nando161mando · 4 months
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oldshowbiz · 1 year
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NBC's Abscam scoop
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claudia1829things · 1 year
“AMERICAN HUSTLE” (2013) Review
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"AMERICAN HUSTLE" (2013) Review A little over a decade ago, the career of David O. Russell seemed to be on a roll. During said period, he had directed, produced or both a number of movies that garnered a great deal of acclaim and awards. Among those films happened to be the 2013 period comedy-drama called "AMERICAN HUSTLE".
Set mainly in 1978, "AMERICAN HUSTLE" is loosely based on the ABSCAM operation, set up by the F.B.I. as a sting operation against various government officials in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. The movie begins with two con artists and lovers, Irving Rosenfeld and Sydney Prosser, who are caught in a loan scam by F.B.I. Special Agent Richie Di Maso. The latter proposes to release them if Irving assists him in a sting operation against Mayor Carmine Polito of Camden, New Jersey and other officials. Sydney tries to convince Irving not to agree with Richie's proposal. But desperate to avoid prison and reluctant to leave his adopted son with his verbose and slightly unstable wife Rosalyn, Irving agrees to assist Richie and the F.B.I. The sting operation nearly starts off on the wrong foot, thanks to a clumsy tactic on Richie's part, but Irving manages to woo back the charismatic and popular Carmine, who is seeking funds to revitalize gambling in Atlantic City. The scam seems to be going fine, despite Sydney's growing relationship with Richie. But when Carmine introduces Irving, Sydney and Richie to the notoriously violent Mafia overlord Victor Tellegio into the plan to raise money; and Rosalyn's jealous nature and notoriously big mouth threatens to expose the sting operation; Irving realizes he has to come up with an alternate plan to save him and Sydney from the Mob and the F.B.I. While watching "AMERICAN HUSTLE", it occurred to me that it is filled with some very interesting and eccentric characters. First, there are the two lovebirds - Irving Rosenfeld and Sydney Prosser - with his odd toupee and her fake British accent. Then we have Richie Di Maso is an ambitious "Mama's Boy" with hair permed into tight curls, who is a bit too eager to prove himself with the F.B.I. Irving's wife Rosalyn is an unhappily married woman with a big mouth and a careless and self-involved personality. And Mayor Polito is a happy-go-lucky politician with a rather large pompadour hair-style and questionable connections to the Mob. The movie is also populated with a Latino F.B.I. agent recruited by Richie to potray a wealthy Arab sheik, a charming Mob soldier who ends up falling for Rosalyn, Richie's frustrated and wary F.B.I. supervisor, and a very sinister Mob boss that can speak Arabic. If I have to be perfectly honest, I would have to say that the movie's array of characters struck me as being the movie's strong point. This should not have been a surprise. "AMERICAN HUSTLE" is also filled with some great performances. Christian Bale gave a wonderfully subtle and complex performance as the aging and stressed out con man who reluctantly finds himself involved with a scam operation set up by the F.B.I. He certainly clicked with Amy Adams, who gave one of the most subtle performances of her career as the charming, yet desperate former stripper-turned-con artist, who found herself in a state of flux over her freedom and her relationship with her partner/lover. Bradley Cooper was practically a basket of fire as the aggressive F.B.I. Agent Richie Di Maso, who become over-eager to make a name for himself within the Bureau. Mind you, there were moments when Cooper's performance seemed to border on hamminess. I could also say the same for Jennifer Lawrence's portrayal of Irving's not-so-stable wife, Rosalyn. However, I must admit that Lawrence also provided the movie with some of its best comic moments. Jeremy Renner was a joy to watch as the charismatic mayor of Camden, Carmine Polito. The latter must have been the most happy-go-lucky role he has ever done. "AMERICAN HUSTLE" also featured some first-rate performances from the supporting cast. Louis C.K. was very effective Richie's long-suffering boss, Special Agent Stoddard Thorsen. Michael Peña provided some memorable comic moments as Special Agent Paco Hernandez, who surprised everyone with his ability to speak Arabic. Robert De Niro, who also made a surprising appearance as mobster Victor Tellegio, gave a subtle and intimidating appearance . . . especially in a scene in which he tested Agent Thorsen's ability to speak Arabic. The movie also featured solid performances from Jack Huston as a young mobster, Alessandro Nivola as Richie and Thoren's boss, Anthony Zerbe as a corrupt congressman, and Elisabeth Röhm as Mayor Polito's equally happy-go-lucky wife Dolly. I was also impressed by the production designs for "AMERICAN HUSTLE". Judy Becker and her team did an exceptional job of bringing the late 1970s back to life. She was also assisted by Heather Loeffler's set decorations and Jesse Rosenthal's art direction. Michael Wilkinson's costume designs did an excellent job of not only capturing that particular era, but also representing the major character. This was especially apparent in his costumes for the Sydney Prosser, who used low-cut dresses and gowns to distract her marks. And I mean very low cut. If there is one problem I have with "AMERICAN HUSTLE", it is probably Eric Warren Singer and David O. Russell's screenplay. At first, it seemed perfectly fine to me. But eventually, there were aspects of the screenplay I found either troubling or confusing. One, I noticed that Russell tried utilize the use of multiple narrations that Martin Scorsese used in his 1995 movie, "CASINO". At first, he used Irving and Sydney's narration. Then he added Richie's voice to the mix. The problem is that I can only recall Richie's narration in one scene. Nor do I recall Sydney's narration in the movie's second half. Also, the first half of the movie seemed to hint that Richie's mark in his operation was Camden's Mayor Polito, who wanted to raise funds to revitalize Atlantic City. Why? Why would the mayor of Camden be interested in revitalizing the fortunes of another city, located in another county? And why was the F.B.I. so interested in Camden's mayor? At first, I thought the agency was aware of his mob ties. But when Carmine introduced Irving and Richie to mobster Victor Tellegio, both the con man and the Federal agent seemed surprised by the mobster's appearance. So, why did Richie target Carmine in the first place? To make matters even more confusing, Richie extended his sting operation to several members of Congress. There seemed to be no focus in the operation and especially in the story. Despite the confusing screenplay, I must admit that "AMERICAN HUSTLE" was an entertaining movie. Not only did it recapture the era of the late 1970s, but also featured some superb performances from a cast led by Christian Bale and Amy Adams. Despite its flaws, I believe it was a first-rate movie that deserved the acclaim it had garnered.  
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fruityyamenrunner · 1 year
Some undercover operatives who try to make the tape look as bad as possible for the target have still another strategy to use. They know full well that later listeners are likely to believe that something illegal is going on. If the target’s own words don’t show this, there is also the possibility that the undercover operative can make the tape seem worse by contaminating it with some covert and bad-sounding language. It doesn’t seem to matter that such language was not spoken by the target. Who will be able to keep straight who said what anyway?
Defendants in tape cases begin every trial with two strikes against them. Strike one is that they have been indicted for a crime. Strike two is that there are tapes that the prosecution claims will prove their guilt. It’s hard for an innocent defendant to overcome these two strikes, since juries tend to believe that taped evidence is always bad. To ensure that they believe this, some cooperating witnesses and agents spice up the tape with references to other criminal activity (even if these are unrelated to this operation), drop in names of unsavory people, use questionable expressions, and try to talk like criminals, using vulgarity and cursing. No matter that the target doesn’t use such language. It’s on the tape and who can sort it out?
One example of the contamination strategy was seen in the Abscam case of U.S. Senator Harrison A. Williams of New Jersey in the early 1980s. After Senator Williams had made it very clear that any money he might be able to make on a proposed business deal would have to be legally declared as a blind trust, the FBI agent, Anthony Amoroso, kept saying that the senator would have to “keep it hidden.” In one sense a blind trust would indeed be hidden, but hidden only to the senator, not by him. The damage was done, however, and despite the senator’s clear words to the contrary, the prosecution claimed that he agreed to keep his potential earnings hidden (Shuy 1993). For some reason, the jury agreed with the prosecutor and Williams was convicted at trial.
Although I was not asked to participate in Senator Williams’s criminal trial, I had a personal opportunity to witness such contamination later, during the senator’s impeachment hearing in which I gave testimony. I sat next to Williams on the Senate fl oor and during one of the breaks in the hearing Senator Mark Hatfi eld of Oregon, whom I knew from the fact that we attended the same church, came up to us and asked Williams why he swore so much on the tape. The fact is that Senator Williams was not the one swearing on the tape. It was FBI Agent Amoroso. Even Senator Hatfi eld was contaminated by the tape recordings. As it turned out, the entire U.S. Senate was equally contaminated. Near the end of the hearings, since Senator Williams realized that he had not convinced many of his colleagues of his innocence, he resigned from the U.S. Senate.
Roger Shuy, Creating Language Crimes
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faolonfiendrender · 2 months
Doing background research on a song led to me learning about yet another ethically dubious thing from the FBI.
While I can’t really argue with the results, I don’t think law enforcement should be able to do that, to anyone really, also, it feels like there is racism at play somewhere in all that, but it’s 2:30 in the morning and my brain ain’t working well enough to identify and articulate that point even if I am educated enough to know more than a vague unease, which I’m uncertain of.
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hellopanda69 · 2 months
Cerita Nyata di American Hustle Skandal ABSCAM
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American Hustle adalah film drama kriminal yang dirilis pada tahun 2013, disutradarai oleh David O. Russell dan dibintangi oleh Christian Bale, Amy Adams, Bradley Cooper, dan Jennifer Lawrence. Film ini terinspirasi oleh skandal ABSCAM yang terkenal, sebuah operasi penyelidikan korupsi yang diadakan oleh FBI pada akhir 1970-an dan awal 1980-an. Meskipun film ini mengambil banyak kebebasan kreatif, "American Hustle" berhasil mengangkat elemen-elemen kunci dari skandal tersebut dan menyajikannya dalam bentuk yang menghibur dan penuh intrik.
Latar Belakang Skandal ABSCAM
ABSCAM, singkatan dari "Arab Scam," adalah nama kode untuk operasi penyelidikan korupsi yang dilaksanakan oleh FBI antara tahun 1978 hingga 1980. Tujuan utama dari operasi ini adalah untuk mengungkap dan menangkap politisi dan pejabat pemerintah yang terlibat dalam kasus korupsi dan penyuapan. Dalam skandal ini, FBI menciptakan sebuah perusahaan fiktif yang konon milik seorang pengusaha Arab yang ingin menyuap pejabat pemerintah untuk mendapatkan izin dan kontrak bisnis.
Plot dan Karakter
"American Hustle" mengikuti cerita fiksi dari karakter Irving Rosenfeld (diperankan oleh Christian Bale) dan Sydney Prosser (diperankan oleh Amy Adams), dua penipu ulung yang terpaksa bekerja sama dengan agen FBI Richie DiMaso (diperankan oleh Bradley Cooper) dalam sebuah operasi yang dirancang untuk menangkap politisi korup. Mereka merencanakan untuk mengekspos pejabat-pejabat yang terlibat dalam korupsi dengan bantuan dari berbagai trik dan penipuan.
Film ini juga menampilkan karakter Carmine Polito (diperankan oleh Jeremy Renner), seorang politisi New Jersey yang terjebak dalam skema yang diprakarsai oleh FBI dan penipu tersebut, serta Rosalyn Rosenfeld (diperankan oleh Jennifer Lawrence), istri Irving yang penuh drama dan emosional.
Aspek Nyata dari Skandal ABSCAM
Meskipun "American Hustle" adalah karya fiksi yang terinspirasi oleh peristiwa nyata, film ini menyentuh beberapa elemen penting dari skandal ABSCAM:
Operasi Penyamaran: Seperti dalam film, operasi ABSCAM melibatkan penggunaan perusahaan fiktif sebagai umpan untuk menarik para pejabat pemerintah yang korup. Dalam kenyataannya, FBI menggunakan penawaran-penawaran palsu yang berasal dari "pengusaha Arab" untuk menjerat target mereka.
Penyelidikan dan Penangkapan: Skandal ABSCAM menyebabkan penangkapan dan dakwaan terhadap beberapa pejabat terpilih, termasuk anggota Kongres AS dan pejabat pemerintah negara bagian. Penangkapan ini mengungkapkan sejauh mana penyuapan dan korupsi telah meresap dalam sistem politik.
Teknik Penyelidikan: Dalam film, teknik yang digunakan untuk menjebak para pejabat mirip dengan metode yang digunakan oleh FBI dalam skandal ABSCAM, termasuk perekaman percakapan dan pengaturan pertemuan untuk mengumpulkan bukti.
Kebebasan Kreatif dan Pengaruh Film
"American Hustle" mengambil banyak kebebasan kreatif dalam menceritakan kisahnya. Beberapa karakter dan peristiwa dalam film ini adalah fiksi, dan film ini menggambarkan situasi dengan campuran drama dan humor yang tidak selalu sesuai dengan kenyataan. Namun, film ini berhasil menangkap semangat dan atmosfir dari skandal ABSCAM, serta menyajikan gambaran menarik tentang korupsi dan intrik politik.
Dampak dan Kesimpulan
Skandal ABSCAM meninggalkan jejak yang mendalam dalam sejarah politik Amerika Serikat, dan "American Hustle" menawarkan pandangan yang menghibur dan memikat tentang skandal tersebut. Dengan penampilan yang kuat dari para aktor dan alur cerita yang penuh ketegangan, film ini berhasil menghidupkan kembali peristiwa-peristiwa penting dari masa lalu, sekaligus memberikan interpretasi kreatif yang menghibur. Meskipun bukanlah dokumentasi yang sepenuhnya akurat, "American Hustle" menawarkan pandangan yang menarik tentang bagaimana korupsi dapat meresap ke dalam sistem dan bagaimana penegakan hukum berusaha untuk mengatasinya.
Film ini juga menunjukkan bahwa meskipun ada berbagai macam cara untuk mengungkap kebenaran, skandal ABSCAM adalah contoh nyata dari perjuangan melawan korupsi dan penyelewengan yang dapat memiliki dampak besar terhadap integritas sistem politik.
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dan6085 · 3 months
The FBI has conducted numerous covert operations throughout its history, often to gather intelligence, combat perceived threats, or disrupt illegal activities. Here are 50 of the most significant FBI covert operations:
1. **COINTELPRO (Counter Intelligence Program)**: Active from 1956 to 1971, this program aimed to surveil, infiltrate, discredit, and disrupt domestic political organizations deemed subversive, including civil rights groups, feminist organizations, socialist groups, and the Black Panther Party.
2. **Operation ABSCAM**: A late 1970s and early 1980s sting operation targeting political corruption. Undercover agents posed as wealthy Arab businessmen offering bribes in exchange for political favors, leading to the conviction of several U.S. Congressmen and other public officials.
3. **Operation Ghost Stories**: In 2010, the FBI arrested 10 Russian sleeper agents who had been living in the U.S. for years under deep cover, gathering intelligence and attempting to infiltrate policy-making circles.
4. **Operation Crossfire Hurricane**: Launched in 2016, this operation investigated possible connections between the Trump campaign and Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. It led to the appointment of Special Counsel Robert Mueller.
5. **Operation Ill Wind**: A late 1980s investigation into defense procurement fraud, resulting in numerous convictions of government officials and contractors for accepting bribes and kickbacks.
6. **Operation Fast and Furious**: Part of the larger Project Gunrunner, this operation aimed to track firearms sold to suspected straw purchasers for Mexican drug cartels. The operation became controversial after weapons were lost and used in crimes, including the killing of a U.S. Border Patrol agent.
7. **Operation Greylord**: A 1980s investigation into judicial corruption in Cook County, Illinois. Undercover agents gathered evidence leading to the conviction of judges, lawyers, and court officials for accepting bribes.
8. **Operation Wounded Knee**: In 1973, the FBI conducted covert surveillance and engaged in armed confrontations with American Indian Movement (AIM) activists occupying Wounded Knee, South Dakota, to protest U.S. government policies.
9. **Operation Ghost Rider**: An undercover operation in the 1990s targeting the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club and other outlaw motorcycle gangs involved in drug trafficking and other criminal activities.
10. **Operation Equine**: In the early 2000s, the FBI infiltrated a steroid distribution ring involving professional athletes, leading to the indictment and conviction of several individuals involved in illegal steroid distribution.
11. **Operation Black Widow**: An investigation in the late 1990s and early 2000s into the Mexican Mafia and Nuestra Familia prison gangs, resulting in numerous arrests and convictions for drug trafficking, murder, and other crimes.
12. **Operation Casablanca**: A 1998 undercover operation targeting money laundering by Mexican and Colombian drug cartels through U.S. banks. It led to numerous arrests and the seizure of millions of dollars.
13. **Operation Green Quest**: Launched after the 9/11 attacks, this operation targeted terrorist financing networks, leading to significant seizures and the disruption of financial support for terrorist activities.
14. **Operation Varsity Blues**: A 2019 investigation into a college admissions bribery scheme, resulting in the indictment of dozens of individuals, including celebrities and business executives, for paying bribes to secure their children's admission to elite universities.
15. **Operation Family Secrets**: A 2000s investigation into the Chicago Outfit (the Chicago Mafia), which led to the conviction of several high-ranking mobsters for crimes including murder and racketeering.
16. **Operation Silver Shovel**: A 1990s investigation into corruption in Chicago, where undercover agents exposed bribery and kickbacks involving public officials and organized crime figures.
17. **Operation Falcon**: A series of nationwide fugitive apprehension operations beginning in 2005, targeting violent offenders, sex offenders, and gang members, resulting in thousands of arrests.
18. **Operation Bagration**: An FBI operation that helped identify and capture a major Soviet spy ring in the 1940s, contributing to the convictions of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg for espionage.
19. **Operation Pacifier**: A 2015 operation targeting the users of Playpen, a major child pornography website. The FBI took over the site to identify and apprehend users, resulting in hundreds of arrests globally.
20. **Operation Leaky Cauldron**: An investigation into the hacking group Anonymous in the early 2010s, leading to the arrest and conviction of several hackers involved in cyber-attacks against government and corporate targets.
Here are an additional 30 FBI covert operations, extending the list from 21 to 50:
21. **Operation Greylord**: A 1980s investigation into judicial corruption in Cook County, Illinois. Undercover agents gathered evidence leading to the conviction of judges, lawyers, and court officials for accepting bribes.
22. **Operation Bluelight**: A late 1990s investigation targeting corrupt police officers in Detroit, leading to the conviction of multiple officers involved in drug trafficking, robbery, and other crimes.
23. **Operation Ivy League**: A 2009 operation that uncovered drug trafficking and sales by members of several fraternities at Columbia University. It resulted in numerous arrests and convictions.
24. **Operation White Terror**: In the 1960s, the FBI infiltrated and disrupted the activities of white supremacist groups, including the Ku Klux Klan, to counteract domestic terrorism and civil rights violations.
25. **Operation Looking Glass**: A 1980s operation targeting international arms dealers who were illegally exporting U.S. weapons technology to hostile countries, resulting in multiple arrests and seizures.
26. **Operation Triple Play**: A 2000s investigation into illegal gambling operations run by organized crime families, leading to the arrest and conviction of numerous mobsters and the dismantling of several illegal gambling rings.
27. **Operation Clean House**: A 1990s operation targeting corruption in the New Orleans Police Department, leading to the conviction of several officers for crimes including drug trafficking, robbery, and murder.
28. **Operation Encore**: An ongoing investigation into the possible links between Saudi nationals and the 9/11 terrorist attacks, focusing on uncovering the support networks for the hijackers.
29. **Operation Lightning Strike**: A 1990s operation targeting corruption within NASA and its contractors, leading to the arrest and conviction of several individuals involved in bribery and kickback schemes.
30. **Operation High Roller**: A 2010s investigation into a sophisticated cybercrime ring that stole millions of dollars from banks and financial institutions worldwide through coordinated hacking attacks.
31. **Operation Northern Exposure**: A 1990s investigation into the activities of the Aryan Nations and other white supremacist groups in the Pacific Northwest, leading to numerous arrests and the weakening of these groups.
32. **Operation Ghostfisher**: A 2010s operation targeting illegal fishing operations in U.S. waters, leading to the arrest and conviction of individuals involved in poaching and trafficking in protected marine species.
33. **Operation Red Dog**: A 1980s investigation into a plot by American mercenaries to overthrow the government of Dominica, resulting in the arrest and conviction of the conspirators.
34. **Operation Safeguard**: A 2000s operation targeting human trafficking rings exploiting undocumented immigrants, leading to the rescue of victims and the arrest of traffickers.
35. **Operation Sea Lion**: A 2010s investigation into illegal wildlife trafficking, leading to the arrest of individuals involved in the smuggling and sale of endangered species.
36. **Operation Caribbean Cruise**: A 1980s operation targeting drug smuggling routes in the Caribbean, leading to the seizure of large quantities of drugs and the arrest of key figures in the drug trade.
37. **Operation Polar Pen**: A 2000s investigation into political corruption in Alaska, leading to the conviction of several state legislators and business figures for accepting bribes and kickbacks.
38. **Operation Brownsville**: A 1990s operation targeting a large-scale heroin distribution ring in Brooklyn, resulting in the arrest and conviction of numerous individuals involved in drug trafficking.
39. **Operation Power Outage**: A 2010s investigation into cyber-attacks on U.S. infrastructure, leading to the identification and prosecution of hackers responsible for disrupting power grids and other critical systems.
40. **Operation Tin Man**: A 1980s operation targeting counterfeiters producing and distributing fake U.S. currency, leading to the arrest of several individuals and the seizure of millions of dollars in counterfeit bills.
41. **Operation Windfall**: A 2000s investigation into tax evasion and money laundering schemes by organized crime families, resulting in the conviction of several high-ranking mobsters.
42. **Operation Crystal Palace**: A 1990s operation targeting methamphetamine production and distribution networks, leading to the arrest of numerous individuals involved in the drug trade.
43. **Operation Rolling Thunder**: A 2000s investigation into a large-scale car theft ring operating across several states, resulting in the recovery of stolen vehicles and the arrest of key figures in the ring.
44. **Operation Trojan Shield**: A 2021 operation involving the creation of a fake encrypted messaging platform used by criminals worldwide. The FBI and international partners monitored the communications, leading to hundreds of arrests globally.
45. **Operation Borderline**: A 2010s operation targeting cross-border smuggling operations, leading to the arrest of individuals involved in the illegal transport of drugs, weapons, and humans.
46. **Operation Icebreaker**: A 2000s investigation into the distribution of counterfeit pharmaceuticals, leading to the arrest of individuals involved in the production and sale of fake medications.
47. **Operation Denial**: A 2010s investigation into the distribution of synthetic opioids, leading to the arrest of traffickers and the disruption of supply chains for these dangerous drugs.
48. **Operation Phish Phry**: A 2000s investigation into an international phishing ring that stole personal and financial information from victims, leading to numerous arrests and the disruption of the cybercrime network.
49. **Operation Summer Night**: A 2010s operation targeting street gangs involved in violent crime and drug trafficking in urban areas, resulting in the arrest of gang members and the seizure of weapons and drugs.
50. **Operation Encore**: An ongoing investigation into the possible links between Saudi nationals and the 9/11 terrorist attacks, focusing on uncovering the support networks for the hijackers.
These operations illustrate the FBI's broad mandate to combat crime, espionage, and corruption through covert means, often leading to significant legal and political repercussions.
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brookstonalmanac · 8 months
Events 2.2 (after 1920)
1920 – The Tartu Peace Treaty is signed between Estonia and Russia. 1922 – Ulysses by James Joyce is published. 1922 – The uprising called the "pork mutiny" starts in the region between Kuolajärvi and Savukoski in Finland. 1925 – Serum run to Nome: Dog sleds reach Nome, Alaska with diphtheria serum, inspiring the Iditarod race. 1934 – The Export-Import Bank of the United States is incorporated. 1935 – Leonarde Keeler administers polygraph tests to two murder suspects, the first time polygraph evidence was admitted in U.S. courts. 1942 – The Osvald Group is responsible for the first, active event of anti-Nazi resistance in Norway, to protest the inauguration of Vidkun Quisling. 1943 – World War II: The Battle of Stalingrad comes to an end when Soviet troops accept the surrender of the last organized German troops in the city. 1954 – The Detroit Red Wings played in the first outdoor hockey game by any NHL team in an exhibition against the Marquette Branch Prison Pirates in Marquette, Michigan. 1959 – Nine experienced ski hikers in the northern Ural Mountains in the Soviet Union die under mysterious circumstances. 1966 – Pakistan suggests a six-point agenda with Kashmir after the Indo-Pakistani War of 1965. 1971 – Idi Amin replaces President Milton Obote as leader of Uganda. 1971 – The international Ramsar Convention for the conservation and sustainable utilization of wetlands is signed in Ramsar, Mazandaran, Iran. 1980 – Reports surface that the FBI is targeting allegedly corrupt Congressmen in the Abscam operation. 1982 – Hama massacre: The government of Syria attacks the town of Hama. 1987 – After the 1986 People Power Revolution, the Philippines enacts a new constitution. 1989 – Soviet–Afghan War: The last Soviet armoured column leaves Kabul. 1990 – Apartheid: F. W. de Klerk announces the unbanning of the African National Congress and promises to release Nelson Mandela. 1998 – Cebu Pacific Flight 387 crashes into Mount Sumagaya in the Philippines, killing all 104 people on board. 2000 – First digital cinema projection in Europe (Paris) realized by Philippe Binant with the DLP CINEMA technology developed by Texas Instruments. 2004 – Swiss tennis player Roger Federer becomes the No. 1 ranked men's singles player, a position he will hold for a record 237 weeks. 2005 – The Government of Canada introduces the Civil Marriage Act. This legislation would become law on July 20, 2005, legalizing same-sex marriage. 2007 – Police officer Filippo Raciti is killed when a clash breaks out in the Sicily derby between Catania and Palermo, in the Serie A, the top flight of Italian football. This event led to major changes in stadium regulations in Italy. 2012 – The ferry MV Rabaul Queen sinks off the coast of Papua New Guinea near the Finschhafen District, with an estimated 146–165 dead. 2021 – The Burmese military establishes the State Administration Council, the military junta, after deposing the democratically elected government in the 2021 Myanmar coup d'état.
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biglisbonnews · 2 years
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A Hidden Caravaggio Masterpiece, An Inheritance Feud, and a Roman Villa up for Sale This story was originally published on The Conversation and appears here under a Creative Commons license. I teach Italian Renaissance and Baroque art, so when I was visiting Rome in January, how could I not try to see a notorious villa that was up for sale and involved in a nasty inheritance dispute? The Villa Aurora, named for the masterful fresco by the 17th-century artist Guercino that adorns the ground-floor salon, also happens to house a rare ceiling painting by Caravaggio, the 17th-century “rebel artist,” whose name makes the art market salivate. I wanted to see the Caravaggio, and not just because its assessed value of US$331 million drove up the estimated price for the villa, apparently scaring off buyers. Perhaps because of the difficulty in reproducing the work or even viewing it, the Caravaggio has received remarkably little attention from art historians. The villa, which has gone through five failed auctions—the first one asking a cool $502 million—needs maintenance, and Italian law dictates that the Caravaggio and other art cannot be removed. It is not easy to see privately held art, and given the ongoing controversy, I figured my chances were especially slim. But I duly wrote to the email address I found online. A week later I got a response, and after some back and forth, on the day before I was to leave Rome, I was invited to come to the villa at 6 p.m. sharp. A woman named Olga met me at the door: “The principessa will be with you in a moment,” she said. The current inhabitant of the villa is an American-born princess named Rita Boncompagni Ludovisi. A former Texas GOP opposition researcher, she was once married to a congressman caught in the Abscam scandal and posed for Playboy twice in the 1980s. Her second husband, Nicolò Boncampagni Ludovisi, was Prince of Piombino. He owned the villa and promised her usufructuary rights, meaning she should be allowed to occupy the villa until her death. But the prince’s three sons from his first marriage are forcing the sale because, according to Italian law, inheritances must be divided between the surviving spouse and any descendants. It’s a media story to die for: old-world aristocrats face off against a supposed bimbo and gold digger from Texas—with a Caravaggio thrown in for good measure. The villa was historically known as the Casino Ludovisi, but it became famous among art historians for its ceiling painting by Guercino. In a tour de force of illusion, the ceiling is painted to look as through the architecture opens up to the sky with the goddess Aurora, or Dawn, driving her chariot across the space above. The Caravaggio, by contrast, barely registers in the voluminous scholarship on the artist. I looked down in dismay at my sneakers, my corduroy pants, and my purple Eddie Bauer jacket that has seen better days: I hadn’t anticipated meeting the principessa herself. Olga guided me into a second room and introduced me to the principessa. She is most definitely American – tall, blond and looking much younger than her age of 73. After talking extensively about the villa and its works of art, Rita, as she calls herself, introduced me to a dapper Italian man from the Ministry of Culture, whom, she explained, could hopefully stop her imminent eviction from her home. She then showed me the magnificent painting by Guercino. Then a journalist from the Italian newspaper La Stampa appeared, and the principessa was whisked away for an interview. She told me, in parting, “Olga will show you the Caravaggio.” Olga led me up a spiral stairway to the second floor: “Here is the other Guercino,” she said. I looked up to see a second illusionistic fresco, the same size as the one on the ground floor, this one depicting the figure of Fame flying through the sky. I hadn’t known this one even existed. Then Olga turned on the lights in what looked like a small hallway, its walls painted a bright, hospital white. I looked up to see Caravaggio’s painting, which depicts muscular nude men surrounding a translucent white globe. The detail is intense, the colors bright and sharp in a way that is exceptional for a ceiling painting. Caravaggio managed to make the three-headed dog Cerberus look as though it really existed, bringing to life the creature’s soft black and white fur, the red of its eyes, the pink ribbing of one upper mouth and the white glint of its teeth. I later learned that the picture had not been painted in the traditional fresco technique, on wet plaster, but with the unusual application of oil on dry plaster, allowing Caravaggio to execute the precision, color, detail, and texture. Although some art historians have questioned the attribution, there is no doubt in my mind that this is Caravaggio. Only he would—even could—paint such a seemingly plausible Cerberus. The composition works only in its original location, since the scale, height and curvature of the ceiling transform the work. The painting purports to show a rectangular opening in the ceiling through which viewers can see the sky and clouds. In the center, within a white globe depicting the universe, one sees the Sun, Moon and signs of the horoscope. On each side of the globe are the nude, burly he-men: on one side, Jupiter, awkwardly flying through the sky on an eagle, pushes the sphere; on the other, Jupiter’s brothers, Pluto and Neptune, stand as if at the edge of the opening in the ceiling, looking down. Perhaps Caravaggio did this for his friend and patron as a kind of joke. Given its lack of scholarly attention, the Caravaggio is much more compelling than I expected. One 17th-century biographer, Pietro Bellori, claimed that Caravaggio painted the work to silence critics who alleged that he lacked the technical skill to pull off the tricks in perspective required for ceiling art. But I think Caravaggio was up to something more complicated. His aim was not so much to prove he could paint with foreshortened figures and receding architecture, but rather to make fun of the fad for illusionistic ceiling paintings that render scenes “as if seen from below”—“di sotto in su,” as it is termed in art history. Running with the concept of “di sotto in su,” Caravaggio cheekily gives onlookers a graphic view from below of Pluto’s penis and testicles, not to mention a novel perspective on his buttocks. Caravaggio didn’t stop there. Jupiter’s pose is almost incomprehensible, his face concealed, his limbs flailing in different directions—very undignified, particularly for an oversize Olympian god. It’s an NFL linebacker riding an overmatched eagle. From between Jupiter’s legs emerges the very phallic long neck and beak of the eagle with his bright, dark eye glaring down at the mortals below. (In Italian, “bird” is slang for penis.) Pluto and Neptune also have their pets, which are themselves rivals: Pluto’s snarling dog frightens Neptune’s seahorse. Neptune, who is Caravaggio’s self-portrait, in turn looks threateningly at Pluto. And then there is the juxtaposition of Cerberus’ bared teeth and Pluto’s very exposed “equipment.” When I consider the patronage of the painting, it all makes sense. Caravaggio painted the ceiling in 1599 or 1600, when the villa was owned by his first important patron, Cardinal Francesco del Monte. Caravaggio lived in del Monte’s palace in town, and there is evidence to suggest that they both enjoyed the company of young men, and they may even have been lovers. While it is difficult to confirm the men’s sexual preferences, there is no question that the ceiling is a product of their shared sensibility: locker room art for sophisticated, 17th-century cultural “jocks.” The room was Del Monte’s “studiolo,” a type of small room usually used by members of the wealthy elite to get away from it all and “study” (whatever that might entail). The ceiling was to be shared by a bon vivant, learned cardinal with a select audience of like-minded men. Caravaggio never painted another ceiling because tricks of perspective were fundamentally incompatible with his realist inclinations, but perhaps he did this one for his friend and patron as a kind of joke. I left the Villa Aurora that night with a new perspective on 17th-century art and full of thoughts about the role these works of art, created for members of an extraordinarily privileged elite of the past, play in our modern democratic society. The same day as my visit, the judge in the inheritance dispute ruled that the principessa would be evicted from the villa to facilitate its sale. I suspect this is devastating for her, given how much effort she has put into preserving her husband’s legacy. But I also wonder what will happen to this villa and its unique collection of 16th- and 17th-century ceiling paintings. I think it would be a travesty for them to remain in private hands, because everyone, including my students, should be able to see these works. Art historians know about the tensions between private property and cultural heritage, but this is a real opportunity for the new Italian Minister of Culture, Gennaro Sangiuliano, to set an example, as his predecessors have done with the Palazzo Grimani at Santa Formosa in Venice. Once the residence of a wealthy and powerful noble family, Palazzo Grimani fell into disrepair until it was purchased in 1981 by the state. After many years of renovation, it opened as a public museum in 2008. The frescoes in the Palazzo Grimani are not nearly as artistically significant as those in the Villa Aurora, but the museum today is one of the most interesting monuments in Venice. I believe the Villa Aurora, restored and open to everyone as a museum of Renaissance and Baroque ceiling painting, could do the same for Rome. Monika Schmitter is a professor and chair of History of Art and Architecture at UMass Amherst. https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/caravaggio-art-hidden-villa-aurora
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cavenewstimes · 2 years
John Jenrette Jr., Congressman Nabbed in Abscam Sting, Dies at 86 Richard Sandomir on March 21, 2023 at 7:15 PM
Once a rising star of the Democratic Party, he served 13 months in prison for bribery after being targeted in an F.B.I. scam involving a phony sheikh. Once a rising star of the Democratic Party, he served 13 months in prison for bribery after being targeted in an F.B.I. scam involving a phony sheikh. Read More  NYT > U.S. News 
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newswireml · 2 years
John Jenrette, roguish congressman snared in Abscam sting, dies at 86#John #Jenrette #roguish #congressman #snared #Abscam #sting #dies
John W. Jenrette Jr., a flamboyant congressman who was convicted of taking a $50,000 bribe in the Abscam sting operation of the late 1970s, and who gained further notoriety after his wife told Playboy about a romantic rendezvous they had on the steps of the U.S. Capitol, died March 17. He was 86. His family announced the death through Goldfinch Funeral Home in Conway, S.C. Additional details…
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seekerslearnings · 2 years
Abscam: The FBI Sting to Expose Corruption in Congress
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thegeekx · 2 years
Christian Bale Claims That He Helped David O. Russell And Amy Adams Resolve Their Differences During Filming Of American Hustle
Christian Bale Claims That He Helped David O. Russell And Amy Adams Resolve Their Differences During Filming Of American Hustle
Christian Bale claims that he mediated a dispute between director David O. Russell and co-star Amy Adams while filming the 2013 film American Hustle. In a cover story for GQ released Wednesday, Bale, 48, confirmed rumors that he stepped in to help Adams during filming. Explaining his actions, he referred to his portrayal of Irv in the fictionalized account of the FBI’s Abscam sting operation in…
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columbia-canaille · 3 years
Abscam FBI Sting Operation
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The FBI was aided by the Justice Department and a convicted con-man, Mel Weinberg in videotaping politicians accepting bribes from a fictitious Arabian company in return for various political favors
Weinberg, supervised by the FBI, created a fake company called Abdul Enterprises in which FBI employees posed as fictional Arab sheikhs led by owners Kambir Abdul Rahman and Yassir Habib, who had millions of dollars to invest in the United States.
Convictions included:
US Senator Harrison A. Williams (D-NJ)
US Representative Frank Thompson (D-NJ)
US Representative John Jenrette (D-SC)
US Representative Raymond Lederer (D-PA)
US Representative Michael "Ozzie" Myers (D-PA)
US Representative John M. Murphy (D-NY)
US Representative Richard Kelly (R-FL)
Mayor of Camden, New Jersey, Angelo Errichetti (D)
Philadelphia, PA City Council President George X. Schwartz (D)
Philadelphia, PA City Councilman Harry Jannotti (D)
Philadelphia, PA City Councilman Louis Johanson (D)
An inspector for the US Immigration and Naturalization Service
This list does not include a number of politicians who faced scrutiny for their questionable involvement with operation Abscam. 
FBI documents later disclosed in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act, consisting of newspaper clippings and letters written to the FBI, revealed a mixed response of the American public. 
Some Americans supported the FBI, but others argued that Abscam was an entrapment scenario ordered by a revenge-minded FBI, which earlier had been stung by Congressional inquiries into acts of police brutality and similar widespread abuses.
Congressional concern about sting operations persisted, creating numerous additional guidelines in the ensuing years:
The Civiletti Guidelines – 1980–1981
The Smith Guidelines – 1983
The Thornburgh Guidelines – 1989
The Reno Guidelines – 2001
During the course of Abscam, the FBI handed out more than $400,000 in "bribes" to Congressmen and middlemen.
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brookstonalmanac · 2 years
Events 2.2
506 – Alaric II, eighth king of the Visigoths, promulgates the Breviary of Alaric (Breviarium Alaricianum or Lex Romana Visigothorum), a collection of "Roman law". 880 – Battle of Lüneburg Heath: King Louis III of France is defeated by the Norse Great Heathen Army at Lüneburg Heath in Saxony. 962 – Translatio imperii: Pope John XII crowns Otto I, Holy Roman Emperor, the first Holy Roman Emperor in nearly 40 years. 1032 – Conrad II, Holy Roman Emperor becomes king of Burgundy. 1141 – The Battle of Lincoln, at which Stephen, King of England is defeated and captured by the allies of Empress Matilda. 1207 – Terra Mariana, eventually comprising present-day Latvia and Estonia, is established. 1438 – Nine leaders of the Transylvanian peasant revolt are executed at Torda. 1461 – Wars of the Roses: The Battle of Mortimer's Cross results in the death of Owen Tudor. 1536 – Spaniard Pedro de Mendoza founds Buenos Aires, Argentina. 1645 – Scotland in the Wars of the Three Kingdoms: Battle of Inverlochy. 1653 – New Amsterdam (later renamed The City of New York) is incorporated. 1709 – Alexander Selkirk is rescued after being shipwrecked on a desert island, inspiring Daniel Defoe's adventure book Robinson Crusoe. 1814 – The last of the River Thames frost fairs comes to an end. 1848 – Mexican–American War: The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo is signed. 1850 – Brigham Young declares war on Timpanogos in the Battle at Fort Utah. 1868 – Pro-Imperial forces capture Osaka Castle from the Tokugawa shogunate and burn it to the ground. 1870 – The Seven Brothers (Seitsemän veljestä), a novel by Finnish author Aleksis Kivi, is published first time in several thin booklets. 1876 – The National League of Professional Baseball Clubs of Major League Baseball is formed. 1881 – The sentences of the trial of the warlocks of Chiloé are imparted. 1887 – In Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, the first Groundhog Day is observed. 1899 – The Australian Premiers' Conference held in Melbourne decides to locate Australia's capital city, Canberra, between Sydney and Melbourne. 1900 – Boston, Detroit, Milwaukee, Baltimore, Chicago and St. Louis, agree to form baseball's American League. 1901 – Funeral of Queen Victoria. 1909 – The Paris Film Congress opens, an attempt by European producers to form an equivalent to the MPCC cartel in the United States. 1913 – Grand Central Terminal opens in New York City. 1920 – The Tartu Peace Treaty is signed between Estonia and Russia. 1922 – Ulysses by James Joyce is published. 1922 – The uprising called the "pork mutiny" starts in the region between Kuolajärvi and Savukoski in Finland. 1925 – Serum run to Nome: Dog sleds reach Nome, Alaska with diphtheria serum, inspiring the Iditarod race. 1934 – The Export-Import Bank of the United States is incorporated. 1935 – Leonarde Keeler administers polygraph tests to two murder suspects, the first time polygraph evidence was admitted in U.S. courts. 1942 – The Osvald Group is responsible for the first, active event of anti-Nazi resistance in Norway, to protest the inauguration of Vidkun Quisling. 1943 – World War II: The Battle of Stalingrad comes to an end when Soviet troops accept the surrender of the last organized German troops in the city. 1954 – the Detroit Red Wings played in the first outdoor hockey game by any NHL team in an exhibition against the Marquette Branch Prison Pirates in Marquette, Michigan. 1959 – Nine experienced ski hikers in the northern Ural Mountains in the Soviet Union die under mysterious circumstances. 1966 – Pakistan suggests a six-point agenda with Kashmir after the Indo-Pakistani War of 1965. 1971 – Idi Amin replaces President Milton Obote as leader of Uganda. 1971 – The international Ramsar Convention for the conservation and sustainable utilization of wetlands is signed in Ramsar, Mazandaran, Iran. 1980 – Reports surface that the FBI is targeting allegedly corrupt Congressmen in the Abscam operation. 1982 – Hama massacre: The government of Syria attacks the town of Hama. 1987 – After the 1986 People Power Revolution, the Philippines enacts a new constitution. 1989 – Soviet–Afghan War: The last Soviet armoured column leaves Kabul. 1990 – Apartheid: F. W. de Klerk announces the unbanning of the African National Congress and promises to release Nelson Mandela. 1998 – Cebu Pacific Flight 387 crashes into Mount Sumagaya in the Philippines, killing all 104 people on board. 2000 – First digital cinema projection in Europe (Paris) realized by Philippe Binant with the DLP CINEMA technology developed by Texas Instruments. 2004 – Swiss tennis player Roger Federer becomes the No. 1 ranked men's singles player, a position he will hold for a record 237 weeks. 2005 – The Government of Canada introduces the Civil Marriage Act. This legislation would become law on July 20, 2005, legalizing same-sex marriage. 2007 – Police officer Filippo Raciti is killed when a clash breaks out in the Sicily derby between Catania and Palermo, in the Serie A, the top flight of Italian football. This event led to major changes in stadium regulations in Italy. 2012 – The ferry MV Rabaul Queen sinks off the coast of Papua New Guinea near the Finschhafen District, with an estimated 146–165 dead.
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i learned about Operation ABSCAM, which was a FBI sting operation carried out in 1980 to trap corrupt politicians. Which included a senator and six congressmen (x)
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