#about reni
metal-mouse · 6 months
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This is who booped you today btw
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theluckybard · 8 months
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Forgot to post this one here.
A sketchy sketch from the Dark Place 🔦
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corvidcleric · 2 years
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[start i.d.: a drawing of kristen applebees in homage to paintings of saint sebastian. she leans against a tree, arms above her head, as a white unicorn horn sticks out from her chest. she looks upward, merely disappointed. end i.d.]
god loves you but not enough to save you
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godzilla-reads · 6 months
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Found on my walk with Winston this morning- the other Little Free Library a block off had a lot of race relations books today and it made me so happy they’re being shared.
📕 Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About Race by Reni Eddo-Lodge
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kingkaizen · 3 months
i was thinking about why i used to get so much more interaction on my old acc vs now but i realized that it was 2020 and everyone was home bc of covid 😭
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toestalucia · 4 months
ask me for gbf event recommendations (i will answer falsetto in the autumn gray)
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s1gmagirl · 2 years
ik people don’t like talking about it but if we don’t talk about it then people will continue to do this type of stuff. the whole issue with these ppl writing byler smut IS weird because whether or not they themselves are adults or minors, they’re perpetuating the idea that it’s okay for there to explicit and graphic content out there about these underage characters (where one of the actors is FRESHLY 18).
we’ve had the conversation before that byler is not inherently sexual just for being mlm and that them kissing is not sexual whatsoever because no one would say the same for any het couple/ship that are minors and kiss.
kissing aside, i think these ppl genuinely think it’s “ok” to write about it because they think “oh, well real minors have sex” and while that IS true, you have the sort of moral obligation to not feed into that and not make MORE content than there already is about it. no one’s saying minors don’t have sex (they do!). hell, it can be IMPLIED in writing because sometimes that’s what your story needs to be furthered (aka nancy and steve with the barb plotline or even debbie from shameless!) but it will never NEVER be ok to sit down and write explicit and detailed smut about minors. period.
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mellifiedman · 8 months
The thing about the Stephen King prose is, like... I grew up regularly visiting his specific area of central Maine, and man. I get it, Steve. I understand what happened to you
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pocasu · 1 year
thoughts about kamikizaka reni.
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thottyoptimusprime · 1 year
Most books would start off with detailing in the world and having a character witnessing the war against Earth mother. But this doesn't and it works for it! You feel the after-effects of the war and understand the characters in the world they're in despite being thrust into it. I love world building, but hate world building where I have too many questions or understand nothing. You understand the world as the characters do which is amazing work by the author. The twins have different lives, different skills but the same destiny and I can't wait for the next book.
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A gruesome war results in the old gods' departure from earth. The only remnants of their existence lie in two girls. Twins, separated at birth. Goddesses who grow up believing that they are human. Daughters Of Nri explores their epic journey of self-discovery as they embark on a path back to one another.
Strong-willed Naala grows up seeking adventure in her quiet and small village. While the more reserved Sinai resides in the cold and political palace of Nri. Though miles apart, both girls share an indestructible bond: they share the same blood, the same face, and possess the same unspoken magic, thought to have vanished with the lost gods.
The twin girls were separated at birth, a price paid to ensure their survival from Eze Ochichiri, the man who rules the Kingdom of Nri. Both girls are tested in ways that awaken a mystical, formidable power deep within themselves. Eventually, their paths both lead back to the mighty Eze.
But can they defeat the man who brought the gods themselves to their knees?
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zippocreed501 · 1 year
Tony Renis and the Ciccios Family - Disco Quando
Tony's first mistake was to bring the musical equivalent of a knife to a gunfight. There's no way you could pick out the sound of that acoustic guitar amongst all that funky goings-on. His second mistake was tackling that pitch while endulging in a barstool boogie with one arse-cheek perilously perched on said seat.
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metal-mouse · 1 year
Not the One to Worship, Not the One to Blame
pairing: Sebastian Sallow x gn!Slytherin MC (no y/n used)
themes: angst, hurt/comfort
warnings: swearing, trauma, panic attacks, depression, self-isolating
summary: 1.4k word vomit. The battle against Ranrok is over. You are in your sixth year, and now have to deal with the aftermath that is emotion and nightmarish memories. Despite having kept Sebastian Sallow's secret, you have no interest in his friendship. However, he certainly makes a good scapegoat for all of your pain.
note: This is the first piece of writing I have posted publicly in over 10 years. It is going to be rough, as I am very out of practice. I never expected to write anything to post ever again, but I've had such a massive streak of inspiration I figured I'd put myself out there. Be gentle with me because I'm a big baby but be honest - I'm getting better at receiving feedback. I also don’t edit anything ever, so there’s probably plenty of bad grammar/confusing sentence structure/spelling errors. 
You stood alone at the top of the astronomy tower alone, hugging yourself tightly against the chilled air as you watched the sun set. The silence was welcome compared to the chaos of the Great Hall over supper. With hundreds of students meeting together at the same time, the sound of countless conversations overwhelmed you far too easily. You had eaten quickly and excused yourself from the company of Ominis, ignoring the concerned look on his face. You knew he worried, but he also knew enough to respect when you needed your space. It was one of your favourite things about him. 
The world around you was washed in a gentle golden glow that you desperately wanted to enjoy. The colours of the sky were beautiful, but no emotions stirred inside of you. You remained numb and empty. You couldn’t remember the last time you’d smiled. You wished you could feel something other than this awful cycle of misery, anger, fear, and hollowness. You wished that people would leave the past in the past. Every time a classmate brought up Ranrok’s defeat at your hands you felt like you were going to be sick. Your chest would tighten, and a clammy feeling would cling to the back of your neck as the rest of your body felt smothered by flames and smoke. You had been furious with Professor Black for being the one to share your involvement in the battle and causing this endless stream of praise and questions. All you wanted was to forget. 
Even worse than thinking about Ranrok was seeing Sebastian in the halls, in your classes, in your common room. You may have spared him from expulsion and imprisonment, but you still hadn’t found it in yourself to forgive him. Perhaps the blame you placed on him was unfair, perhaps he was an easy scapegoat for your pain. He had, afterall, caused a great amount of that pain. Yet, you weren’t any better than he was. Every night you dreamed of flashes of green and how the light left Victor Rookwood’s blue eyes… Dozens of men and countless goblins lay dead at your hand, and people actually celebrated you for this. In the beginning, you had been intrigued by the power you held. You had been eager to learn it and grow it. You had liked having a unique power that put you above others. Now, you wanted nothing more than to turn back time. You wished you’d never found out about this magic. You wished that none of this had ever happened. 
You were deep enough in your spiraling thoughts that you hadn’t noticed your unwelcome company until a warm cloak was placed over your shoulders. You flinched, immediately in attack mode as you looked at your intruder. Sebastian Sallow didn’t look at you. Instead, he put his hands on the railing and leaned out to see the world below. 
“I’ll go away if you want me to.” He said, breaking the tense silence. You watched him apprehensively, without saying a word. Sebastian took that as permission to remain in your presence. 
“What do you want?” You asked. 
“I may not be your favourite person right now, but that doesn’t mean I don’t care. You’re not alright.” Sebastian looked over at you. You scowled at the way he jumped straight to the point. The empty feeling inside of you was slowly replaced with anger. Not alright? What fucking gave it away? Why the hell was Sebastian the first person to bring it up besides Ominis - who had been there when you started to truly fall apart? 
“I’m fine.” You said. 
“I haven’t seen you smile since the year started - it’s now February. Not at Ominis. Not when you’re brushing Puffskeins with Poppy. You don’t even smile when Weasley makes his stupid jokes.” Sebastian stood and took a step towards you. It felt like his eyes were burning into your face. All you wanted was for him to look at anything but you. How dare he talk to you about this. Talk to you about your happiness - which he fucking stole from you. Why was he even paying attention in the first place? You adjusted his cloak around you, hating how warm it was and how it smelled like Sebastian. 
“If I haven’t smiled, it’s your fault.” A low blow. Sebastian’s nostrils flared and hurt filled his eyes, but he tilted his head as if to encourage you to carry on. You didn’t. 
“The last time I checked, you were the one acting so miserable. It’s you who doesn’t bother to even try anymore.” 
“I don’t have to try anymore. I’m a hero, Sebastian, everyone will love me all the same. Who cares if I’m miserable?” you spat out, “Can’t you see it? I don’t get to have emotions! Only people have feelings. I’m merely a tool to be used - a weapon if you will - whenever someone needs to use me. It makes it so much easier for everyone to forget what happens under the surface of battle. To forget the atrocities I’ve committed. The horrors I’ve seen. You wouldn’t understand it.” Sebastian’s eyes were wide as he stared at you. 
“Is that truly what you think? That I don’t understand? You’re not the only one who went through hell last year. I was right there the entire time. I helped you fight trolls, goblins, spiders, poachers, must I go on? 
I saw the look on your face when you came back from killing Victor Rookwood, and I knew before anyone else did what had happened. Want to know how? Because I know how it feels to fucking take someone’s life.” Sebastian bellowed, making you take a step backwards. You glanced towards the stairwell, hoping nobody was nearby to eavesdrop. 
He had been there. Sebastian had known from the beginning what you were going through, and he had helped - even if it put his life in danger. His true motives may have ultimately lain elsewhere, but you knew he didn’t want to see any more people harmed at Ranrok’s hands. Guilt pushed its way through your unjustified anger. He was certainly making it difficult to blame him for more than what he deserved. 
“Just leave me alone, Sebastian.” You whispered. He shook his head, his lips pressed in a firm line. His brown eyes were unusually glassy, almost as if he was trying to hold back tears.
“Whether you like it or not, I understand.” He was still shaking his head, stray tears indeed spilling from his eyes. Sebastian’s lips fell into a frown and quivered a little. It was an ugly face, he was not a pretty crier. Something in this insignificant flaw of his made you pause. Seeing him feel so strongly about how you felt… To show these emotions to you, this clearly meant a lot to him. You meant a lot to him. You approached him carefully, reaching up tentatively and wiped away an errant tear. 
“I know, Sebastian. I… I don’t blame you for this. None of it.” You looked down at your feet, your hand still on his cheek. 
“And I think you’re far more than a weapon. You don’t have to be the hero with me, you can be just you. I just want to see you smile.” Sebastian very carefully took your hand in his. You looked back up to his face, and you knew he meant it. 
“Can we try again?” You asked. He exhaled deeply, you could see the thoughts racing in his mind. 
“I think something could be arranged.” Ominis Gaunt’s voice made both of you jump. He stood at the top of the stairs, fidgeting with his wand. Sebastian’s hand squeezed yours tightly. Ominis walked towards where you stood, his cheeks flushed and an uncertain look on his face. Ominis held out his hand for Sebastian, who dropped yours instantly and grasped it. They shook hands firmly, and then Sebastian pulled Ominis in for a hug. 
“Boundaries! Sebastian! I will be placing firm boundaries!” Ominis protested, but his arms wrapped around his friend all the same. You let out a weak laugh that was more of a huff full of emotion. You didn’t know fully what this meant, or how anything would play out, but you knew that this would be easier with Sebastian and Ominis on your team. On each other’s team. Life was either going to get better from here, or worse, but you supposed it could be bearable if you lived it with people you cared about. You felt awful for targeting Sebastian like that. He hadn’t deserved all your hatred. Some anger and resentment, sure, but not all of it. As Ominis complained about the cold and coaxed you both back inside, you silently resolved to make it up to Sebastian. You could support him, just as he supported you.
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7-oh-ta1 · 2 years
One funny thing about the slowly resurfacing Anders discourse (and I mean by its real definition, like a debate or conversation not just yelling at each other) is that in his defense people will say, "he didn't tell Hawke what he was doing because he wanted to protect them from being his partner-in-crime" which sounds so noble on paper and in my opinion, is actually the case. Here's my problem: I don't just feel betrayed that he didn't tell Hawke what he was asking them do and making them guilty by association, I mostly feel betrayed because he was Hawke's friend and he blew up a church. Like personal betrayal aside he blew up a church. I think that's what bothers me here. It's a crazy thought, I know.
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gilfrespecter · 2 years
I'm going through lord hurons discography bc vide noir is probably one of my favorite albums ever and while I really enjoyed strange trails(not as much as vide noir but about 50% added onto my liked playlist) but the other two albums... :P I can see how people like them but not me
#too country not fruity enough#the surprise that while there is some surf rock inspo in strange trails thats overall a fallout type music band is really funny to me#considering how much vide noir leans into surf rock#idk i don't like. look too much into the people who music i enjoy outside of like. checking genius occasionally bc i like...#idk i like the technical side of things and learning about that but i like. prefer forming my own interpretation of it ig????#OBVIOUSLY there are certain musicians where its obviously all VERY personal(Mitski) but also if u do not have a rock for a brain u can tell#idk#long lost just made me feel like "i could just listen to orville peck instead of this#anyway everyone listen to candle opera#it speaks#this is also making me want to rework Phoenix and Jorge's playlists.#the more i think about it the more cream and bastards doesnt fit jorge that much but it fits phoenix perfectly and im kicking myself#over it constantly. the sound of it fit jorge but the actual song itself... grr.#i also need to rework the campaign playlist but overall im mostly happy with it#and i need to reply to theros stuff#and make polichinkas bc our friends ar coming over tonight :)#er more blintzes really but i mean. how can u not have some perfectly rolled#my boss said he doesnt care what i do today bc i fucked my hands up royally cleaning yesterdy so i might run over to renys and get#a new frying pan bc ours is so warped and i also need a comfy button up shirt for top chop with dick kutz#cant wait to loose that knife fight >:)#I SHOULD ALSO ADD THO IT IS A BIT LATE. not a very fruity band in general there is no shame in that#nice level of creepyness which is more important in general#creepyness is probably the most important part of any music if its not creepy chances are i dont like it#meme about creepy or wet goes here
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spankmespence · 2 years
reasons i love the “i bet you think about me” music video:
1. miles teller is in it
2. it’s a taylor swift song
3. it’s from her red era (fav era of mine)
4. miles looks exceptionally pretty in it
5. it reminds me of my ex bf who def still thinks abt me (the “insane” part is so real)
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kingkaizen · 3 months
if i were to take commissions sometime in the future would you guys like that?
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