#White garland lily
faguscarolinensis · 9 days
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Hedychium coronarium / White Ginger Lily at the Sarah P. Duke Gardens at Duke University in Durham, NC
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rainydaydream-gal18 · 4 months
(The Bad Batch) Imagine: A Pabu Wedding
Author's Note: I couldn't get this sweet image out of my head, so I wrote some little blurbs on what a Pabu wedding would be like. And yes... Tech gets a happy ending too.
After the danger of the Empire is finally kept at bay… It’s time to begin a new chapter.
It’s safe to say that Omega is going to be your maid of honor.
You coordinate with Shep to hold the ceremony in a gazebo.  Light, airy fabric is draped on the sides, swaying beautifully in the breeze like something out of a dream.  There are lovely tropical flowers woven around the beams of the gazebo, and placed in vases on either side of the entrance.
Your closest friends and family have gathered.  Rex and a few others even managed to take a small break from the beginnings of the rebellion to visit for the event.  Wooden chairs are placed on either side to create an aisle leading up to the gazebo, where you and Hunter stand, the two of you dressed in white clothes.  Hunter’s signature bandana is replaced with a plain one to match his loose white shirt and pants. You wear a simple and lovely dress out of the same material he wears, with a crown of flowers perched on your head.
The ceremony takes place on the beach with gorgeous blue waves behind you. The sun is high in the open sky with not a single cloud in sight.  A wooden arch is set up with flowers adorning every inch of it.  Whenever a gust of salty air breezes by, it carries petals with it that fall around you.
Friends and family are all around, standing with bare feet in the sand, holding flowers close to their hearts.  You see so many familiar faces, smiling... There are glistening tears on some.
Wrecker and you are both wearing white, with colorful flower chains around your necks.  The hem of your dress blows in the wind, and you feel the prickle of sand on your legs.
You make the arrangements to have the ceremony under the large courtyard tree, with tropical flower arrangements bursting with color placed beautifully in vases on the brick structure surrounding it.  Wooden chairs line either side of the makeshift aisle, each one with white fabric wrapped around a lovely bouquet on the back.  
People you know and love are there, including those you haven’t seen for a little while. You and Tech are dressed in light fabric that is both lovely and also practical considering the tropical climate of Pabu. You hold a bouquet of lilies in your hands, and he has one pinned to his shirt.
You both decide to have a small ceremony on a boat.  The sun has begun to descend, painting the sky in picturesque pastels. Flower garlands are draped across the outside of the boat cabin and wrapped around the railing.
It’s a quiet, intimate affair, but not lacking in the ones you wish most to be there.  Rex, Gregor, and a few other close brothers of Echo are in attendance in addition to the Batch and some new good friends made on Pabu.
You are in white lace dress with a hair ornament of the same material, and Echo wears a white tunic with a dark jacket over it.  You pin a flower to his jacket, and he tucks one behind your ear.
The small ceremony takes place by beautiful stone formations near the caves.  The setting sun reflects red, orange, and a deep yellow over the rippling ocean water.  There is a small arch set up with a few bunches of tropical flowers, with vases on either side displaying more blossoms.
It is a small crowd to witness the ceremony, and everyone is rather happy to be part of it.  There are so many smiles, jokes, and warm greetings as everyone assembles.  The mood of the event is rather light and cheery against the bold, moving colors of the setting behind you.
You wear a billowing white dress with a hem that catches in the breeze, and Crosshair wears a dark jacket over his light clothes.
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silentsneezes · 1 month
HC that Remus is allergic to peppermint (smelling it makes him sneeze all day and eating it gives him hives) and super embarrassed about it bc he doesn't want to be seen as “weak” but Sirius didn't know and made their shared flat smell like peppermint for the Christmas holiday
thank you for the prompt anon! i’ll (hopefully) write another fic eventually that’s more specific to your request, but for now i hope you enjoy 2.1k of a very sneezy R/emus L/upin at the P/otter’s Christmas party
The Potter’s have always been known to throw extraordinary parties. Between James’s charisma as a host and Lily’s beautifully charmed decorations, every ‘Potter Party’- as Sirius calls them- is extravagant. Their Christmas party this year is no different, despite the ongoing wizarding war.
Their house is filled with enchanted garlands that drift through the air, shifting colors through a spectrum of festive hues. A few paintings have been charmed to sing carols when people pass by, whereas others wish people ‘A Very Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year.’ There are candles suspended mid-air, casting a warm, flickering glow in every room. The candle’s soft, elegant glow is accompanied with the scent of peppermint. A sweet, sharp aroma with a hint of menthol.
The guests- who are mostly members of the Order- have forgotten about the chaos existing outside of the Potter’s household. Tonight is a night for celebration, nothing else. They’ve all lost so much to the war, and refused to lose Christmas to it too.
Which is why Remus Lupin is walking hand in hand with his boyfriend Sirius, approaching the Potter’s home with an expensive bottle of wine. He’d thought about bringing a different gift, but he and Sirius had both been too busy with missions to get something in time. So he supposes a bottle of Chardonnay will suffice.
Remus lets Sirius knock, watching his boyfriend’s excitement with a little grin. He isn’t necessarily looking forward to spending the night at a party only a few days after the full moon, but he rarely gets to see his friends anymore. Besides, seeing Sirius so happy is reason enough.
As soon as James opens the door, Sirius pulls him into a hug, smiling ear to ear, “Prongs! It’s been too long.”
Remus can’t help but grin, especially when James drunkenly exclaims, “Pads! Moony! My old friends, oh I’m so glad you could make it,” keeping an arm slung around Sirius’s neck.
“Well, I guess you won’t be needing this,” Remus jokes, holding up the bottle of white. James guffaws at the joke, proving Remus’s point as he hiccups after laughing.
Remus steps into the bustling home, smiling as he looks around. It’s relieving, seeing all his friends celebrating and happy; he’d become accustomed to only seeing people at meetings for the Order of the Phoenix, and those were downright depressing.
Tonight, however, is quite the opposite. James pulls Sirius away to get a drink, leaving Remus by the entryway. Remus walks to the kitchen, setting the bottle of wine on the countertop and admiring the decorations.
As a candle floats by, Remus is greeted with an overwhelming scent of peppermint, mingling with the warmth of the festive atmosphere. His eyes immediately start to water, and he can’t help but cough lightly, a telltale tickle forming in his throat.
“Remus! It’s good to see you,” Lily exclaims as she makes her way through the crowded room, “How’ve you been?”
Remus smiles, his discomfort temporarily forgotten as he sees Lily. He accepts her hug, replying, “I’ve been well, all things considered. How are you?”
“I’ve been good, honestly,” Lily says with a smile, a hand placed habitually on her stomach, “We’ve almost finished the nursery, and…”
Remus tries his best to listen as Lily keeps talking, but his body has other ideas. He ducks against his shoulder slightly as he stifles two quick sneezes, “ngt! ngk!”
“Oh, bless you!” Lily says before continuing on, “It really is lovely seeing everyone again.”
Unfortunately, the stifles did nothing to relieve the itch in his nose- an irritating, persistent buzzing. Still, Remus tries to reply, “It is, it’s not often we- hh.. hHngk! ngxt! Excuse me. It’s not often we get together anymore.”
“Bless you Remus,” Lily says with a hint of concern. Sure, Remus sneezing isn’t uncommon, but Lily’s well aware of the full moon cycle and how frequently he falls ill after his transformations, “You’re not sick, are you?”
Remus offers Lily a wry smile, “No, not sick. Just a little sensitive after the full moon, I suppose.”
Lily nods, seemingly buying Remus’s quick dismissal. “So, what’ve-,” she starts, but then Marlene McKinnon spots Lily and shrieks happily.
“Lils!” Marlene exclaims, and a moment later Lily is frisked away into an embrace.
Remus doesn’t mind. In fact, he’s rather grateful for the opportunity to slip away into an unoccupied hallway. His nose has already started twitching again, and he can feel the sharp scent of the peppermint coating his throat.
Remus pinches his nose between his thumb and forefinger, his head bobbing towards his chest as he stifles a series of sneezes in quick succession, “hhnGxt! hd’gsh! ngxk!”
He waits a moment, releasing his nose and taking an experimental breath. Wrong choice.
“hgXxt! hngt! nkXT! hh…. hhGDsxh!”
Remus lets out a little sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose before searching through his pockets for a handkerchief. He almost always carries one, especially leading up to or following the full moon, when his nose is particularly sensitive.
“Hey love. You hiding out over here?” Sirius teases with a smirk, “Or is this just an especially interesting hallway?”
Remus turns around to see Sirius leaning against the wall, a drink in hand. He looks undeniably beautiful, his hair pulled back in a bun and his shirt partially unbuttoned.
Remus rolls his eyes, “Why, are you trying to escape the spotlight Pads?”
Sirius grins, about to quip back when Remus cups a hand over his nose, his shoulders shuddering as he stifles another little fit of sneezes, “hhNGxt! hnxt! hhN’gxt!”
“Bless you, bless you, bless you baby,” Sirius says in a slightly sing-song tone.
“Thanks,” Remus mumbles, but he’s more preoccupied with holding back. His nose is twitching, and he turns away from Sirius slightly as his breath hitches.
Sirius’s smile fades a little, replaced with concern, “You alright Moons?”
“Yeah just- hngt! j-heh-hgt! hxkch! Snf, just a little itch,” he dismisses. Admittedly, it’s much more than that. There’s a constant tickle in his nose and throat, his eyes are itchy and watery, and he can’t keep his nose from twitching.
Sirius raises an eyebrow at his boyfriend, his expression making it evident that he doesn’t believe Remus’s dismissal, “C’mon love, what’s up?”
Sirius moves closer, resting a gentle hand on Remus’s back, “You feeling okay?” He murmurs.
Remus bites his tongue for a moment, debating between admitting his allergy and potentially ruining Sirius’s Christmas, or powering through. Unfortunately for him, his nose chooses something else entirely.
“tschHh!-kKTSch! hh-hNgxt! hhN’Kgtsch!”
“Bless you,” Sirius murmurs as he rubs Remus’s back, “Something setting you off?” He asks, knowing Remus well enough to recognize an allergic reaction.
Remus just nods, knowing he won’t be able to deny it. He keeps a finger curled under his nose, hoping to dissuade the itch.
“How bad is it?” Sirius asks, his worry evident.
“I’m okay, just… c’mon, not agaihhhnGXt! nnG’DSch!”
“Bless you, bless you,” Sirius blesses each stifle as he wraps an arm around Remus’s waist, guiding him towards the backyard to get some fresh air.
Unfortunately for Remus, they pass by not one but two of the floating candles on their way out, and the finger curled under his nose becomes useless in preventing another fit.
“hh- hDtsch! hn’Gxt! hhHGDsch!”
Remus stifles against his finger, letting out a little cough after the triple. On top of the persistent itch in his nose and throat, his eyes are starting to become increasingly irritated and watery. He resists the urge to rub them, knowing it’ll only worsen his discomfort.
“Bless you love,” Sirius says as he opens the back door, keeping his other hand on the small of Remus’s back.
Remus feels a little relief as he steps into the brisk air, a flurry of snowflakes drifting downwards, but he knows the damage has already been done. He’s had a few encounters with peppermint in the past, and he has no doubt he’ll be sneezing all night.
“Better?” Sirius hums, wrapping an arm around Remus’s waist. The werewolf nods, pressing his handkerchief to the base of his nose and sniffling.
“So, are you going to tell me what’s setting you off?” Sirius asks, smirking at his boyfriend, “or are we going to have to play Guess That Allergen.”
Remus rolls his eyes, but he can’t help but grin a little, “You’re an ass.”
“Now now, Moony, we were talking about your sneezy predicament, not my ass,” Sirius teases, “So, what’s-”
“n’Gck! hngXt! hhHDTsch!”
“Bless you, bless you, bless you. What’s setting you off?” Sirius asks, not minding the interruption.
Remus hesitates before letting out a little sigh, realizing there’s no use in trying to dismiss the reaction or imagine an excuse, “The peppermint,” he answers simply. His nose twitches, as if his body is even sensitive to him saying the word, “hhHGXt! hNG’tsch!”
“Bless,” Sirius says with a little frown, suddenly remembering Remus’s last run in with the scent of peppermint at a potions store- it’s safe to say Remus doesn’t go to that store anymore, “Baby why didn’t you say something when we got here? You must’ve realized right away you were allergic.”
Remus lets out a defeated sigh, shrugging and answering, “It’s Christmas, and you’ve been looking forwards to seeing everyone for ages. I figured I… hh… could dhhdeal with-hhGNSxch! hhHtschew! ktsChh! with a little allergic reaction.” Remus lets the last two sneezes out unstifled now that he’s only in Sirius’s company, catching them in the folds of his handkerchief.
“Bless you love,” Sirius murmurs, gently rubbing circles on his boyfriend’s back, “You do realize this is more than a little allergic reaction, right? You look downright miserable.”
Remus doesn’t have the energy to argue with that, and he’d only be lying. The effects of being in the peppermint filled house have already set in, despite him only being inside for eight minutes.
“Let me guess: itchy eyes, itchy throat, and incessant sneezing?” Sirius asks, grinning at the way Remus’s eyes narrow in annoyance, “I’ll take that as a yes. Any rashes?”
Remus shakes his head, holding the handkerchief over his nose again as he feels the itch return with a vengeance, “Not y- hhKTsch! hhtxchew-tscCHh-kkDSch!” The last triple comes too rapidly for him to draw a breath between each of the sneezes, leaving him slightly breathless, “Not yet,” he finishes lamely.
“Bless you,” Sirius says as he presses a kiss to Remus’s cheek, “Why don’t you wait here, I’ll let Lily know we’re heading home,” he suggests gently.
Remus frowns, looking at his boyfriend with a guilty expression, “You don’t have to, I’ll just stay out here for a while. Go enjoy yourself.” He insists, gesturing to the festivities inside.
Sirius grins, rolling his eyes playfully, “Remus Lupin, if you think I’m going to leave you sneezing outside in the cold on Christmas, then you’re poorly mistaken.”
When Remus’s guilty expression doesn’t change, Sirius softens a little, “C’mon, we’ll pick up some food on the way home and we can watch a movie. I’ll even let you pick which one.”
“Sirius-” Remus starts to protest, but Sirius is already opening the door to go back inside, “Don’t move. I’ll be back in a few minutes and then we can head home.”
As guilty as Remus feels, it’s hard to ignore the flush of affection he feels towards his boyfriend. He knows Sirius has been looking forward to this party for ages, but here he is, ready to leave in an instant all because of Remus’s discomfort. Sure, it’s not an ideal situation, but to be loved so unconditionally is something Remus can’t help but cherish.
Before Remus can even reply, Sirius slips back into the bustling house, on a mission to find the hostess. The door remains open for a moment, and Remus is hit with a waft of the intense, biting scent of peppermint. To anyone else, it might be perfectly sweet, but to Remus, it means a night of incessant fits.
“hhTSxchew!-ktsxch! tsxg’t! Ktsch-etschiew!”
Remus’s shoulders shudder as he lets out a series of rapid sneezes into the handkerchief, grateful he’d remembered to bring one with him. Each sneeze is itchy and desperate, tumbling out after one another with no hesitation.
Remus spends the next few minutes caught in a cycle of hitching breaths and little fits, his nose becoming increasingly pinker as he waits for them to subside- though he knows they won’t, not yet, at least.
Luckily for him, Sirius returns before long, leading Remus around to the front of the house and apparating the two of them home.
They spend the rest of the evening curled on the old sofa in their living room, watching Christmas classics and sharing a bottle of wine- Sirius insists that it wasn’t really Christmas if he doesn’t at least get tipsy. Remus keeps a handkerchief in hand the entire time, sneezing every few minutes in quick, rapid fits until they finally start to die down. Sirius, of course, blesses him each time.
All in all, it’s not a terrible Christmas for the couple. After all, they have each other.
The End
i hope someone enjoys this, sorry for the rushed ending and any grammatical/spelling errors!
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writtenjewels · 3 months
Piano Man part 3
Part One, Part Two
Salim kept the gladiolus in a vase, set on top of the piano cover. Seeing it there always made him smile. He was looking for the man in the hat every night now. The man sat in the same spot watching Salim perform, but never stuck around long enough for Salim to actually talk to him. He was only occasionally absent, though every time he wasn't in the audience, Salim felt disappointed.
Deep down, he knew it was silly to feel that way. He honestly knew nothing about the man apart from his insistence of wearing baseball caps inside the lounge. Even the origin of the gladiolus was an assumption. Anyone could have bought it for Salim. And yet Salim focused on the man in the hat.
Salim wasn't sure what drew him to this stranger. Maybe it was the hat. While the lounge didn't have a dress code, it was understood that patrons should wear dress casual at the very least. From what Salim could tell (it was hard to judge because of the lighting), the man in the hat dressed nicely enough. He just decided to put on a baseball cap, too. At least it made it easy to spot him in a crowd.
The man in the hat always came when Rachel performed. Salim managed to catch him just as he arrived, and he entered with two other guys. The same two who were very obvious admirers of Rachel. The three men chatted with each other as they headed to a table. The man in the hat separated himself from his friends, making his way to his usual table. The other two didn't seem to notice his absence.
The more Salim observed about this man, the more curious he became. And the more he wanted to find a way for them to officially meet. He thought about it the days he was off work. An idea hit him, and he anxiously waited for his shift.
Salim got there early so he could see part one of his plan take shape. The man in the hat arrived with his friends as always. He headed for his table, stopping when he reached it. He stared at the white garland-lily, head tilted to one side. Salim hated how the angle made it impossible for him to see the man's expression. The brim of his cap swiveled as the man took in the rest of the room.
He's checking if other tables have flowers, Salim realized. He knew what the man would find: it was only this one table. The moment the man noticed this, his head dropped. Salim bit back a smile. It was adorable how shy this man was. It took another few seconds for the man to take the flower and bring it up to his nose. Slowly he lifted his head and turned in Salim's direction.
Salim's breath stalled in his lungs, his heart skipping a beat. Heat rose in his face. How had the man guessed the flower was from Salim? Maybe he just hoped, in the same way Salim did with the gladiolus. He could feel the man's eyes on him and leaned forward, almost subconsciously. The man took a step closer; Salim's heart thumped hard in his chest in response.
Salim blinked, the moment shattering. Rachel had approached and was looking at him with concern. “Are you okay?” she asked him. “I've been calling your name for the past minute.”
“Oh.” Salim turned back but the man had already taken his seat. “Yes,” Salim sighed, focusing back on Rachel. “I'm fine. I was just lost in thought.”
“Okay.” Rachel looked puzzled but shook it off. “I'm going to do my mic check, and then I'll be ready for the first number.”
“All right.” Salim set his fingers to the keys. The first song he played came out hopeful, excited. Maybe this time the man in the hat would stay.
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esoteric-chaos · 5 months
Beltane Masterpost - Spoonie Witch Friendly
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Beltane, also called Bealtaine or May Day is celebrated on May 1st in the Northern Hemisphere (November 1st in the Southern Hemisphere). However, some people choose to celebrate the exact halfway point between the Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice.
Beltane is a Gaelic May Day festival. It is traditionally celebrated once the sun sets on April 30th in the Northern Hemisphere (October 31st in the Southern Hemisphere) and continues on until sunset on May 1st.
With Beltane we celebrate fire, fertility and the return of life after its long slumber. Beltane is associated with creativity, prosperity, hope, fertility, and sexuality.
Beltane Correspondences
Light Blue
Lemon Balm
Lily of the Valley
and many more
Spring Greens
Dairy Products
Crystals, Metals and Minerals
Rose Quartz
Floral crowns
Spiritual Meanings
Gods / Goddesses / Spirits
May Queen – (Celtic)
Artemis – (Greek)
Flora - (Roman)
Hera - (Greek)
Persephone - (Greek) UPG
Aphrodite – (Greek)
Diana - (Roman)
Venus (Roman)
Freya - (Norse)
Bast - (Egyptian)
Asmodeus - (Demon) UPG
Herne/ Horned god
Faunus/ Pan – (Greek)
Priapus – (Greek)
Apollon - (Greek)
Apollo - (Roman)
Cernunnos – (Celtic)
Odin – (Norse)
The Green Man
Bacchus - (Greek)
Bes (Egyptian)
Bel – (Celtic)
Oak King - (Pagan)
Need some suggestions to celebrate? I've got you covered.
High-energy celebrations and ritual
Handfasting ceremony (pagan marriage ritual)
Protection ritual
Reworking wards
Sex magic
Fae offerings
Low energy celebrations
Growth tarot spread
Creation of flower crowns or garlands
Lighting candles or a fireplace
Microwave mug recipes
No energy celebrations
Using a sun lamp to bask in
Practicing self-love
Drink flora tea with honey
How you celebrate the holiday does not matter. You can choose to do any activity that feels right. These are only suggestions and remember that you're enough no matter what.
Also, please note some stuff is UPG. A great book is Year of the Witch by Temperance Alden, which honours the celebrations and if you want to work more seasonally. It's not Wiccan-based and has plenty of resources for every witch.
Feel free to post how you celebrate in the comments or reblogs!
Want to see more of my posts? Check out my Wheel of the Year Masterpost or my Main Masterpost.
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sprnklersplashes · 7 months
fic comissioned by @willofadeadgirl thank you for your generous donation to esims for gaza! to find out about commissioning a fic from me, the info is here
based on this idea I had a year (?) ago:
JD spiralling shortly after he and Veronica get engaged because he's scared to hurt her the way his dad hurt his mum. Claire is there to remind him that he's okay.
getting to delve back into nbr universe again and this relationship specifically was so rewarding and I also got to sprinkle in a bit of claire's backstory which is neat.
The party is amazing.
Claire has outdone herself. While JD was out with Veronica she single-handedly rearranged all of the tables and threw white rugs over the bare wooden floors. Then she either robbed a florist or had one owe her something, because they came back to the most amazing centrepiece on the dining room table, along with garlands of lilies and white roses hung around the doors and stairway. And of course, no function thrown by Claire Munroe is complete without food, and holy hell, did she deliver. When the party is for him and Veronica’s engagement, but all anyone can talk about is her espresso martini cheesecake, that’s how you know it’s a winner.
It’s wonderful. Although the event is small, a strict family and friends affair, the house feels alive, the two stories teeming with pure, unfiltered happiness. He couldn’t ask for anything better.
He hates himself. He really fucking hates himself.
With a bitter sigh, JD tosses the empty bottle he’d been fidgeting with. It crashes somewhere in the garden, followed shortly by a frantic rustling in the hedge. He might have just frightened the shit out of some poor raccoon.
And that thought should not scare him the way it does; shouldn’t cause the pit in his stomach to plunge deeper. He closes his eyes, locks every limb, pulls himself inward like he can ward off the thoughts invading his mind.
It was like someone had flipped a switch. One minute he was standing in the kitchen, his arm securely around Veronica’s waist, listening to her laughing and feeling like the night would never end. Then he went to the kitchen to get another drink and just like that, everything stopped. Once he wasn’t surrounded by bodies and the laughing and chatting was muted, the protective barrier dropped. Suddenly, all he could think about was the blood in his veins and where it came from, and then he was 8 again watching his mother wave at him through a window and then he was 9, 10, 11, 12 smashing plates to get his dad’s attention and he was 3, 4, 5 and 6 and 7 listening by the stairs because his dad was yelling again, again, and his mom wasn’t saying anything-.
And then he was running, and he was on his knees in the grass. 
He lets out a steady exhale, white smoke stark against the night sky. Shadows blanket the garden; the greens of the grass and the rainbow hues of Claire’s flower bushes are smothered in greys. Behind him, the house is still glowing from within, gentle oranges making its own sunset in there. He doesn’t want it. He never wants to see it again.
With a cold pang, he hopes Claire never leaves the house to him. Some of the best memories of his life are in that house. It’s lovelier than he would ever deserve, and he would just ruin it like he will ruin Veronica and like his dad ruined him. Claire said she moved into that house alone and renovated it with her own bare hands. Giving it to him would feel wrong, backwards. What will he do other than destroy it? That’s what his hands were made for.
Breathe Jason a voice in his head says. He tries, opens his mouth but nothing comes in, because there’s barbed wire around his throat and his lungs and it hurts when he tries. He tries, and he chokes, and hot tears are racing down his cheeks and he bites his hand before he can start screaming. Breathe Jason.
I can’t! I can’t! The darkness presses in around him and it’s hot-since when was darkness hot? His dad’s voice-his voice-is roaring in his ears, it sounds like his dad but it scrapes his throat like its him and it’s burning. He needs to get out and-
“Hiding out here?”
Trembling, JD turns around, squinting against the brightness. At first, all he can see is the small frame, the chunky knit sweater hanging off it. His eyes follow her as she comes over, but he looks away as she settles herself on the grass beside him.
“We miss you in there.” He nods, slowly. If he was still seventeen, he would shoot a sarcastic remark at her in the hopes that she would leave. But he knows better now. Or more accurately, the idea of her leaving pulls at a very specific part of his heart. So, while his instincts still protest, he lets her stay.
“Well I hope it wasn’t my lasagne that made you leave.” That gets a half-smile from him, even if it feels foreign on his face. Behind his back, he can feel her eyes bore into him. He used to think he could hide anything from anyone, and then he met her. “Jason? Everything okay?”
How does he answer? He takes a deep breath in, slowly. Pulls at the grass and lets it fall between his fingers. Listens to the pounding staccato rhythm of his heart. 
“I just freaked out,” he mutters. Claire nods behind him and, carefully, as if he’s made of glass, places her hand on his shoulder.
“It’s okay,” she tells him. “I’m here.” He squeezes the grass in his hand. “Anything in particular freak you out?”
He doesn’t want to say it. He wants to keep it inside and find something to numb it. If it stays inside, he can freeze it, escape from it. 
He can’t though. Because he’s come too far and owes Claire and Veronica too much. There’s only one good way out.
“My dad,” he whispers. Claire inhales sharply and her hand tenses against his back. 
“Did he-did he try to-”
“No.” He cuts her off with a shake of his head. “No, he hasn’t contacted me.” Ever. He hasn’t heard from his father since 1984. He laughs, short and bitter. “I just can’t stop thinking about him. And my mom. And everything.”
“Oh kid,” Claire sighs. Her arm comes around his shoulders, her small frame presses into his side. “I’m so sorry.”
“And suddenly it was…. Everywhere.” He hears the tremble in his voice and he hates it. In that moment, he wonders why he ever stopped numbing himself. It made everything so much easier. He looks down at his hands. The ring Veronica gave him glimmers on his finger, silver winking in the half-light. He gives a self-deprecating scoff. “I don’t know how to be married. I don’t-I can’t be that to her.”
“You’ve been a pretty spectacular boyfriend so far,” Claire tells him matter-of-factly. “And from what I can tell, being married is just a longer version of that. That it’s you and her forever.” She squeezes his shoulder. “You’ve been with her three years and you haven’t messed up yet.”
“You don’t know that I won’t!” he tells her, voice rising sharply, and then everything spills out, a putrid ugly mess in front of them. “He’s my dad, Claire. I’m 50% him. My whole childhood I just sat and watched as he wore her down and she was hurting and I didn’t do anything about it! I just let him keep going and keep going until one day-” He closes his eyes. The library explodes behind his eyelids. When he opens them, he can still see the smoke. “What if it’s just a matter of time before I do it to her?” He looks back at the house. He can’t find her; she’s lost in a maze of other people.
“I might do something worse,” he says. The admission is broken and cracked on his tongue, terrified to step into the light. But it’s here.
“Oh, Jason,” Claire breathes. Her touch is gentle, loving, against his skin and part of him wants to shove it away and put as much distance between her and him as possible. He hates that he still feels that way, even as he leans into her touch. 
“I know you were dealt such a bad hand with your dad,” she tells him. “But you are not him, Jason.”
“I’m his son.”
“And I’m my parents’ child,” Claire says firmly. “Do you think I’m anything like they are?”
That gets him. Like a lighthouse beacon, it cuts through the fog in his mind and catches him.
He’s never met Claire’s parents-his grandparents, he supposes. They know about him, but the contact never goes past the ‘To Claire and Jason’ on the annual Christmas guard. Claire won’t delve into the specifics, just that her parents wanted her to have a life she never intended to java. Years before he came into the picture, it came to a head over some argument and when she declared her intention to move out, they didn’t stop her. 
They communicate via Christmas cards. When Claire’s dad was in hospital, she didn’t find out until weeks later.
So, his response is a small shake of his head. Claire is nothing like her parents and never will be. She is warm and loving and generous, she understands him without him having to say anything. How her parents created a person like her he will never understand.
“You’re not like your parents.”
“And you are not like your dad, Jason.”
“I am,” he mumbles. “I get angry. I think about… I think about running away.” He presses his thumb into his palm. “I pull away from her.”
“And then you go back,” Claire says. Slowly, her hand comes over his. Her skin is warm, her palm calloused and rough. “That’s what makes you different from your dad, JD. Your dad never cared about the damage he was causing. You do. You get knocked down and you get back up.” Her fingers curl around his. Startled, he squeezes her fingers. “Look how far you’ve come in the past few years. That’s something he never ever did.”
JD doesn’t know when the tears started but they’re here, running like rivers down his face. 
“And to be honest, I’ve never seen a person love someone else the way you love Veronica. You love her like she’s the last person on Earth. You love her like you’d never love anyone else.”
Well, he wouldn’t. It’s just a plain fact to him. No matter what happens, Veronica exists and he’s in love with her. Simple as that really. After everything she has done for him, it feels like the least he can do.
“And,” Claire continues, reading his mind again. “Don’t you owe it to her to keep trying?” Before he can even respond, she scoots closer, rests her chin on his shoulder. “Maybe you owe it to yourself too.”
There. That’s when she does it, that magical thing where she looks inside him and pulls out something he never thought existed. 
If he walks away now, he leaves Veronica at her own engagement party. He leaves her in the dust after promising to stand by her forever. And doing that to her… it hurts him more than anything else could.
He turns. Claire is still beside him, pressed against his side. 
“Maybe I owe it to you too.” She smiles then, laugh lines creasing her face.
“You’ve never owed me anything, kid.”
(It isn’t true. He owes her more than he’ll ever be able to pay back. But that’s okay, she’s not expecting him to).
Looking out at their garden, he lowers his head onto her shoulder. It’s a little awkward because at some point he got taller than her, but neither of them mind. She rubs her hand up and down his arm and they sit there, listening to the muffled sounds of the party behind them.
“I love you,” he tells her. He doesn’t need to look up to see the way her face softens at that. 
“I love you too, kid,” she whispers. She tugs on his arm. “Come on. If we hurry there may still be profiteroles left.”
JD laughs; the feeling is solid and warm in his chest. He offers Claire his arm and together, they walk back into their house. 
Before he goes in, he gives it one last try. He breathes in. The air is cold and crisp and it fills his lungs. He breathes out, slow and steady, and the white smoke disappears into the orange porchlight. Claire squeezes his hand, firm and rough and more real than anything that came before.
He’ll be okay, he thinks. They’ll be okay. 
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muntadhir · 3 months
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I wrote about some of the stuff on Geppetto’s blackboard months ago, and now that I have since learned how to actually look at the game’s files and manipulate the camera better, I figured I would take another look, starting with the “Daffodils and Narcissus” paper. There’s one on Geppetto’s blackboard, as well as on his desk and in various other parts of the game (perhaps notably, Lorenzini Arcade).
Initially I wasn’t super interested in this because I figured it was just a “lorem ipsum” sort of thing, and I still think it is, but conversely: the text comes (paraphrased, and otherwise mixed and added to) from an actual book published in 1923 that you can take a gander at online: Archive.org | some related images on Flickr from the Biodiversity Heritage Library
The full Lies of P text is below, but some notes: 1. I wasn’t sure if “forcing” and “flanged” were the right terms, but it’s used in the original so I assume it’s correct. 2. “We/our” from the original text has been changed to “I/my” in the game version. Maybe one of the devs just really likes flowers or they thought it was funny. Either way, valid. 3. There are undoubtedly errors, and I’ve intentionally kept some misspellings.
Miss Ella V. Baines, The Woman Florist, Springfield Ohio. 11
Daffodils and Narcissus.
Sweet harbingers of Spring, that jump from old Winter’s lap, with cheeks of gold and silver and bedecking the earth with beauty, filling the air with delicious perfume. The wonderful creations in the way of new varieties have awakened an interest and enthusiasm among the lovers of flowers that has placed this, “The Flower of the Poets,” in the front rank of popularity and they merit all the praise that can be bestowed upon them. Appearing as they do, just after bleak Winter, they turn our gardens, lawns, and woodlawn walks into gorgeous masses of gold and silver, with a fragrance that is enchanting.
Note. — I wish to say my friends that the different varieties of Narcissus force into bloom in the house during Winter as readily as the Hyacinths. There is nothing finer in the flower line for this purpose. Indeed, they are my choice of all Winter flowering bulbs. They are so graceful and pretty. I can especially recommend for house culture the following charming varieties: Golden Spur, Porticus Ornatus, Orange Phoenix, Sulphur Pheonix, Von Sion, Horsfieldii, Giant Princess, Paper White, Chinese Sacred Lily and Golden Sacred Lily. Try these variations. They will not disappoint you.
Henry Irving. — Long, beautifully frilled trumpet nearly two inches wide at the mouth of rich golden yellow color. Petals of perianth very wide over lapping bright yellow. Received first class certificate. 10 cents each; three for 25 cents.
Hale’s Beaten Gold, or Maximus. — Large flower, rich yellow, elegantly twisted perianth, trumpet deep golden, large, well flanged. 10 cents each; three for 25 cents.
Obvallaris. — Tenby Daffodil. Elegantly formed, medium sized flower of rich yellow. Splendid for forcing. 8 cents each; four for 25 cents.
Large Trumpet Narcissus.
Two Colored Varieties — White and Yellow.
Grandis. — Flowers of the largest size, with broad, snow white petals and a magnificent yellow tube. Very beautiful. A flower of great substance and grand for cutting. 10 cents each; six for 50c.
Horsfieldii. — (Empress) The Queen of the Daffodils. This variety is considered the best of all Narcissus. Try it. Very large flowers, pure white with rich yellow trumpet. Very stately and beautiful and one of the most elegant for ladies’ corsage wear. This magnificent flower was raised by a Lancashire weaver — John Horsfield — and it has made him famous. 10 cents each; six for 50 cents.
Scoticus. — The Scotch Garland Flower or Large-Flowering Lent Lily. Large flowers of creamy white, bright yellow trumpet, elegantly flanged and serrated. 6 cents each; 50 cents per dozen.
Giant Princess. — (Ajax Princeps) A magnificent flower. One of the finest specimens of the Trumpet type. Cream perianth with golden yellow trumpet. 5 cents each; 50 cents per dozen.
Moschatus. — White perianth. Trumpet opens creamy white and turns to pure white. It is very large and showy and it never fails to please everybody. 10 cents each; three for 25 cents.
All White Trumpet Narcissus.
Pallidus Praecox. — The White Pyrenees Daffodils. One of the earliest and most beautiful varieties. Both trumpt and Perianth are clear, sulphur white. Was awarded a first-class certificate by the London Royal Horticultural Society. One of the best for forcing. 6 cents each; 60 cents per dozen.
Albicans. — The White Spanish Daffodil. Creamy white, with a silvery white trumpet, slightly flushed with primrose and elegantly recurved at the brim. 10 cents each; three for 25 cents.
The True Poet’s Daffodils.
Narcissus, with Miniature Saucer-shaped Cups.
Poeticus Ornatus. — Large, beautifully formed, pure white flowers with saffron cup, tinged with rosy scarlet. A magnificent cut flower. Very early. This is my special favorite of all Narcissus. Try it. 5 cents each; 50 cents per doz.
Poeticus. — The “Pheasant’s Eye or Poet’s Narcissus.’ Pure white flowers, with orange cup, edged with crimson. Splendid cut flower. 3 cents each; 25 cents per dozen.
Poeticus Poetarum. — The flowers of this splendid variety are much larger and the orange rim more distinct in the cup. This beautiful variety will be welcomed as a decided improvement over the old Poeticus. 5 cents each; six for 25 cents.
Chalice Flowered or Semi-Trumpet Narcissus
Including the Incomparabilis Barril and Leedsil Types.
The trumpet in these varieties are only half the length or less of the other varieties of trumpets, hence called chalice flowered. They are very beautiful and desirable.
Barril Conspicus. — (Barrii) Perianth yellow. Short orange scarlet cup. Extra fine. 5 cents each; six for 25 cts.
Frigaro. (Incomparabilis) Perianth bright yellow, large orange scarlet cup. A very beautiful variety. 5 cents each; six for 25 cents.
Amabilis. — (Leedsii) Perianth pure white, cup or half trumpet primrose yellow fading to pure white. Very desirable. 5 cents each; six for 25 cents.
Duchess de Brabant. — (Leedsii) Periant white, cup or half trumpet a beautiful shade of canary yellow. Very fine. 5 cents each; six for 25 cents.
Albus Stella. (Incomparabilis) Large white perianth with yellow cup. This is an old and fashionable standby. 4 cents each; 40 cents per doxen.
Sir Watkin. — (The Giant Incomparabilis) Perianth rich sulphur, cup yellow, tinged orange. The best of all. Very beautiful. Extra. 10 cents each; three for 25 cents.
(Left column)
Giant-Flowered Narcissus or Daffodils.
Note. — In describing Narcissus I have referred to the “perianth” and “trumpet;” the latter is the long center, funnel-like tube, and the “perianth” is the surrounding row of petals, or leaves. All Narcissus on this page are hardy for garden planting. Also excellent for Winter flowering indoors.
Large Trumpet Narcissus — All Yellow.
Ard-Righ, or Irish King. — (Trumpet Major) — Earliest and most vigorous “Giant Trumpet Daffodil” in cultivation. Fine, bold flowers of immense size. Perianth and trumpet full, rich yellow. Extra fine sort for port culture and forcing. 5 cents each; six for 25 cents.
Emperor. — The Giant Narcissus. Largest of all. Flowers of richest yellow, trumpet immense, petals of perianth so large they overlap, and measure three and a half inches across. Petals a shade lighter than the trumpet. 10 cents each; six for 50 cents.
Golden Spur. — Extra large, bold, rich, yellow flowers. Foliage very broad and striking, unusually robust habit. Unsurpassed for gardens, pots, or forcing. 10 cents each; $1.00 per dozen.
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thelandboundseawitch · 8 months
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Ostara, or the Spring Equinox or the Vernal Equinox, is known as the first day of spring. It’s a time that marks the nights shortening and the days becoming longer. Ostara is similar to Easter in its aesthetic, but they are very different celebrations. Ostara often times starts between March 19th-22nd, it varies by year so make sure to check each year.
Plant flower seeds/bulbs
Spring Cleaning
Dye Eggs (and try your hand at making natural dyes)
Take a walk and admire springtime
Set up a bird house, bird feeder, etc.
Plan your summer garden
Altar Decorations
Flowers (and other plants), seeds, bulbs, etc.
Easter decorations
Birds + Chicks
Baby animals
Pale Green
Pale Yellow
Pale Pink
Rose Quartz
Aphrodite / Venus
Easter lilies
Seeds + Nuts
Fresh fruit (especially berries)
Incense and Oils
Plants & Herbs
Rose Hips
Lemon Balm
Spells and Rituals
Final Notes
"The character of the “Easter bunny” first appeared in 16th-century German writings, which said that if well-behaved children built a nest out of their caps or bonnets, they would be rewarded with colored eggs" [1].
"American Christians continue to generally celebrate Easter as a religious holiday, but public references to Easter almost never include any religious elements. Christians and non-Christians alike celebrate Easter in decidedly non-Christian ways: with chocolate and other forms of Easter candy, Easter eggs, Easter egg hunts, the Easter bunny, and so forth. Most cultural references to Easter include these elements, most of which are pagan in origin and all of which have become commercialized" [2].
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Because I Liked a Boy [Part Two]
Fandom: Harry Potter [Marauders Era]
Pairing: James Potter x Regulus Black, James Potter x Lily Evans,
Characters: James Potter, Regulus Black, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Lily Evans, Barty Crouch Jr, Evan Rosier, Marlene McKinnon, Mary MacDonald, Peter Pettigrew, Fleamont Potter, Euphemia Potter,
Word Count: 1845
Rating: Teen
Summary: Red and green everywhere but I'm so blue.
Tags/ Warnings: Hogwarts, Halloween Challenge, Writing Challenge, Song Fic, Marauders Era, Period Typical Attitudes, Coming Out, Abusive Households, Kisses, Angst, Fluff, Regulus is underage, Wedding, Engagements, Lost Love, Christmas
Notes: This is all part of one fic but the song inspo changes per chapter.
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Halloween Challenge 2024 // Song Inspo
Part One // Part Two// Part Three
There was nothing like Hogwarts at Christmas. The way the snow dusted the grounds, making everything from the turrets to the greenhouses a radiant shade of white. Or the way the castle was decorated throughout, mountainous deep green trees in every corner decorated with red and gold that wound through the corridors on garlands or decorations. And yet none of it was enough to cheer Regulus up. He wasn’t a Scrooge per se but this Christmas he had absolutely no inclination to join in with the spirit.
In fact he hadn't had much inclination to do much of anything since he’d returned after his disastrous summer, the summer in which his heart had been ripped from his chest and shredded. If being abandoned had not been hard enough a first heartbreak hadn't done anything to stem his sorrow and so he’d arrived back at Hogwarts a downtrodden soul. It had not helped that he was seemingly the talk of the school. Of course people didn’t know about James, no one knew about that, but gossip about the Black’s losing not one but two heirs had rippled through the pureblood community like wildfire and so he’d spent the last few months subject to curious stares and furtive whispers that had only just started to peter out.
And even that was due to the fact he was one of the only people left in the castle over the holidays. Of course he had been invited to spend it with Sirius but Regulus hadn't wanted to risk crossing over into unwanted territory and had politely declined, lying to his brother by insisting that his friends were staying in the castle and he was happy to stay behind. Instead he’d spent Christmas on his own save for the dinner he was expected to attend with the staff and other remaining students. It hadn't been fun and he’d spent most of his time in his own head but it was better than the alternative.
And since yesterday he had not been totally alone. As soon as Christmas was over Barty, keen to escape the withering criticism of his father, had returned to Hogwarts providing a welcomed distraction for Regulus who had to admit was starting to miss some human contact. Granted Barty wasn’t much of a conversationalist at breakfast given his normal rising time was well afternoon but just having someone next to him, someone who was far more likely to respond to a lingering glance from another student with a ‘and what are you looking at?’ rather than a withering glare, was nice.
But fortunately there was no need for him to be on guard dog duty as when they arrived downstairs the morning after he’d returned to school as they were the first ones to breakfast. Regulus moved to sit down as Barty took a seat opposite him, immediately propping himself up with his elbow as his eyes closed even though an array of food had appeared before them. Regulus grabbed himself a couple of pieces of toast and then a further two, buttering them for the pair before placing each of them on separate plates as he tucked in.
‘Thanks,’ Barty yawned, moving the golden piece of toast to his mouth though he failed to open his eyes.
‘You’re welcome,’ Regulus said, nibbling at his own toast though he wasn’t really interested in eating. He was waiting for the post, a quick check of his watch told him it was due any minute, and he was expecting a letter from Sirius, a rundown of his holiday season, something that he wanted to hear about even though gorging on the details would no doubt make him feel sick.
Instead what landed was much worse. Barty’s owl arrived first decanting a rolled-up copy of the prophet and no post. Barty threw a knut into the bird's coin pouch, allowing it to fly off as he unfurled the paper and read the headlines. Yet he only made it a couple of pages before he stopped and rolled his eyes, muttering, ‘typical,’ before he tossed the paper down no longer interested. Regulus picked it up and saw it was yet another article about some law his father had been trying to enact, his words splayed across the article as he talked about morality and justice. If anything Regulus could see what the man was trying to achieve but knowing Barty’s default position was, like his brothers’, to see every action of his parents as something to be disdained he thought better of saying anything. Instead he allowed the boy to go back to eating his toast in a zombie-fied state, choosing himself to leaf through the paper in its entirety. Only as he got to the end, the announcements column, he found his heart stopped still in his chest, its beating ceasing as he found a pair of radiant hazel eyes staring back at him on the page.
He hadn't seen him in months and yet he still looked as handsome as ever though his hair had been swept back, forced down into some sort of order which seemed unnatural to Regulus. But he could see why. He was standing next to Lily, the pair of them beaming large happy smiles as the flash of the camera glinted off a gargantuan ring on her left hand.
An engagement announcement.
Regulus felt bile rise in his stomach but it didn't stop him from reading the caption below.
Fleamont and Euphemia Potter are delighted to announce the recent engagement of their only son James Potter to Lily Evans. James, a recent graduate of Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry and a junior auror, and his fiancée, fellow graduate and newest member of the St Mungo’s Healer Programme, are expected to wed in the late spring with invitations due to be sent out in the New Year.
Married. James was getting married.
‘You alright?’ Barty asked, his brows knitted together as he munched another piece of toast whilst watching Regulus closely, no doubt clocking the ashen colour his face had turned.
‘Fine,’ Regulus said, though as his own owl swooped in, dropped a neatly addressed letter in front of him and took off again he found himself adding, ‘actually I think I’m going to go to the library.’
‘What?’ Barty asked with confusion, ‘you’ve barely eaten besides its well early.’
‘I’ve got stuff to do,’ Regulus said dismissively, picking the paper and the letter up from the table and tucking them both under his arm. Barty’s eyes narrowed as if he didn’t believe him but he sighed and shrugged allowing the other boy to get on with whatever he was going to do. Regulus nodded in thanks and then headed quickly from the Great Hall. Only he didn’t go to the library. He didn’t even go back to the common room for fear Barty would head back there soon. Instead he headed to the astronomy tower, sitting on the edge, his legs underneath the railing as he rested against it, looking out on the vast snow-covered highlands.
It was pretty, something that would no doubt make a lovely postcard but Regulus couldn’t see the beauty in it. He couldn’t see the beauty in anything. The little things didn’t feel nice anymore because nothing did. It all just felt the same. Aching. Guttural heart-breaking aching that threatened to gnaw a hole in him from the inside out.
Not even listening to how happy his brother was, his Christmas filled with love and laughter could make Regulus feel better. Obviously he was pleased for his brother. Christmas was never much of a celebration and well when it came to cherished family time the pair were certainly lacking so hearing of he and Remus’ first Christmas in their flat, Euphemia’s Christmas dinner and a night spent playing games and drinking sherry well he was glad to know his brother had enjoyed it. But thinking about it didn’t exactly make him happy.
Because he was weaved through it all.
Sirius spent his day with James’ family, revelling in merriment with his parents and then celebrating the engagement announcement on Christmas night. His brother's life was so intertwined with James’ that there would never be time for him to grieve his loss. Not openly. That would only bring mess and more heartbreak for more than just him. No it would all have to be done like it was now, in secret.
Because what else could he do than sit and stare at the engagement announcement. What else could he do but stare at Lily’s lustrous red locks or gleaming smile? How could he not analyse sparkling green eyes and wonder what it was that she had he didn’t?
After all, hadn't James told him he loved him. He’d uttered the words; he’d solidified it and yet when it came down to it he’d opted to go back to her. And without so much as an explanation Regulus had spent months wondering why. It felt like he loved him. And even with the situation being delicate they both knew Sirius would come around to the idea eventually. And as for James’ parents, Euphemia and Fleamont had taken no issue with Sirius and Remus’ situation. In fact when they'd heard of Regulus' situation they’d been gung-ho to offer a place to stay to save the tiny flat being cramped so he doubted James had the same fears he had about coming out so to speak
In the end Regulus figured it was rather that he just wasn’t enough.
He didn’t make him happy the way Lily did, which granted he couldn’t be surprised at given he’d spent years of his life chasing her. Regulus had merely filled a gap. He’d helped him soul search and in that search he had found someone better. And now he was off getting married and leaving Regulus to navigate the heartbreak alone.
And doing that was proving difficult. Because James had lit Regulus’ entire world and without him, without him everything felt dark, like it was absent of sunlight and warmth. Not even green garlands and red bows could remove the blue tinge cast over Regulus’ entire life.
With a lump in his throat Regulus tucked the letter in his back pocket. He’d have to reply to it at some point and to do so he’d need points to springboard off, ones that would satisfy Sirius’ need for a response but also navigate him away from speaking of that which made his heart feel like lead. But he didn’t keep the paper and instead he produced his wand, lighting the tip of it as he placed it against cream sheets. It immediately set alight, yellow flames growing bigger as it caught traction before he tossed it through the air, watching it descend rapidly towards the snowy ground below. It wouldn’t burn long, no doubt dousing the moment it settled on the icy ground and grew damp, but it was enough to get the image of a smiling James Potter and fiancée from Regulus’ mind.
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faguscarolinensis · 1 year
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Hedychium coronarium / White Ginger Lily at the Sarah P. Duke Gardens at Duke University in Durham, NC
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Witchcraft Plant and Herb safety
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🦋Research what plants you ingest and put into your teas. Some plants/herbs don't go together and become toxic
🦋Research what herbs you are turning to make sure it's not toxic [eg: poison ivy]
🦋Do not ingest any herbal remedies without consultation with your doctor and/or Herbalist
🦋Unless you are 100% certain what you have foraged is the correct plant put it back
🦋delightingintragedy's post on what oils to avoid while pregnant
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Some toxic and poisonous plants
Abrus precatorius - Crab’s eye, Gidee gidee, Jequirity bean, Rosary bean
Aconitum species - Monkshood, Wolf’s bane
Asclepias curassavica - Red-headed cotton bush
Asclepias fruiticosa - Gomphocarpus fruiticosa, Swan plant
Asclepias physocarpa - Balloon cotton bush
Acokanthera species - Bushman’s poison
Atropa belladonna - Belladonna, Deadly nightshade
Brugmansia species - Angel’s trumpet
Casabella thevetia or Thevetia peruviana - Lucky nut, Yellow oleander
Cestrum diurnum - Day-blooming cestrum, Day jessamine
Cestrum nocturnum - Lady of the night, Night jessamine
Colchicum autumnale - Autumn crocus, Crocus, Meadow saffron
Conium maculatum - Hemlock
Consolida species - Larkspur
Convallaria majalis - Lily-of-the-valley
Corynocarpus laevigatus - New Zealand laurel, Karaka nut
Cycas species - Cycad, Zamia
Daphne species - Daphne, Garland flower, Lilac daphne, Mezereon, Rose daphne, Spurge laurel, Winter daphne
Datura species - Angel’s trumpet
Datura metel - Downy thorn apple, Horn of plenty
Datura stramonium - Common thorn apple, Jamestown weed, Jimson weed
Delphinium species - Delphinium
Dieffenbachia - Dumb cane
Digitalis species - Foxglove
Duranta erecta/Duranta repens - Golden dewdrop, Sky flower
Euphorbia species - Euphorbia, Spurge
Gloriosa superba - Climbing lily, Glory lily
Gomphocarpus fruiticosa - Asclepias fruiticosa, Swan plant
Gomphocarpus physocarpus -  Asclepias physocarpa, Balloon cotton
Helleborus species - Christmas rose, Corsican Hellebore, Easter rose, Hellebore, Lenten rose
Hyoscyamus niger - Black henbane, Henbane
Jatropha multifida - Coral plant, Physic nut
 Laburnum species - Golden chain tree, Golden rain, Laburnum, Scotch laburnum
Lantana camara - Lantana, Shrub verbena
Lepidozamia species - Cycad, Zamia
Lobelia species - Cardinal flower, Lobelia
Macrozamia species - Cycad, Zamia
Melia azedarach - Bead tree, Cape lilac, Chinaberry, Persian lilac, Rosary tree, White ceda
Nerium oleander - Oleander, Rose laurel
Oenanthe crocata - Water dropwort, Hemlock
Ornithogalum species - Common star of Bethlehem, Chincherinchee, Giant chincherinchee, Star of Bethlehem
Rhodomyrtus macrocarpa - Cooktown loquat, Finger cherry, Wannakai
Ricinis communis - Castor oil plant
Solanum dulcamara - Bittersweet, Climbing nightshade
Solanum nigrum - Black nightshade, Common nightshade
Solanum pseudocapsicum - Christmas cherry, Jerusalem cherry, Winter cherry
Stropanthus species - Corkscrew flower, Spider tresses, Stropanthus
Thevetia peruviana or Casabella thevetia - Lucky nut, Yellow oleander
Toxicodendron succedaneum - Rhus, Rhus tree, Wax tree, Poison sumac
Veratrum species - False hellebores
Golden dewdrop
Black bean tree
Poison ivy
Strychnine tree 
Gympie gympie
Asparagus Fern (asparagus plumosus) (sprengeri)
Avocado (persea americana)
Blue Gum (eucalyptus globulus)
Buddist Pine (poddocarpus Macrophyllus)
Cacti :Bunny Ears (opuntia microdasy’s alkispina)
Column (cereus peruvianus)
Rat’s Tail (aporocactus flagelliformis)
Sunset (lokwia famatimensis)
Caladium (Angel’s Wings)
Century Plant
Crown of Thorns (euphorbia milii splendens)
Holly (ilex)
Ivy :Cape (tenecio macroglossus)
(hedera helix)
(senecio mikanioides)
Glacier (hedera helix glacier)
Gloire de Marengo (hedera canariensis)
Needlepoint (hedera helix sagittlae folica)
Jerusalem Cherry (solanum pseudocapsicum)
Mistletoe (phoradendron flavescens)
Philodendron :Arrowhead (syngonium podophyllum)
Black Gold ( ph. melanochryson)
Devil’s Ivy (Pothos) (scindapsus aureus)
Elephant’s Ear (philodendron hastatum)
Fiddle Leaf (ph. pandurae forme)
Green Gold (syngonium podophyllum)
Marble Queen (scindapsus aureus)
Ornamental Pepper (capsicum annuum)
Silver Vine (scindapsus pictus)
Split Leaf (monstera delicosa)
Sweetheart Vine (philodendron scandens)
Red (hemigraphis colorata)
Umbrella Plant (cyperus)
Azalea (azalea indica)Bleeding Heart (dicentra formosa)
Calla Lily (zantedeschia aethiopica)
Carnation (dianthus caryophyllus)
Castor-oil plant (ricinus communis)
Chinese or Japanese Lantern (physalis)
Crocus (colchicum autumnale)
Daffodil (narcissus)
DelphineumGladiola (bulb)
Hyacinthe (hyacinthus orientalis)
Jonquil (narcissus)Morning Glory (ipomaea tricolour)
Oleander (nerium oleander)
Pansy (seeds) (viola tricolour)
Peony (root) (paeonia officinalis)
Primrose (primula)
Sweet Pea (lathyrus odoratus)
Sweet William (dianthus barbatus)
Potato (green patches on tubers & above ground part)
Rhubarb leaves
Tomato greens
Black Locust (robinia pseudoacacia)
Buckthorn (rhamnus cathartica)Elderberry (not berries)
Horse Chestnut (aesculus hippocastanum)
Laburnum (laburnum anagyroides)
Privet (ligustrum vulgare)
Virginia Creeper (ampelopis brevipedunculata)
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More Links
Sources: Austin Health AU, Canadian Child Care Federation
🦋Poison info plants and mushrooms - Queensland
🦋Aggie Horticulture
🦋Guide to toxic plants - National Poisons Information Centre Ireland
🦋199 Poisonous Plants to Look Out For - ProFlowers
🦋Poisonous Plants: Poisons A to Z
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banefolk · 1 year
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Ancient Egyptian mural detail from the Tomb of Menna, circa 1400-1352 BCE. A woman is holding water lily flowers, wearing a collar necklace of water lily petal beads (like the ones shown below) and a headdress of water lily petals with a water lily flower at her forehead with a mandrake fruit in its centre. On top of her head is a perfumed ointment cone likely scented with water lily.
The ancient Egyptians associated water lilies with purification, dawn, the underworld, and resurrection. They used water lilies for food, medicine, perfume, intoxication, pleasure, ritual, and spiritual purification. They used two water lilies: the day blooming “blue lotus” (Nymphaea nouchali var. caerulea) and the night blooming “white lotus” (Nymphaea lotus). Nefertem, the water lily god, was deity of the dawn of the universe and of each new day. Water lilies are featured in the famous Book of the Dead and the flowers, buds, and petals were used as funerary garlands to adorn the dead.
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sharona-sims · 1 year
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Lily and Michael got started with decorating the tree.
Lily: Do we want coloured lights or?
Michael: Hmm... No... I like the white lights.
Lily: Okay, me too.
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As per usual, Michael was too busy staring at Lily.
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He eventually managed to draw his attention away long enough to hang the garland.
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After the tree was finished they both placed gifts underneath it.
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canadachronicles · 4 months
"I A wide-spring meadow in a rosy dawn Bedropt with virgin buds; an orient sky Fleeced with a dappled cloud but half withdrawn; A mad wind blowing by, O'er slopes of rippling grass and glens apart; A brackened path to a wild-woodland place A limpid pool with a fair, laughing face Mirrored within its heart. II An ancient garden brimmed with summer sun Upon a still and slumberous afternoon; Old walks and pleasances with shadows spun Where honeyed odors swoon; A velvet turf with blossoms garlanded; A hedge of Mary-lilies white and tall; And, shining out against a lichened wall, A stately-golden head. III An autumn hilltop in the sunset hue, Pine boughs uptossed against the crystal west, And, girdled with the twilight dim and blue, A valley peace-possessed; A high-sprung heaven stained with colors rare, A sheen of moonrise on the sea afar, And, bright and soft as any glimmering star, Eyes holy as a prayer."
--Memory Pictures, Lucy Maud Montgomery
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sporadiceagleheart · 3 months
Emeline Grier Miller, Kimber Hibbs, Adrianna Hutto, Jayden-Jay Silvester, Emily Vitoria Tavares DaSilva, Mystique Genuine Pairama, Josie Burleson, Faithlynn Blankenship, Leena Arredondo, Sally Ann Chesebro, Paige Marie Nilson, Christine L.Ketchum, Andrea Lee Anna Castilla, Shirley Temple and baby Leroy, Ava Jordan Wood, Samantha and Tessara Crespi, Gabby Petito, Mei Leung, Dayle Okazaki, Joan of Arc, Mary Katherine Moore, Arthur Boyd Moore, Brianna Mariah Lopez, Saffie-Rose Brenda Roussos, Lily Peters, Olivia Pratt Korbel, Elizabeth Shelley, Sara Sharif, Charlotte Figi, Lucy Morgan, Star Hobson, Emilie Alice Parker, Catherine Violet Hubbard, Princess Sophie Hélène Béatrice, Louis XVII, Lois Janes, Sharon Lee Gallegos, Maite Rodriguez, Eliahna Torres, Jackie Cazares, Makenna Lee Elrod, Jayce Carmelo Luevanos, Jailah Nicole Silguero, Maranda Gail Mathis, Caroline Previdi, Charlotte Bacon, Olivia Engel, Olivia Dahl, Laila Marie Daniel, Paulette Gebara Farah, Barbara Tinning, Baby Abby Jennings, Olivia-Leigh Picton, Aisha and Lailani Ford, Caroline and Madison Rae king, Gillian and Jennifer Pollock, Madison Weeks, Violet Beckett, Kasi Sanders, Heather O'Rourke and Judith Barsi, Heather White, Jaclyn Dowaliby, Betty Jean Bartlett, Brianna Lynn Walker, Judy Garland, Darla Jean Hood, Frank Sutton, Jim Nabors, Eva Heyman, Lily Elsie, Nannie Tyler, Dicy Loud Ream, Emma Ochsner, Emma Ochsner Mundhenke, Little Darcy-May Elm, Mia Julianne Nicole Serrato, Sarah Shulze, Veronica Moser-Sullivan, Moa Leontine Björk, Princess Elisabeth of Hesse and by Rhine, Rika Oudgenoeg, Makenna Grace Adcock, MaKenna Rae Fraaza, Mariah Lynn Sisco, Lesley Ann Downey, Sienna Maloney, Avery Nicole King, Angel Hope Herrera, Gerb Johansson, Th Princess Louise and Queen Victoria, Megan Rochelle Jenkins, Jennifer Sue Delgado, Soren Chilson, Joanna Pollock, Jacqueline Theresa Pollock, Robert Towne, Leona Gertrude Loud, Sirita Jimmina “BooBoo” Sotelo, Lee Williams rest in peace
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The carnation means fascination, distinction, and love. According to a Christian legend, carnations grew from the Virgin Mary's tears as she watched Jesus carry the cross. This is how they became associated with motherly love.
Know more about amazing carnation
Dianthus caryophyllus
Clove Pinks, Angelier (Afr.), Border carnation, Clove pink, Cottage pink, Divine flower, Gilly flower, Picotee
Carnation is the birth flower for those born in the month of January.
Carnation Symbolism & Colors
Carnations grow in a wide variety of colors including pink, white, red, yellow, and scarlet. They are popular flowers for dying, so if you can’t find a natural color you like you can create it! Each color has a different meaning.
White carnations symbolize purity and luck.
Light red carnations symbolize admiration.
Dark red carnations symbolize love and affection.
Pink carnations symbolize gratitude.
Yellow carnations symbolize disappointment or rejection.
Purple carnations symbolize capriciousness.
Traditions and history
In France, purple carnations are the traditional funeral flower.Carnations are given on 1st anniversaries as a sign of love and commitment.They’re the second most popular cut flower after roses.
Carnations are the national flower of Spain and Slovenia.Since Ottoman times, red carnations and tulips are used in the interior wall paintings of mosques in Turkey. It is often said that while tulips represent God, carnations are the symbol for prophet Muhammad .{peace be upon him}
Carnations were mentioned in Greek literature 2,000 years ago. The term dianthus was coined by Greek botanist Theophrastus, and is derived from the Ancient Greek words for divine ("dios") and flower ("anthos"). The name "carnation" is believed to come from the Latin corona-ae, a "wreath, garland,
The formal name for carnation, dianthus, comes from Greek for "heavenly flower", or the flower ofCarnation Cultural Significance.
Carnation in poets
Carnations have inspired many artists, poets, and authors. British composer Joseph Mazzinghi wrote a song entitled “Ye Shepherds Tell Me”, which told of a beautiful girl wearing a wreath of flowers.
A wreath around her head,
Around her head she wore,
Carnation, lily, lily, rose,
And in her hand a crook she bore,
And sweets her breath compose.
Esteemed artist John Singer Sargent was influenced by this song, and created a painting entitled Carnation, Lily, Lily, Rose, which depicts two girls playing with lanterns in the garden.
Carnation in cooking
A spicy, floral taste. Ideal for adding to cakes or for use as decoration. Could be used as a colourful garnish to add to soups or salads.
Carnation overview
Dianthus caryophyllus is also known by the common name carnation. Historically this species has been cultivated for more than 2000 years. It is used medicinally, cosmetically, culinarily and as an insect repellant. The fragrant flowers are a favourite in many gardens, they make lovely cut flowers and are even listed in the top 10 cut flowers of the world, to grow at home!
Special features of Carnation
Nectar attracts butterflies and bees.
Deadhead flowers to keep this carnation blooming longer. Cutting side flower shoots will encourage the central bud grow into a larger flower.
Dianthus caryophyllus is a herbaceous perennial plant growing up to 80 cm (31+1⁄2 in) tall. The leaves are glaucous greyish green to blue-green, slender, up to 15 cm (6 in) long. The flowers are produced singly or up to five together in a cyme; they are around 3–5 cm (1+1⁄4–2 in) diameter, and sweetly scented; the original natural flower color is bright pinkish-purple, but cultivars of other colors, including red, white, yellow, blue and green, along with some white with colored striped variations have been developed.
Attracts useful insects
Nectar attracts butterflies and bees.
Attracts birds
Fragrant flowers attract nectar feeders like hummingbirds and insect eating birds too.
Facts about carnation
Purple carnations indicate capriciousness. In France, it is a traditional funeral flower, given in condolence for the death of a loved one.Carnations are often worn on special occasions, especially Mother's Day and weddings. In 1907, Anna Jarvis chose a carnation as the emblem of Mother's Day because it was her mother's favourite flower. This tradition is now observed in the United States and Canada on the second Sunday in May. Ann Jarvis chose the white carnation because she wanted to represent the purity of a mother's love. This meaning has evolved over time, and now a red carnation may be worn if one's mother is alive, and a white one if she has died.
Where carnation found
The wild carnation is found in the Mediterranean countries of Spain, Italy, Croatia, Albania, Greece and Turkey.
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