#add business directory
dehradundirectory · 7 months
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cityprincegeorge · 8 months
Promote Your Business in Prince George: Simple Steps for Success
Growing a business can be challenging, especially if you're unsure about the right ways to attract customers. Success takes time, hard work, and dedication. Here are some simple steps to promote business in Prince George and achieve rapid growth.
Use Effective Marketing Strategies
Marketing is crucial for increasing sales. Contrary to popular belief, cold calling services are still effective. Research shows that businesses using cold calling can expand their sales by 48%. In fact, 69% of people called are likely to accept and purchase products, and 82% are willing to meet with sales representatives after a cold call. Consider professional cold calling services available.
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Communicate with Your Customers Frequently
Understanding your customers is essential. Conduct surveys, hold meetings, and encourage honest feedback. Embrace both positive and negative reviews to continuously improve. Engaging with multiple companies can provide more accurate information, helping your business meet evolving market demands.
Ensure Loyalty Establishment
Keeping customers interested is vital for sustained growth. Encourage loyalty by rewarding and offering discounts to your loyal customers. Make them feel appreciated, ensuring they choose your business over competitors offering similar products and services.
Invest in Social Media
Utilize social media platforms to showcase your products. As online shopping gains popularity, advertising on social media can reach thousands of potential customers, boosting your overall sales.
Value Your Team
A skilled and motivated team enhances productivity and product quality. Appreciate their hard work to foster a sense of belonging. Establishing a brand for your products encourages employees to work harder and attracts more customers. Consider investing in business training for your employees to enhance their skills and productivity.
Promoting your business in Prince George requires a combination of effective marketing, customer communication, loyalty building, social media presence, and a motivated team. By following these simple steps, you can pave the way for rapid growth and success. Remember, consistency and dedication are key to achieving long-term business goals.
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bulkpostads · 9 months
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Free Business Directory in USA
Mom n Pop Hub is a free business directory for businesses based in the USA. By listing your business on the directory, you can increase your online presence and reach a wider audience of potential customers. As a small business owner, don't miss out on the opportunity to get your business listed on "Mom n Pop Hub".
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amarucity · 2 years
Benefits of Business Directory Listing
A local company is an entity that markets its products or services within a specific geographic area. That is, the organisation does not carry out its commercial activity beyond certain local limits.
Google Business is an essential tool for improving your local SEO since searches will be much more transactional. Of course, if you have a smaller business, it is the perfect platform to compete with the giants due to this positioning at the local level. For this reason, you must begin to position yourselves with the exact keywords as "normal" SEO.
Users are not always interested in searching for electronic stores and buying online, but perhaps they are looking for a product or service near their home. Users will be interested in online offers and know which shoe stores are close to their current location and where they can benefit from the offers. Through Google Business, the benefits of business will be online and in the business of a lifetime.
No matter your business size, they all have a place in Google Business. In addition, you can control and add information that you want customers to see about your business or brand.
Obtain greater visibility in the search engine: It is one of the most important. The Google search engine has no competition, about 94% of users who use a search engine trust Google. It is vital to gain visibility through this tool. You can manage the information you give in the Google cards that appear after registering your business. The card will vary depending on the type of business you have.
If you have a physical business, you will have the possibility of geo-positioning yourselves through Google Maps. All the information will be included in the Maps, with extra information to help your customers. This additional information consists of calls to action, which will mainly be seen in the mobile version.
Call: Gives the user the possibility to call the number they have indicated. Just by clicking on this button, the mobile phone will call automatically, without needing the customer to dial all the digits one by one.
How to Get There: Through here, Google will give the possibility of reaching your business site from the current geographical point of the user.
Share: Another option is to share through different applications such as WhatsApp, Facebook, etc.
Website: The last option is to access the website of your business. This way, it is easier for the user to enter directly from the card that the Business has created for your business in their search engine.
Customer feedback: This is a significant advantage since it is easy to know customers' opinions. As a business will be able to manage the reviews; it is not recommended to delete negative reviews. Learn how to answer and know the correct answer to solve the problem in case of problems with some clients.
Information to the user: When you register in business directory India you must register certain information. This information is not because it is of particular interest to Google but will be reflected in the search engine. From the opening hours of your business to the theatre or cinema hours; any information is relevant to the user. Everything varies depending on the nature of the business.
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fluentmoviequoter · 7 months
It's Not About You
Requested Here!
Pairing: Tim Bradford x fem!reader
Summary: When Tim overhears his fellow police officers and your other neighbors flirting with you, he gets jealous, and takes it out on you.
Warnings: jealous!Tim (he's hot), brief angst, fluff at the end
Word Count: 2.1k+ words
Picture from Pinterest
Masterlist Directory | Tim Bradford Masterlist | Request Info/Fandom List
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Over the last few years of impromptu visits to the Mid-Wilshire LAPD station, you’ve gotten to know most of the front desk staff. They know you too, and you’re often wordlessly handed a visitor’s badge and wished good luck. You’ve heard the stories about the man you come to visit: how intense and grumpy he can be, but you’ve never seen that side of him for yourself.
Today, two people sit at the front desk, and you’ve never seen either before. Moving into one line, you wait until you reach the desk. You smile as you look at his name tag and are surprised to realize that you have heard his name.
“How can I help you today?” he asks, clearly displeased with his current position and forcing his smile.
“Officer Nolan, I am here to visit Officer Bradford,” you answer.
“Bradford,” Nolan repeats. “Tim Bradford?”
“That’s the one. I just need to drop something off and ask him a quick question.”
“Oh, sure,” Nolan replies. “Just fill this out for me and I’ll get you a badge.”
You nod, stepping to the side as you fill out the paperwork you haven’t seen since your first visit. Knowing that Nolan is new, though, and seeing just how busy the station is, you decide to do as he asks rather than argue with him.
“So, do you know Officer Bradford?” Nolan asks.
“I do. I’m his neighbor,” you answer.
“Ah, I see. I’m surprised someone as nice as you would intentionally visit him.”
“What does that mean?” you ask, furrowing your brows as you pass the clipboard back to him.
“Nothing, just- Hang on, I’m out of badges. Jackson, do you have visitors’ badges over there?”
“Uh, yeah,” the man beside him, Jackson apparently, answers.
“She’s here to visit Bradford,” Nolan explains.
“On purpose?” Jackson asks.
“That’s what I said!”
“Why is that so surprising?” you ask, smiling.
“He’s just… grumpy, and you seem so kind and fun to be around,” Nolan replies.
“You think I’d be fun to be around?”
“I- I mean, yeah. So envisioning you and Bradford talking to each other is just weird.”
“And concerning,” Jackson adds. “Have you been tested for any cognitive issues?”
“That’s not cognitive-related, you’re just questioning if I’m a good judge of character,” you argue.
“What’s your impression of me?” Nolan inquires. “Just to make sure you’re okay.”
“Well,” you begin, tapping the desk as you think.
Tim looks down at his watch before glancing at the door. You should be here by now; your text said ten minutes, and it’s been twice that. Tim abandons the conversation he’s been ignoring and walks to the door behind the desk. He hears you say why you’re there, but when Nolan starts talking to you about how different you are from Tim and then dips into what sounds like flirting, Tim's jaw tightens as he listens.
“As much fun as this has been,” you say with a chuckle, “I’m really late, and-“
“Bradford hates that. Trust me, I know,” Nolan interjects. “Do you know where you’re going?”
“I do. Thank you, Officer Nolan.”
Tim watches you smile as you use Nolan’s first name, and his nostrils flare. Usually, he can recognize his own emotions (and he’d admit - to you, at least - that he doesn’t have much emotional range). Right now, he can’t place the feelings he’s experiencing watching you and Nolan.
“Uh, Tim?” you ask, stepping through the door to go to the bullpen.
“Hey,” Tim replies, turning quickly. He picks up a folder and adds, “Everything okay? Took you longer than usual.”
You look at the folder in his hand and answer, “Yeah. My favorite cop wasn’t at the front desk so I actually had to go through the whole visitor thing.”
“I’m not your favorite cop?” Tim asks.
“Depends on the day,” you reply, smiling as he steps beside you.
Tim doesn’t answer, and when you look over at him, you’re surprised to see him looking straight ahead, bending the folder with a tight grip. You stop, placing a hand on his forearm.
“Are you okay?” you ask softly.
“Never been better,” Tim answers. “Why’d you stop by?”
“Oh. I wanted to let you know that Kojo is at my house, but also have a question.”
“Then ask.”
You bristle slightly at Tim’s disinterested tone, but you know his job is tough, and he’s probably had a long day.
“Do you-“
“Bradford!” someone calls. “Let’s go!”
Tim looks toward you, and you say, “Go ahead. My question can wait. Have a good day, Tim.”
“You too,” he mutters.
Tim takes the time to watch you leave, despite his seeming indifference. When you stop by the desk to say bye to Nolan, Tim destroys the folder as he realizes what he feels. Tim Bradford is jealous. Worse, he’s jealous of a rookie.
Kojo is on a leash in your front yard, and you smile as you watch him jump after a ball. Tim lives directly beside you, so you’ll know when he gets home. Hopefully, the rest of his shift went okay, and he’s in a better mood now.
A deep voice calls your name, and you look away from Kojo. Your neighbor from the other side stops on the sidewalk before your house to continue talking to you.
“Hey! How are you?” you respond, staying by your porch.
“Better now,” he replies with a flirtatious smile.
He’s not a bad neighbor, but he makes you uncomfortable because he flirts with you every time he sees you. Having Kojo nearby makes you more comfortable, but you hope to get through the small talk and move on.
“I’m having a little get together on Friday if you’d like to come over.”
You call Kojo to your side, and he happily sits before you, another buffer between you and your neighbor. Tim’s truck turns into his driveway, and you sigh in relief. He gets out quickly, stopping by his passenger door as he watches you and Kojo. You smile, unsurprised but disappointed when Tim doesn’t return it.
“Friday?” your neighbor asks.
“I’ll, uh, I’m not sure if I can make it,” you offer. “Thanks for the invitation, though.”
“Open invite,” he adds before walking back toward his house.
“Hey, Tim,” you call, walking across your yard with Kojo’s leash in your hand. “Work go okay?”
“Yep. Thanks for taking care of Kojo.”
Tim takes the leash, his hand covering yours for just a moment. He pulls his hand away quickly and nods before he turns toward his house.
“Do you need me to watch him tomorrow?”
“No,” Tim answers, keeping his back to you. “Have a good one.”
You stand in your yard for a moment, wondering what happened. You’re starting to see the Tim Bradford that the officers at Mid-Wilshire talk about, and you’re not sure you like it.
Tim was hoping that you’d ask your question when he got home. When he saw your other neighbor talking to you and, from what Tim heard, asking you out, he decided he wasn’t in the mood to talk. Turning his back on you felt wrong, but his jealousy is calling the shots for now. Everyone close to you, close to Tim, seems to be making a move on you. Tim doesn’t want to admit it, but part of why he likes you so much is because he’s falling for you. He knows he’ll never be good enough for you, so he’s happy to be your friend... until today, and now he’s not sure if he can stand by and watch another man attempt to make you happy.
“Any chance you can tell me that I saw that wrong?” Tim asks Kojo. When Kojo huffs, he replies, “I didn’t think so.”
Kojo starts barking as soon as you return home from running some errands. Tim said he didn’t need your help today, but Kojo needs something. You text Tim, asking if he wants you to check on Kojo, but he doesn’t answer. After a few minutes, you use your spare key and enter Tim’s house.
As you walk into the backyard with Kojo, you call Tim, but he still doesn’t answer. Kojo is fine, simply lonely, so you take him back to your house. After texting Tim to let him know, you walk back to your car to lock it. A police car stops across the street, and when you see Nolan exit the driver’s side, you yell his name and jog toward the road.
“Hey,” he greets.
“What’s going on?” you ask, walking into the street so you can hear him.
“Noise complaint. How long have you been home?”
“Ten minutes, maybe.”
“They called about excessive dog barking, and that’s a direct quote.”
“Oh… that was Tim’s dog. He’s fine now, but he was barking at me when I got back because he was lonely.”
Another shop parks behind Nolan’s, and Tim slams the door as he exits.
“It was Kojo, I’m so sorry,” you offer.
“I told you he was fine today,” Tim replies.
“He started barking and I was worried about him. You didn’t answer, so I-“
“It’s fine,” Tim snaps.
“Sorry,” you whisper.
Nolan nods as he gets back in his shop. Tim waits until he drives away to take a deep breath. He begins to speak, but another neighbor stops as he drives by, rolling his window down to ask how you are. Tim opens his door, and you rush to his shop and look through his rolled-down window.
“I’m sorry, Tim,” you repeat.
“It’s fine.”
“Clearly it isn’t because you can’t even look at me. I won’t do it again.”
“It’s not about you,” Tim argues. It is, but he can’t tell you that.
“Got it,” you murmur, stepping back. “I’ll take Kojo back to your place and leave my key.”
You cross the road, walking through your yard as you think about what you’re losing by accidentally pushing Tim away. Tim yells your name, and you stop but don’t turn toward him. He walks up behind you, and you can’t see his hands flex at his sides as he tries to find the words to say.
“It is about you, but not about you taking care of Kojo,” Tim begins. “It’s about you and me.”
Turning your head, you watch Tim’s hand fold into a fist as he continues.
“I just- Nolan was flirting with you, and…”
“You think he was flirting with me?” you ask, turning so you’re facing Tim.
“He was. And it made me angry. When I came home and saw what’s-his-name flirting with you too…”
“You got angry?”
“I got jealous,” Tim forces out.
“Because they’re doing what I want to do.”
“What does that mean, Tim?”
“It means that I want to be more than your friend but I’m not relationship material. Watching guys try to be what I want to be makes me jealous and angry, and for some reason I took it out on you.”
“And Nolan?”
Tim pauses before nodding.
“You know the worst part of this?” you ask. “That if you had just told me, I would have let you know that I feel the same.”
“You don’t get jealous,” Tim argues.
“That’s not true. Every time someone flirts with you or stares a little too openly, I remember that you could have anyone you wanted. Being your neighbor was the closest I thought I could get.”
Tim steps toward you, and you match his movement, closing the distance together.
“So…” you begin.
“So. What did you want to ask at the station?"
"If I could come over, but I feel confident assuming that you'd say yes."
Tim closes his eyes when your neighbor says your name.
“Cute,” you murmur.
“I realized that a big gathering like that wasn’t a good choice, so I wanted to ask if you were free Thursday? Maybe we could get some dinner or something."
“She’s busy,” Tim answers, his eyes on you.
“Let me rephrase, she’s taken!” Tim yells.
“Oh, sorry man, I didn’t know.”
Tim watches him scurry inside before turning back toward you. You smile as you look at him.
“I’m taken?” you repeat.
“Only if you want to be.”
Nodding, you lay your hands on Tim’s chest. He moves a hand up to your waist, pulling you against him. Kojo barks before he can do anything, and you laugh against Tim’s uniform.
“Aren’t you still working?” you ask.
“Technically. How about dinner when I get off?”
“Only if you cook.”
“Like I’m taking you out in public this soon. I just got over the jealousy.”
You kiss Tim’s cheek just before dispatch alerts him of a call in the area.
“Where are you going?” he asks as you walk away.
“Home!” you call as you walk into his porch. “My boy lives here. And you do too.”
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tacticalhimbo · 10 hours
Since I'm incredibly anxious and very much annoyed, I'm compiling this post as a sort of master list of relief organizations and individual fundraisers for those in the path of Hurricane Helene.
Many of the links I post on this won't be individuals, but I encourage those within the path to add their links to this post in reblogs! Likewise, if you have any organizations / volunteer / grassroots efforts y'all would like to share, please do so!
My list is particularly focused on widely accessible resources, as well as Florida specific resources since... I'm from Florida.
American Red Cross - The American Red Cross is on the ground helping people as Hurricane Helene approaches land as a very dangerous storm. Helene may produce winds over 150 mph, a massive 20-foot-high storm surge and as much as a foot of rain. Prolonged power outages and tornadoes may occur. The effects will be felt hundreds of miles inland including in Georgia and the Carolinas.
FEMA Disaster Assistance Improvement Program - The Disaster Assistance Improvement Program’s (DAIP) mission is to provide disaster survivors with information, support, services, and a means to access and apply for disaster assistance through joint data-sharing efforts between federal, tribal, state, local, and private sector partners.
Roll Mobility - An application that equips wheelchair users with reliable information about the accessibility of restaurants, public spaces, businesses, trails, and parking areas. Good information to have on hand, especially for those evacuating from their home areas.
Warmline Directory - Providing extensive yet accessible resources that empower individuals to find the mental health and wellness resources they need through a directory containing accurate and in-depth information. For those unfamiliar: Unlike a crisis line, a warm line operator is unlikely to call the police or have someone locked up if they talk about suicidal or self-harming thoughts or behaviors. A good resource for individuals in mental distress due to natural disaster circumstances.
Food Not Bombs - Recovers food that would have been discarded and share it as a way of protesting war and poverty. They also reduce food waste and meet the direct need of communities by collecting discarded food, preparing vegan meals that they share with the hungry while providing literature about the need to change our society. Food Not Bombs also provides food to protesters and striking workers and organizes food relief after natural and political crisis.
Volunteer Florida Disaster Fund - The Florida Disaster Fund is the State of Florida’s official private fund established to assist Florida’s communities as they respond to and recover during times of emergency or disaster. In partnership with the public sector, private sector and other non-governmental organizations, the Florida Disaster Fund supports response and recovery activities.
State and Local Level Referrals - When a disaster occurs, local governments often work together with community leaders and organizations to provide on-the-ground emergency management. Curated by FEMA. (Has 52 Organizations Listed)
State and Local Level Referrals - When a disaster occurs, local governments often work together with community leaders and organizations to provide on-the-ground emergency management. Curated by FEMA. (Has 60 Organizations Listed)
State and Local Level Referrals - When a disaster occurs, local governments often work together with community leaders and organizations to provide on-the-ground emergency management. Curated by FEMA. (Has 49 Organizations Listed)
State and Local Level Referrals - When a disaster occurs, local governments often work together with community leaders and organizations to provide on-the-ground emergency management. Curated by FEMA. (Has 45 Organizations Listed)
State and Local Level Referrals - When a disaster occurs, local governments often work together with community leaders and organizations to provide on-the-ground emergency management. Curated by FEMA. (Has 44 Organizations Listed)
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vaspider · 1 year
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If you're a trans shop owner of a small business with an independent site, or a trans artist with an independent portfolio site, please add it to this post - both as a directory & so folx can contact you for stories, blog posts on their own sites, etc.
Please don't link Etsy shops or RedBubbles or DA portfolios, etc. on this particular thread - I'll be happy to start another thread for that, but those big sites have their own SEO, and we can't help you the same way. 💗
And I'll start bc this is my baby:
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unwri-ten · 2 months
i just looked at your site for comms and i'm like this 'cause it got me scared of you [/POS /POS] ↓
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[i'm being so serious, how do you do the whole making a site thing-]
HI HIII OUBSDFJNFSD- Don't be intimidated!!! I don't bite <333 But yeah, omg sites and stuff- !! Really intimidating when you start out I totally get it, BUTT It's not that difficult once you get the hang of it, 'cause from my experience, that slump mostly comes from just not knowing what to put and the overloady junk ykyk? But anyways, Yeah! I can talk about some things I learned while developing a portfolio website/landing page
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First would be what you want to use it for! For this whole thing I'm just gonna use Weebly and Carrd as samples because they're both free. ANYWAYS, I use two websites for two things, first is a directory that includes almost all the links to my stuff, and the second is my actual main website as a portfolio and professional place to showcase my work to clients and potential employers. The directory is pretty simple since it's just a compilations to links, Carrd is pretty easy to use so I'd recommend this one if you just need one place to put your socials, commission info, and etc.
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I put everything in sections and since I mostly use all of this for work in general, I showcase my work status and my website first and foremost!
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Andd all of this is just links to stuff that might be important, I'd also recommend having navigation buttons on each page that helps with loading back to other part of your website, (beloww)
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and as for my main site, it's a lot more complicated and I'm already babbling way too much in one post so I'll try to condense it pretty quick. Visuals can come later! Focus on what content you want to put in the site first. Usually it's sanctioned into three things: Your Portfolio/shop, a showcase for the services that you offer, and an about-me (I got inspiration from other sites like local brands and their shop websites and art portfolios) (oh and TOS is important too if you're an artist!)
You can of course add and not-add anything you please but that's the generalized gist of it and what worked for me personally. Once you know what to put then you can build up the website bit by bit, I'd recommend weebly for heavier sites like that because not only is it free but unlike carrd, it has no 'element limit'. the only drawback is a footer that advertises weebly on your website, and to me that's not that bad of a con really LOLOL some tips: *I'd recommend putting your best work forward than -all- of your work in a portfolio/gallery. Find what best showcases your talent, quality over quantity! *Find other portfolios/websites that align to what you're looking for, most artists you know prolly have their websites too so it's a good starting point to find inspiration on what to put! *and for actually learning how to use carrd and weebly's interfaces, its a WHOLLEEE other conversation I can't really divulge in without going on a ramble-bam sooo if you have any questions, i dont mind dms! I'd love to help :)) I think advertising and marketing yourself is really important (sometimes even moreso because yk how it is with art as a business), and I already went through the nittygritty of learning this all by myself so I'd love to help anyone that needs it, o7!!!! Hope this helps!!
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gummilutt · 1 year
Directory of downloads
Since Tumblr is now where I share my stuff when I do share, I suppose there will come a time when scrolling through would get tedious for you, the reader, and Origami suggested I make a directory post to make it easier for people to find what they may want. Great idea, so here we are :)
If you have problems the fastest way to reach me is through discord, my username is gummilutt. You can also find me in the discord server Sims Crafters (click for invite). DM here on tumblr on MTS will also work, but I make no promises about fast replies.
Policy is open, do what you like. A tag is always appreciated, because it is fun to see what people make with your work :)
I do not take requests, sorry :) I am however always happy to give advice on how to make something yourself, in the modding channel on SimsCrafters (invite above). If you aren't interested in learning to make what you want yourself, my advice is to use publicly available forums to post your ideas (Hacks & CC thread on MTS, ideas channel on Crafters etc), and if you are lucky a modder will see it, like it and make it.
Posebox base clone that can remember pose used
Custom memories library and object
Monique's computer update - price editing friendly
Modified Cyjon Loan Jar
Simulated sales in OFB business made optional and lot-based
Autonomous background crafting
AL Gear City window made closeable
Teleporters given age based & pet options
Updated Inge table and counter controller
Dressers require laundry Add-on for Sun & Mon Laundry Mod
Immersive pet treat giving
No saturday landlord party in apartments
Landlord leaves leaf piles during autumn
Backrub gives comfort
Crystal ball computer dating service
Stuffed animal enabler and autonomy fix with traits incorporation
Teens and pregnant Sims do not drink autonomously
Towel rack dresser actions
Toddler memory nursery rhyme
Cat nip toy cleanup enabled teens/elder
Check out self on mirror enabled adult/elder
Pregnant Sim BV activity sanity - Log roll, axe throw, massage, hot spring and sauna changes
Takemizu ninja success chance raised to 75%
Uni skill scholarships lowered to 5 points
Sell lemonade want age restricted
Snuck out memory made repeatable
No autonomous cleaning of dishes/trash
Pet career wage edits
Slacker chance card edit
Debug "make harvestable" made more user friendly
No hunger decay for birds
Mod Objects and Edits
Teleporters given age-based options
Bodyshop content
Acne Taurus pantless heels
Raonjena 103 Pooklet recolor
Updating pre-AL pet food bowls for Midge's butler/nanny refill mod
Fixes of other peoples stuff
Simslice Beer Keg refillable and no family romance
BO's multi-key dorm door mod diagonal door add-on
Cyjon debugger menu fixed for non-english installations
Potty Fixes and Potty Use Bin mods merged for compatibility
For more of my creations I also have a library of 84 uploads over on MTS, mostly game mods with some bodyshop and the occasional lot sprinkled in. My username there is gummilutt :)
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dehradundirectory · 7 months
Dehradun Business Listings
What sets us apart is our commitment to accuracy and relevance. Each listing is carefully verified and optimized to ensure it reflects the true essence of your business. From detailed descriptions to captivating visuals, we craft listings that captivate and engage your target audience, compelling them to choose your brand over competitors.
But our services don't end with just creating listings. We provide robust analytics tools that offer valuable insights into consumer behaviour, allowing you to fine-tune your marketing strategies and stay ahead of the curve. With access to real-time data on customer interactions and trends, you can make informed decisions that drive business success.
Moreover, our platform is designed with user-friendliness in mind, making it easy for both businesses and consumers to connect seamlessly. Whether it's updating your information or responding to customer reviews, our intuitive interface puts you in control, empowering you to manage your online presence with ease.
In today's competitive landscape, visibility is key to attracting customers and growing your business. Don't let your brand get lost in the digital noise. Join our platform today and unlock the full potential of your business. Let us help you reach new heights and achieve your goals. Together, we'll make your business shine brighter than ever before.
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jenchan-writingmultis · 4 months
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Multifandom Masterlist
The promised navigation since I started to reblog and create more fics, I’ll put it here for an easier directory.
Semi-Hiatus (Refer to this post) for reason/s
Warning: I write almost anything, smut, angst, fluff, etc, I can write for both x reader, MLM, and WLW ships. However, My main would be x readers, cause I like self-indulging in them and creating indulgences for the readers. I use You/yourself when it is for x readers, but If they are not the main ship, I use either she/her, he/him, or they/them, depending on what type of character I would use for the Main Character as a side character with a ship or not.
You can call me Jen, or Echo, anything would be fine, I mostly write fluff with angst though, so If you want smut, just ask! And please do help me with the tagging cause I’m not the best at understanding it. ────────༺♰༻────────
Things to remember:
˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗ Requests are CLOSED ˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗ - Request/s pending: 7 (Thank you so much for the requests! I'll open it up soon once again, I'll just close it for now cause I take my time writing ^^) (I'll create rules soon :D so far just request without restrictions I don't mind ^_^, smut, fluff, etc hehe :D let your creative juices flow through you!
Fics tagged as series will be separated from one-shot fics.
The master list will be continuously updated as I create new fics!
This blog is 18+ since I will create smut soon once I get a request from it, or If I get an idea. So Minors, please do not interact with fics tagged for mature audiences, I know I can't stop you from reading, however, I can ask you to not try to request Matured fics (Fluff, angst, and others are allowed!) do not comment on the fics that are tagged 18+ too.
I will start updating what fics I'm currently working on.
One shots/Non-series are automatically counted as finished since they're just one shot.
I will add requests that I received here and once they're out I will mark them as done.
I don't do fics half-assedly, I like to take my time to enjoy and indulge in it myself, I'm kind of a perfectionist so I apologize if I take too long to post, usually, I'm busy and possibly will get even more busier soon, I'm growing hehe, more responsibilities come as time continues. ◝(ᵔᵕᵔ)◜
My fandoms will continuously grow, I'm a multifandom after all, and this will be updated often if I ever finish the series I read.
For now, my obsession is on Twisted Wonderland, I love writing about them, so I apologize if the other fandoms aren't filled yet, but I will write for them soon.
The updates are very inconsistent due to my schedule and responsibilities, I hope everyone's patient for it, thank you!
I do not consent to stealing, translating, or putting my work in AI. I put effort into creating my fics, please remember that. I will ALWAYS finish my fics, do not use any type of AI to try and finish it for me, I will drop it if I hear any news about my work being fed to AI.
────────༺♰༻──────── Fandom/s:
Love and Deepspace
Twisted Wonderland
Windbreaker ( Author is still heavily indulging in loving Togame...)
Wuthering Waves (Author wants Scar to choke her...)
Reverse 1999
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peachpassionfruit · 1 year
if it wasn’t for the nights!
🏹 02. wake up, it’s time for school
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You sighed, hot tears streaming down your face. With one hand, you were tossing strewn out clothes back into your newly-unpacked suitcase, and with the other, you were dialing the number of an airline to find any available tickets back to Mondstadt for as soon as possible.
The waiting song signaled a long queue, so you huffed, resolving to wait for your friends and the drinks they promised. You could really use a daze to knock you out of this reality. The one where you had transferred to your boyfriend’s college to be with him; the one where he had cheated on you. And not even come after you.
Every hair on your body stood up when you heard the main door to the dorm creak open, footsteps sounding through the hall. Paralyzed with fear, you grabbed your phone and snuck under the bed covers, hiding yourself with a blanket.
“…I can’t believe you didn’t tell us you were dating…” a low voice sounded, and you froze. “How could you keep that from your friends?” A few deep chuckles. And you realized your door was open. The new busy tones emitting from your phone threatened to give you up.
“Alhaitham? Didn’t he move out of the dorms?” Another voice said, and the footsteps grew closer. You clamped your hand over your mouth, not daring to make a sound. Light flooded in as the door opened wider, with a few stifled snickers.
“Alhaitham! Wake up, it’s time for school—” a familiar voice teased, yanking at the covers. But with the grip your legs had on then, the end of the covers folded under your feet, it didn’t budge. You internally cursed as they tugged again, the blanket finally giving way and revealing you.
A scream sounded. A chorus of two more joined in. You took one look at them, seeing…
The three boys from the welcome party, and…
Then you screamed.
↞ | m.list | ↠
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🏹 notes … heyyy guys im not doing much at all so kind of frequent updates but im off to work rn and imma be kind of busy in the upcoming week but ill still try to update often!!! timestamps don’t matter — also tumblr isn’t letting me paste anything on my phone rn so I’ll add the directory at the bottom on my computer later
🏹 taglist … open!! msg/comment to be added (this is my secondary blog so when i reply to comments it may show as @coconutmilkrefresher so just know that’s me) @alisonyus @tiddieshakeshownu @lxkeeeee @sheraeera @sketcheeee @sukunasrealgf @sweet-seraphim @ulquiorraswife @scaramochi-lover @beriiov
<3 M
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fluentmoviequoter · 2 months
A Very Handsome Boy
I used @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 's idea based on 4x05 "A.C.H"! I hope you like this!!
Pairing: Tim Bradford x fem!reader
Summary: While you're at a party, your friends mistake a cop for a stripper. He has a way you can make it up to him.
Warnings: some stripper jokes but it's clean, fluff! spoilers for 4x05
Word Count: 1.6k+ words
Masterlist Directory | Tim Bradford Masterlist | Request Info/Fandom List
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You’ve been smiling since you walked into the party. Your friends, and the friends of friends of friends that have been invited through the grapevine, have definitely become the life of the party. The music is up and easy to dance to, plenty of food and drinks are prepared in the kitchen, and the people around you having a good time, which makes it even easier for you to have a good time.
“There you are!” your friend yells over the bass thumping through the speakers. “I thought you left.”
“Why would I leave?” you ask, raising your voice to match hers. “This is the best time I’ll have this month!”
“Now that we took the aux cord from Wade,” she agrees, laughing. “I don’t think I could take another millennial girl song.”
You laugh with her, prepared to make another joke about her boyfriend’s odd taste in music. Before you can speak, someone knocks loudly on the front door while, in a bedroom, your friend is yelled for.
“I’ll get the door,” you offer.
“I hope it’s the pizza!” Wade yells from the kitchen. “I’m starving!”
“Eat your chimichangas!” your friend jokes as she walks down the hall.
You roll your eyes fondly and approach the front door. As you open it, you’re surprised to see an attractive man in a police officer uniform standing on the stoop.
“Who called a stripper?!” a girl behind you yells excitedly.
“Oh, no,” the man before you interjects. “I’m-“
“Coming inside!” another partygoer finishes.
Several girls around you pull him inside, and though you can see his head shaking, you can’t make out what he’s saying. As you step between two people you don’t recognize to get closer to him, your eyes widen because his uniform looks too real.
You push closer to him, trying to tell everyone to back up, but they’re too busy looking at him and yelling over the music to hear you.
“Guys, stop!” you yell.
This time, they listen, but your demand is punctuated by a loud rip. You close your eyes and exhale before you look up at the police officer. His uniform has been ripped across one of his sleeves and the chest, and you don’t know whether to laugh or cry while apologizing profusely.
“He’s not a stripper!” you add as a handful of dollar bills are thrown toward him.
“Just…” the man begins, clearly annoyed and tired. “Just turn the music down.”
Someone runs to the speaker and turns the dial to an acceptable level. A couple girls apologize as they pass the police officer, but you step closer with your hands interlaced tightly.
“I am so sorry,” you begin. “There’s no excuse, but I’ll pay for the damages to your uniform, and I-“
He waves his hand gently to stop you before gesturing toward the door. You nod and follow him quietly out of the front door. You apologize again when it closes behind you and the party sounds are muffled.
“It’s fine,” he interrupts. “I’m Tim Bradford, by the way.”
You introduce yourself without giving him time to speak before you offer to pay for his uniform again.
“Actually,” he begins slowly. “There is another way you could repay me.”
You furrow your brows at his vague suggestion, and he glances toward the door when the music grows louder again.
“I’ll turn it down,” you promise.
“I was going to ask you out,” Tim corrects.
Halfway to the door, you stop. Turning slowly, you’re surprised Tim's eyes are on yours.
“If you don’t want to, I understand,” he adds. Tim has had his eyes on you since he opened the door, and despite the ripped uniform and the teasing he is guaranteed to get from his fellow officers, he’s glad he took this call. If only to meet you.
“I- I’d like that,” you answer softly.
Tim extends his phone to you and watches as you put your name and number in his contacts. Your phone buzzes in your pocket when he texts you his name, and you hold it before your stomach as you step backward toward the door.
“I’ll call you when my shift ends,” Tim says. “Keep the music down so I can wait until then, would you?”
“You got it, officer.”
Tim shakes his head before he returns to his shop. As he pulls away, you inspect the picture you took without him knowing. The ripped uniform may be bad for him, but it’ll make a great story for you, even if he doesn’t call later.
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“So that’s what you look like in a shirt that doesn’t tearaway,” you joke when you open the door.
“The other one wasn’t tearaway,” Tim replies. “That’s for amateurs.”
“I really am sorry about that.”
“I’m not. Luckily, I did manage to hide the shirt and the story from everyone except my watch commander.”
Tim smiles, and you match his grin as you say, “I’m glad you can laugh about it.”
“You’ve been laughing about it since it happened.”
“I have not!” you argue. “I saved you, remember?”
“Yeah, that was really brave,” Tim agrees sarcastically. “It’s not the worst call I’ll ever be dispatched to.”
“If it was, I’d be offended.”
You follow Tim to his truck to get a late dinner, and as you talk and laugh together, you know that, without a doubt, going to that party and letting it get so loud is the best thing you’ve ever done.
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A few weeks later, Tim invites you to visit him at the station and you happily agree. You’ve loved almost every moment of your relationship with Tim, and even when things aren’t as easy to love, he is.
“You must be Tim’s guest,” a woman says as you enter the Mid-Wilshire station. “I’m his best friend, Angela Lopez.”
“Right, I’ve heard about you,” you reply before introducing yourself.
“So, how did you meet my favorite no-nonsense cop and convince him to have company at work?”
“She was at the party on Halloween,” Tim answers. “Hi,” he says to you.
“Wait, you met her on a call?” another officer asks.
“These are our rookies, Jackson, Lucy, and Nolan,” Angela fills in for you. “They’re also the nosiest cops you’ll ever meet.”
“Wasn’t the party a noise disturbance?” Nolan inquires.
“It was,” Tim says. “She opened the door and then I was being pulled inside.”
“Some of my friends thought he was a stripper,” you explain further.
Jackson’s eyes widen as he slaps his hand over his mouth to keep himself from laughing.
Tim glares at Jackson as he adds, “Ripped my uniform and everything. At least they tipped well.”
“They ripped your uniform?” Lucy repeats.
You nod and pull your phone from your pocket to find the picture. After you show it to Lucy, she begins laughing so hard that she has to walk away and find somewhere to sit so she doesn’t fall. Every time her laughter slows, she sees Tim and starts anew again.
“I have so many questions,” Nolan says.
Angela and Jackson hold your phone to evaluate Tim’s stripper look. His eyes are on you, however.
“Save ‘em,” Jackson tells Nolan without looking up. “No one will ever mistake you for a stripper.”
“What does that mean?” Tim asks, turning his shoulders to face you.
“You’re really handsome,” you answer, smiling at him. "I'm sure it happens to very handsome boys all the time."
Tim shakes his head, but you can tell he’s hiding a smile. You’ve been smiling since you met him, and if he had to get his uniform ripped to see your smile, Tim would do it a hundred more times.
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seotimerank · 7 months
I will make 50 unique article submission contextual backlinks
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angelswithscalywings · 8 months
An anniversary gift - free mobile version of AwSW.
It doesn't seem that long ago that I wrote the last anniversary post. Time can just fly when you're busy. Despite that, I unfortunately wasn't able to keep the anticipated release date of 2023 for the sequel to Angels with Scaly Wings.
I again could go into the reasons for why the game is taking so long due to the vastly increased scope compared to the first game, but I've already talked about that at length.
Skip the next few paragraphs if you want to go into the sequel with no prior knowledge (which I would recommend).
--Potential spoilers starting here--
Perhaps one tidbit I haven't mentioned before is that this time around, the main character will be working with a team of characters instead of mostly being on their own. What does this mean?
There will be a lot more scenes where multiple characters are present, and they will feature interactions between these characters.
Investigations are much more interesting this time around, and will typically involve at least one other character besides the player character.
The presence of one or more other characters during these scenes add a lot of complexity as they will be influenced by each character's moods and other factors.
Doing this when the game's final script will have roughly double the word count compared to the first game is adding a lot more work than we initially anticipated.
But we'll keep at it! And I think the end result will be more than worth it.
--Potential spoilers ending here--
I am definitely planning to show much more of the game throughout this year.
But to ease the wait a little bit, we have prepared something special for you.
Some years back, we created a mobile version of the game for android devices. Unfortunately, we never got the opportunity to publish it on the various mobile platforms, so we are adding the .apk file for this to Steam and itch.io.
So, anyone who has previously purchased Angels with Scaly Wings will be able to access and play this mobile version.
However, there is a downside to this. As we made this version some years ago, it is only updated to version 1.08. The latest patches, including the Japanese language overhaul and other added languages are not present here.
But we figured we should make this version available as we had no other way to release it at this point and it's just been sitting here collecting dust.
Quite some effort went into making the game work as nicely as possible on both phones and tablets, including gesture controls, and new settings to adjust text and cursor size.
On Steam, you should find the .apk file to install it on your android device in the game's install directory.
On itch.io, you should find the file available as separate download on the game's download page.
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