seraphicdaydreamer · 3 months
Hamzah | Absorber
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Summary: seeing someone who always had his heart after a long time was an overwhelming experience.
Warning: mentions of mental health issues, kissing.
A/N : My very first one shot. Let me know what you think. Enjoy!
Slowly but surely, her arms began to give out. Her whole body began to give out as she had been struggling and squirming in his tight embrace for the past ten minutes.
Hamzah snaked his arms tighter around her small frame, pressing her against him. Her helpless squealing didn't stop him. Niether did her chest rising up and down from the heavy breaths she took. Every inch of his muscular body was firmly pressed against hers. His sweet and soapy cologne was beyond intoxicating. It took from her strength and ability to think straight.
Her nails dug into his back and gripped onto his shirt. But she soon began to accept her defeat as she felt like he wasn't going to let go anytime soon, and she had to go through with it.
But she tried to challenge him.
"Tighter" her voice barely above a whisper, but he heard her loud and clear as he wasted no time moving his arms. Another gasp left her mouth, tho it felt impossible to breathe. Maybe if she asked for more he'll let go.
"T-Tighter" his arms yet again tightend. This time squeezing all the breath out of her. She began to feel like she was being suffocated. "Mmmhhh-" she let's out a weak moan "-ha-mmzah... let go.. please" she begged. "Hamzah....please"
The gasp of breath she took once his arms loosened felt like heaven. He slolwy let her go, and she took a step back. Her breaths turned into short, hiccupy ones as she began to get chocked up. Her eyes begin to glisten and well up with tears.
Seeing this, his dark eyes immediately turnd soft and doe. "Baby I'm so sorry" he apologized "I haven't seen you in so long and I-I know it's hard for you to process but I've missed you so much- please- try to understand- I would never try to hurt you" he continues to rant.
She did understand. And she loved it even if it's hard for her to process physical contact. It's like she had a love-hate relationship with physical touch, holding hands, and human contact in general. Her past mental health issues led up to her being hypersensitive to physical affection as it makes her feel overestimulated. Feeling every inch of his warm, strong body all at once was overwhelming somehow.
Yet she understood how tempting it is for him as she always got close enough to breathe the same air as him, close enough to kiss him, but she stops half an inch away. It was so frustrating.
But seeing her for the first time after three months of her hiding and distancing herself from everyone, he couldn't hold back. She was quite shy and kept everything to herself. She barely said two words every day, and that's how much it took a toll on her.
Hamzah looks down, shaking his head slightly and feeling dissapointed in himself. "I'm sorry" he said softly "you should go. You shouldn't be around me"
Her brows knitted into worry some as soon as those words left his mouth. She watches him as he sighs and sits at the edge of the table.
She felt her stomach sink. She didn't mean to make him feel this way. Even tho this was their rules. Rules that had to be obeyed until she learned to properly process physical contact with someone, he wouldn't hug her nor kiss her. Even if she did initiate, he couldn't reciprocate. That's what he has been told by her closest friend.
But seeing him feel this way about himself, she couldn't bear it. He was such a kind-hearted person beyond words could explain. He always tried to do right by people and was always a good person.
She shook her head tho no words left her mouth. Taking a step towards him and stood between his legs. Her tiny hands rest on both sides of his face, and she forced him to look up at her. Concern and worry some written all over his face. She pulled him in, closer and closer, until their lips touched, barley. It took her a second as her lips parted to take in a shaky breath and take his bottom lip. Softly, lightly, sucking on it. To which he let's out a soft hum. The amount of control she has over him had him losing his.
Tongue brushing under his lips she gently sucked on his bottom lip. She pulled away, his lip stuck between her teeth and her fingers grip onto his curls . She awakened the beast in him that could take her right here right now for the rest of the day and the whole night, but he knew he had to hold back for her. He had to be careful with her. She was sensitive. And fragile, so he had to take good care of her.
She stared down as his glistening red lip, and she looks back up to his eyes.
"I'm sorry" he whispered "I'm so sor-"
"Shut up," she whispered back, shaking her head a little before kissing him on the cheek. Another one on the corner of his lips. Her kisses traied to his jawline before she pulled away.
She surprisingly handled herself very well. Ironically, she had him weak to his knees.
"I love you"
The only words his foggy mind could think of at the moment, feeling her soft fingertips on his face.
"I love you so much"
Very surprised at hearing himself say that. But it felt so right to do so. And felt so easy coming off his chest.
"And I love you, Hamzah"
Nothing felt as more releving as hearing her say those words back to him. Even if she took a step back just to get herself out of his embrace, feeling herself being overstimulated and hazed.
© 2024 seraphicdaydreamer. Do not copy, edit, or translate.
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