notafossil · 3 years
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   ❝ hm? ❞ he looks away from where he’d been staring up at the dojo’s sign, his brows lifting a little before he offers the girl a smile.  ❝ oh, i just moved back to town. was a little surprised to see this place is still a thing, is all. ❞
@achlysembodied​  ♥’d for a starter
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dearlybelovad · 3 years
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   ❝ you okay? you look like you’ve had a really shit day. ❞
@achlysembodied​ ♥’d for a starter
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learnmercy · 3 years
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                    ‘ you got what you wanted, right? you won, ’ he can’t hide the bitter undertones of his words, miguel standing in front of tory with his arms crossed over his chest. ‘ you should be happy. cobra kai gets to stick around because of you, ’ he tries to remind himself it’s not her fault, that she’s just as brainwashed by kreese as the rest of them, but he still feels resentful. ‘ so why aren’t you celebrating? ’     @achlysembodied​.
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cobrastrke · 3 years
tory nichols  ,   be honest, do you have a crush on robby’s dad?
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                    ‘ what? on johnny? you gotta be kiddin’ me, ’ the scoff is a little too defensive, daniel’s features scrunching as he looks away. put aside the pretty eyes, nice jawline, and good taste in music, and what are you left with? an asshole. ‘ obnoxious prick isn’t really my type. plus, i’m too old for crushes, ’     @achlysembodied​.
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taughtpain · 3 years
@achlysembodied | continued form here
He can’t fault her for leaving. Robby doesn’t mind the other cobras, but every now and then they got too into their heads about money and privelege, and he has to tune them out. Sunny resorts and expensive hotels were never going to be on the table for someone like him and Tory. Not when you were busy worrying about putting food on the table and not going back to juvie.
He doesn’t offer any explanation as he walks out of the dojo, because as long as Silver and Kreese are out of sight, people either don’t care enough to call him out or they know better than to. The other members of cabra kai aren’t hard to get along with, but their friendships are shallow, and if they found someone better they wouldn’t care about him anymore, and he knows that. That’s what makes Tory different, he actually cares about her, and he knows she feels the same. He wants to make sure she’s okay.
The confession is dumb, but it’s what he feels, so he’s not going to keep it hidden. It’s not like them to shy away from the truth, after all if the world wasn’t playing fair, why should they? It’s nice to be alone with her. She doesn’t expect him to be someone he’s not. Her lips taste like nicotine, but he doesn’t care. He grins as they pull away because that’s the effect she has on him.
"C’mon, let’s get out of here.”
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taughtbalance · 3 years
thank you thank you thank you lola!! you’re the best <3
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learndefense · 3 years
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john & tory feat. @achlysembodied.
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meanscmething · 3 years
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he was about to congratulate her on her win. it had been a close match, from what he had heard, but something was off, and whilst he had his own shit to deal with, robby could tell that . . . not everything was good with tory. so he halted his congratulations mid-thought, and instead squinted, looking her up and down.    “    hey. are you okay ??   ”   //     @achlysembodied
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kairate · 3 years
starter for @achlysembodied​
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SEEING   HER   MAKES   SAM   BOIL.   no   amount   of   breathing   exercises   could   make   her   relax   in   that   moment.   she   thinks   perhaps,   this   is   how   his   father   felt   when   that   silver   guy   walked   into   the   dojo.   he   sees   her   through   the   gate   and   the   only   reason   she   doesn’t   rage   and   push   her   away   is   because   her   feet   were   on   the   pond   and   the   koi   fish   were   already   as   scared   as   they   were.   “you   have   no   place   here.“   a   bit   harsh.   her   mother   wouldn’t   be   pleased.   but   she   was   hurt,   her   eye   still   bruised   up   from   the   fight   at   the   tournament.   such   a   cheap   shot.   “you   already   won.   your   dojo   stays   open,   my   dad   has   to   give   up   his.   what   more   could   you   possibly   want?“
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ordinariums-a · 3 years
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"     what is it with this place and karate ?? seriously, you guys are putting me to shame.    ”    peter had been about to help this girl out. but. well. she was badass. and the people who had been bothering her were now really regretting their decisions, so . . .  he wasn’t really needed here. damn. seriously though.     “     you alright ??    ”           //  @achlysembodied​
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notafossil · 3 years
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    ❝ -- you hungry? i’m thinking about going to get a huge steak right now. ❞
@achlysembodied​  ♥’d for a starter
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naturallyglamorous · 3 years
Gimmie smoochies
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She may be a cobra, but one way or another Veronica had never held any strong emotions towards Tory. It's why she hopes her fellow Miyagi-do members don't notice the snakes lurking in the grass. She prefers her parties with a strong lack of organized violence. So she hopes for the best and prepares for the worst. The cheap crap that they call beer fills her red solo cup, and she's quick to unsnap her purse and spike her drink with vodka coming from her handy flask. The karate war is bringing out the worst in everyone, far be it for her to bask in its ignominy on top of her own personal moral standing point.
As the night goes on the looser her grip on her cup becomes, and the more willing she gets to embrace spoiled toxic rich bitch Veronica. And there goes the high and mighty queen cobra away from the center to watch the show that is Kyler’s wobbling attempt at a keg’s stand. Maybe it’s the ghost of christmas past possessing her, but she goes in for the kill. Strike this first, bitch. Tory’s lips are surpringly soft against hers as she rest her her arms around her neck, and Veronica gives in on the urge to grip her bottom lip between her teeth if only for a second before going in for another kiss.
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learnmercy · 3 years
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                   ‘ let me get this straight — ’ he’s asked her to explain it about ten times, but miguel was still having a hard time understanding. comprehending. they lived in the real world. monsters don’t exist. well, not in the way he believed as a kid — hiding beds, in closets. monsters are people. kreese showed them that. but this? what tory was trying to explain? it doesn’t make any sense. ‘ you’re telling me that — vampires — are real? like, bloodsucking, people feeding, could turn into bats vampires? and they’re here, because something called a — a hellmouth? opened up? ’ hands hold either side of his head, miguel’s brow creased with concern. ‘ i feel like i’m supposed to find this cool. instead i’m, like... totally freaking out, ’     @achlysembodied​.
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taughtpain · 3 years
You had to know I was going to send this in. Your portrayal is fantastic Mads! I love everything about your Robby and I love how much you love him. How you want him to have better but also take into account the reality of his situation. 1000/1000
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me when lola:
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taughtbalance · 3 years
KT! You do such an amazing job writing Sam! You can tell how much you love her in everything you write from replies to just your thoughts about her! 100/100
fdkfjdsfdsf thank you so much this is so sweet! sam is my favourite character i've written in a long time so it makes my heart so happy that people like her as much as i do !! especially with how much hate my babe gets outside of the rpc fjdshfdf
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learndefense · 3 years
tory  ,  i’ve been having a real rough night.
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                  ‘ and that’s my problem, how? ’ the fact that they both had the idea of breaking into the cobra kai studio to take out a little bit of their anger on the practice dummy was annoying, at best. john thought he’d have some alone time, just him and a punching bag, but the universe instead refused to give him a break. head nods toward the pads on the ground before focusing on his hits again. ‘ less talking, more sparring, blondie. we get you hittin’ somethin’, you’ll feel a lot better than bitching and moaning to me, ’     @achlysembodied​.
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