#aeron blogging
dude-iloveu · 12 days
im gonna have to make another sideblog for this 😐
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crimsonstarry · 1 year
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Drew Aeron in Maria's clothes from sh2. There was no reason for this I just thought pretty-
Transparent and no filter below.
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showcalledone · 1 year
this is a roleplay/ask blog. selective interactions. minor mun. adult muse. inbox is open for questions & starters.
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redheaded-outlaw · 1 year
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look at my oc references boy
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thepushcver · 1 year
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this is a roleplay/ask blog. selective interactions. minor mun. adult muse. inbox is open for questions & starters.
© artzy_sketchy on twt for icon.
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rebirthedpurity · 1 year
A M͟I͟S͟T͟Y͟ M͟E͟M͟O͟R͟Y͟˳˳˳ A H͟A͟U͟N͟T͟I͟N͟G͟ ͟F͟A͟C͟E͟˳˳˳ IS SHE A͟ ͟L͟O͟S͟T͟ ͟E͟M͟B͟R͟A͟C͟E͟˳˳˳ .ᐣ
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aeronsmuseblog · 1 year
W͟elcome to my blog of muses .ᐟ
Expect the following .ᐟ
CONTACT MY MAIN HERE @amoristspirit .
© blkventi
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novaursa · 2 months
The Silent Pyre
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- Summary: It was a rainy night when Blood and Cheese came to deliver you your half-sister’s message; a son for a son.
- Paring: reader (twin!wife)/Aegon II
- Note: reader is referred to as Y/N. Aegon and the reader have four children, the oldest son named Aeron, a daughter, Daena, and twin boys, Vaelon and Baelon. These events happen after Twin Fires and before The Fire That Binds Us. For full chronological order of these works visit my blog. The list is pinned on the top. Or, you can read it as a one-shot. Anonymous user inquired about these events, and I've decided to post it and share it with you all, it has been stashed away for too long in my file graveyard.
- Rating: Explicit 18+ (no adult content, but there are graphic descriptions of violence, blood and gore)
- Word count: 5 133
- Tag(s): @sachaa-ff
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The night is heavy with the scent of rain, the coolness of autumn seeping into the stones of the Red Keep. The fire in Helaena’s chamber casts long shadows across the walls, flickering as the wind howls faintly outside. You stand by the door, the weight of your crown pressing down upon you as you gaze at your younger sister. Her pale hair gleams like moonlight as she kneels by her children’s cradle, whispering a soft lullaby. Her voice is a quiet, fragile thing, a melody that seems almost too delicate for the world that surrounds you both.
“Helaena,” you murmur, stepping closer. She lifts her head, her violet eyes distant and unfocused, as though she is seeing something far beyond the chamber walls.
“Y/N,” she replies, a small, distracted smile gracing her lips. “Goodnight. May the Seven bless your dreams.”
“And yours, sister.” You reach out, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear. “Sleep well.”
With one last glance at her serene face, you turn and leave the room, pulling the door shut softly behind you. The corridor outside is eerily silent, the usual clamor of the servants and guards muted, as if the Keep itself holds its breath.
As you walk through the darkened halls, a sense of unease begins to coil in your chest. The silence feels unnatural, like the calm before a storm. The rain patters against the windows, a steady rhythm that should be soothing, but instead heightens your anxiety. You pull your cloak tighter around yourself, the chill of the stone floors seeping through your slippers.
Your thoughts drift to Aegon, waiting for you in your shared bedchamber. You picture him sprawled across the large bed, his platinum blond hair tousled, perhaps with a goblet of wine in hand. There is comfort in the thought of him, of the warmth of his body against yours, but it does little to dispel the growing dread that gnaws at your insides.
As you approach the nursery, the unease sharpens into fear. You pause, your hand hovering over the door. The sound of something crashing softly from within reaches your ears—a faint, almost imperceptible noise, but enough to send your heart racing. The shadows behind the door shift, moving in ways that shadows should not.
You swallow, forcing down the rising panic. Your children are in there, your precious sons and daughter. Steeling yourself, you push the door open slowly, trying to remain as silent as possible.
The scene before you is one pulled from the darkest of nightmares. The warm, cozy nursery is cast in a pall of terror. Your eyes first find your mother, Dowager Queen Alicent, bound and gagged on the floor, her eyes wide with a terror that you have never seen before. She struggles against her bindings, her muffled cries like the wail of a ghost in the suffocating silence.
But it is the two men in the center of the room who capture your attention—the one holding your eldest son, Aeron, in his arms, a cruel knife pressed to his throat, while the other stands nearby, his presence looming and sinister. Your son is awake, tears streaking down his face, his small body trembling in fear.
“Do not scream,” the man holding your son whispers, his voice low and threatening. “Or the boy dies.”
Your breath catches in your throat, a wave of nausea rising within you as the reality of the situation crashes down. You force yourself to remain calm, to not give in to the terror clawing at your heart.
“What do you want?” you manage to say, your voice shaking despite your best efforts to keep it steady.
“Vengeance,” the other man—Cheese, they will call him, from his size and the rat-like cunning in his eyes—replies coldly. “For son's blood has been spilled. Now, it is your blood that must pay.”
You take a step forward, and the knife digs deeper into Aeron’s tender skin, a small whimper escaping his lips. Your entire body tenses, every instinct screaming at you to protect your child, but you are powerless, bound by the threat that hangs over him like a blade.
“Let my son go,” you plead, your voice cracking. “Please. He is but a child.”
Cheese’s grin is twisted, devoid of mercy. “A choice, Your Grace. You must choose one of your sons. Two to live, and one to die.”
The words hit you like a blow, stealing the breath from your lungs. Your knees threaten to buckle beneath you, the world spinning as the horror of what they ask becomes clear. They want you to condemn one of your children to death. To choose between your sons.
“No,” you whisper, shaking your head. “I cannot.”
“You must,” the man holding Aeron insists, his voice a menacing growl. “Or we kill them all three.”
You look between your sons, your heart shattering into pieces. Aeron, your eldest, so brave despite his fear, his wide eyes pleading silently for you to save him. And twin boys, Vaelon and Baelon, still asleep in their cribs, blissfully unaware of the nightmare unfolding around them.
Tears blur your vision, the anguish of the choice tearing at your soul. You cannot do this. You cannot be the one to decide who lives and who dies. But their lives, three of them, hang in the balance, and the choice is yours to make.
“Please,” you beg once more, though you know it is futile. “Do not make me choose.”
Cheese steps closer, his breath foul as he leans in. “Choose, Queen Y/N. Or your precious children will all die, and it will be on your head.”
The weight of your crown feels like a curse as you stand there, trembling, the choice before you too terrible to comprehend. Your hands are shaking, your heart breaking, as the words begin to form on your lips, but they can't leave them.
The world narrows to the unbearable choice before you, every second stretching into an eternity. You stand frozen, the screams of your heart drowned out by the silence that has gripped your throat. Aeron, your firstborn, stares at you with wide, tear-filled eyes, pleading for a salvation you know you cannot grant him. And there, in their cribs, laid Vaelon and Baelon, so small, so unaware, their chest rising and falling peacefully with each breath.
It is the smaller and younger twin’s innocence, his lack of awareness, that seals your fate. If he must die, let it be without knowing fear. Let him slip from this world in the safety of his dreams.
Your decision comes not from cruelty, but from a twisted, desperate kind of mercy.
“Vaelon,” you whisper, your voice a broken thing. “Take him.”
The words taste like ash on your tongue, a confession of the darkest sin. The man holding Aeron grins, his eyes alight with a sadistic satisfaction. But even as the choice leaves your lips, a cold realization claws at the back of your mind—this was never meant to end well. They were never going to let Aeron live.
You see it happen almost in slow motion, the knife glinting in the dim light as it draws across your eldest son’s throat. The sound that escapes him is a choked gasp, eyes widening in pain and betrayal as the blood wells and spills down his neck.
“No!” The word tears from your throat as you lunge forward, but it is too late. The man has already sliced deeper, crimson blooming like a terrible flower. Yet, Aeron is not yet gone. The blade catches as the man’s hand slips, and in that moment of weakness, Alicent—your mother—finds her strength.
With a fury you have never seen, she throws herself against the man holding Aeron, her bound body knocking him off balance. He stumbles, the knife digging deeper but freeing your son from his grasp. Aeron falls to the floor, clutching at his bleeding throat, his small hands stained red.
A scream of pure, primal rage rips from your chest as you hurl yourself at the man, the world around you narrowing to a singular purpose: kill him. You grab for the knife, your hands slick with Aeron’s blood, and wrest it from his grasp. The man struggles against you, but your desperation lends you strength. With a wild, desperate thrust, you drive the blade into his side, feeling the give of flesh and bone as it sinks in.
He gasps, a wet, gurgling sound, eyes wide in shock as he stumbles backward, clutching at the wound. You pull the knife free and stab again, and again, each strike fueled by the agony that has consumed you. Blood splatters across your face, warm and sickening, but you do not stop until he falls, lifeless, to the floor.
In the chaos, you do not notice Cheese until it is too late. He has turned his attention to one of the twins, to Vaelon, your youngest, the one you had chosen to condemn. As your daughter, Daena, screams—a piercing, heart-rending sound that echoes through the nursery—Cheese moves swiftly, seizing the smaller boy from his crib.
“No! Please!” you cry out, scrambling to your feet, but your voice is drowned by the sheer panic that has overtaken you. You are too far, too slow. Vaelon’s eyes flutter open, confusion and fear flickering across his tiny face as the knife flashes once more.
And then it is done. The light fades from Vaelon’s eyes as his small body crumples to the floor, lifeless. 
A silence falls over the room, broken only by the sound of your daughter’s sobs, Baelon’s baby gurglings and the ragged breaths of Alicent, who is desperately pressing her hands against Aeron’s wound, trying to stem the flow of blood.
“Aeron!” You rush to him, dropping to your knees beside him. His eyes are glazed with pain, his breathing shallow and labored. The wound is deep, but he is alive, clinging to life by the barest thread.
Cheese is panicking now, his eyes darting around the room as if realizing for the first time the gravity of what they have done. The plan, whatever it was, has gone horribly wrong. He looks at the bodies—the man you killed, Vaelon’s small, lifeless form—and he falters, unsure of his next move.
“You will die for this,” you hiss, every word trembling with a deadly promise. “You will not leave this room alive.”
Cheese takes a step back, fear flashing in his eyes, but before he can act, you move. Fueled by a mother’s wrath and the madness of grief, you surge forward, the bloodied knife still clutched in your hand. He tries to fend you off, but he is no match for the fury that drives you. With a wild, savage strike, you plunge the knife into his chest.
He gasps, a final breath escaping his lips as his eyes go wide, then glassy. He collapses to the floor, joining his fallen companion in death.
You stand there, panting, covered in the blood of your children’s murderers, and of your children themselves. Your hands shake as you drop the knife, the sound of it clattering to the floor barely registering in your mind.
“Y/N,” Alicent calls out, her voice trembling. “Aeron needs you.”
You blink, the fog of rage lifting just enough for you to focus on your son. You drop to your knees beside him, your hands finding his, trying to staunch the flow of blood with trembling fingers.
“Stay with me, my love,” you whisper, tears streaming down your face. “Stay with me. Please.”
Alicent is beside you, pressing her hands down on the wound with all her might. “He’s strong,” she says, though her voice wavers. “He will survive this.”
You nod, though your heart is breaking. You dare not look at Vaelon’s still form, his twin, Baelon, now wide awake in his crib, or at your daughter, Daena, who is now curled into a ball in the corner, sobbing for her brothers. You can only focus on Aeron, on keeping him alive, as the horror of what has happened sinks into your soul.
The night is no longer just cold and rainy; it has become a night of death and despair, one that will haunt you until your last breath. But you will not let it claim Aeron. Not him, too.
And as the dawn begins to break, casting pale light over the carnage, you hold your son close, praying to the Seven to spare him. To spare at least one of your children, as the taste of your own choice, the bitterness of it, poisons your every breath.
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Aegon sits in the dim light of your shared bedchamber, his goblet of wine resting lazily in his hand. The fire crackles in the hearth, casting dancing shadows on the walls, but the warmth it offers does little to chase away the chill of the autumn night. He sighs, his thoughts drifting to you, knowing that you will join him soon. The bond you share, forged not only by blood but by a deep, consuming love, is one that neither of you can escape, nor would you wish to. Sleep eludes him without you by his side, as it always has since you were children. 
He takes another sip of the wine, waiting for the familiar sound of your footsteps approaching. The thought of the night ahead, of holding you close, offers a comfort that softens the weariness in his bones.
But then, a scream pierces the stillness of the night—a scream that he recognizes instantly as belonging to your daughter. It is followed by your voice, raw with anguish, echoing down the corridors.
The goblet slips from his hand, clattering to the floor as he leaps to his feet. The wine spills across the stone, forgotten as dread seizes him. He knows something is terribly wrong. Without a moment’s hesitation, he rushes to the door, his heart pounding in his chest.
“Your Grace!” one of the Kingsguard calls as they fall into step behind him, but Aegon doesn’t respond. The only thought in his mind is to reach you, to reach his children.
He tears down the hall, his bare feet slapping against the cold stone, until he reaches the nursery. The door is ajar, shadows flickering ominously in the light from the hallway. The scent of copper fills his nostrils before he even crosses the threshold, a scent that chills him to the core.
He bursts into the room, but in his haste, he doesn’t notice the slickness beneath his feet until it’s too late. His foot slips on the blood that pools on the floor, and he stumbles, barely catching himself on the doorframe before he can fall.
For a moment, everything seems to slow. He looks down at the blood smeared across the floor, the vivid red of it stark against the stone. And then he sees the scene before him, a tableau of horror that makes his breath catch in his throat.
Two men lie dead on the floor, their bodies twisted in death, blood oozing from fatal wounds. But it is not them that hold his attention; it is the small, lifeless form of Vaelon, his infant son, lying not far from them, his throat cruelly slit. Aegon’s heart seizes, his vision blurring with tears that he fights to hold back.
“No… no, no…” The words are barely a whisper as he staggers forward, his mind unable to fully comprehend the sight before him.
But there is more—your mother, Alicent, is on the floor, her hands pressed desperately against Aeron’s throat, trying to stem the flow of blood. And there you are, kneeling beside your eldest son, your hands covered in blood, your face a mask of desperation and despair as you try to keep him alive.
“Y/N!” Aegon chokes out your name as he rushes to you, his voice filled with fear and anguish. “What… what happened?”
You look up at him, your eyes red and swollen from crying, and the sight of you breaks something deep within him. “Aegon… they… they killed Vaelon,” you whisper, your voice trembling. “They tried to kill Aeron… we… I couldn’t stop them…”
Aegon falls to his knees beside you, his hands hovering uselessly over Aeron, unsure of what to do. He can see the life fading from his eldest son’s eyes, the pale skin, the way his breath comes in shallow, ragged gasps. Aegon feels a crushing sense of helplessness, something he has never experienced with such intensity before.
“Aeron, my boy… stay with us,” Aegon pleads, his voice thick with emotion as he brushes a trembling hand over Aeron’s hair. “Stay with us, please…”
Alicent looks up at her son, her own eyes filled with tears, though she fights to keep them at bay. “We need to stop the bleeding, Aegon. If we don’t… if we don’t…”
“I know,” Aegon says, though his voice is strangled. He tears a strip of cloth from his sleeve, pressing it to Aeron’s wound with a firm but gentle hand. “Stay with me, Aeron. You’re strong. You can fight this.”
But even as he says the words, he feels the cold dread settle in his chest, knowing that the wound is too deep, that his son’s life is slipping away with every passing moment. 
You lean into Aegon, your body shaking with sobs as you press your bloodstained hands over his, trying to help, trying to do something—anything—to save your child. But the blood keeps coming, seeping through your fingers, staining the floor beneath you.
“Please… please…” you whisper, over and over, your voice breaking with each word. “Don’t take him from us…”
Aegon pulls you closer, wrapping an arm around you even as he continues to press down on Aeron’s wound. He can feel your pain, your sorrow, as if it were his own, and in that moment, he knows that this night will haunt both of you for the rest of your lives.
The Kingsguard finally arrive, swords drawn, their faces pale as they take in the scene before them. But there is nothing they can do; the threat is already gone, the deed already done. All they can do is stand there, silent and grim, as the horror of what has happened sinks in.
“Get a maester!” Aegon commands, his voice rising with desperate urgency. “Now!”
One of the guards rushes off without a word, the others standing watch as if expecting another attack, though it is clear that the danger has passed. Aegon looks down at Aeron, his heart breaking as he watches the light in his son’s eyes flicker and fade.
“Stay with us, Aeron,” he whispers again, but the words sound hollow, empty, even to his own ears.
Alicent, her hands still pressed against the wound, glances at you, her eyes filled with a sorrow so deep it seems to swallow the room whole. “Y/N,” she says softly, her voice thick with grief, “he’s… he’s still fighting. But we need to prepare ourselves… we need to…”
“No!” You cry out, shaking your head violently. “No, he’s going to survive. He has to. He’s strong. Please, Aegon, tell her… tell her he’s going to survive.”
Aegon swallows hard, trying to keep the tears at bay as he looks at you, seeing the hope in your eyes, fragile and desperate. “He’s strong,” he agrees, his voice trembling. “He’s a dragon. He’ll survive this.”
But even as he says the words, he knows that they are more for your sake than for his own. He knows the truth, as much as he hates it, as much as it tears at his very soul.
And then, as if in response to your pleas, Aeron’s breathing hitches, a faint, ragged sound that sends a jolt of hope through your heart. But Aegon sees the truth in the way his son’s eyes begin to flutter shut, the way his small body goes limp beneath your hands.
“No, no, stay with us, please…” you sob, your voice breaking completely as you try to shake him awake, as if you can keep him from slipping away just by sheer will alone.
Aegon pulls you closer, holding you tightly against him, his own tears falling freely now. “Y/N… he’s…”
But before he can finish, the maester arrives, pushing his way into the room with a satchel of supplies. He takes one look at Aeron and immediately sets to work, but Aegon can see it in his eyes—the resignation, the grim acceptance of what is to come.
Aegon watches as the maester tries to stem the bleeding, his hands moving quickly, efficiently, but it is clear that he is fighting a losing battle. You cling to Aegon, your tears soaking into his tunic as you watch, your breath catching in your throat every time Aeron’s breathing falters.
Minutes pass, each one stretching into an eternity, until finally, Orwyle pulls back, his face pale and drawn. He looks up at Aegon, then at you, and shakes his head, his expression filled with sorrow.
“I’m sorry, Your Grace,” he says quietly. “There’s… there’s nothing more I can do.”
The words hit you like a physical blow, and you cry out, your hands trembling as you reach for Aeron, as if you can somehow pull him back from the brink.
“No… no, please, no…” you whisper, your voice barely audible as you cradle your son’s head in your lap, your fingers brushing through his hair.
Aegon feels his heart shatter completely as he watches you, as he sees the light finally fade from Aeron’s eyes, his small body going still in your arms. He can’t breathe, can’t think, can’t do anything but hold you as you break down completely.
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The days following the brutal attack on your family pass in a haze of grief and despair. The Red Keep is draped in a suffocating silence, its once lively halls now cold and empty, as though the life has been drained from its very walls. The horror of that night lingers in every corner, every shadow, a constant reminder of the blood that was spilled and the lives that were lost.
Your remaining children, Daena and Baelon, are kept under the strictest watch by the Kingsguard. No less than two knights are stationed outside their chambers at all times, and they are never left alone, not even for a moment. The memory of what happened to their brothers hangs over the nursery like a dark cloud, and every sound, every creak of the floorboards, sends a fresh wave of terror through the household.
But it is you, their mother, who is most affected. The grief has hollowed you out, leaving you a mere shadow of the woman you once were. You spend your days in a state of numbness, your heart shattered beyond repair. Nothing and no one can console you, not even Aegon, who tries desperately to reach you, to bring you back from the edge of the abyss into which you have fallen. But his attempts are in vain. You are inconsolable, broken beyond words.
Aegon himself is a man consumed by fury. The fire of his rage burns hotter with each passing day, fueled by the sheer injustice of what has happened. He holds a small council meeting in the dead of night, summoning only those he trusts—or at least, those whose loyalties he can control.
In the dimly lit council chamber, Aegon sits at the head of the table, his hands gripping the arms of his chair so tightly that his knuckles are white. His eyes are bloodshot, his face drawn and pale from lack of sleep. The tension in the room is palpable, every man present feeling the weight of the King’s anger pressing down on them like a physical force.
Around the table sit Otto Hightower, his face a mask of stern concern; Ser Criston Cole, his expression grim and unyielding; Lord Larys Strong, who watches the proceedings with his usual calculating gaze; Lord Jasper Wylde, the Master of Laws, his fingers tapping nervously on the table; Lord Tayland Lannister, the Master of Ships, who remains unusually quiet; and Grand Maester Orwyle, who sits with his hands folded, his eyes downcast.
Aegon’s voice breaks the silence, a low, seething growl that sends a shiver down the spine of everyone in the room. “How did this happen?” he demands, his eyes blazing with fury as he looks from one man to the next. “How did two men infiltrate the heart of the Red Keep, murder my sons, and nearly take the life of my other children without anyone knowing? Where were the guards? Where was the protection I was promised?”
Otto is the first to speak, his voice calm but firm. “Your Grace, we are all grieved by this tragedy, but rest assured, we are investigating every possible lead. The guards who were on duty that night have been questioned, and those found negligent will be dealt with severely.”
“Dealt with severely?” Aegon echoes, his voice rising with incredulity. “My sons are dead, and you speak of discipline as if that can undo what has been done! This was not just negligence—this was treason, betrayal of the highest order!”
Ser Criston Cole, ever the loyal sword, speaks next, his tone as hard as steel. “Your Grace, the Kingsguard were stationed as ordered, but the enemy was cunning. They knew exactly where to strike, and when. We are searching for any who might have aided them from within the Keep.”
Aegon glares at him, his anger still simmering. “You should have been there, Ser Criston. You should have been protecting my family, as you swore to do.”
Criston bows his head, accepting the rebuke without argument. “I failed you, my king, and I will bear that burden until the day I die.”
Larys Strong, who has remained silent until now, leans forward slightly, his voice smooth and unhurried as he speaks. “Your Grace, the men who did this were not acting alone. This attack was meticulously planned, designed to strike at the heart of your family and weaken your claim. There is but one who stands to gain the most from such an act of terror.”
Aegon’s eyes narrow as he fixes his gaze on Larys. “Speak plainly, Lord Strong. Who do you accuse?”
Larys meets Aegon’s gaze without flinching, his voice carrying a weight of certainty. “Rhaenyra Targaryen, and her husband, Daemon. They are the ones behind this atrocity. They seek to undermine your rule, to sow chaos and discord within the realm, so that Rhaenyra might usurp your throne.”
Aegon’s breath hitches at the mention of his half-sister’s name. His hatred for her is no secret, but to hear that she might be responsible for the deaths of his sons sends a fresh wave of fury coursing through him. “You have proof of this?” he demands, his voice shaking with barely contained rage.
Larys inclines his head, a faint smile playing on his lips. “The men who committed the murders—the butcher and the rat catcher—are known associates of Daemon Targaryen. They were hired by him to carry out this heinous act. The gold they were paid with was traced back to Rhaenyra’s supporters in King’s Landing. This was not just an act of violence—it was a message. Response to the death of Lucerys Velaryon by the hand of Prince Aemond.”
Aegon’s hands clench into fists, his nails digging into the wood of the table. “A message? They dare to send me a message by murdering my sons? Two innocent boys?”
“Yes,” Larys replies, his voice as cold as ice. “They wish to show that you are vulnerable, that your rule can be challenged. They wish to provoke you into rash action, to draw you into a conflict that will weaken your position.”
“Rash action?” Aegon scoffs, his anger flaring anew. “They think they can provoke me? They think I will sit idly by while they murder my children?”
“Your Grace,” Otto interjects, his voice measured. “We must be careful. If we move too quickly, without proof, we risk turning the realm against us. Rhaenyra still has many supporters. We must gather our strength, consolidate our power, and then strike when the time is right.”
But Aegon is beyond reason, his grief and rage too great to be tempered by caution. “I will not wait!” he snarls, slamming his fist on the table. “They have taken from me what I hold most dear, and I will make them pay for it, tenfold! If Rhaenyra wants war, then war she shall have!”
The council members exchange uneasy glances, each man aware of the storm that is about to be unleashed. Aegon’s wrath is a dangerous thing, and they know that nothing they say will dissuade him from the course he has set.
Grand Maester Orwyle finally speaks, his voice soft but insistent. “Your Grace, the lives of your remaining children—Princess Daena and Prince Baelon—must be your foremost concern. They are the future of your house, and they must be protected at all costs.”
Aegon’s expression softens slightly at the mention of his children, the thought of them momentarily piercing through the fog of his anger. He knows that Orwyle is right, that the safety of Daena and Baelon is paramount. But even this knowledge cannot quell the burning desire for vengeance that has taken root in his heart.
“I will protect them,” he says, his voice hardening once more. “But I will not allow this attack to go unanswered. Rhaenyra and Daemon will know the price of crossing me.”
Otto inclines his head, understanding that there is no turning back now. “Then we must prepare for war, Your Grace. We must rally our banners, secure our allies, and strike swiftly and decisively.”
Aegon nods, his jaw set with determination. “Do it. Call the banners, prepare the dragons. We will bring fire and blood to those who dare to defy us.”
The council members rise from their seats, each man knowing that the decisions made this night will plunge the realm into chaos. As they leave the chamber, Aegon remains behind, staring at the bloodstained map of Westeros spread out before him. His thoughts drift to you, to the shattered look in your eyes, to the bodies of his sons lying cold in their graves.
He swears to himself, to the gods, and to the memory of his murdered children that he will not rest until Rhaenyra and Daemon are brought to justice. No matter the cost, no matter the blood that must be spilled, he will have his revenge.
And so, the storm begins to gather, the winds of war stirring in the darkness of the Red Keep.
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spider-stark · 6 months
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house of the dragon masterlist // link to my general masterlist
General Warnings -
⚔️ This blog is 18+
🛡️ This particular masterlist currently contains only Aegon II Targaryen, Benjicot Blackwood, Aeron Bracken, Gwayne Hightower, and Criston Cole. however, i am open to writing about other hotd characters
⚔️ All of these fic's contain dark themes or content that is considered inappropriate by some readers, so adhere warnings! I am not responsible for your content consumption; so please read responsibly!
🛡️ If you happen to notice that something is not tagged appropriately or you feel a fic needs a particular warning, please let me know and I will do my best to correct this mistake.
⚔️ And, as always, happy reading!
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⚔️ SUMMARY - Having been in love with Aegon your entire life, you always assumed that he never felt the same. Now set to wed his brother, Aemond, your frustration finally peaks and leads to you confessing your feelings.
🛡️ WARNINGS - suggestive language/actions, light use of y/n (sorry), sad aegon lol, obvious incest
⚔️ SUMMARY - Your elder brother, Jace, attempts to teach you how to wield a sword. Aegon, your new betrothed, interrupts.
🛡️ WARNINGS - slight Jace x Reader, incest
⚔️ SUMMARY - After being captured by a member of the Kingsguard on your way to Winterfell, Aegon calls for you in the throne room.
🛡️ WARNINGS - light smut, oral, kidnapping, blades/blood, possible hematolagnia, eludes disappointed mom!rhaenyra (absolutely no bashing tho), and obvious incest
⚔️ SUMMARY - Dealing with the consequences of making Aegon jealous
🛡️ WARNINGS - abusive/toxic relationship, definite masochism, choking, brief mentions of blood, brief mentions of blades, targcest
⚔️ SUMMARY - Forced to attend a stuffy ball, you find yourself hiding beneath a table with Aegon.
🛡️ WARNINGS - implied targcest
⚔️ SUMMARY - You and Aegon have hardly spoken since sharing a particularly sensual moment a month ago. Now he thinks he stands a chance in a sparring match.
🛡️ WARNINGS - implied targcest, hints to smut, blood, horny/stupid argon & reader
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⚔️ SUMMARY - Taking up sparring with your sworn rival is likely never a good idea.
🛡️ WARNINGS - kieran burton fan cast, all character 18+, barely edited, blood, implied fighting, suggestive language but no real smut, likely ooc given that the episode hasn't even aired yet lmao
⚔️ SUMMARY - Stuck in the Riverland's on a marriage tour, you pretend to be Lady Strong when Benjicot Blackwood doesn't recognize you as the Princess of the Seven Kingdoms
🛡️ WARNINGS - kieran burton fan cast, all character 18+, not edited!!
⚔️ SUMMARY - Your wardship with House Blackwood was meant to bridge the chasm between your families. Years later, you return to Stone Hedge as the whispers of war spread—only for Lord Tully to call for a hunt.
🛡️ WARNINGS - fem!reader, complicated sibling relationship, fighting, (probably excessive) mentions of blood, talks about hunting/killing wild animals, !angst!, adult language, reader def suffering from identity crisis, probably deviates from canon some, kieran burton fan cast for benji, all characters 18+
⚔️ SUMMARY - Benji is a regular at the tavern you work at—and you're starting to think he's forgetting his coin on purpose.
🛡️ WARNINGS - fem!reader, kieran burton fan cast, all characters 18+, suggestive/sexual language, not edited bc I'm lazy and wrote this for fun in like an hour
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⚔️ SUMMARY - You go sneaking through Bracken territory for some time alone with Aeron.
🛡️ WARNINGS - fem!reader, blackwood!reader, mentions of blood, mentions of fighting, no real plot, hurt/comfort, subtle rivals-to-lovers, aeron grabbing boobies lmao, maybe some grammar errors idk
⚔️ SUMMARY - You sneak into Aeron's room at Stone Hedge.
🛡️ WARNINGS - fem!reader, blackwood!reader not edited, suggestive language, hints towards smut but there is none, secret relationship trope ig, blackwood!reader being a little shit
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⚔️ SUMMARY - Devotion will never be enough to make the Gods forgive you for the sin of your existence. They will keep finding new ways to punish you.
🛡️ WARNINGS - fem!reader, bastard!reader, septa!reader, mostly edited, heavy religious themes & guilt, angst, yearning, *slightly* ooc gwayne but mostly cause he's drunk and bitter lmao
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⚔️ SUMMARY - After sneaking back into the Keep from a night spent out in the city, you find your sworn protector, Ser Criston Cole, waiting for you in your room.
🛡️ WARNINGS - fem!reader, targtower!reader, not edited, reader has mommy/daddy issues, duty turned devotion type bullshit, criston can't just guard a woman without falling in love ig, yearning
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lizzaneia-elizalde · 8 months
What would Yan!demon lord Aeron (my first love from your blog) would do if his darling often over exert herself with her work to the point she's sick?
Yandere! Male! Hero! Isekai'ed Adventurer x Fem! Elementalist mage! Reader everyday tidbits: overexertion
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Ever since Aeron forcefully got engaged to you, you have been moved into his marquessate and out of the hollow great tree house you had. It's a pity really. As an Elementalist, your mana was greatly benefitted being surrounded in that dense forest that had great amount of mana.
But now...
You raised your staff, aiming at a dummy. Concentrating your whole mana point at the end of your staff. With a little incantation that felt foreign on your tongue, your whole body flinched as a burst of green light shot out, only slightly decimating the dummy in front, making you sigh.
When you got transferred, the considerable depletion of mana made you weak. After all, being as op as you, needs a large amount of mana in order to properly utilize the power you have.
Now, you only have the power of a novice.
"I don't even use a staff and I don't need to do incantations!" You bitterly whispered yourself. Looking at the dusty staff that you pulled from your inventory, you were almost about to cry from how annoying it was.
You hated feeling weak. And being with Aeron made you feel so inferior.
It was also suffocating inside that estate as it's filled with Demonic energy rather than normal mana. It totally contradicted with the mana you need, especially that you also wield light mana, which is a direct combatant for demonic energy.
Everyday since that fateful day, you kept practicing and practicing, intaking mana after mana in order to train your body to reach farther, conserve, and consume less.
It also didn't help that Aeron was pestering you left and right with affection, always making sure you were watched by him with one of the sprites or monsters.
You were never alone, and that made you work harder to prove yourself that you're not weak.
Too bad, the reason why Aeron is keeping an eye on you the whole time is to make sure you don't run away from him, and not because you're weak now.
Your sudden insecurity from being weak was clouding the real issue here.
Day after day, you trained hard to the point that your body is suffering rather than benefitting. Doesn't also help that your mind is slowly deteriorating from the demonic energy slipping through your body as you intake mana.
Blood trickled from your lips, your mind now only thinking of one thing and one thing only. And it's to prove to Aeron that you're still the strong elementalist that he forced to engage.
Your vision is already doubling when you have to lean on your staff to get support.
"Hah... Hah..."
Aeron had enough.
He was watching you from the window. He wanted to give you space, noticing that you've been a bit too... Sensitive when it comes to him. You always yelled at him for being so annoying, and from him discriminating you for suddenly being so weak when in reality he didn't really do anything.
Well, that, and he kind of lied you being weak.
He wanted you to rely on him, so he condensed the demonic energy inside the estate and shooed away the other mana particles.
He didn't know that it would deteriorate your mind!
He's only a new demon king, and not originally from this world too. So how would he know?
He opened the windows, jumped down from the third floor, and immediately got to your side before you actually fell.
"Oopsie." He whispered, holding you close to him.
"Unhand me..." You groaned out, wanting to be alone, and definitely not with him.
"Come on, my lady. let's rest up." His hands met your waist, his breath hot on your ear making you shiver involuntarily.
Guilt didn't even eat him up as he carried you bridal style and hopped on balconies to reach to your shared room.
Okay, maybe a bit guilty as he watches you get sleepy the moment your head hit the pillows.
Wiping your lips from blood, he dispersed the demonic energy in his estate as he nursed you back to health.
And hopefully, you'll see him nursing you back and fall for him even just a bit.
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justdavronthings · 2 months
I hope I’m doing this right!
💛 and/or 💛❤️ 
Thank you! I love your blog btw, I think it’s lovely <3 
in a different world, if he had his way, aeron would rather spend his days singing than fighting.  growing up under the tutelage of his uncles, amos and raylon rivers, he was accustomed to entertaining them and various other brackens of a more "significant" standing than himself.  as such, he not only has a lot of experience singing and performing but is naturally quite talented.  becoming a knight was something his (deceased) father and his uncles desired, despite his inclinations and preferences.  of course, nobody knows he'd rather be a simple singer.  he feels pressured into becoming a bracken knight, into being a bracken.  and what is a bracken but a stubborn fighter, doomed to fatally clash with their rival house? 
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teddyandrosie · 3 months
Found your blog through sheer serendipity : I liked your Aeron and Davos artwork this morning and thought to myself "that's fucking amazing" and then tonight I go to check if one fan fiction I'm reading has been updated and it has : there's an artwork in it. What was not my surprise when I recognise the artwork from this morning 😭🤚🏻 I rushed to follow you on here, I have to say I absolutely ADORE your "fight my way up to your tongue" fic, and to find that you not only are extremely talented with your writing but also with your drawing ! 🤍
!!!! THATS SO COOL oh wow, I am totally over the moon that you were looking forward to my fic updating and liked my arts separately and then! Really flattered and honoured, and my entire week has been made by this message <3 I'm so happy you're enjoying "fight my way up to your tongue", these boys have made me obssessive and all I can do to vent is write and draw them for our little davos x aeron family ;-; Your compliments are so kind, I will be working even harder now for updates and more art!! And thank you for the follow here as well, I am really so happy!!!
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murmel-malt · 1 year
- pinned post
mo - she/they - I draw stuff. sometimes I write a little bit too.
Links: ko-fi . art-only side blog Tags: art tag . edit tag . commission tag
commissions: CLOSED commission info
commissions will open whenever I find the time (and feel up for it mentally) and will be announced here at least a week in advance. there will be a limited number of slots each time. 
house of the dragon:  Rowan Royce - what if Daemon Targaryen and Rhea Royce had a daughter? Hedaera Targaryen . hedaera-verse - what if Viserys and Daemon has a little sister? ● Hedaera drabbles: 92 AC II 93 AC II 97AC II 98 AC Aeron Waters - a 'Gael Targaryen and her baby boy live' AU
asoiaf: Arwyn Hightower - asoiaf era Hightower OC
dragon age: Genevieve Amell - dao . warden amell
baldur’s gate 3: Juniper Belnan - wood elf . beastmaster ranger Efri Fairchild - tiefling . college of lore bard
dnd: Moira Grieve - hexblood . circle of spores druid
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ilargizuri · 1 year
Stark Timeline in TWOW
Okay, I am still working on my "Three in One" - theory it is just that I have to write a Part of the Theory where Daeny comes into play and I really don't like her Chapters that much. So I tend to avoid reading them, which now comes back at me, because I have to find my "Quotes" for my reasoning and it is difficult when you know they were written you just don't remember where!
So I read all of Daenerys's Chapters again and they are as boring and frightening as they were during my first read. I know why I avoid them, not even the Others are that scary to me. So after I am now done with the Astapor Part in ASOS I needed something to cheer me up, sorry when you have to reread the Death Sentence for children who even look over twelve, because I doubt the Unsullied checked the Age by asking their victim for their Age, even then, most would have lied only to survive. But yes after that I needed something that is uplifting to me.
So I checked some of the Hashtags which I follow and stumbled upon @agentrouka-blog Resurrection theory about Jon being in a magical Coma. First thank you for that Hashtag it really cheered me up.
So I wondered how will everything work for the Stark Kids in the North. So I made a Timeline with that Theory in my Head.
I will start with the Reason why I think that could happen. 1. GRRM said Daenerys's Fire-Sacrifice to awaken the Dragons was a once in a Lifetime Event 2. When Mirri Maaz Duur actually killed Drogo's Horse she was not supposed to resurrect him but to save him from a guaranteed Death so seeing something similar with a different outcome is more likely to happen than a Funeral-Resurrection 3. I don't think Shireen will be killed for him, mostly because if Shireens Death will happen as a Sacrifice that is pointless, don't ask me why but I have a feeling Shireen's sacrifice will be more important to Melissandres Story than to Jon's. 4. We know enough about the Magic of the Lord of Fire, it is time that we see a little more about Bran's and Bloodravens Magic and the Magic of the Children of the Forest a.k.a. the Magic of the Old Gods. Beyond Time-Travel I mean. 5. Melissandre will leave the North at some Point and travel South, it is possible that she joins Euron during his War. I mean if we can believe the Vision of Aeron during the Sample Chapter, there will be a woman who is connected to Fire by Eurons Side at some Point and Daenerys is still not in Westeros and most likely won't be until a Dream of Spring, which leaves Cersei and Melissandre to be that Woman. So if Cersei is Eurons opponent for the Iron Throne, that leaves Melissandre for that Role.
So now to the timeline: Let's start with Jon, first he wargs into Ghost and somehow escapes his prison in Jon's Chambers. He finds his Body in the chaos that is currently happening and realizes, he is not dead yet, but he will be if he doesn't find someone who takes care of his Body. So he gets Melissandre who with the Help of some of Jon's Friends who are still alive in the Books and at the Wall with him. takes care of his Body. She KNOWS that Jon's Body is alive, but she pretends that he was dead and that she brought him back with the Help of the Lord of Light. In the Meantime Jon switches between his Body where he can hear Bran's Voice in his Head and has weird Dreams and Ghost's Body. At some point, he wakes up and thanks to some Bloodmagic, for which Melissandre used one of his Eyes, his Body is better healed than normally. But he still needs time for recovering.
Okay to Sansa who has at least 3-4 Chapters in the Vale, where the Tournament takes Place. In the end, it is most likely that she realizes that Littlefinger wants to marry her himself, most likely after she and Harry married and she is pregnant with his Child. She decides that she has finally enough of that bullshit, that she won't marry another old man (remember she found Lord Beric Dondadrrion old and he was only 22 in the Books by that time) and will head towards the North, to the Wall where Jon is. She will travel via Boat over the three Sisters to White Harbour where she will get her dying Horse and meet with Jon somewhere between Castle Black and Winterfell, most likely Queenscrown. Important to note: We have very bad Weather Conditions for travelling, so by the Time Sansa makes it that far into the North, many weeks probably Months have passed. So Jon is most likely so far healed that he can travel to Winterfell.
Davos will most likely find Rikkon halfway through TWOW and decide not to travel back to White Harbour via boat, because for safety reasons, the Sea is too dangerous for safe travel, especially with a Child like Rikkon. So he instead takes Rikkon to the Wall and travels with him and Osha to Castle Black and from there towards Winterfell. He will be behind Jon, but they will meet the two eldest Starks somewhere near Queenscrown, most likely because Jon takes Sansa on his own Horse because her Horse did die. Rikkon won't recognize Jon or Sansa because he was to young when they parted. But Shaggy Dog will remember Ghost, which is the Reason that Rikkon will ultimately accept Jon and Sansa as his Siblings, although reluctantly.
The three Starks arrive at Winterfell, now to the Reason why Jon started to travel there. It is because of Galbart Glover, Maege Mormont, Howland Reed and Jeyne Westerling who not only brought Robb's Will with them but also Ned Starks Bones, who they want to burry in the Crypts of Winterfell. They started to Travel to Winterfell when they heard that Stannis defeated the Boltons.
The following Events I think will be like that: Jon refuses to accept Robb's Will because he knows Robb wrote that believing that Bran and Rikkon are dead. They are not and he won't take away their Birthright. During or after Ned Starks Funeral Howland Reed tells Jon about his Mother and that he is the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark, supposedly in Secret, but he is overheard and the Story makes the round.
The Lords want to punish him simply for being a Targaryen Bastard (we are talking about Howland Reed, he knows about Lyanna having a Baby and the Whole World believes she was kidnapped and raped by Rhaegar as we learned in AGOT, just because Howland KNOWS about Jons Birth and who his Parents are, doesn't mean he knows if or if not they were married) and now Rikkon comes into play, that Boy has a serious Trauma about his whole Family being killed and/or leaving him behind. There is no way a Child-Lord like that will allow to happen anything against the Person everyone told him until now is his Brother, even if he doesn't remember him, Shaggydog trusts him and Sansa, so Rikkon will not allow anything to happen to Jon. But the Lords in the North won't trust him, a Targaryen Bastard supposed deserter of the Nights Watch.
Now Sansa comes into play, because not only is she a very compassionate character, but Jon also is in a similar position as she was during her time in Kings Landing, which will be the Reason she and Jon start a connection beyond their relationship of Foster-Siblings.
As for Bran, I think he still is in the Cave under the Weirwood Tree in the North for most of the time and the "Hold the Door" - Moment comes when he arrives at the Wall with the Others and their undead Army who follow him. The Door, Hodor is meant to be holding is there and most likely he will succeed and prevent the Others from invading Westeros before they do so in A Dream of Spring, when the North defeats them for good this time.
So that is how I think the Envents in TWOW will happen around the Starks Kids, except for Arya. I think she will arrive at Winterfell together with Bran which will be in A Dream of Spring, her Storyline is about returning to Westeros meeting up and defeating her undead Mother and then starting her Journey back to Winterfell.
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glossary (WIP)
i didn't know there was a word limit on tumblr until i made this, so i unfortunately had to remove links that would lead to specific tags and help with organizing on here. also note that this post might be remade in the future
electricpuke/rocklandgame characters: abel, adam whesker, akihiko kojima, akira kojima, alchemy willow, alice (electricpuke), alice carroll, amaterasu, amy, ana (rockland), ana (viral), annabelle winter, arcadian, aria king, ashley kinley, ashton kinley, athena dianoia, audrey, august dixie, avery greyson, ami, axel, baal, cain zeitgeist, callum willow, cassiel, charlie willow, chase knox, chase valentine, christopher “chris” king, circe, damien morningstar, dante stryker, dominick torrero, edison tekker, elizabeth bathory, enoch, eve, farz murphy (electricpuke), foal, freya, gabriel, gabriel lily, grace quinn, hades, hammerclaw, heidi, horus, hunter, itsuki mori, jack buchanan, jason buchanan, jason carmine (rook), jiyun, kali, karasu, kaz tyagi, kenny, kiku kojima, kiyoshi, kurt, lachesis chronis, lady yuzu, leo taylor, lilith, lincoln, logan, loki marshall, lucifer morningstar, macey, marcus de la cruz, meredith, mia, michael fitzroy, michael volkov, mio, molly, morgan, morgan le fey, munchie, naoki “nathan” donovan, nicolas flamel, olivia, oswalt morrison, peyton, quinton willow, raizer, raja, ramiel, raphael sivori, reiko nakamura, richter (hotelpsycho), rory stryker, rose martinez, rosey, roy mcnamara, ruby red graves, sally, samael volkov, sanae, sano kojima, sejun, sergio marino, sergio morrison, shiro suzuki, sparrow, sun-mi yeon (scarlet), sydney dixie, teagan buchanan, the engineer, thor, tobias reeves, trace, trevor mcloughlin, tsubaki, uriel metzger, valak, vencil cartier, veni (electricpuke), verak, vincent castillo (electricpuke), vincent metzger, vlad, xander rosario, yeon seong-mi (emily yeon), zero (dollmaker), zero (empire), zeus
gatobob characters: anthony shore, ashe, beg, celia lede, centicat, chastity, chet ichpujani, cry, derek aeron, derek goffard, dragon, evander hutch, farz murphy (gatobob), farzen, gideon bautista, harold, jack, jedka (facility), komodo, lawrence oleander, lily talor, machete, marten trell, mason armbruster, mason heiral, mona winters, raven, ren hana, roadkill girl, scream, sid, strade, veni (gatobob), vincent castillo (gatobob)
other notable characters: a.e.d, ellen klein, izm, lucien rire, rodchester williams, shaun
known blogs:
arioddsandends, askparasitegods, bonesandcentipedes, doctor-dollmaker, electricpuke, fuckbyknifepoint, nagakira, nurseharlot, rocklandgames, runawayoutlaw, scarletmarionette, trentboyett
gatoafterdark, gatoanswers, gatobob, gatoplays-sos, gatxbxb, gurobob, gurpbob, serpulalacrymans
eras (label for creator universes): altinr, arcane, boyfriend to death, dark circus au, devil's night carnival, dollmaker, empire, facility, foxtail, human!au, huntress, inferno, mark of belial, nightclub, of gods and monsters, rockland, route 66, self insert, superjail, the artist, the carnival game, the commander, the doctor, the hunt, the misfits, the price of flesh, the puppetmaster, the serial killer, this is not romance, till death do us part, viral, welcome home, yanaki, you kill me every time, zeitgeist
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