#Yes yes im late to the party what else is new.
vashtijoy · 3 months
I wanted to ask if you could clear this up for me, if you play in third semester and you get to Maruki's Reality, we see Akechi appear to turn himself in on Christmas Eve so, Im not sure exactly why we dont see him do so when you go back to The True Reality? what was the reason for it, Im not clear on it a bits
Hi! In short, Atlus want to maintain the mystery of whether Akechi is canonically dead or alive. Thanks for your question!
... okay, okay. More seriously, Akechi arriving on Christmas Eve is the first use we see Maruki make of his enhanced power. Akechi is present in Shibuya to take the rap for Ren because Maruki puts him there. So when that is later undone, Akechi is no longer there—and Ren was arrested and detained, all along. Just as he was in the vanilla game.
but doesn't maruki's reality start on 12/31?
We-ell... kind of. As he says in his 1/1 journal entry, Maruki finally merges Mementos with reality late on 12/31, when Ren has his dream about the butterfly. But he's already using his new power before that point, to do nice things for his friends, the Phantom Thieves.
It's not just Akechi in Shibuya. The Christmas Eve party in Royal is very different from its counterpart in vanilla—well, sure. Ren's not in detention, so the whole mood is different. They talk about Akechi, but then they just move on to have fun. Well, it is Christmas.
But the New Year's party is a strange sequence of pleasant events. Futaba calls it "an actual, real-life good ending"! We hear not just that Ren's conviction is likely to be overturned, but that Shido is to be prosecuted for the crimes he confessed. In February, of course, Sae will tell us that it took months just to document his confession, and that he's being prosecuted only for breaches of electoral and funding law.
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Something else to note about the Royal Christmas and New Year events: to my ear, they have a glib, superficial tone. Don't you think so? Matters of import come up, but the team move past them, to talk about trivialities, about their party and the fun they're having. It's kind of nice; this is who they might have been without the weight of responsibility, of grief. But equally, that weight should be there.
This is illustrated in the script. Both events feature a long string of sound effect emotes:
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These SE lines are never translated, but what you see here is Joker, Ryuji, and Ann laughing—waraigoe, the sound of laughter, literally "a laughing voice". This laugh, on New Year's Eve, continues through the whole group, not just the Phantom Thieves but also Sojiro and even Sae.
Coincidence? There are group laughs later, after Joker is released, and at the big confidant party. But those are just attributed to 全員 zen'in ("everybody"), or 一同 ichidou ("all present"). These lists of identical laugh lines at the start of Maruki's reality are just a little bit unnerving. By the time of Maruki's bad ending, those brief lapses into reality, with all of its unpleasantness, are gone.
So yes, in small ways, Maruki is using his power even before he merges Mementos with reality late on 12/31. And here's one last thing to pay attention to on 12/24. You know how Maruki alters reality itself, by altering people—by changing everyone's cognition so that the world agrees on its new nature? Watch Sae, during this scene.
She's surprised, sure—but she never seems surprised that Akechi is alive. She's just surprised that he's turning himself in. In the vanilla scene, on the other hand, she explicitly says that Akechi is missing. Ren can bring up that Akechi is back from the dead, but Sae doesn't seem to care!
Wheels within wheels.
so where's akechi in the "real" timeline?
Can of worms. Which "real timeline"? There are two, depending on whether or not you maxed Akechi's confidant. In the vanilla timeline, you don't get him to rank 8 before the engine room, and he dies behind the door. But in the Royal timeline, you do get him to rank 8, and you keep your promise, and that gives Akechi the will to live.
(Yes, this is what I currently believe. And more than that, I think it's the true meaning of that creator interview, "the player's feelings are equivalent to the protagonist's cognition". It doesn't mean that guy on the platform can be a randomer in his school uniform or a ghost!—it means there's one route where he's dead, and one where he's alive.)
In the game as released, we don't know where Akechi is. But in his February deleted scene—where he's clearly alive—he tells us where he was, for precisely this reason.
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He wasn't in Shibuya at all. He was at this refuge, wherever it is, going into hiding. He wasn't around to save Ren.
If this scene had been left in, this would have been the moment Akechi came out of safety, out of hiding, and gave up on his life—to do what's right once more, to confirm his 12/24 decision, and face justice in Ren's place. If you think Maruki altered him, and he would never have turned himself in otherwise—watch this scene again. Yeah, we were robbed.
what else does akechi say?
On 2/2, Akechi tells us how it happened:
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Let's take a quick look at that line in Japanese:
Akechi けど、君たちと戦ったあと⋯{F1 82}ともう一度会うまで僕の中にハッキリした記憶はなかった。 kedo, kimi-tachi to tatakatta ato... [Ren] to mou ichido au made boku no naka ni hakkiri shita kioku wa nakatta But after I fought against you all, I had a gap in my memory that ended with meeting up with [Ren] again. [lit. But, after I fought with you and the others… until I met back up with [Ren], I had no clear memories.]
hakkiri shita—"clear; distinct; vivid; plain; explicit; well-defined; sharp; loud and clear". hakkiri to kioku shiteiru—"to remember clearly". hakkiri shinai kioku—"unclear memories". hakkiri shita kioku—"clear memories".
Note that well. Akechi is not saying that he remembers nothing. He's saying he remembers nothing clear, which is substantively different, and not conveyed well by the English "a gap in my memory".
(He also switches address mid-sentence—in the first half of the line, he's addressing Ren as kimi ("you"), but then he cuts off, and addresses him as Ren. It looks like he switches from talking directly to Ren to talking to Maruki. And if you remember him being a dick about that moment on 1/2... this might be the line that reveals that actually, yeah, their promise in the engine room really did matter to him.)
Akechi believes he's dead on 2/2; I think there can be no question of that. There isn't a big reveal that he was alive all the time. And you can't even get this scene if you didn't max his confidant, if you didn't keep the promise—if Akechi didn't survive.
But there is an afterlife in the Persona universe, from which characters have even spoken—so I'd like to hear a little more, some day, about these "unclear memories" of his.
but how can he be alive
Bear in mind that the third semester looks identical (besides that engine room flashback on 1/2), regardless of whether or not you maxed Akechi's confidant. That's to say, whether Akechi dies in the engine room or not, the third semester does not change.
That means that everyone's perceptions of it cannot change. That includes Akechi. If he was dead and Maruki revived him, then he has no memories before he awakens in Shibuya, because he was dead. But if he wasn't dead—if he was at the refuge we see him at in the deleted scene, or in Hawaii, or on the Moon—if Maruki believes that he was dead, and attempts to revive him based on that conviction—
Well, then he creates a world where Goro Akechi died behind those shutters, doesn't he? A world where Akechi remembers nothing before he awakens in Shibuya, because now he was dead for those weeks. A world where, even though you saved him, Akechi died in the engine room. Just like in the vanilla timeline.
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revision history
Click here for the latest version.
v1.2 (2024/07/13)—wording.
v1.1 (2024/07/12)—added a bit about how akechi bookends 1/2 and 2/2.
v1.0 (2024/07/12)—first posted.
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aliaology · 3 months
I have a request, Could you do where the reader is Luke's twin sister and they are it is there 21st birthday and Jack and Quinn are there to celebrate with them and Luke and the reader both get really drunk and Jack and Quinn take care of the when they are both drunk and hungover
Also love your fic's read them every time you post
ofc babes <3 and thank you, im so glad you like them! <3 means a lot to me <33
fyi, ive NEVER drank before lolz so idk much bought it and i don't know what anyones tolerance here would be, so just know this is all fake and its not realistic. this is also short because idk what else to add. </3
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you didn't get to see your brothers that often, not with you still finishing up your few years at university of michigan and them either living in new jersey or vancouver. it was hard to say the least, especially being so far away from your literal other half; the one whom you (sometimes unfortunately) had to share the womb with. luke hughes was your best friend, and your twin. you couldn't live without the guy.
but now it is currently september 14th of 2024, a saturday, and while jack, luke and quinn should be at their respective homes, they all came up to michigan to celebrate yours and lukes birthday that happened just a few days ago. of course, you would've wanted to celebrate your birthday with luke, on said day, but schedules didn't align well and if you did it before, you legally wouldn't be able to drink. though you can't say that stopped you.
you sat in the back yard, legs crossed as you held a bottle of some form of alcohol in your hand. it was late, most of the people from the party your brothers threw, were gone. it was just you, luke, jack, quinn and a few of the umich boys. with a drunken whine, you looked to jack who snagged the bottle of alcohol from your hands.
"jackk-" you frowned.
jack rolled his eyes, "this is like your what, fifth? you don't need this much, smalls."
you groaned, looking away from him. "stop calling me that."
jack just scoffed before snagging the beer from lukes hand as well. "hey!"
"you two have drank enough. you really want mom and dad to look out the window and see you guys drinking more?" quinn spoke up.
"its our birthday." luke told.
quinn was the one to roll his eyes this time. "your birthday was monday, and now your party is over. its time to settle down."
the eldest hughes sibling walked up to the three of them and gently grabbed your arm. "lets get you both to bed."
you let out a drunken gasp. "lukeyy- we should watch uhm- uhm... oh shit whats that one movie.." you began to mutter to yourself.
jack helps luke up, who stumbles slightly. "i dont want to watch some movie." luke huffed.
you frowned. "quinny, will you watch a movie with me?"
"yes, smalls, i will." you smiled.
quinn was quick to get you to your room. he let you change and then went to change as well. sometimes, he couldn't stand jeans. walking back into your room, you were already on your bed with the remote in your hand, and jack and luke were in there too.
"thought you didn't want to watch some movie?" quinn teased luke as he flicked the lights off and then walked to the bed.
"shut up." luke groaned.
jack let out a laugh. "got him to his room and he already missed her. he acted like he does when we leave to new jersey."
quinn snickered, taking his spot on the other side of you. "can't blame him, they are freakishly attached to the hip."
"we are right here, by the way." you huffed.
"we know." the two eldest said.
you let out a huff of air. "you guys are lucky we love you."
jack smiled at his sister, slinging an arm around her and pulling her in. "we love you guys too, even if you're annoying as hell."
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b3ach-bunn7 · 28 days
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Texts with your best friend Touya (who’s a little bit in love with you)
no quirk au <3
January 9th
8:47 pm
You: it’s nearly ur bd 😁 what shall I get u
Touya: Nothing
Touya: Just Ur love 😍
You: ew
You: shall I get u some new earrings
Touya: Literally where
Touya: I think I’ve pierced every available location on my face
Touya: Unless… You meant somewhere else 😳
Touya: I meant my belly button?
You: stfu
Touya: Get your head out the gutter
You: shut up pooya
Touya: Wow you really got me there!
January 12th
8:39 am
You: bruh where r u
You: homeroom started like ten minutes ago
Touya: I just woke up
Touya: Leaving onw buy shoti is lissing me kff
You: okay English!!!
Touya: Kys
You: but you can type that right…
January 12th
1:40 pm
You: Touyaaaaaa
You: can we go get food
You: the canteen stuff is rubbish today
You: plz I’m so sos is so hungry I’m dying
Touya: Fatty
You: HEY
Touya: I’m only joking sweetcheeks
You: gross
Touya: You love it
Touya: Shiggy wants to come 2
Touya: Is that Ok
You: sigh fine I guess
Touya: Shall I tell him he’ll be third wheeling if he does 😳
You: yes 🥰🥰🥰😍 he just can’t interrupt our time together my sweet
Touya: Ew
You: you love it
January 13th
7:40 pm
Touya: I’m doing homework
You: I’m doing your mum OHHH
Touya: Woah
Touya: Telling her u said that
You: I’ll tell her ur telling porky pies
You: Rei would trust my word over urs anyways 😈
Touya: Lowkey she would
Touya: My own mother 😢
You: I’m just better ig
You: how long r u gonna be
Touya: Give me like fifteen mins
You: BOO
Touya: Bro Aizawa is up my ass rn
Touya: If I hand one more piece of work in late he’s gonna acc kill me
You: idk why u hate him so much
You: i love him
You: and he has that sexy teacher look🤤 those luscious locks
Touya: R u sure u can get off his dick long enough for us to play
You: ur just jealous
Touya: So very
Touya: Why aren’t u hyping ME up like that
You: cause u smell?
Touya: I’m not playing
You: U smell so good and yummy
You: like cigarette smoke 😍
Touya: 🙄
You: sassy 💁‍♀️
Touya: Stop distracting me so I can work
You: okay smelly
January 15th
2:30 pm
Touya: Y/N
Touya: Y/n
Touya: Y/NNNN
Touya: Queen
Touya: Sweetheart
Touya: Angel
You: if you throw one more piece of paper at my head I’m blocking u
Touya: You won’t check ur phone
Touya: How else can I get ur attention from across the room
Touya: So?
You: think I figured out why Aizawa doesn’t rate u
You: pay attention
Touya: But I miss u
Touya: And I’m bored
Touya: Ur point?
You: omfg
Touya: So what’s up
You: I’m gonna kill you
January 17th
6:50 pm
Fuyumi: Hi Y/N
You: hey fuyumi!!
You: everything okay?
Fuyumi: Yeah, it’s great!!
Fuyumi: Just wanted to tell u that everyone needs to be at ours for Touya’s party at 5:00
Fuyumi: We’ll tell him to come home at like six so that gives us some time to get everything ready
You: beautiful
You: do u think he has any idea were throwing him a party 🤭🤭
Fuyumi: I don’t think so 😆 we have been very careful
Fuyumi: Even shoto has kept his mouth shut
You: yeah I had to threaten twice a couple times before he promised to not tell
Fuyumi: Me too!!!
Fuyumi: Can’t wait to see u 😊
You: I can’t wait either!!!
Fuyumi: I hope he’ll like it
Fuyumi: We’re getting mum to drive all across town to get him that cake he loves
Fuyumi: I really want him to have fun
You: don’t worry babe he will have fun
You: and if he doesn’t I’ll force him to 😈
January 17th
Touya: U guys r throwing me a surprise party right
You: what?
Touya: For my bd
Touya: Fuyumi is being all suspicious
Touya: Told me I have to leave the house tomorrow but also come back at six oclock??
Touya: And the little brat keeps giggling at me
You: uhm don’t call little shoto that
Touya: Ur deflecting
Touya: They r throwing a party aren’t they
You: they aren’t
You: idk why you think that
Touya: Y/N
Touya: Lol
You: please please don’t tell them you know
You: they’re so excited for do this for you
You: [screenshot attachment]
You: look what Fuyumi said to me
Touya: Oh
You: please don’t spoil 😔
Touya: Don’t worry your pretty little head
Touya: I won’t
You: YAY
Touya: Ly2
January 18th
You: [audio messsage]
You: enjoy me whisper singing happy bd to u
You: okay I need to sleep we have school tomorrow
January 18th
Touya: Thank you y/n
Touya: Ly the most too
January 18th
6:15 pm
You: Touya where tf r u
Touya: I’m On my way!
You: we’ll be On your way! FASTER
Touya: STFU
You: wait ur right lowkey
Touya: exactly
You: well walk faster
Touya: I’m not walking
Touya: I’m driving
Touya: Imd riving one handed?
January 19th
12:04 am
Touya: Y/N
Touya: Thank u for gifts
Touya: The strap for my bass
Touya: And the necklace
Touya: I lowbe them
Touya: and the aprty was so fun
Touya: I lovwd it
Touya: and I lobe you
You: that’s okay 😁
You: are u drunk rn🤔
Touya: Snuch out with bawks
Touya: Hrwks
Touya: Hawks
Touya: Raided fathers liquoye supply
You: you went to your dad’s house????
Touya: NO
Touya: never
Touya: stolen from when he was gere
Touya: fukcing loser 😂😂
You: where r u guys?
Touya: hawks house
Touya: his oarents arent home
Touya: u wanbawcome over
Touya: I’ll kuck him out
You: u can’t kick hawks out of his own house 😭
You: why do u even need to kick him out we’re friends
Touya: he flirst with y so much
Touya: flirts
Touya: pisses me off
You: awwwww r u jelly 🥺
Touya: yes
You: LOL
You: yeah maybe lay off the the drinks buddy
Touya: I live u
Touya: love
Touya: I loved the gifts u got me rhwnks
You: you already said babe
Touya: sorry baby Im so drunk
You: okay I’m going to go before you say something you’ll regret in the morning
You: goodnight birthday boy
January 19th
1:05 pm
Touya: Please erase last night from ur memory
You: last night was a movie 😍
Touya: Yeah a fucking horror
Touya: My head is killing me
You: painkillers?
Touya: Idk where they r and Hawks is sleeping
You: did u guys just wake up 😭
Touya: I think I slept like at like five am
Touya: It’s nice smoking inside a house and not in some alleyway so mum doesn’t catch me
You: BOO
You: ur lungs hate u
Touya: I hate them back
Touya: It’s why I smoke
Touya: Fuck my HEAD
You: that’s what he said
Touya: Ew man
You: you love it
You: go drink some h2o
Touya: Enough chemistry in too tired
You: sigh fine
You: go get some WATER 💦
Touya: Fine
You: bye baby 🤪
Touya: I’ll kill you
You: but I thought you love me??
Touya: Ur dead to me
January 21st
7:06 pm
You: Touya
You: can I come over plz
Touya: Erm what 😳😳😳
You: seriously
You: can I
Touya: Yh ofc
Touya: You okay?
You: yh
You: well no actually
You: my dads being my dad again
You: I just can’t be in this house rn
You: I need to get away from him
Touya: Yeah u can anytime
Touya: Yk my family loves u
You: thanks
Touya: You want me to pick u up?
You: nah I wanna walk
You: thanks again
You: love u
Touya: Ly2
January 29th
5:28 pm
You: [image attachment]
Touya: Bruh get off dress to impress 😭
Touya: U r beefing ten year olds rn
You: idgaf
You: ten year olds who can’t fucking dress
You: I actually hate this game
Touya: Maybe get good
You: maybe kys???????
Touya: Words hurt 😔
You: man up?
Touya: Woah
Touya: Okay just perpetuate gender norms..
You: define perpetuate?
You: YH that’s what i thought
February 6th
7:06 pm
You: bro
You: all my friends have valentines apart from ME
Touya: Get good?
You: okay and where’s urs?
Touya: texting her rn 😍
You: omg 😳
You: but on a real I feel horrifically left out
You: Toga keeps flaunting it in my face
Touya: That little freak got one?
Touya: Who
You: yk that girl in 1-A with the chubby cheeks
You: they r so cute omg
You: how come toga has a lesbian lover and I’m jobless and hoeless 😔
Touya: I can help with one of those things
You: u hiring???
Touya: I’ll be ur valentine
You: I can’t tell if ur joking
Touya: I’m not
You: do u have one romantic bone in ur body
Touya: I can think of one 😳
Touya: Nah fr I’ll be ur valentine
You: okay…
You: ask me properly tho
Touya: Okay
Touya: Hey Y/N
You: oh hi Touya! What’s up
Touya: Will u do me the great honour of being my valentine?
You: 😊 yes!
Touya: Thank you 😊😍
February 10th
2:02 pm
Touya: Omg
Touya: Y/N guess what
You: don’t text me in class lil bro
Touya: Someone asked me to be their valentine 🤪
You: what
You: Who
You: is she in our homeroom
You: did u tell her ur mine
Touya: Woahh
Touya: Jealous much
You: no I just don’t want to be a side piece 😔
Touya: No Dw I told her I’m urs 🥺
You: shush
You: yk what I meant
You: who was it tho
Touya: Idk some girl in my maths class
Touya: She seemed pretty sad when I said no
Touya: The ladies love me
You: she’ll get over it!
Touya: LOL
February 14th
8:03 am
You: OMG
Touya: No I got them for ur dad actually
Touya: Anytime Valentine
February 14th
1:20 pm
Touya: Meet at my car
Touya: I’m taking u out for lunch
You: thank gosh
You: they’re selling some mystery meatloaf type deal and I’m no happy
You: hawksy wants to come too
Touya: No
Touya: Just u
You: girl he’s not gonna do anything
Touya: No this is like
Touya: Hold on
You: okay hawks is looking at his phone and typing
You: r u texting him
You: okay he magically doesn’t wanna come along anymore
Touya: Aw :((
Touya: I’m waiting outside
You: see u in a bit smelly
February 14th
1:50 pm
You: ur such a child
Touya: NO
You: WHY
You: I can see u smiling
Touya: Shut up
Touya: Okay listen
Touya: If u don’t like what I’m about to say we r going to act like this never happened okay
Touya: I will delete the message out of existence and thus out of ur mind
You: okay…
Touya: Okay so I kind of like actually asked u to be my Valentine not just because ur lonely
Touya: And I like really like you
Touya: As in like like
Touya: But I don’t wanna ruin our friendship because ur the best friend I’ve ever had and will ever have
Touya: So if u don’t feel the same we can just pretend this never happened
February 14th
8:00 pm
You: I’m home safe xxx
Touya: Don’t care
You: okay mr message me when ur back
You: okay mr parked in my driveway to make sure I got in okay???
Touya: Shut up
You: wait hold on
You: is that why uninvited hawks
You: so that u could ask me out
Touya: Yeah and the sky is also blue
Touya: He’s so stupid yk
Touya: It was his idea ??
Touya: And he forgot
You: hey three’s a party!
Touya: So you would’ve kissed me as aggressively as you did if Hawks was there?
You: wait ur right..
You: Oh well
You: it was about time anyways
You: took u like three years and u did it over DMS
Touya: I’m shy 🥺
You: EW TF
You: I take the kiss back
Touya: These hickeys tell me a different story
Touya: You love it
You: I love YOU 🫵
Touya: Yeah
Touya: Love you too
This was NOT supposed to end with a confession but I physically cannot help myself 😅 I love these text posts they’re so fun!!
Hope u all enjoyed <3
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strawberryspence · 2 years
happy birthday, @withacapitalp! i hope im not that late! i am so glad to be your friend and i am glad you were born. ily! long islands on me! 🥂🍾💗
There’s this damn spring festival in Indianapolis. It’s pretty popular among young-ins and people from small towns come to visit it every year. There are local vendors, activities, mini concerts. It’s where Eddie thrives the most, he has gone every year since he can remember.
His first mistake was mentioning it to Dustin. The second was agreeing to his insistent pleading if he could come with Eddie to Indy.
Because after Eddie finally said yes. The news— unsurprisingly— reaches El, and wherever El goes, Will goes, and of course, wherever Will goes Mike goes. Then Max hears and also wants in and of course, Lucas also wants to go. So now, it’s the whole damn party. Of course, he can’t handle all the kids. So now, all the adult kids are coming too.
And listen, he thinks they’re all great. But he’s been wanting to get out of Hawkins and away from them to just— breathe. Also, that’s a lie. Eddie doesn’t want to get away from them. He specifically wants to get away from Steve fucking Harrington and all the confusing feelings he have for the very straight man.
Of course, that doesn’t work out.
Because now they're stuck in the middle of a crowd. Eddie has never really understood why people said they felt like a sardine in a can, but right now, he fully understands. He should have known it was going to be busy. It was a Saturday and it’s one of the biggest festivals in town.
He will never say it, but Eddie thanks Steve’s very strong maternal instinct. He can worry for himself right now, because he knows the kids are together due to the very strict buddy system Steve instituted. Now they just have to get to the damn corn dog stand, which Steve declared as their meet up place.
“Eddie.” Eddie whips his head to see Steve staring intently at him. Oh yeah, Steve’s his buddy. “We have to get out of here.”
Eddie nods faintly but doesn’t answer. He has to keep his breathing in check. They’re fine, and the kids are fine. There’s a crowd but they're not after the kids. They're not after Eddie. They’re not after him. It's not an angry mob. Not after him for killing Chrissy. Not—
“Eds.” Steve pushes against the people to get to him. His brown eyes track his face before he sighs in worry, “Hold my hand.”
“What?” Eddie croaks out in disbelief.
Steve looks around, before whispering, "Baby, I think you're one step away from a panic attack. It's too fucking crowded."
And before Eddie can say anything else, Steve captures his hand into his. He doesn't intertwine them together because they're still in public and though they're in the city, it's always good to be safe. But Steve still holds Eddie's hand so tightly, like he's afraid that Eddie's going to vanish from his sight.
"Don't let go, okay?" Steve asks, which is ridiculous, and crazy. Because now that Eddie's holding his hand, clasped together like two ends of the same parenthesis, he doesn't think he could ever let go.
Eddie nods, and Steve pulls him in front of him, shielding him with his arms so people won't bump into him. It weirdly feels like a hug. If he has to describe it, he will say it feels exactly like the moment Wayne hugged him after he came out to him. It's safety, warmth, and overwhelming love and protection.
Steve maneuvers around the crowd like a pro. He dodges people without hitting them and takes them out of the fucking crowd in the middle of the market.
Before he knows it, they're out of the crowd and sitting on a bench. His breathing is finally getting better, but Steve still hasn't let go of his hand. Not when he bought Eddie a drink, not when he instructed Eddie to breathe with him, not when the kids came and asked what was wrong, only to be shooed away.
Eddie's not sure why he's so shaken to the core by this certain touch. He's always been the touchy-feely one. He throws an arm on Steve's shoulders, pats his head when Steve does something ridiculously adorable, and nudges him by the ribs when he says something funny. Steve's never initiated touch, Robin says it's because of the "complete lack of love and care from his parents."
But Steve's right here. Squatting in front of him. Holding his hand as he waits for Eddie to calm down. Looking at him like he— loves him. How could Steve ever be the product of lack of love and care, when he seems to have an abundance of it?
"You doing better, Eds?" Steve asks, his eyes are bright against the lights. He's looking at Eddie like Eddie's something to be cared for, to be loved, like he's something precious.
Eddie wants Steve to look at him like this. Selfishly, he wants to have it for the rest of his fucking life.
Eddie blinks at him, and accidentally, intentionally, stupidly, spits out, "I think I am in love with you."
Steve freezes. He blinks at him.
The world behind them slows down. There's a kid winning a prize a few stalls down, and a man bargaining for a vase on the other end. Someone's order is ready at the food stand and someone just won the bingo. There's a band playing and they're fucking playing Whitesnake's Is This Love.
It's one of those simple, but beautiful moments. Those that make you feel like you're nothing but a small particle in this big, vast world. Eddie basks in those moments sometimes.
However, at that moment, Eddie doesn't. If Steve looks at him like that for the rest of his life, Eddie doesn't think he'll ever feel small again.
He lets the world fade into a quiet noise. Nothing else matters. Nothing, but Steve Harrington.
He just stares at Steve. He just stares as Steve's face breaks into the biggest smile he has ever seen and it quite literally feels like watching a sunflower grow right in front of him. It's a smile that overflows, from the way he beams at him, from the way his eyes wrinkle, the way his nose crinkles.
Eddie's never seen Steve smile this big before and its damn beautiful.
"You sure about that?" Steve asks. There's insecurity in it, but also hope.
Eddie's never been this sure about anything else in his life, so he says, "Yes."
Steve softens, "Alright. That's good."
"How is that good?" Eddie whispers.
"Because, I—" Steve turns over their hands on his lap, and finally— finally— intertwines them. And shit, maybe there is a God, because this feels sacred, a love made just for the two of them.
"Because, I think I am also in love with you."
"I wish I can kiss you here," Eddie says, making Steve laugh, and it spills out of his body so beautifully Eddie wants to keep doing it for the rest of his life.
"Slow down, cowboy," Steve giggles, but the way he tightens his hold on Eddie's hand tells the opposite of his statement.
"Steve! Eddie! Look at this!" Dustin screams from the nearby booth, where El just won him a teddy bear.
"Yeah, you have to come. El's not doing anything. It's just pure talent!" Lucas sarcastically shrieks back.
In the background, El's giggling like crazy. Which 100% means she's using her magic. Eddie can't help but smile at the kids. He's glad he bought them with him to have fun.
Steve immediately stands up at that, their hands breaking apart at the motion. "Oh God. I told her not to use her powers." Steve's about to rush to them— maternal instincts and whatnot— before he stops in his tracks and turns to Eddie.
Steve softens, holding out his hand to Eddie. Eddie takes it without hesitation.
"Don't let go?" Steve asks.
Eddie stares at him, before he whispers a vow just for the two of them, "I won't. I promise."
True to his word, he doesn't let go. Not ever.
Eddie has no intention of ever letting Steve go.
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scuderiadream · 1 year
keeping tabs ( smau )
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꒰ singer!reader x lando norris ꒱
𖧧 summary : this takes place during the aftermath of the reader and lando’s failed relationship, lando have this regret and frustration feeling inside him as he struggles to let go of his past relationship
𖧧 faceclaim : nicole zefanya (niki)
𖧧 author note : hi hellu, sorry for the late late post for the 2nd part! i got very very sick to the point where i cant write anything :( anyways, i got a bit better now which is a good news and this is the 2nd part of the previous au! and yes this is inspired by niki’s keeping tabs hehe😚 please enjoy <333
part 1 | tags: @ironmaiden1313 @whoreks @minkyungseokie @iamahallucinationnn
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚˚୨୧⋆。˚⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆
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liked by lnfour, username and 595,041 others
landonorris close, but its on me. i messed it up today. sorry
view all 4,980 comments
username we are so proud of you 🫶
username it’s not your fault!! we love you!
username heads up lando!! ❤️
username we believe in you 🥹
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚˚୨୧⋆。˚⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆
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liked by landonorris, username and 16,432 others
deuxmoi yn and mysterious man (possibly someone famous?) spotted for the first time ever hanging out around new-york city yesterday
view all 5,823 comments
username she looks so adorable
username hold on why did lando liked this?
username um? lando? what are you doing here?
username ?????? LANDO???????
↳ username bro got caught in 4k 🤨📸
↳ username hes never gonna beat the allegations isnt he..
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liked by honeymoon, oliviarodrigo and 469,448 others
yourusername i wish i never met u
view all 3,927 comments
username caption SO real
maisiehpeters love love the dress!
liked by yourusername
username mother, who were you with yesterday? 🤨🤨🤨🤨
↳ username yes we need to know asap.
username 4+4=
username hmm wonder whos the caption about🤨🤨🤨
↳ username what if its lando??????
↳ username or that mysterious guy????
↳ username i guess we’ll never know😪
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚˚୨୧⋆。˚⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚˚୨୧⋆。˚⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆
lando knew he couldn’t let go of his past relationship so he ended up spending most of his time alone in his own apartment, sometimes he feels as if he’s isolating himself, stalking over yn’s social media until he feels the knots in his stomach. often times he would watch her instagram story of her having fun with her friends, either partying or hanging out and he would watch it with sorrow in his eyes. he always blame himself for being the one who left her without saying goodbye, he ball a fist and die inside every-time she’s happy with someone else other than him. he always keeping tabs for some stupid reason. he wanted to text her saying that he missed her but he knows she wouldn’t say anything back. meanwhile, yn always wished him well and wished him far away, at all time she’s glad their paths never cross again.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚˚୨୧⋆。˚⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆
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© credits to pinterest for the pics .
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edupiii · 6 months
*slams head into marble counter top, causing cups to fall onto the floor with the sheer amount of force*
or im just late as hell to the party
Spoiler Warning for Episode 7 of Murder Drones Below
ALRIGHT! Now I KNOW this shit is going to sound kinda crazy but STICK WITH ME HERE PLEASE-
I was just wondering around YouTube and I got this video made by @sutekh94 (sorry if you didn’t wanna be pinged Sutekh, if you’d like i can take the @ out) suggested to me. I watched it cause I like to see what other people say about the cringy media I consume rapidly.
At one point in the video, Sutekh is talking about the end shot of Uzi being in sppaaaaace saying that she was “shot into Copper-9s orbit”. I paused the video and looked at the clip on screen which was this BEAUTIFUL scene. Absolutely stunning.
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Now at the end of the new episode I had a brain thought that this could be an outside shot of Copper-9, but then I found that too odd. However, seeing someone else say it has me looking into stuff. So I went through all the times we’ve seen Copper-9 within the series and found that yes, this very much is Copper-9 and Uzi stuck on its orbit:
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highlighted circle is of the Little Rock’s orbiting Copper-9 that bump into Uzi
We can see the rock orbits, the space between Copper-9 and the (possible) moons it has. The Saturn moon being close up in the first angle we see from the first episode, but it being far away in the newest episode. This shows the distance and that despite being seen as farther away now, the Saturn moon is still the one we see so commonly in MD during the night.
But I was confused why it was like this? Why would it lead to the planets orbit? I understand the planet has a massive hole in it, but still it seemed like an odd occurrence.
Now- this is where I start sounding like I should never be let outside in public spaces-
Before we see this final scene of Uzi in spaaaacee, we watch The Solver/Fleshaa/Cyn go down that exact same hole saying: “honestly, I’m starving.”
It also references eating earlier on in the episode when talking to N: “Let’s eat.”
The Solver/Fleshaa/Cyn came to Copper-9 to initially get rid of other solver users that it knew of (Uzi and Doll), as well as find the cross with the patched code in it. First it destroyed all possible evidence involving the solver and the patch (scene where it explodes the computers and lockers in episode 7).
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Secondly, it goes after Doll. Doll was against the Solver because she refused for it to use her to “eat the planet”, to which Flesha says, “not sure it needs you buddy”, then killing her.
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Next it went for Uzi. It was originally going to kill Uzi acting as Tessa, however when N decapitated her that was no longer an option. Instead, it shifted into using Uzis body. At this point, she also has acquired the cross thanks to N. It goes ahead and destroys that too, checking another box off the list.
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The Solver then went to kill N but was stopped by Nori, causing there to be a new target added to its hit list. In the fight with Nori and N, the Solver shows little respect for Uzis body. On multiple occasions it try’s to get Uzi killed. It knew N would try to stop this from happening, but even if he didn’t save Uzi, that would still be a win for the Solver.
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It then try’s to eat Nori, wanting to get rid of her as quickly as possible since she poses the most threat to its plan. It’s interpreted by N and then loses control over Uzi. However, Uzi then proceeded to PUNT her mom down the flesh hole, resulting in Nori to be checked off the hit list as well since she would be assumed to be dead.
With Nori, Doll and the cross/patch gone and Uzi no longer under its control, the Solver retreats back into its Flesha form, surprise attacking N and Uzi. I would assume that the Solver doesn’t perceive either of these traumatized goobers to be a threat, seeing as it try’s to kill the pair but ultimately fails.
With all other players out of the field, The Solver no longer has anyone it deems as a threat. Dropping down the hole in victory and into Copper-9s orbit.
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The Solver as we have seen eats oil, drone cores and human flesh and blood. With all human life (possibly) being wiped out entirely by being eaten, the Solver is starving. The next best option: drones.
Copper-9s current residents are only drones. Specifically worker drones who have no weaponry or Solver powers. The drones have governance over themselves (aka, sentient), so the Solver can’t just brainwash or order them into being eaten. So it plans to do it in one big final swoop.
It has been said on multiple occasions throughout the show: eating the planet, eating worlds, etc. but i (personally) never thought of that being an actual possibility. With the Solver/Flesha/Cyn in the orbit of Copper-9 and all possible obstacles taken care of, it is free to gorge itself on the drone inhabited planet, finally satisfying its endless hunger.
I would think it would do this by creating a NULL void, as the endless void/black hole can be acquainted with the idea of a always starving being. Something that can never be full. Never satisfied. We see this with earth and the core of Copper-9. We can also see this in the other times we have seen the NULL void appearing: a flash back in episode 4, killing the Sentinels in episode 6, it being in the sky in episode 7 during the murder drone apocalypse and probably a bunch of other times I didn’t write down.
The Solver didn’t get to fully eat Copper-9 all those decades ago, but now it’s come to finish its meal.
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If this has already been a known thing and im joining in late, i profusely apologize for wasting both your time and my own.
As for a motive for The Solver doing this: to eat. It isn’t fighting for the freedom of drone kind or fighting against humanity because of the way they treated the AI they created, but rather uses drones as vessels and a food source. Often, Eldritch beings have little reason to care for anything. They do what they please and it’s horrifying because there is absolutely no way to deter this force or even try to talk it down. It’s above emotion and morality. It is all that matters and those beneath are seen as nothing but insignificant animals to yield to its power. It doesn’t want to dominate or rule a universe, it just wants to consume it.
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pooplyface1423 · 7 months
~Hidden Love~
YandareHuman Al x Reader
Warnings: none i think
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"Y/n i want you to meet Alastor hes going to be the newest Radio host aka hes going to take up Daniel's part so that means you'll be Al's new Assistant okay"
"Well as you heard i'm alastor pleasure meeting you!" Said Al leaning down to kiss your hand
"Well thanks i'm Y/n"
After that you felt something different never knowing what it was..................... Al was always nice to you unlike to anybody else. But why?
The party was a success Daniel was happier than ever You got to dance with Al you (in your opinion is kinda cute). Afterwards you and everybody else was heading home. You were a good 20 minutes away from ur house. A very long way home ugh....
"You know a pretty lady shouldn't be walking home this late all alone right?you never know what can happen" Says Al walking up to you
"Oh hi Alastor yea i know but I'll be fine I've done this many time and i'm alive" you say being slightly sarcastic at the end
"Oh dear you never know what could happen and so I shall insist taking you home"
"Oh you don't need to i ca- "I insist dear imagen the guilt i would feel if something happens to you when you leave"
"Well fine if you insist"
You both went on your way home everything was going well Al wanted to "chat" so he knows more about his new assistant's schedule and so on but they both knew he just wanted to know more about Her.
Until it started to rain you both quickly ran Alastor handing you his jacket so you don't get as wet as him.(wow such a gentlemen)
You both ran quicker once you told him you saw ur house come up.
Once at ur door step you let Al in mostly cuz hes soaking wet.
"Get in" "No need dear im going to head home thankfully its not far"
After Al says that a strong lightning strikes.
"Oh Well now you are getting in"
You quickly indicate where the shower in a guest room would be and say ur going to hand him some clothes.
After some digging in ur closet deep down you found a flimsy but formal shirt which looks slightly to big but who cares you find everything else and go into the guest room and knock on the bathroom door say the clothes are in the bed.
After a good 10 minutes Al comes out looking funny since the shirt fits him big
"why do you have a shirt this big?"
"Well it was my fathers"
"Oh well its an honor to wear the shirt of a proud father"
"haha yea thanks"
"Well i made some soup so you don't get sick come so you can eat it"
"No need dear I'll be fine"
you looked at him with a stern face and tell him to come and eat before it gets cold.
He obliged and sat down with you to eat and not get sick (ha lol)
When he took a bite he felt like he could marry you right then and there it tasted very similar to his mothers so good and full with love.
After the both of you finished you talked some more while you quickly washed the dishes.
"Well i should head out dear"
"No need its still raining and i have a spare bedroom u can use"
"Are you sure dear?"
"Yes i'm sure why else would i offer it?"
Then you both went to bed.
After that your bond was very nice both of you had feeling for each other but didn't say for some reasons.
First Al didn't want you to find out he was a f'n serial killer.(what would you think of him?)
And you were just scared of what people would say to you like why date a radio host you can definitely score a hot rich man with all ur beauty.
But either way both of you were satisfied with being just friend/coworkers for now.
Until you had suspicions he was the killer. you didn't have much proof but you confronted him
"hey Al? can i talk to you bout something"
"Sure thing! what is it?"
"Um well just wanted to know are you the killer that has been going around killing the innocent?
"Oh no dear no i'm not why would i be"
"oh well there was some staff saying it might be you"
"oh well who was it?"
"well a lot of the male staff was saying it like mike don and Sam"
"Well you don't need to worry ur little head about it I think i can handle it with them"
"Oh okay, then i'm going to head out for the day bye Al"
"Bye Y/n see you"
Hello finally finished part 1. Part 2 will hope fully come out Wednesday.
Hope ya'll liked it.
~Hidden Love~
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zoe-is-amazingg · 1 year
You're just not my type Prt 3
Jock!Ethan Landry X Guitarist!F!Reader
W/C - 1.5 K
Summary - Ethan definitely has an idea about what you think about him
Warnings - just making out.
A/N - I'm so happy i'm trying to finish this rn. im also done wit the flashbacks sooo
Last part * Next part *
Request rules * Taglist request *
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You slowly walk into school, your headphones over your ears, it's been a week since you've last seen Bryce and you're living for it. You practically wanted nothing to do with him and recently, someone else was definitely trying to get in with you.
Ethan, that is.
He has been interacting with you all week, talking to you, flirting with you, he even has been asking you about your guitar. You weren't used to all this male attention surrounding you. Ethan's friends were slowly talking to you, finding you interesting and asking things about you too.
But out of all of them, Ethan is the one that you seem to like the most. He seems caring and kind and nice. He was cute as hell, but you really didn't want this to be another Bryce situation where he ends up being a dick to you in five days.
You're walking and just minding your own business when someone pulls off your headphones and you turn around. Of course, it was Ethan.
"Ethan give them back!" You huff as he puts them on his head. You really wanted to go to art early. He nods his head and hums to the tune of the song just a little bit before he takes them off and puts them around your neck.
"Is that...Your own music?" He asks you, looking deeper into your eyes than anyone else ever has before. He had this strong cologne on and on top of how his hair looked it the sun, it was intoxicating to you. You wanted to rip the varsity jacket off and kiss him.
"Uh, yes, actually. It's just something I've been working on for the moment, nothing too special." You state and He nods. He smirks at you and then steps back.
"That's really good," He states, and you blush, what the hell was happening to you. In a minute you'll start giggling like a fucking schoolgirl. "Can I meet you in the music room after this class. I really want to hear you play in person." You shake your head, and he sighs. You look into his eyes for a moment and groan. "Fuck it, sure, I'll see you there."
You slowly walk away and sigh as you put your headphones over your ears. You arrive at art, being a bit over 5 minutes late, you were never late and by the way everyone was looking at you, you could tell their thinking the same. You take your headphones off and take your seat at the back.
"Gentlemen and Gentlewoman, I really want this next piece for your portfolio to really tell me about your emotions." The teacher says. You weren't one for emotions really, but maybe these new feelings for your browned haired friend could bring out some good work. "I want this to reflect what the past month has been like in about three to five paintings, show me your emotions and the journey that your emotions go through."
"What the hell." You mumble. This month for you has been terrible, except for the past week. Your friend, Casey, looks at you. He was a great artist and an even better friend; he calls you constantly.
"I know you're not good with your emotions, but you should really use your feelings for Ethan. Their only blossoming into new for you, Bryce was a shit dude. Ethan seems like he's good for you. You seem happier." That was deep as hell. What the fuck.
You will admit to yourself that you do seem happier ever since Ethan's come into your life. So maybe that party was worth it. "I don't know, he asked me to meet him after this class to get him to watch me play. I don't know if I should go." You mumble.
"Y/N. I swear to god. If you don't go, you'll wish you did because I'll legit kill you." Casey says and you groan. "Fuck you, fuck it. I'll go!" You groan.
"Yessss! Please do! He loves you! It's so obvious." Casey rolls his eyes. You roll your eyes and get up and walk away. You put on your apron and grab 3 paint brushes, a cup of water and some light blue, pastel purple and pink and yellow. That's what you felt like doing at the time anyway
You go back to your desk and sit down. You place all the objects onto the table and slump back down into your seat. You turn around with your chair and grab a canvas and paint palette.
You turn back around to your desk and place the canvas and palette down. You squeeze a little bit of each color onto the palette and wet the smallest paint brush you grabbed. You dip it into the pink paint, someone in the corner of the classroom catches your eye. You slowly take off your headphones and put them into your bag.
"I'm here for Y/N." Ethan says. Your jaw drops. What the fuck is he doing? You don't come to his basketball practice. You were painting, you're not packing up because you just started. "Why does Y/N need to come with you?"
"Something important has come up and I really need her to come with me Mrs Warner." Ethan says. He looks at you and you shake your head. "Sure, go ahead, take Y/N. I'm not fighting with 21-year-old about a girl leaving class early."
"I'll pack up your stuff." Casey smirks at you. You grab your bag and leave with him. You both walk in silence for a moment, you're finding the right words because in your head, everything you wanted to say was mixed together.
"Where are we going?" You ask. He shakes his head at you and chuckles. Fuck. He is not taking you to the studio. "By the way your face expressions are, I think you just realized." He chuckles at you. You didn't want to play for him, you were planning on not showing up. But what's the worst that can happen?
You walk with him for a moment and then you both arrive at the studio. You really weren't keen on playing for him. He opens the door and there's your guitar, in all its beauty. "Y/N. Look, if you don't want to play for me, that's fine, I don't want you to feel like you have to." He says to you, clearly it was obvious that you were nervous to play infront of him.
"No, I want too. I just haven't really played my own music in front of someone before." You mutter, you both go inside the studio, and he closes the door. You pick up the electric guitar and set it up so it can make noise from the speakers. Ethan looks at you and slowly pulls the guitar out of your hands and lightly rests it on the wall.
He grabs your hands and looks at you directly into your eyes. He slowly rubs circles into the back of your hands. He drops onto his knees, and you can't even believe this is happening to you. "Are you okay?" He asks.
"Fine, fine. Don't worry about me." You whimper. He nods, clearly not convinced with your answer. He hands you back the guitar and you turn the volume up on it lightly. "Just pretend I'm not here."
You close your eyes. Fuck why is the this so damn scary. You start playing a little bit to see if it's tuned. It is and now you can't waste any more time. You slowly start with a hammer on and start playing. You play for about two minutes before you stop. Ethan's jaw is wide open and shocked.
"That's really fucking good." He mutters. You didn't know what to say. He did not just say your good. It felt like a praise. It was a praise. God, you wanted him so bad. You hand him the guitar. "Sit down, I'll give you a lesson." You say and his eyes light up. "Really?"
"Yes, now sit down before I change my mind." You sigh. He nods and sits down. The guitar is placed on his lap, and he picks it up the way you did before. He puts the strap over his shoulders. "What next ma'am?" He asks jokingly. You walk over and stand over him. You grab his hands and use your hands lead where his are going.
You let him play a little riff and then stop. He looks up at you and says "Fuck it, I cant pretend anymore." He mutters and you tilt your head.
What is he on about? Your thoughts are cut short when his lips connect with yours. Your lips move and fit perfectly together. He slides the guitar off him and places it onto the floor. You slowly move your body so you're standing basically on top of him. You slowly get pulled onto his lap and you hook your hands around his neck.
Someone opens the door, and you break the kiss to look at the person. It's the one person you did not want to talk too.
Taglist - @idky5
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stomach-bugg09 · 2 years
omg thank you for doing my request!!! i absolutely adored it, dw im from the east coast myself (new york specifically). if it’s okay, i’d like to request more modern day sullys and fali? i just love your take on them.
a/n: ahh !! thank you so much. ( east coast gang rising up !! ) anyway , yes i actually think the modern au is just so simple but so cute and fun to write , which is also why i'm publishing this request before some of the older ones. i want to be able to keep feeding you all while i develop ideas and fics for the other ones. hope you enjoy !! reblogs + feedback is always appreciated !!
tags: @liyahsocorro @bonnibuckets @wxnderingthoughts @pinkhotdogsfr
modern au headcanons for the sullys + fali
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one of the most chaotic families out there
trust me when i say this
when any of the kids have friends over, the guests are always shocked to find out that they ever manage to get anything done
there's always someone being a problem ( lo'ak )
tuk is the "do it all" child
like soccer, lacrosse, dance, school plays + musicals
she totally ate as an oompa loompa in charlie and the chocolate factory jr.
the older siblings all took a picture with her while she was in costume
[y/n] has an epic 0.5x picture of her from that night and is saving it for her graduation
[y/n] has the most baby pictures and "baby's first christmas" ornaments / type stuff just because she was the first child
neteyam has a good bit, so does kiri, but lo'ak and tuk have barely any
you can tell that they gave up on parenting tuk because she's such a menace
the whole entire family is banned from pizza hut
they refuse to speak on the topic
after neteyam and lo'ak played jv basketball together, kiri and [y/n] worked together to rewatch all the film and make a compilation of all their funny moments
tbt to when lo'ak completely missed the basket during a free throw
to present it, they gathered the entire family into the living room and pretended it was serious
but as soon as the video started, the two girls could not hold up the act and ended up on the ground in tears as they laughed at the entire thing
lo'ak and neteyam were not amused
jake was totally losing his mind
he loves making fun of his kids ( affectionately )
you can always tell neytiri's mood based on what she's listening to when she cooks dinner
a podcast means she's feeling good, feeling productive - sad music means she's, well... sad - classical music means you must stay far away from her
kiri, [y/n], and neytiri have their periods sinked up
it's complete hell for everyone else
once jake came home from work late and saw them sobbing on the couch to an episode of how i met your mother
sometimes the siblings will all sit down and have tuk paint their nails as she just talks the most amount of shit about every kid in her class
it's literally the funniest thing
she has some serious issues
kiri and [y/n] both like reading but the difference between the two is that kiri actually reads and [y/n] has five different books sitting on her bedside table
when she does have a random burst of energy to read, they always swap books
the head boys lacrosse coach is the biology teacher and he loves the sully family
he also teaches forensic science
not only is [y/n] dating his star player, but she manages the team
plus neteyam is on his team
sometimes, during their lunch period, fali and [y/n] just roll up to his class ( the same period that lo'ak and tsireya have bio )
ao'nung also plays basketball, so him and lo'ak were literally always beefing until they randomly just became friends
and then it was chill!
[y/n] and fali also drive tsireya and ao'nung around quite a bit, but they don't mind
everybody trusts fali and [y/n]
they're the type of people that you call if you need anything ever
kiri and neteyam have definitely called their sister or fali during a party after realizing they needed to get home
once neteyam's old friends left him there with no ride and he was... not all that sober
fali was at the same party because lacrosse team!
this boy did not hesitate to leave with neteyam and bring him back to his house
neteyam called his parents and pretended he was sleeping over with ao'nung ( who helped cover for him ) and ended up sleeping in fali's guest bedroom
every day kiri collects random ideas for her future speech as [y/n]'s maid of honor at her and fali's wedding
[y/n] still doesn't know
neteyam has an entire shoebox full of memories with his big sister that he plans to give her before she moves out
panic ensues the household when they reach june / graduating month
they do not want to think about their first baby leaving the nest!
neytiri is such a sad frantic mama
just wants everything to be perfect for her baby
jake ensures her that it will be
moving on to more happy stuff!
neytiri is totally a swiftie
like a very serious very loyal swift or that knows every single song and every single album and every single word
owns her ugly merch but it's okay because it makes her happy
tsireya's favorite candy would be watermelon jolly ranchers and she always has them in her backpack and stuff
lo'ak started to also keep watermelon flavored things in his backpack when he first started crushing on her
he would give her some during bio
her smile was always worth it
[y/n] and fali have the cheesiest and cutest way of reminding each other that they love each other
and that would be by giving each other their last piece of something
like they would give each other their last oreo, their last piece of gum, their last hershey kiss, his last name
it's just a silent exchange of their infatuation for each other
everybody else watches as they contemplate leaving because of how lonely they make them feel
kiri makes the silliest birthday posts
like she absolutely exposes every single one of her siblings by posting their ugly pictures on her instagram story
and she isn't even nice enough to keep it on close friends
lo'ak and [y/n] have a super long streak on snap chat of like 600+ days
and they are constantly scared of losing it
tuk takeover happens on a rare occasion in which, every few months, one of her older siblings allows her to do their streaks
she usually manages to post something stupid on their stories or something, but all of their friends have learned to look forward to it
fali and [y/n] were friends for a year before dating, but half of that year was spent with them absolutely crushing on each other
their first kiss story is so embarrassing and they refuse to tell anyone about it
fali wears bracelets that [y/n] makes for him
he always wears the bracelets that tuk makes for him and they're the cutest things because it's just a random assortment of beads
fali probably has a like single piercing on one of his ears after losing a bet with his friends
but he's grown to love it
he always has to take it out for lacrosse because the helmet is a pain
[y/n] buys him cute little earrings that he refuses to wear because they're always silly
like, "no, [y/n] i'm not wearing a singular waffle earring."
the only earring from her that he wears is the earring that matches the ring he gave her on their one year anniversary
she gave him that earring for his birthday
he almost cried
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ooglyboooglybitxh · 1 year
𝐍𝐚𝐡𝐢𝐫’𝐬 𝐁𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
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contains: MEGA FLUFF
summary:its Nahir’s birthday 🎂
The Day Before:
★ How old is he turning you ask??, OUR BOI IS TURNING A YEAR OLD🥹🥹🥹
★ Shuri has been thinking about it all month, shit she could barely focus on her work she was excited, but stressed for her son’s first birthday.
☆ “ok y/n listen ive been planning this week for Nahir's birthday im thinking about the theme what should we do?" Shuri said pacing around the room
“baby, we’re not inviting that much people remember?”
“yes but still should we have a theme”
“yeah but he doesn’t like big stuff like that remember?”
“oh yeah, shit how did i forget that” she says putting her hands on her face “im so stupid”
“no baby your not stupid, you’re just trying to make sure it’s perfect”
“but what if he doesn’t like it?”
“Shuri he’s gonna love it, he’ll be fine i promise” you say kissing her cheek
The day of:
★ when you and Shuri tell him happy birthday he just looks at yall like
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★ he’s also confused about why tf YOU cooked him a mini gourmet breakfast. He tore that shit up tho😭
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★ He was kinda catching on when Riri came over for his party talking about “HAPPY BIRTHDAY NEPHEW” and gave you a bag with shit on top of it
★ But he didn’t care about anything else When his cousin Toussaint came over they went to go play immediately, like he didn’t let Nakia say Happy Birthday 😭
★ But best believe he seen Aneka and Okoye, don’t worry yall Nakia got her hug in😹
★ When it was time to blow out candles🤦🏾‍♀️… bro, he kept backing up from the cake because he seen fire😭😭
☆ “its ok Nahir it won't hurt you“ Shuri said as she rubbed his back as he sadly cooed into her chest
They tried again and he backed up into Shuri’s chest again
“it's ok Nahir it won't burn you“ Toussaint said patting his head
Then he finally blew out the candles
Well Shuri did.
★ you could tell his favorite part was opening presents bc he had a blast
★ Nakia and Toussaint got gave him T'Challa's Black Panther necklace, which made Shuri tear up
(A/N: I almost cried getting that idea😕😕😕)
★ Riri got him a Spin toy from his favorite show
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★ Aneka and Okoye got him a Meows Morales plushie that he is in love with
★ Shuri gave him kimoyo beads since he is so interested in them
★ You gave him two new pairs of shoes
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★ he was so tired after everything he fell asleep on the floor in the living room. You carried him to his crib and sat on the bed continuing to what you were doing on your computer
its short and a day late ik but if yall enjoyed this request more and see yall
(A/N: I might keep updating this post as I get more ideas)
🩵- Aaliyah
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nonbinaryeggrolls · 1 year
Battle of the Larynx I
Miguel O’Hara x afab!reader
Pt. 1, Pt. 2, Pt. 3, Pt. 4
Synopsis: Having Spider-Man as a boyfriend was becoming increasingly more difficult, and his reoccurring absence is tearing you apart
A/N: hi y’all! ik ive been so MIA with my stories lately. if im being honest sometimes i just don’t have ideas for new chapters or how to continue in progress stories, but hopefully i can get some more done soon! but for now enjoy this quick Miguel O’Hara story cuz i am OBSESSED with this man atm
Inspired by Battle of the Larynx by Melanie Martinez!
Warning: smut (fingering), toxic relationship, ANGST (yk i fucking live that shit), neglectful Miguel, LONG ASS CHAPTERS
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You knew what you were getting yourself into when he told you. You knew the nights that laid ahead for both of you filled with his crying and screaming after a failed mission led to a loss of innocent life. You knew the days would consist of hours holding your breath wondering if he was alive or not, and finally exhaling when he arrived there at your doorstep; battered and bloody but still, he was there. That was really the only promised you asked Miguel to keep— be there. You could handle him leaving randomly and not coming home until 2 in the morning, it was his obligation as a hero and that came before anything else. But he also took an obligation as your partner to be present when it mattered most, and according to him he cherished that concept with his life. So if that was the case why wasn’t he here now?
Miguel had been gone for 5 days now, longer than he’s ever been gone for. Five days of nothing, no calls, texts, emails, even an owl with a note would’ve sufficed at this point but he chose to leave you in the dark yet again. You touched up your mascara in the shiny elevator door reflection as you prepped yourself for the celebration party you and your art school classmates planned after you all landed the animation internship. What was supposed to be a chance for your friends to finally get to know Miguel was clearly turning into yet another evening third wheeling other couples. Another night of watching girls curl up with their lovers while you downed a spiked lemonade to forget about yours. This was the 26th time Miguel had abandoned an important event with no notice whatsoever (yes you’ve been keeping track). It started with simple things like picnic dates or small get togethers, then his absence gradually became more impactful. Missed family dinner’s, birthdays…anniversaries. Disappearing for days on end with no check ins, it was becoming torture. It was becoming increasingly obvious that people started to question whether or not you even had a boyfriend, and slowly you did too…
To Miggy 🧸:
please tell me you’re coming tonight, you know this means a lot to me Miguel
can you just call me and let me know youre alive at least????
i hope youre chaffing in your suit asshole
The elevator door opened letting you onto the top floor of Alchamex, it was pointless checking but you always did anyways. You crept your way into his office hoping to see his usual tired figure slumped over in his chair, ready for you to nag him like you usually do to take a break and eat something, but the only thing occupying the space was scattered papers. You looked through his window that towered over the Nueva York city streets trying desperately to hold back the tears that were fighting their way out.
Y/N: “Jess! Im- Im really sorry.” You turned your head only slightly so she couldn’t see your puffy eyes.
Jess: “Y/N, you’re part of reception you know you can get in a lot of trouble being up here without authorization.”
Y/N: “I know I know I just…I thought Miguel be here.” You mumbled between hiccups that came up from you failing to hide your sobs. Jess wasn’t stupid, it didnt take a genius to know what you were upset about, or who you were upset about, “If you um… if you see him can you just ask him to come home please.” Working through your sniffles, you wiped your face with your sleeve and made your way out of the office before she even had time to respond
Jess sighed feeling a twitch of anger brew inside her towards the young man, she scowled and muttered obscenities under her breath as she dialed Miguels number…
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The next week came and you missed the party entirely, the calls from all your friends and colleagues went unanswered. Honestly, your self esteem couldn’t take another embarrassing, lonely entrance into an event that Miguel was supposed to accompany you too. Another endless night of sympathetic looks and pity hugs. 
The clock read 7:48 pm when you arrived home from work, another day of taking calls and booking meetings for a man that wasn’t even there half of the time. With a heavy sigh you set the bags of groceries you had in hand down in order to get your keys out of your back pocket. The space was dark and cold when you walked in, it had been for the last week. You stocked the fridge with your new groceries then before taking a quick shower and finishing your nightly routine. You were in the middle of applying your night cream when you heard a loud thud causing you to finally leave the bathroom. In the corner of your eye you caught a glimpse of a tall dark figure emerging from the window. You let out a shriek managing to fumble everything in hand as you scrambled to find your pepper spray.
Miguel: “Woah woah! Relax it’s just me! it’s me Y/N!” Usually you’d be used to Miguel’s late night window entrances but it had been so long since you last saw him you forgot he even did it. He turned on the living room light revealing his tired and bruised figure. He was still dressed in his spider suit, the suit you excitedly spent hours on your ipad drawing and redrawing to get the perfect design; now you hated the sight of that thing.
Y/N: “Miguel?”, seeing him gave you relief knowing it wasn’t an intruder, but the anger that’s been stirring in you for the last 2 weeks slapped you back to reality. Silence filled the space between you two, neither of you taking the initiative to speak first. It took 2 weeks for him to come back and you weren’t going to wait another second waiting for him to find the balls to say something.
Miguel: “Y/N please wait!…” he pleaded when you turned away and slammed the bedroom door behind you. You plopped down onto your mattress, you were exhausted and couldn’t stand to look at his face anymore, but you felt the empty bed space behind you dip with his weight.
Miguel: “Congratulations on your internship cariño, I knew you’d get it…” No response. “I…I got this for you. Y/N?” If you turned around you’d see the small gift wrapped box he held in his hand but you were motionless. This new silence terrified him. The possibility of you finally giving up on him made his heart sink a little
Miguel: “Y/N I’m really really sor—
Y/N: “Just shut up Miguel, shut up already…” you finally spoke through gritted teeth, “You’ve never cared about a single thing that I care about, if you did then you would’ve been there like you said you would but you weren’t! SO JUST FUCKING SHUT UP!” you sobbed and curled your legs closer to your chest
Miguel: “I know you’re angry at me… but Y/N I really am sorry. I’m sorry that I didn’t call you or text you. I’m sorry it took Jess calling me to make me realize how terrible I was being. I should’ve been there to take you to your friends party, like I promised I would. I wanna be someone you can count on and trust but I’m screwing it all up.”
At this point Miguel had already stood up from the bed, you could feel the floor thump as he paced back and forth trying to find the right words to say to you. You couldn’t help but peek over at him, he looked horrible with his head in his hands and blood and dirt still caked on his suit. Regardless of how angry you felt towards Miguel you always took pity on the poor man. He loved you with everything he was and everything he wasn’t, all he wanted was to be everything you ever needed, but you were the first woman he had ever been with since Dana and Gabriella passed. You knew loving you was like learning to walk again.
You called his name in your soft voice. His head shot up, you were finally facing him with your arms open inviting him in for a hug. Miguel practically jumped from his seat and into your arms. Words couldn’t describe how good it felt to feel your touch and even though he smelled like ash and rubble you felt exactly the same, practically crying as you melted into his hold
Y/N: “I thought you were dead Miggy, you can’t keep putting me through this I can’t take it.” He settled deeper into your embrace and rested his head into the crook of your neck
Miguel: “I know, I’ll be better for you…” You felt his lips latch onto your neck and pepper you in small kisses, “I love you Y/N. I love you so much.” He groaned against you, pushing his stiffened member against your groan and pulling out a desperate moan from your lips
Y/N: “I…I love you too Miggy…fuck!” You screamed has he drove his thick fingers into your already soaking cunt. Every curl and thrust against your plush walls pushed you closer and closer to your edge.
You cried against his shoulders. There were times when the space that was wedged between you two felt infinite then dwindled every time he came back home to you.
It was euphoria, to feel him with you again.
But every high has to come down at some point.
The sound of arguing pulled you from your sleep. It was 2 in the morning when you rolled over to see a space where Miguel was originally sleeping beside you. It wasn’t unusual for Miguel to wake up in the middle of the night to work at the kitchen table or yell to Jess about some other spider variant that messed up a mission; one named Peter seemed to come up very frequently. However it seemed like this specific conversation went on for a fairly long time, you could even begin to here Miguel’s voice shake with whoever he was speaking to.
You slipped on a new t shirt from Miguel’s drawer since the clothes you previously had on had been ripped to shreds. His voice became more and more clear as you made your way down the hall
Miguel: “Do you already have an idea on who it could be?…Fuck. Okay, I’ll *sigh* I’ll be there soon.” He hung up and pinched the bridge of his nose in a mixture of frustration and disappointment.
Y/N: “Youre leaving again aren’t you?” Your voice startled him out of his sulk.
Miguel: “…Jess suspects there’s a spider variant that’s purposely letting anomalies run loose in other dimensions. I have to handle this Y/N...”
7 hours, it took 7 hours to fall into the same old routine. It was honestly amusing at this point, all you could do was laugh. How stupid you were to think things could be any different. How stupid you were to think that HE could be any different.
Y/N: “Are you fucking serious?!” You shouted
Miguel: “Y/N Stop it, not right now please. I need you to just go back to bed and let me—
Y/N: “Let you what?! Let you leave me and come back anytime you find it convenient? How long are you gonna be gone this time Miguel, a month this time? Do you even care about the promise you kept to me? Or do I even cross your mind when you’re out there dimensions away from home playing hero for everyone else but me? This isn’t a hotel Miguel, this is our home! At least that what it fucking used to be!” You fumed. He towered above you but that didn’t stop from getting in his face, “It’s not fair Miguel! You don’t get to leave me alone for weeks and come back and fuck me thinking that’ll make it all better! You have to be better!”
Miguel: “You need to stop acting like you’re the only person in my world that needs my attention! I’m not a monster for putting the safety of the multiverse first. Im sorry I can’t be here to rock you to bed and give you a kiss goodnight all the time. Sometimes we have to put personal matters on the back burner Y/N, it’s called responsibility!” He gathered his phone and the rest of his belongings off the kitchen table
Miguel: “I have enough to worry about as it is, having you and Jess blowing up my phone to go to some party with people I don’t even know doesn’t he—
Y/N: “What?” Your tone was softer and started to become laced with hurt, it was evident in the way your voice started to shake, “Jess called you that night and it took you a week to come back?”
Realization of what he just said settles in and it makes his brows furrow in frustration and both himself and you. When he looks over at you with that same stupid emotionless face he always has you can’t help but boil with anger. His nonchalance towards your problems made you curl your fist until your knuckles turned white
Y/N: “No you’re not a monster, but you are an ASSHOLE for making me believe you could balance work and me! Why are you even with me if you can’t—
Miguel: “This conversation is over, I have a job to do and youre keeping me from doing it.” He cut you off harshly, dismissing your concerns yet again.
Y/N: “I never asked you to sacrifice your obligations! I said from the beginning that being a hero comes first, just make some goddamn time for me now and then! Why Miguel? Why do I have to beg you to see my family at Christmas?! Why do I have to beg you to meet my friends or give me an ounce of attention?! Why do I have to ask you to care about me?!”, This was frustrating him too much, your lack of understanding was infuriating. Miguel had to leave before he said something he might regret. He turned away from you and your manic sobbing and made his way to the window seal without another word, afraid that he might damage things worse than they already were by speaking
Y/N: “If we switched places I wouldn’t DARE treat you as terribly as you treat me—
Miguels eyes widened and his rampage instantly stopped. You couldn’t believe the words that had just left his mouth, and honestly he couldn’t either. He didn’t mean it at all, he wanted to take back those words as soon as the left his mouth, he just wanted to leave. Why didn’t you just let him leave? He wouldve been right back. The air was thick and uncomfortable, your combined heavy breathing was the only thing filled the space between the two of you.
Miguel: “I…I’ll be right back.” There was a shakiness in his voice and in his movement when he stepped out onto the fire escape.
Y/N: “Dont come back. If you leave tonight…don’t come back Miguel.” You spoke in a tone barely above a whisper
Miguel: “We’ve said things we don’t mean…I’ll be back later to fix things.” His suit integrated onto his body and he leapt off of the building ledge. A blur of blue and red was the only trace he left behind.
The truth was out now, how Miguel really felt towards you. You were never a first priority or even a second or third, you were nothing but a soul to fill the space where something else was missing. His wife, his daughter, you never tried to stand in their place or become what they were to him, but now you knew that’s the only reason Miguel kept you around. You were his vice
Your heavy cries carried throughout the apartment as you laid in bed cradling the maroon cardigan that was in the gift box Miguel got you.
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The spider society headquarters was empty and calm, but the office at the top floor was anything but. Miguel sat atop of his hovering platform brooding in silence in front of his computer monitors, It’d been like this since he arrived. Miguel was always stern and reserved, he never held a conversation with anyone other than Jess or Lyla so him being fairly quiet was normal. But for Miguel to not say anything at all was strange, and it didn’t take long for others to take notice of his behavior shift since leaving your apartment
Margo, Peter, and Jess were the last people at headquarters, after a long day of interrogating potential rogue variants the crew was finally successful and able to apprehend Spiderman on Earth-3360. What will happen to the young man wasn’t decided yet but catching him was a cause for celebration. The group sat around the cafeteria table sharing empanadas and Soju for a few minutes before they went back to their own universes
Margo: “Yeah Ive been in his office all day with him and Lyla and he’s barely said 2 sentences, he wasn’t even mean during interrogation. It’s like he didn’t have it in him to yell. I think he’s depressed or something.”
Peter: “I thought he was always depressed, that’s like his thing isn’t it? That’s why he’s not funny.” He joked and finished off the last empanada
Jess: “I don’t know but I need to get home, my back is killing me and I can’t deal with The Grinch any longer.” She said taking letters hand to help her up from the chair.
The group said goodnight to each other, Margo logged off and Jess went home to some much needed rest, honestly this line of work seems too dangerous for a pregnant woman. Peter made his way up to Miguel’s office, who he knew could hear the entire conversation thanks to his enhanced hearing.
Peter: “You know they’re right Miguel…” he shouted up to Miguel who was brooding on his platform
Miguel: “About what?” he asked in a condescending tone
Peter: “About you, you don’t think we’ve noticed you moping around all day. Do you wanna tell me what the deal is so you can stop pouting?” he swung onto the platform and took a seat next to Miguel, crossing his arms and sitting firm in place waiting for Miguel’s response but he was met with silence, “Is it the rogue variant? Cuz we’re not gonna let this happen again…”
Miguel: “No.”
Peter: “Miles? Gwen? Ben?”
Miguel: “No it’s none of them.” He turned his attention away from him and focused on organizing the handful of papers on his desk
Peter: “Then what is it? Is it Y/N?”
Miguel: “Did I say anything about Y/N?! Why even bring her up?!” He snapped, it was exhausting having to work and act like every terrible thing he said wasn’t weighing on his mind. Miguel couldn’t even interrogate the variant with losing focus, having to have Jess switch him out is gonna remain one of the most embarrassing points in his Spider-Man career. Peter was never a first choice for a sounding board, but it was only going to get worse for Miguel if he didn’t turn to someone for advice, because Lord knows he was terrible at handling relationship problems on his own
Miguel: “I said something bad, really really bad Peter…” he confessed. He took a seat in the chair next to him
Peter: “Do you wanna be more specific?”
Miguel: “I told her that her career was a joke. Then I called her…a replacement.” Peters eyes widened, he knew Miguel was capable of harsh words, he’d seen it first hand with Miles but this was unexpected. Especially with you, the girl he fawned over and practically stalked at work until you made the first move.
Peter: “Shit, Miguel. That’s really messed up…Did you mean it?” He asked
Miguel: “No of course not! I didn’t mean any of it, I was just frustrated. I’m not the bad guy for prioritizing my duties! She just wasn’t listening Peter, she wasn’t understanding any of what I was saying or where I was coming from. I didn’t mean what I said.”
Peter: “So why did you say it?!” Peter exclaimed
Miguel: “I DONT KNOW!”, He slouched over in his chair and cradled his head in his hands, his own words made him sick to his stomach. How he urged to tell you how guilty he was for what he said, for never being there, for making you feel like you didn’t mean anything, “I just wanted her to be quiet, everything she was saying was right but it made me feel guilty and awful. I wanted to make her feel worse than I felt. God I’m so fucking dumb…”
Peter: “You know I’m not good with this, it wasn’t long ago that I was a sad piece of shit too with a partner at home who basically couldn’t stand me. That being said, I also know that when it feels like nothing you say can make up for everything you said, and you said A LOT, maybe too much. I would never say something like that, that was insane…”
Miguel: “Peter…” he said through gritted teeth
Peter: “Sorry sorry, that being said when it feels like there’s nothing you can say that could make up for everything you said, a simple apology means more than you think it does. A real apology Miguel.” Peter looked at him, he didn’t need words to know that Peter was basically tell him to finally get his shit together.
Miguel: “What if she doesn’t accept it?”
Peter: “She will if you mean it…”
Passing buildings were a blur to Miguel, he was racing home so fast he couldn’t even focus on anything around him. While he swung from structure to structure he planned out every single thing he’d say to you, how he’s sorry for failing you in this relationship and he’d change for the both of you. He even tried to remember if there was still cinnamon in the spice cabinet so he could make you your favorite comfort drink, champurrado.
Miguel soon landed on the fire escape outside your apartment, you made a habit of leaving the curtains open for him so he could see if you were up or not and now it was an involuntary part of your routine. He peeked inside and saw you sleeping peacefully on your bed, hoping to come join you he tried to open the window but it wasn’t budging.
‘Had you locked it on purpose?’ He thought to himself, no you couldn’t have, you always left in unlocked for him. But when he saw the book you had used to block the window from being moved he panicked. Miguel knocked on your window, frantic and desperate
Miguel: “Y/N! Y/N! Unlock the window!” He pleaded. His knocking stirred you out of your sleep and you sat up in your bed, your puffy eyes on full display. When you finally looked over at him you were emotionless just as he was to you, it terrified him seeing you look at him with no longing or affection
Miguel: “Let me in…please cariño”, he begged
You were so tired, you were so tired of wondering why your boyfriend left you to question his love for you and now after tonight you know why. You stood face to face with him, the window still a barrier between you and him. It ate away at you but you couldn’t stand another night asking yourself why you weren’t getting the love you deserved. You had your answer and you didn’t need Miguel around anymore, not if you were going to be another substitute for what was missing.
Miguel: “Y/N…Y/N please wait!—
You closed the curtain in his face and went back to bed but it didn’t stop his knocking and pleading, begging for you to let him in and mend what he broke. It continued for an hour until you were convinced he eventually gave up and left. Him being gone finally gave you a chance to break down once again into your sheets, but Miguel sat on the fire escape listening to every choked out sob and hiccup you let out. Every painful cry the he caused you and now he wondered if he’d ever be able to fix it.
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soup-du-silence · 5 months
Taico tagged me too apparently but I didnt get a notif for that??? ok
Last Song: The DJ is Cryng for Help. Excited to be the oldest bitch at the AJR concert this summer.........again lol. Love/hate relationship with the new album but they put on a good show
Favourite Colour: red! I need to re-dye the red in my hair I am considering this a reminder.
Currently watching: We've been on youtube lockdown pretty much ever since Vanguard debuted, but with the boys in japan for holofes/their upcoming 3D debuts, their schedules have been inconsistent. Alisa's a very hardcore Betellion meaning if Bettel's streaming she has him playing on at least two screens simultaneously and is active in chat, and Im a very normal Hakkito meaning I usually get through like 65% of Hakka's streams, eventually, if I have time. We'll throw on Shinri or Altare if we're caught up or there's nothing else happening. I made the mistake of introducing Alisa to HBomberguy and she's been filling the gaps with her 500th rewatch of the Plagiarism or Pathologic vids while the stars are busy. But also we're watching Dungeon Meshi! Izutsumi soon!!!!!
At this precise moment in time Alisa's watching the new JapanEat upload. (We love this guy)
Sweet/Savoury/Spicy: Spicyyyyyyy I love spicy Im a terrible cook and i only know how to season with cayenne. i dont know when exactly i started equating "flavor" with "pain" but it is what it is. I'm kind of reaching the stage in my life where I need to be more careful about what I put in my gut because sometimes just too much pepperoni will fuck me up for 24 hours but also what if I ignored my aging body and didn't do that?
Relationship status: I've been with Alisa for 15 years! We met in the Meet the Robinsons fandom on livejournal/deviant art
Current Obsession: Four years late to the party Twisted Wonderland finally got its hooks into me! (Add me on EN: ZyEdsarR) I'm very mentally unwell about Scarabia. None of the fanfic on AO3 is scratching the itch so I'm spending too much money importing doujin. It's great but it takes a month to get like eight books and oops one of them is just a straight up fanfic and im sure its banger but I can't google translate my way through 60 pages of japanese text, one of them is solid porn which, yknow, cool, but it was probably something I was in the mood for when I placed the order a month ago and now I want story, and I have to sit down at my desk with good light to translate with my phone camera when what i CRAVE is to lie in bed on my side reading fic on my phone until 2 am. I'm dying, squirtle. (Anyone got good fic recs? there is WAY too much fic for pickings to be as slim as I feel like they are)
Last thing I googled:
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none of these recipes look like the amazing shit they gave us at Falafel King so wish me luck
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aforrestofstuff · 2 years
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Chapter 173 Expert Review: The "Hey, my boyfriend saw you across the bar and we really dig your vibe" Edition
The cover makes me so uncomfortable it's like I'm at a party and said something weird just as the music went quiet and everyone heard and they're all looking at me and everyone hates me and I'm so anxious and
Welcome to the Chapter 173 Expert Review! I have completely lost count of how many of these I've done. If you're coming here for a well-thought-out meta-commentary on the hit series franchise anime manga One Punch Man, then look elsewhere because I put a grand total of ten minutes of thought into this post that took me 45 minutes to write.
I hope you're all well. If you're new here from Twitter then yes, I'm really always like this and I apologize. I don't know how to segway to the actual commentary, so um......... here we gooooooo.....
I don't know what I was expecting. Could I have predicted that Murata would yassify Bofoi? Probably. Do I ever want to come to terms with the fact that he did? No.
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Shut up I'm not saying anything. I'm not saying anything. I'm not. He looks like he's wearing those really oversized dentures at Party City. His head looks more like an egg than Saitama's. Why does he still look kinda.... no I'm not gonna say it. I'm not. I'M NOT. GET OUT OF MY HEAAADD RAAAAAAEERERARAAAAWW
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How many enemies has Saitama made just by existing already. Is this number three? Sonic, God, and now Bofoi? Oh, well, I guess Saitama did fuck up his robots but that was self-defense 100% and it WILL hold up in the court of law.
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Oh, okay. Now we have a better idea of the timeline since Saitama became a hero.... only two months???? Dude, I've had packages lost in the mail for longer than that.
I kinda thought he'd been a hero for at least six months. I guess what Garou said about coming back to fuck up the heroes after six months at the beginning of his arc was only a sort of red herring to make it seem like he'd be the world-ending Shibabooby prophecy, but in relation to how long Saitama's been a hero, turns out my guy only fucked shit up for like, what? One month?
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Was this just obvious to everyone else except me. I really should've never learned how to read dawg.
THANK YOU Amai Mask for being the "Please explain the plot so readers with the comprehension skills of fourth graders can know what's going on" character in this because I swear to fucking god I had no clue what anyone was talking about.
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Also, Ninja Leader makes an appearance as Blast's totally super platonic partner. Supposedly they were "searching for a mysterious cube" together. People these days make up such weird euphemisms for skipping work to fuck each other in a ditch, I swear. 🙄🙄🙄
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A couple of things:
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Is Blast wearing the Ninja Leader's glasses in the present? Oh, so they really were super platonic, huh.
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You mean to tell me bro aged THIS MUCH in two years? 700 days ago he was late-twenties rager at Planet Fitness and now he's a 57-year-old salt and pepper daddy at the gay bar?
I guess it could have something to do with his powers, manipulating space-time and all that. Blast teleports through something that is basically a copy-and-pasted black hole, which could explain why time flows differently for him, but doesn't time slow down near a black hole? So he should be aging slower if anything.
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So, did God age him? Is this even the same Blast that came in contact with God? Something something uuuhh time travel something something...
I don't fucking know. This could also just be a case of "Murata doesn't know how to draw people that look their age" although he's been getting better about that, at least... Just seems ODD to me that Blast has aged like an avocado in a manga where characters only seem to look younger as time goes by.
Very noble that he's fighting God alone with the Interdimensional Justice League and their Pocket Dimension Pool Table to protect everyone else. Something still feels fishy about this, though........ especially since he's a deadbeat ass dad in the webcomic. I don't trust a GODDAMN thing this boy has to say. I DONT CARE IF HE'S HOT!! And I think that is so brave of me.
Forrest has a theory and everyone's gotta hear about it a million times until he's proven otherwise.
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Y'all already heard me say how God has one-sided beef with Saitama because Saitama broke the limiter God had placed on him, and I suppose that alone is still a decent reason for God to be pulled to Earth, but I still think God's full body (and power) is imprisoned in the dimensional seal Blast was screaming about as Saitama was fighting Monster Garou V2.
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And Saitama's habit of fucking shit up as collateral for saving the world is further eroding God's jail cell, so he's unknowingly helping his enemy get closer to him. This fucking goober.
It makes sense because the massive body in the seal looks like a fully-formed person, whereas whenever we see God free, he's always a sort of unfinished skeletal figure. He's incomplete.
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Is this another one of those things where it seems painfully obvious to everyone else except me. Y'all are free to hop in my inbox and call me a dumbass if you want.
Final thoughts because this review is already too goddamn long and I wanted to shitpost a bit more but I guess I can do that on other posts because I'm TIRED.
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All in all, we really needed a good expo-debrief chapter to put everything in perspective because the Monster Association arc was a load of reveals with not a lot of resolutions. I think the ending was still very anticlimactic because, although we were introduced to a lot of shit like God and Blast and whatnot, none of that was really tied up in a satisfying way, nor left on an interesting cliffhanger. Just more and more questions. Even Garou's arc hasn't ended really, and all the development he and Saitama had gone through was forgotten (for NOW, because of Genos' core, but I digress) so it almost feels like... not much really happened at all. Nothing really ended, it was just a collection of more plot threads beginning.
I wish ONE waited a bit longer to really delve into God and Blast because I think the Monster Association arc could've been a lot more comprehensive and well-paced if it had just been (mostly) contained to what was happening between the heroes and monsters. But I can appreciate how comprehensive the plot is now after the fallout, just... the road to get here was rocky. I lost all the tires on my jeep.
I'm excited for Psychic Sisters.
In conclusion: if you were at the Whole Foods down the street and took a blue bike tied to the railing then you're a fucking bitch GIVE IT BACK!! THAT'S MY FUCKING BIKE!!
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p.s. -- I'm still waiting for the Zombiedad and Child Emperor Get Milkshakes Together omake. Murata, pls. Also give my bike back.
Thanks for reading. Please, I need my bike.
161 notes · View notes
omg-gojo · 4 months
"What did you just said?!" Lee screamed covering his mouth when he realiced.
"We are getting married in the five nations peace cruise next month" he says as calm as he say it the first time. "We can make the arrengements with Kakashi. Unless, you... do not want to?"
To be honest when Rock Lee said i will marry you in any place at any time even right here and right now an event so important as THE event of the year, he would even dare to said of the decade, didn't crossed his mind for a second. But it didn't stop him from feeling light headed, warm spreading in his cheeks and butterflies filling his stomach.
"Of course i want to marry you! I won't step out of my word to you" he murmurs reminding himself that they are still here, in the cementery afterhours. He's been waiting here, like the first plan was. He looked at the gray plate above the grass. Just Neji as or witness for our vows, blood instead of rings because nobody should know and a passioned night at his place, so Gaara could pack his things and make his way back to Suna. "It's just that when you told me about mantaening the secrecy of our nuptial, doing it in a place with the most important people of all five nations was not in my list"
"It's not like they are invited anyway" Gaara expressed while crossing his arms.
Lee frowned in confussion "i don't follow..."
"We'll have our own wedding in the cruise while the rest of the guests are at the party" he kept explaining "in the middle of the celebration we'll slipt away for a few moments, get married and go back to the event without anybody noticing. Everybody would be so drunk not even the council nor the rest of people there could guess what just happened" a little smirked scape from the corner of his lips, that for anybody else would look like a grimace, but for Lee wasn't.
"Hmm, i don't know. I think you'll enjoy more the fact that you're doing it just under their noses than us ACTUALLY getting married" Lee joked while taking his lovers hands to pull him closer.
"It would only be a plus to it" exhaled. While remembered the words of Temari when he told her about his plan. Of course their families where the only ones that will know, eventually, right now just Temari. You imprudent rugrat! you maybe wear the hat of the Kazekage but you are still act like a child! No. Not that. Marriage is something you enjoy in a unique special way. No, im not talking about sex! Is a promise! to both of you and your families, that you'll be by each other side for the rest of your lifes taking care of what you'll built. So...are you gonna make it right?
....Or are you gonna do the Uchiha way? He squirmed at the mere thought. Right, he's gonna make it right, Lee deserved that. He squized Lee's hands for comfort "...One Day Suna will know the name of my husband, i'll prepare everything for that. But for now I wanna give you a wedding we and our families wont forget."
"Our families..." Lee's eyes went wide and shine as the moon above them. He won't leave his family for you, he will make you part of his.
"It'll mark a new beginning for the world and for us. Marry me" told him almost begging while getting closer to the tearing face of the leaf shinobi.
"Yes" Lee smiled.
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"Remember, Metal, no weapons!" "Yes, Papa!" but seal rolls are not weapons
"Shit kiddo, we are gonna be late!" "I literally can teleport us there, uncle"
19 notes · View notes
up-in-space-reading · 2 months
Average Weekly Screentime - Chap 10: So Who Won?
pairing: Jake Peralta x Amy Santiago
word count: 3141
warnings/tags: college au, texting, drunk texting, text fic (mostly, there's prose a few chaps in), bets, bisexual!jake peralta, jake peralta has adhd, parties, drinking and alcohol, sexual references, implied sexual content (nothing explicit, just suggested its going to happen/has happened), friends to lovers, swearing, mentions of cannibalism, lighthearted threats of violence (typical rosa stuff yk), fluff
read on ao3
Average Weekly Screentime masterlist
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Story Summary: texting fic college AU with the squad! It's the beginning of the school year and while everyone else thinks it'll be the same as the previous year, Gina has a feeling things are going to be different and wagers a bet with Rosa and Charles. Told through all the various group chats everyone is in.
Chap 1 | Chap 2 | Chap 3 | Chap 4 | Chap 5 | Chap 6 | Chap 7 | Chap 8 | Chap 9 | Chap 10
authors note: The last chapter to this monster of a fic! Hope you enjoy <3
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Jimmy Jabbers
[09:24am, Friday]
Four Eyes: Jake has once again fallen asleep in class Four Eyes: Bets anyone?
RoRo: he’s gonna wake up in 12 minutes
Mr Grapes: 10 minutes
Queen G: 20 minutes
Four Eyes: Will keep you updated
[09:36am, Friday]
Four Eyes: Rosa I don’t know how you do it
RoRo: idk RoRo: you guys just gotta get good i guess
Queen G: this sucks
Dance Squad
[11:36am, Friday]
G-Hive: rosa ur bet date was two days ago G-Hive: i just remembered
Scary: gina you just might win this
G-Hive: omg omg this is so exciting
Charlese: Remember when you tried to get them together on new years?
G-Hive: i had a momentary lapse of judgement G-Hive: BUT now im back in betting mode G-Hive: need to keep them apart for another few weeks
Scary: that’s meddling once again
Charlese: Technically Rosa has some buffer time before her bet is completely void
Scary: neck and neck gina Scary: watch your back
G-Hive: anyone else getting super scary vibes rn???
Skipping School Is(n’t) Cool
[10:05am, Saturday]
Ferris: good morning beautiful
Cameron: Good morning!
Ferris: whats the plan for today??
Cameron: I actually have to do some work, you’ve been distracting me the last few days
Ferris: sorry i cant help that i wanna spend time with my giirllfrieennddd
Cameron: I wasn’t complaining at all Cameron: I’m just warning that if you come over I will be doing work
Ferris: im literally on my way
Unnamed Chat
[10:45am, Saturday]
Jake: hey ter!
Terry: Hey Jake, how’s it going?
Jake: absolutely wonderful amazing excellent
Terry: Haha let me guess – things went well with Amy
Jake: ur the first person im telling bc u helped me so much omg im so excited
Terry: Well congrats to both of you Terry: I hear Taylor has a lot of love songs
Jake: im never living it down Jake: and IM TOO HAPPY TO CARE
Terry: Hahaha
Jimmy Jabbers
[02:04pm, Saturday]
Four Eyes: do u think that guys named cal their name is short for calendar
Pineapples: yes ames i think thats true
Queen G: how do i tell amy u have her phone
Pineapples: she is aware Pineapples: but i dont think she realised what i was gonna do with it mwahaha
RoRo: you should probably give it back
Four Eyes: He has returned it now Four Eyes: He’s cowering in the corner because he knows I’m going to take his
Pineapples: someone help me
Mr Grapes: Just go fetal position Jake, that’s what I do
Pineapples: Too late
Queen G: RIP soldier
RoRo: i think it’ll be funny if amy killed him
Dance Squad
[02:10pm, Saturday]
G-Hive: so that was weird right??
Scary: super weird
Charlese: Definitely weird
G-Hive: okay cool
Jimmy Jabbers
[04:28pm, Saturday]
Mr Grapes: Anyone wanna do dinner tonight?
RoRo: can’t, busy
Mr Grapes: What are you up to?
RoRo: wouldn’t you like to know, soup boy
Queen G: fine ill do dinner
[04:53pm, Saturday]
Mr Grapes: @Four Eyes @Pineapples are either of you interested in getting dinner? Mr Grapes: Haven’t heard from you yet
Pineapples: sorry charles, im busy
Four Eyes: I’ve already got plans, sorry
Mr Grapes: That’s alright!
Dance Squad
[04:57pm, Saturday]
Charlese: That’s weird right?
G-Hive: definitely
Scary: you two have fun
G-Hive: @Charlese ill meet u at sals in 30?
Charlese: Yep!
“We have got to find a new dinner spot” Amy whispers to Jake across the table who’s giggling.
“Aw but I like Sal’s” He whispers back, their chins nearly touching the table as they duck from view.
“Probably on us that we assumed Gina and Charles wouldn’t come here” Jake continued with a shrug of his shoulders.
“Yeah, that’s definitely on us. What do we do?” Amy asked anxiously.
“What do you mean?”
“They’re here, we’re here, they don’t know about us. What do we do?”
“Sneak out the side door and pretend we were never here?” Jake suggested with a mischievous twinkle in his eye.
“Sure, let’s do it” Amy agreed, a small smile returning to her face.
The two of them got up quickly, Jake grabbing Amy’s hand and dragging her out of the diner quickly behind him. She had her bag slung over her shoulder and was carrying her scarf, not having had a moment to put it on yet.
Once they were out the door and walking down the street the two of them laughed as Amy finally wrapped her scarf around her neck. Jake took Amy’s arm and linked it with his, holding her close as they walked down the snow lined streets.
“We’ve gotta find somewhere else to get dinner now” Jake brought up after they’d been walking for a few minutes with no real destination in mind.
“How would you feel about pizza?” Amy asked with a smile, knowing exactly how Jake would feel about pizza.
“Dumb question Ames, I know just the place”
He redirected them, crossing the street and turning a corner while Amy simply followed his lead. Once there they ordered and got their pizza, they laughed about their escape from Sal’s again and Jake filled Amy in on the ongoing Sasha drama after she overheard Gina mention it.
They finished their pizza and hung around in the shop for a little while longer, ignoring their phones and everything outside the door. As far as Jake was concerned, right now the world existed in the pizza shop, sitting across the table from him.
It was only when the owner of the shop politely told them he was going to be closing soon did they leave – leaving behind a nice tip for having stayed so long – walking arm in arm slowly back towards campus under the light of the street lamps. Amy could tell Jake was trying to delay saying goodbye to her, and if Amy was honest with herself she didn’t want to say goodbye either.
They stopped at the usual split in their path, this section of the sidewalk held so many memories and emotions that Amy couldn’t believe it had all happened in less than a year. The two of them hugged for probably too long, they were clingy for a few day-old relationship but Amy never wanted it to stop.
“Come back to my dorm with me?” Jake asked her quietly, breath brushing against Amy’s ear in a way that made her skin tingle, “If you want” he added, giving her an out.
“I want to”
It was an easy decision, and one she didn’t regret at all.
[10:28am, Sunday]
G: messaging to check on u bc i havent heard from u in nearly 24 hours
Jacob: im fine g
G: alright G: how r u feeling?
Jacob: great!
G: cool
Dance Squad
[10:32am, Sunday]
G-Hive: something happened
Scary: context?
G-Hive: somethings happened with jake
Charlese: Proof?
G-Hive: 1 image attachment G-Hive: says hes great before noon on a sunday G-Hive: i think tf not
Scary: weak
Charlese: Yeah it’s not a super strong argument
G-Hive: ugh honestly you two
Charlese: I’m starting to give up on them honestly Charlese: If it hasn’t happened by now it won’t ever happen
G-Hive: r u serious charles!!! G-Hive: ur not serious
Charlese: Okay I’m not 100% giving up
Scary: i have
Charlese: What??
Scary: my betting day has passed and i either get it exact or i lose Scary: i’m not winning on a technicality
G-Hive: what about the prize money???
Scary: we just don’t pay out?
Charlese: Damn, this is a sad way to end it
G-Hive: HEY! my bet is still ongoing
Scary: you’re seriously gonna hold out hope??
G-Hive: unlike SOME people i dont back down from a bet
Scary: ugh fine i’m still in
G-Hive: YES
Charlese: Okay I’m still in!! you just caught me in a moment of weakness
G-Hive: lovely lovely G-Hive: time to go get proof
[10:51am, Sunday]
G: where r u???
Jacob: my dorm why???
G: i feel like ur lying
Jacob: im not lying gina Jacob: why would i lie about that
G: idk but ill find out
Jacob: u do that
G: ill ask amy where u r
Jacob: amy will just tell u to ask me
G: we will see
Girls Girls Girls
[10:55am, Sunday]
Gina: @Amy do u know where jake is??
Amy: I don’t know, probably in his dorm? Amy: He’s probably still sleeping
Gina: hmm okay
[10:57am, Sunday]
G: i still dont believe you
Jacob: 1 image attachment Jacob: what about now??
G: u couldve taken that pic anytime
Jacob: i just took it now
G: ugh fine
Girls Girls Girls
[11:03am, Sunday]
Gina: @Amy can u send me a pic of the cover of that book u recommended the other day
Amy: You have never asked for a book recommendation and I don’t believe you that you’re starting now
Gina: u and jake talking about me???
Amy: WHY would Jake and I be talking about you??
Gina: u tell me????
Amy: You are in a mood this morning
Rosa: tell me about it
Jimmy Jabbers
[11:07am, Sunday]
Queen G: i have had ENOUGH Queen G: @Four Eyes @Pineapples explain urselves
Four Eyes: What do I have to explain???
Pineapples: i am also confused as to what i need to explain
Queen G: one or both of u are lying to me Queen G: dodging questions and such
Four Eyes: Good god you need to go outside or something
Queen G: i will NOT be made out to be crazy
Pineapples: then stop acting like it girl
Queen G: where r u both right NOW???
Pineapples: in my dorm Pineapples: in bed if u want specifics
Four Eyes: I’m in my dorm, at my desk to be specific
Queen G: take a pic of ur desk rn
Four Eyes: I’m not entertaining this
Queen G: AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH Queen G: im gonna figure it out
RoRo: maybe let it go gina
Mr Grapes: Gotta agree with Rosa
Queen G: ugh fine
Dance Squad
[02:35pm, Monday]
G-Hive: im following jake and amy this afternoon G-Hive: who wants to join
Charlese: I’ve got nothing better to do
Scary: this is the last time i’ll entertain you
G-Hive: it wont even be long G-Hive: ill be able to tell if theyre together or not immediately G-Hive: meet me in the courtyard
Charlese: On my way!
Scary: coming
Skipping School Is(n’t) Cool
[02:48pm, Monday]
Ferris: heads up rosa gina and charles are following me to the library Ferris: theyre doing a bad job
Cameron: Hahaha okay
Ferris: should we have some fun with them?
Cameron: We absolutely should
Jake made his way to the library happily, lighter than air and excited to see Amy again. When he walked into the library she hadn’t noticed him yet but as soon as Jake saw her he couldn’t stop the smile spreading from ear to ear.
Amy finally noticed him as he approached the table, a matching smile gracing her face, and it took everything in Jake to hold back kissing her as soon as he was sat down next to her. They kept their conversation casual and work focused, it felt like before they were together when the two of them were dancing around whatever was happening between them.
After some subtle searching of the library by taking looks around at random intervals he was able to spot Gina, Rosa, and Charles at a table nearby. They were pretending to be engrossed in one book between the three of them and doing a bad job, Rosa was clearly uninterested but there anyway.
Skipping School Is(n’t) Cool
[03:21pm, Monday]
Ferris: three musketeers sitting at a table near the computers Ferris: doing a terrible job at hiding
Cameron: I’m not even surprised Cameron: What did Gina expect to discover?
Ferris: probs us together
Cameron: Nosiest friends ever
Ferris: haha tell me about it
“This is boring, they’re clearly not together” Rosa was annoyed.
“But what if they are and they’re just playing it down?” Gina argued back.
“If they were together we’d know by now” Charles now joined in.
“God this is ridiculous” Gina threw her arms up in frustration, “I just need them to kiss or something”
“Go ask them” Rosa suggested slightly sarcastically.
Gina fixed Rosa with a look that made Charles want to shrink in on himself, feeling grateful he hadn’t crossed either of them.
“We could just wait for them to tell us?” He suggested in hopes of stopping Gina and Rosa’s staring match.
“Fine” Gina agreed begrudgingly.
Gina was the one to get up first, followed by Rosa and then once they started walking away Charles quickly followed, not wanting to be left behind.
Jake saw movement out of the corner of his eye, catching his attention he looked up to see Rosa, Gina and Charles all making a hasty exit from the library and he smiled knowing he and Amy had been able to bore them into leaving.
Once their friends had left the library he leaned over and gave Amy a quick peck on the cheek, startling her out of her concentration where she looked at Jake with surprised.
“What abo-“ She began before Jake cut her off.
“They just left”
Amy let out a laugh before placing a hand on the side of Jake’s face, he leaned into it with a content sigh. Jake then reached up to lightly grab Amy’s wrist, keeping her hand in place as he twisted his head to plant another kiss on her palm.
“You can’t distract me like that” Amy said quietly, trying to be teasing but sounding more breathless.
“Sorry” Jake had apologized but didn’t sound one bit sorry, returning to his work with a satisfied smirk.
Jimmy Jabbers
[06:25pm, Wednesday]
Queen G: sasha is having a party on sat so im absolutely going Queen G: anyone else in??
Mr Grapes: Oh definitely! Mr Grapes: Do you know if she invited Sam or Matt?
Queen G: she invited both of them and its most of the reason i wanna go
Mr Grapes: It’s self sabotage at this point
RoRo: ill go if it means watching sashas life implode lol
Pineapples: ill be there
Four Eyes: Yeah I’ll go too
Queen G: im so proud of all of u Queen G: so like are you guys team sam, team matt, or team sasha
Charles: I’m team Anne! She’s been messed around
Queen G: so true charles
It was the first time they’d hung out as a whole group since Jake and Amy had gotten together and hiding their relationship was more difficult than Jake had anticipated. He wanted to hold her hand in the back of the uber and put his arm around her shoulders as they walked into the party but couldn’t do any of it.
That was until they split up after playing some small drinking games together, Jake immediately asked Amy if she wanted to dance and she couldn’t have said yes quick enough. He assumed his friends were off finding the drama, Gina and Rosa probably on the hunt for people to flirt with while Charles waited for Genevieve to arrive soon.
Once he and Amy had reached the dance floor her pulled her close, bodies pressed up against one another – he wasn’t wasting a single moment keeping her at a distance. They danced together in the way Jake wished they could’ve on New Years, and it was the most fun he’d had at a party in a while.
So much fun that he leaned down to kiss Amy hard, brain slightly foggy after the alcohol they’d had so far, but pleased when Amy leaned into it. The kiss became intense as they abandoned any illusion that they were dancing.
Finally Jake pulled away with heavy breaths, leaning down to whisper into Amy’s ear.
She nodded furiously and followed closely behind when Jake grabbed her hand and dragged her away from the dance floor.
Queen Gina Linetti @g-hive01
i love being right #calledit #sashasparty
[11:08pm, Saturday]
Jimmy Jabbers
[10:47am, Sunday]
Queen G: i think its time we talk about the elephant in the room
Pineapples: what?
Queen G: this has gone on long enough
RoRo: gina what are you doing
Mr Grapes: Don’t do something you’ll regret
Queen G: i have no regrets in life Queen G: including this Queen G: @Four Eyes @Pineapples you two like each other and you need to work it out before I start prematurely aging
RoRo: gina!!
Mr Grapes: We agreed we weren’t gonna meddle and this is beyond that!
Queen G: deafening silence from the culprits themselves
Pineapples: way to make things awkward g…
Four Eyes: Wait, you guys ‘agreed to not meddle’? What does that mean?
Queen G: dw about that Queen G: do u have anything to say for urselves??
Pineapples: gina what did u see???
Queen G: u know exactly what i saw at exactly 11 last night
Four Eyes: Shit
Pineapples: my b ames
Four Eyes: Takes two
Pineapples: if its any comfort gina that bathroom wasnt as romantic as u would imagine
Queen G: i didnt think it would be
Four Eyes: Aw don’t say that babe, I thought it was perfectly respectable
Pineapples: dont lie to me
Four Eyes: Sorry haha
Mr Grapes: Wait wait wait wait Mr Grapes: You just called him babe
Four Eyes: Oops
Pineapples: gina caught us so theres no point keeping secret
Four Eyes: Yes Jake and I are together
Mr Grapes: Greatest day of my life not joking
RoRo: good for u
Queen G: u guys will NEVER make me seem crazy ever again so help me god Queen G: i was fucking RIGHT
RoRo: for reasons you don’t need to know RoRo: when did this start?
Pineapples: last wednesday Pineapples: why?
RoRo: i’m $100 richer
Mr Grapes: Damn
Queen G: ah shit…
Four Eyes: Can’t believe you guys bet on us!
Pineapples: i can
Skipping School Is(n’t) Cool
[11:40am, Sunday]
Ferris changed Cameron’s nickname to Ames Ferris changed their name to Dread Pirate Jake Dread Pirate Jake changed the group chat name to As You Wish
Ames: Aw I’ll miss the Ferris Bueller theme
Dread Pirate Jake: that was for when we were friends Dread Pirate Jake: needed to change now that youre my giirrllfriend
Ames: Haha fair enough Ames: Meet outside to go get lunch together?
Dread Pirate Jake: as u wish my lady <3
Dance Squad
[11:40am, Sunday]
Scary: I’ll take my $100 in cash
Charlese: I don’t even care about losing money I’m so happy for them
G-Hive: you will never make a fool out of me again
Scary: sure sure Scary: now pay up
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Chap 1 | Chap 2 | Chap 3 | Chap 4 | Chap 5 | Chap 6 | Chap 7 | Chap 8 | Chap 9 | Chap 10
authors note: Oh my god, I can't believe its all done and over.
This is the longest piece of writing I've done so far, what started out as a silly little text fic idea that I wanted to do just to 'not waste a concept' turned into something that I've loved writing and am beyond proud of. I'm sorry there was a bit of a wait between chapters in the middle there but I hope the speedy release of the ending made up for it! Thank you so so much to everyone who commented and left kudos, you guys kept me motivated and excited to write this fic. Shout out to my friends both irl and online (none of whom will see this lol), you guys consistently provide me wonderful content to use in my writing lol (for this chapter it was: "wouldn't you like to know, soup boy")
Thanks again for reading my lil fanfic, I hope you enjoyed it <3
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sunwarmed-ash · 11 months
Fic tag game!
tagged by my buddies @cuillere and @lizzy0305! thank you for this!!
How many works do you have on AO3?
93 😎
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
831,467 (holy fucking shit when did it get that long?!?!?! #ThatsWhatSheSaid
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Stranger Things, Detroit become human, the breakfast club, marvel/spiderverses, Ted lasso, House MD, Harry Potter
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Tony Stark: Billionaire, playboy, philanthropist, Daddy: (starker) 1074
I think I need help: (harringrove) 927
Call me Doctor: (Chase/House & Chase/House/Wilson 739
Rockabye Baby: (Wincest kinda??) 670
You know what they say about assuming. (steddiegrove) 645
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Every. Single. One. Comments are the lifeblood to my work. Its so intimidating to be posting to a empty void but y'alls comments give life to the achieve and are just as important to a WIPs development as anything I write on my own!
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Idk, I have ALOT of wips without endings/one shots. Probs the most angsty one I have in general is either The New Kid or Silence isn't Golden
wait wait wait, I found a dual suicide Wincest fic, that wins
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
uhhhhhhh this Thor/Bruce fic may be the fluffiest one I have haha
8. Do you get hate on fics?
HA! yeah, but oddly its just the ones with sex work in them. Who would have guessed 🙄🙄🙄🙄
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Yes 😈😈😈 kink wise all over the place, from super vanilla to BDSM and anything else I can think of. Peoplewise LGBTQ and queer characters, canon or fanon, polycules. Trope wise, enemies to lovers is my fav, but I also love pining or tragic love 👌
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Yes!! not too many, but I've written a few. This one isn't crazy but it is the most developed of all the wips. It's a Supernatural/The Breakfast Club crossover called Supernatural activity at shermer high
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
a few times by a bot, im really really hoping it doesn't happen again but with AI about to fuck us all out of work, im a lil worried.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! two of my Starker fics were translated into Russian and on fic book but that website got torched a few years ago :( I think I also had a reader translate a TBC fic into Portuguese
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Many! probably 20-30 at this point
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
not possible for me to choose. So here's my favs of the moment. Hankconvin800 or hankvin1700, steddiegrove, parksborn, steadyhands
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
get a few scotches in him and he'll hit on anything in a 5 mile radius.
its a cowritten work I worked on years ago and just, meh idk I dont really wanna go back to it haha
16. What are your writing strengths?
I've gotten compliments on my dialogue, dynamic character relationships, smut, and angst
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
proof reading and editing
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
i never trust google translate to do a good enough job so to avoid looking like a fool i dont do it. I should try though, expand my horizons. I'm learning Danish so maybe ill make a fic using that.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
all of them hold significant places in my heart. they are all pieces of me and I'm trying to learn to love all of me. And that's gotta start somewhere!
tagging all my mututals and anyone who wants to do it
@sweeteatercat @disdaidal @sweetasblack @writerwhowritesao3 @geekinglikeaboss @destroya-hargrove @kissoflightning @moviemuncherao3 @cuillere @late-to-the-party-81 @spaceofentropy @strangebrainrot @treeffles @heiko-goes-detroit
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