#YES I'm rewatching Crash Landing On You
Me: Ugh, romantic plots when they're the main plot are so annoying.
Also me: Oh my god, this K Drama is so sweeeeet~
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seliasvault · 9 months
because i apparently now have the writing itch thanks to the increase in free time, here's a classic book trop drabble with a sprinkle of fifty shades of grey cause i just rewatched that movie, very unorginal but i eat this trop up everytime time. might just continue this
if you have any ideas or asks, leave a request!
meet cute
ceo!ghost x reader
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ceo!ghost: who met you one day when you were in a hurry.
Moving to a new city isn’t easy, and job hunting certainly isn’t either, so finally landing an interview at a respectable company was a blessing.
What wasn't ideal was being late to said interview, a chain of events led to you leaving the house merely 20 minutes before you had to be there.
Rushing to get coffee you join the line while going over the details of your resume and talking points. You put in your order, wait, and pick up. Your nose still buried in your phone you don't notice as you open the door to leave the man walking in.
Of course to add to your luck you crash chest-first into him, spilling the contents of your drink onto his white button-up and suit. With the difference in temperature and liquid staining your shirt you're pulled out of the shock and filled with a high amount of embarrassment and guilt.
"oh my god! I'm so sorry, I-" You move the cup, upright so it can stop spilling onto both you and the man you've so graciously made sticky. Simon who, very much did not expect to be covered in coffee before work, makes a noise of acknowledgment.
"I-let me pay for the dry cleaning, that suit must cost a lot and-" You pause quickly thinking of ways you can remedy the situation. "let me buy you a coffee, a coffee and pastry, they have really good Danishs." You say a little nervously, hoping he takes you up on the offer.
The man responds his voice deep with an accent uncommon to find in Chicago.
"s'alright, no need for that." he clears his throat, he can't say this hasn't happened before, but he will say it was the first time he met someone so apologetic.
"no really, let me buy you something and here" You get out your wallet, pulling out two 20s, yes you were short on money but no you were not just going to hand this man a 20 to cover what looked to be a very expensive suit. Extending a hand you open your palm, waiting for him to accept it.
"Trust me I don't need your money sweetheart " his tone is flat, unimpressed.
"maybe you don't but it would make me feel infinitely better, so take it and let me get you a coffee." You try and make your voice sound firm and commanding, but it doesn't quite come out that way.
You're stubborn, a good trait to have but he didn't need your money, he could very much buy 1000 of these suits and still never see a dent in his wallet. He was running late and needed to cut this short.
"just the coffee," he grumbled out, heading inside.
You followed suit, glancing at the time, you had 10 minutes, following through with your word you bought him the coffee, after he begrudgingly gave you his order. And as promised a cherry cheese Danish to accompany it. Glancing at your phone to peek at the time, you cut the interaction short.
"I'm really sorry again."
"s'alright watch where you're going next time." "will do." You give him a small smile, walking out and half running to your car.
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brionysea · 2 months
You have only good opinions so I have a query for you: I watched the first season of The Umbrella Academy forever ago when it first came out and really loved it! But I never ended up watching the rest of the seasons. I haven’t heard like literally anything about them either. I was wondering if however they handle the Allison x Luther thing is like, at least bearable? And also whether you think the other season are worth a watch in the first place? Thank you for your time and for always being correct 🙏
First of all, I'm honoured. Thank you for your kind words. I actually rewatched the newer seasons of The Umbrella Academy recently so they're fresh in my mind.
Short answer: Allison and Luther aren't too egregious, season 2 is fine, season 3 is not
Long answer:
Allison x Luther is a thing from the comics, and because the show's sort of subversive, "anti-comic book clichés" approach is what makes it work so well, their romance is quite morally dissonant from the more grounded and likable versions of the characters in the show. They're not Game of Thrones levels, but they're there, and they're weird and annoying and very jarring in a show that otherwise goes so hard on the family angle. But it's *probably* being framed as an intentional negative at this point. They went too extreme for that to not be the case. And both characters keep getting assigned other, non-sibling love interests. Sort of. Timelines are weird.
It feels like the show is *trying* to say something with their relationship, probably about how unhealthy and isolated their childhood was that they felt the need to latch onto each other like that to get *any* kind of attention, but it's not. Trying very hard. And they don't say it nearly well enough that you'd lose anything worth keeping by omitting that part of the source material like they did Diego x Viktor/Vanya (yes, really). It doesn't come across as groundbreaking psychological analysis of abused and isolated children going into adulthood without doing the work to heal from their pasts so they get stuck in this weird cycle, it comes across as the show wanting to remind you of the pseudo-incest every so often just to be edgy.
Season 2 is worth the watch if you meet it where it's at. It handles the part of time travel that nobody talks about through 3 different characters; the big one being Allison, a black woman from the 21st century, fighting back against segregation and clinging onto her temper by her fingernails - and I think they do it decently (but I'm white, so take this with a grain of salt). A quite small moment with Elliot Page's character made me surprisingly emotional. TUA2 absolutely fumbles the thematic core of the first season - the apocalypse as an allegory for their *collective* childhood trauma which they haven't healed from into adulthood, and from there, everything crashes and burns - but if you manage your expectations to what this season is *trying* to be, which is "fun", it's okay. It's even successful - it IS fun! Some of the more juvenile humour doesn't land with me but humour is subjective. Very bright, very colourful, very silly. All the goofy parts of season 1 dialled up to eleven with the dark parts turned way down, which... there's something to be said about the power of contrast, but it is what it is.
Season 3 is... less good. If Allison was my personal highlight of TUA2, then Klaus is my highlight of TUA3, but this season simply doesn't measure up. There's a lot of big empty spaces with only the main characters in them, as if COVID filming restrictions wouldn't let them bring in any more actors/characters to flesh out the world. It's not their fault, but it's very noticeable. I've *seen* shows working under identical circumstances (and with less money!) do better than this. The plot's setup was interesting but managed to lose me with multiple payoffs that felt underwhelming and lacking in vision. They did that two, maybe three times? I didn't like any of them. The writing isn't very tight - you can *feel* how little consideration the writers were given by Netflix. Most of the side characters feel pointless. Some of the core characters feel like different people (Diego particularly bugged me, and I don't even like Diego that much). TUA3 tried to follow 2's lead of being fun, but its flaws are too big to successfully hide them behind the fun. There are a few standout scenes, but overall... Eh.
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Louk's Bad Batch rewatch part 13 omg we're in the teens now 😯
let's go batchers 🤟 my phone is on 66% again and my internet is SHOCKING why does technology hate me 🙃
the Bad Batch 1x09
Hunter sounds so feral I'm-
I could be wrong ?? but I'm pretty sure every ep so far has started with the marauder flying ??
not the batch hesitating to jump 😭
Cad Bane locked Omega in a cell 😡 let our baby out
YES LITTLE FERAL BABY she gets it from Hunter
she's so sassy 💅
at least he polite "at your service" "little lady"
pfftt poor Todo
Daaad Taun We's here
Lama Su I'm gonna terminate you 😡
Omega is so much like Tech rn telling Todo how to fix his leg
Echo recognising Cad Bane 👀
I love it when they call Omega "the kid" 🥺
Jango mention 👀
Tech Omega dramatic sigh count: 5 (this ep lmao)
"my treatment is perfectly adequate" ~ Todo 😂
Omega misaligned his leg on purpose she's so smart fr 🥰
Tipoca city x cloud city 👀
Cad Bane: *realises Omega is gone* *angry toothpick noises*
AHHHH STOP 😭😭😭 when they hear Omega's voice on the comms Hunter and Echo turn to each other like 😯 they all move so quickly I just 😫😭
"by hook or by crook" ~ Cad Bane is really a fairytale villain lol
Omega and Hunter screaming for each other 🥲😫😭 screaming tearing my hair out flipping my bed throwing my phone to mars
Omega is so sad about Taun We 💔
Fennec Shand vs Cad Bane 👀 round 2 when ??
this is honestly such a great fight scene tho 👌
Omega seeing her reflection in the cloning tubes ... it's like poetry it rhymes
was that Tech or Echo flying 👀 some sort of spinny flippy Tech Turn
do we know any history of this cloning facility in the Lido system ??
surely Cad Bane knows where Boba is ?? does anybody know where Boba is rn ?? s3 ?? 🤞
Fennec: *knocks Cad Bane's hat back* Cad Bane: *growls*
lmao Omega jumping on Todo 💀 she's a perfect fit for the bad batch fr
Omega limping to the flight pods 🥺
Todo is so funny pls 😂 shout out to Seth Green for voicing him 🙌
Cad Bane's rocket boots where do I get some asking for a friend
Wrecker pulling her out by her hands 🥺
Omega hugging Hunter and him wincing 😫😭
"are you okay Omega? are you hurt?" Hunter learned this from Cut 🥺🤲💕
"Hunter you have to tell her" ~ Echo realising Omega is grown up enough to handle that kind of information and them respecting her enough to tell her the truth 💕🥰
lmao when did Fennec have time to sabotage Cad Bane's ship
Nala Se hiring Fennec to keep Omega away from Lama Su 👑
where is Echo sleeping ???
Omega: "I don't want to end up an experiment in a tube" Hunter: "that's not going to happen" Omega: "you can't fight them all" okay what if I cried forever
she turns her face away when she says that last one and he turns her whole chair around to face him 🥺🤲
he said "I promise" with such confidence PLS- 😭 I am BEGGING for s3 👀 I'm not even gonna say it I'm not risking jinxing anything
I am so totally completely normal about this whole episode !!! the bounty hunters the fight scenes the familiar faces (shout out to the queen herself Rena Owen 👑💕)
not long to go for s3 now my friends !!
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bethaven · 4 months
I'm in a Heartstopper-rewatch/reread-period again, which usually means I need some extra support to get through everyday life. It has also made me think a lot about coming out and different coming out stories, especially in these pride-month-times. Growing up with a majority of queer friends I've witnessed their coming out stories, in one form or another, for a long time. There's been anxiety, happiness and some very non-dramatic ones. Being in roller derby and other queer spaces the majority of the time these stories are also not really coming out stories anymore - they're so normalized it's mostly assumed. I can actually no longer count the times me, or friends of mine, had to explain to someone that, yes, I'm indeed in a heterosexual relationship with a man. And for a long time I thought that was it, and was perfectly happy with it, to be honest. I was the queerest of the straights, the forever ally and friend and protector of all queers.
As the years went though, I started to suspect that these constant suspicions that I'm not entirely straight must mean something, right? You know how it's said that queers always find each other and can always feel each other from miles away, call it gaydar or whatever you like. The fact is that I've always done that. I once gave a friend the explanation that it might just have to do with the fact that I like people who dares to be themselves no matter what and environments where that's allowed, and that's why I'm drawn to queers and queer spaces. That might still be true. But I also know, that already there and then, I knew that was a good excuse.
There was still this fact though that I, to be perfectly clear, was only attracted to sleeping with people with d***s. And to be even more clear, one in particular, my boyfriend. That part hadn't changed at all. I have never, during all of this doubted our relationship, any parts of it. But when I crashed mentally last fall and sought support and protection on tumblr, I also found something else; split attractions. You can actually be heterosexual in your sexuality and something else in your romantic attraction. This was mind blowing for me. It also made me realize that, through my entire life, a person's gender/sex/identity never had anything to do with who I, romantically, have crushes on. I didn't and don't need to know of a person's identity to fall for them. It was totally separated from my sexual attractions, of which I've always been sure about.
I'm heterosexual panromantic.
During the months that have passed since all of this landed on me, it has become more and more clear to me how true this is, and always has been. Do I need the big coming out to all and everyone though? Not yet, at least. I imagine I'll tell friends and family soon enough, but I still have some stuff to figure out in my brain yet so you'll have to do for now. It's another step on this journey. A sort of semi-coming-out-story.
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talesofsonicasura · 1 year
Insomnia was being a bitch last night and kept me up. So here's an idea for a self insert that those in the Creepypasta's Sonic Exe section would like.
Self Insert where Reader is transported into a different series, knowledge may vary, and stuck in the Sonic form of Fatal Error.
This fucker right here! Tetrabrachial sadistic computer virus who wears the body of Sonic 3's blue blur and made his debut in Friday Night Funkin.
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Yup. Poor Reader is gonna be stuck looking like a 7 ft twisted hedgehog monster with the voice of a S.A.M generator. They hate it especially when the issue lands them in other people's radar. And Reader is gonna be a snarky bitch about it.
This is a free prompt so anyone can try their own take. Here's some of my ideas.
Fatal Error of Cybertronian Proportions
Yup. Kicking things off with Transformers specifically Prime as I need to rewatch Bayverse.
Fatal Error!Reader manifest in Memorial High School's computer classroom at the dead of night. A shared fright with the school janitor leads to an accidental county wide internet crash. This includes two particular Cybertronian bases nearby.
Autobots and Decepticons look into the source of the crash. Knockout beats the Autobot opposition to the punch in finding the cause. Unfortunately for him, Reader shares how lethal a sentient computer virus can be and crashes his system(don't worry he recovers). A wild goose chase ensues as both sides try to catch Reader.
This continues until an encounter with Optimus Prime goes wrong. An attempt to crash his systems is to met with resistance by the Matrix of Leadership. It results in Reader and Optimus being tethered to their respective core. Neither can be too far from the other unless they wish to get snap back together like a rubber band. Or if one dies so will the other.
Now Team Prime has to break the data bond while the Decepticons continue to hunt down Reader. Oh and their four armed companion is a complete snarky smartass about the whole thing. Good luck with being their guardian Optimus.
Ratchet: Why are you always smiling? It looks haunting.
Fatal Error!Reader: Similar to your metallic ass with that control console, my face's stuck. Now let me sleep ye giant bucket of bitchy bolts.
Optimus: Please behave the both of you.
Fatal Error!Reader: Tell that to the bucket headed yandere with a stalking kink. Your former friend clearly escape the funny farm and needs to take his Xanax.
Optimus: *google searches the medicine and strange term* I am very concerned about your opinion of Megatron.
Impossible Curse Statistics
For this scenario, we're diving into the realm of Jujutsu Kaisen specifically five years before the show's events.
Fatal Error!Reader manifests inside Yuji's home through the power lines. The ten year child is accidentally spooked by the hedgehog like virus at first. Well, until Yuji sees how concerned the 'scary oni' is about his living conditions.
Fatal Error!Reader: Um...where are your parents??? Folks usually come down swinging with a bat by now if their kids in danger.
Yuji: My parents passed away some time ago and Oji-san is hospitalized.
Fatal Error!Reader: ... seriously? That's not only depressing but very morally questionable on why someone would leave a child all alone. Okay kid, guess I'm your caretaker now.
Yuji is taken in and raised by hedgehog shaped virus. His fate changing as Reader bound themselves to him through a pseudo Binding Contract. They protect each other whether it be malicious hackers to dangerous curses.
Life has been good until a certain cursed finger comes into play. Now Reader has to defend Yuji from evil trying to bring the King of Curses back to his full power. At the same time, dodge a weakened Sukuna who has too much interest in the virus and the Jujutsu Sorcerers who want to ensare both.
Neither members of this strange found family are gonna take this lying down. There's a reason why you don't mess with a virus. One wrong is enough for a fatal error to occur. And Reader will be happy to teach that lesson personally.
Glitch In The Relics
We're diving into the world of Knack for this last one.
Fatal Error!Reader emerges from within one of Viktor's security robots during his issued challenge against the relic bound golem. Their appearance causes panic amongst the many attendants except for our main characters. Reader's obliviousness and absolute confusion of their surroundings is enough to have Doctor Vargas protect them.
To prove they aren't a threat, the virus reluctantly joins the expedition. A kinship forms between Reader and Knack about being 'monsters'. Can't forget their habit of accidentally breaking stuff. Well crash in the former's case.
Fatal Error!Reader: *stares at Ryder's unresponsive car* Oops.
Ryder: At least it wasn't my plane.
Knack: *slips and accidentally leaves a large gash on said plane*
Fatal Error!Reader: Congratulations, you just jinxed yourself.
Other than the shared mishaps, both learn and grow as a simple expedition evolves into a grand adventure. A snarky virus once human become comfortable about their strange predicament. Meanwhile Knack gains self confidence about himself alongside Reader and co.
Sometimes all you need is a friend to help find your place in the world. For a certain virus and relic golem, that's the way they like it. Even if a lot of stuff gets smashed in the progress.
That's it for now! Until next time folks, I'll see you later. Before I go, enjoy this song I been listening to.
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afro-elf · 1 year
do you have any good kdrama recs 👀
what other shows do you like? i'm currently waiting patiently for the new seasons of sweet home, the uncanny counter, and d.p. hometown cha cha cha is very good although i feel they did their one lesbian character a bit dirty. i love crash landing on you. i love itaewon class despite the goofy silly stupid love triangle if one can even call it that and yes i DID watch it because there's a black character in it (some of his writing is goofy but the intention was there). i love welcome to waikiki, i recently rewatched it and it has derry girls qualities. i'm working my way through be melodramatic and run on and i like them a whole bunch. i love hospital playlist.... crash course in romance also!!! the guest also.... i just finished because this is my first life, liked that a lot. extraordinary attorney woo.... the glory..... little women......... tomorrow! inspector koo... kingdom of course, of course.... the silent sea!!!
i AM taking recs by the way!!!!!! if you have recs i am taking them i have no life and too much free time!!!
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afreakingdork · 8 months
*crushing into your ask box once again like a meteor*
hi so, I've been having another question in my mind, but this one is a bit more simple (i think...) I've been rewatching some Ghibli movies recently (again), and started wondering, how would WS!Donnie react if the reader tried to show him some of Hayao Miyadzaki's movies? My personal preferences to show would be "The Wind Rises" and "Howl's Moving Castle". Would be interesting to hear his thought on these movie's themes, conflicts, analysis maybe.
same question would be for some of Satoshi Kon's works, like "Paprika", "Millennium Actress", "Perfect Blue"... He was also working on a "Magnetic Rose", one of the three shorts of "Memories" anthology, but I doubt you've seen it...
anyway, feel free to skip this question, if you won't be interested in it. bye!
I never skip questions! I love answering asks and thinking about stuff!! In fact, I was prepared and put out a bunch of pillows so when you crashed in here, your landing was soft!!!
Okay, now I don't know what it is about these movies specifically, but I feel like we've tapped something here! I'm actually a big Satoshi Kon fan! While yes, I haven't seen it! I am at least aware of it! I've seen all his other works except Millennium Actress (mini rant on the side: why is it that movie in particular is so hard to find? Even when they did all the Satoshi Kon events in theaters, they did PAPRIKA, PERFECT BLUE, TOKYO GODFATHERS, AND THE COWBOYBEBOP MOVIE IM SORRY ONE OF THOSE DOESNT BELONG!?!!?!?).
I feel like especially Perfect Blue would catch his attention. If he saw reader watching it, he would watch with them if they asked, but I can just see him getting really engrossed and then not seeing the twist. I can picture him, big old body, leaning forward with all his attention, elbows craned to his knees and his hands folded in front of his mouth where his chin is sitting, and just eyes wide laser focused on the screen. Afterward he's very quiet, introspective, but not in a worrying way. Reader needs to let him be and when he comes around he quietly mentions that he liked the film and would ask how many films like that exist.
Now I've answered these in the reverse because the Satoshi Kon one hit me with a passion, but let's go to Ghibli. Here we have a wide smattering of movies of which I have seen them all. I feel like he would see many of them as style over substance, though he would jive with the ennui. Not to dunk on your favs in the slightest (they're both amazing films), but I feel especially with the Wind Rises that he would have a hard time taking the film seriously with how they did all the plane noises as verbal sounds instead of foley. I think mostly the younger protagonists and child-like wonder unfortunately wouldn't be for him since that's something he was both denied and he rejected. I think if one were to interest him at this stage in his life, I bet it would be Kiki. Large swaths of it he would think were boring, but something about losing ones spark and melancholy would be something he would relate to on a deep level, whether he'd admit that or not. I can see him playing that film in the background while he did stuff and often looking over during the artist in the woods scene.
Thank you so much for your questions, Mister! They are truly such a blast!
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Let's Rewind! Toast watches Voltron: Defender of The Universe (1984)
I now have access to pretty much every animated version of Voltron and now after around 7 years of being a Voltron fan and amateur archivist, I'm finally sitting down to watch (or rewatch) every Voltron show to see how it's grown over its legacy, starting with Dotu!
Season 1, Episode 1 - Space Explorers Captured
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Starting off strong, the intro is pretty cool in my eyes, no wonder this was burned into so many kids heads when it was airing It also reminds me of Danny Phantom and how the backstory was in the opening, same thing here to get into the action lol
It's Hunk and Keith! NOT, the first shots we "see" of them aren't actually them! It's reused footage from Vehicle Voltron of the characters Jeff and Rocky, you can tell by the uniforms (and y'know faces)! This feeds my hc that the boys originally were part of the explorer though >:D
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I love the way this art style, or like any 80s-90s anime, draws space, it's so pretty like CMON Also, I never realized that the boys got to Arus WHILE it was being taken over, I swear I remembered that Arus was already a wasteland so-to-speak by the time they got there
GOD SVEN'S DOPEY ACCENT IS SO NICE TO HEAR, I'VE MISSED IT SO MUCH I did notice that the city destruction image was later reused for Balto, which in the original GoLion anime is from Earth's destruction! NOT THE EIFFEL TOWER JUST BEING DESTROYED WHILE KEITH IS SAYING THE ARUSIANS GOT TO SAFETY MY GOD I KNOW TOO MUCH
First look at the pilots! Very 80s from what I think the vibe is, but also very personalized! Knowing their character traits, it fits them pretty well for the most part
"This isn't the first time [the team] has been in a tight spot" NOT THE FIRST TIME, YOU SAY? INCH RESTING
"[There was a legend that a castle of lions] held the secret of the super robot Voltron, Voltron could save them" YOU'RE PUTTING YOUR FAITH IN A LEGEND THAT MAY NOT EXIST?? LIKE EVENTUALLY THEY'RE RIGHT BUT OOOOO IS THE GARRISON USELESS, ESPECIALLY BECAUSE THEY ONLY SENT A TEAM OF FIVE INTO AN ACTIVE HOSTILE TAKE OVER ignoring the fact that they said they were too far to help anyway
The team literally got captured and yet the dialogue they chose was "we need to eject, it's better than crash landing, let's go!" ??? I think this was reused dialogue from episode 2 that they just plugged in
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What a rad design for a villain, like he looks so fucking cool. I generally forget that he's reptilian almost vs his barbie doll looking son Maybe the subspecies of Drule he's a part of is reptilian! Holy shit Zarkon's eyes started flickering, is this guy cybernetic too??
My god is the voice acting funny, Commander Yorak's weak grunt when slashing at slaves is everything
The Doomites are VERY different looking compared to Zarkon or even Lotor, probably another subspecies of the Drule race This time they look kind of batty? Yeah, that's it
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I wonder what era their clothing is inspired by, obviously there's some creative liberty, but a lot of these clothes scream nobility to me also screams clowns but shhh lol
"What should we name this new robeast your Majesty?" "Uhhh Blue" Really had no creativity with this robeasts name guys
More really cool alien designs, I have to remember I can let loose when designing other species lol
Oh interesting, I thought the team fought alongside the rest of the slaves in the ring but Zarkon saved em for last Also, the fact that the guys were legitimately branded is insane, the dialogue makes it seem like they were all separated for it, but I refuse to think they'd let any of each other get taken away for it also they're called tattoos not brand, definitely censorship
ah yes Pidge's mad hops. Knowing he's from Balto, this is just telling me that my high gravity hc for the planet was right because there are only a few but very specific reasons why he'd be able to do that and being human ain't one of em
"Ugly virds" -Sven again some of these line deliveries are so funny, like every single one of svens just makes me laugh
the sound effects for Pidge jumping back down is also peak comedy oisndv
Lance's sass is always welcomed on this blog omg, the moody tendency is showing from his GoLion counterpart
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If you hear laughing it's me LMAO
But actually, though, they're being treated kind of well in terms of being captured. The team never fights in the arena and when they're pretending to sleep as the guards are coming to take them over they just leave them be and reason that the boys will fight better tomorrow
those are some weak ass bars if Hunk can bend them
[Lance hands Keith a rock] "Don't miss" my humor is broken, and I'm laughing too much at a simple line
Hunk being afraid of heights is such a human characteristic to give him, and I mean that like it really feels like he's a person by giving him something that lots of people find silly or even relatable! (like me ha)
Their plan to escape was going level by level down with rope, except Keith fucking GETS DOWN WITHOUT THE ROPE It's ok, they hitched a ride ON A GIANT FLESH EATING BIRD THAT SWOOPS AT THEM
Hunk slips off his bird and reaches for PIDGE OF ALL PEOPLE TO GRAB HIM, but somehow that doesn't dislocate the poor boy's shoulder and they both go PLUMMETING TO THE GROUND AND SOMEHOW SURVIVE THE FALL Hunk lands in a pile of bones which OW and Pidge BOUNCES OFF THE GROUND BECAUSE OF HOW HARD HE HIT IT if that doesn't kill em, fucking nothing will good god Everyone else lands fine though, bastards lmao
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Keith is Catholic™️ confirmed
Animal lover Keith over here being kind to mega vultures "I'll alvays think they're veutiful" -Sven You literally just called them ugly but ok
PIDGE'S KAZOO PANTING I CANNOT LMAOO They're running in formation (kinda), how cute!
Oh they really are all trained Sven and Keith knock out some guards with kicks Lance straight up tosses one without a sweat Hunk is also kicking but he's taking more down by himself AND PIDGE STARTS CHOKING A GUY OUT FROM BEHIND 10/10 would love to see more hand-to-hand combat
Straight up murdered a few guards by taking off in the slave ship, but shh they're robots it doesn't matter AND THEN THEY DESTROY PART OF THE CASTLE WHILE TAKING OFF AMAZING
Pidge sees a lion statue with a castle behind it and immediately just solves part of the legend that really shouldn't be a legend, the part with the castle anyway
So the team knows of the legend, meaning they were sent on a wild goose chase for basically nothing except that they did FIND IT Fun.
I think it's funny that they're describing Voltron before the split as a defender of justice but in GoLion he was literally the most egotistical bitch that after taking down basically everyone in a fight to prove his strength he got nerfed into those five lions
Episode over! Looks like I'm doing one episode per post with how much I'm talking lol That's all the time I have tonight for the rewind, but tomorrow I have a lot more free time, so maybe I can get like 2 more episodes at the very least
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mushiemadarame · 2 years
↳ watch & rewatch drama list
@khaotunq tagged me, my sweet sweet bestie 💖
currently (actively) watching
609 Bedtime Story - technically on pause until I manage to find both final episodes. I was impressed at first and then it kind of lost me as it went on but I gotta know how it ends.
A Boss and A Babe - I hate this show's title but I love how surprising the second episode was for me. Wasn't super excited about it at first because most of the shows I've given up on halfway were by the same director but after episode two, I'm cautiously optimistic.
A Man Who Defies The World of BL - enjoying it a lot more than I thought I would! It's not my favourite, but I'm very curious about how it'll end now.
All The Liquors - Korea?!?! What is happening!!! I love how different this is so far, can't wait to see where it goes.
Bed Friend - this one came out of left field. I was NOT expecting it to go the places it's been going but I am not complaining, holy shit!
Chains of Heart - I understand nothing, I never know what's going on, I absolutely love it. I want it to stick the landing so bad.
Jack o'Frost - I love amnesia storylines, what can I say. Also it's intriguing so far.
Love Syndrome - Jesus Christ. Jesus Fucking Christ. I love garbage.
Midnight Museum - been LOOOOVING the early 2000s supernatural teen show vibes. Gun Atthaphan is always a win as far as I'm concerned and I'm doubly here for the queer vibes.
Once Again - also technically on pause. I took a break halfway 'cause I found out it doesn't have a super happy ending. Will finish it eventually.
Our Dating Sim - AAAAAHH!!!! just AAAAAAAAAAAAAHH! South Korean BLs have burned me so often right at the end, but I wanna believe in this one 'cause the mutual thing going on with neither (or more likely just one) of them not knowing has captivated me.
Past-Senger - too early to comment on quality, but I do love the premise! Let's hope it doesn't crash and burn.
The End of The World With You - why do I keep getting surprised by Japan putting out banger after banger is a mystery. I've been bracing for the emotional devastation of the finale for like five episodes. Can't wait to sob!
The Promise - this show inspires so much faith in me. I wanna believe in it, I wanna give it a million chances, and it hasn't disappointed me this far even though it hasn't been special either.
Tin Tem Jai - I don't want to be rude about it but this is bad. I don't know why I'm still watching.
As you can see, I'm watching an embarrassing amount of BLs at any given time.
Love Mechanics
Not Me
Theory of Love
I don't really do rewatches but these three I'm always kind of in the middle of rewatching. And also,
KinnPorsche - I started a rewatch recently and I'm very very slowly working through it.
looking forward to
A Shoulder to Cry On - I saved this ages ago, I don't remember why but I'm excited all the same!
Cherry Magic (Thai version) - the one TayNew show I've seen I hated but somehow I'm unbelievably attached to them so this is exciting to me. Plus, I actually think Thailand could elevate this story which, for me, as far as the show is concerned, wasn't great.
Cooking Crush - I cried when they announced this 'cause I thought I'd missed my window to watch a new OffGun show as it aired. OFFGUN! OFFGUN! OFFGUN!
Last Twilight - I thought Vice Versa was a waste of the JimmySea chemistry, but I wanna believe in this one.
Laws of Attraction - I couldn't get through TSWL because it was too soap opera-y for me, but I heard wonderful things and this immediately caught my eye when I saw JamFilm would be working together again!
Middleman's Love - I was infinitely more excited when it was a Mii2 show but Yim has impressed me so much so far in Bed Friend that I'm looking forward to it again!
Only Friends - do I even need to say anything?? I think this is my most anticipated one this year, yes probably even more than Wuju Bakery.
Our Dining Table - I loved the manga this is adapted from so I'm excited.
Transplant - I believe this will come out eventually. I will believe it 'till my dying day.
Why R U - I loved the Thai version so I'm really curious about what Korea will do with it!
Wuju Bakery - the premise is so ridiculous to me but JeffCode so grhgarhagraghrahgarhgraghgrahgrah
TAGGING: @jeronnamo, @poisoneevie, @dirtygermi, @notme-rainbowfart, @nattawinlove :)
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hklnvgl · 2 years
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(tagged by the lovely @ailec-12 ✨)
I posted 1,471 times in 2022
48 posts created (3%)
1,423 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 884 of my posts in 2022
Only 40% of my posts had no tags
#trc - 243 posts
#tdt - 206 posts
#mdzs - 111 posts
#pynch - 79 posts
#d - 54 posts
#aftg - 32 posts
#greywaren spoilers - 32 posts
#fic - 17 posts
#greywaren - 15 posts
#ask - 13 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#i also want to check the country of others by leïla slamani out from my library so whenever i do that i'm pushing it to the top of my list
My Top Posts in 2022:
Rules: List the first lines of the last ten (10) stories you published. Look to see any patterns you notice yourself, and see if anyone else notices any. Then tag some friends.
i was tagged by both @flitwickslittlebrotha and @kelliealtogether thanks!!! 💕
the real hawk: Ronan knocked, and then knocked again with more force.
est quaedam flere voluptas: On some hidden level, Adam wanted to be the kind of person to effortlessly enjoy parties.
Yiling’s apples: There were plenty of homeless people in Yiling.
overflowing: Sirius regretted many things.
little dolls for sale: It wasn’t the first time Ronan had thought about it.
enormous are the groves: Adam poured himself out of his car, barely pausing to close the door after him.
into silence: It was Blue, Gansey and Henry’s fourth going-away party.
the plum tree flower: Adam inhaled deeply when he got the door open.
arm as a pillow: Declan didn’t technically live with Jordan.
stars parting: The nightmare wasn’t special.
all in all i'm pretty happy with these first lines! so much that some of them doubled as summaries 🙃 i'm not sure who's been tagged already so i'm just gonna tag @of-stars-and-moon @ailec-12 @parakeatswrites and you guys can ignore me if you've done it already 💛
10 notes - Posted February 21, 2022
ages ago (i'm super late sorry 🙃) @andrea-lyn tagged me to do this! 💛 (thank you lovely!!)
Rules: it’s time to love yourselves! choose your 5 (or so) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought to the world in 2021. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
when the world is one color (pynch, 2k). so this is the first of the many one shots i managed to write and post last year and i'm very happy with how it turned out! aka how to combat being cold with hugs (missing scene, post-trk, pre-epilogue)
but for their voices (pynch, 5k). this was very exciting to write bc it was fun to explore adam's thought process in this cdth-inspired au. aka adam is not unkowable if you stare at him long enough (different meeting au, college)
a persimmon (pynch, 1k). oh dear i struggled so hard to finish this little piece bc there were many different things i wanted to include, but i'm quite happy with the result! aka adam panics bc he's horny (missing scene during ch. 39 of trk)
the puppeteer (pynch, 3k). i made myself cry while writing this one. aka once upon a dream (sickfic, mi-adjacent)
yiling’s apples (mdzs, 2k). i've fallen hard for their story so i had to write something for it. aka why does everything important happen in yiling (pov outsider, gen)
tagging @ailec-12 @of-stars-and-moon @cheeeryos @behindtheatlantic @parrished @catboyadamparrish @flightspathfic @kelliealtogether @parakeatswrites 💛💛
12 notes - Posted January 11, 2022
back in march (😅😅) the lovely @ailec-12 tagged me in this game! i'm super late but 🤷‍♀️
rules: tag 9 people you would like to know/catch up with
Last Song: can't remember as usual 🙃
Last TV Show: twenty-five twenty-one (yes it's destroyed me thanks! 🥺)
Currently Watching: crash landing on you (it's a rewatch!)
Currently Reading: you are not like other mothers by angelika schrobsdorff and i'm listening to beloved by toni morrison's audiobook
tagging @ive-garden @creativefiend19 @kelliealtogether @of-stars-and-moon @parrished @sleepy-skittles @purgatorybfs @catboynecromancy @cheeeryos 💛
12 notes - Posted August 3, 2022
Describe yourself with ONLY pictures you have! You cannot download or search new pictures.
i was tagged by @parakeatswrites @kelliealtogether and @behindtheatlantic 💕💕💕
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See the full post
13 notes - Posted August 22, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
writing prompts 💖
it's been a hot minute since i last opened prompts and i don't really have lots of time in my hands to write but i think having little things to serve as inspiration is exactly what i need to get back to my usual writing rythm! so. please send me a pairing and a prompt and i'll write a little one-shot 💕 (i'm mainly in the mood for writing pynch and wangxian but if you wished to see any other pairing just send it my way and i'll see if i can write something for it!)
thanks @ailec-12 for helping me compile this lovely list of prompts! 💛
50 Angsty Questions Prompt List
more questions
dialogue ideas
kiss prompts
more kisses
100 dialogue prompts
bad things happen bingo
anon asks are of course welcome as well! 🥰 thank you!
14 notes - Posted August 23, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Anthony's Stupid Daily Blog (747): Wed 3rd Apr 2024
I rewatched one of my favourite movies of all time: Vanishing Point. To casual moviegoers the plot of the movie sounds dull, a car delivery man speeds his way from Colorado to California while the police give chase. However the joy of the movie is getting to spend time with the driver Kowalski and trying to understand his motives. You really don't get character study movies like this one any more. Movies where you spend a few hours in a character's company and make up your mind about what kind of person he is. Throughout the movie we see various flashbacks to incidents in Kowalski's life namely him crashing his car during a professional race and the time he was a cop and he saved a girl from being raped by one of his coworkers which led to him being fired. My own personal interpretation of the film is that these are not flashbacks, they are fantasies. I think something happens just before the events of the movie which makes Kowalski think he has wasted his life and that before he dies he wants to have at least one big adventure. That's why he makes a bet with his friend that he can get the car to California in four days even though it doesn't need to be there for a week. Throughout the journey the things he sees prompt fantasies in his head as he imagines how his life could have been. This is also a beautifully choreographed film with extreme stunts being performed with no reliance on CGI. There's one stunt where we get a shot of Kowalski driving his car along the bottom of an embankment shot from the perspective of the police car at the top. Kowalski then drives up the embankment across the police cars path and runs him off the road. My one gripe about the film is the music. The framing device of the movie is that there is a DJ named Super Soul who hears about Kowalski's police chase and sympathises with him. Throughout the movie we hear the songs Soul plays on Kowalski's radio. The trouble is since this film was made in the early seventies the songs are mostly soul a genre I'm not a fan of. If this had been made 10 - 15 years later it would have had a heavy metal soundtrack and this would probably bump Vanishing Point up to being my all time favourite movie (Even though it's currently still in my top ten). Later on I tuned into tonight's Hollyoaks which featured more bollocks from Mercedes and Warren. At the start of the episode we saw Mercedes texting someone known only as F and leaving the audience to speculate on who it might be. I suspected that it could possibly be Flounder from the Little Mermaid but thinking about it now this would've been very unlikely. He wasn’t much help in the film so he’d be even less handy on dry land. Anywho it turned out to be Freddie Roscoe and to be honest I quite out of the loop during the Roscoe family years so I'm not exactly sure why he's been brought in by Mercedes to combat Warren. Does he have some ties to the criminal underworld similar to Warren or does he know MMA or something? I'm so glad Warren is leaving that I actually might just start skipping whenever he's on screen since I don't care what his exit storyline will be. There was a moment where Warren had a heart to heart with Norma where she reminded him that Mercedes is carrying his child….yes he actually needed reminding. Then Warren went round to Mercedes for a heart to heart. Even during his last weeks on the show theyre still trying to get us to sympathise with this character? He went round to Mercedes heart and tried to reconcile and fucking BLAH BLAH BLAH. He smashed up her house & now thinks a simple apology will fix things? He started off as a decent character who was portrayed as a bit dodgy but only hurt those who hurt the ones he loved so occasionally I could sympathise with him. But for the last few years his switches between good & bad have felt so arbitrary that I just don’t care about him any more. Awful character. Terribly written. Just PISS OFF! Can't wait till he's gone
0 notes
thestarwarslesbian · 11 months
Time to rewatch star wars (2)
Now it's time for:
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A long time ago in a galxay far far away
Once again the tital scrowl.
I love this film, it has to be my favourtie out of all the star wars films.
My sunshine boy is in the snow
I love the design of the tantuns.
I Love that Han is still with Luke and Leia after 3 years since ANH.
Han's blue coat - we love it.
Chewie doesn't like that Han is helping everyone but him.
I can feel the sexual tension between Leia and Han.
Han is a bisexaul disaster at moments in this film.
3PO you are so right he is in danger.
Han really went "Well I'm off to go rescue my twink."
Luke still needs training in the force or he needs to learn about lower power mode on the lightsabers.
R2 is probely worried about lossing another skywalker again.
Han found luke a very disoriented Luke.
I think they cuddled for warmth after Han maneged to set up the shelter.
Han is being sassy again.
I want to see the verison when Han and Luke kiss.
LEIA NO!!! That's your brother. Your twin brother as well.
Han had a major bisexual panic and was floored.
Guess that wasn't a metoer.
The imperial march - I'm always shocked when I realise it's not in ANH.
The falcon is blowing up.
I also like Luke's hair is this film - What can I say his hair is a master peice.
Han does care for Luke.
I love Vader's spinny chair.
Force chock from a distence - disney really did ruin star wars.
Those ships went down like it was nothing.
Trip them up.
Han has to do all the work.
I like that the people in flying the ships have their X-wings parked close by to make a quick escape.
Han going back for Leia and then having to give her a lift is funny to me.
Luke with a grapeling hook.
Vader on the base - at lest they got away fast enough.
Han having to pull 3PO through the door is funny to me.
Guns that pop out from underneath are cool.
At lest Luke knows that his friends got out okay.
Luke is off to dagobar.
Han us truly great at flying.
3PO tried to tell you.
Astroid field time baby.
Never tell Han the odds
Yes fly into the belly of the beast.
Crash landing.
R2s little camera poking out of the water is so cute as it bobs around.
Vader did bot get NHS medical care.
Vader has probely flown in an astroid feild before.
I do love Han and his sas/firting.
This outfit is my favourite on Luke.
You have to charge the driod otherwise you are stuck out there.
Yoda could easily best Luke.
Do you think R2 would have PTSD from Yoda hitting him in the head and when he sees grogu it's just no no no.
Yoda is toatly provoking R2.
The Kiss!!!!!!!
3PO! get out of there.
Giant hologram.
Also first time you see the empror.
Vader must be so confused because he has a son and he didn't realise.
Vader belives he is no longer Anakin and that means that Luke would only be Vader's son if he joined the darkside.
Luke is bitchy and wants to go home and help people already Yoda just doesn't understand that.
I love that Qui-gon had not been created yet and so it was Yoda trained Obi-wan but Yoda is very manipulative of Obi-wan to get him in his own lineage that it ultimalty leads to Obi-wan's death and the fall of the jedi order.
Luke just keeps banging his head he's not to old but to tall.
Of course something lives in the belly of the beast.
I love Luke in this film.
Story time with Yoda.
Do or do not there is no try Luke.
First time I saw the bit in the dark cave I thought it was Leia's face not Lukes.
The score in ESB is amazing.
Run guys.
Lifting rocks on one hand - a great past time.
The force it can lift anything.
You just need some training first.
The X-wing looks so cool to me in this bit.
This just proves how clever Han is and Boba Fett as well.
Lando? Oh yeah just be careful.
Luke is getting better with the force now.
Luke could sense they were in danger before they where.
I like the idea that Lando was a clone but I don't think it would have fit him as a character and am instead glad that they chose Boba Fett to be from the clones.
Lando and his cloak.
Han and Lando toatly had sex.
I want to write an AU where Luke stays on Dagobah and never got that vision.
Luke did keep his promise.
Another? I wonder who that could be.
Han and Leia are couple goals.
That is a way to make dael to keep them away.
Han's really about to go thorough it for a while.
3PO really just wants to be on striaght.
Leis doesn't seem as bad as han.
The way she storkes Han's hair.
Han is very protectove of Luke.
Vader knows it workes he's been frozeen in carbonite before.
'I know' best respone to I love you.
He lies Lando.
Luke be careful Vader is there.
Yeah tell him Leia.
She tried to warn you.
Yeah fight!!!!!
I love that Long Shot with the sabers ready to fight.
This fight. :]
Lando is a bad ass in this film.
Chewie hates Lando now, but Lando is trying to help.
R2 is shokath that 3PO is in pecies.
The cinamatogrpahy in the light saber scence in the carbornite room is amazing, with the lightsabers lighting up the room.
Vader doesn't know about Yoda.
I love that Luke can already use the force to soften his landings.
Through the window you go.
Lando mhas started a mass evaxtuation.
Smoke screen.
3PO's sass is amazing.
Be careful Luke.
Vader can fight just a bit better
Nethermind, Luke has lost a hand now.
my poor sunshine boy.
Luke was like I would rather die than join you even with this new revelation.
I would not have been able to keep that secret.
I think Luke did consider to joining the dark side but decided to nope on out of there and fall down a hole with the force to help and one less hand.
What a conviently placed anter.
I think Luke must have recongined that Leia was force sensitve on some level.
My question is did Luke get the X-wing back I forgot? If so how?
How else would two characters meet other than when one is dying.
Luke probely didn't even realise it was someone new.
Leia. Once again that is your brother.
Vader wants his son alive at least.
Already calling him father, I thought it would take longer to be honest.
Can we talk about how cut my sunshine boy looks minus one hand and looks like he is a dead man walking.
R2!!!! He did it but then he also fell down a hole right after.
Lando just has to borrow clothes now.
Fancy new hand. Anakin's in AotC looked better.
You can see the whole galaxy from there.
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Best star wars film ever.
Next is PM. Yes I am doing them in a werid order.
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xoxomyseriesxoxo · 4 years
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KDrama Meme: (03/20) Dramas → Crash Landing On You (2019) ↳ “I got on the wrong train, and that very train brought me here. It brought me to the place I’ve yearned to come every morning and night. It brought me to my destination.”
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Louk's Bad Batch rewatch part 22 !!!
lets go batcherssss 🤟
The Bad Batch 2x02
Omega's "told ya" is so full of sass omg
"crashing?!" yup
Echo holding Omega 🥺
Wrecker's not even there and Tech is roasting him 💀
"we are alive" BRO 😂
😫 Tech falls count: 2
Echo helps Tech up then he leans on Omega 🥺
the way he knew his leg was broken and by the weight of pressure
"we STILL haven't landed" 🥲
Captain Wilco my love 💕👑
Echo and Omega pulling Tech up 🤲
"Havoc 2 ... plan 00" 🥲 their codes their plans
Omega tugging on Echo's arm to get his attention 🥺
Omega's "roger" and her lil salute to Echo... a child soldier (along with all the clones oop)
didn't take long for Wilco to find tbb 💅 ... those tk troopers could never
"It's a toy, makes you happy" Omega now has 4 toys 🥲
Echo and Tech bickering lol
"Ace" 💕
"not separatist, Serennian" Tech: "I never thought of it like that" 💔
cheeky Omega sneaking off alone tsk tsk
this friend getting Tech to help him but also probably taking his mind off the pain 🥲
YES WRECKER HE'S SO INTELLIGENT FR !!! this is his Tony Stark moment 'he built it in a cave from a bunch of scraps!' 🥰
oopsie Tech was a little too distracted teehee
Tech is literally walking on a broken leg to get to Omega 😭🤲
Omega says "Echo" so excitedly 🥲 as she blinds him with her torch lmao
Tech is so close to passing out and he still- 😫
Hunter and Wrecker piloting 👌
Tech stayed awake long enough to take them all out my mans needs some sleep and some bacta
I can picture Echo's face under there like 😟 and his desparate "please" I'm-
"Ace" i love this guy hehe
Tech's whole arm wave to Echo and Omega 💕
Tech helping Omega up and them both helping Echo up I'm a sucker for what @anonymous-galager and I like to call non-sexual physical contact in little moments like that
"I'm a survivor remember" 👀 foreshadowing?? 🤞
Wrecker patting his new tank blaster 😍
Omega and Echo chatting 💕 "we made the right choice Omega, I'd do it all again" my whole heart right there
Rampart 😡😡😡
Wilco I'll never forget you bby you will be avenger I promise 😘
oof that was a lot of emotions !! I'm gonna do a few more a bit later !!! I literally cannot express how much I love this show yall they're all just so 🥺🤲
also enjoy a sneaky pic from ep 1 bc I just found it and I love it hehe
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cyberv0rtex · 3 years
Really thinking heavily about a Nausicaa / HLVRAI AU. Slightly differing from the original movie, definitely. I'd like to think that Gordon would take the place of Nausicaa. Prince of the valley of the wind, with a strange connection to nature. A strange connection to the wild, creatures, bugs, fascinated with them. He respects them, he respects the Earth. Benrey would be some sort of humanoid bug creature festering within the Toxic Jungle, who Gordon would meet at some point to truly challenge him. Challenging Gordon on whether or not he is going to be the link that connects humans and mother nature once again. I'd like to think Bubby would take the role of Lord Yupa, and Coomer possibly being the role of Gordon's father. I'm not sure who Tommy would be, but if anything he'd be a fitting Asbel.
I'm rewatching the movie because I can't sleep. thinking of some of these scenes as Gordon. Gordon guiding Bubby and taming the giant ohmu, encouraging it to go back to the jungle. back home. Bubby startling when he realizes it's Gordon, shouting,
"You tamed it with nothing but a damn flash grenade and insect charm? Where the hell did you learn that!",
As the Tulmekian air ship glides over the valley, searching for a place to land, I can really. really imagine gordon on that glider. Gliding by, realizing in horror that the ship is covered in bugs and they can't see. they don't know where to land. Frantically shouting, "Turn the ship! you're going to crash! turn the ship!" Only for his efforts to fail, and the side of the cliffs engulfed in flames. That moment of horror when gordon sees the princess through the window before it all explodes. Letting the princess have a brief moment of peace before her passing, promising her that the cargo is burning. "Yes Estel, I understand. Everything is burning, don't you worry." Gordon's head filling with dread as she mutters out a final, "thank god." before passout. Breaking her hand cuffs, because he refuses to let her die a prisoner.
The giant insect creeping out of the fire, everyone freaking out. Gordon uses the insect charm to bait the insect away, hopping on his glider and guiding it back to the jungle. It's not the insect's home, and he wants to bring it home and away from their valley. And as he spends all night flying the insect home, he's met with another ohmu.
Instead of just the ohmu waiting, there's an insect boy standing on top of it. Benrey. Benrey is guarding his jungle, he wants his insect family to return home safely. And as soon as he sees that gordon has brought the insect home safely, he just stares. before turning around and going home himself.
Gordon feels content. And heads home himself, despite tired. exhausted from being out all night, probably flying for a good hour or two to guide this bug back home. His job isn't done yet, though. He needs to go home and assess the damages the crash caused. That is his job, as prince with his father, the king, bed ridden.
Bubby discovering the heart. the beating red heart of the giant warrior, terror knowing its in their valley. From the 7 days of fire, 1,000 years ago.
Gordon recognizing the same sick sound of airships approaching from outside the valley. And then they invade.
They invade his home, his valley, that he's trying to protect and they crash and soldiers March out. People are screaming, Gordon trying to coral everyone. Shouting, "Get out of the way!" before another heavy layer of dread sets in.
they're going to the castle. they're after his father. they're going to kill him.
and then they do, and he feels this SICKLY rage and violence overcome him, and he starts attacking the soldiers. Before bubby steps in and gets in the way of his sword, and gets stabbed in the hand by Gordon. and it sinks in that, despite the fact they're invading his kingdom, his home, killing civilians,
his anger caused him to kill.
and it hits as bubby says, calmly, affirming what's happened, "Gordon. Be calm." Gman would make a good representation of the queen kushana. and forzen could do good as her "weasel" of a commander.
they all want to burn the jungle, but gordon knows there's more to the jungle. Gordon has seen it, Gordon practically runs around in the jungle every other day. there's no particular reason to fear them, the insects, as long as you respect the land. if you try to burn it, it will burn you.
Maybe I will post later sorry for rambling besties
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