kurokawaia · 8 days
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Tokito Muichiro X Fem!Reader
WC; 700+ | !MDNI! | TW/CW :: FLUFF SO FLUFFY, this is so cute im sobbing, x fem reader, reader is a girl, you two are both 14, TEENAGE LOVE OMG,
*ੈ✩‧₊˚𝑅𝐸𝒬𝒰𝐸𝒮𝒯 :: Could we maybe get a cute and wholesome Muichiro x fem! Reader? He's 14 I believe, so nothing over the top, but just a cute little thing where he sees Ginko is actually being nice and prideful of reader, then when he asks about it, she replies "Caw! Bc y/n is just as strong as you are, so it makes sense why you have a crush on her!" Then Muichiro gets embarrassed while reader just accepts his feelings XD - @freddleafton12345-blog
m.list | demon slayer m.list
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You were training. That's all you were doing. Muichiro was there with you, though he was being quite and stoic as usual, he was there. You could feel him today, just out of sight. It was a comforting presence in its own right.
You also noticed Ginko, his crow, perched on a branch not too far off. Her sharp, no judging eyes follow your every movement, and you could have sworn she was being. over-proud? It was almost like she was waiting for something.
Finishing your training session, you wiped the sweat from your forehead and sheathed your katana, turning to where you knew Muichiro was standing. He slowly emerged from behind a tree, his usual detached expression in place, though his eyes were focused on you.
"Hey, Muichiro!" you said happily, flashing him a soft, gentle smile.
He barely nodded, his eyes never once leaving yours, and said nothing right away.
You were the only one Muichiro can tolerate, he enjoys your presence, he like how happy you are because when he's around you his heart pounds and tingles. He likes the sensation.
Before either of them could say another word, Ginko flew down from her branch and landed beside Muichiro with a loud caw, puffing out her feathers proudly.
"Caw! {Name} is just as strong as you, Muichiro!" Ginko squawked.
Muichiro blinked in mild confusion, turning to his crow. "What do you mean?" he asked calmly, but it did sound like he was slightly confused.
You chuckled. "I think she's just complimenting me," you said, but the way Ginko had looked at both of you made you suspect she wasn't done yet.
And you were right.
Ginko's next words came out loud and clear. "Because {Name} is just as strong as you are! So of course you have a crush on her!"
We froze.
Muichiro immediately went bright red, a colour you never see him in. His usual expression crumpled, his eyes wide from surprise. He stared at Ginko then at you before back at Ginko, without a single word to say.
"I-I don't," he stuttered, protesting weakly.
You could see the panic rising on his features, and it really was the cutest thing you had ever seen.
Your cheeks flushed warmly too. You couldn't help the laugh that escaped you. "Oh, is that so?" you teased softly as you stepped a little closer to Muichiro.
"I don't. Ginko's just. I mean," he muttered, staring down at his feet.
He turned to you again, his eyes wide with surprise still. It was rare to see Muichiro this flustered, and such a sight took hold of your heart.
Ginko apparently was very satisfied with herself and gave another proud caw. "Yes! Muichiro has a crush on {Name}, just like I said! And I am always right!"
Muichiro's flustered state made you smile hoplessly because it was a sight you'veg never seen on him. Going easy on him, you took another step closer and laid a comforting hand on his arm. He looked up at you, still somewhat lost, his eyes searching your face for some sort of clue on how to respond.
"Muichiro," you said softly, kindly, "I think that's really sweet."
His face flushed even more and this time he didn't try to deny it. Instead, he just stared at you, softening into your gaze as he realized you weren't teasing him. In his eyes, you could tell how nervous he is, which made your heart beat so, so fast.
You smiled warmly as you took another step closer. "I accept your feelings," you said with a softly.
Muichiro blinked, plainly trying to wrap his brain around what you'd just said. For a moment, it seemed his mind had gone blank. But then, ultra-slowly, a small smile pulled at the corners of his lips, so slight you'd have almost missed it if you weren't standing quite that near him.
"Thanks," he whispered, his voice inaudible, his eyes coy and wide, yet within them held a certain warmth that fluttered your chest.
Ginko was quite proud of what she had done. She said, "Look! See? I told you! Ginko is never wrong!"
You laughed again. Looking back at Muichiro, who is still till beet-faced and embarrassed, but deep inside, his heart went racing from the situation, he didn't know how to act around you now that you knew, but he was certain things would grow further. And you were hoping for it to, as well.
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m.list | demon slayer m.list
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tehrogueva · 2 months
I've seen people call you a proshipper, but from what I can see from your blogs is you grew out of it (that's at least what I've seen from observation of this and your old blog). So I don't know why people still hold it over your head like your a bad person for having a past and growing from it
I'm not sure the full story on how everything went down because I just went into the search and looked up different proships until I found Frans and the old blog which has it's last Frans post THREE years ago which people can change in a month and there's no new Frans things you made/reblogged sense then
I dunno this is mostly just me rambling on how people don't get the concept that adults can also learn and grow and it's not just kids because if you were a minor people would say "you were just a kid back then"
i have not nor will i never be a proshipper
did i do frans comics in the past? yes. i never liked the ship, it was just for content and i liked the art style. the reason i justifyed it to my self is that Friks in the comics i did was an adult and also a bit of a self insert for the artist. so it seemed ok to me.
i still personaly see Frisk as a self insert as a whole. since its us who control them for the whole game of undertale. we only see them as frisk aftert weve beaten the game.
just my opinion but you dont have to agree with my enturpretation of the game and Frisks role in it
getting back to your question. i noticed that the fandom has gotten very vocal about Frans. so to avoid confict i went and deleted all the frans videos i did on my channel
also i was like 25 when i got into undertale. im 32 now. have i grown up and learned better since when i first got into the fandom? yes i have.
i just want to make content i enjoy and others enjoy and avoid any kinda drama or contravericy.
anything think you have herd about me saying im a proshipper is not true
aside from the old frans dubs idk where people are getting the idea that im a proshipper.
im a multishipper get it rigtht XD
anyways i hope this clears up any doubt in your or other peoples mind about where i stand on the issue
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I made it better
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I'm assuming this is because of me getting annoyed at Azutara shippers in my other blog and calling them and Tyzula fans the "Azula fandom's equivalent of Zutara and Zukka" XD
Anyways *grabs a megaphone and gets on a soap-box*
As a bisexual woman that would go crazy with joy if Azula was gay/bi, and that ships her with Ty Lee and Mai, and even Toph and Suki every now and then, let me make one thing very clear here: Azula DOES have a confirmed canon sexuality, and it's straight. Heterosexual. Likes guys and only guys. The idea that ANY gay ship was CANON in ATLA, a show made in 2005 by a kid's Network, is ridiculous.
Azula explicitly stated that she has tried to flirt with boys before and it never worked out because they are scared of her. She was jealous that boys were paying attention to Ty Lee - and while fanfic writers, and even I, like to say stuff like "Oh, you don't like them getting too close to your gilfriend, Azula?" it's VERY CLEAR that the show was going for the classic "Why do they like her and not ME?" aka she wanted attention from GUYS. She wanted to hook up with Chan, and immediately went for "Let's conquer the world together!" after one kiss. Even the up-coming Azula comic has her dreaming of a guy trying to flirt with her and calling her pretty.
For fuck's sake, Grey Delisle already admiting to voicing the scene between Azula and Zuko as if Azula was trying to seduce her own brother. Meanwhile, even though she likes Tyzula now, when asked about the ship her first reaction was the same as the one every actor, writer and/or showrunner had to hearing about popular gay ships: "I did not see that coming."
It might seem surreal nowadays that the Network let the show get away with incest bait but gay characters were out of question, but that's what happened because, surprise surprise, homophobia was still going strong. Hell, it's still going strong TODAY.
Lots of Nickelodeon shows from the 90's and early/mid 2000's tried to get away with implying or flat out saying "This character is gay" and it ALWAYS resulted in banned episodes, some of which became lost media because the Network was just that desperate to bury any evidence of it to avoid controversy. Even characters that never had any love interests ever were assumed to be straight - not as in "treat them as being straight unless we say otherwise" but in "They are straight because that's the only thing allowed to exist in kid's media." There was no "otherwise" to be heard of. Fitting for years that followed the policy literally called "DON'T ASK, DON'T TELL."
THAT was the general sentiment around homosexuality at the time, especially on TV (KIDS TV, I remind you): pretend you don't know that's a thing.
Even The Legend Of Korra, that parts of the fandom still pretends did anything for gay representation, had the creators (the same who made ATLA) that they never even bothered to ask Nickelodeon if they could Korrasami happen, and thus kept the whole love triangle, with the girls fighting over a GUY, going. It wasn't until the very end that they had the guts to ask "Can we make them hold hands in the finale?" and Nick said "Sure, the final season will basically not be aired on TV anyways." Bryke even had to state ONLINE that "Yes, they are a couple." Only THEN, with the positive response from audiences, that neither the writers nor the Network had thought could ever gain any sympathy for the show, did they make Korra and Assami have an actual relationship in the Korra comics.
Do these guys sound like the type that would leave a character's sexuality up for debate or even try to write a gay couple into the show IN 2005, years before Korra was allowed to get away with a slight hint of gayness that to be explained on Twitter?
They didn't make Azula's attempts to win guys over fail to show she was a gay teen trying too hard to be something she was not, her envy that Ty Lee was getting a ton of attention from boys while she wasn't was meant to be taken as EXACTLY that, and no cutesy moment between her and her friends was meant to be taken as anything other just gals being pals.
We can, and should, point out that it is unfair that gay relationships were treated as "too adult" while straight romances weren't. We can change any character's sexuality in fanfics. We can ship whatever the hell we like. But claiming Azula was EVER meant to be seen as anything other than a 100% straight girl that just sucked at flirting and thus was struggling to get a boyfriend is just a flat out lie.
She's not bisexual. She's not a lesbian. Her sexuality was not "left up to debate" because THERE WASN'T SUPPOSED TO BE A DEBATE!
Again, I would love a bisexual Azula (provided that wasn't handled by people like Yang and Bryke, who see her as nothing more than an ableist stereotype), but let's not kid ourselves here.
Nickelodeon is not our "ally", they're a company that wants your money. Bryke, by their own admission, were not revolutionaries who pushed for gay representation and were ready to give up on the idea of same-sex relationship with no resistence if the Network told them "no, only straight romances allowed". Korra was no Steven Universe or even Adventure Time, it was basically Disney with it's 50th "first" gay character that gets five seconds of screentime. Azula's sexuality absolutely WAS confirmed and it is (sadly for me) heterosexual.
And to the people that claim to love headcanons for bisexual Azula, but still insist I should only ship her with women, or make her strongly prefer women, or only have had bad experiences with men and positive ones with women, otherwise she'll be "basically straight": your biphobia is showing, stop hating on bi women everytime they shatter your ilusion that we're just confused/in denial and will eventually realize we're actually lesbians.
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gallavichthings · 1 year
Gallavich Things Events Calendar
Hello, lovelies!
The poll I made last week isn't closed yet, but it's clear to see where it's heading. Therefore, and to ease everyone's anxiety, here's the calendar with the events this blog will be hosting FOR THE NEXT YEAR (with more details about each event after the cut):
1st or 2nd week: guidelines and prompts for the Kinktober will be posted.
1st or 2nd week: guidelines for the Masquerade posted/sign-ups open
1st week: sign-ups for the Masquerade close
2nd week (exact day TBD): Masquerade
also 2nd week: guidelines for the gift exchange posted and sign-ups open
2nd week: Deadline to send guesses about the Masquerade (possibly extended if there's a large number of fics);
also 2nd week: Sign-ups close for the gift exchange and prompts are posted
14th: gift exchange (possibly taking over more days, depending on the number of participants)
My birthday lol; jk, we rest. We rest, ok? And you can participate on other events posted by other blogs. But if you want to send me birthday gifts, I'll accept. XD
Spring cleaning again??? Or we rest some more, idk.
Gallavich Week themes revealed
2nd or 3rd week: Gallavich Week
We rest again? Go outside? Enjoy the summer?
A.U.gust again? Rinse & repeat?
And now for more details:
About the Kinktober, I probably won't be doing a theme per day because I feel like that might be tiring. Also, we just did that for A.U.gust and I saw another Gallavich blog posting something like that for September, so I figured we give people a bit more freedom this time around. I'm thinking of either just a list of prompts that you can post whenever, or a bingo, or one ample/general theme per week... But I'm open to suggestions.
About the Masquerade: Yes, I know most people voted to have it along the Kinktober, but there was also a quite significant amount of people who said they'd rather have it after it. I figured the people who voted to have it alongside Kinktober would still participate it if I had it later, but the opposite was likely not true, so I figured this was better. Also, I will be requesting sign-ups, but they're just so I can organize everything, so the deadline will be quite close to the posting day. Posting will likely be on an AO3 anonymous collection (I'll have to test that first), and the guesses will be made through a Google Form. One more thing: I think it would be nice to have fanart/videos/gifsets as the prizes (preferably about the Masquerade fics themselves), both for the person (or people) who manage to guess the most authors correctly and for the author who manages to "deceive" more people (still deciding on that, but anyway...), so if you make any of this and would like to volunteer, let me know.
About the gift exchange: it was postponed for next year for three reasons: 1) there was no set event in February, so I figured this would be cute and fit the theme of Valentine's Day - instead of secret Santas, you'll have secret admirers ;) ; 2) it gives people more time to participate, since most other fandoms have their gift exchange events at the end of the year; 3) it leaves the Masquerade at the end of the year, which is an event with lower stakes (no one is expecting people to produce anything, so it's easier to cancel their participation if something happens). I reserved actual Valentine's Day for it, but I believe it'll actually happen throughout the week. The format will be the same as in the last couple of years, with participants picking the prompts they'd like to fulfill.
I assumed we'll be doing A.U.gust again next year, but that's not set in stone. Spring Cleaning is also a possible event, but we'll see. Gallavich Week will be happening, as always.
I hope this has helped! If you have any questions,suggestions or comments at all, feel free to send me an ask.
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itsclydebitches · 1 year
Hi, I stopped watching RWBY midway through volume 5 and basically only keep up with it through your blog which has made volume 9 quite a trip. Anyway, I've got to ask what the fuck is going on in episode 9? The team is happy about Ruby drinking the tea???
I literally cannot imagine being you right now lol. Experiencing RWBY solely through this blog?? Absolutely wild concept. How does it feel being blindsided on a weekly basis? XD
But to actually answer your question... yes? The tea is heavily framed as a suicide attempt, given that Ruby drinks it after a physical and psychological beating from Neo, with the intent of not being Ruby Rose anymore, after Neo herself entices her with it because, as we know, she wants revenge on Ruby for (in her mind) killing Roman. There’s no version of Episode 8 in which this is framed as a positive action. However, at the same time the show has been pushing the idea that Ascension (AKA what Ruby has done by drinking the tea) is ultimately a good thing; a way for those who have fulfilled their purpose to finally move on and achieve something new. Now, however harmful a message that might be from our perspective, the show has made it clear that this is natural for an Afteran, so I could sort of buy it as a cultural difference...
Provided the show had explained how losing your memories/even your physical body isn’t a "real" kind of death.
If we hadn’t seen a character dragged off against their will, forced to Ascend despite clearly being opposed to the idea.
If our “best” version of the journey didn’t come from the Paper Pleasers, a group with cult-like undertones that are so obsessed with Ascension they orchestrate daily attempts at physical harm/suicide in order to achieve it.
If any one of the characters had bothered to consider whether this would be good for Ruby, a human who does not come from this world, especially after it’s explicitly pointed out that she shouldn’t be able to Ascend.
If any one of the characters had considered that Ruby doesn't have a defined purpose that she has completed and thus has no need to undergo the Be Assigned a New Purpose Ritual.
And if most of this information hadn’t come from the Cat, a manipulative (according to the heroes) party later revealed to be a Super Duper Evil Villain.
So even within the realm of ‘This is a good thing, just a cultural difference!’ there is a LOT of negative implications that the story hasn’t bothered to unpack. But here, in Episode 9, the group continues to ignore all of it. They see that the Paper Pleasers, after drowning themselves, have come back as the Genial Gems. Does it matter that they had to undergo such a horrific event in order to achieve that upgrade? No. Does it matter that they no longer remember Jaune, a friend who lived with them for years? No. Does it matter that they found Ruby beaten and bloody, being given the tea by Neo while a fake Roman talks about how the world would be better off without her, after she ran from them all post-meltdown because she (rightly) believes that no one cares about her mental health? No! All that matters is that the Gems came back “better” - with “better” defined as now being impervious to water and fire - so that means Ruby will definitely come back “better” too. Hurrah!
The characters don’t care about the horrors that it took to get Ruby to this place, or that she committed magical suicide in front of them, or that Neo helped orchestrate all this, or that Little was lying dead in front of her. All they care about is how this was supposedly Ruby’s “choice” and if she doesn’t come back as the same Ruby they knew, that can only be a good thing because - again - she chose to do this.
(I need to make a separate post on how no, this is not a choice in the way RWBY is framing it. There's a reason why we discuss depression as an illness. You don't "choose" it any more than you choose to die of cancer.)
I can’t emphasize enough that the message of Episode 9 couched in metaphor is, “Yes, if you hate yourself dying is an option. Agency is the most important thing, so if someone wants to die, you need to let them die and accept that fighting for them is selfish (remember Penny?). Lucky for the heroes, they exist in a magical world where death has a reset button, so choosing suicide is an even smarter choice because then you can reflect on that choice and possibly come back with a cool upgrade!”
Yang has one (1) moment where she freaks a little after seeing Ruby encased in the tree, but Blake, Weiss, and Jaune talk her down because remember Yang, your sister chose this. It’s a good thing.
The rest of the episode is this vibe. Behold, the team literal minutes after watching a psychologically terrorized, physically beaten Ruby try to kill herself:
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selfox · 5 months
Friend gave me the best idea to live blog my reactions on reading fics.
This one is rtod by @gothicthundra ^^
Ngl I've never did life reactions on a broadcast level. But at least it's gonna save people's dms bdjdjd sorry for intruding if you, guys, found it annoying OTL
Currently I'm on gauntlets ark and already finished it ^^' . In case to avoid spoilers and not make anyone sit through it (unless, they want to see my ramble tdvdfd), I'll put my reactions and overall thoughts under the cut
This break up was one of the most gut wrenching out of all of them. Yes it is break up you two *points at Shego and Drakken*
Those 2 shouldn't be separated otherwise some Armageddon occurs. But they do need some elaborate couples therapy, and individual therapies OTL
Ok, so I'll back up a bit to chapter Sorry and go up till Changing Tides (I've managed to gulp those chapters in one go)
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I have never felt such desire to comfort a character. Such a clear subtext as he, deep inside, wanted to be a dad and Erik was, in a way, his child. Wish it come up more ^^'
Bad times and rumors
One of the interesting chapters where Shego's insecurities shine the most. Calling out future chapter: Pandora is so right about Shego. just wow. And the "accessory" line that will be eventually used by Ed.
So hurt to see her spiral like this. "I am no one's friend, I am no one's side-kick" ;;;;^;;;; Nooooo Shego nooooo ;;;;^;;;;
Breaking Point (s)
I love the format of seeing the same event showed by thier perspectives.
Props to Drakken not killing Lucre. Seriously......... Eddie, I will forever curse your ability to make people use this word AND hearing it in your voice.
Nah, Dr. D, that rap was amazing XD heh, kinda love that mirror with them, when Shego's mind repeaded it. Yes, ma'am, it is very catchy. Just shows how close those two really are even when they aren't together.
"What was the harm in having two helpers?" oh, baby boy OTL Next moment was OYL so sorry Drakken.
Why does it feel like Avengers Civil War? OTL Sorry Shego I'm on Drakken's side OTL I know when you smirked you were thinking how sweet he was because he returned after you OTL (literally have those 2 chapters open to see with one eye Dr. D's pov and with the other Shego's)
Interesting how he didn't hear her yelling at him. OTL
;-; singing in the hover car and wine floats.
Ma'am... your green is showing. But also her worrying about him is precious
OTL ough that all hurts
The Gauntlets
Opening scene is actually pretty badass and .... made me very concerned with how many times Drakken must have done putting back the bone into its socket as ... you don't actually supposed to do that on your own or at least without professional help.
;-; the heist ark mention
I assume Kim saw him glowing red from gauntlets? Tho I'd be surprised too if I just got fried with laser gun. ..... Yep, dude's glowing.
"I was just trying to help" "Nothing ever changes with you, does it?" oh boy OYL
Double Crossed
The concept of The Company i got to know from this fic, along with other villains that hadn't been used in the actual show. And I say what a shame that it wasn't incorporated. Want to know more about them.
Overall the idea behind it with elder hardcore villains ... It has so many mysteries especially concerning Shego and Drakken... and who knows who else. I've read Lipsky's family shorts and other tales and I adored the past snippets with Estelle and Theo. Both of them are such beans.... ngl really wish to see/read more about them and overall how those lived, assuming that Theo and Bart had double life. What was it like?
And the relationship between Shego and Estelle gives me so many fluffy emotions. Girl you do love her ;-;
Honestly, I don't know who creeps me out and intrigues me more in the olden villains cast. Every single one of them deserve their own tier label.
With Botox... thinking about this person I doubt that they were showing the fear...?
Stormy Tides
Loved the shift between Dr. Taxley he/him and Dr. Botox they/them ^^ nice touch 👌 agender approved fjdvnkd
Shego you really gotta think what exactly you teach others OTL especially with the whole idea of what villain is OTL I understand that you are trying to make yourself believe that but girl c'mon OTL
Side notes: Hermes and Pandora, both are so right about their exes, it's incredible how well those 2 can read Drakken and Shego. Despite how much everyone claimed it was brief and unserious relationships were, of course it wasn't the case at all. Can't wait to read the "flashback" chapter (yes, I spoiled myself plenty with this fic, I'm not sorry)
And again in Villains Inn.
Shego he is indeed your friend and close confidant OTL
Aaaaand she is on a drinking spree......... How in the all hells she didn't fried her liver?
side note.... to see my rl name being used twice in the fic still makes me jump XD first it was Drakken and Eddy's cousin and now bartender ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Shego and henchmen are something precious. Those guys in general are precious beans. YES, SHEGO YOU MISS HIM. Your thoughts almost exclusively filled with him, or things around him (like his mom).
;;-;; The questionable Chinese food.
Poor dr D OTL those gauntlets are something else, DR D WHY DID YOU HAVE TO STICK YOUR FINGERS THERE??? that's what she said I'm not sorry.
"The rain obscuring her aim" yeah, right, rain. Salty rain I'm sure of it.
OTL now dr d's side. I guess one of the scariest things about the gauntlets for me that .... It wasn't always certain for me where were his own thoughts and where those gauntlets were speaking... well apart from obvious "we".
It's so scarry to get how many days he had spent awake. Awake, hungry, alone and with those things... and to what length he was trying to go to remove them before Shego got here. Heck he was afraid for others - his henchmen ;-; Shego
OTL scalpel OTL
OTL just OTL for the rest of the chapter
Changing tides
Him barricading himself from her to make sure she was safe from him OTL
Shego, just wish it was a minor inconvenience OTL
hwsbfajh Shego, girl OTL he loves you OTL man ... is it he or the gauntlets or both? I understand it's a more chaotic ... heh... khaotic... form of moodulator? More like the amplifier to Drakken's anger, loathing and many more things.
OTL she fried those things off of his arms omg...
Babies with sameish sense of humor ;;;-;;; I missed your banter, guys.
Fighting bad thoughts with work jdvfbdfv I get that OTL
That uncertainty is so palpable with both of them. ;-; brushing his face absentmindedly.
Pancakes ;-; hehe like I've said I've missed your banter. And I love those little teasing pet names Shego uses.
Last note: F Cleo
Well, If you got there, thank you and sorry that you have to put yourself into ^^' Hope that some things were a bit entertaining. I do hope to do this again as I continue reading it.... Especially with Bed Time Stories approaching ^^
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feyhunter78 · 2 years
Hi dear Meg! I'm so glad I found someone who writes for TROP ♡
I truly love elrond, this sweet boi, and really enjoyed your writings for him (: at first I was quite careful since I see lotr!elrond (almost) entirely as a dad and not as a romantic option, mostly because if him, Celebrían and their children but honestly they seemed to have killed off Celeborn so... no Celebrían? XD
Anyways, it may surprise you but I wanted to ask, if you're writing for Gil-Gaddy too? Uhhh, I already loved him in lotr and god forbid me from telling anyone about my tiny crush on Mark Ferguson haha XD
If yed, I'd love to ask for a Gil-Galad x fem!oc 💕 I'm quite the sucker for opposite looking couples, so oc with ash blonde/silver hair? And size difference? Hod I love tall men haha
Maybe she's the daughter of oropher, visiting Lindon.
And... yeah... I wouldn't be mad (absolutely not) if you include some smut? Intense and passionate is my favorite if someone asks hehe
Much love to you ♡
Maddie!!! Thank you so much for this request! I must admit I don't know Gil-galad's character really well, but I tried my best! I've got a short but sweet married couple facing the in laws fic for you! As for smut, since I don't know his character I didn't add any, but I recommend the wonderful @starlady66 who has a more than a few Gil-galad smuts on her blog!!!!
The Queen's Father
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You opened your eyes, humming contently as lithe fingers combed through your ashen hair.
“My love, we must meet the others for breakfast.” Gil-galad’s steady voice, raspy from sleep, filled your ear as he pressed a kiss to your cheek.
“You are the High-King, you can miss a breakfast.” You groaned, throwing an arm over your eyes.
He chuckled, the sound deep and rich, vibrating in your bones. “Yes, but your father will be there, and I fear he still looks upon me with disfavor.”
You removed your arm and sat up, fixing your husband with an annoyed look. “My father is a fool if he is still upset that we married, his daughter is queen, what more could he want?”
You weren’t annoyed with Gil-galad, never with him, but with your father, who was still upset you hadn’t married the son of his closest friend.
Gil-galad kissed your temple. “I do not know, but we shall face his ire together.”
You sighed and slipped from your bed, dressing quickly and smiling at your husband in the mirror. He always towered over you, it made you feel safe and protected.
You took his hand and pressed it to your lips after he placed your circlet upon your head. “I will never let you face him alone.”
You strode hand in hand down to breakfast, where your father was waiting, along with a few other elflords and ladies. You greeted your father, then took your seat next to your husband.
As everyone began eating, you started to relax. Perhaps your father would not make a scene this morning.
“Gil-galad, I must ask you, why does my daughter look so exhausted. Are you running her ragged because you cannot perform your duties without the aid of others?”
You all but slammed down your drink and leveled a glare at your father.
Your husband was much calmer. “Perhaps y/n seems so tired because she works so diligently in her own duties as queen.” He took a sip of his drink. “Though I do not see this exhaustion, she looks as radiant as the day we married.”
“Thank you, dear husband.” You said, smiling at him, and intertwining your fingers with his. “Gil-galad is right, Ada, I have tired myself out in service of our people.”
Your father grumbled but backed off, and Gil-galad gave you a soft smile.
“How is Ambe? I noticed she did not make the trip with you.”
“Your ambe is well, she was preoccupied with the birth of your niece.”
“A girl, how lovely.” You said, a bright smile on your face. You would have to send your brother’s family a gift of congratulations soon.
“We shall send a gift, for the child and her mother, soon.” Your husband declared, reading your mind.
Your father’s expression softened. “That would be most welcomed.”
Breakfast was cleared, and you promised your father you would walk with him.
“I will return as soon as I see him to his quarters.” You promised your husband, going up on your toes to kiss him.
He chuckled and bent down, so you could reach him, and connected your lips.
Kissing Gil-galad was always a breathtaking experience, his skilled lips and pleasant taste always brought heat to your face and caused your heart to race. He pressed a soft kiss to the corner of your lip before righting your circlet and releasing you to your father.
Tag list: @nyctophilic0vitnir, @elronds-pointy-ears, @thesolarangel, @elrondscalaquendi, @dilf-superiority
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al-khwarizmiss · 10 months
Bubble Pressure of a binary mixture of pure substances via Gamma-Phi formulation.
Equilibrium Thermodynamics. Chemical Engineering.
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This is the reason why I chose "Al-KhwarizMiss" as a username xd I'm OBSESSED with algorithms, as they make everything so astoundingly clear and easy — making them is the best way to learn for me and also give me the joy to be able to help friends and other students.
It's written in Spanish (my mother language) because I did this thinking of sharing it with my classmates. Either way, I think there shouldn't be so much translation if anyone's looking forward to use it (feel free! just please credit this blog if you share).
There's an Excel file I made for this exactly (not the cleverest out there, I'm sure, but hey, it works xd).
Literally teaching and giving a hand is how I best learn, so feel free if there's anything I can help you with, or if you think I might have useful tools for you.
More like this one on the way, for sure. This I made about two weeks ago and I have many more for calculus, as well as cheat sheets of all sorts (I'll just have to dig deeper and find them again from previous courses). I have solved problems, too.
And yes, this is my style: rainbow-coded over black background.
Jolly good and happy learning!
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shmowder · 3 months
ag;asdfjag hello so I stumbled across the "specific fetishes they have with no explanation" post you wrote for the BG3 companions. Can I please request something like that for the Patho characters? Anyone you feel like including.
Sorry to keep bringing up your other blog but my goodness, your anons weren't shy on there XD It's amusing to notice the difference in content and asks between these fandoms. @ pathologic enjoyers where is the horniness!!!! /lh
🐿️ anon
Ah yes that classic post, it started because I wanted to give someone a hand kink and the rest followed along. I like the concept of specific fetishes that aren't explained but are accepted as part of the person nonetheless. Imitating organic sexuality where sometimes people are into things for no apparent reason, why do I think knight armour is so hot? I will never know.
I miss it sometimes, how shamelessly direct anons were in the bg3 with their nsfw requests. Talking with someone who knows exactly what they want is always refreshing.
I enjoyed the different concepts and how conversations about sex and fetishes flowed so seamlessly. They clearly enjoyed what I was writing and were mature about it.
While the Pathologic fandom feels more juvenile? Like a repressed adult going to a sex shop for the first time. The nsfw requests are vague and always written timidly, testing the waters, rushed even. As if I'll just suddenly disappear if they're not the first in line.
It could be the fact x reader content is scarce in this fandom while in bg3 they were plentiful. I knew some bg3 blogs that wrote smut pieces that could make the devil blush, genuinely. It was the extreme bdsm and dark smut i have ever seen, and i loved it.
I'm not complaining, I enjoy both fandoms' unique approaches tbh. I simply match the energy that is given to me, reading between the lines and all. If I notice, the requester is timid, shy, and vague about what they want. I'll go with vanilla and soft, slow sex.
Unless someone directly tells me they want to hear about my thoughts when it comes to Oyun's clear humiliation & degradation kink and life/death play, then I simply keep it to myself.
This blog started as a meme blog after all, didn't it? I just wasn't sure I'll even post pathologic x reader tbh. I wanted a throw-away account to talk about the game in because I didn't want to sully my bg3 account with unrelated fandoms even more. There is no need to wear its corpse and parade it through the square, giving my previous readers hope i might come back only to show it was a different fandom wearing its skin.
I kept that in mind, which is why i tage my x reader works with...well ♧x reader. So the people who are here just for the memes can filter it out.
Compare the notes my memes, character study and plot analysis posts get against my x reader pieces. It's clear who the majority is.
BG3 simply had more people interested in x reader, so it paid off in the long run to focus on it. While here I wouldn't have made it out from under the radar if I hadn't posted any memes, would I? No one searches for pathologic x reader on tumblr because the goddamn tag didn't exist before me.
It doesn't help that at least 70% of people who read this genre are lurkers, as it is natural with fanfics in general but especially anything deemed "cringy" or "taboo". Especially in a fandom whos tries to be taken seriously and seems high-brow to onlookers, yk pathologic.
Take the Hysteria fic, for example. I thought it would set the tone for the rest of the account, yk? but all i got afterwards was fluffy requests, so the balance shifted towards a more romantic style.
Right now, I have been getting more requests and nsfw ones, especially, but it was you who helped break that seal and encouraged other anons to come out because of your interactions and sincerity.
I think it was your nsfw Victor and Yulia requests which offically broke the seal and showed lurkers I am willing to fully dive into smut, that no this isn't a mirage and yes they can requests as many dom Daniil stuff as they want. You would be surprised at how popular that man is in my inbox.
Me personally, I would've simmered down or slowly stopped the x reader pieces if someone didn't come along to show interest in my work. I already have the whole world and works in my brain, I can just keep it there for eternity.
The fun in writing requests are the requestors themselves, the lively discussions, the passion, and happiness. The sweet kind words afterwards, waiting to see their reaction to something I've poured my heart and perverted mind into.
I planned on writing many more ship fics for pathologic, but Lingum Vitea was left in the dust so I decided against sharing my ship writing with these people anymore. Petty? yeah, but it is my own writing at the end of the day.
That's why I enjoy posing on tumblr, the interactions, the anons. It truly feels like you're part of a community, which is what fanfics were about before. Hell, it was what all fandoms were about before, remember when artists received anons discussing their vision and inspiration?
Now it's radio silence on AO3, or maybe my style specifically didn't click with them? I don't like multie chaptered works, I get bored of ideas easily and I can tell a whole story in less than 3k words.
Either way.
Be unhinged if you want, or don't. You can do whatever you want for eternity. This is for any person currently reading this and not just you squirrel anon. I don't lose anything by your shyness at the end of the day, but you certainly do.
The chances you might miss on, the opportunities, the self-acceptance and fullfillment. Let those 13 layers of irony melt away, we can be mature again sex and fetishes, we are adults after all, aren't we?
God, I hate the fact I had to tag my sub/dom post with ♧crack just so people take it as a light-hearted "lol im so crazy" moment. And they did, rather than start a genuine discussion about their role placement or how being dom/sub relieves stress and many other things.
I don't actually feel that strongly about any of this, I'm just frustrated about certain life events rn and it's easier to take my emotions out on this trival matter.
I have to go to a funeral today, I saved a draft of your request. I'll write it when I have the energy, I hope you do enjoy my bg3 writing in the meanwhile. And do leave a comment there or something if you do, just because I wrote it in the past doesn't mean I don't care about it anymore. I still check the bg3 blog notes and it is sad how people just like or reblog things without any comments because the author isn't actively posting anymore, it is borderline insulting.
Good thing I don't care about this, right?
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pack-the-pack · 4 months
Going though your blog and answers has me ✨ fascinated ✨ and I mean that in the most positive of ways. ABO is a hit or miss because it frequently intersects with my scent kink but only in the most specific of ways lol. (It has also been rotting my brains in trying to come up with different hcs lately so thank you for satisfying that scratch)
Originally came here from your slur list which I'm Obsessed with because mundane world building (mundane as in every day, I very much love it XD) so going through it was such a treat.
And now having spent almost an hour scrolling, I can confidently say that I love your blog ~
(I'm also on your 'give chan all the love he deserves' boat and currently Going through it trying to find good fics XD. If you have any recs I would be forever grateful <3)
Food for thought: I know most head cannons around abo stay relatively away from deviation aside from personality (going off fanfics, I haven't explored blogs that much, a travesty I'm now realizing), but knowing that in humans neither sex nor gender is binary in any way has me wondering what those deviations might look like in an abo setting. What would intersex look like in this setting? Pheromones are pretty obvious, certain scents being correlated with certain presentations, but the potency could also bring up insecurity (going off your beta having weaker scents hc). Glands could be missing or placed differently (is the scent kink obvious lol) but seeing as they're important for communication, that could be an interesting take on ostracization as the "inept" one. I won't get too far into the surgery done to irl intersex folk because this is fun fantasy, but it's another aspect to explore.
All to say, I'm just fascinated with the evolution and the "how we got here" side of abo and all the ramifications that come with it lol.
Hope you have a good day! You've made mine with a new blog to explore -w-
So sorry, for taking so long to answer. I've been neglecting my asks a lot, there's nearly 100 of them, and I know I'll never get them down to a reasonable number. Oop :V But slowly I'll get through SOME hahahaha. First things first: I'm incredibly grateful for all the kind words. I know I've slowly got less and less time over the years to dedicete to this blog, But I still try to come by whenever I have some time to spare. And to know that there are people out there that really enjoy what I write and create is very heart-warming. Ah yes, the infamous slurs post. The A/B/O magnet that curses my notifications lol. Like I said in my last post, one day people will realize this is for FICTION, and as you said, world-building, not a real thing? Antis be bafflings as always, but what else is new, ey? YES! Channie deserves so much love. I unforutetly don't have any fanfics to rec, even though I am writting one myself. But I gotta say, as I write, writing Chris' persona (because when it comes to Real People fanfiction, especially idols, I make it very clear that we're dealing with their personas as artists, not them as real people in their private lives) is surprisingly difficult. Most of all when it comes to writing him as a source of conflict. Because bloody hell, he's so sweet, I can't write him being petty or whiny belivably enough! When I do write my fanfic though and at least post ONE chapter, I'll let you know, if you want I can send you a link also. Now for the interesting part. As always, omegaverse biology! I think it'd be interesting if intersex people were like, maybe anatomically like one dynamics, but behaviourally like another. Specially on their scent. You look at this big person, and you think "there goes an Alpha", but then they just smell like sweet Omega or Beta and you're like "wait a sec--". I like the idea of different shapes and placements of glands too! That'd be quite interesting. As for the gonads and reproductive organs, technically in my verse, Alpha females and Omega males are in a way, already what one may consider intersex (at least one interpretation of it). Female alpha have a slit/vagina that acts as a sheath for their penis, which only grow upon arousal, much like cats. And at least in my verse, Omega males have a vestigial penis and testicles, that although not functional for reproduction still react to arousal and stimulus. They also have a womb accessible by their booty, which I know many people don't like, but hey, my game my rules, right? Thinking of other possible intersex presentations in a verse such as this, then one could maybe argue for functional and larger penises for "supposed" Omegas while keeping the ability to carry offspring. And for female Alphas maybe maintining the ability to carry children, like Beta females, but having a smaller, non functional penis. And also a myriad of other possibilities. Would that be enough to constitute a new dynamics? Maybe, idk actually. I think much like in real life, it'd be up to the individual to decide whether or not they want to be segregated and categorized as something other. It's certainly a fun thing to consider and build a story or some headcanons in the very least upon. Thank you for the ideas :))
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fadebolt · 7 months
This blog is many months old by this point, and it seems like I'm slowly but surely being noticed by more and more people, sooooo I'm thinking a pinned post might be in order.
~ Hello! Hi! Sup!
Welcome to my lil space!
Name's FadeBolt, but feel free to call me Fade. (Yes, that is the name of a DotA ability. No, I did have more creative name ideas, I just did stuff under this one, so I'm sticking with it)
~ I'm an anxious 21 year old Hungarian wreck that is currently doing college in the northern parts of this small hellhole in the middle of nowhere that we call Serbia.
~ I like to gush and ramble about media. I like to interact with media. I like to make stuff about media. I like to look at, and take part in stuff that other people make about media.
~ Most of this blog is about my hyperfixation that has lasted for almost two entire years by this point, which is, you guessed it - Rain World.
~ Obviously, I still like other stuff (most notably Warcraft 3, as well as League of Legends and its wonderful lore/universe), and I might make posts about them on some occasions, but they're not my main interests, and considering how much I've entrenched myself in the RW community, that likely won't change anytime soon.
~ I don't really have a central thing that I intended for this blog. It's just simply - if I get ideas and I like them enough, then I'll do them. And if I stumble into something that really peaked my interest, or if I feel like I could add something onto it, then I'm reblogging it. (Though I do have a bit of an anxiety over that, cus whenever I reblog something, I always feel bad for the stuff I didn't reblog, but I can't just keep reblogging everything all day every day, so I often end up not reblogging good stuff. Help me. Please xd)
~ But the main things that you can expect here are long writings about my opinions, (mostly) fun drawing, voiceovers, and occasional ramblings about stuff.
~ I want this to be abundantly clear - I really value constructive criticism, no matter how unsolicited it might be. So if I said something you don't agree with, made a mistake somewhere, or just have some general issues with my stuff, don't be afraid to point them out. (Just make sure that it is actually constructive. The goal here is to improve, but there's not really much I could take away from something like "Your art sucks" or "Your opinions are stupid", is there?)
~ Due to recent, uhm... let's just call them 'events', I want to note that online discussions around politics and stuff related to that makes me extremely stressed and uncomfortable, especially after seeing what Tumblr can do to people who said stuff most folks didn't like.
~ This doesn't mean I'm making a strict 'no politics' rule or anything, I'm just looking to minimalize that stuff, and preferably keep it in private 1 on 1 conversations where I won't feel like I'm being judged by hordes of onlookers. This applies to any other contentious topic, too.
~ Unlike a lot of folks, I will not be having a DNI list. I know that this sounds a bit weird, but I want this space to be nice and happy and welcoming, and I do believe that media should be used as a way to unite us in spite of our differences (so this idea of saying "If you have these political opinions I don't like, then GTFO!" just doesn't sit right with me, though I completely understand why some people do that).
I also believe that instead of locking out and trashing on people who said and did stuff we didn't like, we should instead try and help make them understand why that stuff is wrong, so they can learn and grow, because people can indeed change for the better, especially with how many young folks are roaming around on this website. I won't force any of you to hold yourselves to these ideals, but I will stay true to them myself.
~ With that being said: I am not tolerating problematic stuff or asshole behavior here. I'll be somewhat lenient on this, but "I want this space to be nice and happy and welcoming" will always take priority over avoiding being judgemental of others. Just please don't bother me with stuff that's obviously messed up, don't be a cunt, and don't send NSFW my way, that's all I'm asking.
Aaaaaaaaand I think that's about all the important info for now. I might update this in the future, if need be.
Anyways, I'd like to quickly thank everyone who's ever supported me, taken part in positive interactions with me, or have even just quietly appreciated at least one little thing I have made/done at some point!
I was super scared that nobody's going to care even a little bit about anything I'll do, but I'm very thankful to have gotten proven wrong again and again and again by this wonderful community!
Have a wonderful day and night, everyone! Cheers! :D
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heroes-trash · 1 year
hi! i’m kinda sorta new here too lol. may i ask what the very heroes halloween is? :)
oh, of course you may! 😄
it's an aesthetic series i've first done back in 2020, and reprised in 2021 - i didn't do it again last year because i felt a bit strapped for ideas, but i've since picked up the spirit again and def wanna continue this year.
basically, i imagine the characters from Heroes as various different monsters or persons from mythology or folklore - or as tropes, or as characters from other franchises as well :'D (i admit that wasn't my original intention, but it's longer broadened to that.)
and i don't just do singular characters, but relationships (platonic romantic or otherwise) or groups (i.e. families) as well. if you want to have a look, you can find everything under the tag "halloween challenge" (derived from challenging myself to post multiple aests every day of October lol) on this blog, or on the instagram i made specifically for this @halloween_heroes. [or you can just laugh at me for making an insta for just this, i'd understand :'D]
this year i would like to focus more on minor characters and relationship stuffs, but if anyone suggests smth really good for a major character, i wouldn't say no ofc. all ideas are welcome in, asks or DMs - in fact, possibly preferred in DMs, because then we can talk details immediately and/or clear up any possible misunderstandings, and also not spoiler anyone on here 😉 (yes i'm being unnecessarily secretive about this for the amount of notes each piece gets, shut up this is my baby XD)
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Sorry, I saw one post and a half of yours and I'm already a fan.
I still have to scroll down your blog to see more about you, but I saw that two-post-long answer you made for an anon ask (btw, you have such poetic vibes :D your style made me smile, seriously) and I couldn't holf myself to ask:
Hm, have you ever heard of... I mean, "whump"?
If yes, what are your thouhts on it?
(you don't need to answer this, specially if it makes you unconfortable in any ways or anything else XD)
However, I hope you have a wonderful day/noon/afternoon/evening/night(?) !
Hello hello!! First things first, sorry for taking SO LONG to answer, I had a ton of health issues the last couple of months >.<
Secondly, thank you SO MUCH for being so kind!! I saw all your reblogs of that huge answer for such a tiny thing I did and thank you. I'm really happy you like my style too, that makes me smile!
Now now, about your question on whump, I'm gonna be very honest, I had to Google it to make sure we're on the same page HAHAHAHAHAHA
Jokes aside, I know it's sort of a term for hurt/comfort fanfiction - but it's not really clear to me if it's a kink thing or not.
Because you see, if you're talking about hurt and comfort, I mean, that's basically what I write HAHAHAHA writing for the Devil May Cry fandom, inevitably someone will be hurt/tortured/mentally abused somehow.
Or impaled. A lot.
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(I mean, that's all this bitch has done for the past 5 games)
And also there's the whole thing with Vergil, his twin brother, being kept as a slave in Hell for 20(?) years and coming back after dragging his crumbling body out of there to find out he has a son and being the peak of cluelessness in the Universe - and me being adamant he deserves love after all that.
So I guess everything I write has a LOT of hurt - and I even put some serious warnings before the fics, 'cause everyone is traumatized in this household - but despite of that, they still can find love, happiness and somewhat soothe all that pain and trauma.
(dramatic, real, horrible, but stil comforting xD)
As a kink, though, I don't enjoy it - and I also don't enjoy putting characters I love through pain and suffering just because. That's why I have a love/hate relationship with horror media: I LOVE horror, but I HATE exploitation.
Movies that have just people being abused, hurt, dismembered and all that kind of horrible stuff happening just because without a real reason to be on the plot - meaning, torture porn - just make my blood boil. And there's a lot of that in horror.
I like when things are more psychological and actually have a REASON to be there. So, in my writing, I'll never torture a character just for the pleasure of doing so and for the pleasure of the reader, I need a point out of it.
For instance, on my cyberpunk-style story, both main characters have gone through a terrible experience together and lost someone who was really dear to them. Both of them went through a lot of physical pain, lost some limbs and needed to install cyberprosthesis, and lost everything they had worked for til that point in their lives.
Horrible, yes. But they had to go through it so I could start the story: because of all of this, the guy made an anarchist/terrorist group and just wants to burn down the city along with the people in power who allowed all that to happen to him, while the woman becomes the best killer for hire so she can get enough money to live and, eventually, retire.
All that physical and psychological pain is a very important plot point and I can't take it away from the story, or else there's no story to begin with. Meanwhile, every time I'm writing I'm thinking "how can I make this as unpleasant as I can so the reader can understand the crushing feeling of all of this?" hahahahaha
That's why I'm not into pain kink - I respect everyone who is, but I can't do it, I feel no pleasure from it.
That's my opinion, I think. For pleasure's sake, I don't like it, but for plot, I really like it. I think it has a hopeful note to it - that even after the storm, the days will shine bright again, you just have to go on. That's what I enjoy from writing things like this, the hope.
Who would've known, I'm not 100% a bitter bitch hahaha
Reading my personal original stories, I think all of them have a painful background and many unpleasant scenes. But I like it, because it's human nature and how life is: bad things will happen, we can just try to make the good ones count even more :)
I hope that was a good answer to your question hahahaha
Thank you once again, and I hope you have a lovely week ahead!! Feel free to spend some time around and ask things if you'd like! ^^
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Hey there, this is re for anon who wrote about AA and RB's terfines. I'm glad somebody finally brought this up here. I'm honestly convinced you're giving Rachel too much benefit of the doubt and many of Martin's fans have been doing so for a while, so many of them very vocally supporters of trans people and some are trans themselves and seem to ignore Rachel's 'leanings' towards that.
Rachel seems to be, or at least was until the most recent deletion of her IG account, arguably very non bothered by presenting as 'gender critical'. In addition to the 'rumors' about her likes on Twitter (they weren't rumors - I was around before she cleared her tracks on Twitter and they were *blatant*. I'm trying to remember who had screenshots) , up until a few weeks ago she was following, for at least a year and even longer, accounts by terf "thought leaders" and reporters like Debra W. Soh (she no longer does, but she did a few weeks ago), Katie Herzog (still on her follow list) and AT LEAST another two French female 'gender critical' journalists whose names I don't remember but were very clearly and loudly TERF to the point of putting it in their bios. I would look every once in a while to see if she unfollowed them or not over the last year or so, because I imagined she might want to at least pretend she doesn't condone these accounts in any way. As I said, she removed all follows but the Katie Herzog one just in the most recent deletion. Which suddenly makes sense to me with all those recent different postings since she reopened the account. They're different from the older posts and it feels like she's gearing up or aiming for a different kind of attention, maybe she's hoping for modeling or acting roles. It's definitely a 'scrubbed' account this time. A feature film she wrote finished production so maybe she had actual PR remove her follow list and remove Debra Soh and the French journalists. I don't see a point saying 'she's still young'. She's in her 30s (was in her late 20s back then) and doesn't come off as stupid or not socially unaware, I'm sure she's aware that terf discourse is problematic. Maybe she honestly doesn't care. Doesn't bode well for Martin's opinions in that sense, which is why I've been distant from MF's fandom for a while, especially the 'forgiving' Rachel discourse. She comes of as far more problematic than we even realize. She's his partner and he's welcome to it, I'm convinced he's aware and doesn't care - but I do.
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You see, this here ↑ is the reason why I was a bit reluctant to answer yesterday's post, why I didn't tag it. Because I knew it would attract more of ... this. I've thought long and hard about what I would write and if I even should answer at all. But you certainly made an effort and deserve an answer.
Clearly, transphobia is a huge problem and should never be ignored. That much I know. You clearly know much more about the topic. I honestly don't know any of the names you stated above. But then again, it's also not my agenda to unmask every terf on this planet. If that is yours- great. Everybody needs a purpose in life. 😉 But I don't have the time or the energy or the wish to check who follows who on twitter /Instagram and who likes what. That's not what I do and that's not something you will find on this blog.
And yes, I do give Rachel the benefit of the doubt. Does that make me naive and possibly even ignorant? Maybe. But I am also not a fan of Rachel- I am fan of Martin (which should be quite obvious xD). And Rachel happens to be a part of Martin's life. But like I wrote yesterday: people are not defined by their partner's opinion.
That's all I will say about this topic on this blog.
Just one more thing (even tho it should be obvious): I don't support any form of transphobia.
PS: I answered both your asks in one post. There really is no point to make another post about it. The answer would have been the same.
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miyakuli · 2 years
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks
Hello~ Oh I don't mind at all :) actually I've been tagged as well by @oo-mi-ru-oo to give 10 characters I love in different fandom so it's kinda similar, I can reply both in one post :3 I'm gonna on japanimation only because if I have to choose with manga/books/movies/tv characters, it'll be impossible for me haha >v<"
Hinata Hyuuga
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I started Naruto when I was 10-11 years old and that was the period of time when I began to lack of confidence and I began to be pretty introverted. And well, I was relating so much to Hinata so I immediately got attached to her. Also I grew up with her in a way, and seeing her becoming more confident and strong, while still being very empathic and sweet, she became like a model to follow in my eyes. It's really one of the character who had the most impact for me so yeah, Hinata will always be Best Girl to me <3
Natsume Takashi
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Natsume Yuujinchou is my favourite anime, especially because of this sweetheart. I’m very moved by empathic character (you’re gonna notice it with the charac I’ll pick lol). Natsume has such a sensitive and sweet personality, I loved him instantly tbh. Also, the fact that he is careful to not get too close because he fears to bother them or to get hurt...well, I totally understand that feeling ;;  And seeing him being more open little by little, and warming up to people, it makes me feel happy, so yeah, it’s a character that makes me feel good and warm inside =v= 
Makoto Tachibana
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I think everyone following my blog is aware of my love for him xD What can I say more. Makoto is THE friend everyone would like to have ; he is a sweetheart, he is adorable, he is caring toward his family and friends and he is the best to comfort people. Simply, he makes people happy, putting the others before himself sometimes (#protecttheboy), and really you cannot see this guy and not feel the need to smile back at him <33 this boy needs to be loved as much he loves people, so here, TAKE MY ALL MY LOVE MAKOGOD <3
Tifa Lockhart
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My beautiful, strong, confident, sensitive and caring girl <3 I think Tifa is an amazing female character. I love her personality so much and even though she can kick ass, she is still a pretty calm and sweet. She is confident but humble, strong but adorable, sensitive but sassy when it needs. I really love all those sides of her <3 also she is one of the reason that made me realize that I wasn’t that much straight XDDD
Fai D Flowright
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He is the first character that made me turn into protective mode (;v;) He is such a tragic character, and despite all the pain and horror he went through, he is still such a lovely man who just wants to take care of his loved ones. He suffered so much but he has still love to give...even though he doesn’t love himself ;o; I swear I just wanted to jump in the manga each time to hug him and comfort him. Yes he is funny, and cool and beautiful, but that’s definitely his fragile side that made me appreciate him even more. 
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I started playing Dmmd for the gay boys...I ended it by getting a son to protect. Clear is a kinda a mix of everything I fall for : empathic, sweet, strong and a bit unconfident. But also he is SO INNOCENT, SO PURE!!! he has this childish innocence that makes me melt all the time ;v; so when the angst came, I just cried for him. I don’t know how much tears I cried because of him, his story touched my heart so much and he deserves only happiness ;; also, he sings (yes this is a very good reason to love him too xD). Anyway, I love this angel so much <3
Tomoyo Daidouji
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She wasn’t immediately one of my favorite girl. I appreciated her kindness, the fact she was always so caring toward her friends but also her fun side, like being a kind of groupie of Sakura xD it’s when I finished to read all the manga when I was older that I realized that she was such an amazing character. Without spoiling, she is definitely the type to sacrifice her own needs as long as the people she loves are happy. She’ll be happy either way, without any resentment or regrets. And I think that’s something to admire. Also...she can sing xDD
Mihashi Ren
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My maternal side activated at the sight of this baby boy. I was older when I began Oofuri, so I was less shy, still pretty unconfident but I was hiding my anxiety inside all the time. But Mihashi was expressing his anxiety through his expressions and his acts. And when I saw him I was like “yep, it’s my inside-self personalized there”, that no one can’t really see. So obviously, I’ve been right away attached to this character since I was relating to his social struggles and his lack of confidence. But the most important fact is that Mihashi is always doing his best, and he tries to be better all the time, fighting against his anxiety and trying to believe the words of people who praise him. He is so inspiring to me ; more than just seeing myself in him at that time, he became a character that gave me the desire to control better my anxiety as well ;v; 
Levi Ackerman
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Ok Levi is a bit different of all my previous crush characters ;) I’m gonna admit, I first liked him because he was such a too cool charac xDD loved his design, his sort of grumpy personality, his badass side too etc...but through the chapter, we all discovered a protective and sensitive side of him <3 I also love so much his honesty ; he assumes his beliefs and won’t hesitate to shake a bit people for their own good. He is also very smart and combined to his agility skills, he is such an amazing fighter, and he never hesitated to put his own life in danger to protect others. But he has a violent and controversial side due to all the trauma he went through, so that makes him even more complex. And that’s why I think he’s the best charac of snk, and also one of the charac I love the most~
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My reason to love her is kinda close to Levi’s. She appeared at first as cold and determined but she is much more complex. Through the manga, it becomes clear that she is a broken person with depression and PTSD who find a reason to keep living when she fell in love with Roy. She is ready to do anything for him to fulfill his dream even though she will have to give up to a part of her humanity (but also femininity). She is such a selfless character and basically she is following her heart. And for a character that appears strict, it’s such an adorable and touching side of her. And this sweet side appears from time to time, when she adopts her lil doggy or when her fragility breaks through the shell in some situations. I will end with obvious point too like, she gorgeous and strong, so yep, an amazing lady indeed ;)
Voilà :) It was a bit hard to decide at the end (I wanted to put Aizawa from bnha as well ><), but I think I summed up well how I feel about those characters...hopefully//////
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marr-ble · 2 years
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thank you for tagging <3 @silverpaintedstars!
posted 116 times in 2022
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I tagged 39 of my posts in 2022
#marrbles - 14 posts
#picrew - 11 posts
#picrew a day keeps sadness away - 7 posts
#writing - 6 posts
#marrwrites - 5 posts
#smurfs - 2 posts
#marr game snippets - 2 posts
#i dun wanna grow up - 1 post
#anotherdayanotherpicrew - 1 post
#choice - 1 post
Longest Tag: 131 characters
#no like the problem is that i want to do a lot of thing but sleeping is a huge flirt and i keep falling for its dirty little tricks
My Top Posts in 2022:
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2 notes - Posted November 10, 2022
*walks into the room and flops down next to you* hi friend!!! this is your daily reminder to do some stretches, eat something if you haven’t in a while, and go drink a glass of water!! love youu <333
okiee will do! I do really need those stretches too <3
2 notes - Posted January 5, 2022
Mental Health Checkpoint!!
Hello beloved <333 It’s been a long week, so how about we take a deep breath and take a minute to reset and come back to ourselves?
- What is something you’ve done recently that you’re proud of or feel accomplished over?
- What’s a way you can plan to be extra kind to yourself today?
- Was there anything that happened this week that was stressful or upsetting that you need to process through?
- Have you had enough water today? (hint: the answer is no. drink some water and get something to eat!!)
- Challenge: tell someone that you love them :))
*hugs you for entirely too long* You’re doing so great and I’m so proud of you!!! Love you!!!!! <3333
- What is something you’ve done recently that you’re proud of or feel accomplished over?
Clearing the pantry/store. Tho its just 1/8 of the actual nightmare condition, its a start &lt;3
- What’s a way you can plan to be extra kind to yourself today?
To try and sleep properly
- Was there anything that happened this week that was stressful or upsetting that you need to process through?
Tbh, my entire being. I've been super pessimistic lately, and listing out my bad traits on a daily basis and questioning why the heck am I still alive and wanting to just not wake up.
- Challenge: tell someone that you love them :))
tough one t_t. Currently in a I hate everyone episode ahacsvsvshs but I'm relearning to be kind
oooh and yes I had water today! Had a ton of mango juice too XD
3 notes - Posted March 20, 2022
Making my smurfs work the graveyard shift
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3 notes - Posted November 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
haven't made a picrew for the longest time everrr.
pov: when you just remembered that you have 2 papers to take today instead of one
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19 notes - Posted September 4, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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