theroyalthrones · 2 months
List 5 facts about a favorite sim of yours, and send this to 10 simblrs whose sims you adore ♥♥♥
Ninnaaa!! I'll do the mysterious and evasive Giselle!!
Lady Giselle de la Valliere is the daughter of a powerful but fractured duchy. With her mother, The Duchess, having passed away.
Giselle grew up as a childhood playmate of Prince Laurie. Overtime they formed nicknames for the other. Laurie's nickname for Giselle, Selle, and Giselle's nickname for Laurie, Lance. After the iconic knight, Lancelot. It originates from their time playing a "save the damsel" game.
As a result of Giselles isolated childhood, she remains introverted. As time went on, her social dexterity regressed gradually.
Giselle does not have a lot of control when it comes to her life. Unlike what some would believe, her choices aren't completely in her favor.
As for Giselles future, love isn't what she is concerned with. there are things she must protect, things she must do. Much to the disappointment of Laurie and his expectations.
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If you get this, answer w/ three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs. anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog!
Hello there friend! I'd be honored
I've actually been married to my fiancé for a year now. Part of the reason I've been so absent xD
I don't know if I've ever said this but I have two cats! They're a brother and a sister, and my husband I named them after G'raha Tia and Y'shtola from Final Fantasy 14
I have 7 tattoos. Currently designing my 8th.
Thanks you for taking the time to send this over <3 That was very sweet.
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gunthermunch · 1 year
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Idk if you did this on purpose or what but at this angle, it looks like his head is gone bcs yknow...his head went kaboom when he dworded 💀
yes i did that on purpose he does have a head here its just the angle hehe
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literalite · 2 years
Sorry if it's a weird question 🧍‍♀️ But, can you swim?
ayee im from the east coast of australia ofc i can swim
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covingtons · 1 year
☆ — put this star in the inbox of your favourite blogs. it’s time to spread positivity! 🕊️🤍
Nina!!! ily friend 🥹🥰💖
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empiredesimparte · 5 months
Merci beaucoup ❤️❤️❤️
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simsroyallegacy · 1 year
💕 self-love time! talk about which ones of YOUR creations (edits, artworks, fanfics) you like the most then send to other sim-blogs to do the same 💕
❤️😍😘 thanks!!! I absolutely adore THIS sneak preview of Minicolas’ honeymoon! This was the spiciest sim spice I had ever posted. 😳 I just love them so much and how far they’ve come!!!
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thebrixtons · 2 years
Sending this back to u bcs I CAN.
Between Edward, Ren, & [redacted], who will you Smash, Marry, & Kill?
not u asking me the impossible … i cannot … I CANNOT !!!!!!
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ren gotta take this L and die, i’m sorry 😔 killing him is a necessary sacrifice rip. imma marry edward 💔 and smash my other love, the greatest man sim to ever exist, [redacted] [redacted], my malewife—
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reigningsims · 1 year
💕 self-love time! talk about which ones of YOUR creations (edits, artworks, fanfics) you like the most then send to other sim-blogs to do the same 💕
Hi Ninaaaaaa! Hmmm, great question; I think I love the gif I made of the girl in the rain the most (HERE) just because I've never done something like that before. Will have to try and do more edits and things more frequently so I can improve :D
Thanks for the ask lovely! 💖💖💖
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reallyromealone · 8 months
Male reader who is an omega and is mated to jinshi and they have 2 pups but instead of wanting to be like their dad they want to be like mao mao cue a sulky jinshi and a smug cat mao mao
The reader had to comfort his mate
Title: family woes
Fandom: the Apothecary diaries
Pairing: Jinshi x male reader
Warnings: male reader, omegaverse, fluff implied mpreg
(Name) and Jinshi made cute kids, it was just a fact.
"Hello my little moonflowers" Jinshi crouched to his two pups who immediately rushed to them "papa! We know who we wanna be wanna be when we are bigger!" The eldest (daughters name) said as little (sons name) nodded and lifted his arms to be held by his dad who complied "oh? And whose that?" The man was smug, it was him obviously as these were his sons and they adored him and ---
"Say that again?" His voice shaking as the youngest looked at him "wa be maomao!!" His voice excited as the Alpha looked dejected "you wanna be her?" He whimper as the elder daughter nodded "she's so cool!"
"Why is he so glum?" Maomao asked as she sipped her tea, glancing at the pouting prince as the children played with their toys "oh he's just huffy that the pups said they wanted to be like you when they're older opposed to them being like him" (name) said simply as the youngest came for a treat "isn't that right my little sunflower?" (Name) asked his son who ate his treat "I wa be maomao!" He said happily and Jinshi groaned, looking at maomaos smug as hell expression "well maybe when your older I can teach you about herbs and what not to eat"
"Can I too?!" (Daughters name) asked excitedly and maomao looked to the two Royals "of course you may, my little moonbeam" (name) gently fixed her hair and the young child beamed at this "yaaay!"
One who looked into this scene would be confused about maomao being so informal with the prince and his family but to those in the know, maomao is (name)s right hand, the one he speaks to outside of Jinshi.
"Now, what do we say?"
"Thank you maomao!"
"Stop pouting Jin! Your face will freeze like that!"
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theroyalthrones · 1 month
If you get this, answer w/ three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs. anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog!
it literally never get's easier, talking about myself. Trust that this was mulling around in my mind for hours!
Physical Media! I love the stuff. I love being able to hold something I cherish in my hands. From DVDs, Cds, Vinyl Records, Books, I love it all. I think this also coincides with my obsession to obsess. It goes right into my bones, seeing it all in one place.
I can only each pizza with ranch! I can eat it without too,Pizza is always good as is. I don't think it's a rare thing anymore either, but it definitely tastes too good! If not ranch, than the garlic sauce from Papa Johns.
I absolutely LOVE the ocean. Not necessarily swiming in it. But the creatures apart of it! I go to my states aquarium at least once a month, I would go more frequently, but it's hours away. 😭 I NEED to go to Georgia for the aquarium over there. I know I'll need a day dedicated to that at least!
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Two of your favourite characters are drowning and you can only save one of them. Who will you save?
Nooooo Nina how can you make me choose 😭
Right now my two favorites are Henrik and Britta and I don't want either to drown 😭 But when faced with a choice, I'm sorry Hen but I gotta save my little sunshine Britta. She's just too pure.
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thegrimalldis · 5 months
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Maximilian: The Wedding - Part Two
𝐛𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠| 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬| 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 |
@wa-royal-tea @warwickroyals Transcript under the cut
[Claudette]: You invited the Duke and Duchess of Valencia?
[Morana]: The invitation was for Queen Elizabeth, she sent her brother in her stead.
[Claudette]: Did you know she was pregnant?
[Morana]: Of course not.
[Claudette]: We must be certain Maximilian is not the father.
[Morana]: I will speak to her.
[Xavier]: Honestly mother, your meddling never ceases to amaze me.
[Claudette]: Had you any sense of duty, we wouldn't be in this situation.
[Claudette]: We cannot let the Crown Prince's marriage fail before it has even begun.
[Maximilian]: I, Maximilian Rosen take thee Eleanor Louise to be my wedded wife...
[Archbishop]: I now pronounce you man and wife.
[????]: What a lovely couple they make. Don't you agree?
[Luna]: Yes, Your Majesty.
[Morana]: I'm not so sure Eleanor truly understands what she has married into though.
[Luna]: What do you mean?
[Morana]: As you know, royalty is irreversible.
[Morana]: The moment she gives Maximilian a son, she will learn his life will be public, and not his own.
[Morana]: As a mother, we only seek to protect our children but Maximilian's children will belong to the crown first.
[Morana]: Thank goodness your father had the sense to marry you to a Duke. Your children will get to live a normal life, far from the throne.
[Morana]: This is your first child, is it not?
[Luna]: Yes, it's going to be a boy.
[Morana]: Children change everything.
[Morana]: Just know that the moment you expose your son to this life, to this world. There is no going back.
[Morana]: I must say...green suits you much better, my dear.
[William]: Don't be a stranger. I know you're a Princess now.
[Eleanor]: Never. I'll call you once everything's settled.
[????]: I suppose if one had a heart they'd feel for his new bride.
[Charlene]: I can see why Grandmother approves. She's pretty and mute. The perfect combination.
[Amelia]: Does she really think he married her for love?
[Charlene]: Of course, she's a commoner.
[Amelia]: Just wait until she finds out the truth.
[Charlene]: So you think Maximilian is the father?
[Amelia]: You don't? All those trips to Melide.
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crystalandparrot · 4 months
ROTTMNT x Reader
Part 1, Part 2
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The flashing of cameras and the voices of reporters was the first thing Leonardo heard as he stepped out of his limo. Due to the long plane ride, Leo decided to wear comfort over fashion, although it's hard for him to look bad in anything. He wore a white wife-beater, revealing his plastron and tattooed arms. Much like his brother, Leonardo loved art, he just loved it in a more show-off sense. Of course, he let his brother give him his first tattoo, a large colored portrait of their family on his thigh. On his legs were blue sweats, a personal favorite that his agent always advised him not to wear. Expensive shoes designed for him specifically adorned his feet. Finally, silver chains decorated his wrists and neck (he would have chosen gold, but his brother advised against it. C'mon, blue and gold?), glistening with each movement. He flashed a smirk at the cameras and gave finger guns at fans. One of his bodyguards leaned close to whisper in his ear, "You have a meeting with the executive producers in thirty minutes."
"Which means I get at least twenty-eight minutes to strut my stuff." Leo chuckled. With split-second motions, Leo changed between poses, performing for the camera.
Leo turned and stared into the crowd, "W-Who said that?" The crowd parted as if making way for a royal or God to walk without interruption. A small woman with a microphone in her hand shook as Leo approached. "Just now, you said something, what was it?"
The small girl stuttered, "I asked i-if you could put on y-your mask. F-for a picture for Channel 10?"
Leo's heart dropped, and his breathing quickened. A pat on his shoulder shook him out of his mini panic attack. He nodded thanks at his bodyguard and gave the reporter a quick grin, " I don't even know where that old thing went! It's been, what, psshh, five years? It's probably shoved in a box somewhere." That satiated the hungry reporters and fans, for now. Leo and his bodyguard left, heading off to the large building behind the crowd.
Okay, first things first. You don't know the old password so you can't change it to one you'll remember. So you changed the screen dimming time to never. Now the phone won't shut off on its own. Dialing your number, you called about three times with no answer. A sudden thought crosses your mind, causing your palm to hit your face. Your phone was on silent. Taking a deep breath, you quickly texted your number, explaining the situation and the password to unlock your phone. That way the turtle Yokai won't be as clueless as you are now.
With nothing else to do, you connected your headphones to the turtle's phone and searched for Spotify. It was his fault, the least he could do was spare some tunes. Wait a minute...his Spotify account...this dude was Othello Von Ryan? Man, you couldn't wait to see him again. His studying playlists kept you awake and alert through college! His barrage of random music, ranging from 80's dancing music to hardcore techno kept your mind alert and focused. Donnie, or, Othello Von Ryan, helped you with memory. Oddly enough, some of the quirky tunes in his playlists gave you memorization songs.
In fact, now that you think about it, Donnie looked an awful lot like your favorite actor--
"(Y/n)! Come in, dear! I've been expecting you!" A shrill voice called from across the street.
You looked up, spotting Mrs. Erin, the Heron Yokai. You grinned, pulling your headphones out of your ears and shoving them in your pocket. You waved at the Yokai as you crossed the street, stepping into her swampy garden. "How's your husband, Mrs. Erin?"
"Oh, Harry's fine! Come in! Come in! Let me get you a cup of tea." The old Yokai hobbled inside, her talons dragging across the waterlogged wood. You followed behind closely, used to the drab environment. You learned throughout life that the more you understand how something came to be, the more beautiful it becomes. With a clap from you, the twinkling string of lights came on. It's warm glow bouncing off the waxy leaves that broke through the cracked windows. Dew drops fell onto the wet floor, filling the room with quiet plip plaps.
A chipped cup of lukewarm tea was placed in your hand. A feathery hand pushed you down onto an old rocking chair, the owner of the hand sitting down across from you. "I want you to tell me all about this new job!" Erin grinned with a toothless smile.
"It's just a small librarian job at the school up top." You said, sipping your tea.
"Up top! With all those-those monsters?" Erin screeched.
"They're not all monsters! Some of them—"
"(Y/n). When your mother died I promised your father I'd make sure that you were safe! W-wouldn't you rather stay home? Marry a nice Yokai and settle down?" Erin tottered closer to you and grabbed your hands.
You chuckled, "I'm not exactly looking for someone to settle down with yet. I'm ready to get out there and explore! Besides, I can protect myself!" You said, proudly.
"E-even with all the humans?" Erin stuttered.
You blinked at Erin, your face neutral, "Mrs. Erin. I'm human."
"I know! B-but you're one of the good ones! I'd hate for you to go up top where I won't know what happened—Oh!" The old Yokai snatched the cup of tea from your hands and peered into the old china. She glared at the leaves and swirled the remaining liquid in the cup. With a gasp that jostled your core, Erin’s beak stretched into a long smile. She breathed a sigh of relief and set down the cup. “I was worried for nothing. You’re going to fall in love and get married to a nice, young, handsome Yokai.”
You shook your head, yet a smile still sat on your cheeks, “Maybe in a couple of years, Mrs. Erin. I’m not in any rush to get married to anyone right now.”
“Oh, I’m sure!” The Heron chuckled like she knew something you didn’t. Without warning, she began pushing you out of the house. “Okay, bye-bye now! The quicker you go up top the faster you fall in love!” With that, the door was slammed in your face, the sound echoing through the marshy area.
“Love you too.” You said flatly. You pulled the mystery phone back out of your pocket and put in your earbuds again. When you clicked onto Spotify, a notification popped up.
“Leonardo Hamato back in NYC for upcoming movie shoot, exclusive interview from Channel 10.”
Huh. How weird would it be if you ran into your favorite actor while after just moving back up top? Probably entirely impossible, but it was nice to hope, right?
"Shoved in a box?! Did you hear him?"
"I did."
"Shoved in a box?! Ugh! He's just so—"
"Annoying, pompous, overconfident, lacking in empathy, ass-like?"
Mikey turned to Donnie, his hair falling into his face as his head whipped around. "I was gonna say stupid, but yeah, those work too." Mikey nodded, turning back to the T.V, seeing the reporters final words to the camera once Leo left the cameras view.
Donnie felt himself N.E., which stood for Nose Exhale. Mikey learned that phrase years ago and thought it was more fitting than L.O.L for his emotionally unavailable brother. While it was rare for Donnie to "laugh out loud", when he found something humorous, he always let out a little breath of a chuckle through his nose.
"I just...out of everything he could have done...why'd he have to take away the one thing that..."
When Mikey paused, Donnie looked up from his purple holographic screens that he had been typing on. He saw Mikey looking at the screen sadly, and he knew it wasn't from the sad dog commercial that came on, but the interview that came before it. "That what, Michael?" Donnie asked, the screens disappearing.
"Nothing, it's stupid," Mikey sniffed, wiping his eyes before tears could escape.
"Leo is stupid, you're emotionally intelligent. You obviously have a reason to feel what you feel. You're not stupid for feeling emotions, Michelangelo." Donnie used his full name with the intention of leaving an impact.
Mikey chuckled and turned to Donnie, tears running down his smiling face, "Thanks, D."
Donnie nodded and sat up in his bean bag (yes it was his, the purple color made it obvious), "I may have taken a page or two from Dr. Delicate Touch," he shrugged.
"Nah, that was Dr. Feelings for sure," Mikey joked, knowing his brother was rather uncomfortable with feelings, but to be fair, he had gotten a lot better. Realizing this, Mikey sighed. Donnie appreciated honesty over anything, so this was something he needed to get off his chest, for his sake and his brother's. "Dad always called us by the color of our masks. Red, Orange, Purple...but Leo's not wearing his anymore. It's like he disowned us...he's not Blue anymore." Mikey began tucking his head and limbs into his shell with every word. By the end of his sentence, only his shell was visible sitting in front of the empty recliner.
This time Donnie sighed, he stood and gripped the purple beanbag so it stayed comfortably on his rear while he shuffled towards his brother. Letting gravity help him, Donnie let himself and the beanbag fall to the ground. He wiggled slightly and hummed, pleased at the fact that his position hadn't changed and the beanbag was still holding his shell and rear perfectly. Using his hand, he hesitantly patted Mikey's shell in comfort. "Leonardo's done some idiotic things in the past. I'd put this in his top ten, actually." Donnie thought aloud, but shook his head, remembering his original point, "He’s a dumb-dumb but, unfortunately, he'll never stop being our brother."
Mikey poked his head out, looking in Donnie's eyes for...something. A lie? Hope? Donnie didn't know, but whatever he found, he liked it, because the next moment, Mikey had his head and limbs out. He outstretched his arms, but didn't move aside from that. Donnie rolled his eyes, although a small smile poked at his lips. With a nod from Donnie, Mikey jumped onto him, giving him the tightest hug that he thought he'd ever received. Donnie hugged back.
Thankfully for Donnie, Mikey understood boundaries, and separated from Donnie before the hug got too overwhelming. Sloppily wiping his tears and sucking up his snot, Mikey gave Donnie a sincere smile. "Thanks, Don."
Donnie nodded, a small smile on his own lips. Out of his battle shell came a robotic arm holding a tissue. Mikey took the tissue and blew his nose as the robotic arm retracted back into the shell. "Hey-"
"I would prefer if you finished blowing your nose before you change the subject, please." Donnie asked, pulling up his holographic screens once more with the help of his Ninpō.
Mikey obeyed, then tossed the tissue into the trashcan on the other side of the room. When it landed, Mikey pumped his fist in a silent cheer. "What happened at the Mystic City? We were chasing Meat Sweats and you stopped to talk to some girl." Mikey remembered.
"Oh, yeah. Raph was texting about meeting for dinner, so I naturally opened my messages to form a reply, when—" Donnie pulled out his phone to show Mikey the texts when he immediately felt something amiss. The case was the same, the weight was equal to his phone, the model was the exact same, everything looked fine. But this is Donnie, he lost his phone for less than a day and went nearly insane when he was still a teenager. Give him a week and he might've made a phone from just things in the woods. He knew everything about his phone.
"Donnie?" Mikey called, noticing his brother's sudden silence.
Shakily, Donnie turned over the phone, noticing the background first, then the surplus of texts and calls from his phone number. He whispered something too quiet for Mikey to hear.
"What?" Mikey asked, putting his hand up to the side of his head where his ear would have been.
"This. Isn't. My. Phone."
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Things that "allegedly" happened at the Aus tour that might have caused William to initiate the royal foundation split asap -
1. Jason stayed back in London at KP and did not accompany the couple to Australia. Quite a bit of the HnM staff went to Australia but point of contact the remained Jason in London. The harkle shenanigans were directly reported to Jason at KP during this time. And maybe Jason talked to William while Harry was away
2. Jessica accompanied Meghan as her stylist. But essentially Meghan and Jessica treated it as a holiday and wanted to do holiday stuff even though the couple's schedule was packed. Rumours are that Jessica/Meghan billed Clarence house for this styling expenses.
3. Meghan sort of sabotaged Invictus and wanted to be there with Harry at every Invictus appearance and give a speech as well. Harry in the end, ditched Invictus and only did a couple of appearances to give a speech. But did not meet with the organizers or the participants. While this is not related to RF or KP directly, it showed bad faith. Now we know they did mistreat David Beckham.
4. Jessica's husband Ben had also come over from Canada with a crew. This was done in the garb of covering invictus but rumours were that Meghan wanted to do an exclusive interview about her pregnancy. The staff put a stop to this. Seems like this was a similar arrangement to what the couple eventually did in SA with Bradby and the "no one asked if im okay" interview.
5. Meghan's people had kinda roped in Jaguar to be Invictus sponcers and arranged a Jaguar to be gifted to Ben as a thank you gift for the exclusive interview with the Canadian network. Staff got to know and put a stop to it becoming news. Rumours are that Ben then flew back, but still got the Jaguar.
6. Meghan did not like staying at the governor generals official residence. Esp since Jessica was with her. She wanted the whole house as opposed to a wing. Jason and the KP team had to sort that headache out and smooth it out with the Australian team. Meghan remained mad.
7. She had an argument with the Governor generals wife, allegedly over staff treatment. rumours are that Meghan used the F- word and rolled her eyes. Happened in front of KP and aus staff. This was pretty much a diplomatic incidence and BP+govt got involved.
8. She wanted to accompany Harry at every one of his solo engagements. This caused quite a bit of hassles last minute. They were late to nearly all their engagements.
9. The blood diamond earrings situation happened. She wore the earrings without letting the staff know. KP/London staff were told one thing and issued a statement but later were told by staff in Australia about the true provenance. From a diplomatic pov this was a very bad look but Meghan said she did not care.
10. Tea throwing incidence happened and tea allegedly spilled over one of her PAs. That PA was being bullied by Meghan for a while and decided to leave. She was paid and an iron clad NDA had to be signed. But this incidence became quite an big legal issue for KP and there was allegedly a super injunction about this.
11. Jason decided to officially forward the bullying complaint to Simon case, BP HR and CH in writing. And maybe talked to William because staff's mental health was at stake.
12. She walked out of the UN women engagement after 10min and berated her staff, while at the venue, for arranging this. She allegedly ripped her Amy and her female body guard a new one infront of everyone, including royal rota. Amy cried. And the female bodyguard handed in her resignation that day.
13. She allegedly skipped/ditched some engagements to go to a spa/resort with Jessica. This caused some embarrassment because a lot of people had put in a lot of time and efforts into making these happen- reporters, organizers, local authorities, security, attending public and staff were all left embarrassed.
14. She was merching throughout the tour. She had arranged for merching deals and freebies and the staff wasn't made aware. Ethically, this caused quite some problems for KP. Gifts were also accepted in Australia personally by the couple against staff advice.
15. The pricetag on one of her dresses was left on when she walked out of a plane. She was embarrassed and ripped into her assistant for that. That was a merch which went wrong for her.
16. The couple was rude to the royal rota throughout. Even though the rota had been previously briefed about the kind of coverage Meghan wanted. Jason had to frantically be smooth things over constantly from London to ensure positive coverage from the press.
17. At least 4 members of meghans staff handed in their notice while on tour. This got back to KP/William who felt they had to act asap.
18. The couple constantly rowed while in Australia, and staff was put in an impossible sandwich situation while dealing with two. Both H and M were constantly on social media checking commments and were issued that public was criticising Meghan. They constantly telling staff to cover social media and clab back, instead of doing actual work.
Thank you so much! I remembered it was a disaster, but I’d forgotten some of the details.
They also took some vacation days at a resort, and there were rumors it was a freebie. And she made that speech claiming she’d paid her way through Northwestern and her dad and sister clapped back at that.
It really was a nightmare. I smh whenever Harry claims his family was jealous about how well they did in Australia.
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crownsofesha · 2 years
Two of your favourite characters are drowning and you can only save one of them. Who will you save?
the audible gasp I had, thats dark 😏
My favorite characters that are in the story right now are Esther and Jane. If I wanted to keep the storyline to keep going how it is I would have to save Jane, but I think I would save Esther. Its pretty funny though because originally Esther didn't exist. In my second save where I just let them roam free MCCC made Henry and Jane have another child and I was just gonna see how she would look...I made her cannon after seeing her.
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