#able to rally thousands behind him to burn the Empire to the ground
If I rewrote the Sequel Trilogy (which I will NOT, I already have so much to write for my OC stuff, please brain) I think I’d get rid of Kyle Ron entirely. Just throw out the whole man. Imperial heir Rey Palpatine would’ve made a much better force-sensitive antagonist
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contes-de-rheio · 6 years
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WIP Intro | Rising Queens
Genre: High Fantasy
Status: 2nd Draft
Notes: The Tales of Rheio are an ensemble of novel-length stories, all set in the same universe, but in different places and times. Rising Queens is the first book of a two part story.
Setting: the action takes place mostly in three cities: Aqualyre, capital of Aqualos, the city is stuck between a chain of mountains and a lake ; Alhamra, capital of Niensheria, situated in the middle of desert and currently under siege ; Le Val, an aqualian city, situated on the defensive Wall and housing one of the many citadels of the country.
The third war between Aqualos and Niensheria is touching to an end. For the very first time in history, the aqualian army has set siege to the capital of Niensheria, Alhamra. Trélyse, queen of Aqualos, expect a swift reddition, but, on the northern frontier of Aqualos, alarm fires lit up. Suddenly Trélyse is stuck in a foreign country, cut from her own. The choice is simple: she can stay and win the war against Niensheria at the risk of losing her own country, or she can leave, try to save it and lose her only chance at settling the peace with Aqualos’s best enemy. Little does she knows, the attack against Aqualos was just a diversion. While Morgon was attacked, the Memory Tower, library of sorcerers’ knowledge from the past millennium has been burned to the ground. Among its shelves, one book held a precious secret. With it, Ketal could rise again and rebuild his empire of terror.
Trélyse | 29 | Queen of Aqualos | able to feel magic but not use it
Trélyse has known her whole life she would someday inherit the crown. She just didn’t expect it so soon, and definitely not in the middle of a war. Though politics is not new to her, she feels the pressure of having so many people look up to her. She is no longer the princess who tried to temper the push from the absolutists, and associated herself with moderates and the bourgeoisie. She has become the queen, commander of her armies, and set siege in front of Alhamra. She has all the advantages for a swift victory: a powerful army, a secure line of supplies and communication, niensherian prisoners to exchange, including maybe a prince… Until the alarm fires are lit up. Trélyse is able, to some extent, to feel magic around her, but she cannot use it at all.
Feid Familier | 93 (33) | The Black Sorcerer | Traveler
Feid was born Crowned Princess of Aqualos, but she chose a different path. One which, through abdication, led her to serve the gods. Going around the world she accomplished a lot, some known to all, some known to none. When the last war started between Aqualos and Niensheria, she left Alhamra and her apprentice, Harsha, behind. She could not risk to betray her country, so she retired from the world. Until, last night, when Llanya, the goddess, woke her up and sent her to help the soldiers who man Morgon. Feid has the ability to travel through space and time. Also, because she put herself in the service of the gods, they granted her the gift of eternal youth. Though she is not immortal, she has kept the appearance of her early thirties.
Lenandel Familier | 23 | Cousin to the queen | Luminempath
Lenandel came to live at Court when he was fifteen. Before that he was raised with his twin brother, Ezarel, in the countryside. Lenandel remembers those years fondly. Then was when he was innocent, happy, and told his brother everything. The Court has distanced them, but Lenandel found new friends, such as Trélyse, then a princess, now the queen. When the war started, he swore to her a magical oath of loyalty and became her spokesman, becoming so involved in the politics that, since the death of the late king, he is the de facto regent. This position didn’t get him many friends, and the growing clash between absolutists, populists, democrats and sorcerers only weaken him. Lenandel is a Luminempath, a rare breed of sorcerer, able to create pure light and read emotions and thoughts. Because of his powers and the stress of his position he suffers of chronic headaches.
Harsha Alfanak | 15 | Prince of Niensheria | Healer
During all his childhood, Harsha had to deal with the constant harassment of his eldest brothers, which culminated when they chose to throw their hounds upon him. Harsha should have died or, at the very least, be severely injured, but the incident revealed his magical powers. Suddenly, his brothers lost interest in him, as the law is clear: no sorcerer can pretend to the throne. Upon his fifteen birthday, Harsha left Alhamra. He spent the past eight months in Acmida, where he ended up stuck when the aqualian army conquered the city. But when the alarm fires lit up, his choice is made. It’s time to leave, to have his own life. Whatever that means… because, truth be told he has no idea what he should do, maybe Feid can help him… or maybe it’s time he figures it out for himself. Harsha has the ability to heal people and himself through touch. He can also kill, though he tend to avoid that side of his magic, as the memory of being covered in the blood of his brothers’ hounds still haunts him.
Ketal | | The Great Sorcerer | Psychic During nearly a century,
Ketal reigned on the world. Though peace reigned, the sorcerers were hunted, as Ketal was unable to trust them. Most of the sorcerers caught ended up dead, but some were sent back to Ketal. The Great Sorcerer vampirised them, absorbing their magic to feed his own and keep a youthful appearance. Finally, unable to stand the destruction of their communities, sorcerers rallied, and with the support of Niensheria, they fought Ketal and his armies and put him to sleep behind thirteen barriers of magic, hoping, some day, some powerful sorcerers would come back to finish their work and put an end to Ketal’s life. But their hopes went to waste. A thousand years later, sorcerers are trying to wake up Ketal, but not to kill him. They want to free him. Ketal has the ability to heal himself by absorbing other sorcerer’s magic. He is also able to read thoughts and communicate telepathically.
Moodboards | The Map | The Familier Family | The Temple of Marka | Lenandel’s Excerpt | Autumn festival in Aqualos | Trélyse’s Excerpt | Main Characters Moodboards | Secondary Characters Moddboards 1 2 3 | Prep Tag Game | Religions Maps | Excerpt of a Map | Character building: Lenandel | Teaching Magic | Girls Girsl Girls Tag: Feid, Trélyse | Trélyse and marriage | Feid and the gods | The Last War chronology | Niensheria’s Government | the Siege of Alhamra | The desert of Niensheria | Astralone, the land of sorcerers |
20 facts about:
Trélyse | Aqualos | Niensheria | Magic |
Most frequent tags:
Series/Book: Tales of Rheio, Rising Queens
Characters: Trélyse, Feid Familier, Harsha Alfanak, Lenandel Familier, Philès Alfanak, Joy Familier,
Location: Aqualos (Aqualyre, Le Val, ), Niensheria (Alhamra, Acmida)
TAG LIST (let me know if you’d like to be added or removed!)
@fukusigma @elaynab-writing @cjjameswriting @leo-november @kainablue @the-ichor-of-ruination @justafriendlymonster @cawolters @paperprince @kittensartswriting @kuebiko-writes @wisedom-for-an-eye @purpleshadows1989 @quilloftheclouds @homesteadchronicles @realitefictive @crowandmoonwriting
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skaliriens · 7 years
I just gotta ramble about my story for a second oh man
Sorry had a moment where i just needed to type things out cause i was planning things with my story and i love my kids so much but i don’t have enough posted about them on tumblr so no one understands what their about rly
But like heres the thing right,
I’ve been working with the skaliriens for ages right. I only started altering and working with the other empires history and development recently but i’m really proud with what i’ve done!
I’ve grown to be more invested with Takashis story then Kotras.
Because sure saving your own empire and rebuilding the empire from the ground up is all fine and dandy. “ and it also develops the characters from the first ark in to who they are going in to Takashis story “
But Takashis story isn’t solely about the Skaliriens!
Takashi starts off as a restless young boy who just wants to go on an adventure, Due to the broken state of the empire he was born into he didn’t exactly understand or see the appeal that both Kotra and Chioke had for their kingdom. Chioke and Kotra fought long and hard to save the kingdom and they themselves were unable to understand why their son would be so reluctant to rule over it.
In the background of all this, “ hinted out in the first ark, since the reason the Skaliriens were able to win the war was because of the Valkyrian forces being struck by some unknown second force “
There are reports of strange epidemics popping up amongst the kingdom. Not just confined to the floating islands but all around the world as well.
Takashi who is often left to entertain himself with books since he is not allowed to leave the islands begins to uncover old totems and legends about the Virus. Thousands of years ago when the empires were young this very sickness rose up and threatened all life on its surface.
The guardians have been going around to multiple young aspiring adventures, attempting to motivate the people of larthar to fight and rally the empires together to combat the sickness. Perhaps finding a permanent way to rid the world of the sickness seeing that their efforts before did not work.
Takashi is one of the people chosen for this mission and along the way he Meets Lucius” Fallen “ Who is a Solace. But just like him he is nervous, not ready to take on the responsibilities of being a Cheifrian to his people.
Latter on they also meet Edgar, who at first is very loud, and aggressive towards them but after finding out what their quest was grows a lot closer to them
Takashis biggest motivation was to at first save his mother, who when he last saw her was going through the early symptoms of the sickness. But latter on Passes away. Turning his motivation to avenging her
Edgar had noticed something off with his own mother
“ The Baron empress had casted a law several years ago. She was unable to have any eggs of her own so she made a rather selfish law. Having all eggs laid in the territories sent to her to be raised and hatched. This enforces a strengthened relationship between all of the Barons. Everyone is family and all hail and serve their Mother. Eagerly craving her attention and approval. “
Edgar is no different than the average Baron, he is just as jealous and attention craving as any other but his role as a personal guard allows him to be closest to his Mother. He notices her growing more frail and sick over time. But suddenly just like nothing happened she was well again. Of course similar effects began to fall over the barons. And Mother had become more aggressive and commanding.
The three eventually find out she is being used a Virus proxy. When someone is infected and passes away if their strength and abilities are useful to the sickness they become scouts or stronger members of the infection tasked with replacing the original person they had killed and infected and infecting those around them.
Edgar and Takashi originally hate each other, both being raised to hate each other due to the wars between both of their empires but after the Baron empress is defeated the two have an unfortunate similarity,
Edgar is torn open after aiding Takashi and Fallen kill the empress. Sure his sister had shown to be the next chosen heir to the Baron throne and she could possibly undo what the Previous empress had down to break the empire. But his mother's damage on him still remained.
Takashi and Edgar are the only two in the group who have had major family loses due to the sickness. Though its an unfortunate connection it's enough to have the two forget their differences and makes them grow closer “ I’m sorry my beautiful boys it had to be done “
Fallen feels nervous and different from the two, He was lucky enough to not lose anyone. He could see the pain both Takashi and Edgar shared and he felt powerless to do anything to help them, since he couldn’t relate. He would feel ashamed if he even tried to relate with that kind of pain.
I know it might be a cheesy story about three characters from different walks of life who at the start know nothing about each other and their culture, even hating each other but learning about each other and growing closer as friend while the world's ending behind them but i’m really Happy with the word and the characters I’ve made!! Like!! I’ve been watching them grow up and i love it!!
I’m like invested in whats going to happen to them, I feel proud whenever i see them succeed or take a huge step forward in their story towards their goal and like FUCK i love my characters a lot and i have so much god damn shit on them that i can never really explain or get all down in one sitting or conversation but god dammit one day I hope i can make an animation, a movie a show or a comic series. A webcomic or something with this story. I hope all the work i put into it is enough for people to at least check it out. Tell their friends about it. I wanna see people guessing to see what’ll happen next. Maybe coming up with head canons or theories that i didn’t even think of but it makes sense!
And i say all this shit as if i have like enough stuff out there on my characters but nope
Its all stuck in my head
And god dammit it i don’t wanna burn myself out with this i’ve had these characters for so damn long and i’m so god dang proud of my babies
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