#WOW this is long but I hope it helped ajJkJKnam
trans-axian-archive · 5 years
hey, hi! sorry, I'm kinda new to the fandom and I've now seen some hate against the fantranslation team, but never with really any explanation so... if you don't mind me asking, what did they do wrong exactly?
oh goodness okay I'm not sure I'm the best person to ask about this but I will try my best. the hate being directed at exiled rebels scanlations comes from a few different places, I'll break them down simple as possible:
(quick warning that I mention homophobia, rape, and pedophilia in this)
- the biggest and I guess most "popular" reason is the way they have translated several parts of mdzs. there are lots on instances in which they make things more sexual or just... needlessly homophobic. I don't speak or read chinese, so please correct me if I'm wrong, but remember seeing a post explaining that lan wangji and wei wuxian are not referred to in the original text as husband and wife, the term for 'married couple' is used instead - the term is made from the characters for husband and wife but doesn't translate directly as that and is the closest thing to a gender neutral phrase that there is, but exiled rebels scanlations refers to lan wangji and wei wuxian very specifically (and I believe on several occasions) as husband and wife which is... incredibly homophobic. I can't speak about this in any specific terms, but I've also heard several people mention the translation being more fetishy/sexualized than the original text
- this is a related reason, but mxtx puts a lot of fetishy homophobic stuff in her writing, specifically mdzs. she has very questionable consent in a lot of the sexual scenes and even goes so far as to write a blatant rape scene that borders on pedophilia in one of the extras. she Needlessly makes ancient chinese society homophobic, despite the fact that, historically, being gay was widely accepted and considered normal for the most part. she's said on Several occasions that lan wangji and wei wuxian are The Only Gay People In All Of Mdzs fuckin Somehow and basically has said its impossible for there to be any other gay people in the entirety of the world shes built. people should be critical of mxtx. they should acknowledge the issues in mdzs and her other works. they should understand that she creates a lot of damaging content and they should be uncomfortable with it. exiled rebels scanlations, along with a large part of the fanbase, is very much in support of mxtx and the harmful things she puts in her work. they not only support her but, as I addressed above, add to the issue
- the reason you're probably hearing exiled rebels scanlations hate right now is because they've recently come under fire for posting a "joke" panel of an mdzs manhua strip. I didn't see it, and I don't know what it was, but it made A Lot of people very upset. this comes off as a very vague reason because I don't know the specifics of the incident, but I will say that it doesn't surprise me at all that they would make a "joke" gross enough for them to get enough backlash to react by taking their translation of the mdzs manhua down completely
I hope this helps answer your question and I apologize for not being able to explain to the best or fullest extent !
if anybody else has more to add, or can give more specific examples/proof for things I've mentioned, please feel free to do so! if I've made any mistakes/given incorrect information please correct me!!
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