#Wednesday cake is good cake lmao
salemssimblr · 3 months
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Hubby and I made a mocha chocolate cake tonight! No reason, just cause we can.
After we frosted and decorated it he told me he’d never made a cake before! Excellent job for his first time lmao yeah it was a box mix but that counts right??
Also isn’t he cute??? Lmao
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libraryofgage · 3 months
Addams Family B-Side (6)
Part of: Steve Deserves Good Parents, Actually
Debbie and Fester Addams One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six (you're here!) Rick and Evelyn O'Connell One | Two | Three Harley Quinn One | Two 10th Doctor and Rose One | Two (on the way!) Scooby Gang (there are plans for this one lmao, so plz be patient with me orz) Jedidiah and Octavius (from Night at the Museum) One | Two Queen Clarisse Renaldi One | Two | Three Leverage Crew One
Hi it's been a fucking minute since I updated this one orz thank you so much for your patience, y'all
Anyway, this fic was line-jumped, and it's one of two jumps I received on kofi. If you'd like to learn more about line-jumping your favorite series, you can read this post
There are three memes at the end for you <3
As always, if you see any typos, no you didn't :^)
The first time Steve got expelled, his father picked him up from school while his mother stayed to chat with the principal. He was twelve at the time, confused about what he'd done wrong, and feeling validated by his father's ecstatic praise of his initiative.
He'd wound up in Grandmama's kitchen, sitting cross-legged on the island while Wednesday added spider legs to a mixing bowl. Fester had gone off the find Gomez after telling Wednesday to keep an eye on Steve. She'd immediately turned away after Fester left the room.
"So," she said, idly stirring, "you've been expelled. What for?"
"I brought rattlesnakes to class."
"We were learning about snakes. I thought the teacher would appreciate live examples."
"How many?"
"Twenty seven. One for each student."
"Did they bite anyone?"
"No," Steve said, frowning and not bothering to conceal his disappointment at the fact.
"That's a shame."
Steve nodded, watching Wednesday for a few minutes before asking, "What are you making?"
"A cake for Joel."
"He insists on celebrating our anniversary."
"What kind is it?"
"Cinnamon with walnuts."
Steve thought for a moment, trying to figure out why that specific combination sounded familiar. Finally, he said, "I thought Joel was allergic to those."
"He is allergic to many things," Wednesday said, looking over her shoulder to smirk at Steve. "But especially cinnamon and walnuts."
"How come you're making it then?"
"To make sure he remembers how breathless I made him when we first met."
Steve thought that might be one of the most romantic things he's ever heard. He carefully filed the idea away in the back of his mind, hoping he'd one day find someone with an allergy severe enough to use it.
Eddie can't stop looking at Steve's parents, his gaze moving between the two as he tries to figure out how the fuck they ended up together. He feels like someone is about to jump out and tell him he's on a prank show. What else could describe the sheer polar opposite natures of Steve's parents?
Debbie looks exactly like the kind of woman who'd live in a Barbie Dream House: blonde, perfect makeup, pastel dress, the refined air that just hovers around her. Fester, however, looks like he belongs next door. Eddie had noticed how pale he was the first time they met, but he's positively corpse-like now that Steve and Debbie are around for comparison.
He'd almost believe Steve wasn't their child if not for the fact that Eddie can see every way he is. Steve might look like Debbie on the outside, but he's undoubtedly an Addams on the inside. He has Debbie's fashion sense and air of elegance. his eyes get the same crazed light sometimes that Fester's do when Debbie speaks, and the words they speak are similar.
"Eddie," Debbie says, snapping him out of his thoughts. At some point, he'd started staring at Steve, and he feels his cheeks flush at getting caught. "Steve tells me you play guitar. Did you recently learn?"
Oh. Eddie feels his shoulders relax some at the familiar topic. "My mom taught me when I was younger. She used to play for me whenever I had nightmares."
"She doesn't play for you anymore?" Debbie asks, spearing a piece of chicken with her fork.
"Oh, uh, she died a few years ago," Eddie says, smiling apologetically for such a downer of a topic. "Cancer, you know."
"That must have been excruciating," Steve says, a soft sigh accompanying his words, and Eddie isn't sure if he's sympathetic or jealous.
Debbie nods as she inspects her chicken closely before putting it in her mouth, her eyes narrowing slightly as she chews. "I said no poisoning the food, dear," she says, looking at Fester with a somewhat strained smile.
"Aww, it's just a nightshade reduction, Mother. We didn't even put any on Eddie's plate," Steve says.
Now that Eddie is actually paying attention, he realizes the dark sauce drizzled across their chicken is missing from his own. "Why don't I have any?" he asks, figuring it can't really be a nightshade sauce.
"You haven't worked your way up to nightshade yet," Fester explains, his eyes lighting up as he adds, "But don't worry! We're getting you started with just a dash of chalk in your rice."
Eddie blinks, glancing down at the half-eaten rice on his plate. He didn't notice anything weird about it, so maybe they're joking. But then he hears Debbie's put-upon sigh. "Fester, dear?"
"Yes, Pumpkin?"
"I'd make you sleep in the doghouse, but you'd just enjoy it."
"Eddie doesn't mind, I'm sure," Steve says, looking at Eddie with a smile that makes his heart speed up and his palms sweat. "It's okay if you do, though. Just be honest."
"I don't mind," Eddie replies, wondering where the words come from. If he'd been anywhere else, with anyone else, he'd definitely be losing his mind over a light poisoning. Somehow, though, he can't bring himself to be that upset about it. Maybe, if he tries hard enough, he'll even build enough of an immunity to kiss Steve when he's wearing that raspberry lip gloss.
The blinding smile he gets in return eases any lingering doubts he might have. Steve leans close enough for their shoulders to brush, Eddie's skin tingling through the fabric of his sleeve. "We Addams are experts at acclimating people to poisons. You'll be enjoying nightshade in no time," he says, his voice light and reassuring like Eddie was somehow impatient.
And then, without thinking, Eddie's eyes glance down at Steve's lips. They have a suspicious sheen to them, and Eddie's only half-certain he's not imagining the artificial raspberry scent. "What, uh, what about raspberries?" he asks, the words tumbling out before he can stop them.
If anything, Steve's smile just gets wider. "I'm sure we can figure something out," he replies, his tongue briefly swiping across his bottom lip.
Eddie looks away and grabs his glass, gulping down half the water inside before he says anything monumentally stupid in front of Steve's parents.
"Steve, stop torturing Eddie. You know that's dessert conversation," Debbie says, her voice light and breezy.
Steve sighs and pulls away. "Sorry," he says, not looking the least bit apologetic at all. In fact, he even glances at Eddie again and smiles, eyebrows raised slightly, and Eddie thinks he's about to die of thirst.
"Eddie," Fester says, mercifully giving him a reason to look away from Steve and try to gain some semblance of chill. "What are your interests?" Fester glances at Debbie, practically preening when she smiles and offers him a subtle, approving nod.
"Well, uh, music. I like heavy metal and play in a band. Dungeons and Dragons, too. I play that with my friends."
"Dungeons, you say?" Fester asks, suddenly looking more invested in the conversation. "What's your favorite kind? I'm partial to the French Revolution era dungeons myself."
"You just like the guillotines, Father," Steve says.
"Now that's an instrument of death. Nothing inspires fear like the glint of the blade in the sun, don't you think, Pumpkin?"
"Yes, dear, but you know I'm partial to electric chairs myself."
Steve leans closer again and says, "Mother nearly killed Father's family with electric chairs, you know."
"A splendid attempt it was," Fester adds, looking over with a bright smile.
Eddie glances between all of them, taking in their expressions and trying to figure out if they're being serious. He watches Debbie drag a carrot through dark sauce on her plate; he briefly looks into Fester's eyes and sees the manic joy lying in them; his heart speeds up at Steve's soft and contented smile. Eddie then glances around the dining room. He notes the shotgun placed on the wall with a little plaque beneath that reads "Attempt 12" in flourishing cursive. He looks at the window and sees the black, molded wood of the house next door. He thinks of Nox the spider and Kas the taxidermy rat and the ornate dagger and everything else he's found in his locker.
And he realizes something.
They're serious. They're all completely serious about everything. Steve and Fester weren't joking that first time he came over and they talked about the oven being big enough to fit him and a roast. Steve really has fought all of his siblings and was gifted a trident at his bar mitzvah. Pubert doesn't protect his kidneys.
Okay that last one maybe isn't as important, but it's one Eddie savors nonetheless.
He has two options here. One, he gets the hell out of dodge, makes some strained excuse to leave after dinner and avoids Steve in the hallways and hopes he doesn't wake up buried alive. Two, he embraces it, starts eating a little chalk with every meal, and lets Steve introduce him to whatever freaky shit will earn him another blinding smile.
"So, how did you two meet?" Eddie asks, looking at Fester and Debbie with a smile as he shovels more rice onto his fork.
"I approve."
Steve blinks, and then his mother's words process, and he stands a little straighter. "That's good. Though, I would've been happy to follow in Romeo and Juliet's footsteps if you hadn't."
"You wouldn't even need poison," Fester says, his voice ringing from the kitchen as Steve helps his mother gather up dessert plates. "Just wear the raspberry stuff."
"No star-crossed suicides for you, mister," Debbie says, playfully tapping her finger against Steve's forehead. "Anyway, he's a very nice young man, and he adapted rather quick, don't you think?"
"He thought it was a joke before, but he doesn't think that now. And he didn't run away screaming!"
"Not that you would've minded, I suspect."
"Well, no," Steve agrees, flashing a grin as he puts the plates on the counter next to his father. He then pulls down Tupperware, ready to pack up the leftover chicken and rice.
"He seems like a tough nut to crack, but he's nearly there," Debbie says, leaning against the island with a thoughtful look. "I mean, he seemed ready to do whatever you said at the dinner table."
"Then why hasn't he done anything? Am I being too obvious? Should I play hot and cold?"
"No, I don't think that would work here."
"Just tell him," Fester suddenly says, looking at Steve as he washes a plate. "Wouldn't that be best?"
"Would it?" Steve asks.
Before Debbie can do more than snort derisively, Fester nods. "Just think about it, son. You tell him, but leave it all up to Eddie after that. He'll torture himself trying to build up the courage to even hold your hand, especially if you catch him when he's midway."
Steve can't help the way he lights up at the thought. "That's a great idea! Thanks, Father. I'm gonna go plan my confession right now," he says, disappearing from the kitchen not a moment later.
"When did you get so good at this?" Debbie asks, a little pride tinging her words. When Fester lights up, she decides to reward him that night with an extra ten minutes of cuddling before bed.
Tag List (there's no more room on the list, so please follow the addams family b-side tag to see updates!)
@estrellami-1, @itsall-taken, @mugloversonly, @fandomcartographer, @hippielittlemetalhead, @agree2disagre-kicks, @ledleaf, @just-a-tiny-void, @goodolefashionedloverboi, @ink1177, @maya-custodios-dionach, @littlebluejane, @steddieonbigboy, @ravenpainter, @read-write-thrive, @deadontheinside20, @yeahhhh-suga, @nectandra, @mogami13, @mx-jinxous, @thoughtfulbreadpolice, @anne-bennett-cosplayer, @xoxoladyclara
@zaddipax, @dycte, @breealtair, @geekymagicalpotato, @janea-grill, @juliasthename-adhdismygame, @yikes-a-bee, @wayward-people, @st-fics, @disrespectedgoatman, @bipusssy, @cottagecorebutnaturescaresme, @nightowl14028018, @that-binchh, @your-confused-friend, @irethsune, @goosesister, @strawberryyyenthusiast, @irregular-child, @theverywest
@jinx-nanami, @solene1324, @nailbatwielder, @y4r3luv, @happylittletrees3, @croatoan-like-its-hot, @itcanbepalped,
And now, some memes:
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deedala · 25 days
✨🎂 weekly tag wednesday 🎂✨
Today we're talking about birthdays! BECAUSE ITS @energievie's birthday HAPPY BIRTHDAY EVIE!!! <<33333 and thanks for writing this weeks game and for tagging me 💖💖💖
When is yours? November 17th
Where were you born? the mythical land of ohio
How do you feel about your legal name? Are you using it online and/or IRL? the one i was born with got spirited away by a c list actress lmao but my married name is cool and i am happy with it!
How about your sign? Do you feel it "fits"? i really really do. but in the actual way that scorpios are, not the super reductive meme-ified "scorpios are angry and mean" way.
What's your earliest memory related to your birthday? oh this is tough... i can't be sure but it might be that when i was really little (maybe 6 or 7?) i had a birthday party in the party room at mcdonalds and i remember little flashes of that here and there but the main thing i remember is one friend giving me a framed poster of a very lovely watercolor painting of a unicorn mama and baby and my parents put that on my wall and it stayed there for my entire life. now i have it on the wall in my daughters room (she also loves it!)
What's one of the best gifts you've ever received? oh shit, i guess maybe that unicorn poster lmao
How about one of the best you've given yourself? oh my god im actually terrible at gift giving. its one of the things i hate the most about myself. like any other circumstance i know what my friends and family like and will get them things when i see them. but when its time to come up with a gift i just completely blank 😫 so yeah i dunno, no thoughts head empty lmao (omg i misunderstood this question and put myself on blast for no reason 🤣)
What's your favourite cake flavour? yellow cake! yummmm
How about your favourite flowers? i love poppies and i love dandelions and i love ranunculus roses!
Have your ever thrown a birthday party? If yes, tell us about your favourite one. oh yes plenty! my house sucks though so im gonna tell you about how for my son's 10th birthday (double digits is a special occasion right?) we rented out a gymnasium that had a bunch of fun equipment and gymnastics coaches who helped the kids play on it. the kids all had so much fun it was delightful.
What's the ultimate birthday song? uuhhhmmm the one from futurama?
And last but not least, pick a celebrity with whom you share your birthday. okay theres a few good ones but my fav is DANNY DEVITO!!!! (we're both short and italian and that is so valid of us)
and now to tag some little birthday nuggets!! play if you wanna or just consider this a little birthday candle for you to blow out and make a wish on 🔥💖
@michellemisfit @mybrainismelted @suzy-queued @gallapiech @lingy910y @catgrassplantdad @spookygingerr @mmmichyyy @thepupperino @too-schoolforcool @darlingian @celestialmickey @sleepyfacetoughguy @sleepyheadgallavich @jrooc @blue-disco-lights @crossmydna @wehangout @gardenerian @gallawitchxx @heymrspatel @palepinkgoat @the-rat-wins @sam-loves-seb @friend-bear @creepkinginc @softmick @callivich @loftec @burninface @rereadanon @vintagelacerosette @sickness-health-all-that-shit @whatwouldmickeydo @spoonfulstar @captainjowl @howlinchickhowl @iansw0rld @y0itsbri @transmickey @themarchg1rl @salesmain @marianchurchland
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monsoon-of-art · 6 months
almost posted this yesterday (unsure why i thought it was a wip wednesday lmao) but!! heres some Barry :)
He paused. A strange look came across his face, and he grabbed Dawn's hands and held them tight. “I need you to tell me something. Something that only you would know.”
“Please. Please. Something only you would know. Please.”
Sadness overtook her features, not directed at him, thankfully, but she clearly felt bad for him, and wanted to soothe his worries.
“When you were little, you wanted to have a big birthday party with a big cake. And you invited the entire class. Your dad asked Elite 4 member Lucian, to borrow his Mr Mime for entertainment. And…uhm. When Mr Mime walked out with your birthday cake, you were so scared that you started crying, and you even-”
“What did you mean then??”
“I dunno! Something deeply personal and special to us??”
“Well you didn't specify! What about the time you got your Halloween costume based on heracross and you asked me to hit you with a branch to ‘prove how strong' you were?”
“No, that's not what I meant either! I'm starting to think you're doing this on purpose! Do you need me to fine you?!”
Dawn couldn't help but laugh. When was the last time she had been threatened with fines? She couldn't remember. It felt good, familiar.
For a moment, the medical room walls melted away. They were back home, camping, just teasing each other after a long day of training.
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johaerys-writes · 4 months
Hello! May I ask a WIP Wednesday, only if you're okay? Thank you so much for all your wonderful fics!
Hello!! I've been steadily working (plodding along lmao) on the western AU, here's a tiny snippet of Achilles being a silly menace:
After finishing his lunch, Patroclus leans back against the birch tree trunk and pulls a small book out of his pocket; the same book he was reading the day before, and the day before that. He is soon engrossed in it, and back to ignoring Achilles thoroughly.
"What are you reading?" Achilles asks, sitting up. He tries to make out what the book is about, but he’s too far away.
"A book."
"I can see that. What kind of book?"
Patroclus chews idly on the long stem of wild wheat dangling from his lips. He never once takes his eyes off the page as he turns it. "The reading kind."
“You don't say,” Achilles mutters, seething in frustration. Patroclus must think himself quite clever, and Achilles quite the dolt, if he thought for a minute that he would be placated by this answer. He wants to grab that insolent boy by the shoulders and shake him, to push and poke and prod him until he finally looks at him.
Before he can stop himself, he's already shot up and snatched the book from Patroclus' hands.
"Assorted poems," Achilles reads off the cover of the book when he flips it over. "Huh. Didn't pin you as the poetry type."
Patroclus visibly bristles, his shoulders and neck tensing, and gives him a hard, from-under stare. He pushes himself up to his feet, but Achilles is faster; he dashes away and climbs up the next tree, quick and agile like a cat.
"Give it back here," Patroclus demands sharply, but Achilles is already perched on his tree branch, out of Patroclus’ reach, and biting into his piece of honey pie as he examines the book at his leisure. It is small and sturdy, and seems to have been well loved. The pages are tinged yellow, and the leather is scuffed at the corners but it’s in relatively good shape, considering Patroclus has probably been carrying it around in his pocket for God knows how long.
"Let’s see, let's see…" Achilles muses loudly. The cake fills his mouth with sweet, gooey syrup as he peruses the small book’s contents, but nothing tastes as sweet as disturbing Patroclus’ peace. "What does Patroclus No-Name like to read? Bet it's something very clever and profound. Bet it’s some big secret no one's allowed to know." He finishes off his pie and licks his fingers clean as Patroclus continues to glare at him from below.
“Shall I read us something from it?” he asks pleasantly. It thrills him beyond measure, the way Patroclus’ eyes flick from his face to his fingers, still sticky with syrup, that are touching the pages of his precious book. “It would be just the thing to pass the time, don’t you think? I’ll read your favourite poem, if you tell me which one it is.”
The only answer Patroclus gives him is a long, hard, dark look.
“Fine, then, I’ll choose one myself!” Achilles declares, and flicks a page at random.
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lingy910y · 25 days
Weekly Tag Wednesday
tagged by @energievie, @deedala, @michellemisfit, @mybrainismelted, and @sgtmickeyslaughter
when is yours? september 10th
where were you born? brooklyn, ny
how do you feel about your legal name? are you using it online and/or online? i don’t rly like my name as it is but i associate it with me so i use it everywhere. even the letter L lmao. my grandma picked my chinese name to mean jade which represents wisdom but my mom wrote the english translation as ling on my birth certificate. it’s so much better than lin tho so we ball 😭🙏
how about your sign? do you think it “fits”? i think i fit the “nerd” virgo stereotypes but chat look at this article you’ll never believe this……..
what’s your earliest memory related to your birthday? my sister printed out bakudeku fanart in black and white and pasting them on the walls as a surprise back when i was more obsessed with them. so i was like 14?? the fanart wasn't even saved it was screenshotted on google and printed on computer paper so the quality was not good lmao it's the thought that counts i guess
what’s one of the best gifts you’ve ever received? my friend from middle school also drew me 3 pieces of bkdk fanart that comes together like a comic
how about one of the best you’ve given yourself? none 🚶‍♀️
what’s your favorite cake flavor? vanilla for the frosting, sponge for the inside
how about your favorite flowers? tulips? but idc abt them on cakes i only care if the cake looks good overall
have you ever thrown a birthday party? if yes, tell us about your favorite one. yes if you count just putting on birthday hats, turning off the lights, singing happy birthday, making a wish, blowing out the candles, and eating the cake lmao. we celebrate my sister’s and my birthdays every year. i think my favorite one is two years ago because i feel like that was eventful. it helps that most of my birthdays aren’t even celebrated on the day bc my parents come home on different days
what’s the ultimate happy birthday song? nothing new by taylor swift and phoebe bridgers cause that's how i feel every year now 🚬 how did i go from growing up to breaking down 🚬
and last but not least, pick a celebrity with whom you share your birthday: guy ritchie, funny enough he doesn't even show up when you google "september 10 birthdays"
tagging @gallapiech, @heymrspatel, @jademickian, @burninface, @iansw0rld,
@reganmian, @doshiart, @gallawitchxx, @creepkinginc, @thepupperino,
@lupeloto, @mmmichyyy, @sleepyfacetoughguy, @too-schoolforcool, @vintagelacerosette
& @blue-disco-lights
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little-miss-dilf-lover · 10 months
hii dear 💗 i was wondering if you could write a birthday blurb with tangerine or pietro (i think you already have one with tangerine? but id love another one lol) my bday is next wednesday (22nd) and just wanted to see a little fluff and cuteness lmao
thank you sm🫶
hii honey!! happy happy birthday, hope you have lovely day💓!! I did pietro, so then you can have both😭 thank your for requesting, hope you like it💌 link for tan bday fic
couldn’t decide if I should post it a few days earlier or today, but waited for today so it’ll feel special
pietro maximoff x female reader
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word count. 542
Pietro is always the type of guy to make a fuss about an occasion, to make a big deal over a special event. That was no different when it came to you. When your birthday rolled around, he'd spent the upcoming weeks brainstorming ideas and activities to celebrate your big day, picking out things you would like.
He'd get into your head from afar, planning a schedule late at night on his sofa, thinking of ways to make you feel admired, thinking of ways he knows you'd appreciate. Often, he'd come up empty, not because he didn't know you, but because thinking and planning isn't something that comes easy to him. He's more of a do-first, think-later guy.
With your birthday soon approaching, he felt scrambled trying to muster a plan, so instead, he decided to call his sister, asking for her input. He called her one afternoon while she was baking with her boys, phone wedged between shoulder and ear as she tried to separate the soon-to-be chocolate fight between her kids. She briefly gave him a few ideas, nudging him in the right direction - steering him away from the water park idea he had.
After the call, he was still clueless with the minimal help he got from his preoccupied sister. He thought back to the phone call, thinking about baked goods, and that's when he had the idea to bake for you. He knew you'd appreciate something homemade - something made with love, even though the outcome was likely to be horrific. 
The day before your birthday came around, which is when Pietro chose to get the bakes done. He spent the day baking cakes to the youtube tutorial that played on in the background, following the instructions to make the three-tiered heart cake. When it cooled, Pietro iced it -poorly- in colours he knew you'd like: light pinks and pale blues before decorating it with an abundance of sprinkles and even more piping.
Afterwards, he packed it in a box, tying a ribbon around it and wedging a handwritten Sokiovian note into the knot. He put it aside and began to ice the massive cookie he had baked earlier - piping squiggles around the edge and writing out a funny and juvenile word in the middle that he couldn't stop himself from.
Your special day came around, and in the morning, when he first awoke, Pietro sent you a paragraph of things he loves about you - ways he appreciates and cherishes you. He finished the text by telling you he'd be over soon with breakfast and gifts.
He got ready as fast as possible, wanting to spend more time with you on your special day, so he dressed himself in whatever loungewear he had hanging about - whatever was closest to him. He packed his overnight bag, throwing in an outfit for dinner tonight and something to sleep in. He then loaded his car, filling it with gifts, balloons, and surprises, carefully placing your cakes in the passenger seat. 
On the way to you, he picked up breakfast and coffee to fuel and prep you for the day ahead, wanting to make the most of your birthday - to make it as special as he could.
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the cakes I had in mind:
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skyprincess-camren · 8 months
LOL guess who’s back but is now tryna find a Wenclair fic not a Clexa fic
hello once again lmao. this time i know damn near everything about this fic except the title and tags so i can’t find it. i made the mistake of closing the tab and i wasn’t signed into my ao3 so now im lost, please help!!
okay so basically it’s a wenclair fic and it starts out with Enid at a werewolf camp and she gets sent a package by Wednesday and it’s a taxidermy animal with a phone in it cuz Wednesday sneaky like that. fast forward Wednesday exposes the workers at the camp to get the place shut down and offers for Enid to come spend the rest of summer at her places cuz her family ditched her to go overseas. Enid has a fake boyfriend right now to keep her imagine well in her mother’s eyes. the bf is actually gay with a partner.
Wednesday picks Enid up from the airport i think and lets Enid drive cuz she doesn’t like it. Enid calls Wednesday ‘good girl’ and she fucking simps for it. there’s an elevator in the house. they watch the entirety of X-files. Wednesday gets jealous of Enid’s fake relationship and makes an Insta and posts pics of the two of them. They go to the mall with Xavier and Pugsley. Wednesday wants to spend all her money on Enid and have her wear the things she picked out.
Enid punches the shit out of a guy on the way into town because Wednesday is still on probation. They kiss!!! They have a carnival date, one of them gets fed funnel cake, Wednesday bribes the ferris wheel dude to give them time at the top, the feels come out and then they get back to the house and have lots of sex.
There’s like 21 chapters and it’s incomplete and hasn’t been updated in like a year so i think it’s been abandoned but i love this fic so much and i want to reminisce in it.
If anyone knows anything let me know please!!!!! thank you❤️❤️
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darlingian · 24 days
Hello! In honour of @energievie 's birthday we are doing a birthday theme! thanks to her, @michellemisfit , @deedala , and @vintagelacerosette for the tags!
When is yours? boxing day 📦
Where were you born? In the next province over! And it was funny because I actually delivered a baby in that hospital 30 years later completely unexpectedly.
How do you feel about your legal name? Are you using it online and/or IRL? I hate it. It's never felt like mine. It truly makes me uncomfortable when people use it. I mostly go by Chani which I do like more, but I definitely don't love it. I've considered changing my name even since I was small, but that also makes me feel weird.
How about your sign? Do you feel it "fits"? I'm a Capricorn but I've literally never read a horoscope that fit me. That's part of why I'd like my chart read someday. Maybe someone could explain why I feel that way!
What's your earliest memory related to your birthday? It was my 3rd birthday and I vividly remember opening The 1995 Fisher Price Little People farm set. Which I kept LONG after I'd technically outgrown the toy. I also remember there being smarties(the Canadian candy) as polka dots on a chocolate cake.
What's one of the best gifts you've ever received? When I was little I only had one cousin. Her and I were like siblings. Our grandma had bought us each a ty beanie buddy bear for Christmas and mine was a cranberry coloured bear with a green ribbon around his neck that I immediately named "Cranberry Bear" (good imagination lil me). Well that same day my little sister who was probably around 3 decided it was HER bear. And essentially the whole family tried to gaslight me into believing that it had always been my sisters. Because my sister was a very hard kid to deal with and she was prone to all day destructive tantrums I guess they figured this was easier. And when I wouldn't give up on the fact it was mine I was told "you have enough toys." Anyways, my best friend knew that story and happens to love researching vintage toys. (she has a great Polly pocket collection.) A couple years ago she gave me cranberry bear for my birthday. In pristine condition and as soft as the day someone bought him. And he's mine. I cried a lot. hahaha
How about one of the best you've given yourself? I'm supposed to say my children or something I think. lol
What's your favourite cake flavour? I actually unabashedly love funfetti cake. But also red velvet. I'll buy red velvet if it's available every time.
How about your favourite flowers? Forget-me-nots or Lily of the Valley.
Have your ever thrown a birthday party? If yes, tell us about your favourite one. I've thrown my kids a combined 14 birthday parties. Plus 3 or so parties for my ex-wife. I really loved my eldest's 7th birthday party which was "Witchy" themed. Her birthday is mid November so I bought so much great Halloween decor for it after Halloween had passed and everything was super duper discounted.
What's the ultimate birthday song? I like the Stevie wonder one?
And last but not least, pick a celebrity with whom you share your birthday. I share my birthday with Jared Leto and Chairman Mao. Soooo apparently it's an evil day to be born. lmao.
tagging @heymrspatel @too-schoolforcool @sgtmickeyslaughter @gardenerian @celestialmickey
@jrooc @sam-loves-seb @iansw0rld @crossmydna @mybrainismelted
@mmmichyyy @sickness-health-all-that-shit @catgrassplantdad @thepupperino @gallawitchxx
@blue-disco-lights @creepkinginc
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Chloe Addams AU:
- First and foremost, she's still a brat lmao. But like, the brat from season 2 and season 3-ish. After the Miracle Queen incident, the Bourgeois family decided to pack up for a bit and visit family. For this to work I need to make Andre a... decent human. Not father, idk I'm still thinking about it lol.
- Addams, far relatives but relatives still. They're invited to an event and Andre immediately accepts to lessen the media's heat on their family for a while. Chloe wasn't all that enthusiastic but she didn't have a choice. She was never good around relatives but she was good around parties so..
- Wednesday is annoyed at her immediately. Chloe feels strongly the same.
-Their first meeting is during the gathering (original, I know) and Chloe complains how the decorations and aesthetic were so last season and Wednesday is offended.
- "I don't think someone decked in glitter and yellow, of all monstrosities, should comment on the Addams decorations if you want to return home whole."
- Chloe blinks, "Geez, goth chic much?"
- They're escorted to a room after almost knocking down the blood cake on the center table. Chloe is whining and telling her father 'she tried to kill me' and Wednesday is sighing in relief. Glad one of her favorite knives weren't used on her...cousin...of all people. She'd have to find a new knife.
- "Ehem." A blank stare. "Apologize." A blink, "I suppose my talent for scaring people off includes making them an idiot with merely a point of a knife." "Excuse me?! I'm not an idiot and you should apologize for calling yellow a monstrosity!"
- "Monstrosity is being too kind. It's a fucking piece of shit."
- "Why you little bitch, you're more annoying than Dupain-Cheng! And she's a little goody two shoes."
- Wednesday pauses in her retort. Huh. "You also have someone who is the definition of good and kind?"
- Chloe blushes, "I don't have her! I-I mean, it's not like that! She's just too good and a suck up that she doesn't event return- she's just fucking annoying, alright?"
- Just like Enid, if this blonde brat was describing this mystery person in true Addams fashion. Wednesday was having some troubles regarding her planned courtship of the werewolf but...it wouldn't hurt to know another perspective of another Addams member. For now, she wouldn't kill her.
This will be mostly crack lol.
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honeybear-yammy · 2 years
Blurb/Drabble Request Idea
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So, I do have a pretty bad case of writers block at the moment but, I came up with an idea that has helped me in the past to get my creative juices flowing lmao. I mean I have also been a little unmotivated but, I think this will also help with that too. Pretty much I will put some smut and fluff prompts below and you guys can send in one for me to write. Now, they won't be long fics like imagines but either headcannons, blurbs, or drabbles, whichever of the three I decide to do for each fic.
Event Start: February 8th 2023
Event End: February 13th 2023
Navigation | Masterlist
Information About The Event Below The Cut!
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send a prompt + character from the list below.
please keep it to only one ask per section please.
18+ for the smut prompts or at leas 16+.
please don't mix prompts together, only one prompt per ask this time!
only request for characters mentioned since not all characters from each of the fandoms i write for will be there.
please don't get mad at me if i don't answer your ask when you want me to, i can only do one at a time.
only send prompts that are mentioned below please.
also please give me a little bit of context for what you want the blurb to be about unless you just want me to write anything for the prompt.
anyone can participate in the event.
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JJ Maybank - Outer Banks
Rafe Cameron - Outer Banks
John B Routledge - Outer Banks
Topper Thornton - Outer Banks
Eddie Munson - Stranger Things
Steve Harrington - Stranger Things
Billy Hargrove - Stranger Things
Damon Salvatore - TVDU
Stefan Salvatore - TVDU
Klaus Mikaelson - TVDU
Maddy Perez - Euphoria
Nate Jacobs - Euphoria
Cassie Howard - Euphoria
Xavier Thorpe - Wednesday
Tyler Galpin - Wednesday
Rudy Pankow - Celebrity
Drew Starkey - Celebrity
Chase Stokes - Celebrity
Austin North - Celebrity
Joseph Quinn - Celebrity
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Smut Prompts
Prompts by @streets-crimes
{ Putting } a hand over their mouth to be quiet.
{ Calling } them late at night to come over.
{ Licking } their neck to make then gasp.
{ Crying } because of how good it feels.
{ Holding } their shoulders for stability.
{ Kissing } the marks you left on them.
{ Interlacing } your fingers during it.
{ Waking } them up with oral.
Prompts by @leneemusing
[ SIT ] for one character to finger the other who sits in their lap fully clothed, keeping an arm around their waist to make them stay still.
[ RISK ] for one character to drive and finger the other who is in the passenger seat.
[ WATCH ] for characters to cuddle on a couch while watching tv and one of them begins to finger the other but stops every time they make too much noise.
[ DELAY ] one character is trying to get ready to go somewhere while the other keeps kissing them and unbuttoning/unzipping their clothes.
[ MESS ] our characters are supposed to be cleaning up in the shower after sex, but sender starts to finger receiver.
[ TENSION ] one character is patching up the other's injuries which leads to intense eye contact, lingering touches and then finally crashing their lips against each other's.
[ DEBATE ] our characters are arguing because receiver is worried and overprotective of sender, but when they get up in each other's faces they end up kissing and groping at each other.
[ SENSUAL ] for sender to slowly undress receiver, caressing and kissing every part of them they expose.
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Fluff Prompts
Prompts by @streets-crimes
{ Wrapping } character wrapping them in a warm blanket straight out of the dryer.
{ Kissing } character kissing them and watching them blush.
{ Making } character making their favorite meal just because.
{ Taking } your character stargazing.
{ Tucking } your character into bed when they find you on the couch sleeping.
{ Dancing } in the kitchen with your character at night.
{ Baking } your character a birthday cake to surprise them with.
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Tagging People Below
@pankhoeforlife @strokesofstokes @adventuresinobx @drewbooooo @ceceswriting @blueicequeen19 @gillybear17 @lovedetlost
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milkovichrules · 10 months
its tag game wednesday thursday!! thank you for tagging me lovely people ☺️ @iansw0rld @transmickey 🖤
if you could switch bodies with anybody for only one hour who would it be and what would you do? im a shortarse so someone big and tall would be fun... maybe a wrestler... probably baron corbin hes hot
what's your most trivial / dumbest hot take? mmm... maybe that every person should watch at least one animated thing (smth not made for kids like where the wind blows or arcane) and one thing from a non-english speaking country/with subtitles
if you had to teach a college course what would it be in? probably makeup artistry? its my one and only practical skill and I would've been a licensed artist if our teacher hadn't quit her job halfway through lmao
season 12 of shameless is suddenly happening and you've been out in charge! what plot point(s) are you gonna make happen? its the mickey and debbie show now and there will be various wholesome shenanigans but fr get carl outta the police force, maybe into college and that can be a nice bonding thing for him and liam studying together. oh and they definitely keep the house, maybe lip and deb get on good terms by fixing up the place together. debbie maybe runs into alex again and they give it another go? ian and mickey have wacky comic relief with their neighbours (the possibilities are endless) and probably think more seriously about starting a family and definitely get a cat or dog I just want to bake a cake filled with rainbows and smiles and everyone would eat and be happy
who would be your godly parent (can be any mythology)? I took a percy jackson quiz for this one and got Hephaestus, Greek god of artisans, blacksmiths, carpenters, craftsmen, fire, metallurgy, metalworking, sculpture and volcanoes, which sounds cool as shit (roman equivalent is Vulcan too?? hell yeah)
what's something you love about yourself? my eyes are really cool I think, they're mostly green but also have some blue and brown
describe your day in 5 emojis: 🥱👩‍💻☕️🎧📑
what shameless character do you think you could beat in a fight? mmmm either no one or the tiny social worker lady from season 3 lmao
tell us two truths and a lie, we'll try to guess the lie! I'm farsighted, I can speak a bit of norwegian, I love roller coasters
do you have a pet/pets? if so, how did they get their name(s)? I have two cats, artemis and athena, they're sisters from the same litter. my fiancé named them because she loves mythology (I'll put some kitten pics under the cut💕) alternate names were william the bloody and willow (if we got a boy and a girl, from buffy), april and miriam (from coraline), and teacup and lucifer (from the cat lady/downfall)
show us a meme (or picture) that captures your essence: middle one is irl only I love to be Perceived Online
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what's your typical coffee / tea / beverage order? oat milk latte, iced if it's warm out
use a song to describe the last five years of your life: I really don't associate the stuff I listen to with my own life so these are just things I was really into that year:
2019: butterfly - loona 2020: lady wood - tove lo 2021: too late - the weeknd 2022: stayaway - muna 2023: hard times - ethel cain / death of me - pvris
Tagging: @softmick @golden28s @m4ndysk4nkovich @abetterdaaye @heymrspatel @stocious @callivich @jrooc @sgtmickeyslaughter @gallavichlover19 @depressedstressedlemonzest 🖤
kitten pics as promised (artemis/arti is the black and white one, athena/aggie is the tortie)
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deedala · 5 months
✨ weekly tag wednesday ✨
thanks for tagging me @heymacy @energievie and @mybrainismelted !! 💖
(disclaimer: there is presently a glitch with tumblr that only allows you to tag 5 people per line in your text posts. to remedy that, you can separate your tags into different lines as i have at the bottom of this post to ensure that everyone that's tagged knows they've been tagged!)
name: deanna
age: noel
your time zone: EST (or apparently EDT currently as its during daylight savings? when it goes from UTC-5 to UTC-4. Time is a construct.)
what do you do for work? i help color other peoples comics
do you have any pets? narp
what first drew you to this fandom? i had tried several times to watch shameless since it started but kept getting turned off by how gross frank was lmao. i really like cameron monaghan though and back in 2022 i was just in a good place (apparently) to finally push through (and skip!!) the gross frank shit and watch the show. i think i watched some of it. and then i went and just watched gallavich scenes on youtube? and then i went BACK and rewatched all of the actual show? over and over again lol. my love of cameron monaghan and shameless's vibe just finally clicked into place amen.
are you a morning person or a night owl? i guess moreso a night person since i suffer desperately from revenge bedtime procrastination. but also at the same time i dont like sleeping in very late either or itll feel like the whole day fucked. but also i wanna sleep for 9 hours.
what are your hobbies? tv and film enjoyer, drawing, reading, video games, being silly
how tall are you? 5'2" or 157cm (please help me reach the things on the top shelf)
if you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? iceland? ireland? new zealand? ...really into lands ig
favorite color? mint green
favorite book? the masked empire by patrick weekes still holds this spot
favorite movie? the fall, the eagle, love and monsters, princess bride, the mummy, vampire academy
favorite fic? intro to quantum dating, cooperative gameplay, fine art of falling for you, love is a ballfield, none the wiser, two of your earth minutes, the menagerie, apotheosis, ma--*the microphone is forcibly removed from my hands*
favorite musical artist: chappell roan, cake, petey, dove cameron
what is your average screen time so far this week? thats none of my business
what's the first app you open in the morning? discord~
how long have you been on tumblr? 12.5 years
finally (and i know this one is hard) tell me a fun fact about yourself: i dunno if its a *fun* fact but i used to be a licensed cosmetologist. i know how to do all the things i just realized i hate interacting with customers and could not bear to carry on with that a career after about a year of it lol
and now i shall tag some precious nuggets who can play or simply accept this offering of a🫸 face squish 🫷😚 @darlingian @too-schoolforcool @michellemisfit @thepupperino @metalheadmickey @softmick @callivich @vintagelacerosette @squirrel-fund @creepkinginc @whatwouldmickeydo @gallawitchxx @mickeysgaymom @suzy-queued @crossmydna @gardenerian @mmmichyyy @tanktopgallavich @rereadanon @heymrspatel @the-rat-wins @iansw0rld @loftec @palepinkgoat @themarchg1rl @jrooc @thisdivorce @blue-disco-lights @sam-loves-seb @sickness-health-all-that-shit @samantitheos @lee-ow @sleepyfacetoughguy @transmickey @lingy910y @tsuga-of-mars @ardent-fox @purplemagpie @captainjowl @wehangout @mikhailoisbaby 💖💖💖
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pizzaqueen · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
…or Thursday lol
It’s WIP Wednesday, time for a little accountability, sharing your work, and getting a kick in the pants.
I was tagged by @thefreakandthehair @sharpbutsoft @stevethehairington @legitcookie (I took a while to get to this, sorry! lmao)
Here’s how it works:
In a reblog (or new post w/ rules attached), post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names.
Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We’re posting progress here. If you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to post!
After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file. If the filename is one you can’t share from (for example, an event fic), write 3 sentences on it anyway, and then 3 more on another to share.
That’s it! You can invite others to join in, or just post.
spring picnic
matchmaking cat
picking up girls
steve sees dead people
always be like this
Snippet (from spring picnic aka picnic time with you)
So he just says, “Wanna dance?”
Eddie pauses, eyes wide, the last bite of a peanut butter and banana sandwich inches from his mouth. “Shouldn’t we wait? I mean, you’re not meant to dance on a full stomach, right?”
“That’s swimming,” Steve says, “and it’s not that big a deal.”
“Right.” Eddie shoves the sandwich in his mouth, his next words muffled: “In that case, I want some cake first.”
Steve narrows his eyes, but he nods and says, “Okay. Cake now. Dance later.”
The face Eddie makes when he bites into the slice of cake totally makes it worth putting the thought of dancing with him on hold. And then he moans, the sound shooting through Steve, and says, “That is so good,” and Steve thinks he might explode.
I’m going to tag @daysarestranger @helixferrano @unclewaynemunson @glorious-spoon @yournowheregirl @sidekick-hero @corrodedbisexual and anyone else who feels like it! I need to lie down 😅
(No pressure though!!)
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butwhatifidothis · 2 years
Have you ever considered, once you finish sporking that fic, washing the taste out of your mouth by taking a look at fics in the fandom you like/think deserve more attention?
Even one of my favourite sites, Cake Wrecks, does a feature on Sundays were it's cakes they think are really nicely-decorated so it's not all downers.
😭 i think i need to clear up something lmao
I already read fics that I enjoy - reread old ones, look out for new ones, write a good few myself (here's two of them lol). I read my trashy little otome isekai villainess manhuas that I love to death. I play the shit out of Hades. I play DnD with irl buds every Wednesday. I'm watching - and rewatching - episodes of the new Bleach anime, and am eagerly awaiting for June to come around to give more. I play Smash Ultimate with my big sis and lil bro. I replay VW every now and then. I play BBS and hope to finally pull the last couple Valentine's/Academy Momo's I need to have fully completed all the Momo's in the game (so far).
I already do plenty of things that I thoroughly enjoy doing - I talk about the fic a lot here, but y'all don't have to worry; I do, in fact, do things I enjoy doing lmao.
But! I do want to give some attention to fics I really enjoy! I've already talked about most of them before, but it never hurts to do it again lol. Most of them are dmcl so if that's not up your alley, well, rip, but if it is then yeah!
Princes of Silver and Gold is sooo good - and very meaty! It deals with Dimitri and Claude getting bopped back to the prologue after the events of Saving Derdriu, after a mysterious spell seems to ambush them during a moment of peace. It's has a lot per chapter to take in - 4 chapters, +129,000 words, a very dense read - but imo it never feels like too much. I've reread this a good few times actually! There's a lot of 3H's lore that's played around with and given more oomph to it that really makes the fic feel alive, which is always nice.
Be Not Proud: an absolute downer for sure, can't ever get through it without snivellin' and snottin', but it's a really touching look into Nader and Claude's relationship. It revolves around Claude's last moments on a CF run where he isn't spared - very sad oneshot, but very memorable imo.
Everyone Leaves Eventually: an interesting oneshot about the Black Eagles leaving Edelgard's side one by one as she gets more and more aggressive with her war, from Hubert's POV. Granted, Hubert is more than a smidge OOC for it to work - he's given a good bit more morality than he's shown to ever have canonically - but as a concept it's interesting, and it's a neat read all around. If you're willing to accept that this Hubert is less like canon!Hubert than he ought to be, I'd definitely recommend it!
Survivor's Burden: another one that's kind of a downer, but with a much happier ending than Be Not Proud. Revolving around the idea of Claude and Dimitri surviving SS Gronder, with Claude doing his best to keep him and Dimitri alive in the woods. It's a bit long for a oneshot - a bit over 30,000 words for one sitting - but! It's definitely worth it imo. Plus! It was part of the dmcl Big Bang that happened a couple years ago, so this one also has great art to go along with it at certain points!
to this vow, i hold fast: yet again this is being recommended by me lmao because it is beyond amazing. It's a slow-burn dmcl political-marriage AU of post-war Fodlan, and it's just a joy to read through. The one thing I'll say about this one, as much as I love it to bits, is that, hm... you can tell the author also ships Dimi///leth. Understandable what I mean by that once you read it, and it can be quite a bit annoying to see it imo, but also imo it doesn't take enough away from the quality for me to ever do anything but recommend it lol. This multi-chapter fic is actually almost complete, from what I understand! So there's that too.
seeking humanity: a dmcl AU where Claude is a traveler and Dimitri is (seemingly, anyway) the god of death, and they make a pact: Claude either gets Dimitri to like humans in half a year's time, or he gives up his soul to Dimitri. I am a huge fan of how the characters are, well, characterized in this fic; everyone is just a joy to read through! Even characters I don't care that much for (especially with how they tend to be written in fics), like Leonie and Lorenz, are just great. And the mysteries this fic has in it are also really fun to think about, with all the crumbs the story lays down to try and follow.
please give them a shot!! If they're up your alley anyway lol
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heyharoldsboo · 2 years
Katie posted him on valentines day last year so they were definitely dating in romania,same with this summer.During october or november they most probably broke up cus she unfollowed wednesday acc and you must remember during an interview that time percy was asked a question about breakups in general and he was going through it while answering lol.He didn't post anything on her birthday that month(they used to post each other a lot) and during his birthday he posted a pic of jenna on his story (the actual origin of their dating rumours was that lmao).Than during the begging of december she started following wednesday acc again and they met with their other friends in la (percy also commented on her picture after that).So I believe they got back together.There is a small chance that maybe they just met up and decided to stay on good terms but idk his dating life really is a black hole.But honestly I don't think jenna and him are/were more than friends.Well in case they are it's definitely something new.
I honestly don't try to understand his dating life from the past. It's from now on to me, and if he wants to be public about it great, if not, whoever he wants to date, he has my utmost support.
If he ever wants to come here and give us the timeline, I'll make him coffee and cake while he tells us, but it honestly just gives me a headache. I was just around for his funny videos, I followed no relationship stuff.
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