#actually fuck that I have a bunch of ideas that don't fully fit with either storyline
hello aa and hazbin hotel enjoyers it is I who has come to offer this:
Kristoph as Vox, Phoenix as Alastor (specifically in reference to the line in Stayed Gone that says "that fucker is back, it's been 7 years" and then Alastor talking about taking down Vox's status quo)
ALSO trucy as Charlie, Zak as Lucifer and then Alastor!Phoenix and Lucifer!Zak have their dad competition in Hell's Greatest Dad (because I need to see the Alastor violin solo but it's Phoenix on piano at the borscht bowl and also it gives a nice little redemption moment for trucy and zak that is unrealistic but let me dream)
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indecisiveenby · 1 year
I hate the argument about how queer is a slur and an off-limits word/label. because like it's the only label I've found that really truly resonates with me. I'd been trying to find something that fit right for about three years when I started using queer.
first I was bisexual, bc I was very new to queerness, in the sense that I knew about binary trans people, gay men, and lesbians, and that was like it. and my close friend had just come out to me as bi, and I was like "holy shit, there's a word for being into both genders? that's allowed??" something deep in my being snapped, and it was like I could see the world correctly for the first time. bc this was how I had felt my whole life. I was crushing on girls and either suppressing it or mistaking it for a platonic love. and I was making up extra crushes on boys, to overcompensate.
so then I dove deep into queer culture and learned about all these orientations, but also found out about the gender spectrum and fluidity. so here was this huge gender thing crashing down on me with the realization that "wait, I can be feminine, but I don't have to be a girl? and I can embrace my masculinity without being a boy?" and I was a little in denial for a bit and said I was gender fluid bc I think I was too nervous to admit that large of a change to myself, that I wasn't what I had thought I'd been my whole life, so I decided to just pretend I was a little bit that. (THIS IS NOT TO SAY THAT ACTUAL GENDERFLUID PEOPLE ARE IN DENIAL ABOUT THEIR GENDER. THIS IS JUST WHAT I DID. ILY GENDERFLUID PEOPLE, YOU'RE COMPLETELY VALID <3)
and this gender thing took for-fucking-ever to figure out, but I'm settled on transmasc nonbinary. so where did that leave me for orientation? I kept thinking things like "maybe I'm a lesbian. idk if I like guys all that much," or "well actually idk if I like girls," or "what if I don't like anyone. I think I'm aroace." and eventually I said omnisexual/romantic, but I was still thinking these things.
because here's my deal: if I find myself attracted to a girl, I'm like "this is a gay ass feeling." and if I find myself attracted to a boy, I'm like "feeling real fruity rn." and any other gender, I just feel gay if I am attracted to someone. never do I look at someone and think "wow I wanna spend so fucking much non platonic time with you in a fully heterosexual manner."
at the same time, I often think about all those crushes I made up, and the way that I go so so long without having a crush and how I am content with not having a romantic relationship and how my past romantic partners never clicked right. and I think "perhaps I really am arospec."
and I think of how I've never been sexually attracted to someone, with like two exceptions ever, and those two people were people I knew very well. and how the idea of having sex seems like something I could participate in, but only probably for someone else's sake, not something I'd initiate. I think of how sometimes I feel like I never ever want to have sex ever bc I just don't want someone to touch me like that, or to touch someone else like that. I think of how sometimes I actually am really into the idea of sex, hypothetically. and I think "is there a spot on the ace spectrum for that?"
and so I look at all of this and I am faced with the question: "how the hell do you put all of that under a label?"
there are two answers here; 1. I don't, and I go unlabeled. I hate this answer. my autism loves to sort and label things. (of course there's an exception for other people. if someone else is unlabeled I'm not gonna say "actually you're this." this only applies to myself and my own things) 2.
Queer !!!
queer is the only label that can encompass all of that, for me. obviously, I could use a bunch of microlabels, and I love microlabels, really, I just would probably lose track of everything quickly.
so yeah, I have a huge fucking issue with people saying that I am not allowed to use the only label that's ever felt like a home to me, the only label that's ever fully covered everything that I am and everything that I feel.
if you don't want to be called queer, good, I won't call you that. but I will not stop calling myself queer. if you have a problem with that, then like actually fuck you
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gayemeralds · 8 months
So for your revised version of the Sonic movies, would you still keep Ben Schwartz as Sonic, Jim Carrey as Robotnik/Eggman, Colleen O'Shaughnessy as Tails, and Idris Elba as Knuckles?
When looking at movies based on established IPs or animated shows, they either go with having the usual professional VAs return as their characters but also introduce a bunch of new characters voiced by celebrities to compensate (like with the SpongeBob movies, Rugrats trilogy, and My Little Pony The Movie 2017) or outright replace the entire voice cast with celebrities (the recent 2023 animated Mario movie and SCOOB) if they aren't adding new characters. So with that in mind, would you still keep Ben, Jim, and Idris as Sonic, Robotnik/Eggman, and Knuckles for the sake of filling the celebrity quota for theatrical movies?
in my ideal ideal world this movie would be fully animated and be decently accurate adaptations of the classic games so famous live action actors wouldn't be needed. in my Perfect World they would just use the game voice actors for this. like mike pollock is a perfect eggman and roger craig smith is already a VERY renowned voice actor who's played batman and captain america, for instance. if they can keep tails's voice actor for the movies i don't see why we can't have a mostly game voiced series. like i know sonic x was a different scenerio but...
im not SUPER familiar with voice actors so like i can't really give Celebrity Alternatives. but i would DEFINITELY axe sonic and knuckles's voice actors. ben schwartz is great but i HATE HATE HATE his voice for sonic. if we're using my idea for the games (actual attempts at being a game adaptation) then ben schwartz just does not fit for that version of sonic, who's cooler than ice and a fierce and reckless daredevil. he doesn't work. idris elba didn't even work for the original sonic movies that is TOO deep of a voice for knuckles im sorry it doesn't work.
i guess if i had to i would have sonic keep his video game actor for sure since he's already a big hit. i think it would be great if sonic AND eggman had their game voice actors but i think realistically they would push for eggmn to have a famous voice actor. mark hamil could probably fuck some shit up as him if i'm honest. if they gave other characters like amy, knuckles, and tails famous voice actors i wouldn't be surprised. still, i think it would be best to just keep the voice actors from the games unless there's genuine better opportunities.
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saviourkingslut · 1 year
idk if ur not doing the fe3h asks anymore but if u r #8 pls!
sorry for only getting back to you now anon ive had a couple mad busy days. but ill gladly take any excuse to give my opinion lmfao
8. what storyline threads should have had more development / been further explored?
the whole argarthan plotline is just. such a mess. on the one hand the game tells is that they're a major player in fódlan's history and current politics - they orchestrated the death of lambert, resulting in the duscur massacre and the destabilisation of faerghus, weakening it for future war; they ally themselves with edelgard, though they support her and work against her in turns; they're directly responsible for jeralt's death and for byleth becoming enlightened, etc. they can nuke whole-ass cities. and yet at the same time? they feel completely inconsequential. if they hadn't been there almost every action they undertake could be foisted upon the adrestian emperor in one way or another, or in case of byleth's enlightenment, forced through in some other way (it's a world with gods and magic, it wouldn't have been hard to figure something out).
white clouds makes Such an issue of their powers and involvement, they build up all the mystery around tomas and thales and their involvement with the flame emperor, and then in the war arc they deadass do fuck all and show up as a complete afterthought in the last few chapters on ss and vw (and i believe on am you straight up take out a bunch by circumstance on the final map and it's barely addressed lmao like they genuinely disappear from the narrative after the timeskip). all the attention goes out to the war with adrestia - which isn't bad, bc that is the main story the game is going with and which should be fully developed, but the argarthans just fit into it so awkwardly that i feel like the writers didn't really know how to combine the red emperor plot with the argarthan plot. especially bc their goals do not actually always align with edel/gard's, so you can't treat them as a wholly allied entity either.
i don't have any real ideas as to how their writing could've been improved on, exactly, but their potential is pretty wasted. i mean, the whole 'mole people who live in an underground city and want to kill the last angels remaining on earth' feels like a bit of a reach, but ive seen weirder things executed well enough in other media. im still particularly disappointed with the way nemesis is shown to be a larger than life figure, a literal killer of gods, he looks fucking insaneee in the intro cinematic, and then he shows up in one final map and it almost feels like a joke. zero build-up, doesn't feel like anything is truly on the line. that's the problem with the argarthans in general i feel. edel/gard's war at least makes me feel something, especially on am: the stakes feel real, she has to be stopped. the argarthans are just kind of. there. and the game tells me they're evil so i guess ill kill them but they feel like annoying pale magic clowns to me more than anything else lmfao
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oh-holy-slut · 3 years
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Pairing: Damon Salvatore x fem!reader
Warnings: smut, explicit language, blood sharing, mentions of death, oral sex
Word Count: 2,6k
Summary: Stefan forced Damon to try his animal diet. Damon hated it, but didn't had a choice... until Reader makes a suggestion. Suddenly things get steamy.
Being with Damon was complicated. Him and Y/N have seen each other a lot in the past weeks. The two of them had a lot of fun; saw a lot of movies. Actually, Y/N was sure Damon secretly hated many of those. However, anytime Y/N suggested another dramatic, romantic cliché movie like "Last Song" - the vampire groaned, put his arm around her shoulder, let her head rest on his chest and endured every single second of the movie of her choice.
Damon even flirted and teased Y/N here and there, but didn't lead to anything more intimate so far.
Today was another of those days. Y/N stuck around at the Salvatore boarding house, brought a few of Damon's favorite groceries and a bunch of movies, of which she thought that they will suit his taste. Even if they were a little to bloody and brutal in her opinion.
"Pick one!", she demanded, holding all three Blu-ray sleeves in front of him. Damon just shrugged, not bothering to even look.
"Don't be a killjoy, Damon Salvatore!" Y/N sighed.
"Tell me what's wrong or pick a movie. You've got no choice. And besides that... Which number of drink is this?" Y/N frowned, pointing at the liquor in her friends hand. Damon usually consumed his beloved bourbon with pleasure.
But the man on the couch didn't seem pleasured at all. His facial features totally hardened and a look in his eyes like he was ready to rip someone's heart out.
You put the disc's back in your handbag, closing the zipper and put the bag on the floor.
"Fine. No movie night today. Who are we going to kill?"
A small smirk appeared on Damon's lips, finally looking towards Y/N.
"Stefan and his hero hair. He made me go vegetarian... well, for a vampire... and I can't get myself to eat one of those chipmunks, bunnies or bambis." He shook himself with disgust.
"And why did he count you in? You clearly aren't excited about the changing... So, why did you agree?"
"He said, he would kill me, which is kinda funny. But-" Damon made a wide gesture "he stole my daylight ring. And he wouldn't give it back until I stop feeding on innocent people - and kill them."
"So, you truly let your younger brother blackmail you like that?! Wow... I don't know how to feel about your dieting or your new path. Or whatever this is supposed to be."
"You don't like me killing people either", Damon maintained, while taking another sip of bourbon.
"Well, I don't", Y/N agreed, took a step forward, stole the glass from the vampires hand and put it on a small table nearby. "But I don't believe in forcing as a method to get people to change their minds. I believe that change for the better must be an intrinsic motivation," she added quickly, giving the vampire an innocent smile.
Damon's lineaments suddenly turned from annoyed to curious. "Any suggestions, little one?" The vampire raised an eyebrow and a little smirk showed up on his lips. On the one hand, Y/N blushed over the nickname, Damon called her.  On the other hand she felt skittish looking forward to making a deal with him. Not only a deal. It's far more than a simple agreement.
It's Y/N, actually giving Damon a part of her. The red elixir of life. She was about to give him total control of her body and she not even for a heartbeat doubt that Damon will use it against her.
"Actually... Yeah. There's something on my mind." Y/N said chewing on your lip. "I could open up a vein for you. I mean, you could feed on me. And since you have my permission, there's nothing for anybody to have objection about."
Damon frowned and gave her an incredulous look. "You would do that for me?" The vampire couldn't believe, he understood correctly. Why would Y/N want to get involved with him feeding on her? What's in it for her? Damon tried hard to connect the dots, but he wasn't able to. It all seemed to make no sense. Y/N wouldn't have an advantage of that. The vampire hesitated, pinning his dangerously blue eyes on the girl in front of him.
"Is it so suspicious of me, that I'm trying to help my closest friend?" It pierced Y/N's heart, realizing, Damon's trust in her was rather fragile. "Never mind", she waved the pain away and forced herself to keep her composure. "I only had a hasty idea; you really don't need to fee-"
Suddenly Damon appeared behind Y/N, using his vampirism. "Shhhh", he whispered softly. "I never said, that I don't want your blood. I'm thinking about if we are going to cross a line? Blood sharing can be very personal..."
"It can be? It is personal already. Believe it or not - I'm not gonna offer my veins to all the vampires of Mystic Falls." Y/N rolled her eyes, her arms folded on her chest to point out the indignation she felt right now.
"Kinda sensitive today, huh?" Damon gently stroke a strand of hair behind her ear, Y/N could hear this smug smirk through his words. It was a true 'Damon thing' to do. "I didn't mean it like that, princess." He sighed; unsure if he should agree or not. Damon didn't want to act selfish towards Y/N. He compelled a lot of girls for the purpose of drinking blood in the past. He literally used them as long as they weren't too annoying - and then he acted like they have never met. Damon Salvatore couldn't imagine this scenario with Y/N. They've been so close, the vampire couldn't stand loosing her. The offer was risky, but it also could bring each other even closer.
Damon tried hard to avoid any serious attraction between Y/N and him, afraid of messing up. Indeed, he found himself thinking, and even dreaming, about Y/N more than he wanted to admit. She was smart and had this special sense of humor, the vampire adored so much. She was the only one, who could make him feel good no matter what. Needless to say she had that glimmer in her eyes, when she did something she truly loved. In these moments she was even more pretty. Y/N was hard to resist.
And maybe now he could have her like nobody else. At least the vampire gave in. He wanted her blood. He wanted her.
Y/N flinched by the feeling of Damon brushing her neck with his lips.  "Oh, Damon", she gasped. "Bite me." Y/N almost begged for the vampire's teeth breaking through her skin. Damon loved the sound of her husky voice. In less than a heartbeat he turned into his vampire shape. "If you insist", he grinned devilishly, ready to place his teeth on to her skin.
Suddenly Y/N made a slight move forward with the intention to interrupt her friend. "Did you change your mind?" Damon was close to switching back to human, overwhelmed by a mix of emotions. Mostly a lack of understanding, but also a little of disappointment and even anger. Was Y/N playing games on him? While Damon Salvatore was sorting feelings, Y/N turned around, standing now in front of him.
She was so close, not even a piece of paper would fit between them.
Y/N slightly exhaled breath, her eyes darting between the vampires eyes and lips. It was the first time Y/N saw him like this. The icy blue of his eyes, she loved so much, has turned darker. Purple veins appeared under his eyes; Y/N couldn't help herself. Damon's appearance fully intoxicated every fibre of her being. Her fingertips found their way gently brushing over his dark purple veins. She felt heat and softness, while tracing one of them.  It took her a few seconds to get out of trance, realizing what she had done. "Sorry", she murmured with a voice barely audible. "Don't apologize, little one." Damon tilted his head, his lips curled up in a self-assured grin, exposing a perfectly white vampire fang. "I never saw you like this before, you loo-"
"... look like a monster?"
Y/N shook her head. It was nothing like that. Yes, he did look unfamiliar. And she should be scared under normal conditions. Instead, his look hit her in an unexpected way. He looked hotter as a vampire, if it was even possible. 
Y/N cleared her throat, looking up at Damon. "I feel... attracted to you."
"So nothing's changed", Damon teased, raising his eyebrows. The girl in front of him softly slapped him on his shoulder; which was only possible because the vampire permitted. "You are always so full of yourself." She smirked, feeling more confident being to something, they have had been so many times before. Granted, he was terrifying accurate, but she wouldn't serve her feelings on a silver platter.
"I'm still into it. You can bite me; feed on me. I only needed to see you before..." 
A shockwave of electricity flowed through her body the second Damon took her hand and pulled her close.
"I'll be careful", he promised, nuzzling his head into the nap of her neck. Damon once again placed his lips on her soft skin. 
Suddenly a harsh pain made Y/N feel like in a kind of haze. She flinched and let out a groan at the same time, unintentionally biting her lower lip. 
During Damon embedded his fang deeper and deeper, she started feeling dizzy. Her hands searched for the vampires upper body, finally wrapped around his neck. She needed him to lean on. A narrow trickle of blood flowed down her neck. Let Damon feed on her felt like flames licking up every fiber of her body. 
With every passing second Y/N could feel her control slip away. Her body was now firmly pressed against Damon's, like she would want to merge them into one.
Damon noticed her staggering, wrapped his arms around her waist, supporting her.
Bloodlust already messed up the vampires mind, so he continued feeding on Y/N.
A tempting moan escaped her lips, but she didn't care to cover up. Y/N's heart was racing, her eyes flattering. It was almost as if he was about to push her over the edge, but in a different way. "Mmm, this...this… feels soo weird... and so good...", she whispered under a shallow breath.
As soon as Damon heard her fading voice, he abruptly
quitted drinking from her.
"Fuck!" He rapidly laid her on his lap and checked Y/N's vital signs, to make sure she was okay. Instinctively he bit his wrist, pressed it against Y/N's mouth. He knew his blood would heal her, but it wasn't going fast enough. A few seconds passed through, to him they felt like centuries. Y/N finally blinked and Damon was relieved. He cupped her cheeks, his gaze never leaving hers. "I thought, I'd gone-" Damon cleaned his throat. "I'm so glad, you are doing well", he whispered, while trailing her lips with his fingertips. "So, fuckin' glad..." The vampire exhaled a deep breath. 
"It... You made me feel good. Strange, but good", Y/N appeased and flushed over the memory. "Maybe you got a little carried away, but I don't mind. I wouldn't trade the feeling for anything."
Y/N quickly interrupted herself, before she could reveal too much.
However, Damon used his vampire skills, noticing that Y/N was hiding something from him. "Isn't there anything else you want me to know?", Damon asked without taking his eyes off her. Y/N shifted and flushed even more. "It's unfair. You use your vampirism to get everything out of me."
"Well, if that were the case, I could easily compel you." Damon shrugged and found back to his smugly self. "Tell me, what you are hiding". He said in a seductive voice.
"I wanted to get lost in you."
Her confession sent shivers all over the vampires body. At first he could not decide, how to handle this. "Are you sure that's what you want? I could really hurt you..." Y/N hummed.
In the next split second, Damon pinned Y/N against a wall, smashing his lips on hers, kissing her with all the passion he had to give. The vampire devoured Y/N with a new kind of hunger. He didn't know he could crave someone so much.
"Fuck me, Damon..."
The vampire felt him getting hard, only by hearing those little three words out of her mouth.
"Say it louder. Tell me, what you want me to do."
Y/N pulled him closer, gently biting his earlobe.
"Fuck... me, Damon." It took her a second to focus and forming the words again. After she was near to climax earlier, it wasn't a long way getting to the edge once more. "Make me cum... You almost had me there..."
A deep moan got over the vampires lips, once he understood, what Y/N was trying to tell him.
With the next blink Y/N found herself in Damon's bedroom, lying on his bed.
From now on there weren't many words needed. Damon's hand's found their way under her shirt, cupping her breasts and make her moan over and over again.
He closely listened to the rhythm of her heart, making sure he would be able to delay her climax to the point he needed her to.
"Don't cum yet... I want to taste your little pussy first."
Y/N grabbed the vampires head, running her fingers through his dark hair - pushing him down, since she was unable to form a single word.
As Damon got down, he didn't take his eyes off Y/N.
He used a hand pushing up her skirt and lightly stroking over her panties with his fingertips.
"My girl is so wet", he praised in a low husky voice."-and I barely touched you."
His dirty words in combination with his touch lead to another moan, almost turned into a scream.
Damon pushed the fabric aside, leaving sloppy kisses on the inside of her thighs.
Y/N's eyes fluttered, when his soft lips reached her middle.
Damon's tongue licking around her entrance was driving her nuts.
"...so delicious..." were the only words she was able to catch up. Damon knew, he couldn't thrill her forever, so he got back to her. He spit on his palms, stroking his hand over his crotch. In under a second Y/N finally felt this releasing pressure of his cock. It was like a switch went off in her brain and she braced herself for the hard thrusts that would follow.
Damon dimmed the whining noises Y/N made with a passionate, hungry kiss.
He cheated with his vampirism to give it to her deeper and faster, knocking out all the air of her lungs while Y/N screamed out Damon's name. Her walls clenched around him and made him twitch. It was like her pussy massaged his dick the best way possible.
Every time he hit her harder and rougher he was making sure he hit her spot with every thrust.
Damon gathered speed one last time and pushed her over the edge until she was a moaning whimpering mess.
With her last contraction around his shaft, Damon was cumming inside her.
"You are so tight, little one", he whispered under his breath. "We should make arrangements more often."
Please like or/and reblog if you enjoyed reading or/and want me to write more stories about Damon.
Thanks guys ❤️
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I am. SO. frustrated. that they keep fucking up davekat. like I just wanna go off. just wanna go the fuck off, man, I didn't even ship them that hard at first but god damn I do now and it's pretty much because the epilogues and HS2 have fucked them up so bad and I know they are better than that. let me just.
okay so originally, davekat is built on themes of mutual defensiveness in response to insecurity. when Dave is first introduced, he portrays himself as a cool guy, and gives us the concept of Strider irony. where a normal person might claim to love something shitty as an ironic joke, or maybe the ironic joke masks sincere enjoyment... Strider irony, according to Dave, has a billion more levels of sincerity and insincerity, to the point where you have no idea what the real intent is. in part, this is due to teen pretentiousness... but in some ways this is a reflection of him genuinely finding his Bro unfathomable, and wanting to protect his own genuine thoughts, opinions, and interests from criticism, without actually coming off as insecure. as time goes by, you can watch him and figure out what is sincere and what isn't... he doesn't actually keep that tight of a lid on things, but that's partially because the game allows him more freedom than he usually has. he at least isn't living in his Bro's shadow anymore. some might extrapolate this to mean that he's experiencing more physical and mental security than usual, while others might just say he's coming into his own via this journey, but the fact of the matter is that he felt the need to hide behind this facade in the first place. and the tricky thing with Dave is that it isn't all fake. it's a weird mixture of who he is, who he wants to be, and what he thinks others will respond well to. his development isn't so much discarding the mask, as it is reconciling what it's made of, and incorporating it into his true self as he matures. he accepts it as a piece of him. it's very subtle, and natural, and true to what growing up is really like. I think this is why so many people like Dave and relate to him so much.
for Karkat, insecurity manifests in the form of being hyper critical of everyone around him. to be honest, this also comes from a deep sense of concern for the people around him, and the fact that his friend group is made of a bunch of loose canons who do destructive shit for fun, and people who are easily dragged into that sort of thing. but the thing that keeps Karkat's hyper critical nature from irritating people too much is that he's also super extra critical of himself. he admits it when he's done something wrong... though admittedly often after it's made people angry at him, and he has a good amount of very sincere apologies that he delivers so that they come off as very sincere and actually work in terms of reconciling with people. Karkat's biggest issue is that criticizing your own internal flaws and actually fixing them are two different things. and while Karkat can identify many problems with himself, he's not always the best at making them go away. it takes him a long time to learn how to change himself, because in order to change yourself, you have to accept the flawed parts of yourself and work with them, rather than just trying to push them out of your sight. this is why his anger at his past and future selves is ultimately unhealthy. it keeps him from truly addressing the fact that his current self is just as subject to those same flaws. for example, if he's talking to a past self and a future self, and his future self is condescending to him, and his past self is naive, then his present self is both of those things to his conversation partners. but he's so repulsed by his own negative attributes that he's not really dealing with them. his saving grace is that everyone can see how hard he's trying, and how worried and scared he is. ultimately, Karkat doesn't want to be the reason for screwing everyone over, and that's more concern for others than anyone ever asked for. it gains Karkat a lot of good will, without him necessarily even realizing what he's doing.
what's excellent about davekat is that they come out the gate fully critical of one another... but neither is willing to back down either. somehow, these two insecure idiots trick each other into defending themselves. and it's brilliant, because they get all their critical bullshit out of the way immediately. they don't fear criticism from one another. they already criticize one another all the time, and it's fine. like, their worst complaints about each other are right out there in the open, and how freeing must that be for a couple of guys who worry about other people's opinions of them so much? Dave has nothing to hide and nothing to prove. Karkat defends his own positive qualities. it's good for them. eventually, they just kind of run out of material... and there's something comforting about knowing that they've said every bad thing they can think of about each other, and none of it was a deal breaker. they're still in each other's business constantly. and that's when they start to learn from each other. see, Karkat is really blunt. he wanders into the thick of things, yelling at people and making mistakes all over the place... and Dave is just more cautious than that. his whole cool guy persona is made to keep that kind of raw emotion from leaking out, and to make every mistake seem like he meant to do that. but Karkat makes mistakes all the time. and apologizes all the time. and he comes out okay. Karkat is sincere. but Karkat is also high strung... and Dave isn't. Dave knows how to chill, and he plans things, and he can sit down with people and calmly talk through a plan. get it in simple terms and hash things out without panicking. Karkat often exhausts himself trying to run around and manage everything, and while it can be kind of endearing to see how much he cares... it's not exactly healthy. Dave has more of a level head, beyond just his cool kid persona, and isn't afraid to make people walk things back and take it from the top. and actually, what Dave and Karkat have in common is that they try really hard for the people around them, and feel great concern for the people they love. when the chips are down, they value similar things. and once they've run out of ineffectual ways to badmouth each other, that's what they have left. probably the thing that bugs them the most about each other is how much they actually have in common in terms of priorities. and while I do think that in their relationship, they'll probably always bicker with each other, that's the core foundation. they're caring people who look out for their group and try to help wherever they can. in essence... they're both knights through and through.
and then HS2 fucks it all up. legit why even confuse anything about their relationship? just let them uncontroversially date, keep it lowkey and tasteful, realize the wonderful potential of their friends razzing them about it a little, and write a better story for them to exist in. god damn. like, seriously, just give them more people to actually care about, because Dave and Karkat feel out of character if they aren't constantly in the lives of a plethora of friends who are important to them. look at them in homestuck. look at everything they do best. of course they wouldn't thrive in HS2, none of the cast even likes each other anymore!! Dave and Karkat were basically instrumental in setting up rosemary, which fits so well with all of their characterization its insane. I just want everyone to periodically go back, and reread homestuck, and remember when these characters were good people.
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flowercrown-bard · 4 years
I saw you asking for prompts! I don't know what you prefer to write, but for your consideration: a modern geraskier au, it's the summer after high school graduation and college essays are due. But one of our boys is stuck on his, on account of low self esteem can make it hard to sell yourself in an essay. In my mind this would lead to a bunch of very sincere compliments, and eventual cuddles and love confessions. But whatever you think is best :)
Oh yeah, having to tell others how great you are is so stressful. Thankfully, I never had to write a college essay, but I looked them up and they look terrifying. I still don’t really get what exactly you are supposed to put in them, so this is probably going to a bit off. Hope you enjoy it anyway :)
„Finally!“ Jaskier closed his laptop and let his head drop back into the pillows.
When he heard no reaction from his best friend, he lifted his head and looked over to where Geralt was sitting at the desk, staring intently at his own laptop. He was scowling as though it had personally offended him.
“Geralt?” Jaskier asked and turned fully to him. “Are you ok?”
Geralt grunted, still not looking up from his work, but Jaskier could see one of his hands clenching into a first.
“Trouble with your essay?” Jaskier asked and sat up on the bed.
Geralt sighed. Jaskier couldn’t see his expression from where he sat, but the tension in his back told him enough.
“Come here.” Jaskier scooted over and patted the bed next to him.
“Jaskier, I can’t. I really have to get this essay finished. I’m already late.”
“I know. I’m going to help you.” He smiled. “And the first step is to make yourself a bit more comfortable. You’ve been sitting like that for hours now. I wouldn’t be able to concentrate like that either.”
“It’s not that I can’t concentrate,” Geralt said in a tone that almost sounded defeated, but he took his laptop and sat down next to Jaskier, leaning against the headboard. “I’m just stuck. And you really don’t need to help me. You’ve had enough stress with your own essay.”
Jaskier waved his hand through the air dismissively. “Don’t worry about that. After all, if I get accepted, I’ll have to write a lot of essays anyway. Might as well get some practice now.”
Geralt’s lips twitched. “If? They’d be stupid not to take you.”
Heat rose into Jaskier’s cheeks and he quickly leaned over Geralt’s laptop to hide the blush that was surely showing.
“Show me what you already got,” he said, not so subtly changing the topic.
“I… um. I haven’t actually written anything yet. I kind of tried to brainstorm first.”
“That’s ok.” Jaskier smiled at him. “We can work with that.”
Geralt rubbed his neck uncomfortably and tilted the laptop to give Jaskier a better view.
Things I am good at:
1.       Riding Horses (fucking useless. Should probably scratch that)
2.       Being silent (is that even a good thing??)
3.       ???
Jaskier couldn’t help the quiet “oh” that escaped him. “Geralt….”
“I’m sorry.” Geralt was staring at the laptop again, doing his best to avoid Jaskier’s eyes. “I know I have just wasted hours doing nothing. But I just have no idea what to write.”
Jaskier reached out, laying one hand on top of Geralt’s clenched fist.
“You didn’t waste time. Starting by figuring out your strengths was a great idea. That’s what I did too.”
Geralt huffed bitterly. “But you actually have things you are good at. I have no idea what my strengths are supposed to be.”
“You mean apart from your literal strength?” Jaskier poked a finger into Geralt’s arm that had more muscles than Jaskier could probably ever get.
Geralt cracked a smile, but the cloud hadn’t left his expression yet. “That doesn’t count.”
Jaskier snorted. “Of course it does. Here, let me-“ Without waiting for Geralt’s permission, Jaskier took the laptop and sat it onto his own lap. “I am very disciplined and able to work hard,” he said while typing.
Jaskier shrugged. “Well, you are. You don’t get those kinds of muscles by being lazy.”
He nudged Geralt and a low chuckle escaped Geralt.
“See?” Jaskier said, wiggling his fingers in excitement. “You just have to look at it from a different angle. So, about those horses. That is absolutely not useless.” He deleted that addition. “How about I am interested in activities which don’t necessarily follow the expectations others have of me. I am able to make decisions about doing what I enjoy without being intimidated by the judgements of others.”
Geralt snorted and Jaskier’s fingers stilled. He looked up at his best friend with confusion written all over his face.
“Jaskier,” he sighed, his fists starting to clench again. “I don’t… that sounds nice, but I don’t think it’s true. You know I care far too much about what others think. I… I don’t…”
“Hey,” Jaskier took Geralt’s hands in his, the laptop forgotten. “I know. We all care about what others think. But you still manage to do the things you do despite that. And I for one think that is really fucking admirable.”
Geralt’s lips quirked up a bit, but he remained silent. It wasn’t the silence of agreement, though.
Jaskier turned to face Geralt and squeezed his hands.
“Here, I’ll prove it to you.” Geralt lifted an eyebrow, which Jaskier took as an invitation to continue. “You remember when we first met?”
Geralt nodded, as scowl darkening his expression. “You were bullied by those assholes in your class.”
“For being a theatre kid, yeah. And you were the only one there who didn’t join in and made fun of me.” Geralt looked up at his words. He opened his mouth as if he wanted to argue, but Jaskier was not going to let Geralt play this down. “You were the new kid. Literally everyone else would have jumped at the possibility to fit in by bullying me. And instead you let me sit with you and glared at anyone who dared look at me weirdly.”
“And then we were both outsiders,” Geralt concluded, but it sounded almost proud.
“Hell yeah, we were. But we were outsiders together. Because you stood up for me. For the little guys no one likes.”
“I like you,” Geralt said quietly. “And people started liking you eventually.”
“And why do you think that is?” Jaskier cocked his head to the side. “They wouldn’t have even known I existed if I hadn’t gotten that role in the school play. And the only reason I got the confidence to audition was because you helped me. You helped me so much, Geralt. You are inspiring me to be better.”
Geralt still didn’t say anything, but his expression changed. There was something in his eyes that seemed almost vulnerable, so desperate to hear someone say that he was good enough for something.
“And you are selfless,” Jaskier continued. “You went to the school dance with me, even though you didn’t really want to, just because you knew it would make me happy.”
“Of course I wanted you to be happy,” Geralt said and looked down, suddenly very interested in what Jaskier’s fingers looked like, threated with his own. “And I had fun too. I liked dancing with you.”
“I liked dancing with you too.” Jaskier’s heart skipped a beat. “You looked absolutely gorgeous, by the way. Did I ever tell you that?”
Geralt chuckled. “Only like 10 times that day.”
“That’s not nearly enough,” Jaskier gasped and soaked up the way Geralt’s ears turned pink. “I should have told you far more often. And not only at the dance. You are always beautiful.”
Geralt snorted, the bitterness from before came back with full force. “You know that’s a lie.”
“Why?” Jaskier said, his tine challenging. “Because of your eyes? Because you have Coloboma?”
“I look like a freak.”
“Look at me, Geralt,” Jaskier said, his voice soft. Geralt complied. “You have the most incredible eyes. I don’t care what anyone else says. If anything, they make you look even more special. You are beautiful, Geralt, why else do you think I spent most of my time in geography just staring at you? And I have the bad grades to prove it,” he added with a smirk, before he became serious again. “Believe me, you are the most wonderful person I know and every day I am thankful that I have you in my life.”
Geralt didn’t answer, but there was something in the way his gaze darted between Jaskier’s eyes, as if he was searching for something. As if he needed an answer to a question he didn’t dare ask.
Eventually, he whispered “This isn’t about the essay anymore, is it?”
Jaskier’s lips parted in a smile. “No, it isn’t.”
“Then what is this about?”
Jaskier’s breath hitched. “This is about you being important to me. About you knowing that you are wonderful and that you are the best thing that ever happened to me.”
Something twitched in Geralt’s face. The slightest hint of hesitation, before he darted forward and pressed a quick kiss against Jaskier’s lips. Jaskier froze. It was over too quickly for him to even react.
“I-I’m sorry,” Geralt said, his voice tight and his eyes wide as he took his hands away from Jaskier. “I didn’t… I shouldn’t have… but you were saying all of those things and I just couldn’t…”
Geralt stopped his nervous rambling and looked at Jaskier with what almost looked like fear.
Jaskier leaned closer, a smile dancing on his lips. “Do it again?”
Geralt stayed frozen for a second, before a smile broke through the scared expression, like the sun breaking through storm clouds. He gave Jaskier another peck, smiling into it.
“You are important to me too, Jaskier. More important than anyone.” He hesitated. “Can I ask you for something? You don’t have to say yes, of course.”
“What is it?”
Geralt’s hands twitched.  “Hold me?” He sounded so unsure.
Without hesitation, Jaskier opened his arms. Geralt fit in them perfectly. He rested his head against Jaskier’s chest and Jaskier rubbed small circles on Geralt’s back, alternating between pressing soft kisses against his hair and telling him how much he meant to him.
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remexailferous · 3 years
tag games, hell yeah! i'm always down for this shit
tagged by @snapdragonfirefly
Name: writerwinged! or winged! or rouge, either pronunciation! any of those work
Fandoms: mostly DSMP right now, with a smattering of the greater MCYT fandom in there. as for past fandoms... uh, there are a lot. very few have fics posted for them (RWBY, Hollow Knight) on my ao3, some are posted on my no-longer-accessible ff.net account (Naruto, One Piece) and a great many have fics that are yet to be written (BNHA, Homestuck (yes), Transformers, Warriors, even JoJo)
i get around a lot. if it was a big fandom/mainstream at any point, i probably dipped my toes in it
Two-Shot: two-shots don't exist for me. my writing has two options: one-shot or epic. and one-shots can be very easily turned into epics (looking at you, old gods (new gods))
Most Popular Multichapter: that would happen to be the gods are cruel (none crueler then you) which was originally a one-shot but the ideas didn't stop and it grew into a series. it passed family is forged (in bond and blood and bones) at some point in the last few months. now it almost doubles the hits.
Actual Worst Part Of Writing: motivation. motivation and time honestly. i would love to spend three hours everyday writing but it so hard to dreg up the motivation to just sit down and write for long periods of time without worrying.
i'd be so fucking powerful if i just had the motivation.
How You Choose Your Titles: all my titles for DSMP works, well, most of them, are super pretentious sounding. i love those types of titles. most of the time, i just think up a bunch and pick the one i feel fits the best (or i like it the most)
Do You Outline: the steal a line from snap: 'Yes but actually no but actually yes!' yes in that i generally know what i'm going to write and how i'm going to get there. no in that that knowledge doesn't actually get,,, written,,, down so if i spend any time not writing on that specific fic i completely forget. yes in that i can dreg it back up given enough time.
i am getting better at it though!
Ideas I Probably Won’t Get Around To, But Wouldn’t It Be Nice?: i would love to be able to fully finish and flesh out the darkness of our history (comes hunting after us), my first epic in the MCYT fandom. and it is MCYT because this baby was first thought up pre-Technoblade in DSMP. it was made during the elections.
i have so many plans for this that i just wanna be able to write it.
Callouts @ Me: i'm so fucking tired of a lot of things but i can't put them into words so i'm just going to say please remember that you are interacting with real human beings and words can actually hurt and also you can't argue with stupid. the block button exists so please use it
Best Writing Traits: haha. i have no goddamn clue. the ability to absolutely hate my writing but also understand that if i don't write in the first place it'll never get better? idk, i'm not good at introspection
Spicy Tangential Opinion: .........yeah no pass
No Pressure Tags: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, whoever wants to i guess? i have the memory of a colander and everything i want to keep just falls out
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traincat · 5 years
I've been ranting to my friends about Johnny being abused and raped recently and one of them said: Lyja has damaged and put an element of distrust into every relationship he may ever have. which is really fucking me up and I wanted to share in part bc I don't wanna be sad alone and also bc I think that's an interesting side effect of Lyja's time in his life that doesn't get talked about enough
Thank you for sharing this because the thing is I do think there is a very definite divide in how Johnny acts particularly in regards to relationships before and after his marriage to “Alicia.” I doubt this was entirely intentional on the parts of the writers who handled the book after, but I’ve said before that I think after a certain amount of time and with enough stories behind them characters tend to take on a life of their own, and even if the writers are hesitant to address it there’s no way an event like his relationship with Lyja couldn’t have deeply effected Johnny.
Simply put: I don’t think “playboy Johnny” exists before Lyja. I don’t buy into “playboy Johnny” much as a general phenomenon, because if you actually look at the canon there’s just not much to actually back it up, but he certainly has at periods played into this public (both in and out universe) perception of himself. What I mean is, pre-Lyja, there is absolutely no proof Johnny had ever engaged in casual sex. (There’s actually no proof he wasn’t a virgin when Lyja began working her way into his life while masquerading as Alicia; this panel from Fantastic Four #275 is the first time Johnny having sex is addressed:
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That shirt is Johnny’s – you see him wearing it the issue leading up to this one. To be clear, there’s nothing in the issue that supports this being Johnny’s first time, either – it’s just that he doesn’t have any sex scenes prior. Either way, this is not the reaction of someone who had a good time.)
Pre-the Alilyja incident, Johnny had a grand total of three relationships: Dorrie Evans in high school, Crystal Amaquelin, Frankie Raye. He had a few dates with a girl named Lorrie Melton who called things off with him because he was more serious than she wanted to be, and shared a whole one kiss with a girl named Valeria from the Fifth Dimension (no relationship to his future niece). He also briefly pursued a girl named Julie Angel, who blatantly wasn’t interested in him. When Julie’s friend Sharon came onto him during this period, he reacted with discomfort:
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(Fantastic Four #259)
So, playboy Johnny Storm, a womanizer who sleeps around – he doesn’t exist in canon at this point. (If anything, Johnny repeatedly reacts negatively to being kissed suddenly and without his permission leading up to and during the marriage.) Then you have the marriage, which happens fairly quickly – Johnny and Alicia’s relationship is “cemented” in FF #275, they get married in FF #300. I want to note that Johnny’s pretty young when he gets married, especially by modern standards – you have to do the Spider-Man math with this one, since Johnny’s age at this point in canon isn’t stated, but he and Peter both get married at roughly the same time. We know that they’re roughly the same age, Johnny being 16 when he got his powers and Peter being 15 and these things happening fairly closely together. Peter comments very shortly after he’s married that he’s been out of high school for five years, which would make both him and Johnny roughly 23 when they respectively tied the knot. Alicia is labeled during Byrne’s run as three years older than Johnny, but it should be noted that Byrne has a habit of making women younger and putting them in relationships with much older men – which would track if it’s his opinion Alicia first met Ben when she was 19. (It’s my personal belief that she should be older than that, but that’s neither here nor there.) We have no idea how old Lyja is in comparison to Johnny. So he’s young, and the relationship escalates very quickly, which, looking at it with the retcon in place, makes sense, because Lyja is on a mission to infiltrate the Fantastic Four. So it’s quick. The marriage, the Skrull reveal, and the ensuing melodrama lasts… a while after that. 
Then the big reset button that was Heroes Reborn got hit after Fantastic Four #416 and Johnny and family were shunted off to a pocket universe for a little bit, sans Lyja. Fantastic Four v2 is the first look we get at a more playboy-ish Johnny Storm in line with, say, the Chris Evans version of the character – older when the accident hits instead of being a fresh-faced teen, a bit irresponsible, comes off a little bit like he might be a dog. But this reboot canon can’t really keep it up: it reunites Johnny and Crystal temporarily, and then everyone gets snatched out of their alternate reality bubble and planted back in their regular timeline anyway. 
So let’s look at Johnny’s relationships after his marriage:
1) Alysande “Caledonia” Stuart: A young woman Johnny found and rescued in another dimension who lived with the Fantastic Four for a while. I’m including this even though it isn’t strictly a romantic relationship – Johnny appears to have feelings for Alsyande, but it’s unclear if they’re reciprocated or if she just feels a deep debt of loyalty to him for rescuing her. Either way, I really like how this relationship is handled; they’re both very respectful of each other in a way that’s missing from a lot of Johnny’s actual romantic relationships. They definitely didn’t have sex. 
2) Namorita Prentiss: The first actual romantic relationship Johnny has post-Lyja. This one’s another weird one; Johnny and Namorita first get together after teasing the paparazzi and commiserating about being famous. They then proceed to spend next to no time together. Seriously, like, to the point where the books remarks on it:
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(Fantastic Four v3 #55)
Johnny and Namorita do do things like attend celebrity functions together, so I label this as Johnny’s first “publicity” relationship – less about being in love, and more about him and the other party looking really good together for the public eye. (This is also something he never did before his marriage.) Anyway, they break up off panel, although Johnny did apparently ask Nita to move in with him at one point, which she refused.
Kourtney: A second and much more prominent “publicity” relationship. Kourtney is a supermodel who we’re first introduced to when she breaks up with Johnny when the Fantastic Four go broke and he falls out of public favor. They do get back together for the duration of Marvel Knights 4, and then they apparently break up again. Nothing to write home about in this relationship – she and Johnny don’t really appear to actually like each other all that much, especially on her end. 
We enter a relationship deadzone for Johnny as we hit Waid’s run. He starts it off apparently shaking off a bad celebrity breakup, and while he goes a bit moony-eyed over a few pretty girls at the beginning, basically nothing happens. He at one point meets up with a girl from the internet who claims to be a fan of his and things seem like they might get romantic… except his body language really is screaming the opposite:
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Fantastic Four #514 – I’m not saying how much of this was intentional or even what the intent was, but if there’s something a comic book artist should be good at conveying, it’s body language. Here Cole’s is aggressive – leaning in, touching his face – and Johnny’s is closed off – hands in his pockets, leaning away from her. It’s just interesting if we’re supposed to believe he’s hot for this girl.
Anyway, Cole turns out to be the Wizard’s daughter, catfishing Johnny to find a solution for her unwanted superpowers. So. That lasts two issues and nothing happens between them.
Psionics: And now we enter Millar’s run. Millar’s run is probably the biggest contributor to Playboy Johnny – not only does he have an ill-advised sexual affair with a superpowered bank robber named Psionics, he also gets walked in on – apparently – about to have a threesome with two girls cosplaying as Storm and the Scarlet Witch. I’ve had a problem with the cosplay scene for a while now, because it just doesn’t fit with Johnny’s 616 personality. Something about it has always felt very off. And while I could just go “well it’s Mark Millar,” it occurred to me on a recent reread what’s wrong with it: it feels staged. Johnny’s in the middle of filming a reality show; the camera crew is who walks in on him. If he was trying to cultivate this playboy image, well, one way to do it is to make sure you’re walked in on in a compromising situation. He and the girls are all still fully clothed, and he actually ditches the scene as soon as they’re discovered – to congratulate Ben on his engagement, but still – while the girls frankly seem more interested in each other. It’s a weird scene still, but there’s nothing in it either way to say he was or wasn’t setting it up to make it look like he was the kind of womanizing carefree celebrity party boy who has threesomes with hot cosplay girls while not actually doing that.
As for Psionics, the hot bank robber he sleeps with? Well, turns out her family from the future kidnaps him and uses him as a giant power battery in a machine that has a good chance of killing him. No bad feelings or anything, though.
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Again with the awkward body language. He certainly just stands there while she kisses him. This is the exact opposite of smoldering passion. Also, next time he sees her she tries to kidnap his niece, kills his longtime family friend Alyssa Moy in front of him, and then gets murdered right before his eyes. So. That all happened.
He has one apparent would’ve-been one night stand in Hickman’s run after this, except she turns into a bunch of bug monsters and activates the Negative Zone portal. He also has a highly implied brief sexual relationship with Daken Akihiro at this point, who… uses that connection to make Johnny feel horribly guilty over Daken’s apparent death and then so Daken can steal a weapon from the Fantastic Four. There’s a weird pattern here.
Darla Deering: The last and most recent of Johnny’s publicity relationships – Johnny starts seeing Darla, a major pop star, sometime after his experiences in the Negative Zone. This is another “they’re in a relationship but they don’t spend any time together” fling, too – at the end of the relationship, when Darla’s gotten together with Scott Lang, Johnny actually admits that he liked dating Darla because of Darla’s celebrity lifestyle more than he liked her. 
Here we hit Robinson’s run. Johnny does a lot of partying after he’s lost his powers, and while it’s not explicit, there’s something of an implication during this point that he is sleeping around. However, his most serious relationships in this run are with his family, Wyatt Wingfoot, and Peter Parker, and he has no consistent romantic partner. 
Which brings us to his last serious relationship: Medusa. This one’s a weird one, too, and it’s one where I’m not hesitant to blame the writer’s lack of research at all when Medusa and Johnny were genuinely very close during her stint on the Fantastic Four team. It’s clearly a placeholder relationship – we know Black Bolt/Medusa were going to get back together. If anything, I think here Johnny’s holding onto a piece of his then-missing family the only way he knows how.
So, a couple of relationships post-marriage, but by in large, with the exception of Namorita where we see hardly any of their actual relationship on page and perhaps Medusa, nothing serious. Certainly nothing like his impassioned ��head over heels” falls for Crystal and Frankie Raye. So there’s very definitely a change in Johnny after Lyja and in how he behaves in romantic relationships – the implication that he does have casual sex, the uptick in relationships that are clearly for the public eye, a lack of a previously held deep devotion to his partner. I think you could make a really good case for all this coming about as a result of lingering and unaddressed trauma from Lyja. 
There’s also, and this isn’t explicitly romantic, the appearance of this little quizzing game:
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(Fantastic Four: Secret Invasion) This actually is Lyja in her only appearance since FF #416, disguised as Sue and trying to convince Johnny that Ben is a Skrull for… well for nothing good, obviously, but the book never actually gets into why she’s attempting to separate Ben from Johnny, except that separating him from his family is exactly what she tried to do before she was discovered to a be a Skrull during their “marriage.” But it’s telling that when Johnny feels like something isn’t right, he immediately starts quizzing “Sue” about things she should know. Definitely seems like the kind of game someone who unwittingly married and was abused by a shapeshifter would invent to make sure that the people in his life are really who they’re supposed to be.
So I definitely think there’s a lot of lingering trauma there that, if a really good writer dug into it, could inform a lot about both the romantic relationships he had after that point and his romantic future, especially if it was paired with a story where he explores his romantic feelings for men. It’d be interesting to see it doubled up with doubts after his relationship with Daken in that regard, since Daken also used him to gain access to the Fantastic Four. I’d love to see it all really gotten into and actually, for the first time, addressed, especially if it was in the context of a romantic relationship with Wyatt Wingfoot, who was present during the early days of Lyja’s seduction of Johnny and is also who Johnny ran to after he discovered the truth about the monster Lyja told him was their child. A lot of history to get into there.
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awesome-power-cat · 7 years
Doki Doki Literature Club: Character files Decoded.
(Possible Spoilers) CLICK AT YOUR OWN RISK.
     My sister Lilly and I, decoded everthing below after I noticed that the text within Yuri's ".chr" file resembled (that of) Base64. We then searched and decoded the other character files.
DISCLAIMER: I have yet to fully complete the game, therefore I haven’t fully read the following data (text) to it’s fullest. (That’s why I’m unsure if it contains spoilers)
Monika’s “.chr” file Decoded:
After opening Monika's ".chr" file, I noticed it looked like an image file. So I renamed the file extension to ".png" and got the image below.
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     The image resembles a ring of fire with some form of QR code in the middle, however this was not a QR code. I cropped out the ring of fire so I was left with the code in the middle. After examining the code I tried a few ideas we had, and they all failed. I then thought what if this is binary, the white pixels represent ones, while the black pixels represent zeros instead of typing each zero and one out by myself, I programmed a simple java program that would scan the pixels left to right, and output the corresponding value (Zero or One ), based on the pixel color (Black or White). The end result is a binary code. We used an online tool to decode the binary and the result was a bunch of letters and numbers. These "letters and numbers" looked like Base64 so, we used another online tool to converter those "letters and numbers" to text. That's how we got the message below.
"Can you hear me? ...Who are you? I can't...I can't see you. But I know you're there. Yeah...you can definitely hear me. You've been watching for a while now, right? I guess I should...introduce myself, or something. Um...my name is...actually, that's stupid. You obviously already know my name. Sorry. Anyway...I'm guessing if you were able to put a stop to this, you would have done it by now. I mean, I know you're not, like...evil, or anything...because you've already helped me so much. I should really thank you for that. For everything you've done. You're really like a friend to me. So...thank you. So much. I think...more than anything else...I really don't want it to all be for nothing. ... Everyone else is dead. Maybe you already know that. I'm sure you do, actually. But...it doesn't have to be that way, right? Well...there's a lot of stuff I don't understand. I don't know if it's even possible for me to understand it. But I know that this isn't my only story. I can see that now. Really clearly. And I think everyone else has had the same kind of experience. Some kind of deja vu. It's the Third Eye, right? Anyway...I could be totally wrong about this. But I really think you might be able to do something. I think you might be able to go back...or however you want to put it... ...To go back and tell them what's going to happen. If they know ahead of time, then they should be able to avoid it. They should...if they remember their time with me in the other worlds...they should remember what I tell them. Yeah. I really think this might be possible. But it's up to you. I'm sorry for always being...you know... ... Never mind. I know that's wrong. This is my story. It's time to be a fucking hero. Both of us. 2018"
Yuri’s “.chr” file Decoded:
Upon opening Yuri's ".chr" file. I instantly noticed text that looked like Base64. I used an online tool to convert the Base64 text to the message below.
Warning: The following text is... uh.. intense. You've been warned!
"If you found this note in a small wooden box with a heart on it, then *congratulations!* You are probably the first person to read this. I didn’t really plan on sharing this with anybody, but for some reason I think it’s exciting that somebody out there, a complete stranger, will come across this note and read my story. Someone I will never meet, sharing such a personal bond with me. I’m fascinated that either one of us could die - even as soon as tomorrow - with the other being completely clueless to the fact. To you, my entire life is within this note, and so I will live for as long as your memory can carry me. Writing this, I’m wondering if that makes you feel fascinated or violated. It’s so exciting. I’m sorry if my story is a bit disorganized, but I’d like to get it down while it’s still fresh on my mind. First, I’ll tell you a little bit about myself. I’m a first-year college girl and have led, by most standards, a pretty unspectacular life up to this point. I grew up in an upper-middle class school district with decent teachers. I did track in middle school and some of high school, and I’ve had two boyfriends. Now, I’m studying for a career in occupational therapy, because I feel the field is undervalued and provides tremendous help to people. I’m giving you this background because there’s this strange misconception that if you want to kill someone then you’re either sick in the head or you have anger management issues. But, it’s very apparent that I don’t fall into either of those categories. It’s true that most murder cases are in a domestic setting where someone loses control of their anger or something. But the thing is that those people kill under provocation, whether by a singular outburst or by a slow-burning series of misfortunes. Those people kill because in that brief moment, they want a specific someone, for a specific reason, to be hurt or killed. What I’m talking about is wanting to kill someone for no specific reason, maybe just to see what it’s like. Do you ever get that? I wouldn’t know how others feel, because it’s not something I ever talked about. But I’ve been curious about what it’s like to kill someone ever since I was a child. Not killing anyone in particular, just a random person. It’s always just fascinated me that if I put my mind to it, I can approach anyone, and in five minutes they would be completely gone from this Earth. But I’ve never done so for a couple of reasons. First of all, for most of my life it was logistically impossible for me to do it without getting caught. I only got my driver’s license a couple years ago, and even then, the preparations would take too much time, definitely stirring suspicion. It was only once I started college that I realized this was no longer an obstacle. Another reason is that I was afraid of causing harm to too many people. You might laugh reading that, at how hypocritical it sounds. But, let me explain: Why should I feel bad about killing someone if they’re too dead to care? Who would I be feeling bad for? Contrarily, it’s the grief of the living that I’d rather not be responsible for. Because of this, I knew it would take a good deal of research before finding a suitable person to kill, and I’ve never had the means to do so - again, until I started college. And now, having just experienced it, I’d say it was pretty satisfying in the end. Something I would try again? Probably not, since my curiosity has already been satisfied. It really wouldn’t be the same a second time. But anyway, if by any chance you’re also curious to kill someone, then you’re welcome to take notes. :) *** I started a hobby of people-watching soon after I entered college. People-watching is interesting to me because it’s taking one of the infinite extras in your life and turning them into a main character - without them knowing, of course. It’s so easy to forget that every single one of the hundreds of strangers you pass every day has a life story as deep and complex as your own. One thing I noticed about people-watching, and wanting to kill someone, is that you are in more constant awareness of this. When I find a person to observe, their story slowly becomes more clear to me over time, gaps being filled - it really is amazing. I usually went to grocery stores on weekends and looked around in people’s shopping carts. If I saw something that interested me, I decided to observe the person for a little bit. Of course, since my goal was to find someone to kill, I ruled out anyone who had children or a partner with them. Wedding rings were another tell-tale sign. So maybe once a weekend, I would find someone who fit my criteria, at which point I would follow them home and note their address. From there, it became incredibly easy to investigate a little bit more; most people have normal work hours, meaning I could spend afternoons going through their mail or looking around in their house. I repeated this with several people (and had one close call), but for varying reasons I didn’t really feel satisfied enough with them to kill any of them. I started getting a bit impatient and thought that I might just settle for killing the man named Devon, even though I didn’t really want to kill someone wealthy. But then, I came across someone new - someone who just, felt perfect. The feeling only strengthened as I investigated her further, and I knew that she would be the one for me to kill. A young-looking woman I met at the grocery store, as per usual. She was doing some light shopping with a basket. Her hair was wavy and dark brown, sitting inelegantly on her slumped shoulders and surrounding her tired-looking face. Her bare fingers told me she might be single, but beyond that, my gut was almost certain of it. This woman just seemed so…plain, really. I guess I felt a greater acuity for the personal lives of strangers ever since I started my people-watching. But the way she carried herself, I just got the feeling that if she suddenly died, nobody would be around to miss her. Of course, I still wanted to investigate her a bit. I followed my usual routine of checking out her place during her work hours. I learned immediately from her mail that her name is Linda Watson. Linda lived in a quiet apartment complex, her mailbox easily accessible right outside her door. Instead of quickly shuffling through it, I decided I could take her mail back to my dorm and return it before she was finished with work (she only lived about 15 minutes from me). I did some research and learned how to open and reseal the envelopes without damaging them, which took some technique along with a hair dryer, rubbing alcohol, and Q-tips. This made it easy for me to learn a little more about her. Linda was a 33-year-old woman who worked for a small accounting firm - I’d rather not name the place outright. Her birthday was December 11th which, coincidentally, was approaching in a couple weeks. I also managed to find a bank statement that gave me a nice look into how she’s been spending her past month. It was at this point I realized that my assessment of Linda Watson as an extremely plain woman was pretty spot-on, because there was absolutely nothing interesting on the list. A trip to Old Navy, a bunch of Starbucks, something about $40 from Amazon - no restaurants, no movies, nothing that would really imply she was spending any time socializing. That aside, I also found a cooking magazine, so I guess she was into cooking. Apartments are harder to break into than suburban homes, because there are fewer doors and windows. Every time I got Linda’s mail, I would check the front door and the windows in the back, but they were always locked. This was a bit frustrating because I was really interested in getting into her house. So, I came up with a sort of plan that I thought would be fun, even if it didn’t work. Last Saturday, I visited Linda Watson’s apartment complex as I would on weekdays. The difference is that this time, I wanted her to be home. I thought it would be interesting to have a conversation with her. If I got lucky, I could take advantage of the situation to discreetly unlock a window from the inside. So, I walked up to her door wearing nothing warmer than a light sweatshirt, and knocked. The adrenaline rush was crazy. I was afraid I might screw something up. The door opened, and in front of me stood Linda Watson, exactly as I remembered her from the grocery store. It was at that moment, making eye contact for the first time, that I realized I was running the risk of beginning to care about this person. As selfish as it is, I couldn’t kill a person I cared about, even if it’s a 33-year-old woman standing in a doorway with a slightly perplexed look on her face, giving me a reserved “Hello.” Arms crossed from the cold, I shyly returned Linda’s greeting. I explained that I was walking my dog near the woodsy area behind the back of her apartment, and that he had gotten away. I had been looking for my dog for an hour and was wondering if Linda may have seen him roaming about. Of course, Linda sympathetically apologized for the situation and that she couldn’t be of use to me, but that she would keep an eye out. I wore a defeated expression in response, apologizing in return for troubling her. It somehow went exactly as I had hoped - Linda invited me inside to warm up a bit with some coffee. I outwardly hesitated before accepting her offer, although on the inside I wanted to jump through the door and hug her for cooperating so well. And that’s how Linda Watson ended up with a 19-year-old girl next to her on the couch - who knows if it was just a nice gesture or if she really has no better way to spend her Saturdays than talking to some kid she just met (who happens to be interested in killing her). Linda soon learned that my name is Maria (it’s not) and that I attend the nearby community college (I don’t). I was a little bit nervous that she would ask me too many questions because I didn’t have many answers prepared. I was able to steer the conversation toward her, and she was pretty happy to talk. I asked what she does, and she told me that she works for the accounting firm I already knew about, communicating with outside clients and keeping records. I told her I was pretty nervous about growing up. She told me to enjoy college and to make lots of friends because there’s less opportunity once you start working. When I asked if she was married or anything, she laughed. Of course I knew she wasn’t married, but I wanted to hear more about her love life. She said that she doesn’t currently have a boyfriend (I guess she’s at least had boyfriends, but who knows how long ago). When I asked her about kids, she said she doesn’t want them until she gets a better job. On top of that, she told me that her family has a history of some genetic diseases such as arthritis and depression, which she is afraid to give to her kids. It’s funny that she mentioned that because when I asked to use her bathroom, I noticed a tube of prescription pills on the sink. It was labelled duloxetine, which I looked up later and discovered that it is in fact an antidepressant. I had a joking thought that maybe by killing her I’d be doing her a favor, but quickly decided I was a terrible person for coming up with that. The rest of the visit was pretty dull. We talked about food and some other mundane stuff before I eventually made an excuse to leave. I didn’t get the chance to unlock a window or anything like that, but I didn’t really feel the need to go through her apartment anymore. As early as the drive back to my dorm, I was already thinking about how I would best like to kill Linda Watson. The choice was between effectiveness and fun. I decided to go with fun, because it would be way more satisfying to kind of dissect her as I killed her, rather than just getting it done and calling it a day. Fast-forward one week to December 13th - today, actually. Linda Watson turned 34 two days ago. I made a fun little wager with myself where if Linda was spending her birthday weekend alone, I would pay her a visit and kill her. If she was out or had company, I would stop by next week or something instead. So this morning, I drove over to Lowe’s and bought an axe. Again, I expect you’re laughing, but that’s also kind of the point. An axe is so kind of cliche and a “movies” thing that I actually thought it would be the most fun. Swinging it at someone and everything, it’s a really entertaining image. They actually had a bunch of different axes, so I picked one that had a good weight but was still light enough for me to swing quickly. The drive after getting the axe was when the adrenaline really picked up. All that kept going through my mind on the way over was “Wow, I’m really doing this.” Not in a bad way, just like a surprised this is real life sort of thing. I also got this strange rush of recollections of the time I spent with Linda. It was like my life was flashing before my eyes, except it was just the rather mundane hour I spent with Linda - like snippets of our conversations, the sound of her laugh, her facial expressions and stuff. I also wondered to myself what the crazy serial killers would be feeling at a time like this - schizophrenic delusions? Sexual buildup? I have no idea, but what I felt was kind of like ridiculously alert and numb in the senses at the same time, however that’s possible. Before getting out of the car, I had the sense to stuff the axe into my backpack to look a little less ridiculous walking across the parking lot. The handle was sticking out, but that didn’t really matter. At that point my heart was pounding so hard I could feel my throat throbbing. I tried controlling my breath, but it’s really hard to not breathe fast when your heart is pounding like that. I reached Linda Watson’s door and quietly put my ear to it after setting down my backpack. I heard a voice that wasn’t hers - company? No, it was just the TV, mixed with her occasional tapping footsteps behind the door. I actually kept my ear there for a really freaking long time, because I wanted to make absolutely sure nobody was over. Probably 10 minutes of that and a lot of reassuring myself convinced me. I quietly opened my backpack zipper and held the axe in my hands. My fiercely shaking hands. What the hell was this kind of reaction that my body was making? I told my body to shut up, that it’s no big deal, but of course it wouldn’t listen. It was actually bizarre how much my hands were shaking. It must be the adrenaline buildup. I rolled my eyes at myself and got my hand to rest on the doorknob. If it’s locked, I’ll knock, it’ll be basically the same. I took a deep breath and forced my muscles into action. I swiftly turned the doorknob. Not locked. In one movement, I opened up the door and slipped inside. Linda Watson, just a few steps away into the kitchen. I see - she was in the middle of cooking. She immediately jumped and turned around, startled. I expected that. Quickly, I let go of the doorknob and adjusted the axe into both hands. In the following split second, I realized that she would probably start to make a lot of noise. Looking back, I’m an idiot for not considering that. Just as Linda’s mouth opened to speak - maybe even started speaking - I forcefully swung my axe into the side of her head. But, my axe was facing backwards. I hit her with the blunt end of the blade. I actually did this on purpose, because in that split second I somehow decided that it would be the way to keep her noise to a minimum. It actually worked. I felt barely any resistance in the swing as I collided with her head, knocking it clean aside. Linda’s half-formed syllable came out as a kind of weird grunt - a noisy exhalation is probably the best I could describe it. That happened at the same time as her head smacked into the cabinet from the force, and she fell backwards without any ability to keep her balance. I didn’t hesitate at all to keep swinging at her while she was half lying down on the ground, this time my axe facing the right way. I didn’t really know where to swing, so I kind of just started hacking at her collarbone area and chest. It didn’t feel like the axe was going too deep, but there was a nice “thunk” sort of sound every time the axe embedded into her. I even felt the soft sinking sensation ripple into my hands, like the axe was a kind of physical extension of my sense of touch. On a whim, I swung once at her throat, but most of the swing actually missed and I hit the floor by accident, causing a loud, dull whack to resonate through the apartment. I didn’t have time to think about it. I swung again with better aim and got a more centered hit, feeling the bone or cartilage or whatever is in there, so I must have split it open. Right after that, I decided to swing at her face, and I got this diagonal cut along her nose and mouth, which felt pretty good so I did it once more. I finally briefly stopped to survey the damage. Linda was bleeding ridiculously. The blood was kind of coming out in waves, in sync with her beating heart, probably. It was pooling all around her and riding along the cracks between the tiles. Her light blue shirt was all torn up and stained dark, kind of mixed with a fleshy mess around her chest. It was all just glistening red. Her face wasn’t much better, covered in dripping red at this point, and her lip was kind of hanging off, revealing red-stained teeth in a really weird way, like a zombie or something. Linda wasn’t dead, though. Her limbs were kind of weakly, aimlessly trying to move while she was stuck on her back. More than anything, she reminded me of a bug that you crush but it still pitifully moves its legs around before it dies completely. That’s basically what she was doing. But I didn’t know how long it would take for her to die, or what kind of condition she was in. I ended up grabbing a big knife that was on the counter that she was using to cut up meat. Trying to step around the blood, I reached down and carved into the upper half of her neck, trying to sort of saw it from the left side to the right. It was a little awkward because the area was so soft and squished around the knife as I was cutting. But the sensation was completely different from the axe. It actually felt like I was cutting a tough piece of raw meat (which I guess technically, I was). The blood started pouring out, and I hoped that I severed the most major arteries in there. It must have worked, because after a moment Linda’s limb movements kind of just had the strength drained from them, soon resting still on the floor. I took a few seconds to catch my breath. No time to stick around and think about the experience. I shook the knife blade through a dirty pan in the sink to clean off the blood, then threw the knife into my backpack. I did the same with the axe. I also took her laptop that was sitting on the counter. It had some recipe open for veal and mushrooms. I didn’t really take the laptop to use it, since I have a perfectly good one myself that I got for college. I just wanted to look through it for fun. I finally went outside and closed the door behind me. I got some blood on my sweater and jeans. But funnily enough, I actually anticipated that so I wore dark colors. The drive back to my dorm was just a constant replaying of the experience in my head. I guess that’s still kind of happening even now, actually. But it felt pretty nice. Linda Watson is dead. I kind of let the weight of that sink in. The sensation of having completely removed a human life from existence. It’s crazy. I don’t know how else to describe it. Anyway, I threw the axe and knife into a dumpster on campus, which I think is picked up every Monday, so they’ll be gone by then. My roommate goes home on the weekends, so I have the dorm to myself today. It gave me the chance to go through Linda’s website history. I was right in thinking that’s where her deepest secrets would lie. There was actually a lot of dirty stuff, like the names of websites for porn videos and stories and things like that. Same with her searches. A lot of the websites were boring, like cooking websites and recipes, and game websites like Bejeweled and stuff. I eventually got to the “one week ago” section of her history, and it gave me a chill. There were a whole bunch of searches like “methods of suicide”, “how to tie a noose”, “dangerous household chemicals”, “carbon monoxide poisoning” - like a lot of them. She was probably ready to write a book on suicide after all the research she did. So I guess Linda was contemplating suicide. I wonder if it was influenced by her depression. The irony is actually striking. Maybe Linda was going to die anyway. Or maybe she couldn’t find the courage to do it. If that were the case, I almost literally gave her a birthday present by killing her. That’s actually really comical in a messed-up way, and it leaves a weird taste in my mouth. The part I don’t get is that I didn’t see any of those searches up until the “one week ago” section, nothing more recent than that. I ended up throwing the laptop in the dumpster with the other stuff. It’s been a few hours since then, so I’ve had some time to calmly think about everything. Like I said, it was pretty satisfying and I’m glad I finally got around to it. I feel like I can finally cross it off my bucket list, or like I’m tying loose ends with myself. This is probably the first and last time I’ll write the name Linda Watson - it’s back to living a normal college life, except I might do some people-watching every now and then because it’s definitely fun and interesting. But I’ll always wonder how many people there are like me. I’m sure there has to be a lot, because there is just nothing strange about it to me, being curious about killing someone. Sadly, it’s something that people can’t exactly just talk about, so I guess I’ll never know. I’m sure that anyone would just lie about it even if you asked them. But you can’t help but wonder if that person in the grocery store, who stares at you as you pass by, might be considering what it would be like to kill you. If I could, I would tell them all about it, so they could decide for themselves. But who knows, maybe I got lucky, and that person is you. I actually really, really hope so. ~♥"
Natsuki's ".chr" file Decoded:
We haven't figured this one out yet, but we have a few ideas. Note the image is seamless horizontally.
When we opened Natsuki's ".chr" file we again noticed it looked like an image file. We simply renamed the file extension to ".png" or ".jfif" to get the image below.
Tumblr media
     The above may have already been documented/decoded. I would like to note that not all of the character files were encoded with Base64.
Thank you for reading, even though it may have already been done.
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sixmorningsafter · 7 years
Okay, so I know I already suggested Katie McGrath as an alt Katherine, but like, Liz Gilles or Lesley-Ann Brandt would be perfect as well. Also, I don't why there haven't been suggestions for an alt Tyler yet, but I think Avan Jogia would be great! And personally for me, it's really hard to imagine anyone other than Chris Wood as Kai, but if I had to pick, Wentworth Miller would be spot on. And since I love the idea of Aja Naomi King as alt Caroline, Keiynan Lonsdale would make an epic Kol!
Continuing off of my last ask (I ran out of characters), Katie Cassidy as Elena Gilbert, which I know sounds strange, but I'm thinking more like post-break up Elena, but she also fits pre-break up Elena. And... OH! I absolutely love the idea of Dev Patel as alt Stefan, and I saw an ask that someone else had for an alt cast for his sisters, so I just thought I'd add my two cents. Priyanka Chopra as Lexi I 100% agree with, but I'd also recommend Surbhi Chandna.
Again, ran the fuck out of characters. So, for Freya, I'm thinking either Amrita or Preetika Rao (bollywood actresses) because they both seem very Freya Salvatore-esque. And for the baby of the bunch, Rebekah Salvatore, either Alia Bhatt (who I can also picture as SMA Bonnie) or Hiba Hawab who is an India television actress. Also, I know that a lot of people seem to like Gina Rodriguez as alt Bonnie, but I don't really know her, so I have some different ideas.
Literally, we are not given enough characters for an ask. Kiersey Clemons would make an epic SMA Bonnie, but at the same time, Dove Cameron is the real life SMA Bonnie. I look through her Twitter feed, and I'm just thinking, what kind of SMA Bonnie witchcraft is this? Does Gabi write these tweets? So either of them really would great. And as far as Damon goes... well, you can't go wrong with Charles Michael Davis. Also, sorry for this longass "ask," my brain has just been working overtime.
I’m pretty in love with Liz Gillies as Katherine ever since you first mentioned her, ngl. And Avan Jogia as Tyler is amazing! You’re right, there haven’t been many fancasts for him, but I think it’s because he’s slowly starting to get more relevant to the fic as it trundles on. Aja and Keiynan as the Forbes siblings is life (although given Caroline’s height and the fact that I marathoned DWP, I think the girl who plays Coco might be an even better fit).  
Chris Wood is totally delightful as Kai (though I feel like I’m in the minority in that I vastly prefer him playing kooky, hyperactive loony Kai over ‘sexy danger’ Kai), but I could totally see Wentworth Miller as well. I feel like Wentworth Miller could also play a great Damon, honestly. Speaking of Millers, someone suggested Ezra Miller for Kai a while back and I’ve always thought that was a great choice, too.
Katie Cassidy would be an excellent Elena - I actually totally see it. Not weird at all. I know Elena’s pretty hated at this point in the fic, but I hope that by the time it’s over, she’s at least understood a bit more/realistic, if not fully liked by most. I think Katie would do a great job with that. 
The Salvatores as a lively, loving, zany Indian family makes me so, so happy, so I love all of those suggestions. I know you’ve recced Alia Bhatt as Bonnie (and she’s honestly so Bonnie) but I could definitely see her as Rebekah, too. Both Surbhi and Priyanka are great Lexis, too, and I love both suggestions for Freya.
Kiersey Clemons has been like an OG pick for Bonnie for ages, so I’m with you there, and hahahaha I actually made the same discovery about Dove Cameron a while back! I was actually look for gifs of her boyfriend (or ex? idk) because he gave me Damon vibes and then I found a bunch of sets of them as a couple and her personality is Bonnie as hell. 
And duuuude, how much would Charles Michael Davis shred as Damon though? He’s one of those people that I’m not even sure I’d be able to look directly at if I ever met him, like it’s too much he’s too much. Anyway, these are all awesome and thanks so much for sending this! I love thinking about the nuance all of these different faces could give the characters! Maybe one day they can actually exist. Or maybe not.
Sounds like a lot of work, lolololol.
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