all the spinoffs to arise and bedazzle locals, after three years of development and an exclusive preview party the night prior, SEGA World Sydney opened its doors at 4pm on Saturday 22nd March 1997. Touted in print and on TV as "Australia's Largest Indoor Theme Park!", it offered hours of unrivalled entertainment and programs for Sydneysiders and visitors alike. Anyone who could afford its hefty entry fee lost themselves in all the games and rides they could handle (except Mortal Kombat, which was pulled last-minute). An escape into pixilated fantasy guaranteed to forget their real-world troubles for several hours. Mundane adult things like Victoria and Western Australia's brief yet brutal summer bushfire seasons where 3 lives and some 59 homes were lost. Or how after one year into the top job, captain conservative John Howard faced international anger over comments at the United Nations General Assembly, and local anger over casual dismissing threats by extreme right-wing rival Pauline Hanson's One Nation party.
Be it stage shows, costumed cameos and all types of merchandise featuring their antics, fans of Sonic, Tails, Sally and Robotnik were in paradise. Unfortunately the same couldn't be said for a fifth member of the cast. For someone who enjoyed strong popularity and a species originating right there, SEGA World put the bare minimum effort into giving Knuckles the Echidna his own time to shine. A remarkable oversight undoubtedly leaving young fans wondering where that embattled echidna was hiding. As luck would soon have it, they needn't look far.
Nestled comfortably among the shelves between Sonic issues 45 and 46 came Knuckles: The Dark Legion. Sales had proven strong enough (or at least stronger than Tails and Sally's comics) to warrant the development of a second miniseries. Exciting in its own right, only amplified when exclusively announced through AOL in January 1997 it would evolve to a fully-fledged ongoing spinoff. No longer was trotting off to the newsagents exclusively a Friday end-of-month treat. Knuckles' arrival meant a mandatory Monday mid-month booster for us deprived of Mobian adventures.
Over the course of its 32 issue run, Knuckles the Echidna was, much like Endgame two months later, once praised as a pinnacle of Archie Sonic. Fans adored the series, giving ol' Rad Red his own unique mythos and adventures. While Sonic naffed around aimlessly in a post-Robotnik world, we saw Knuckles as the cool, 'mature' comic. He had stakes. He had drama. Quite a turnaround after the heavy criticism its writer took in late 1996 over Sally's leaked demise. Within months he was described as "a kewl writer!", or "one of the ONLY "good" and "balanced" writers Archie has", or how they're "so much better then sonic comics now its not funny." with "all the good villains and family members." Fans swarmed en mass to his WWWBoard, creating their own stories, characters and entire websites tied to the Brotherhood and Dark Legion. Not everyone agreed on the book's mission statement "Why does everybody liek it so much? All it is really is a bunch of Penders' characters running around with slight appearacnes by Chaotix and occasionally knuckles himself.", but it made a lot of other people happy. Enough for both The Dark Legion and Lost Paradise reissued as 'back catalogue' orders to selected comic book stores in late 2004.
And just like Endgame, those nostalgic memories have since dissipated when adults reflected on his tales with matured, scrutinous eyes. We grow. We learn. We reevaluate on what was once adored as adolescents, realising perhaps those good times weren't all that good. Maybe the series and characters were fine in concept but lacked competent execution. Maybe our childish expectations meant they were never good to begin with and the critics were right all along.
The youthful, creative glory days from the late-90's to mid-2000's of Knuckles of an Echidna, Kragok Comics, Echidna Gals, Dark Legion HQ, Echidnapolis, Knux Redux, Tisha-Li's Dark Legion Camp, Kensuke Aida's Julie-Su Shrine, Echidnoyle, Shattered Moonlight, Knuckles 9000, Kiri Megami's Chaotix Hideout, Darkest Mysteries, and of course True Red's mighty Knuckles Haven have long passed.
It's from learning said past our futures are forged, but do any of these characters have a future? Do they even deserve a future?
Or maybe it's just best they're all forever banished to the Twilight Zone of cultural irrelevance.
Next Time: For years I said it wouldn't be done. Yet promises, like the hearts and cheekbones of fictitious rodents, were made to be broken. Will May's hedgie rectrospect-y truly be worthy of such hate? Or have revisionists painted a far worse picture over the past two decades?
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dailyanarchistposts · 5 months
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A.3.2 Are there different types of social anarchism?
Yes. Social anarchism has four major trends — mutualism, collectivism, communism and syndicalism. The differences are not great and simply involve differences in strategy. The one major difference that does exist is between mutualism and the other kinds of social anarchism. Mutualism is based around a form of market socialism — workers’ co-operatives exchanging the product of their labour via a system of community banks. This mutual bank network would be “formed by the whole community, not for the especial advantage of any individual or class, but for the benefit of all … [with] no interest … exacted on loans, except enough to cover risks and expenses.” Such a system would end capitalist exploitation and oppression for by “introducing mutualism into exchange and credit we introduce it everywhere, and labour will assume a new aspect and become truly democratic.” [Charles A. Dana, Proudhon and his “Bank of the People”, pp. 44–45 and p. 45]
The social anarchist version of mutualism differs from the individualist form by having the mutual banks owned by the local community (or commune) instead of being independent co-operatives. This would ensure that they provided investment funds to co-operatives rather than to capitalistic enterprises. Another difference is that some social anarchist mutualists support the creation of what Proudhon termed an “agro-industrial federation” to complement the federation of libertarian communities (called communes by Proudhon). This is a “confederation … intended to provide reciprocal security in commerce and industry” and large scale developments such as roads, railways and so on. The purpose of “specific federal arrangements is to protect the citizens of the federated states [sic!] from capitalist and financial feudalism, both within them and from the outside.” This is because “political right requires to be buttressed by economic right.” Thus the agro-industrial federation would be required to ensure the anarchist nature of society from the destabilising effects of market exchanges (which can generate increasing inequalities in wealth and so power). Such a system would be a practical example of solidarity, as “industries are sisters; they are parts of the same body; one cannot suffer without the others sharing in its suffering. They should therefore federate, not to be absorbed and confused together, but in order to guarantee mutually the conditions of common prosperity … Making such an agreement will not detract from their liberty; it will simply give their liberty more security and force.” [The Principle of Federation, p. 70, p. 67 and p. 72]
The other forms of social anarchism do not share the mutualists support for markets, even non-capitalist ones. Instead they think that freedom is best served by communalising production and sharing information and products freely between co-operatives. In other words, the other forms of social anarchism are based upon common (or social) ownership by federations of producers’ associations and communes rather than mutualism’s system of individual co-operatives. In Bakunin’s words, the “future social organisation must be made solely from the bottom upwards, by the free association or federation of workers, firstly in their unions, then in the communes, regions, nations and finally in a great federation, international and universal” and “the land, the instruments of work and all other capital may become the collective property of the whole of society and be utilised only by the workers, in other words by the agricultural and industrial associations.” [Michael Bakunin: Selected Writings, p. 206 and p. 174] Only by extending the principle of co-operation beyond individual workplaces can individual liberty be maximised and protected (see section I.1.3 for why most anarchists are opposed to markets). In this they share some ground with Proudhon, as can be seen. The industrial confederations would “guarantee the mutual use of the tools of production which are the property of each of these groups and which will by a reciprocal contract become the collective property of the whole … federation. In this way, the federation of groups will be able to … regulate the rate of production to meet the fluctuating needs of society.” [James Guillaume, Bakunin on Anarchism, p. 376]
These anarchists share the mutualists support for workers’ self-management of production within co-operatives but see confederations of these associations as being the focal point for expressing mutual aid, not a market. Workplace autonomy and self-management would be the basis of any federation, for “the workers in the various factories have not the slightest intention of handing over their hard-won control of the tools of production to a superior power calling itself the ‘corporation.’” [Guillaume, Op. Cit., p. 364] In addition to this industry-wide federation, there would also be cross-industry and community confederations to look after tasks which are not within the exclusive jurisdiction or capacity of any particular industrial federation or are of a social nature. Again, this has similarities to Proudhon’s mutualist ideas.
Social anarchists share a firm commitment to common ownership of the means of production (excluding those used purely by individuals) and reject the individualist idea that these can be “sold off” by those who use them. The reason, as noted earlier, is because if this could be done, capitalism and statism could regain a foothold in the free society. In addition, other social anarchists do not agree with the mutualist idea that capitalism can be reformed into libertarian socialism by introducing mutual banking. For them capitalism can only be replaced by a free society by social revolution.
The major difference between collectivists and communists is over the question of “money” after a revolution. Anarcho-communists consider the abolition of money to be essential, while anarcho-collectivists consider the end of private ownership of the means of production to be the key. As Kropotkin noted, collectivist anarchism “express[es] a state of things in which all necessaries for production are owned in common by the labour groups and the free communes, while the ways of retribution [i.e. distribution] of labour, communist or otherwise, would be settled by each group for itself.” [Anarchism, p. 295] Thus, while communism and collectivism both organise production in common via producers’ associations, they differ in how the goods produced will be distributed. Communism is based on free consumption of all while collectivism is more likely to be based on the distribution of goods according to the labour contributed. However, most anarcho-collectivists think that, over time, as productivity increases and the sense of community becomes stronger, money will disappear. Both agree that, in the end, society would be run along the lines suggested by the communist maxim: “From each according to their abilities, to each according to their needs.” They just disagree on how quickly this will come about (see section I.2.2).
For anarcho-communists, they think that “communism — at least partial — has more chances of being established than collectivism” after a revolution. [Op. Cit., p. 298] They think that moves towards communism are essential as collectivism “begins by abolishing private ownership of the means of production and immediately reverses itself by returning to the system of remuneration according to work performed which means the re-introduction of inequality.” [Alexander Berkman, What is Anarchism?, p. 230] The quicker the move to communism, the less chances of new inequalities developing. Needless to say, these positions are not that different and, in practice, the necessities of a social revolution and the level of political awareness of those introducing anarchism will determine which system will be applied in each area.
Syndicalism is the other major form of social anarchism. Anarcho-syndicalists, like other syndicalists, want to create an industrial union movement based on anarchist ideas. Therefore they advocate decentralised, federated unions that use direct action to get reforms under capitalism until they are strong enough to overthrow it. In many ways anarcho-syndicalism can be considered as a new version of collectivist-anarchism, which also stressed the importance of anarchists working within the labour movement and creating unions which prefigure the future free society.
Thus, even under capitalism, anarcho-syndicalists seek to create “free associations of free producers.” They think that these associations would serve as “a practical school of anarchism” and they take very seriously Bakunin’s remark that the workers’ organisations must create “not only the ideas but also the facts of the future itself” in the pre-revolutionary period.
Anarcho-syndicalists, like all social anarchists, “are convinced that a Socialist economic order cannot be created by the decrees and statutes of a government, but only by the solidaric collaboration of the workers with hand and brain in each special branch of production; that is, through the taking over of the management of all plants by the producers themselves under such form that the separate groups, plants, and branches of industry are independent members of the general economic organism and systematically carry on production and the distribution of the products in the interest of the community on the basis of free mutual agreements.” [Rudolf Rocker, Anarcho-syndicalism, p. 55]
Again, like all social anarchists, anarcho-syndicalists see the collective struggle and organisation implied in unions as the school for anarchism. As Eugene Varlin (an anarchist active in the First International who was murdered at the end of the Paris Commune) put it, unions have “the enormous advantage of making people accustomed to group life and thus preparing them for a more extended social organisation. They accustom people not only to get along with one another and to understand one another, but also to organise themselves, to discuss, and to reason from a collective perspective.” Moreover, as well as mitigating capitalist exploitation and oppression in the here and now, the unions also “form the natural elements of the social edifice of the future; it is they who can be easily transformed into producers associations; it is they who can make the social ingredients and the organisation of production work.” [quoted by Julian P. W. Archer, The First International in France, 1864–1872, p. 196]
The difference between syndicalists and other revolutionary social anarchists is slight and purely revolves around the question of anarcho-syndicalist unions. Collectivist anarchists agree that building libertarian unions is important and that work within the labour movement is essential in order to ensure “the development and organisation … of the social (and, by consequence, anti-political) power of the working masses.” [Bakunin, Michael Bakunin: Selected Writings, p. 197] Communist anarchists usually also acknowledge the importance of working in the labour movement but they generally think that syndicalistic organisations will be created by workers in struggle, and so consider encouraging the “spirit of revolt” as more important than creating syndicalist unions and hoping workers will join them (of course, anarcho-syndicalists support such autonomous struggle and organisation, so the differences are not great). Communist-anarchists also do not place as great an emphasis on the workplace, considering struggles within it to be equal in importance to other struggles against hierarchy and domination outside the workplace (most anarcho-syndicalists would agree with this, however, and often it is just a question of emphasis). A few communist-anarchists reject the labour movement as hopelessly reformist in nature and so refuse to work within it, but these are a small minority.
Both communist and collectivist anarchists recognise the need for anarchists to unite together in purely anarchist organisations. They think it is essential that anarchists work together as anarchists to clarify and spread their ideas to others. Syndicalists often deny the importance of anarchist groups and federations, arguing that revolutionary industrial and community unions are enough in themselves. Syndicalists think that the anarchist and union movements can be fused into one, but most other anarchists disagree. Non-syndicalists point out the reformist nature of unionism and urge that to keep syndicalist unions revolutionary, anarchists must work within them as part of an anarchist group or federation. Most non-syndicalists consider the fusion of anarchism and unionism a source of potential confusion that would result in the two movements failing to do their respective work correctly. For more details on anarcho-syndicalism see section J.3.8 (and section J.3.9 on why many anarchists reject aspects of it). It should be stressed that non-syndicalist anarchists do not reject the need for collective struggle and organisation by workers (see section H.2.8 on that particular Marxist myth).
In practice, few anarcho-syndicalists totally reject the need for an anarchist federation, while few anarchists are totally anti-syndicalist. For example, Bakunin inspired both anarcho-communist and anarcho-syndicalist ideas, and anarcho-communists like Kropotkin, Malatesta, Berkman and Goldman were all sympathetic to anarcho-syndicalist movements and ideas.
For further reading on the various types of social anarchism, we would recommend the following: mutualism is usually associated with the works of Proudhon, collectivism with Bakunin’s, communism with Kropotkin’s, Malatesta’s, Goldman’s and Berkman’s. Syndicalism is somewhat different, as it was far more the product of workers’ in struggle than the work of a “famous” name (although this does not stop academics calling George Sorel the father of syndicalism, even though he wrote about a syndicalist movement that already existed. The idea that working class people can develop their own ideas, by themselves, is usually lost on them). However, Rudolf Rocker is often considered a leading anarcho-syndicalist theorist and the works of Fernand Pelloutier and Emile Pouget are essential reading to understand anarcho-syndicalism. For an overview of the development of social anarchism and key works by its leading lights, Daniel Guerin’s excellent anthology No Gods No Masters cannot be bettered.
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rjzimmerman · 5 months
Excerpt from this story from DeSmog Blog:
With its unparalleled purchasing power and exacting demands, fast food has long shaped agricultural systems in the United States, Europe, and China. But as major American fast food brands, like KFC, expand into so-called “frontier markets,” taxpayer-funded development banks have made their global expansion possible by underwriting the factory farms that supply them with chicken, a DeSmog investigation has found. 
In all, the investigation identified five factory-scale poultry companies in as many countries that have received financial support from the International Finance Corporation (IFC, the private-sector lending arm of the World Bank Group), the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), or both since 2003, and that supply chicken to KFC. A sixth company has benefited from IFC advisory services but has not received financing. 
A review of press accounts, financial disclosures, and the companies’ websites shows this support aided these firms’ KFC-linked operations in up to 13 countries in Asia, Africa, and Europe. 
In Kazakhstan, both banks helped a Soviet-era poultry factory become a KFC supplier. In 2011, the IFC lent poultry company Ust-Kamenogorsk Poultry (UKPF) invested��$2 million in refurbishing housing for chickens, among other projects. In 2016, the EBRD made a $20 million equity investment in the company’s parent, Aitas, to finance the construction of a new facility to raise and process poultry. In 2018, two years after announcing the financing deal, UKPF revealed it had become a supplier to KFC in Kazakhstan. The EBRD sold its stake in the company in 2019. 
In South Africa, the IFC helped one KFC supplier bolster its operations across the region. In 2013, the bank loaned Country Bird Holdings $25 million to expand existing operations in South Africa, Botswana, and Zambia. Country Bird supplies KFC in all three countries, as well as Mozambique and Zimbabwe. Three years later, in 2016, Country Bird also became KFC’s sole franchisee in Zambia.
In Jordan, the EBRD’s technical support and a 2015 loan worth up to $21 million helped poultry company Al Jazeera Agricultural Company upgrade its facilities and expand its retail presence. Al Jazeera claims to produce half the country’s restaurant-sold chicken. It includes the local franchisees of KFC and Texas Chicken (known by its original name, Church’s Chicken, in the U.S.) as clients. 
With this Global North-financed fast-food expansion comes a host of environmental, social, and health concerns in regions often unprepared to field them.
“It’s so clear that these investments are not consistent with any coherent notion of sustainable development,” Kari Hamerschlag, deputy director for the food and agriculture program at Friends of the Earth US, told DeSmog. 
Providing Financial Security for Fast Food Suppliers 
Both the IFC and the EBRD are financed primarily by the governments of developed countries for the benefit of developing countries. The IFC was founded in 1956 under the umbrella of the World Bank Group to stimulate developing economies by lending directly to businesses. Founded in 1991, the EBRD was formed to support Eastern Europe’s transition to a market economy. Since then, it has extended its geographic reach to include other regions. 
Development banks often finance companies and projects in regions that more risk-averse commercial banks tend to avoid. The idea is to help grow a company’s operations and lower the risk for private sector investors. 
Both of these development banks’ investments cover a range of sectors, including manufacturing, education, agribusiness, energy, and tourism. Because large agro-processors, such as poultry companies, can transform bushel upon bushel of local crops into more valuable products, like meat, they make especially attractive clients. 
The world’s largest restaurant company, U.S.-based Yum! Brands, owns KFC, and calls the fried chicken powerhouse, which oversees more than 30,000 locations across the globe, a “major growth engine.” 
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docpiplup · 7 months
Related with the Rabadis chapter of the Al Andalus. Historical Figures, there's some books and historical novels about the topic. Two of them are mentioned in a a couple of articles about the Rabadis I posted and translated here on Tumblr (X) (x) if anyone wants to take a look.
The last two books are historical novels, from a saga, The Arrabal Lineage, whose second novel was published last year.
La Odisea de los Rabadíes: El primer exilio hispano (The Odyssey of the Rabadis: the first Hispanic exile) by Manuel Harazem
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March 2018 marks the 1,200th anniversary of an event that occurred in Córdoba that, despite remaining unknown to the majority of its current inhabitants, had crucial importance in the city, on the peninsula and in distant places in Africa and the Eastern Mediterranean. The revolt of the Saqunda suburb, its total destruction by the emir al-Hakam I and the expulsion of the surviving residents of the subsequent brutal repression has the honor, heroic on the one hand, but sad on the other, of having been the pioneer of two constants in the history of the peninsular peoples: the popular revolts inscribed in the class struggle and the exiles for political reasons. This is the first popular revolt for socioeconomic reasons and the first exile for political reasons that we have documentary evidence in the history of the Iberian Peninsula, a land that would be lavish in them from then until today. The consequence for Córdoba will be that the southern bank of the Guadalquivir would never be historically urbanized again until today, turning it into a strange case of a large city located on the bank of a river and equipped with a magnificent bridge that did not take advantage of that circumstance to develop in parallel. The consequence for distant places will be the colonization by those exiles of one of the most important cities of the Islamic world, Fez, the ephemeral, but impactful, founding of an independent republic in Alexandria and above all the creation of a prosperous Andalusian emirate on the island. of Crete that would survive for 130 years, facing the attacks of the Byzantine Empire, and throughout which its sovereigns would maintain the title of Cordoba with persistent pride. The exiles tend to be all similar, but in this case the exile of the Rabadíes, if it resembles any, is that of the Republicans after the civil war that unleashed the Spanish Fascist Revolution. The Arrabal revolt and the Republic are comparable events because both were rebellions of the popular classes allied to enlightened strata against absolute power and the permanent injustice of the emir and the regime of the national-Catholic agro-bourgeois elites. When the Power decides to apply the lesson, the emiral repression in the suburb will last three days and the civil war unleashed by the National Catholic forces will last three years. And in both cases, the terrible destruction is followed by an exile that takes two directions, one by land and the other crossing a long stretch of sea, Fez and France, Crete and America. And all cases will be fertilizers of culture of the host lands. This informative work collects the complete sequence of those distant events, which occurred in Córdoba, Toledo, Fez, Alexandria and Crete in the 9th century, in a research effort diving into different sources in different languages ​​to clarify dark points and dismantle some errors that over the centuries, scattered and unconnected stories had accumulated in traditional historiography. And along the way, he analyzes the city's relationship with history and the remains of its Islamic past. But above all it aims to vindicate the memory of some people from Córdoba who carried out the marvelous feat of rising up against injustice and turning their misfortune into a civilizing task in the distant lands where they sought refuge to rebuild their lives.
Los Andaluces Fundadores del Emirato de Creta (The Andalusian Founders of the Emirate of Crete), by Carmen Panadero
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Do we Spaniards know our History? We think we know it. Sometimes important and exciting pages from our historical past appear before our eyes, which we had not heard about. There are many who are unaware, even in Spain, that thousands of families exiled from a suburb of Córdoba took the island of Crete from the Byzantine Empire, creating a dynasty of emirs there during the 9th century and part of the 10th. Very few are those who will know. that those simple people of the town, Iberians from an inland city who had not seen other waters than those of the Guadalquivir River, took over the hegemony of the eastern Mediterranean, defeating Byzantium in decisive naval battles. It all began in Córdoba, in the month of Ramadan 202 of the Hegira (March 818 AD). In this work we try to delve into the causes that caused the mutiny that gave rise to these events and we investigate the role played in it by the different social classes of the moment. Likewise, we analyze the subsequent historical events, triggered by the exile of the rebels from the Sequnda suburb and carried out by them. We will follow the outlawed Cordobans in their long and painful exodus, which, through North Africa and after a period in possession of Alexandria, concluded when they managed to take over the island of Crete. Byzantine and, later, Greek sources have dealt with to the History of the Emirate of Crete and to the people of Cordoba who founded it through manipulation and prejudice, falsifying the historical truth and even calling them pirates. It is inexcusable to finally do them justice, to rehabilitate the figure of their most important leader, Abu Hafs al-Ballutí, and that at least in Spain, his country of origin, it becomes known that the ancient town of Pedroche, his birthplace, and Córdoba, their capital, have many reasons to feel proud of this distinguished character and his lineage. This essay, with rhythm and air of chronicle, has as its main objective to banish the partial and biased vision of this chapter of our History and to make known the true nature of the State founded in Crete by the outlawed Cordobans of the Sequnda suburb. To this end, the author has had to find translators for the fundamental works that document this topic, since they had not even been translated into Spanish until now. Thanks to the Arabic chronicles and, above all, to three Greek historians (Vassilios Christides, Christos Makrypoulias and Nikolaos Panagiotakis), who for the first time faced these historical events, overcoming prejudices and initiating a rectification, we can partly reconstruct the exploits of these Hispanics, Muslims and Christians, in the eastern Mediterranean.
La Estirpe del Arrabal I: Córdoba en el recuerdo (The Arrabal Lineage I: Córdoba in memory), by Carmen Panadero
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Córdoba, 9th century. Al-Hakam I, the most despotic of the Umayyad emirs, reigned. Abũ Hafs and his family are involved in the riot in a suburb of the Andalusian capital, they suffer the relentless punishment with which it was repressed, the executions of friends and neighbors, the loss of all their property, exile with 22,000 other families, the painful exodus through North Africa, but they managed to survive, and there their adventure begins. The outlaws of the suburb took Crete from Byzantium, and Abũ Hafs was sworn in as the first emir of the newborn dynasty. There they were able to recreate their second Córdoba and recover their customs. Abũ Hafs gave his life to that suffering people, guided them when they were aimless, minted their own currency, promoted flourishing trade, opened Crete to the world and settled the religious conflicts that plagued Byzantium. All of this seasoned with intrigue, betrayal, self-denial, love and heartbreak: the fight of an entire people for its survival.
La Estirpe del Arrabal I: Creta, El Precio del Olvido (The Arrabal Lineage II: Crete, The Price of Oblivion), by Carmen Panadero
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10th century. The crown prince Abd al-Azĩz headed the embassy that arrived in Córdoba sent by his father, the emir of Crete Suhayb II, and when faced with the devastated suburb of Sequnda, from which a century before his ancestors were expelled by the emir al-Hakam I, felt the weight of History and meditated: — “I was never in Córdoba before, why do I feel then as if I had never left?”
But he decided to return to Crete and assume his responsibilities after swearing on those sacred ruins that, on the painful day in which he was to succeed his father, he would choose as his nickname al-Qurtubĩ, "the Cordoban", so that his people would always remember that the Forgetting their past would condemn them to lose Crete like one fateful day they lost Córdoba. And Byzantium lurked.
This novel, the 2nd part of La Estirpe del Arrabal, narrates the events of Abd al-Azĩz I al-Qurtubĩ, the last Andalusian Emir of Crete - his loves, his sorrows, his certain justice, his revenge - and in parallel offers us the touching love stories of his son Al-Numan with Bahã, and of his daughter Yannã with Karim al-Mundhir, the military hero that even Byzantium admired under the Hellenized name of “Karamountes”. And, furthermore, betrayals, intrigues, exploits, battles...
Carmen Panadero, author of novels such as El Collar de Aljófar, La Cruz y la Media Luna or El Halcón de Bobastro, gives us once again that alloy of history and fiction that constitutes the genuine historical novel.
Talking about the Emirate of Crete and the Byzantine Empire, there are some depictions of the battles between them in the Synopsis of Histories, work by the Byzantine historian John Skylitzes from the 11th Century, which covers history from Byzantine Emperors between the death of Nikephoros I in 811 to the deposition of Michael VI in 1057.
Then in the Sicily during the 12th Century, a illuminated manuscript version of Synopsis of Histories was produced at the Norman court of Palermo. This manuscript is called Madrid Skylitzes, because nowadays is housed in the Spanish National Library, in the web page of the Library you can see the Madrid Skylitzes digitized.
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1. Byzantine attack on Crete
2. Byzantines under Krateros defeat the Cretan Saracens
3. Byzantines under Nikephoros Phokas besiege Chandax
4. Byzantines under Ooryphas ambush and defeat the Cretan Saracens
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beardedmrbean · 1 month
Efforts to find an Indian tourist who vanished after falling into a sinkhole in Malaysia continued for a fourth day on Monday, as firefighters searched through manholes in central Kuala Lumpur.
The search operation, concentrated around two manholes in the Jalan Masjid India neighbourhood, has been made more challenging by heavy rains and the large amount of debris in the sinkhole.
The search team is using high-pressure jets of water to cut through debris to find the victim, identified as Vijayalaksmi.
“Today’s focus was on manhole 5 by Agro Bank and manhole 6 at Jalan Kinabalu,” said Kuala Lumpur mayor Datuk Seri Maimunah Mohd Sharif, giving an update on the fire department’s efforts.
The 48-year-old Indian tourist fell into the 8m deep sinkhole at 8.22am on 23 August, when the ground gave way while she was walking to a nearby temple.
Explaining the challenges they were facing, fire operation officer Alimaddia Bukri said that the rescuers have been diving deep into the sewer amid strong currents and zero visibility.
The heavy rains have added to the difficulty, posing dangers to the lives of the divers themselves.
“In that hole, there is a sewage drain and other drains; it’s really deep.
“We have discussed and obtained advice from the relevant experts before making any decision in this operation,” he was quoted as saying by the Strait Times.
The victim’s family, currently in Malaysia, is receiving support, including accommodation, food, and counseling, reported the Malay Mail. The authorities have pledged to continue the search until the woman is found.
Kuala Lumpur’s mayor spoke up in defence of the city’s safety, after a 2015 social media post went viral calling it “the most unsafe place” city in Malaysia with a possibility of a “giant sinkhole” opening at anytime.
Advising residents “to continue their daily routines as usual”, the mayor said: "In my view, Kuala Lumpur remains safe.
“We will only consider it unsafe if there are studies that provide evidence to the contrary, especially given the alarming media reports," she said.
Separately, a task force comprising of experts from various agencies has been set up to study the safety of structures around Jalan Masjid India.
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carmenized-onions · 2 months
Okay first of all, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I’m so glad you were born and that you put this story out into the world, because I am fucking obsessed. So.
These last few chapters were amazing and I’m caught up now, and I did work out that Chip was named Chip because of the chip, and what the necklace was — but NOT that she was Michaels sponsor! I thought the bank account was some kind of sobriety chip shorthand but I couldn’t make it make sense and that’s because that was NOT in fact what it was about. This is brilliant, I loved the mic drop at the end of chapter 12, and just UHH I LOVE IT ALL
love that Tony finds Tina scary, i have a coworker who’s so similar to her and I was TERRIFIED til I managed to earn her trust and respect (which literally took me a year).
love the way you worked in real lines from the EC’s interaction in s3, and how you added that line about Tony leaving… so PERFECTLY in character and just so right and I’m starting to go incoherent now but I just think that moment was excellent, chef
The Narcan scene, oh my heart
Mikey in the walk-in, Jesus take the wheel
Also I need to conclude by quoting you to you:
The value is in the time, not what is delivered. It does not need to be the most special, hyper condensed, hyper focused, upper echelon second to count. It will count because it counts. Time spent is worth it, no matter what was bought.
That is POETRY, right there. You are doing SUCH AN AMAZING JOB WITH THIS, Tony feels so real and it is just a pleasure and a goddamn delight that also makes me cry. I hope your birthday was great and you are great and your life is great because your writing in general and this fic in particular are FUCKING GREAT
I think this is the only ask I will be getting through for the twenty minutes left of my lunch break LMAO so lets CRACK THE FUCK IN!! 
Thank you for the birthday wishes and being glad I was born. Thank you for being born! Also, I hope YOU are this same anon that feared their ask being eaten, but if that anon is out there reading this. If you’re not this one. Then yes your ask was eaten baby I’m so sorry. 
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The bank account was such a wonderful and unexpected red herring for people and that does make me very happy— Just slightly threw everyone off their rhythm. Chapter 12/13 both have the craziest Mic Drops, I love saying and ending on the most crazy shit. 
Tina was so scary to me in S1 because all I want to do when it comes to older female agro coworkers is impress them so much and if they DONT like me I’ll fly off my balcony on god. IT TAKES SO LONG TO EARN THAT RESPECT!! And now I think their relationship (Tony and Tinas) in like Chapter 2 seems so much softer and cuter now knowing that Tony had to work for that shit lmao. 
THANK YOUUU the scene with David in S3 was SO well-timed because it’s very clearly like, the moment before I think Carmy will go on his fucking S4 bender (ideally of self growth) and so I just got to go “alright, we’ll just skip like MOST of Season 3 and go right to 4 ig”. Love that for writing. I don’t have to rework with SHIT! 
RICCHIIEEEEEEE, I love him so much. My guard dog extraordinary. My hero. 
Thank you for quoting me to me, I really injected a lot of my poetry/prose style writing into this chapter, I was so hoping the every second counts bit would hit, and I’m glad it did. I personally also always thought of EVERY SECOND COUNTS as a super fucked stressful thing until S2 with Richie and Andrea. I fully also did not get it, like Carm. They smacked the shit out of me with that one. 
Thank you thank you thank you for all your thoughts and praises and well wishes— I hope hope hope you love the next chapter, I also hope hope hope I get this chapter out tonight I’m fucking ITCHING bro. Honestly, quick poll before I go back to work:
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fatehbaz · 1 year
[T]he lands that they reside on [...] are currently under siege from these different extractivist development initiatives.
There are about 46 Garifuna communities along the Caribbean coast of Honduras and on the island of Roatán, and because these are coastal communities located on lands that are highly coveted now for their touristic potential, tourism investors have taken an interest. There’s a lot of land speculation and land-grabbing taking place related to tourism, but also related to agro-industry and agricultural development, specifically African palm. [...]
Garifuna have this really complicated history. They are a Black Indigenous people of African, Arawak, and Carib ancestry. They arrived in Honduras in 1797, initially in Roatán, after they were exiled from the island of Saint Vincent. And then from there, they established all these communities along the Caribbean coast of Honduras.
They have been in Honduras since before Honduras gained its independence from Spain in 1823. And I think that’s really significant, because what we see happening is that Garifuna are often positioned as outsiders to Honduras or as recent arrivants. [...]
What is so fundamentally problematic about Garifuna identity [...] for the Honduran state? [...]
There are Garifuna communities in Belize and Nicaragua and Guatemala, and of course, a large Garifuna diaspora in the U.S. [...]
The other point that’s important to mention here is that this sort of exteriorization of Blackness is very much related to Honduran history. So after Honduras gains independence from Spain, like many other countries in Latin America, it is attempting to carve out a unique national identity [...]. It is exclusive of Blackness. Of course, that has all sorts of political and material consequences for Black Hondurans, including the Garifuna, the English-speaking Black population or the Creole population, and even the Miskito population, which also has African ancestry. [...]
The development projects that are underway on the Caribbean coast, and that are leading to land dispossession, are projects promoted not just by the state but multilateral institutions like the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank. They’re promoted as projects that will create development, that will bring progress and prosperity to Honduras, but often at the expense of Indigenous and Black peoples’ rights. Lands with the largest concentrations of forests, water, white sand beaches, fertile soil — those are largely concentrated in Indigenous and Black territories. So that development or that promise for a more prosperous future is contingent on the extraction of those resources from those communities.
Words of Christopher Loperena. As interviewed by the Graduate Center at CUNY. “’The Ends of Paradise’ Explores the Struggles of Honduras’ Black and Indigenous Peoples.” Published by the Office of Communications and Marketing, online in the News section of CUNY’s Graduate Center. 16 March 2023. [Some paragraph breaks and contractions added by me, for accessibility/readability.]
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aayusd30 · 3 months
Web Design Agency in Vashi
Pinacle Web India provides one of the best website designing services in Vashi. We provide quality websites in a shorter time frame with no bargains for quality.
Your website is like the front door to your shop. So making a good first impression on your potential customers is essential.
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At Pinacle Web India, a web development company, we are a passionate bunch of web designers who love turning ideas into reality. Whether you are starting from scratch, giving your old website a new look, or want something dynamic, we’ve got you covered.
Being a website designing company, we understand the value a good website can add to a business. Here are a few reasons you should give us a chance:
Experience: We at Pinacle Web India, a web design company, have an experienced team who have plenty of experience to do a first-class job. Some of the projects we have worked on come from the following industries:
Steel and Metal
Real Estate
Pharma industry
Interior & Exterior
Computer Accessories
Food & Agro
Beauty & Saloon
Banking & Financial Sector
Custom Websites: We understand that every business is unique and has its own set of values. Hence, we create websites tailored to meet every business’ individual goals and requirements.
Affordability: We offer competitive prices with no compromise for quality.
On-time delivery: At Pinacle Web India, we are committed to delivering on time causing no interruptions in your venture.
Client First: We believe in clear communication and collaboration. Our designers work based on the client’s vision and turn their ideas into reality.
Maintenance and Support: Our team is always there for you to maintain and update your website, address any questions and guide you through the process.
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blessed1neha · 2 years
Career Field as per Astrological Signs
I've identified the industries or enterprises that are fortunate for particular Signs. Each Sign has a special beneficial note that resonates with a certain industry, making these enterprises inherently lucky for a given Sign. It makes sense that people born under these Signs should continue to have the most luck investing in their shares, given the luckiness of the companies. They can never lose if they invest in long-term investments. The investors' intraday trading time period will always be profitable, but they won't make a loss either. Naturally, the investor must conduct a market research of the company before making any acquisitions because, as you are aware, not every company in a certain field can succeed at the same time.
Let's now discuss astrology. Okay if you are aware of your horoscope or birth chart. To find out more, look at your Ascendant at birth. If you're unsure, check your Name Sign or Moon Sign. For instance, if your name starts with A, E, I, O, or L, you are an Aries. Using this technique, you can discover your moon sign. If your name doesn't correspond to your natal Moon Sign, don't worry. Search for your sun sign. In Aries from 14 April to 14 May, the sun will be. To benefit the most, you must be aware of your own natal chart, particularly the Lagna and Ascendant.
To benefit the most, you must be aware of your own natal chart, particularly the Lagna and Ascendant. According to my observations, a person's birth chart typically results in the best outcomes. Benefit percentages will be smaller for Moon or Sun signs than for birth ascension. Remember that buying stock only entails your personal involvement in the company. Your likelihood of success in the stock market will also be based on where your fifth house is in regard to your second or eleventh houses in the chart. Your Mars and Venus should be rather strong if you plan to engage in intraday trading or speculation. If your Saturn is truly powerful, it will rule as king.
If your Saturn is very strong, you will be the master of this field and earn long-term success. A strong Saturn in the chart's interpretation creates masters. They are fully aware of the stock market's ups and downs. Here is a list of the industries and companies where stock investments will perform the best.
1.Aries (Mesha): Cement, steel, automobiles, shipping, textiles, beverages, petrochemicals, power projects, chemicals and pharmaceuticals, and petrochemicals 
2.Tauras (Vrishabha): Infrastructure, Housing Companies, Food Industries, Hotels, Dairies and Ice Cream, Film and Television Industries, Cement, Steel, Leather 
3. Gemini (Mithuna): Publishing, print and electronic media, cement and steel, mobile devices, computers, banking, and information technology.
4. Karka (Cancer): Transportation, Water and Irrigation, Air Travel, Textiles, Beverages, Glass Manufacturing, Housing Companies, Refineries, Petrol and Natural Gas 
5. Leo (Simha): Pharmaceuticals, Agro Industries, Film and Television Industries, Paper and Printing Industries, Power Projects 
6. Virgo (Kanya): Finance and Insurance, Food and Nutrition, Pharmacy, Communications, Information Technology, Computers, Confectionary, Toiletries, and Toys 
7. Libra (Tula): Infrastructure, Edible Oil, Agro Industries, Cosmetics, Perfumes, Ceramics, Malls and Retail Channels, Entertainments, Music and Cassette Industries, Food and Beverage, Hotels, Dairies, Films and Televisions, Ice-cream, Leather, Food and Beverages, Ceramics, Ice-cream, Steel, Perfumes, and Ceramics 
8. The sign of Scorpio (Vrishchika) is represented by the industries of shipping, mining, export-import, automobiles, water and irrigation, pharmaceuticals, glass, refineries, and the insurance sector.
9. Saggitarius (Dhanu): All businesses related to education and students, including those in the banking, finance, export and import, publishing, paper, confectionary, and dairy industries. 
10. Capricorn (Makara): Oil and Natural Gas, Petroleum Refineries, Health and Nutrition, Pharmacies, Steel, Cement, Leather, Coal, Infrastructure, Engineering Industries, Housing Sector 
11. Aquarius (Kumbha): Projects related to power, research, steel, cement, leather, food, entertainment, music and cassette industries, infrastructure, banking and finance, and hotels. 
12. Pisces (Meena): Banking and finance, insurance, print and electronic media, paper industries, dairy and ice cream, pharmaceuticals, health and nutrition, shipping, exports and imports. 
How can I get the most out of this? Additionally, you stand to gain if you select a business whose name is auspicious and harmonious with your own Sign.
For purchases and long-term investments, the 10th and 11th signs from your Moon Sign or Ascendant will bring you the most success. Simple Company Selection Example: Which Shares would you choose to buy if your Ascendant or Moon Sign is Capricorn and you want to make long-term investments? Libra and Scorpio are obvious. You may now buy the most advantageous scripts for long-term investments based on the list provided above.
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riverviewagroresort · 4 months
Tapola Lake Camping - 9422403069
Escape to nature’s paradise with River View Agro Tourism & River Camp, the ultimate destination for Tapola Lake Camping. Nestled on the serene banks of Tapola Lake, our camp offers an unforgettable retreat amidst lush greenery and tranquil waters.
🔹 Why Choose River View Agro Tourism & River Camp?
◼️ Scenic Beauty: Immerse yourself in the stunning landscapes of Tapola Lake, often referred to as the ‘Mini Kashmir’ of Maharashtra. ◼️ Comfortable Accommodations: Enjoy cosy tents and cottages with modern amenities, ensuring a comfortable and memorable stay. ◼️ Exciting Activities: Engage in outdoor adventures such as kayaking, boating, trekking, and bird watching.
Book your getaway today and reconnect with nature at River View Agro Tourism & River Camp.
Contact: 9422403069
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absolutebl · 2 years
Slightly heavy question, hope I've worded it correctly.
Usually most of the BL series are light-hearted, made with an intent to make the audience go Uwu. In fact, it's all nice and fun as long as it's fluffy, soft, and romantic. But the problem begins when a dark subject is presented to the audience as a BL series. Not that I have any issues with it, but if not dealt with properly, it may send a wrong message, or trigger the audience.
Now,...angst has been a part of almost every other BL series like a lakorn or a soap-opera, because its interesting to add a bit of melodrama to the otherwise bland and boring storyline. But for BL series with gory plot line, why is the "Uke" the one quite often than not suffering from a past trauma? Take Tar from "TharnType", or Shin from "The Effect", or even Sky from the recent "Love In The Air" as an example.
(Please don't get me wrong. I'm absolutely fine with the usage of the term "Seme" and "Uke" unlike some of the woke audience, but it intrigues me as to why the apparent "bottom" in a relationship is shown as someone vulnerable, having gone through trauma, and wanting protection? Why is the trauma of a person glorified on-screen by making the top look like a hero, and the bottom look like a heroine?)
I'm someone who is of the firm opinion that there is always a backstory to a story, be it for a victim or a villain. Doesn't matter whether the person involved is a "Seme" or an "Uke". But to constantly show that the Uke is the one suffering, and needs protection from the Seme is something that intrigues me more than anything else, because I want to know the psyche of the Author and the Filmmaker behind this narrative shown on-screen.
So my question to you are as follows:
How difficult is scene choreography in those BL series that carry a very heavy subject or gory details in the storyline? Do BL filmmakers put effort into scheming things so that it look effortless on-screen, or is it just a part of the grand scheme of things, since the focus quite often rests on the other aspects of the BL storyline?
What level of detailing is expected out of a BL filmmaker? And will the audience register the finer details while watching a BL series?
What is it that the filmmakers bank on while making a BL series?
How far do filmmakers work on the concept and the presentation, when it comes to making a BL series, so that it reaches the audience, for which it was made in the first place?
Is it possible to evoke every powerful evocation of a literary work in cinema, at least to some extent? If yes, then what are the challenges? 
Why is the "Uke" the one quite often than not suffering from a past trauma? Take Tar from "TharnType", or Shin from "The Effect", or even Sky from the recent "Love In The Air" as an example.
Because the uke is the female stand-in in this romance, and the female character suffers from internal strife (illness, mental or otherwise, past trauma, etc) the seme character suffers from external injury (fighting, car accident, battle). External actions that were done to him, often as a result of his agro personality.
It's not 100% but this is why, generally, the uke gets the illness trope (white towel sponge bath) the seme gets the tend my wounds trope.
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Why is the trauma of a person glorified on-screen by making the top look like a hero, and the bottom look like a heroine?
Because the narrative treats them these way. This is archetypes in action. Why does the seme have to be taller? Why does the uke have to resist sex, at least at first? Why is the uke the clumsy one? The seme the protector? Why does the seme give forehead kisses and the uke cheek kisses?
Because these are the tropes of BL narratives, of the y-novel that was written, and the expectations of the audience.
Tropes that are seme/uke loyal.
Why does the dude in every J, C or Kdrama have to do this: 
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Because he’s the dude of that drama. 
How difficult is scene choreography in those BL series that carry a very heavy subject or gory details in the storyline? 
Scene choreography rests ton the ability of the actors and directors less than the content, although it always helps if the script is good. Some actors can cry better and easier on command (Gun, Fluke) than others. Just like some have a more natural laugh and better comedic timing than others. Just because a thing is dark doesn’t make it more difficult. 
In fact, many people I know find it easier to make an audience cry than laugh. It’s skill in filming and performance either way. Incidentally it works this way with writing too. Comedy is actually really really difficult. 
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Do BL filmmakers put effort into scheming things so that it look effortless on-screen, or is it just a part of the grand scheme of things, since the focus quite often rests on the other aspects of the BL storyline. What level of detailing is expected out of a BL filmmaker? And will the audience register the finer details while watching a BL series?
I would describe most BL as “workman like.” I mean I get excited if it is something more nuanced (Old Fashioned Cupcake) but in general it’s pretty serviceable cinematography in what (in my early days) would be called a “commercial” filming style. Not particularly artistic. Which basically just means the director doesn’t have a strong point of view. 
They often do things (because it's sad or the storyline is getting depressing) like simply darken the lighting, because metonymy is a lazy way to handle this kind of thing. 
I think in general the BL audience doesn't notice or care about cinematic nuance. I think in general, audiences don't really notice or pay attention to the directing style or cinematography at all (unless it interferes with or detracts from their immersive experience). Not in shows in dramas. Maybe at the movies sometimes. I'll give you an example: one of the most popular resent BLs was KinnPorsche, and end I personally found the directing terrible to the point of distraction (it was clearly two different directors with two different points of view and they could not marry there styles or perspectives - as a result the whole thing felt incredibly disjointed to me). It was one of the reasons I really struggled to watch that show. But I CERTAINLY do not represent the majority of BL watchers in this matter.
Partly this have to do with the fact that many of the BL producing countries don't have particularly strong cinematic traditions. With the exception of Japan and a little bit Korea. I'm not being dismissive, quite frankly I'm not a huge fan of arthouse cinema. I like it sometimes, and it has its place, but it's like an incredibly strong author voice. I don't always want that. I don't really want to be reminded constantly that I am watching something. Or reading something. Mostly I just wanna be immersed in the entertainment and swept away. A gentle hand behind the lens makes immersion much more swift and unbroken. You aren't constantly being thrown out of the narrative because you're being reminded that it is “a piece of art” constantly by at the heavy hand of somebody like Wes Anderson. That kind of cinema has it’s place but it is work to watch, it asks a lot of the audience.
What a workman-like cinematography style does is entirely service the performances of the actors and the narrative. Which means if the actors aren’t particularly good or the story isn’t particularly cohesive the whole show is weaker because it has no visual framework tightly holding it together. Which is mostly what happens with the Thai pulps. 
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What is it that the filmmakers bank on while making a BL series? 
The above was a very long way of me saying that I don't think the film makers are banking on anything cinematic when they make these shows. Certainly not on their own skills. Instead they’re banking on the popularity of the genre, the cheapness of the production, and any sponsorship deals that they have.
How far do filmmakers work on the concept and the presentation, when it comes to making a BL series, so that it reaches the audience, for which it was made in the first place? 
Only a few filmmakers really do this. And I talk about the ones that do and have a really strong points of view (and bring a particular style to the table when they are directing) in this blog post about BL directors. In general, I don't think BL is necessarily a genre that you get involved in producing because you feel you have a particularly strong vision or directing style/intent. 
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Is it possible to evoke every powerful evocation of a literary work in cinema, at least to some extent? 
I honestly am not quite sure what you are asking with this one. Because obviously the answer is yes, I mean we wouldn't teach film have some courses in school on cinema as an art from if there wasn't something in how the language of film can portray a story. And what is a literary adaptation but a portrayal of a story on film?
One of the serious flaws with BL is often it's working from a piss poor story. It's not like popular taste necessarily dictates that a book chosen to receive adaptation is actually a very powerful book by your, mine, or critic’s evaluation of what "powerful" means. 
I certainly had a very powerful reaction to the Twilight movies. I'm not gonna tell you what that reaction was because other people have also had very powerful reactions to those movies. Obviously people have very powerful reactions to be L as well. Which is why I talk about KP but I never tag it in those posts. 
But that gets more into the extra nature of fandom than it does the strengths of narrative and cinematic voice.
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If yes, then what are the challenges?
You can use parody to twist BL tropes and defy audience expectations to make a point (SCOY). 
You can ignore tropes and only apply the ones you need (sparing use of tropes -  Strongberry). 
Or you can skirt tropes entirely to make commentary on society (ITSAY).
The risk is that you can alienate your audience when you try to get fancy with BL. If you don't use enough of the expected tropes or if you don't use the standard archetypes (like seme/uke) or you twist in the wrong way - you’re alienating an audience that expect certain things in every BL that they consume. 
If you push too many boundaries or you make it too realistic and break the fantasy bubble then some people are just not gonna like the end result. Or in some cases be able to watch it. Like me and ITSAY. 
I tend to lose my mind and talk about the cinematic nature of a BL when it manages to hit everything I like about the genre and have a strong cinematic point of you that I particularly enjoy or jives with my personal preferences. Does preferences are that the directing style serve the narrative in a specific way. Because what I really like about cinema is it storytelling capacity not its use as a visual art form per se. 
10 Best Uses of Cinematic Storytelling in BL
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msmereg · 10 days
Udyam Registration for Agriculture Businesses: A Path to Growth and Sustainability
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Agriculture forms the backbone of India’s economy, supporting rural livelihoods and contributing significantly to food security and employment. However, many agriculture-based enterprises, especially those classified as Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), struggle to realize their full potential due to limited access to resources and formal recognition. Udyam Registration, an initiative by the Ministry of MSME, offers a crucial gateway for agricultural businesses to access a host of benefits that can drive their growth and sustainability.
What is Udyam Registration?
Udyam Registration is an online registration process designed to make it easier for MSMEs to formalize their operations and gain access to government schemes. It replaces the earlier MSME registration process and provides various incentives to registered businesses. Agriculture-based businesses, ranging from small-scale farmers and agribusinesses to companies involved in food processing, agro-machinery, and horticulture, can benefit from this registration.
Agricultural MSMEs that opt for Udyam Registration gain access to a wide array of financial and technical support, which can help them improve their competitiveness in both domestic and global markets.
Key Benefits of Udyam Registration for Agriculture Businesses
Access to Government Schemes and SubsidiesUdyam-registered agricultural enterprises can avail of government schemes and subsidies aimed at MSMEs. These include capital investment subsidies, tax benefits, and assistance programs like the Prime Minister’s Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP). For instance, businesses involved in food processing may benefit from financial support under the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Sampada Yojana (PMKSY), a scheme designed to promote modern food processing technologies and reduce agricultural waste. This formal registration unlocks opportunities to access funds that help agriculture-based businesses adopt advanced farming techniques, mechanization, and other modern practices.
Easier Access to Credit and LoansAccess to finance is a major challenge for agricultural MSMEs, but Udyam Registration can ease this burden by improving the business’s creditworthiness. Banks offer collateral-free loans to registered MSMEs under schemes like the Credit Guarantee Fund Trust for Micro and Small Enterprises (CGTMSE). Additionally, registered businesses are eligible for lower interest rates, simplifying the borrowing process and ensuring that agriculture businesses can invest in new technologies or expand operations. Udyam Registration also helps entrepreneurs secure working capital, crucial for ensuring smooth operations during seasonal fluctuations in demand and production.
Protection Against Payment DelaysLate payments from customers and buyers are common in the agricultural industry, causing cash flow problems for small businesses. With Udyam Registration, MSMEs are protected under the MSMED Act, which mandates that buyers must make payments within 45 days of receiving goods or services. If there are any delays, the buyer is required to pay interest to the seller. This protection ensures that small agribusinesses are not burdened with financial losses due to delayed payments, providing them with much-needed financial security.
Eligibility for Government TendersUdyam-registered agriculture businesses are eligible to participate in government tenders and are often given priority over non-registered businesses. This gives them access to lucrative opportunities to supply agricultural products, machinery, or services to government agencies. Additionally, Udyam Registration exempts these businesses from some tendering requirements, such as paying Earnest Money Deposits (EMD). By participating in government procurement, agriculture businesses can significantly expand their market reach.
Market Development AssistanceAnother advantage of Udyam Registration is access to market development assistance, which can help agricultural MSMEs promote their products in national and international markets. This includes participation in trade fairs, exhibitions, and marketing campaigns supported by government programs. By increasing their visibility in the market, these businesses can boost sales and improve their brand reputation.
Tax and Regulatory BenefitsUdyam Registration offers tax benefits and simplifies compliance with regulatory requirements. Registered agricultural MSMEs may qualify for exemptions under the Goods and Services Tax (GST) and other local taxes. Additionally, government regulations for labor, environmental standards, and licensing are more straightforward for registered MSMEs, helping them reduce costs and administrative burdens.
Udyam Registration Process for Agriculture Businesses
The registration process is designed to be user-friendly and can be completed online through the official Udyam Registration portal. Here’s a brief overview of the process:
Visit the Website: Go to the Udyam Registration portal.
Fill Out the Form: Enter your name, mobile number, email, business name, and office address.
Review and Submit: Check the details for accuracy and click "Submit."
Make Payment: Pay the registration fee online using available methods like credit/debit cards or UPI.
OTP Verification: Provide the OTP received on your registered mobile/email for verification.
Receive URN: After verification, receive your Udyam Registration Number (URN).
Download Certificate: Download your Udyam Registration Certificate from the portal.
Udyam Registration as a Growth Driver for Agriculture Businesses
The agricultural sector in India is facing increasing challenges, including climate change, rising input costs, and market competition. Udyam Registration can help agriculture businesses address these challenges by offering access to essential resources and support mechanisms.
Technological Adoption: Udyam-registered businesses can invest in the latest technologies and modern farming practices through government-backed financial assistance. This can help them enhance productivity and efficiency.
Expanding Market Reach: With the ability to participate in government tenders and international exhibitions, agriculture businesses can expand their market base and increase revenue.
Improving Sustainability: Financial support for sustainable practices, including water conservation, organic farming, and eco-friendly technology, helps agriculture businesses reduce their environmental impact while improving long-term profitability.
Building Credibility: Udyam Registration lends legitimacy to agriculture businesses, making them more credible in the eyes of investors, customers, and financial institutions.
Note: You can also Print your Udyam Registration Certificate, by clicking- Print Udyam Certificate.   
For agriculture businesses, Udyam Registration is a critical step toward formalizing operations, accessing government benefits, and enhancing competitiveness. By registering, businesses can take advantage of financial schemes, market expansion opportunities, and protections that can significantly boost their growth. In today’s evolving agricultural landscape, Udyam Registration is more than just a formality—it is a powerful tool that enables agriculture businesses to achieve greater efficiency, sustainability, and market success.
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webdesigningsstuff · 23 days
Website Designing
In Vashi, Mumbai, India, Pinacle Web India offers some of the greatest website design services. We deliver high-quality websites in a timely manner without sacrificing quality.
Your website serves as your store's entrance. Thus, it's critical to leave a positive first impression on prospective clients.
We are a dedicated group of web designers at Pinacle Web India, a web development firm, and we love making ideas come to life. We can help you create something dynamic, start from scratch, or give your outdated website a fresh design.
The following categories of web design services are provided by us:
Designing Responsive Websites
Designing Static Websites
Designing Dynamic Websites
Redesigning Websites
eing a website designing company, we understand the value a good website can add to a business. Here are a few reasons you should give us a chance:
Experience: We at Pinacle Web India, a web design company, have an experienced team who have plenty of experience to do a first-class job. Some of the projects we have worked on come from the following industries:
Steel and Metal
Real Estate
Pharma industry
Interior & Exterior
Computer Accessories
Food & Agro
Beauty & Saloon
Banking & Financial Sector
Custom Websites: We understand that every business is unique and has its own set of values. Hence, we create websites tailored to meet every business’ individual goals and requirements.
Affordability: We offer competitive prices with no compromise for quality.
On-time delivery: At Pinacle Web India, we are committed to delivering on time causing no interruptions in your venture.
Client First: We believe in clear communication and collaboration. Our designers work based on the client’s vision and turn their ideas into reality.
Maintenance and Support: Our team is always there for you to maintain and update your website, address any questions and guide you through the process.
Reach Out to Us
Pinacle Web India has established itself as a website designing company located in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. We can help you get your own website design for your organization to help boost your sales. 
As specified before, we make the most of the latest technologies, for example, the most recent structures of JavaScript, adaptations of CSS, and the most effective programming languages that will shape the foundation of your multifaceted site, making us one of the best at website designing in India.
We'll work closely with you to turn your vision into a reality by creating a website that sets you apart from the competition. Contact Pinacle Web India today and get started on your dream website.
 International Infotech Park, E 208, 2nd Floor, 3rd Tower, Vashi, Navi Mumbai 400703.
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