#abdul russ
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macravishedbymactavish · 1 year ago
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When @a-mad-dog-killer (founder of our Reboot Makarov Fanclubâ„ąïž) told me that listening to the song Come Around was inspired by put the series into a new perspective; I knew I wanted to do a list like this.
Always Attract // Logan Walker x F!Reader
Always Attract // You Me at Six
The Chronicles Of Life & Death // Various Ghosts x GN!Reader
The Chronicles of Life and Death // Good Charlotte
Riptide // Task Force 141 x M!Reader
Riptide // Beartooth
Pro Memoria // COD x GN!Reader
Pro Memoria // Ghost
Just Pretend // John "Soap" Mactavish x GN!Reader
Just Pretend // Bad Omens
Leave a Light On // Gary "Roach" Sanderson x GN!Reader
Leave a Light On // Tom Walker
Call me Babydoll // Task Force 141 x GN!Reader
Babydoll // Ari Abdul
Take Me Back..// Alex Keller x F!Reader - Coming Soon
The Night We Met // Lord Huron
We're Lost & Found // Keegan Russ x F!Reader - Coming Soon
Wings // Birdy
T I T L E & C O N T E N T
Come Around // Logan Walker x F!Reader
Come Around // Papa Roach
San Diego // David "Hesh" Walker x Reader - Coming Soon
San Diego // blink 182
The Jester // Coming Soon (COD Ghosts One Shot)
The Jester // Badflower
12 Through 15 // COD Angst One Shots
12 Through 15 // Mayday Parade
Take Off Your Colours (NSFW) // Alex Keller x F!Reader
Take Off Your Colours // You Me at Six
Feel Good Drag (NSFW) // Alex Keller x F!Reader
Feel Good Drag // Anberlin
A Symptom of Being Human // John "Soap" Mactavish x GN!Reader
A Symptom of Being Human // Shinedown
MH 4.18.2011 // Kyle "Gaz" Garrick x GN!Reader (if you understand the line in the song that inspired the title, you get a gold star)
MH 4.18.2011 // blink 182
Deep End // COD x GN!Reader - Coming Soon (the message and typing sounds in the intro especially)
Deep End // I Prevail
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nohoney · 10 months ago
AAAAA K i love knowing about the songs that remind you of Dabi, I always find myself agreeing ( ☆∀☆) you have any other songs that remind you of him? And some from ur other aus as well? :3 (Us!Touya and maybe Us!Keigo, C&C!Touya, UltraViolence!Touya, etc.) - sugar anon (kisses muah muah muah (Ž∀*)Î”ïœ€ă€€))
kisses for u darling sugar ( ˘ ³˘(◥‿◥˶)
this is a fun lil ask that had me scouring my playlists! the songs below either remind me of au dabi or how i feel the vibe they kind of give~~
us series! touya: stay by ari abdul / sextape by deftones / see you assholes later by labrinth / tobacco by aftertheparty
coffee & cigs! touya: insomniac by memo boy / cherry hill by russ / faded by zhu (odesza remix) / striptease by carwash
ultraviolence! dabi: salvatore by lana del rey / hit me right by johnny goth / voyeur girl by stephen/ go fuck yourself by two feet
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ilya100ans · 2 years ago
Il y a 100 ans
Janvier-Février  1923 - des Annales de Lyre No. 192.
Du 10 octobre 1922 au 11 février 1923
11 novembre. – FĂȘte de la Victoire. FĂȘte de l’Union, dans tous les centres importants. – A Rouen, le 12, admirable manifestation patriotique

2-4 dĂ©cembre. – GrĂšve des boulangers de Paris. RĂ©sultat : un petit four.
27. – Centenaire de Pasteur, le grand savant 

11. – A la Chambre et au SĂ©nat, approbation Ă  l’immense majoritĂ©, de la politique de PoincarĂ© Ă  l’égard de l’Allemagne. Le parti radicale mĂȘme ses voix au parti de l’Entente RĂ©publicaine.
ETATS-UNIS. – 13 novembre – 10 dĂ©cembre. TournĂ©e triomphale de notre vieux « Tigre » ClĂ©menceau. Il Ă©tablit Ă©loquemment que c’est l’intĂ©rĂȘt du monde et des Etats-Unis eux-mĂȘmes qu’ils nous soient fidĂšles.
ANGLETERRE. – 19 octobre. – DĂ©mission de Lloyd George. (Enfin !) – 24 novembre, MinistĂšre Bonar Law. Favorable Ă  la France ? En tout cas, pouvant avoir besoin de la France, il lui laisse les mains libres.
ITALIE. – 30 octobre. Le parti national les « fascistes » porte son chef Mussolini au ministĂšre. Celui-ci demande aux Chambres et en obtient pleins pouvoirs.
ALLEMAGNE. – 24 novembre. MinistĂšre Cuno. Les manquements successifs et volontaires de l’Allemagne Ă  ses engagements du TraitĂ© de Versailles sont proclamĂ©s par la Commission des RĂ©parations.
11 janvier. – Occupation de la Ruhr par la France et la Belgique rĂ©unies, sous la direction du gĂ©nĂ©ral Degoutte. – GrĂ©vistes des Postes et des chemins de fer remplacĂ©s par des employĂ©s français. – Sanctions de plus en plus sĂ©vĂšres. – Mais, il ne s’agit que d’une « opĂ©ration de police ». L’Allemagne refusant de nous payer, nous nous payons nous-mĂȘmes.
TURQUIE. – 10 octobre. Accord de Moudania entre les Turcs, les Grecs et les AlliĂ©s. – 21 novembre. DĂ©chĂ©ance du sultan Mehemet VI, qui s’enfuit Ă  Malte. Son successeur, Abdul-Medjid, avec seulement les pouvoirs religieux du Khalife. – 5-10 fĂ©vrier. AprĂšs l’échec de la ConfĂ©rence de Lausanne, les Turcs menacent les AlliĂ©s. EnthousiasmĂ©s de leur victoire, soutenus par les Russes, mesurant notre faiblesse Ă  nos concessions, ils espĂšrent bien reprendre ce que la guerre leur avait fait perdre 
, et davantage.
Janvier-Février  1923 - des Annales de Lyre No. 192.
Ă  la Neuve-Lyre
La Commission des fĂȘtes avait fixĂ© la cĂ©rĂ©monie civile prĂ©cisĂ©ment Ă  l’heure de la grand’messe. : dĂ©cision regrettable, car, en obligeant les familles Ă  choisir entre la cĂ©rĂ©monie civile et la cĂ©rĂ©monie religieuse, elle les contrariait presque toutes. Du reste, un certain nombre d‘entre elles seraient venues, de prĂ©fĂ©rence, au service cĂ©lĂ©brĂ© pour leurs soldats et ainsi un jour, qui devait ĂȘtre une fĂȘte d’Union, serait devenue une manifestation de dĂ©sunion.
M. le CurĂ© ne pouvait pas supprimer le service qu’il avait annoncĂ©. S’excusant auprĂšs des familles, que ce changement d’heure dĂ©rangeait, mais rĂ©solu avant tout Ă  sauvegarder l’Union sacrĂ©e, il avança son office Ă  8 h. Âœ, de sorte que chacun put se rendre Ă  la cĂ©rĂ©monie qu’il voudrait – ou aux deux.
In n’en eut pas Ă  s’en repentir, comme on va le voir. Nous n’oserions en dire autant du rĂ©dacteur d’un journal, qui avait Ă©tĂ© informĂ© aussitĂŽt de la dĂ©cision de la Commission et qui prĂ©disait, le 10 novembre, quelle serait la « colĂšre » du CurĂ© de ce qu’on n’assisterait pas Ă  la messe. Ce rĂ©dacteur se figurait Ă©videmment qu’un piĂšge avait Ă©tĂ© tendu au CurĂ© de la Neuve-Lyre et que celui-ci y tomberait : il se rĂ©jouissait trop vite.
La CĂ©rĂ©monie religieuse fut trĂšs solennelle : Eglise tendue de deuil. Assistance nombreuse et recueillie. Au pied du MĂ©morial, encadrĂ© de lauriers, des croix casquĂ©es rappelant les tombes du front. Autour du catafalque, oĂč nos pompiers rendaient les honneurs, des reprĂ©sentants de toutes les familles de nos morts.
Mlle Catherine Z
, Ă  l’orgue, joua plusieurs airs de Chopin, aussi brillants que graves et sa sƓur, Mlle Madeleine interprĂ©ta, avec le talent qu’on lui connaĂźt, le si expressif Pie Jesu de Stradella.
Avant l’absoute, M ; de CurĂ© donna lecture d’un de ses poĂšmes d’EspĂ©rance : Ce que dit l’Ange de Lyre. Puis l’on se rendit dans le plus grand ordre au cimetiĂšre ou le De Profundis fut chantĂ©, au milieu de bien des larmes : malgrĂ© l’éclat des tombes, on le prendrait pour un coin du front, ce cĂŽtĂ© de notre cimetiĂšre.
La CĂ©rĂ©monie civile eut lieu ensuite. A 10 h. ÂŒ , sur la place de la Mairie, le cortĂšge se forma, prĂ©cĂ©dĂ© par les pompiers, les enfants des Ă©coles, - constituĂ© principalement par les familles des morts, le Conseil municipal et les Anciens Combattants, - et suivi d’une vingtaine de personnes.
Le cortĂšge, aprĂšs une pause au cimetiĂšre, s’en vint aux pieds du Monument. LĂ , une trĂšs belle couronne offerte par la MunicipalitĂ©, plusieurs autres et des fleurs furent dĂ©posĂ©es. M. le Maire lut le discours de circonstance qu’il termina par le mot d’ordre : Mort Ă  la guerre ! Le passage le plus Ă©mouvant fut celui oĂč il demanda une minute de silence en l’honneur de nos morts. On sait que ce silence reproduit celui que l’Eglise a introduit dans sa liturgie, Ă  la cĂ©rĂ©monie de l’absoute

Le discours de M. le Maire achevĂ©, le cortĂšge se rendit Ă  son point de dĂ©part, oĂč il se disloqua. Le soir, Ă  cause du mauvais temps, la fĂȘte fut gĂątĂ©e. – EspĂ©rons qu’il fera meilleur les annĂ©es prochaines.
Vive la France !
L’accident de Neaufles. – entre Le Coq et l’Hermite. – 6 novembre. M. V., entrepositaire Ă  Rugles, allait livrer une barrique de vin Ă  la Neuve-Lyre ; il conduisait sa camionnette, ayant prĂšs de lui son employĂ© M. R. Marchait-il Ă  une allure trop vive ? Freina-t-il trop brusquement ? La camionnette fut entiĂšrement retournĂ©e. M. Bruno, maire de Neaufles, et M. G., dĂ©bitant, accourus au bruit de l’accident, trouvĂšrent le fond de l’auto dans un fossĂ©, la capote dans l’autre. M. R. gisait inerte prĂšs de l’avant, dans une mare de sang. M. V., assis sur le bord du fossĂ©, paraissait inconscient. Quand on lui avait lavĂ© la figure et montrĂ© le cadavre de R., il s’écria comme fou : « J’ai tuĂ© mon commis ! » - Il le criait encore quand le Dr. B. le fit conduire Ă  Laigle pour ĂȘtre trĂ©panĂ©. Il succomba peu aprĂšs, sans qu’on ait pu obtenir que cette parole : « J’ai tuĂ© mon commis ! » 

L’incendie de la Vieille-Lyre. – 17 dĂ©cembre. De la jolie maison bourgeoise de la Croix de Pierre, il ne reste plus qu’une triste ruine.
M. et Mme. B Ă©taient absents, le pĂšre de Mme. B, M. P., couchait au premier auprĂšs de l’un de ses petits-enfants ; la bonne, MarguĂ©rite L., dix-huit ans, originaire de l’Orne, avait sa chambre au second. Elle avait allumĂ© un bon feu dans la chambre de ses maĂźtres, pensant qu’ils renteraient dans la nuit du 16.
A 3 heures du matin M. P., rĂ©veillĂ© par la fumĂ©e, s’aperçoit qu’il y a incendie. Vite il descend, son petit garçon dans les bras, tout en criant : « Marguerite ! sauve-toi, il y a le feu ! » Il revint presque aussitĂŽt. Le feu gagnait dĂ©jĂ  l’escalier. Et voici que, l’ayant descendu Ă  travers les flammes, la malheureuse Marguerite s’en vint tomber comme une torche vivante et hurlante, aux pieds du vieillard. Celui-ci l’éteignit vite dans des manteaux de linge qui se consumait sur elle et la transporta chez M. L.  C’est lĂ  qu’elle fut pansĂ©e et bandĂ©e d’ouate, des pieds Ă  la tĂȘte, par le Dr. Morand, avec le calme et la dextĂ©ritĂ© qu’il a eu trop souvent Ă  dĂ©ployer pendant la guerre, dans des cas analogues. A 7 heures, elle fut transportĂ©e en auto Ă  l’hospice de Laigle. Mme D. s’occupait d’elle pendant le trajet. Il faut dire que depuis plusieurs heures elle ne criait plus, elle ne souffrait plus. Elle se plaignait d’avoir froid. Les brĂ»lures, sur les trois quarts du corps, avaient tuĂ© les nerfs de la sensibilitĂ©. – Elle mourut Ă  Laigle, vers 11 heures, aprĂšs avoir reçu les sacrements

Lyre.  – 19 fĂ©vrier. Pain, 1 fr. 10 le kilogr. – Beurre, 7 fr. 50 le demi-kilogr. – Oufs, 4 fr. 25 la douzaine.
Les principales denrées avaient augmenté de trois fois en moyenne aprÚs la guerre. Elles avaient diminué notablement en 1922. Elles sont de nouveau à la hausse.
Le prix des pommes a oscillé entre 5 et 7 francs le demi-hectolitre.
Etat de la plaine. – TempĂȘtes violentes 29-31 dĂ©cembre. Depuis quatre mois, pluies ou brumes. Temps doux, qui fait pousser trop tĂŽt les bourgeons et n’est guĂšre favorable au blĂ©.
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expirisims · 2 years ago
Another of my favorite worlds
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Ahh..Cladbridge on Stowe.  Another world by doublemedion694. This is another of the beautiful worlds I chose to send part of my culled population from Thicket. I wanted to send them to worlds that had a similar aesthetic so could logically be close to each other in the mystical Sim Universe..LOL!  Also I really, really love European Architecture.  Half Timber Tudor to be more specific! I set about placing down my families so in the next few pictures you may see some familiar faces!
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Abdul Russ with his wife Rene playing some music at the village hall.  Along with Susanna Kidd and Tanya Schipano.
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Kirby Cho...doing I don’t know what along that fence. He is currently an expectant father!
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Raheem Coon checking out the local library.
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Joel Spaulding got called away from his chess game to give a singing telegram to Rene Russ at the Cannon residence.  Somehow he managed to catch himself on fire and she just watched in amusement then peaced out of there!  LOL!!   Thankfully Darrel was at home so I switched households and he put out the flames.  
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Man that was a close call!  I almost lost an OG Thicket townie on the first night!
There are a ton of pictures from this world because I wanted to check in on all my old Thicket sims so I’ll get around to posting a second part of this at some point!
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reportwire · 2 years ago
Patrick Beverley is already shaking things up in LA
Patrick Beverley is already shaking things up in LA
2022-09-07 12:40:00 Patrick Beverley wasted no time in trolling his new Lakers teammates.Image: Getty Images Patrick Beverley is a jerk. That’s the best way to describe his rough, rugged, trolling style on the court. He’s the asshole friend that speaks his mind and flips off the consequences. Pat Bev is precisely what the Los Angeles Lakers need right now. Beverley hasn’t been in town long and

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meatmensch · 3 years ago
Favorite 5 fictional characters from anything
the gay man that pete davidson plays in set it up
kareem abdul-jabar in airplane
mel brooks in space balls or maybe rick moranis in space balls or maybe tim russ in space balls
mila jovovich in literally anything. but mostly resident evil and fifth element
karen allen in raiders. madame adventure lady badass i would give anything to give you just one little kiss
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dustedmagazine · 4 years ago
Michael Rosenstein 2020: Seeking Sojourn
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What was I doing in 2010? What was I listening to? Honestly, without doing some digging, nothing springs immediately to mind. I’m guessing that ten years from now, thinking back on 2020, that won’t be the case. In mid-March, my wife and I took off on our annual winter/early spring sojourn to Provincetown, Cape Cod. When we headed out, the state of the world was tenuous. But over the course of four days, we split our time between idyllic, cold walks on the Outer Cape beaches and tracking the pandemic slide into lockdown and mayhem. We came back home to an entirely different world which has continued to spiral and swirl. This was a year where I spent far more time walking in a woods near my house, searching out a pair of barred owls and their four fledglings than I did listening to music. Focus for listening has waxed and waned and online video streams just haven’t resonated with me. But still, music has brought me some sense of solace over the course of the last year.
AMPLIFY 2020: quarantine
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Without a doubt, most of my listening over the year was spent following the AMPLIFY 2020: quarantine festival. Organized by Jon Abbey, who runs the Erstwhile record label along with musicians Vanessa Rossetto and Matthew Revert, the online festival kicked off on March 20 and ran through September 20, presenting 240 newly-recorded pieces and 80 hours of music by musicians from across the globe. Most were solo contributions, with seven “blind overdubs” where two musicians with established working relationships chose track lengths in advance and submitted their recordings which were superimposed with some light mixing by Taku Unami. While the pieces are all available as free downloads on Bandcamp, that only reveals part of the story. Over the course of six months, the Facebook group grew to 3000 members, acting as a virtual gathering place for online conversations and musings with countless posts a day. Additionally, Abbey tirelessly posted an ongoing playlist which he dubbed “atmosphere” with cuts that ran the gamut from Albert Ayler to Funkadelic to Keith Hudson to Al Green with an extra-heavy helping of DJ Screw. Just tuning in to those choices and jumping on conversations was enough to save some days.
While anyone following the Erstwhile label caught some memorable submissions by expected participants, the organizers and some guest curators had more in mind than that and sub-threads developed early on. Yan Jun recruited fantastic submissions from little-known musicians from China while also contributing two pieces of his own. In addition to delivering three strong pieces, Revert brought in an Australian contingent. Rossetto delivered a festival highlight with her piece “perhaps at some time you have acted in a play, even if it was when you were a child” while also inviting a wide network of sound explorers constructing intimate sonic investigations. Abbey himself cast a wide net, probing for both established and little known musicians who had caught his attention over the years. (I’ve known Jon for a long time and was honored to be amongst those invited, contributing a piece assembled from field recordings from my Cape Cod trip.)
A number of musicians who hadn’t put out solo recordings in years, some who hadn’t had any recent releases at all, were lured back, with highlights by Greg Kelley, David Kirby, Joe Panzner, Annette Krebs and Sean Meehan. There was also a somber thread of homages to musicians who died over the last year, starting with a dedication of the entire festival to Australian percussionist Sean Baxter as well as a stirring tribute to bassist Simon H. Fell by Rhodri Davies, a dedication to Keith Tippett by Mark Wastell, and pieces commemorating Cor Fuhler by Dale Gorfinkel, Marcus Schmickler, Jim Denley, Nick Ashwood (recorded with Fuhler shortly before his death), Clare Cooper and Reinier van Houdt (whose six monthly missives delivered throughout the duration of the festival are all well worth spending time with.)
I find myself still catching up on the overwhelming array of contributions but here are a small sampling that caught my ear, though if I were to assemble this list a week from now, the choices would certainly be different.
Zhao Cong – “Homework”
homework by Zhao Cong
Yan Jun’s choice of musicians from China was uniformly superb and all are worth checking out. But Beijing-based Zhao Cong’s entry, in particular, has continued to hang with me. Her piece, constructed from two bass guitars and objects with its scrabbled detail of electronic hum, grit and glitch shot through with ringing bass strings popped out on first listen and continues to deliver.
Rie Nakajima – “carpet”
carpet by Rie Nakajima
Nakajima’s approach to sound-making, utilizing motors, mechanical devices and found objects proved the perfect tonic for pandemic listening. Her piece for AMPLIFY was recorded in her home in London “with all familiar objects I have been using at home.” The percussive piece is shot through with timbral depth, clattering along with a barely-contained momentum. Her release Karu Karu for CafĂ© Oto’s digital Takuroku lockdown series is also well worth checking out. And while I tended not to connect with online video over the course of the year, I found myself returning to Nakajima’s seven days bird songs which unfolded over the course of a week, multiple times.
Ivan PalackĂœ – “Sanctuary”
Sanctuary by Ivan PalackĂœ
Czech-based Ivan PalackĂœâ€™s “Sanctuary” hit early on in the fest and remained a favorite. PalackĂœ spent the first day of quarantine exploring his flat with an electromagnetic sensor, capturing the buzzes and tremors of everyday electronic devices. A few weeks later, he pulled out three knitting machines which he contact mic’d and used to improvise with the electromagnetic recordings. PalackĂœ deftly interleaved percussive patter with wafts of static, grit and crackles, creaks and sputters and resonant thrums into an immersive piece.
Martin Kay – “Bath Time (2nd Edit)
Bath Time (2nd Edit) by Martin Kay
Through the festival, a thread developed of the pieces constructed as sonic response to the physical surroundings of isolation. Moniek Darge's gutting “Quarantine Child,” assembled from interior recordings and the desperate wail of a child, Mark Vernon's “The Dominion of Din,” woven together from field recordings from outside his Glasgow flat, cataloging exterior sounds that have annoyed him over the years and Kate Carr’s haunting “on every stair another stairway is set in negative” recorded using an old reel to reel tape and instrument recordings captured in her bathroom are three. Martin Kay’s four-part “Bath Time” delves in to that personal, interior realm, composed from recordings made in and around his bathroom during the routine that developed with his daughter’s nightly bath. The use of shifting focus, natural resonances of the room, the tub and underwater recordings transform the private, domestic activity into an increasingly abstracted aural study.
Distant Duos
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The Distant Duos project that Mary Staubitz and Russ Waterhouse embarked on was also instigated by a sense of lost community. But here, the strategies employed were markedly different. The two are immersed in the DIY noise/improv New England community, spearheading shows in basements, bars, galleries and ad hoc venues and collaborating with musicians from New Haven to Portland, Maine, with all stops in between. They’ve also been instrumental in developing a network of like-minded musicians and bringing travelers through, some who have become frequent visitors. Unlike the duos in AMPLIFY, Staubitz and Waterhouse curated the 78 sessions, inviting pairs of musicians with a simple strategy. “Two remote artists record five minutes of sound while thinking about the other artist, unable to hear each other. The two tracks are combined into one.”
Released in sets of five on Bandcamp, the first on April 30 and the last on December 9, these bursts served as vital postcards. For those of us based in New England, these were both bittersweet reminders of the pre-COVID world we frequented and exultant celebrations. As someone who organized shows with the two and often played on the same bills, these really connected. (I was asked to participate, paired with Worcester-based Abdul Sherzai.) Some of the duos were longstanding partnerships (Greg Kelley and Vic Rawlings have been working together for over a decade). Some were pairings of musicians who knew each other but had likely never played together. Some participants were drawn from the deep field of regional musicians while others were recruited from across the US and Europe. With only five minutes at play, these served as sketches, vignettes or rough drafts. But keen curation and Waterhouse’s astute mixing and mastering made these hold together. Like AMPLIFY, these periodic missives kept me going through the last year.
Flip through any of the contributions and you’ll find plenty to encourage further listening. This batch, culled from the October 28th releases, provides a glimpse into the broad crew of musicians pulled in and the diverse strategies they came up with.
Adam Kohl and Mickey O’Hara
Adam Kohl and Mickey O'Hara by Distant Duos
Western Massachusetts-based Kohl (better known musically as Arkm Foam) and Worcester-based O’Hara have been performing together for a while now, and experiencing their mix of low-fi cassette manipulation and laptop generated deconstructed clatter and glitch inhabit a performance space is enthralling. This brief snapshot serves as a succinct snapshot of one of their sets.
J​.​P​.​A. Falzone and Hali Palombo
J.P.A. Falzone and Hali Palombo by Distant Duos
This mashup between J​.​P​.​A. Falzone (part of the ensemble Ordinary Affects) and composer and visual artist Hali Palombo comes across as quavering pulsations dialed in from some ethereal transmission. Listening feels like one is tuning in to an hours-long broadcast of hovering tones and fluttering waves which fuse together into shuddering oscillations.
Henry Birdsey and Mary Staubitz
Henry Birdsey and Mary Staubitz by Distant Duos
Birdsey has been developing his micro-tonal musings as part of the duo Tongue Depressor as well as his solo releases under his own name and as S.T.L.A. while Staubitz jumps from the solo sonic onslaughts of Donna Parker to a wide-ranging array of ongoing and one-off collaborations. Here field recordings of rippling water and electric pops and crackles mix with shuddering overtones of bowed metal for an engulfing sonic snapshot.
Lexie Mountain and Angela Sawyer
Lexie Mountain and Angela Sawyer by Distant Duos
Baltimore’s Lexie Mountain and Boston’s Angela Sawyer have known each other for years, so it’s no surprise that their distant connection of broken electronics and found objects clicks so well. Here, everyday detritus is elevated to a compact improvisation imbued with skittering percussive tumult, whirrs and clatter.
New Releases
When I did carve out time to listen, here’s a few that stuck with me through the year.
Toshiya Tsunoda & Taku Unami – Wovenland 2 (Erstwhile)
Wovenland 2 by Toshiya Tsunoda/Taku Unami
Working from basic field recordings, Tsunoda and Unami use the studio as an alchemical laboratory, delving into mixing and mastering tools to explore, process and transform environmental sound. In their hands, the digital artifacts of that process are as intrinsic to the results as the source material they have deconstructed. They sum it up succinctly. “Our goal is to focus on acoustic experiments. No more and no less.”
Here are some more that stuck with me in no particular order:
Rhodri Davies – Telyn Rawn (Amgen Records)
Judith Wegmann – Le Souffle Du Temps II - Reflexion (ezz-thetics)
Clara de Asís & Mara Winter – Repetition of the same dream (Another Timbre)
Takuji Naka/Tim Olive – Minouragatake (Notice Recordings)
Magnus Granberg – Come Down to Earth Where Sorrow Dwelleth –Revised version for sho, koto, prepared piano and electronics (Ftarri)
Tasting Menu – Mueller Tunnel (Full Spectrum Records)
Simon H. Fell & Mark Wastell – Virtual Company (Confront)
Xavier Charles & Bertrand Gauguet – Spectre (akousis)
Pierre-Antoine Badaroux, Seymour Wright, Jean-Luc Guionnet – Solos (Remote Resonator)
Archival Releases and Reissues
Reissues continued to pour out from record labels. Some applied studio wizardry to revive and restore previously issued material and others dug out material from the vaults that rightfully deserves to be heard. But with touring opportunities gone, the ability to collaborate in person evaporated and the monthly boon of Bandcamp Fridays, many artists also took the opportunity to dig in to their personal vaults.
Gentle Fire – Explorations (1970-1973) (Paradigm Discs)
Explorations (1970 - 1973) by Gentle Fire
This one just hit in December but quickly shot to the top of my listening pile. Working in London in the early 70s, this little-known quintet of electro-acoustic pioneers worked at the edges of composition and improvisation, putting out a single, now impossible-to-find, LP performing graphic scores of by John Cage, Earle Brown and Christian Wolff (which, in itself deserves a reissue.) If they hit listeners’ radar at all, it was due to the fact that Hugh Davies was part of the group. This 3-CD box of previously unissued material is comprised of one disc of works by Wolff, Stockhausen, Brown, Cage and Ichiyanagi, another of their own compositions and a final disc capturing an extended improvisation. Five decades later, this stuff is still essential listening.
Rhodri Davies – Archif Series (self-released)
Archif #13: BMIC 17/09/1997 by IST
Currently at number 28 and counting, Davies dug in to his archives and unearthed a passel of gems, documenting live performances and studio experiments from 1995 through 2000. From solos to various group sessions, this is all music well worth spending time with. Particularly welcome are two releases by IST (Davies, Mark Wastell, and Simon H. Fell) and one by Assumed Possibilities (Davies, Wastell, Chris Burn and Phil Durrant). One hopes there is more to be unearthed.
Cor Fuhler Conundrom label
SLEE by Cor Fuhler
The sudden passing of Cor Fuhler was a tough one in a tough year. Whether as a pianist, instrument inventor or ensemble leader, Fuhler was always bristling with ideas. As part of a group effort, the discography of his Conundrom label is now available on Bandcamp with proceeds going to his estate.
Here are some others of note in no particular order:
Albert Ayler reissue series (ezz-thetics)
Phillip Wachsmann – Writing In Water (Corbett vs. Dempsey)
Charles Mingus – @ Bremen 1964 & 1975 (Sunnyside)
Voice Crack – Glasgow 20/11/1999 (scatter)
John Butcher – On Being Observed (Weight of Wax)
Derek Bailey and Mototeru Takagi – Live at FarOut, Atsugi 1987 (NoBusiness Records)
Cecil Taylor and Tony Oxley – Birdland, Neuburg 2011 (Fundacja SƂuchaj)
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uwmarchives · 6 years ago
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Archives Hashtag Party: Artifact
This week, the Milwaukee Bucks clinched the NBA’s best record, giving them the league’s top mark for the first time since the 1973-74 season. That season was also the last in which the Bucks claimed the league’s Most Valuable Player award (Kareem Abdul-Jabbar) and the last time the team appeared in the NBA Finals. This year’s Bucks hope to repeat both of those feats in the months to come. In the meantime, enjoy this team-signed ball from the 1973-74 Bucks, which was presented to Mayor Henry Maier by the team and can be found the Maier Papers at the UWM Archives (Milw SR 44, Box 259).
The ball includes 12 signatures: Head coach Larry Costello, future Hall of Famers Abdul-Jabbar and Oscar Robertson, and players Lucius Allen, Bob Dandridge, Mickey Davis, Terry Driscoll, Russ Lee, John McGlocklin, Curtis Perry, Cornell Warner, and Ron Williams.
The 1973-74 Bucks finished the season with a 59-23 record and lost to the Boston Celtics in the NBA Finals, four games to three.
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anonymousims4 · 6 years ago
Kemintiri Family (Egyptian)
I had forgotten this family, not forgotten part real, but I had a problem, the husband was dead too hot, but impossible to find, no ghost, no urn ...
I had to remake a husband for his wife and for his daughter ^^ (Member of the Club House).
So here are rich Egyptians merchants, come settled in town: D
J’avais oubliĂ© cette famille, pas part oublie rĂ©el, mais j’avais un souci, le mari Ă©tait mort de chaud lui aussi, mais impossible Ă  retrouver, ni fantĂŽme, ni urne...
J’ai dĂ» refaire un mari pour sa femme et pour sa fille ^^ (Membre du Club House).
Voici donc de riches marchands Égyptiens, venu s’installĂ©s en ville :D
Abdul Bashar Kemintiri, the husband of ShamĂ©nestra. L’époux de ShamĂ©nestra.
ShamĂ©nestra Kemintiri, the wife of Abdul Bashar. Also the mother of Nefer Meri Isis. L’épouse d’Abdul Bashar. Aussi la mĂšre de Nefer Meri Isis.
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Abdul Bashar Kemintiri
He is a man with a very strong temperament, violent and difficult with almost everyone except his wife and daughter. He is a member of the Oasis Springs Union and is the big boss in association with the Russians Bayaskova and Mr Park. C’est un homme au tempĂ©rament trĂšs sur de lui, violent et difficile avec presque tout le monde, sauf sa femme et sa fille. C’est un membre du Syndicat d’Oasis Springs, c’est d’ailleurs le grand patron en association avec les russes Bayaskova et Mr Park.
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Shaménestra Kemintiri
She is a woman who loves her husband, despite his little concern for changing moods. She loves shopping, luxury and fashion. She is a sporty woman who talks often. C’est une femme qui aime son mari, malgrĂ© ses petits souci d’humeurs changeantes. Elle aime les boutiques, le luxe et la mode. C’est une femme sportive qui s’entretient souvent.
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leskoobclub · 4 years ago
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THE SEARCH - Drame, Guerre - Sortie le 26 Novembre 2014 - 02h14 - Avec : Berenice Bejo (Le Passé) Annette Benning (The Kids Are Alright) Abdul Khalim Mamutsiev, Zukhra Duishvili, Maksim Emelyanov
** SYNOSPSIS ** Le film se passe pendant la seconde guerre de Tchétchénie, en 1999. Il raconte, à échelle humaine, quatre destins que la guerre va amener à se croiser. Après l’assassinat de ses parents dans son village, un petit garçon fuit, rejoignant le flot des réfugiés. Il rencontre Carole, chargée de mission pour l’Union Européenne. Avec elle, il va doucement revenir à la vie. Parallèlement, Raïssa, sa grande sƓur, le recherche activement parmi des civils en exode. De son côté, Kolia, jeune Russe de 20 ans, est enrôlé dans l’armée. Il va petit à petit basculer dans le quotidien de la guerre.
''Trois choses étaient écrites sur le script : Pas de musique, que la langue russe soit gardée, ainsi que le Géorgien.'' dixit Michel Hazanavicius.
AprĂšs un Oscar avec THE ARTIST, Michel Hazanavicius est pour moi de nouveau sur le bon chemin pour recevoir une nouvelle rĂ©compense avec THE SEARCH. Pourquoi ? Ce mĂ©lodrame sur la seconde guerre de TchĂ©tchĂ©nie ne nous laisse pas sur une note de dĂ©jĂ -vu. Bien au contraire, nous en ressortons avec un seul mot : Poignant. A travers ce film basĂ© sur de vrais tĂ©moignages, on ressent tout de suite que le rĂ©alisateur croit en son sujet. VĂ©ritable sens de la mise en scĂšne sans gros moyens pour que ce soit plus rĂ©aliste, on entre directement au cƓur du sujet avec une premiĂšre scĂšne assez bouleversante. L'histoire se dĂ©roule Ă  travers le destin de quatre protagonistes qui sont confrontĂ©s Ă  la mĂȘme chose : cette guerre qui ne cesse de faire des ravages. Une reprĂ©sentante de l'Union EuropĂ©enne (Bejo), un enfant qui a pris la fuite aprĂšs avoir vu ses parents se faire tuer par des soldats Russes (Mamutsiev), sa sƓur qui part Ă  sa recherche (Duishvili) et un jeune adolescent russe, qui placĂ© Ă  l'armĂ©e, va en baver jusqu’à perdre toute forme d'humanitĂ© (Emelyanov). Carole, la reprĂ©sentante des droits de l'homme est d'abord prĂ©sentĂ©e comme une femme assez froide et antipathique. Elle est pressĂ©e et se sent totalement impuissante face Ă  tous ces conflits. Sa rencontre avec le petit Hadji va tout changer et nous fera dĂ©couvrir une autre femme. Hadji, qui pense ĂȘtre devenu orphelin et qui souhaite sauver son petit frĂšre nous as brisĂ© le cƓur. Courageux, du haut de ses 9 ans, cet enfant abandonne son frĂšre au pas de la porte d'une famille GĂ©orgienne avant de partir sans savoir vraiment oĂč aller. Il se retrouve finalement non loin de la frontiĂšre GĂ©orgienne, en Russie. On le voit essayer de lutter pour survivre. Pas bavard, et certainement encore sous le choc, nous sommes alors tĂ©moin du quotidien de petit garçon. Le jeune Abdul Khalim Mamutsiev est magistral. Nous assisterons aussi Ă  la recherche infernale que commence sa sƓur pour le retrouver. Zukhra Duishvili livre ici une performance exceptionnelle en grande sƓur prĂȘte Ă  tout pour rĂ©unir ce qu'il reste de sa famille. La partie sur le soldat -partie inventĂ©e- sert finalement Ă  mettre le doigt sur la responsabilitĂ© du conflit. Cette guerre aurait certainement pu ĂȘtre diffĂ©rente si l'armĂ©e n'essayait pas par tous les moyens de faire de ses soldats des machines Ă  tuer. Malheureusement le jeune soldat en fait les frais, il passe de ce jeune homme simple, assez sensible Ă  un jeune homme cruel qui en marre de se faire battre parce qu'il n'a certainement pas les mĂȘme convictions que les autres. Maksim Emelyanov a tout d'un grand. Avec un scĂ©nario bien ficelĂ© THE SEARCH est un film simple et poignant qui retrace cette seconde guerre de TchĂ©tchĂ©nie d'une toute autre façon. Bien que diffĂ©rent des autres longs-mĂ©trages du rĂ©alisateur, le sujet lui correspond et il arrive Ă  captiver le spectateur tant le film est fort. Il a fait le pari fou de ne pas prendre d'acteurs connus, Ă  l'exception de BĂ©rĂ©nice BĂ©jo et Annette Benning et c'est rĂ©ussi ! Tous issus de Russie ou de GĂ©orgie, ce pari risquĂ© ressort finalement incroyablement bien Ă  l'Ă©cran. THE SEARCH est un projet inattendu qui met en avant les yeux tristes des enfants de la guerre. Cette partie dite ''civile'' qu'on voit habituellement dans les journaux et qui n'a rien demandĂ©. Des innocents et simples victimes de cette guerre. 
** NOTE DU BLOG : 8/10 ** Merci Ă  Marine pour la projection.
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awardseason · 7 years ago
2017 Venice Film Festival - lineup
Opening Night Film
“Downsizing,” dir. Alexander Payne (in competition)
“Human Flow,” dir. Ai Weiwei “mother!,” dir. Darren Aronofsky “Suburbicon,” dir. George Clooney “The Shape Of Water,” dir. Guillermo del Toro “Linsulte,” dir.  Ziad Doueiri “La Villa,” dir.  Robert Guediguian “Lean On Pete,” dir.  Andrew haigh “Mektoub, My Love: Canto Uno,” dir. Abdellatif Kechiche “The Third Murder,” dir. Koreeda Hirokazu “Jusqu’a la Garde,” dir.  Xavier Legrand “Ammore e Malavita,” dir. Manetti Brothers “Foxtrot,” dir. Samuel Maoz “Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri,” dir. Martin McDonagh “Hannah,” dir. Andrea Pallaoro “Downsizing,” dir. Alexander Payne “Angels Wear White,” dir. Vivian Qu “Una Famiglia,” dir. Sebastiano Riso “First Reformed,” dir.  Paul Schrader “Sweet Country,” dir. Warwick Thornton “The Leisure Seeker,” dir. Paolo Virzi “Ex Libris – The New York Public Library,” dir. Frederick Wiseman
Horizons (Competition)
“Disappearance,” dir. Ali Asgari “Especes Menacees,” dir. Gilles Bourdos “The Rape of Recy Taylor,” dir. Nancy Buirski “Caniba,” dir. Lucien Castaing-Taylor, Verena Paravel “Les Bienheureux,” dir. Sofia Djama “Marvin,” dir. Anne Fontaine “Invisible,” dir. Pablo Giorgelli “Brutti e Cattivi,” dir. Cosimo Gomez “The Cousin,” dir. Tzahi Grad “The Testament,” dir. Amichai Greenberg “No Date, No Signature,” dir. Vahid Jalilvand “Los Versos del Olvido,” dir. Alireza Khatami “The Night I Swam,” dir. Damien Manivel, Igarashi Kohei “Nico, 1988,” dir. Susanna Nicchiarelli “Krieg,” dir. Rick Ostermann “West of Sunshine,” dir. Jason Raftopoulos “Gatta Cenerentola,” dir. Alessandro Rak, Ivan Cappiello, Marino Guarnieri, Dario Sansone “Under the Tree,” dir. Hafsteinn Gunnar Sigurdsson “La Vita in Comune,” dir. Edoardo Winspeare
Out of Competition Fiction
“Our Souls At Night,” dir. Ritesh Batra “Victoria & Abdul,” dir. Stephen Frears “Il Signor Rotpeter,” dir. Antonietta de Lillo “La Melodie,” dir. Rachid Hami “Outrage Coda,” dir. Kitano Takeshi “Loving Pablo,” dir. Fernando Leon de Aranoa “Zama,” dir. Lucrecia Martel “Wormwood,” dir. Errol Morris “Diva!,” dir. Franceso Patierno “Le Fidele,” dir. Michael R. Roskam “Il Colore Nascosto Delle Cose,” dir. Silvio Soldini “The Private Life of a Modern Woman,” dir. James Toback “Brawl in Cell Block 99,” dir. S. Craig Zahler
Out of Competition Documentaries
“Cuba and the Cameraman,” dir. Jon Alpert “My Generation,” dir. David Batty “Piazza Vittorio,” dir. Abel Ferrara “The Devil and Father Amorth,” dir. William Friedkin “This is Congo,” dir. Daniel McCabe “Ryuichi Sakamoto: Coda,” dir. Stephen Nomura Schible “Jim & Andy: The Great Beyond. The Story of Jim Carrey, Andy Kaufman and Tony Clifton,” dir. Chris Smith
Out of Competition Special Events
“Casa d’Altri,” dir. Gianni Amelio “Michael Jackson’s Thriller 3D,” dir. John Landis “Making of Michael Jackson’s Thriller (1983),” dir. Jerry Kramer
Cinema in the Garden
“Manuel,” dir. Dario Albertini “Controfigura,” dir. Ra di Martino “Woodshock,” dir. Kate Mulleavy, Laura Mulleavy “Nato a Casal di Principe,” dir. Bruno Oliviero “Suburra – The Series,” dir. Michele Placido, Andrea Molaioli, Giuseppe Capotondi “Tueurs,” dir. Francois Troukens, Jean-Francois Hensgens
Special Documentary Screenings
“La Lunga Strada del Ritorno,” dir. Alessandro Blasetti “Barbiana ’65 La Lezione di Don Milani,” dir. Alessandro G. A. D’Alessandro “Lievito Madre, Le Ragazze del Secolo Scorso,” dir. Concita de Gregorio, Esmeralda Calabria
Biennale College
“Beautiful Things,” dir. Georgio Ferrero “Shadeed Martyr,” dir. Mazen Khaled “Strange Colours,” dir. Alena Lodkina
Venice Classics (Documentary)
“Light Years,” dir. Manuel Abramovich “Evviva Giuseppe,” dir. Stefano Consiglio “La Lucida Follia di Marco Ferreri,” dir. Selma Jean Dell’Olio “L’Utopie des Images de la Revolution Russe,” dir. Emmanuel Hamon “The Prince and the Dybbuk,” dir. Elwira Niewiera “La Voce di Fantozzi,” dir. Mario Sesti “This is the War Room!,” dir. Boris Hars-Tschachotin
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expirisims · 4 years ago
Stanfield/Year 3/Week 2/Day 3
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We're back with the Stanfield household for Spooky Day! ïżœïżœWhat!?  Teddy!! Why are you flirting with Audrey Jacques a married woman that I didn't even know you knew!!
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Thelma making breakfast in an outfit I'm pretty sure I didn't pick out for her..did she go get a makeover or something!?  I love how random she is.. You be you Thelma!
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OMG Teddy!  I turn my back on you for a second and you're randomly at the Richardson home stinking up their bathroom!!
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Now raiding their fridge!?!  WTH Man!  It looks like they already have a lot going on!
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Yeah,  Lara is NOT impressed!
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I have finally decided to cull my population a little bit to make room for all the babies being born so naturally, Sabrina will be on that list.  Anyway, I dropped in on her household and what do you know?  No wants for interactions with her actual husband, but she wants to pillow fight with Freddy!! I'm pretty sure he wouldn't be interested Sabrina!  
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OMG!!!!What!!?? I definitely did NOT expect this to happen!!!  A meteor struck the horse ranch!  I tried to see who all was there and send them home before it struck, but Dan Waggoner wouldn't leave!!  Thankfully his toddler son Darius teleported home, but Dan was killed!
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I popped into build mode at the ranch to see if there were any other fatalities.  Thankfully there weren't, but there's definitely damage and it looks like Arthur Westmoreland had a close call!
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I was sad, but decided to leave it and went to check on Thelma, who was having fun at the festival.  Well, I don't know if this is good or bad (I bet Dan and his loved ones think it's good!)  Our printer software decided to update because I forgot to turn it off in the background so I got booted out of the game before I saved again!  Dan Waggoner Rides Again!!
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No meteor strike this time, but now apparently, Phillip Wright has gone behind Lynn's back to flirt with Olivia Beckwith!  Her mother does NOT look pleased!  Phillip is trouble for sure!  Hmm..I don't want to interfere, but I really REALLY hope this fizzles out soon!
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Just closely watching Abdul Russ at the horse ranch to make sure there are no meteors in sight!
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Teddy and Thelma capped off the evening at Kringlemann's and it looks like they shared a table with Carlos Munoz!
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junker-town · 6 years ago
18 NBA stars if they were Jedi in the Star Wars universe
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NBA superstars and force-users in the Star Wars universe actually have a lot in common.
Let’s talk about a group of special folks who have become ubiquitous symbols in pop culture. Trained from a young age to harness their natural gifts, these prodigies spend many of their formative years isolated from their peers. Their ability to wield an object makes them famous, and their monkish devotion to their craft keeps them there. Yet above all, they are spoken of as heroes and villains, with origin stories and battle scars that enable them to transcend the very institution that requires them to conform.
I’m talking about force-wielders — i.e. Jedi, Sith, and whatever you consider the bad guys in the new trilogy — in the Star Wars universe. But the same description could just as easily describe the biggest NBA stars.
Most people know them for their ability to do cool things with a basketball. They do not become famous because of their personalities, and in fact are supposed to suppress their individualism for the good of something larger: their team. But in the process, the best of the best become global stars and urban legends, with larger-than-life personas that follow common narrative tropes, but still take on a life of their own.
In other words, they have a lot in common with the greats of George Lucas’ Disney’s signature sci-fi franchise. So let’s pair them up.
(Shoutout to Dave Schilling for the inspiration and fellow Star Wars fan Russ Oates for the help).
Anakin Skywalker is LeBron James
The Chosen One. That was easy.
For real, winning the 2016 Finals completed LeBron’s redemption arc, just as killing the emperor completed Anakin/Vader’s.
(LeBron’s Lakers tenure is what would have happened if Anakin/Vader survived the second Death Star’s destruction and had nothing to do while pointlessly hanging out with the rebellion).
Luke Skywalker is Kevin Durant
Idealistic, naive child prodigies tasked with saving the universe from the dark turn of the previous Chosen One. Succeed and become heroes to some, but are eventually overshadowed by the actions of a peer. Grow more and more disillusioned as they get older, drowning in a pool of existential self-pity and lashing out at those who view them as legends instead of human beings.
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Leia Organa/Skywalker is Stephen Curry
Possess uncommon emotional maturity cultivated through a privileged upbringing, but also carry the battle scars from those who underestimated them. Have the power to launch themselves to a small target from far away, but only uses that power when they absolutely must in order to maintain greater good.
Kylo Ren is Kobe Bryant
Spend their entire lives imitating their idol, yearning so desperately to be him that they steal his entire look and mannerisms. Alas, they’re no Jordan. They’re just a child ... in a mask.
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Photo by Stephen Dunn/Getty Images
Rey is Giannis Antetokounmpo
Discovered almost accidentally after an impoverished background forced them to fend for themselves at a young age. Have supernatural talent, yet nobody knows exactly where it comes from. Also still posses the idealism of a person who hasn’t been in this business long enough, but is rapidly growing up before our eyes.
Obi-Wan Kenobi is Dwyane Wade
True believers of their institution’s underlying philosophy that they serve with grace and class. Beloved by those within their fraternity, but perhaps overshadowed by other more famous peers in the eyes of those outside it. Mentors of The Chosen One.
Yoda is Kareem Abdul-Jabaar
Idealists that always stood for something greater than the institution for which they served. Lived long enough to earn countless accolades, but also carry with them a sense of sadness and perspective that come from knowing the difficulty and sacrifices required to change deeply embedded stereotypes of their world.
Emperor Palpatine/Darth Sidious is Wilt Chamberlain
All-powerful beings that manipulated the world to their will, all for the sole reason of consolidating more power. Yet for all their schemes to cheat the natural laws of physics, they were still bested by someone they regarded as an underling.
Count Dooku is James Harden
Charismatic, yet strange ideologues who become the face of a revolution. They also have bushy beards.
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Snoke is Phil Jackson
Shadowy, mysterious figures with the ability to manipulate minds and pit other powerful creatures against each other, before ultimately being taken down by their own hubris.
Qui-Gon Jin is Tim Duncan
Widely respected for their wisdom and perspective, yet also seen as mavericks for their unwillingness to play by the rules of the day. Became even more honorable after their careers ended.
Mace Windu is Chris Paul
Fiercely loyal to their institution and its values, yet also surly with their peers and too quick to fight a war they cannot win.
Darth Maul is Penny Hardaway
Destined for great things until their bodies betrayed them. Exiled and forgotten, then put back together only after their relevance to the larger world had past. Fought in vain thereafter to achieve some level of prominence, but ultimately became tragic figures.
Ahsoka Tano is Russell Westbrook
Bratty padawans that embarked on their own odyssey into becoming a wise mentor, all without sacrificing their principles.
Ezra Bridger is Kyrie Irving
Young and impulsive adolescents used to being loners, but who also yearn to be a part of a family that loves them. Flirts with darker instincts while clashing with authority figures they later comes to respect. Flat earthers.
Kanan Jarus is Damian Lillard
Nobody ever prepared them to lead, but they rose to the occasion and managed to channel their own self-doubt into the well-rounded perspective needed to front small, insurgent rebel cells.
Darth Plagueis is Michael Jordan
Did you ever hear the tragedy of Jordan the Wise? It’s not a story the analytics masters would tell you.
— Tyler (@TylerAtoms) March 7, 2019
The kid who uses the Force to pick up the broom at the end of The Last Ledi is Bronny James
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Apparently that kid’s real name is Temiri Blagg, but like Bronny, he’ll forever be known by his nickname.
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itunesbooks · 6 years ago
Fatherhood - Etan Thomas & Nick Chiles
Fatherhood Rising to the Ultimate Challenge Etan Thomas & Nick Chiles Genre: Parenting Price: $4.99 Publish Date: May 1, 2012 Publisher: Penguin Publishing Group Seller: PENGUIN GROUP USA, INC. In Fatherhood , beloved NBA player, poet, children’s advocate, and devoted dad Etan Thomas speaks from his heart on what matters most in his life: being there for his children. As a leading participant in President Obama’s Fatherhood Initiative, Etan has reached out to young men (often young fathers) in the juvenile detention system and in local communities. He knows firsthand the difference having a father in your life every day can make. Now he brings together a chorus of voices to weigh in on the importance of being a father in our nation today and to share what they’ve learned from being a father, having a father, or in some cases not having a father around. With Original Essays and Poems from Taye Diggs ‱ Kareem Abdul-Jabbar ‱ Malcolm-Jamal Warner ‱ Ice Cube ‱ Howard Dean ‱ Tony Hawk ‱ Isaiah Washington ‱ Yao Ming ‱ Al Sharpton ‱ John King ‱ Lamman Rucker ‱ Derek Fisher ‱ Kevin Durant ‱ Russ Parr ‱ Michael Moore ‱ Chuck D ‱ Malcolm Shabazz ‱ Talem Acey ‱ Will Downing ‱ Chris Paul ‱ Allan Houston ‱ Talib Kweli ‱ Black Ice ‱ Cornel West ‱ Elijah Cummings ‱ Mumia Abu-Jamal ‱ Grant Hill ‱ Coach John Thompson ‱ Roland Martin ‱ Joakim Noah ‱ Arn Tellum ‱ Damian Marley ‱ Abiodune Oyewole ‱ Styles P ‱ Baron Davis ‱ David Aldridge ‱ Stuart Scott ‱ Dave Zirin ‱ Kevin Powell ‱ John Carlos ‱ Derrick Coleman ‱ J. Ivy ‱ Joe Johnson ‱ Al Horford ‱ Pastor John Jenkins ‱ Julian Thomas ‱ Ed Gordon Jr. ‱ Tito Puente Jr. ‱ Billy Hunter ‱ 13 of Nazareth ‱ Messiah Ramkissoon Through these inspiring personal experiences, Etan and the men he’s gathered together hope to share the message that by standing up and taking an active role as fathers, men not only find their own lives more joyful and fulfilling—they pass on to the next generation an unshakable legacy of love, wisdom, responsibility, and strength. http://bit.ly/2EX0GBZ
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hoopstalk · 8 years ago
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OKC just ended the season 47-35 (.573). Will that be enough for Russ?
MVPs with lowest W/L %:
33-39 (.458) - Bob Pettit 1955/56 *
40-42 (.488) - Kareem Abdul-Jabbar 1975/76 *
45-39 (.536) - George McGinnis 1974/75 **
46-36 (.561) - Moses Malone 1981/82 
44-34 (.564) - Mel Daniels 1968/69 **
47-35 (.573) - Moses Malone 1978/79 
49-33 (.598) - Bob McAdoo 1974/75
* Did Not Make Playoffs
Before 1980, when the players voted on the award, it seems like the team’s record didn’t matter all that much. After the media was given the MVP vote, only 1 sub-.600 player has won the award (Moses Malone in 1982).
My Final Vote:
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