#a littel bit au
badface · 2 years
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Modern AU Garp is always scolding Luffy for getting late to class, Luffy says that its not his fault but the alarm's. So Sanji gets an idea!
Bonus twitter doodle under the cut!
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epic-arc · 1 year
Spider Knight 5: The Spider in the Storm.
Team rwby and jnpr were in the lab that had just come out of renovations after the vulture fight and nora is looking at a vat full of electric eels and jaune walks over and pokes her shoulder with a curious expression.
Jaune: You seem pretty fixated on these eels what's so interesting about them other than giving off electricity.
Nora: Man I just think they're really cool having the ability to generate their own energy and release it in the form of a defense and is very similar to my semblance! Well i mean a littel similar.
Jaune: Yeah i agree with you nora they are pretty cool and maybe if that scientist professor ozpin told us show ups maybe he gonna let us hold them with the right equipment.
jaune and nora were getting attention for pyrrha so they approaching the group and a scientist would enter the room and look at the two team with a big smile on his face and then he would fix his lab coat and put a rubber glove on his shield and grab a grappling hook and went to the fish tank.
Curtis Connors: As in science, in nature everything is connected and as scientists we explore and explore these connections for the benefit of society and as you can see, this tank contains genetically engineered electric eels.
Everyone was impressed and interested in what dr connors was saying and jaune would look at nora who would have an expression of animation and joy on her face which would make him smile.
Curtis Connors: We have the idea of ​​creating an alternative electrical energy source of clean energy.
Nora holds her hand up and Connor sees it and points his finger at her and everyone looks at her curiously.
Nora: So do you believe that using the electricity that eels make we can replace the use of electric dust?
Curtis Connors: Correct our only problem with this type of energy is that it accumulates and this can spoil or even burn the energy limiters that is why in the laboratory we are updating the limiters to avoid any disaster.
Connors would stretch his arm to the side and show Maxwell putting the new power limiters on the tank and he would wave to the group.
Curtis Connors: I thank everyone for visiting the laboratory and hope to see you again on a next visit.
Time rwby and jnpr left the lab and would go back to beacon. Connors walks to his office and sits in his chair and sees on the table 3 bottles containing a green liquid and he would have written on the label on the bottle ''R-serum''. He reached out to pick up one of the bottles but heard a loud noise and left the room and saw 3 strange figures wearing masks but one would be wearing a bowler hat on his head and another figure was holding Maxwell.
Roman(Masked): Wow, I never thought that a altas laboratory would have such weak security.
Curtis Connors: Who are you people?! Why are you here and what do you want?!
Roman(Masked): Well we just want something you have but haven't shown to the public in your freak show factory. We want your dust variants so we can use them much better the way you're thinking of using them.
Curtis Connors: I-I don't have them right now they are still being studied at altas and they are still unstable!
Roman(Masked): Well then the reason I came here was for nothing but as I'm a gentleman I'll leave you an electrifying little souvenir.
Roman would snap his fingers and Kraven who would be in disguise would throw Maxwell into the eel-filled tank and he would let out screams of pain and the whole room would blink and Norman would stare at the scene with terror on his face.Jaune and nora were in their dorm room jaune was on the ceiling reading comics while nora punched a punching bag that was pyrrha and jaune looked at her with curiosity and a little concern.
Jaune: Nora why are you punching pyrrha's punching bag did something piss you off?
Nora: Isn't that right and that after seeing your fights in the newspapers I stopped to think how much time is left for a big, strong villain to show up and leave you all broken?
Jaune: Hey, if you forgot I have the strength of a spider and pyrrha has been teaching me how to fight so I think I can handle it but accepting help is never too much.
Jaune would leave the ceiling and fall to Nora's side and punch her and she would respond and two would laugh until Jaune's cell phone vibrated and he would pick it up showing the notification of a news '' Doctor Curtis Connors' laboratory was attacked at dawn last night by 3 mysterious figures and the disappearance of Maxwell Dillon'' Jaune would look at that and be worried and look at daughter in law who had a big smile on her face.
Nora: Hey jauney what do you think of an investigation of spider knight and his new partner queen of the storm!
Jaune: Nora I don't think this is a good idea because I don't put any of you in danger and then there's the other issue you don't even have a costume to hide your identity!
Nora would chuckle and put her hand on Jaune's shoulder and give him a thumbs up as he just looked confused.A while would pass and spider knight was swinging through the city and he would stop at a pole and look at the police cars and notice yuri seeing some crime scene evidence then he would approach and yuri would look at him with a serious tone.
Yuri Watanbe: I see you heard the news now, don't you?
Spider Knight: You know need sleep too so madam captain, what news do we have?
Yuri Watanbe: My mens are investigating the place and we spoke with Dr. Connors and he commented that the laboratory was invaded by three people wearing a mask one of pumpkin another one being of a lion and the third one was a white one with a feminine face. Maybe it's a new gang and they were looking for a new type of dust that Doctor Connors is making he calls ''D-173'' which seems to give an artificial aura to the person who uses it..
Spider Knight: But also has Doctor Connors' colleague Maxwell Dillon he was in the lab last night any sign of him?
Yuri Watanbe: Well some security camera recordings near the lab captured a recording of some person or being that looks like a creature of energy.
Spider Knight: Perhaps this has to do with genetically modified eels…
The lights and sirens of the police car would start to blink and one of them would start to leave several rays of electricity forming in the middle of the street a man with yellow coloring and a face that looked like a star and he would look at the laboratory with an expression of hate.
Electro: Where is connors?! I need him to heal me!
All cops point their guns at electro who would raise his hands in the air and jaune yells at them to calm down and he slowly walks towards electro.
Spider Knight: Hey max its me spider knight i am your friend lets calm down..
Electro was calming down and lowering his arms until a policeman shot and the bullet passed inside Electro who got scared and released an electrical blast that would push the police and the vehicles turning them around and Jaune would get up but dizzy.
Spider Knight: Yuri send your men to make this area become a non-civilian area. I'll try to take care of the lightning bolt.
Jaune would launch his webs into a sewer cover and launch towards electro who would try to become untouchable again but could not and would take a cover in the middle of his belly, making him roll on the floor.
Spider Knight(Mind): Hmm it seems that when he uses a lot of energy his body starts to become tangible I have to think of a way to defeat him maybe there is an insulating material nearby...
Spider knight didn't realize the electro attack and was throwing it against the wall and was hit by the electon rays making him scream in pain and he felt his aura blinking almost breaking until he started to hear footsteps and saw nora who was wearing a mask similar to his only pink and lightning details and she would sledgehammer electro throwing him against a police car and she would reach out to jaune who would take it and be confused.Spider knight didn't realize the electro attack and was throwing it against the wall and was hit by the electon rays making him scream in pain and he felt his aura blinking almost breaking until he started to hear footsteps and saw nora who was wearing a mask similar to his only pink and lightning details and she would sledgehammer electro throwing him against a police car and she would reach out to jaune who would take it and be confused.
Spider Knight: What are you doing here ?! and what mask is that?
Queen Of The Storm: Well I saw on the news that you were getting pretty kicked out of Lamphead over there so I grabbed a mask from a costume shop and did a quick makeover and shazam came to the rescue hehe.
Electro puts both hands against a pole and absorbed his energy and aimed at the queen of the thunder and shot a blast of energy but nora would use her hammer to defend herself the energy would be around the hammer and go to nora's body but she is absorbing and would let out a laugh of animation. Spider knight seeing that queen of the storm was holding the electricity he would enter the laboratory and take the rubber gloves and approach electro and punch him in the face making him stop attacking her making her fall on her knees tired and panting and her aura it was almost breaking.
Spider Knight: Sorry super shock but now I'm going to have to cut your light!
Jaune would throw one last punch that would make electro get confused and dizzy and jaune starts to wrap his web around electro's arms and legs taking him to the public pool that was empty that day and throwing him into the water making a big explosion and onto the ground from the water Maxwell was fainting but still with traces of energy. The police approached the place and Jaune was leaving to meet Nora who was resting in an alley and Spider Knight took off his mask.
Jaune: Nora are you okay?!
Nora: I just have a little a-aura but I'm fine not to worry and I just eat Ren's pancakes and rest hehe…
Jaune would giggle and put her mask back on and put nora on her back and leave the room swaying in the webs and jaune would stop at the window and look into the dorm and it would be empty and then he would go in and leave nora on her bed and look again at the window and saw ren and pyrrha trained in the school field and that relieved him and he sat on his bed and rested too.
Dr Connors were at home in his office and he would look at a picture of his son and wife and he would look out the window and see them playing in the garden and he would wave to them and they would wave back and he would go back to his chair and get a I inject one of the secret ''R-Serum'' flakes and he would inject himself and after a few grunts he would look where the prosthesis was and see a new arm he would be with an expression of joy on his face.
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(This is nora outfic just imagine with a pink spider man mask)
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lilsocksiswriting · 8 months
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Fandom: Jujitsu Kaisen
Paring: Sukuna X Fem!reader
Summary: Holidays back home are here, Sukuna makes you cum harder.
Warnings: NSFW, No Beta, minors DNI,
Tags: College/modern Au, hurt/comfort, phone sex, orgasm denial, Sukuna likes to be called sir, Sukuna pep talks, mutual masturbation
Word Count: 4.04K
Master list
Chapter Six || Chapter Eight
Y/N: I have landed in the land of layovers! Now it’s time for food!
Sukuna: Overpriced fast food? How exciting.
Y/N: A land of layover delicacy.
Y/N: I landed home.
Sukuna: good, you managed to get home without falling out of the sky.
Sukuna: Morning doll.
Sukuna: Do not look at the image Yuji sends you
The gang(but we aren’t like a gang gang)
Yuji: Y/N! We went to go see the Christmas lights and I got bro to ride the littel kids' train with me!
Yuji sent a pic
Y/N: omg
Nobara: look at him! Ha! He barely fits! How did you manage to get him to go???
Megumi: He looks pissed. He’s going to scare the children.
Yuji: …He did make a few cry.
Megumi: Did he go on the train ride just to make small children cry?
Yuji: I told him it would make Y/N smile.
Sukuna: Morning again
Sukuna: That littel shit ate all the cereal again.
Sukuna: I. fucking. Hate. The supermarket. This time of year is the worst. They’re all like littel bugs scurrying about in a panic, but I really want that cereal.
Sukuna: What are you up to tonight? Any fancy parties?
Sukuna: I swear to god the barista was someone from the club. I flirted with him a bit in case you wanted to take him home one night.
Sukuna: It’s pretty nice out today.
Sukuna: Keep leaving me on read, ok
The moment you got off the plane it was dinner with your mother’s roommate for college. The next morning it was brunch with your grandparents on your father’s side at the country club followed by a late afternoon tea. That evening it was a  Christmas party at your mother's law firm. 
You did manage to sneak a peak at your phone to see the most adorable picture of Sukuna, squished into a child-sized seat little train ride full of kids and their parents. He had his arms crossed and a deep, pouty frown. What a humbug.  God, he was so cute!
You have just enough time to send a quick reply in the group chat before you have put your phone away and pretend as if nothing happened. Your mother finding out that you had a boyfriend was the last thing that you needed right now. And one that did not meet her standards? You don’t even dare fathom the response she would have. Your relationship was already strained from transferring to a university not her choosing.  You will be the first L/N not to graduate from the private university of your hometown.
For the rest of the evening, you do the same thing you had been doing since the moment you stepped off the plane, pretend. You pretend to be elated to see your old friends from high school, your old roommate, relatives, and your parents’s coworkers. You pretend to laugh along with their jokes and jabs about you going to a state university now.
All the while feeling more and more alone and desperate for just one genuine thing. A real smile, a real compliment, or real merry anything! But what would be the use of that? Wasn't looking pretty and perfect enough?
When you get home you're pooped but you cannot sleep. You toss and turn in your sheets. You feel weird. You feel so lonely and disconnected from the real world. In the darkness of your childhood bedroom, you wonder if your university was even real. 
'that's stupid Y/N of course it's real.'
You remind yourself of all the hard work you put into the last semester and how you deserve a break. But when could you take that? It's so much work not making any waves here back here at home. Making sure that the holiday remains jolly and all that.  Had it always been this hard?
You remind yourself that you have friends. You scroll through the group chat reading what everyone is up to. This was a bad idea. They all lived in the same town, and they all were enjoying the break together. They didn't have to pretend like everything was fine and great and like they were not becoming the disappointment of their families. 
You make a bigger mistake by clicking on Sukun's messages. He gave you these cute littel updates that slowly stopped which made sense since you had not replied to any of his texts since landing. Not much sense in doing so now since it was later in the time zone he was in. 
But, fuck, you missed Sukuna. You missed Nobara, Yuji, and Megumi. You missed how Sukuan's bed smelled. How you could hear Yuji and their grandpa in the mornings.  You miss how lived in and warm the house felt. you missed feeling happy. 
It was stupid but you called Sukuna. It rings and rings. 
rings and rings.
"Oh, so you can't return a simple text but you can call me at three in the goddamn morning?"
you swallow a knot in your throat. God, just hearing his pissed-off, groggy voice made you relax under your comforter. 
"I'm sorry, I've barely had time to check my phone,"  is the excuse you gave to him. You keep your voice quiet, paranoid that your mom can come knocking at any moment. 
"Oh, too busy being all rich and distinguish to give your low-life boyfriend a text?" he sneers.
"It's not like that, my mom-"
 He does not give you a chance to explain your actions, "Would be appalled that you're dating a guy like me?"
"No- well yes, but it's more than that. She is already mad at me-
"Mad?” his laugh and dark and sends a shiver down your spine. “About what? Did you use the wrong salad fork? Did she find out that you fraternizing with someone so being your wealth? " his voice is now shaper, cutting into your feelings and getting straight to the bone. 
No, no, hearing Sukuna's voice was supposed to make you feel happy and remind you that there is an end to this long trip home.
"It's not like that...."  you trail off. What was it like to go back home, to feel so hesitant to tell everyone about your boyfriend, and your friends, and how much you are enjoying your degre program??
"Oh, I think it very much is Doll. You see all your rich friends and their rich parents with their nice cars and nice-"
"No!" your voice rises and becomes tighter, "It's not like that at all and you sound like yo-you don't understand at all."
"Than make me," he threatens.
Oh, oh that littel shit was good. It was one of the oldest's tricks in his book. He pesters and angers you until you tell him exactly what it is that is bothering you.
"It's all so fucking fake Sukuna...."  the dam breaks and tears well up in your eyes. "It's been one gathering after the other where I felt like I have to act like everything is fine and the whole family doesn't see me as this..this disappointment for not choosing the university they went to.  And everyone here is so fake too.  I don't that one person has genuinely wished me a merry anything. And you know what I want to gush about you. I wanna tell everyone how you make me swoon and laugh I want to save that cute picture of you in that tiny ass train seat as my lock screen.  I want to tell them about my friends and the things we all get up to….  but I can't because.... because...I'm scared of dealing with ramifications. "
you were scared of what your mother might do.
But she would never...
would she...
"I'm scared of what she might do if she finds out I have friends there....if I have you....a-and I'm afraid she might...." your voice was shakey as things came together. It is still not all there, but the feelings are. 
"Doll keep talking to me," you hear Sukuna encourage.
"I-all this time I thought it was so ridiculous that me going to a different college bothered my mother so much. b-but I get it now, that's wh-why I'm hiding all of you... I'm afraid she'll take it away from me."
Sukuna scoffs, "Oh she can try doll. but I'd hunt you down no matter where that wench tries to hide you."
he can't see you shake your head," No...you don't get it.... This is what she does. If I choose something that that's not up to her standards she doesn't just take it away or hide it from me... She'll- she'll make me give it... I-I do want to give you up. Sh-she so manipulative that way  I’ve fallen for it so many times.”
"Hey,”  god his sift voice was killing you in the best way. You could melt into it. Just become lost in that deep tone forever. You cling to it like a lifeline. You'll continue clinging to it until you can find your way back to him. "Don't get choked up on me.... just breathe with  me for a bit."
you try, you really try. God what if your mom passes by? What if she makes out your hushed tone? You can hear the things she would say.
'Baby, why are you crying?'
'No, no, baby, a good boyfriend wouldn't make you cry.'
'Well the fact that you have to hide him tells me you know this is a bad relationship to be in.'
"Yea Doll?"
"C-can you just talk to me? just- don't want to think. I just wanna hear your voice, please?"
"Yeah," and Sukuna goes on the tell you about his day, about the appointments he had at work, and what he's eaten. There we go, you breathing clams. When Sukuan can't hear the sobs and hiccups he starts to ask you questions.
"So you have to tell me how about all the crazy rich people shit that’s been happening."
“Wait hold on! You mean she dated twin A all throughout school, had this man's child, then left him for Twin B! And no one really bats an eye because it's his name in the law firm?"
When Sukuna hears you giggle he can finally relax. He made a note to ask you more about your home situation, mabey torturer some information out of his younger brother. But right now he just doesn't want to hear you like that again with him being so far away.
"So what are you wearing?"
"Oh my god Sukuna really?" you giggle again and it was so fucking cute how you sounded.
"I'm in nothing"
"B-bull," he can hear the flusteredness in your voice. 
"Well I am now", he says kicking off his sweats. "So know what you know what I'm wearing..."
"a slik pjay set,” You answer. “Just a shirt and shorts. Nothing really special.”
"Fuuuck," his hands slip down his bare stomach, "That pretty pink one you 've worn to sleepovers ?"
"Yeah- you remember what I wear to sleepovers?"
"Oh, i remember that little set."
you squeeze your thighs together grab your AirPods from your nightstand and pop them in so your hands feel to play with yourself. 
"Why?" you ask
On the other end Sukuan smirks. his hand reaches his soft cock that's already getting hard at your timid inquiry.
"Why? Are you really asking me that? you really don't have a clue what you do to me? You’ve got to have soem idea doll. Did you ever think it was odd that I took one look at you in those little shorts and wished all you little shits a good night then  headed up to my room?"
 A hand finds itself between thighs. your fingers being rubbed yourself over your shorts. "I-I just brushed it off as Sukuan being Sukuna.  What did you do up there, while we were all just downstairs?"
"I stroked my fat cock like am now, " he tells you.
"Oh," you moan.
"What are you doing right now doll?"
"I'm touching myself, th-through my shorts," you tell him feeling hot and needy all of a sudden. That's just the effect that Sukuan's deep, shameless voice has on you. 
"Over your clothes? That doesn't sound too fun. Be a good girl and put your hand down your shorts, slip your fingers between those pretty lips, and tell me how wet you are."
 Getting so caught up in his playful and authoritative voice you obey. Your breath hitches when your cold finger slips under the waistband of your panties. You hear Sukuna hum on the other end. 
"Fuck Doll I'm already so hard for you, missed your sweet cunt squeezing around my cock. "
"Su-sukuna..." You push your fingers between your lips and gasp, "Oh-oh my god, i-i'm wet."
You hear a raspy giggle, "I fucking knew that needy pussy missed me."
"So much," you mumble gathering up the slick and rubbing it over your clit.  "A-are you still....."
"Mhm, going nice and slow. Taking my sweet time and enjoying all those sounds you making for me."
You giggle," I've barely made any noise. I'm trying to be as quiet as I can."
His voice grows stern, "Don't you fucking dare doll. Don't keep one sound from, I wanna hear it all." 
"Ok sir," he corrects you. 
Your pussy throbs at the authority in his voice, "Wh-what?"
"Tonight, you call me sir and follow my orders. If you do that,  be my good girl, then you'll get a reward."
"Damn, " is all your mind can muster. your boyfriend was so hot. 
"What was that?"
"y-yes sir."
"Good girl," his voice was like melted honey in your ears, "Take off those shorts so you can get to that cute cunt better. "
You kick off your comforter then push your shorts and panties down your hips. They wind up somewhere beside your bed
"it sounds like you enjoying yourself doll."
"I am," you answer and quickly remember to add, " sir."
"You catch in so quick." Sukuna rubs his thumb over the head of his cock.
 "Permission to ask a question, sir?" you ask before your mind becomes too muddled that you forget it.
"yes, doll?"
"W-what did you think about? When you were upstairs jerking off?"
Sukuna hums,  the noise going straight to your core makes you moan softly. 
"Curious thing aren't you? why should I divulge my secret fantasies to you?"
Of course, Sukuna was teasing you. And of course, you getting so caught up in the way he makes you feel so lot and good that you play into this sir kink he has. 
Honestly, Sukuna would love to tell you all the lewd fanatics that he had since you first called him an ass to his face. 
"B-because they have me in them?"
"mmm, try again~,” he teases.
"Because I wanna know what makes you feel good sir."
He smirks, his hands flicking over his head and smearing pre-cum down his shaft. "Mainly I think about you under me, fucking into you so rough your titis bounce under that silky top. Yes, making ride my thigh until your cryin' and creaming though the shorts making a big wet spot  all before a fuck anther orgasm out of ya."
"Oh god," you gasp.  Your body responds to his deceptions. “Remind me to wear that more when I get back. Can I go faster sir, please?"
“Of course doll,"  he tells you but don't register the sly tone. You wanna hear more of his voice and let him make you feel so good that you do not that think that there mighty a catch."Tell me how it feels."
You spread your legs wider, leaning your head back as you described the ecstasy coursing through your body as your fingers work at your clit faster," So good sir, my pussy sounds so wet for you. I miss you so much. My hole’s clenching around nothing sir.”
Sukuna lets out a ragged breath, fisting his cock faster ."That’s a good girl, Don't leave that tight cunt out, fuck yourself on your fingers for me."
"Ye-yes, sir," you were so wet at this point that your index and middle finger slipped right on in.
"Oh god, s-sir I can fit in two so easily."
Now it's Sukuna's turn to throw his head back. "And what about three?"
The noises you make are so cute m, so lewd, and shameless. Just how how lies to have you. You push in another, "Yes"
"And a fourth?"
"Mmm, makes me feel so full sir."
"That's good, that's good. Now fuck yourself like that was my cock filling you."
" y-yes sir, haa~ sir, feel so good, I can feel myself squeeze around them, so tight 'n' hot sir."
"That's it, that's my good girl,” he purrs.  Sukuan swallows.  He hopes that you can hear the quick fapfapfap of him stroking his cock. God did his body miss you did it crave to feel your touch again. He swears he can cum just knowing that he is not the only one craving sex.
The heel of your palm now scrapes over your clit making you tremble and moan Sukuna's name.  you feel an orgasm growing and the world falling away.
"That’s it, that’s my good girl," he praises you making you feel so warm and happy. "Now stop."
"Sir~" You've graon but do as told.
Sukuna gets a rise out of this and laughs at you.,"Not so soft am I now?"
You blink up at the ceiling of your bedroom, fingers sit soaking in your cunt. soft? soft-" Are you serious? you bringing that up now?"
"I told you I wasn't going to forget that."
"Ugh, you are so evil."
His voice talks in that authoritative tone again, "I'm sorry what was that?" 
"You are so evil, sir."
He hums. Sukuan grips the base of his cock. It weighs heavily in his hand, matching the weight he feels in his balls. They are filled with cum he wants to spill into your clenching hole and not his hand.
“Poor Y/N, “ he coos,”  So hot and needy from her boyfriend's words, but he’s being so mean make you sit there with that needy cunt filled with  her fingers.”
The wine that you make makes Sukuna groan, “That’s it doll, cry for me soem more. Beg for it.”
"pleeeease sir," your hole needy cut squeezes around your fingers, "Please let me fuck myself on my fingers for you. need it so bad. Please, sir."
Holy fuck are you a fast learner. In his state, the thought that you could be a succubus who knows just what to say makes his cock hard, and aching crosses his mind.  Sukaun lets a low moan rumble through his chest,  That’s it doll, more. G-give me more."
You inhale a wobbly breath, straining to keep your fingers still inside yourself. “It's so hard not to move sir. Not to curl my fingers inside me the way that you do. Miss the way you fuck me so much. Miss you so much, sir.  I-i don’t think I can make myself cum the way you make me do.”
“You sound so patient right now,” Sukuna mocks you as he starts to stroke his erection again. “Can’t even make herself cum, you have to have me ther to do it for you. It's only been a few days and you already miss this fat cock stuffing you cunt.  Fucking you full of my cum until you’re screaming.”
“Sir please,” you beg. 
You hear Sukuna’s harsh breath on the other end,” fuck, sound so good when you beg like th-Ah! That Doll.  You wanna cum with me?”
“Yesyesyes,” you nod eagerly even though he can’t see you. Your cunt is just as eager squeezing around your fingers.
“Then go on, fuck yourself for me doll, let me hear all those cute noises you make as you cum imaging those fingers are my cock fucking  you like your my little sex doll.”
 Finally being given permission to pleasure yourself, you began pumping your fingers in and out of you.  Ecstasy runs rampant through your system.  Your soft cries of pleasure sound so good to Sukuna. He groans pumping his fists faster. 
“That's is doll that's is, that's it, fuck you gonna cum for me?”
“Yes, " your fingers curl and manage to find that spot inside you that makes you arch your back,” Please master let me cum, need to cum so bad.”
There is an amused moan from the other end before Sukaun taunts you,” Yea you need to cum that bad? You think you can get there with my voice alone?”
“Yes,  please let me cum sir,” You plead feeling the pressure build in your gut, but you're somehow staving off an orgasm until  Sukuna says which is madding. “I need so bad. Please, sir.”
Having you pleading like that and knowing he has so much power over you at this moment makes him feel so good.  He curses as his hips jerk. 
“My desperate little slut being such a good girl waiting for me to give her permission, “he says in a breathless voice.
You whimper this time making his eye roll back, “Yes I’m desperate to cum Sir. Please, please i need this. “ 
“Then cum,” Sukuna demands bucking his hips into his fist, “Hard.”
Your whole body feels light, your ass floating off the bed. You ruthlessly shove your fingers knuckle deep in your sopping wet pussy.  Your palm ruts into your clit as you feel yourself become flooded with pleasure and ecstasy.
On the other end of the phone, Sukuna moans your name as cum covers his closed fist. He feels his cock twitch against his palm as spurt after spurt leaks from the tip and over his fingers. 
As you float back down to your bed you barely register any of the lonely feelings of being home again. 
“You still with me doll?” the softness of Sukuna’s voice for the other end begins your voice back.
“Yeah,”  you give a small uncomfortable noise as  you slip your finger out of yourself, “just, wowed like always.”
“How you feelin’?” he asks reaching over to grad some tissue for his nightstand.
“Great, I think I really need that….and to just hear your voice. Thank you for picking up.”
Sukuan throughs the tissue into the trash leaving the two of you in silence  before replying, “Even if I’m annoyed with you for designing your ghosting shit… I’ll always pick up Y/N”
“Thank you.”, your voice wobbles a bit,” I’m sorry for haunting you.”
Sukuna rolls his eyes “Come on don't start crying again.”
“I’m sorry it's just a lot harder when I’m home.”
“God stop apologizing you sound so pathetic,” Sukuna scoffed then addressed you in a stern voice,” Listen y/n, stand proud. You are strong. You will continue to smile and endure your family knowing that you will come back here. When you do come back then you can let out all those emotions, to me, in my arms. Understood? “
“Yes sir,” you confirm wiping away your tears,” But can you do one more thing for me? Well, two actually.”
His automatic reply is, “Anything.”
“Can you stay on the line until I fall back asleep? And, can you keep giving me those cute little updates about your day? They kind of make mine.”
“As long as you don't call them cute, then yes. 
You pull up your shorts and settle back under the comforter. You get lulled back to sleep by his soft voice and more stories about what everyone has been up to since you left. And just when you are on the edge of falling asleep ask,” Oh, and doll?”
“Happy holidays,” he says and wants to say more, but he thinks neither of you is ready for those words, at least not yet.
You make a happy hum on the other end of the phone and Sukuna only ends the call when he can hear your even breaths and a slight snore here and there.
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shepscapades · 11 months
When i very first started reading this I was really excited xisooma was in it but was a wee bit disappointed in how littel he was, BUT I TAKE IT ALL BACK YOUR SERVING ME SOME GOOD STUFF!! Like like him and doc prioritizing each other and him seemingly getting closer with him and eaaaahhhhhhh thanks :>>
EEP yeah!!! Yeah, I’ve very much fallen in love with xisuma throughout this process. It’s been a joy to have him so prominent in this part of the au, and I love him so much, so I must give him the special angst treatment >:]!! If this is any consolation, Xisuma strikes me as someone who doesn’t SEEM as strong or intimidating or scary as you might expect because of how soft he speaks and how kind he is and how DERPY he is, but throw him in a stressful situation and he does a total 180. Let me just say that, if it were anyone else being slammed to the ground like that by a blood thirsty corrupted android, they would not be doing so well. Xisuma is strong— way stronger than he lets on, imo. He’s holding Etho back from doing who knows what, and I think that’s plenty impressive. HES EVEN ASKING IF DOC IS OKAY WHILE HOLDING ETHO BACK!!! Idk man I have a lot of feelings about him
I’m also really happy people are noticing him and doc prioritizing each others’ safety. It’s really special to me 🥺 I just think they should be research partners who care a lot about each other!!! That’s all!!!
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tv-gh0st · 1 month
Drv3 Monsters au
much easier to say then Oumota/Drv3 undead monsters au idk what tf i was thinking on that post
my friend csme up with an idea
diffrent type of were animals
so like wearcat, wearbat ect
so i decided to make tenko a wearcat bc i can
speaking of i wanted to talk about tenko x himiko x angie and there dynamic
i want to keep there cannon dynamic atlest for the start of there realastionship
but less of tenko has an unhealthy obsession with himiko more of himiko is one of my first friends and shes great and i just want to keep talking to her and wait a second i think im in love
which seems similar but her attitude twords himiko will he diffrent and more respectful of himikos boundriers
bc the idea is no one tenko meets reallt wants to be around her bc wearcat and she hurts ppl bc of rhat but himikos a ghost soooo tenko doesnt hurt himiko and then himiko still wants to be around tenko which tenko isnt used to so she does everything she can to make himiko stay
but when himiko starts hanging around angie tenko doesnt know how to take it and starts getting anxious that Himiko is gonna leave her bc well everyone does bc tenko is a bit loud and can hurt ppl on accident
angie on the other hand is a littel less pushy on her religion i think out of the three of them im gonna chsnhe angie the most bc now angies dead and this isnt whay she was promised by her god or otherwise the cult she was in (i need to rearche more on atua beffore i use Atua bc i dont esnt to disrespect that culture so for now im just gonna say Angies god)
Angie was apart of a cult and brainwashed to become the perfect beliver and in life she was simlisr to her in game personality which i belive was a sort of escapism mechanism for her as well especially in the killing game that i also think is possible she retsins in a different way now i think angie belives theres somthing more after this which is fair for her to belive
the reason himiko latchs onto angie and tenko is because Angie has somthing to belive and Tenko is stronger then Himiko, himiko has nothing to latch onto in death shes a follower and wants to belive theres somthing for her in a way idk quite yet still flushing himikos character out but i know she latche onto those two for slightly unhealthy reasons which is okay and i did bc i think these characters are unhealthy and problematic and im trying to take out the offensive bits but keep some of that unhealthy stuff bc death isnt the best thing for you and they wont have the best coping mechanisms
but there all going to have character development and communication evantully and its gonna be a bit angsty a bit slow burny but there gonna get there
all three of rhem have there own complexes theyll need to work through and i love that about these three but they'll eventually find comfort in eachother and itll all end up okay
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ancha-aus · 1 month
HEY YOU!!!!!! You're cool and I love seeing you on this website! Your ideas in tags and comments and stuff always make me happy and I hope you have a really good day :D Also you changed your url!! I need to try and remember this so I don't try to tag you in something and panic thinking your blog diappeared lol
Aw thank you! I think you are awesome as well! Your comics are amazing and always brighten my day <3
I had a great day! Made a new drabble for my littel drabble series on here and having a lot of fun with a possible new au idea to play with <3
I like the new name a lot! I did have to fix all my links which made me a bit sad. So yeah fair warning. If you have like a link or anything leading to that little drabble i wrote once for you, the one where nightmare and dream switch bodies? Yeah that link isn't gonna work anymore, though it should work if you just edit the old usename to the new username. that is how i changed all of my links and it worked great!! <3
Have a good day and thank you for your nice message!
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khaleesiofalicante · 6 months
DANI WHAT IN TEH ACTUAL FUCK WAS THAT (with all teh love bc you are sweetheart though a bit of a devil too) EVIL MAGNUS, u know we all jokingly went with oh evil magnus with only love alec will be soo hot BUT NO THIS ISNT WHAT WE MEANT. I KNEW IT I KNEWIT magnus bringing him back was not going to end well for him. all teh time that warning of other max was ringing in my head that one changing canon event is gonna suffer. but turn evil?!, all shadowhunters resurrected ones turned evil, bc of that mikkel i think his name was, knew he would be trouble, bc i knew dani you will not foreshadow soo hard with these two things. poor other max suffered so much, but i knew he wld die protecting being a hero. I SWEAR IF TEH CURRENT TIMELINE DONT LISTEN TO HIM THIS TIME AND FOCUS ON THIER STUPID BELIEFS THAT THINGS WILL CHANGE i am looking at current max, david, hermes and side eyeing alec too bro you seem delusional WAKE UP ALEC MAX HERMES DAVID. magnus and rafe though with udnerstanding consequences and being smart and careful about it still DID IT MAGNUS wtf.
demon world is better that this Dani, atleast people were good.
DANI I NEED YOU PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE MAKE A CUUTE MALEC FIC please one shot is fine too (preferably with max and rafe). please i need to wash my memory of past 30 mins with the strongest detergent to remove reading eveil magnus by cute loving and amazing badass magnus being in love with alec and hi slittel family.
LIKE KILLING MAX, HIS LITTLE BLUEBERRY, you know we knew max and alec is close but i felt magnus and max had such a special littel bond, like his first kid was max the one who taught him to love as a father, teh one who will be at his side forever, what max thought in the about being killed by his own father was soo sad the one who is supposed to protect and love you forever. I thought nothing would be more painful than arthur die in this fic which i came to terms with but seeing magnus a character that i have loved since 2015 the first time i read him trun eveil and kill max was legit more painful liek even more than alec dying in fmf bc he is mortal so it was gonna happen sooner or later and it was sad but not painful but magnsu eveil as opposite words paradoxical really. (ps not gonna lie i never liked with devlin tech and mundanes to be soooo ingrained bc i liked teh serecy of the shadow world, but i know it also helped with health care so yeah prob taht why i have re read all lbaf stories except the ones with mallory the III and IV one?) like people in current timeline need to work together you little shits and get thier head sout of thier selfish little problems, otherwise things are only gonna get worse. poor other max need not deal with all this coldheartedness and bitchy attitude, has already suffered through too much. i need someone to give him a hug.
i dont think other magnus and otehr max if they survive are going to have a healthy relationship after this ever.
THOUGH I love your brain dani, i love how you make these complex storylines and make us feel so much.
also i hope you know how much you love magnus and how you will not let him die evil 😘
also when is teh next installment of lbaf dropping, i cant wait !!
sorry for the all teh caps and screaming but i literally cant wait to see what happens next
I hope you drank some water after this 🫣
I'm afraid there aren't no one shots for the time being (although you know how i'm suddenly hit with inspiration so who knows) but i promise the next two fics i will write - the rwrb au and a malec one that is in the works - are mostly fun and very much less angsty.
After those two, we will return to lbaf once more. It will most probably be after august or something :)
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novadoesartforfun · 1 year
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This is a littel bit confusing?
Ah right that was before I established the AU as whole. Need to fix that.
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klubjester · 1 year
The hyper fixation is too real
Okay but hear me out, I went to see Ghost in concert the other day and it's just another thing that's been rolling around in my fishbowl of a brain so may I present to you
ghost fnaf sb au 
Freddy is papa for obvious reasons - he’s the lead singer and also just very charismatic like copia 
And then Roxy’s cirrus bc she gets to be killer on the keys and I just love the keytar solo for her during mummy dust 
Dj’s mountain bc he’s just a big guy doing his big thing on the drum set 
Now hear me out on these next few 
Monty’s phantom because he’s the newest member of the group, he’s still trying to find himself a bit, bit he’s getting there 
Chica’s Sodo bc she’s killer on the guitar and also had been the band for a bit, I also feel like she could get into it like sodod does with his lil stomps 
This one is a little self indulgent but Bonnie would be Swiss, simply because I can see him going absolutely FERAL like Swiss has been during sodos guitar solos. He also plays (played?) the guitar at some point during some game. 
I feel like foxy would lowkey be rain, (in my head he has a prosthetic hand bc y’know- hook) so I’m a bit weaker on my stage with this one. But I also feel like he’s always so tired with everyones shit and just wants to play his lil bass 
Which leaves Mads to moon! I have absolutely no justification for this one it just feels right. 
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only-lonely-lovers · 2 months
tags: emergent sexuality (first time masturbating etc.) , blowjobs
notes: hijinks. this is PART 1, you can read more in PART 2.
Bird is あ / Avvy is つ
つ:when my boy
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あ:stop the post spiritually i think this is that
つ:its so scary and ominous that it has the costume head like it worries me he's gonna put it on you anf fck yuo what does it herald
あ:this fucking mascot contingent
つ:got so horny for the first time in your life you need help
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あ:I always get the impression that 1 artist like, basically HC'd amane proceeding to have some thing for like. plush as a result and honestly i love the thought you just give a guy a specific thing
つ:i really enjoy the concept like he's gotten all messed up…. i love that in th e event he's like… why my… heart beating fast…. he rly feels like he doesnt know what it is
あ:rhghjghh like you dont even know what this feeling is littel alien
つ:bonarr from drikk coffeeh
あ:i get a ?
つ:tsukasa come help me figure this thing out i just get so hot and my heartbeat quickens. when i look at this costume
あ:the thought like. tsukasa comes home to this amane is just like barking orders. HELP me understand what's happening to me…
つ:what is it about it… and its funny if either tsukasa genuinely has no idea, or if he observed what aoi did and is like (: awe… oops…
but regardless he would have to ACT like ah i just don't know….. (:? do you want me to put it in?
あ:Whatever the case it is just like. alright let's see… I'll try and help, to the best of my abilities Amane
but honestly i think the second Tsukasa began to put on the mascot head it'd be like HOLD ON… we're on to something Don't move
doesnt it all just make amane like such a funny clown though fjghf ghg like if he could omnisciently watch himself and understand he's being such an animal he'd like wanna die
つ:he's just such a little alien creature
あ:really stumbling his way through being horny. it'd be so like mghhh… [touches inhumanly] while tsukasa is in there like. placid and open like. Is it good
つ:[distantly, dramatically, but idiotically] i don't understand…. what I want…. [touching its felt face] what is it………..
Tsukasa would be so placid. like ahp. this is not what i expected ❤️ to happen. uhmmm
あ:💭 how do i help my little dumpling
つ:well, Amane…… what does it feel like? is it scary? you seem………………………… excited? (:
あ:It's scary… but I want to understand it… It's conflicting. [fussy sounding] ugh… i want to. look at it. so i dont want to wear it myself.
つ:should I move in a certain way? [puts paws up] like a rabbit? or…..
あ:mmh. maybe? i mean… you could try. [genuinely dont know. if thats anything.] [hands continue roaming the face] [goes to touch neck hole zone like. maybe delayed thinking about how tsukasa is really in there. hm…]
つ:[tsukasa very patiently sitting there not knowing where this will go]
its actually funny if Amane can after a moment register like. that it is arousal. but thats still . knits brow why….and why now.
Tsukasa would be so earnestly [pauses] [tries to be as polite as possible] maybe you are a 'late bloomer'….. <3?
あ:you finally commune enough to parse that and then youre like. well wtf do i do with that…
つ:its sortof funny to have a version of reality amane was asexual until you accidentally ruined him
あ:soiled it through my funsies
i don't think this amane is really as defensive as other ones in terms of like. he's not trying to keep tsukasa at such an arms length about this stuff (i mean, hasnt had a reason to) so i think he's more capable of simply admitting himself it was a horny thing… and then tsukasa can respond like aww…
being suggested he's a late bloomer is like. sits with hands in lap. I gues but still, a bit defensively like: wait. are you not. [pouting]
つ:quite a question honestly makes tsukasa think its funny in this AU i think tsukasa is just like. i know i like amane lol ❤️ i just well behaved
あ:It's a thinker. tbh. cute to think about. It's a testament to his sheer grace
つ:i have fun. but ultimately bow to amane. whatever he'd like. but its so funny to think about. arousal. i think its liek. has reviewed his life at some point and fully accepted, been horny for Amane from like. so young 💔 like age 6 or something as far back as you can remember distinct moments
its simply like. pleased to be horny for you doing anything dont ask anything of it just Am pleasantly buzzed from watching you do doohikeys and ❤️ perhaps sometimes help out in a way that makes me sortof horny, like putting you to sleep or making you not have to pee for the whole duration of your tournament so you never have to use the public restroom like you hate to
[keeping your bladder empty throughout hours] lala. aouhhmm~
あ:The life of servitude and doing things like this constantly perpetually, is like the balancing stats for all the awareness. Like… i enjoyyyy the bigshow
Admittedly i do like the kind of dubious consent to all of it, I think it's… part of it. Like aheehe. i make your life better. Shhh dont worry about it
There's not really room for doubt though because you get to watch firsthand the results, of Amane being pampered and spoiled and liking his things exactly the one way. I think it's why Tsukasa can justify like. sometimes a treat for me. victimless crimeless crimes
つ:iiii think its cute though if amane asks that question sortof expecting him and tsukasa to be the same but tsukasa like…. just being silent and ❤️ makes amane feel sortof put off furrows brow again.
Amane like so, what. you feel this? all the time? about something?
あ:Oh he absolutely thought they were on the same level at least… the implication that their feelings are potentially different is like… ?? ?????? [pouts harder] Ehhh… Tsukasa!!
つ:……….. ❤️ ……………….. gomenasai bows head
あ:Kinda leaving Amane to feel like a dunce as the seconds tick by. like wtf so it was some knowable thing… and Tsukasa just deals with it all the time..??
[still trying to understand, frustrated] Does it not feel weird? And distracting? Do you not do anything about it? This has been my whole night
つ:bobs head side to side. aaaah…. you get used to it….! you get better… at working through it ❤️
あ:[organically a little relieved] [shoulders get a little less tense] Okay… [fussy still] ehh, but. I just have to figure it out? That's annoying… [guy who has everything done for him] Ugh. I don't want to deal with this anymore
つ:[pitying him so earnestly] aaaahhhh…. hmmmm… [but… i curious ❤️ ] is it all so bad, though….? it's exciting, a little, maybeee…?
あ:…………….. I mean. Maybe. But I don't like that you have it all figured out and I don't [moodily leans back] It's like being a beginner at a game while the other is experienced, no one likes that You just want to skip ahead to the part where you're good at it
つ:god me too amane. pant
あ:[hot wind moment]
つ:feeling the emotion of resisting treat simply crosses legs casually
あ:oh another day this is a game of like. dont go too fast and conceptualize an amane really honing his sexuality
つ:[being normal] aaah, it would be nice to get you to the part of being 'good at it'.
あ:Yeah [not thinking]
つ:I guess everybody doesn't like when it's just starting out, hehe nobody likes to talk about it…
あ:Hm, that's true. Though, I don't get it, why not talk about it. If it's so great.
つ:[threading fingers together with elbows on legs] wweeelll….. you're feeling it over something so …. [touches mascot head with hand briefly, looking at it warmly]…… it's often a bit like that…………. the feeling is good, though…. even if it's hard to talk about…. [glance]
あ:[gaze tracks to the head. stares blankly for a moment] [delayed] … wait, isn't it usually people, and not… things. [like an alien] that's why people date. [no tone] That's why this has been confusing.
つ:[glancing away a bit but still smiling]
あ:Is it things for Tsukasa too [looking.]
つ:……………… no………….. ah-- but-- you don't have it figured out yet. right…? maybe it's only misdirection at the moment. it may clarify a bit later……..
あ:Hm… ah. Oh. Okay. I guess that makes sense. [thinks] [makes. a face] ………….. this is hard to think about… I can touch this [points] but. If it was a person. I'd want to touch them? But I don't want to want that. You can't just touch people. You have to talk to them. Am I going to have to talk to them.
つ:[all the love in his heart, trying to hold it back really. glancing away. the conversation is kinda like… ohh ❤️ amane…. ah… aren't i in such a little pickle loving you…. ❤️ enjoying my lot in life. where it's desolate to anyone else's perspective]
you don't have to do anything, Amane…… you can….. self-regulate this sort of thing, if you really want to….. if you don't like others [pulls mascot into lap] there's no reason you can't use this, however long you want to. [pets it] if you don't want to escalate to people. …………………….. [<3 playing with fire] I….. am content with proxies. I don't think it's necessary to escalate. whatever you're most comfortable with.
if you don't like the bunny [makes it dance around in front of his face]… then you can move from it…. with a little effort… [pops out from behind it] but if you'd like to avoid people, the bunny or othersuch can be your friends ❤️
あ:[staring at it…] [likes to see tsukasa's hands petting it, moving it around, it's a little bit like being hypnotized for a sec.] [… the comfort of tsukasa speaking in this manner is also familiar and puts him at ease, there's an interesting interplay of feeling horny but-? soothed…] [very simply] Okay.
[reaches forward and touches it] I've decided this is fine. Even if it's weird. I like that it's a "thing". It doesn't have to be another person in the room with us.
つ:[ ❤️ so endearing ....]
あ:… if I have to figure this out. Then, an object is better. You can do whatever you want with it and move it around and imagine anything. [moving it around quietly, still in tsukasa's grip] … I think that's exciting.
つ:[uuuhhhnmg talk slower]
あ:Though, maybe it won't have to be this… bunny. There might be something better. [brain expanding]
つ:[moving the bunny around as if it enjoys Amane touching it very much so] there might be!
つ:I'll keep my eyes peeled for you.... [nuzzling. hand with stupid bunny. using all my chi to focus on talking normally, which i am a master of] ... I'll bring things home for you to try out, similar to this.
あ:[flatly] Do that, yeah. If you found anything interesting I'd want to see
つ:a moment for tsukasa to blink and think about how he is going to have to find a way to be chill and not come home with like 20 stuffed animals at once
あ:how to act like human
つ:anyway I think after a beat Amane should interrogate Tsukasa but try to sound casual. like . so whats yours. your thing
あ:i do think he'd want to hear about it since, tsukasa mentioned proxies perhaps trying to fluidly transition by being like. If you're happy with proxies, I don't see why I wouldn't be actually. You sound like you like yours. [leans in.] [looking up at]
つ:[places bunny in lap and makes it face himself, as if seeking counsel from it] hmmm…. …. it would be only fair….. to talk about it….. so Amane doesn't feel so alone.
つ:……………………. [squinty eyes] I wonder if you'll see me differently……. [ … ❤️ I can erase memories …. if I have to….]
あ:[thinking about it literally] I think any reply is going to be something I didn't expect. Because I didn't know you did any of this
つ:[squeezing the bunny's ears, just fiddling with it while anticipating. enjoying the feeling of anticipation] [ahhh, real sense of fear…. and to organically come into this, so interesting….]
あ:[eyes dart down. look back up]
つ:IIIIIIIII………… feel how you do… [popping bunny up and facing it to Amane again] about this………… foooooor……………… [putting bunny into his face] you, Amane! [retracts it after, back into lap, and laughs, knuckles to mouth] …… especially when you tell me what to do…… ha-ha-ha
あ:[wind rustling] he's truly your little autist in that he's just slow like. tries to connect the concepts. looks at tsukasa. looks at the bunny. reaches and picks it up? and looks at it? and puts it back down
つ:shink it shruu tsukasa is leaning back and exhaling, looking elsewhere, smiling pleasantly, placidly. though his heart's racing…. is it a confession? hah…..
あ:...?? ....???? ................. ???? ??? Really
つ:mhm! you see, then, it can be anything, and hard to talk about!
あ:Ah… uhuh. … …… [poke poke the ears]
つ:[squeezes them as well]
あ:…… it's the same?
つ:hai, hai. Just the same. do-ki, do-ki
あ:doki doki?
つ:mhm! I'm very used to it now.
あ:[puts hand on his chest] [just to like... assess. Truth???]
つ:[can't control response to that, bodily, but focuses on exhaling calmly. well, the heartrate will increase… it's a good example] …… just like yours, isn't it?
あ:[loading in the pulse… it is indeed a mirror his own, which has felt taut for a while now] [it helps to have something very physical to pair with what tsukasa said… nods…]
[retracts paw quietly. sits there more. like. uhhhhh. okay.] [blinks] Um… okay. [is mentally walking back the various things tsukasa has said. but tbh its almost like scarily straightforward like, well it all checks out, this is why it would be something you do via proxies & also why i dont know about it (its not a stranger/new person) & why i've never been told & why tsukasa said he didnt know what i'd think/feel distinctly.]
I believe you. [as if confirmation necessary]
つ:[merely the pleasant warmth of amane not being upset at all. thats so sweet… so kind….. ]
あ:[futzes with hands in lap] I was wondering how you figured so much out without me noticing. If you liked other people without telling me, it'd be confusing. But you're always with me so… that checks out
あ:[tilts head, kinda quirks lip] …… you like when I tell you what to do?
つ:[blinks a little slowly. keeps eyes closed for a second] yep!
あ:Why amane to himself: i wouldnt like that. if some jerk just told me what to do all day boo
つ:[coughs a little just from how rude he is. oh ❤️ ] mmmm!! …. why the rabbit….. [moves it around] [tfw you know why the rabbit. but you lie] it's………….. just how it is……………
あ:Oh [owned] Hm… okay Is it really enough to just do stuff I like to touch the rabbit…
つ:it's simple enough. really.
あ:tfw amane isnt thinking about how him and tsukasa touch all the time
つ:[pondering while touching it] some people need more than proxies or venting alone……… [twiddling it back and forth a bit] ……. but some are fine with that. We'll find out what you are!
i feel like the convo could close out so casually but amane will rly think about this next time he tells tsukasa what to do. and just be like… wtf how could it be like. the. he's…. … ?? …. like now…..
just have an organic moment of grumbling for tsukasa to do something later in the night and then be like [jolt] wait!
あ:I think it's a rune still like. but i dont get it actually. how could it feel good. horny?? doing it???
but like part 2 when receiving the thing he grumble for: ,,, if its why tsukasa gets me stuff,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, thats fine like… ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, if the other option is i dont get stuff 💔
つ:so thats why he's SO patient….
あ:its not upsetting, decidedly. i think its just puzzling. and kinda weird. it's hard to see as really tangible its just tsukasa so its like. ok. weird cuz i had no idea but. its not going to change our day so its fine…..?
oh but you know. if tsukasa proceeds to like procure amane things to "try out"… like we still venture into this… i think it'll force amane to be like wtf what if tsukasa just moves on though and swaps me out with something what if this isnt how it'll always be. no-!!!!!!!!!!!!
つ:like, if there's something you can find thats 'better' than that which originally turned you on…. nnno.
あ:Though maybe this thought doesnt congeal until he finds something he likes better himself
つ:something that makes the original rabbit look like shit
あ:i do want it to just shift into plush like. gets you a nice faaannncy rabbit, nice fur better size. got heft like weighted by beans. really make that hting look liek dogshit you throw the drone with the head on it in the trash the bed just has multiple plush now
つ:i feel like this amane is so dense ina particular way he will. jerk off later. figure that out while tsukasa is busy. but like only after doing it a few times be like [jolt] does tsukasa--???
あ:really not until amane has like nutted does he like wake up mentally like. does tsukasa??? do this. does he come about me. whoa
あ:but like [seriously] noo what… how could i never notice [DOESNT notice NORMAL things happening around him] [doesnt notice when tsukasa set down a plate of cookies for him]
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あ:Later approaching tsukasa very seriously. going to ask in a one-two punch like. Tsukasa do you do other things. Do you jerk off. & then like, are you looking for better things to swap out? Are you going to stop liking to do things for me so much
つ:oh its being punched but like. DOES this tsukasa jerk off much. its something to think about
あ:maybe on the roughest nights. lol
つ:maybe it has to be a really part-- yeah. yeah like. i dunno. amane really does some shit sometimes
あ:I think he puts you through the ringer sometimes I think also he accidentally dirty talks you. like by virtue of your circumstance
つ:its gotta be like. summer night, amane is peak fussy, pissed off, won't let you relax, is demanding, he's stinky YOU'RE sweaty and going from room to room fetching him things, he's rude.
あ:a boy who really wont let you leave him alone for a second that day yanks wrist
つ:prone to groaning dramatically from the heat makes you help him take off his pants after school and put a fan on him
あ:you bring him food he doesnt even take it. just opens his mouth. and so on [points] [spoonfeed me the meal you slaved over] on bad days i think he's really like. one word commands. barks FAN nmghh… PANTS!!!! showerrr
つ:and on those days its like. once you sleep spell him. just have a moment
あ:You really cant blame him. though reporting "yes" to jerkoffs would make amane react visibly , like, naniiii
つ:he would just be honest indeed… simply so….. like oh, poor amane, uhaoh, needs, this, consolation, it seems..
あ:Eh really really…. ?? when… we share a bedroom [incredulous] ehh i cant believe it…
つ:you have to go to bed sometime…… ^^
あ:[looks down] i DO… You always fall asleep after me. ahhh
つ:[looking aside] … [smiles] ….. but, replacement, you said? … I said what I did about proxies, and stuff. But I don't need that. I don't have the time, anyway, you keep me so busy~ [being playful]
あ:[processes] [visibly relieved]
つ:[not actually being serious] so long as Amane tells me what to do~ [you could stop talking to me for 20 years and i would still be here for you] [but i should sound more normal….]
あ:Oh! Okay. This is convenient, actually.
つ:…………. isn't it…………… [surprised but. yes. true.]
あ:I want you to keep doing stuff for me. I, don't want to be replaced right now. But if you really like it it's fine… you don't have to think about other stuff yet… [kinda muttering to self, arms crossed]
[sits upright] Actually, you should really tell me, if you ever planned on changing things, because. You'd suddenly leave me with so much to do out of nowhere
つ:[mmmgh…… a little difficult! but…. enjoys that feeling, of something feeling so intense. it's novel, rare. his life is so comfortable….. tsukasa's that is. its been a while since he felt challenged by anything] [as a result though, becomes more honest. i should accept the challenge, and not merely say only that which is easy to shrug off] I'll never plan on changing things, Amane. Really.
…. it could only be you. So, you don't have to worry. Even if……. [exhales, but is pleasant, 'cuz he likes this part of it all] you didn't want to tell me what to do anymore……. I would have to think about all the times you already have, forever. And live with that! [eyes closed smile]
あ:[observing tsukasa as he talks… a bit like a particle. he's not so intense in reality, discussing this… especially after being reassured, it's like an anxiety quickly got smoothed over by tsukasa so he moved on quickly] [simmers… is simply pleased to hear forever, is pleased that he won't have to worry… that's what he likes to hear.]
Ah, really…? [hand at mouth..] …… even if I didn't do the part you liked? [again, just a 'couldnt be me' emotion for a moment kfjghf its shallow…] Why not though. You could find anyone that could tell you what to do…
Actually, it's always been a little confusing. My side of things feels… [doesnt know how to say it any less blunt] better? … you're always there when I ask, and you do what I tell you. I couldn't find someone else to do what you do.
つ:…..there's been a miscommunication, it seems… or you forgot! Our conversation! [standing up] I didn't say my 'thing' was being told what to do………………. I said, it was Amane. Telling me what to do. Amane, first [putting one finger up] [kindof letting his… crazy atmosphere show, for once]
[walks around the room idly, hands behind back] a silent Amane is better than any person. An Amane who doesn't look at me, is better than any person.
[stops walking, kicks a little] it's the Amane-part that is my 'thing'. It's just nice, the other stuff. It's fun. I like it a lot. [big grin!] …. but anything is ok. It's just that it is you. so, actually! it's not that you're more replacable, at all! It's impossible ❤️
あ:[feeling… ensmallened for a second.. like.. ah did forget…………………….] [watching Tsukasa attentively though, tracking his motions. it's interesting. it's not like tsukasa never acts this way, but amane detects the degree of craziness, like a scent in the air… something making the words thicker feeling… heavier…] [internally simply wonders if this is…? arousal…? is tsukasa excited to get to talk about it like this? lay it out? declare it? … it's fascinating for him to be able to be so 'fixed'…]
Impossible. [repeats.]
[… it's not often Amane is made to really reflect on their relationship so consciously… or feelings… it's not his expertise. but he feels like he's finally having to think about the future, and the concept of things changing. the idea of replacement… of upgrading to something better, of finding something different.]
… I did forget. [admitting this] It's hard to remember it's about me. I keep thinking about it as 'objects' or 'actions'. I thought you were telling me that night that I do things that make you horny about me.
It didn't feel very really for a while, too. … I'm trying to understand.
つ:[hnnrkgkh hearing Amane say horny about me. luckily he's already walking about so he can just face away casually and pant open mouthed silently for a second]
あ:….. [tilts head back] …… but I never thought about things changing before, actually… or, you having a new person you like more than me. And. I didn't like that. If you were… [lip pulling] busy. with. [straining audibly, you can tell he hasn't crested this thought fully before, and is doing it in real-time] someone else. suddenly. and, I couldn't do anything about it. I'd hate that.
[looks around, like eyes drifting about the ceiling] I couldn't do what you do… You couldn't just stop looking at me or be silent.
つ:[mmmm…. indeed……. twiddling hands behind back, as Yugis both tend to do. Teetering on heels a bit.] You'll never have to worry about any of that. [turnsszz a little] …… if the reason I stay is something a little odd, that's fine with Amane ❤️ ? [turns away] I didn't think I would tell you about it. but, it happened. [ambles about a bit]
あ:I don't care what it is. As long as you stay. [replied very quickly and certainly, but pauses after.]
つ:[squeezes his own hands together]
あ:You could feel anything. [talking slower… like listening to himself] … …….. you just have to keep being Tsukasa.
つ:[enjoying feeling his own chest seize at this]
あ:amane is suddenly like ? it doesnt sound that different actually
つ:[throws hands up] OKAY! Nothing has to change, ever!
あ:[claps a little. empty-headed little thing. like woo.. yeah say it.] [rambling a little] You're used to it… so, really, I must be used to it, logically. So, it's fine.
I think I just see your weird feelings as you being you, at this point. It's just Tsukasa being Tsukasa So maybe it'd be weirder if you changed
つ:haaaaah--! you'll see it for what it is, now!
[props self on shoulder] Amane. are you curious when I started feeling this? [delirious]
あ:[chest feels weird…] [stares. nods]
つ:[around Amane's shoulders, drapes his arms, to display his fingers in front of him-- 5 on one hand, 1 on the other] at least since we were --6!! but that's just what I rememberrrrrr
あ:[looking at this] [plainly] Wow. That's a long time. [frog in boiling water rn really being like cooked steadily from this convo without understanding it]
[face feeling warm. tsukasa's presence nearby is like… making his body alert.] [shivers uncontrollably] You've never felt different… Am I different lately? [distressed]
つ:Nope! [slouches on Amane a bit] well. Amane seems to be thinking a-lot. It's just not about devices this time. [squinting cheeky smile] [feeling chest beating against amane… is so interesting! knowing he can feel it, and why…. hah! so novel to not be hiding]
あ:There's a lot to think about… [muttering defensively. whiny] [touches tsukasa on the arm with one hand, though its a very light touch, too cautious to feel normal] [thinking very hard]
つ:[such an interesting vibe rn. I do not know what it is ❤️ ]
あ:[it suddenly might as well be like. lightning crackling inside amane's head as he thinks VERY VERY HARD] what if… ? iii…… like that you're this way? [sherlock mindpalacing]
Doesn't that mean that I like that you're horny for me. ? If you've always been like this too Don't I just like it? And never want it to stop.
つ:[slumps over, head also dropping over Amane's shoulder] [a little bit dead weight] [takes a second] I don't know ❤️
あ:[becomes stiffer] But isn't that what it means [mad, suddenly, like why arent you agreeing.] [tugs at] [stubborn] It'd even mean that I've liked it for years
つ:[cant control breathing hotly.] whatt're ya gonna do bout it? [sounding-- regressed!]
あ:I don't know [defensive, childish] I'm trying to figure it out
つ:you can liiiike iiiit…. nothing has to change ❤️
あ:I like it I don't want it to change
つ:[jitters] ohppp…. [pulls away from finally, but by like, grabbing amane's shoulders and pushing himself off from them]
あ:[feeling huffy… its a funny mental state despite everything…] [turns around suddenly, tugs the front of tsukasa's top downwards, handling him in that overly-familiar rude way, until he can grab tsukasa's face directly and stare into it]
あ:It's almost like this Amane needs it so bluntly laid out like. The pointed interest, all the time before this to percolate, this drawn out convo… and then finally like looking at tsukasa is like ah. m. HE'S HORNY!!!!!!!! FOR REALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and this makes my pp hurt in response
[blurts] WAIT. I FELT IT
あ:[looks down] actually its probably like we both look down like idiots
つ:sympathetically looks down when amane does for tsukasa i think it is cartoonishly like lightning bolts SFX AAAHHHHHH ah-HHHA? [grips Amane's shoulders too tight to mirror Amane's position incidentally]
あ:This is so weird It was like… looking at you felt… like looking at the rabbit the first time, like.. doki-doki… but it happened suddenly. and it hurt! but it was exciting.
つ:[hot air in tsukasa's eyeballs directly]
あ:But listening to you talk actually has been making my chest hurt
つ:uh-huh. [just like can't. … just like. ok. listneing]
あ:This conversation has been weird
つ:uh-huh. [has seen Amane erect before but has permission to rn which feels insane]
あ:Can words be a part of it? Well… I mean, of course they can be, but… I mean, make new responses.
つ:UhM! [typically is much smarter when offering amane guidance and counsel] aahhhommmm. mmm. …. may-beeeeee [audibly sniffs]
あ:??? Tsukasa You're not listening…
つ:[pupils dart up] AHEHehe!! it's hard to!!! [SQUIIINNT]
つ:it's so loud……. [scary] the blood in my body, and in yours
つ:so scary.
あ:Loud…? [pauses and tries to think… feels heart pounding. blood is rushing because of that… it's ah, it's not QUIET… hm…] [shuffles legs] I guess it's loud… [silence… is just like. well i'll just say it.] Do I jerkoff.
つ:[JOLTS] AouhH. [oh so loud open mouthed like 4 year old tsukasa] DO YOU WANNA?
あ:[whoa. watching that. but feels emboldened really. nods quickly]
つ:these fucking aliens
あ:its not normal in here
つ:not at all but it's great
あ:it literally like . If youre horny and im horny lets do it
つ:just going to gorilla grip your shoulders and both ofus standing watch you jerk off like cannot think to do anything differently
あ:no one wouild like to see htis
あ:its too autistic
つ:some scary twin ritual
amane watching himself jerkoff: whoa imk greallyl going to town on it it wasnt like that last time
つ:whoa pretty good rn maybe its better if someone watches
あ:[says that aloud]
つ:hear tsukasa just really inhaling
あ:both of you just staring at cock unbreakingly [mindlessly] You like smelling it?
つ:HAAI. [unbreaking eye contact w cock still.] I LIKE TO SMELL YOUR CLOTHES IF YOU'RE NOT THERE OR IN THE OTHER ROOM [cannot control volume]
つ:MHM! [know what i am 100%]
あ:but like imagine for once amane kinda being like teasing sounding while dragging you lol… tsukasa… hentai your little monotone idiot sounding like ehhh?
つ:[sinks down a little until forehead touches Amane's chest. just a leetle closer. and mostly as a result of unconsciously crunching and legs bowing]
あ:Youuuu said it was enough to just do stuff for me but there's more isn't there… haha
[puts other hand on your upper back, just rubs idly… mmm brother comfort…….. its nice…] [this here while i jerkoff.. mmm… yeah]
あ:At least you can watch now Oh… and now i dont have to wait until youre gone…
つ:can I watch more, times more than this time
あ:Yeah [huffs] annoying to have to wait…
well i hope when he comes it hits tsukasa in the face
あ:a generosity itd definitely just hit your clothes otherwise
つ:tsukasa would, instantly clasp his hands to his face like a psycho and rub it into his skin and then slide palms against tongue it would be. horrible in a way. but he's mindbroken
he's not prepared for resisting anything in this circumstance just sinks to the floor on his knees and does this hunched like a beast
あ:thankfully your brother really isnt normal either. he's like concerned [jenny voice] but its not the right kind of concerned just kind of like. tilts head
つ:watch him like particle desperately lick up everything and seem to bask in it.
あ:its like. ? is tsukasa about to jerkoff? …. watches
つ:sniffing. licking. panting oh how much it doesn't occur to him to jerkoff. just here to worship what you've given him I MIGHT NOT KNOW THIS AGAINNNNNHG
あ:cant act as if thisll ever happen again a real religious moment there amane is like wow. tsukasa must be feeling really good [weiner flopped out still]
つ:such a picture
あ:[kinda like clueless vibe really standing there]
つ:thinking about that finn that is like. from henchman on his knees
amane kinda blithely like. that was fun umm…. do it more later, yeah.
[looking vaguely at the direction of the kitchen] hungry
つ:tsukasa taking a second to come back to reality. from his feralized state blinks out of sync looks up at amane. bedraggled
あ:[kicks off pants]
あ:dgaf its just like ew clothes… rn got all sweaty
つ:time for Amane's… patented… feeling like he's being generous to be shitty perhaps cup tsukasa's chin in hand I said. I'm hungry. ❤️ tilt head.
あ:^^ … hurry up!!
つ:for Tsukasa this is like seeing into another universe for a second. cosmic
あ:the white light
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あ:your days are numbered
つ:well, the hurry up would spur him to bolt pant pant HAI hai runs towards kitchen Amane like, AHHh I haven't told you what I waaaaanteddddd lolll.. its like wow… dummy…?
あ:saunters after guy who just nutted is actually atrocious but its nice to feel superior kfghfk like lmao…. and drizzle it with vinegars and applesauce
I honestly enjoy thinking about autist evolving into nasty pervert its a fun venn diagram. starts to be a real, wtf ever, i can just lay back on the couch and kick my feet up on tsukasa and start jerking it
つ:i'm understanding amane's transformation via tsukasa's nature through this AU i know why he be the way he be
あ:but also bc youre a little space alien you encounter every thought very slowly. and its like. after tsukasa's face gets nutted on through proximity multiple times it slike… [announces] I like it. when that happens wait. i wanna do it again
つ:get to the level of hold him in place to do it i think they are both so stupid about advancement in this scenario its more than tsukasa ever fathomed, so. he's just. stare
one of these times he will compulsively catch it in his mouth but like as a PURE, PURE wild impulse, like a. dog with a dropped scrap i like to think amane will be like AHAH?
つ:rrrrrriiiiight you… you lick it. off your face and hands. and stuff. you like it…..?
あ:Mmnnn me jerking off luxuriously and then CHARITABLY prying your mouth open and aiming the tip of my cock towards it
つ:feeling like wow, no middleman…. noo mess soooo convenient
あ:fsr it feels like it could really just be a whole week of just like, variations of coming onto tsukasa's face / into mouth
つ:they're slow going. like its so funny to take a week to invent blowjobs
あ:[justin voice] room to stretch out
つ:and maybe the zenith isn't even, like. really aiming for that as much as one day it dribbles down cock and its like mmmgh wait clean it off but he'll be so freshly came it'll feel like burning stove GRABS TSUKASA BY HAIR AND RIPS COCK OUT OF MOUTH OW?
あ:ssss ahhhh ouhhhhh not my weiner but it's like you'll incubate and be like… wait mouth…. stuff
Almost like, experimentally next time pauses, pulls tsukasas face more directly against it, lines up mouth. wordlessly does this. its really not so confident but its just like hm… sensation…. [hand on cock wiggles it and prods tip against tsukasa's lip repeatedly]
つ:so fascinating for tsukasa to… feel so…. stupid ❤️ it really would be nostalgic staring up at. only moving as directed.
あ:so empty-headed feeling. its really like ahh natsukashii.
(~link to PART 2 down here for convenience~)
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marchdancer · 2 years
Heronie of the slaves - Song of fire and sand "For me you will always be a queen"
"For me you will always be a queen"
Kayra was a beautiful women  But for Shapur she was so much more
Kayra (Pars Era 321)
To describe Kayra was not easy: 
She was like the desert wind, which danced around and which you could never get hold of.  Sometimes gentle and quiet, sometimes merciless and loud.  Her voice was like a gentle spring rain, which was refreshing to the skin and made you pause for a moment.  She was gentle and loving, good at listening and giving advice. She was like the sea on a calm day, light, playful and beautiful.  Her red hair was reminiscent of the Parsi roses that bloomed in the royal garden.  Her green eyes shone like the lush forests of eastern Pars.
Narsus described her as perceptive.  Daryun as an equal comrade.  Elam and Alfreed would call her a loving elder sister.  Farangis saw her as a strong friend.  Gieve recognized not only her outer beauty, but also her inner beauty and saw her as a confidante.  For Jaswant she was an ally against the hostilities.  Prince Arslan would call her the sun, warm and full of hope, a patient teacher and confidante.  For Isfan she was like a sister and a mother at the same time.
Shapur knew this to be true of Kayra, but he knew more: 
He knew that her gentle voice, which was like a spring rain, could also be like a summer thunderstorm.  A thunderstorm that could arise so fast and pass away just as quickly. 
He knew that the calm sea that glistened gently in the sun also had its shallows  Shoals that he could never fully fathom, shoals that could capsize a ship.  Like the sea, Kayra could become stormy and cause any ship to crash on the cliffs, only to become calm and gentle again in the next moment.  Shapur knew that just like roses, she had her thorns and could not be plucked easily.  She could be passionate and impetuous, like the desert wind and her green eyes so deep that if you were not careful you could get lost in their deep green, almost like in the dark forests. 
Shapur knew all this and much more. 
He knew of her demons deep in her heart that came out at night and robbed her of sleep.  He also knew that he was guilty of those demons, he knew of the scars she hid on her back.  Scars that were not only on the outside but on the inside as well.  Scars that he was to blame for and scars that she tried to hide from everyone.  Shapur knew that Kayra was no longer a young girl, but a woman. A woman who had fought her way and not backed down, he could see the scars on her hands.  Hands that had fought for their own survival and that of others. The same hands that he had held so often in years past and that so often wandered through his hair in the morning.  Hands that now held a weapon and tended the wounded, hands that gently cupped his own and were stained red with the blood of the wounded.  Shapur knew she did not blame him, but he blamed himself. He blamed himself for the lost time, for his hesitation and for his naive behavior.  Kayra did not, for this was another side of a side that never looked back and looked forward. The side of her that Shapur always admired, the side that always put one step before the next and the side that dreamed of a better tomorrow. 
Shapur knew that he could not protect her, not from the cruel world he saw every day.  But he also saw that she was not broken by it but stronger than before. He knew how stubborn she could be and how much she hated to lose, how much she fought for her ideals and lost sight of many things.  Shapur knew this and he knew much more.  He knew how quickly she could be hurt if her trust was broken and he also knew that it was hard to regain that trust.  Shapur knew this and much more, he knew Kayra's peculiarities. 
He knew that she had never liked her laughter before, because she always grunted a little bit.  He knew how much she hated thunderstorms and how much she loved the smell of freshly baked bread.  He knew that her hair smelled of lavender and lemons and that she loved the time of almond blossoms. 
He knew her countless freckles.  He knew the small scar on her right iliac crest that Isfan had inflicted on her when he had played with a bow and arrow as a young boy.
Shapur knew that Kayra also read books late into the night to increase her knowledge to become better at helping people.  He knew a lot about her and he saw many sides of her.
But he did not know all sides of her, not anymore.  Some were still there, visible to all, some were hidden and some where gone a long time ago.  But for Shapur, Kayra would always be special. 
No matter if the simple peasant girl, the slave, the warrior, the healer.  For Shapur Kayra was a queen, his queen for whom he would fight and to whom he was loyal so.
Shapur could say "no matter how you see yourself for me you will always be a queen" and her loving smile that put little dimples in her face and her green eyes sparkling like emeralds showed him that he would never know all her sides, but that was ok for him.
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heniareth · 2 years
Henlo lovely friend :3 I am nyooming into your askbox with all due speed and urgency regarding the OTP questions for Astala (my BELOVED!!) and Zevran (ALSO MY BELOVED!!). If I may enquire:
3: Do they wear the other's clothes? (Sweatshirt, bandana, necklace, etc.)
4: Which one is more protective? Who needs to be 'protected?'
57: Who's the serious one when grocery shopping and who likes to toss random things in the cart?
60 (if it's not too personal): Who pulls the other closer when they're sleeping?
You take care and enjoy yourself!! No pressure on any of this, just whatever you fancy, whenever you fancy it. Have yourself a gorgeous day!!!
Hello Plant! :D The ask you answered yesterday inspired me to sit down and answer this one apparently, because I wrote the bugger up in one go!! Never happened before XD XD You do magic with those words. Before I get into the questions, a littel prelude:
These questions make me think about a potential modern AU. Astala probably would've dropped out of school as soon as it was legal to do so and started working whatever jobs are available. Maybe cashier? Waitress is still a possibility. She'd definitely have been juggling two jobs plus a few odd bits of work to make ends meet. Then she gets fired one day and lo and behold, Duncan offers her a place with the Grey Wardens. I imagine they'd pay well, which is why Astala would take the job. Zevran is still an assassin for hire, and eschews guns in favor of knives for his assassination attempt. To kill somebody with a knife, you have to get close to them and expose yourself to harm. A gun makes people way too easy to kill. A knife attack can also be written off as a mugging gone wrong or something. The party camp turns into an empty office building where the Grey Wardens had their HQ. The group would transform it into one big apartment. Cubicles are turned into rooms (walls between several cubicles are broken down for more space). There are sofas and rugs and a fully functioning kitchen and bookshelves and plants. Rascal is still a big dog. Shale is... a robot? A person in a very cool exo-skeleton suit for someone a la Iron Man? Oh and magic still exists. After the whole thing with the Blight is over Zev and Astala would have enough money for a tiny but cozy apartment in a quiet part of town, with enough space on the balcony to fill it with plants. Please feel free to picture what scenes are described in the answers as happening in said apartment. Other alternatives are Vigil's Keep, where Astala has a tiny portion (study + room + entrance) to call her own. Or a house in Antiva with white walls and a roof with red shingles with a porch where flowering vines creep up the walls. Also in the modern AU Astala would be finishing school after the Blight and discover that studying for exams is so much better than a night shift or killing darkspawn.
And now, off to the questions!!
3. Do they wear each others' clothes? (Sweatshirt, bandana, necklace, etc.)
Yes they do! Astala does this particularly often, especially when Zevran is away, especially at night. She will wear something of his until it no longer smells like him, and then she'll pick something else. It makes the missing him a bit easier, but at the same time a bit worse because something of his is there but not he himself. She gives it back once Zevran returns, however. Most of it, anyways. One or two shirts might get lost among her things. How curious indeed XD Zevran I think would also wear things of Astala's, but it'd be because it's become a somewhat accidental habit. Maybe there's a scarf she has lent him so often it's as good as his (he did happily accept it every time she offered it of course). Or a bandana that Astala used once to tie his hair back and he finds it a year later in the pockets of the trousers he was wearing. And by that point Astala would insist he just keep it, since he's evidently using it more than she is
4. Which one is more protective? Who needs to be 'protected?'
Well now. This is quite the question 👀👀👀 They are both quite protective of each other, Astala in a more physical "I'll literally stand between you and harm" way and Zevran in a "stand aside and observe and be ready to strike if necessary" way. So during the Blight, they both do their fair share of protecting. Then of course Astala gets injured in the fight with the archdemon and just can't hold her own as well as she used to. Their roles are now inversed: Zevran is the more physical one because he can be, while Astala has to keep away from danger and can intervene only from a distance. But intervene she does, and she makes up for her lack of movement and her vulnerability with a quick and cold ruthlessness. If there's somebody an attacker could convince to stop and talk it out, it's Zevran now.
As far as being protected goes... Astala only catches glimpses of it, but Zevran works very hard behind the scenes to help her navigate Fereldan politics and later also the Antivan merchant guilds (I am playing around with the idea to have Astala give up Amaranthine and to settle close to Antiva as a merchant, at least for a time. She'd try to create a market for artisans from the Fereldan alienages in Antiva and the reverse in Ferelden, and I think she'd do pretty well). He'd suss out business practices, potential customers, do networking, all of that. And Astala would shield him from his own demons. It's hard to live with yourself when you've let yourself down so often. Astala would remind him when he's being too harsh with himself, pull him back when he's starting to slip into old patterns and habits, just be something solid around which to reorient himself and remember that he's not the kind if man who'd kill his love for the Crows anymore. So yeah. They have each others' backs pretty consistently
57: Who's the serious one when grocery shopping and who likes to toss random thing in the cart?
At the beginning of their relationship there's a very notable difference. Except when she's in a serious need for something to lift her mood, Astala will think every purchase apart from the bare necessities over thrice. Very expensive things she doesn't even look at, because they're firmly in the category of not in her budget. Zevran is much quicker at buying and wanting things if he has the coin for it, tomorrow be damned. He's mostly succesful at pulling Astala along, unless it is a veritably silly thing like a gigantic nug pillow or an outright luxury item (like the expensive kinds of jewelry or some rare foodstuff from Seheron or whathaveyou). In those cases Mistress Woolsey is a surprisingly adept negotiation partner. She will show Astala the numbers and will assure her that she can afford it and once doesn't hurt, it's an investment rather than a frivolous purchase and, if the arlessa will allow it, she will point out that the jewelry Astala already has just doesn't cut it for an occasion like the 5th anniversary of the slaying of the archdemon. I imagine Zevran learns budgeting skills rather quickly, while Astala takes a bit longer to shake off the compulsion to hoard money for emergencies. But she relaxes with age, and in their senior years they can often be seen snooping around the market for interesting knickknacks and curiosities, maybe some new food to try or something small for each other. Sometimes Zevran will play the part of the frugal husband to tease her. It's worth stopping and watching these two bicker like the old married couple they are
60. Who pulls the other closer when they're sleeping?
(Not personal, don't worry ^^ I'm okay talking about fluff, smut is where it can get a bit too personal for my liking. Depends on the question and if there's ever a particular item in an ask game i'm not comfortable talking about I'll write it in the tags when I reblog said ask game)
Zevran, I imagine. Zevran seems to be the kind of guy to briefly wake up, drape one arm around Astala, cuddle up and fall back asleep. Or he straight-up doesn't wake up and reaches for her on instinct. I already told you, but physicality is important for Zevran. I imagine pulling Astala in is an unconcious reminder that she is there. I also imagine he'd crave closeness the most when he's just come back after a time of being apart, and would thus pull her in more frequently. It helps that Astala sleeps like a log: she doesn't move much and somebody pulling her in doesn't wake her up. In fact, her sleep is too deep to pull someone closer, which is an action that requires a lot of steps done right. If she seeks out Zevran, it will be via rolling over the bed until she bumps into him, and where she bumps into him she settles. Sometimes it makes for a terribly sore neck in the morning, sometimes it even wakes Zevran up (who I headcanon to have a very light sleep due to his experience as an assassin). The only time she'll actively pull him in is when he's being restless, either because of a nightmare or because he just can't sleep. Quick movements by her side is something that will reliably wake Astala up enough to do that. And it bears mentioning that both of them are very given to sleeping close to one another (although they do change from glued to one another to wothin comfortable arm's reach over the years) except during an Antivan summer. Nobody could endure any kind of body heat during an Antivan summer
And that's that! I hope you enjoyed the answers and the glimpses of them both as much as I enjoyed writing them XD They are so very close to my heart. Thanks for indulging me and I hope you have the most gorgeous of days yourself!!
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meteor-sword · 4 years
How do you feel about ... Hakoda/Bato/Kya?
anon.... the can of worms you just opened
I LOVE THEM. although we unfortunately did not see a lot of kya i think she would be very in line with their prankster-y vibes. i imagine they knew each other for quite a while, and she knew about their antics-- and maybe even assisted sometimes? i think any 3 person relationship, romantic or otherwise, is best punctuated by 2 of them ganging up on the third. and with bato/hakoda/kya (bakyada......). bato and hakoda prank kya via physical humor. kya and bato roast hakoda. kya and hakoda prank bato via clever banter [hakoda was the lure and kya delivered the punchline]. 
i particularly love... canon divergence or modern aus where kya doesn’t... yknow. like a couple of us having been discussing the possibility of an au where bato and kya are dating first and hakoda is like oh man i was in love with my two best friends and so indecisive they just started dating each other 😔 but he doesn’t realize that all the times they invite him out to go sledding or canoeing or third wheeling in any other activity, they’re really trying to Ask Him Out. like he’s so smart, but i think he’s a littel bit oblivious too. a lot bit really. 
and like. listen the three of them co-parenting???? i broke this in half for scroller’s sake sldfj
bato is the best at putting the kids to bed. kya is best at figuring out what they need and why they’re crying. hakoda is best at playtime. all three of them try to agree on Rules for the kids, but hakoda is bad at enforcing bedtime, kya is bad at enforcing a limit on sweets, bato actively sows mischief, 
and of course hakoda and sokka click so fast (adhd kings) and katara emulates kya in everything, but they cannot sleep without bedtime stories read by bato-- he does voices! and his rumbly voice puts them to sleep so fast. hakoda and kya aren’t bad at bedtime stories but it takes at least twice as long for the kids to fall asleep. if bato ever has to go for trips they video call for him to put them to bed. hakoda naps with them during the day, all three of them cuddled up. and kya of course wakes them up in the morning by sitting on the edge of their bed and kissing their foreheads. 
so um yeah i like bato/hakoda/kya thank you for asking anon 
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goldenxsunshine · 4 years
50 questions you’ve never been asked
I was tagged by the lovely @softboylwt​, thank you darling ✨
1. what is the colour of your hairbrush? edit: so I realized I didn’t read that correctly the first time around, but I don’t usually brush my hair, tho I do have one that’s brown
2. a food you never eat? it’s not really a food but i never eat plain butter, like in cakes and all that, when it’s cooked, alright, but on bread, in sandwiches or anything else it just grosses me out to no avail!! I can’t even touch it!! Also any sea food is a no-go for me, i just can’t!!
3. are you typically too warm or too cold? i think it can depend, but in general i tend to get cold very easily
4. what were you doing 45 minutes ago? i was catching up on niall and liam’s live and feeling very emotional about it
5. what is your favourite candy bar? here we call it kinder tranche au lait, which literally translates to kinder milky slice but idk if that’s what it’s called!! Anyways, it’s the kinder that you have to keep in the fridge with the creamy white thing in the middle, i just love it!!
6. have you ever been to a professional sports event? Nope never, i don’t really care much for any sports tbh afdhkj
7. what is the last thing you said out loud? “good night” to my little sister about five seconds ago
8. what is your favourite ice cream? salted caramel!!!!!! it’s my LIFE
9. what was the last thing you had to drink? water
10. do you like your wallet? I do actually!! I had another pink one that was too big but i received a small dark blue one for my birthday that’s just perfect
11. what was the last thing you ate? something very very VERY good!! it was a polish recipe: tomato soup with some homemade kluski (some sort of pasta i guess you could say) and basil
12. did you buy any new clothes last weekend? nope
13. the last sporting event you watched? as i said before i really don’t care much for any sports so i think the answer is none, if i did watch one well it was so long ago that i forgot afskdly
14. what is your favourite flavour of popcorn? sweet popcorn OR those with some chocolate you can buy, both are equally good
15. who is the last person you sent a text message to? well technically the last message i sent was on here to, but if we mean irl texting then an old friend of mine
16. ever go camping? nope not really, i went a couple times when i was younger with some friends but not anymore
17. do you take vitamins? nooe i don’t, but i should
18. do you go to church every sunday? nope
19. do you have a tan? as of right now, only the beginning of one on my back
20. do you prefer Chinese food or pizza? oof tough one, but im gonna have to go with pizza!! I actually had some today
21. do you drink your soda with a straw? nope not anymore
22. what colour socks do you usually wear? small white ones, sometimes black
23. do you ever drive above the speed limit? wellll since i still haven’t got my driver’s licence i can assure you that i’ve never once driven above the speed limit in my life 😌
24. what terrifies you? loneliness
25. look to your left, what do you see? i can see my bedroom door as well as my cupboard and the front door a bit further
26. what chore do you hate? washing the toilets
27. what do you think of when you hear an Australian accent?  i have no idea tbh ajdsfkds 5sos maybe
28. what’s your favourite soda? i actually don’t really drink any sodas, but if i had to get one i’d say sprite or lemon iced tea
29. do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive-thru? i don’t think we have any drive-through here, or if there are i’ve never been, so i’m gonna say fast food place
30. who’s the last person you talked to? my little sister
31. favourite cut of beef? i have no fucking clue, i only eat beef when i eat burgers so that one i guess jsdkajl
32. last song you listened to? some song off a random sport playlist i listend to when i was working out earlier, it’s called hometown apparently
33. last book you read? if we’re talking last book i read through but haven’t actually finished yet, it’s une bête au paradis (a beast in paradise)
34. favourite day of the week? i don’t really have one tbh, i just know it’s not monday nor sunday
35. can you say the alphabet backwards? yes i can actually ajkdjfld, well i need to say it thorugh once in order (mentally is enough) but yeah i can
36. how do you like your coffee? i absolutely despise coffee, in any form
37. favourite pair of shoes? a pair of shoes that i found in italy a few years ago, but i just can’t describe them asjdhfk they have too many things idk how to say in english
38. at what time do you normally go to bed? i’d say usually it’s around 11pm or midnight, but lately it’s been more like 1 or 2 am
39. at what time do you normally get up? again usually would depend on my classes, but lately it’s between 8 am and 10 am
40. what do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? i literally cannot choose one!! boht can be so magical, but maybe i’ll go with sunset cause i’m almost never up for sunrise ajdfkjl
41. how many blankets are on your bed? only one
42. describe your kitchen plates? i still live wiht my parents so they’re just plain white, but modern-ish 
43. do you have a favourite alcoholic beverage? i don’t really have one, but the only alcohol i can enjoy drinking is vodka so anything with that i guess
44. do you play cards? ugh way too much, or well not anymore, but when i was in high school it was literally all my friends’ favourite thing to do and tbh i just don’t really like them
45. what colour is your car? again i don’t have a driving’s licence adjfhk
46. can you change a tire? there are too many questions concerning driving in this jadshkj, nope or well never tried, who knows maybe i have a secret talent
47. what is your favourite state/province? i haven’t been in the US, or well i went when i was much younger so i don’t remember!! But i’ll pick a country and say tulum, Mexico!! i went there once a few years ago and it was just magical
48. favourite job you’ve ever had? i haven’t had a lot of experience in real jobs i guess, but one of my favourite closest to a job thing was the internship i started right before this whole mess in something called psychopédagogie (i haven’t got a clue what it might be in english im sorry)
49. how did you get your biggest scar? i don’t have many scars and the few i have are pretty small, but i guess the “biggest” would be on my foot, i was at a friend’s for the summer and we were going around in quads, then there was a little slope and my dumbass panicked and pushed the accelerator instead of the brake and well....we bumped into a littel tree and yeah adfjhkjs
50. what did you do today that made someone else happy? i haven’t done much today i don’t think, but maybe helping to make dinner ? idk
I apologize in advance if you’ve already done this, but i’m tagging: @essercipertuttienonperse, @rosegoldeyelids, @ltpolari, @watermelonsugarhii, @bigsparrowharry, @herefortommo, @arouiis, @farmjpg and @strawberryhabit
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plumfumble · 5 years
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made an au (kinda) mao mao! hes just a robo mao. mao mao had to leave on a personal trip for a bit and badgerclops made a new maomao to hold the family and the valley over. hes littel smug bastard! 
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innerchorus · 5 years
I‘m a huge fan of your block especally your post about Shapur, Isfan and Arslan Senki in generall. I first saw the anime and don‘t read the Manga and when Shapur pop up I was like „oh interesting. Let‘s see where that goes“ and than a few episodes later ........Boom. I was a littel bit dissapointed and then I found your Block and that he has a brother and his backstories and I was mentally howling. So all I will say thank you for your Block and the links to the pixie artist the made my day!
Thank you so much! I also got into Arslan Senki when the anime started airing and at first I had no idea what would happen to Shapur, I was so shocked (I started reading the fan translation of the novel and that was how I found out). Honestly this message makes me really happy. It feels good to know that others feel the same about these characters.
Here’s a picture you might enjoy from the Yashasuiin Book 2.0:
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I love the Corporate Warrior AU.
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