#Year 5.5/Apple/26
The End of the World
Dépaysement — French — Noun — The feeling of disorientation and euphoria you experience from not being in your home country, but somewhere new, unknown, exciting yet terrifying.
"Every story has an end but in life every end is a new beginning."
Rose ran into the Tardis and joined her sister at the console.
"Right, Tylers, you tell me where do you wanna go?" The Doctor asked.
"Rose, you're the oldest, you go first." Lillie said, almost bouncing with delight.
"Right then, Rose Tyler, you tell me. Where do you want to go? Backwards or forwards in time. It's your choice. What's it going to be? The Doctor smiled.
"Forwards." Rose decided.
"How far?"
"One hundred years."
The Tardis shook and whirred as the trio held onto the console.
"There you go. Step outside those doors, it's the twenty-second century.
"You're kidding." Rose marveled.
"That's a bit boring, though. Do you want to go further?" The Doctor challenged.
"Fine by me." Rose said as Lillie let out a squeal of delight. "I think that squeal speaks for itself." She teased her sister.
The Tardis rumbled again as she traveled through time.
"Ten thousand years in the future. Step outside, it's the year twelve-thousand-and-five, the new Roman Empire.
"You think you're so impressive." Rose grinned.
" I am so impressive." He scoffed.
"Oh, you wish." Lillie teased.
"Right then, you girls asked for it. I know exactly where to go. Hold on!" The Doctor said.
The sisters held hands as the Tardis moved again and then it stopped.
"Where are we?”
For dramatic effect, the Doctor just gestured for the door. The sisters turned to the door and they turned back to him.
“What's out there?" Lillie asked, excitedly.
He kept his hand out and then let it fall with a look like, see for yourself.
Lillie ran off, exiting the Tardis.
“Oi, Lillie!” Rose shouted and followed her sister with somewhat more casualness.
Lillie came up to a closed window, she was about to touch on a nearby touch screen when her compass glinted with a glow and the window blind slid down, revealing where they were.
Rose exited the Tardis, soon after the Doctor followed to see Lillie standing in front of a filtered window, revealing the Earth with the sun behind it.
"You lot, you spend all your time thinking about dying, like you're going to get killed by eggs or beef or global warming or asteroids. But you never take time to imagine the impossible, that maybe you survive. This is the year 5.5/apple/26. Five billion years in your future, and this is the day," he looked at his watch, "Hold on." The sun flared, turning red, "This is the day the Sun expands. Welcome to the end of the world."
"Shuttles five and six now docking. Guests are reminded that Platform One forbids the use of weapons, teleportation and religion. Earth Death is scheduled for fifteen thirty-nine" A voice from above said, "Followed by drinks in the Manchester Suite."
The trio walked along a corridor, "So, when it says guests, does that mean people?" Rose asked.
"Depends what you mean by people." The Doctor said.
"I mean people. What do you mean?" Rose asked.
"What are they doing on board this spaceship? What's it all for?" Lillie asked, curiously.
"It's not really a spaceship, more like an observation deck. The great and the good are gathering to watch the planet burn." He said, as he used his sonic screwdriver on a wall panel.
"What for?"
"Fun. Mind you when I said the great and the good, what I mean is, the rich." The Doctor continued as they entered a large area with an even bigger view of the planet.
"So, nothing's changed there." Lillie said, feeling disdain that she didn't quite understand.
"But hold on. They did this once on Newsround Extra. The sun expanding—that takes hundreds of years" Rose said, remembering the program she had watched with Lillie.
"Millions," The Doctor corrected, "but the planet's now property of the National Trust. They've been keeping it preserved. See down there? Gravity satellites holding back the sun."
"The planet looks the same as ever. I thought the continents shifted and things." Rose said.
"They did, and the Trust shifted them back. That's a classic Earth. But now the money's run out, nature takes over."
"How long's it got?" Rose asked.
"About half an hour and then the planet gets roasted."
"Is that why we're here? I mean, is that what you do? Jump in at the last minute and save the Earth?" Rose asked.
"I'm not saving it. Time's up."
"But what about the people?" Rose asked.
"It's empty. They're all gone. No one left."
"Just us, then." Rose gasped and took her sister's hand.
"Who the hell are you?" A rude voice announced, making them turn to see a blue-skinned alien.
"Oh, that's nice, thanks." The Doctor sassed.
"But how did you get in? This is a maximum hospitality zone. The guests have disembarked. They're on their way any second now."
"And it hasn't occurred to you that we might be guests." Lillie asked, patronizingly and then flashed a piece of paper at the steward, making the Doctor do a double take and pat himself down, realizing she had pick-pocketed him. "That's us. I'm a guest. Look, he's got an invitation. Look. There, you see? It's fine, you see? The Doctor plus two."
The Doctor snatched it back from her and smiled at the blue-skinned man. "I'm the Doctor, this is Rose and Lillie Tyler. They're my plus twos. Is that all right?" The Doctor flashed the paper to the man.
"Well, obviously. Apologies, et cetera. If you're on board, we'd better start. Enjoy." Then he left, embarrassed.
"The paper's slightly psychic. It shows them whatever I want them to see. Saves a lot of time."
"How'd you know?" Rose asked Lillie.
"Nova must’ve told me about it." She shrugged and she looked at the paper and frowned in confusion. She had never actually seen it before. "It's blank." Lillie said, pointing at it. The Doctor blinked at her, surprised. "What?" She asked.
"Nothing." He shook it off when Rose spoke up.
"He's blue." She said, referring to the alien.
"Yeah, Rosie. He's an alien." Lillie said, blankly. “Biology be different on other planets.”
"Okay." Rose nodded.
"We have in attendance the Doctor, Lillie Tyler and Rose Tyler. Thank you. All staff to their positions. Hurry, now, thank you. Quick as we can. Come along, come along. And now, might I introduce the next honored guest? Representing the Forest of Cheam, we have trees, namely, Jabe, Lute and Coffa." Lillie tilted her head to the side as she saw a bark-skinned woman enter "There will be an exchange of gifts representing peace. If you could keep the room circulating, thank you. Next, from the solicitors Jolco and Jolco, we have the Moxx of Balhoon. And next, from Financial Family Seven, we have the Adherents of the Repeated Meme." Lillie saw a group of people dressed in black robes, "The inventors of Hypo-slip Travel Systems, the brothers Hop Pyleen. Thank you." Reptilians clad with fur. "Cal Spark Plug. Mister and Mrs Pacoon. The Ambassadors from the City State of Binding Light."
The trees went up to the trio as Lillie joined them again.
"The Gift of Peace. I bring you a cutting of my Grandfather." She gave the Doctor rooted twig in a small pot, which was apparently her grandfather which was apparently a normal gift to give someone nonetheless someone you’ve never met.
"Thank you. Yes, gifts. Er, I give you in return air from my lungs." He blew gently on Jabe as Lillie looked at him oddly.
"How intimate." She said.
"There's more where that came from."
"I bet there is." She said, flirtatiously while Lillie and Rose stood next to the Doctor feeling uncomfortable.
"From the Silver Devastation, the sponsor of the main event, please welcome the Face of Boe." A large glass case that contained a giant humanoid head with straggly hair and squinting eyes barely could make it through the doorway.
He seemed to look straight at Lillie who which she was confused by. Even more at the sad feeling he seemed to give off, surprising her with that so much so that she didn’t notice Jabe flashing her with the device she was holding, presumably some futuristic type of camera as it chirped loudly.
They greeted the various aliens one of which then spit in Rose and Lillie's face much to their disgust and the Repeated Meme gave them a silver ball. Lillie accepted politely but there was something about them that rubbed her the wrong way.
"And last but not least, our very special guest. Ladies and gentlemen, and trees and multiforms, consider the Earth below. In memory of this dying world, we call forth the last Human. The Lady Cassandra O'Brien Dot Delta Seventeen." The Steward introduced.
A face on a piece of thin skin stretched in a rectangular frame is wheeled in by two men. Lillie blinked her eyes and shook her head as if thinking she was seeing it wrong but she wasn't. Rose and Lillie exchanged looks like, what are we looking at?
"Oh, now, don't stare. I know, I know it's shocking, isn't it? I've had my chin completely taken away and look at the difference. Look how thin I am. Thin and dainty. I don't look a day over two thousand. Moisturize me. Moisturize me." One of the men used a pump spray on the skin. "Truly, I am the last Human. My father was a Texan, my mother was from the Arctic Desert. They were born on the Earth and were the last to be buried in its soil. I have come to honor them and say goodbye. Oh, no tears, no tears. I'm sorry. But behold, I bring gifts. From Earth itself, the last remaining ostrich egg. Legend says it had a wingspan of fifty feet and blew fire from its nostrils. Or was that my third husband? Oh, no. Oh, don't laugh. I'll get laughter lines. And here, another rarity."
The sister peered around the back of Cassandra to see that she was as thick as a sheet of paper.
Lillie turned to her sister as a jukebox was wheeled in, "where's her brain... and all her other organs and bones?" She whispered and Rose just shrugged.
"According to the archives, this was called an iPod. It stores classical music from humanity's greatest composers. Play on!" Cassandra exclaimed as the sister looked at each other as if to confirm what they were looking at.
The jukebox started to play Tainted Love by Soft Cell, making the Doctor bop his head along to the tune, enthusiastically.
Rose pulled Lillie out of the room for them to get some air, she didn't want to leave her sister alone with strangers, nonetheless alien strangers.
The Doctor noticed them leaving and he went to follow them but Jabe stopped him. 
“Doctor?” She said and the camera she had used on Lillie flashed, “Thank you.” The Doctor nodded and went to follow.
As an Adherent of the Repeated Meme insisted that the rude Steward have one of the silver balls despite his protests.
Jabe consulted her camera, which twittered and chirped like a bird, it was scanning the Doctor.
“Identify species. Please identify species.” The device whistled, “Now stop it. Identify his race. Where's he from?” The device chirped and Jabe blinked in surprise, “It's impossible. What about the girl who looks like the late princess of Elder?”
Lillie’s picture popped up, her image rotated before stating: Identified as Princess Cassiopeia of Elder, daughter of the late Queen Kassandra and the late King Virtus. Wife of the late King Narcissus.
“But she’s dead.”
An Analyzing loading symbol turned. Confirmation: Princess Cassiopeia reborn as Human. Elder side suppressed. Advice: Do not confront.
“Why not? She was my friend.” Jabe complained.
Analyzation: Confrontation before Princess Cassiopeia is ready to for confrontation may result in loss control of powers including overwhelming empathy, empathic mind blast, levitation, and supernova explosions. Could result in roasting everyone on board alive. Additionally, she will have to relive all of her repressed memories.
Nova had always been haunted by her memories. She knew of Ozzie, her ex who she had let herself be tortured for at least a billion years (the time that she was tortured tended to change, though Jabe suspected that was due to her dismissing it) but Ozzie found a way back to her and was then killed and died in Nova’s arms. It had taken Nova over a billion more years just to start to heal from that… the day she met the Doctor and punched him in the face. But even more than that was one she never elaborated on, something about a child before she left and when she came back she was horrified by… something. And she blamed herself.
Jabe looked up, sighing heavy and she hurried away, not noticing the four-legged metal spider scurrying away.
Rose and Lillie came to a little window, overseeing the sun and its energy when they heard footsteps and they turned, their hair flying to see a woman the seemed to be of the same race as the steward.
"Sorry, are we allowed to be in here?" Rose asked, sheepishly.
She seemed hesitant to speak, "you have to give us permission to talk."
The girls looked shocked at this, "um... you have permission?" Rose said, confused.
"Thank you. And, no, you're not in the way. Guests are allowed anywhere." The woman said in a kind voice.
She went to a keypad on the wall and started to unlock it.
"What's your name?" Lillie asked as the two sisters went to her to make conversation.
"Raffalo?" Rose repeated.
"Yes, misses. I won't be long; I've just got to carry out some maintenance. There's a tiny little glitch in the Face of Boe's suite. There must be something blocking the system. He's not getting any hot water." Raffalo said.
"So, you're a plumber?" Lillie asked.
"That's right, misses."
"They still have plumbers?" Rose asked.
"I hope so, else I'm out of a job." Raffalo chuckled.
"Where are you from?"
"That's a planet, is it?" Rose asked.
"No. Crespallion's part of the Jaggit Brocade, affiliated to the Scarlet Junction, Convex fifty-six. And where are you from, misses? If you don't mind me asking."
"No, not at all. Um, I don't know. A long way away. We just sort of hitched a lift with this man." Rose started to realize what they had done in horrified shock as Lillie looked at her. "I didn't even think about it. We don't even know who he is. He's a complete stranger." Lillie nudged her sister in the ribs, bringing her back, "Anyway, don't let us keep you. Good luck with it."
Lillie started to pull Rose away when Raffalo spoke up again, "Thank you, misses. And eh… thank you for the permission. Not many people are that considerate." This made Lillie sad. Even now.
"Okay. See you later." Lillie said and they left.
Rose and Lillie sat on a step in a gallery as Rose played with the silver ball while Lillie left hers alone; it gave her the creeps like it was watching her.
"Earth Death in twenty-five minutes."
"Oh, thanks." Rose muttered, sarcastically. She put down the ball and picked up the potted plant. "Hello. My name's Rose and this is my sister Lillie… it’s short for Delilah. Those are sort of plants. We might be related."
"Rose, you're talking to a twig." Lillie deadpanned and Rose put the potted plant down exasperatedly.
“Why did you say yes at once?” Rose asked.
“Hmm?” Lillie looked at her older sister.
“You said yes without hesitation.”
“All those years ago, that Halloween where I had gotten separated from you and mum. I understood that he couldn’t take me with him because I was barely thirteen and I couldn’t leave you. But even then…” She tried to put it in words, “it’s like a pull, I feel a pull towards him like… this is what I’m meant to do. Travel with him and I don’t regret it. I don’t think I’ll ever regret it.” Lillie said, honestly. Then she heard a small noise, "Do you hear that?"
"What?" Rose asked her, not hearing anything.
Before she could reply, they heard the Doctor say, "Rose? Lillie? Are you in there?" As he entered and sat on the other side of the steps and looked at them eagerly, "Aye, aye. What do you think, then?"
"Great. Yeah, fine. Once you get past the slightly psychic paper. They're just so alien. The aliens are so alien. You look at 'em and they're alien." Rose said, clearly having trouble processing all of this.
"Good thing I didn't take you to the Deep South." The Doctor cracked.
"Yeah, maybe, we should have stopped at the twenty-second century instead." Lillie suggested, "Ease into it?"
"Where are you from?" Rose asked him.
"All over the place." He said, vaguely.
"They all speak English." Lillie said.
"No, you just hear English. It's a gift of the Tardis. The telepathic field, gets inside your brain and translates." The Doctor explained. That made sense... in some weird alien way.
"It's inside our brains?" Rose said.
"Well, in a good way."
"Your machine gets inside our heads. It gets inside and it changes our minds, and you didn't even ask?" Rose scoffed.
"I didn't think about it like that." He said.
"No, you were too busy thinking up cheap shots about the Deep South." Rose scoffed, getting upset, "who are you, then, Doctor? What are you called? What sort of alien are you?"
"I'm just the Doctor." The Doctor said, he seemed closed off as he had reason to keep quiet.
"From what planet?" Rose asked.
Lillie got lightheaded again as she saw a memory that she hadn’t lived through played.
“Nova,” A woman with blue-green hair in an elegant sort of bun by red flowers that sparkled when she moved, she had red dangling earrings and a black dress with a red and black see-through cape, she had blue and yellow eyes.
“Hey, Mum.” Nova said.
“We need to get you ready to greet the new recruits of Gallifrey’s Time Lord Academy.”
Nova threw her head back and groaned loudly before getting up to put on her perfect princess act for the Time Academy.
"Well, it's not as if you'll know where it is!" The Doctor chuckled, bringing her back.
"Where are you from?" Rose asked.
"What does it matter?"
"You must have a name. A species.”
“Like I said, it doesn’t matter!”
“Just tell us who you are!" Rose demanded. Lillie looked at her like, don't bring me into this. “
"This is who I am, right here, right now, all right? All that counts is here and now, and this is me." The Doctor snapped, angrily.
"Yeah, and we're here too because you brought us here, so just tell us." Rose shouted and the Doctor stomped to the window, looking over at the sun.
Lillie honestly didn't mind, she felt that he was entitled to wait until he was ready to tell them what kind of alien he was or what planet he was from, it was his business and clearly it was a sore subject but she understood that Rose was overwhelmed.
"Do you know what kind of alien he is?" Rose asked Lillie.
"Rose." Lillie whispered. "He has the right to tell us when he wants to. It’s sort of like with my ADHD, it’s my right to tell.”
Rose sighed, as another announcement was made, knowing that as per usual, Lillie was right. She was always right.
"Earth Death in twenty minutes. Earth Death in twenty minutes."
The teenagers walked down the steps to the Doctor, "All right. As my mate, Shareen says, don't argue with the designated driver." Rose said and the Doctor let a smile flicker across his face but forced it away. How dare Rose Tyler being simple… Rose Tyler. Rose took her mobile phone out as Lillie did the same. "Can't exactly call for a taxi.”
The Doctor tilted his head up with another smile on her face. How could he ever be mad at Rose Tyler for being simply her… simply human. She was the most ordinary girl and because of that she was beautiful.
“Not even a space taxi. A time taxi.” Lillie added and the Doctor looked at her to see the cheeky glint in her eyes, making a smile tug at him lips.
“There's no signal. We're out of range. Just a bit."
"Yeah, just a bit.” Lillie agreed with a sardonic tone, “by five billion years."
"Tell you what." He took Rose's phone as she was the closest and started to take it apart, "With a little bit of jiggery pokery."
"Is that a technical term, jiggery pokery?" Lillie teased.
"Yeah, I came first in jiggery pokery. What about you two?"
"No, I failed hullabaloo." Rose played along.
"Oh. There you go." He handed Rose her phone back and took Lillie's the do the same as Rose called Jackie.
"Hello?" Jackie's voice said as Lillie gasped, placing a hand over her mouth. She sounded clearer than ever before, much louder, although with Jackie, she was already pretty loud over the phone.
"Mum?" Rose gasped.
"Oh, what is it?" Jackie sighed, "What's wrong? What have I done now? Oh, this red top's falling to bits. You should get your money back. Go on. There must be something, you never phone in the middle of the day. Is Lillie with you?" Rose and Lillie chuckled in sad relief. "What's so funny?"
"Nothing. Yeah, Lillie's right here. You all right, though?" Rose asked.
"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" Jackie asked.
"What day is it?" Rose asked.
"Wednesday, all day. You got a hangover? Oh, I tell you what. Put a quid in that Lottery syndicate. I'll pay you back later."
"Yeah, er, I was just calling cause Lillie and I might be late home." Rose said.
"Is there something wrong?" Jackie asked. “Is Lillie alright?”
"No. I'm fine. Lillie's fine. We're fine. Top of the world." Rose said and then Jackie hung up.
Lillie sniffled as the Doctor spoke, beaming, "Think that's amazing, you want to see the bill."
"That was five billion years ago. So, she's dead now. Five billion years later, my mum's dead."
"Bundle of laughs, you are."
“Every person we’d ever know would be dead by now.” Lillie said, “Well, maybe. Maybe we’ll meet an immortal.”
“No one alive could live this long.” The Doctor said and Lillie felt a warmness smile in her mind and her memory went back to that kind American stranger who had talked to her on that bench years ago.
“Best reception ever, she sounded louder than she does in real life.”
“And for our mother, that’s saying something.” Lillie teased.
“Did you give my signal a boost?” Rose asked.
“More or less.”
“Could I phone Mars from here?” Lillie asked.
“Yeah. Tell them I want my boots back.” The Doctor told her.
“Why, what happened to your boots?” Lillie asked.
 “I left them there. Obviously.” He said with a grin. Even when joking, he was still so rude.
Lillie laughed, not at the joke but the utter the-Doctor-ness of it which made Rose laugh.
But then the space station shook, and Rose grabbed Lillie protectively.
"That's not supposed to happen." The Doctor said, curiously and ran off with the girls following.
"Honored guests may be reassured that gravity pockets may cause slight turbulence, thanking you." The Steward said over the intercom.
They walked back into the observation gallery, "That wasn't a gravity pocket. I know gravity pockets and they don't feel like that. What do you think, Jabe?" He turned to the tree lady, "Listened to the engines. They've pitched up about thirty Hertz. That dodgy or what?"
Jabe glanced at Lillie like she could see into Lillie’s soul but it was only a glance. "It's the sound of metal. It doesn't make any sense to me." Jabe said. That made sense, considering she was like a real-life gender-bent Groot with better vocabulary.
"Where's the engine room?" The Doctor asked.
"I don't know, but the maintenance duct is just behind our guest suite, I could show you and your wives."
Lillie raised an eyebrow as the Doctor said, "They're not my wives."
"No." This answer was a bit more bitter. Like he had recently had a partner but she was since passed.
"Prostitutes?" She asked.
"Whatever we are, it must be invisible." Lillie scoffed; she looked down at her clothing which consisted of a red shirt that had a bandit symbol with swords with a sarcastic William Shakespeare quote on it: I would challenge you to a battle of wits but I see you are unarmed, under her plaid leather jacket, plaid skirt, black jeans with red patches at the rips, and the black boots. What were prostitutes like in the future that her deeply sarcastic Hot Topic/ComicCon fashion sense could be mistaken for one?
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"Please, don't call my sister a prostitute." Rose said, shortly.
“Princess?” She said, testing on how little Lillie knew of her past life.
Lillie let out a snort, “I’m as much as a princess as a cinder maid.”
"Do you mind? Tell you what, you two go and pollinate. We're going to catch up with family. Quick word with Michael Jackson." Rose gestured to Cassandra.
"Don't start a fight." The Doctor warned them.
"We'll see. I’d like to see you try and stop me." Lillie called to him, walking off, her chocolate-colored curls swishing behind her.
The Doctor offered Jabe his arm, "I'm all yours."
"And I want you home by midnight." Rose teased.
"Earth Death in fifteen minutes. Earth Death in fifteen minutes."
Lillie nearly walked into the Face of Boe, not sure how she could’ve missed him.
"Oh, sorry." She mumbled, stepping back and she looked up at the enormous alien. "You're sad. I don't know how but I can tell you... may I?" The Face of Boe's gigantic head nodded and she placed her hand on the glass, "you feel mourning and grief for someone you once loved. Your first love."
"Brilliant as you ever were, N... Lillie." The Face of Boe said telepathically.
She was so shock and awed by this that she didn't notice that he nearly called her the wrong name.
"I don't understand how..."
"You'll see that it comes and goes."
"Do we... do we know each other?" She asked, confused.
"I know you but you don't know me yet. I haven't seen you in so long, Lillie. In all my years, I've failed to see someone with such compassion yet brutality. Darkness that shone as bright at her light."
Her mind suddenly flashed to a childhood memory of her at the school library.
The thirteen-year-old Lillie jumped as she tried to reach a book on the highest shelf about aliens.
A man who looked to be in his late twenties to early thirties but was in actuality much older than he looked with pitch black and piercing pale blue eyes walked in, mimicking his boss at Torchwood for his “lack of proper procedure”, apparently sleeping with all the suspects in their cases and several employees in the workplace was frowned upon. Then he spotted a girl with brown hair dressed in flannel.
“Lillie.” He breathed, seeing the younger self of his first real love.
He cleared his throat and walked towards her, despite knowing that she had no useful information about the Doctor.
“Need some help, little girl?”
“I am not a little girl!” She pouted at the American man, “I’m just… short.”
Jack smiled and pulled the book she was trying to get off the shelf and handed it to her.
“Thank you, um…”
Jack hesitated before offering his real name, “Javic Piotr Thane.”
She held out her hand and said, “Lillie Tyler.”
Had that been the same kind man who had talked to her on the bench?
She shook her head and smiled at the Face of Boe, "Well, I look towards to meeting you for the first time." She smiled and went to join Rose with Cassandra.
The Doctor and Jabe walked through a hall filled with wires and pipes, completely missing the robot spiders that hid from them.
“Who's in charge of Platform One? Is there a Captain or what?” He asked.
“There's just the Steward and the staff. All the rest is controlled by the metal mind.” Jabe replied.
“You mean the computer? But who controls that?”
“The Corporation. They move Platform One from one artistic event to another.”
“But there's no one from the Corporation on board.” The Doctor pointed out.
“They're not needed. This facility is purely automatic. It's the height of the Alpha class. Nothing can go wrong.”
“Unsinkable?” He scoffed.
“If you like. The nautical metaphor is appropriate.” She said.
“You're telling me. I was on board another ship once. They said that was unsinkable. I ended up clinging to an iceberg. It wasn't half cold.” The Doctor said, causally before stopping to turn to Jabe, “So, what you're saying is, if we get in trouble there's no one to help us out?”
“I'm afraid not.” She said.
“Fantastic.” He grinned.
“I don't understand. In what way is that fantastic?” Jabe wondered.
Rose and Lillie were listening the Cassandra who Lillie didn’t like at all as she seemed completely self-absorbed, "Soon, the sun will blossom into a red giant, and my home will die. That's where I used to live, when I was a little boy, down there.” Rose and Lillie exchanged looks. “Mummy and Daddy had a little house built into the side of the Los Angeles Crevice. I'd have such fun."
"What happened to everyone else? The human race, where did it go?" Lillie asked.
"They say mankind has touched every star in the sky." Cassandra said.
"So, you're not the last human." Lillie said, raising her eyebrows.
"I am the last pure human. The others mingled." She clarified, saying it as if it were the most horrid offense, "Oh, they call themselves New humans and Proto-humans and Digi-humans, even 'Humanish’, but you know what I call them? Mongrels."
So, she was one those people who think she was better above others; they still had these people. But Lillie had always known that no matter how much they progressed there was always going to be people with a backwards view of the world, it was just a fact of life.
"Right. And you stayed behind." Rose asked as Lillie rolled her blue eyes.
"I kept myself pure." That was rich of her to refer to herself as pure. With all the plastic surgery she seemed to have undergone. A sex change was one thing but for some reason Lillie felt that Cassandra had numerous sex change surgeries and not just because she wanted her body to identify with her inner gender and more to get away with things, plus she clearly used surgeries to make herself look younger to the point that she was literally a slab of skin. If Lillie hadn’t been against plastic surgery before, she was now.
"Uh-huh, and how many operations have you had?" Lillie asked.
"Seven hundred and eight. Next week, it's seven hundred and nine. I'm having my blood bleached." Lillie didn't even know it was possible to have that many operations. And what was blood bleaching. "Is that why you wanted a word? You could be flatter, Rose. You've got a little bit of a chin poking out. And Lillie..."
"I'd rather die." Rose cut her off, before she could point out Lillie's imperfections that the younger Tyler was already painfully aware of. She never said anything but Rose knew.
"Honestly, it doesn't hurt.”
"No, I mean it. I would rather die. It's better to die than live like you, a bitchy trampoline."
"Oh, well. What do you know.
"I was born on that planet, and so was my mum, and so was my dad, and so was my sister, and that makes us officially the last human beings in this room, cause you're not human." Rose argued as Lillie glanced back at the Face of Boe to see him looking at her again before she turned back.
"You've had it all nipped and tucked and flattened till there's nothing left. Anything human got chucked in the bin. You're just skin, Cassandra. Lipstick and skin." Lillie agreed with her sister, having enough of this woman.
"Nice talking." Rose said and they left.
“So tell me, Jabe, what's a tree like you doing in a place like this?” The Doctor asked.
“Respect for the Earth.” She said.
“Oh, come on. Everyone on this platform's worth zillions.” The Doctor scoffed.
“Well, perhaps it's a case of having to be seen at the right occasions.”
“In case your share prices drop? I know you lot. You've got massive forests everywhere, roots everywhere, and there's always money in land.”
“I also had a friend once who loved Earth but she’s…” She trailed off before moving past it completely, “All the same, we respect the Earth as family. So many species evolved from that planet. Mankind is only one. I'm another. My ancestors were transplanted from the planet down below, and I'm a direct descendant of the tropical rainforest.”
“Excuse me.” He said and started to scan a door panel as she continued to talk.
“And what about your ancestry, Doctor? Perhaps you could tell a story or two. Perhaps a man only enjoys trouble when there's nothing else left. Not even his love.” He only glanced at her, “I scanned you earlier. The metal machine had trouble identifying your species. It refused to admit your existence. And even when it named you, I wouldn't believe it, but it was right. I know where you're from. Forgive me for intruding, but it's remarkable that you even exist. I just wanted to say how sorry I am. Not just for the death of your planet and your species but of hers. Nova was a friend.” She put her hand on his arm and he put his hand on hers as a single tear dropped before the door opened.
Rose and Lillie walked through the halls aimlessly, going to pass Adherents went they hit them across the faces, making everything go black.
Nova was wearing, to her chagrin, a dress, and dead eyes, still heartbroken even after a billion years, as she stood in the Time Academy to greet the new students.
Her purple eyes then landed on the second brightest student, the Doctor.
Even in her unconscious state, Lillie’s instinct was to grab her compass necklace, making the “dream” slip away.
"Wake up, Nova. Wake up!" She heard the Face of Boe's voice say in her head, but it wasn't the voice she had heard. It seemed to be a young American accent. She saw a flash of an incredibly handsome man with blue eyes and black hair, but she barely got to process it.
Lillie woke up in Gallery fifteen with Rose nearby, still unconscious.
"Rose!" She exclaimed, shaking her sister.
Then the computer said, "Sun filter descending. Sun filter descending. Sun filter descending." The filter slid down shining the white-hot sun into the room. Things just became from bad to worse.
"ROSE!" She screamed, starting to panic.
Rose woke up and forced herself to wake up at the panic surging through them. The girls hammered on the door, screaming for someone to let them out.
"Anyone in there?" They heard the Doctor from the other side of the door call.
"Oh, well, it would be you two."
"Hold on. Give us two ticks."
The rays of the sun reached the door.
"Sun filter rising. Sun filter rising." The sisters sighed in relief but stopped when they heard, "Sun filter descending."
"Just what we need. The computer's getting clever."
"STOP MUCKING ABOUT!" Rose screamed as the girls started to panic again.
"I'm not mucking about. It's fighting back."
"I know!"
Rose grabbed her sister and pulled her down the steps as the glare moved down the door, getting to the lowest point of the room.
"THE LOCK'S MELTED!" Rose shouted.
"Sun filter rising. Sun filter rising."
The girls ran back to the door as they heard the Doctor say, "The whole thing's jammed. I can't open the doors. Stay there! Don't move."
"Where are we going to go, Ipswich?" Rose shouted sarcastically.
"Hurry back or I'll kill you!" Lillie shouted.
The heat levels rose quickly but funnily enough, Lillie didn’t sweat, not at all like Rose was but that wasn’t exactly their highest priority right now.
Rose held Lillie close to her when the filter started to crack from the intense heat.
"Shields malfunction."
Rose shielded Lillie from the rays of sun hitting the walls around them, both girls shrieking in surprise, neither of them noticing that a sun ray hit Lillie’s hair just beside her neck and it had no effect on it, not even burning her strands of hair.
In the engine room, Jabe was keeping the lever down as the heat levels rose until she caught fire.
Then she saw her. The beautiful princess. The beautiful, kind but merciless princess. The princess of a supernova’s fire but could be as cold as ice. Her smile was bittersweet yet it wavered terribly as her eyes teared up.
“I’m sorry. If I was awake, I could’ve done it instead.” She was whispering. Jabe wasn’t afraid, she felt comfort. She didn’t feel anymore pain from the fire, instead nice warmth as if from a sun from the distance in the spring. “But you saved us. You saved us all, Jabe. You saved me and my sister. And you saved my Doctor. You saved him.”
Lillie heard Rose crying, hiding her face in Lillie’s hair as she repeatedly whispered, “I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”
Lillie kept her eyes on the glass as her compass glowed, her mind went foggy as her eyes turned purple and she put her hand out, blocking a sunbeam at would’ve hit her and Rose, she could see through the light and she saw the planet explode. She was the only one who could see it. All that history. The planet she spent more lifetimes than there was a human number for save.
Then it stopped as they heard, "Exoglass repair. Exoglass repair. Exoglass repair." 
Lillie blinked her blue eyes, the last few moments were foggy but her mind filled them with memories of cowering and fearing of her and Rose dying. Rose opened her eyes as Lillie lowered her hand, she assumed she was blocking the light from her eyes.
The cracks vanished and saw the fractured remains of the Earth. They missed it. No one had seen it.
The girls entered the observation gallery, most of the guests seemed to be fine but the Moxx of Bahoon had been fried by the glare.
Lillie walked to the Face of Boe placing her hand on the glass, staring at the creature as if asking, are you okay? He returned the look.
The Doctor entered and walked past them, glancing at them to check they were okay before going to the other trees, giving them bad news. Jabe wasn’t there.
Oh no.
"You all right?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm full of ideas, I'm bristling with them. Idea number one, teleportation through five thousand degrees needs some kind of feed. Idea number two, this feed must be hidden nearby."
Cassandra wasn’t around. It must’ve been her.
“The ostrich egg.” Lillie said.
“Exactly what I was thinking.”
He smashed the alleged to reveal a small device. "Idea number three, if you're as clever as me, then a teleportation feed can be reversed." He pushed the button on the device, making a whirring sound.
"Oh, you should have seen their little alien faces." Cassandra's voice said as she was beamed back in the room. Lillie's eyes turned cold as ice-cold rage shot through her, outraged that Cassandra had caused Jabe to die, even though they had spoken twice and she had insinuated that she looked like a prostitute, she got angry like she was an old friend from another life. "Oh."
"The last human." Lillie said, coldly, the Face of Boe seemed to notice that her hair seemed to be bristling, gaining flyaways, similar to how a certain overemotional . “Yet the least human in this room even without Rose and me.”
"So, you passed my little test. Bravo. This makes you eligible to join, um, the-the Human Club." She lied, terribly.
"People have died, Cassandra. You murdered them." Lillie told her, coldly, she had a deadly look in her eyes, "you killed people and you just don't care."
"It depends on your definition of people, and that's enough of a technicality to keep your lawyers dizzy for centuries.
“Have you ever been really human? Cared for anyone? When was the last time someone actually called you beautiful and actually meant it?”
Cassandra faltered; she thought back to the last person who truly meant she looked beautiful before he died in her arms but she refused to show this to the others, not wanting to appear weak.
“Take me to court, then, Doctor, and watch me smile and cry and flutter..." She started to creak, making Lillie raise her eyebrows.
"And creak?" Doctor asked.
"And what?" She asked.
"Creak. You're creaking." Lillie said, “you raised the bloody heat, you wombat.” For a moment, her accent slipped into a light Australian one, but no one paid that any attention… except for the Face of Boe.
"What? Ah! I'm drying out! Oh, sweet heavens. Moisturize me, moisturize me! Where are my surgeons? My lovely boys! It's too hot!" She cried.
The sisters looked at each other, feeling bad for the slab of skin, while she did kill people, she didn't deserve to die herself.
"You raised the temperature."
"Have pity! Moisturize me! Oh, oh, Doctor. I'm sorry. I'll do anything." She pleaded.
Rose stepped forward as Lillie stared with almost no emotion in her eyes. "Help her."
"Everything has its time and everything dies."
"I'm too young!"
Rose and Lillie blinked in horror and shock as bits of Cassandra flew everywhere.
The Doctor walked away and Lillie found herself stepping to the Face of Boe, offering a gentle smile as she helped wipe off the glass of his tank.
Only Rose, Lillie, and the Doctor remained half an hour later as the sisters looked out the window at the remnants of Earth, holding each other’s hand.
The Doctor walked to Lillie’s side, taking her hand, making her look down and then at him as Rose spoke, mournfully, “The end of the Earth. It's gone. We were too busy saving ourselves. No one saw it go. All those years, all that history, and no one was even looking. It's just…” She trailed off.
The Doctor held his other hand out for Rose, “Come with me.”
Rose took his hand and she took Lillie’s, he walked the sisters back to the Tardis.
The Doctor brought them to modern-day London to help Rose and Lillie feel better.
"You think it'll last forever, people and cars and concrete, but it won't. One day it's all gone. Even the sky. I had a bad day. Long ago. A very bad day. Now my planet's gone. It's dead. It burned like the Earth. It's just rocks and dust before its time." He told them.
"What happened?" Rose asked.
"There was a war and we lost." He said.
"A war with who?” Rose asked but he didn’t reply, “What about your people?"
"I'm a Time Lord. I'm the last of the Time Lords. Like I said... a very bad day. They're all gone. I'm the only survivor. I'm left traveling on my own cause there's no one else." He said.
Lillie briefly got a throbbing feeling in her head. "Time Lords, that's what he is. I'm not. I'm an Elder. While Time Lords are a bit pompous, arrogant, and judgmental; Elders are more accepting. They accept any race, sex, non-sex, sexuality, disorder, or otherwise. But that doesn't mean they're all good. Good doesn't always mean nice."
The throb and voice then faded as she shook her head and ignored it, looking back at the Doctor. "We're here with you." Lillie said.
"You've seen how dangerous it is. Do you want to go home?" He asked them.
"No." Lillie said.
"I don't know. I want..." She sniffed, "Oh, can you smell chips?"
"Yeah. Yeah." The Doctor laughed.
"I want chips." Rose and said Lillie agreed.
"Me too."
"Right then, before you get me back in that box, chips it is, and you can pay."
"No money." He told them.
"What sort of date are you? Come on then, tightwad, chips are on me. We've only got five billion years till the shops close." Rose grinned.
The trio walked away laughing as a man with pitch-black hair in a military long coat watched from a distance. He watched them eat chips as the Doctor told them about his planet. The sky. The trees. The domes. The twin suns... and the distant planet in the sky but he did not tell them that planet's name or who had lived there.
The man couldn't go to them. They hadn't met yet. Not yet.
Princess Supernova of Elder glared at the Doctor and his standoffish attitude and then she punched him in the face in front of the whole of Gallifrey’s Academy. The Master let out an impressed chuckled as the Doctor turned back to her in shock.
She smirked and stuck out her hand, "Hi, I'm Princess Supernova."
Kassandra looked at her daughter interacting with the Doctor with a smile on her face but her eyes remained sad before turning away.
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transmortifried · 10 months
god you know if i was a doctor who companion i'd be stocking up on so many souvenirs any time we went to the future or an advanced alien planet. like time to get a neural implant copy of encyclopedia galactica year 5.5/apple/26 edition. get cybernetic vocal cords so i can sonic screwdriver stuff by humming at it. and you KNOW i'd get myself a vortex manipulator somehow. plus a coat with pockets that are bigger on the inside.
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system-reset · 1 year
ah yes the year 5.5/apple/26
also... he's got a point, we never do seem to consider the possibility that we survive this.
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sfarticles · 2 years
Pour It on Thick...Maple Syrup Continues to Stand as a Fall Favorite
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Popular Fall favorites have been my theme recently; pumpkins followed by apples. To continue the fall flavor roundup, let’s talk maple syrup.
When you hear the words “maple syrup,” what comes to mind? Probably pancakes or waffles drizzled with maple syrup or, perhaps, the maple leaf bottle, tan jug, or can, in which it is packaged. What we are not talking about here is the high-fructose, corn-syrup-laden product with artificial coloring and many other unappetizing ingredients. I don’t know why some think it is the real thing, or worse yet, think it tastes like pure maple syrup. I am embarrassed to say that when my parents pick me up at the airport on my visits to the Sunshine State each winter, they request sugar-free “pancake syrup” when we stop at one of those 24-hour pancake houses; just about the only restaurants open late at night. At those inexpensive prices, it sure isn’t real syrup they serve.
Although March typically is the peak of maple syrup production in the United States and Canada, it is fall when we begin to think about the upcoming holidays and recipes using the delicious syrup. During maple sugaring season, the sap starts to flow and sugar makers begin making the year’s crop of syrup with its subtle bouquet and complex flavors that set it apart from all other sweeteners. If you haven’t tasted pure maple syrup, chances are, you won’t go back to pancake syrup, once you do. I’m still trying to convert my parents — though mom is more concerned about calories than taste.
You’ll have to wait until the next sugaring season when many of the producers in the Northern United States and Canada (the only regions in the world where maple syrup is made), welcome visitors, allowing them to learn about the process, taste and purchase pure maple syrup and other maple products. It might be surprising to learn that according to the North American Maple Syrup Council, from 2019 through 2021 there were 680,000-740,000 working taps in trees in Pennsylvania producing 157,000-178,000 gallons of syrup annually. https://bit.ly/3sOys4I
Pennsylvania has its share of maple sugaring festivities, too. Here are a few to check out for a fun winter activity in 2023. Please confirm times and dates.
Annual tree tapping ceremony (last Saturday in February) Hyndman, PA Somerset County Maple Producers - Tree Tapping
Maple Sugaring at Peter Wentz Farmstead, Lansdale 610-584-5104
Maple Sugar Saturday at Pennypack, Philadelphia   215-685-0470 or e-mail [email protected]
Maple Sugaring Festival at Cobb’s Creek, Philadelphia (215) 685-1900
Maple Harvest Festival & Pancake Breakfast at Penn State, Petersburg, (March 25-26, 2023, 10:30 am-3:30 pm) https://bit.ly/2CrHpXO
Pennsylvania’s “Tapped: A Maple Trail https://bit.ly/3DPBz2k
 Maple Syrup 101:
·      It takes roughly 40 gallons of sap to make 1 gallon of maple syrup.
·      It comes in several color-based grades.
·      Quebec, Canada, is the largest producer of maple syrup, producing about three-quarters of the world’s output.
·      Vermont is the largest producer in the United States, generating about 5.5 percent of the global supply, followed by New York and Maine.
·      A maple tree is usually at least 30 years old and 12 inches in diameter before it is tapped.
·      Alfred University offered a maple syrup course where students discussed “everything” maple syrup including cooking with the syrup. They went on field trips to local producers, restaurants, and festivals.
·      Use maple syrup to sweeten your coffee or tea. It is packed with antioxidants and minerals.
·      Breweries are using maple syrup as an ingredient to create beer.
·      According to Wikipedia, “maple syrup was first made by the Indigenous peoples of North America.”
 I was delighted to add another single subject cookbook to my collection, “Maple Syrup: 40 Tried & True Recipes,” by Corrine Kozlak (2020, Adventure Publications, $16.95). https://bit.ly/3sOYSTR
This versatile ingredient goes beyond simply putting it on flapjacks as shown by Kozlak’s recipes. Before getting to the recipes, she gives a brief history of maple syrup, and discusses how it is made and graded. And, if you have access to a maple tree that is at least 12 inches in diameter, the “Do-It-Yourself Maple Syruping or Backyard Sugaring” pages tell you what equipment you will need, when and how to tap the trees, as well as how the sap is made into syrup. The maple syrup cooking tips will come in handy. For the recipe for Carrot Cake with Maple Syrup Frosting, visit bit.ly/307abZp
Maple-Basted Roasted Turkey Breast
 The headnote says, “This is really good when you are hungry for roast turkey but don’t want to make a whole bird. I serve this with Company’s Coming Salad (page 78) and Maple-Bacon Brussels Sprouts (recipe below) for a delicious maple-flavored meal.”
1 cup water or apple juice
1 (7- to 8-pound) whole bone-in turkey breast*
Salt, to taste
½  apple, cut in half
½  onion, peeled and quartered
1 stalk celery, halved
1 sprig fresh rosemary
1 sprig fresh thyme
½ cup butter
½ cup maple syrup
 Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line a shallow roasting pan with aluminum foil. Pour 1 cup water or apple juice in bottom of pan.
To make turkey breast, rinse with cold water, pat dry and sprinkle cavity with salt. Place turkey upright in pan, and stuff cavity with apple, onion, celery, rosemary and thyme.
To make glaze, melt butter with maple syrup in a small saucepan over low heat. Pour over turkey to coat.
Roast turkey 2 to 2 ½ hours, basting with pan juices as desired, until an instant-read thermometer registers 175-180 degrees.
Let turkey rest 20 minutes before slicing. Heat pan juices and pour over sliced meat. Serve hot. Makes 6-8 servings.
*This recipe can be used for a whole turkey as well; increase ingredients as needed.
Maple-Bacon Brussels Sprouts
 The headnote says, “This recipe will turn any Brussels sprouts hater into a Brussels sprouts lover. Be careful not to burn them.”
1-1 ¼ pounds Brussels sprouts, stemmed and cut in half lengthwise or sliced thin
4 slices bacon, cut into ½ -inch pieces
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 tablespoons maple syrup
Salt and pepper, to taste
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Place Brussels sprouts in a shallow roasting pan; top evenly with bacon pieces. Drizzle with olive oil and maple syrup and stir to coat. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Roast 20 minutes or until sprouts are cooked and caramelized, stirring after 10 minutes. Makes 4-6 servings.
Maple-Roasted Root Vegetables
 The headnote says, “Oven-roasting brings out the best in these vegetables, while maple syrup adds just the right amount of sweetness.”
3 medium-size carrots, peeled, halved, and cut into 3- to 4-inch pieces
3 medium-size parsnips, peeled, halved, and cut in to 3- to 4-inch pieces
1 turnip, peeled, halved, and cut into slivers
½ cup maple syrup
4 tablespoons butter
¼ cup bourbon or rum
1 ½ teaspoons salt
Freshly ground black pepper
Preheat oven 350 degrees.
Arrange carrots, parsnips and turnip in a shallow roasting pan.
Heat maple syrup and butter in a small saucepan over medium-low heat until butter is melted; remove from heat, and stir in bourbon. Pour syrup mixture over vegetables and stir to coat. Sprinkle with salt and pepper.
Bake, covered with aluminum foil, 25 minutes. Uncover; stir and bake 25 additional minutes or until tender. Makes 6 servings.
Maple-Frosted Pumpkin Muffins
 The headnote says, “Pumpkin and maple marry well. Every year, the flavor of pumpkin signals the beginning of fall.”
1 cup whole-wheat flour
¾  cup unbleached all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
½ teaspoon baking powder
½ teaspoon cloves
½ teaspoon cinnamon
½ teaspoon nutmeg
¼ teaspoon salt
6 tablespoons granulated sugar
1 cup pumpkin puree
1/4 cup vegetable oil
1/4 cup maple syrup
1 ½  tablespoons milk
2 eggs
3 tablespoons butter
1/3 cup maple syrup
¼ teaspoon maple extract
¾ cup powdered sugar
Garnish (optional) pumpkin seeds
 Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Lightly grease muffin pans.
To make muffins, sift together whole-wheat flour and next 8 ingredients in a large bowl. Make a well in center of mixture. In a large glass measuring cup, beat together pumpkin, oil, ¼ cup maple syrup, milk, and eggs. Pour pumpkin mixture into well of flour mixture and gently combine. Scoop batter into prepared muffin cups, filling ¾ full. Bake 20 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool.
To make glaze, melt butter over medium heat in a medium saucepan; whisk in 1/3 cup maple syrup. Bring to a boil and cook, stirring constantly, 2 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in maple extract. Sift in powdered sugar, and whisk until smooth and slightly thick; drizzle onto muffins. Garnish, if desired. Makes 10 muffins.
Maple Leaf Cocktail
 The headnote says, “Maple syrup and bourbon make for a great combination that’s not too sweet and naturally good.”
2 tablespoons maple syrup
1 part bourbon
3 parts seltzer
Peel of 1 orange
Black cherries
 Fill a highball glass with ice. Pour maple syrup over ice. Add bourbon and seltzer, stirring to combine. Add orange peel and desired amount of cherries. Makes 1 serving.
Stephen Fries, is a newly retired professor and coordinator of the Hospitality Management Programs at Gateway Community College, in New Haven, CT. He has been a food and culinary travel columnist for the past 14 years and is co-founder of and host of “Worth Tasting,” a culinary walking tour of downtown New Haven, CT. He is a board member of the International Association of Culinary Professionals. [email protected] For more, go to stephenfries.com.
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the-doctor-3000 · 3 years
The Dark Phoenix {Doctor Who x Reader}
~The End Of The World Pt. 1~
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"Right then, y/n and Rose Tyler, you tell me, where do you want to go? Backwards or forwards in time. What's it going to be?"asked the Doctor as the engines started up
"Forwards."they said in a sync, excitement was evident in their voices
The Doctor started pressing a few buttons.
"How far?"he asked, the girls looked at each other before Rose said;
"One hundred years?"asked Rose
"Two thousand years!"y/n  pipped in, her smile only growing wider and wider and her eyes sparkling like a little child's
"One hundred years is a bit boring"said the Doctor "How about-"he started once again pressing buttons on the controler "Ten thousand years in the future. Step outside, it's the year 12005, the New Roman Empire."
"You think you're so impressive?"said  y/n with a teasing smile while her eyes sparkled with mischievously 
"I AM so impressive!"he replied
"You wish!"laughed Rose
"What about five billion years in the future? That would be SO impressive."said y/n 
"Right then, you asked for it. *he revved up the engine and then pumped a lever furiously* Hold on!"
The TARDIS hurtled through the time vortex. With a pinging noise, the TARDIS stopped.
"Where are we?"asked Rose
"You mean when are we."y/n corrected her sister
The Doctor gestured towards the doors. Rose and y/n smiled excitedly.
"What's out there?"Rose asked
The Doctor gestured again. Rose and y/n stepped outside the doors. They found themselves in some kind of wooden room. The Doctor followed them and with his sonic screwdriver, opened the shutters of an enormous window. They went down the stairs and found themselves looking down on the planet Earth. Y/n and Rose looked at the scenery of the Earth with the sun from behind with astonishment and shock. The Doctor stood between them.
"You lot. You spend all your time thinking about dying. Like you're going to get killed by eggs or beef or global warming or asteroids. But you never take time to imagine the impossible. Maybe you survive. This is the year 5.5/apple/26. Five billion years in your future. This is the day... hold on... *he looked at his watch*. This is the day the sun expands. *he looked at the girls* Welcome to the end of the world."
"So, we are here to watch our own planet burn?"asked y/n, the Doctor nodded, y/n approached the window "Beautiful.... but yet terrifying."
COMPUTER VOICE: Shuttles 5 and 6 now docking. Guests are reminded that platform 1 forbids the use of weapons, teleportation and religion. Earth Death is scheduled for 15:39, followed by drinks in the Manchester Suite.
Later y/n, Rose and the Doctor were walking down a corridor.
"So, when it says 'guests' does that mean people?"asked Rose
"Depends what you mean by people."
"Human ones. But I have a feeling thatthe guests are aliens."said y/n 
"What are they doing on board this spaceship? What's it all for?"asked Rose
The Doctor started to open a door with his sonic screwdriver.
"It's not really a spaceship. More like an observation deck. The great and the good are gathering to watch the planet burn."
"What for?"
"Fun."replied the Doctor and they entered a large observation gallery, y/n frowned at the word 'fun' "Mind you, when I said the great and the good, what I mean is, the rich."
"But, hold on, they did this once on "Newsround Extra", the sun expanding, that takes hundreds of years."
"Millions. But the planet's now property of the National Trust. They've been keeping it preserved. See down there? *he pointed out of the window at tiny glints of light orbiting the Earth*Gravity satellite. That's holding back the sun."
Rose and y/n peered out of the window at Earth
"The planet looks the same as ever. I thought the continents shifted and things."said Rose
"They did. And the trust shifted them back. That's a classic Earth. But now the money's run out, nature takes over!"
"How long has it got?"asked y/n 
The Doctor looked at his watch.
"About half an hour. And the planet gets roasted."
"Is that why we're here? I mean, is that what you do? Jump in at the last minute and save the Earth?"asked Rose
"I'm not saving it. Time's up."
"But what about the people?"
"It's empty! They're all gone. All left."
Rose looked back to the window, realization spreading across her face.
"Just us then."said Rose sadly 
"Oh, Rose dear. Look at me."said y/n softly, Rose looked at her "We are five billion years in the future, we are not going to experience this any time soon."
The Steward hurried towards them.
"Who the hell are you?"he said
"Oh! That's nice, thanks."said the Doctor
"But how did you get in? This is a maximum hospitality zone. The guests have disembarked! They're on their way any second now!"
"That's me, I'm a guest, look! I've got an invitation! *the Doctor flashed a small leather wallet at the Steward* Look, there you see? It's fine, see? The Doctor plus two. I'm the Doctor, this is y/n and Rose Tyler. They are my plus two. That all right?"
"Well... obviously. *the Doctor grinned*. Apologies, et cetera. If you're on-board, we'd better start. Enjoy."
The Doctor nodded at him. After the steward walked off, the Doctor showed y/n and Rose the card he had flashed at the steward. It was completely blank.
"The paper's slightly psychic. Shows them whatever I want them to see. Saves a lot of time."
"What do you mean show them? It's blank."said y/n, a silence of awkwardness begun and when the Doctor was about to respond, Rose, wanting to end this silence, said;
"He's blue."
The steward was now speaking through a microphone at the other end of the suite.
"We have in attendance, the Doctor, y/n and Rose Tyler. Thank you! All staff to their positions." He clapped his hands and a lot of little blue people *the staff* started scurrying around."Hurry now! Thank you, as quick as we can! Come along, come along! And now, might I introduce the next honoured guest, representing the forest of Cheem, we have Trees. Namely, Jabe, Lute and Coffa." Jabe, Lute and Coffa walked through the doors. "There will be an exchange of gifts representing peace. If you can keep the room circulating, thank you. Next, from the solicitors Jolco and Jolco, the Moxx of Balhoon." The Doctor smiled cheerily, as Rose looked on bewildered and y/n intrigued." And next, from Financial Family Seven, we have the Adherents of the Repeated Meme." The Doctor and y/n chuckled at the look on Rose's face. "The inventors of hyposlip travel systems, the brothers Hop Pyleen. Thank you!" new aliens entered."Cal 'Spark Plug'." new aliens entered again "Mr. and Mrs. Pakoo." new aliens entered once again"The Ambassadors from the City State of Binding Light." Jabe approached the Doctor. Either side of her, her companions were holding plant trays with little shoots in them.
"The Gift of Peace. *Jabe took a cutting and handed it to the Doctor* I bring you a cutting of my Grandfather."said Jabe
"Thank you! *he gave it to Rose* Yes, gifts... erm..." He cleared his throat and started feeling his jacket for something, finding nothing
"I give you in return, air from my lungs."y/n said and blew gently onto Jabe's face, who closed her eyes briefly.
"How... intimate."said Jabe
"There's more where that came from."
"I bet there is..."
Rose had the sort of look on her face that was to be expected of someone who had just witnessed their companion and sister flirting with an alien form. Doctor on the other hand, although shocked, chuckled.
"Sponsor of the main event, please welcome the Face of Boe." 
A huge head in an equally huge jar was wheeled through the doors. The Moxx of Balhoon approached the Doctor, y/n and Rose.
"The Moxx of Balhoon."greeted the Doctor
"My felicitations on this historical happenstance. I give you the gift of bodily saliva."
He spitted accurately into Rose's left eye which made y/n laugh, earning a glare from the young Tyler girl.
"*the Doctor laughed* Thank you very much." Rose rubbed the spit out of her eye. Next, the Adherents of the Repeated Meme approached them. "Ah! The Adherents of the Repeated Meme. I bring you air from my companion's lungs."y/n breathed over them all.
"A gift of peace in all good faith."he held out a large silver egg, which the Doctor took, threw up into the air, caught it and then he handed it to Rose.
"And last but not least, our very special guest. Ladies and Gentlemen, and Trees and Multiforms. Consider the Earth below. In memory of this dying world, we call forth The Last Human."announced the steward
The Doctor looked at Rose and y/n to see their reaction. The sliding doors opened and what looked like a vertical trampoline made of human skin was wheeled through. It had eyes and a mouth, and wore lipstick. Y/n's excited expression changed into one of a cringed.
"The Lady Cassandra O'Brien Dot Delta Seventeen."
"Oh, now, don't stare. I know, I know it's shocking, isn't it? I've had my chin completely taken away and look at the difference! Look how thin I am."said Cassandra, the Doctor laughed silently but heartily, which made y/n to look at him, her expression the same, he looked at her and stopped."Thin and dainty! I don't look a day over two thousand. Moisturize me, moisturize me." One of the two men in white body suits who wheeled her in was holding a canister, which he sprayed onto Cassandra."Truly, I am The Last Human." Rose crept closer for a better look. "My father was a Texan. My mother was from the Arctic Desert. They were born on the Earth and were the last to be buried in the soil." Rose had been walking around to the other side of Cassandra, to get a good view of her from all angels. She was completely flat. "I have come to honour them and... *she sniffed*...say goodbye. Oh, no tears. *one of the bodyguards wiped her eyes* No tears. I'm sorry. But behold! I bring gifts. From Earth itself, the last remaining ostrich egg." One of the staff came in and displayed the egg to the room. "Legend says it had a wingspan of 50 feet and blew fire from its nostrils." Rose and y/n looked mildly confused. "Or was that my third husband?" Rose rolled her eyes but the Doctor laughed while y/n furrowed her brows "Who knows! Oh don't laugh. I'll get laughter lines!" she started laughing and mumbling to herself for a few seconds. Behind her, a large jukebox was wheeled into the room. "And here, another rarity. According to the archives, this was called an iPod. It stores classical music from humanity's greatest composers." Rose looked amazed. "Play on!" One of the staff pressed a button and a record fell into place. The 'iPod' started playing Tainted Love by Soft Cell. The Doctor bopped around appreciatively, y/n begun swaying in the rhythm.
"Refreshments will now be served. Earth Death in 30 minutes."
Y/n took Doctor's hand and they begun dancing and laughing.
COMPUTER VOICE: Earth Death in 25 minutes. Earth Death in 25 minutes.
She decided to go and find Rose and when she did, she found her sitting on the steps, throwing the egg up in the air and catching it again when she heard this announcement. Y/n stayed there silently.
"Oh, thanks."she put the egg down and turned her attention to the cutting of Jabe's grandfather. She picked it up. "Hello! My name's Rose. That's a sort of plant. We might be related..." She suddenly realized what she was doing and hurriedly put the plant down."I'm talking to a twig."
Y/n laughed at the sight, Rose turned to see her.
"Were you listening?"
"Maybe."replied y/n with a small smirk as she walked towards her and sat beside her."I can't believe we are about to see the end of our home planet."
"Me too."said Rose, looking to the window "Why did we follow him? Why are we still following him?"
Behind them, the spider broke out of the egg. The spider that came out of Rose's egg appeared to be scanning hers and y/n's hand, but they were completely oblivious. It jumped and ran to the air vent when the Doctor's voice floated through the door.
"Y/n? Rose? Are you in there?"called the Doctor, the spider scrambled through the vent just in time, before the Doctor came through the door. "Aye aye! *he sat on other side of stairs*. What do you think, then?"
"It's... wonderful."said y/n, breathlessly, the Doctor grinned
"Great! Yeah... fine. Once you get past the slightly psychic paper..."the Doctor laughed a little "They're just, so alien."The Doctor looked at her questioningly "The aliens. Are so alien. You look at 'em... and they're alien."
"Good thing I didn't take you to the Deep South."
"Where are you from?"
The Doctor hesitated at first but gave her an answer;
"All over the place."
"They all speak English."y/n pointed out, wanting to change the subject
"No, you just hear English. It's a gift of the TARDIS. Telepathic field, gets inside your brain, translates."
"It's inside our brains? That's actually very practical. Wait, does this mean that it translates human languages too?"
"Yup."he said with a chuckle
"Your machine gets inside our heads. It gets inside and it changes our minds, and you didn't even ask?"said Rose coldly
"I didn't think about it like that."
"No! You were too busy thinking up cheap shots about the Deep South! Who are you then, Doctor? What are you called? What sort of alien are you?"said Rose furiously, the Doctor sat up and looked away from her.
"I'm just The Doctor."
"From what planet?"
"Rose, stop it."warned y/n 
"Well, it's not as if you'll know where it is!"
"Where are you from?!"
"Rose!"said y/n sternly
"What does it matter?"
"Rose, that's enough!"yelled y/n 
"Oh shut it, y/n. Tell me who you are!"
"This is who I am, right here, right now, alright? All that counts is here and now, and this is me!"said the Doctor, angrily
"Yeah, and we're here too because you brought y/n and me here, so just tell me!"
"ROSE!! STOP IT! FOR GOODNESS' SAKE!"shouted y/n, the two looked at her in shock, never expecting her to yell that loud
The Doctor got up and walked down the steps, away from them.
COMPUTER VOICE: Earth Death in 20 minutes. Earth Death in 20 minutes.
"I'm sorry."said Rose
"Apologize to him."
"We don't even know who he is or where did he come from. How can you trust him?"
"Because he saved us. Not only us, but the entire humanity. I think we should trust him, even a little bit."
"I was rude, wasn't I?"whispered Rose, looking down sadly 
"To be honest, yes. You were. A whole lot I must say."whispered y/n "Go to him so you can fix things between you and him."
After a few moments, they followed the Doctor down the steps.
"Alright... as my mate Shareen says... don't argue with the designated driver..." The Doctor, with his back turned to them, smiled at that. Rose got her mobile out of her pocket. "Can't exactly call for a taxi... there's no signal. We're out of range. Just a bit!"
"Tell you what..." He took the phone from her. "With a little bit of jiggery pokery... " he removed the back of the phone.
"Is that a technical term, "jiggery pokery"?"
"Yeah, I came first in jiggery pokery, what about you?"asked the Doctor, looking at y/n 
"Nah, failed hullabaloo." 
"Oooh. *he fitted in a new battery and then handed the phone back to Rose* There you go."
Rose took it and looked at him uncertainly. He nodded. Rose got her mum's number onto the screen and put the phone to her ear. It rung. The Doctor took y/n's phone too and did the same to hers. 
"You don't want to talk to Jackie?"asked the Doctor as Rose spoke with her
"I would loved to but I want Rose to have this one."said y/n, she turned to face the Doctor "How are you?"
"I'm fine, you?"
"Good... For the first time in a long time, I feel perfect."
"That's good to hear."
Y/n bit her lip and tugged his sleeve and went a bit further so Rose wouldn't be able to hear them.
"I know that you're a Time Lord. And I know about Gallifrey."
"What? How?"
"It's kinda a long story to explain but I need to be honest with you and I'll tell Rose and mum about it too... Well, in summary, I am from another dimension where you and everything in this universe is a tv series. My favourite actually. It's named after you. Doctor Who. I teleported here when I was 10 because I cannot control my powers."y/n said, she sighed "I know that it sounds crazy but it's true... The thing is that I know what will happen but like travelling back in time, I cannot change anything."
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abbygrabska · 3 years
The End Of The World
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“Right then girls, you tell me, where do you want to go? Backwards or forwards in time. What’s it going to be?” The Doctor asks us.
I share a look with Rose before speaking, “Forwards.” He presses a few buttons, “How far?”
Rose answers, “One hundred years.”
He pulls a lever and turns a knob. The engines lurch and stop after a few seconds,
“There you go, step outside those doors, it’s the twenty-second century.”
“You’re kidding.” Rose scoffs.
“That’s a bit boring though, do you want to go further?” He asks.
We both nod.
The engines start again. When they stop he looks at us, “Ten thousand years in the future. Step outside, it’s the year 12005, the New Roman Empire.” I smile at him teasingly, “You think you’re so impressive.”
“I AM so impressive!” He claims.
“You wish!” I narrow my eyes at him playfully.
He grins at me, “Right then, you asked for it. I know exactly where to go.” He revs up the engine and pumps a lever furiously, “Hold on!”
Rose and I hold onto the railings until the tardis stops shaking.
I glance around, “Where are we?”
The Doctor gestures towards the doors. I smile with excitement, “What’s out there?”
He gestures to the doors again. I open the doors and step outside.
The Doctor and Rose follow after me. I can hear the Doctor’s sonic turning on and then what appear to be shutters open revealing an enormous window. We all go down the stairs and look out at the view, which is Earth.
“You lot. You spend all your time thinking about dying. Like you’re going to get killed by eggs or beef or global warming or asteroids. But you never take time to imagine the impossible. Maybe you survive. This is the year 5.5/apple/26. Five billion years in your future. This is the day… hold on…” He looks at his watch, “This is the day the sun expands. Welcome to the end of the world.”
A computer voice starts talking about the rules and when the Earth is going to die as we walk down the corridor.
“So when it says ‘guests’ does that mean people?” Rose asks.
“Depends what you mean by people.” The Doctor says.
“I mean people. What do you mean?” Rose asks.
“Aliens.” He answers.
“So it’s a bunch of rich people watching a planet burn for fun. Got it!” I nod.
We enter a large observation gallery.
“But, hold on, they did this once on ‘Newsround Extra’. The sun expanding that taxes hundreds of years.” Rose exclaims.
“Millions. But the planet’s now the property of the National Trust. They’ve been keeping it preserved. See down there?” He points out the window at tiny glints of light orbiting the Earth, “Gravity satellite. What's holding back the sun.” I stare out the window, “I would’ve thought the continents shifted by now.” The Doctor nods, “They did. And the trust shifted them back. That's a classic Earth. But now the money's run out, nature takes over!”
“How long has it got?” Rose asks.
He looks at his watch, “About half an hour. And the planet gets roasted.”
Rose looks at him, “Is that why we’re here? I mean, is that what you do? Jump in at the last minute and save the Earth?”
I turn and look at them, “I don’t think anyone’s left on the planet Rose. I mean think about it. We left Earth to travel space, why wouldn’t the rest of humanity do it?”
Something must have clicked in her head because she suddenly looks very sad, “Just us then.”
Doors open and a blue man runs towards us, “Who the hell are you?” “Oh, that’s nice, thanks.” The Doctor speaks sarcastically.
“But how did you get in? This is a maximum hospitality zone. The guests have disembarked! They’re on their way any second now!” The man says.
“That’s us, we’re guests, look! We’ve got an invitation!” He flashes a small leather wallet at the steward, “Look, there you see? It’s fine, see? The Doctor plus two. I’m the Doctor, this is Rose and Abby. they’re my plus two. That all right?”
“Well… obviously.” The steward stutters and the Doctor grins, “Apologies, et cetera. If you’re on board, we’d better start. Enjoy.”
The Doctor nods at him. After the steward walks off, the Doctor shows us the card he flashed at the steward.
“The paper’s slightly psychic. Shows them whatever I want them to see. Saves a lot of time.”
“He’s blue.” Rose points out.
I look at her confused, “He’s an alien.”
I can hear the steward talking, “We have in attendance, the Doctor, Rose and, Abby. Thank you! All staff to their positions.” He claps his and the staff stark scurrying around, “Hurry now! Thank you, as quick as we can! Come along, come along! And now, might I introduce the next honored guest, representing the forest of Cheem, we have Trees. Namely, Jabe, Lute, and Coffa.”
Three tree people walk through the doors.
“There will be an exchange of gifts representing peace. If you can keep the room circulating, thank you. Next from the solicitors Jolco and Jolco, the Moxx of Balhoon.
The Doctor smiles happily and Rose looks confused. I take my backpack off and grab the bag of squishies. The steward keeps introducing people as the tree people come up to us.
“A gift of peace.” Jabe takes a plant from her companion and hands it to the Doctor, “I bring you a cutting of my grandfather.” The Doctor thanks her before handing the cutting to Rose, “Yes, gifts… erm…”
I interrupt his stalling by holding out a squishy to Jabe, “I give you in return a little squishy.”
She takes it from my hand and pokes it with a smile on her face, “How adorable.”
The trees walk to the other guests and the Moxx of Balhoon approaches us.
“My felicitations on this historical happenstance. I give you the gift of bodily saliva.” He then spits directly into Rose’s eye.
The Doctor laughs at my friends’ misfortune while I offer Rose a tissue to get the spit out of her eye and take the cutting from her.
“And last but not least, our very special guest. Ladies and gentlemen, trees and multiforms. Consider the Earth below. In memory of this dying world, we call forth The Last Human.” The steward says.
The Doctor looks between Rose and me as the sliding doors open. What looks like a vertical trampoline made of skin is wheeled through. It has eyes and a mouth and wears lipstick.
“The Lady Cassandra O’Brien Dot Delta Seventeen.” The steward introduces.
“Oh, now, don’t stare. I know, I know it’s shocking, isn’t it? I’ve had my chin completely taken away and look at the difference! Look how thin I am.” Cassandra speaks, “Thin and dainty! I don’t look a day over two thousand. Moisturize me, moisturize me.”
One of the two men in white hazmat suits sprays Cassandra with something and she continues, “Truly, I am The Last Human.”
I go closer to her, holding onto the cuttings’ pot tightly. Ignoring whatever she is saying I go all the way around to the other side of her. ‘She is completely flat.’
She goes on about gifts she’s brought and everyone starts talking as the music plays.
Suddenly everything gets louder than it was before and the lights are too bright for my eyes. I look around at everyone and my breathing picks up. I don’t know any of the people here and that terrifies me. I can feel my vision getting blurry from tears as I back out of the room.
When my vision clears I am sitting in the corner of a random room, cradling the cutting of Jabe’s grandfather. I set the pot down and wipe my eyes with my sleeves. The door opens and one of the staff comes in.
I curl further into myself and talk in what my parents refer to as a baby voice, “Am I not supposed to be in here?”
The employee looks around uneasily, “You have to give us permission to talk.”
I make a noise of embarrassment, “You can talk if you want to…”
“Thank you! And no. You’re not in the way. Guests are allowed anywhere.” She says.
I nod. She goes to a panel in the wall and types a code in.
“What’s your name?” I ask.
“Raffalo.” She answers.
“That’s a pretty name.” I say.
“Thank you, miss. I won’t be long, I’ve just got to carry out some maintenance.” She kneels before an air vent, “There’s a tiny glitch in the Face of Boe suite. There must be something blocking the system, he’s not getting any hot water.”
“Where are you from Raffalo?” I ask.
“Crespallion.” She answers.
“Is that a planet?”
“No, Crespallion's part of the Jaggit Brocade, affiliated to the Scarlet Junction, Convex 56. And where are you from, miss?” She seems to remember she’s not supposed to talk because she backtracks, “If you don’t mind me asking.”
“I don’t mind. I’m a long way from home. I’m taking a trip with this man who gave me a ride.” I play with my sleeves, “I didn’t even think about it… He’s really kind to me.” I get up and take the pot into my hands, “Thank you for talking with me, good luck with the plumbing.”
“Thank you, miss.” She hesitates, “Thank you for the permission. Not many people are that considerate.”
I smile at her, “Okay. See you later.”
Raffalo smiles and nods at me as I exit the room.
I end up in the viewing room and hold the cutting of Jabe’s grandfather, tracing the lines in the pot.
“Abby? Are you in there?” I can hear the Doctor from the other side of the doors. I don’t bother to call out to him because he walks in not even a moment later.
“You alright?” He asks.
I shrug, “I got a little overwhelmed with all the noise and light.”
He frowns but doesn’t say anything.
“How come they all speak English?” I ask.
“You just hear English. It’s the tardis. Telepathic field, it translates for you.” He answers.
“So now I can speak perfect french if I visit my pépère(pronounced pepe) with you?” I smile, setting down Jabe’s grandpa.
He nods.
“Where are you from?” I ask.
“All over the place.” He avoids answering, so I decide not to push him.
“Where’s Rose?”
“She wanted to call her mum, I fixed her phone up so she could.” He tells me, “I could do the same for you if you want.”
I shake my head, “I don’t have anyone to call…”
The ship shudders and the Doctor speaks, “That’s not supposed to happen…”
We go back to the Manchester Suite and join the guests.
“That wasn’t a gravity pocket. I know gravity pockets and they don’t feel like that.” He fiddles with the control panel next to the door as Jabe walks towards us.
“What do you think, Jabe? Listen to the engine, they picked up about 30 hertz, is that dodgy or what?” He asks.
“It’s the sound of metal, it doesn’t make any sense to me.” She says.
“Where’s the engine room?” He wonders. “I don’t know… but the maintenance duct is just behind our guest’s suite, I could show you. And…” She gestures to me and Rose, “your wives.”
I share a look with Rose as the Doctor answers in the negative.
Jabe keeps guessing until she asks if we’re prostitutes. Rose looks at her offended, “Whatever we are, it must be invisible, do you mind? Tell you what, you go and pollinate. I’m going to catch up with family. Quick word with Michael Jackson.” She walks towards Cassandra.
The Doctor calls out to her, “Don’t start a fight.” He turns to me, “Are you going to join us?”
I think for a moment before shaking my head, “I’m gonna make sure Rose doesn’t offend Cassandra.”
He nods.
Once the Doctor walks off with Jabe I look at the other things being displayed from Earth.
‘Hello Abby.’ I blink at the voice in my head, one of the guests must communicate telepathically. ‘Who is this?’ I ask.
‘Turn around dear.’
I do what the voice says and find myself looking at the Face of Boe, “How do you know my name?”
‘This is the first time you’ve met me, but not the first time I’ve met you.’ I tilt my head at his words, “Does that mean I keep traveling with the Doctor?” A soft smile crosses his face, ‘You are as clever at this age as you are when I meet you for the first time.’ I smile at him shyly, “I don’t know about that.” ‘And so insecure in yourself as well. I cannot wait until you become the confident young woman in my memories.’ I open my mouth to respond but the computer voice interrupts, “Earth Death in ten minutes.”
Cassandra wheels forward, “The planet’s end. Come gather! Come gather! Bid farewell to the cradle of civilization. Let us mourn her with a traditional ballad.” Britney Spears’ Toxic starts playing and I stare at Cassandra.
Once the computer announces five minutes Jabe speaks, “The metal machine confirms. The spider devices have infiltrated the whole of platform one.” “How’s that possible? Our private rooms are protected by a code wall. Moisturize me, moisturize me.” Cassandra speaks.
I look at the Doctor who takes the spider out of Jabe’s hand.
The guests start pointing fingers at each other until the Doctor speaks, “Easy way of finding out. Someone brought a little pet on board.” He shows everyone the spider, “Let’s send them back to master.” He sets the spider on the ground. It scuttles along to Cassandra and looks up at her. She looks shifty for a moment but the spider moves on to the feet of the Adherents of the Repeated Meme.
Cassandra speaks again, “The Adherents of the Repeated Meme. J’accuse!”
“That’s all very well, and really kind of obvious, but if you stop to think about it…” The Adherents of the Repeated Meme try to strike at him, but he catches its arm and rips it off, “A Repeated Meme is just an idea. And that’s all they are. An idea.” He rips a wire out of the arm and all of them crumble into a bundle of black cloaks. Everyone gasps and Cassandra rolls her eyes.
He continues, “Remote-controlled droids. Nice little cover for the real troublemaker. Go on, Jimbo!” He nudges the spider with his foot, “Go home!”
The spider walks back over to Cassandra, “I bet you were the school swot and never got kissed.” The Doctor raises his eyebrows.
Cassandra commands her men to protect her, “My spiders have control of the mainframe. Oh, you all carried them as gifts, tax-free, past every code wall. I’m not just a pretty face.”
“Sabotaging a ship while you’re still inside it? How stupid’s that?” I ask, standing next to the Doctor. She sneers at me, “I’d hoped to manufacture a hostage situation with myself as one of the victims. The compensation would have been enormous.”
“Five billion years and it still comes down to money.” He shames her.
“Do you think it’s cheap, looking like this? Flatness costs a fortune. I am The Last Human, Doctor. Me. Not those freaky little kids of yours.” She glares at him.
The computer announces the three-minute warning. “And here it comes. You’re just as useful dead, all of you. I have shares in your rival companies and they’ll triple in price as soon as you’re dead. My spiders are primed and ready to destroy the safety systems. How did that old Earth song go? ‘Burn, baby, burn.’”
“Then you’ll burn with us.” Jabe points out.
“Oh, I’m so sorry. I know the use of teleportation is strictly forbidden, but… I’m such a naughty thing.” She bits her lip, “Spiders, activate.” I can feel the ship shake as explosions go off.
“Force fields gone with the planet about to explode. At least it’ll be quick. Just like my fifth husband.” She giggles, “Oh shame on me. Buh-bye, darlings!” She and her bodyguards teleport out.
The computer tells us that the heat levels are rising.
“Reset the computer!” Someone calls.
“Only the Steward would know how.” Jabe says.
“No. We can do it by hand. There must be a system restore switch. Jabe, come on.” He starts to leave the room. Making a split-second decision, I set Jabe’s grandfather on top of the Face of Boe’s tank and run after them.
We end up in the ventilation chamber, “Oh, and guess where the switch is.”
It’s on the other side of the enormous fans. The computer reminds us of the heat levels. The Doctor pulls a lever down and the fans slow down. But as soon as he lets go, the fans speed up again. He looks at the fans hopelessly, so I hold the lever down. He looks at me and grins, running back to the fans. I look at Jabe, “You need to go, this place is going to get really hot.” She nods and runs out.
As the Doctor stands at the third fan, I can feel my palms burning, but I keep holding the lever down. Tears run down my face and I bite my lip hard so as not to scream from pain.
The Doctor gets through and pulls the switch, I hear him shout something but I don’t pay attention because of the pain in my hands.
He walks back through the fans, pausing at my side. I’m kneeling on the ground, my hands shaking from the pain. He pulls me up and looks at my palms. My skin is blistering up, and he holds my hands. A glowing golden light engulfs our hands and I can feel the pain leaving. When his hands move away, my skin is healed, to the point where I question whether or not I was ever injured. I don’t bother to question him, because there are more important things to do right now.
We get back to the others and go to Rose.
“You all right?” She asks.
“Yeah, I’m fine. I’m full of ideas. I’m bristling with them. Idea number one, teleportation through five thousand degrees needs some kind of feed. Idea number two, this feed must be hidden nearby.” He strides over to the ostrich egg, breaks it open and the teleportation feed falls out. He picks it up, “Idea number three, if you’re as clever as me, then a teleportation feed can be reversed.” He twists the feed.
Cassandra appears before us, gloating before realizing her surroundings, “Oh.”
“The Last Human.” The Doctor greets.
She looks around flustered, “So, you passed my little test. Bravo. This makes you eligible to join the er… the human club.”
“People have died, Cassandra. You murdered them.” He says.
“That depends on your definition of ‘people’. And that’s enough of a technicality to keep your lawyers dizzy for centuries. Take me to court then, Doctor! And watch me smile, and cry and flutter…” She gets interrupted.
“And creak?” I ask.
“And what?” She looks taken aback by me.
“Creak! You’re creaking.” The Doctor points out.
Cassandra’s skin is tightening. Her eyes are becoming bloodshot and she is getting whiter and whiter.
She panics as red blotches cover her skin.
“You raised the temperature.” Jabe points out.
Cassandra looks at everyone, terrified, “Have pity! Moisturize me! Oh, Doctor!”
She starts to get redder and redder and I look at the Doctor, “Help her.” He shakes his head, “Everything has its time and everything dies.”
She starts to shrivel up, “I’m… too… young!”
Cassandra explodes. The Doctor looks cold and not fazed. He exits the room.
Soon the Manchester Suite is empty aside from me and Rose. She is watching the burning planet sadly, so I hold her hand to comfort her. We both turn around when we hear footsteps.
“The end of the Earth. It’s gone. And we were too busy saving ourselves, no one saw it go.” Rose speaks tearfully as the Doctor looks at her, “All those years… all that history and no one was even looking. It’s just…”
The Doctor holds his hand out to her, “Come with me.”
Rose grabs his hand and we all walk out together.
We step out of the tardis, back in 2005. Rose looks around at the crowds, the Doctor stands beside us.
“You think it’ll last forever. People, and cars and concrete. But it won’t. One day, it’s all gone. Even the sky.” We all look up and after a moment he speaks again, “My planet’s gone.”
We both turn to look at him, and he continues, “It’s dead. It burned like the Earth. It’s just rocks and dust. Before it’s time.”
“What happened?” I ask.
“There was a war. And we lost.” He answers solemnly.
“With who?” I ask. He doesn’t answer, so I continue, “What about your people?”
“I’m a Time Lord. I’m the last of the Time Lords. They’re all gone. I’m the only survivor. I’m left traveling on my own because there’s no one else.”
“There’s us.” I smile at him.
“You’ve seen how dangerous it is. Do you want to go home?” He asks.
I shake my head, but Rose looks at him for a few seconds, “I don’t know. I want…” She sniffs the air, “Oh! Can you smell chips?”
I smile while the Doctor laughs, “Yeah.”
“I want chips.” Rose decides.
The Doctor smile at her, “Me too.” “Right then, before you get us back in that box, chips it is, and you can pay.” She states.
The Doctor pats his pocket, “No money.” “What sort of date are you? Come on then, tightwad, chips are on me.”
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enbyeighthdoctor · 4 years
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Every Doctor Who Episode - S1E02: The End of the World
“You lot. You spend all your time thinking about dying. Like you’re going to get killed by eggs or beef or global warming or asteroids. But you never take the time to imagine the impossible. That maybe you survive. This is the year 5.5 slash Apple slash 26. Five billion years in your future. And this is the day— hold on. This is the day the sun expands. Welcome to the end of the world.”
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mollydollyjournals · 4 years
Sunday 14th February - 153.8lbs
I'm so glad...but also I slept a lot later today. I weighed myself a bit early and it was 154.4 and I was annoyed. Then I went back to bed for a bit and when I checked later it was 153.8. So I can sort of count it as that and sort of not.
Of course this is also the day after drinking so my water weight could be off. It was 5.5% so not as dehydrating as regular wine (13%) so I'm hoping I'm not just dehydrated. I also only had 5 units which isn't a huge amount. I didn't feel particularly thirsty overnight so I don't think I'm dehydrated.
I'm not sure how to handle today...standard debate of do I eat a bit more for metabolism variation or do I keep restricting. Or go in the middle. I won't be doing any exercise today - I'm not horrifically hungover but I am pretty tired and my head hurts a bit. So there's no chance to burn off any excess. I had a slightly heavier breakfast - what I used to have every day. It's still healthy but it's just got more carbs and healthy fats so I don't eat it often anymore, only for the occasional boost if that makes sense. It was so tasty though, I miss it. I used to look forward to it every day and I still look forward to having it occasionally. Just not all the time.
So for the rest of the day...if I'm properly restricting, then I should only have an apple for the rest of the day. If I'm eating a higher amount, I'll have an apple and another portion of the breakfast foods. Still both easily under 1000kcal for the day so it's what normal people would consider not much, but not with my metabolism. I really want to have the higher option but that's my cravings talking.
153.8 means I'm pretty close to having lost 10lbs from my recent hw last year. I wanted to lose that much in my first 2 weeks so to finally be getting close to it now is just...finally. My BMI is just under 26 now. And I need to go further, I need my BMI in the healthy range and my waist smaller and yeah... I want to wear cute summer clothes.
I want to set new weight goals. I set some before but I've kept getting sick. The alcohol related sickness in November, then intestinal blockage in January. I'm not finished sorting that out yet but I think I can kind of act like it's done, for the most part. Less than a week left of treatment, then maintenance, and I'll have what I need to sort it if the problem arises again. I'm also being a lot stricter with myself with alcohol these days. So hopefully I won't get sick again and have my weight loss stuff interrupted.
If that's the case...I should try to figure out how much I can lose by when. I wonder if I can reach 130lbs by the end of March. 2 weeks of February left - if I really pushed it and succeeded I could lose 10lbs, but what happened last time I really pushed it was I lost 5lbs then plateaued.
I guess it doesn't hurt to write out a plan anyway. It helps me stay focused for the time being even if I have to toss it later. So...I guess if I go for 4-500kcal a day on hard restrict days, 8-900 on higher days. I'm still not sure about fasting. I'll just have to try what I can I suppose. 2-300 can be for extra hard restrict. 6-700 is a weird middle ground I don't think I'll do, it's not really small enough to be proper restriction for me but it's not high enough to like satisfy a junk food craving. I think that's more something that might happen by mistake. My scales app says my BMR is currently 1377 so maybe I'll write out some estimations based on that.
Definitely for today I'd like to be 154.6 or under before bed. I don't think it'll happen, but it's what I'd like. I think I'd like to do enough to lose a pound a day every day with the exception of 2 days a week where I maintain - those days are when I can eat a bit more or drink alcohol. But never in excess, just enough to satisfy the craving. I'll live if I don't eat whatever junk food today.
As for what to actually do...I wanted to do an Olaplex treatment on my hair, a lot of it has broken off where I bleached it. I should do something to stop any more happening. But I also just can't be bothered...hangover tiredness. I don't know if I feel like working on my big art project either, but I haven't for a while. Maybe just some smaller things that I can do in bed. If so I'll do some stretches later so I'm not completely sedentary.
Bf messaged me so I should reply...I guess then I can also decide whether I'm gonna give him a physical card or not ha. I'm glad he did. It makes me just feel less insecure that he hates me or whatever.
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ninthdoctorr · 5 years
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doctor who rewatch [1x02] - "the end of the world" → you lot. you spend all your time thinking about dying. like you’re going to get killed by eggs or beef or global warming or asteroids. but you never take the time to imagine the impossible. that maybe you survive. this is the year 5.5 slash apple slash 26. five billion years in your future. and this is the day— hold on. this is the day the sun expands. welcome to the end of the world.
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secret-kkh-fics · 4 years
History Repeats | Chapter 3
Due to this not being posted anywhere else yet, please like and DON’T REBLOG my fics.
Chapter Summary:
She went right back to the start, and now it’s time to go right to the end… of her world anyway. Once again back on Platform One, Rose has her first proper chance to try and change things for the better. But it would be so much easier if she could just tell everyone Cassandra was trying to kill them…
Author Note:
Hello, and welcome to The End of the World. If you have a teleportation device to leave this story, they are not prohibited and I would reconsider that course of action. Mostly because this story is starting to get really good. I’ve kept it mostly the same as my original rewrite, but embellished it a little more, and I’m really happy with the direction it’s going.
I hope you enjoy it just as much.
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End of the World A Gift in Good Faith
“Right then, Rose Tyler, you tell me. Where do you want to go? Backwards or forwards in time? What’s it going to be?” the Doctor asked the second she reached the console.
“Definitely forward,” she told him.
“How far?”
“Far as you like.”
He grinned in excitement at the prospect. Last time she faintly recalled that they had stopped a few times before she actually got out. He just kept showing off. She watched excitedly as he began madly rushing about the console, turning knobs and pressing buttons. He gave a few pumps of the ‘squeaky thing’, as he’d once described it to her, and then they stopped with a lurch.
“There you go,” he said with a wide grin. “Ten thousand years in the future. Step outside, it’s the year 12,005. The New Roman Empire.”
“You’re kidding!” she exclaimed, acting disbelieving. She saw the smug, self-satisfied grin plastered on his face and cracked up laughing. “Oh, you think you’re so impressive!”
“I am so impressive,” he said defensively. She loved how she could get him sounding that indignant and pouty so fast. God, he just loved showing off so much. He was always out to impress. And if he didn’t, he would pout, then try even harder.
“You wish!” she teased. “Come on, what’s the best you’ve got?!”
He grinned at her challenge, looking like a kid at Christmas. “Alright, Rose Tyler, you asked for it! I know exactly were to go!” He began the dance around the console again, and soon they were landing once more. The Doctor looked at her expectantly and gestured to the doors.
“Where are we?” Rose asked excitedly.
And despite the fact she knew, it really was genuine excitement. She couldn’t believe she was back here. She had once told the Doctor that his life was incredible because he could see days come and gone that only happened once. And she knew from experience that even then they could only go back to see it that once. If they wanted to be safe about it anyway. But here she was, back once more to do it all again. She would be able to have another go. She might be able to save the people that died the first time. She may even actually see the Earth explode this time! …Although, she wasn’t sure if that was a good or bad thing to see…
When the Doctor just looked at her with a smile, she grinned and leaned in excitedly. “What’s out there? Come on, tell me!” 
The Doctor just gestured again, and without another beat, she turned and ran out. 
Once again, she found herself in that room with the viewing window. The Doctor followed her out and used the sonic screwdriver to open the window so they could look out. They walked down the steps and right up to the glass, and once again her breath was taken away by the spectacular view of the Earth with a huge, dying sun right behind it. 
“You lot,” the Doctor said affectionately. “You spend all your time thinking about dying. Like you’re going to get killed by eggs, or beef, or global warming, or asteroids. But you never take the time to imagine the impossible. Maybe you survive. This is the year 5.5/Apple/26. Five billion years in your future. This is the day… hold on…” He looked at his watch, and Rose smiled. “This is the day the sun expands. Welcome to the end of the world!” 
“I don’t think about dying,” she told him calmly. His eyebrows rose in surprise at the statement. Out of everything he had said, that had been what she picked up on? But what she said next was what threw him for a loop. “I’m not afraid of dying.”
“Really?” he asked. Most people her like her generally were. Humans were fragile, and most of them feared the inevitable. “Then, what are you afraid of?” 
“Leaving people behind,” she said. “Being left alone. No one deserves to be alone.” She saw a look pass across his face at that, but still, she kept staring out at the huge orange sun. “Imagine what it would be like, separated from the person you care the most about in the entire universe. They’re not dead, you know they’re not. Or at least… you hope they’re not. But you can never see them again, never hear their voice. They are somewhere out there, but no power in the universe could bring you together, you may as well be dead to one another. And that makes it even worse because you know that they are out there, all alone… Feeling just as lost and hurt as you are…” 
“You sound like you’re speaking from experience,” he noted softly. 
Rose started out of her thoughts and finally looked at him, flashing him a forced smile. “Nah, I’m just nineteen. This is the biggest thing that’s ever happened to me. It’s just a fear.” 
Beside her, the Doctor frowned. There was something different about her. She seemed more confident than he had originally thought. And, not to sound rude, but more complex. He had known away from her family and obligations and all the things that dulled her life and held her back, she had the ability to shine. But this was almost something else. In the end, he gave up looking for what was so different about her and headed for the doors and down the corridors. Rose trailed after him, ignoring the announcement that came over the speakers.
“So, what is all of this, anyway?” she asked. She hated having to play dumb, and knew that it was probably going to bug her until she caught up, but the Doctor would get suspicious if she didn’t ask curious questions. She could deal with asking things she already knew the answers to if it meant she got to spend forever with the Doctor. “Some sort of party for people to come and watch the world go ‘boom’?”
“Pretty much, yeah,” the Doctor said, taking out his sonic-screwdriver to open the door that would lead to the main viewing platform. “The great and the good are gathering to watch the planet burn.”
“What for?” she asked.
“Fun!” he replied, grinning as the door slid open. Together, they walked into the huge viewing room where all the guests would soon be gathering. “Mind you,” he tacked on as they went in, “when I say ‘the great and the good’, what I mean is ‘the rich’. There’s gonna be all sorts of people.”
“You mean aliens,” Rose grinned.
“Yep! But who knows, maybe we’ll find some human people too.”
“Yeah, I doubt it,” she muttered under her breath. There was no way in hell she was considering Cassandra as a human, even if she had seen her before she became a bloody trampoline.
“I’m not sure if there’s any pure humans left,” the Doctor went on. “You lot went off into the stars and, well, did what humans do,” he wiggled his eyebrows at her suggestively, “and not always with other humans. But, this is the end of your planet, there has to at least be one human representitve of some kind.”
“Are you trying to suggest that humans are the bunnies of the universe, Doctor?” she asked, narrowing her eyes at him.
“Oh, not at all. There are several species out there that could claim that title. Though, you are up there. Definitely the most far reaching. You lot are everywhere. It’s all very Captain Kirk.”
Rose giggled and they walked closer to the main viewing window. The sun could be seen like an explosion, looming over the planet before them. “God, it’s beautiful,” she said in awe, staring down at her planet. “It’s strange thinking that it’s gonna be different. That all this will be gone. That sun’s been there for billions and billions of years. And then it starts to die and billions of years it just…”
“Turns into a red giant and destroys majority of the planets around it. Mercury, Venus and Mars are already gone,” he told her. “Only reason Earth hasn’t gone yet is that it’s being protected. The planet’s the property of the National Trust. They’ve been keeping it preserved, using gravity satellites to hold back the sun.”
“A ‘National’ Trust that looks after an entire planet?” she snorted, making the Doctor snigger at her point. “And what? They just ‘put the countries back in the right place’ for the 21st century? I thought the continents were supposed to shift. Earthquakes, ice ages, global warming, rising sea and all that. You know, supercontinents forming and breaking apart and smashing back together in different ways to make new supercontenets.”
“They did… to both. The continents shifted and the Trust moved them back. That down there is a Classic Earth.”
“Classic? Who decided that?” she asked. “If someone made the choice to just… completely rearrange the landmasses back to how the used to be, why this era? Why not Pangea or Rodinia or some era from the future? Why is my time so special?”
“Oh, Rose Tyler. The 21st century is when it all changes. It’s when you lot finally really get out there and begin to explore the stars. It’s also the era that the National Trust was founded.  But now their money’s run out, so nature takes its course.”
“Right… nature. And when does that happen exactly?”
The Doctor looked down at his watch. “About half an hour. And then the planet gets roasted!” He grinned manically, his eyebrows rising in excitement. She noted that it wasn’t quite as manical as his next incarnation’s could be, but it still made her smile to herself.
“So, the Earth’s about to go ‘bye bye’, you’re not gonna stop it because it’s time is up. Or well, it’s time was up ages ago and they’re finally letting it happen. And this is some sort of party to… celebrate the fact that it’s not gonna be there anymore… Where are all the people? On Earth, I mean. They can’t still be down there.”
She knew the answer to that, of course. About now, a good amount of them would be settling down on New Earth or other planets.
“Nope, they left. All gone,” he replied. “Packed up and moved. Settled down in colonies on planets, in spaceships. Like I said, you humans are everywhere.”
“Mmm, we may just be stupid apes, but you love us,” she teased, giving him her tongue in teeth grin. The wide grin he had on his face at that suddenly dropped when a voice came from behind them.
“Who the hell are you?!” They spun around to see the blue skinned steward striding towards them.
“Oh, that’s nice. Thanks,” the Doctor said sarcastically.
“But how did you get in?” the steward snipped. “This is a maximum hospitality zone. The guests have disembarked! They’re on their way any second now!”
“That’s me,” the Doctor said quickly. “Look, I’ve got an invitation.” He took the psychic paper from his pocket and held it up to the man. “Look, you see? It’s fine, you see? The Doctor, plus one. I’m the Doctor, this is Rose Tyler. She’s my plus one. That alright?”
“Well… obviously,” he said stiffly. He seemed awkward and slightly embarrassed that he had mistaken guests for something else. He’d sort of been right, but he didn’t know that. Rose idly wondered if he turned purple when he blushed… assuming his blood was red. “Apologies, etcetera. If you’re onboard, we’d better start. Enjoy.” Then he briskly walked off to the podium near the door.
The Doctor turned to show her the psychic paper. “Nifty, that,” she told him.
“Yep! It’s psychic paper. Shows them whatever I want to see. Saves a lot of time.”
“And if you don’t have time to make them see anything?”
“Then their mind fills it in for them,” he told her. It was something she already knew, but then he told her something he’d never told her in the two plus years she’d known him. “Only genuses see it as blank. I only see it because I chose to.”
“Full of yourself, aren’t ya?” she laughed. “So, what kind of alien is he?”
“Hmm, well…” The Doctor looked at the steward a moment. “I would say he’s one of the many species of Crespallion. Majority of the humanoid species there have blue skin. There’s at least three separate races, all distinguishable by height. Only… I can’t quite remember which is which at the moment…”
“So much for genius,” she teased, bumping into his shoulder playfully.
Before the Doctor would even react indignantly the steward, once again, interrupted them as he spoke into the microphone.
“We have in attendance: the Doctor and Rose Tyler. Thank you. All staff to their positions.” He gave a sharp clap and soon a whole bunch of tiny blue aliens were scurrying about, getting everything ready. Rose remembered what the Doctor had just said and realised that these people must be one of the blue races. Just like that other blue woman she’d met the first time around. The space plummer. The steward encouraged them along a moment before turning back to the door. And now, might I introduce the next honoured guest: represent the forest of Cheem, we have Trees. Namely Jabe, Lute and Coffa.”
The doors opened again, and out stepped the three humanoid trees Rose remembered from last time. She’d only briefly seen them, and only really remembered Jabe, but still, she got mixed feelings seeing the beautiful flora woman. Knowing what was likely coming up, she felt an annoying surge of jealousy, recalling how she and the Doctor had flirted the entire time. And that had just been while she was still in the same room as them. But she also knew that last time, Jabe had died trying to save everyone here, trying to give the Doctor time to do… something that would put the shields back up. Knowing that she would die made her both sad and determined. She wouldn’t let that happen if she could help it. That was one of the perks of her being back here. She could try and fix things like this.
Maybe this time, Jabe didn’t have to die. There had to be something that she had missed, being trapped in that room most of the time, that could prevent her from giving her life. And, maybe, if she saved her and Jabe flirted with the Doctor again, she could have a go at her. The thought made her smile, getting to save a life and have a go at an annoyingly flirtatious tree.
The idea quickly fled her mind. The Doctor wasn’t exactly hers. As far as he was aware, they’d only just met. It wasn’t like she had any right to start going off at someone for flirting with him.
“There will be an exchange of gifts representing peace,” the steward went on, snapping her out of that little thought. “If you can keep the room circulating, thank you. Next, from the solicitors Jolco and Jolco, the Moxx of Balhoon.” The doors opened once more and in rolled the tubby blue pixie-like alien on his chair. He had been one of the people to die in the end if she remembered correctly. So many had died…
She listened as the steward continued to introduce all kinds of strange aliens, watching as they all filed through the doors. She vaguely remembered being overwhelmed last time, but this time she just felt her usual curiosity as she took in how different they were, storing away the questions that bubbled up about their species and where they were from, what was their planet like, how they did certain things when they were so different from humans.
She couldn’t help the small shudder that shook her when the Repeated Meme came in, knowing that Cassandra would use them to pull off her plan. She still remembered that they had attacked her. However, when the Face of Boe came in, she looked up hopefully. She had wanted to talk to the Face of Boe so badly. There had been so much she’d wanted to ask him last time she’d seen him, but she hadn’t been able to do anything because of bloody Cassandra taking over her body.
Beside her, she could practically feel the Doctor laughing at her reactions, and turned to see him grinning down at her. She narrowed her eyes at him, making him grin even wider. But they were interrupted from their silent conversation when Jable and her two companions stepped up to them and tilted her head in greeting.
“The gift of peace,” she said to them. “I bring you a cutting of my grandfather.” She reached behind her and grabbed a small pott with a twig growing in it from her companion and then handed it to the Doctor.
“Thank you,” he said, smiling at her, and then he handed the potted twig to Rose. “Yes, gifts… erm…” He patted down his pockets, not finding anything to give her. Not that a pat-down would do much good with the tech he’d sewn into those things, and if he dug his hand in, they’d probably be there forever. He was quite attached to the random things he shoved in his pockets. “I give you in return-”
“Three hairs from my head,” Rose cut him off, remembering what had happened last time. With her free hand, she reached up and plucked a few strands, twisting them into a neat loop and handed them to Jabe. Quick thinking wasn’t always her best talent, and the only thing that had come to her head was a scene from the first Lord of the Rings movie, where Gimli had asked for Galadriel’s hair as a parting gift.
“Thank you.” Jabe smiled at her, carefully taking the loop of hair and handed it to the companion on the other side of her, who then placed it in a bag. Then they moved on. She grinned as she watched them go, but as she turned back, she caught the look the Doctor was giving her.
“What?” she said indignantly. “She gave us something off a living person. At least I have enough hair!” The Doctor huffed and rubbed his hand over his short-cropped hair. She suddenly found herself wondering if he’d had more hair in his previous incarnation. After all, she knew he loved his hair in the next. “Besides,” she muttered, “it’s better than ‘air from your lungs’.”
At this, the Doctor’s brows rose, then drew together in confusion. He wondered what had made her say that? How could she have known that just before she had jumped in, that was exactly what he was going to say?
All too quickly, he was distracted from that thought when the next guest rolled up. “The Mox of Balhoon!” he cried in delight. He lent down a little so he was more on eye level with the blue alien. He didn’t even notice Rose creep beind him. She may not remember every detail of something that had happened years ago for her, but she vividly remembered what came next. It was a little too gross of a first impression to forget.
“My felicitations on this historical happenstance. I give you the gift of bodily saliva,” he chirped in reply. And with that, he spat… right into the Doctor’s eye.
Behind him, Rose burst into a fit of giggled, glad that it wasn’t her this time. “Thank you!” she laughed, popping her head over the Doctor’s shoulder and handing him some of her hair. Then, she immediately stiffened when the Mox of Balhood moved away and the Repeated Meme approached. With a tight expression, she stepped out from behind the Doctor and plucked three hairs from her head to give to them.
“Ah! The Adherents of the Repeated Meme,” the Doctor grinned. “I bring you hair frim my companion’s peroxide head.”
“Oi!” she cried indignantly as he grabbed the hairs from her and gave them to the Memes.
“A gift of peace in all good faith,” the leader rasped. It held out the silver ball that was its ‘gift’. The Doctor took it from them, tossing it in the air a moment, and then handed it to Rose. She was hesitant taking it from him, and held it almost gingerly in her hand, turning it around to look at it. She recalled that the Doctor had told her these were how Cassandra smuggled the spiders in. She hoped that there was a latch or some kind of button that she would be able to play around with and ‘accidentally’ let the spider out of the bag early. She couldn’t find one, the surface almost completely smooth, other than the lines etched in it. She assumed that they must be controlled to open on Cassandra’s end. She could probably get it open with the sonic, but the Doctor would most definitely get too suspicious if she just suddenly grabbed his beloved tool off him and instantly knew how to use it to open something that looked otherwise benign.
“And last, but not least,” the steward called out as the Memes moved off. “Our very special guest. Ladies and Gentlemen, and Trees and Multiforms. Consider the Earth below. In memory of this dying world, we call forth the Last Human. The Lady Cassandra O’Brien. Δ17!”
The doors once more slid open to reveal the flat stretch of skin on a frame with lipstick and eyes and a brain in a jar that was Cassandra, the ‘last human’. The Doctor looked down to watch Rose’s reaction, he was sure that she would be shocked and absolutely baffled that this was the last of her race, but what he saw instead surprised him. Rose barely looked shocked at all. Instead, she was glaring almost coldly at the woman, an expression that wavered as it seemed to battle it out with a look of sympathy. He was baffled by this, not entirely sure why she would react like that. Rose herself was a bit of a mystery he was intreaged to solve. She often seemed simple enough on the outside, but he could tell that there was something there, just below the surface…
“Oh, now, don’t stare,” Cassandra gushed. “I know, I know. It’s shocking, isn’t it? I’ve had my chin completely taken away and look at the difference! Look how thin I am!”
Rose’s eyes widened in disbelief. She knew that Cassandra was conceited and absoulty full of herself, but she had forgotten just how bad she bad been, especially this first time they’d met her. Even though she knew how things would turn out for the flap of skin, the way she talked was still enough to gall. She could feel the Doctor shaking with barely contained laughter beside her, and she reisted the urge to elbow him in the side. Sure, he’d think it was funny now… wait until that cow had possessed him and was talking about how ‘yum’ it was to be in his body. Rose was sorely tempted to fulfil one of her day dreams then and there, and run over to Cassandra, flip her on her… back? …and jump on her!
“Thin and dainty,” Cassandra went on. Rose had to clench her fists and force herself to stay still so she didn’t act out what was going through her mind out of sheer spite and annoyance. “I don’t look a day over two thousand! Moisterise me, moisterise me!” she muttered to the white suited men either side of her. One of them lifted his canister and sprayed her. “Truly, I am the Last Human. My father was Texan. My mother was from the Arctic Desert. They were born on the Earth, and they were the last to be buried in its soil. I have come to honour them and…” she gave a sniff, “say goodbye. Oh, no tears. No tears. I’m sorry.” One of the men wiped at her eyes, and though Rose was facing her ‘back’, she was fairly sure her eyes were dry as a bone. “But behold! I bring gifts from Earth itself. The last remaining ostrich egg…” A tiny blue Crespallian brought it in, and Rose eyed it warily. She had still been trapped in that room at the time, but the Doctor had told her that Cassandra had hidden some device inside it. “Legend says it had a wingspan of fifty feet and blew fire from its nostrils! …or was that my third husband?” There were a few laughs around the room, including the Doctor’s. Rose just rolled her eyes in grudging amusement. It was typical Cassandra. “Who knows? Oh, don’t laugh. I’ll get laughter lines!” Behind her, the staff wheeled in a jukebox and Rose had to suppress a grin, remembering the deluge of misinformation Cassandra was about to spill. It amused her to no end – now that she wasn’t so horrified and overwhelmed to appreciate it all – that Cassandra got so many things wrong about her own culture. Then again, she assumed that if she were to talk about the few items from Ancent Rome she’d known about in school, she probably would have sounded just as daft. Humans had always gone with whatever little knowledge they had and assumed the rest, taking it as fact. And the fact was that a lot of information was lost to history. “And here, another rarity. According to the archives, this was called an ‘iPod’. It stores classical music from humanity’s greatest composers. Play on!”
At her cue, someone started up the jukebox, and ‘Tainted Love’ by Soft Cell filled the room. As far as classical and ‘humanity’s greatest composters’ went, Rose was most certain that this was not one. In fact, she was pretty sure it was a one-hit-wonder. She rolled her eyes and grinned, watching as the Doctor did a little bobbing dance… and that was just too much. That really was the cherry on top!
Last time, she had just been so bewildered, so shocked, so overwhelmed, that she didn't notice much of what was going on. She couldn't properly appreciate all the things she had just seen. But this time she could. And she was realising just how much she had missed. Once more, the fact that she had a second chance to do this all again hit her with full force.
A laugh bubbled up within her, and she clapped her hand to her mouth to stop it. It didn’t do much to help, and soon she had burst out into hysterical giggles. The Doctor watched her, grinning in amusement, and soon he joined in, chuckling away with her.
But Rose couldn’t stop laughing, the giggle overtaking to the point that she just wanted to sit on the floor and laugh until she was done. Tears were starting to leak down her cheeks, and people were starting to stare at her. The Doctor was looking at her in confusion but still slightly amused. He looked like he was about to ask her what was so funny, so she raised a finger to him, then ran out of the room.
She ran out and down through all the halls until she found herself at the observation room she had been in last time. She was almost calm by the time she reached it, but then she saw a group of the tiny blue staff members pushing the TARDIS out the door and away somewhere, and she burst into a peal of fresh giggles. It wasn’t until later on in the TARDIS that she realised she hadn’t met the other blue woman, the space plumber this time.
It took her a while to calm down. Mostly because she kept thinking about how she was probably going a bit overbored, and it just seemed so ridiculous. It just made her keep laughing at herself. Why was she still laughing? It wasn’t that funny! God, something was wrong with her. Maybe being in the parallel universe and coming back in time by jamming her mind into her younger self’s body had made her insane…
When it came down to it, she didn’t much care.
 “What’s so funny?” the Doctor asked with a small chuckle of his own when he finally found her. He came and sat on the other side of the stairs, just like he had last time.
“Everything!” Rose gasped out. The laughter had died down now, but she was still yet to fully get her breath back, or shake the weird jitters that had come over her. “It’s just so blimmen incredible! Just this… it’s so…” Sighing, she layed back so she was lying on the ground, looking up at the ceiling, with her feet hanging over the edge, swinging slightly.
“You’re taking this all pretty well,” he commented. “Well, apart from that little hysterical breakdown back there.”
Rose let out a small laugh, covering her face in embarrisment. Oh god, what was she doing? She was supposed to be making it look like this was the first time she’d ever seen a big bunch of aliens. She should be asking more questions, being curious, acting amazed. If she didn’t, he would probably think she was a bit daft or start suspecting something. How many people had he shown the stars and all that came with it and they had just… accepted everything. Probably no one. She couldn’t be that person!
“There’s just… so many aliens!” she told him. “Like, alien aliens! Just days ago, I didn’t even believe in them. Like, yeah, I thought that there had to be a planet out there that could have some kind of like, but not like this! I used to think that people who believed in aliens like this were complete nutters! Now I’m the nutter… and I love it!” She turned her head to the Doctor and grinned at him. He smiled back at her, and she found the usual questions bubbling up within her. She’d always wanted to know more about his planet. He very rarely spoke of his home and his people, and she’d always felt too guilty to ask, knowing how much it hurt him. But those questions were there. And why not ask them? She should at least try and get him to tell her the basic stuff, so she didn’t end up slipping up and saying something before she was told. “So, where are you from, then?”
“All over the place,” he replied nonchalantly, streatching out a little.
Rose snorted, sitting up again. “That’s not an answer!” He clearly wasn’t okay with sharing more that than right now, and she wasn’t going to push him, but she didn’t want to give up on it either. Instead, she asked another question. One she already knew the answer to, so it would be important to get it out of the way. “Why are they all speaking English?” she asked. “I thought they’d be speaking… Tree-ish and stuff.”
“Tree-ish?!” the Doctor laughed. “Nah, they are speaking their language, you just hear English. It’s a gift of the TARDIS. Telepathic field gets inside your brain and translates.”
“Right…” She drew the word out. She knew better than to go mental time time. She had been upset she wasn’t asked last time, but now she knew better. Besides, the TARDIS was her friend, and now it was more than just the telepathic field affecting her. “So… you have a telepathic, sentient ship that can turn any language in the universe into the one that you speak?”
“Right, because who doesn’t have one of those?” she said sarcastically.
“Ah, everyone but me,” he told her, quite obviously.
“And how come you get one?”
“Because it’s from my home planet.”
“And where’s that?” she asked excitedly. Sure, she knew the name of his planet… but that was all. At her question, though, the Doctor’s face fell and he floundered for a moment. She knew the mournful look in his eyes well, though she doubted anyone just meeting him would, and her heart broke for him. Doubt and guilt began to fill her mind. Maybe she shouldn’t do this. He was clearly upset about it and… and the same thing would happen all again. She had never asked because she didn’t want to upset him. But what if opening up about his home helped him. Having someone to share it with at least in some small way.
“It-it’s not like you’ll know where it is…” he said.
She rolled her eyes. “Well, yeah. But can I at least get a name? I mean, let’s face it, Doctor, I know nothing about you… I kind of just ran away with a total stranger. So, where you from?”
The Doctor stared straight ahead for a good while, to the point that Rose was sure he wasn’t going to say anything. But just as she was about to say something else, he huffed out a breath and gave a harsh nod, as if trying to encourage himself to speak. “Gallifrey,” he finally croaked out. Rose’s brows rose in surprise. She hadn’t expected him to actually say it.
“Sounds pretty. Kind of Gaelic. So, you’re… Gallifreyan?”
“Yep,” he chuckled lowly. “But my people are called Time Lords.”
“Time Lords?”
“We were the first species to discover time travel. So, we sort of… govern over time. Prevent paradoxes and watch over the universe, observing everything.”
“What’s Gallifrey like?”
The Doctor took a deep breath. He didn’t say anything for a moment, and she thought that this was when he was going to suddenly change the subject on her, so she was surprised when, again, he kept going. “Well, it’s beautiful,” he said quietly. She grinned at that, but then she noticed that he had said ‘it’s’ – as in, current tense – and her brow furrowed for a moment. She quickly plastered a gentle smile on her face by the time he turned to look at her. He was suddenly very expressive, using his entire body to tell her about the beauty of his planet. “The sky’s a burnt orange,” he told her wistfully. “With the Citadel enclosed in a might glass dome, shining under the twin suns. Beyond that, the mountains go on forever. Slopes of deep red grass capped with snow…” He trailed off, just remembering for a moment. And Rose’s heart broke as she realised what he was doing, the way he was speaking. He was pretending his planet and his people were all still there. He was using her ‘ignorance’ as an excuse to pretend, for just a moment, that the Time War hadn’t destroyed everything he had known and loved about his home planet. “The second sun rises in the south, and the mountains just shine. The leaves on the trees are silver, and when they catch the light every morning, it looks like a forest on fire. When autumn comes, the breeze blows through the branches like a song…” He faded off, staring out into the starscape before them.
Despite the sadness she could see in his eyes, Rose was left stating at him in wonder and awe. His home sounded beautiful. She’d never heard so much about it before, other than its name and the odd comment. But the way he described it was like poetry. She could almost see exactly what he described, high peaked, snow-capped mountains with red slopes, and the large house on the hills of Peridon, as if she’d plucked the very image from his mind.
“Can you take me there sometime?” The words were out of her mouth before she could stop them, too caught up in the moment. She wanted to take them back right away, but really, she knew that it was a good thing she had. She was supposed to be clueless. If she didn’t know the truth, she most definitely would have asked that question.
“Nah!” the Doctor cried, jumping up and walking over towards the window, looking out at the dying planet before them. “Why would I want to go back there? So many more exciting planets to see. Besides, I don’t want to go home.”
If Rose hadn’t known he was lying, she would never have noticed the slight quiver in his voice. She knew him well enough to know that right now, with his back to her like that, he was trying to blink the tears from his eyes before they even fell. It was a realisation that shocked her. She had never seen him cry in this incarnation. She’d seem him close like this only a handful of times in both incarnations. It took a lot to make him cry, and the only time she knew for sure that he had was when she saw him cry just before he disappeared on Dårlig Ulv Stranden.
She got up, moving to comfort him, or do something that would snap him out of his mood without alerting him to the fact she knew he was upset. And seeing him like that, staring out forlornly at the dying planet, it suddenly struck her. She realised why he had brought her here. He may not have done it intentionally, but he had done it none the less. He brought her here so that she could feel the pain of watching her planet burn. So that someone could understand, at least a little, how he felt.
She kept forgetting how different he had been right at the beginning, their later adventures too ingrained in her mind. At this point in time, he was a broken man, fresh out of a war that had devastated a good part of the universe and taken everything from him. A man of pain, and anger, and bloodshed. He shied away from the violence he had been a part of for so long, but he was still so angry.
He was just so different. And not just different from his next incarnation, but different from how she remembered this him to be. He had seemed happier back then… or, well… would be happier soon…
Gently she laid a hand on his shoulder, giving him a small nudge and a smile. He seemed to accept the small comfort she gave and smiled tightly in return.
“Hey, we don’t have to go there if you don’t want to,” she told him, attempting to make it sound like she still didn’t have a clue. “No arguing with the designated driver, right?” He gave a small chuckle at this. Smiling at her success, she took out her phone in a futher attempt to distract him. “Besides, can’t exactly call for a taxi now, can I? There’s no signal. We’re out of range… Well, only by a few billion years.”
The Doctor chuckled again and finally turned to her, all signs of pain gone from his face. “Tell you what,” he said, grabbing the phone off her and fiddling about with it. “With a little bit of jiggery pokery…”
“Is that a technical term, ‘Jiggery pokery’?” she teased.
“Yeah, I came first in jiggery pokery. What about you?”
“Nah,” she laughed. “I took hullabaloo.”
“Did you pass?” he asked her.
“Do you think I’d be talking to you if I didn’t?”
He laughed. “Fair point. There you go.” He handed the phone back to her.
Hesitantly, Rose began to dial her mum’s number. She tried to summon the expression of utter wonder she likely had the first time she had done this. She was glad of the years she’d done theatre in school, even though it had been many years for her now.
The phone picked up. “Hello?” Jackie’s voice came down the line.
“Mum?” Rose said.
“Oh, what is it? What’s wrong?” she complained. “What have I done now? Oh, this red top’s falling to bits! You should get your money back. Go on! There must be something, you never phone in the middle of the day.”
Rose laughed, tears welling in her eyes. It was her mum. Her wonderful, silly mother! Back when she was still so innconcent. Before she knew about aliens and extrateriestiel threats. Before she started to fear for her daughter’s life. Before she was ripped from her own world and life. Before she had ever had to watch her daughter sobbing in heartbroken grief, or screaming from the pain of her migraines, or shaking as a seizure wracked her body…
“What’s so funny?” Jackie asked.
“Nothing! You alright, though?”
“Yeah! Why wouldn’t I be?”
“Just checking in, is all. Look, Mum, I just wanted to tell you, I might be away for a bit, yeah? A friend and I are going on a trip. Not too sure when I’ll be back.”
“Oh, where you going?”
“Oh, you know. Just here and there. Making it up as we go along.” She glanced at the Doctor with a grin.
“Alright then, you be safe, though, Love.”
“Yeah, I… I will, promise,” she told her, guilt tugging at her chest.
“You better… Is something wrong?”
“No! No, I’m fine! …Top of the world!” Beside her, the Doctor laughed quietly at her joke. She hung up and turned to him.
“Think that’s amazing, you want to see the bill,” he joked.
“That was five billion years ago,” she said. To be honest, despite the fact that she had used ‘universal roaming’ for years, the idea of it still left her a bit dazed. There were so few places that the signal didn’t work. No matter where they went in time and space, she had always been able to call home. Even now, it was just so incredible. There were some things about her life with the Doctor that she didn’t think she would ever get used to. “I just called my mum through time. This is… This is…” The Doctor looked at her in amusement, but was startled when she was suddenly in his arms the next moment, her arms wrapped around his neck. “Thank you,” she said quietly.
As she spoke the words, it occurred to her that she had never truly thanked him before. She had told him that she loved travelling with him, and how brilliant it was, that she would never have missed it for the world… but she had never once said ‘thank you’.
Hesitiatnly, the Doctor brought his arms up and hugged her back. “You’re welcome,” he told her. He didn’t think he’d ever had a companion quite like Rose Tyler. “You like hugs, don’t you?” he laughed.
Rose nodded into his shoulder, he could feel her smiling. And although he had never been the hugging type – or at least, he didn’t think he was, he hadn’t been hugged by many people in this incarnation – he found he quite liked this. He liked the feel of someone holding him, of Rose pressed against his… But he was not going to admit that, for many, many reasons.
Suddenly, they were jolted apart when the platform gave a huge, jerking shudder. The Doctor looked at her and then around the room. “That’s not supposed to happen,” he said. Excitement began to stir within him and a wide grin spread across his face. He lived for adventure. It had been a part of his life for so long that it encouraged him. It drove him on. And he could see something in Rose’s eyes that told him that she was the same. He’d seen that same driving curiosity the first time he’d met her.
“Honoured guests may be reassured that gravity pockets may cause slight turbulence, thanking you,” the steward said over the speaker.
His eyebrows rose at that and he turned to her excitedly. “Come on. Let’s go.” And then, with her hand in his, they ran from the room.
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Author Note:
Again, this was such a fun one to play around with. I loved working in their natural banter in a bit of a different way, and showing how much more confident in herself Rose has become since she first met the Doctor. I could also see her trying to push for things in ways she didn’t originally, and being better at defusing tension. Which led to her conversation with the Doctor about Gallifrey. I could really see him pretending they were still around, like he had with Martha. But since it’s all so fresh for him and the implications of their trip, he would probably be desperate to pretend, if only for a moment.
Word count from 4,937 to 7,317words (8 → 12 pages).
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voidgremlin · 4 years
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Year 5.5/Apple/26. End of the Earth. There’s no better first date.
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ao3feed-janto · 4 years
The Face of Boe and The Bad Wolf
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/31mqByr
by MisterKissen
It's the year 5.5/apple/26. Five billion years in Rose Tyler's future, Jack meets old friends.
Words: 1000, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Torchwood
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: The Face of Boe (Doctor Who), Jack Harkness, Rose Tyler | Bad Wolf, Ninth Doctor, The Doctor, Ianto Jones
Relationships: Jack Harkness/Ianto Jones, Jack Harkness & Rose Tyler, The Doctor & Jack Harkness
Additional Tags: Jack Harkness is the Face of Boe, Ianto Jones died at Thames House
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/31mqByr
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princessmag1c · 6 years
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You lot. You spend all your time thinking about dying. Like you’re going to get killed by eggs or beef or global warming or asteroids. But you never take the time to imagine the impossible.
That maybe you survive.
This is the year 5.5 slash Apple slash 26. Five billion years in your future. And this is the day— hold on. This is the day the sun expands. Welcome to the end of the world.
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markwatnae · 6 years
we’re in the year 5 billion (”5.5/apple🍎/26″)
“I give you........the air in my lungs.”
The Face of Boe is here and it’s still weird and I still don’t get it
the jukebox (”iPod”) playing “Tainted Love” by Soft Cell
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doctorwho-rewind · 2 years
S1 E2: "The End of the World"
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The Doctor takes Rose to the year 5 billion to witness the destruction of the Earth. (IMBD)
Episode: S1, E2: "The End of the World" Date: April 2, 2005 Writer: Russell T. Davies Director: Euros Lyn
Doctor: 9th Companion: Rose Tyler Characters Introduced: The Face of Boe Main Villain in This Episode: Cassandra
Here we are, in the first proper episode with Rose Tyler as the Doctor's brand new companion, and it starts with the Doctor showing off his mad skills and taking them to the end of the world: the day the sun explodes.
I miss this version of the TARDIS with its cheap bells and whistles, like a classic time machine that an inventor threw together with whatever they could find (which, I can imagine, is exactly what happened).
There are 3 sings that stood out to me in this episode: the writing, the acting, and the musical choices.
They're already hitting us with some classic terminology and some excellent tidbits: e.g. "jiggery pokery", a year being named "year 5.5/apple/26", and Rose explaining, following an argument with the Doctor, that she should learn not to argue with the designated driver.
The musical choices are genius, like Toxic by Britney Spears being played as an example of a "traditional ballad" used to mourn someone.
And the acting is impeccable. In my first post I mentioned how this time around I'm really appreciating Chris Eccleston's acting power, and he really shows it in this one, especially when talking about being the only one left of his kind and his planet no longer existing.
We're introduced to a whole range of characters in this episode, including Cassandra ("moisturise me!"), voiced perfectly by Zoe Wanamaker, and the Face of Boe, who we'll come to learn more about later on.
But my favourite thing about this episode? We learn that at the end of the world, the entire Earth is owned by the National Trust.
⬅️ Previous episode: S1 E1 "Rose" ➡️ Next episode: S1 E3 "The Unquiet Dead"
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wiseguyreport1222 · 3 years
Heterogeneous Mobile Processing & Computing EUROPE Market Research Report 2021-2026
This report describes the global market size of Heterogeneous Mobile Processing & Computing from 2016 to 2020 and its CAGR from 2016 to 2020, and also forecasts its market size to the end of 2026 and its CAGR from 2021 to 2026.
ALSO READ:  http://www.marketwatch.com/story/heterogeneous-mobile-processing-computing-market-research-report-with-size-share-value-cagr-outlook-analysis-latest-updates-data-and-news-2021-2028-2021-07-16
For geography segment, regional supply, demand, major players, price is presented from 2016 to 2026. This report cover following regions: North America South America Asia & Pacific Europe MEA
The key countries for each regions are also included such as United States, China, Japan, India, Korea, ASEAN, Germany, France, UK, Italy, Spain, CIS, and Brazil etc.
ALSO READ:  http://www.marketwatch.com/story/june-2021-report-on-global-restaurant-management-platform-market-overview-size-share-and-trends-2021-2026-2021-06-04
For competitor segment, the report include global key players of Heterogeneous Mobile Processing & Computing as well as some small players. The information for each competitor include: Company Profile Main Business Information SWOT Analysis Sales Volume, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin Market Share
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Companies Covered: Qualcomm Inc. Arm Holdings Plc Advanced Micro Devices Inc. Nvidia Corporation Auviz Systems Mediatek Inc. Apple Inc. Imagination Technologies Group Plc. Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. Intel etc.
Please ask for sample pages for full companies list
Base Year: 2021 Historical Data: from 2016 to 2020 Forecast Data: from 2021 to 2026
Any special requirements about this report, please let us know and we can provide custom report.
ALSO READ:  http://www.marketwatch.com/story/june-2021-report-o-n-global-worldwide-costus-root-oil-markt-size-share-value-and-competi-tive-landsc-ape-2021--20-26-2021-06-09
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Executive Summary Chapter 2 Abbreviation and Acronyms Chapter 3 Preface 3.1 Research Scope 3.2 Research Sources 3.2.1 Data Sources 3.2.2 Assumptions 3.3 Research Method Chapter 4 Market Landscape 4.1 Market Overview 4.2 Classification/Types 4.3 Application/End Users Chapter 5 Market Trend Analysis 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Drivers 5.3 Restraints 5.4 Opportunities 5.5 Threats 5.6 Covid-19 Impact Chapter 6 Industry Chain Analysis 6.1 Upstream/Suppliers Analysis 6.2 Heterogeneous Mobile Processing & Computing Analysis 6.2.1 Technology Analysis 6.2.2 Cost Analysis 6.2.3 Market Channel Analysis 6.3 Downstream Buyers/End Users
ALSO READ:  http://www.marketwatch.com/story/june-2021-report-on-global-piezo-ceramic-technology-market-overview-size-share-and-trends-2021-2026-2021-06-09
Chapter 7 Latest Market Dynamics 7.1 Latest News 7.2 Merger and Acquisition 7.3 Planned/Future Project 7.4 Policy Dynamics Chapter 8 Trading Analysis 8.1 Export of Heterogeneous Mobile Processing & Computing by Region 8.2 Import of Heterogeneous Mobile Processing & Computing by Region 8.3 Balance of Trade Chapter 9 Historical and Forecast Heterogeneous Mobile Processing & Computing Market in North America (2016-2026) 9.1 Heterogeneous Mobile Processing & Computing Market Size 9.2 Heterogeneous Mobile Processing & Computing Demand by End Use 9.3 Competition by Players/Suppliers 9.4 Type Segmentation and Price 9.5 Key Countries Analysis 9.5.1 United States 9.5.2 Canada 9.5.3 Mexico Chapter 10 Historical and Forecast Heterogeneous Mobile Processing & Computing Market in South America (2016-2026) 10.1 Heterogeneous Mobile Processing & Computing Market Size 10.2 Heterogeneous Mobile Processing & Computing Demand by End Use 10.3 Competition by Players/Suppliers 10.4 Type Segmentation and Price 10.5 Key Countries Analysis 10.5.1 Brazil 10.5.2 Argentina 10.5.3 Chile 10.5.4 Peru Chapter 11 Historical and Forecast Heterogeneous Mobile Processing & Computing Market in Asia & Pacific (2016-2026) 11.1 Heterogeneous Mobile Processing & Computing Market Size 11.2 Heterogeneous Mobile Processing & Computing Demand by End Use 11.3 Competition by Players/Suppliers 11.4 Type Segmentation and Price 11.5 Key Countries Analysis 11.5.1 China 11.5.2 India 11.5.3 Japan 11.5.4 South Korea 11.5.5 Southest Asia 11.5.6 Australia Chapter 12 Historical and Forecast Heterogeneous Mobile Processing & Computing Market in Europe (2016-2026) 12.1 Heterogeneous Mobile Processing & Computing Market Size 12.2 Heterogeneous Mobile Processing & Computing Demand by End Use 12.3 Competition by Players/Suppliers 12.4 Type Segmentation and Price 12.5 Key Countries Analysis 12.5.1 Germany 12.5.2 France 12.5.3 United Kingdom 12.5.4 Italy 12.5.5 Spain 12.5.6 Belgium 12.5.7 Netherlands 12.5.8 Austria 12.5.9 Poland 12.5.10 Russia Chapter 13 Historical and Forecast Heterogeneous Mobile Processing & Computing Market in MEA (2016-2026) 13.1 Heterogeneous Mobile Processing & Computing Market Size 13.2 Heterogeneous Mobile Processing & Computing Demand by End Use 13.3 Competition by Players/Suppliers 13.4 Type Segmentation and Price 13.5 Key Countries Analysis 13.5.1 Egypt 13.5.2 Israel 13.5.3 South Africa 13.5.4 Gulf Cooperation Council Countries 13.5.5 Turkey Chapter 14 Summary For Global Heterogeneous Mobile Processing & Computing Market (2016-2021) 14.1 Heterogeneous Mobile Processing & Computing Market Size 14.2 Heterogeneous Mobile Processing & Computing Demand by End Use 14.3 Competition by Players/Suppliers 14.4 Type Segmentation and Price Chapter 15 Global Heterogeneous Mobile Processing & Computing Market Forecast (2021-2026) 15.1 Heterogeneous Mobile Processing & Computing Market Size Forecast 15.2 Heterogeneous Mobile Processing & Computing Demand Forecast 15.3 Competition by Players/Suppliers 15.4 Type Segmentation and Price Forecast Chapter 16 Analysis of Global Key Vendors 16.1 Qualcomm Inc. 16.1.1 Company Profile 16.1.2 Main Business and Heterogeneous Mobile Processing & Computing Information 16.1.3 SWOT Analysis of Qualcomm Inc. 16.1.4 Qualcomm Inc. Heterogeneous Mobile Processing & Computing Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 16.2 Arm Holdings Plc 16.2.1 Company Profile 16.2.2 Main Business and Heterogeneous Mobile Processing & Computing Information 16.2.3 SWOT Analysis of Arm Holdings Plc 16.2.4 Arm Holdings Plc Heterogeneous Mobile Processing & Computing Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 16.3 Advanced Micro Devices Inc. 16.3.1 Company Profile 16.3.2 Main Business and Heterogeneous Mobile Processing & Computing Information 16.3.3 SWOT Analysis of Advanced Micro Devices Inc. 16.3.4 Advanced Micro Devices Inc. Heterogeneous Mobile Processing & Computing Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 16.4 Nvidia Corporation 16.4.1 Company Profile 16.4.2 Main Business and Heterogeneous Mobile Processing & Computing Information 16.4.3 SWOT Analysis of Nvidia Corporation 16.4.4 Nvidia Corporation Heterogeneous Mobile Processing & Computing Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 16.5 Auviz Systems 16.5.1 Company Profile 16.5.2 Main Business and Heterogeneous Mobile Processing & Computing Information 16.5.3 SWOT Analysis of Auviz Systems 16.5.4 Auviz Systems Heterogeneous Mobile Processing & Computing Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 16.6 Mediatek Inc. 16.6.1 Company Profile 16.6.2 Main Business and Heterogeneous Mobile Processing & Computing Information 16.6.3 SWOT Analysis of Mediatek Inc. 16.6.4 Mediatek Inc. Heterogeneous Mobile Processing & Computing Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 16.7 Apple Inc. 16.7.1 Company Profile 16.7.2 Main Business and Heterogeneous Mobile Processing & Computing Information 16.7.3 SWOT Analysis of Apple Inc. 16.7.4 Apple Inc. Heterogeneous Mobile Processing & Computing Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 16.8 Imagination Technologies Group Plc. 16.8.1 Company Profile 16.8.2 Main Business and Heterogeneous Mobile Processing & Computing Information 16.8.3 SWOT Analysis of Imagination Technologies Group Plc. 16.8.4 Imagination Technologies Group Plc. Heterogeneous Mobile Processing & Computing Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 16.9 Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. 16.9.1 Company Profile 16.9.2 Main Business and Heterogeneous Mobile Processing & Computing Information 16.9.3 SWOT Analysis of Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. 16.9.4 Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. Heterogeneous Mobile Processing & Computing Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2016-2021) 16.10 Intel 16.10.1 Company Profile 16.10.2 Main Business and Heterogeneous Mobile Processing & Computing Information 16.10.3 SWOT Analysis of Intel 16.10.4 Intel Heterogeneous Mobile Processing & Computing Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2016-2021) Please ask for sample pages for full companies list
Tables and Figures Table Abbreviation and Acronyms List Table Research Scope of Heterogeneous Mobile Processing & Computing Report Table Data Sources of Heterogeneous Mobile Processing & Computing Report Table Major Assumptions of Heterogeneous Mobile Processing & Computing Report Figure Market Size Estimated Method Figure Major Forecasting Factors Figure Heterogeneous Mobile Processing & Computing Picture Table Heterogeneous Mobile Processing & Computing Classification Table Heterogeneous Mobile Processing & Computing Applications List Table Drivers of Heterogeneous Mobile Processing & Computing Market Table Restraints of Heterogeneous Mobile Processing & Computing Market Table Opportunities of Heterogeneous Mobile Processing & Computing Market Table Threats of Heterogeneous Mobile Processing & Computing Market Table Covid-19 Impact For Heterogeneous Mobile Processing & Computing Market Table Raw Materials Suppliers List Table Different Production Methods of Heterogeneous Mobile Processing & Computing Table Cost Structure Analysis of Heterogeneous Mobile Processing & Computing Table Key End Users List Table Latest News of Heterogeneous Mobile Processing & Computing Market Table Merger and Acquisition List Table Planned/Future Project of Heterogeneous Mobile Processing & Computing Market Table Policy of Heterogeneous Mobile Processing & Computing Market Table 2016-2026 Regional Export of Heterogeneous Mobile Processing & Computing
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