#Yeah my life is many things but boring isn't one of them. 🙈
Holy shit, dude. That sounds like something out of a horror movie. Please stay safe.
Thank you anon 💕
Yeah my family is a bit intense. Well at least my uncles are. (they're my moms half brothers and have different mothers. My uncles mother has schizophrenia and two of my three uncles got it as well. They've never been properly treated and went through some childhood trauma, and yeah, that didn't turn out too well.) but it seems that my uncle is specifically targeting his parents so he should leave my mom and me alone.
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noblebs · 4 months
CURVEBALL I wanna know about Dev :D
And I have to hit him with the: 🪨
ASDJFGH DUDE SO MANY <3 the last time I got a sex-related ask for Dev, it prompted a very thorough discussion between my wife and I about how nonexistent his sex life is lol. but I will do my best!
💋Do they like kissing? Anywhere in particular?
sure he likes it fine, it's not enough to like drive him wild but it's comforting. even non-sexually, he has not been kissed or shown any physical affection very much throughout his life so he's not picky
🧘Favorite position?
lol, probably anything with someone in his lap? my gut instinct was missionary, but no he would worry more about hurting someone if he's on top
⚧️How does their gender influence their relationship to sex and kink?
ooh this is actually really interesting. I think gender alone doesn't necessarily play a big role, but the way it intersects with being a monster absolutely does--aforementioned discussion w/ my wife led us to the conclusion that monsterfucking is certainly a kink in their world and it's in the same dicy, fetishistic category as like raceplay or chasers.
so being a very large monster and masculine has actually been a detriment to his sexuality because he's all too aware of the way people perceive him. he doesn't want to be especially rough and dominant in the way I think a lot of potential lovers would expect of him
💯When a partner says "do anything you want to me," what do they do first?
honestly? he would be so flustered and self-conscious that it would probably be a turn-off for him lmao. in theory, if he was more comfortable in his sexuality, he might enjoy taking control every so often. but definitely not as things stand now lol
🤔Is there a kink or other sexual experience they've never been able to try, but want to?
well for one, he has not tried most things lmao. I don't think there's many things he's aware of wanting, but if he were told what to do it would certainly help relieve the "oh no it's been literal decades since I've been physically intimate with someone what do I do" pressure, so light subbing/giving up control he would enjoy
frankly I think he could also develop a praise kink within 0.2 seconds of being properly praised for the first time ever
😖Are they a huge tease, or the one being teased?
he doesn't really tease during sex, but it's absolutely how he flirts. in our tabletop campaign, he and Orion have been teasing and dancing around each other for over a year in-universe. once they literally shared a hotel room and nothing happened because they're both so committed to playing some kind of weird psychosexual chicken. so yeah okay he's a bit of a brat
when I was plotting EWT I knew I had to put them on some kind of urgent timeline, because if they think they have all the time in the world they will never even touch each other lmao
🙈Do they have any particularly taboo kinks? Age-play, fauxcest, race-play, etc.?
no lol, he would be Scandalized by the suggestion of any of those
🤕What kind of pain are they into, if any?
tbh it would take more effort than usual for him to feel any satisfying level of pain, so it's probably for the best he doesn't care for any of it
🪮Do they like hair pulling, or pulling a partner's hair?
I wont lie, this emoji isn't showing up right for me so I had to guess which question it was for lol. he uh doesn't have hair, and he wouldn't be willing to pull anyone's hair unless they really insisted. again I think he's very sensitive to how easily he could hurt a partner
⛪Does their faith impact their sexuality? In what ways?
he is not religious but it feels boring to leave the answer at that, so I'll reinterpret the question because in the past, his loyalty to Annex could be considered near-religious. his job was always his highest priority, so even when he was much younger, sex and romance were among the first things he sacrificed for the sake of his belief in their mission
🪨Do they identify with stone sexuality? Have they in the past?
lol how ironic!
but not really, sometimes I feel like he's got the vibe of a he/him butch lesbian lol, but even if that were the case he wouldn't feel particularly inclined to identify as stone butch/femme
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