#adam x blue
blueseysyogurt · 5 months
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watching her gush over them when i know the ending is driving me insane
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she texted me this as i was making this post
(sorry bora)
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notcryingtoday · 29 days
wait, i was 72% sure gansey had a (little) crush on adam and adam saw him as a brother but now he's like "oh blue and him were together i'm jealous but OF WHO ???"
those kids are all in love with one another lol that's actually so funny
(and i do think even ronan and adam are a little sus too with adam being like "nhnhnh my imaginary meeting with ronan is like one of my reason to wake up everyday and FIGHT" you're not fooling me parrish)
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giohorttensya · 3 months
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Ronan and Adam
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cabeswaterdrowned · 2 months
honorable mentions:
Ronan being senselessly turned on by Adam on a motorcycle in Call Down The Hawk, eliminated for not technically being a car but still impressive
Jordan stealing Declan’s car and in doing so feeling closer to Hennessy while also closer to Declan.
Adam teaching Gansey about fixing cars.
The picture in Adam’s glove rendezvous has a the man (who looks like Greenmantle, which is to say like a combination of Ronan and Gansey, which is to say he looks like Declan but I digress) standing next to a German made car.
I could have sworn in addition to the Gansey comparing Adam to the Pig scene there was a scene where Ronan did as well but I looked up every time the word “Camaro” is mentioned in the Dream Thieves + The Raven King (only books with Ronan pov chapters) and did not find this so I wonder if I made it up, or saw someone else misremember and then adopted it in my memory. Someone enlighten me if not. There are certainly others but I either couldn’t remember them or couldn’t find text evidence to confirm they were real. Of course, you might say that some of these were likely more intentional from a doylist pov than others, however the text is the text and motifs are motifs. I am simply an academic presenting my findings to you all.
Also the Latin line is said twice once when the Camaro breaks down Ronan says it jokingly to Gansey in the scene where he also puts a leg over Adam’s, then Adam remembers it after a breakdown in TDT as applying to how he’s a “trainwreck” right before finding himself in Ronan’s dream. Feel the others are self explanatory enough but thought this one merited explanation if you haven’t reread recently.
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nhlclover · 3 months
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summary: after feeling isolated by the lack of support from your own family and friends during your pregnancy, you found a sense of belonging among adam's friends
warnings: pregnancy, technically teen pregnancy, use of made up people who do not exist irl
word count: 1.33k
You had never felt so alone.
When you found out you and Adam were expecting, you were over the moon. It wasn’t in your plans as a couple, but the two of you were more than ready to begin your family. The initial shock quickly turned into joy as you imagined the future together, holding your little one in your arms, and sharing the excitement of each new milestone.
However, when you told those close to you, your friends and family, their reactions were not what you had hoped for. Your parents had been disappointed, worried about what those in the community would think about them now that their daughter was a teenage mom. Their choice of words left you feeling like a failure. Your mother’s disapproving gaze and your father’s silence were more hurtful than any words could be. They seemed more concerned about their reputation than the new life you were bringing into the world.
When you turned to your friends, hoping that their reactions would be supportive and at least slightly better than those of your parents, you were left hurt and alone. They either distanced themselves or openly criticized your decision to keep the baby. The whispers behind your back, the judgmental glances, and the sudden exclusion from social gatherings cut deeper than you could have imagined. It felt like you were being punished for your happiness.
It seemed like everyone had an opinion, and none of them were supportive. The isolation was overwhelming, and each day felt heavier than the last. The weight of their disappointment and judgment bore down on you, making the already challenging journey of pregnancy feel even more daunting.
Now, at seven months pregnant, you had been navigating the rocky path of motherhood almost completely alone. Adam had been a rock throughout the entire thing, his unwavering love and support providing you with some solace in the storm of criticism. He held you through the nights of tears and doubt, whispering reassurances that you were strong. His family, although from a distance, were also supportive, sending messages of encouragement and little gifts for the baby.
However, even their unwavering support felt like it wasn’t enough. The absence of your own family’s acceptance left a void that was impossible to fill. You longed for your mother’s comforting words, your father’s steady presence, and the camaraderie of your friends. Instead, you faced a future that seemed more uncertain and isolated than you had ever imagined.
The journey of impending motherhood, which should have been filled with joy and anticipation, was overshadowed by the loneliness that engulfed you. Each day was a struggle to stay positive and to believe that you could be the mother your child deserved. As the due date approached, the fear of the unknown mixed with the pain of rejection, making you wonder if you could ever truly overcome the loneliness that had become your constant companion.
So when Adam suggested you go to brunch with his friends, your anxiety skyrocketed. You didn’t know these people well, and the thought of facing more judgment was almost too much to bear. Yet, Adam had assured you they were kind, understanding people, so you trusted him.
As you arrived at the quaint restaurant, your heart pounded in your chest. This morning had been a better one in terms of morning sickness and pain, which gave you a sense of ease that maybe this wouldn’t be so bad, but still, your anxiety loomed.
Adam gave your hand a quick squeeze as you approached the table, most of his friends already seated. You were greeted by a melodic chorus of friendly voices and warm smiles. Adam’s friends and their partners welcomed them eagerly, pulling out chairs and making space for them at the crowded table.
“Y/n, right?” the girl next to you asked.
“Yes, hi,” you said softly, your voice trembling slightly as you took a seat.
“Adam’s told me so much about you, it’s so nice to finally put a face to a name!” she said sweetly. “I’m Lilly.”
Her warmth and genuine smile were a stark contrast to the reactions you had grown accustomed to. You felt a small spark of hope flicker within you, and you mustered a polite smile in return. "It's nice to meet you, Lilly."
As the conversation flowed around you, you found yourself slowly relaxing. The group was vibrant and welcoming, chatting animatedly about their lives, sharing jokes, and asking you questions that made you feel included rather than judged. Lilly in particular seemed to take you under her wing, engaging you in conversation and making sure you felt comfortable.
"So, how are you feeling?" Lilly asked gently, her eyes filled with genuine concern. "I know it must be tough sometimes."
You hesitated, unused to such kindness, but her sincerity made it easier to open up. "It's been challenging," you admitted, feeling a lump in your throat. You glanced at Adam, who gave you an encouraging nod. He’d kept an eye on you the entire evening, making sure you were staying comfortable and making sure you didn’t want to leave. He’d truly been amazing through everything. "But Adam has been wonderful, and I'm trying to stay positive."
“When are you due?” Tyler asked.
“Early August,” you replied, your voice steadier now.
“That's so exciting! Have you thought about names yet?” Sarah asked, her enthusiasm contagious.
You and Adam exchanged a glance, and for the first time in a long while, you felt a genuine smile spread across your face. “We have a few ideas, but nothing set in stone yet.”
The weight on your shoulders seemed to lighten, as you felt that there was a developing support system that you hadn’t expected. As the brunch continued, the questions kept coming, but they were all filled with kindness and genuine interest. They asked about your cravings, your experience with morning sickness, and even shared funny stories from their own lives. You felt yourself relaxing, your earlier fears melting away.
“We're all here for you, you know," Lilly said at one point, her eyes sincere. "If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask. We’d love to help now and after the baby arrives.”
You didn’t know if it was the overwhelming gratitude you were experiencing, or simply pregnancy hormones, but you found yourself getting emotional, tears brimming in your eyes. “Thank you. That means more than you know.”
Lilly gave you a sweet smile, reaching over and giving your hand that rested on the table a supportive squeeze. The meals came and went, stories were told, and Adam kindly paid for the tab. After you said your goodbyes and well-wishes, you walked to the car with Adam's arm around your shoulders.
“So…” Adam said hesitantly. “How was that?”
You let out a deep breath, a smile appearing on your lips. “They were amazing, Adam,” you said. “They’re so nice.”
You felt the pregnancy hormones coming back again, the tears now spilling over. Your emotions had been on a rollercoaster, with the highs and lows often blending into a confusing blur. After being abandoned by your friends and family, feeling like you were practically alone in this journey, the isolation weighed heavily on you. Each day had been a struggle, each moment a reminder of the support you lacked. The once-familiar faces that should have been by your side had turned away, leaving you to navigate this overwhelming experience in solitude.
But now, a shift was happening. You now finally felt like there were people on your side, people you could lean on and fill the void that had been left by those who had abandoned you.
Over the next few weeks, you began to see more of Adam’s friends. They checked in on you, invited you to small gatherings, and even helped you prepare for the baby. Lilly became a close friend, always there with a listening ear and helpful advice. Slowly but surely, the loneliness that had once seemed insurmountable began to ebb away.
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kairospy · 7 months
Ronan looking mean & dangerous but trying so hard to be a good person. He wants so desperately to be better.
Adam looking angelic & ethereal but being the greatest threat human race has come across in centuries. He could and would kill without remorse (in fact, he already has).
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lukesvangelista · 18 days
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in which y/n and kent hide a big secret from his teammates.
warnings; pregnancy, mention of kids, alcohol, vacation
Kent was the kind of guy who always seemed at ease, the life of the party but with a quiet confidence that drew everyone to him. You had fallen for him long ago, when the two of you were young teenagers, and now, you were his everything. This vacation with his teammates was supposed to be fun, a chance to unwind, but you had a secret - one that had been growing for months.
You were pregnant. 
Kent was ecstatic when you told him. He’d hugged you so tightly that night, whispering about the future, about how perfect everything was going to be. But now, here you both were, on this vacation with Sean Kuraly, Cole, Gavin, and Adam, and neither of you had told them. The timing wasn’t right - in fact, you guys hadn’t even told your families. Maybe they’d get suspicious, or worse, maybe they’d feel like you were holding out on them. Kent was sure they’d freak out once they knew.
But here you were, at Sean’s beach house in Cape Cod. While the rest of the boys had flown, you and Kent had decided to make the 16 hour drive from Columbus, simply to spend more time with each other before having to share a living space with the others for two weeks. Once you had arrived, though, everyone was exhausted and just wanted to spend the first night in. In fact, Adam had suggested a few card games.
There was only one problem. On top of that, Cole had suggested alcohol. You looked at Kent nervously, but he gave you a reassuring smile as Sean turned to you, “Y/N, come up with a challenge for us. Whoever loses has to buy drinks.”
This was perfect. You nodded, picking up your phone and opening a random wheel spinner. You had each of the boys pick an NBA team, but when it came to entering them onto the wheel, you entered Kent’s all four times. So, when the wheel stopped spinning, you announced the team out loud, “The Minnesota Timberwolves.”
Sean, Adam, and Cole all cheered as Kent pretended to roll his eyes, but he sneakily shot you a knowing smile before picking up his keys from the counter. The boys slapped him on the back a few times but he shook them off, gently grabbing your arm, “Since your challenge is the reason I lost, you’re coming with me.”
You playfully rolled your eyes, but immediately gave in. Adam snickered behind you as Sean and Cole let out a few cheers. Kent wrapped an arm around you and opened the door for you, gently leading you to his car. As soon as you were out of earshot, Kent spoke up softly, “You feeling okay?”
You couldn’t lie. The exhaustion was creeping in. The pregnancy was still early, and you weren’t showing much, but the morning sickness, the fatigue – it was all becoming harder to hide. Kent had noticed the change in you almost immediately, but knew that it had grown harder for you in the past couple of weeks. He was worried. He was so excited to have a little him or little you around the house soon enough, but also hated seeing how hard it was on you. On top of that, he knew that you wanted to keep it a secret for as long as you could, and he knew you’d be even more stressed if people were to find out, so he didn’t want to spill anything. 
In fact, he questioned even coming on this trip, but you had explained that you’d needed it. Whether he believed you or not, was only up for him to decide. 
He opened the car door for you and you waited to reply until he was buckled in on the other side, “Just tired,” you answered, offering him a small smile. 
He rubbed the pad of his thumb across your cheek, “Let me know if you need anything, okay?”
You nodded, offering him another small smile. The drive to the liquor store was rather quiet. Kent had put on some Frank Ocean, which you both had softly hummed along to until you pulled into the parking lot. 
Kent turned off the car and exited his side, only to appear on your side of the car a few seconds later to open the door for you. You grabbed his hand and as soon as he knew you were safely out of the car, he placed his arm on the small of your back protectively. The cool night breeze rolled in off of the ocean as you made your way through the parking lot. The distant sound of the waves crashing against the shore helped ease some of the nerves that had been building up inside of you.
“I feel like I’m gonna slip up at some point,” you admitted, resting your head against your boyfriend’s shoulder, “Cole’s just gonna keep offering me drinks and it’s gonna be suspicious if I keep saying no.”
Kent rubbed your back with the pad of his thumb, leaning down to press a kiss to the top of your head reassuringly, “You’re doing great, pretty girl. But I’ll tell you what. We’ll buy an extra pack of drinks, dump them out, and then go to the grocery store to buy some non-alcoholic alternatives that we can put in there instead. I would say we’d just buy some non-alcoholic beer here and have you drink that, but Adam’s overly observant.” he chuckled.
You nodded, shooting your boyfriend a relieved smile. You always appreciated how calm and steady he was. Even though you were both navigating this secret together, Kent always managed to make you feel like everything was under control.
When you stepped inside, the cool air-conditioning hit you immediately as the door jingled behind you. Kent headed straight for the fridge, grabbing a couple cases of beer and a bottle of whiskey that he knew Sean would like. You followed suit, selecting a case of High Noon out of the fridge. 
“Ready?” Kent asked, shooting you a smile when you replied with a yes.
As you reached the counter to pay, the cashier raised an eyebrow at you and Kent, his eyes flicking to your stomach before looking back at Kent. You shifted uncomfortably, aware that people might notice your changing body sooner rather than later. Kent caught the look too but didn’t say anything, keeping the conversation casual with the cashier as he handed over the money.
When you stepped back outside, you breathed a little easier. “Think he noticed?” you asked, half-joking.
“What an asshole,” Kent muttered, rolling his eyes playfully. 
The trip to the grocery store was pretty uneventful. Kent had gone in and picked out a sparkling water brand that you liked, along with some flavored sodas that looked fancy enough to pass as mixed drinks. On top of that, he grabbed a few more things, making sure you’d have enough variety to keep up appearances for the next few days. Once the cart was full, he checked out, the cashier giving him a friendly nod as he paid for the items.
When Kent reached the car, he opened your passenger side door. “Now comes the tricky part,” he said with a grin, opening up the package of High Noon and dumping out the drinks. He grabbed a few water bottles from his trunk before flushing out the alcohol from the cans - and thoroughly.
“I think that’s good, KJ,” you chuckled, flashing him a smile. He looked up at you and flashed you one in return.
“Gotta keep my girls safe,” he explained, ruffling your hair before opening up the bottles of sparkling water and pouring them into the clean cans with the same care, resealing them to make sure they looked untouched. Everything looked perfect - no one would suspect a thing. Kent stood back and took a moment to admire his work, placing the resealed package at your feet before ruffling your hair again. 
You rolled your eyes, shaking him off, before he quickly made his way back to his side of the car and hopped in. You looked at him incredulously, “We don’t even know what we’re having yet!” you exclaimed, but you knew there was no point in arguing. Ever since you told him that he was going to be a dad, he was adamant that the two of you were having a baby girl. Of course, he’d be happy as long as the baby’s safe and healthy, but that didn’t change his fatherly instinct, as he liked to call it. You rolled your eyes again, chuckling softly, and were on your way back to the beach house.
When the two of you arrived back there, Sean, Cole, and Adam’s rowdy laughter could be heard through the walls as you and Kent slipped through the side door into the kitchen. When he looked over towards you, he noticed how you self-consciously had placed your arms over your growing bump. Sensing your discomfort, he softly placed the alcohol down and gifted you the hoodie off of his back.
You smiled gratefully at him, grabbing the “seltzers” from him as he carried the whiskey and beer. The two of you carried the drinks out to the main room, where Sean, Cole, and Adam were engrossed in a game of Black Jack.
“Finally!” Cole exclaimed, dropping his cards as he noticed the two of you walk in, “We were wondering what took you so long!”
You chuckled, placing the drinks down on the table alongside Kent, “It’s Friday night in a vacation town,” Kent explained, shrugging his shoulders to keep it casual. Adam nodded along, seemingly saying fair enough.
As the guys reached for the beer and whiskey, Kent grabbed one of the “seltzer” cans and handed it to you with a wink. You accepted it gratefully, taking a sip and letting the cool, refreshing taste calm your nerves. He then wrapped an arm around you as you cuddled into his side.
The night continued on, with no one suspicious about what you and Kent had just pulled off. The boys were yelling about the game of euchre they were playing, earning a soft but playful eye roll from you. Kent kept a watchful eye on you, making sure you were comfortable, all while seamlessly blending in with his teammates.
As the night wore on, the laughter in the living room began to slow, and you could feel the weight of exhaustion settling over you. Between traveling all day and the energy it took to keep up appearances, your body was calling for rest. You smiled at the guys, pretending to stifle a yawn as you pushed your chair back from the table.
“I think I’m gonna call it a night,” you said, glancing around the room, “I’m pretty wiped from today.”
Sean, Cole, and Adam all gave you understanding looks, still focused on their cards and drinks. “You’ve earned it,” Sean said with a grin, “We’ll try not to be too loud and keep you up.”
“Good luck with that,” Adam teased, “Cole’s not exactly the quietest person you’ll ever meet.” 
You laughed lightly as Cole smacked Adam upside the head. Standing up and giving Kent a quick look, your eyes communicated more than words could in that moment. He caught your glance immediately, knowing exactly what you meant. You needed him with you, but at the same time, you didn’t want to raise suspicion by him leaving too soon after you.
“I’ll be up in a bit,” he said, giving you a small, reassuring smile, “I’ll keep an eye on Cole and make sure he’s not too loud.”
You nodded, giving him a quick hug and offering the guys a wave before slipping away from the table. As you climbed the stairs, you could hear them still talking and laughing, their voices a soft hum in the background. Once you were upstairs, you exhaled a long breath of relief, the tension of the day finally easing as you made your way to your room. 
You changed into your pajamas, feeling the weight of the day lifting as you settled onto the bed. It didn’t take long for Kent to join you. About 30 minutes later, you heard his familiar footsteps on the stairs, and the door quietly creaked open.
“Hey,” he said softly, closing the door behind him as he moved toward the bed, “You okay?”
You smiled, nodding as he sat down beside you, “Yeah, just tired. It was a lot today.”
Kent slid into bed next to you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and pulling you into his chest. “I know. You did so good today, pretty girl. No one suspects a thing.”
You chuckled softly, resting your head against his chest, the steady rhythm of his heartbeat calming you, “Thanks for helping me pull it off. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
Kent kissed the top of your head, his voice low and comforting, “Of course, my love. We’re a team.”
The two of you stayed like that for awhile, the soft sounds of the ocean outside your window mixing with the distant murmur of voices from downstairs. It felt peaceful, the weight of the day finally lifting now that you were alone together.
“I can’t wait until they're here,” you whispered after a few moments of silence, your hand resting gently over your stomach.
Kent smiled against your hair, his arm tightening around you, “Me too. But until then, we’ll keep playing it cool for as long as we can. You get some rest, though, alright? You’ve had a long day.”
You nodded, feeling sleep begin to pull at you as Kent’s warmth and presence comforted you, “Goodnight, KJ.”
“Goodnight, Y/N/N,” he whispered, pressing another soft kiss to your forehead.
With Kent beside you, you felt safe and content, knowing that no matter what challenges the next days would bring, you had him by your side. As your eyes fluttered shut, the last thing you felt was Kent’s hand gently resting on your stomach, a quiet reminder that the two of you were in this together. Always.
a/n; would kj be a girl dad or a boy dad
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ungoliantschilde · 17 days
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some more Arthur Adams
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milaisreading · 9 months
Reporter: What is your ideal type?
Luna: My lovely girlfriend, (Y/n) Itoshi!
Reporter: And what is your ideal type?
Adam: Luna's lovely girlfriend
Luna: Sounds great- WHAT THE HELL??
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squash1 · 1 year
literally every person who has ever read the raven cycle ever in history:
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notcryingtoday · 27 days
what do you mean adam parrish
it won't be you and her, it won't be you and gansey ???
canon bi adam parrish ? canon gansey x adam kinda unrequited love (but from both sides lol) ??
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asunsetgrace16 · 3 months
Holding Her ⎥ AF19
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Pairing: Adam Fantilli x fem!reader
Summary: sweet blurb about Adam's love of morning cuddles
Warnings: cuteness overload
Notes: short and sweet!
masterlist ⎥ navigation
Word Count: 562
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The birds were just beginning to sing their morning melody when Adam stirred awake. Peering into the barely-lightened room, he half-turned onto his back and flung his arm in the general direction of the night table hoping to grab his phone. His searching hand found it and grabbed it, the charger coming along too.
“Damnit.” He cursed under his breath, detaching the cord from his phone and dropping it to the floor. 
Adam’s eyes squint as they momentarily adjust to the brightness of the phone screen, showing 5:44 am. Wonderful, he thinks. A few glorious hours before they have to get up and face the day. There truly isn’t much better than waking up early and knowing that there are still hours before the alarm officially goes off. Adam always takes advantage of those occasions. He sighs, relaxing back into the pillows and letting his phone drop to his chest. Y/N stirs beside him, sighing softly when she finds Adam’s other hand. Her hair is spread across the pillows and her eyelashes rest on rosy cheeks, one lightly creased from the pillow. A marker of a good night’s sleep. He looks over at her, the barest hint of a smile forming on his face. His brain is still foggy, thoughts moving syrupy-slow through the haze of sleep, but all he can think about is her. Her smile, the way her eyes light up, how she always makes everyone feel like they’ve been injected with a dose of sunshine after mere minutes in her presence. He never imagined he would find a partner as amazing as she is. Adam hasn’t voiced his thoughts yet, but there isn’t anyone he would rather spend the rest of his life with. 
He slides down a little further, sinking back into sleep. He is surprised by Y/N rolling over to face him. Adam does the same, sliding his arm underneath her head and wiggling closer to her. His hand moves up to cradle the back of her head, his fingers slowly stroking through her hair before kissing her forehead tenderly. His other arm loops around Y/N's waist, holding her close to his body. She snuggles closer, tucking her head into his neck. Adam’s like a furnace when he sleeps, perfect for cuddling in cold Ohio winters. Their legs tangle together, keeping them close. His fingertips gently stroke her waist, her back, her shoulders. Soft soothing touches, a comfort for him as much as her.
Adam kisses her forehead again, inhaling deeply. He wants to savor the moment, one that is few and far between during the season. But it's times like this when he feels most at peace, like it doesn’t matter that he plays hockey or is in the NHL or that Y/N is busy at school. It’s just him and Y/N in the quiet of the morning before life truly wakes up, wrapped in soft sheets and fluffy blankets and each other's arms. Their little cocoon, and they can pretend, at least for a few short hours, that they are the only people in the world with no responsibilities, just each other. Where time slows and everything is a little fuzzy around the edges, a tug-of-war between consciousness and drifting back to the land of dreams. 
The warmth of the bed and Y/N lull Adam back to sleep. 
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moondustinfj · 11 months
Adam: Hey Ronan
Ronan *internally* : There he goes, my favorite person in the world...How is he so beautiful? I can look at his hands all day. He's literally the smartest the strongest person i know...Does he even notice how much i adore him? God i love him so much
Ronan *externally* : What the FUCK do you want??
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cabeswaterdrowned · 1 month
I don’t mourn Ronan pov chapters in TRB but I have to say I do a lil in BLLB. Am at the part where Ronan totally overhears a little of a Bluesey phone call and Gansey thinks Ronan will be so jealous which don’t get me wrong on some level he jealous of Blue rn I’m sure, but mostly since he’s just started to initiate his wooing Adam Parrish plans (the hand lotion) he’s predominately quite pleased that Gansey and Blue together takes out his competition in a clean sweep. Like 30% of his brain is jealous but the other 70% is ready to bake Bluesey a “thank you for dating each other and not Adam Parrish” cake.
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nhlclover · 4 months
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summary: adam and you struggle to keep your relationship a secret from nick, your overprotective brother, until an incident ultimately forces the truth into the open.
warnings: blankenburg!sister, couple instances of swearing
word count: 1.37k
Adam felt a knot of tension in his stomach as he glanced at Nick, who was laughing with their teammates over a game of darts. Beside him, you looked radiant, your laughter mixing with the upbeat music and chatter. The neon lighting of the bar accentuated every smile that graced your lips. Your presence seemed to dim the outside world for Adam, his attention completely focused on your infectious energy.
It was your infectious energy that first drew Adam to you. When Nick first introduced his sister to his newest teammate, you took effect on Adam instantaneously. You seemed to captivate everyone in the room, but it was Adam who was drawn to you like a moth to a flame, unable to resist the warmth and brightness you brought to life.
You found yourself equally pulled in by Adam’s charming personality, not being able to pull your eyes off his ever-present smile. You were well aware of the barbaric ‘no dating my sister rule’ that Nick would tell his teammates about. You found the rule to be ridiculous as you’d always said you would never fall for one of his teammates, but that was before you met Adam. Any precaution went out the window as you found yourself falling head over heels for him.
As you got close to Adam, the pair of you decided to keep your relationship a secret until the right moment presented itself. It was easy in theory, but in practice, it became a burden to both of you as you worked tirelessly to ensure that Nick wouldn’t find out until you were ready.
The secret of their relationship was a constant weight on Adam’s shoulders, one he desperately wished he could cast off, but the fear of Nick’s reaction kept it hidden. Adam respected Nick, but this rule felt suffocating now that you and him were together. The irony of the situation gnawed at him—he had been drawn to her from the moment they met, her charm and wit irresistible. Keeping their relationship hidden was a necessary evil, but each passing day made it more unbearable.
Tonight was supposed to be a fun night out. Michigan was on spring break, allowing Luca to come to Ohio and visit his younger brother. Adam was excited to introduce the two of you, hoping that you would get along even without knowing that you were his girlfriend. However, Luca, ever the charmer, was getting along with you a little too well. Adam watched as Luca chatted with you, noting the way his brother’s eyes lingered a bit too long on your smile.
He could see where this was heading, and he didn’t like it. Luca’s flirtatious nature was something he was all too familiar with, but seeing it directed at you stirred something protective and primal within him. You seemed oblivious to Luca’s flirting, but Adam’s protective instincts were on high alert. He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself. He knew Luca wasn’t trying to overstep — he didn’t know about your relationship, after all. But seeing another man flirt with you sent a burning ache of jealousy through Adam’s veins.
Adam watched as Luca said something to you that caused another laugh to come out, and finally, he couldn’t bear it any longer. He stood up, crossing the room in a few quick strides. “Hey, can I steal her for a dance?” he asked, not waiting for a reply as he took your hand.
You looked surprised but followed him to the dance floor. “Adam, what’s going on?” you asked, concern in her eyes.
He didn’t answer immediately, pulling you into him, his hands resting dangerously low on your waist. He made sure to stop right on the edge of the dance floor where Luca could still see them.
“I just needed to be close to you,” he murmured, leaning in. “I can’t stand seeing him flirt with you.”
You blinked, confusion flickering across your face. “Luca? He’s just being friendly.”
Adam shook his head. “No, he’s flirting. And I need you to know that you’re mine.”
Without thinking, Adam dipped his head down, connecting your lips in a deep, possessive kiss. You loved the way his hungry lips met yours, the way he pulled your hips into his. But common sense took over you as you pulled back, eyes wide. You knew your brother was somewhere nearby and could only imagine what his reaction would be if he saw his teammate kissing his sister.
Your eyes looked around in hopes that Nick didn’t see, but his eyes had been on you since Adam pulled you to dance. He had already made his way to the two of you, his jaw wire tight. You stepped out of Adam’s grip and in front of him, acting as a barrier between him and Nick.
“Nick, it’s not what you think—” you began, but Nick’s eyes were locked onto Adam.
“What the hell is going on?” Nick’s voice was low, dangerous.
Adam stood his ground, though his heart was racing. “Nick, I can explain.”
Nick’s glare didn’t waver. “Explain what? That you’re breaking the one rule I set? That you’re sneaking around with my sister?”
“Nick can you just—”
Nick didn’t even look down at you, his furious gaze still locked on Adam. “Y/n, stay out of this,”
You scoffed, opening your mouth to speak, but Adam beat you to it. “Nick, you’re overreacting man.”
“I’m overreacting?” Nick scoffed. “You’re the one macking on my sister and flaunting it in front of me. Fuck you, dude.”
“Enough!” you finally said, your eyes blazing as you looked between Adam and Nick. “Both of you, outside, right now.”
You headed towards the exit, several patrons eyes now on the group of you after having caused a scene. Reluctantly, they followed you outside to the front of the bar.
“Nick,” you began, looking at your older brother whose temper had yet to settle. “I’m your sister, not your fucking property. I’m my own person. I can make my own decisions and date whoever I choose. You don’t get to dictate that. I love Adam, and you need to respect that.”
Nick opened his mouth to argue, but you held up a hand to stop him. “And you,” you turned to Adam, your expression softening but still stern. “You don’t need to act like a caveman to prove a point. I’m committed to you, Adam. I would never flirt with your own brother or anyone else.”
Adam looked at her, guilt washing over him. “I’m sorry, y/n. I just… I couldn’t stand seeing him flirt with you.”
“I get that,” you say, sighing. “But you need to trust me and trust that if people try to flirt with me, I will tell them that my boyfriend will beat them up.”
Adam couldn’t help but let a small smile appear on his lips at hearing you call him your boyfriend in front of Nick, your relationship no longer a skeleton in the closet for him.
Nick sighed, running a hand through his hair. “I’m sorry too. I just… I didn’t expect this.”
“We didn’t mean to hurt you. We just… we couldn’t help it,” you said.
“I just…Why didn’t you tell me?” Nick asks, his expression soft.
Adam took a deep breath. “Because we were afraid of how you’d react. You made it clear that you didn’t want something like this to happen. But I love her, Nick. I love her, and I’m not going to hide that anymore.”
Nick stared at Adam, his face a mask of conflicting emotions. Finally, he sighed, rubbing his temples. “This is… a lot to take in.”
“We didn’t want to keep it from you forever. We just wanted to find the right time,” you tell your brother.
Nick nodded slowly, his eyes meeting yours. “Alright. But if you ever hurt her, Adam, I swear—”
Adam nodded earnestly. “I won’t. I promise.”
Nick looked between the two of you, his shoulders relaxing slightly. “Okay. But you’re buying the next round.”
A relieved smile spread across your face as you hugged your brother, and Adam exhaled, the weight on his shoulders finally lifting.
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notdampeterjohnson · 6 months
“raven boys x all for the game”
gangsey would’ve been TRAUMATISED after being taken to andrew’s parties
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