#a ffxv scenario
blurryzip · 3 months
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Noctis Myspace pic haha
I just did this as a study but omg
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paintedscales · 2 days
FFXIV Write 2024 :: Day Twenty-Four
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Prompt: Bar Characters: Nomin tal Kheeriin, Primam Chorus Word count: 545 Notes: Continuation of my 'What If' scenario
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Another excursion to Mount Rokkon, another day that meant being in Primam’s company. Nomin had come no closer to feeling like she learned much about Primam and her origins outside of the Echo she experienced, but she supposed that was fine for now. What had really been the most important part is that Primam’s rather unique usage of magic had saved Nomin’s hide more than once.
And so it was when they were back at the Shiokaze Hostelry that Nomin, while sitting at the bar, kept looking at the small bag that was slung against Primam’s side off and on. She was curious.
“You know…” Nomin started. “I don’t think I’ve seen someone use magic like you do.”
“... No?” Primam asked, thanking the tender as she was handed off her drink. Another glass of something non-alcoholic. After she took a small sip, she continued, “Is my brand of magic really that interesting?”
“In more than one way it feels like…” Nomin admitted. “I mean, it’s not often I see people able to use magic without a conduit or focus unless they’re healers of one kind or another. Even when I use my own red mage arts, I use a focus to channel my aether into. But…you don’t even use vocal components.”
Primam tapped a nervous finger against her cup for a moment, keeping up a pleasant expression on her face the best she could. She, too, also utilized the art of Red Mage. Much like Nomin, she also bore a Red Mage Soul Crystal that imparted upon her varying skills that Red Mages before her had developed over years -- that her mentor developed.
“More interesting are the flasks you use,” Nomin’s attention went again to Primam’s bag. This time it lingered.
Of course, noticing this, Primam moved her arm in a more guarded fashion upon her bag. She held it rather close, the contents within clinking lightly against one another. Loud enough to be heard faintly.
“What kind of Red Mage are you, exactly?” Nomin asked.
“Not a Crimson Duelist,” Primam replied. She seemed like she was about to let slip something else, but she kept her mouth closed.
“That much was obvious.” For a moment, Nomin’s tail flicked as she forced herself not to laugh. She returned her attention to her own copper cup, sipping the chilled water from it. “But…everything about you is a bit…” Strange. No, don’t use that word. “Well, it’s not common upon the star that I’ve seen. Can I ask how you do it?”
Primam relaxed her grip somewhat, a mild look of surprise on her face as she seemed to scrutinize Nomin. Returning her hands to the bar counter, Primam ran her thumbs over her cup’s surface as she held it. Only the soft murmur of chatter and the waves lapping at the docks filled the air for a time.
“Elemancy…” Primam began.
Nomin looked back over at her.
“It’s…It’s called Elemancy. And it’s a lot harder to do here than what I’m used to. But I can try teaching you.”
Was that a sliver of trust?
Nomin supposed that they had been helping Hancock with the Mount Rokkon excursions for a fortnight now.
Smirking to herself, Nomin took another swig of water. “I look forward to it.”
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suvidrache · 5 months
Giving Flowers
age in bio when interacting. minors do not interact.
Word Count: 503 | Read it on AO3 | Masterlist | Tag List
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You'd be surprised to know that, despite Gladiolus being good with people. He had never been given flowers. He didn't mind, and he hadn't really noticed before.
When you met him, you noticed that his name was a type of flower. You both took the time to get to know one another. Gladiolus continued with his usual behavior of flirting, talking, and giving gifts to you. Nothing ever went further for him before. You had planned to give him flowers as soon as you could. You just had to find the perfect ones and the perfect time to give them to you. He was always good at having conversations and interacting with people. Yet, one day, you found the gladiolus flower, and you handed it to him with a smile.
He looked at you and smiled back, taking them from you and thanking you. He didn't say anything else as he looked at them. A smile still remained. The friendly and talkative man was once at a loss for words.
“They're gladiolus.” You said.
He blinked and chuckled. Of course, you would find something with his name. He had never realized it before. He knew, but he just didn't think of it. He still remained silent, holding the flowers.
“Thank you.” He said as he looked at you.
“Have you ever been given flowers before?”
“No, actually, I haven't. These are beautiful.”
He felt slightly bad that he hadn't gotten you anything in return. You didn't mind.
“How do I care for them?”
“Just change the water every so often and cut the stems at an angle. It will help the water be absorbed.”
He nodded. He had never been given flowers before, and he didn't know the first thing about taking care of them. He would try his best, though. They were flowers in a vase. They wouldn't last long anyway, but with the information that you gave him, they would last a little bit longer. He seemed happy with the flowers, and he was. Maybe next time you would give him flowers that he could plant at his house. He did love nature and camping.
“They should last about a week.”
He nodded. “Thank you again.”
“You're welcome.”
He would make sure that they were safe as he drove them home. He wasn't sure the best place to put them. However, he decided that the nightstand by his bed would be a good place. He would get to see them as he woke up and when he went to sleep at night. He wouldn't forget who had given them to him, and when he wasn't busy, he'd take the time to admire them, smiling as he thought about you. He would think of a plan to give you something as beautiful as what you had given him. He didn't have to repay you. You didn't mind giving him things. However, he didn't think he had given you anything as nice as you had to him. You deserve something better, something pretty...
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© SUVIDRACHE — do not copy, translate, modify, or plagiarize my work. reblogs are appreciated!
Tag List: @eli-chris, @imagineherbrightskies
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nightowlfandom · 2 years
Evil! Noctis Lucis Caelum- The Dark Side Of Things Part 3/?
Trigger Warnings: Fem! Reader, talks of demons, evil, death, murder, suggestive content, unaliving people, slight misogyny directed towards the reader, stockholm? not canon so please don’t expect that.
I got spammed for a part 3 like 4 times so here it is. PLEASE do not spam me to get me to update old series. I just decided to out of nowhere. My therapist told me if I wanted too I could update every month until I felt secure enough to return to the internet...so that’s what I’m doing.
... Picking up right after part 2 ended
You sat at the edge of the bed as Noctis trailed his fingers up and down your arm.  “Where do I start?” he laughed nervously.
“The beginning?” you joked. With a funny look, Noctis kissed your lips, gingerly holding your cheek in his hands. 
“After that night, I thought I died. The I woke up in a dark room. I could barely see, or breathe for that matter. I was dragged off shortly after you ran off.” he sighed. “Fuck, I’m glad you got to safety...come here.”
He practically pulled you into his lap as he spoke. “A daemon found me and resurrected me and my friends...for a price.”
“ A PRICE?” You repeated. “You’re scaring me.”
“I had to give up my mortal life, Y/N.” he sighed. “My humanity if you will.”
“...I don’t understand?”
“What’s there to understand, cute little thing?” 
You practically snapped your head in the direction of that voice. It sounded so much like Noctis, but so much deeper and sinister sounding. You watched as a clone of Noctis (the same one you had seen while you were watching him fishing AND when you were in the bathroom) step out of the mirror. “He’s evil and he’s trying to tell you he’s a monster blah blah blah~”
“So I’m not crazy!” you clutched onto Noctis’s arm. “W-who is that?”
“He’s my daemon who doesn’t understand the meaning of subtle.” he growled in reply, protectively wrapping his arms around you. “I told you to fuck off!”
“I just wanted to see the girl you wouldn’t stop talking about.” this Daemon Noctis scoffed. “Y/N was it?”
“Y-yeah?” you raised an eyebrow. “Um...Noctis?” you looked at your boyfriend. 
“I’m so sorry.” he sighed. “I wanted to tell you. I just didn’t know how?”
“No idiot, you were a scared little bitch boy-”
“SHUT UP YOU IDIOT!” Noctis snapped. “Y/N! I’m sorry! Did I scare you?” he took note of the way you jumped at how deep and raspy his voice got. “This moron makes me so mad.” he kissed your temple.
“So in the water...the mirror? That was you looking at me?” you couldn’t help but ask. 
“Glad you noticed, clever girl. I wanted to introduce myself to Noctis’s delectable pet.” he waggled his brows at you. It was weird. It was Noctis’s face, but not his voice.
“I’m not a pet.” you tried to say with confidence.
“Oh but you are.” Daemon Noctis bit his lip. “You’re so cute too.”
“Watch it.” Noctis warned. “Y/N...look at me.” he made you look at him. 
“I knew I saw something. When we went fishing I saw...him.” you looked over at D.N. who winked at you again as soon as you faced him. “I saw him in the water. I saw him in the mirror not too long ago.”
“When we were-”
“Yeah...” you found your face heating up violently.
“DAMNIT!” Noctis took a pillow and hauled it at his demonic doppelganger. It disappeared in a cloud of dark mist and you two were left alone again. “Y/N...I’m so so so- hMM?”
He was shut up by you kissing his lips. Noctis quietly groaned against your lips, holding the side of your face.
“I just got you back.” you pouted. “I don’t care how you’re alive...I’m just glad you are.”
“Even if I’m...evil?” he hesitated to say it. “You heard him-”
“I don’t give a shit what he says...unless you give me a reason to believe it...I don’t care what he says.” you pecked his lips again.
“You’re too good for me baby and you’re way too good to me to...” he bit his lip. “Shit, come here.” he pulled you back onto his lap. “What do you wanna do tomorrow?”
“Hmm...feel like taking me shopping?” you raised an eyebrow.
“You want me to take you shopping...first you steal my heart then you steal my wallet.” he winked.
“Hey! You always used to spoil me.” you pouted. 
“I didn’t say the answer was no, princess” he pecked your lips, rolling his eyes at the way you pouted. “I’d love to dress you up.”
“Noctis, are you sure about this.” you groaned. You weren’t one for bodycon dresses, so why he wanted you to wear one so bad.
“Get out here!” he wolf-whistled. “I wanna see you!”
Groaning dramatically you came out of the dressing rooms. 
“Holy sh-...I sure know how to pick out clothes for you.” he bit his lip. “Who gave you permission to look so god-damn gorgeous?”
“Noctis.” you whined, feeling your face heat up. His praise was not something you were used to but you liked it nonetheless. He sauntered over, wrapping his arms around your waist. 
“This dress reminds me of the one you wore on our first date...remember that?”
“When you spilled Lobster Macaroni on me?” you recalled. 
“I still got a second date.” he winked, kissing your lips. Each kiss got more and more deep, his hold on your waist becoming almost desperate. 
Noctis had to be sure to pace himself. He didn’t want to let you go, but he also knew he had to work slowly with you. He just couldn’t expect things to go back to normal, especially after the ball he dropped on you last night. However when you began running your hands through his hair, he couldn’t help but get a little handsy.
“Change back into your clothes, so we can go home, so I can get THOSE clothes off.” he smacked your ass, ushering you back into the dressing room.
“Ack! Okay okay. Mr. Handsy...mind getting my zipper?”
“Anything for you.”
After you changed back, and purchased said dress, you had greeted Noctis who was still outside the fitting room.
“Ready to go?”
“Yep! Ready as I’ll ever be-”
It was then you saw a huge flash, nearly blinding you. You dropped your shopping bags and shielded your eyes. “Ow!” you whined.
“Shit! Princess, you okay?”
“If I didn’t need glasses before, I might now.” you winced, rubbing your eyes. When your vision adjusted, you saw some dude with a camera, smirking.
“Well if it isn’t the Crown Prince himself. You know, everyone is saying you faked your death? Instead of addressing it you’re out with a groupie.”
“What the fuck did you just say?” Noctis glowered.
“Hm, I wonder how much the news would pay to see the crown prince getting cozy with some rando girl in a mall dressing room of all places.”
“Noct, it’s fine-” you put a hand over it, only to yank it back when you felt the searing pain of a burn against your fingers. His skin was hot, about as hot as concrete during the hottest day of summer. “Shit!” you winced. Thankfully the pain lasted less than a second, but it didn’t ease your confusion, not in the slightest bit.
That’s when you say it...his eyes turning bright red...like that night.
“You wanna say that again...buddy?” he slowly walked up to the slimeball of a paparazzi. 
“I said...it’d be a shame if the press found out you were out playing with one of your wh-” he didn’t have time to finish his insult because Noct wrapped a hand around his neck. Now he was gagging, and gasping for air.
“Big mistake...” he growled. Before you knew it...Noctis’ demon had come out of the mirror.
“Having fun yet, princess?” he winked at you as he stood with the real Noct.
“Kill him.” Your Noct demanded.
“Hey shopkeep, you were never here, go and take your 30 minute break.” he looked back at the cashier who suddenly appeared to be under a trance, when they walked away from the register. “When are you gonna learn to respect boundaries, good sir?”
“P-please...don’t-” the man choked.
“Sorry...I don’t take kindly to being insulted, but you made the mistake of bringing my princess into this...and I can’t forgive that.” Noct cackled. “I’d cover my eyes if I were you Y/N.”
“Noctis no!...” You risked it and grabbed his hand again. “Please don’t.”
“Y/N, didn’t you hear him? He called you a-”
“You don’t have to waste your energy on him...um..I-” you tried to think of something to save this idiots life. You didn’t even care that he took your picture, or insulted you. You just wanted him to go away. “Please?” you whimpered. “We were having fun..and-”
“...” you watched your boyfriend’s eyes shift back to their beautiful ocean blue color. “This woman just saved your life, asshole.”
“If I even so much as see one of her FINGERS in the news, let’s just say I hope you can take pictures with your feet...IF I let you live that long.” His demonic counterpart threatened, and like that he disappeared.
“Now get the fuck out of my face...before I change my mind.” Noctis let go from his grasp on the mans neck. Before you could say anything, Noctis took you into a huge hug. “I’m so sorry Y/N...Did I scare you?”
“A little.” you confessed. “You didn’t have to do that.”
“I know....I just- I can’t control it sometimes. When it comes to you...I get so-” he paused. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”
“Nothing...not a thing is wrong with you Noct...I love you, you know that right?”
“...Yeah...yeah. I love you so much, princess”
Noctis pulled you into another hug again, opting to ignore his daemon morph out of the shadows.
Follow him...and if he tries anything...kill him.
Already on it...just make sure you don’t scare her again.
yeah....I’ll try
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Aks box open means it’s time for me to suggest odd scenarios: anyway, Crows still shiny stuff right? And Galahdan beads are pretty shiny. If a crow stole their beads, and a (human) friend of said crow came to little galahd to return them, would the crows human friend have a rough time? (Assume they brought crow thief along to prove it)
This is indeed an odd scenario! But fun :D
Let's see...
Human friend would not have a hard time. More like a weirdly easy one. The rule here is: do not offend the crow person, make sure they get what they came here for and then leave.
Now, the Galahkar the beads belong to, would most likely have worn them on a necklace and have been stupid enough to pull it off and then play with it in a way the crow could get it. Which means the Galahkar is mildly panicking. Family members think the Galahkar deserves it for their stupidity. The family members don't have pity.
Enter the human friend. Who sees the poor, frazzled Galahkar, and freezes. Because.
Oh no
The Galahkar is hot.
Said Galahkar sees human friend with the crow and goes still, eyes wide and mouth open.
The crow is very smug.
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por-cel-ain · 1 year
Was scrolling through blogs looking at nice gifs others have made, and on a particular one people in the notes were talking about how Prom smacks both Noct’s and Gladio’s butts, but not Ignis’s. Joking about how he knew better than to play with fire and ectect
But, i think that he slapped Ignis’s butt...once. And only once, because one time was all it took for him to realize exactly what kind of war zone he would be entering into if he kept doing it.
So; Prom arrives at the Citadel, wanting to work on his aim and keep himself sharp. Walks into the training hall, sees Ignis and Gladio by some dummies, obviously post workout. Ignis’s back is turned to him. It’s the perfect crime. He saunters up as casually as he can, readies the strike, and smacks his butt with a chirpy ‘Hey guys what’s going on??‘
Absolute silence from both of them. Ignis is as still and immovable as a brick wall. Gladio is trying his best not to laugh out loud. Prom realizes that he has made a grave mistake. Finally, Ignis turns his head to look at him, stoney faced as ever with only a quirk of his eyebrow, and tells him ‘There are far better ways to greet someone than like that, you know.‘ Gladio manages to help them laugh it off, and Prom apologizes every other sentence for the rest of the conversation
But, even after they leave and say their goodbyes and Prom gets to training, he’s haunted by the memory of Ignis’s sharp eyes glinting with an unreadable emotion. Something told him this situation was not over by a long shot.
Fast forward just a few days later; Prom is at Noct’s apartment, he knew he hadn’t been feeling great and he figured that washing the dishes in his sink since he was already there wouldn’t be too out of the way. So he’s doing that while Noct waits in the living room watching tv, listening to music on his phone, blissfully unaware of the sounds of the apartment door being unlocked and opened, brief conversation between Noct and someone else, and distinct flat heels clicking on the kitchen floor soon after
A hand slaps down on his butt, loud enough to ring through the kitchen and hard enough that Prom bodily jolts with a yelp
And when he whirls around like a deer dazzled by headlights, Ignis is taking a leisurely sip of his coffee, before finally looking down at him and simply saying, ‘Good afternoon, Prompto.‘
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andywinter16 · 2 years
Something I’ve wondered in the past, and I think it might be something that would interest you.
Titus doesn’t fight, he’s never shown fighting as Titus, he only ever fights as the General. So, in your opinion, would his fight style be quick and agile like the rest of the Glaive? Would he be able to warp? Or would his fighting style be similar to Glauca? Or would someone who knows Titus’ fighting style recognise similarities between him and Glauca?
Sorry for the long ask ☺️💙
Nay friend, it´s really fine! :) ♡♡♡ I wondered about this too, actually ... Although gotta admit that I am not great at extensive analyses (my brain is too ADHD for that), but that never really stopped me before.
So in my opinion Titus and Glauca have different fighting styles, for obvious reasons. Yet you can pick certain prefferences, at least in weapons. Titus is too clever for something like fighting style to blow his cover. Like in my head I see Glauca as completely different personality which is still part of Titus. (But is like very well hidden)
I need to take into into account his age (roughly around 46?). Like when he was younger, he definitively was even more swift and flexible. But due to his injuries and aching bones (and that´s no joke), he started to fight smarter, not harder. We can see a reflection of his fighting style in his glaives and most definitively in Nyx.
Let´s laid another facts on the table. Titus is extremely skilled with weapons (even fire arms, but he just doesn´t use them that much). Mainly preffers to use long swords and battle axes (Titus swinging battle axe like a madman and destroying his enemies now lives in my head rent free) His fighting style is calculated, offensive. He uses his whole body as a weapon. (kicks, punches, tripping his enemies,..) He ain´t no stranger to dirty tactics, as long as it gets the job done.
When Titus took the mantle of captain (and wasn´t corrupted by starscourge armor, btw fuck you Verstael) he definitively used king´s magic. Titus wasn´t much keen on warping tho (as effective as it was), but like power up punches or projections to confuse your enemies, yeah I can see him do that. Oh, I almost forget Titus is great at hand to hand combat.
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(I can tell I am not good with this description, but I have found a video from Adrian Bouchet with his fighting scenes. And that´s actually how I kinda imagined Titus fight)
Glauca on other hand is raw unhinged power to be reckon with. Only uses double handed greatswords (I can also image him with executioner's sword, but that would be impractical) He bulldozes his way through anything, seemingly untouchable. Even as Glauca he´s exceptionally fast on his feet ( thanks to his armor and pure skills). Like we saw how Glauca fight in the movie, so there is not much to say from me.
(Have a feast of this magnificent fight, it´s scary how is Glauca so fast and fluid in his movements with greatsword like in 2:08)
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ginsakatoki · 2 years
HIATUS (permanent)
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Consult the links above if what you're looking for is not here. :)
Requests will be open for a couple of days only as I’d like to avoid becoming overloaded and will then stay closed until I finish writing all the requests I received. They might be closed for longer periods of time if I need to finish my own works (not requested one shots, AUs or scenarios as well as my regular job).
Kind Warning: my writing is very sporadic so I can be very prolific or not write a word for quite a long while. I’ll try to handle your requests as fast as possible, but please bear with me should I make you wait.
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One shots 
Character x Character (depends on the request. Should I not be able to, I'll let you know)
Please specify in your request which one you’d prefer and your preferred pronouns. If none are specified, I’ll write about a gender neutral or female reader by default depending on the request.
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NSFW -> currently not accepting requests
Character x OC
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Feel free to reblog and thank you!
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ffxvreversebang2022 · 2 years
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Today’s team: @fluoxetinehcl & @miragesofdragons
The Carnival after Dawn was written for the FFXV Reverse Bang 2022 and can be found on AO3 here.
Rating: General
No Archive Warnings Apply
Description: In a world unburdened by destiny, Cor Leonis takes a vacation to Altissia which quickly spirals into Moogle Chocobo Carnival mayhem. One thing is certain - Cor isn't about to take a challenge lightly, even if it means dancing with Kenny Crow. He's not having fun. Not even a little.
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anonimouse-sewer · 2 years
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We've got some new themes, so go ahead and check out my pinned post and send one in if you're interested!
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clandestinemeeting · 1 year
How do people even commission artists for smut pieces anyway. Like, "Hey, bestie! Here's [money]. Can I get you to draw trans Gladio getting dp'ed by Noctis and Prompto while he sucks the soul out of Ignis? Thanks!"
Like, that feels so cringe and idk why.
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paintedscales · 7 days
FFXIV Write 2024 :: Day Nineteen
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Prompt: Taken Characters: Nomin tal Kheeriin, Primam Chorus, Tandem Chorus (brief, Echo) Word Count: 843 Notes: Non-canon to Nomin; more of a 'what if' scenario based on RP I had in the past regarding Primam and how I'd imagine Nomin and Primam interacting and really meeting one another.
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Murmurs and the sound of ocean waves filled the open atmosphere of the Shiokaze Hostelry. An occasional cry of a seagull pierced the chatter.
Nomin stared at the woman before her for a long time, her brow furrowed and her lips pulled taut into a line. She could feel the rising nervousness from the woman. After all, Nomin had been able to tell that the woman was weaving a lie: a well-practiced one, but a lie nevertheless. A lie though it was, however, the thing that struck Nomin was that the woman had no intended malice, simply that she was…lost.
The other thing that was striking…was that her aether felt different. Almost non-existent. Yet, she had a wealth of magic that she utilized in combat…
“I’ve been to Ala Ghiri recently…” Nomin mentioned. The woman in question was called Primam Chorus -- a very Garlean sounding name despite being from Gyr Abania. Her complexion matched well enough, but her explanations left much to be desired. Especially to one that could feel those shifts in aether when it came to emotions.
“H-Have you?” Primam asked, her expression turning sheepish. She drew her hands together over the tabletop, fidgeting.
“Ala Mhigans are returning to Gyr Abania -- to their home. Is there a reason you do not return?” Nomin asked, hoping to press for answers from Primam who accompanied her during their time seeing to Hancock’s want of exploring Mount Rokkon. They had come back, a few extra notes and trinkets to show for their efforts that Hancock was pleased to receive.
“I…have a home here, now. In Hingashi…”
“Far be it from me to prod further…” Nomin said, grabbing her chilled bronze cup and taking her waterskin to fill it.
“I was young when my brother and I had to flee.” Primam brought her own cup closer -- unlike Nomin, it was a cup offered by the Hostelry itself, filled with water of her own. “I hardly remember anything about Gyr Abania, let alone Ala Ghiri.”
Nomin took a sip. A lie vague enough to believe if circumstances were different.
A headache formed, one all too familiar as Nomin placed her cup back down and screwed her eyes shut and clenched her jaw. She heard the worried voice of Primam, drowned out by the hum of an entirely different scene unfolding before her.
It was like coming up for water when Nomin could finally see the land and setting around her. There were buildings she did not recognize, many of them on the verge of complete dilapidation. The lands had sparse foliage, and most strikingly, the sky was blanketed completely in black skies. It would have been darker than anything she had ever seen before if she had not been to the Thirteenth.
Nomin had the sense that this sky was something that had shrouded the land for years now at this point. Not unlike the First and how light blanketed the land in eternal daylight, and not unlike the Thirteenth bathed in eternal darkness.
A bright orangish-white light pulsed in the sky before it spread.
“What is that?” came a masculine voice. Looking over, Nomin saw someone who was strikingly similar to Primam. Her brother, no doubt.
“I-I don’t know… Nothing like this has shown up in the history books…” Nomin was speaking…or rather, she was an uncertain Primam. Shortly after her words left her, the light soon engulfed them and several others before the feeling of being submerged happened once more. But this was different -- it was Primam’s experience in traversing the rift.
Tumbling… Tumbling…
Nomin gasped, a new scene before her. Though she normally did not experience an actual soaked feeling, she was absolutely drenched this time. Primam had ended up in a body of water, sputtering and coughing. Nomin could feel how the water burned her lungs, the desperation for air as Primam swam to the closest body of land to right herself.
When eventually Primam got up and looked around within the Echo, Nomin realized she recognized the area: Yanxia, just short of Namai.
“Where…am I…?” was the question that left Primam’s lips before the hum and chatter of the Shiokaze Hostelry started to come back, the vision fading as Nomin blinked her eyes and came back to reality.
“Nomin, are you alright?” Primam asked, seeing that Nomin was shaking her head to rid herself of the feeling she just experienced.
“Don’t worry about me…just something that happens every now and then…” Nomin explained, not wanting to get into the details of her Echo. However, she looked at Primam. She realized now that she was a woman taken to a land not her own. A familiar kinship began to bud within Nomin, even if the circumstances were a bit different.
Taking a long swig of water, Nomin thought of all the questions that bubbled in her mind. She wanted to know more about this land -- this place that Primam was from. But…she supposed she would have to save those questions for such a time perhaps a better friendship could be formed.
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suvidrache · 1 year
don't forget your sunscreen
age in bio when interacting. minors do not interact.
Word Count: 571 | Read it on AO3 | masterlist
Summary: bonfires on the beach.
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The journey to the beach was slow and long. Ignis didn't mind, though. He enjoyed every moment that he could with you. You had booked a hotel in advance, and Ignis had started planning the vacation. He worked too much and just needed to enjoy his time. You packed your things a few days prior before Ignis was even given a few days off of work. You knew that he would be worrying about if everything had been packed. You knew everything that you would be needing was packed. He was good at keeping up on things and making sure they went according to plan. However, it was all a part of life to make mistakes, to laugh, and enjoy the errors that came along. Nothing was ever perfect, and that was okay. He had been working for the castle for years before you had ever met him. You met him while he was on one of Noctis' adventures. Wherever they decided to go and had things to do. You liked him the first time that you met him and he liked you. However, he always seemed to be busy, and he wasn't very good at talking to people like Gladiolus was. He eventually warmed up, and things were fine. It was a few months before you and Ignis became a couple.
Ignis had offered to drive once the car was loaded, and you were fine with that. You knew he was a safe driver. He was the primary one who took the prince around. You knew where you were headed, but you were unsure of how to get there exactly. Which was another reason why Ignis drove. He was good at following directions, and he would get you there on time. When you arrived at the hotel, you checked in while Ignis began to unpack the bags. You should have had him check in, but it slipped your mind. You knew Ignis was going to try to do all the work. You grabbed the key and headed back out, helping Ignis with the bags before heading back in and to your room. You and Ignis started unpacking and then sat down to rest.
"What do you want to do?" You asked him.
"I think we should wait until later. The sun is up, and you would need to wear sunscreen to prevent sunburns. Of course, with the weather being as hot as it is, you wouldn't want to overheat either." He said, and he adjusted his glasses.
You smiled. "Yes, but what do you want to do?"
"I think we should head to the beach."
Despite the sun beginning to go down, Ignis put sunscreen on you both, and then you headed out. You carried your towel, as did Ignis. With the sun going down, there was no reason to bring anything else. You arrived at the beach and you saw a small lit fire. You pointed it out to Ignis.
"Hey, let's head over there."
"I don't think that would be a good idea. I do believe that it is someone's camping site."
"I don't see anyone around." You said as you took his hand.
It wasn't anyone's camping site, and the fire had been lit and then abandoned. You laid your towel down and sat. Ignis sat down next to you. You laid your head on his shoulder, and after a moment, he wrapped his arm around you.
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© SUVIDRACHE — do not copy, translate, modify, or plagiarize my work. reblogs are appreciated!
Tag List: @eli-chris, @phantomheiko, @imagineherbrightskies / Join my tag list here!
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phoenix0703 · 1 year
someone give me people with good scenario ideas for fanfiction please🙏🙏🙏
I need something to fuel my daydreams
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bunnakit · 4 months
🔁 & 💌
2 -> a fic you’ve re-read several times
so something that really sucks is i only very recently started utilizing the bookmark function, so some of my old old old favorites from prev fandoms (ffxv & fe3h) are lost to the void and i don't feel like searching them out.
but that's okay because i fucking LOVE A Monster with Two Heads and One Heartbeat by @timetoboldlygo my beloved. i really should reread it again soon, it was just an absolute masterpiece of characterization between Black and White in a really interesting 'what if' scenario.
13 -> a fic that inspired you to create something for it
my toxic trait is that i've never done this. i've had people do it for some of my fics and headcanons and it's always the BEST feeling but i am absolutely paralyzed by the idea of disappointing the fic author or mischaracterizing their blorbos or something so i just.. haven't yet. Orchid (mentioned in one of my prev answers) really tempted me but i chickened out.
🌸 fic ask game 🌸
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ffviidirtyconfessions · 2 months
Happy 4 year anniversary to this blog!
Hard to believe that it's already been that long. I know I talk a lot of shit on here, but I'd like to take a moment to say some genuine thanks.
I started this blog on a bit of a whim in 2020. I was in a pretty horrible place, physically, mentally, just my whole life in general. I was inspired by the ol' long running FFXV Dirty Confessions blog on here, which I would spend hours in bed at my (now) ex-girlfriend's house scrolling through while they slept and/or ignored me, laughing at the ridiculous scenarios and pictures to go along with them. Shoutout to you, Noctis feet girl. And you, Gladio musk guy.
I don't know whether it was out of boredom, or desperation, or getting into FFVII for the first time earlier that summer, but something led me to creating this thing. Since then, it's taken off so much more than I ever imagined. I genuinely look forward to waking up every day and seeing if there's anything new in the inbox, making my ugly and insane pictures, and just having somewhere to go to talk about a game that means so much to me with other people that feel the same. There's regulars in my inbox or notes that I always look forward to hearing from. It really feels like an odd little community, and as weird of a concept as it is to build my little corner of the internet around, I'm glad to have it.
Thanks so much for all your support and contributions over the years! I mean, really. This blog doesn't exist without you guys. And hey, no matter how much I joke, y'all have some pretty good ideas. Thank you to anyone who has ever told me that they love this blog, or laughed, or smiled at it. In a world that's so cruel and constant, I think it means a lot to be able to bring that to others, even if it is over a poorly edited picture of Vincent Valentine at Denny's. Here's to 4 more years, and even more! Let's mosey!
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