humormehorny · 10 months
I need an addvert for men’s deodorant in the Barbie universe but it’s just WD-40
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everyothernamistaken · 11 months
block adds by shoving a toothepick in yoeur fone
the silly little addverts told me this
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davidawko · 1 year
Galaxy Invaders reveal short reviews from streaming and multiple addverts.
Commerce Falcon Squad
#falconsquad #falcons
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squoople · 2 years
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hotforharrison · 4 years
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I found this adorable. It’s an Instagram story from Addverts, which Harrison co-founded earlier this year.
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inkteresting-art · 4 years
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Hmm yes lay on some tennis balls to relief your pain...
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gothabilly-kitty · 5 years
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hjoficrecs · 4 years
Is Harrison a co-founder of addvert?
Or just the producer for the video?
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raw-force-blog · 7 years
23rd post
Jean Claude Van Damme; How can you not love this man?
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Room №202 (pt.3)
I really want to get rid off all that David Copperfield kind of crap but i’m really close to the end i hope. 
So i finally started at a very cool school where it’s normal for people winning math/science competitions and be accepted to best (mostly) russian unis with no exams. I mean i found myself surrounded by terribly clever people. There was one more stupid thing to tell - when u r really clever (or better say know A LOT OF styff on a suject) and do well in competitions they put u in somewhat called a city’s or country’s team and the team represents this city or country on something national or international. And this cool guys have special hoodies.  Oh my god, i wanted this hoodie!! 
But i never get it.
 I worked pretty hard in my first year there. And i was Fking best, i mean for one to be accepted from the 3rd (3rd Carl) attempt. Yep, it’s exremely arguably, agree. But i was up to what they all did, after considering myself so much lower in say brainpower then my present classmates. We’ve got 2 waves of exams and i again did very well. First half of the year i was really a hard-worker and it gave its credits, i still wanted this hoodie this time)
The only problem was that it all was about bio. I’m not a biologist. Never. And my fking marks don’t tell anything. It was nothing about what i read before, physics was really poor. I came down to hate biology (and we had quite a lot of hours, like 6 or so, now have 10. *Thumbs up). So my cool school slowely became not such an exciting place as i imagined it. 
Talking about my parents - my father takes it really seriously, he is cool and kind and a good personality but everything connected with School (and future uni, which i had (and have now) problems to choose and enter) is sacred. Mum has another opinion and it’s all about the way i’ve got to take every day (use bus or metro) it takes me not so much time actually but if anything happens, like i’m a bit late or tired or something or come back home when it’s already dark and we burst into rows (and she is a fan of screaming, my mum), then my school (which was kinda my dream for a long time tho) with dirty-hair students (and sometimes teachers) who have bad taste in closing is always to blame.
So i was not in a very good position - i didn’t like stuff i did but protected it like crazy in front of mum, while in my dad’s opinion everything was just fine. And it was just fine.  Sure. I had everything i needed and much more, starting from living in Moscow and having all i have like laptop, phone, clothing, trips over the country, and finishing with the fact that they would probably prefer to rest at home after a tough workday then to pick me up from one of the schools at 9pm. So i’m a terribly lucky child. Not many parents do so much for children and i’m about to thank them a lot, both of my parents but in a different way. 
That was the time when i still was a good girl. I came up with secretly hating my school programs (all about bio) which meant i stopped visiting extra classes for those cool competitions (buy-buy, hoodie). Biology - i didn’t like, chemistry - was not bad really, it was interesting and i was pleased with teachers (both kinda cool profs) asking how i found, hm, competitions as well. I mean, they asked me out of the class full of stunning biologists (who r mostly indifferent to the subject) and as follows pro-chemists. I didn’t respect them, my classmates. I didn’t have friends and felt no use of it. I mean i didn’t hate them, i just didn’t feel anything about anybody. I checked in comparisons with them wether i was still good in school subjects (without too much work to put in, as i said i f_cked things where it’was theoretically possible to win something, i found ‘em boring, never respected ‘em and was not to do stuff which i didn’t respect. i’m about so now as well but things have gone tricky), got my excellent marks and then came back to things which were really worth doing, imho.
What was worth (and still) doing imho, it’s quantum mechanics. That’s when i’ve gone crazy. Aged 14 i read a lot of popular literature about QM paradoxes and stuff and liked it a lot. I dunno wether i liked it for some good reason or just wanted to be ‘cool’ but when i saw a QM club addvert in my new school with a true quantum physicist as a teacher of course i came to this room number 202. I thought i would be, ahm *a few giggles, best with my literature background. No, i wasn’t if to express it politely. Cos there was no games - it was real, Carl, real quantum mechanics. I asked wether it was possible to attend the meetings of the club being not so good at math (i’ve heard of math level needed even for say ‘qm for begginers  idiots’). 
 - ‘Yes, sure’, - he said.
*More giggles. 
Here i remeber how i thought of hoodies without knowing about hoodies - in my first boring school i, before leaving it, wanted to become a pro-chemist. I found a good book (for unis) which was in English and i was even worse then i’m now and each day woke up at 6 am trying not to disturb parents and read it (read, yes, better say translated). I understood it was too difficult for me but i used a very simple idea - i must udnerstand all i read, every single idea. So what i couldn’t get out of the book - i searched in the internet and searched untill i didn’t get it. A good stratagy as i think now, the bad thing is that i never believed in my stratagies and they didn’t live long (but this book i read constantly).
What i want  to say is that i decided to use exactly same strategy with QM.
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fndar · 4 years
Addvertized by:-
*Pakistan Real Estate*
MIVIDA..... An elegant block of Khanial Homes. A luxury life style & bundle of soft facilities with unique differentiation. Where dreams come true. To enjoy the futuristic peaceful journey of eden life at affordable price , book a beautiful space for your dream home at #MIVIDA#
Khanial Homes, Rawalpindi.
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One space for artists and makers at Totnes caft studio
One space for artists and makers at Totnes caft studio
Artists and makers, there’s an opportunity for studio space coming up at Coombe Park near Totnes from the beginning of February. (more…)
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inkteresting-art · 3 years
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Idk why these adds pop up on my phone but it's only on Tumblr app and I absolutely hate it, ever 2-4 posts this sucker pops up and it's just...why
annoying pop up addverts make me not want to use your app staff!! @staff
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