#What is Chronic Kidney Disease Stage 3 means
wayfaringmd · 2 years
Hi Wayfaring! My dad found out that he has kidney disease from his autoimmune disease getting worse. We hear a lot of terms like kidney function % and protein being in his urine. Would you please do a lil rundown on kidney disease and what these things mean? Can kidney function improve and can the cells regrow or is it just that he needs to stop it getting worse because they can’t be repaired? Thank you :)
Ok, here’s some basic definitions for kidney disease:
- GFR or creatinine clearance: a number indicating how well the kidneys are filtering proteins and other wastes out of the blood. A normal GFR would be >60. When they’re talking about % of normal kidney function that’s more of a layman’s term and isn’t as specific.
- chronic kidney disease: broken down into stages defined by GFR or creatinine clearance. Stages 1 and 2 are essentially normal kidney function. Stage 3 (3a is a GFR of 45-59. 3b is GFR of 30-44) is where we start having to adjust dosages on certain drugs because the kidneys don’t clear them as quickly as normal. Stage 5 (GFR of <15) is end stage renal failure, where a person would be on dialysis and/or a transplant list.
- protein being in the urine is basically from leaky filters. There are lots of things that can cause protein in the urine.
Kidney function can improve depending on what is damaging it. In the case of an autoimmune disease, it typically clogs up the filtration system with antibodies, so as the antibodies decrease, the filtration improves. The problem comes when things get so clogged up that the tissue can’t get adequate oxygen and dies. That would not be reversible and the kidney does not regenerate like the liver does. Knowing whether the damage was permanent or not would really require a kidney biopsy. Ultimately with kidney disease you try to slow down progression of disease as much as possible to prevent having to move to dialysis or transplant.
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bharathomeopathy2 · 2 days
Comprehensive Approaches To Treatment For Kidney Failure: Exploring Alternatives Beyond Dialysis
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What is Kidney Disease Treatment with Homeopathy
If you are suffering from chronic kidney problems and your kidneys fail to function effectively. As a result, kidney patients face many problems. Kidneys act as filters within your body. They get rid of pollutants and waste that build up in your body as well as excess water. In addition, they assist in increasing the number of red blood cells and bone density. If kidneys cease functioning and stop working, they are unable to eliminate the waste. The waste that has accumulated is absorbed into the blood.
This is why you may face a range of problems. There are many ways for kidney failure treatment without dialysis. When you adopt these strategies, you can be sure to get rid of all kidney issues. The treatments include all the treatment of chronic kidney disease kidney disease that does not require dialysis. This is crucial for people suffering from kidney problems. If you delay treatment, it could increase the severity of your illness, and you could have to fight this disease for the rest of your life.
Why is it crucial in treating kidney problems?
If you don't want to live a long, demanding life, then chronic kidney disease treatment immediately. In the discussion of kidneys and their complications, there are a variety of issues that, if they are not addressed, will arise; among them are acute and chronic kidney problems. We'll give you complete information about them to help you identify the problem and then implement a suitable treatment program to deal with kidney issues.
What is an acute Kidney Injury?
Acute kidney damage (AKI) is defined as a decline in short-term kidney function that lasts less than 3 months. AKI is an illness that can manifest very rapidly. A variety of kidney-related medications can cause it, and those suffering from kidney ailments, diseases, or injuries may decide the dialysis procedure. This can aid in healing. A homeopathic remedy for chronic kidney problems is a therapy that may last the entire life of the person. Many people recover after suffering a severe kidney injury and live a normal life. If the kidney damage is severe enough, the risk of developing chronic kidney diseases (or ongoing problems) rapidly increases. This is the reason why Treatment for kidney failure is typically challenging.
If the right kidney is treated without dialysis, once kidney disease is detected and treated, the patient will not have any problems. The sooner kidney problems are identified and treated at the beginning stage that is when the issues can be stopped from growing. There are many effective solutions available all over the world. If you're looking to treat kidney issues using an approach that is natural it is possible to take the cure for chronic kidney disease with Bharat homeopathy. It's incredibly simple and secure.
Complications of CKD
They could be caused by chronic renal disease. If treated promptly, the condition could be prevented from developing into an underlying issue.
Hypertension The most damaging consequence that comes from CKD is the rise in blood pressure. It is thought to accelerate the deterioration of kidney function.
Anemia: Anemia may be a secondary consequence. It occurs when the kidneys do not make enough red blood cells, leading to weakness and fatigue. In this situation, when you are in a position to adopt a good Treatment for kidney failure in time, the problem is prevented from developing into a grave.
Bone-related illnesses: such as CKD can also cause complications with the bone. The kidneys are accountable for ensuring the proper quantities of calcium and Phosphorus. If the kidneys don't have the capacity to function as they're supposed to make bones weaker, they are more prone to breakage.
What is chronic kidney disease?
The kidneys suffer damage when you have chronic kidney disease (CKD). This means that they're unable to clean your blood. Diabetes and high blood pressure are two of the major risk factors for the development of renal disease. Your doctor may require tests to discover the cause of kidney problems. Based on the condition of your kidneys, there is a possibility of identifying some differences in the chronic kidney disease treatment. It is not possible to tell whether you suffer from damaged kidneys without conducting tests. It is vital to have an ancestral background of renal disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease. It is suggested that the treatment for renal disease be initiated as soon as possible.
Take care of your kidneys with these tips. If you have an illness that is chronic and can cause CKD (such as diabetes or hypertension), It's important to know. Be sure to follow the doctor's guidelines regarding diet and kidney failure treatment without dialysis.
Lower the levels of creatinine that are too high through Homeopathy
Dialysis and transplants are expensive and uncomfortable procedures that aren't accepted in homoeopathic medicine. The foundation of homeopathic treatment consists of natural, processed medicines that don't cause any negative, undesirable, adverse consequences. A balanced diet and appropriate regimen are vital to ensure that patients heal as fast as they are able to. It is suggested that patients exercise caution in relying on only allopathic medicines and be conscious of the research of homeopathy. It is treatable with high creatinine treatment with homeopathy without causing any adverse consequences.
Follow the guidelines provided by your physician, which may include
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is typically observed in smokers because smoking has been linked to an increased chance of developing heart-related disease. In addition to strokes, the disease may cause heart attacks. Quitting smoking cigarettes can allow you to live a healthier lifestyle.
Be healthy and fit by eating a balanced and healthy diet. reduces the chance of developing kidney problems by keeping cholesterol levels and blood pressure within limits. Get the most benefit from an assortment of fruits and vegetables. Kidney issues can be prevented by a high creatinine treatment and diet using an approach that is natural.
Consumption of alcohol: It is advised to reduce your consumption of alcohol. It is also suggested that you adhere strictly to the advice of your doctor.
Bharat Homeopathy Treatment
Bharat Homeopathy is the best and most efficient hospital for treating all kidney ailments in the medical field. It is well-known for its efficacy in treating a variety of kidney conditions and its dedication to the use of natural remedies. It has gained a positive standing and is fast climbing the ranks of hospitals for the Treatment for kidney failure. Our experts provide comprehensive guidance regarding a wide range of kidney problems.
We support a treatment for chronic kidney disease that does not require dialysis because we believe that natural remedies can fight kidney disease. In Bharat Homeopathy, we place importance on convenience and ease of recovery when developing individualised nutritional programs that are dependent on analysing the patient's medical background.In order to ensure your kidneys get the treatment they require to function optimally, Call Bharat Homeopathy immediately. We're here to assist you achieve your health goals. Set up appointments with our top kidney specialist whenever you are able to begin your kidney failure treatment without dialysis.
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sidshospital · 30 days
Understanding Chronic Kidney Disease: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments
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Being one of the best kidney specialists in Surat, our experts say that the Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is a condition that affects millions of people worldwide, yet many are unaware of their condition until the disease has progressed significantly. This silent threat to health can have serious consequences if left unchecked, but with early detection and proper management, many people with CKD can lead full, active lives. In this blog post, we’ll explore what CKD is, its symptoms, causes, and available treatments to help you better understand this common but often overlooked condition.
What is Chronic Kidney Disease?
Your kidneys are remarkable organs that filter waste and excess fluids from your blood, regulate blood pressure, produce hormones, and help maintain bone strength. Chronic Kidney Disease occurs when these bean-shaped organs are damaged and can’t perform their vital functions effectively.
CKD is typically a progressive condition, meaning it worsens over time. Renal specialists from SIDS Hospital, well-known as one of the best hospitals in Surat, say that it’s divided into five stages based on how well the kidneys are working, with stage 1 being the mildest and stage 5 (also known as end-stage renal disease or kidney failure) being the most severe.
Recognizing the Symptoms
One of the reasons CKD is often called a “silent disease” is that symptoms may not appear until the condition has advanced significantly. However, some people may experience:
1. Fatigue and weakness
2. Difficulty concentrating
3. Decreased appetite
4. Trouble sleeping
5. Muscle cramping, especially at night
6. Swollen feet and ankles
7. Puffiness around the eyes, especially in the morning
8. Dry, itchy skin
9. Need to urinate more often, especially at night
As the disease progresses, additional symptoms may include:
10. Nausea and vomiting
11. Shortness of breath
12. Chest pain
13. Persistent itching
14. High blood pressure that’s difficult to control
It’s important to note that these symptoms can be caused by other conditions as well. If you’re experiencing any of these persistently, it’s crucial to consult with the best kidneys stone specialist in Surat for proper evaluation.
Understanding the Causes
Chronic Kidney Disease can result from various factors, but the two leading causes are diabetes and high blood pressure. These conditions can damage the blood vessels in your kidneys over time, impairing their ability to filter waste effectively.
Other potential causes of CKD include:
1. Glomerulonephritis — inflammation of the kidney’s filtering units
2. Polycystic kidney disease — an inherited disorder causing cysts to grow in the kidneys
3. Prolonged obstruction of the urinary tract
4. Recurrent kidney infections
5. Certain autoimmune disorders like lupus
6. Overuse of certain medications, particularly non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
According to the best kidney stone specialists in Surat, some people are at higher risk of developing CKD such as:
- Being over 60 years old
- Having a family history of kidney disease
- Being of African American, Native American, or Asian descent
Having a history of cardiovascular disease
Treatment Options
While there’s no cure for Chronic Kidney Disease, various treatments can slow its progression and manage symptoms. The treatment plan will depend on the underlying cause and the stage of the disease.
1. Lifestyle Changes: Often, the first line of defence against CKD progression involves lifestyle modifications. These may include:
- Following a kidney-friendly diet low in sodium, phosphorus, and protein
- Maintaining a healthy weight
- Quitting smoking
- Limiting alcohol intake
- Regular exercise as approved by your doctor
2. Medications: Various medications may be prescribed to manage symptoms and complications of CKD, such as:
- Blood pressure medications
- Medications to lower cholesterol levels
- Drugs to treat anaemia
- Medications to relieve swelling
- Vitamin D and calcium supplements to protect bones
3. Treating Underlying Conditions: If diabetes or high blood pressure is causing your CKD, managing these conditions effectively is crucial to slowing kidney damage.
4. Dialysis: In advanced stages of CKD, when the kidneys can no longer filter waste effectively, dialysis may be necessary. This treatment uses a machine to filter waste from your blood.
5. Kidney Transplant: For some patients with end-stage kidney disease, a kidney transplant may be an option. This involves surgically placing a healthy kidney from a donor into your body.
Prevention and Early Detection
The best way to deal with Chronic Kidney Disease is to prevent it from developing in the first place. Regular check-ups with the best kidney specialists in Surat, especially if you have risk factors for CKD, can help catch the disease early. Simple blood and urine tests can detect CKD before symptoms appear.
If you’re diagnosed with CKD, remember that knowledge is power. Understanding your condition, following your treatment plan, and maintaining open communication with your healthcare team from the best hospital in Surat can significantly impact your quality of life and slow the progression of the disease. Many people with CKD lead full, active lives.
If you have concerns about your kidney health, don’t hesitate to speak with our renal experts at SIDS Hospital. Early detection and treatment can make a world of difference in managing Chronic Kidney Disease and maintaining your overall health and well-being.
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mayaduffphleb · 2 months
Revealing the Art of Phlebotomy: A Comprehensive Definition to Empower Health Enthusiasts
# Unveiling the‍ Art of Phlebotomy: A Comprehensive Definition to ‌Empower ⁣Health Enthusiasts
In the ‌world of healthcare,‌ the art⁢ of phlebotomy plays a‍ crucial role in diagnosing and⁤ treating various ​medical conditions. Phlebotomy, derived from the Greek words “phlebo” meaning veins and “tomy” meaning to make an incision, is the practice ⁢of drawing‍ blood from patients for diagnostic testing, blood‍ transfusions, donations, or research purposes. This article aims to ​provide a comprehensive definition of⁣ phlebotomy, its‍ importance, benefits, practical tips, and ‍real-life examples to empower health enthusiasts.
## What is Phlebotomy?
Phlebotomy ​is the ⁤process ⁤of collecting blood samples from ​patients using a needle and a blood collection tube. A⁣ trained healthcare professional known as a phlebotomist performs this ⁤procedure, which⁣ is essential for various medical tests and procedures. The blood samples are then analyzed in ‍a laboratory to diagnose diseases, monitor⁢ health conditions,⁣ and assess‍ the effectiveness of treatments.
##‌ Importance of Phlebotomy
Phlebotomy ⁢is⁢ a critical aspect of ‌healthcare as it enables ‍healthcare professionals to:
1. ​Diagnose Medical Conditions: Blood⁢ tests can provide valuable ​insights into a⁢ patient’s overall health, including identifying infections, anemia, diabetes, cholesterol levels, and more. 2. Monitor Health Conditions: Regular blood tests can help monitor chronic ​conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and kidney disease to ensure proper management and treatment. 3. Blood Transfusions:‌ Blood donations obtained through phlebotomy are crucial for saving lives in emergencies, surgeries, and treating various medical conditions. 4. Research Purposes: Blood samples collected through phlebotomy are used in medical research to develop new⁤ treatments, medications, and diagnostic tools.
## Benefits and Practical Tips for Phlebotomy
### Benefits ⁣of Phlebotomy:
– **Early Detection of Diseases**: Blood tests⁢ can detect ⁢diseases in their⁢ early stages, allowing for prompt ⁤treatment‍ and improved outcomes. – **Personalized Treatment Plans**:⁤ Blood tests provide⁤ valuable information to healthcare providers to tailor treatment plans based on⁤ individual patient needs. -⁤ **Preventive Health ⁤Measures**: Regular blood tests can help individuals maintain optimal health and prevent potential health issues.
### Practical Tips for Phlebotomy:
-⁣ **Stay Hydrated**: Drinking‌ plenty of water before ‌a ‌blood draw‍ can make veins ‍more visible and easier to access. – **Communicate Any Concerns**: Inform the phlebotomist about any previous negative experiences with blood draws or any medical conditions that may affect the procedure.
## Real-life Examples of⁤ Phlebotomy
### Case Study 1: John’s ⁣Experience⁣ with Phlebotomy
John,‌ a 45-year-old man,‌ visited his healthcare provider for‍ his annual physical exam. As part of the exam, blood tests were ordered to assess⁢ his cholesterol levels,​ blood sugar, and liver function. A ‍phlebotomist performed the blood draw, and ‌the results revealed that John had high cholesterol levels, prompting his healthcare provider to recommend lifestyle changes and medication ⁣to lower⁣ his cholesterol.
###⁢ First-hand ​Experience: Sarah’s ⁤Journey with Phlebotomy
Sarah, a ‍diabetic patient, undergoes regular blood tests ⁢to monitor her blood sugar levels. Through phlebotomy, Sarah’s healthcare provider can⁢ adjust her diabetes⁤ management ⁢plan accordingly, ensuring that her condition is well-controlled and minimizing the risk of complications.
## ​Conclusion
Phlebotomy plays a vital role in healthcare by providing critical ⁤information for diagnosing, monitoring, and treating various medical conditions. ⁢Understanding the art of ⁣phlebotomy empowers health enthusiasts⁣ to take charge of their health through regular blood tests and ⁢preventive​ measures. By demystifying phlebotomy and highlighting ‍its⁤ importance, individuals can appreciate its⁤ role in maintaining overall ⁣health and well-being.
Whether you’re a healthcare professional, patient, or simply⁤ interested in learning⁣ more about phlebotomy, this comprehensive guide aims to shed light on this essential ‍practice and its impact on the world of healthcare. Embrace⁢ the art of phlebotomy, and empower yourself to prioritize your health and well-being through regular blood tests and proactive healthcare measures.
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bluekidvoid · 2 months
Discover the Secret to Healthy Kidneys with NU Hospitals: Meet the Best Nephrologist in Bangalore
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When it comes to your health, especially your kidneys, choosing the right specialist is crucial. The Best Nephrologist in Bangalore is not just a title; it's a commitment to providing the highest quality care to patients. At NU Hospitals, we pride ourselves on having the most experienced and skilled nephrologists in the city. This article will guide you through everything you need to know about kidney care, why choosing the right nephrologist matters, and how NU Hospitals stands out in providing exceptional care.
Why Kidney Health Matters
Your kidneys play a vital role in maintaining overall health. They filter waste, balance fluids, and regulate blood pressure. Poor kidney function can lead to severe health issues, including chronic kidney disease (CKD), which affects millions worldwide. Therefore, maintaining good kidney health is essential for a healthy life.
Understanding Nephrology: The Science Behind Kidney Care
Nephrology is a branch of medicine focused on diagnosing and treating kidney diseases.  Best nephrologist in bangalore Nephrologists are trained to manage conditions like CKD, kidney infections, and complications related to high blood pressure and diabetes. Their expertise extends to dialysis and kidney transplantation, offering life-saving solutions for those with severe kidney conditions.
Why You Need the Best Nephrologist
Finding the Best Nephrologist in Bangalore is crucial for several reasons:
Expert Diagnosis: Early and accurate diagnosis can prevent the progression of kidney disease.
Personalized Treatment Plans: The best nephrologists tailor treatment plans to each patient's unique needs.
Advanced Care: Access to the latest treatments and technologies.
Holistic Approach: Focus on overall well-being, not just treating symptoms.
NU Hospitals: Leading the Way in Kidney Care
At NU Hospitals, we are committed to providing world-class kidney care. Our team of nephrologists is among the best in Bangalore, equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and technology. We offer comprehensive care, from diagnosis to treatment and follow-up, ensuring our patients receive the best possible care.
What Makes NU Hospitals Unique?
1. Expert Team of Nephrologists
Our team consists of highly qualified and experienced nephrologists recognized for their expertise in treating complex kidney conditions. They stay updated with the latest advancements in nephrology, ensuring our patients receive the most current and effective treatments.
2. State-of-the-Art Facilities
NU Hospitals is equipped with cutting-edge technology for accurate diagnosis and effective treatment. Our facilities include advanced dialysis units, modern operation theatres, and a dedicated kidney transplant center, ensuring comprehensive care under one roof.
3. Patient-Centered Care
We believe in a patient-centered approach, which means we prioritize the needs and preferences of our patients. From personalized treatment plans to compassionate care, we ensure our patients are comfortable and well-informed at every stage of their treatment journey.
4. Comprehensive Services
Our services cover all aspects of nephrology, including:
Chronic Kidney Disease Management
Dialysis Services
Kidney Transplantation
Hypertension Management
Diabetic Nephropathy Treatment
5. Focus on Preventive Care
At NU Hospitals, we emphasize preventive care to help patients avoid serious kidney issues. Our nephrologists educate patients on maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including diet, exercise, and regular check-ups to monitor kidney function.
The Journey to Finding the Best Nephrologist in Bangalore
Finding the Best Nephrologist in Bangalore involves more than just looking at Best nephrologist in bangalore credentials. It's about finding a specialist who understands your needs, provides compassionate care, and is dedicated to improving your health. At NU Hospitals, our nephrologists are not only highly qualified but also deeply committed to patient care.
Testimonials: Real Stories, Real Results
Our patients' success stories speak volumes about the quality of care at NU Hospitals. Here are a few testimonials from those who have experienced our exceptional services:
"I was diagnosed with chronic kidney disease and was scared about my future. The team at NU Hospitals not only provided the best treatment but also guided me throughout the process. Today, I am living a healthy life, thanks to them!" - Rajesh K.
"The doctors at NU Hospitals are truly the best nephrologists in Bangalore. Their expertise and compassionate care have made a significant difference in my life." - Suma R.
How to Choose the Right Nephrologist for You
Choosing the right nephrologist is crucial for effective treatment and peace of mind. Here are some tips to help you make the best choice:
Research Credentials: Ensure the nephrologist is board-certified and has specialized training in kidney care.
Consider Experience: Look for a nephrologist with extensive experience in treating your specific condition.
Read Reviews: Patient reviews and testimonials can provide insights into the quality of care and patient satisfaction.
Evaluate Communication Style: Choose a nephrologist who listens to your concerns and explains things clearly.
Taking the Next Step: Your Health Journey with NU Hospitals
Your journey to better kidney health begins with choosing the right healthcare provider. At NU Hospitals, we are dedicated to being your partner in this journey, offering expert care, advanced treatments, and a compassionate approach. Our mission is to help you achieve optimal health and well-being.
Contact NU Hospitals Today!
Don't wait to take control of your kidney health. If you're looking for the Best Nephrologist in Bangalore, look no further than NU Hospitals. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards a healthier future.
NU Hospitals: Your Partner in Kidney Health and Well-being.
Keywords: Best Nephrologist in Bangalore, NU Hospitals, Best nephrologist in bangalore kidney care, nephrology, chronic kidney disease, dialysis, kidney transplant, hypertension management, diabetic nephropathy, patient-centered care, advanced technology, preventive care, kidney health.
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dheemahi · 4 months
Discover Panchakarma - Your Guide to Health and Wellness
Ever heard of Panchakarma? It’s a traditional Ayurvedic treatment from Kerala that helps detoxify and rejuvenate your body. Let's break down what Panchakarma is, its stages, and why it might be just what you need.
What is Panchakarma?
Panchakarma comes from two Sanskrit words: “pancha,” meaning five, and “karma,” meaning actions. It’s a complete detox program designed to cleanse your body, remove toxins, and balance the doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) that keep us healthy.
Three Stages of Panchakarma Treatment
Purvakarma (Preparatory Steps)
Oleation: Applying medicated oils to your body to loosen toxins.
Sudation: Using steam to further loosen those toxins.
Pradhana Karma (Main Treatment)
Vamana: Therapeutic vomiting to clean out your stomach.
Virechana: Purgation to clear your intestines.
Basti: Medicated enemas to cleanse the colon.
Nasya: Using medicated oils in the nose to clear sinuses.
Paschatkarma (Post-Treatment Care)
Focus on diet and lifestyle changes to keep the benefits going.
Benefits of Panchakarma Treatment in Kerala
1. Detoxification and Cleansing
Panchakarma helps remove toxins from your body, supporting organs like the liver, kidneys, and intestines. This cleansing boosts your metabolism and revitalizes your cells.
2. Balancing Doshas
Health issues often come from imbalanced doshas. Panchakarma's tailored treatments help restore this balance, promoting overall health.
3. Mental and Emotional Well-being
Treatments such as herbal oil massages and Shirodhara (pouring oil on the forehead) reduce stress and improve mental clarity. These therapies calm your nervous system and balance your mood.
4. Boosting Immunity and Vitality
Panchakarma rejuvenates your body’s natural healing processes, strengthening your immune system. It increases your energy and stamina, making you feel more vibrant and alive.
5. Anti-Aging Benefits
Panchakarma is famous for its anti-aging effects. It detoxifies and rejuvenates at a cellular level, promoting tissue regeneration and better circulation. This helps slow down aging and supports longevity.
Experience the Best Panchakarma Treatment in Kerala at Dheemahi Ayurveda
Looking for the best Panchakarma treatment in Kerala? Dheemahi Ayurveda is the place to be. Here’s why:
Expert Doctors: Our team is committed to your health with daily consultations and thorough check-ups.
Supervised Therapies: Each treatment is carefully supervised and documented by our doctors.
Chronic Disease Management: We offer routine follow-ups to manage chronic conditions effectively.
Ayurvedic Treatment Cost in Kerala
Worried about the cost? The Ayurvedic treatment cost in Kerala can vary, but Dheemahi Ayurveda offers top-quality care at a reasonable price. Investing in your health with Panchakarma can lead to long-term benefits and a happier life.
Panchakarma is a simple yet powerful way to cleanse and rejuvenate your body. Its gentle, holistic approach can help you feel more balanced and healthy. Try the best Panchakarma treatment in Kerala at Dheemahi Ayurveda, the best Ayurveda resort in Kerala. Experience the benefits of Panchakarma and transform your health today!
Ready to feel better? Give Panchakarma a try and see the difference it can make in your life!
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drnishagaur123 · 1 year
Symptoms, stages, and treatment of chronic kidney disease (CKD)
What is Chronic kidney disease?
The main function of the kidney is to filter blood and chronic kidney disease means the kidneys are impaired and can’t able to filter the blood as per expectations. There are many reasons behind developing kidney diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease sometimes it is genetic and may depend upon the family’s health history. Only health practitioners can evaluate how a patient develops chronic kidney disease by doing certain tests.
Facts about Human kidneys
• Human kidneys are as small as a mouse or a computer.
• It filters all the blood of the body every 30 minutes.
• Our kidneys work hard to remove toxins, wastes, and excess fluid.
• Our kidneys facilitate the production of red blood cells.
• They handle blood chemicals that are important for human life.
• They keep all the bones healthy.
How to recognize chronic kidney disease?
The only way to find out what’s wrong with the functioning of the kidney of the patient is through tests. Your practitioner will do certain tests and can only identify the cause after going over the reports of that tests.
You have to get checked your diabetes level, blood pressure, and heart health because these are the main reasons behind chronic kidney disease. The reason behind finding out the cause of CKD is it affects the treatment a patient will be going to receive for CKD.
There are two types of tests mainly done for identifying Chronic kidney disease
• Urine test:- That checks the amount of protein in the urine which is also an early sign of a kidney issue.
• Blood tests:- These checks the creatinine level in the blood which is a waste product.
Symptoms and side effects of Chronic kidney disease include
• Anemia or low blood cells.
• It increases the chances of infections in the body.
• Loss of appetite.
• Weakness and dizziness.
• Depression affects the quality of life.
• Low calcium levels in the blood.
• Changes in the pattern of urination
• Edema or swelling of limbs.
• Shortness of breath.
• Irregular heartbeats.
• Secretion of blood in the urine.
• Skin itching.
• Muscle cramping.
Stages of Chronic kidney disease
There are mainly 5 stages of Chronic kidney disease and depends upon the eGRF which is the estimated glomerular filtration rate that shows how well your kidneys are filtering the blood and other waste products.
This means – impairment in the kidney but still functions normally.
Signs and symptoms –
• High blood pressure.
• Urinary tract infection.
• Edema.
• Abnormal urination.
• Fatigue. 
Signs and symptoms –
• High blood pressure.
• High diabetes level.
• Changes in the color of urine.
• Swelling in hands and legs.
• Dizziness.
This means – Impairment of kidneys with mild to moderate loss of functioning.
Signs and symptoms –
• Changes in urination
• Fluid retention
•  high blood pressure
• Low Red blood cells.
• Loss of appetite.
This means – Severe loss of functioning of both kidneys.
Signs and symptoms –
• Anemia
• Bone disease
• Loss of appetite.
• Abnormal calcium levels in the blood.
• Abnormal phosphorus levels in the blood.
• Dizziness.
This means – close to failure, loss of all the Kidney Biopsy or failure of one of both kidneys.
Signs and symptoms –
• Fatigue.
• nausea.
• Vomiting.
• Shortness of breath.
• Loss of appetite.
• Anemia.
• Swelling in hands, legs, and back.
• Back pain. 
Treatment of Chronic kidney disease
Treatment of CKD involves:-
Treatment of chronic kidney disease
• High blood pressure medication
Generally, people with CKD have higher blood pressure. So,  doctors prescribe medicines that lower the blood pressure and reduce the kidney functioning this may require frequent blood tests. Normally, angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors or angiotensin II receptor blockers are prescribed by doctors to maintain normal kidney function.
• Fluid retention
Patients with CKD generally suffer from edema (swelling in hands and legs) or water retention to treat edema doctors prescribe diuretics that help maintain the fluid balance in the body.
• Medications to treat anemia
Supplements of the hormone erythropoietin sometimes with added iron, help stimulate more red blood cells and decreases the weakness, fatigue, and dizziness related to anemia (lower HB levels).
• Medications for phosphate balance
Normally phosphate binders are given to maintain the phosphate balance in the body.
Drugs given for phosphate binders are
• Sevelamer carbonate at 800 mg dose (6–12capsules)
• Lanthanum carbonate 250–1000 dose (3–6 chewable tablets)
• Bixalomer at 250 mg dose (6–12 capsules)
• Ferric citrate at 210 mg dose (3–5 tablets)
is generally prescribed by doctors. 
• Skin itching
Commonly calamine and menthol are the two cooling agents which are given in the form of a lotion to reduce itching caused by chronic kidney disease. Doctors also recommend ice packs and oatmeal baths to treat the itching.
• Dialysis
Dialysis involves the removal of waste products and excess fluid artificially either by a dialysis machine or outer filters.
In hemodialysis, a machine filters all the blood and waste products from the body.
Whereas in peritoneal dialysis a thin tube is inserted in the abdomen cavity of the patient with the dialysis solution that absorbs excess fluid and removes the waste from the body. 
• Surgery or Kidney transplant
The process of placing healthy kidneys taken by the donor into the patient’s body is known as a kidney transplant or surgical procedure for the fifth stage of chronic kidney disease. The kidneys either came from a deceased person or a healthy living donor. You have to take lifelong medications to maintain the acceptance of new organs by your body and will not need any dialysis after that.
Chronic kidney disease is a serious illness if you keep ignoring the symptoms it even worsens with time if left untreated,  so it is important to talk to the general health practitioner The more you delayed the more it became difficult to treat chronic kidney disease stages.   If you are facing severe Most Common Kidney Diseases, then you should consult Dr. Nisha Gaur. Dr. Nisha Gaur is the most reputed Nephrologist doctor in Jaipur and has years of work experience and is the Best Nephrologist in Jaipur for Chronic Kidney Disease Care and also for treating ailments such as Kidney Transplantation, Peritoneal Dialysis, Hemodialysis, and Kidney Biopsy.
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Take Charge of Your Health with Swasthalaya Full Body Checkup Near Me
Are you tired of feeling run down and worn out all the time? Do you want to take control of your health and live a vibrant, energetic life? Look no further than Swasthalaya Full Body Checkup near Me  - the comprehensive health assessment that can provide valuable insight into your overall well-being. With convenient locations near you, it's never been easier to prioritize your health and ensure that you're living your best life. Don't wait another day to invest in yourself - read on for more information on how Swasthalaya can help you take charge of your health today!
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What is Swasthalaya?
Assuming you want a content outline for the subheading "What is Swasthalaya?": 1. Swasthalaya is a Sanskrit word that means "self-sufficiency.
2. It is a comprehensive full-body checkup that not only assesses your physical health but also looks at your mental and emotional well-being.
3. Swasthalaya is based on the belief that our overall health is determined by the balance of our three doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.
4. When these doshas are in balance, we are said to be in good health. However, when they are out of balance, it can lead to physical, mental, and emotional problems.
5. The goal of Swasthalaya is to help you restore balance in your life so that you can achieve optimum health and well-being.
What Does Swasthalaya Offer?
Assuming you would like content for a "Swasthalaya Full Body Checkup Near Me" blog article:
A Swasthalaya full body checkup can help you take charge of your health and identify any potential health concerns early on. With a comprehensive range of tests and screenings, a Swasthalaya full body checkup can give you a complete picture of your health status.
Here are some of the key tests and screenings that are included in a Swasthalaya full body checkup:
- Complete blood count (CBC): This test measures the levels of different types of cells in your blood, including red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets.
- Blood chemistry tests: These tests evaluate how well your organs are functioning by measuring the levels of certain substances in your blood, such as glucose, electrolytes, and enzymes.
- Urinalysis: This test checks for signs of disease or infection in your urine. It can also reveal important information about your kidney function.
- Cardiac risk assessment: This assessment measures your risk for heart disease and stroke by taking into account factors such as family history, cholesterol levels, and blood pressure.
Why Check Your Health Regularly?
It is important to check your health regularly for many reasons. First, it can help you catch problems early and get treatment before they become serious. Second, it can help you stay healthy by identifying risk factors and taking steps to prevent them. Third, it can help you manage chronic conditions by monitoring your symptoms and making sure you are taking the right medications. Finally, it can give you peace of mind by knowing that you are doing everything possible to stay healthy and avoid potential health problems.
Your health is your wealth and there is no better time than now to take charge of it. A Full Body Checkup near me can be the best way to proactively manage your health. It helps in early detection, prevention and management of various diseases.
A Full Body Checkup includes a comprehensive health assessment which covers all major organs and systems of the body. It helps in detecting any abnormalities or disease conditions at an early stage so that necessary treatment can be started immediately.
In conclusion, taking charge of your health is important for a long and healthy life. With Swasthalaya's Full Body Checkup near you, you can monitor your health and catch any potential health issues early on. This comprehensive health assessment provides you with a holistic view of your health, covering everything from blood tests to physical examinations.
Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/officialswasthalaya
Instagram URL: https://www.instagram.com/swasthalayahealthcare/
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kidney (renal) failure/injury
What is kidney (renal) failure/injury?
Kidney injury/failure can be acute, meaning that the kidneys have suddenly stopped working. Acute renal failure may be contraindicated.
Chronic renal failure is a slowly progressive irreversible loss of kidney function.
What is chronic kidney disease (CKD) and what are the common causes of CKD? Chronic kidney disease is a functional or structural abnormality in the kidney lasting three months or more. For example the presence of filtered "makers" such as protein in the urine or decreased kidney function for more than 3 months. As per best urologist doctor in Lucknow there are many causes of CKD. Kidneys are the most affected by diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure.
Some kidney conditions are hereditary (run in families). Others are congenital, which means that people can be born with an abnormality that can affect their kidneys.
What is end-stage renal disease (ESKD)? End stage renal disease is a stage where almost all kidney function is lost. In ultrasound report a king see very small and contract. For all practical purposes the kidney can be considered dead. Lifelong dialysis or transplantation becomes mandatory for survival. About 350,000 - 400,000 people develop End stage renal disease each year.
What are the signs and symptoms of kidney disease? Kidney disease usually affects both kidneys. If the disease severely affects the ability of the kidneys to filter the blood, waste and excess fluid can accumulate in the body. Although many types of kidney disease do not cause late symptoms of the disease, there are six warning signs of kidney disease: Frequent urination, especially at night. Difficult or painful urination. Blood and/or protein in the urine High blood pressure Creatinine and blood urea nitrogen (BUN), above normal limits (BUN and creatinine) are waste products that accumulate in the blood when kidney function is reduced.)
What are the treatment options for end stage renal disease? There are only two options for end-stage renal disease:
Dialysis for life Kidney transplant For kidney transplant in Lucknow. you can consult with urology specialist in Lucknow What is dialysis? It is a process that removes waste products and helps maintain the body's water content and composition - the most important and essential function of the kidney. occurs in the case of the kidneys. Complementary therapy is therefore needed.
What are the types of dialysis? There are two types of dialysis:
Hemodialysis, where the blood is cleaned outside the body with a peritoneal dialysis machine, where the cleaning is done inside the body through the peritoneal membrane. Sometimes, there may be medical reasons why you prefer one type of dialysis over another.
What is the best treatment option for ESKD? A kidney transplant is the best treatment available for ESKD for the following reasons:
Better protection Better quality of life Better cost effective
Who is eligible for a transplant? All patients with ESKD should be evaluated for suitability for kidney transplantation Patients with cancer or other active infections cannot go for a transplant Special evaluation is required for the following groups of patients:
old age Severe heart disease, lung disease, or liver disease HIV positive patients mental illness
For renal transplant in Lucknow consult with best urologist in Lucknow Dr. Rahul Yadav. To book your appointment call us or visit us
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What is Chronic Kidney Disease Stage 3?
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Chronic kidney disease is lasting damage to the kidneys that develops over time. CKD persists in stages, starting from stage 1 to stage 5, progressing with changes in kidney function. The differentiation between different stages of CKD is done on the basis of GFR. The glomerular filtration rate is an indication of kidney function left.
Stage 3 CKD is a condition of kidneys when your estimated glomerular filtration rate falls between 30–59, showing up moderate kidney damage. It falls in the middle of the spectrum. This stage is further subdivided into two sub-stages: stages 3a and 3b with an eGFR of 45–59 and 30–44, respectively.
If you have stage 3 CKD, it should be immediately dealt with. Your goal at this time should be to slow down the progression of CKD with the help of CKD kidney disease treatment in Ayurveda.
Signs and symptoms at stage 3 CKD
As kidney function deteriorates, exorbitant levels of waste may build up in the blood, causing dysfunction in the body. It is called uremia. In stage 3, a person is likely to be susceptible to complications such as anaemia, hypertension, bone disease, etc.
Symptoms of stage 3 CKD
Fluid retention
Swelling (oedema) in the extremities such as ankles, legs or around the face and eyes
Shortness of breath
Urination changes such as foamy, dark orange, brown, tea-coloured as it contains blood
Urinating more or less than normal
Pain felt in the areas around the kidneys
Sleep problems due to muscle cramps or restless legs
What can you do to prevent CKD?
The goal with stage 3 CKD is to prevent further kidney function loss. This means preventing eGFR from further declining, which indicates stage 4 CKD.
Choices to prevent CKD
1. Make healthy lifestyle choices: Taking a diet that is kidney-friendly will do most of the part of the treatment. Alongside, make sure that you do not stay active in smoking, maintain a healthy weight, lead an active lifestyle, and exercise well. If you are one of the people who love to enjoy Yoga, go for it. Yoga can actually help strengthen the body and boost your kidney function.
2. Monitor your health: Certain conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes, recurrent kidney functions can actually contribute to the advancement of further stages of CKD. Talk to your doctor about the health issues that seek an immediate response. Always ask your doctor about the medications you are already taking if they can pose a threat to your declining kidney function.
3. Consult a renal dietitian: Following a diet that can boost your kidney function should be your go-to option. There are various aspects of a renal diet that can only a renal dietician can tell you about. Your renal dietician will address your concern and help you curate a diet, keeping in mind the subjects concerning your health.
4. Learn everything you can about CKD: CKD can be managed well if you look for the right options at the right time. There is a lot you can learn about CKD and take care of your health, such as understanding the complications that may persist along, progression rate, glossary of the terms used in the diagnostic tests, etc. For instance, if you know how too much salt in your diet can contribute to high blood pressure, which may worsen your kidney function even more, you would be picky about your choices of food.
Chronic kidney disease treatment in Ayurveda
Ayurveda is one way to help most of the complications subside naturally. It is an old remedial science that has been a part of health recovery reforms. With the emergence of ayurvedic ways and treatments, the treatment of kidney disease has been possible now.
The ayurvedic viewpoint of any disease is different from allopathic standards and says that by paying close attention to your body and its requirements, you can actually paving the way to healthy living. Once you have discovered your dosha and Gunas well, you would abstain from any food that can be contagious to your health.
Such is the way of Ayurveda- stimulate your self-healing.
When it comes to kidney disease, the main focus is on cleansing the body’s channels and releasing the toxins or Ama out. The clearance of channels of the kidneys, which is Mootravaha Srotas contributes to the smooth flow of urine in and out. And when the urine passes out naturally, it indicates that kidneys are working well enough.
So, Ayurveda is one of the best measures to revitalised and strengthen kidney function while eliminating the need for dialysis in the long run. Even if you are in stage 3 CKD, Chronic kidney disease treatment in Ayurveda works well in slowing down the progression of disease into ESRD.
Source of Content: What is Chronic Kidney Disease Stage 3?
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zaloweb · 4 years
10 habits that easily cause you acute kidney damage
10 habits that easily cause you acute kidney damage
Acute kidney damage is a condition in which the kidneys fail to function suddenly. Usually, the disease usually occurs concurrently with one or several other diseases. However, everyday bad habits are also factors that directly affect the kidneys. It’s never too late for you to change bad habits. Especially when they harm health. For acute kidney damage syndrome, if you have the following 10…
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afniel · 3 years
This is heavy and also carries a content warning for talking about impending pet death, so I'm just gonna put it under a read more...
...so the bup is getting pretty close to the end of his life. It's really hard for both of us. He was diagnosed with chronic kidney disease a few months back, and we've known this was going to be the eventual endgame since then, but...man, it just sucks.
We've given him an absolutely great life. No doubt about it. Good food, good medical care, lots and lots of love and even respect. We've always given him a lot of bodily autonomy. If he doesn't want handled, we don't handle him unless it's an emergency or for the vet. He knows this, too, so when we do handle him, he trusts us. Since his diagnosis we've been having to give him pills for nausea, which he absolutely hates, but we try to make it quick and give him treats and praise afterwards. He's been such a good sport about it, too, it's really amazing what a calm and tolerant little man he is. And we're at the point with his food intake now that we'd have to force-feed him, which...
I dunno, man. If this was temporary and he could pull through it, we'd make it work and learn how to do it as comfortably as possible for everyone involved, but...let's be realistic, right? He's entering renal failure. I can tell by how quickly he's suddenly stopped weight and become tired and weak and wobbly. Syringe feeding him against his will wouldn't solve anything, wouldn't improve his quality of life, and it would go against the way we've raised him for almost 13 years now.
And it really sucks so hard, I want to be able to do something, but there's just nothing to be done, I think. Death is another stage of life and when it's time, it's time, and I feel it in my gut that his time is really soon, one way or another. It just...is what it is.
But even accepting it doesn't really make it easier, you know?
I'm waiting for the vet to email me back since it was a long weekend, but we're already giving him subcutaneous fluids, which he handles like a little champ, and we've got him on both anti-nausea and appetite stimulant meds, and even with that, he's taking just a little food every day. There's not really much left that we can do...we tried some meds that might have helped his kidneys but he really didn't tolerate them well at all. I half wonder if they didn't kill his appetite so hard that it contributed to his sudden decline, but then again...this is probably just the point he's at. He was already stage 3 out of 4 when he was diagnosed. We bought him a fair amount of time with aggressive management, and it was worth it, but I think...the time is just coming and there's not much left to do but plan for the inevitable.
And I mean, he was a skinny little FIV+ stray when we adopted him from a local no-kill, so that he lived a full, happy life, and got old enough to reach a natural death? Shit, that's basically a win condition right there, isn't it?
It just sucks and I'm so deeply and tremendously sad, I don't even have words for it. Anything I can describe is like a single fleck of dust beside an entire mountain. But even then, I'm grieving this hard because I love him this much, and even knowing how much this step hurts, I still couldn't trade it for anything. And I'll be okay, ultimately. I've got my partner, and they have me, and we'll get through.
But man, it sucks so much. I think this is the worst part of it now. At least once it's over, however it goes, there's some closure and the uncertainty can end, but right now it's just nonstop anticipatory grieving and worrying and I'm really exhausted but we aren't quite there yet, so that's just where we are and how it is.
Whenever his time is, at least we know we spent all the time preceding it giving him the best and most love-filled life we could possibly give him.
But man, it sucks.
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insurancelover · 3 years
Investment is not insurance, but if you buy insurance, insurance is an investment
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friends today I want to give you a strategy idea and also on the basis of
a question about the difference between investment and insurance,
why investment and insurance is also a problem ?, because I think many people are misguided, let's see the difference, should you invest or buy insurance?
Friends, investment is not insurance, but insurance is an investment. investment is not insurance but if you buy insurance, insurance is an investment why is that? because there is a fundamental difference between insurance and investment if we break it down into 5 things, which distinguishes insurance and investment,
The first is the goal,
what is the difference between investment objectives, what is the purpose of insurance, the purpose of investment is so that you can collect something with a certain target? For example, you can have different goals for what is called an investment, you can invest by saving by buying gold, by buying shares where when it is ripe or when the money is collected, what do you want to buy? Motorcycles, houses, you can go for walks, so investment doesn't limit you to having a specific goal, but if you buy insurance the goal is certain, for example, the goal is if you are sick someone will pay for it, but you can't after you get sick the money is used to buy a motorbike, isn't it? yes, because the money will be paid directly to the hospital,
 another example is school education, usually, you can't suddenly after the money comes out the money is used for other things, yes it doesn't suit its purpose or for example life insurance, the goal is for those of you who experience the risk of death but you don't want to die yet You can't disburse it, so the name of the soul is already covered by the heirs.
 The second is the result
the return on investment is different from the result of insurance let's see what the difference is if you buy or pay for a house for an investment you get the result you get an asset if you buy shares you get an asset called equity if you buy gold you get a physical gold object So, what are the results if you buy insurance?
 So, when you buy insurance, you actually buy the protection that results in you being protected from certain risks, take one example, say, as an active entrepreneur, you often eat out, you don't exercise, you don't take care of your health. The only problem is that you're still young. You go to the doctor, the blood is checked all good, the question is whether with our lifestyle there is a risk of getting certain diseases called critical illnesses, for example, hypertension, stroke, cancer.
 Do you know that people suffering from hypertension are increasing from year to year, people who die from cancer in Indonesia can reach 10 million, this is one of the major causes of death, but there is another disease that is quite critical, also called heart. The question is if you get cancer and then you can't work, you can't pay for the hospital then who has to bear for sure the children, wife, or family. so that the family's children and wives can pursue their respective goals, you pay insurance premiums. what is the purpose so that if you are sick you can get protection so protecting yourself from risk does not mean you will never have heart disease but if you say that until that risk occurs you have to cover the hospital costs usually what insurance covers for critical illnesses you have to ask your insurance agent, maybe nowadays the most common diseases in Indonesia are heart, hypertension, stroke, chronic liver disease, lupus and then there is another thing called chronic lung disease, and kidney disease are all chronic diseases?
 and what's interesting is that if you get diagnosed, for example, stage 1, stage 2, stage 3, stage 4, the insurance will pay an amount of money according to your premium, so according to the sum insured you pay how much
the value is certain, now the investment results are uncertain, the investment you invest today is not certain tomorrow the gold will go up don't get me wrong, you bought gold today, yesterday I bought gold for 7 hundred, 10 thousand today 690 thousand, now it's down because we
I thought gold was going up but it was going down, so I still bought gold and the purpose was different, the results were different. So, if you buy insurance, the result is certain that the results are relatively certain according to your contract as long as it is still under coverage.
 the third is the risk if you invest.
Yes, the risk is ups and downs, there is no business that guarantees it is right, up or down the value of your investment, there is no guarantee that it can go up or down, it can grow or it doesn't develop.
 what's interesting is insurance, if you are not exposed to risk you can't enjoy if you are exposed to risk you can enjoy it, so it's different if your investment does not produce results we can still sell our assets or can still produce according to the amount we want to enjoy.
 but insurance can't, you pay every month 1 million, 1 million, 1 million never been in the hospital, 1 million money can't come out after for example, you are 70 years old it turns out you don't experience death the money can't come out can only happen when you experiencing a new risk is protected, now that's the difference then someone says wow, it's a loss when we have insurance, yes, it's a loss if you are not sick,
 The question is do you want to be sick or not?
the fourth is the value of the funds you invest,
if you invest the value of the funds is free, today you don't have money, you don't invest tomorrow, you have money to invest today. You can save, tomorrow you don't want to save, it doesn't matter, but the name of insurance is that there is a contract every month, you have to pay the amount of the contract every year. the year I have to pay I buy education insurance so in the next 10 years I have to spend money but after 10 years I don't need to spend money at all, in the 20th year there is a cash value and the cash value is my goal is for my children, what's the assumption?
for 10 years I'm still alive, for 10 years I can still pay
the premium, now the premium can't if you don't have money, you can't pay, you can't have to continue to have insurance, I have a lot of insurance and what kind of insurance does it increase, it means that it keeps increasing, I top up every year, yes, for insurance agents who have customers like me, for sure happy because every year, for 2 years I definitely top up from 1 million to 5 million a month to 10 million a month, what is that for? My income goes up, right, my income goes up if anything happens, my children are still small and then their school life is still long, which means I have to have something if something happens to me.
 the fifth, can you have both?
I also have investment, I bought protection too, investment is also protected with one account can be called Unit Link.
 Unit Link is divided, for example, 50%, for investment 50% for insurance so if you are sick you will be covered, you are not sick, your investment money will be disbursed.
  So the question is, is it recommended or not? all choices of your own,
I don't recommend why not recommend? because it's better for you to choose the soul, yes for the soul, if it happens to be sick, so sick so you can maximize the sum insured, imagine I have 100 thousand, 50 thousand for an investment of 50 thousand for automatic insurance the coverage is only 50 thousand, now the investment is 50 thousand but if you have money 100 thousand 100% for the risk it is much better.
 Hope it is useful,,,
If you have questions, please ask below, or if you want to buy insurance products, you look for insurance agents or go to insurance companies that can provide more concrete explanations for your investment. You must look for investment instruments.
that matches your character.
investment or insurance
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vulnera-sanentura · 4 years
Cats, Chronic Kidney Disease, and More Food Controversy
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Let’s start from the beginning: what is chronic kidney disease?
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a progressive disease of lost renal function. It’s a very common cause of death in cat’s over 14 years old. Kittens are born with 100% function of their kidneys, but as they age, function slowly decreases leading to clinical signs. This can be distinguished from acute kidney injury (AKI) by multiple factors, but the main difference is that CKD is an almost inevitable consequence of age, while AKI can happen at any age, and usually has an inciting factor like trauma or a bad infection.
Renal disease is classified into 4 stages, IRIS stages, based on bloodwork levels of 3 waste products: SDMA, BUN, and creatinine.
Stage 1 & 2: often no clinical signs, very early to early renal disease
Stage 3: can see polyuria and polydipsia (increased thirst and urination), decreased appetite, weight loss, and lethargy as creatinine rises in the blood
Stage 4: usually very sick! Poor to absent appetite, rapid weight loss, very lethargic and anti-social, and often extremely dehydrated
Protein requirements of cats
Cats are obligate carnivores, unlike dogs which are facultative carnivores, and this is reflected in their protein requirements! Cats generally require approximately 34% protein or more on a dry matter basis (I’ll touch on dry matter vs crude protein that at the end) to maintain lean muscle mass, or they begin to metabolize it for energy (LaFlamme & Hannah, 2013; Salauq, 2016).
As cats age, they need more protein in their diet! As cats age (greater than 12 years old), the absorptive abilities of their digestive system wane so they need an almost overload of protein to help their gut absorb enough: at lowest 40% protein and up to 50% protein. Due to the decreased absorption they also have an increased fat requirement (>20%), especially omega fatty acids, and supplemental B vitamins, especially B12 are recommended (Sparkes, 2011; LaFlamme & Gunn-Moore, 2014).
So what’s the controversy?
In renal disease, the kidneys are less able to filter out waste products the body makes, leading them to overload the body and make the animal sick. Many of these waste products, including BUN and creatinine, are created from the breakdown of proteins: either in muscle or in food. (Fun fact: intensely muscled horses may have high creatinine just due to the immense amount of muscle they have, while conversely very skinny, atrophied animals will have lower). Protein also contains high levels of phosphorus, which can be detrimental to cats with kidney disease.
The main thought behind the low-protein renal diets is to not overload the animal’s kidneys with excess protein and make them sicker.
However, Dr Gary Norsworthy, one of the leading feline specialists, recommends a high protein diet to all cats but those in the latest stages of CKD. Why?
Hyperthyroidism, diabetes, and GI disease, 3 of the most common diseases in senior cats, can all lead to muscle wasting
Starting cats out with a restricted protein diet that may have these diseases in hopes of preventing/stalling CKD would likely only cause even further atrophy, especially since senior cats already have decreased protein absorption.
The important clinical goals of managing early (IRIS 1 & 2) CKD are:
Maintain hydration! Kidneys love water, and keeping kitties hydrated can prevent or slow degradation of the kidneys. - water fountains, wet food, Purina Hydracare, IV/sub-Q fluids 
Maintain normal phosphorus levels. Hyperphosphatemia directly correlates to an increased mortality in both human and feline patients with CKD - low phosphate diets, phosphate binders
Control other risk factors, like hypertension and hypokalemia
Very high blood pressures can further damage the kidneys (like “spraying a fire hose on a delicate filter”)
If you control these factors, high protein should not be an issue for cats with early CKD
Norsworthy is generally against traditional renal diets in cats, which often have 23-27% protein, below the threshold of muscle wasting in cats! (As a note: Hill’s K/D has only slightly lower protein in it than their standard adult food: 30% in K/D, 34% in K/D early care, and 36% in adult. Purina NF is still following a more restricted protein diet at 26%, but their NF early care is 34%)
Restricted protein will lower BUN and creatinine, which may be giving clinicians a false sense of security that the renal disease has been controlled (also lowers phosphorus, but that can usually be controlled without lowering protein)
Another fun fact: cats on high protein diets (Like Dr Elsey’s which has 59% protein) will often have an above-threshold BUN, but is not an indicator of renal function! Just their diet.
There’s also little evidence to support protein restriction in cats! Many studies on low protein are extrapolated out of other species, and cats aren’t small dogs, or small humans. They need their own studies!
In advanced kidney disease (IRIS 3 & 4), the greatest challenge to maintaining quality of life in these cats is food intake. Remember, the increased severity of kidney disease often leads to loss of appetite and subsequent weight loss, and these poor cats end up wasting away to skin and bones. Increased weight loss and muscle atrophy correlates to a shorter lifespan in senior cats (Sherk, “Skinny Old Cats”). However, cats prefer eating high protein diets over low protein! So to keep their weight and muscle from decreasing, a higher protein, increased palatability diet is recommended.
What about in severe renal disease cases?
Norsworthy recommends in IRIS 4 cats with uremia (high BUN) and hyperphosphatemia that cannot be controlled by other means, only then should protein be restricted, and only to 30-38% protein, and only if the cat will eat enough to meet caloric needs. 
**Dry matter vs crude protein: Important when feeding wet food, as crude protein is in relation to everything in the food including the water, so wet foods may look insanely low in protein when in fact they’re just high in water! There’s math to figure it out, but I think this is long enough as is
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Our products are not intended to treat, avoid, alleviate or cure any illness or medical condition and also are for research functions only. Raising awareness of the wellness results of PEIDs is an essential emphasis of ASADA Chief Executive Officer David Sharpe. One recent research paper located that youngsters given synthetic human development hormone go to substantially greater risk of developing cancer cells in the long term. Various other research study carried out on hormonal agent peptides has actually shown customers go to increased risk of hypertensive episodes, haemorrhage, water drunkenness as well as even fatality.
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Collect details, reviewed evaluations from other individuals, and also learn what the value is from each product. A badly made product isn't mosting likely to give you the results you desire.
What are antimicrobial proteins?
Abstract. Production of antimicrobial peptides and proteins is an important means of host defense in eukaryotes. The larger antimicrobial proteins, containing more than 100 amino acids, are often lytic enzymes, nutrient-binding proteins or contain sites that target specific microbial macromolecules.
Ibutamoren or MK 677 has been shown to raise IGF-1 levels by 60% in 6 weeks. It is a non-hormonal as well as consequently requires no PCT after the cycle is over. It will shine more-so if ran in conjunction with SARMS S-4 and also Cardarine (GW ). This would be similar to a SARMS three-way pile that is normally kept up Ostarine, except there is an opportunity of even more size being put on while cutting. To conclude, the pure SARMs are not restricted to the ones mentioned above, however the ones noted are the top 3 pure SURMs for muscle building. To understand more about various other health problems and its solutions, examine our platform for even more fascinating details. Ostrarine is just one of the best-knownproducts that are extensively used in this century.
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Besides, each kind of SARMs has its approach of usage and also numerous protocols to enhance productivity. You either dosage once or twice each day to execute its feature to contentment as well as integrity. If you disable this cookie, we will not have the ability to save your choices. This implies that every single time you see this website you will certainly need to allow or disable cookies again. Purely Needed Cookie ought to be made it possible for at all times to ensure that we can save your preferences for cookie setups. It means that buyers have correct security when purchasing sporting activities supplements, both online and offline.
Protein that can be toxic in the heart and nerves may help prevent Alzheimer's - EurekAlert
Protein that can be toxic in the heart and nerves may help prevent Alzheimer's.
Posted: Thu, 07 Jan 2021 16:45:52 GMT [source]
Popular brand names justify it with raised demand for these preparations as well as the higher rates of raw materials and also job. Yet, comparable to on the internet shopping is, many fraudulences occur online. If you do not wish to be scammed, make certain that online sale is lawful in your nation. Lastly, seek previous users and also examine their experiences with a particular supplier and items. The most safe way to get something is when you can inspect the item right away. When it comes to SARMs, one needs to recognize what to check, such as seals or how the print on the label was done. They ought to be well notified regarding products, brand names, as well as whatever else that interests them prior to buying.
For a few of one of the most powerful medications, the examinations were also pricey to perform at amateur level. Readus's wish to go quicker was at the root of his use of medications, and also a big part of the advantage was mental. Staite was as well old to transform specialist, and also even with the medicines he was a nation mile off the best in the sport. Despite how far from the elite they are, however, athletes who dope frequently appear to wish to make a step up to the next degree of speed as well as competitors, whatever it might be. Envision they're the same sort of medications that shamed bicyclist Lance Armstrong was banned for utilizing to win 7 Tour de France titles. Now imagine that a few of the fastest motorcyclists in this pleasant local competitors have actually utilized medicines to boost their efficiency. The British Army takes a zero-tolerance approach to compound misuse.
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Peptides: What are they, uses, and side effects - Medical News Today
Peptides: What are they, uses, and side effects.
Posted: Wed, 16 Oct 2019 07:00:00 GMT [source]
Readus located that a lot of the recommendations about dosages as well as discovery he got was inaccurate, meaning some athletes failed medications tests despite all their efforts. For endurance athletes, the medications that were preferred 10 years earlier are still the ones that are preferred today. Ultimately EPO is just completely matched to boosting efficiency. Olympic biker as well as former doper David Millar identified the very same phenomenon-- vitamin injection became his entrance to medications.
There are lots of reasons why you ought to make use of just authentic SARMs items. Really frequently, the list of active ingredients found in these fakes is false. A study by PHI at Liverpool John Moores University-- Steroids and Picture Enhancing Medicines 2013 Survey Outcomes-- gives thorough information on the degree and attributes of making use of these drugs in the UK.
How many types of peptides are there?
There are five different types of peptides used as skin-care actives: signaling peptides, carrier peptides, enzyme-inhibiting peptides, neurotransmitter-inhibiting peptides and antimicrobial peptides. When skin is injured, proteases break down damaged tissue into different peptide fragments.
Mechano growth variable which is stemmed from IGF-1 as well as helps with tissue fixing and adaptation. Development hormones like AOD-9604, which has fat burning buildings as well as is utilized by professional athletes to boost power-to-weight ratios. Performance as well as image enhancing medications are taken by people who desire to improve their physical appearance and/or enhance their toughness and also showing off efficiency. Basically UKAD acts on tip-offs, just like police, with discussion forums and websites selling medications a main source for finding prospective culprits. Do not be fooled into thinking everything you review online is true, though.
Medications impact the fitness as well as dependability of service individuals as well as have a harsh effect on operational performance. Fail a medications examination, as well as you can anticipate to be discharged from the solution. Professionals such as physiotherapists suggest people on how to enhance muscles after an injury or procedure. They will assess the client and offer recommendations as well as instruct them in workouts that can be used to reinforce particular muscle mass teams. Muscle mass are attached to bones so strong muscles can sustain joints and various other components of the skeletal system. For individuals who wish to build the stamina of their muscular tissues for health and fitness gains, they might consult an individual trainer that can customize an exercise program to the private with objectives to safely function towards.
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Blood Pressure Program Reviews
Blood Pressure Program Reviews - Christian Goodman High Blood Pressure Exercises Helps? PDF Review By Dietcare Reviews
Christian Goodman The High Blood Pressure Program Exercises PDF Reviews - Blue Heron Guide Really Work Or Scam? Download High Blood Pressure Program eBook, PDF & Guide.
Blood Pressure Program Christian Goodman Review
Christian Goodman The High Blood Pressure Program Exercises PDF Reviews - Blue Heron Guide Really Work Or Scam? Download High Blood Pressure Program eBook, PDF & Guide.
High blood pressure, or HBP, is a condition affecting millions. Such patients do not show any symptoms. Some are fortunate individuals and do not suffer from this disorder, which does not guarantee that they should ignore it.
Unchecked, high blood pressure may cause multiple complications. Besides, it may lead to kidney disease, heart attack, obesity, etc.
Fortunately, increased blood pressure may also be regulated, avoided, or even eliminated by physical influences. For example, people can use exercises to control, stop, or prevent high blood pressure.
One may consider the Blue Heron Blood Pressure program if they are keen to find more about treating and reducing increased blood pressure. This eBook is a practical resource for consumers to learn how to exert their blood pressure quickly and effectively.
Potential buyers should not spend more time thinking about users' failures. The article will inform them what users should know about the Blue Heron Pressure Care Service. The post will discuss this useful guidance and whether this investment in life safety is worth it.
Product Title        : The Blood Pressure Program
Language           :  English
Author               :  Christian Goodman
Category            :  Blood Pressure Exercises
Price           ��      :  $49(Check For Discounted Price)
Official Website :  Click Here
What Is Christian GoodMan Blood Pressure Program?
People should not have to risk their wellbeing to reduce blood pressure and control it. Blood pressure program services are only appropriate for users and 9 minutes a day.
Christian Goodman is the creator of this guide. In his unique online model, he gives users three different gestures to reduce blood pressure every day. The primary root source of elevated blood pressure, which is internal, behavioral, or emotional pressures, is dealt with.
This program's activities encourage the body and mind to undergo a "focused break" to normalize blood pressure levels. Christian says that his plan does that through the reduction of chronic tension, anxiety, and stress.
The program by Christian advises users to do workouts. He does not mean to sprint or drive. Instead, the method is used to complete basic exercises that anyone will take, irrespective of their present fitness or health. Thus, it may replace the ideal diet for high blood pressure, heart, stroke, anxiety, and stress.
According to the owner, Blood pressure will start to be lowered, and users will feel better after about a week.
The customers now obtain all three exercises in audio form. The tablet, smartphone, laptop model, and tablet usage will then be accessed online or downloaded. To guarantee that users have a 9-minute regime for wherever they go, the developer strongly advises that they import them to smartphones. Overall, it is the triple workout that is vital to progress for the Blood Pressure Program.
The model includes a printed manual containing precise detail about the diet, workouts, and how the system can reduce blood pressure. Users may also download it and read it for free. This is a perfect choice if people do the workouts in public places and do not wish to wear headphones or play the recording aloud so that anyone can hear.
Suppose either the written version or the audio downloads do not attract users or become too complicated? In that case, users may elect to pay an additional $2 to get audios on a CD.
Just not everything! Blood pressure program customers get even a bonus summary, with almost no added fee for users. Users also have a 60-day monetary back guarantee, which gives users enough time to check at what the program can do for wellbeing.
Visit Blue Heron Health News Official Website To Learn More About Christian Goodman Blood Pressure Program PDF
Features Of High Blood Pressure Program Exercises
Much as the name suggests, the High Blood Pressure Program gives participants three daily workouts. Christian Goodman intended these practices to make the mind and body a "focused break." Readers can learn more about what Christian Goodman calls Focused Break here.
According to the official page, the program is an integrated model. Users can thus cope with the leading cause of hypertension, stress, or strain. This suggests that the workouts on the guide can help users to relieve blood pressure.
It doesn't beat around the bush, unlike many other online services. It offered consumers a wealth of information about which they obviously do want to hear. According to Kevin, the plan goes on to the point. Kevin says that it helps consumers to spontaneously and safely lower elevated blood pressure.
According to Wendy Flanders, six parts are available in the central manual. However, they are vital to learning because they give readers incredible detail and insight into these gestures' execution. Thus, the model may help one to reach regular blood pressure thresholds.
Here is an overview of the written manual subjects to give users a clearer sense of knowledge users gets.
The audio files of the exercises do not echo what the manual says. It should be noted. Instead, they are very different, offering the setting required to optimize performance for consumers. For example, exercise 1 audio has music relaxed and encouraging comments in the background, making it convenient and fun and positive to walk in a groove. Wendy Flanders discusses the formats offered in this article.
How It Works | How To Use The Blood Pressure Program
Blue Heron Blood Pressure program works if users are active. Furthermore, if users do not exercise it, this is meaningless.
The model has a complementary TEXT and AUDIO format.
Goodman proposed that consumers review all the parts of the model by getting the audios.
The audio is made up of 3 exercise parts. The time to complete the first part is 12 minutes. Practices 2 and 3 may take approximately 23 and 26 minutes.
Christian notes that exercise 1 helps to synchronize a peaceful and comfortable stage between mind and body. The activity is easy, and users can do it easily by themselves.
The second practice takes a different angle. The owner understands that symptoms of depression are one cause of elevated blood pressure. The users ought to do essential exercises to alleviate the body's strong emotions during this process. Christian Goodman says that this part can be carried out anywhere. Plus, it does not need a unique setup.
A person should try the third exercise before bed. This change helps to relax the mind and body and make sleep healthier. All the activities included in the kit should be carried out every day to achieve optimum results: the first-morning exercise, the second-afternoon workout, and the third immediately before sleeping in the night.
But the preferences and perspectives of the consumers differ. Thus, one may prefer one format of the guide over the other. The audio will make it easier for users to keep an eye on the action and execute the right preparation. Thus, as seen in most reports about the product, the audio file is vital as it helps one understand the whole scheme better. Furthermore, users need to remember anything. They should only hear the audio.
Visit Blue Heron Health News Official Website To Learn More About Christian Goodman Blood Pressure Program PDF
Benefits Of Using This Program
The exactness of the High Blood Pressure Program is making it a fantastic item. Users do not spend their time browsing chapters on their knowledge or do not have to know. The three workouts require just 9 minutes a day; instead, they offer what people need to reduce normal blood pressure.
This takes a person to the next advantage. It takes consumers just 9 minutes to see the results every day. They don't have to sleep for hours in a gym or press their physical and emotional wellbeing unnecessarily or even worse. Just 9 minutes can be taken by anyone.
Most of the users have said they really liked the little info, such as optimistic assertions and soothing music in the audios. These minor additions significantly impact the overall positivity and productivity of the people.
Finally, the developer proposes a range of choices for users that is fantastic. Audio downloads, an eBook, and a CD are available. Again, it's the little stuff that matters. Another excellent advantage is the 60-day money-back guarantee.
Pricing And Where To Buy The PDF
When the Blood Pressure Program is ordered, people get full lifetime access to a version (i.e., audio/mp3) that can be downloaded. Moreover, whenever Christian discovers any activities to enhance their brains' conditioning and relieve their organ of tension, an email would be provided with those updates.
In this case, this service is currently available for $49 for a one-time fee. Besides, a 100 percent 60-day money-back policy has sponsored any program bought, no questions asked. To learn more about the pricing and buy the product, readers can refer to this page.
A short summary High Blood Pressure Program Christian Goodman Guide will be offered to users as a gift.
This reward, along with the service package, is precisely given. In fact, the main text deals with stress management activities that can induce high blood pressure.
This benefit supports the Blue Heron Health News's main text so that therapy can sufficiently reduce blood pressure.
Safety | Reliability
And is this model a fraud? Most consumers are really concerned about something different while shopping, and the Blood Pressure Model is nothing new.
This product would not beat around the bush in many other services. It offers consumers enough knowledge that is undoubtedly worthwhile in the long term. The chapters provide users practical expertise and an excellent understanding of how to do the exercises correctly and help keep blood pressure levels regular.
A model like this is hard and pricey to buy, so it is always incorrect to be a fraud. But from reviews, which analyzed The Blood Pressure Program, this is not the case. The model has been aimed at many, and it is a useful and reliable online program.
The Blood pressure Program Christian Goodman – Final Verdict
Blue Heron the High Blood Pressure Program Christian Goodman exercises helps to regulate blood pressure levels. It is as self-explicative as it does. However, clearly, the goal is not so intuitive. Typically, when consumers learn of blood pressure, the mind relates it to the heart automatically. Still, Christian Goodman emphasizes that the root cause of this is the brain and stress exposure level.
The model has been presented in an audio format to ensure that any person follows the directions specified. This is ideal, so users can be less inspired to read tips.
One feature of the Blood Pressure Program is the basis of information for "lifetime." Christian guarantees, in particular that all new findings will be revealed through email updates. In the end, a single transaction tends to lead to a continuing education linked to blood pressure.
To read more about blood pressure program by Blue Heron Health News, click here.
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