#aLol LOL lol lol lol lol LOL im ready 4 death
gumdecay · 5 years
hPpy f*fhers d*y we RLLY put here locin out worst possoble life bc of those ficlers n they get a wjple DAY k. celebratipm of ruoning their kids lives. lol. wjeres my voctom of parentla abise day?? im waiting ,, i wld also like a meaningless card n esp.money 4 all the shit o gave up 2 b a kod of some asshole when. o dodnt even ASK 4 5his shit .. those "x of they were aborted" posts r all abt me my mom had like 4 abortions b4 the 1s she lept n OTHR than the 1 that got adopted ? we all wish we were dead lol; lol! mb. not my youngest brother bc he qas luckie enf 2 licherally black out EVRYTHIGN that jappened b4 my dad left n also Nvr lived w him bc our mom Actually Loves Him Lol but like.. me ny older brother? oth attempted suicide multiple yimes. both can't cope w life w/9 substance abuce. both have felusions abt being Umable 2 Die bc webe aytempted suicide AO.MNAY times n none have taken. like. lol. FUCL dad's even n esp the hood ones sinc i dodnt get 1. lol. FUCL ppl who whavr healthy relatipnships 2 their pRents. whT did they do that i dodnt?? y do they get in onditip nal love when. i don't?? y do I hrt some1 who Genuonrly wNts me dead n has troed 2 kill em 2x?? lol. lol. fuck fayhets day fuck fathers I hope they ALL rrop dead but zEsp mine lol. lol im logon off now but lile. WOW. wow. wow. truly hate thonkin abt nything that haape ded b4 o turned 2p lol :') lol :') if u rb thos i WOLLanifedt on it house n murder u n eru1 else there I swear 2 fucking good lol :')
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