#aas 55
zaman-lordu · 2 years
Sonunda kitap ve manga siparis ettim cok mutluyum
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we-tokyoboy · 3 months
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felassan · 3 months
Mark Darrah's recent YouTube video 'Why Do AAA Games Take So Long?' is an interesting and insightful look behind the curtain about this aspect of modern game development and the industry: [link]
"Why are AAA taking and longer and longer to make? We aren't getting any younger but the time between releases seems to be ever expanding. Chapters: 0:00 Why so LONG? 0:15 They Don't 4:28 "Size" 8:16 The Fidelity Death Cult 11:08 The Team 14:35 Iteration 16:44 Delay Inception 18:23 Culture? 19:55 Because They Can 21:10 Opportunity for AA and Triple I"
Mark: "What's the longest you've waited for a game? What's a game that you're waiting for that's coming out this year, and is it Dragon Age?"
Comment on the vid: "3:03 so you're saying that the reason why DA4 was announced the month before Anthem shipped was so EA couldn't do anything bad to the studio without breaking a promise made to the Dragon Age community? ^^" Mark: "I'm not NOT saying that."
Comment: "I have definitely been waiting patiently for Dragon Age: the Veilguard." Mark: "BioWare is definitely pulling out all the stops."
Comment: "Another reason for very early announcements I've heard talked about (beyond messaging shareholders) is recruitment drive. Do you think it's a plausible reason?" Mark: "Yes this is real. We need to be able to tell people they are going to be working on Dragon Age, so we need to announce"
Comment: "At least for DAV, I bet it is the change of gameplay, live service, no live service, open world, no open world. Rpg with action elements then Action game. Seems then leadership change is more interesting than the game itself." Mark: "There is a story here"
Comment: "i think Dragon Age would've been out a few years ago if the team worked on Dreadwolf from the beginning instead of all the other canceled visions of the project" Mark: "There are several off ramps for DA"
Comment: "The Mass Effect game following Andromeda will likely end up being the longest wait I’ve ever had for a video game lol" Mark: "It will be a while"
Comment: "Can you explain why they changed the combat in DAV" Mark: "DA has always been changing its combat."
Mark: "Almost everyone at BioWare is working on DA ATM"
Mark: "Yeah stylization lives longer" [re: graphical fidelity cult]
Comment: "Games are made quickly but then consultants like Sweet Baby Inc come and change the story to be worse and characters to be uglier. Adds plenty of dev time." Mark: "LOLOLOLOL"
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httpsserene · 1 year
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raina-at · 5 months
Bakers, again. This takes place right after Sherlock won Bake Off.
John Watson’s Blog Entry, December 9th 2010, 2:55 am
Congratulations on winning Bake Off, Sherlock! I’m thrilled to have been in the final three with you and Molly. Recipes for all my bakes will follow, but for now let me just say: I couldn’t be happier!
@ janinelawyered agreed! What a night?
@ thenakedbaker where did you two go off to so suddenly? One minute we were all drinking champagne, the next minute you two were gone.
@ marym come on, you know where they went.
@ thenakedbaker shagging each others’ brains out probably
@ mollyhoopersblog Irene! That’s private!
@ thenakedbaker oh come on, with the amount of eye sex these two were having in front of the entire British public…
@ mollyhoopersblog Still. 
@ janinelawyered let’s just say I had a room next to them once and they didn’t leave much to the imagination.
@ thenakedbaker Do tell!
@ janinelawyered I really shouldn’t. But since you asked, let’s just say I got the distinct impression that a very good time was had by all.
@ thenakedbaker Details, Janine. I want details. 
@ janinelawyered Stop eavesdropping!
@ mollyhoopersblog how did it go? You know. The thing.
@ johnwatsonsblog Molly. He reads my blog. I’m not going to tell you anything.
@ mollyhoopersblog Just one word. Good? Bad? Middling?
@ johnwatsonsblog … good. Very, very good.
@ mollyhoopersblog I’m so happy for you!!!!!!!!!! 
@ johnwatsonsblog Don’t jinx it, though, all right? Leave him alone, I don’t want to scare him off again.
@ thescienceofbaking I’m not so easily deterred, thank you very much.
@ johnwatsonsblog I beg you, ignore all of them!
@ janinelawyered Oi, Baker of the Year, heard you had an interesting night!
@ johnwatsonsblog I want to stress that nobody heard anything from me! 
@ thescienceofbaking John.
@ johnwatsonsblog Yes.
@ thescienceofbaking I don’t care. 
@ johnwatsonsblog Really? 
@ thescienceofbaking John. Come back to bed. 
@ johnwatsonsblog All right. I’m deleting this entire thread, just so you all know. And mind your own business. 
@ thescienceofbaking John. Now.
@ johnwatsonsblog Coming. 
@ thenakedbaker I bet you are.
@ mollyhoopersblog IRENE!
Comment thread deleted December 9th, 3:34 am
Tags under the cut aa always, please let me know if you want to be tagged or untagged.
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Bathena: First argument from season 4 resurfaces in season 7
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Unpopular opinion: Bathena's arc in season 7 seems to be related to their future as retirees and it's a repeat of the argument they had in season 4.
Please understand, I'm not saying they will retire at the end of season 7 but I am saying it's possible they're being setup to start thinking about it so they can prepare in advance. If they are then Bobby will have to pick someone to train to be the next captain of the 118 and Athena may have to train someone to take over the region/territory she covers as a field sergeant.
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Based solely on the conversation they had with Norman and Lola during their first dinner on the ship, along with Athena's fear of being alone with Bobby because she's not sure what they'll have to discuss when there's "no chaos" (her words to Frank), it appears their first argument that began in 4x12 and carried over into 4x13 and 4x14 has resurfaced in 7x1.
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In 4x12, when Bobby was hyped about finding the treasure, Athena asked him where his interest in it came from and the last answer that he gave her was "We can even decide to retire". She looked at him and replied, "Retire? I thought you loved your job." He said, "I do but jobs like ours... nobody does them forever." He was correct because their jobs as a captain and a sergeant are demanding and they won't last forever. People can age out of them and sometimes employees are forced out for ReAsOnS.
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To make a long story short, she said she planned to be on those streets (being a sergeant) until they forced her off them and Bobby was taken aback by her response then replied, "Somebody almost did" and he was talking about Jeffrey. They continued to talk but Bobby learned from the things she said that she had been offered retirement after 3x17 but she turned it down. He went on to explain that he didn't know about it and well... their communications or lack thereof, continued until it turned into a huge argument in 4x13 that went into 4x14. The only thing that stopped them from continuing was Hen's call to Bobby about Eddie getting shot.
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They made up in 4x14 and they didn't discuss it again.
Fast forward three years and here they are again, faced with the real possibility that the day is coming when they'll have to retire. This is NOT about ageism or anything like that but it is about them being realistic. Everyone at the 118, Maddie and Athena are all seven years older than they were back in season 1 (Eddie and Maddie didn't join the cast until a year later but they're all older than they were) and Bobby had a point when he told his wife that jobs like theirs don't go on forever. Most LAFD and LAPD civil servants have the option to retire and collect their pensions at the age of 55 so it's an option.
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Athena's explanation to Frank illustrated how she's afraid of the way their communications will be after they don't have their jobs to discuss anymore and she also mentioned how she's afraid to talk to Bobby about it.
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Bobby believes she's avoiding him (she was) and it affected him so much he went to an AA meeting.
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IMO, Norman and Lola are on the ship too as a way to show Bobby and Athena that retirement can be a good thing but they'll have to plan for it like Norman and Lola did. Reminder, they just kept popping up everywhere they went and Athena said she didn't like them. It could be because they remind her of their future. (TM is a genius for establishing their retirement arc this way.) Norman and Lola are happy and enjoying their lives while living on a cruise ship. While Bobby and Athena don't have to do what they did, their storylines do parallel especially since Norman specifically said he was a retired dry cleaner from Encino, CA and he wasn't a rich guy who had lots of bitcoin and he doesn't have a dongle. That was a direct callback to 4x12 when Bobby wanted to find the treasure so they could setup trusts for the kids, remodel their kitchen and guess what else? Retire!
After Lola finally got Norman's attention in 2x8, they've been inseparable. Also, don't forget Lola said she spent 18 years raising their kids and then Norman stopped seeing her. He really didn't because he was just going on with life but she thought he did. She explained that he came to see her everyday while she was in jail and they've continued to communicate ever since and now they can't stay away from each other.
Bobby and Athena spent most of 7x1 not communicating but when they got into their "crime fighting mode" after assuming Norman had killed Lola, like they've done before when they were investigating the owner who burned down his restaurant in season 2 and the casino heist in season 5, they were unstoppable. He's a fire captain so he knows fires and she's a field sergeant which means she knows crime and investigations, therefore, they're an awesome duo who could combine their skillsets and build an empire. IMO, they would make an awesome private investigations team but I digress.
Reminder, they're empty nesters now and when they're not at work, they spend most of their time talking about it. All of their friends are at work too and we never see them hanging out with other couples like Norman and Lola so maybe this is a good thing. Also, if they don't plan now, what are they going to do when they actually do retire?
Only they can answer that question or they'll end up like the first couple in the episode who had the fighter jet land inside of their home, onery, frustrated and angry.
Disclaimer: facing retirement is a real fear for some people because they didn't/don't prepare or discuss what they want to do after their jobs end. Some people make their jobs their life and when it's over, they don't know what to do with themselves. That's why work/life balance is important along with setting boundaries with an employer.
There's an old saying, "I work to live, I don't live to work" and it's true.
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uma1ra · 9 months
1-Akhi - Brother
2-Ukhti - Sister
3-JazakAllah khair - May Allah give you Ajar/Sawab for your deed.
4-Ma'Shaa'Allah - As God has willed.
5-HayakAllah - May Allah give you life.
6-BarakAllahu Feek - May Allah put baraka in what you are doing.
7-Wa feeka barakallahu - and May Allah bless you. (in response to Barakallahu Feek)
8-Wa iyyakum - And to you
9-Alhamdulillah - Praise be to Allah
10-Allah - God
11-Allahu Akbar - Allah is Most Great
12-Amanah - Trust
13-Assalamu Alaikum - Peace be upon you--the "official" Islamic greeting.
14-Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh - "Peace and the Mercy and Blessings of God be upon you" Extended form of the above.
16-Astaghfir Allah - I seek forgiveness from Allah (used when mentioning something that goes against the standards of Islam)
17-Ayah/Ayat - Qur'anic verse
18-Bid`ah - Innovation, addition to the religion's essentials
19-Bukhari - One of the most noted compilers of hadith. His collection is 20-known as Sahih Bukhari
21-Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim - In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, Most Merciful
23-Da'wa - Invitation (for humankind to Islam)
24-Du`aa - Supplication
25-Eid - Islamic holiday
26-Fatwa - Islamic legal ruling
27-Fiqh - Islamic law as interpreted by scholars
28-Fitnah - Corruption and disorder, also temptation
29-Hadith - A report of a saying or deed of the Prophet
30-Haj - Pilgrimage
31-Halal - Allowed (per Islamic law)
32-Haram - Forbidden (per Islamic law)
33-Hazrat/Hadrat - Honorable
34-Hijab - Modest way of behavior and dress (including head scarf for women)
35-Imam - Leader
36-Iman - Faith
37-In Shaa Allah - If God wills. (Used when talking about a future event)
38-Injeel - The scripture sent down to Prophet Issa (Jesus)
39-Isnad - Chain of transmitters, the list of people who successively narrated a given hadith
40-Jannah - Paradise
41-JazakAllah Khair - May God grant you what is good. (Often used instead of "Thank you")
42-Jihad - Striving for Islam, whether by peaceful or violent means
43-Jinn - Unseen beings, who, like humans, are given the power to choose between right and wrong
44-Kafir - One who denies the truth. Literally, one who "covers" the truth (sometimes applied to non-Muslims).
45-Khalifah - Caliph: Leader of Muslim nation
46-Khilafah - Caliphate
47-Khutba - Sermon
48-Kufr - Denial of the Truth, rebellion against God
49-La Ilaha Illa Allah - There is no deity but God
50-Ma Shaa Allah - What God has willed! (Usually used to express wonder at Allah's creation)
51-Madhhab - School of jurisprudential thought
52-Makruh - Detested, but not forbidden (per Islamic law)
53-Mandoub - Recommended, but not required (per Islamic law)
54-Mubah - Neither forbidden nor commended. Neutral (per Islamic law)
55-Mushrik - One who commits Shirk
56-Muslim - One who submits to Allah and is a follower of Islam; also, name of one of the most notable hadith scholars. His collection is known as Sahih Muslim
57-Nabi - Prophet
58-Qur'an - The Words of Allah conveyed to us by the Prophet
PBUH - Peace Be Upon Him. Same as SAW
59-RAA - (Radia Allahu Anhu/Anha.) May Allah be please with him/her
60-Ra-sool - Messenger (Prophet to whom a scripture is revealed)
61-Rasool Allah - Messenger of God (used to refer to Prophet Muhammad)
62-Sahaba - Companions of Prophet. Singular is "Sahabi"
63-Sahih - "Sound in isnad." A technical attribute applied to the "isnad" of a hadith
64-Salaam - Peace. An abbreviated version of the Islamic greeting
65-Salaat - Prayer
66-SAW - (Salla Allahu Alaihi Wa Sallam.) Peace Be Upon Him
67-Sawm/Siyam - Fasting
68-Seerah/Sirah - History of the Prophet's life
69-Shahadah - Bearing witness that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is His Messenger.
70-Shari'ah - Divine Law
71-Sheikh - Scholar (or any elder and/or respected man)
72-Shirk - Associating partners (e.g. helpers, other gods) with Allah
73-Shura - Consultation among Muslims
74-Subhan Allah - "Glory be to God"
75-Sunna/Sunnah - Tradition of the Prophet
76-Surah/Sura - A Chapter in the Qur'an
78-Tafsir - Interpretation
79-Tawraat - The scripture sent down to Prophet Musa (Moses).
80-Ulama - Religious scholars
81-Umma - Nation, community.
82-Ustadh - Teacher
83-Wassalaam - And peace. It means "goodbye"
84-Zakat - Required charity
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2023's public domain is a banger
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40 years ago, giant entertainment companies embarked on a slow-moving act of arson. The fuel for this arson was copyright term extension (making copyrights last longer), including retrospective copyright term extensions that took works out of the public domain and put them back into copyright for decades. Vast swathes of culture became off-limits, pseudo-property with absentee landlords, with much of it crumbling into dust.
After 55-75 years, only 2% of works have any commercial value. After 75 years, it declines further. No wonder that so much of our cultural heritage is now orphan works, with no known proprietor. Extending copyright on all works – not just those whose proprietors sought out extensions – incinerated whole libraries full of works, permanently.
But on January 1, 2019, the bonfire was extinguished. That was the day that items created in 1923 entered the US public domain: DeMille's Ten Commandments, Chaplain's Pilgrim, Burroughs' Tarzan and the Golden Lion, Woolf's Jacob's Room, Coward's London Calling and 1,000+ more works:
Many of those newly liberated works were forgotten, partly due to their great age, but also because no one knew who they belonged to (Congress abolished the requirement to register copyrights in 1976), so no one could revive or reissue them while they were still in the popular imagination, depriving them of new leases on life.
2019 was the starting gun on a new public domain, giving the public new treasures to share and enjoy, and giving the long-dead creators of the Roaring Twenties a new chance at posterity. Each new year since has seen  a richer, more full public domain. 2021 was a great year, featuring some DuBois, Dos Pasos, Huxley, Duke Ellington, Fats Waller, Bessie Smith and Sydney Bechet:
In just 12 days, the public domain will welcome another year's worth of works back into our shared commons. As ever, Jennifer Jenkins of Duke's Center for the Public Domain have painstaking researched highlights from the coming year's entrants:
On the literary front, we have Virginia Woolf's To The Lighthouse, AA Milne's Now We Are Six, Hemingway's Men Without Women, Faulkner's Mosquitoes, Christie's The Big Four, Wharton's Twilight Sleep, Hesse's Steppenwolf (in German), Kafka's Amerika (in German), and Proust's Le Temps retrouvé (in French).
We also get all of Sherlock Holmes, finally wrestling control back from the copyright trolls who control the Arthur Conan Doyle estate. This is a firm of rent-seeking bullies who have abused the court process to extract menaces money from living creators, including rent on works that were unambiguously in the public domain.
The estate's sleaziest trick is claiming that while many Sherlock Holmes stories were in the public domain, certain elements of Holmes's personality were developed in later stories that were still in copyright, and therefore any Sherlock story that contained those elements was a copyright violation. Infamously, the Doyle Estate went after the creators of the Enola Holmes series, claiming a copyright over Sherlock stories in which Holmes was "capable of friendship," "expressed emotion," or "respected women." This is a nonsensical theory, based on the idea that these character traits are copyrightable. They are not:
The Doyle Estate's shakedown racket took a serious body-blow in 2013, when Les Klinger – a lawyer, author and prominent Sherlockian – prevailed in court, with the judge ruling that new works based on public domain Sherlock stories were not infringing, even if some Sherlock stories remained in copyright. The estate appealed and lost again, and Klinger was awarded costs. They tried to take the case to the Supreme Court and got laughed out of the building.
But as the Enola Holmes example shows, you can't keep a copyright troll down: the Doyle estate kept making up imaginary copyright laws in a desperate, grasping bid to wring more money out of living, working creators. That's gonna be a lot harder after Jan 1, when The Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes enters the public domain, meaning that every Sherlock story will be out of copyright.
One fun note about Klinger's landmark win over the Doyle estate: he took an amazing victory lap, commissioning an anthology of new unauthorized Holmes stories in 2016 called "Echoes of Sherlock Holmes":
I wrote a short story for it, "Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Extraordinary Rendition," which was based on previously unpublished Snowden leaks.
I got access to the full Snowden trove thanks to Laura Poitras, who jointly commissioned the story from me for inclusion in the companion book for "Astro noise : a survival guide for living under total surveillance," her show at the Whitney:
I also reported out the leaks the story was based on in a companion piece:
Jan 1, 2023 will also be a fine day for film in the public domain, with Metropolis, The Jazz Singer, and Laurel and Hardy's Battle of the Century entering the commons. Also notable: Wings, winner of the first-ever best picture Academy Award; The Lodger, Hitchcock's first thriller; and FW "Nosferatu" Mirnau's Sunrise.
However most of the movies that enter the public domain next week will never be seen again. They are "lost pictures," and every known copy of them expired before their copyrights did. 1927 saw the first synchronized dialog film (The Jazz Singer). As talkies took over the big screen, studios all but gave up on preserving silent films, which were printed on delicate stock that needed careful tending. Today, 75% of all silent films are lost to history.
But some films from this era do survive, and they are now in the public domain. This is true irrespective of whether they were restored at a later date. Restoration does not create a new copyright. "The Supreme Court has made clear that 'the sine qua non of copyright is originality.'"
There's some great music entering the public domain next year! "The Best Things In Life Are Free"; "I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for Ice-Cream"; "Puttin' On the Ritz"; "'S Wonderful"; "Ol' Man River"; "My Blue Heaven" and "Mississippi Mud."
It's a banger of a year for jazz and blues, too. We get Bessie Smith's "Back Water Blues," "Preaching the Blues," and "Foolish Man Blues." We get Louis Armstrong's "Potato Head Blues" and "Gully Low Blues." We get Jelly Roll Morton's "Billy Goat Stomp," "Hyena Stomp," and "Jungle Blues." And we get Duke Ellington's "Black and Tan Fantasy" and "East St. Louis Toodle-O."
Note that these are just the compositions. No new sound recordings come into the public domain in 2023, but on January 1, 2024, all of 1923's recordings will enter the public domain, with more recordings coming in every year thereafter.
We're only a few years into the newly reopened public domain, but it's already bearing fruit. The Great Gatsby entered the public domain in 2021, triggering a rush of beautiful new editions and fresh scholarship:
These new editions were varied and wonderful. Beehive Books produced a stunning edition, illustrated by the Balbusso Twins, with a new introduction by Wellesley's Prof William Cain:
And Planet Money released a fabulous, free audiobook edition:
Last year saw the liberation of Winnie the Pooh, unleashing a wild and wonderful array of remixes, including a horror film ("Blood and Honey") and also innumerable, lovely illustrations and poems, created by living, working creators for contemporary audiences.
As Jenkins notes, many of the works that enter the public domain next week display and promote "racial slurs and demeaning stereotypes." The fact that these works are now in the public domain means that creators can "grapple with and reimagine them, including in a corrective way." They can do this without having to go to the Supreme Court, unlike the Alice Randall, whose "Wind Done Gone" retold "Gone With the Wind" from the enslaved characters' perspective:
After all this, you'd think that countries around the world would have learned their lesson on copyright term extension, but you'd be wrong. In Canada, Justin Trudeau caved to Donald Trump and retroactively expanded copyright terms by 20 years, as part of USMCA, the successor to NAFTA. Trudeau ignored teachers, professors, librarians and the Minister of Justice, who said that copyright extension should require "a modest registration requirement" – so 20 years of copyright will be tacked onto all works, including those with no owners:
Other countries followed Canada's disastrous lead: New Zealand "agreed to extend its copyright term as a concession in trade agreements, even though this would cost around $55m [NZ dollars] annually without any compelling evidence that it would provide a public benefit":
Wrapping up her annual post, Jenkins writes of a "melancholy" that "comes from the unnecessary losses that our current system causes—the vast majority of works that no longer retain commercial value and are not otherwise available, yet we lock them all up to provide exclusivity to a tiny minority.
"Those works which, remember, constitute part of our collective culture, are simply off limits for use without fear of legal liability. Since most of them are 'orphan works' (where the copyright owner cannot be found) we could not get permission from a rights holder even if we wanted to. And many of those works do not survive that long cultural winter."
[Image ID: A montage of works that enter the public domain on Jan 1, 2023.]
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U88DS6GH687CG3RYH8QYRUJEWHRWRNJFEWYUINQYHC7FUHWNEUKRQFGH48H3TV3K4YUV TV34QFF D8 FF E1 1D 8C 45 78 69 66 00 00 4D 4D 00 2A 00 00 00 08 00 07 01 12 00 03 00 00 00 01 00 01 00 00 01 1A 00 05 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 62 01 1B 00 05 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 6A 01 28 00 03 00 00 00 01 00 02 00 00 01 31 00 02 00 00 00 1E 00 00 00 72 01 32 00 02 00 00 00 14 00 00 00 90 87 69 00 04 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 A4 00 00 00 D0 00 0A FC 80 00 00 27 10 00 0A FC 80 00 00 27 10 41 64 6F 62 65 20 50 68 6F 74 6F 73 68 6F 70 20 43 53 36 20 28 57 69 6E 64 6F 77 73 29 00 32 30 31 34 3A 30 32 3A 31 31 20 31 33 3A 34 35 3A 35 36 00 00 03 A0 01 00 03 00 00 00 01 00 01 00 00 A0 02 00 04 00 00 00 01 00 00 03 CA A0 03 00 04 00 00 00 01 00 00 03 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06 01 03 00 03 00 00 00 01 00 06 00 00 01 1A 00 05 00 00 00 01 00 00 01 1E 01 1B 00 05 00 00 00 01 00 00 01 26 01 28 00 03 00 00 00 01 00 02 00 00 02 01 00 04 00 00 00 01 00 00 01 2E 02 02 00 04 00 00 00 01 00 00 1C 56 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 48 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 48 00 00 00 01 FF D8 FF ED 00 0C 41 64 6F 62 65 5F 43 4D 00 01 FF EE 00 0E 41 64 6F 62 65 00 64 80 00 00 00 01 FF DB 00 84 00 0C 08 08 08 09 08 0C 09 09 0C 11 0B 0A 0B 11 15 0F 0C 0C 0F 15 18 13 13 15 13 13 18 11 0C 0C 0C 0C 0C 0C 11 0C 0C 0C 0C 0C 0C 0C 0C 0C 0C 0C 0C 0C 0C 0C 0C 0C 0C 0C 0C 0C 0C 0C 0C 0C 0C 0C 0C 01 0D 0B 0B 0D 0E 0D 10 0E 0E 10 14 0E 0E 0E 14 14 0E 0E 0E 0E 14 11 0C 0C 0C 0C 0C 11 11 0C 0C 0C 0C 0C 0C 11 0C 0C 0C 0C 0C 0C 0C 0C 0C 0C 0C 0C 0C 0C 0C 0C 0C 0C 0C 0C 0C 0C 0C 0C 0C 0C 0C 0C FF C0 00 11 08 00 84 00 A0 03 01 22 00 02 11 01 03 11 01 FF DD 00 04 00 0A FF C4 01 3F 00 00 01 05 01 01 01 01 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 00 01 02 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 01 00 01 05 01 01 01 01 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 10 00 01 04 01 03 02 04 02 05 07 06 08 05 03 0C 33 01 00 02 11 03 04 21 12 31 05 41 51 61 13 22 71 81 32 06 14 91 A1 B1 42 23 24 15 52 C1 62 33 34 72 82 D1 43 07 25 92 53 F0 E1 F1 63 73 35 16 A2 B2 83 26 44 93 54 64 45 C2 A3 74 36 17 D2 55 E2 65 F2 B3 84 C3 D3 75 E3 F3 46 27 94 A4 85 B4 95 C4 D4 E4 F4 A5 B5 C5 D5 E5 F5 56 66 76 86 96 A6 B6 C6 D6 E6 F6 37 47 57 67 77 87 97 A7 B7 C7 D7 E7 F7 11 00 02 02 01 02 04 04 03 04 05 06 07 07 06 05 35 01 00 02 11 03 21 31 12 04 41 51 61 71 22 13 05 32 81 91 14 A1 B1 42 23 C1 52 D1 F0 33 24 62 E1 72 82 92 43 53 15 63 73 34 F1 25 06 16 A2 B2 83 07 26 35 C2 D2 44 93 54 A3 17 64 45 55 36 74 65 E2 F2 B3 84 C3 D3 75 E3 F3 46 94 A4 85 B4 95 C4 D4 E4 F4 A5 B5 C5 D5 E5 F5 56 66 76 86 96 A6 B6 C6 D6 E6 F6 27 37 47 57 67 77 87 97 A7 B7 C7 FF DA 00 0C 03 01 00 02 11 03 11 00 3F 00 F5 42 50 DF 63 58 D2 E7 18 03 92 52 7B C0 12 4C 01 C9 59 97 E4 DD 7D CD A3 14 7E 98 8D C0 B8 4B 69 61 D1 B7 DA DF CF BE DF FB 4F 8F FF 00 7C 49 49 72 BA 95 78 E4 7D A3 22 8C 26 BF 56 0C 87 B5 AF 70 F1 DA E7 B1 42 AE AD 8F 73 83 68 CE C3 BD CE D0 35 B6 36 4F F9 B6 27 C5 E9 1D 2F 1E C7 17 31 B6 E5 D9 AD B7 59 16 5C E3 FB D6 3C 8D DF D8 FE 69 9F E0 D1 6F E9 DD 22 FA C8 BE 8A 9E CE 0E F6 02 07 C7 73 52 52 7A EF 71 3B 2C 69 AE CE 76 9E 08 F1 63 BF 39 4C BA 56 53 B0 DF D3 AA DD 8D BE EC 01 EE 34 02 5E FA 87 FA 6C 27 1D CE DA DF FB 8D FF 00 6C 7F A3 56 71 F2 DB 7B 03 83 9A FD CD 0E 6B DB AB 5E C3 F4 2D AF F9 2E 49 4E 67 D7 5B 36 7D 53 EA EE F1 C5 7B 7F CE DB 5F FD F9 78 42 F6 EF AF CE 3F F3 3B AB 1F F8 16 8F BE DA 97 8A E3 63 DB 95 93 56 35 0D 2F BA F7 8A EB 68 E4 97 1D A9 29 1A 60 41 E0 CA F4 1C 3F F1 73 F6 37 F4 7B 73 CF AD 76 56 7D 74 DD 8E 35 67 A6 2B BB 26 D1 BB F3 BD B8 AB BB 7F D4 8F AB 56 DA DB 6D E9 D4 17 B7 8D AD DA DE 36 FF 00 36 D8 62 4A 7C 11 25 EB FF 00 5B 7E A2 74 86 74 5C EC 8C 0C 4A B1 EF A2 97 5A C3 50 89 35 8F 57 FE A5 AB CB 2D C0 78 C1 AB 31 A3 DB 6E ED 7B 68 E2 CF FB EA
Ok. Someone tell me what this is. It seems to be some sort of file thing but. Well. Idk. God knows what it is
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TDT-55 log skidder with S-60 57 mm AA gun
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lol-jackles · 3 months
I'd take it with a bigger grain of salt since the person no longer works there and Creation will hire just about anyone.
My reaction was that Jared had an ask and while the bids might be a part of how CE determines the offer back, it's pretty much the bottom line he looks at. Those auctions are only a fraction of the take. DO THEY REALIZE HOW MUCH THESE GUYS GET OVERALL?
My best argument against, however, is that Creation is adding him back to their cons, making adjustments. (And other cons report him selling big at prices comic cons usually don't see for ops/still cheaper than CE)
Funny how this all gets argued about when they begin to add Jared back, just as CE said he would if fans would wait. (At first, Cyn even made fun of JP fans for being upset about the delayed add)
I still can't see this cynifer's post even when I log out and enter her url address separately. So besides being blocked (even though I have no idea for this person is), they must have set their blog to private because they were getting too much pushback.
Going by your vent, my guess is butthurt AAs are using convention sales to pretend that Jensen or Misha is more popular?
It's already been long known that Jared's fans are far more savvy when it comes to auctions in order to keep the price more reasonably priced.
Fangirls of Misha and Jensen have tried to copy the Jared girls' tactics to keep M&G prices from escalating too quickly but it hasn't worked in 3 - 5 years.
Then Jensen fans have the problem of the Fangasm lady (Lynn) going to Every. Single. Jensen M&G. Which automatically drives up the price because she made sure to outbid everyone. There were rumors in the early days that Jensen tried to have Lynn banned from going to every M&G of his for this reason, but legally he couldn't demand that.
You can see here that about 6 or so years ago I tracked the bidding process for an Atlanta con for funsies:
Jensen M&G - 55 bids by 28 unique usernames for 20 seats ($475)
Jared M&G - 51 bids  by 33 unique usernames for 20 seats ($430)
Misha M&G - 41 bids  by 14 unique usernames for 10 seats ($1,000)
Mark M&G - 27 bids by 12 unique usernames for 10 seats ($500)
In this example, there were more unique bidders for Jared's M&G but they made bids less frequent in order to keep the price from rising too quickly. The screenshot of the DC con was an outlier where Jared's M&G was more expensive than Jensen's.
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black-lipstic · 1 month
szczerze zastanawiam się czy wgl dziś coś zjeść, bo nie jadłam do teraz, ale no gosh nie mogę przecież codziennie wydawać pieniędzy na jedzenie... wiem ze biorę zawsze takie żeby miało jak najmniej kcal (no poza sushi, to moja słabość), ale głupio mi wydawać pieniądze na jedzenie. kiedyś miałam podejście że jak nie ma nic ciekawego w domu to nie jem i serio muszę do tego wrócić. widzę non stop jakieś motylki co piszą że od dawna już nie wydają nic i stać je na inne rzeczy. a ja? i mean mam tak na razie od chyba 5 dni niby nie pod rząd, ale still, źle się czuję z tym że wgl wydaję cokolwiek na nie bo mogę tyle zaoszczędzić w te 5 dni wydałam około 55 zł... no błagam mogłabym mieć za to dwa opakowania moich ulubionych perfum, które zgubiłam... btw jeśli szukacie dobrych, długo utrzymujących się i mega tanich perfum to zdecydowanie polecam jakieś arabskie, moje fav dosłownie kosztują 25 zł za 10 ml (może się nie wydaje że na długo starczają, ale mam je od paru miesięcy a nadal są) a są cudowne, jakby ktoś chciał sobie sprawdzić to mam dwa faworyty na pierwszym miejscu midnight oud (unisex) i na drugim king of sultan (męskie, ale jeśli lubi się mocniejsze zapachy to dla kobiet też git) aa i można kupić próbkę za 7 zl i mean dużo więc moim zdaniem już lepiej kupić te 10 ml i potem najwyżej sprzedać no i na dole macie ss, sory że ten post w pewnym momencie zmienił się w promowanie moich fav perfum ale wtv🙄
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The Scottish winter scuppered plans for a second domestic series of Men in Kilts.
Sam Heughan revealed he had hoped to make a follow-up to the 2021 Starz TV show and Clanlands book which was set in Scotland.
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But the 43-year-old Outlander star has revealed the follow-up, which was filmed in New Zealand, was moved down under due to a combination of short days and the schedule of his and co-star Graham McTavish, 63.
He said: “We initially looked at options in Scotland, doing another season of the show exploring the north of Scotland, Shetland, its ties to Scandinavia, Ireland etc.
“I am very much interested in the Viking influence (growing up in Galloway near Whithorn and the Viking settlement there).
“My initial idea was to do ‘Men in Kilts - in boats!’, have us in Viking longship, speed boats, kayaks, swimming/scuba, however challenges with our schedules meant our window for filming would fall in the winter months, not ideal for daylight in the UK.”
Mr McTavish added: “We’d really enjoyed the first experience and hopefully will do another. We did New Zealand because I live there and New Zealand has a very strong connection with Scotland.
“One in five have Scottish ancestry, and it’s a mirror of Scotland in many ways - the people, the landscape, you can see why the Scots settled so easily.”
And the pair are set to reunite for a third chapter.
Mr McTavish added: “Our sights are set on North America particularly the eastern seaboard, from Nova Scotia down through Maine, New York, Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, places with a strong connection to Scotland.
"There are bears and moose. I’m sure Sam is drawing up a list.”
It is unclear when SH and GMcT were selected and interviewed by the Scottish Sun to reveal their plans 🤔 Whether there are any projects underway at commitment level for a third chapter.
In fact, excavations showed a Norse trading settlement around the Galloway coast. SH was born in New Galloway, which is 34.7 miles (about 55 km) from the Viking settlement of Whithorn; I don't think he went very far to play every day when he was a kid. I don't remember him being interested in Viking Ages, maybe he likes watching Vikings: Valhalla drama series 🤷‍♀️
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Filming has never been easy, but filming in the middle of a Scottish winter, in the Shetland islands, during the dark British winters, means that the goal was not clearly defined, unless his idea was to go to Lerwick to the Up Helly Aa parade with torches marching a Viking longship through Lerwick, during the "Shetland Fire Festival", and the idea didn't work. Lerwick Up Helly Aa is a superb spectacle, a celebration of Shetland's history, from the Norse sagas.
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But there is something interesting that SH always forgets to mention: in winter 2021 he had a motorcycle accident 🏍️ which would also have prevented him from filming. So the hours of darkness and his demanding schedule led him to an unforeseen change of location for MiK2: he tries to tell a different story and that doesn't convince. He went to New Zealand to have fun and to recover physically from the motorbike accident. MiK2 was filmed when the country was on “Red alert level” 🚩 of the Omicron virus new variant and was closed to foreigners.
There is no doubt they really enjoyed the New Zealand experience because GMcT lives there, and GMcT confirmed that Sam's trip to New Zealand was a "well-deserved" holiday. However the strong connection to Scotland was not present and indeed the mirror of Scotland in New Zealand was not shown in MiK2. A trip dedicated to enjoying adventure adrenaline activities, it was a fantastic holiday.
If he misses Scotland and is looking forward to seeing it on screen with Men in Kilts: why a Roadtrip in North America, why not take up the original idea of doing it in Shetland? Or it will continue with an American romance novel construction about Scotland.
So what is the goal of MiK3, or are these two trying to turn MiK3 into something more than a business? 🤷‍♀️ while SH makes a list?
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@dlansing53 His mishap was in Scotland, after a training. On that occasion, he didn't mention anything and tried to cover it up. The accident was mentioned months later in an interview in the U.S. he confirmed that he fractured his knee and tore his MCL, as you can seen in the New Zealand’s photos he received stitches and has a large scar on his left leg after the mishap.
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Here at Pharos Athletic Club with Pieter Vodden (He’s not in the picture) trainer in the U.S. he’s not his physio. This photo is from before his trip to New Zealand 🇳🇿
@ajrajraj In Britain Motorcycle is a Motorbike or "Bike" 🏍️ and motorcyclists are called "bikers". When SH says "bike" he fell off a motorbike, not a bicycle. The mishap occurred when he was supposedly on his way home from the gym. SH doesn't go to the gym on a bicycle, he goes on a motorbike 🏍️
After his trip to New Zealand 🇳🇿 He mentioned his accident on the GMA show it was posted by @imahalfemptykindofgirl I reblogged her post
and days later he confirmed it in a talk in Men's Journal. if you are interested you can see both published on my blog.
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@ajrajraj On 14 December 2021, on Twitter (X) SH posted that he had been in an accident "on a bike". In a conversation with Charles Thorp of Men's Journal, in the article SH says: he was on a bike, not on a bicycle. If you have the interview where he clarifies that he was on a bicycle, I would like to know more about it, because his injuries did not correspond to this situation.
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He limps to the gym to pose for a photo to his fans. He plays stupid games and wins stupid prizes.
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lonestarbattleship · 1 year
The AA crews of USS NORTH CAROLINA (BB-55) taking down a couple of Japanese airplanes.
Filmed on June 13, 1944.
NARA: 77245
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httpsserene · 2 months
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key: fluff ♡ | angst ♢ | crack ♧ | smut ♤ | suggestive ✢ | male!reader ♔ | series ➜
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hi :) this is a wip (work in progress) list, to give readers insight on what's coming next !!! you are more than welcome to send me asks about any particular work listed if you'd like to hear more about them. the titles, plots, and order of fics are liable to change.
𝐰𝐢𝐩 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 — check here to see if you spot your request or if you're eager to see what else i'm writing up !!!
♡ simp (hijabi!reader smau) — mv. 1 | requested ! ➜♡♤ golf cart girl (short series) — cs. 55 & ln. 4 | requested ! ♧✢ match my freak (singer!reader smau) — op. 81 ➜♡ seal you later (seal specialist!reader 2-part smau) — aa. 23 | requested ! ♡ tbd (brazilian!reader smau) — fa. 14 | requested ! ♡ why don't we go there (gn!driver!reader) — yt. 22 | requested ! ♤ mouth like liquor (insp. partition by beyoncé) — dr. 3 | requested ! ♡ virtual racing bootcamp (part two) — mv. 1 | requested ! ♡ milk and honey (gn!poet!reader smau) — ln. 4 | requested !
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© httpsserene 2024
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help-an-alter · 2 months
AA i just woke up with about 7 messages in our inbox!!! thank you all so much!!
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