#Wynonna fan fic
theveganearper · 1 year
My Controversial Smut-Take:
Smut has become a thing that can either make a fic or break a fic for me. Even as an author, I am guilty of “breaking a fic” with smut. Now that I’ve been reading and writing a bit longer, here’s my biggest controversial (maybe) smut-take.
Note: This does not imply to fics that are actual smut fics. That’s not what I’m mentioning here.
My biggest peeve is when I’m reading a fic that has a wonderful plot point and then as soon as the smut hits, that’s all the story has become. I’m guilty of this myself, unfortunately. It ultimately made me lose direction in a fic that I wrote, I’m Glad These Roads Led Me To You. I loved writing this fic so much. But the moment I did one smut scene, that unraveled into more smut scenes and then I thrived on the feedback of them and that was great. But I felt lost in the direction of where I was taking it plot wise, and then after taking an even longer break to find some direction, I feel like I lost the plot entirely. I’ll find my way back to it though, with a great planning strategy.
This doesn’t always happen though, and I’ve seen it done very well with a few fics. I feel like when smut is just another part of a fic, it can take a story to new heights. You get the best of the plot with a little smut on the side and it’s a perfect ensemble of a wonderful plot and an incredible addition of written porn, haha.
Smut gets stories lots of hits, kudos, comments, etc. because we’re all humans and humans get horny and well…you get it. I feel like the biggest downfall with smut is when authors, again, like myself, start getting that boost from the smut and then it’s like, “People are really enjoying this and are commenting on this, so let me give them more of this thing that they seem to enjoy!”
But the best part of the story is well, the plot. The plot is what’s keeping me interested. What are the characters doing, how do they feel, what are they thinking, what are they experiencing, where is this all going, where will they eventually end up? I feel like a lot of these questions get lost when smut takes over a story and it’s happened with a fic I recently read.
It had a great plot, great character development, awesome descriptions, and amazing writing. It was the perfect balance of romance and humor and angst and fluff and then smut entered and then I’m like, “Where was this story going before this?” And, “Where is the story going now?”
I’m writing a fic now where there’s smut in chapter 2 (so very early on) and my biggest goal with this fic is that smut has to make sense and only be a participant in the overall story. It can’t just be put in there to make things spicy. It has to just be another note in this song that elevates it, but doesn’t take over and become all that the story is. I don’t want people to start reading this fic and then forget what the core of it is or let it fall off because now there’s more smut than there is character dialogue and story advancement.
This is long and very dragged out. But I just felt like putting this out there because although smut is GREAT (of course it is.) I also feel like there can be a negative side to it as well. So there’s my maybe-maybe not, controversial smut-take. Leave your own thoughts if you feel inclined.
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alannacouture · 1 year
I think in the tags of my next fanfic all I’ll put is “[this character] deserves a nap” and the fic will literally read “[this character] took a nap, which they’ve needed since the world became aware of their existence and started forcing them to repeatedly save it. The end.”
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wayhaughtficrec · 2 years
I might follow new writers too closely but there's a brand spanking new fic on AO3 called Fever Dreams by daddyhaughtpants for the daddy/babygirl and ABO loving folks out there ;)
My inbox ate this one.
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roguetiger-ao3 · 2 months
Wynonna Earp Vengeance - Dom Provost-Chalkley and Katherine Barrell Inte...
OMG, it feels so good to see them back and doing an interview for new content. Can’t wait to watch Vengeance when it comes out and see all the inspiration it gives for content creators of all kinds.
Speaking of, it was also, as a writer of fic, to hear a shoutout for fan fiction from them <3
And you heard it from them, when it comes out we need to watch the hell out of it so, for all the Earpers like myself that live in areas devoid of Tubi coverage, get the VPN’s geared up ready! Then maybe we will get to see even more from our beautiful, amazeballs cast on future episodes <3
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20 Fic Writer Quesions
First, thank you @singeart and @mytardisisparked for tagging me!. I did a set of these last year and it was fun to see how my answers have changed since then!
How many works do you have on Ao3?
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count?
1.6 million and counting!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Star Trek Voyager
Star Trek Prodigy
Sailor Moon
Harry Potter
Madam Secretary
Ive debated writing SwanQueen for a long time but by the time I had the energy and time to write, I'd lost interest in the show. I might rewatch and come back to it one day...
I have thought about writing Wynonna Earp or Tamora Pierce universe fanfiction but have yet to get an idea that grabs me. I like to find things i want to fix and it's hard when the source material is perfection.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
The Parent Trap (305)
Sailor Moon H Order of the Phoenix (289)
Sailor Moon H Half Blood Prince (222)
Eden's Deception (167)
Out of Reach (150)
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try to! although if I'm busy or feeling down it can take me a while. Sometimes I forget.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I still think What Even is 3 Minutes takes the cake. Or I'll be Your First if You'll be my Last
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I Heard the Comm on Christmas Morn and Parent Trap
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Unfortunately I've gotten hate on fics since I started writing them... and it's become just something I expect to happen. Sometimes it's funny. Sometimes it confuses me. Sometimes it makes me sad. It really depends...
The memorable haters:
There was the delightful Fanfiction.net reviewer who got pissed i was "making everybody gay" (that was funny actually). I forget if they were the same person who flamed me when Mcgonagall and Hooch kissed under some mistletoe. I digress. They thought queering up the canon was like sinful or whatever. I was delighted to disagree and make the story even queerer.
Another person cussed me out for magically restraining Sailor Plutos time travel powers so my plot would work and for making her have feelings about it. aparently mad the senshi were not all powerful deus exmachinas who never feel feelings... That one stung. That was the reason I left FFN.
Hate because in Sailor Moon H, Harry Potter was not the main character.
Hate that I made a magic bio baby for the magical lesbians. (I can't have a biobaby with my wife irl, can't I at least let the fantasy girlies have one!)
Hate for including C/7 in a story
...I wouldn't call it hate for the fic but I have had an uncomfortable amount of commenters who hate on Chakotay any time I have him involved with Seven / don't have him grovel to Kathryn / really any time I let him advocate for how he's been hurt... at first comments like this stressed me out because i worried i had not written the character sufficiently sympathetic. But then Parent Trap breached containment and I got enough comments to be able to see I had definitely written the character fine... it was just that some people were always just rooting for a "Chakotay falls over himself to apologize to Janeway for not immediately dating her" storyline that... I'm not sorry 😅 I'm never going to write that. The older I get the more I feel like both of J/C just need therapy! They've been through so much trauma. Their feelings are valid (yes, even for other people).
Parent Trap breaching containment also meant that when I hit an irl rut and couldnt get in the writing headspace for a bit, a bunch of - sincerely, well meaning - fans got into their heads to start a commenting campaign to get me to update. I heard about it and panicked (i had bad experiences that year of getting people who only commented "update soon" and those conversely stressed me out and made me not want to write - I love fic writing for the conversations and community... so it made me feel like readers thought i was just a content vending machine). so just the thought of potentially getting an avalanche of guests, well meaning or not, begging me to update made me lock commenting until the fic was done. I wound up deciding after that that since "update soon" requests were becoming a lot more frequent that I'd consider before posting whether getting them would hurt my ability to finish. So most of the time now if I know a fic is going to reach a bigger potential community, I don't start posting it until it's almost done. That has had some upsides! (Im less dependent on positive feedback for motivation now!) and some downsides (no one comments on my fics with their theories anymore) but on a whole, a good decision.
Immediately after finishing Parent Trap I wrote Fever and got this amazing guest comment from someone who said (paraphrasing cuz i'm too busy to go find it) "Youre better than this. how dare you write this filth. J/C are better than this" that one had me laughing for days. But the comment did prompt me to create a second account later when I wrote a tentacle fic. At the time I worried i'd get a ton of similar flame comments from people who were subscribed to my main for other types of fic... but I am even feeling like that's unnecessary now. I write what I write! Yes, some of it is really dirty, weird smut. I'm not sorry.
Currently any time I post a Threshold AU fic an anon drops into my comments section in order to call me "Sick" and "Deranged"... they make me so sad I don't even make a quippy reply. I just delete them. I write that universe for my own wish fulfillment... Someday (soon, hopefully) I'm gonna have kids. And I am going to have to have conversations with them about who their biological dad is. Why they look like one mom and not the other, whether their non bio family love them even if theyre not blood related. I might have a kid who feels different from everyone else because they're queer or they're neurodivergent or they're some new alienating feeling I am totally unprepared for. and I'll need to help them navigate that.. Writing about hybrid salamander kids getting raised in a blended family is FUN. But more importantly... it helps me practice those situations. It comforts me to know that if the characters can figure this out in the AU then I can figure this out in real life! What the hell is sick and deranged about that!?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I write all sorts of smut. I post the stuff that doesn't totally mortify me once i've gotten out of whatever mood had me writing the smut in the first place.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I have exactly two crossovers to my name: Sailor Delta and Sailor Moon H. I think on the basis of word count alone Sailor Moon H (>500,000) is definitely the craziest.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I consider the unlicensed use of the AO3 archive for ChatGPT and similar LLMs theft. (and there are several court cases pending that are also seeking to address whether it is legally theft as it pertains to published fiction and newspapers). The canon creators of the fandoms I write for aren't allowed to make money by using uncredited ideas pulled from my fanfiction (just like I am not allowed to make money from writing fic with their copyrighted settings and characters) and i continue to be apalled that ChatGPT and other LLMs think they can get away with using others copyrighted ideas without permission. Especially that they can take advantage of people who cant profit off their own work.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? 
No but i would be open to it!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! Once with @magdalenejaneway, once with @jellybeansarecool and once with @trekflower and all three were fantastic!
Most of what I write for Threshold AU is also increasingly collaborated on a great deal by the AU creators and a few other folks. It's been going for over 2 years now and doing that more and more has enabled us all to drop more references to previous fics and to create a more cohesive body of fic for the AU. in general its just been so fun and fulfilling to make these stories with other people who are as invested in the characters as me and it just fills me with joy. I'm really grateful for you guys.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
On the one hand J/C have inspired over 50 fics, But on the other I have also been loving Sailor Moon and those ships since before I knew what fandom or shipping were. And really the only reason J/C inspire more fic is that all the sailor moon characters got a happy ending.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I never want to give up on a WIP...
but I am in knots about what all to do with Out of Reach.
Out of Reach is a St:Prodigy S1 AU where Chakotay has amnesia and doesn't remember anything from his time on Voyager, all the while he and Kathryn are in a situationship with a baby.
There's two questions I never figured out how to answer: 1. Does he get his memories back. If so, how much and what enables it. and 2: Do he and Kathryn stay together?
On the memories front. saying he never recovers seems unfair to the character. But saying he magically does thanks to 24th century science feels cheap and disrespectful - to the reality of real memory loss and to the plot that built up so much tension around this. Saying he gets back some or more over time is more realistic, but left me uncertain of where exactly to end the story. Tying his retrieval of memories to Kathryn also tied me up in knots. On the one hand they're in love and thats romantic. on the other hand the optics of his recovery totally dependent on one person is icky.
I also found the baby really annoying to have there by the end - I still think he's cuteeee i really do!!! - it's just... he makes the "we should stay together and try to figure this out" answer a bit too convenient 😅. and he complicates Kathryns reluctance to restart their relationship. The more she resists, the more callous she seems (deliberately not trying to patch things up with her kid's father) when i really just want to focus on her fears that Chakotay would be happier without her and that even if they restart their romance, she might lose him again on a future mission. It's ironic because i originally created the baby to ensure she wouldnt just run away from her fears. And now hes contributing to my difficulty ending the fic...
Actually the more I think on it, my real problem is I could write my way out of this, but I cant do it in only one or two chapters and that makes me feel tired. i was sorta hoping to wrap that fic up. 😅🙈
16. What are your writing strengths?
Imagery has always been a strength for me. But i think I'm also getting really good at action scenes too.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Only if it was information i wanted the reader to understand but not the POV character.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
W.I.T.C.H way back when I was 15.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Universe to Mend - I even have a few sequel or companion novel ideas to come after it.
This has gone on a while... 😅 - thank you for tagging me and letting me ramble! i'll tag anyone else who wants to answer! have at it.
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sapphicscholar · 10 months
20 questions for fic writers
Thanks for the tag, @lilolilyr!
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
135 fics total!
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count?
2,436,430 words (jfc hahah)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Ever? Listing them in vague order of when I started writing for them: Supergirl, Wynonna Earp, Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, Grace and Frankie, This Way Up, Once Upon a Time, Madre Solo hay Dos (just on Tumblr), Abbott Elementary, Hacks, and Julia
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
ALL of them are Supergirl from back in the early-ish days of the show when it was a pretty massive (by femslash standards, I suppose) and very active fandom! It's actually so interesting seeing how absolutely nothing I've written in more than half a decade even shows up, since I've largely switched to smaller fandoms since then.
But the top 5 fics by kudos are:
Stronger Together, a collection of one-shots for various Supergirl ships (with a few gen fics mixed in), which has nearly 5k kudos (WILD to me as someone now in a fandom with maybe 25 people total haha)
Welcome to the Gayborhood, my first ever fic, a looong Sanvers and Supercorp professor AU that still keeps the alien/supernatural elements of canon
6,500 miles away...but getting closer, a Sanvers epistolary fic that my wife and I actually co-wrote and posted 1 letter/email per day every day for many months
Noise Complaint, a Sanvers next-door neighbor AU that, hilariously, given its placement in the top 5 here, is what catalyzed a series of events that led to me very much leaving the fandom (and fandom writ large for nearly a year)
Supercat Sanvers 2020, a Sanvers and Supercat political AU that was maybe one of the last long-form works I wrote before moving out of DC!
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I really try to! Sometimes if it's from a person I know well, I end up responding via DMs, esp if there are questions about what comes next, plotting elements, etc., that I don't necessary want everyone to see while the fic is still being posted, but mostly I try to respond on AO3. I've gotten a bit worse in the past few years just because I'll manage to eke out a bit of time to write, which puts me behind on my work, and then I don't leave myself time to respond, and by the time I DO have time, it feels awkwardly late to do so. But even if I don't respond, I absolutely love/cherish/adore/etc. every single kind comment I've ever been given <3
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Forgoten, but not Gone - a Sanvers amnesia AU set post-breakup that's heavy on the angst with a rather ambiguous ending. I got talked into writing a part 2 that resolves the angst haha, but taken on it's own it's definitely my angstiest ending!
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Huh idk! Most of my fics end on fairly happy, if a bit open, endings. I'm not a big fan of having all the loose ends tied up, and I realllyyyy don't do the marriage/2 kids/white picket fence epilogue, so I guess maybe the political AU has to be up there because it actually envisions a world where a queer woman wins the presidency on a progressive platform, and that feels rather utopian 🙃
8. Do you get hate on fic?
Not in a while, though I used to back in the days, like super vitriolic shit (big fandoms with too-big emotions, man... which has really kept me away maybe forever from those kinds of fandoms!)
9. Do you write smut?
Haha very much so. I've written and posted before about why, but I really believe there's so much interesting character work and exploration that can be done by exploring characters' pleasures, their desires (both thwarted and realized), their fantasies, etc. Obviously smut isn't the only way to do this, but fanfic feels like one of the few venues where it's a real possibility!
10. Do you write crossovers?
Nah, not really. I've written a handful of bring characters x and y into the universe of another show fics, but that feels mostly different. Every so often I'll borrow vague character outlines for tertiary characters in other fics just to see if folks recognize them (had Grace Hanson as a grumpy background character in a Sanvers fic set at PT for instance hah)
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Once or twice, but we got them taken down
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yeah, one of my SG fics was translated into Russian! I'm not sure if it's still up (tbh I can't recall which one; it's been a long time!) I've also had a couple podfics now made of my fics, one of which I still need to go listen to when I get the time!!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yeah! The long-form Sanvers epistolary fic my wife and I co-wrote together, and a group of Supercat authors got together and did a delightfully chaotic round robin, each writing one sentence, then setting a timer for the next person to write the next sentence, etc., until we had Intergalactic Standard Cuddling
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
Oh man, I really don't know that I have a favorite! I really appreciate what various ships can offer me at different times - there are certain themes that make sense to explore with one pairing but not at all with another, or certain AUs that work in one fandom but not really in another. Basically, if a show is giving me multiple female characters who interact in canon in ways that go beyond existing near each other, I'm intrigued, and if these characters actually get depth and complexity, I'm probably in! There are, however, some ships that I might not end up feeling fannish/creative about even though I love them as ships (I talked a lot to @trying-to-get-somewhere-real about this recently, actually!), so it's hard to name a favorite when the metrics get all wonky!
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but probably won’t?
I don't want to say never, but I have a Cat-centric fic that'll end on Supercat that just has a lot of angst that coincided with a period of unexpected loss and grief in my own life in ways that have made it really hard to get back into even now (it just feels so...enmeshed with that moment, even though the timing was utterly coincidental)
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I do a good job with dialogue and getting characters' voices down - I'm really into the character side of things (which is also what gets me invested fannishly in shows! I want a show that cares about developing their characters first and foremost vs. a show where plot takes priority)
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Certain kinds of action scenes haha - also I tire easily of writing things that feel repetitive to things I've done/written before (this was more of an issue when I took prompts)
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Largely, this isn't something I've had to deal with much outside of maybe a few phrases and sentences from multilingual characters. I've talked before about how it was actually the language/translation barrier that kept me from writing for Madre Solo hay Dos. I don't speak Spanish, and getting a show entirely via the Netflix-provided translations meant 1) I was fairly certain there were some word choice/dialect peculiarities I was missing, and 2) I couldn't catch the rhythms of their speech, the cadence of their voices at least in ways that corresponded to the specific words. For me, voice matters so much, and it really felt like a barrier to not have access to the source language because I felt like I couldn't do these two women justice!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Oh I've answered this elsewhere with 2-3 works, and tbh I don't think it's changed since then! I'm actually far more interested in others' favorite fics of mine because it's so interesting to think about the question of *what* sticks with a person from yours (it's often so idiosyncratic!!)
I'm getting to this pretty late, so I won't tag anyone, assuming many people already have been, but if ya see this and want to participate, feel free to give me a tag! I always love seeing people talk about their own writing :)
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ifeelcollege · 3 years
Chapter 3 of my 90’s WayHaught AU ‘Breathe Out, So I Can Breathe You In’ has been posted! Check it out here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28276872
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Totally thinking about writing a Wayhaught fic based off from Grease. RIP Olivia Newton-John. 
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theveganearper · 1 year
So how exactly does this forum work? Oh well. I’ll figure it out. Anyway, hi! I’m Casey. I’m 24 years young. I use they/them pronouns and I’m a non-binary (agender) queer. I’m currently in college and majoring in IT Programming and Software Development. You can find me on Twitter same user which is where I’m most active. My favorite Wynonna Earp character is a Waverly (Wynonna a close 2nd). I’ve been to 1 Earp Con which was EDE2023 in July which was freakin incredible. Ummm… that’s all I’ve got for now! I love talking Earp and I’m always down to chat. I’m still getting used to this platform so bare with me. If you’re an Earp fic lover you can follow me on ao3 which the same user theveganearper and check out what I’ve written. Ok, that covers it.
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britpup · 2 years
It's been a while
I returned from the wilderness a year ago and then when into stealth mode.
So here's the update of what happened during those lost years between 2012 and 2021.
Met someone, did the whole love thing, got engaged, moved in together. Lost my sense of self trying to fit her idea what a relationship should be. Gave up all my interests because they weren't hers. Got dumped (replaced) after 8 years because we wanted different things, things that were known from the start. Moved back in with my Mum at the age of 45.
During that time I also got made redundant after 21 years with that company, got a crappy job at a rival company and then 4 years ago I got the opportunity to rejoin the original company which I took, and I'm still there.
Became a Great Aunt thanks to my nephew becoming a dad, and became a Godmother to 2 amazing kids thanks to friends.
My Dad passed away in 2017, less than a year after he and Mum celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary.
Since being back at Mum's I've had time to get back to doing all the things I used to enjoy.
I've binged watched ALL the shows! (she wouldn't watch with me) Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow (only half way through the final season in the UK so no spoilers please ;-) ) Marvel's Agents of Shield, Wynonna Earp, Star Trek Picard and Discovery to name a few. I've also just repurchased the Xena box set (unfortunately not the Anchor Bay version I had to sell a few years ago when we were short of money for Christmas)
I've also had time to focus on myself again and I've come to realise that I'm Ace, I'm very late to that party but I'm here now and things make a lot more sense!
And the most recent news is that I'm in the process of buying my first place on my own, but as anyone trying to purchase a property in England knows, it can take fooorrrreeeevvvveeeerrrr! *sigh*
But things are looking up for me and I know good things are coming :-)
So that's what's been happening with me, how are you?
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wayhaughtprompts · 4 years
Who gets to have Wynonna in their wedding party: Waverly or Nicole?
Waverly gets to have Wynonna in her wedding party
Mostly because Wynonna wanted to, with all the years gone Wynonna wanted to be there for Waverly
and Nicole totally agrees, she knows how much this means for both of the Earp sisters
also, they would still be best friends no matter what
Waverly is super happy and she gets emotional bc she spent so much time without Wynonna 
this means a lot for her to have Wynonna there as her Bride’s Maid
both Nicole and Wynonna are happy to see how happy Waverly is bc of this
Nicole probably has Doc, Robin, and Rachel in her wedding party then
and Waverly has Chrissy, Wynonna, and Jeremy
Alice is back and she’s the flower girl
Nedley is the one that officiates the wedding
(Which was Waverly’s idea tbh)
the wedding is pretty small, only their close friends and family are there and it’s on the Homestead
and it’s during the Springtime with a floral theme and all
Nicole and Waverly probably wear something simple for the day
tbh this was one of the happiest days of their lifes
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smoakingskye · 3 years
New chapter of the Axe Throwing Wayhaught fic up, FINALLY! Sorry it’s taken so long.
In this chapter, Waverly starts to have some Feelings, and they kind of sort of go on a date. Maybe. 
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Wynonna Earp (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Waverly Earp/Nicole Haught Characters: Waverly Earp, Nicole Haught Additional Tags: Fluff, Comedy, Time Travel, One Shot, hourglasses, unholy cellphones, Attempt at Humor, Post Season 4, Season 1 Summary:
"Waverly blinked and the sand kept falling, like a thin river, and she blinked again, her eyelids heavier, and the sand slowly came back into focus, she blinked-"
 Waverly accidently goes back in time and forces her younger self into her present. Everybody is very confused.
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Chapter 4 of Earp Adventure Camp is up!
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iheartintelligence · 3 years
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superlansde · 3 years
Look For The Silver Lining
Nicole is unemployed and filling her time with her new passion: harboring plants. That and getting into a war with a graffiti artist.
AO3 link.
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This is my entry for the EFA challenge 2021. Hope you enjoy it!
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